From the Sector

64 results

Autoneum: Revenue growth in a strongly declining market

In a strongly declining market, Autoneum increased revenue in local currencies by 1.9% in the first six months of 2019 thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the previous year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). All four Business Groups outperformed the market. The turnaround program in North America is showing progress, but the persisting operational inefficiencies at two US plants continue to impact the profitability of the entire Group, as already communicated. Accordingly, EBIT fell to CHF 16.4 million in the first semester, while the anticipated negative net result totaled CHF –6.0 million.

In a strongly declining market, Autoneum increased revenue in local currencies by 1.9% in the first six months of 2019 thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the previous year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). All four Business Groups outperformed the market. The turnaround program in North America is showing progress, but the persisting operational inefficiencies at two US plants continue to impact the profitability of the entire Group, as already communicated. Accordingly, EBIT fell to CHF 16.4 million in the first semester, while the anticipated negative net result totaled CHF –6.0 million.

The weak global macroeconomic environment, ongoing trade disputes and the resulting uncertainty among car manufacturers and consumers led to a further sharp decline in global light vehicle production in the first half of 2019. In this difficult market environment, Autoneum was able to increase its revenue by 1.9% in local currencies in the first six months compared to the prior-year period, particularly thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the prior-year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). While the number of vehicles produced in all regions declined, Business Groups (BG) North America, Asia and SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) grew and outperformed the respective market developments, two of them significantly. Only at Business Group Europe did the sharp drop in production volumes among vehicle manufacturers result in fewer call-offs and lower year-on-year revenue.

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(c) Autoneum Management AG

Alpha-Liner: optimum protection against tire noise

With Alpha-Liner, Autoneum launches its first-ever textile wheelhouse outer liner that not only reduces tire noise substantially, but also convinces with low weight. This newest lightweight component ensures a quiet driving experience and also helps vehicle manufacturers meet current and future noise and emission limits. Alpha-Liner premieres at the “Automotive Acoustics Conference” which takes place in Zurich,
Switzerland, on July 9 and 10.

Alpha-Liner is the latest innovation from Autoneum – a multifunctional wheelhouse outer liner that reduces tire noise with high efficiency and thus makes the vehicle quieter and lighter. Alpha-Liner is based on Autoneum’s newly developed technology, with which noise absorption can be adapted to the specific requirements of the vehicle model for the first time. To achieve this effect, a thin coated surface is applied on the tire side. The porosity of the coating can then be controlled according to the necessary absorption properties, the bottom part of the wheelhouse outer liner requires stronger noise treatment, which maximizes acoustic absorption.

With Alpha-Liner, Autoneum launches its first-ever textile wheelhouse outer liner that not only reduces tire noise substantially, but also convinces with low weight. This newest lightweight component ensures a quiet driving experience and also helps vehicle manufacturers meet current and future noise and emission limits. Alpha-Liner premieres at the “Automotive Acoustics Conference” which takes place in Zurich,
Switzerland, on July 9 and 10.

Alpha-Liner is the latest innovation from Autoneum – a multifunctional wheelhouse outer liner that reduces tire noise with high efficiency and thus makes the vehicle quieter and lighter. Alpha-Liner is based on Autoneum’s newly developed technology, with which noise absorption can be adapted to the specific requirements of the vehicle model for the first time. To achieve this effect, a thin coated surface is applied on the tire side. The porosity of the coating can then be controlled according to the necessary absorption properties, the bottom part of the wheelhouse outer liner requires stronger noise treatment, which maximizes acoustic absorption.

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Alpha-Liner Autoneum

Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum publishes Corporate Responsibility Report 2018

Assuming social responsibility and acting sustainably has been Autoneum's focus since it became an independent company. In order to achieve the best results possible, the Company last year has defined a number of quantitative and qualitative targets in the areas of “Sustainable Products and Production Processes”, “Fair and Attractive Workplace”, “Good Corporate Citizenship” and “Responsible Supply Chain Management” for 2025. In all these areas Autoneum has achieved important successes already in 2018.

Through the consistent implementation of environmental efficiency projects – a total of over 80 worldwide – Autoneum reduced its environmental impact further in 2018. For example, both the amount of waste (–5.9%) and water consumption (–13.4%) have fallen sharply. At the same time, various plants – particularly in Asia and North America – have expanded their recycling capacity, significantly increasing the amount of production waste reused in the manufacturing process (14.9%).

