From the Sector

289 results
(c) GS1 Germany GmbH: Blockchain wirft aktuell noch viele Fragen auf – Praxisprojekte helfen dabei, über die Technologie zu lernen.

Checkliste für Unternehmer: Acht Praxistipps für eigene Blockchain-Projekte

Wer ein Blockchain-Projekt starten möchte, nimmt sich Großes vor. Technologische Fragen wie die die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. GS1 Germany bringt die bisherigen Learnings aus dem bundesweit größten Blockchain-Pilotprojekt im Bereich Logistik auf den Punkt.
Gemäß Deloitte scheitern aktuell rund 90 Prozent aller Blockchain-Projekte. Die Technologie ist in der Praxis kaum erprobt und wirft noch immer viele Fragen auf. Erste Antworten liefert das noch bis Jahresende laufende Pilotprojekt von GS1 Germany in Zusammenarbeit mit über 25 Unternehmen aus Handel, Industrie, Logistik, IT, der Gründer-Szene, Verbänden und Wissenschaft:

Wer ein Blockchain-Projekt starten möchte, nimmt sich Großes vor. Technologische Fragen wie die die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. GS1 Germany bringt die bisherigen Learnings aus dem bundesweit größten Blockchain-Pilotprojekt im Bereich Logistik auf den Punkt.
Gemäß Deloitte scheitern aktuell rund 90 Prozent aller Blockchain-Projekte. Die Technologie ist in der Praxis kaum erprobt und wirft noch immer viele Fragen auf. Erste Antworten liefert das noch bis Jahresende laufende Pilotprojekt von GS1 Germany in Zusammenarbeit mit über 25 Unternehmen aus Handel, Industrie, Logistik, IT, der Gründer-Szene, Verbänden und Wissenschaft:

  1. Anwendungsfall kommt vor Technologie: Vor dem Start eines eigenen Blockchain-Pilotprojekts gilt es kritisch zu prüfen, ob eine Blockchain für den geplanten Anwendungsfall Sinn macht. Dabei helfen Fragen wie: Welchen Mehrwert könnte die Technologie schaffen? Warum sollte eine Blockchain eingesetzt werden und keine andere Datenbanktechnologie?
  2. Blockchain ist kein Plug and Play: Jede Blockchain ist anders und besitzt unterschiedliche Merkmale. Für jeden konkreten Anwendungsfall gilt es darum zunächst eine passende Lösung zu konzipieren und technisch umzusetzen.
  3. Datenverfügbarkeit und Datenqualität sicherstellen: Blockchain ist kein Heilmittel für unzureichende Daten. Ohne Daten keine Blockchain – und ohne qualitativ hochwertige, korrekte und vollständige Daten kein mehrwertstiftender Einsatz der Blockchain.
  4. Einen Testlauf durchführen: Blockchain ist noch keine ausgereifte Technologie, sondern wirft heute noch viele Fragen auf. Vor dem konkreten Einsatz einer Blockchain im operativen Unternehmensgeschäft gilt es darum zunächst durch Proof of Concepts oder ein Pilotprojekt konkrete Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
  5. Bestehende Systeme nutzen: Blockchain schafft durch die Anbindung an bestehende, etablierte Systeme und Lösungen Synergien und Mehrwert. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise GS1 Standards zu Identifikation und Datenaustausch sowie auch ERP-Systeme und Warenwirtschaft.
  6. Governance festlegen: Technologische Fragen wie die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Initiierung des Netzwerks, die Festlegung von Teilnahme-Regeln, Lese- und Schreiberechten, die allgemeine Governance oder auch die Finanzierung des Netzwerkes. Vor dem Start der Programmierung gilt es darum zu prüfen, welche Teilnehmer zu welchen Bedingungen an der Blockchain mitwirken würden. Außerdem gilt: Ohne eine kritische Zahl an Teilnehmern gibt es auch keine Blockchain.
  7. Transparenz reflektieren: Blockchain schafft Transparenz. Ist das gewünscht? Selbst bei weniger sensiblen und politisch weniger heiklen Daten wie beispielsweise Palettenkontoständen existieren möglicherweise Befindlichkeiten hinsichtlich der Datentransparenz. Datenschutz, Privacy, wettbewerbsrelevante Informationen – Blockchain heißt auch zu reflektieren, welche und wie viele Informationen ein Unternehmen preisgeben möchte.
  8. Paradigmenwechsel ernst nehmen: Blockchain erfordert als dezentrale Peer-to-Peer-Technologie, dass B2B-Beziehungen in einer neuen Art gedacht werden. Ihr Einsatz zieht für viele Unternehmen vollkommen neue Organisationsstrukturen, Prozessabläufe und Machtverhältnisse nach sich und schafft neue Gesetzmäßigkeiten im Umgang mit Geschäftspartnern. Hier gilt zu prüfen: Sind diese Veränderungen gewünscht und wie schnell lässt sich ein solcher Wandel realisieren?

Die Ergebnisse des gesamten Projekts werden nach der Testphase im Herbst im Rahmen des Praxistages Blockchain am 6. Dezember 2018 in Köln vorgestellt.


More information:
Blockchain Technologie

GS1 Germany GmbH

(c) Tenowo

Tenowo announces Strategic Expansion

Tenowo, Inc. and Tenowo GmbH, Hoftex Group AG businesses and manufacturers of engineered nonwovens, announce a new addition to the company, Tenowo de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. As a first step it involves the establishment of a sales office and warehouse in the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

San Luis Potosí, Mexico – The new entity is jointly owned by Tenowo Inc. in the USA and Tenowo GmbH in Germany. It was established in response to increased demand for Tenowo’s automotive products in the Mexican market and will house materials manufactured both in the United States and Germany.

“This location provides Tenowo, Inc. with a footprint in a fast-growing geographic part of our market and is hopefully the first step towards further expansion. San Luis Potosí is a thriving city in the heart of the Bajio region of Mexico and has access to four major ports. In addition, it is within a few hours of the major automotive manufacturing hubs in Mexico.” stated Chris Peart, President and CEO of Tenowo, Inc. “It is the ideal location for our needs,” he added.

Tenowo, Inc. and Tenowo GmbH, Hoftex Group AG businesses and manufacturers of engineered nonwovens, announce a new addition to the company, Tenowo de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. As a first step it involves the establishment of a sales office and warehouse in the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

San Luis Potosí, Mexico – The new entity is jointly owned by Tenowo Inc. in the USA and Tenowo GmbH in Germany. It was established in response to increased demand for Tenowo’s automotive products in the Mexican market and will house materials manufactured both in the United States and Germany.

“This location provides Tenowo, Inc. with a footprint in a fast-growing geographic part of our market and is hopefully the first step towards further expansion. San Luis Potosí is a thriving city in the heart of the Bajio region of Mexico and has access to four major ports. In addition, it is within a few hours of the major automotive manufacturing hubs in Mexico.” stated Chris Peart, President and CEO of Tenowo, Inc. “It is the ideal location for our needs,” he added.

Dr. Harald Stini, Global Managing Director for Tenowo commented, “Tenowo continues to have strong growth prospects worldwide and this is part of our efforts to capitalize on new opportunities. We hope that this venture will enable us to support our global customers with locations in Mexico and gain new regional customers.”

