From the Sector

898 results

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance launches its FW 22/23 fabric collection

For its FW 22/23 collection, ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents a high-tech fabric collection, which implements a new generation of values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™’s new references meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Furthermore, they are made with certified ingredients, through a completely traceable and transparent production process and supply chain. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™’ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market.

The whole collection is focused on advanced technology and environmental responsibility. Thanks to ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance’s unique value-chain based on recycling technology, most part of its yarns are certified by the renowned GRS (Global Recycled Standard). Even the dyeing and finishing phases - key moments for  performance wear - have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® and OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.

For its FW 22/23 collection, ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents a high-tech fabric collection, which implements a new generation of values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™’s new references meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Furthermore, they are made with certified ingredients, through a completely traceable and transparent production process and supply chain. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™’ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market.

The whole collection is focused on advanced technology and environmental responsibility. Thanks to ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance’s unique value-chain based on recycling technology, most part of its yarns are certified by the renowned GRS (Global Recycled Standard). Even the dyeing and finishing phases - key moments for  performance wear - have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® and OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.

Among the compositions of the fabrics, dominant are the recycled polyamide (58%) and polyester (39%) yarns. The stretch component present in 22 articles of the collection is based on ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei - the sustainable recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer waste. In addition, 8 fabrics of the FW22/23 collection are made of Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei - the high-tech yarn born from the transformation of cotton linters through a fully circular, transparent and traceable process with an amazing precious hand, optimal moisture management characteristics,  whose end of life guarantees its biodegradability and it also carries GRS certification.

Featuring a total of 36 fabrics, the collection is composed of:

  • 7 outerwear fabric
  • 22 sportswear fabrics
  • 7 innerwear fabrics

GB Network


GOTS appoints Protection Officer North America

Travis Wells, JD, MBA, has been appointed as GOTS Protection Officer North America. In this newly created position, he will be identifying and advising companies that are making unsubstantiated claims regarding GOTS signage.

An increasing number of companies are eager to use GOTS certified materials and want to make claims regarding GOTS content on their finished products. However, the correct use of the trademarked logo is strictly regulated in CUGS 3.1. – The conditions for the use of GOTS signs. A GOTS claim on finished products guarantees the consumer that every single step in the textile processing supply chain was certified. As soon as one stage in the supply chain is not certified, a company may not label or mention GOTS on their final product.

Travis Wells, JD, MBA, has been appointed as GOTS Protection Officer North America. In this newly created position, he will be identifying and advising companies that are making unsubstantiated claims regarding GOTS signage.

An increasing number of companies are eager to use GOTS certified materials and want to make claims regarding GOTS content on their finished products. However, the correct use of the trademarked logo is strictly regulated in CUGS 3.1. – The conditions for the use of GOTS signs. A GOTS claim on finished products guarantees the consumer that every single step in the textile processing supply chain was certified. As soon as one stage in the supply chain is not certified, a company may not label or mention GOTS on their final product.

As a Sustainable Supply Chain Director, Travis has more than 20 years of experience advising fashion and apparel-related businesses on sustainable sourcing, product development and manufacturing in domestic and global markets. He earned his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Studies from Vassar College, his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) in Corporate Law from George Washington University Law School and his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Global Sustainability and Finance from the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University.  


Seven Senders: Klimaneutraler Versand im Onlinehandel

Nachhaltigkeit wird für Konsumenten beim Onlineshopping immer wichtiger – und damit auch für E-Tailer. Gleichzeitig steigen das Versandaufkommen und die transportbedingten CO2-Emissionen. Doch es geht auch anders: Seven Senders, eine Delivery-Plattform für den Cross-Border-Versand in Europa, begibt sich mit seiner Mission Zero nicht nur selbst auf den Weg zum klimaneutralen Unternehmen, sondern möchte auch Onlinehändler beim Klimaschutz unterstützen.

Orientierung am Pariser Klimaabkommen
Immer mehr Branchen erkennen die Bedeutung von Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. Und viele Unternehmen möchten in diesem Bereich selbst aktiv werden, um ihren Teil beizutragen. Als Orientierung dient dabei das Pariser Klimaabkommen: 2015 haben sich in Paris 196 Nationen dazu verpflichtet, die globale Erwärmung gemeinsam auf maximal 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen. Auch Seven Senders, die führende Delivery-Plattform in Europa, hat sich Nachhaltigkeit auf die Fahne geschrieben und verfolgt das Pariser Klimaziel: „Mit unserer Mission Zero möchten wir auf lange Sicht klimaneutral werden“, so Dr. Johannes Plehn, Gründer und CEO von Seven Senders.

Nachhaltigkeit wird für Konsumenten beim Onlineshopping immer wichtiger – und damit auch für E-Tailer. Gleichzeitig steigen das Versandaufkommen und die transportbedingten CO2-Emissionen. Doch es geht auch anders: Seven Senders, eine Delivery-Plattform für den Cross-Border-Versand in Europa, begibt sich mit seiner Mission Zero nicht nur selbst auf den Weg zum klimaneutralen Unternehmen, sondern möchte auch Onlinehändler beim Klimaschutz unterstützen.

Orientierung am Pariser Klimaabkommen
Immer mehr Branchen erkennen die Bedeutung von Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. Und viele Unternehmen möchten in diesem Bereich selbst aktiv werden, um ihren Teil beizutragen. Als Orientierung dient dabei das Pariser Klimaabkommen: 2015 haben sich in Paris 196 Nationen dazu verpflichtet, die globale Erwärmung gemeinsam auf maximal 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen. Auch Seven Senders, die führende Delivery-Plattform in Europa, hat sich Nachhaltigkeit auf die Fahne geschrieben und verfolgt das Pariser Klimaziel: „Mit unserer Mission Zero möchten wir auf lange Sicht klimaneutral werden“, so Dr. Johannes Plehn, Gründer und CEO von Seven Senders.

