From the Sector

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Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführer Peter Haas (c) Südwesttextil

Corona-Hilfe: Zinslose Kredite für Mittelstand geplant

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil begrüßt die geplante Nachbesserung des Rettungsschirms des Wirtschaftsministeriums für den Mittelstand im Land, mit dem auch Unternehmen mit 51 bis 250 Beschäftigen in der Corona-Krise massiv unter die Arme gegriffen werden soll. Vorgesehen ist eine Unterstützung mit zinslosen Krediten in Höhe von bis zu 750 000 Euro je Unternehmen. Die Kredite sollen für drei Monate fließen und ab Anfang Mai bereitstehen, vorausgesetzt, dass die Landesregierung und der Landtag zustimmen. Bisher gab es kein Soforthilfeprogramm des Landes für diese Unternehmensgröße.

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil begrüßt die geplante Nachbesserung des Rettungsschirms des Wirtschaftsministeriums für den Mittelstand im Land, mit dem auch Unternehmen mit 51 bis 250 Beschäftigen in der Corona-Krise massiv unter die Arme gegriffen werden soll. Vorgesehen ist eine Unterstützung mit zinslosen Krediten in Höhe von bis zu 750 000 Euro je Unternehmen. Die Kredite sollen für drei Monate fließen und ab Anfang Mai bereitstehen, vorausgesetzt, dass die Landesregierung und der Landtag zustimmen. Bisher gab es kein Soforthilfeprogramm des Landes für diese Unternehmensgröße.

„Es ist allerhöchste Zeit für diesen guten Vorschlag der Wirtschaftsministerin. Wir danken Frau Hoffmeister-Kraut, dass sie unsere dringenden Appelle erhört hat und unsere große Sorge um die hoch innovative Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie teilt. Unseren Vorschlag einer ‚Mittelstandsbrücke‘ finden wir im Konzept der Liquiditäts-brücke weitestgehend wieder“, kommentierte Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführer Peter Haas. „Die Herzkammer unserer Wirtschaft, der industrielle Mittelstand, steht im Feuer. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass das Konzept des Wirtschaftsministeriums jetzt schnell, das heißt in der nächsten Woche, zum Tragen kommt und das Geld auch gerne noch vor Mai an die ersten Firmen fließt,“ so Haas weiter.

Südwesttextil hatte Anfang März nach den ersten Ankündigungen des Bundesfinanzministers, Kredite unbegrenzt zur Verfügung zu stellen, darauf hingewiesen, dass es nicht nur Darlehen und Steuerstundungen brauche, sondern dringend auch über Direkthilfen und Zahlungsübernahmen nachgedacht werden müsse. Vor allem für Betriebe, deren Beschäftigtenzahl im oberen zweistelligen oder unteren dreistelligen Bereich liegt und die gegenwärtig die massivsten Liquiditätsengpässe haben. In Betrieben mit Belegschaften zwischen 50 und 250 Mitarbeitern arbeiten in Baden-Württemberg genauso viele Menschen wie in den Betrieben bis 50 Mitarbeiter (jeweils ein Drittel aller Beschäftigten).

Meltblown Vliesstoffanlagen von Oerlikon Nonwoven (c) Oerlikon Manmade fibers
Meltblown Vliesstoffanlagen von Oerlikon Nonwoven

Oerlikon Nonwoven large-scale meltblown sold to Asia

a leading Asian large-scale manufacturer of manmade fibers and polymers has invested in a new Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system. The recently-signed contract comprises a 2-beam system for manufacturing filtration nonwovens – predominantly for medical products such as face masks – with a nominal capacity of up to 1,200 tons of nonwovens a year. The commercial production launch has been scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2020.

The 2-beam system has an operating width of 1.6 meters and is equipped with the new patented Oerlikon Nonwoven electro-charging unit. The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology is recognized by the market as being the technically most efficient method for producing highly-separating filter media made from manmade fibers, particularly in conjunction with electrostatic charging and with extremely low-pressure loss. Electro-charging the filter nonwovens allows the manufacture of sophisticated EPA- and HEPA-class filter media as well as media that comply with the requirements of N95-, FFP2- and FFP3-class respiratory masks.

a leading Asian large-scale manufacturer of manmade fibers and polymers has invested in a new Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system. The recently-signed contract comprises a 2-beam system for manufacturing filtration nonwovens – predominantly for medical products such as face masks – with a nominal capacity of up to 1,200 tons of nonwovens a year. The commercial production launch has been scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2020.

The 2-beam system has an operating width of 1.6 meters and is equipped with the new patented Oerlikon Nonwoven electro-charging unit. The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology is recognized by the market as being the technically most efficient method for producing highly-separating filter media made from manmade fibers, particularly in conjunction with electrostatic charging and with extremely low-pressure loss. Electro-charging the filter nonwovens allows the manufacture of sophisticated EPA- and HEPA-class filter media as well as media that comply with the requirements of N95-, FFP2- and FFP3-class respiratory masks.

The demand for filtration nonwovens for medical applications has risen tremendously across the globe since the outbreak of the Sars-CoV-2 (coronavirus) epidemic, presenting all manufacturers with huge challenges. A meltblown system will be commissioning at the site of a leading Western European nonwovens producers as early as the second quarter of 2020. This system will be deployed exclusively in the manufacture of nonwovens for respiratory masks.

Due to the current state of emergency with regards to the local supply of face masks, Oerlikon Nonwoven is currently using its own laboratory system to produce electrostatically-charged filter media which are being sent to local small businesses and companies for the manufacture of face masks. 


More information:
Oerlikon Nonwoven

Oerlikon Manmade fibers

Logo oerlikon neumag
Oerlikon Neumag presents new thrust pad contacting device

New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Less wear and superior fiber quality
Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.
Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them durable.

Less wear and superior fiber quality
Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.
Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them durable.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag

Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper (c) Oerlikon
New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Oerlikon: New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Less wear and superior fiber quality

Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.

Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

Less wear and superior fiber quality

Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.

Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them between three and seven times more durable.

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Denim Expert Ltd Logo
Denim Expert Ltd. starts to produce face masks

Denim Expert Ltd: production of face masks and PPE

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on non-profit basis
  •  Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis

A Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Many hospitals in Europe and USA are already running short of masks and PPE as they creak under the strain of the pandemic.
At present, COVID-19 is most prevalent in Europe, where demand for surgical masks and other protective garments has increased this past two months. However, other countries – including Bangladesh – are several weeks behind Europe but are expected to follow the same pattern in terms of cases and deaths.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.



  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on non-profit basis
  •  Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis

A Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Many hospitals in Europe and USA are already running short of masks and PPE as they creak under the strain of the pandemic.
At present, COVID-19 is most prevalent in Europe, where demand for surgical masks and other protective garments has increased this past two months. However, other countries – including Bangladesh – are several weeks behind Europe but are expected to follow the same pattern in terms of cases and deaths.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.




Denim Expert Ltd.

Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer (c) Mimaki
Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer

Mimaki Expands Portfolio with Large-Scale 3D Printer

New Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer boasts ground-breaking production speeds and transforms production of large-sized objects, opening up a wide range of new possible applications across industries from sign and display to manufacturing.

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, today announces the launch of the new Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer, facilitating large-scale production up to three times faster than with conventional Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) type 3D printers.

New Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer boasts ground-breaking production speeds and transforms production of large-sized objects, opening up a wide range of new possible applications across industries from sign and display to manufacturing.

Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, today announces the launch of the new Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer, facilitating large-scale production up to three times faster than with conventional Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) type 3D printers. The Mimaki 3DGD-1800 3D printer connects the company’s 2D printing expertise and 3D technology innovations, providing customers with a cost-effective, total solution for 3D sign and display applications.

Capable of producing objects up to 1.8 metres tall in just seven hours – with its assembly-based design allowing for the creation of even larger designs – the innovative 3D printing system boasts a number of clever time- and cost-saving features, including dual-head configuration to enable the simultaneous output of two structures. The Mimaki 3DGD-1800 also facilitates the production of support-free hollowed structures, further streamlining production whilst allowing for increased portability and the possible addition of interior illuminations. The technology will open up a diverse range of potential applications, from signage, events and creative art through to interior design. Customers can utilise Mimaki’s extensive portfolio of 2D print solutions to cost-effectively decorate these applications, opening doors to a range of new products that combine creativity and innovation with Mimaki’s tried and tested vibrant, high-quality results.

Commercially available from April 1, 2020, the new Mimaki 3DGD-1800 is set to revolutionise the way in which large-sized objects are created, enabling a switch from costly and time-consuming conventional handcrafting methods which require significant expertise, to effortless, high-speed production utilising 3D data. 

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Even more efficient and economical – the modified RoTac³ is part of the BCF S8’s standard scope of delivery   (c) Oerlikon Neumag
Even more efficient and economical – the modified RoTac³ is part of the BCF S8’s standard scope of delivery

Oerlikon Neumag: RoTac³ tangling unit with comprehensive modifications

Major technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s RoTac³ tangling unit produce even more efficient BCF yarn tangling. On the one hand, the tangling nozzle has been flow - optimized, allowing the air pressure to be lowered by approximately 10 percent compared to its predecessor while maintaining the same knot strength. Furthermore, the nozzle bearing arrangements have been improved. Consequently, either higher speeds or nozzle rings with greater numbers of holes can be used, generating more knots in the yarn.

Even at high production speeds, tangling knots can be set considerably more evenly with the RoTac³ than in the case of other conventional tangling units. Frequent tangling dropouts are now a thing of the past. This ensures better yarn quality and has a positive impact on further processing. The result: the carpet has a visibly more even appearance.

Major technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s RoTac³ tangling unit produce even more efficient BCF yarn tangling. On the one hand, the tangling nozzle has been flow - optimized, allowing the air pressure to be lowered by approximately 10 percent compared to its predecessor while maintaining the same knot strength. Furthermore, the nozzle bearing arrangements have been improved. Consequently, either higher speeds or nozzle rings with greater numbers of holes can be used, generating more knots in the yarn.

Even at high production speeds, tangling knots can be set considerably more evenly with the RoTac³ than in the case of other conventional tangling units. Frequent tangling dropouts are now a thing of the past. This ensures better yarn quality and has a positive impact on further processing. The result: the carpet has a visibly more even appearance.

Stable and efficient yarn production is hugely important to yarn manufacturers. Not only does the evenness of the tangling knots make the investment interesting, so too does the energy efficiency of the RoTac3. The tangling unit requires up to 50 percent less energy for generating compressed air. Against the background of rising energy prices, this represents an excellent prerequisite for optimizing production costs.

Oerlikon Neumag has been able to secure various retrofit contracts since the launch of the RoTac3 in 2015. And new systems are predominantly equipped with RoTac³. The RoTac³ is included in the standard scope of delivery for the newer BCF S8 system. The tangling unit is available as an option both for the single-end Sytec One system and the three - end S+ and it can also be retrofitted on request.


Oerlikon Neumag 

Lenzing Logo (c) Lenzing
Lenzing Logo

Lenzing Group’s Sustainability Report for 2019 published

  • First fiber producer to have an approved science-based target – CO2 neutrality by 2050
  • Breakthrough in REFIBRA™ technology – worn textiles can also be used as fiber raw material
  • Pioneer in the introduction of blockchain technology for fiber recognition
  • On track to meet all sustainability targets

Lenzing – Just ahead of the “Day of Forests ” on March 21, which the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) introduced in the 1970s in response to global deforestation, the Lenzing Group presents its Sustainability Report 2019. This sets out how the company is actively dealing with the global challenges.

Lenzing produces fibers from the renewable raw material wood and is well known among its customers and partners in the global textile and nonwoven fabric industry for the clear position it takes as a sustainable producer. It is no accident that the new report is appearing on the International Day of Forests. Lenzing’s sustainable practices in procurement, especially for wood and pulp, were once again ranked as leading in the 2019 reporting year (Hot Button Report).

  • First fiber producer to have an approved science-based target – CO2 neutrality by 2050
  • Breakthrough in REFIBRA™ technology – worn textiles can also be used as fiber raw material
  • Pioneer in the introduction of blockchain technology for fiber recognition
  • On track to meet all sustainability targets

Lenzing – Just ahead of the “Day of Forests ” on March 21, which the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) introduced in the 1970s in response to global deforestation, the Lenzing Group presents its Sustainability Report 2019. This sets out how the company is actively dealing with the global challenges.

Lenzing produces fibers from the renewable raw material wood and is well known among its customers and partners in the global textile and nonwoven fabric industry for the clear position it takes as a sustainable producer. It is no accident that the new report is appearing on the International Day of Forests. Lenzing’s sustainable practices in procurement, especially for wood and pulp, were once again ranked as leading in the 2019 reporting year (Hot Button Report).

“Stand up! A gainst business as usual ”

Under the motto “Stand up! Against business as usual ”, Lenzing emphasizes its wider responsibilities over and above its products. Business - as - usual scenarios have to be overcome, in particular for climate protection. With a science-based target, Lenzing is taking action to master the problems caused by climate change. The Lenzing Group is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by 2030 (baseline: 2017). The Science-Based Target s initiative has approved Lenzing’s climate target as science-based.

Breakthrough in REFIBRA™ technology

One of Lenzing’s strategic principles under its “Naturally positive” sustainability strategy and a focus in the 2019 Sustainability Report is the circular economy. To address the enormous textile waste challenges of industry and society, Lenzing has developed a unique recycling technology branded REFIBRA™. This technology enables garment production waste to be reprocessed into fibers. 



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Das Auto der Zukunft fährt mit Technik aus Taiwan (c) Taiwan Excellence
Das Auto der Zukunft fährt mit Technik aus Taiwan

Das Auto der Zukunft fährt mit Technik aus Taiwan

Das Automobil der Zukunft fährt autonom, ist mit dem Internet verbunden, nutzt ganz neue Geschäftsmodelle und ist im Grunde ein Computer auf Rädern. Dieser Entwicklung tragen auch die Messen AMPA 2020 Taipei, AutoTronics Taipei und Motorcycle Taiwan Rechnung. Sie zeigen die Entwicklungstrends der Branche wie 5G, Künstliche Intelligenz und Internet der Dinge und werden voraussichtlich über 7.000 ausländische Käufer anziehen. Allerdings nicht wie geplant im April, denn wegen der Corona Pandemie wurden diese Veranstaltungen auf den 21. bis 24. Oktober verschoben.

Das Automobil der Zukunft fährt autonom, ist mit dem Internet verbunden, nutzt ganz neue Geschäftsmodelle und ist im Grunde ein Computer auf Rädern. Dieser Entwicklung tragen auch die Messen AMPA 2020 Taipei, AutoTronics Taipei und Motorcycle Taiwan Rechnung. Sie zeigen die Entwicklungstrends der Branche wie 5G, Künstliche Intelligenz und Internet der Dinge und werden voraussichtlich über 7.000 ausländische Käufer anziehen. Allerdings nicht wie geplant im April, denn wegen der Corona Pandemie wurden diese Veranstaltungen auf den 21. bis 24. Oktober verschoben.

Die Technologien, die auf den Messen gezeigt werden, bieten eine große Chance für die Industrie Taiwans. Sie besitzt eine vollständige robuste Lieferkette im Land und ist in der Lage, hochwertige und innovative Produkte zur Erstausrüstung von Fahrzeugen herzustellen. Selbstfahrende Fahrzeuge, intelligente Ladestationen, intelligente Parksysteme und viele weitere Lösungen schaffen enorme Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für die taiwanesische Elektronik und Kommunikationsindustrie“, betont TAITRA Präsident und CEO Walter Yeh. Laut Yeh können taiwanesische Unternehmen den Einbruch der Automobilproduktion in Folge der Corona Virus Pandemie zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen, indem sie hochwertige und flexible Produktionslinien anbieten.

Dazu hat das Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA, ein Förderprogramm für Taiwans Autoteile und Zubehörindustrie aufgelegt, das von TAITRA umgesetzt werden soll. Dazu gehört unter anderem die Einrichtung von Taiwan Excellence Ständen auf den diesjährigen autorelevanten Messen selbstverständlich unter dem Vorbehalt, dass diese nicht aus Schutz vor dem Corona Virus abgesagt werden.

More information:
Taiwan Excellence


From left: Carlo Centonze, Dr. Thierry Pelet holding the first prototype of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 treated face masks (c) HeiQ
From left: Carlo Centonze, Dr. Thierry Pelet holding the first prototype of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 treated face masks

HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 antiviral textile technology tested effective against Coronavirus

HeiQ, winner of the Swiss Technology Award and Swiss Environmental Award, launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment that is tested effective against coronavirus.

Since its inception 15 years ago, HeiQ has forged a solid innovation track record helping brands improve textile products. Catalyzed to action by the global fight against Coronavirus, HeiQ launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment which is proven effective against human coronavirus (229E) in face mask testing, significantly enhancing the antiviral log reduction from 2.90 of untreated face masks to 4.48, over 99.99% reduction of virus infectivity. (Remarks: a log reduction of 2 is equivalent to 100 times the effectiveness).

Chinese protective masks producer Suzhou Bolisi is the lead adopter of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03. Treated masks will be available on the market as early as this April. American legwear manufacturer Kayser-Roth is planning to add the technology to their new product, Ghluv hands protector, while Lufeng from China is evaluating the technology on other types of fabric used for garments.

HeiQ, winner of the Swiss Technology Award and Swiss Environmental Award, launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment that is tested effective against coronavirus.

Since its inception 15 years ago, HeiQ has forged a solid innovation track record helping brands improve textile products. Catalyzed to action by the global fight against Coronavirus, HeiQ launches HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, an antiviral and antimicrobial textile treatment which is proven effective against human coronavirus (229E) in face mask testing, significantly enhancing the antiviral log reduction from 2.90 of untreated face masks to 4.48, over 99.99% reduction of virus infectivity. (Remarks: a log reduction of 2 is equivalent to 100 times the effectiveness).

Chinese protective masks producer Suzhou Bolisi is the lead adopter of HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03. Treated masks will be available on the market as early as this April. American legwear manufacturer Kayser-Roth is planning to add the technology to their new product, Ghluv hands protector, while Lufeng from China is evaluating the technology on other types of fabric used for garments.

HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 is a unique combination of vesicle and silver technologies designed to inhibit the growth and persistence of bacteria and viruses. The HeiQ vesicle technology targets lipid- enveloped viruses, such as coronavirus, providing rapid virus deactivation, while the HeiQ silver technology inhibits the replication of both bacteria and viruses. HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 can be applied to a wide spectrum of textile surfaces including face masks, air filters, medical gowns, curtains, drapes and more. HeiQ also has a range of highly wash-durable antimicrobial and odor control textile technologies, called HeiQ Pure, combining silver-based and bio-based materials for all fabric types.

More information:
HeiQ Coronavirus


Oerlikon logo (c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon logo

Oerlikon wins three large manmade fibers orders in China

Long-term project business in China remains stable 

Oerlikon has received new large orders for manmade fibers production solutions from three of the world’s leading manmade fibers manufacturers. All three companies are based in China and have been key customers of Oerlikon for many years. The orders are for Oerlikon Barmag’s world-leading filament-spinning technology for the highly efficient production of polyester fibers. The three projects have a total value of more than CHF 600 million (EUR 565 million). A very small proportion of these projects will be recognized in Oerlikon Group’s order intake in 2020, and the majority will be accounted for in 2021 and 2022. On-site delivery and installation of these systems are planned for the period from 2021 to early 2023.

Long-term project business in China remains stable 

Oerlikon has received new large orders for manmade fibers production solutions from three of the world’s leading manmade fibers manufacturers. All three companies are based in China and have been key customers of Oerlikon for many years. The orders are for Oerlikon Barmag’s world-leading filament-spinning technology for the highly efficient production of polyester fibers. The three projects have a total value of more than CHF 600 million (EUR 565 million). A very small proportion of these projects will be recognized in Oerlikon Group’s order intake in 2020, and the majority will be accounted for in 2021 and 2022. On-site delivery and installation of these systems are planned for the period from 2021 to early 2023.

The systems business in China remains largely unchanged despite the short-term interruption caused by the coronavirus epidemic following the Chinese New Year celebrations. Long-term project planning for major customers in the manmade fibers industry has resulted in new major orders being placed with Oerlikon Barmag. One of the three new orders, valued at more than CHF300million (EUR282million), is the largest order ever received by Oerlikon Barmag, based in Remscheid, Germany.

The comprehensive manmade fibers technology solutions by Oerlikon are used along the entire value chain in polyester yarn manufacturing and contain cutting-edge automation and digitalization technologies. Oerlikon’s innovative technologies will enable the three Chinese companies to increase their production capacities for polyester yarn and to remain competitive. Oerlikon Barmag will provide the entire system for WINGS POY and WINGS FDY, as well as the texturing machines from the eFK product family in phases over a period of slightly over two years.




Domo logo (c) Domo
Domo logo

DOMO Chemicals to invest €12 million in new nylon plant in China

  • Move is in line with global growth strategy with a strong focus in the Asia Pacific region
  • Zhejiang plant will be able to produce 50,000 tons of nylon compounds annually in the longer term
  • Plant will be located in the convenient transportation port area of DuShan Pinghu city

DOMO Chemicals, a leading producer of high - quality engineering materials for a diverse range of markets, has announced plans for a new state - of - the - art plant in Zhejiang, China. The new plant will be capable of producing 50,000 tons of sustainable and innovative engineered nylon compounds each year. The company signed a new factory project through “cloud contract” with PingHu DuShan port Economic Development District on February 20, 2020. Production is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of this year.

  • Move is in line with global growth strategy with a strong focus in the Asia Pacific region
  • Zhejiang plant will be able to produce 50,000 tons of nylon compounds annually in the longer term
  • Plant will be located in the convenient transportation port area of DuShan Pinghu city

DOMO Chemicals, a leading producer of high - quality engineering materials for a diverse range of markets, has announced plans for a new state - of - the - art plant in Zhejiang, China. The new plant will be capable of producing 50,000 tons of sustainable and innovative engineered nylon compounds each year. The company signed a new factory project through “cloud contract” with PingHu DuShan port Economic Development District on February 20, 2020. Production is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of this year.

DOMO Chemicals will invest €12 million in the new plant, which will have more than 11,500 m 2-floor space. The company plans to install multiple production lines at the first stage of development, which would offer an estimated capacity of 25,000 tons/year. There will be enough additional space available to cope with future demand requirements. The move is in line with the company’s global growth strategy with a strong focus on the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.




Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF ab 16. März 2020 geschlossen

  • Unterricht findet online statt

Am Freitag, 13.03.2020 hat der Bundesrat darüber informiert, dass aufgrund des Corona-Virus (Covid-19) die Präventionsmassnahmen einschneidend verschärft werden, um die Risikogruppen gezielt zu schützen.

Was bedeutet das für die STF?
Alle Schulen setzen ihren Unterricht vor Ort (Präsenzunterricht) per Montag bis mindestens 4. April 2020 aus. In diesem Zuge schliesst die STF ab Montag, 16. März 2020 vorerst ihre Türen.

Dies heisst: das Schulgebäude kann weder für den Unterricht, noch zum Selbststudium, weder für Gruppentreffen, noch für die Maschinennutzung, externe Meetings/Schulungen, Veranstaltungen oder Weiteres genutzt werden. Das STF-Gebäude ist geschlossen.

Infolge der Schulschliessung findet kein Präsenzunterricht (Unterricht in Persona) mehr statt. Der Unterricht wird jedoch als Fernunterricht gestaltet, das heisst über «Distance Learning». Die STF stellt ihren Lernenden und Studierenden die Lerninhalte multimedial und digital über ihre Lernplattform zur Verfügung.

  • Unterricht findet online statt

Am Freitag, 13.03.2020 hat der Bundesrat darüber informiert, dass aufgrund des Corona-Virus (Covid-19) die Präventionsmassnahmen einschneidend verschärft werden, um die Risikogruppen gezielt zu schützen.

Was bedeutet das für die STF?
Alle Schulen setzen ihren Unterricht vor Ort (Präsenzunterricht) per Montag bis mindestens 4. April 2020 aus. In diesem Zuge schliesst die STF ab Montag, 16. März 2020 vorerst ihre Türen.

Dies heisst: das Schulgebäude kann weder für den Unterricht, noch zum Selbststudium, weder für Gruppentreffen, noch für die Maschinennutzung, externe Meetings/Schulungen, Veranstaltungen oder Weiteres genutzt werden. Das STF-Gebäude ist geschlossen.

Infolge der Schulschliessung findet kein Präsenzunterricht (Unterricht in Persona) mehr statt. Der Unterricht wird jedoch als Fernunterricht gestaltet, das heisst über «Distance Learning». Die STF stellt ihren Lernenden und Studierenden die Lerninhalte multimedial und digital über ihre Lernplattform zur Verfügung.


Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF

(c) ISKO

ISKO shared R-TWOTM, its 100% responsible platform, at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum

Supporting the industry through innovation and creativity.

The leading denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the pioneering advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWOTM to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, for the second year running, ISKO was the headline sponsor at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum, the authoritative event bringing together the most responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

Sharing knowledge, collaborating for change.

As evidence of its pioneering Responsible InnovationTM approach, ISKO shared its founding values of creativity, competence and citizenship by showcasing the R-TWOTM program, its latest responsible achievement, in a dedicated stand.

Supporting the industry through innovation and creativity.

The leading denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the pioneering advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWOTM to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, for the second year running, ISKO was the headline sponsor at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum, the authoritative event bringing together the most responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

Sharing knowledge, collaborating for change.

As evidence of its pioneering Responsible InnovationTM approach, ISKO shared its founding values of creativity, competence and citizenship by showcasing the R-TWOTM program, its latest responsible achievement, in a dedicated stand.

Stemming from the mill’s holistic vision, R-TWOTM represents a great example of how reducing, reusing, and recycling strategies can be implemented in a textile business to improve its environmental performance. With the goal to create fabrics that can provide both quality and responsibility, ISKO has developed this platform, which deals with the most critical issue that apparel supply chains are currently faced with: using more than what actually needed.



TERASIL® BLUE W DYE (C) Huntsman Corporation


  • Technology for dyeing polyester and its blends

TERASIL® BLUE W high wash fastness dye raises operational excellence of mills, providing right-first-time results leading to savings of water, energy and costs.

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to the TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high performance sportswear and athleisure wear.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

  • Technology for dyeing polyester and its blends

TERASIL® BLUE W high wash fastness dye raises operational excellence of mills, providing right-first-time results leading to savings of water, energy and costs.

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to the TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high performance sportswear and athleisure wear.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

TERASIL® BLUE W is developed by Huntsman Textile Effects to provide the leading solution for meeting industry’s wash fastness requirements. TERASIL® BLUE W offers an attractive shade and high build-up for deep blues which stays vibrant. TERASIL® BLUE W also provides quality assurance as products are bluesign® approved and suitable for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified textile products.


Huntsman Corporation




Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to our TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high-performance sportswear and athleisure wear. TERASIL® BLUE W stands out as the leading disperse wash fast blue dye in the market which is not sensitive to reduction, leading to higher reproducibility, right-first-time results and operational excellence.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.


Huntsman Textile Effects introduces TERASIL® BLUE W, the latest addition to our TERASIL® W/WW range of wash fast disperse dyes. TERASIL® Blue W is designed to meet all major requirements for high-performance sportswear and athleisure wear. TERASIL® BLUE W stands out as the leading disperse wash fast blue dye in the market which is not sensitive to reduction, leading to higher reproducibility, right-first-time results and operational excellence.

Polyester fiber has become the fiber of choice in the textile industry, the demand for polyester and man-made fibers is expected to rise over the long term, as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand around the world. At the same time, leading brands, retailers and mills are increasingly focused on achieving brilliant and deep shades, consistent shade reproducibility, as well as water, energy and cost savings.

With cutting-edge disperse dye technology at its heart, TERASIL® BLUE W is developed by Huntsman Textile Effects to provide the leading solution for meeting industry’s wash fastness requirements. TERASIL® BLUE W offers an attractive shade and high build-up for deep blues which stays vibrant. TERASIL® BLUE W also provides quality assurance as products are bluesign® approved and suitable for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified textile products(1).

More information:
Huntsman Textile Effects


TexCoat F4 Baldwin's revolutionizing Textile finishing system (c) Baldwin
TexCoat F4 Baldwin's revolutionizing Textile finishing system

Baldwin to introduce TexCoat G4 fabric finishing system at Techtextil North America

Non-contact precision spray technology enhances productivity, sustainability and process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced that it will showcase the TexCoat G4 non-contact precision spray fabric finishing system at the Techtextil North America tradeshow, held from May 12 to 14, 2020, in Atlanta (booth #3048).

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. 

Non-contact precision spray technology enhances productivity, sustainability and process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced that it will showcase the TexCoat G4 non-contact precision spray fabric finishing system at the Techtextil North America tradeshow, held from May 12 to 14, 2020, in Atlanta (booth #3048).

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. 

Baldwin’s innovative non-contact spray technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes. The TexCoat G4 consistently and uniformly sprays chemistry across the fabric surface and applies it only where needed, on one or both sides of the fabric. Customers can expect no bath contamination during the finishing process, as well as minimal downtime during changeovers, which are made easy with recipe management that includes automated chemistry and coverage selection.

The TexCoat G4 also enhances sustainability by wasting no chemistry during color, fabric or chemistry changeovers, and because only the required chemistry volume is applied to the fabric, wet pick-up levels can be reduced by up to 50 percent—leading to 50 percent less water and energy consumption. Furthermore, in single-side applications, drying steps can be eliminated for various textiles, including those that are back-coated and laminated, thereby streamlining and simplifying the production process.

More information:


Logo monforts
Logo monforts

Monforts ATC adventures in aquaculture

Monforts has recently been involved in a number of R&D trials aimed at improving the performance of the fishing cage nets employed in fish farming operations at its Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Germany.

The cultivation of both freshwater and saltwater fish populations under controlled conditions is a global industry valued at around $200 billion annually and only made possible with the use of huge aquaculture nets.

Monforts has recently been involved in a number of R&D trials aimed at improving the performance of the fishing cage nets employed in fish farming operations at its Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Germany.

The cultivation of both freshwater and saltwater fish populations under controlled conditions is a global industry valued at around $200 billion annually and only made possible with the use of huge aquaculture nets.

“These nets are very prone to biofouling and to avoid its negative impacts, high-pressure robotic jets are now used to clean them,” explains Monforts Head of Technical Textiles Jürgen Hanel. “Net cleaning is expensive and can also damage current antifouling coatings on the nets, causing contamination as well as fish health and welfare risks.
The development of more effective antifouling coatings for fishing cage nets has been one aspect of R&D work at the Monforts ATC, while the use of how alternative fibres could potentially be coated or finished to replace the polyamide which is currently most widely used has also been explored.
The issue of plastics and synthetic fibres in the oceans has generated global media attention recently, and the aquaculture industry is exploring all avenues that will lead to more sustainable practices.

Since its opening in 2013, over €3 million has been invested in equipment at the Monforts ATC, which over an area of 1,200 square metres houses two full finishing lines, engineered to accommodate an extremely diverse range of processes, in addition to a Thermex range for the continuous dyeing of denim.


AWOL Media

Oerlikon: Automatisiertes Schaben reduziert Fadenbrüche (c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon: Automatisiertes Schaben reduziert Fadenbrüche

Oerlikon: Automated wiping reduces yarn breaks

Following its installation at several major yarn manufacturers in China, the first wiping robot has now been operating in India since the end of 2019. As already the case with our Chinese clients, the performance of the Oerlikon Barmag solution there demonstrates the same properties: an even, high-quality wiping process providing considerably reduced yarn break rates and higher full package rates. Regular wiping (cleaning) of the spin packs is important for process stability and yarn quality.

Following its installation at several major yarn manufacturers in China, the first wiping robot has now been operating in India since the end of 2019. As already the case with our Chinese clients, the performance of the Oerlikon Barmag solution there demonstrates the same properties: an even, high-quality wiping process providing considerably reduced yarn break rates and higher full package rates. Regular wiping (cleaning) of the spin packs is important for process stability and yarn quality.

The performance data at the Indian yarn manufacturer was collated and evaluated over a period of three months. The results revealed that the yarn break rate has – regardless of the product – fallen by almost 30%. The former running time breaks have decreased by 10% and string-up breaks by 40%. Consequently, full package rates have risen by 3%, while waste rates have fallen by 0.2%. “Yarn breaks are always an issue; they have a direct impact on the production figures. This is where the wiping robot reveals its added value”, comments Stephan Faulstich, Technology Manager POY. The system automatically and autonomously controls the individual positions in accordance with the scheduled wiping cycles. In addition to the scheduled wiping processes, there are also events that cannot be planned or that are not immediately visible. Here, the wiping robot – as a result of its management functionalities – is able to identify issues such as yarn breaks or parallel wiping processes and to independently offer solutions. The same also applies to manual requests: if another action is simultaneously required here, the system identifies this and offers solutions.

The wiping robot operates in a cross-line manner. In contrast to manual wiping, the cleaning quality remains constant around the clock, considerably reducing the impact of the wiping on both the spinning plant process stability and on the yarn data of the spun yarn. And production times can be increased between two cleaning cycles as well: whereas repeated wiping is required after 48 hours in the case of manual wiping, utilizing the robot extends the interval between two wiping processes to up to 60 hours. The considerable increase in the spinning process efficiency achieved by the wiping robot also has a positive impact on margins. To this end, one customer deploying the wiping robot was able to reduce its production costs for the same yarn by more than 3%.

More information:
Oerlikon Barmag


8. mtex+: Know-how-Geber für Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz (c) Adrian Calitz
8. mtex+: Know-how-Geber für Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz

8. mtex+: Know-how-Geber für Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz

Neu konzipierte „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” am 9./10. Juni 2020 erstmals im attraktiven Ambiente des Carlowitz Congresscenters in der Chemnitzer City / Umfangreiches Fachprogramm in kompakten Formaten und Ausstellung eng verknüpft

Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und diesbezüglich orientierte Innovationen sind die bestimmenden Themen der 8. mtex+ . Die erstmals als dialogorientierte „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles“ konzipierte Veranstaltung findet am 9./10. Juni 2020 im neuen Carlowitz Congresscenter* in der Chemnitzer City statt.

Zum umfangreichen Fachprogramm gehört das von einer Sonderschau begleitete „Forum für TechTextile Nachhaltigkeit“, zu dem die Inntex GmbH, Chemnitz, einlädt. „Wir haben beispielsweise biobasierte Faserroh- und Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Blick; ebenso das Design for Recycling, die Sekundärnutzung textiler Rohstoffe sowie den Einfluss sich ändernder gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen auf neue Geschäftsmodelle“, erläutert Inntex-Geschäftsführer Torsten Brückner. „Dazu planen wir offene Workshops sowie eine Praxis-Exkursion in das nahe gelegene Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut.“

Neu konzipierte „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” am 9./10. Juni 2020 erstmals im attraktiven Ambiente des Carlowitz Congresscenters in der Chemnitzer City / Umfangreiches Fachprogramm in kompakten Formaten und Ausstellung eng verknüpft

Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und diesbezüglich orientierte Innovationen sind die bestimmenden Themen der 8. mtex+ . Die erstmals als dialogorientierte „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles“ konzipierte Veranstaltung findet am 9./10. Juni 2020 im neuen Carlowitz Congresscenter* in der Chemnitzer City statt.

Zum umfangreichen Fachprogramm gehört das von einer Sonderschau begleitete „Forum für TechTextile Nachhaltigkeit“, zu dem die Inntex GmbH, Chemnitz, einlädt. „Wir haben beispielsweise biobasierte Faserroh- und Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Blick; ebenso das Design for Recycling, die Sekundärnutzung textiler Rohstoffe sowie den Einfluss sich ändernder gesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen auf neue Geschäftsmodelle“, erläutert Inntex-Geschäftsführer Torsten Brückner. „Dazu planen wir offene Workshops sowie eine Praxis-Exkursion in das nahe gelegene Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut.“

Das vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium geförderte Kooperationsnetzwerk Textilrecycling „re4tex“ vermittelt in Kurzvorträgen und einer Podiumsdiskussion u. a. aktuelles Know-how zur Wiederaufbereitung von Carbonfaser-Verbundmaterialien sowie zum Recycling von Smart Textiles. Im Netzwerk wirken mehr als 20 Partner aus Forschung, Textilherstellung und Textilmaschinenbau mit.

„Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz sind die Megatrends der Zukunft. Europas vorwiegend mittelständisch strukturierte Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche braucht dafür auf gegenseitigem Vertrauen basierende Kooperationen über Branchen- und Ländergrenzen hinweg“, betont Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti). „Der neue, attraktive Veranstaltungsort der mtex+ ist dafür ‚atmosphärisch‘ die ideale Location.“