Assuming social responsibility and acting sustainably has been Autoneum's focus since it became an independent company. In order to achieve the best results possible, the Company last year has defined a number of quantitative and qualitative targets in the areas of “Sustainable Products and Production Processes”, “Fair and Attractive Workplace”, “Good Corporate Citizenship” and “Responsible Supply Chain Management” for 2025. In all these areas Autoneum has achieved important successes already in 2018.

Through the consistent implementation of environmental efficiency projects – a total of over 80 worldwide – Autoneum reduced its environmental impact further in 2018. For example, both the amount of waste (–5.9%) and water consumption (–13.4%) have fallen sharply. At the same time, various plants – particularly in Asia and North America – have expanded their recycling capacity, significantly increasing the amount of production waste reused in the manufacturing process (14.9%).

To further improve working conditions especially in production, measures were taken in all Business Groups in 2018 to enhance occupational health and safety and well-being in the workplace. A global employee satisfaction survey conducted in fall last year has confirmed the first positive effects of these measures.

A complete overview of all targets and activities during the past year can be found in the Corporate Responsibility Report 2018 and is available at

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Autoneum Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum veröffentlicht Corporate Responsibility-Bericht 2018

Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und nachhaltiges Handeln stehen seit der Verselbständigung von Autoneum im Fokus des Unternehmens. Um bestmögliche Resultate zu erzielen, hat Autoneum vergangenes Jahr einer Vielzahl an quantitativen und qualitativen Zielen in den Bereichen „nachhaltige Produkte und Produktionsprozesse“, „fairer und attraktiver Arbeitsplatz“, „Good Corporate Citizenship“ und „verantwortungsvolle Beschaffung“ für 2025 verabschiedet. 2018 wurden wichtige Erfolge in allen Teilbereichen erzielt.

Durch die konsequente Umsetzung von Ökoeffizienzprojekten – weltweit insgesamt über 80 – hat das Unternehmen 2018 seine Umweltauswirkungen weiter reduziert. So sind nicht nur die Abfallmengen (–5.9%), sondern auch der Wasserverbrauch (–13.4%) stark gesunken. Gleichzeitig haben verschiedene Werke – vor allem in Asien und Nordamerika – ihre Recyclingkapazitäten erweitert, wodurch das Volumen des in der Fertigung wiederverwerteten Produktionsausschusses signifikant anstieg (14.9%).

Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und nachhaltiges Handeln stehen seit der Verselbständigung von Autoneum im Fokus des Unternehmens. Um bestmögliche Resultate zu erzielen, hat Autoneum vergangenes Jahr einer Vielzahl an quantitativen und qualitativen Zielen in den Bereichen „nachhaltige Produkte und Produktionsprozesse“, „fairer und attraktiver Arbeitsplatz“, „Good Corporate Citizenship“ und „verantwortungsvolle Beschaffung“ für 2025 verabschiedet. 2018 wurden wichtige Erfolge in allen Teilbereichen erzielt.

Durch die konsequente Umsetzung von Ökoeffizienzprojekten – weltweit insgesamt über 80 – hat das Unternehmen 2018 seine Umweltauswirkungen weiter reduziert. So sind nicht nur die Abfallmengen (–5.9%), sondern auch der Wasserverbrauch (–13.4%) stark gesunken. Gleichzeitig haben verschiedene Werke – vor allem in Asien und Nordamerika – ihre Recyclingkapazitäten erweitert, wodurch das Volumen des in der Fertigung wiederverwerteten Produktionsausschusses signifikant anstieg (14.9%).

Um die Arbeitsbedingungen insbesondere in der Produktion weiter zu verbessern, sind 2018 in allen Business Groups Massnahmen zur Arbeitssicherheit und zum Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ergriffen worden. Eine im Herbst an allen Standorten durchgeführte Umfrage zur Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit hat erste positive Resultate bestätigt.

Eine vollständige Übersicht über alle Ziele und Aktivitäten des vergangenen Jahres ist im Corporate Responsibility-Report 2018 aufgeführt und unter verfügbar.


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Autoneum Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum Management AG