From the Sector

1250 results
Monforts ‘Denimized’ customers take the lead in London (c) Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Monforts ‘Denimized’ customers take the lead in London

Monforts ‘Denimized’ customers take the lead in London

Of the twelve participating denim mills who took part in Habitat 21 – a special Smart Creation showcase at the recent Denim Première Vision exhibition in London – no less than eleven were valued Monforts ‘Denimized’ finishing technology users.

The aim of Habitat 21 was to highlight those companies taking an eco-responsible approach to denim manufacturing via the use of recycled, organic and bio-based fibres, in combination with resource-saving dyeing and finishing technologies. Monforts customers involved in the project were Advance Denim, Berto, Bossa, Calik, Evlox/Tavex, Kilim, Naveena, Orta Anadalou, Rajby Industries, Raymond Uco and Soorty. Their innovations were detailed in a major presentation on trends for the Spring/Summer 2021 season by Manon Mangin of the Première Vision Fashion Team, based on three key themes – Sensation, Hybridisation and Expansion.

Of the twelve participating denim mills who took part in Habitat 21 – a special Smart Creation showcase at the recent Denim Première Vision exhibition in London – no less than eleven were valued Monforts ‘Denimized’ finishing technology users.

The aim of Habitat 21 was to highlight those companies taking an eco-responsible approach to denim manufacturing via the use of recycled, organic and bio-based fibres, in combination with resource-saving dyeing and finishing technologies. Monforts customers involved in the project were Advance Denim, Berto, Bossa, Calik, Evlox/Tavex, Kilim, Naveena, Orta Anadalou, Rajby Industries, Raymond Uco and Soorty. Their innovations were detailed in a major presentation on trends for the Spring/Summer 2021 season by Manon Mangin of the Première Vision Fashion Team, based on three key themes – Sensation, Hybridisation and Expansion.


Paris Cos. Maintains Laundries’ Environmental Commitment with Certification Renewal

Paris Companies Inc. recently achieved Clean Green re-certification. This re-certification reflects their continued dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability.

Paris Companies Inc. first earned the Clean Green Certification in 2012. Companies that have earned this certification adhere to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploy best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard. Paris Companies’ customers can be assured their uniforms, towels and other reusable linens are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

Paris Companies Inc. recently achieved Clean Green re-certification. This re-certification reflects their continued dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability.

Paris Companies Inc. first earned the Clean Green Certification in 2012. Companies that have earned this certification adhere to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploy best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard. Paris Companies’ customers can be assured their uniforms, towels and other reusable linens are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

  • Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
  • Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
  • Using environmentally friendly detergents
  • Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
  • Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
  • Recycling programs
  • Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
  • Spill prevention plans

The Clean Green certification is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.




Epson bekräftigt Engagement für die UN Climate Change Conference (c) EPSON
Epson bekräftigt Engagement für die UN Climate Change Conference

Epson bekräftigt Engagement für die UN Climate Change Conference

Der weltweit agierende Technologiekonzern Epson bekräftigt vor der vom 2. bis 13. Dezember 2019 in Madrid, Spanien, stattfindenden 25. Konferenz der UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) sein Engagement bei der Reduzierung der Emissionen von Treibhausgasen. Die Gesellschaft erwartet von verantwortungsvoll handelnden Unternehmen, dass diese führend bei der Minderung der Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels sind. Epson ist überzeugt, dass seine innovativen Lösungen und Dienstleistungen eine wichtige Rolle bei dieser Aufgabe spielen und zudem beitragen, die Sustainable Development Goals der UN (SDGs) zu erreichen.

Der weltweit agierende Technologiekonzern Epson bekräftigt vor der vom 2. bis 13. Dezember 2019 in Madrid, Spanien, stattfindenden 25. Konferenz der UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) sein Engagement bei der Reduzierung der Emissionen von Treibhausgasen. Die Gesellschaft erwartet von verantwortungsvoll handelnden Unternehmen, dass diese führend bei der Minderung der Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels sind. Epson ist überzeugt, dass seine innovativen Lösungen und Dienstleistungen eine wichtige Rolle bei dieser Aufgabe spielen und zudem beitragen, die Sustainable Development Goals der UN (SDGs) zu erreichen.


LEWIS Public Relations


Bremer Baumwollbörse: Baumwolle ist biologisch abbaubar

Der derzeit geschätzte Baumwollverbrauch auf der Welt liegt bei rund 26 Millionen Tonnen. Der gesamte, alle Fasern umfassende Bedarf ist seitens der Textilindustrie wesentlich höher, es werden weltweit fast 110 Millionen Tonnen an Fasern verarbeitet. Das ist ein immenser Ressourcenverbrauch, an dem zu mehr als zwei Drittel die Chemiefasern ihren Anteil haben.

Die Auswirkungen des Verbrauchs werden dann deutlich, wenn Produkte im Gebrauch sind oder, wie oft der Fall, entsorgt werden. Baumwolle bringt, wenn sie vom Baumwollfeld in der Verarbeitung landet, große Vorteile mit sich: Sie wächst immer wieder nach, ist also eine erneuerbare Ressource und sie ist biologisch abbaubar.

Der derzeit geschätzte Baumwollverbrauch auf der Welt liegt bei rund 26 Millionen Tonnen. Der gesamte, alle Fasern umfassende Bedarf ist seitens der Textilindustrie wesentlich höher, es werden weltweit fast 110 Millionen Tonnen an Fasern verarbeitet. Das ist ein immenser Ressourcenverbrauch, an dem zu mehr als zwei Drittel die Chemiefasern ihren Anteil haben.