Nachhaltigkeit in der Logistik: Relevanz der letzten Meile
Nachhaltigkeit spielt zugleich bei den Kaufentscheidungen der Konsumenten eine immer größere Rolle: Das wirkt sich auch auf den E-Commerce-Markt aus: Für Onlineshops reicht es heutzutage nicht mehr, einfach nur schnell Pakete auszuliefern. Die Konsumenten wünschen sich, dass auch die Logistik den Klimaschutz berücksichtigt. Denn beim Paketversand – insbesondere über Grenzen hinweg – entsteht besonders viel klimaschädliches CO2. Vor allem die Lieferung auf der letzten Meile verursacht eine hohe C02-Belastung. Um hier die Nachhaltigkeit zu erhöhen, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten: beispielsweise eine optimierte Nachtzustellung, dynamische Tourenplanungen und den Ausbau von Paketstationen.

Was bedeutet klimaneutral?
Doch auch Onlinehändler selbst haben die Möglichkeit, etwas zum Umweltschutz beizutragen. „E-Tailer, die den Wunsch ihrer Kunden nach mehr Nachhaltigkeit berücksichtigen möchten, können auf einen klimaneutralen Versand umstellen“, so Dr. Plehn. Ein Versand ist grundsätzlich klimaneutral, wenn dabei kein CO2 entsteht, also zum Beispiel bei einer Zustellung per Fahrrad. Dass auf dem gesamten Lieferweg kein CO2 freigesetzt wird, ist für Onlinehändler in der Praxis jedoch kaum umsetzbar. Eine Alternative ist daher, die entstandenen Emissionen nachträglich auszugleichen. Dazu wird der CO2-Ausstoß der gesamten Lieferkette berechnet, der wiederum mit einer Investition in Umweltschutzprojekte oder klimafördernde Maßnahmen ausgeglichen werden kann. Durch diese Kompensation wird rechnerisch die Klimaneutralität wieder hergestellt. Onlinehändler haben die Möglichkeit, dies entweder direkt durch beispielsweise Baumpflanzungen zu tun oder indirekt, etwa durch die Förderung von Projekten zum Klimaschutz. Der direkte Weg ist für Onlinehändler sehr aufwendig und kostenintensiv. Darüber hinaus hat nicht jeder die Möglichkeit, selbst ein Umweltschutzprojekt zu starten. Hier kommt die Delivery-Plattform Seven Senders ins Spiel: Sie unterstützt E-Tailer mit 7SGreen auf dem Weg zum klimaneutralen Versand.

Unterstützung beim klimaneutralen Versand
Durch das umfassende Logistik-Know-how und den Digitalisierungsschwerpunkt gelingt es Seven Senders, die Lieferprozesse von Onlinehändlern transparent und klimaneutral zu gestalten. Mit 7SGreen hilft der Logistik-Experte E-Tailern zusätzlich, ihre Klimaziele zu erreichen und ermöglicht ihnen, ihren Kunden einen klimaneutralen Versand anzubieten: Mit drei Cent pro Sendung, die in zertifizierte Klimaschutzprojekte fließen, werden die transportbedingten CO2-Emissionen exakt ausgeglichen. „Onlinehändler erhalten zudem jährliche Zertifikate, die einen Überblick über die eingesparten Emissionen geben und mit denen sie ihr Engagement an ihre Kunden kommunizieren können“, so Dr. Plehn.
Nachhaltigkeit bei Liefer- und Softwareprozessen
Seven Senders unterstützt E-Tailer nicht nur bei der Umsetzung eines klimaneutralen Versands, sondern sorgt gleichzeitig für klimafreundlichere Liefer- und Softwareprozesse. Bei der Zusammenstellung ihres umfassenden Carrier-Netzwerks hat die Delivery-Plattform ihr Hauptaugenmerk auf verlässliche Zustellung, Transparenz und den entsprechenden CO2-Ausgleich gelegt. „Überall wo es geht, setzen wir zudem auf Carrier, die schon e-mobil unterwegs sind“, ergänzt der Gründer von Seven Senders. Weitere Lösungsansätze, die den Paketversand nachhaltiger gestalten, sind beispielsweise das Zusammenlegen von Sendungen, um so Leerfahrten zu vermeiden, oder die Erhöhung der Zustellrate durch vermehrte Lieferungen an Pick-up Points.


Seven Senders GmbH / HARTZKOM GmbH


C.L.A.S.S. welcomes Sensil® BioCare by NILIT into its material hub

C.L.A.S.S. MATERIAL HUB is a careful selection of smart ingredients made by cutting-edge companies and innovators across the globe. The wide range includes transparent and traceable products, which can be natural/organic, up or re-cycled/able, or innovative and always representing a new generation of innovation that is minimizing its impact on people, environment, animals and oceans.

C.L.A.S.S. MATERIAL HUB is a careful selection of smart ingredients made by cutting-edge companies and innovators across the globe. The wide range includes transparent and traceable products, which can be natural/organic, up or re-cycled/able, or innovative and always representing a new generation of innovation that is minimizing its impact on people, environment, animals and oceans.

Sensil® BioCare sustainable premium Nylon fiber is enhanced with a technology, that helps lessen the persistence of textile waste in sea water and in landfills. With its embedded technology, if any microfibers of Sensil® BioCare garments are released during washing, they will be broken down at a quicker rate compared to conventional Nylon 6.6 fibers when they end up in the oceans. Tests were conducted in both landfill soil and sea water simulations to understand the potential impact of Sensil® BioCare on both ecosystems. Specifically, initial testing following the ASTM D6691 Standard Test Method For Determining Aerobic Biodegradation Of Plastic Materials In The Marine Environment and the ASTM D5511 Standard Test Method For Determining Anaerobic Biodegradation Of Plastic Materials Under High-Solids Anaerobic-Digestion Conditions indicates that Sensil® BioCare yarns break down more rapidly (with a biodegradation of about 40% in 500 days) than conventional nylon. These promising findings point to reduced waste accumulation in both oceans and landfills.