More information:
Tenowo Mexico

Charles Barker Corporate Communications GmbH


PERLON®- The Filament Company on the right path to the future

The Perlon Group is making great strides on its journey towards the future and is therefore vigorously implementing the measures required to achieve its aim. This aim (known internally as ‘strategy 2020’) provides for the next level of globalisation and the sustainable growth of the market leader in the production of synthetic filaments. Through the extensive relocation of existing; and the generation of additional production capacity, the requirements have been accomplished and will thus directly serve increasing demand in the main volume markets. Part of this strategy, is the integration of one of the four German sites into the remaining three, this will then strengthen those sites and support the expansion of the factories in the USA and China.

The key to this success is a highly qualified and motivated personnel, engaged and focussed project staff and lastly but by no means least, loyal customers all of whom welcome this future direction and support us, their longstanding business partner. Important milestones are being reached with minimum disruption to the daily business in spite of a continuingly healthy order book

Important Milestones have so far been

The Perlon Group is making great strides on its journey towards the future and is therefore vigorously implementing the measures required to achieve its aim. This aim (known internally as ‘strategy 2020’) provides for the next level of globalisation and the sustainable growth of the market leader in the production of synthetic filaments. Through the extensive relocation of existing; and the generation of additional production capacity, the requirements have been accomplished and will thus directly serve increasing demand in the main volume markets. Part of this strategy, is the integration of one of the four German sites into the remaining three, this will then strengthen those sites and support the expansion of the factories in the USA and China.

The key to this success is a highly qualified and motivated personnel, engaged and focussed project staff and lastly but by no means least, loyal customers all of whom welcome this future direction and support us, their longstanding business partner. Important milestones are being reached with minimum disruption to the daily business in spite of a continuingly healthy order book

Important Milestones have so far been

  • Implementing the newly built finished goods warehouse and a production line for PMC-Monofil at Hahl Inc, the production site in Lexington, SC
  • Completing the building of the production hall with integrated admin building and starting to fit out the interior of the new production site in Haining, China. This is on schedule for the fixed opening date of 29 November 2018.
  • Implementing an additional production line for PMC-Monofil into the Munderkingen site in Germany. Furthermore the planning for the transfer of an additional production line has also been finalised.
  • Completion of the plant layout in the Industrial park in Bobingen (Germany) to allow for the transfer of several production lines from their current homes in Dormagen and Recytec in Munderkingen (Perlon’s recycling business).

With the help of a tailwind from the targets achieved thus far, Florian Kisling (Perlon CEO) and his team are looking forward with optimism to the additional transformation and the finalisation of this mammoth ground breaking project. They are already thinking ahead to the subsequent project ‘2020+’.


La Martina bezieht neuen Showroom im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen (c) La Martina

La Martina bezieht neuen Showroom im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen

Die Polo- und Lifestyle-Brand La Martina empfängt Einkäufer künftig in einem modernen und neu ausgerichteten Showroom auf der Speditionsstraße 13 im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen. Damit verfolgt die argentinisch-italienische Marke konsequent die inspirierende Evolution, die die Marke für eine jüngere Zielgruppe öffnen wird.

Düsseldorf - Im Auftrag von La Martina entwickelte und realisierte die Agentur Universal Projekt aus Hardheim das neue und innovative Designkonzept des Showrooms. Moderne Materialien und geradliniges Interieur verpassen dem Auftritt der Marke einen ganz neuen Look, entsprechend der 360-Grad-Neuausrichtung, die das Label derzeit durchläuft. Das reduzierte Design ist in Anlehnung an die neuen Storedesigns und Messeauftritte entstanden, die auf der Pitti Immagine in Florenz sowie der Premium in Berlin zu sehen waren. Auch der neue Mono-Store, der im September 2018 in Paris eröffnen wird, entspricht dieser Optik. Die Fair Play Capsule Collection treibt ebenfalls die jüngere und lässigere Ausrichtung der Marke voran.

Die Polo- und Lifestyle-Brand La Martina empfängt Einkäufer künftig in einem modernen und neu ausgerichteten Showroom auf der Speditionsstraße 13 im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen. Damit verfolgt die argentinisch-italienische Marke konsequent die inspirierende Evolution, die die Marke für eine jüngere Zielgruppe öffnen wird.

Düsseldorf - Im Auftrag von La Martina entwickelte und realisierte die Agentur Universal Projekt aus Hardheim das neue und innovative Designkonzept des Showrooms. Moderne Materialien und geradliniges Interieur verpassen dem Auftritt der Marke einen ganz neuen Look, entsprechend der 360-Grad-Neuausrichtung, die das Label derzeit durchläuft. Das reduzierte Design ist in Anlehnung an die neuen Storedesigns und Messeauftritte entstanden, die auf der Pitti Immagine in Florenz sowie der Premium in Berlin zu sehen waren. Auch der neue Mono-Store, der im September 2018 in Paris eröffnen wird, entspricht dieser Optik. Die Fair Play Capsule Collection treibt ebenfalls die jüngere und lässigere Ausrichtung der Marke voran.

Auch der praktische Aspekt bleibt in den neuen Räumlichkeiten nicht außen vor: die reduzierten Warenträger sind variabel und sehr flexibel einsetzbar. Während der CPD Ordertage in Düsseldorf (21. bis 23. Juli 2018) können Einkäufer erstmals das neue Look&Feel mit Kollektions-Highlights von La Martina im 250qm großen Showroom auf der achten Etage des Gebäudes entdecken – beeindruckender Blick auf den Hafen inklusive.

La Martina Deutschlandchef Bastian Ammelounx freut sich bereits auf die besondere Atmosphäre der neuen Umgebung: „Wir befinden uns mit La Martina derzeit in einem sehr spannenden Entwicklungsprozess und verfolgen eine strategische Neuausrichtung in den Bereichen Design und Retail. Die neue Location und das modeaffine Umfeld unseres Showrooms sind ideal für die Einkäufer. Viele Agenturen und etablierte Premium Labels sind hier ansässig. Hinzu kommt der moderne Vibe und die unverwechselbare Architektur des Hafens.“

More information:
La Martina Fashion Mode

Press Office La Martina Germany: textschwester

Foto: (c) GS1 Germany
Der Trendradar 2018: Technologie-Trends verändern die Konsumgüterbranche rasant

Bessere Kundenansprache durch Künstliche Intelligenz?

„Algorithmen übernehmen die Aufgaben von Marketing-Mitarbeitern“ – mit dieser Schlagzeile wurden kürzlich Umstrukturierungsmaßnahmen beim Onlinehändler Zalando kommentiert. Tatsächlich setzt das Berliner E-Commerce-Unternehmen bei seinen Marketingaktivitäten zukünftig stärker auf Künstliche Intelligenz. Ziel ist dabei, das Kauf- und Klickverhalten der Kunden noch schneller und genauer zu analysieren, um ihnen individuellere und passgenaue Angebote machen zu können. Werbemails oder Push-Nachrichten, die bisher von Marketing-Mitarbeitern gestaltet und versendet wurden, werden dann von Algorithmen oder Künstlicher Intelligenz gesteuert.

Die Neuausrichtung des Marketings macht deutlich: Künstliche Intelligenz ist längst kein Science-Fiction-Szenario mehr, sondern beeinflusst schon heute ganz konkret die Bedingungen in der Konsumgüterbranche. Weitere Beispiele für aktuelle Anwendungsgebiete sind selbstfahrende Autos oder kassenloses Bezahlen, wie es seit kurzem von Elektronikhändler Saturn in seinem Innsbrucker Store Saturn Express getestet wird.

