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DITF: SMART TEXTILES erstmals digital (c) DITF
Forschung an Handschuhen mit Drucksensoren für Logistik und Produktion.

DITF: SMART TEXTILES erstmals digital

Hightech-Textilien sind ein weltweiter Wachstumsmarkt mit überraschend vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Beim Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES am 24. und 25. März 2021 tauschten sich auch in diesem Jahr Industrie und Wissenschaft über neue Produkte, Trends und Marktchancen aus. Die Veranstaltung fand aufgrund der anhaltenden COVID 19-Pandemie in einem abwechslungsreichen digitalen Format statt.

Textilien mit intelligenten Funktionen sind die Zukunft. Wichtiges Beispiel ist die Automobilindustrie. Die Referenten präsentierten Textilien als Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und High-Tech und als formschönes Interieur kombiniert mit vielen Funktionen. Ergänzt wird die hohe Funktionalität der Fahrzeuge mit interaktiver Kleidung für die Fahrer. Sie wärmt und kühlt je nach Bedarf, leuchtet automatisch beim Verlassen des Fahrzeugs, navigiert und lädt sich wieder auf, sobald sie an den Kleiderhaken gehängt wird. Auch smarte Mützen können in manchen Bereichen Helme ersetzen, indem sie für mechanischen Schutz und Sicherheit des Trägers sorgen und Insekten abwehren.

Hightech-Textilien sind ein weltweiter Wachstumsmarkt mit überraschend vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Beim Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES am 24. und 25. März 2021 tauschten sich auch in diesem Jahr Industrie und Wissenschaft über neue Produkte, Trends und Marktchancen aus. Die Veranstaltung fand aufgrund der anhaltenden COVID 19-Pandemie in einem abwechslungsreichen digitalen Format statt.

Textilien mit intelligenten Funktionen sind die Zukunft. Wichtiges Beispiel ist die Automobilindustrie. Die Referenten präsentierten Textilien als Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und High-Tech und als formschönes Interieur kombiniert mit vielen Funktionen. Ergänzt wird die hohe Funktionalität der Fahrzeuge mit interaktiver Kleidung für die Fahrer. Sie wärmt und kühlt je nach Bedarf, leuchtet automatisch beim Verlassen des Fahrzeugs, navigiert und lädt sich wieder auf, sobald sie an den Kleiderhaken gehängt wird. Auch smarte Mützen können in manchen Bereichen Helme ersetzen, indem sie für mechanischen Schutz und Sicherheit des Trägers sorgen und Insekten abwehren.

Über den Anwendungsbereich Mobilität hinaus gibt es vor allem in Medizin und Pflege Bedarf an intelligenten Textilien. Sensorische Sohlen in den Schuhen analysieren den Gang und helfen damit Ärzten und Physiotherapeuten, die optimale Therapie auszuwählen - zum Beispiel gegen Rückenschmerzen. Taschentücher, Stofftaschen oder Handschuhe aus speziellen Silbertextilien töten Viren und Bakterien. Eine Innovation, die in der Corona-Pandemie besonders gefragt ist.

Neue Textilelektroden überleben inzwischen sogar viele
Waschgänge und machen smarte Textilien alltagstauglich. Das ist besonders wichtig bei Sportbekleidung, mit der auch Hobbysportler gerne ihr Training tracken, auswerten und optimieren. Neu entwickelte Stoffe haften großflächig am Körper und stellen auf diese Weise sicher, dass Vitalparameter zuverlässig erfasst werden.

Waschbar und leitfähig sind auch Druckknöpfe, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Kontaktierung per Knopfdruck herstellen. In den robusten Knöpfen steckt Elektronik wie Sensoren, Aktoren, LEDs und Schalter.

Das Anwenderforum zeigte auch in diesem Jahr, dass viele Visionen inzwischen realisierbar und marktfähig sind. Herausforderungen sind in Zukunft, nachhaltige Materialien und Prozesse einzusetzen sowie die E-Textiles zu recyceln. Darüber hinaus stellt die Datenflut, die durch die smarten Textilien erzeugt werden kann, hohe Ansprüche an die Sicherheit und die Verarbeitung der Daten.

Das Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES wird jährlich von den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), dem Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V. in Berlin und dem Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV) in Greiz veranstaltet, um den Austausch von Industrie und Wissenschaft in der in der D-A-CH-Region zu fördern.

Das 10. Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES findet vom 2.-3. März 2022 statt und ist wieder als Präsenzveranstaltung kombiniert mit einer Firmenbesichtigung geplant. Der Veranstaltungsort wird rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben.



Doktorandin der Hochschule Niederrhein entwickelte textile Batterie (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Die textile Batterie hat die Maße 3 cm x 2 cm x 1 mm und eine Kapazität von 140 mAh g-1.