NILIT, owner of the sustainable brand SENSIL®, has also teamed up with The Ocean Foundation’s Blue Resilience Initiative to reestablish and safeguard essential ocean meadows and other coastal habitats. These marine grasslands, which are being damaged at a rate of two football fields every hour, are vital ecosystems for sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere, thus reducing global warming and ocean acidification. In addition, ocean grasslands sustain sea life, defend coast lines against erosion and storm surge, and support economies around the world.

NILIT’s plant in Israel, who produce Sensil ® Biocare boosts, renowned certifications such as GRS (Global Recycled Standard)*, ISO 9001**, ISO 14001*** and ISO 45001****. Moreover, the company has already announced that all other plants in  the USA, China and Brazil will be ISO 14001 certified within 2021 and ISO 45001 certified within 2025. Worth to mention, 40% of Nilit’s team is made up of women.




RGE: Second Annual Update on Textile Fibre Innovation and Technology

Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) has released its 2021 progress report on its commitment to invest USD200 million in next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology over a ten-year period which started in 2019.

The annual report provides an update on the activities undertaken by RGE and its business groups (Sateri, APR, APRIL, Bracell) involved in the fashion value chain to advance its ambition towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibre.

In 2021, Sateri achieved full compliance with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) for all of its five viscose mills in China, two years ahead of schedule. Bracell completed construction of the world’s largest and greenest new generation pulp mill in São Paulo which uses cutting-edge technology for fossil fuel-free generation.

Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) has released its 2021 progress report on its commitment to invest USD200 million in next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology over a ten-year period which started in 2019.

The annual report provides an update on the activities undertaken by RGE and its business groups (Sateri, APR, APRIL, Bracell) involved in the fashion value chain to advance its ambition towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibre.

In 2021, Sateri achieved full compliance with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) for all of its five viscose mills in China, two years ahead of schedule. Bracell completed construction of the world’s largest and greenest new generation pulp mill in São Paulo which uses cutting-edge technology for fossil fuel-free generation.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to restrict travel and collaboration, RGE persisted in building upon existing partnerships, while entering into new agreements. Sateri strengthened its strategic collaboration with Infinited Fiber Company, participating in the company’s EUR30 million funding round, which attracted new and existing investors such as H&M Group, Adidas, BESTSELLER and Zalando.

New partnerships formed by RGE included a five-year textile recycling research collaboration with Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and a three-year strategic partnership with the Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore which seeks, among others goals, to advance research and innovation in circular economy approaches to fashion waste in Asia.

RGE’s in-house R&D team has made good progress in advancing its textile-to-textile project, focusing on producing quality viscose using recycled cotton textiles as feedstock. To support plans to build a textile recycling facility in Indonesia, and as part of commercial feasibility analysis, studies examining the availability of textile waste and textile recycling landscapes in China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were completed.

Sateri remains on track in developing a product with 50 per cent recycled content by 2023, and to reach 100 per cent by 2030. It also aims for 20 per cent of its feedstock to contain alternative or recycled materials by 2025. In this similar vein, APR will source 20 per cent of its feedstock from alternative or recycled materials by 2030.


RGE / Omnicom Public Relations Group


Gina Tricot and We aRe SpinDye in a resource-efficient collaboration

Gina Tricot releases its first collection that has been produced with We aRe SpinDye. The collection is part of Gina Tricot's innovation program Gina Lab. and consists of a coat, shirt, trousers and two bags colored with We aRe SpinDye's method.

With the collaboration, Gina Tricot continues to focus on sustainability, now with the coloring process at the center. Of all the resources that arise during the entire lifespan of a garment - from the production of raw materials, to recycling, 80% is used during the production phase itself. To maximize the effects of the sustainability changeover, an increased focus is required on the entire production process and in particular on the most resource-intensive of them all: the dyeing.

Gina Tricot releases its first collection that has been produced with We aRe SpinDye. The collection is part of Gina Tricot's innovation program Gina Lab. and consists of a coat, shirt, trousers and two bags colored with We aRe SpinDye's method.

With the collaboration, Gina Tricot continues to focus on sustainability, now with the coloring process at the center. Of all the resources that arise during the entire lifespan of a garment - from the production of raw materials, to recycling, 80% is used during the production phase itself. To maximize the effects of the sustainability changeover, an increased focus is required on the entire production process and in particular on the most resource-intensive of them all: the dyeing.

One of Gina Tricot's focus is to explore new methods and technologies in sustainability, which makes the collaboration with We aRe Spin Dye feel just right for us. Together we get a product with more durable and circular fibers, in addition with a more sustainable textile production with a focus on minimal water use. We are extremely proud of this collaboration. says Emma Garrote, Global Production & Sustainability Manager at Gina Tricot.

Gina Tricot is a shining example of an agile organization with short decision-making processes. They have managed to enthuse both the design and production department. It has been crucial to reach the launch of this collection that takes place today, says Andreas Andrén, CEO of We aRe SpinDye®.

Gina Tricot
Gina Tricot is a Swedish fashion brand that offers fashion to women in over 30 countries. Today, Gina Tricot has over 160 stores around Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, as well as e-commerce throughout Europe. With around 1,900 employees, 98% of these are girls. For Gina Tricot, it is important to build pride from the inside out, we are a company that chooses to invest in and highlight women.

We aRe Spin Dye
The company is a Swedish cleantech company that provides and offers a process and platform for production and quality control that enables players in the fashion and clothing industry to significantly reduce their environmental impact. The company's business concept is to establish a new, sustainable and transparent standard for dyeing synthetic textiles in the fashion and apparel industry in a simple and user-friendly way.

More information:
We are SpinDye We aRe Spin Dye

We aRe SpinDye

(c) Deutsche Lichtmiete

Deutsche Lichtmiete: Nachhaltige Beleuchtungssanierung für IGEFA WEINBRENNER

Energie effizient nutzen – diese Mission verfolgt die IGEFA WEINBRENNER Energy Solutions GmbH mit einer Vielzahl von Innovationen. Als einer der führenden Hersteller von Wärmetauschern konzentriert sich das Handeln des Unternehmens dabei längst nicht nur auf die Wirksamkeit der angebotenen Systeme, sondern auf den gesamten Herstellungsprozess. Das betrifft auch vermeintliche Nebenschauplätze wie die Beleuchtung der Produktionshallen. Nach einer umfassenden Beleuchtungssanierung nutzt IGEFA WEINBRENNER – ebenso wie andere Unternehmen der ZILONIS Gruppe – nicht nur energie- und kostensparende LED-Technik, sondern auch das innovative Light as a Service Konzept der Deutschen Lichtmiete.

Energie effizient nutzen – diese Mission verfolgt die IGEFA WEINBRENNER Energy Solutions GmbH mit einer Vielzahl von Innovationen. Als einer der führenden Hersteller von Wärmetauschern konzentriert sich das Handeln des Unternehmens dabei längst nicht nur auf die Wirksamkeit der angebotenen Systeme, sondern auf den gesamten Herstellungsprozess. Das betrifft auch vermeintliche Nebenschauplätze wie die Beleuchtung der Produktionshallen. Nach einer umfassenden Beleuchtungssanierung nutzt IGEFA WEINBRENNER – ebenso wie andere Unternehmen der ZILONIS Gruppe – nicht nur energie- und kostensparende LED-Technik, sondern auch das innovative Light as a Service Konzept der Deutschen Lichtmiete.

„Als Hersteller von Produkten der Wärme- und Verfahrenstechnik wissen wir, wie wichtig effiziente und kostensparende Systeme in einer zukunftsorientierten Industrie sind“, sagt Musa Smakaj, Geschäftsführer von IGEFA WEINBRENNER. Nachhaltigkeit mitzudenken bestimmt hier sämtliche interne und externe Prozesse auf dem Weg zu maßgeschneiderten, kundenspezifischen Lösungen. „Unser Ziel ist, die CO2-Emissionen unserer Kunden anhaltend zu reduzieren“, so Smakaj und verweist auf eine Vielzahl von Forschungsprojekten bei ZILONIS, bei denen Themen wie Wasserstoffproduktion, Fernwärmeanbindung und Solarstrom im Mittelpunkt stehen.



Deutsche Lichtmiete / HARTZKOM

(c) Abu Dhabi Government Media Office

Partnership between ADNOC and Borealis to expand Borouge Facility

  • ADNOC and Borealis confirm final investment agreement to build Borouge 4 in Ruwais, United Arab Emirates (UAE), which will produce 1.4 million tons of polyethylene per annum
  • Expansion project includes construction of a 1.5 million tonnes ethane cracker, two state-of-the-art Borstar® polyethylene plants and a cross-linked polyethylene plant
  • Borouge 4 will meet growing customer demand across the Middle East, Africa and Asia with differentiated polyolefin solutions in energy, infrastructure, and advanced packaging
  • New facility will benefit from industry-leading technologies to significantly improve energy efficiency and lower emissions, with carbon capture study underway
  • Upon expansion, Borouge will be the world's largest single-site polyolefin complex and will supply feedstock to TA'ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone Body

ADNOC and Borealis AG signed an USD 6.2 billion investment agreement to build the fourth Borouge facility – Borouge 4 – at the polyolefin manufacturing complex in Ruwais, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

  • ADNOC and Borealis confirm final investment agreement to build Borouge 4 in Ruwais, United Arab Emirates (UAE), which will produce 1.4 million tons of polyethylene per annum
  • Expansion project includes construction of a 1.5 million tonnes ethane cracker, two state-of-the-art Borstar® polyethylene plants and a cross-linked polyethylene plant
  • Borouge 4 will meet growing customer demand across the Middle East, Africa and Asia with differentiated polyolefin solutions in energy, infrastructure, and advanced packaging
  • New facility will benefit from industry-leading technologies to significantly improve energy efficiency and lower emissions, with carbon capture study underway
  • Upon expansion, Borouge will be the world's largest single-site polyolefin complex and will supply feedstock to TA'ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone Body

ADNOC and Borealis AG signed an USD 6.2 billion investment agreement to build the fourth Borouge facility – Borouge 4 – at the polyolefin manufacturing complex in Ruwais, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The world-scale expansion confirms both partners’ commitment to the growth of Borouge and to support chemical production, and advanced manufacturing and industry in Ruwais, a key pillar of Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s technology, innovation and industrial development strategy. Borouge produces crucial industrial raw materials, which are exported to customers globally and used by local companies, boosting local industrial supply chains and enhancing In-Country Value.

Borouge 4 will capitalize on the projected growth in customer demand for polyolefins, driven by their use in manufactured products in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The facility will also enable the next phase of growth at the Ruwais Industrial Complex by supplying feedstock to the TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone.

Borouge 4 will have an industry-leading focus on sustainability leveraging the capabilities of both shareholders. The facility will utilize Borealis’ proprietary Borstar technology, to produce a product portfolio focused on durable applications for energy, infrastructure, advanced packaging, and agriculture sectors. This unique technology, in combination with hexene co-monomer, will enable the production of advanced packaging grades with up to 50% recycled polyethylene content.

Subject to an in-depth study, a Carbon Capture unit that would reduce CO2 emissions by 80% could also be operational in time for Borouge 4’s start-up. The facility is also designed to capitalize on ADNOC’s recent initiatives on clean energy, decarbonizing its power supply through access to Abu Dhabi’s clean power sources. These initiatives are aligned with the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative.

The first Borouge facility, producing 450,000 tons of polyethylene per annum was commissioned in 2001. Borouge 2 and Borouge 3 took capacity to 2 million tons and 4.5 million tons of polyethylene and polypropylene per annum in 2010 and 2014 respectively.  Borouge 4 will boost the company’s annual polyolefin production to 6.4 million tons, making Borouge one of the world’s largest single-site polyolefin facilities.