„Algorithmen übernehmen die Aufgaben von Marketing-Mitarbeitern“ – mit dieser Schlagzeile wurden kürzlich Umstrukturierungsmaßnahmen beim Onlinehändler Zalando kommentiert. Tatsächlich setzt das Berliner E-Commerce-Unternehmen bei seinen Marketingaktivitäten zukünftig stärker auf Künstliche Intelligenz. Ziel ist dabei, das Kauf- und Klickverhalten der Kunden noch schneller und genauer zu analysieren, um ihnen individuellere und passgenaue Angebote machen zu können. Werbemails oder Push-Nachrichten, die bisher von Marketing-Mitarbeitern gestaltet und versendet wurden, werden dann von Algorithmen oder Künstlicher Intelligenz gesteuert.

Die Neuausrichtung des Marketings macht deutlich: Künstliche Intelligenz ist längst kein Science-Fiction-Szenario mehr, sondern beeinflusst schon heute ganz konkret die Bedingungen in der Konsumgüterbranche. Weitere Beispiele für aktuelle Anwendungsgebiete sind selbstfahrende Autos oder kassenloses Bezahlen, wie es seit kurzem von Elektronikhändler Saturn in seinem Innsbrucker Store Saturn Express getestet wird.

Der von GS1 Germany initiierte Expertenkreis Innovation bestätigt, dass Künstliche Intelligenz zu den wichtigsten Technologie-Trends in den kommenden Jahren gehört. Hintergrundinformationen sowie Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen sind in dem neuen Trendradar 2018 nachzulesen, der ab sofort zum kostenfreien Download auf der Website des Kölner Unternehmens zur Verfügung steht. Der Trendradar soll als Frühwarnsystem dienen und beantwortet konkret, welche aktuellen Entwicklungen tatsächlich relevant sind und frühzeitig strategische Entscheidungen in den Unternehmen der Konsumgüterbranche erfordern.

Die wichtigsten Trends: von Blockchain über kassenloses Bezahlen bis Virtual Reality
Das Expertengremium mit Vertretern aus Handel, Industrie, IT, Logistik, von Start-ups und aus der Wissenschaft hat in mehreren Workshops aus einem Gesamt-Pool von 120 innovativen Themen die zehn wichtigsten Technologie-Trends identifiziert, die in den nächsten drei Jahren ihr disruptives Potenzial entfalten werden und mit echtem Mehrwert für die Endkunden verbunden sind. Neben Künstlicher Intelligenz definierten sie autonomes Fahren, Blockchain, Cyber Security, E-Commerce im Frischebereich, erweiterte und virtuelle Realität, kassenloses Bezahlen, Plattform-Ökonomie, unsichtbare Identifier und virtuelle Regale als wichtigste Entwicklungen für die Branche.

„Trends frühzeitig erkennen, neutral bewerten, Erkenntnisse teilen und damit ein Innovations-Frühwarnsystem für unsere Community etablieren - das ist der Anspruch, den wir mit unserem Trendradar erfüllen möchten“, erklärt Regina Haas-Hamannt, Leiterin Innovation bei GS1 Germany. Der Trendradar bietet zu jedem der zehn Trends eine detaillierte Erläuterung sowie eine Analyse seiner Bedeutung aus Sicht der Shopper und aus der Perspektive von Handel und Industrie. Reale Anwendungsbeispiele zeigen die aktuelle Relevanz auf und Handlungsempfehlungen der Empfehlungen runden die Trendanalyse ab. Darüber hinaus gibt der Trendradar einen Überblick über weitere wichtige Entwicklungen für die Branche.


GS1 Germany



Packaging solution made of 100% plastic recyclate delivers circular economy proof point
Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces the successful launch of a new packaging solution produced entirely with post-consumer recycled (PCR) material. Developed in close collaboration with the German consumer and industrial goods company Henkel and two additional value chain partners, this truly sustainable packaging solution is further evidence of how mtm plastics GmbH, a member of the Borealis Group, is helping increase the circularity of plastics. The launch has significance for the consumer goods industry because the robustness of this new packaging solution provides further evidence that plastic recyclate is indeed suitable for a variety of demanding packaging applications, in this case a popular adhesive brand marketed by Henkel.

Value chain collaboration yields plastic bottle and nozzle composed of 100% PCR material

Packaging solution made of 100% plastic recyclate delivers circular economy proof point
Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces the successful launch of a new packaging solution produced entirely with post-consumer recycled (PCR) material. Developed in close collaboration with the German consumer and industrial goods company Henkel and two additional value chain partners, this truly sustainable packaging solution is further evidence of how mtm plastics GmbH, a member of the Borealis Group, is helping increase the circularity of plastics. The launch has significance for the consumer goods industry because the robustness of this new packaging solution provides further evidence that plastic recyclate is indeed suitable for a variety of demanding packaging applications, in this case a popular adhesive brand marketed by Henkel.

Value chain collaboration yields plastic bottle and nozzle composed of 100% PCR material
In 2016, Borealis acquired leading German recycler mtm plastics GmbH, which is now a member of the Borealis Group. By leveraging their respective areas of expertise and decades of experience as a virgin polyolefins producer and “upcycler”, respectively, Borealis and mtm plastics are exploring new growth opportunities with joint forces.

A success story originating from this exploration is a recently completed pilot project with Henkel, the global leader for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings. The companies have worked to develop a new packaging solution based on recycled material for the Made-at-Home all-purpose glue bottle and cap, which Henkel is marketing under its well-known Pattex brand.  The aim was to replace the virgin plastic material traditionally used for this packaging with a recyclate-based resin. The resin, however, had to fulfil the diverse material demands for packaging of an adhesive product.

After extensive and joint application development, a new bottle was developed with the proprietary mtm product Purpolen® PE, a high-quality polyethylene regranulate produced by mtm at its facilities in Niedergebra, Germany. Value chain partner KKT Kaller Kunststoff Technik GmbH, a plastics processor also based in Germany, manufactured the bottles. For the three separate components of the adjustable applicator nozzle, which is used for both filigree and wide-area gluing, high-quality Purpolen® PP polypropylene regranulate produced by mtm was identified as the ideal solution. German plastic components manufacturer bomo trendline Technik GmbH produced the applicator nozzles.

The new Pattex Made-at-Home packaging solution successfully passed extensive application tests, including a three-month storage test and other tests of mechanical properties. It was launched on the European market in 2018.

“Our commitment to leadership in sustainability is deeply embedded in our companies´ values,” explained Matthias Schaefer, Project Manager for Global Packaging Engineering at Henkel Adhesive Technologies. “We are at the forefront of the industry when it comes to new sustainability strategies in packaging.  Thus, we identified Pattex Made-at-Home as a candidate for exploring the use of recyclate instead of virgin plastics. This constructive collaboration with our partners proves the viability of 100% PCR material for an adhesive product like Made-at Home. It also underscores our efforts at Henkel to drive leadership in sustainability in the consumer goods sector.”

