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„Neonyt on Air“: Gemeinsam die Zukunft der Mode nachhaltig gestalten (c)Neonyt

„Neonyt on Air“: Gemeinsam die Zukunft der Mode nachhaltig gestalten

  • Wie das geht, zeigt die Neonyt-Community

Das staatliche Textilsiegel „Grüner Knopf“ vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, der deutsche Fair Fashion-Pionier Hessnatur und die Oeko-Tex Association, Partner für Zertifizierungssysteme, sind „Presenting Partner“ des digitalen Community-Formats „Neonyt on Air“. Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 diskutieren diese und zahlreiche weitere Speaker der nachhaltigen Modeszene über eine transparente textile Wertschöpfungskette und alles, was dazu gehört: Circularity, Accountability, Green Financing, Sustainable Sourcing und Blockchain Solutions.

  • Wie das geht, zeigt die Neonyt-Community

Das staatliche Textilsiegel „Grüner Knopf“ vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, der deutsche Fair Fashion-Pionier Hessnatur und die Oeko-Tex Association, Partner für Zertifizierungssysteme, sind „Presenting Partner“ des digitalen Community-Formats „Neonyt on Air“. Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 diskutieren diese und zahlreiche weitere Speaker der nachhaltigen Modeszene über eine transparente textile Wertschöpfungskette und alles, was dazu gehört: Circularity, Accountability, Green Financing, Sustainable Sourcing und Blockchain Solutions.

Regelmäßig bringt die Textil- und Modebranche neue, smarte Ansätze und Lösungen in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit hervor – die Corona-Krise hat das Bewusstsein dafür im vergangenen Jahr vielfach gestärkt, aber auch Lücken aufgezeigt, die es noch zu schließen gilt: von transparenten Lieferketten über solidarisches Wirtschaften bis hin zu grünen Investment- und Finanzierungsstrategien. Das alles sind Themen, die die Neonyt-Community stetig weiterentwickelt oder gänzlich neu denkt. „Neue Konzepte und progressive Entwicklungen brauchen einen Raum für Diskussion und Austausch, das richtige Publikum und einen frischen Blick von außen“, sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Neonyt. „Etwas, das wir immer wieder schaffen, zu vereinen – im Januar nun eben erneut digital: Während der Planungen zu „Neonyt on Air“ war zu spüren, wie wichtig Wissenstransfer für die Zukunft der Mode ist und dass wir gemeinsam dafür verantwortlich sind, diesen zu generieren.“ Allen voran der Grüne Knopf, Hessnatur und Oeko-Tex, die sich im Januar als „Presenting Partner“ der „Neonyt on Air“ neben vielen weiteren Speakern mit Branchenthemen und Industry-Insights in Interviews, Keynotes und Panel-Talks einbringen.

„Die Neonyt ist eine starke Plattform und wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Partnerschaft auch in digitalen Zeiten aktiv ist“, sagt Andrea Sibylle Ebinger, CEO von Hessnatur. Nach einem Welcome aus den eigenen Reihen der Neonyt wird sie sich in einer Keynote zum Auftakt der digitalen Woche am Montag, 18. Januar 2021, an die Nachhaltigkeits-Community richten: „Wir haben mit Blick auf unser aller Zukunft keine Zeit zu verlieren. Nur gemeinsam können wir jetzt dafür sorgen, dass ökologischer Umgang mit der Natur und fairer Umgang mit den Menschen nicht die Ausnahme, sondern die Regel werden. Mit der „Neonyt on Air“ bleiben wir im Austausch und treiben unser gemeinsames Anliegen für ein besseres Morgen weiter voran.“

Stichwort gemeinsam: Zusammenhalt untereinander und Solidarität miteinander nehmen einen enormen Stellenwert in der nachhaltigen Modeszene ein und die Corona-Krise hat erneut gezeigt, dass Deglobalisierung der falsche Weg ist. Nach einer ersten Schockwelle und einer Phase der Neuorientierung wurde die Krise für viele Unternehmen und Initiativen zur Chance, wirkliche Veränderungen voranzutreiben, bisheriges Denken und Wirtschaften neu auszurichten, in lokale sowie internationale Partnerschaften zu investieren und globalvernetzte Beziehungen zu intensivieren: „Die langjährige Partnerschaft von Neonyt und Oeko-Tex ist auf einer gemeinsamen Vision aufgebaut: Die Textilbranche auf ihrem Weg in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft zu unterstützen und positive Diskussionen anzustoßen“, sagt Georg Dieners, General Sekretär Oeko-Tex. „Gerade in diesen schwierigen Zeiten möchten wir die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung noch stärker sichtbar machen und in den Fokus der Diskussion rücken. Deshalb freuen wir uns, im Januar 2021 ein Teil der „Neonyt on Air“ zu sein und unsere langjährige Zusammenarbeit fortzusetzen.“ In einem Panel-Talk „presented by“ Oeko-Tex werden sich Annika Sauerhöfer (Produktmanagerin für „Made in Green“ by Oeko- Tex), Mirjam Smend (Greenstyle) und Andreas Bothe (Head of CSR & Sustainable Management von Bay City) über Transparenz in textilen Lieferketten austauschen und eine Brücke zu den Sustainable Development Goals der United Nations schlagen. Transparenz und Accountability sind auch in der Politik wichtige Themen – genauer beim Grünen Knopf, dem Textilsiegel vom Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ). Anosha Wahidi, Referatsleiterin im BMZ, wird sich am zweiten Tag von „Neonyt on Air“ mit Max Gilgenmann, Content Director Neonyt, über die Zukunft und die Weiterentwicklung des Textilsiegels unterhalten, aber auch erklären, was den Ausschlag gab für das Ministerium, ein eigenes Zertifikat zur Corporate Social Responsibility zu konzipieren und 2019 zu launchen.

Die Neonyt-Community darf außerdem unter anderem gespannt sein auf eine Keynote der Kering Group, ein Live-Interview mit Timberland sowie ein Panel-Talk der Maleki Corporate Group zum Thema „Sustainable Fashion – the long financial thread of Sustainability“ mit Dr. Sabine Schlorke (Global Head Manufacturing der IFC World Bank Group), Christian Heller (CEO von Value Balancing Alliance e.V.) und Hans- Jürgen Walter (Global Leader Sustainable Finance bei Deloitte). Weitere Insights gibt es außerdem zu den Themenclustern Zertifizierung, Sourcing und Digitalisierung mit Speakern von Fairtrade und dem Umweltbundesamt, von Foursource, der größten B2B Sourcing-Plattform und von dem internationalen IT-Konzern IBM.

„Neonyt on Air“ findet vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 auf den Social Media-Kanälen der Neonyt statt. Für die Teilnahme an der „Neonyt on Air“ ist keine Registrierung erforderlich. Das vollständige Programm ist in Kürze über die Website einsehbar und auf dem Instagram- Kanal verfügbar.

Elleti Group partners with Wiser Wash for Europe and the Mediterranean area, for a more sustainable fashion. (c) Elleti Group
Elleti Group

Partnership of Elleti Group and Wiser Wash

  • Elleti Group partners with Wiser Wash for Europe and the Mediterranean area, with Portugal being the only exception, for a more sustainable fashion.
  • The enterprise based in Verona joins Wiser Wash’s international network and adopts the innovative patented process for the treatment of denim that has the market’s lowest environmental impact.

Tradition and innovation: this combination has always characterized Elleti Group, a historic company based in San Bonifacio and an important point of reference for the denim industry and beyond. Now it is also the exclusive partner of Wiser Wash for Europe and the Mediterranean area, with Portugal being the only exception. Specializing in laundry, dyeing and garment making services, the company is led by the steady hand and ambitious vision of Luigi Lovato, who was recently recognized by Rivet50 as one of 2020's fifty most influential people in the denim ecosystem.

  • Elleti Group partners with Wiser Wash for Europe and the Mediterranean area, with Portugal being the only exception, for a more sustainable fashion.
  • The enterprise based in Verona joins Wiser Wash’s international network and adopts the innovative patented process for the treatment of denim that has the market’s lowest environmental impact.

Tradition and innovation: this combination has always characterized Elleti Group, a historic company based in San Bonifacio and an important point of reference for the denim industry and beyond. Now it is also the exclusive partner of Wiser Wash for Europe and the Mediterranean area, with Portugal being the only exception. Specializing in laundry, dyeing and garment making services, the company is led by the steady hand and ambitious vision of Luigi Lovato, who was recently recognized by Rivet50 as one of 2020's fifty most influential people in the denim ecosystem. The partnership with Wiser Wash is a fitting continuation of Elleti Group's tireless pursuit of excellence, development of cutting-edge solutions and commitment to environmental sustainability, which has always projected the proud Made in Italy tradition towards the future.

With the introduction of Wiser Wash's technology, Elleti Group has significantly reduced the amount of resources used in traditional garment treatment. This patented washing method eliminates the use of pumice stone and all harmful chemicals, while drastically reducing water consumption throughout the process. In addition, the efficiency of the process lowers chemical and mechanical stress on fabric fibers as compared to traditional treatment, guaranteeing greater garment robustness and longevity.

This important milestone is the latest and more relevant result of a commitment that has been integral to Elleti Group's approach since its foundation. This was already present in the Earthkeepers collection – a line of low environmental impact treatments which marked the culmination of research and experimentation journey, aimed at developing an authentic look whilst looking out for the safeguard of the environment, its resources and its people. Record of the company's evolution is kept in the "Stadium", an impressive archive of Elleti Group collections. There displayed are some 15,000 garments, direct evidence of the stylistic and technological developments that have made Elleti Group an international benchmark for creativity and high quality.

"Nothing is more important to us than satisfying our clients' needs. We put all our expertise and experience at the service of their creative ideas," said Luigi Lovato, Founder and CEO of Elleti Group. "The partnership with Wiser Wash is definitely another reason to be proud, and it will set our bar even higher in guaranteeing quality, authenticity and an ever-increasing respect for the environment and our employees."



Speidel: “Mama by SPEIDEL” und “Pure – remade with love” (c) Speidel

Speidel: “Mama by SPEIDEL” und “Pure – remade with love”

Mit zwei Neuheiten im Basic Programm unterstreicht der Wäschehersteller SPEIDEL, dass Frauen in allen Lebenslagen ein gutes Gefühl auf der Haut verdienen. Mit Mama by SPEIDEL bringt das Unternehmen erstmals Wäsche für Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit auf den Markt. Hochwertige Qualität und maximaler Tragekomfort stehen ab Herbst 2021 auch schwangeren und stillenden SPEIDEL Kundinnen zur Verfügung. Für ein gutes Gefühl, nicht nur auf der Haut, steht die neue Serie Pure – remade with love. Pure besteht zu 86% aus Reco Nylon® und stellt die Weichen des Unternehmens für einen noch ressourcenschonenderen Umgang mit Natur und Umwelt.

Mit zwei Neuheiten im Basic Programm unterstreicht der Wäschehersteller SPEIDEL, dass Frauen in allen Lebenslagen ein gutes Gefühl auf der Haut verdienen. Mit Mama by SPEIDEL bringt das Unternehmen erstmals Wäsche für Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit auf den Markt. Hochwertige Qualität und maximaler Tragekomfort stehen ab Herbst 2021 auch schwangeren und stillenden SPEIDEL Kundinnen zur Verfügung. Für ein gutes Gefühl, nicht nur auf der Haut, steht die neue Serie Pure – remade with love. Pure besteht zu 86% aus Reco Nylon® und stellt die Weichen des Unternehmens für einen noch ressourcenschonenderen Umgang mit Natur und Umwelt.

SPEIDEL begleitet Frauen ein Leben lang mit hochwertiger und nachhaltiger Wäsche, mit der Serie Mama by SPEIDEL nun auch während und nach der Schwangerschaft. Grundlage ist die Qualität Natural Beauty. Die Kombination aus SeaCellTM LT-Faser, einer aus Algen gewonnenen Naturfaser, und feinster Supima Baumwolle garantiert maximalen Tragekomfort, einen besonders weichen Griff und einen edlen Glanz. Beim Tragen der Wäsche setzt die natürliche Hautfeuchtigkeit eine Vielzahl an Nährstoffen der Alge frei, welche die Haut während der Schwangerschaft spürbar pflegen. Bequem sitzende Wäscheteile, die nicht einschneiden, begleiten stützend durch die Schwangerschaft und sind echte Wohlfühlwäsche für Mamas.

Pure – remade with love
Für den Wäschehersteller SPEIDEL ist der hohe Anspruch an Qualität „Made in Europe“ mit Respekt vor Natur und Umwelt kein neuer Trend, sondern eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Doch egal wie ökologisch oder fair etwas hergestellt wird, ohne Ressourcen geht es nicht. Um diesem Problem entgegenzuwirken, verwertet SPEIDEL gebrauchte Ressourcen in neuen Kollektionen wieder. Diese Liebe zur Wäsche und zur Umwelt bringt die neue Serie Pure – remade with love zum Ausdruck. Pure besteht zu 86% aus Reco Nylon®, einer umweltfreundlichen und mechanisch hergestellten Faser aus recyceltem Polyamid. Die Ausgangsbasis für die neue Tüllserie Pure bilden die Reste aus der unternehmenseigenen Hauptproduktion des Faserherstellers NUREL. Der Produktionsprozess von Reco Nylon® findet vollständig bei NUREL statt, wodurch der Umwelt CO2-Emissionen erspart bleiben, die bei der Herstellung und dem Transport des Rohmaterials entstehen. Die Produktion von Reco Nylon® erzeugt etwa neun Mal weniger CO2-Emissionen als die Standardproduktionsverfahren für neues Polyamid.

More information:
Speidel Unterwäsche Nachhaltigkeit

Panama PR GmbH

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry. (c) Lamme Textile Management
Six tons of bed linen, towels and napkins on the way to a new "life". Owner Jan Lamme (left) and Assistant Operations Manager Frank David are collecting for more sustainability in the textile service.

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

Dibella has taken the closed-loop approach of the textile service as a model and has taken a step towards a completely closed cycle with the "Dibella up" project. The system includes unlimited reuse and recycling of the fibre raw materials bound in the textiles. To this end, the company's own textile qualities, which are selected from laundries, are taken back and passed on to selected upcycling projects. Polyester-cotton blended fabrics are processed there into high-quality bags. Pure natural fibre textiles as well as blended fabrics with at least 50 percent cotton are chemically converted into an important raw material for cellulose fibre production, while the remaining polyester is still being thermally recycled for technical reasons.

Six tons of laundry from the Netherlands

Lamme Textielbeheer was immediately enthusiastic about the "Dibella up" initiative. The committed company has been involved in various Dibella sustainability projects for many years and recognises the future-oriented character of the new project. "Our will to cooperate was immediately clear after Dibella's managing director Ralf Hellmann presented the upcycling project, because we see it as an important measure for the prudent use of resources," reports Jan Lamme, managing director of the company of the same name. "Within a very short period of time, we therefore jointly started to take back our discarded, no longer usable old textiles. In this way, we have already been able to return six tonnes of laundry for a new product cycle. This corresponds exactly to our idea of upcycling!". "Dibella provides stable, reusable cartons for shipping," says a delighted Frank David, Lamme's Assistant Operations Manager. "This makes collection much easier for us and we don't have to take any means of transport out of our laundry".

Prepared for the mega-trend of recycling management

Dibella would like to build on the initial joint success and further expand the initiative for a closed textile cycle in the industry. "The awareness of sustainability is high in the textile rental service. But the next mega-trend is already emerging. The future lies in closed-loop recycling. With "Dibella up", we are offering our customers the opportunity to get involved now and make resources usable in the long term. We are happy about every new cooperation partner who appreciates the value of textiles as much as we do".


Dibella b.v.

Verschiebung der INNATEX in Hofheim-Wallau: 48. Messe für nachhaltige Textilien findet vom 27. Februar bis 1. März 2021 statt (c) INNATEX
INNATEX – Internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien

Verschiebung der INNATEX in Hofheim-Wallau

  • 48. Messe für nachhaltige Textilien findet vom 27. Februar bis 1. März 2021 statt

 ON WE GO – so lautet das Motto der kommenden INNATEX bei Frankfurt am Main. Die veranstaltende MUVEO GmbH verschiebt die internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien vom bislang üblichen  Januartermin auf den 27. Februar bis 1. März 2021. Anlass für die Terminänderung ist die nach wie vor angespannte Infektionslage. Die nun getroffene Entscheidung basiert auf einer Umfrage, die die Präferenzen der Aussteller*innen im Umgang mit der aktuellen Corona-Situation zuvor abgefragt hatte.

  • 48. Messe für nachhaltige Textilien findet vom 27. Februar bis 1. März 2021 statt

 ON WE GO – so lautet das Motto der kommenden INNATEX bei Frankfurt am Main. Die veranstaltende MUVEO GmbH verschiebt die internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien vom bislang üblichen  Januartermin auf den 27. Februar bis 1. März 2021. Anlass für die Terminänderung ist die nach wie vor angespannte Infektionslage. Die nun getroffene Entscheidung basiert auf einer Umfrage, die die Präferenzen der Aussteller*innen im Umgang mit der aktuellen Corona-Situation zuvor abgefragt hatte.

„Es ist davon auszugehen, dass wir von Seiten der Behörden im Januar keine Freigabe für die Realisierung der Messe erhalten werden“, so Alexander Hitzel, Projektleiter der INNATEX. „Um die Community in die Entscheidungsprozesse einzubeziehen, hatten wir in der Umfrage verschiedene Optionen zur Diskussion gestellt.” Das Ergebnis wies eindeutig auf die Erhaltung des ursprünglichen Messeformats mit einer Verschiebung zum Ende der Ordersaison hin. So sei man auch weiterhin flexibel hinsichtlich einer konzeptionellen Anpassung des Februartermins auf die dann bestehende Situation. „Man kann sich nicht darauf verlassen, dass ein Status Quo auch über wenige Wochen derselbe bleibt“, sagt Hitzel. „Improvisationsgeist, Kreativität und die Erfahrung, die wir bereits mit einer INNATEX während der Pandemie machen konnten, sind zurzeit die besten Berater und ermöglichen uns eine optimistische Haltung.“

Den Optimismus verstärkt noch Hitzels Eindruck, dass eher Motivation als Nervosität die Stimmung in der Green-Fashion-Community prägt. „Weitermachen, jetzt erst recht, und zwar zusammen – mehr bleibt kaum zu sagen“, resümiert Hitzel. Daher auch das kurz gehaltene Motto „ON WE GO“ für die 48. Auflage der Messe.


UBERMUT Studio für Kommunikation

Lenzing recognized as sustainability champion by renowned CDP
Lenzing recognized as sustainability champion by renowned CDP

Lenzing recognized as sustainability champion by renowned CDP

  • Lenzing is the only first-time discloser recognized with prestigious double ‘A’ score for global climate and forests stewardship by CDP.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group has been recognized by the global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘A List’ for tackling climate change, as well as acting to protect forests. Through significant demonstrable action in these areas, Lenzing is leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide.

Please read the attached document for more information.

  • Lenzing is the only first-time discloser recognized with prestigious double ‘A’ score for global climate and forests stewardship by CDP.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group has been recognized by the global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘A List’ for tackling climate change, as well as acting to protect forests. Through significant demonstrable action in these areas, Lenzing is leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide.

Please read the attached document for more information.

More information:
Lenzing CDP Nachhaltigkeit

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur (c) Elke Wetzig, Wikimedia
Lightweight, firm, sustainable: Flax tape by vombaur

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy – this also works in lightweight design. The number of recycling cycles without loss of quality is higher for natural fibre reinforced plastics than for glass or carbon fibre reinforced plastics: the thermoplastic matrix of the composite can be melted and recycled after a product life cycle. The natural fibres can "live on" in other products – injection moulded products for example.

Versatile applications
"Composites from our flax tapes are used to reinforce high-tech skis as well as for extruding state-of-the-art window sections – the applications are countless," explains Tomislav Josipovic, Sales Manager with vombaur. "As a development partner, we support applications for the automotive, wind energy, construction, sports and many other industries with our composite textiles."

More information:
vombaur Naturfasern Composites

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion © Lottermann and Fuentes
Anita Tillmann and Detlef Braun