The new Borouge 4 facility will comprise:

  • An ethane cracker, with 1.5 million tons ethylene output per annum, which will be the fourth cracker in Borouge’s integrated petrochemical complex in Ruwais
  • Two additional Borstar® polyethylene (PE) plants, each with 700 thousand tons per annum capacity, using state-of-the-art Borealis Borstar third generation (3G) technology
  • A cross-linked PE (XLPE) plant of 100 thousand tons per annum capacity.
  • A hexene-1 unit, which will produce co-monomers for certain grades of polyethylene.



Stahl to set Scope 3 carbon emission targets by mid 2022

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, today announces that – by the end of Q2 2022 – it will extend its GHG reduction targets to cover Scope 3 emissions. This step underlines Stahl’s commitment to aligning its strategy with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement goals, updated at the recent COP26 in Glasgow.

Between 2015 and 2020 Stahl reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by 37%, and has committed to a further 2% reduction each year to 2030. Scope 3 emissions cover all the indirect emissions that can occur in a company’s value chain, including raw material acquisition, transportation, and the end-of-life impact of its products. By focusing on Scope 3 emissions, Stahl is committing to de-fossilizing its supply chain and ensuring further accountability for its total environmental impact.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, today announces that – by the end of Q2 2022 – it will extend its GHG reduction targets to cover Scope 3 emissions. This step underlines Stahl’s commitment to aligning its strategy with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement goals, updated at the recent COP26 in Glasgow.

Between 2015 and 2020 Stahl reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by 37%, and has committed to a further 2% reduction each year to 2030. Scope 3 emissions cover all the indirect emissions that can occur in a company’s value chain, including raw material acquisition, transportation, and the end-of-life impact of its products. By focusing on Scope 3 emissions, Stahl is committing to de-fossilizing its supply chain and ensuring further accountability for its total environmental impact.

Michael Costello, Stahl Group ESG Director: “Only by focusing on reducing Scope 3 emissions can we accurately align our de-fossilization strategy with the global goal of limiting global average temperature increase to 1.5°C, as agreed at the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the COP26 in Glasgow. We look forward to working with partners across our industry and value chain to make this happen.”

More information:
Stahl Stahl Group

Stahl Holdings B.V.

(c) EREMA Group GmbH

EREMA awarded for the Recycling Machinery Innovation of the Year

EREMA is winner at this year´s Plastics Recycling Awards Europe. At the award ceremony as part of the Plastics Recycling Show Europe at 5th November in Amsterdam, EREMA was awarded for its recycling system INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher in the category Recycling Machinery Innovation of the Year. Thanks to the combination of its recycling machine with the ReFresher technology that reduces odour downstream of the extrusion process, EREMA has enabled the PCR-HDPE produced with it to be used in proportions of up to 100 percent for the production of packaging for direct contact with food and beverages, as confirmed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The judges recongised this innovation as a step change in eliminating unwanted odour from waste plastics, allowing recyclate to replace virgin palstics in high end applications. This type of innovation is essential for meeting EU targets for recycled content of food contact plastics.
The market also confirms awarding this technology. By the end of 2021, EREMA customers will produce 450,000 tonnes of high-quality, odor-optimized regranulate per year, with it.

EREMA is winner at this year´s Plastics Recycling Awards Europe. At the award ceremony as part of the Plastics Recycling Show Europe at 5th November in Amsterdam, EREMA was awarded for its recycling system INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher in the category Recycling Machinery Innovation of the Year. Thanks to the combination of its recycling machine with the ReFresher technology that reduces odour downstream of the extrusion process, EREMA has enabled the PCR-HDPE produced with it to be used in proportions of up to 100 percent for the production of packaging for direct contact with food and beverages, as confirmed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The judges recongised this innovation as a step change in eliminating unwanted odour from waste plastics, allowing recyclate to replace virgin palstics in high end applications. This type of innovation is essential for meeting EU targets for recycled content of food contact plastics.
The market also confirms awarding this technology. By the end of 2021, EREMA customers will produce 450,000 tonnes of high-quality, odor-optimized regranulate per year, with it.

More information:
EREMA Recycling

EREMA Group GmbH


Berto travels zero km to support B2C brands

In 2021, Berto Industria Tessile embarked on a series of journeys through the denim supply chain, touching both B2B and B2C worlds.

The first journey of this adventure, aimed at discovering and publicizing the world of indigo and, began by talking about the collaboration with the turkish garment maker blue matters creating a green collection to be proposed to the world's top brands, continuing with “su mirura project” in the second chapter.
This project has its objective in supports, with a ready on stock fabrics, (which at this time of difficult availability of product becomes extremely relevant), young emerging talents in the world of fashion that, in our industry, both for problems related to  minimum order quantities and for problems related to financial commitments of startups, would having difficulty in the raw materials research.

In this third chapter of the personal voyage into the world of denim, Berto Industria Tessile talks about two realities that are not only made in Italy, but also made in veneto, for a zero km circularity supports.

In 2021, Berto Industria Tessile embarked on a series of journeys through the denim supply chain, touching both B2B and B2C worlds.

The first journey of this adventure, aimed at discovering and publicizing the world of indigo and, began by talking about the collaboration with the turkish garment maker blue matters creating a green collection to be proposed to the world's top brands, continuing with “su mirura project” in the second chapter.
This project has its objective in supports, with a ready on stock fabrics, (which at this time of difficult availability of product becomes extremely relevant), young emerging talents in the world of fashion that, in our industry, both for problems related to  minimum order quantities and for problems related to financial commitments of startups, would having difficulty in the raw materials research.

In this third chapter of the personal voyage into the world of denim, Berto Industria Tessile talks about two realities that are not only made in Italy, but also made in veneto, for a zero km circularity supports.