Doktorandin der Hochschule Niederrhein entwickelte textile Batterie

Mit der Entwicklung einer Batterie aus umweltfreundlichen Textilien hat Sandra Gellner, Doktorandin der Hochschule Niederrhein, eine Auszeichnung auf einer internationalen Konferenz erhalten. Die Doktorandin arbeitet im Bereich Smart Electronic Textiles an der Schnittstelle der Fachbereiche Elektrotechnik und Informatik sowie Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik.

Ihr Vortrag „Textile-Based Battery Using A Biodegradable Gel-Electrolyte“ wurde auf der internationalen Konferenz E-Textiles 2020 („2nd International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles“ mit dem Best Student Presentation Award ausgezeichnet. Die virtuell stattfindende internationale Konferenz gibt verschiedenen Expertinnen und Experten die Möglichkeit, ihre aktuelle Forschung im Bereich intelligenter Textilien vorzustellen.

Mit der Entwicklung einer Batterie aus umweltfreundlichen Textilien hat Sandra Gellner, Doktorandin der Hochschule Niederrhein, eine Auszeichnung auf einer internationalen Konferenz erhalten. Die Doktorandin arbeitet im Bereich Smart Electronic Textiles an der Schnittstelle der Fachbereiche Elektrotechnik und Informatik sowie Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik.

Ihr Vortrag „Textile-Based Battery Using A Biodegradable Gel-Electrolyte“ wurde auf der internationalen Konferenz E-Textiles 2020 („2nd International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles“ mit dem Best Student Presentation Award ausgezeichnet. Die virtuell stattfindende internationale Konferenz gibt verschiedenen Expertinnen und Experten die Möglichkeit, ihre aktuelle Forschung im Bereich intelligenter Textilien vorzustellen.

Sandra Geller, 29 Jahre jung, wohnhaft in Duisburg, hatte zuvor an der Universität Duisburg-Essen NanoWissenschaften studiert. Im Rahmen ihrer Promotion an der Hochschule Niederrhein hat sie eine textil-basierte, ein Millimeter hohe Batterie entwickelt, welche aus umweltfreundlichen Materialien inklusive eines biologisch abbaubaren Gel-Elektrolyten besteht. Durch die textile Architektur ist die Batterie flexibel und kann um 180 Grad in beiden Richtungen gebogen werden, ohne einen Kurzschluss zu erzeugen. Die Wahl der Werkstoffe ermöglicht zudem einen Betrieb ohne zusätzliche Verkapselung.

„Diese Auszeichnung bestätigt die exzellente interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit der beiden Fachbereiche und ermutigt uns den Weg gemeinsam weiter zu bestreiten“, sagen die beiden Professorinnen Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer (Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik) und Ekaterina Nannen (Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik). Damit sei der Grundstein für eine gemeinsame fachbereichsübergreifende Lehre auf dem Gebiet der smarten Textilien mit dem gemeinsamen Wahlpflichtfach Smart Electronic Textiles gelegt.

Neben Sandra Gellner hielt auch die Doktorandin Ramona Nolden der Hochschule Niederrhein einen Vortrag mit dem Titel „Smart Glove with an Arduino-Controlled Textile Bending Sensor, Textile Data Conductors and Feedback Using LED-FSDs TM and Embroidery Technology“. Sie entwickelte einen intelligenten Handschuh, der aus einem integrierten textilen Biegesensor im Finger, funktionalen Pailletten auf dem Handrücken, einer ansteckbaren Manschette mit einem Mikrocontroller und einer Energiequelle besteht.

Global Success of Technical Textiles will be Reflected in HIGHTEX 2021 (c) HIGHTEX 2021
International Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Fair

Global Success of Technical Textiles will be Reflected in HIGHTEX 2021

  • The nonwoven and technical textiles industry has become the focus of the whole world during the pandemic process.
  • Most countries carried out works for these sectors with their investments, production and innovations.

During the pandemic process, a new one is added every day to the works for the nonwoven and technical textiles sector, whose importance is increasing in line with the needs. Turkey has become a center of  technical textiles by showing that its accumulation in these field and power.

In the Turkish technical textiles sector, which has an export market of 107 billion dollars worldwide and continues to break its own export record every month, R&D and innovation investments continue without slowing down. Technical textile exports, which increased by 77 percent in last November compared to the same month of the previous year, increased by 55 percent in January - November period and reached 2.5 billion dollars. Thus, technical and smart textiles and production technologies both attracted more attention and gained more importance in line with the needs of the pandemic process.

  • The nonwoven and technical textiles industry has become the focus of the whole world during the pandemic process.
  • Most countries carried out works for these sectors with their investments, production and innovations.

During the pandemic process, a new one is added every day to the works for the nonwoven and technical textiles sector, whose importance is increasing in line with the needs. Turkey has become a center of  technical textiles by showing that its accumulation in these field and power.