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.
Frankfurt am Main, 2 December 2020. Joining forces to improve the fashion industry: Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself as the host of the future of fashion and actively driving forward the transformation towards a future-oriented, more sustainable fashion and textile industry. All decision-makers looking to instigate this change will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021. The initiators of Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt and the Premium Group – have achieved a real coup: Conscious Fashion Campaign, working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, will be the presenting partner. Messe Frankfurt will build on its collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and establish Frankfurt Fashion week as the platform on which to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and help guide the fashion industry into the 'Decade of Action'.
“Frankfurt will play host to the whole world. We are seeing a very positive response indeed,” confirmed Peter Feldmann, Senior Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, at today’s digital press conference, before going on to say: “The fact that the initiators are able to rethink the concept of a Fashion Week in such a way is extremely impressive and proves that the fashion industry is correctly interpreting the signs of the present and future. The time has come for value creation and values to be reconciled. Consistent alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals is an important step in this direction.”
“Frankfurt Fashion Week aims to play a crucial role in finding solutions for macrosocial challenges and supporting the goals of international politics such as the European Green Deal. The fashion and textile industries are also expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. If we want to achieve this, we all need to pull together. Frankfurt Fashion Week is inviting all initiators and supporters of sustainable concepts and congresses or shows dedicated to sustainability to meet in Frankfurt, partake in discussions and make tangible decisions for the greater good. We will connect the most relevant players and pave the way for a future-proof fashion and textile industry,” says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt.
“Given its global reach, the fashion industry is uniquely positioned to collaborate and engage on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on climate action and responsible production and consumption,” said Annemarie Hou, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships. “Frankfurt Fashion Week and the Summit will serve as an important platform for education and engagement of the fashion and textile industry in the Decade of Action,” emphasised Ms Hou.
The aim of Frankfurt Fashion Week is for all exhibitors, participants and partners to align with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The SDGs will also be incorporated into all formats of Frankfurt Fashion Week. This will help to make the UN’s sustainability goals visible and tangible for the Fashion Week audience, therefore bringing its claim, goals and specific proposals for implementation to an international opinion-forming fashion and lifestyle community. During a one-day Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign, topics like gender equality, clean water, climate protection, social justice and their significance for a forward-looking fashion industry will be examined in greater depth. Another point on the sustainability agenda: Frankfurt Fashion Week is launching a Sustainability Award for outstanding, innovative, sustainable design, alongside other categories with a global appeal for the fashion and textile industry.
"We are committed to setting the wheels of transformation in motion. Not only does the overall mindset have to fundamentally change; the entire industry also needs to have the courage to be transparent and honest. It’s important to see values and value creation as opportunities rather than contentious. We are doing what we do best: connecting the relevant players at all levels. With its ecosystem, Frankfurt Fashion Week will become the enabler. We are creating a platform that will orchestrate industry-wide change. With this as our inspiration, we are also developing our tradeshow formats from a ‘marketplace of products’ to a ‘marketplace of purpose and ideas’,” explains Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the Premium Group.
A new start in Frankfurt: In summer 2021 the entire fashion industry will be coming to the metropolis on the Main river to inform themselves, be inspired, discuss, negotiate and celebrate. “There’s a huge need to finally meet in person again, to exchange ideas and be inspired. At the same time, digital tools and formats have become an integral part of the fashion industry,” says Markus Frank, Head of the City of Frankfurt’s Department of Economic Affairs and therefore also responsible for its creative industry. “To implement such a future-oriented, all-encompassing overall concept, Frankfurt’s business and creative scenes offer an almost unique concentration of different expertise with its internationally networked agencies, universities and museums. The city’s multifaceted, high-end club, bar and restaurant scene, diverse hotel industry and internationally renowned retail landscape will become the stage for this. This network will be a key factor in the successful implementation of Frankfurt Fashion Week and the way in which it will expand into the public space as a cultural and social happening.”
A number of major publishing houses are also showing their commitment to the new Fashion Week in Frankfurt with conferences, events and awards: Textilwirtschaft, the leading professional fashion journal by the Deutscher Fachverlag publishing house, is moving its traditional meeting of the industry’s top decision-makers – the TW Forum, the presentation of the renowned Forum Award, as well as its subsequent conference – from Heidelberg to Frankfurt’s Palmengarten botanical gardens, and will therefore be kicking off Frankfurt Fashion Week on Sunday evening and Monday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be hosting its traditional fashion party for the first time in Frankfurt and publishing a special edition of its FAZ Magazin on Frankfurt Fashion Week. And the ZEIT publishing group is holding its ‘UNLOCK Style by ZEITmagazin’ conference, which was established in 2014, and the ZEITmagazin Fashion Week party in Frankfurt for the first time and will dedicate the whole new issue of ZEITmagazin Frankfurt to Frankfurt Fashion Week. Condé Nast will also be involved in next summer’s Frankfurt Fashion Week with an exclusive event by GQ. And the Burda publishing house will also be represented with various event formats from its lifestyle and fashion brands.There will also be talks with SHINE  Conventions, the organiser of GLOW, about what a mutual collaboration could look like.
Frankfurt Fashion Week is also delighted to have the Fashion Council Germany (FCG) on board.  The FCG is theinstitution when it comes to German fashion design. It promotes designers, is committed to gaining more political relevance and strengthens the international visibility and awareness of German fashion. At Frankfurt Fashion Week, the FCG will contribute selected formats, such as its already established Fireside Chat, and a future-oriented accelerator format to support German designers.
“What really impresses me about Fashion Week is the whole networking aspect: the creative industries will meet the financial world and sustainability is the common denominator. The Green Finance Cluster is another project that we could link with Frankfurt Fashion Week in the future. This will provide new inspiration in the fashion industry, which will certainly extend way beyond its own horizon of Frankfurt and Hesse. After a very difficult year for the trade fair industry, the concept is an encouraging breath of fresh air,” sums up Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development and Deputy Minister-President of the state of Hessen.

A collection reborn: Light on the Land 2.0 is out! (c) ISKO
Light on the Land 2.0

A collection reborn: Light on the Land 2.0 is out!

  • Miles Johnson and ISKO’s Creative Room present the new responsible collection.

The second edition of this partnership tells the story of a unique combination of creativity and expertise brought to the table by ISKO’s style and design center, Creative Room Italy, and the innovative designer Miles Johnson, resulting in a collection featuring responsible R-TWO™ fabrics and a selection of sustainable accessories and details.

An act of care for the planet and its people, Light on the Land 2.0 is the new capsule designed by Miles Johnson and ISKO. Former Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., Miles joined forces with Creative Room and Iskoteca, ISKO’s Italian style and washing research hubs, to develop a collection that brings responsibility in the fashion industry to the next level.

  • Miles Johnson and ISKO’s Creative Room present the new responsible collection.

The second edition of this partnership tells the story of a unique combination of creativity and expertise brought to the table by ISKO’s style and design center, Creative Room Italy, and the innovative designer Miles Johnson, resulting in a collection featuring responsible R-TWO™ fabrics and a selection of sustainable accessories and details.

An act of care for the planet and its people, Light on the Land 2.0 is the new capsule designed by Miles Johnson and ISKO. Former Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., Miles joined forces with Creative Room and Iskoteca, ISKO’s Italian style and washing research hubs, to develop a collection that brings responsibility in the fashion industry to the next level.

The project includes 32 unique pieces, each of them realized with seasonless designs and sustainably-minded details. All the fabrics used in the collection were carefully selected from ISKO’s R-TWO™ platform. Using a mixture of reused cotton and recycled fibers, the technique embeds material circularity into the production processes, designing waste out of the system and minimizing impact at scale. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials according to the percentage of materials contained, R-TWO™ ensures better use of raw materials and resource efficiency. ISKO’s Environmental Product Declarations (EPD®s), available for all its +25,000 products, offer a unique opportunity to measure the impact of R-TWO™’s savings in the Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs) framework, where resource savings can be seen in carbon impact, water-use reductions and many other impact KPIs.

Light on the Land 2.0 incorporates responsible design principles such as Cadica’s new and innovative trims, made of vegan apple “leather”, and has been developed using ecoconscious finishing techniques. The collection also features many additional sustainable facets such as efficient low-waste pattern cutting and design, efficient sewing methods, removeable rivets for end-of-life and biodegradable thread which can be removed at high heats.

“When we first started working on this project, we knew it was going to be amazing,” explained Massimo Munari, Manager and Art director Creative Room, ISKO. “To design a collection like this, you need to begin with the right mindset and of course, the right materials. R-TWO was the perfect ingredient, thanks to the re-used and re-cycled content. We then aimed to minimize impact at all stages: incorporating sustainable design ideas, washing processes and trims. We are proud to have created such an inspiring, and sustainable collection, and to bring our collective vision to light.”

Due to the unprecedented challenges of this time, the collection was entirely developed through remote working and creative solutions to ensure the safety and health of all parties involved. To this end, everyone was kept safe thanks to ISKO Vital™+ reusable and eco-friendly face covers, created with organic cotton to cater for comfort and sustainability.

Key role for Kipaş in the EU’s multi-million New Cotton Project (c) Monforts
The New Cotton Project logo

Key role for Kipaş in the EU’s multi-million New Cotton Project

  • Monforts customer Kipaş has been selected as the sole denim manufacturing partner in the €6.7 million European Union-funded New Cotton Project, involving the brands adidas and H&M, working in a consortium with suppliers, innovators and research institutes.

Kipaş, based in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, is currently installing its third Monforts Montex stenter along with a third Monfortex compressive shrinkage system in a combined configuration dedicated to denim production.

This follows the successful installation and commissioning of the second Montex and Monfortex lines at the Kahramanmaraş plant in 2018, which Kipaş Vice Chairman of the Board Ahmet Öksüz said had immediately exceeded expectations.

  • Monforts customer Kipaş has been selected as the sole denim manufacturing partner in the €6.7 million European Union-funded New Cotton Project, involving the brands adidas and H&M, working in a consortium with suppliers, innovators and research institutes.

Kipaş, based in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, is currently installing its third Monforts Montex stenter along with a third Monfortex compressive shrinkage system in a combined configuration dedicated to denim production.

This follows the successful installation and commissioning of the second Montex and Monfortex lines at the Kahramanmaraş plant in 2018, which Kipaş Vice Chairman of the Board Ahmet Öksüz said had immediately exceeded expectations.

“We performed a very thorough technical investigation based on the latest Industry 4.0 analysis before the purchase, to determine what we needed, and the Monforts technology met all our requirements,” he said, in an interview with Textilegence magazine. “The Monfortex is equipped with a variety of features not found on classical shrinkage machines and the production can be monitored from beginning to end. It also exceeded our expectations in energy cost savings.”

Kipaş subsequently received a special certificate from Monforts in recognition of its exceptional utilisation of the technology to its full potential.

The latest Montex stenter now being installed at Kipaş is a 12-chamber unit with a working width of 2 metres featuring all of the latest automation features. The Monfortex unit, also with a working width of 2 metres, is in a ‘double rubber’ configuration, comprising two compressive shrinkage units and two felt calenders in line. This allows the heat setting of elastane fibres and the residual shrinkage of the denim to be carried out simultaneously, for a significant increase in production speeds.

“Around 90-95% of denim fabric production now contains elastane fibres and the Monforts system has allowed us to simultaneously increase our production and quality in this respect,” Mr Öksüz said.

Regenerated cotton
For the next three years within the New Cotton Project, Kipaş will manufacture denim fabrics based on the cellulose-based fibres of Infinited Fiber Company of Finland, made from post-consumer textile waste that has been collected, sorted and regenerated.

The patented technology of Infinited, which is leading the consortium of 12 companies, turns cellulose-rich textile waste into fibres that look and feel like cotton.

“We are very excited and proud to lead this project which is breaking new ground when it comes to making circularity in the textile industry a reality,” said Infinited co-founder and CEO Petri Alava. “The enthusiasm and commitment with which the entire consortium has come together to work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for fashion is truly inspiring.”

Take-back programmes
Adidas and H&M will establish take-back programmes to collect the clothing that is produced, to determine the next phase in their lifecycle. Clothing that can no longer be worn will be returned to Infinited, for regeneration into new fibres, further contributing to a circular economy in which textiles never go to waste, but instead are reused, recycled or turned into new garments.

The aim is to prove that circular, sustainable fashion can be achieved today, and to act as an inspiration and stepping stone to further, even bigger circular initiatives by the industry going forward.

The EU has identified the high potential for circularity within the textile industry, while simultaneously highlighting the urgent need for the development of technologies to produce and design sustainable and circular bio-based materials. Making sustainable products commonplace, reducing waste and leading global efforts on circularity are outlined in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan.

Fashion brands produce nearly twice as many clothes today as they did 20 years ago and demand is expected to continue growing. At the same time, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned every second. Most of the textile industry’s environmental problems relate to the raw materials used by the industry – cotton, fossil-based fibres such as polyester, and viscose as the most common man-made cellulosic fibre, are all associated with serious environmental concerns.

 DITF erhalten „Innovationspreis Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg 2020“ (c) LGL
Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan (li) überreicht den Preis an Dr. Antje Ota

DITF erhalten „Innovationspreis Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg 2020“

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) sind einer von fünf Gewinnern des „Ideenwettbewerbs Bioökonomie - Innovationen für den Ländlichen Raum“, der vom Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg erstmals ausgerufen wurde. Ausgezeichnet wurden Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Ressourceneffizienz, zum Schutz der Umwelt und der Biodiversität sowie zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums. Am 25. November 2020 wurde der Preis von Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan während des 5. Bioökonomietags überreicht. Die DITF erhalten den Preis für ihre Forschung an nachhaltigen Carbonfasern. Der Pitch-Vortrag von Dr. Frank Hermanutz und Dr. Antje Ota erhielt zudem auch noch den Publikumspreis.

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) sind einer von fünf Gewinnern des „Ideenwettbewerbs Bioökonomie - Innovationen für den Ländlichen Raum“, der vom Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg erstmals ausgerufen wurde. Ausgezeichnet wurden Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Ressourceneffizienz, zum Schutz der Umwelt und der Biodiversität sowie zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums. Am 25. November 2020 wurde der Preis von Ministerialdirektorin Grit Puchan während des 5. Bioökonomietags überreicht. Die DITF erhalten den Preis für ihre Forschung an nachhaltigen Carbonfasern. Der Pitch-Vortrag von Dr. Frank Hermanutz und Dr. Antje Ota erhielt zudem auch noch den Publikumspreis.

Ionische Flüssigkeiten (ionic liquids, IL) sind der Schlüssel zu nachhaltigen biobasierten Fasern für vielfältige Anwendungen in der Industrie. 2003 hat Dr. Frank Hermanutz mit seinem Team gemeinsam mit der BASF SE ein innovatives Lösungsmittel für Biopolymere, also Polymere aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, entdeckt. Auf dieser Basis wurden mit der patentierten HighPerCell®-Technologie Cellulosefilamentfasern entwickelt, die aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Fasereigenschaften als technische Fasern eingesetzt werden können. Sie sind zum Beispiel Ausgangsprodukt für cellulosebasierte Carbonfasern.

Carbonfasern werden vor allem im Fahrzeugbau eingesetzt, gewinnen aber auch im Bauwesen an Bedeutung. Sie sind äußerst hitzebeständig und belastbar. Herkömmliche, nicht auf Biopolymeren basierende Carbonfasern sind allerdings derzeit noch sehr teuer und ihre Herstellung belastet die Umwelt. Die Carbonfaserherstellung auf der Basis von Cellulose würde nicht nur die Umwelt schonen, sondern auch die Energiekosten senken. Für die Gewinnung von Zellstoff bietet sich zum Beispiel die heimische Buche an. Wissenschaftler des Kompetenzzentrums Biopolymerwerkstoffe der DITF bringen dieses neue Verfahren in das im April 2020 vom Land Baden-Württemberg gegründete Technikum Laubholz (TLH) ein. Dort wird die Technologie in enger Zusammenarbeit mit beteiligten Industriefirmen praktisch umgesetzt.

Hochleistungsfasern aus Cellulose sind für viele weitere Anwendungen geeignet, wie zum als Verstärkungsfasern im Beton oder als Bestandteil von sortenreinen Verbundwerkstoffe.

„Schon bald könnten biopolymerbasierte Werkstoffe die gleichen Eigenschaften aufweisen wie erdölbasierte Materialien. Das wäre ein enormer Beitrag zum Ressourcenschutz und zur Umweltverträglichkeit“ erklärt Frank Hermanutz.

Die Jury des Ideenwettbewerbs würdigt diese Forschungsleistung für Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Bioökonomie-Innovationspreis.

More information:
DITF BASF SE Carbonfasern

Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)

Archroma: Heike van de Kerkhof (c) Archroma
Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma

Archroma: Ranked in Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) List

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has been recently ranked number 1 in the “industrial chemicals” list published by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) for driving transparency in their supply chain.

Archroma also entered the Top 50 of companies in IPE’s Green Supply Chain CITI Evaluation, at the 47th position. The evaluation dynamically assesses brands on the environmental management of their supply chains in China.

With a wide array of products used every day, everywhere, the company is committed to operate along the principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The Archroma team is therefore committed to sourcing safe and sustainable raw materials and intermediates from like-minded partners.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has been recently ranked number 1 in the “industrial chemicals” list published by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) for driving transparency in their supply chain.

Archroma also entered the Top 50 of companies in IPE’s Green Supply Chain CITI Evaluation, at the 47th position. The evaluation dynamically assesses brands on the environmental management of their supply chains in China.

With a wide array of products used every day, everywhere, the company is committed to operate along the principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The Archroma team is therefore committed to sourcing safe and sustainable raw materials and intermediates from like-minded partners.

Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma, recently delivered a message at the IPE 2020 Green Supply Chain Forum online, and commented: “As industry leader, we have the responsibility to keep on addressing the climate challenge, and to do everything we can together to reduce our impact on the environment. This is where the approach of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs supports us. They encourage us to challenge our suppliers in terms of safety, health and environment, and to go even beyond our own strict policies and processes.”



Denim Expert (c) Denim Expert Ltd.

Bangladesh’s Denim Expert becomes Sustainability New Champion

Denim Expert Limited, a denim manufacturing and washing plant of Bangladesh, has recognized as ‘New Champion’ by World Economic Forum. It’s the only apparel and textile entity in the world that received this recognition this year.

The New Champions Awards of World Economic Forum recognize excellence in sustainability, digital disruption and agile business governance. Denim Expert has been selected as ‘Honorable Mention’ in excellence in sustainability category.

The declaration was made by World Economic Forum in an official announcement published on their website on 16 November.

“From their impact on the planet and society to how they can participate in building a better future, the World Economic Forum’s New Champion companies are doing just that – exploring the new business models, emerging technologies and sustainable growth strategies that will be vital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was said in the World Economic Forum announcement.

Denim Expert Limited, a denim manufacturing and washing plant of Bangladesh, has recognized as ‘New Champion’ by World Economic Forum. It’s the only apparel and textile entity in the world that received this recognition this year.

The New Champions Awards of World Economic Forum recognize excellence in sustainability, digital disruption and agile business governance. Denim Expert has been selected as ‘Honorable Mention’ in excellence in sustainability category.

The declaration was made by World Economic Forum in an official announcement published on their website on 16 November.

“From their impact on the planet and society to how they can participate in building a better future, the World Economic Forum’s New Champion companies are doing just that – exploring the new business models, emerging technologies and sustainable growth strategies that will be vital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was said in the World Economic Forum announcement.


Denim Expert Ltd.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Textilpreis (c) Constantin Ranke
Von links: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kleinebrink, Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe, Preisträgerin Christine Kluth, Preisträger Leon Blanckart, Professorin Ellen Bendt und Dekan Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Preise für Abschlussarbeiten zu Grünalgen und Enzymen

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit spielt in der Textilwirtschaft schon seit Jahren eine herausragende Rolle. Dies spiegelt sich auch in den diesjährigen Ehrungen für die besten Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein wieder.

Leon Blanckart hat sich in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie der Universität Hamburg mit einer speziellen von ihm erstmalig untersuchten Süßwasseralgenart auseinandergesetzt, die er durch eigens entwickelte Verfahren so aufbereitet hat, dass eine textile Nutzung möglich ist. Betreuerin der Arbeit war Professorin Ellen Bendt.

Christine Kluth untersuchte in einer Kooperation zwischen der Hochschule Niederrhein, zwei Textilunternehmen und der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien dazu einerseits die Kinetik neuartiger Enzyme aus der Gruppe der Polyesterasen beim Abbau von Polyester und andererseits die dabei entstehenden Abbauprodukte. Die Betreuung der Arbeit wurde von Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe übernommen.

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit spielt in der Textilwirtschaft schon seit Jahren eine herausragende Rolle. Dies spiegelt sich auch in den diesjährigen Ehrungen für die besten Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein wieder.

Leon Blanckart hat sich in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie der Universität Hamburg mit einer speziellen von ihm erstmalig untersuchten Süßwasseralgenart auseinandergesetzt, die er durch eigens entwickelte Verfahren so aufbereitet hat, dass eine textile Nutzung möglich ist. Betreuerin der Arbeit war Professorin Ellen Bendt.

Christine Kluth untersuchte in einer Kooperation zwischen der Hochschule Niederrhein, zwei Textilunternehmen und der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien dazu einerseits die Kinetik neuartiger Enzyme aus der Gruppe der Polyesterasen beim Abbau von Polyester und andererseits die dabei entstehenden Abbauprodukte. Die Betreuung der Arbeit wurde von Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe übernommen.


Hochschule Niederrhein

ISKO: Sustainability Impact Report (c) ISKO

ISKO supports the virtual Textile Exchange Sustainability conference

From November 2nd to November 6th, the leading denim innovator ISKO joined leading industry professionals from around the world at the 2020 Textile Sustainability Conference.

The Textile Exchange Sustainability Conference (November 2-6) is a formative event aimed at highlighting best practice and sustainability-related emerging trends and opportunities in the fashion industry.

Whilst taking the pulse of the evolving impact of international circumstances, ISKO participated in the event as a trusted partner and member of Textile Exchange since March 2019. The company took the chance to exhibit its R-TWO™ technology, through which it has achieved Textile Exchange certifications across its 25,000 products: these are at either the Content Claim Standard, Global Recycled Standard, Organic Content Standard or Recycled Claim Standard levels, ensuring trust and certainty in chain of custody and material sourcing.

From November 2nd to November 6th, the leading denim innovator ISKO joined leading industry professionals from around the world at the 2020 Textile Sustainability Conference.

The Textile Exchange Sustainability Conference (November 2-6) is a formative event aimed at highlighting best practice and sustainability-related emerging trends and opportunities in the fashion industry.

Whilst taking the pulse of the evolving impact of international circumstances, ISKO participated in the event as a trusted partner and member of Textile Exchange since March 2019. The company took the chance to exhibit its R-TWO™ technology, through which it has achieved Textile Exchange certifications across its 25,000 products: these are at either the Content Claim Standard, Global Recycled Standard, Organic Content Standard or Recycled Claim Standard levels, ensuring trust and certainty in chain of custody and material sourcing.

This program reduces raw material impact and highlights its ambitious Life-cycle Assessments (LCAs) project to develop verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPD®s) assessing the impact of all the products in its portfolio. The company also presented its first Sustainability Impact Report, which sets bold targets and provides a detailed overview of the company’s work within the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and ILO standard frameworks. These were also a central theme of the conference, focusing on Science Based Target initiatives and the crucial role of embedding these into business strategy.


Menabo / ISKO

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei presents its new fabric collection © 2020 classecohub
ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabrics

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei presents its new fabric collection

  • ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabric
  • New fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making, at the Digital Edition of Performance Days

ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body. The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers

“A New Eco high-tech force of Nature”, a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being. Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycled Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

  • ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabric
  • New fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making, at the Digital Edition of Performance Days

ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body. The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers

“A New Eco high-tech force of Nature”, a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being. Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycled Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye. Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

“Our international team strives to innovate with a human-based approach to research and develop solutions that meet high-performance standards as well as the transparency and traceability of both the ingredients and the supply chain”, says Mr. Hashimoto, Senior Managing Director of Asahi Kasei Advance, the global materials innovator and manufacturer. Indeed, the company has set the high bar all its suppliers and partners must match. Such criteria include: thoroughly transparency and traceability of both materials and production, corporate responsibility at all levels and a strategic commitment granted by influential certifications such as GRS - Global Recycle Standard for recycled ingredients and processes, as well as Bluesign® and OekoTex Standard 100 certifications, which focus on environmental-friendly impact of the dyeing and finishing processes.

The human, environmentally-friendly and cutting-edge imprint of ECOSENSOR™ ultimate collection reflects a vision for a more responsible way of fabric manufacturing. A new force of nature, because story-telling truly must match the story-making.


GB Network

TMAS member imogo develops new sustainable spray application technologies (c) TMAS
The roundtable discussion, Sustainable Finishing Methods in Textile Finishing, during ITA 2020.

TMAS member imogo develops new sustainable spray application technologies

In a roundtable discussion during the recent Innovate Textiles & Apparel (ITA) textile machinery exhibition, imogo Founding Partner Per Stenflo and representatives from a number of like-minded European companies discussed the opportunities for new spray application technologies for the dyeing and finishing sector.

These technologies can achieve tremendous savings for manufacturers compared to traditional water-intensive processes it was explained at the event, held online from October 15-30th.

imogo – one of the latest companies to join TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – is one of the key pioneers in this area with its Dye-Max system. Dye-Max spray dyeing technology can slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. This is due to the extremely low liquor ratio of 0.3-0.8 litres per kilo of fabric and at the same time, considerably fewer auxiliary chemicals are required to start with.

In a roundtable discussion during the recent Innovate Textiles & Apparel (ITA) textile machinery exhibition, imogo Founding Partner Per Stenflo and representatives from a number of like-minded European companies discussed the opportunities for new spray application technologies for the dyeing and finishing sector.

These technologies can achieve tremendous savings for manufacturers compared to traditional water-intensive processes it was explained at the event, held online from October 15-30th.

imogo – one of the latest companies to join TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – is one of the key pioneers in this area with its Dye-Max system. Dye-Max spray dyeing technology can slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. This is due to the extremely low liquor ratio of 0.3-0.8 litres per kilo of fabric and at the same time, considerably fewer auxiliary chemicals are required to start with.

Such technologies, however, face a number of obstacles to adoption and during the ITA discussion it was agreed that 2020 has not provided the ideal climate for adventurous investors. “The textile industry is quite conservative and is definitely in survival mode at the moment and it is not the time to be a visionary,” said Stenflo. “Day to day business is about staying alive – that’s the reality for many of our customers.” Nevertheless, all of the panellists agreed that sustainable production will remain top of the agenda for the textile industry in the longer term and spray technologies for dyeing and finishing processes will be a part of it.

“Any investment in something new is a risk of course, and we have to be able to explain and convince manufacturers that there’s a good return on investment, not only in respect of sustainability, but in terms of making good business sense,” said Stenflo. “Here we could use the help of the brands of course, in putting pressure on their suppliers to be more sustainable. Governments also have a role to play, in providing incentives for producers to move in the sustainable direction. Sustainability alone will never cut it, there has to be a business case, or it won’t happen.”

The marketing of sustainable new fibers is comparatively easy for the brands compared to explaining the difficult textile processes and the chemistries involved in fabric and garment production, he added.

“These fibers, however, currently go through all the same dirty processes that we need to get away from, so it must happen,” he said. “In developing our technologies, it has been important for us to avoid disrupting existing supply chains, stick with using off-the-shelf chemistries and dyes, and involve the dye manufacturers who are an essential part in how operations are driven today. “In fact, collaboration across the entire textile supply chain – from the brands right back to the new technology developers – is essential in moving the sustainability agenda forward.

Business models
“We are also looking into new business models in terms of how to reduce or lower the thresholds for investment and minimise the risk for the manufacturers who are looking to be the innovators,” he concluded. Also taking part in the ITA roundtable discussion were Simon Kew (Alchemie Technology, UK), Christian Schumacher (StepChange Innovations, Germany) Tobias Schurr (Weko, Germany), Rainer Tüxen (RotaSpray, Germany) and Felmke Zijilstra (DyeCoo, Netherlands).

European innovations
“It’s fantastic that all of this innovation is taking place in Europe based on established know-how and forward thinking,” said TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson.

“Spray application technologies are a perfect illustration of how new digital technologies can lead to more sustainable production, in this case by replacing water-intensive processes with the highly precise and controlled application of dyes and chemistries as vapour.
“There was a major project by the Swedish research organisation Mistra Future Fashion recently, involving many brand and academic institute partners. The project’s Fiber Bible 1 and 2 reports conclude that it’s very difficult to make assumptions that one fiber is better than another, because it’s so much about how fabrics and garments are being produced from them. The study also found that 55% of the chemicals used in a garment comes from the dyeing. This is where a number of TMAS companies can make a difference.
“An organic or recycled cotton t-shirt is not automatically more sustainable than a conventional cotton t-shirt, or even one made from synthetics – the alternative fibers are a good start but you have to consider the entire life cycle of a garment, and that includes the smart technologies in textiles production.
“TMAS members – backed by Swedish brands and advanced research institutes – are playing an active part in pushing forward new concepts that will work, and I have no doubt that digitalisation now goes hand in hand with sustainability for the textile industry’s future.”          

DITF: Nachhaltige Leuchten aus Papiergarn (c) quintessence design
Demonstratorleuchte „THIRTY-ONE”

DITF: Nachhaltige Leuchten aus Papiergarn

  • Lichterlebnisse leicht wie Papier
  • Wohlfühlatmosphäre mit Leuchten aus Papiergarn - ökologisch und nachhaltig

Papier ist ein nachwachsender Rohstoff, ist nahezu überall verfügbar und kann recycelt werden. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) haben diesen natürlichen Werkstoff in Form von Papiergarnen verarbeitet und daraus formschöne Leuchten entwickelt. Das Ergebnis des Forschungsprojekts „Papierlicht“ sind nachhaltige Produkte mit ansprechendem Design, die kostengünstig hergestellt werden können. Die Leuchten sind voll recycelfähig.

Der Klimaschutz und die Umweltbelastung durch Mikroplastik erfordern neue Ideen, wie nachwachsende Ressourcen sinnvoll genutzt werden können. Die Forscher an den DITF haben Papiergarn mit Hilfe der Strukturspultechnologie zu sehr leichten Strukturkörpern verarbeitet. Der Herstellungsprozess ist so flexibel, dass viele verschiedene Formen möglich sind und das Licht je nach Anwendungsgebiet unterschiedlich gelenkt werden kann. Die entsprechenden lichttechnischen Kennwerte wurden an den DITF ermittelt.

  • Lichterlebnisse leicht wie Papier
  • Wohlfühlatmosphäre mit Leuchten aus Papiergarn - ökologisch und nachhaltig

Papier ist ein nachwachsender Rohstoff, ist nahezu überall verfügbar und kann recycelt werden. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) haben diesen natürlichen Werkstoff in Form von Papiergarnen verarbeitet und daraus formschöne Leuchten entwickelt. Das Ergebnis des Forschungsprojekts „Papierlicht“ sind nachhaltige Produkte mit ansprechendem Design, die kostengünstig hergestellt werden können. Die Leuchten sind voll recycelfähig.

Der Klimaschutz und die Umweltbelastung durch Mikroplastik erfordern neue Ideen, wie nachwachsende Ressourcen sinnvoll genutzt werden können. Die Forscher an den DITF haben Papiergarn mit Hilfe der Strukturspultechnologie zu sehr leichten Strukturkörpern verarbeitet. Der Herstellungsprozess ist so flexibel, dass viele verschiedene Formen möglich sind und das Licht je nach Anwendungsgebiet unterschiedlich gelenkt werden kann. Die entsprechenden lichttechnischen Kennwerte wurden an den DITF ermittelt.

Aus den Papiergarnen werden mit einer neuartigen Methode dreidimensionale Körper gefertigt. Die Garne werden mit einem Klebstoff fixiert, der ebenfalls aus nachwachsenden und abbaubaren Rohstoffen besteht. Auf die sonst übliche tragende Grundstruktur aus Metall kann verzichtet werden. Das hat mehrere Vorteile für die Umwelt: Durch den Wegfall von Draht entsteht bei der Herstellung weniger Kohlenstoffdioxid. Bei der von den DITF entwickelten Leuchte THIRTY-ONE werden dadurch mehr als zwei Kilogramm CO2-Äquivalente eingespart – pro Stück!
Ohne Metallstruktur wiegen die Papierlampen auch deutlich weniger und können leichter transportiert werden. Nach der Nutzung können die Leuchten in das Kreislaufsystem eingebracht werden.

Das Forschungsteam hat drei Demonstratorleuchten aufgebaut die zeigen, was für Möglichkeiten unterschiedliche Garnstärken, Farben und die verschieden gespulten Strukturen eröffnen. Darüber hinaus zeigen die ermittelten mechanischen Kennwerte heute schon ein großes Potential für die Nutzung in anderen Anwendungsfeldern wie beispielsweise Konstruktionsbauteile. Hierfür stehen an den DITF viele Funktionsmuster zur Verfügung.

Oeko-Tex STeP (c) OEKO-TEX®

Hohenstein: STeP by OEKO-TEX®

Verbraucher erwarten heutzutage nicht nur qualitativ hochwertige und gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Textilien, sondern zunehmend auch ihre sozialverträgliche und nachhaltige Produktion. STeP (Sustainable Textile & Leather Production) by OEKO-TEX® ermöglicht es Produktionsbetrieben, ihr nachhaltiges Engagement im Zusammenschluss mit ihrer Lieferkette verständlich und lückenlos zu dokumentieren. Die TVU Textilveredlungsunion GmbH im mittelfränkischen Leutershausen zeigt, wie nachhaltige Produktionsbedingungen aussehen können und hat dies beim jüngsten Hohenstein Audit im Rahmen der Zertifizierung nach STeP by OEKO-TEX® unter Beweis gestellt.

Verbraucher erwarten heutzutage nicht nur qualitativ hochwertige und gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Textilien, sondern zunehmend auch ihre sozialverträgliche und nachhaltige Produktion. STeP (Sustainable Textile & Leather Production) by OEKO-TEX® ermöglicht es Produktionsbetrieben, ihr nachhaltiges Engagement im Zusammenschluss mit ihrer Lieferkette verständlich und lückenlos zu dokumentieren. Die TVU Textilveredlungsunion GmbH im mittelfränkischen Leutershausen zeigt, wie nachhaltige Produktionsbedingungen aussehen können und hat dies beim jüngsten Hohenstein Audit im Rahmen der Zertifizierung nach STeP by OEKO-TEX® unter Beweis gestellt.

STeP ist ein modulares Zertifizierungssystem für Produktionsstätten der Textil- und Lederindustrie und unterstützt Betriebe dabei, umweltfreundliche Produktionsprozesse dauerhaft umzusetzen, die Arbeitssicherheit zu verbessern und sozialverträgliche Arbeitsbedingungen zu fördern. Zielgruppe der STeP-Zertifizierung sind sowohl Textil- und Lederhersteller aller Verarbeitungsstufen als auch Marken und Handelsunternehmen. STeP bietet aber auch die Möglichkeit, weltweit geeignete Kooperationspartner und Lieferanten zu finden, die den jeweiligen Ansprüchen in Bezug auf Umweltschutz und sozialer Verantwortung gerecht werden.*

*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang

More information:
Hohenstein OEKO TEX Nachhaltigkeit


ECONNECTION: new collaborative business model (c) GB Network

ECONNECTION: new collaborative business model

  • A new collaborative business model gives life to ECONNECTION: an eco-high-tech collection designed thinking of the “end of life”

Three premium textile companies, one common goal: jointly offer ready to use, coordinated solutions that are design driven, performing and responsible also at the end of life.

Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia - international company producing and developing innovative fabrics through warp and weft knitting technologies, Tessitura Colombo Antonio, famous for the processing of lace and ribbons dedicated to the world of corsetry , Elastici Besana specialized in the production of narrow elastic for corsetry and underwear, have been working together to expand the frontiers of sustainable manufacture practices and to offer an innovative collection , a new set of incredible eco high tech innovations delivering a responsibility concept including also the end of life : ECONNECTION.

The responsible ECONNECTION collection, in which the words ECO and CONNECTION mixed to underline the importance of connect and come together for a sustainable project, features:

  • A new collaborative business model gives life to ECONNECTION: an eco-high-tech collection designed thinking of the “end of life”

Three premium textile companies, one common goal: jointly offer ready to use, coordinated solutions that are design driven, performing and responsible also at the end of life.

Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia - international company producing and developing innovative fabrics through warp and weft knitting technologies, Tessitura Colombo Antonio, famous for the processing of lace and ribbons dedicated to the world of corsetry , Elastici Besana specialized in the production of narrow elastic for corsetry and underwear, have been working together to expand the frontiers of sustainable manufacture practices and to offer an innovative collection , a new set of incredible eco high tech innovations delivering a responsibility concept including also the end of life : ECONNECTION.

The responsible ECONNECTION collection, in which the words ECO and CONNECTION mixed to underline the importance of connect and come together for a sustainable project, features:

  • 7 advanced knitted stretch fabrics by Penn Textile Solutions/Penn Italia,
  • 3 precious laces by Tessitura Colombo Antonio
  • 3 functional bands by Elastici Besana

So, 3 key leading companies with a key target : to design and deliver the market amazing responsible fabrics able to offer a responsible end of life. This opened up the door to new generation of ingredients such as:

  • ROICA™ V550 made by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn that at the end of his life smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification and also boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health.
  • Amni Soul Eco®, the world’s first biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed in Italy by FULGAR.

The collection is presented in its BIO -BOX that will be sent to selected brands at worldwide level

A smart project that highlights the importance of synergies between companies know how, and new generation of materials , that is able to take products to a new level of responsible innovation, technology and exceptional performances where beauty and function will be able to carry the smart factor for the values they represent for the consumer and highlighting for the first time also the importance of their end of life.