“As a virgin polyolefins producer, Borealis is thrilled to be among the pioneers in using plastic recyclate in new applications,” says Günter Stephan, Head of Borealis Circular Economy Solutions. “Even though momentum is gaining in the drive to increase the circularity of plastics, we still need to prove without a doubt within the industry that using recyclates – and even 100% PCR – is a suitable and effective option, even for demanding applications. Thanks to this successful value chain cooperation with our partners Henkel, KKT and bomo, we are giving plastics a second life and are thus one step closer to the goal of a more circular economy of plastics.”


Borealis Group


Dralon finalizes the acquisition of Dolan Holding GmbH and Dolan GmbH

Funds advised by Alpina Capital Partners LLP ("Alpina", "Alpina Partners") and private Investor Jan Verdenhalven sold all shares in Dolan Holding GmbH and Dolan GmbH ("Dolan") to Dralon GmbH ("Dralon"), a leading producer of raw white acrylic fiber headquartered in Dormagen, Germany. Dolan is based in Kelheim, Germany and is a specialty chemicals business mainly focusing on spun-dyed acrylic fiber for outdoor textiles. The parties agreed not to disclose the terms of the transaction.

Florian Strehle, a Partner with Alpina comments on the latest exit of the pan-European technology investment firm: "After successfully exiting European Carbon Fiber GmbH to Solvay in November 2017 the trade sale of Dolan to Dralon is the second exit to a strategic acquirer for Alpina within seven months. We would like to thank Luis Puncernau, Managing Director and CEO of Dolan and the entire management team as well as our co-investor Jan Verdenhalven for the support and the very positive development of the company during the past three years. Dralon and Dolan is a perfect match."

Funds advised by Alpina Capital Partners LLP ("Alpina", "Alpina Partners") and private Investor Jan Verdenhalven sold all shares in Dolan Holding GmbH and Dolan GmbH ("Dolan") to Dralon GmbH ("Dralon"), a leading producer of raw white acrylic fiber headquartered in Dormagen, Germany. Dolan is based in Kelheim, Germany and is a specialty chemicals business mainly focusing on spun-dyed acrylic fiber for outdoor textiles. The parties agreed not to disclose the terms of the transaction.

Florian Strehle, a Partner with Alpina comments on the latest exit of the pan-European technology investment firm: "After successfully exiting European Carbon Fiber GmbH to Solvay in November 2017 the trade sale of Dolan to Dralon is the second exit to a strategic acquirer for Alpina within seven months. We would like to thank Luis Puncernau, Managing Director and CEO of Dolan and the entire management team as well as our co-investor Jan Verdenhalven for the support and the very positive development of the company during the past three years. Dralon and Dolan is a perfect match."

Jan Verdenhalven, investor and former Managing Director of Dolan Holding GmbH adds: "Dralon is the ideal new owner for Dolan, its employees and customers. The businesses complement each other perfectly. We are confident that this transaction will significantly strengthen the combined acrylic fiber business activities."

Stefan Braun, Managing Director and CEO of Dralon explains: "It is a consistent move for Dralon to strengthen its position as a leading supplier of acrylic fiber. The geographical proximity, the expertise and know-how of Dolan and its employees in addition to the highquality products and distinctive customer services convinced us to acquire Dolan. The product ranges complement each other perfectly without any overlap. Going forward we will further develop Dolan and leverage its potential."

More information:
Dralon Dolan

Dralon GmbH

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition (c) Oerlikon
Georg Stausberg, CEO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment, Rolf Gänz, Managing Director of AC-Automation, and Ralf Schilken, CFO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment (from left, first row).

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

The 60 employees at AC-Automation’s Bernkastel-Kues and Augsburg locations will become part of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers Segment, which includes the leading brands Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag. The move will expand the Segment’s business model, adding another key core component to its current offering of production plants and technology solutions from melt to yarn, fibers, andnonwovens. Ultimately, Oerlikon will be able to offer customers a total solution from a single source, including automation logistics for packaging, high-bay storage, and other areas, which complement its current market-leading spinning and process technologies for the textile industry.

"We see our expanded overall offering as an Industry solution, reflecting the future of an even more efficient, digitized and profitable chemical fiber industry, especially for large-scale plants with daily production capacity of several hundred tons of polyester, nylon, polypropylene, or other manmade fibers,” explains Georg Stausberg, CEO of the Manmade Fibers Segment. Manmade fiber producers from China — the world’s most important market, generating more than 70 % of worldwide manmade fiber production — as well as companies from other fast-growing markets such as India, Turkey and the USA are also relying on automated and networked Industry total solutions.

"The acquisition and integration of AC-Automation’s automation solutions will provide new opportunities for our manmade fiber business. It enables the Segment to increasingly position itself as an Industry solution provider in combination with our own digitization solutions,” says Oerlikon Group CEO Dr. Roland Fischer. “As a leading provider of advanced materials, surface solutions and materials processing including the engineering and production of polymer plants, this acquisition marks another milestone in Oerlikon’s strategy to strengthen its businesses and thus sustain profitable growth.”

"After such a long partnership, we are excited to be able to benefit even more in the future as part of a global player in the textile industry. Our market access will further improve with the help of the Oerlikon
Group's sales and service network. For my employees, I am very pleased to be able to bring them into an international Group, in which there would be new opportunities and perspectives for them personally,”
said Rolf Gänz, AC-Automation’s Managing Director.

More information:
Oerlikon Automation

Oerlikon - Corporate Communications
and Public Affairs (Segment Manmade Fibers)

Für ein Leben danach: FOND OF entwickelt Upcycling-Lösung für Rucksäcke (c) Fond of
Nachhaltigkeitsexperten von Fond of: Hannes Weber (li), Julian Conrads (re)

Für ein Leben danach: FOND OF entwickelt Upcycling-Lösung für Rucksäcke

  •  Kölner Jungunternehmen startet Pilotprojekt mit Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards
  •  Neues Geschäftsmodell soll Produkte nachhaltiger machen und Kundenbindung stärken

Köln, 9. April 2018. Der Kölner Rucksack-Hersteller Fond of, bekannt durch Marken wie Ergobag und Satch, will eine Lösung finden, um die Nutzung von Rucksäcken zu verlängern oder die verwendeten Rohstoffe nochmal neu zu nutzen. Dazu startete das Unternehmen eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards.

  •  Kölner Jungunternehmen startet Pilotprojekt mit Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards
  •  Neues Geschäftsmodell soll Produkte nachhaltiger machen und Kundenbindung stärken

Köln, 9. April 2018. Der Kölner Rucksack-Hersteller Fond of, bekannt durch Marken wie Ergobag und Satch, will eine Lösung finden, um die Nutzung von Rucksäcken zu verlängern oder die verwendeten Rohstoffe nochmal neu zu nutzen. Dazu startete das Unternehmen eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards.

„Bereits seit der Gründung in 2010 legt Fond of großen Wert auf eine verantwortungsvolle Produktion. So wird ein Großteil der für die Rucksäcke und Taschen verwendeten Stoffe aus recycelten PET-Flaschen hergestellt“, erklärt Hannes Weber, verantwortlich für Corporate Responsibility bei Fond of.
„Was geschieht aber mit Rucksäcken, die nicht mehr genutzt werden? Viele Rucksäcke landen irgendwann auf der Müllkippe oder in der Verbrennung, manche werden in passablem Zustand im Kleiderschrank oder auf dem Dachboden vergessen. Dadurch gehen wertvolle Ressourcen verloren“, so sein Kollege Julian Conrads weiter.
Eine Herausforderung, die Fond of in einem Pilotprojekt mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards angehen möchte.

Nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell für bessere Kundenbeziehungen
In diesem Projekt hat Fond of sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Lebenszeit von Rucksäcken oder den genutzten Rohstoffen zu verlängern. Dabei soll speziell auf digitale Lösungen und eStandards zurückgegriffen werden. Gemeinsam mit dem Kompetenzzentrum eStandards entwickelt Fond of ein Circular Economy Geschäftsmodell, welches dem Kunden einen zusätzlichen Mehrwert bietet und somit die Kundenbindung und -kommunikation stärkt. Mittels des Modells sollen außerdem Ressourcen effektiver eingesetzt werden.
„Unser Ziel ist es, durch das Projekt eine Weiterentwicklung unseres Geschäftsmodells zu bewirken, welche dazu führt, dass Materialien und Rohstoffe länger im Wirtschaftskreislauf gehalten werden und somit zu weiterer Wertschöpfung beitragen. Gleichzeitig entwickeln wir neue After-Sales Services und stärken die Kundenbindung“, sagt Nachhaltigkeits-Experte Hannes Weber.

Warum sollen Rucksäcke weiterleben?
„Ein Circular Economy Geschäftsmodell zu entwickeln hat viele Vorteile. Die Materialien und Rohstoffe werden im Wirtschaftskreislauf gehalten und tragen somit zu weiterer Wertschöpfung bei. Zusätzlich wird die Kommunikation über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg optimiert und Innovationen ermöglicht“, sagt Thomas Wagner, der als Experte am Kompetenzzentrum eStandards Fond of bei dem Projekt begleitet. Fond of setzt auf die Unterstützung des Kompetenzzentrums, da die unterschiedlichen Ansätze Auswirkungen auf das Geschäftsmodell, auf die Logistik, auf die Interaktion mit dem Handel, als auch auf die Beziehung zum Kunden haben.


Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards c/o GS1 Germany GmbH

Auf dem ECR Tag kommt die Konsumgüterbranche zusammen.
Auf dem ECR Tag kommt die Konsumgüterbranche zusammen.

GS1 Germany: Digitale Transformation gelingt besser mit Kooperationen

  • 78 Prozent der Unternehmen will die Digitalisierung des eigenen Geschäfts über Kooperationen vorantreiben
  • Kostensenkung wichtiger als Bündelung von Kräften
  • ECR Tag demonstriert am 19./20. September 2018 in Wiesbaden kollaborative Erfolge

Nach einer repräsentativen Befragung des Digitalverbands Bitkom geben rund vier von fünf Unternehmen in Deutschland an, dass sie Partnerschaften mit anderen Unternehmen aus der Digitalwirtschaft oder klassischen Branchen eingegangen sind, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen. 48 Prozent nutzen diese Zusammenarbeit für den eigenen Wissenstransfer und 45 Prozent wollen ihre Kosten senken. Nur knapp ein Drittel beabsichtigt neue Märkte oder Kundengruppen zu erschließen und nur knapp 20 Prozent gaben an, durch Kooperationen neue Produkte oder Dienste entwickeln oder die Kräfte im Wettbewerb bündeln zu wollen. Bitkom-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Bernhard Rohleder: „Um die digitale Transformation in Deutschland erfolgreich zu gestalten, brauchen wir mehr echte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Unternehmen und dabei vor allem auch zwischen Global Playern, Mittelständlern und Start-ups.“

  • 78 Prozent der Unternehmen will die Digitalisierung des eigenen Geschäfts über Kooperationen vorantreiben
  • Kostensenkung wichtiger als Bündelung von Kräften
  • ECR Tag demonstriert am 19./20. September 2018 in Wiesbaden kollaborative Erfolge

Nach einer repräsentativen Befragung des Digitalverbands Bitkom geben rund vier von fünf Unternehmen in Deutschland an, dass sie Partnerschaften mit anderen Unternehmen aus der Digitalwirtschaft oder klassischen Branchen eingegangen sind, um die digitale Transformation zu beschleunigen. 48 Prozent nutzen diese Zusammenarbeit für den eigenen Wissenstransfer und 45 Prozent wollen ihre Kosten senken. Nur knapp ein Drittel beabsichtigt neue Märkte oder Kundengruppen zu erschließen und nur knapp 20 Prozent gaben an, durch Kooperationen neue Produkte oder Dienste entwickeln oder die Kräfte im Wettbewerb bündeln zu wollen. Bitkom-Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Bernhard Rohleder: „Um die digitale Transformation in Deutschland erfolgreich zu gestalten, brauchen wir mehr echte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Unternehmen und dabei vor allem auch zwischen Global Playern, Mittelständlern und Start-ups.“

„Zusammen wachsen sowie Zusammenwachsen“ lautet darum das Motto des diesjährigen ECR Tages. Denn neben dem eigenen Wachstum ist vor allem auch das Zusammenwachsen im Sinne der Kooperation der Schlüssel für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation. Denn insbesondere beim Aufbau neuer digitaler Prozesse ist es wichtig, Synergien zu nutzen, sich mit brancheninternen sowie branchenfremden Akteuren auszutauschen und gemeinsam zu profitieren. So geht es beim aktuellen Innovationsschub der Digitalisierung vor allem auch um Vernetzung - Vernetzung von Produktionsabläufen, von Partnerunternehmen und von Endabnehmern mit Händlern und Herstellern.

Doch wie können solche Kooperationen konkret aussehen? Was leisten sie? Und wie können die sich bietenden Chancen der Digitalisierung für einen gemeinsamen, aber auch unternehmensindividuellen Erfolg genutzt werden?

Rund 80 Referenten und Querdenker zeigen, diskutieren und vermitteln ihre Erfahrungen und Projekte im Rahmen des ECR Tages am 19. und 20. September im RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC) in Wiesbaden. Auch in 2018 können sich wieder rund eintausend Entscheider aus Industrie sowie Online- und Offline-Handel auf Top-Speaker freuen wie auf Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Nestlé, auf den Unilever Deutschland Chief Digital Officer DACH und General Manager Austria Harald Melwisch, auf Martin Wild, Chief Innovation Officer bei MediaMarktSaturn genauso wie auf Alexander Zerdick, Director Retail von Google Germany, dem Rheingold-Geschäftsführer Stephan Grünewald und auf den durch zahlreiche Selbstversuche bekannten Journalisten Jenke von Wilmsdorff.

Vertiefende Fachforen greifen darüber hinaus aktuelle Fragestellungen und Entwicklungen in Themenfeldern wie Blockchain, Omni-Channel, Künstliche Intelligenz, Logistik, Category Management und Traceability auf.


GS1 Germany GmbH


Montalvo Launches New Line of Axial Activated Core Chucks

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its newest product offering, Axial Activated Core Chucks. As part of their “Defender Series Core Chucks,” the Montalvo Axial Activated Core Chuck is designed for shaft-less unwinding and rewinding applications requiring maximum roll/core gripping and/or utilizing floor pick up.
The Defender Axial Activated (DAA) Core Chucks, sometimes referred to as lug chucks, are cost effective, rugged, and durable core chucks capable of withstanding even the dustiest environments while being simple to utilize.
An exclusive “safe lock” model expands the capabilities of the AA core chucks even further by resolving any potential risk of the core not fully tightening and ensuring the roll is always perfectly concentric. Cores are engaged as a result of radial lug expansion as the core is loaded into the chuck, ensuring maximum grip so you can Achieve More.

Montalvo’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Bryon Williams says, “Our new axial activated chucks and total Defender series of core chucks gives our customers a superior product offering in performance, quality, cost, safety, and service life. Axial activated chucks are a cost-effective way to “defend” against core damage, extending their service life while maintaining the highest levels of safety. The drop-in replacement design ensures no additional installation requirements for customers looking to upgrade their current core chucks.”

Additional DAA Core Chuck features include:
•    Rapid Expansion Jaws - ensure secure roll control immediately upon engagement
•    Dual Core Models - for processes utilizing multiple core sizes - one chuck, two core sizes
•    E-Flange™ Option - eliminates operator interaction in removing cores while making core ejection fast and easy; reducing risk of jammed cores
•    Photocell Ready™ Option - allows use of photocell or other sensors
•    Customer Specified Mounting Holes - ready for immediate installation upon delivery
•    Several Finishes Available - Black Oxide standard, Nickel Plating optional
•    Drop-In Replacement Design - for easy upgrading of existing installations

About Montalvo
Since 1947 the Montalvo Corporation has specialized in manufacturing, integrating, retrofitting and servicing a wide range of tension control products for a variety of industries including, converting, paper, film, foil, nonwovens, plastic, corrugated, packaging, medical, composite and more. Montalvo’s products include load cells, tension controllers, tension indicators, amplifiers, tension control brakes and clutches, sensors, safety chucks, and core chucks. Montalvo has four worldwide offices in the USA, Denmark, Germany & China.

More information:

The Montalvo Corporation

Crowded aisle of JEC World 2018

JEC World 2018: Composites Industry in Paris

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises.

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises. We also introduced one new planet called “Make it Real” along with the Aero, Auto and Construction planets. In this planet, we could discover astonishing futuristic products for example the Aeromobil, a flying car that would revolutionize urban transportation in the near future,“ she adds. “We launched our new Book on Natural Fibers: Flax and Hemp. We had strong communications on Composites Environmental Input and Recycling.”

The event was the first event to promote and host the new “French Fab”, a French government initiative to internationally promote the French Industry and Manufacture. Also, JEC World welcomed the French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance Ms. Delphine Gény-Stephann, visit that demonstrates the growing role of composites in the industry.

Inspiring Keynotes to foster composites disruption

Dirk Ahlborn,CEO of Hyperloop opened the Startup Booster ceremony by supporting the spirit of ingenuity in the Industry. Dayton Horvath, industry expert and consultant in additive manufacturing presented his vision of how to apply artificial intelligence to composite Materials and Manufacturing. Finally, Yves Rossy, the “jetman” using the latest carbon-fiber wings for flight introduced the JEC Innovation awards ceremony, motivating the audience to pursue their dreams and explaining how composites could made his dreams come true.

The "Public Choice” Awards Winners

A first at the show this year was the introduction of the public votes to elect their favorite projects among two JEC programs promoting innovation. “The goal to create the “public choice awards” was to involve and embark our community to make their innovation loud. Our vision at JEC is to demonstrate and to make understand towards a broader scope the vast range of possibilities that composite materials offer.”
comments Ms. Anne-Manuèle Hébert, Director for JEC World and European Events for JEC Group.

Public Choice Award for Startup  Booster: Inca-Fiber (Germany) with 62.36% of the 2,221 votes
Public Choice Award for JEC Innovation Awards: Infusion technology for an aircraft wing by AeroComposit JSC (Russia) gaining 20.96% of the 4,126 votes.



20th anniversary of the JEC Innovation Awards (c) GROUPE JEC - Thierry-Alain TRUONG

20th anniversary of the JEC Innovation Awards

  • JEC Group pays tribute to the winners at JEC World 2018

The 2018 session of JEC World, the reference trade show organized by JEC Group, is in full swing and the focus is on innovation!
The JEC Innovation Awards ceremony, which took place on the Agora stage on Wednesday, March 7 at 5 pm, opened with a presentation by Yves Rossy, aircraft pilot and inventor of the first jet-powered wingpack. Then the jury revealed the names of the composite champions up for a JEC Innovation Award. Eleven winning innovations were chosen, out of the thirty finalists that had been previously selected from more than 100 applications from all over the world.

  • JEC Group pays tribute to the winners at JEC World 2018

The 2018 session of JEC World, the reference trade show organized by JEC Group, is in full swing and the focus is on innovation!
The JEC Innovation Awards ceremony, which took place on the Agora stage on Wednesday, March 7 at 5 pm, opened with a presentation by Yves Rossy, aircraft pilot and inventor of the first jet-powered wingpack. Then the jury revealed the names of the composite champions up for a JEC Innovation Award. Eleven winning innovations were chosen, out of the thirty finalists that had been previously selected from more than 100 applications from all over the world.

“JEC Group supports innovation. In 1998, it created the first award dedicated to composites, as a way to promote and reward the sector’s champions. Thanks to the work of JEC Group’s teams, the program has become an international benchmark. Each year, we receive more than a hundred applications from all over the world. Selection is now based on criteria like the level of involvement of the innovation’s partners in the value chain, the technical nature of the innovation, or its commercial applications,” explains JEC Group President & CEO Frédérique Mutel.
A new feature this year is that the jury revealed the winners during the ceremony, and the public could choose their favorite innovation before, during, and after the ceremony. So there is still time to vote! Votes are opened until Thursday March 8th, 5pm
Did you miss the ceremony?


AeroComposit, JSC (Russia) and its partner Solvay (United Kingdom)

  • Infusion technology for an aircraft wing

The use of infusion technology to manufacture primary structural components for an aircraft wing. The technology makes it possible to create extra-long, integrated composite structures with complex aerodynamic shapes.

2 tied winners!
Winner: Airbus (Germany) and its partners, BMW Group (Germany), Technical University of Munich (TUM) (Germany), Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH (Germany), Werkzeugbau Siegfried Hofmann GmbH (Germany), BASF SE (Germany), Foldcore GmbH (Germany), Neenah Filtration (Germany) and SGL Carbon GmbH (Germany)

  • Complex structural applications for MAI sandwich technology

Cost-effective production of a complex 2.5D structure made of thermoplastic composite sandwich, with very short cycle times: under 5 minutes for aerospace materials and 2.5 minutes for automotive materials.

Winner: M. Torres Diseños Industriales SAU (Spain)
Moldless process to manufacture one-piece parts
A new manufacturing process for oversized one-piece reinforced composite structures, without requiring the use of complete molds.

Winner: Ford Werke GmbH (Germany) and its partners, Gestamp (United Kingdom), GRM Consulting (United Kingdom) and University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

  • Lightweight composite automotive suspension part

Structural suspension part made of lightweight composite, using a brand-new patented process for prepreg/SMC/steel overmolding that was designed using a new computer-aided engineering (CAE) technology.

Winner: Audi AG (Germany) and its partners, Voith Composites GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Dow Automotive (Switzerland), and Zoltek Corp. (United States)

  • Series production of a rear panel module made of carbon composite

For the first time, the potential of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) is used to full advantage in series production with a new rear panel module and cost-effective production technologies.

Winner: Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd. (Japan) and its partners, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan) and Nagase ChemteX Corporation (Japan)

  • Cabkoma cable made of CFRTP

Komatsu Seiren has developed a cable made of molded carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP), using a very cost-effective process that consists in polymerizing a thermoplastic epoxy resin in situ.

Winner: Uljanik JSC (Croatia)

  • Composite cargo decks for a vehicle carrier

On the SIEM Cicero, a vehicle carrier with a capacity of 7,000 vehicles, glass-fiber reinforced composites are used for a number of the structures for the cargo decks, thereby considerably reducing the ship’s weight, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Winner: ELG Carbon Fibre Ltd. (United Kingdom) and its partners, Alstom Transport (United Kingdom), Magma Structures (United Kingdom), the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), and the University of Huddersfield (United Kingdom)

  • A bogie frame made of optimized lightweight carbon fiber

This project has developed the very first carbon-fiber bogie frame that uses a recycled material, making it possible to overcome the obstacles to a commercial adoption of this type of structure.

Winner: BMW Group (Germany) and its partners EDAG Engineering GmbH (Germany), KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH (Germany), Chr. Karl Siebenwurst GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), TUM-LCC (Germany), Automation W + R GmbH (Germany), and FHG-IGCV (Germany)

  • A modular construction system for the rear swing arm suspension of a motorcycle

A modular system to produce a complex-shape swing arm suspension reinforced with carbon fiber. The system can adjust the mechanical properties on a case-by-case basis, for a competitive cost and weight compared to metal solutions.

Winner: MC Materiales Compuestos (Argentina) and its partners, Plaquimet (Argentina), Purcom (Brazil), IS Groupe - Composite Integrity (France), and G12 Innovation (Brazil)

  • The Wet Core Pod composite housing module

The Wet Core Pod is a composite housing module with an industrialization potential that can facilitate the most complex, costly and difficult step in a construction project.

Winner: Cetim-Cermat (France) and its partner, CETIM (France)

  • “3-in-1” line for producing recycled composites

A modular line that uses an innovative thermomechanical process to make large panels from recycled composites or plastics. The panels are then thermoformed into parts.


Dorothée David & Marion RISCH, Agence Apocope

Warping Mill (c) Velener Textil

International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018

  • Innovative Textile Processes

Innovations are welcome. Based on innovations, many changes in textile processing are leading to more efficiency in process workflows. At the International Cotton Conference in Bremen on Wednesday, March 21st, Session IV Textile Processing, which takes place from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, is dedicated to this subject area and attractive examples.

Michael Tuschak, Mayer & Cie., Germany, informs about the 3-in-1 concept of Spinitsystems. Spinning, cleaning and knitting are all combined in one machine. This enables the production process of high-quality single jersey knitwear to be shortened significantly, which saves energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions.

An old dye returns to glory. Dr. Dean Etheridge of Texas Tech University, USA, talks about a new, innovative indigo dyeing process for cotton yarns using foam. This saves large amounts of water and is now increasingly being used by major brands in jeans production.

  • Innovative Textile Processes

Innovations are welcome. Based on innovations, many changes in textile processing are leading to more efficiency in process workflows. At the International Cotton Conference in Bremen on Wednesday, March 21st, Session IV Textile Processing, which takes place from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, is dedicated to this subject area and attractive examples.

Michael Tuschak, Mayer & Cie., Germany, informs about the 3-in-1 concept of Spinitsystems. Spinning, cleaning and knitting are all combined in one machine. This enables the production process of high-quality single jersey knitwear to be shortened significantly, which saves energy costs and reduces CO2 emissions.

An old dye returns to glory. Dr. Dean Etheridge of Texas Tech University, USA, talks about a new, innovative indigo dyeing process for cotton yarns using foam. This saves large amounts of water and is now increasingly being used by major brands in jeans production.

Amin Leder, Trützschler GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, presents a technique in which the stretching process for rotor yarn production does not take place in a separate machine, but is integrated into the carding. This makes it possible to efficiently process even cotton with a higher waste content.

Harald Schwippel, from Rieter, Switzerland, summarises all four major spinning technologies for cotton – ring spinning, compact spinning, rotor spinning and air-jet spinning. His talk provides an overview of the possibilities that each of these processes currently offers for the manufacture of different yarns and the most efficient options for different applications.

More to know
In the run-up to the International Cotton Conference, the Fibre Institute Bremen and the Cotton Exchange are organising a specific seminar for spinning mills on Tuesday, dealing with the efficient handling of contaminants in cotton, from elimination in production to removal in winding. On Friday morning, Expert Session IX deals with the exchange of the latest research results, e.g. in the field of ginning in relation to cotton quality, or the important issue of checking the traceability of GMO-free cotton.


Elke Hortmeyer, Rainer Schlatmann, Baumwollbörse

Beaulieu International Group (c) Beaulieu International Group

Beaulieu Fibres International honoured with Yanfeng Automotive Interiors “Distinguished Supplier” award for second consecutive year

Wielsbeke, Belgium – February 26, 2018 – Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre producer, is once again the proud recipient of a “Distinguished Supplier” European Supplier Award from Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI). It is the second year in succession that the global leader in automotive interiors has recognised the significant expertise and support provided by Beaulieu Fibres International.

The very close cooperation between the two companies in 2017 enabled YFAI to successfully develop its latest generation of lightweight door panels, helping to further reduce weight. The technical team at Beaulieu Fibres International worked closely with YFAI’s development team to achieve this important step forward for the automotive industry.

Beaulieu Fibres International was presented with the award at YFAI’s annual European Supplier Award ceremony held this year on February 7th at its European headquarters in Neuss, Germany.

Wielsbeke, Belgium – February 26, 2018 – Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre producer, is once again the proud recipient of a “Distinguished Supplier” European Supplier Award from Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI). It is the second year in succession that the global leader in automotive interiors has recognised the significant expertise and support provided by Beaulieu Fibres International.

The very close cooperation between the two companies in 2017 enabled YFAI to successfully develop its latest generation of lightweight door panels, helping to further reduce weight. The technical team at Beaulieu Fibres International worked closely with YFAI’s development team to achieve this important step forward for the automotive industry.

Beaulieu Fibres International was presented with the award at YFAI’s annual European Supplier Award ceremony held this year on February 7th at its European headquarters in Neuss, Germany.

A total of 15 suppliers providing plastics, resins, chemicals, foams, trim and metal components received the European Supplier Award in various categories in recognition of their outstanding performance in 2017. Suppliers are rated on the factors of quality, cost, customer satisfaction, development, technology and innovation, and service.

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex Asia 2018 Oerlikon Neumag’s Sytec One guaranties an economical BCF Carpet Yarn production for challenging processes.

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex Asia 2018

The market for the production of carpet yarn is increasingly evolving towards more demanding processes. However, beyond commodity products, standard plants can no longer fully exploit their advantages. From 20th to 22nd March 2018, Oerlikon Neumag will be presenting an economical alternative in Shanghai in hall W3, booth F03 at the Domotex asia/Chinafloor, the leading floor covering trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region: the BCF plant Sytec One with single-end technology.

If the requirements for the production of BCF yarns increase, for example, from recycled polyester or fine filaments, then this can also lead to higher breakage rates. Highly standardised production plants must then often strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. In such cases, the Sytec One offers a good solution instead of the mostly three-end technology plants for standard processes.

Single-end technology with 98% productivity

The market for the production of carpet yarn is increasingly evolving towards more demanding processes. However, beyond commodity products, standard plants can no longer fully exploit their advantages. From 20th to 22nd March 2018, Oerlikon Neumag will be presenting an economical alternative in Shanghai in hall W3, booth F03 at the Domotex asia/Chinafloor, the leading floor covering trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region: the BCF plant Sytec One with single-end technology.

If the requirements for the production of BCF yarns increase, for example, from recycled polyester or fine filaments, then this can also lead to higher breakage rates. Highly standardised production plants must then often strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. In such cases, the Sytec One offers a good solution instead of the mostly three-end technology plants for standard processes.

Single-end technology with 98% productivity

This BCF plant works with only one yarn (end) per position, making it ideal for demanding production processes. The reason: when a yarn break occurs only one yarn tears, all other yarns continue to run. This not only simplifies troubleshooting, it also reduces the re-threading time. In addition, less waste is produced. As a result, the productivity of the Sytec One is still over 98% for ten breakages a day, while a plant with three-end technology only reaches around 92%.

Faster processes due to a straight yarn path

In addition, the absolutely straight yarn path of the Sytec One enables significantly higher process speeds of up to 15% in spinning and texturing processes compared to multi-end technologies. Higher total titers of up to 6,000 dtex can also be produced without any problems. The gentle yarn guidance also ensures minimum friction on the individual filaments. This means less yarn breaks and a more stable process.

Optimised key component: spinning pack

Last but not least, the engineers at Oerlikon Neumag have developed a new design for the spinning pack. This central component of every BCF machine significantly influences the yarn quality. The corresponding solution for the Sytec One optimises the polymer flow in the spin pack, thus reducing the polymer dwell time. This leads to shorter product and colour change times and increases the plant efficiency. In addition, the spinning packs were widened so that yarns with up to 500 filaments can now be produced.

The product mix is decisive

In view of these advantages, the single-end Sytec One is recommended for processes with high breakage rates, fine filaments, frequent colour changes or in general when demanding processes take up an increasing share in the business. "The product mix is decisive for the choice of technology," sums up Alfred Czaplinski, Sales Manager BCF at Oerlikon Neumag. "We are happy to advise on the optimal solution and offer both single-end and three-end plant technologies." 

Good business at the Domotex Hanover, Germany

In the run-up to the trade fair, the Domotex Hanover in mid-January was already proving to be a promising harbinger. With four lively trade fair days and contract conclusions in the lower double-digit million euro range, mainly from the European and Asian markets, the order intake for Oerlikon Neumag was very good.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag Domotex

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra Deutschland GmbH
Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland.

Lectra Germany appoints Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

“The transformation to Industry 4.0 is in full swing: the Industrial Internet of Things, Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud technology, data analyses and data exploitation have become key,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “Working for Lectra for over 15 years, Holger has a deep experience and knowledge of Lectra’s DNA, and is in a very strong position to support our customers in the digitalization of their processes.”

“Industry 4.0. started in Germany. Therefore, many companies are keen to adopt its principles in our region. Lectra is very well-positioned to support our customers in their transformation,“ says Holger Max-Lang.In my role, I am looking forward to a growing dialogue with our customers and prospects, to bring them a full understanding of the expertise we have built - and are building. We will leverage this expertise to boost our customers’ competitiveness and generate higher added-value for their businesses.”

Following marketing and sales positions in the IT and automotive industry sectors, Holger joined Lectra Germany in September 2002 as a salesperson for automotive accounts. He then held diverse sales’ roles in the region, including the position of Sales Manager for all Lectra markets in Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Since September 2017 Holger has held the role of Business Development Director, Automotive, with the responsibility to develop the leather cutting activity worldwide.


Lectra Deutschland GmbH

Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress © Lectra
Industry experts and fashion schools discussing at Lectra's 8th education congress

Lectra: Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Fashion professions are evolving as companies make their first steps towards Industry 4.0, adopting 3D
and rationalizing the lifecycle management for their collections thanks to PLM. Lectra’s congress enabled
schools to discuss the developing role of designers and patternmakers, and the new elements to be
integrated into training programs.

Lectra illustrated future changes through presentations on design, patternmaking, 3D prototyping, and PLM.
“It is fundamental to bring innovation experts in the industry together with fashion schools, because
students will drive the evolution of this industry,” stated Pascal Denizart, Managing Director of the Centre
européen des textiles innovants (CETI).

Working with schools to design courses which meet the needs of fashion companies has always been at
the heart of Lectra’s education program. During the event, the company presented collaborative
experiences between partner schools and fashion brands, such as the competitions organised by Lectra
with Missoni, Balenciaga, and Armani in Italy, as well as Peacebird in China and JC Penney in the United

In the United Kingdom, Lectra collaborated with COS (H&M group) and the Arts University Bournemouth
(AUB) for a competition centred on the design of a collection with zero waste.
“The process was totally digital, from design to the creation of a virtual prototype in 3D. Our students learnt
to optimize each stage of the process. By leveraging the use of Kaledo®, Modaris® and Diamino®, the
collaborative work between AUB, COS and Lectra is exactly the type of project that enormously motivates
our students. Live briefs developed with leading fashion brands and Lectra offer excellent opportunities
which directly inform industry currency and student employability,” explained Penny Norman, a lecturer at

The event also shone the spotlight on China and its major role in the evolution of the fashion industry.
Li Min, Vice-Dean of the fashion and design faculty at Donghua university in Shanghai spoke of the event,
organized by Lectra, which brought together major Chinese companies, experts, and representatives from
the biggest schools in China.

“Exchanges on the impact of the Made in China 2025 plan on the fashion industry can better prepare
students for tomorrow’s professions, where digital and automation will occupy a far more central position
than today,” testified Li Min.

"The fashion industry is evolving so fast that sharing insights and best practices with experts and other
fashion schools has become vital to ensure we offer the best learning experience and technology tools to
our students", said Dr. Trevor J. Little, Professor of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management in
the College of Textiles at NC State University.

“Lectra’s eighth education congress confirms the company’s commitment to our partner schools. We
shared our analysis of the market, the digitalization of the eco-system, and how Industry 4.0 principles can
be applied to the fashion industry. We also discussed mass customization and the role of PLM. While these
are key subjects for our customers, many schools are only now approaching them. We are preparing
tomorrow, today: Lectra is supporting our customers, and schools to play an essential role,” concludes
Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.


© Lectra

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



drapilux article 235 03 gives the room a relaxed, feel-good ambience thanks to its natural, cherry blossom pattern. The design is available in two colour schemes ©drapilux
drapilux - Article 235 03

German Design Award 2018 goes to drapilux

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

The special feature of the drapilux 235 product series from the Boutique collection is the new quality of the materials used: “The coarse yarn provides the textiles with firm grip and is therefore well suited for bedspreads and upholstery”, explained Kirstin Herrmann, Head of drapilux Design Studio. ”The design of Article 235 from series no. 3 is reminiscent of cherry blossoms and has a natural and delicate appearance. The bright colours, however, are used sparingly to give the product a modern and trendy touch” she continued.

The fabric features drapilux akustik, a function which has a positive effect on the acoustics of a room. When ordering above a certain amount, all textiles can be delivered with intelligent finishes: drapilux air and drapilux bioaktiv actively improve the indoor climate and fight against germs and bacteria on the textile.

More information:
German Design Award drapilux

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