In the Turkish technical textiles sector, which has an export market of 107 billion dollars worldwide and continues to break its own export record every month, R&D and innovation investments continue without slowing down. Technical textile exports, which increased by 77 percent in last November compared to the same month of the previous year, increased by 55 percent in January - November period and reached 2.5 billion dollars. Thus, technical and smart textiles and production technologies both attracted more attention and gained more importance in line with the needs of the pandemic process.

HIGHTEX 2021 International Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Fair, which will be held at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center on 22-26 June 2021, will be the exhibition where the latest technologies and products for nonwoven, technical and smart textiles which have become more important during the pandemic period and have become the focus of the whole world. Especially the products and technologies produced for the pandemic will attract more attention at the exhibition. HIGHTEX 2021 Exhibition, which will gather its exhibitors and visitors under one roof, will also allow new collaborations. At the same time, the exhibition, where developing technologies and products are exhibited, will provide a great advantage in terms of the formation of new business ideas.
HIGHTEX 2021, the first and only exhibition in Turkey in its field are expected to sign a new record in terms of number of exhibitors and visitors. You can visit website for more information about HIGHTEX 2021, which is preparing to attract more attention and host people than ever before.

Programm für Mastervertiefung mit 300.000 Euro gefördert (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Prof. Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer mit einer Studentin.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Mode und Elektronik vereint

  • Programm für Mastervertiefung mit 300.000 Euro gefördert

Der Megatrend Digitalisierung macht auch vor der Modebranche nicht Halt. Um mit der Entwicklung und dem Anspruch der Branche mithalten zu können entwickelt die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) eine neue, fachübergreifende Vertiefungsrichtung für Masterstudiengänge: Textile Electronics. Hierfür erhält sie ein Fördervolumen von rund 300.000 Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Für die neue Vertiefungsrichtung werden die wichtigsten Kompetenzen aus den Fachbereichen Elektrotechnik und Informatik sowie Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik kombiniert. Ziel ist es Spezialisten im Bereich Smart Textiles für die Industrie der Zukunft auszubilden und sie auf die Hürden der Branche vorzubereiten.

Hierfür wird den Studierenden nicht nur Wissen aus den beiden Kernkompetenzen vermittelt, sondern auch ein Fokus auf Digitalkompetenz und Soft Skills gelegt. Das Ausbilden von fachlich versierten und flexiblen Spezialisten in einer sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Branche ist der Kernanspruch der neuen Vertiefung.

  • Programm für Mastervertiefung mit 300.000 Euro gefördert

Der Megatrend Digitalisierung macht auch vor der Modebranche nicht Halt. Um mit der Entwicklung und dem Anspruch der Branche mithalten zu können entwickelt die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) eine neue, fachübergreifende Vertiefungsrichtung für Masterstudiengänge: Textile Electronics. Hierfür erhält sie ein Fördervolumen von rund 300.000 Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Für die neue Vertiefungsrichtung werden die wichtigsten Kompetenzen aus den Fachbereichen Elektrotechnik und Informatik sowie Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik kombiniert. Ziel ist es Spezialisten im Bereich Smart Textiles für die Industrie der Zukunft auszubilden und sie auf die Hürden der Branche vorzubereiten.

Hierfür wird den Studierenden nicht nur Wissen aus den beiden Kernkompetenzen vermittelt, sondern auch ein Fokus auf Digitalkompetenz und Soft Skills gelegt. Das Ausbilden von fachlich versierten und flexiblen Spezialisten in einer sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Branche ist der Kernanspruch der neuen Vertiefung.

Mögliche übergreifende Module sind Smart Textiles, Angewandte Nanotechnologie oder Funktionalisierung Technischer Textilien.

„Als transdisziplinär ausgebildete Experten setzen die Absolventinnen und Absolventen neue Impulse auf den Gebieten Elektrotechnik, Smart Health sowie Textil- und Bekleidung. Sie treiben neue Innovationen aus dem Bereich Internet-of-Things, smarte fortgeschrittene Sensorik und tragbare Elektronik voran und setzen diese um“, sagen Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer, Professorin für Funktionale Textilien am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik und Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Nannen, Repräsentantin des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik und Informatik.

Die Vertiefungsrichtung wird im Rahmen der Förderrichtlinie Curriculum 4.0 NRW entwickelt. Eine Einbindung in das Lehrangebot soll im Wintersemester 2023 erfolgen.


Hochschule Niederrhein


AMAC cooperates with start-up FibreCoat

Cooperation and business development with AMAC
As of November 1st, 2020, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with company FibreCoat for the market introduction of their products and global business development. FibreCoat is a young, award-winning start-up and spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in Germany and develops multi-filament coated yarns, fabrics and composites based on glass or basalt fibres.

Dr. Michael Effing, CEO AMAC GmbH: „FibreCoat is a very promising newcomer in the electro-magnetic shielding and composites industry and their innovations are very cost-efficient for new technologies such as e-mobility or telecommunications. I am very pleased to introduce them to relevant key players in the industry and accompany them in their growth strategy.“

Product Launch
FibreCoat develops metal-coated fibres like bi-component multi-filament yarns with basalt core and aluminum coating which can be used for EMI-shielding and heat sinks in battery casings, electric diverters in filters, reinforcement of cast aluminum parts o ras conductive yarns in smart textiles.

Cooperation and business development with AMAC
As of November 1st, 2020, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with company FibreCoat for the market introduction of their products and global business development. FibreCoat is a young, award-winning start-up and spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in Germany and develops multi-filament coated yarns, fabrics and composites based on glass or basalt fibres.

Dr. Michael Effing, CEO AMAC GmbH: „FibreCoat is a very promising newcomer in the electro-magnetic shielding and composites industry and their innovations are very cost-efficient for new technologies such as e-mobility or telecommunications. I am very pleased to introduce them to relevant key players in the industry and accompany them in their growth strategy.“

Product Launch
FibreCoat develops metal-coated fibres like bi-component multi-filament yarns with basalt core and aluminum coating which can be used for EMI-shielding and heat sinks in battery casings, electric diverters in filters, reinforcement of cast aluminum parts o ras conductive yarns in smart textiles.

FibreCoat launches ALUCOAT™, an aluminum-coated glass or basalt fibre which is suitable as electro-magnetic shielding material in automotive applications such as radar, antennas or for autonomous driving as well as for mobile phones and applications in buildings. Due to its extraordinary thermal conductivity and better heat transfer compared to traditional composite material, it can be used for the manufacturing of automotive battery trays or industrial applications such as fine particulate air filters.

ALUCOAT™ is available as of January 1st 2021 as a yarn, fabric or non-woven with a wide range of possible titers and areal weight. The material will offer an electrical conductivity of 100 Ωm and a working temperature of at least 400 °C. Furthermore, it can be used for the shielding of low to high frequencies with an effectiveness of 80 to 120 dB.



Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes (c) Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung
Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung sponsorship award winner picture 2020 (Ricarda Wissel: row 1, first from right, Simon Kammler, row 4, first from right)

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

ITA scientist Dr.-Ing. Pavan Manvi has developed a melt spinning process at ITA for the production of elastic yarn from thermoplastic polyurethane, in which carbon dioxide is used as one of the raw materials. In her bachelor thesis, Ricarda Wissel successfully developed a process chain for the CO2-based yarn in a textile end product for the first time. In cooperation with the company FALKE and Dr Manvi, who supervised Ms. Wissel's work, the yarn was used to produce a sock (see figure "FALKE sock with carbon dioxide filaments").

By reusing carbon dioxide from industrial waste as a raw material for textile and clothing products, the carbon dioxide balance can be improved and thus contributes directly to climate protection. The sponsorship prize of the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung is endowed with 6,000 € for the specialist further training of Ms. Wissel.

Interdisciplinary training with development of a new type of measuring stand for the future-oriented research field "Smart Textiles

The development of textiles with additional digital functions, so-called "Smart Textiles", is considered a future-oriented field of research. In his project submission, ITA´s doctoral candidate Simon Kammler presented a concept for a lecture series on Smart Textiles at ITA and develops a new type of measuring stand for measuring the capacity and conductivity of fibres. The project is funded by the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung with a prize money of 10,000 Euro.

Smart Textiles enable the textile to interact with the environment and the human user. Today they are therefore in demand in many areas of everyday life such as sport, health, living, life and mobility and offer completely new practical solutions. In combination with digital networked services, Smart Textiles promise support and innovation in almost all situations of daily life.

With the conception of a new lecture series, Mr. Simon Kammler is supporting ITA in its goal of providing the best possible training for young scientists. The focus is on imparting far-reaching interdisciplinary skills in order to master the challenges of current fields of research.


The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung supports particularly talented young people from all areas of the textile industry. Its purpose is the promotion of subject-specific education and further education as well as the promotion of projects at universities, academic schools and vocational schools, which are characterised by the sustainable communication of innovative learning content in science and research. In total, thirteen sponsorship prizes were awarded in 2020. Due to the Corona crisis, the forum of TextilWirtschaft, which is normally the venue for the awards ceremony, unfortunately had to be cancelled in 2020.

Drei Professorinnen erhalten 150.000 Euro für Innovationen (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Drei Professorinnen erhalten 150.000 Euro für Innovationen

Hochschuhe Niederrhein: Drei Professorinnen erhalten 150.000 Euro für Innovationen

Drei Professorinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein werden ab 1. Januar 2020 durch das Programm „Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre“ mit 150.000 Euro gefördert. Das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft Nordrhein NRW und der Stifterverband schreiben die Programmlinie jährlich aus. Gefördert werden Lehrprojekte, die sich durch Innovation, Transferpotenzial und Relevanz für die Weiterentwicklung der Hochschullehre auszeichnen.

Prof. Dr. Anne-Friederike Hübener vom Fachbereich Sozialwesen der Hochschule Niederrhein erhält für ihr Lehrprojekt eine individuelle personengebundene Förderung (Fellowship), die mit 50.000 Euro dotiert ist. Die Professorin für Sozialmedizin vermittelt eine zentrale Kompetenz für Fachkräfte der Sozialen Arbeit: die Fähigkeit zum Verstehen von abweichendem Verhalten, psychischen Störungen und krisenhaften Verläufen unter dem Gesichtspunkt bio-psycho-sozialer Zusammenhänge. In den Seminaren bearbeiten die Studierenden in Teams lebensnahe Fallvideos, dokumentieren ihre Lernprozesse audiovisuell und werten sie aus. So wird die Selbstreflexion medial gestützt und das problemorientierte Fallverständnis berufsqualifizierend trainiert.

Drei Professorinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein werden ab 1. Januar 2020 durch das Programm „Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre“ mit 150.000 Euro gefördert. Das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft Nordrhein NRW und der Stifterverband schreiben die Programmlinie jährlich aus. Gefördert werden Lehrprojekte, die sich durch Innovation, Transferpotenzial und Relevanz für die Weiterentwicklung der Hochschullehre auszeichnen.

Prof. Dr. Anne-Friederike Hübener vom Fachbereich Sozialwesen der Hochschule Niederrhein erhält für ihr Lehrprojekt eine individuelle personengebundene Förderung (Fellowship), die mit 50.000 Euro dotiert ist. Die Professorin für Sozialmedizin vermittelt eine zentrale Kompetenz für Fachkräfte der Sozialen Arbeit: die Fähigkeit zum Verstehen von abweichendem Verhalten, psychischen Störungen und krisenhaften Verläufen unter dem Gesichtspunkt bio-psycho-sozialer Zusammenhänge. In den Seminaren bearbeiten die Studierenden in Teams lebensnahe Fallvideos, dokumentieren ihre Lernprozesse audiovisuell und werten sie aus. So wird die Selbstreflexion medial gestützt und das problemorientierte Fallverständnis berufsqualifizierend trainiert.

Dieses Jahr wurden bei der Programmlinie erstmals auch Fellowships an Lehrende vergeben, die mit einem Lehrenden aus einem anderen Studienfach kooperieren. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Nannen vom Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik und Prof. Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer vom Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik erhalten für ihr gemeinsames Projekt „Smart Electronic Textiles“ ein Tandem-Fellowship in Höhe von 100.000 Euro.

Die zwei Professorinnen konzipieren ein Master-Modul, in dem Studierende beider Fachbereiche smarte elektronische Textilien entwickeln. Die Studierende erarbeiten digitale Lehrinhalte in einem Blended-Reality-Praktikum, bei dem E-Learning und Präsenzveranstaltungen miteinander kombiniert werden. Dabei kommt die Augmented-Reality-Technologie (erweiterte Realität) zum Einsatz, um ortsunabhängig, interaktiv und in interdisziplinären Teams zu arbeiten. Die Ergebnisse der Studierenden werden in Videoblogeinträgen veröffentlicht. Der Kurs soll abschließend anderen Hochschulen im EU-Kontext zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Die Professorinnen sind drei von insgesamt 42 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die ein Fellowship erhalten. Der Förderzeitraum beträgt maximal ein Jahr.

The cushion helps the user to operate different applications by means of sensor surfaces, light and wireless communication, for example an alarm function by light. (c) ITA
The cushion helps the user to operate different applications by means of sensor surfaces, light and wireless communication, for example an alarm function by light.

Smart Textiles Micro Factory brings Smart Textiles into series production at Texprocess 2019

The study "Technologies, Markets and Players" by E-Textiles 2018-2028 predicts a 2 billion dollar growth of the smart textile market. This growth can only be achieved by replacing the existing approaches, mostly manual production, with series production. With the Smart Textiles Micro Factory, the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be demonstrating for the first time on the Texprocess stand, stand number C02, in the transition from Halls 4.1 and 5.1 how a smart textile can be manufactured from design to finished product together with various partners by producing a smart cushion.

The product and the manufacturing process are the result of co-innovation. In the future, co-innovation for smart textiles is to be implemented via the GeniusTex platform. As part of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy's major strategic project for the “Smart Service World”, ITA is working with partners from industry and research to develop the online platform for smart textile innovation.

The study "Technologies, Markets and Players" by E-Textiles 2018-2028 predicts a 2 billion dollar growth of the smart textile market. This growth can only be achieved by replacing the existing approaches, mostly manual production, with series production. With the Smart Textiles Micro Factory, the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be demonstrating for the first time on the Texprocess stand, stand number C02, in the transition from Halls 4.1 and 5.1 how a smart textile can be manufactured from design to finished product together with various partners by producing a smart cushion.

The product and the manufacturing process are the result of co-innovation. In the future, co-innovation for smart textiles is to be implemented via the GeniusTex platform. As part of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy's major strategic project for the “Smart Service World”, ITA is working with partners from industry and research to develop the online platform for smart textile innovation.

“mtex+” textile fair & convention raises profile and increases international appeal (c) mtex+ / Kristin Schmidt
These Czech exhibitors presented technical textiles and lightweight textile components at the 2018 “mtex+” at Chemnitz Trade Fair Centre. The 8th “mtex+” is being held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020.

“mtex+” textile fair & convention raises profile and increases international appeal

  • 8th edition to be held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” at the Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020 – Textile themes from the LiMA exhibition for lightweight design are being integrated in the new format

The “mtex+” is raising its profile and is moving to an attractive setting. The 8th edition of the international exhibition entitled “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” will be held in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 and 10 June 2020.

  • 8th edition to be held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” at the Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020 – Textile themes from the LiMA exhibition for lightweight design are being integrated in the new format

The “mtex+” is raising its profile and is moving to an attractive setting. The 8th edition of the international exhibition entitled “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” will be held in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 and 10 June 2020.
“The “mtex+” is a trade event that experts from various sectors greatly appreciate on account of its emphasis on dialogue and in-depth contacts – and because everything is on the spot. The modern, exciting ambiance at the new venue facilitates our desire to create the best possible atmosphere for cooperation in a trusting environment,” Dr Ralf Schulze, Managing Director of C3 GmbH, the organising company, explains. “In its future form, the “mtex+” will act as a source of ideas and inspiration for developers and manufacturers as well as for users of all kinds of high-tech textiles, specifically including composites, to a greater degree than in the past. Textile composite materials are becoming increasingly important for many processors. That’s the reason why we’re transferring the textile themes of the LiMA lightweight design exhibition, which has been held alongside the “mtex+” in the past, into our new trade fair format. Lightweight textile design in all its facets will be one of the major emphases at the “mtex+”.”    
The major topics covered by the 8th “mtex+” will include process development, textile engineering, digitalised value-added chains, services with potential for use across different sectors as well as recycling. The highlights of the programme will include workshops on effective and sustainable production, smart textiles, acoustic textiles, a special exhibition on health and protective textiles as well as an entertaining network evening entitled “Excellent connections”.

The North-Eastern German Textile and Clothing Industry Association (vti) believes that this concept exactly matches the needs of its target audience. “Chemnitz is located at the heart of the Central German industrial and research region, which is developing with great dynamism,” says vti Managing Director, Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto. “Any firm that presents its products and services here will find itself in a very interesting market. Located not far from the border with the Czech Republic and Poland, the “mtex+” will also act as a dialogue forum for potential cooperation partners across sector and international boundaries, both for these and other Eastern European countries.”
The “mtex+” will continue to be held in Central Germany’s industrial city of Chemnitz every two years in future too. 159 exhibitors from seven different countries (in conjunction with the LiMA lightweight design exhibition) attended the 7th edition in the spring of 2018. 22 percent of the approx. 1,000 trade visitors came from abroad.

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vti-pressedienst      mtex+ press service

(c) GB Network Marketing & Communication

The Bemberg™ global brand, taking the next steps on a journey that redefines a new future of contemporary luxury this unique fiber represents.

The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.
Made since 1931 by Asahi Kasei, which is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too. It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain.

The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.
Made since 1931 by Asahi Kasei, which is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too. It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain.

Dagsmejan (c) Dagsmejan

Dagsmejan - High-Tex Start-up aus St. Gallen lanciert die “Stay Warm”-Produktlinie

Das nächste Kapitel der Pyjama-Revolution
„Die richtige Temperatur“ ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für einen guten Schlaf. Rund einem Drittel der Schweizer ist eher zu kühl während der Nacht und gerade im Herbst, wenn die Nächte wieder länger und frischer werden, kann leichtes Frösteln unsere Schlafqualität empfindlich stören.

Darum hat Dagsmejan, das Sleepwear Start-up aus St. Gallen, die „Stay Warm“-Produktlinie entwickelt – für angenehme Wärme ohne je zu überhitzen. Der neu entwickelte Stoff der „Stay Warm“-Produktlinie kombiniert das Beste, was natürliche Fasern bieten können: High-Tech Tencel für hohe Atmungsaktivität und Geschmeidigkeit und ultra-feine Merino-Wolle für perfekte Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsregulierung. Und durch ein spezielles Strickverfahren bleibt der NattWarm-Stoff leicht und fein – wohlige Wärme, ohne je zu überhitzen. „Unsere Stay Warm Produktlinie ist rund 50% leichter als ein sperriges Baumwoll-Pyjamas mit vergleichbaren Wärmeeigenschaften“, so Catarina Dahlin, Inhaberin von Dagsmejan, „ideal für federleichten Schlafkomfort im Bett.

Das nächste Kapitel der Pyjama-Revolution
„Die richtige Temperatur“ ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für einen guten Schlaf. Rund einem Drittel der Schweizer ist eher zu kühl während der Nacht und gerade im Herbst, wenn die Nächte wieder länger und frischer werden, kann leichtes Frösteln unsere Schlafqualität empfindlich stören.

Darum hat Dagsmejan, das Sleepwear Start-up aus St. Gallen, die „Stay Warm“-Produktlinie entwickelt – für angenehme Wärme ohne je zu überhitzen. Der neu entwickelte Stoff der „Stay Warm“-Produktlinie kombiniert das Beste, was natürliche Fasern bieten können: High-Tech Tencel für hohe Atmungsaktivität und Geschmeidigkeit und ultra-feine Merino-Wolle für perfekte Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsregulierung. Und durch ein spezielles Strickverfahren bleibt der NattWarm-Stoff leicht und fein – wohlige Wärme, ohne je zu überhitzen. „Unsere Stay Warm Produktlinie ist rund 50% leichter als ein sperriges Baumwoll-Pyjamas mit vergleichbaren Wärmeeigenschaften“, so Catarina Dahlin, Inhaberin von Dagsmejan, „ideal für federleichten Schlafkomfort im Bett.

Die Stay Warm Produkt-Linie ist ab Oktober in den führenden Schweizer Schlaf- & Betten-Fachgeschäften, in ausgewählten Wellness Ressorts sowie über den Webshop von Dagsmejan ( erhältlich.

Weitere Informationen sowie den kompletten Artikel finden Sie in der PDF.

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Schlafbekleidung Smart textiles


Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen (c) VDMA. Eric Otto, Susanne Fischer, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Peter D. Dornier (Chairman Walter Reiners-Stiftung), Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram (left to right)

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

In his dissertation "Development of graphene-modified multifilament yarns for the production of textile charge storage devices", laureate Dr Benjamin Weise developed novel fibres made of polyamide and graphene and further processed them into textile surfaces. The newly developed polyamide graphene fibres are featuring a multitude of advantages:

  • Due to their high performance in the charge storage area, they are predestined for use in double-layer capacitors, so-called super capacitors, or supercaps in short. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, supercaps offer significantly higher power density and a longer lifetime as no chemical reactions are taking place. towing to the graphene platelets in the filaments, it is now possible for the first time to integrate a charge storage device directly into a textile without having to sew in a rechargeable battery. This new fibre is therefore suitable for prospective use in smart textiles, for instance in a textile defibrillator.
  • The new graphene-modified polyamide fibres can attenuate inident terahertz radiation up to 25 % of their original intensity. Terahertz radiation, for example, offers transmission rates of 100 Mbit/sec and is therefore of high interest for high-performance wireless communication. However, the radiation could damage sensible electronics as in aircrafts if this technology will be used widespread. Consequently, the shielding of the radiation is of high importance, e.g. in the form of fibre composite components in the aircraft, which protect the on-board electronics.
  • As the fibres are showcasing a dissipative electrical conductivity, personal protective equipment is another prospective field of application.  

The development of a pilot process for graphene-modified fibres and the production of textile demonstrators are novel and disruptive attainments of Dr Weise’s PhD thesis and the reason for the award ceremony to him. Due to its outstanding properties, the European Union is funding research on graphene within the frame of the "Graphene Flagship" with an overall budget of one billion Euro (source:

Modular product design of 4D products is now possible in simplified form

How can three-dimensional products change their shape over time and thus become "four-dimensional"? The students Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal provide answers to this question in their project work "Leitfaden zur Auslegung hybrider morphender Textilien am Beispiel eines Scharniers" (Guidelines for the Design of Hybrid Morphing Textiles Using the Example of a Hinge), for which they were awarded the creativity prize. In their work, the students offer a guideline for the development of a four-dimensional textile from the idea to the demonstrator. Four-dimensional textiles, for example, consist of a hybrid material of elastic textile on which three-dimensional structures are printed. The fourth dimension describes the change in shape and/or a property over a defined period of time (= morphing).  This change is caused by external influences such as light and heat.

Every year, the Foundation of the German Textile Machinery awards prizes for the best dissertation, diploma or master's thesis and the creativity prize for the smartest student research project. Further prizes were awarded to Eric Otto, ITM Dresden, and Susanne Fischer, Reutlingen University.


Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


Very well-received VDMA conference and B2B in Mumbai

VDMA members successfully met Indian Textiles and Nonwovens: German textile machinery ranks first

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

According to a survey, both the event and German textile machinery engineering received the highest marks among the visitors. About 57 % of the visitors stated very good and 38 % good experience with machines and components from German suppliers. The performance and service promise as well as the high-quality standards have made German machine suppliers as most reliable partners in India and other countries. This positive result has by far not been reached by any other manufacturing nation from Europe or Asia. Asked for future processes, investments in technical textiles and/or nonwoven production seem to be the most favorite sectors in India. Around 74 % of the visitors plan to expand their production capacities with new machines and components whereas 26 % intend to replace old machinery by new machines and components. High productivity, after-sales service, end-product quality, low operating and acquisition costs are the decisive machine procurement criteria in this order. The investments plans are based on a positive business and investment outlook in India. 45 % of the visitors surveyed plan to invest more than 10 % within the next 12 months and 30 % up to 10 %. 25 % of the visitors expect a sales increase by more than 10 % for the next 12 months and 60 % anticipate a sales growth of up to 10%.

Considering this positive business climate and the high interest from the Indian industry, the 32 well-known VDMA members participated in the conference have good chances to offer the right technologies and to place new orders. The presented technology topics along the entire textile value chain will help the Indian industry to fulfill their expansion plans and to meet the challenges such as rising salary costs and shortage of labor in industrial regions. The major cutting-edge topics of the conference program were as follows:

•    Higher profits throughout the entire textile value chain
•    Energy, material, water and dyestuff savings for an environmentally friendly production
•    New applications such as technical textiles, nonwovens (e. g. hygiene products) or home textiles (e. g. terry towels)
•    Automation, industry 4.0, digital communication and smart factory solutions
•    Quality improvements e. g. with measurement and control systems
•    Lower investment costs in spinning preparation with integrated draw frames
•    New technologies to combine spinning and knitting
•    Smart textiles and added value products e. g. with embroidery machines

Whereas the event on 15-16 May 2018 focused on customers, a training session at the prestigious Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute VJTI in Mumbai on 17 May 2018 was addressed to future engineers. More than 220 textile manufacturing and mechanical engineering students followed the technical presentations. The VDMA's contribution to improve the education of future customers and partners was very much appreciated.

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 (c) SANITIZED AG
Sanitized®Odoractiv 10

Goodbye „Permastink“! Innovative odor-management for functional polyester textiles

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 with patented, dual-action technology

SANITIZED AG presents a new unique dimension to odor-management for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn. The underlying technology that has been further developed was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. Goodbye permastink!

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 with patented, dual-action technology

SANITIZED AG presents a new unique dimension to odor-management for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn. The underlying technology that has been further developed was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. Goodbye permastink!

Manufacturers of functional polyester textiles from all over the world face the same challenge: freshly washed garments develop an unpleasant odor even after a short wearing period. The cause of this undesirable effect is not the human perspiration itself, but the bacteria that break down the perspiration. This process of decomposition generates the characteristic sweet, pungent smell. Once the bacteria, or the odor molecules, have penetrated into the surface of the polyester textile, they remain there permanently. Machine wash cycles and special detergents will never completely eliminate them. The bacterial colonization produces a biofilm on the polyester, which not only causes unpleasant odors, but also has a negative impact on the properties of the material.

Surface modulation with anti-adhesive properties
This is exactly where the new, dual-action technology from SANITZED AG comes into play: the surface of the textile is "coated" with Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 in the padding process. This creates a protective film on the surface of the textile. The bacteria use this anti-adhesive protective film as the basis for latching onto the garment. The bacteria can therefore be completely washed out in a normal wash cycle, consequently preventing any biofilm from forming. An anti-adhesion test method was developed in cooperation with EMPA to prove this Wash Effect.

The second advantage: Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a high adsorbing effect. Odors are "trapped" and removed during a normal wash cycle. The new product is the result of a technology that has been further developed and was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. The odor adsorption is identified using GC-MS.

As the Product Manager at SANITIZED AG, Urs Zihlmann, succinctly puts it: "Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 marks the end of permastink in polyester textiles." Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 can be combined with other Sanitized®products, in particular with products based on zinc pyrithione. The treatment does not influence the feel of the final treated textile.

Wash-resistant, sustainable and still "no nano"
The odor-reducing function is clearly still going strong even after 50 wash cycles. This is even the case if garments are washed at 30°C, either by hand or in the machine, meaning consumers save on water and energy, not to mention that the piece of clothing will look great for longer.

As with all its other products, SANITZED AG does not use any nano technology. The Hohenstein Institute has awarded the company the rating Skin Friendly, the bluesign®registration is underway. The product also bears the label Eco Passport by OEKO-TEX®.

"The unique, dual Odor Control Function of Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 enjoys a unique position in the market and it furthermore fulfills two market requirements: the prevention of permastink and the minimization of odor intensity during wear. Almost all manufacturers of functional polyester textiles are confronted with this problem," commented Urs Zihlmann. "The new technology creates tangible added value for consumers. This is a competitive differentiating
advantage for global marketing."

As with all other products, the service provided by SANITIZED AG includes technological advice before and during production, in the definition of the verified efficacy and in the use of the Sanitized®Ingredient Brand for promotional purposes.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer