Do bedding products suitable for house-dust-mite-allergy sufferers have to be washable at 95°C?

Bedding products for house-dust-mite-allergy sufferers should be washable at not less than 60°C (follow care instructions on the label). Allergens are removed during each washing cycle. To remove the mites, however, temperatures of at least 60°C are necessary.
The Association of German Allergists (ÄDA) recommends to these patients to regularly wash their duvets, bed linen etc. at at least 60°C.
To this, the following is stated in the guideline of the coalition allergy prevention (Aktionsbündnis Allergieprävention):
"Bedding should be washed at temperatures of at least 55°C (...), preferably at temperatures exceeding 60°C (...). A study performed by Stazi et al. could establish a protective effect in wheezing patients [whistling noise during the expiration phase] when the linens were washed at temperatures exceeding 60°C (...). At this temperature, maximum decrease in mite concentration could be observed in comparison with lower temperatures“.
  • Source: Borowski, C./Schäfer, T.: Allergieprävention. Evidenzbasierte und konsentierte Leitlinie. München 2005


Verband der Deutschen Daunen- und Federnindustrie e.V.