Die Auswirkungen des Verbrauchs werden dann deutlich, wenn Produkte im Gebrauch sind oder, wie oft der Fall, entsorgt werden. Baumwolle bringt, wenn sie vom Baumwollfeld in der Verarbeitung landet, große Vorteile mit sich: Sie wächst immer wieder nach, ist also eine erneuerbare Ressource und sie ist biologisch abbaubar.

In jüngster Zeit wird in der Öffentlichkeit intensiv über einen bestimmten Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit diskutiert: die Verschmutzung der Flüsse, Seen und Meere durch Mikropartikel. Politik und Umweltverbände in Deutschland und Europa drängen Verbraucher, Handel und Industrie dazu, aktiv an Vermeidungsstrategien zu arbeiten. Ab 2021 ist die Verwendung von neun Einwegprodukten in der EU verboten. Neben Plastiktüten, -strohhalmen, -besteck und Verpackungsmaterial, die achtlos weggeworfen, ihren Weg in die Gewässer finden, geht es in der Diskussion auch um bestimmte Arten von textilen Fasern. Diese werden bei der Haushaltswäsche in nicht geringen Mengen ausgespült.

Wir gehen davon aus, dass sich in den nächsten Jahren der Bedarf an biologisch abbaubaren Fasern deutlich vergrößern wird. Baumwolle muss zu ihrer Abbaubarkeit nicht einmal extra bearbeitet werden. Baumwolle ist mit ihrer Zellulosebasis ein Stück Natur, das der Natur auch wieder zurückgegeben werden kann,“ so der Präsident der Bremer Baumwollbörse Jens D. Lukaczik.

Plastik baut sich in Wasser nicht ab, sondern zerfällt in Mikropartikel. Diese richten nicht nur Schäden in aquatischen Lebensräumen an, sondern landen im schlimmsten Fall über das Trinkwasser oder aber über Nahrung aus tierischen Produkten wie Fisch oder anderen Meerestieren auf unseren Tellern. Selbst in der Luft oder im Eis der Meere wurden bereits Mikropartikel gefunden.

Anders verhält es sich bei Kleidung oder Textilen aus Baumwolle oder anderen Zellulosefasern. Auch hier werden Fasern bei der Wäsche abgegeben. Wie aber Studien, etwa der Cornell Universität oder der Universität North Carolina, in Zusammenarbeit mit Cotton Incorporated in den Vereinigten Staaten und dem australischen Cotton Research & Development Center (CDRC) zeigen, bauen sich Mikrofasern aus 100 Prozent Baumwolle oder der anderer Zellulosefasern in Wasser ab. Dies gilt auch für Baumwollfasern die im Boden abgelagert worden sind. Allerdings ist in Gewässern ein schnellerer Abbauprozess zu beobachten.

Fazit: Nachhaltiger einkaufen bedeutet, mehr Textilien und Bekleidung aus Baumwolle kaufen.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

 TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH
Alina Hahn, Marie Sandmann, Maren Wiebus, Damien Winpenny, Marie-Luise Patzelt

TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Together with creative agencies Karl Anders and Haebmau, the SEEK team has been working for weeks on the brand’s new branding. The result: a visual concept with a strong message.

“The handshake is the right imagery and commitment to our stance and that of the SEEK community.”

“SEEK stands for strength and business just as much as for communality and good vibes! ‘Get Along’ articulates a feeling of agreement, of moving forward and getting to grips with things. We all want to shape a positive future for our industry – as partners and by joining forces.”, explains Fashion Director Maren Wiebus.

CREATIVE CONNECTION: Karl Anders and Haebmau
The Hamburg-based agency Karl Anders, which was established by Claudia Fischer-Appelt and Lars Kreyenhagen, was commissioned to come up with the creative concept and design language for the logo and campaign.

“With the new look we are entering a new era for SEEK as a brand. Lots of brands have chosen a design using Helvetica in recent years,” says Claudia Fischer-Appelt, Creative Director at Karl Anders. “We are now signalling a clear shift in another direction. Confident, bold and independent. With the logo we are inviting the viewer to play with the linear layout in their head; we are breaking viewing habits, making a statement and revving things up a gear. SEEK, there it is.”
The artwork is the result of a process of in-depth debate with the SEEK brand that took place over several weeks both within the team and also with the support of lifestyle agency Haebmau. Workshops, research and analyses ultimately led to a new, strong brand identity. SEEK is focussed on both established and new players and stands for the WE.

“I have known SEEK since it was in its infancy, so to me it was always like a little brother of the large, successful PREMIUM. Quirky and different, always interesting but somehow not quite so imposing,” says Markus Bublitz, Executive Creative Director at Haebmau. “SEEK today is more grown-up, confident and sharper. Thanks to its position in the market, which it has conquered over the years, it no longer needs to please everyone but can afford to be controversial. This can offer space for new, creative ideas.”

SEEK is edgy, clean-cut and unpolished.

We are all about statement design, new classics, denim and sportswear. SEEK is the trade show event for the fashion community. SEEK knows who calls the shots; it boosts sales and is the place for the next generation of decision-makers to get together. Unlike all the others, SEEK is unconventional and the antidote to boring.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH


IVGT: Mehrkosten durch geplante CO2-Bepreisung belasten Textilveredlung und Vliesstoffherstellung überdurchschnittlich

Der IVGT ( Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien e.V. ) befürwortet effiziente Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz. Das geplante Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz sei jedoch wenig durchdacht und solle eilig durch den Bundestag getrieben werden. Die geplante Umsetzung werde dazu führen, dass insbesondere die Textilveredlungsbetriebe und die Vliesstoffhersteller in Deutschland die geplanten hohen zusätzlichen Mehrkosten finanziell nicht mehr tragen könnten, da sie bereits seit vielen Jahren in energiesparende Techniken investiert hätten, so der Verband in einer Pressemitteilung.

Bereits heute belasteten hohe Energiesteuern und Abgaben die Unternehmen in der Textilindustrie. Mit einem Gesetz über ein nationales Emissionshandelssystem für Brennstoffemissionen soll die von der Bundesregierung vorgeschlagene CO2-Bepreisung umgesetzt werden.

Der IVGT ( Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien e.V. ) befürwortet effiziente Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz. Das geplante Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz sei jedoch wenig durchdacht und solle eilig durch den Bundestag getrieben werden. Die geplante Umsetzung werde dazu führen, dass insbesondere die Textilveredlungsbetriebe und die Vliesstoffhersteller in Deutschland die geplanten hohen zusätzlichen Mehrkosten finanziell nicht mehr tragen könnten, da sie bereits seit vielen Jahren in energiesparende Techniken investiert hätten, so der Verband in einer Pressemitteilung.

Bereits heute belasteten hohe Energiesteuern und Abgaben die Unternehmen in der Textilindustrie. Mit einem Gesetz über ein nationales Emissionshandelssystem für Brennstoffemissionen soll die von der Bundesregierung vorgeschlagene CO2-Bepreisung umgesetzt werden.

Die Textilindustrie, insbesondere die Textilveredlung und die Vliesstoffherstellung, werden von der Erhöhung der Brennstoffkosten massiv betroffen sein. Die Auswirkungen des Gesetzes auf die Unternehmen werden erheblich sein, weil die geplanten 10 Euro/t CO2 bei den mittelständisch geprägten Unternehmen hohe sechsstellige Mehrkosten verursachen und dies nur der Beginn eines Preispfades ist und die Kosten weiter ansteigen sollen. Für viele Textilveredlungsbetriebe und Vliesstoffhersteller ist diese Entwicklung existenzbedrohend.

Die Textilveredlung und die Vliesstoffherstellung gehören zu den energieintensiven Branchen. Dort geht praktisch nichts ohne Energie. Für die wichtigsten Prozesse werden Gas oder Heizöl zur Wärmeerzeugung benötigt.

Je nach Struktur und Produktionssortiment des Betriebes sind mittlerweile mehr als ein Viertel der Kosten Energiekosten. Mit dieser dramatischen Entwicklung der Energiekosten sehen viele Unternehmer(innen) akute Gefahr für ihren Betrieb und die damit verbundenen Arbeitsplätze.

More information:
CO2-Bepreisung IVGT

IVGT Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien e.V.

(c) Weitblick

WEITBLICK setzt auf faire Workwear

Nachhaltigkeit, ethisches Handeln, die Übernahme sozialer Verantwortung – Schlagworte, die sich momentan in aller Munde befinden. Doch nicht jeder, der viel redet, sagt auch wirklich etwas. Bei Weitblick, Workwear-Hersteller aus Kleinostheim, verhält sich das ein wenig anders. Das Unternehmen geht kleine, wohlüberlegte Schritte auf einem klar definierten Weg: hin zu einem Unternehmen mit nachhaltigem Wertschöpfungskreislauf – vom besten Rohstoff über optimale Produktionsmittel bis hin zur langlebigen Workwear.

Nachhaltigkeit, ethisches Handeln, die Übernahme sozialer Verantwortung – Schlagworte, die sich momentan in aller Munde befinden. Doch nicht jeder, der viel redet, sagt auch wirklich etwas. Bei Weitblick, Workwear-Hersteller aus Kleinostheim, verhält sich das ein wenig anders. Das Unternehmen geht kleine, wohlüberlegte Schritte auf einem klar definierten Weg: hin zu einem Unternehmen mit nachhaltigem Wertschöpfungskreislauf – vom besten Rohstoff über optimale Produktionsmittel bis hin zur langlebigen Workwear.

Gerade hat das Familienunternehmen auf diesem Weg einen weiteren Meilenstein erreicht: Gemeinsam mit drei weiteren Workwear-Herstellern sowie dem Gewebeproduzenten Klopman International hat Weitblick das Projekt „Supporting Fairtrade Cotton“ ins Leben gerufen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Siegel Fairtrade soll so der Anteil an fair gehandelter Baumwolle in der Berufsbekleidungsbranche deutlich gesteigert werden. Damit wird insbesondere den Menschen geholfen, die ganz am Anfang der textilen Wertschöpfungskette stehen: Baumwollbauern erhalten durch feste Abnahmemengen nicht nur Planungssicherheit, sondern auch gerechte Handelsbedingungen, um die strengen Umwelt- und Sozialauflagen umsetzen zu können. Weitblick hat sich innerhalb des Projektes dazu verpflichtet, 1/3 der eingekauften Baumwolle im ersten Schritt auf Fairtrade umzustellen und sukzessive weiter auszubauen. Die Verarbeitung nach dem Mass Balance Prinzip garantiert dem Baumwollerzeuger dabei die Abnahme der vertraglich verarbeiteten Fairtrade Baumwolle. Diese wird in der Textilproduktion dann je nach Bedarf und technischen Anforderungen mit anderen Fasern vermischt.


WEITBLICK® Gottfried Schmidt OHG

(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi in partnership with Constantia Flexibles driving forward innovation for sustainable packaging solutions

With the increased global push for environmentally friendly and sustainable paper-based packaging solutions, Sappi has made great strides in developing breakthrough proprietary barrier technology to offer new opportunities to satisfy this need. These unique solutions enabled Sappi to closely collaborate with the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé to support the launch of the YES! snack bar wrapped in recyclable paper. Sappi worked in partnership with Nestlé and packaging supplier, Constantia Flexibles to develop solutions suitable for recyclable paper production processes.

Susanne Oste, Vice President of Innovations and Sustainability at Sappi Europe commented: “Sappi has been working with leading consumer brand owners to develop and supply renewable paper-based packaging solutions understanding and supporting the goals of making their packaging recyclable without compromising on food protection and shelf life. One example of this is the new Sappi Guard range of products providing brand owners with a paper confectionery wrapper to meet market demand for more sustainable products.”

With the increased global push for environmentally friendly and sustainable paper-based packaging solutions, Sappi has made great strides in developing breakthrough proprietary barrier technology to offer new opportunities to satisfy this need. These unique solutions enabled Sappi to closely collaborate with the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé to support the launch of the YES! snack bar wrapped in recyclable paper. Sappi worked in partnership with Nestlé and packaging supplier, Constantia Flexibles to develop solutions suitable for recyclable paper production processes.

Susanne Oste, Vice President of Innovations and Sustainability at Sappi Europe commented: “Sappi has been working with leading consumer brand owners to develop and supply renewable paper-based packaging solutions understanding and supporting the goals of making their packaging recyclable without compromising on food protection and shelf life. One example of this is the new Sappi Guard range of products providing brand owners with a paper confectionery wrapper to meet market demand for more sustainable products.”

More information:
Sappi Constantia Flexibles


(c) Borealis

Borealis and Brouge offer monomaterial solutions for demanding consumer packaging applications

New polyethylene and polypropylene-based monomaterial pouch solutions developed in value-chain collaboration

Borealis and Borouge have developed a series of new, monomaterial pouch solutions based on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Designed specifically for recycling, and in collaboration with value-chain partners, these new pouch solutions are suitable for the most demanding consumer packaging applications. In line with the EverMinds™ approach to Thinking Circular, these solutions further expand the range of more sustainable options available to the flexible packaging industry. Several of the pouches will be showcased at the K 2019 in October, including one exemplar containing 35% post-consumer recyclate (PCR).

New polyethylene and polypropylene-based monomaterial pouch solutions developed in value-chain collaboration

Borealis and Borouge have developed a series of new, monomaterial pouch solutions based on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Designed specifically for recycling, and in collaboration with value-chain partners, these new pouch solutions are suitable for the most demanding consumer packaging applications. In line with the EverMinds™ approach to Thinking Circular, these solutions further expand the range of more sustainable options available to the flexible packaging industry. Several of the pouches will be showcased at the K 2019 in October, including one exemplar containing 35% post-consumer recyclate (PCR).

More information:

Borealis AG

(c) HeiQ

HeiQ provides sustainable dyeing and finishing solutions

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ partners with Twinery to significantly reduce waste in their apparel production supply chain.

Apparel manufacturing is the second largest polluting industry in the world. While there are many solutions to this problem, Bodyline has taken the lead to focus on developing a low impact supply chain by reducing energy and waste across the entire value chain and develop No Waste Apparel – Truecycled.

Two steps in this supply chain lifecycle include improving the dyeing and finishing stages. To improve the dyeing stage by using less water and energy and save CO2 during the polyester dyeing process, Truecycled has implemented HeiQ Clean Tech for more efficient and ecological processing of textiles.

“Aiming to improve the everyday products of textiles by making them more functional, comfortable and sustainable, HeiQ is proud to partner with Bodyline on their Truecycled project”, says Carlo Centonze, Chief Executive Officer at HeiQ.

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ partners with Twinery to significantly reduce waste in their apparel production supply chain.

Apparel manufacturing is the second largest polluting industry in the world. While there are many solutions to this problem, Bodyline has taken the lead to focus on developing a low impact supply chain by reducing energy and waste across the entire value chain and develop No Waste Apparel – Truecycled.

Two steps in this supply chain lifecycle include improving the dyeing and finishing stages. To improve the dyeing stage by using less water and energy and save CO2 during the polyester dyeing process, Truecycled has implemented HeiQ Clean Tech for more efficient and ecological processing of textiles.

“Aiming to improve the everyday products of textiles by making them more functional, comfortable and sustainable, HeiQ is proud to partner with Bodyline on their Truecycled project”, says Carlo Centonze, Chief Executive Officer at HeiQ.

More information:
HeiQ Smart Temp HeiQ

HeiQ ChemTex Inc.

Epson Europa Präsident stellt Bildungsprogramm „New Horizons“ vor (c) Eposn
Umweltpädagogischer Unterricht von Epson

Epson Europa Präsident stellt Bildungsprogramm „New Horizons“ vor

10.000 Schüler profitieren europaweit von unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten

  • „Green Choice“-Report unterstreicht das anhaltende Engagement von Epson für ökologische, gesellschaftliche und produktbezogene Nachhaltigkeit sowie die konkreten Ergebnisse des Geschäftsjahres 2018
  • Neue Initiative von Epson Europa zur Bildungsförderung als Teil des Reports
  • Epson bekennt sich zu verstärkten Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel

Mit der Initiative „New Horizons“ kündigt Epson sein neues Bildungsprogramm zur Unterstützung von mehr als 10.000 Schülerinnen und Schülern an. Das Programm, das auf dem Erfolg bisheriger Projekte aufbaut, wird auch die Expertise des Unternehmens in Bereichen wie nachhaltige Technologie, Papierrecycling oder Abfallreduzierung miteinbeziehen.

Epson Europa hat seine Initiativen zur Corporate Social Responsibiliy (CSR) analysiert und überprüft. Der daraus hervorgegangene jährliche Nachhaltigkeitsbericht „The Green Choice“ wird ebenfalls heute veröffentlicht – zeitgleich mit der Ankündigung des „New Horizons“-Programms.

10.000 Schüler profitieren europaweit von unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten

  • „Green Choice“-Report unterstreicht das anhaltende Engagement von Epson für ökologische, gesellschaftliche und produktbezogene Nachhaltigkeit sowie die konkreten Ergebnisse des Geschäftsjahres 2018
  • Neue Initiative von Epson Europa zur Bildungsförderung als Teil des Reports
  • Epson bekennt sich zu verstärkten Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel

Mit der Initiative „New Horizons“ kündigt Epson sein neues Bildungsprogramm zur Unterstützung von mehr als 10.000 Schülerinnen und Schülern an. Das Programm, das auf dem Erfolg bisheriger Projekte aufbaut, wird auch die Expertise des Unternehmens in Bereichen wie nachhaltige Technologie, Papierrecycling oder Abfallreduzierung miteinbeziehen.

Epson Europa hat seine Initiativen zur Corporate Social Responsibiliy (CSR) analysiert und überprüft. Der daraus hervorgegangene jährliche Nachhaltigkeitsbericht „The Green Choice“ wird ebenfalls heute veröffentlicht – zeitgleich mit der Ankündigung des „New Horizons“-Programms.

More information:
Epson Nachhaltigkeit Bildung

LEWIS Public Relations

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation (c) ILUNA Group Sustainable Thinking -Museo Salvatore Ferragamo
Sustainable Thinking -Museo Salvatore Ferragamo

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation

  • Interfilière Shanghai, 26th-27th September 2019, Booth 1C11

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable features, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of Interfilière Shanghaiwith a range of developments capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality.

"Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.Experts in the production of stretch lace  since 1985 ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. 

Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS(Global Recycled Standard) for their  transformed products together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko –Tex®).

  • Interfilière Shanghai, 26th-27th September 2019, Booth 1C11

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable features, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of Interfilière Shanghaiwith a range of developments capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality.

"Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.Experts in the production of stretch lace  since 1985 ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. 

Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS(Global Recycled Standard) for their  transformed products together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko –Tex®).

A relevant  achievement for the firm that, thanks to the Green Labelcollection, now even richer, make responsible innovation an asset for production that focuses on smart ingredients as ROICA Eco-Smart™ family andQ-Nova® by Fulgar.

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation (c) ILUNA Group

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation

  • Interfilière Paris, 6th-8th July 2019, booth D60

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Parisian tradeshow for lingerie with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

  • Interfilière Paris, 6th-8th July 2019, booth D60

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Parisian tradeshow for lingerie with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Experts in the production of stretch lace since 1985, ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) for their transformed products, together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko –Tex®).
A relevant achievement for the firm that, thanks to the Green Label collection, now even richer, make responsible innovation an asset for production that focuses on smart ingredients as ROICA Eco-Smart™ family and Q-Nova® by Fulgar.

A range that culminates today in the launch of an athleisure and sporty-chic capsule collection that perfectly fit the contemporary modern wardrobe, result of a qualified and totally traceable supply chain, from yarn up to garment, based on design, sustainability and performance.

Of major interest is the fact that the Iluna fashion R&D based its strategic choice for the AI2020/2021 on the extension of the offer with new Black label’s developments between lace and embroidery, the premium R&D line.

The range of new Ultralight multicolor laces offers jacquardtronic and textronic 4 or 5 colours galloons with a 3D effect. The change of the color of thread in the background as well as in the design gives life to unique coordinated solutions for creatives. The match between expectations of brands and retailers are met always keeping as a priority the contemporary design, that is integrated to unique strategy committed to responsibility both at corporate and product level.

To ILUNA smart innovation is not just a project, its space at Interfilière where visitors will have the chance to discover the new collection and above all to experience and touch latest boundaries of lace smart innovations pursued staying true to the values the brand. Iluna team is pleased to welcome you with a special cadeaux created in collaboration with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

CRAFT: Joggen für weniger Müll (c) CRAFT
CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“

CRAFT: Joggen für weniger Müll

  • CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“ mit ausgewählten Händlern

Zur Vorstellung seiner neuen Schuhkollektion startet der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungsspezialist CRAFT zusammen mit dem Handel eine Test-Event-Reihe der nachhaltigen Art. Bei der „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ geht es nicht nur ums Laufen, sondern gleichzeitig darum, Müll zu sammeln. Die Idee haben die Schweden aus ihrer Heimat und bringen sie nun auf die deutschen Laufpfade.

Plogging setzt sich aus dem schwedischen Wort „plocka“, das ins Deutsche übersetzt soviel wie „sammeln“ heißt, und Jogging zusammen. Entwickelt wurde Plogging 2016 vom Schweden Erik Ahlström. Er war von herumliegendem Müll auf seiner Laufrunden so genervt, dass er eine ganz einfache Lösung dafür fand. Er sammelte den Müll einfach während des Joggens ein, schuf ganz nebenbei einen Trend und eine neue Art von Ganzkörper-Workout – denn das Müllsammeln lässt sich einwandfrei mit Kniebeugen oder Burpees verbinden.

  • CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“ mit ausgewählten Händlern

Zur Vorstellung seiner neuen Schuhkollektion startet der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungsspezialist CRAFT zusammen mit dem Handel eine Test-Event-Reihe der nachhaltigen Art. Bei der „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ geht es nicht nur ums Laufen, sondern gleichzeitig darum, Müll zu sammeln. Die Idee haben die Schweden aus ihrer Heimat und bringen sie nun auf die deutschen Laufpfade.

Plogging setzt sich aus dem schwedischen Wort „plocka“, das ins Deutsche übersetzt soviel wie „sammeln“ heißt, und Jogging zusammen. Entwickelt wurde Plogging 2016 vom Schweden Erik Ahlström. Er war von herumliegendem Müll auf seiner Laufrunden so genervt, dass er eine ganz einfache Lösung dafür fand. Er sammelte den Müll einfach während des Joggens ein, schuf ganz nebenbei einen Trend und eine neue Art von Ganzkörper-Workout – denn das Müllsammeln lässt sich einwandfrei mit Kniebeugen oder Burpees verbinden.

Die Schweden von CRAFT ließen sich von ihrem Landsmann inspirieren und bringen Plogging nun mit ausgewählten Händlern auch auf die deutschen Laufwege. Die „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ ist ein Laufschuhtest der nachhaltigen Art. Dabei haben interessierte Endverbraucher die Möglichkeit, die neuesten Laufschuhe von CRAFT zu testen und dabei auch noch etwas für die Umwelt zu tun. Die Event-Reihe findet in zahlreichen Städten statt und wird von der Kampagne #CraftPloggingChallenge auf den sozialen Medien flankiert. Dabei können begeisterte Plogger Bilder von sich mit ihrem gesammelten Müll posten, mit dem Hashtag #CraftPloggingChallenge markieren und Preise der Marke CRAFT gewinnen.

CRAFT Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann ist begeistert vom Trend und der Idee des „sauberen Laufens“: „Plogging ist eine so einfache wie geniale Sache. Wir alle überlegen uns aktuell, wie wir die  Sportindustrie und den Sport sauberer und nachhaltiger gestalten können. Gleichzeitig kennen wir alle das Problem von Müll auf unseren Park-, Wald- und Laufwegen. Mit Plogging kann jeder einen kleinen Teil beitragen. Wenn wir alle nur ein kleines Bisschen Müll beim Joggen aufheben, dann kann das im Zusammenspiel einen gewaltigen Unterschied machen. Ich bin gespannt und freue mich sehr auf die Events.“

Die „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ wird in insgesamt sieben Orten stattfinden:

• Marburg – Svens Laufladen // tbd.
• Wuppertal – Laufsport Bunert // 22. Oktober, 18:30 Uhr
• Lennestadt – Sport Schneider // 23. Oktober, 18 Uhr
• Neuss – Laufsport Bunert // 28. Oktober, 18 Uhr
• Bochum – SkiBo Tours & Sports GmbH // 30. Oktober, 17 Uhr
• Köln – Muskelkater Sport // 4. November, 17 Uhr
• Köln – Dauerlauf // 5. November, 15 Uhr
• Rheine – Shop // 13. November, 18 Uhr


CRAFT / NEW WAVE GmbH KGK – Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation

Light on the Land - the new ISKO x Miles Johnson responsible collection (c) ISKO & Miles Johnson

Light on the Land - the new ISKO x Miles Johnson responsible collection

Miles Johnson and Creative Room™ designed a capsule collection “Light on the Land”, for men and women to showcase ISKO™’s R- TWO™ program.

As the world’s leading ingredient denim brand, ISKO™ is at the forefront of the sustainable and responsible fashion movement. ISKO™, who loves to partner with likeminded designers, brands and retailers in the  industry that have a passion for Responsible Innovation™, is proud to announce its partnership with renowned British fashion designer Miles Johnson. Together they have created a visionary collection that will be launched at a private showing event on September 12th, at the Fremin Gallery in New York City.

Miles Johnson and Creative Room™ designed a capsule collection “Light on the Land”, for men and women to showcase ISKO™’s R- TWO™ program.

As the world’s leading ingredient denim brand, ISKO™ is at the forefront of the sustainable and responsible fashion movement. ISKO™, who loves to partner with likeminded designers, brands and retailers in the  industry that have a passion for Responsible Innovation™, is proud to announce its partnership with renowned British fashion designer Miles Johnson. Together they have created a visionary collection that will be launched at a private showing event on September 12th, at the Fremin Gallery in New York City.

For those who love denim and cherish the planet, this partnership is a perfect match as  Miles is known for prioritizing sustainability and responsibility in his work. Miles has held leadership positions such as Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., where he served as a pioneer in creating clothing using sustainably sourced materials. For this capsule collection, Miles worked side by side with ISKO™’s Research & Development team utilizing the ISKO R-TWO™ program which combines a mix of reused and recycled materials. The reused cotton comes from ISKO™’s own production loss, which they continuously track and trace. This has the CCS (Content Claim Standard) certification. They combine this reused cotton with recycled polyester derived from PET bottles. Depending on the content, fabrics can have the RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certification or GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification.

The creative direction for the collection takes form with “Light on the Land” and the whole collection is made using low impact materials and responsible finishing techniques. Miles and the ISKO™ team carefully crafted 34 designs at the Creative Room™ in Italy. The styles incorporate responsible design principles which include:

  • Minimal washing;
  • Removable trims made of eco-metal;
  • Natural based buttons and labels;
  • Green bar tacks;
  • Embroidered rivets.

Environmental messages are embroidered on six of the pieces, by the artist Giulio Miglietta. The garments are built to last and the more you wear these pieces, the more beautiful they become.


Schoeller Introduces PROEARTH™ Biodegradable Textiles

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Jacket, pant and lining fabrics
The SFTC PROEARTH collection will launch with five, bluesign®-approved fabrics designed for lifestyle, fashion and outdoor categories. Made with virgin polyester that has been optimized for biodegradation and has tested to biodegrade at faster and better rates than competitive offerings, the initial PROEARTH articles available this fall include jacket, pant and lining material qualities with various colour options.

More information:
Schoeller Textil AG Schoeller

Schoeller Textil AG

(c) Filo d'Oro

Filo d’Oro: talian silk shines at Première Vision

Filo d’Oro has been selected by Première Vision to exhibit within the SMART CREATION area, the key research and sourcing space for those looking for new generation of sustainable solutions. An informative, educational, visionary and multimedia space where exhibitors, designers, buyers and fashion brands can experience and truly visualize the progress the industry is making in terms of responsibility. At the show in Paris above all they will present a consolidated system of collaborations and a virtuous network that works side by side to make the difference with certified superior quality products for the international market.

Filo d’Oro has been selected by Première Vision to exhibit within the SMART CREATION area, the key research and sourcing space for those looking for new generation of sustainable solutions. An informative, educational, visionary and multimedia space where exhibitors, designers, buyers and fashion brands can experience and truly visualize the progress the industry is making in terms of responsibility. At the show in Paris above all they will present a consolidated system of collaborations and a virtuous network that works side by side to make the difference with certified superior quality products for the international market.

Within Filo D’oro, on the occasion of the inclusion in the Smart Creation, they present innovations that reflect "a real commitment to cultural sustainability as well as industrial and production". The organic silks are made with natural fibers from organic farming, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification guarantees both the quality of the raw materials and the sustainability of all production processes. The FSC® certified viscose comes from forests with sustainable management that respects the environment and the population, other viscose developments are made with Ecovero™ yarn from certified and controlled sources. The polyesters are GRS certified, they are made with Newlife™, a yarn born from the transformation through mechanical process of post-consumer plastic bottles collected in northern Italy, whose production process is entirely 100% Made in Italy. Some proposals combine Newlife™ with ECOANTEX, a yarn resulting from the transformation of post-industrial waste and the selective collection of Pet packaging.

More information:
Filo d'Oro Première Vision

GB Network

Gemeinsam nachhaltig handeln: Das World Textile Forum 2019 geht zu Ende (c) World Textile Forum 2019 - Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF

Working together for a sustainable textile business: Looking back at World Textile Forum 2019

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

Swiss Textile Federation, Swiss Textile & Fashion Institute STF and Gherzi Textil Organisation would like to thank all attendees and look forward to the next World Textile Forum!

Italian Converter celebrates 25 years with the  E.C.O. KOSMOS cross-collection (c) GB Network
Toupe and brick red E.C.O. Graffiti (100% linen) on E.C.O. Aurora (cotton and AMNI SOUL ECO®)

Italian Converter celebrates 25 years with the E.C.O. KOSMOS cross-collection

  • Empowering fashion with responsible R&D, cutting edge finishing and a Made in Italy design imprint

Paris - “The soul of sustainable fashion is an alchemy, a combined commitment and an act of responsibility”. This is the motto ‘embossed’ in the collections and the values of Italian Converter. At Première Vision, the leading manufacturer celebrates its 25th anniversary and presents E.C.O. KOSMOS, a cross-collection, a brand-new ‘green line’ range’ and a winning formula shining a light on the company’s responsible path and unique ‘blend’ for the fashion of tomorrow.

  • Empowering fashion with responsible R&D, cutting edge finishing and a Made in Italy design imprint

Paris - “The soul of sustainable fashion is an alchemy, a combined commitment and an act of responsibility”. This is the motto ‘embossed’ in the collections and the values of Italian Converter. At Première Vision, the leading manufacturer celebrates its 25th anniversary and presents E.C.O. KOSMOS, a cross-collection, a brand-new ‘green line’ range’ and a winning formula shining a light on the company’s responsible path and unique ‘blend’ for the fashion of tomorrow.

The acronym E.C.O. stands for Ecologic, Conversion, Optimisation; three unique concepts and values that truly embody Italian Converter DNA: sustainability, transformative process and quality improvement.
For over 25 years, Italian Converter creates high-quality materials for some of the leading fashion and accessories brands. “Made in Italy and sustainability are part of our DNA.” Says Costantino Karazissis, founder of Italian Converter. “We believe that responsible sourcing and processes as well as a deep research into new technology pathways and a market-savvy taste for material design must be the starting point.”

At the core of the company’s responsible alchemy is also the constant research for the perfect balance of 100% Made in Italy materials. “We proudly collaborate with 120 skilled employees producing new hybrid material innovations daily, attracting partnerships from the best high-end brands both in Italy and abroad”.

Toupe and brick red E.C.O. Graffiti (100% linen) on E.C.O. Aurora (cotton and AMNI SOUL ECO®)

E.C.O. KOSMOS is entirely traceable, transparent, 100%made in Italy. The collection walks through a very complete and balanced range sustainable materials - from natural to eco high tech ones- that are transformed, enriched and valued in 9 high-tech cutting-edge innovations thanks to the Italian Converter expertise.
•    The natural line starts from bases of cotton bonded with AMNI SOUL ECO®, an enhanced polyamide 6.6 that degrades within 5 years instead of decades, as other conventional ones do.
•    The stretch innovations start from bases in GRS-certified Newlife™, a cutting-edge premium recycled polyester created using a High-Tech Conversion Model. Thanks to a mechanical process, used plastic bottles are turned into a top-quality polymer and yarn which is 100% traceable and 100% Made in Italy. The whole process takes place within a 100 square km area in Piedmont in Northern Italy.
All the references make use only of water-based resins and Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified dying. The result, is resistant and transpiring solutions which come with bold and high-performing features, with a soft touch or even with a silky, yet strong, and enveloping feel. The designs range from rustic to contemporary and nod to jacquard, ‘authentic look’ and ‘drill’ hints. An ideal solution for footwear, apparel and leather goods.

Long story short? No compromises. E.C.O. Kosmos reflects design, innovation and responsible values, as well as 100% Italian Converter know-how.
“But this is just the beginning,” adds Karazissis. “The next step we are going to implement in the E.C.O. Kosmos cross-collection is a progressive integration of our triple-expertise, processes and R&D.” A sustainable step forward, a leap woven into a deep expertise a story to-be-continued. For a better future, this is for sure.


LENZING™ fibers are fully biodegradable in water, soil and compost (c) Lenzing

LENZING™ fibers are fully biodegradable in water, soil and compost

  • Organic Waste Systems and TÜV confirm fiber biodegradability also in fresh water
  • All white LENZING™ Viscose, Modal and Lyocell fibers are now certified for all environments
  • Global legislators aim at limiting plastic waste persisting in the environment for centuries
  • EU Single-Use Plastics Directive partly regulates usage of plastic products
  • Biodegradable materials such as wood-based fibers are the best alternative to single-use plastics

The Lenzing Group received confirmation of the full biodegradability of its fibers in fresh water by the independent research laboratory Organic Waste Systems (OWS). The new and existing international certifications conducted by OWS and issued by TÜV Austria verify that LENZING™ Viscose fibers, LENZING™ Modal fibers and LENZING™ Lyocell fibers are biodegradable in all natural and industrial environments: in the soil, compost as well as in fresh and in marine water.

  • Organic Waste Systems and TÜV confirm fiber biodegradability also in fresh water
  • All white LENZING™ Viscose, Modal and Lyocell fibers are now certified for all environments
  • Global legislators aim at limiting plastic waste persisting in the environment for centuries
  • EU Single-Use Plastics Directive partly regulates usage of plastic products
  • Biodegradable materials such as wood-based fibers are the best alternative to single-use plastics

The Lenzing Group received confirmation of the full biodegradability of its fibers in fresh water by the independent research laboratory Organic Waste Systems (OWS). The new and existing international certifications conducted by OWS and issued by TÜV Austria verify that LENZING™ Viscose fibers, LENZING™ Modal fibers and LENZING™ Lyocell fibers are biodegradable in all natural and industrial environments: in the soil, compost as well as in fresh and in marine water.

The biodegradability of cellulosic products and the synthetic fiber polyester was tested in fresh water at OWS according to valid international standards, e.g. ISO 14851. At the end of the trial period, LENZING™ wood-based cellulosic fibers, cotton and paper pulp were shown to be fully biodegradable in fresh water in contrast to synthetic polyester fibers. The fact that synthetic materials are not biodegradable leads to major problems in wastewater treatment plants and potentially marine litter. In turn, this not only harms fish and birds living in and close to the oceans but also all marine organisms and us humans.

“The Lenzing Group operates a truly circular business model based on the renewable raw material wood to produce biodegradable fibers returning to nature after use. This complete cycle comprises the starting point of the core value of sustainability embedded in our company strategy sCore TEN and is the ‘raison d’etre’ of our company”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “In living up to this positioning, we not only enhance the business of our suppliers, customers and partners along the value chain but also improve the state of the entire textile and nonwovens industries.”

Both the textile and nonwovens industries face huge challenges with respect to littering. If current trends continue, the oceans could contain more plastic than fish by 2050. Therefore, legislative bodies worldwide can no longer ignore the issue and have moved towards plastics legislation aimed at limiting the vast amount of waste. In response, European lawmakers issued the Single-Use Plastics Directive currently being transposed into national legislation in the EU member states.

Conventional wet wipes and hygiene products mostly contain plastic and were thus identified as one of the product categories to be singled out. Less polluting alternatives are generally encouraged by NGOs and legislators, e.g. products made of biodegradable wood-based cellulosic fibers. Plastic waste including microplastic can persist in the environment for centuries. In contrast, biodegradable materials are the best alternative to single-use plastics because they fully convert back to nature by definition and thus do not require recycling.


Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft