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Messestand Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Neues Techtextil Areal Nature Performance

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

Ob biobasierte, recycelte oder abbaubare Materialien, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder regeneratives Design: Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Textilindustrie schreitet zügig voran. Nachhaltige Produkte und Verfahren stehen heute in der Performance ihren herkömmlichen Konkurrenten in nichts nach und rechnen sich zunehmend auch ökonomisch. Mehr als 15 Prozent der Aussteller auf der Techtextil haben bereits natürliche Fasern und Materialien in ihrem Sortiment.
Auf dem Areal „Nature Performance“ in der Halle 9.1, Produktsegment Fibres & Yarns, präsentieren die teilnehmenden Aussteller alternative, recyclingfähige und nachhaltige Materialien, die über zukunftsfähige funktionale Eigenschaften verfügen. Das Spektrum reicht von Naturfasern und -Materialien bis zu biobasierten Fasern und Materialien. Im Zentrum der Ausstellerpräsentationen steht deren Performance für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche von der Architektur, Bau, Mobilität und Medizin bis zur Bekleidungsindustrie.

Das Areal Nature Performance ist Teil des Econogy Angebots, das die Messe Frankfurt für ihre weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen eingeführt hat. Das neue Label fasst die zahlreichen Netzwerk- und Informationsformate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zusammen und schafft Transparenz durch einheitliche Bewertungskriterien. Der Begriff Econogy steht für die untrennbare Verbindung zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie und gibt damit die Ausrichtung des zukunftsweisenden Leitthemas an.


Messe Frankfurt

ANDRITZ receives order for an elliptical cylinder pre-needler (c) ANDRITZ
Elliptical cylinder pre-needler during assembly

ANDRITZ receives order for an elliptical cylinder pre-needler

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Amarande SAS to supply an elliptical cylinder pre-needler for their plant in Lussac les Châteaux, France. This machine will process shoddy and natural fibers for the production of heavy felts. Installation and start-up of the machine are scheduled for the second quarter of 2021. The new needlepunch production line with the high-performance ANDRITZ cylinder pre-needler will allow Amarande to offer high-quality products and thus open up new market opportunities.

ANDRITZ offers a complete range of elliptical cylinder pre-needlers serving different weights, widths, speeds and punching capacity. Over the years they have become a must for production of heavy products, special applications and also for demanding applications like automotive. They are a key success factor in enabling the subsequent needling machines to process heavy batts smoothly and control the progressive draft through the consolidation process.  

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Amarande SAS to supply an elliptical cylinder pre-needler for their plant in Lussac les Châteaux, France. This machine will process shoddy and natural fibers for the production of heavy felts. Installation and start-up of the machine are scheduled for the second quarter of 2021. The new needlepunch production line with the high-performance ANDRITZ cylinder pre-needler will allow Amarande to offer high-quality products and thus open up new market opportunities.

ANDRITZ offers a complete range of elliptical cylinder pre-needlers serving different weights, widths, speeds and punching capacity. Over the years they have become a must for production of heavy products, special applications and also for demanding applications like automotive. They are a key success factor in enabling the subsequent needling machines to process heavy batts smoothly and control the progressive draft through the consolidation process.  

Established in 1990, Amarande is an important French producer of nonwovens, specialized in the production of felt and wadding from recycled textile and natural fibers (wool, cotton, hemp, flax, jute, etc.). The company operates in various markets such as furniture, green spaces, horticultural crops, and insulation.



MaruHachi/AMAC: High-temperature thermoplastic tapes and laminates (c) MaruHachi

MaruHachi/AMAC: High-temperature thermoplastic tapes and laminates

With their recently installed high-temperature unidirectional tape line, Japan-based composites manufacturer MaruHachi enables new opportunities for high-end applications in demanding market segments like aerospace, automotive or others outperforming traditional materials based on PP and PA which are already widely available.

In the first phase, MaruHachi will produce up to 40 tons/year and focuses now specifically on high-temperature thermoplastic uni-directional (UD) tapes and multi-layer sheet laminates. The material is based on high-performance fibers like carbon, aramid, glass or natural fibers and the matrix can be high-performance polymers like PPS, PEEK or other higher temperature polymers, which are much tougher than epoxies and easy to recycle. With a width of 500 mm, a specific weight from 60 to 350 g/m2, depending on the chosen material, the lines can operate under temperatures up to 420 degrees Celsius. Working under these extremely high temperatures allows for better material properties of the final application, higher performance, increased resistance and integrated high-performance functionalities e.g. by overmoulding.

With their recently installed high-temperature unidirectional tape line, Japan-based composites manufacturer MaruHachi enables new opportunities for high-end applications in demanding market segments like aerospace, automotive or others outperforming traditional materials based on PP and PA which are already widely available.

In the first phase, MaruHachi will produce up to 40 tons/year and focuses now specifically on high-temperature thermoplastic uni-directional (UD) tapes and multi-layer sheet laminates. The material is based on high-performance fibers like carbon, aramid, glass or natural fibers and the matrix can be high-performance polymers like PPS, PEEK or other higher temperature polymers, which are much tougher than epoxies and easy to recycle. With a width of 500 mm, a specific weight from 60 to 350 g/m2, depending on the chosen material, the lines can operate under temperatures up to 420 degrees Celsius. Working under these extremely high temperatures allows for better material properties of the final application, higher performance, increased resistance and integrated high-performance functionalities e.g. by overmoulding.

Since 2017, MaruHachi Group is active in the European market in cooperation with Dr. Michael Effing,the CEO of AMAC GmbH, who advises and supports the company strategically. The established, family-owned MaruHachi Group has a strong history in automotive and medical textiles and has been active in the innovative composites market for more than 15 years.

Toshi Sugahara, CEO of MaruHachi: “For many years, we have already been cooperating with domestic and international partners on high-demand applications and therefore, MaruHachi decided now to invest over 1 million EUR in this new line in phase 1, including a funding participation from the Japanese government NEDO. New developments in phase 2 will be be undertaken by end of 2021 on the downstream technologies like the automated preforming and consolidation. With our new products, we want to contribute to significant weight reductions of the final products, thus improve energy efficiency while offering a cost-efficient and high-quality solution.”

Dr. Effing, CEO of AMAC GmbH confirms: „The focus on the niche of high-temperature products based on PPS and PEEK allows MaruHachi on very demanding high-end applications such as structural frames on space and aircrafts, aircraft seats or engine components etc. The tapes are fully recyclable and can be processed e.g. with high-speed with laser-based tape placement machines and robots.”




Rieter: First Information on the Financial Year 2020

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

Order Intake Continued to Recover in the Fourth Quarter of 2020:

  • Order intake increased to CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and reached a total of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year
  • As expected, sales of CHF 573.0 million in the 2020 financial year were significantly down on the previous year
  • EBIT margin of around -15% and net profit of around -16% of sales expected
  • First half of 2021 still heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change to the Group Executive Committee

Rieter posted a globally and broadly supported order intake of CHF 215.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020. Thus, the recovery that began in the third quarter of 2020 after the slump in demand in the second quarter continued (order intake second quarter: CHF 45.7 million, third quarter: CHF 174.4 million). Overall, Rieter’s annual order intake for the 2020 financial year totaled CHF 640.2 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 31% compared to the previous year.

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

As expected, as a consequence of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rieter Group closed the 2020 financial year with considerably lower sales than in the previous year. According to the first, as yet unaudited figures, total sales of CHF 573.0 million were achieved, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million).

Order Intake by Business Group
All three business groups were affected by the slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the recovery in order intake in the third and fourth quarters of 2020, the weak second quarter was only partially offset.

The Business Group Machines & Systems was particularly hard hit by the effects of the pandemic, with a year-on-year decline of 35%. The Business Groups Components and After Sales each recorded a 24% reduction in order intake.*

Sales by Business Group
The exceptional market situation in 2020 gave rise to a significant decline in sales in all three business groups. Accordingly, reluctance to invest and deferred deliveries by customers caused sales in the Business Group Machines & Systems to decline by 24% compared to the previous year.

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills stopped production worldwide. This led to low demand for spare parts and wear parts, especially in the second and third quarters of 2020. Accordingly, compared to the previous year, sales in the Business Groups Components and After Sales fell by 24% and 27% respectively in the 2020 financial year.*

Sales by Region
With the exception of Turkey, all regions were affected by the low demand as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.*

EBIT Margin and Net Profit
In the 2020 financial year, Rieter anticipates an EBIT margin of around -15% (2019: 11.2%) and net profit of around -16% of sales (2019: 6.9%). As of December 31, 2020, Rieter had liquid funds of exceeding CHF 280 million and unused credit lines in the mid three-digit million range.

First Half of 2021 Still Heavily Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thanks to the improved capacity utilization, Rieter is planning short-time working in only a few areas in the first half of 2021. Nevertheless, Rieter expects sales in the first half of 2021 to be below the break-even point.*

Change to the Group Executive Committee
With effect from March 1, 2021, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. has appointed Roger Albrecht as Head of the Business Group Machines & Systems and a member of the Group Executive Committee.*

Annual General Meeting April 15, 2021
The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. will take place in Winterthur on April 15, 2021.*

*See attached document for more information.


Rieter Management AG

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur (c) Elke Wetzig, Wikimedia
Lightweight, firm, sustainable: Flax tape by vombaur

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy – this also works in lightweight design. The number of recycling cycles without loss of quality is higher for natural fibre reinforced plastics than for glass or carbon fibre reinforced plastics: the thermoplastic matrix of the composite can be melted and recycled after a product life cycle. The natural fibres can "live on" in other products – injection moulded products for example.

Versatile applications
"Composites from our flax tapes are used to reinforce high-tech skis as well as for extruding state-of-the-art window sections – the applications are countless," explains Tomislav Josipovic, Sales Manager with vombaur. "As a development partner, we support applications for the automotive, wind energy, construction, sports and many other industries with our composite textiles."

More information:
vombaur Naturfasern Composites