Two brands that are part of two different segments of the indigo world of b2c, one operating in the world of clothing and one in the creation of fashion accessories, but who have a common denominator between them, the use of 100% in their collections of denim fabric Berto.*

* See attached document for more information.


Berto Industria Tessile / EFFE-BI


AFRY to digitalize Renewcell’s textile recycling processes

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

The Swedish textile recycling company, Renewcell, has chosen AFRY as partner in order to digitalize production operations in their plants in Kristinehamn and Sundsvall, Sweden. AFRY will deliver an Industrial IT solution, containing AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK, to manage production information and secure both high quality, as well as high overall efficiency in the production. The delivered solution will serve as a hub for all production process information.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. With the technology they have developed, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn it back into fiber pulp. Renewcell has had a production site in Kristinehamn since 2017 and is now scaling up the production in their new production plant in Sundsvall. The new plant is expected to be operating during the first half of 2022. “Modern production and logistics require a high level of digitalization to meet the demands for, e.g., traceability, and therefore the systems and experience from AFRY will be very important to us,” says Ylva Stjernquist, Supply Chain Manager and Project Leader at Renewcell.

AFRY has a long experience in Industrial IT and will now deliver the two leading, closely integrated digital solutions for production management to Renewcell. The AFRY MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a highly advanced digital information system that connects, monitors, and controls the complex production systems and data flows of the production processes. AFRY ProTAK is a digital tool that measures the effectiveness of a plant’s production machine performance. The system gathers information from different sources (e.g., DCS, MES, Maintenance) and combines that with the operators’ notes to calculate or present Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE), which will lead to optimized production and increased profitability.

Together these tools will improve traceability and secure a high production efficiency by integrating data from all production systems and equipment. “We are focusing on improving sustainability within process industries, and it is therefore an honor to be part of Renewcell’s textile recycling through a full-scale digitalized solution. Our modern and competitive digital solution will definitely bring added value to these types of processes,” says David Andersson, Business Segment Manager Digitalization, AFRY Process Industries Sweden.  

AFRY MES and AFRY ProTAK will be installed to both Kristinehamn and Sundsvall plants. The installation is planned to be up and running during Q2 2022.


Process Industries Sweden

Mainetti bringt innovative Paperform Kleiderbügel auf den Markt (c) Mainetti
Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie

Mainetti bringt innovative Paperform Kleiderbügel auf den Markt

  • Zeit für ein neues Konzept von nachhaltigen Kleiderbügeln aus Papier, um Kleidung stilvoll zu präsentieren

Mainetti präsentiert die Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie, die Einzelhändlern eine nachhaltige und erneuerbare Option seines Kleiderbügel Portfolios bietet. Hergestellt aus recyceltem Papier, und optionalen Metallelementen, ist der Bügel komplett frei von Plastik und vollständig recyclebar. Die innovative Bandbreite des führenden Lieferketten-Lösungsanbieters bietet verschiedene Kleiderbügel-Varianten.
Mainetti fokussiert sich auf die Innovation des Produkts, mit dem Design im Mittelpunkt. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel weisen herausragende Funktionalität und technische Qualitäten auf, indem sie ein besonderes, hochleistungsfähiges und recyceltes Papier anstelle von Plastik verwenden.

Die Kollektion wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren entwickelt und hat neben entsprechenden Investitionen auch drei internationale Patente hervorgebracht. Die Produktion verwendet eigens entwickelte Maschinen und ein einzigartiges Verfahren innerhalb eines Systems, welches komplett im Besitz von Mainetti ist.

  • Zeit für ein neues Konzept von nachhaltigen Kleiderbügeln aus Papier, um Kleidung stilvoll zu präsentieren

Mainetti präsentiert die Paperform Kleiderbügel Linie, die Einzelhändlern eine nachhaltige und erneuerbare Option seines Kleiderbügel Portfolios bietet. Hergestellt aus recyceltem Papier, und optionalen Metallelementen, ist der Bügel komplett frei von Plastik und vollständig recyclebar. Die innovative Bandbreite des führenden Lieferketten-Lösungsanbieters bietet verschiedene Kleiderbügel-Varianten.
Mainetti fokussiert sich auf die Innovation des Produkts, mit dem Design im Mittelpunkt. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel weisen herausragende Funktionalität und technische Qualitäten auf, indem sie ein besonderes, hochleistungsfähiges und recyceltes Papier anstelle von Plastik verwenden.

Die Kollektion wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren entwickelt und hat neben entsprechenden Investitionen auch drei internationale Patente hervorgebracht. Die Produktion verwendet eigens entwickelte Maschinen und ein einzigartiges Verfahren innerhalb eines Systems, welches komplett im Besitz von Mainetti ist.

Paperform Kleiderbügel sind weltweit erhältlich und eignen sich gleichermaßen für den Transport wie für die Präsentation. Die Partner im Einzelhandel können sich des Produkts auf eine 100% umweltfreundliche Art und Weise entledigen, indem sie die Bügel am Ende der Nutzung dem jeweils heimischen Recyclingkreislauf hinzufügen. Mainetti Paperform Kleiderbügel sind Teil der langen Innovations-Tradition innerhalb der Firma. Vor 40 Jahren hat Mainetti sein industriebestimmendes Wiederverwertungs- und Recycling System für Kleiderbügel eingeführt. Heute bietet Mainetti dieses Programm seinen weltweiten Einzelhandelspartnern an und unterhält zu diesem Zweck 30 Wiederverwertungs- und Recycling-Zentren auf der ganzen Welt.


Finn Partners Deutschland


New JEC Group Publication


JEC Group in collaboration with EuCIA has published the first edition of the Composites Sustainability report 2021. This report seeks to give highlights about the part composite materials are playing in creating the sustainable European economy of the future.   

The contents of the book are comprehensive: starting with discussions around the widely recognised Life  Cycle  Assessment  methodology  for  calculating  the  environmental  impact  of  products,  it then 
moves through a series of analyses and case studies presenting the Circular Economy approach and ranging from raw materials (including bio-based) to industrial components.    


JEC Group in collaboration with EuCIA has published the first edition of the Composites Sustainability report 2021. This report seeks to give highlights about the part composite materials are playing in creating the sustainable European economy of the future.   

The contents of the book are comprehensive: starting with discussions around the widely recognised Life  Cycle  Assessment  methodology  for  calculating  the  environmental  impact  of  products,  it then 
moves through a series of analyses and case studies presenting the Circular Economy approach and ranging from raw materials (including bio-based) to industrial components.    

The purpose of the work, rather than results, which quickly become obsolete, is to give examples of approaches contributing to and moving towards sustainability. To do so, JEC Group has arbitrarily split
the value chain into five parts:
• Background, LCA, circular economy ;  
• Concept, design, raw materials ;  
• Production, processes, waste ;  
• Recycling, recovery ;
• Applications. 
The book “Composites sustainability Report 2021” is for sale online.


Stahl achieves certification for its lifecycle assessment systems in partnership with Spin 360

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has taken an important step toward realizing its target of having lifecycle assessment (LCA) data for all strategic products by the end of 2023. By working closely together with Spin 360, a tech-enabled sustainability consultancy, Stahl has achieved certification of LCA data generation systems, allowing verifiable information to be collected for its products.
LCA is a methodology that measures the impact of any product on the environment over the course of its life. The LCA methodology can provide quantitative data in a format that permits comparisons to be made. The certification of LCA data generation systems is a foundational step to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of future LCA analyses.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has taken an important step toward realizing its target of having lifecycle assessment (LCA) data for all strategic products by the end of 2023. By working closely together with Spin 360, a tech-enabled sustainability consultancy, Stahl has achieved certification of LCA data generation systems, allowing verifiable information to be collected for its products.
LCA is a methodology that measures the impact of any product on the environment over the course of its life. The LCA methodology can provide quantitative data in a format that permits comparisons to be made. The certification of LCA data generation systems is a foundational step to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of future LCA analyses.

Through close collaboration, Stahl and Spin 360 have implemented an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) system – certified by Bureau Veritas – at Stahl’s site in Palazzolo, Italy. An EPD is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the environment impact of products across their entire lifecycle. This implementation underlines Stahl’s commitment to enabling the sustainable development of its industry by driving accountability and transparency.

Michael Costello, Stahl Group ESG Director: “One of Stahl’s strategic ESG goals is to collect verifiable, high-quality LCA data for its products, thereby paving the way to lowering the environmental impact of the whole supply chain. This EPD system certification is an important achievement, and a key step in realizing this goal. Looking ahead, we’ll continue to work with our partners to enable our certified LCA data availability and shape a better industry.”

Federico Brugnoli, CEO of Spin 360: “We are very proud to have supported this complex process that will ensure the complete reliability of Stahl’s LCA data. Now we will look at the next steps in supporting Stahl, focusing environmental footprint reductions through science-based evolution of the industry. We’re confident that – together – we can ensure a better future for us all.”

VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics  (c) VDMA
The 2021 winners (from top left to right): Dr Martin Hengstermann, Irina Kuznik, Kai-Chieh Kuo.

VDMA: Top young talent with cutting-edge topics

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

The Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier has awarded prizes to three successful young engineers. The award-winning works provide practical solutions on the topic of circular economy. For example, the recycling of carbon fibres, which are used to produce lightweight components for the automotive industry. Or the environmentally friendly production of yarns from crab shells. Another topic was medical applications: The processing of ultra-fine yarns into stents for aortic repair. The award ceremony took place online on 9 November as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference.  

With a creativity prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, the foundation honoured the diploma thesis of Irina Kuznik, TU Dresden. She used a creative approach to realise solutions for processing chitosan into fibre yarn.

Mr Kai-Chieh Kuo was awarded the diploma/master's thesis promotion prize of 3,500 euros. With his master's thesis, which was written at RWTH Aachen University, Mr Kuo contributes to the production of vital components used in medicine. The stents made of ultra-fine yarns are made possible by an innovative modification of the classic tube weaving process.

The Walter Reiners Foundation rewarded the doctoral thesis of Dr. Martin Hengstermann with the promotional prize in the dissertation category, endowed with 5,000 euros. The thesis deals with the production of recycled carbon fibres. These can be used to produce lightweight components for motor vehicle and aircraft construction or the wind energy sector.

New Prize Sustainability / Circular Economy
The environmental conditions of the textile industry and machine construction are changing. Topics such as climate protection and the circular economy are becoming central. From this perspective, the board of the Walter Reiners Foundation has decided to further develop the foundation's prize system.

In 2022, the foundation will for the first time offer a prize with a focus on design / sustainability. Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Foundation, explained: "Already in the design phase, one can set the parameters so that a textile product can be reintroduced after use into the economic cycle for a high-quality application. For example, through the appropriate use of materials and finishing. We are looking for solutions for resource-saving design, technology and manufacturing processes."   


Alchemie Technology asks fashion industry to reduce emissions

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Fabric dyeing is the most polluting part of fashion and activewear manufacturing, involving industrial scale dye baths and huge amounts of dye chemicals, steam, electrical power, and consequent high CO2 emissions.  Repeated washing of the dyed fabric, required to remove dye residue, is responsible for 20% of the world’s wastewater pollution and excess dye is discharged into waterways, affecting the health of some of the world’s poorest communities. In more regulated areas, water pollution is reduced through reliance on energy intensive water treatment plants.

However, an environmental step change can be achieved by adopting new digital technology that can dye fabrics with an 85% reduction in energy consumption and a dramatic 95% reduction of the 1.3 trillion litres of water currently used by the industry each year.

For example, dyeing one polyester shirt using current methods generates 4.5 litres of wastewater and produces 0.17 Kg of CO2, compared to low energy digital technology, which uses less than 0.2 litres of water and reduces carbon emissions to 0.03 Kg.  Multiply these numbers by the billions of garments dyed each year and the scale of the environmental problem, if nothing changes, is clear to see. Equally, the amount by which the textile industry can improve its carbon footprint is dramatic and can be done quickly if action is taken now.


Alchemie Technology Ltd


ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei turns 50 and showed latest smart stretch fabric range at MarediModa

Showing its leadership, ROICA™ marks a milestone in the world of stretch, enhancing a contemporary wardrobe made of new generation values that are fully conveyed and visible to the end consumer. Indeed, by creating cutting-edge tools, such as the hangtags that provide, through simple and well-designed icons, clear and concise functional information showing for each application the values and performances of each single ROICA™ families: ROICA Colour Perfect ™, ROICA Resistance™, ROICA Feel Good™, ROICA Eco-Smart™, ROICA Contour™.

On top of this, in order to ASSURE that what is labelled as ROICA™ Sustainable truly reflects the brand’s new generation values, the company created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family. A big step toward complete transparency and transparent AUTHENTIC communication.
ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

Showing its leadership, ROICA™ marks a milestone in the world of stretch, enhancing a contemporary wardrobe made of new generation values that are fully conveyed and visible to the end consumer. Indeed, by creating cutting-edge tools, such as the hangtags that provide, through simple and well-designed icons, clear and concise functional information showing for each application the values and performances of each single ROICA™ families: ROICA Colour Perfect ™, ROICA Resistance™, ROICA Feel Good™, ROICA Eco-Smart™, ROICA Contour™.

On top of this, in order to ASSURE that what is labelled as ROICA™ Sustainable truly reflects the brand’s new generation values, the company created and introduced a branding policy indicating the allowed blends for their smart yarns belonging to the unique ROICA Eco-Smart™ family. A big step toward complete transparency and transparent AUTHENTIC communication.
ROICA™ identity will be activated in all its communication tools and channels, such as a renovated website and social media presence.

At MarediModa – the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors - ROICA ™ partners such as Eusebio, Iluna Group, Interjersey Milano, Maglificio Ripa, Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Piave Maitex and Sofileta shared their latest fabric innovations where sustainability cutting-edge performance and design realized with ROICA™ premium stretch ingredient, were on stage.


Autoneum presents medium-term financial targets

Autoneum presented an insight into current market trends and the Company's strategic focus in the areas of electromobility and sustainability, as well as an outlook on its medium-term financial targets at the media and financial analysts brunch.

In addition to current market expectations and trends in the automotive industry, the focus will be on Autoneum’s activities and growth potential in the areas of e-mobility and sustainability. Matthias Holzammer, CEO, and other experts of the Company will present Autoneum's latest developments with regard to New Mobility and sustainable product innovations as well as their strategic classification. CFO Bernhard Wiehl will also present Autoneum's new medium-term financial targets.

Autoneum presented an insight into current market trends and the Company's strategic focus in the areas of electromobility and sustainability, as well as an outlook on its medium-term financial targets at the media and financial analysts brunch.

In addition to current market expectations and trends in the automotive industry, the focus will be on Autoneum’s activities and growth potential in the areas of e-mobility and sustainability. Matthias Holzammer, CEO, and other experts of the Company will present Autoneum's latest developments with regard to New Mobility and sustainable product innovations as well as their strategic classification. CFO Bernhard Wiehl will also present Autoneum's new medium-term financial targets.

Based on the further expansion of the portfolio with sustainable products and new applications for e-vehicles as well as the increase in market share with existing and new customers, particularly in Asia, the Company expects a profitable revenue growth at market level in the medium term. Based on the expected revenue development, further progress in the turnaround of North America as well as the consistently practiced operational excellence in all business areas, Autoneum targets an EBITDA margin of 13% in the medium term. Accordingly, a solid free cash flow in the amount of 6% of revenue and a further increase in the equity ratio to over 35% are targeted. The Company still intends to pay a dividend to shareholders of at least 30% of the profit attributable to Autoneum shareholders.

More information:
Autoneum Automotive Sustainability

Autoneum Management AG


adidas awarded high ESG rating by S&P for sustainability performance

Following a thorough assessment by rating agency S&P adidas’ sustainability performance has received an outstanding evaluation. Assessed across Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) dimensions, adidas was awarded with an ESG Profile Score of 79 out of 100. Combined with a strong Preparedness Score (+6), the company’s overall ESG Evaluation Score amounts to 85, placing adidas sixth in the entire S&P Global Rating Universe.

In its assessment, S&P emphasizes adidas’ industry-leading approach to innovation, supply chain management and consumer engagement. In particular, credit is given to adidas’ ambitions to scale the use of sustainable materials, to expand circular services and to deliver against ambitious net-zero emission targets. In addition to adidas’ strong control mechanisms over its supply chain ensuring fair and safe labor practices, the analysis also calls out the integration of a sustainability target into the compensation system of the Executive Board. The close interaction between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board is seen as exemplary and supportive of the overall strategy execution.

Following a thorough assessment by rating agency S&P adidas’ sustainability performance has received an outstanding evaluation. Assessed across Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) dimensions, adidas was awarded with an ESG Profile Score of 79 out of 100. Combined with a strong Preparedness Score (+6), the company’s overall ESG Evaluation Score amounts to 85, placing adidas sixth in the entire S&P Global Rating Universe.

In its assessment, S&P emphasizes adidas’ industry-leading approach to innovation, supply chain management and consumer engagement. In particular, credit is given to adidas’ ambitions to scale the use of sustainable materials, to expand circular services and to deliver against ambitious net-zero emission targets. In addition to adidas’ strong control mechanisms over its supply chain ensuring fair and safe labor practices, the analysis also calls out the integration of a sustainability target into the compensation system of the Executive Board. The close interaction between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board is seen as exemplary and supportive of the overall strategy execution.

More information:
adidas Sustainability S&P

adidas AG