From the Sector

46 results


TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

Members of the newly formed board of directors, who represent the entire industry -- linen, uniform and facility service companies, large central laundries, healthcare linen, uniform and facility services customers of TRSA members, suppliers, and experts from related healthcare and other professional organizations -- will serve a three-year term:

Randy Bartsch
CEO, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service Inc.

Rick Kislia
Chief Operating Officer
Crescent Laundry
Vice Chairman

David J. Stern
President & CEO, Paris Companies

Greg Anderson
CEO, Campus Laundry

Angela Becker
Senior Program Leader, Textile Care RD&E, Ecolab

Murray L. Cohen, PhD, MPH, CIH
Owner, Consultants in Disease and Injury Control (CDIC)

Dr. Alexis M. Elward, MD
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Eoin Flavin
Director, European Operations, WSI

David F. Goldsmith, MSPH, PhD, LLC
George Washington & Georgetown Universities

James Hall
CEO, Northwest Health Care Linen

Tony Long
VP, Risk Management, Angelica
Lynn A. Moreau, RN, BSN
Clinical Liaison Manager
HandCraft Linen Services

Michael Potack
Chairman, Unitex

Robert Raphael
Service Linen Supply Inc.

Liz Remillong
Vice President, Strategic Alliance
Crothall Healthcare

Douglas Waldman
President, Superior Linen Service

Charles Rossmiller
Director Laundry Programs
Textile Sales
Medline Industries, Inc.

Thomas Smith
Director, Safety & Training
Foussard Montague Associates, Inc.


Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosev bei der letzten Schmaltextilien-Tagung im Jahr 2016

Hochschule Niederrhein: Internationale Woche der Schmaltextilien und Smart Textiles

Fünf Tage lang ist der Textilstandort Mönchengladbach Treffpunkt nationaler und internationaler Experten aus den Bereichen Schmaltextilien und Smart Textiles. Vom 19. bis 23. Februar diskutieren Forschende, Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer an der Hochschule Niederrhein über die neuesten Entwicklungen, Maschinen sowie Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Schmaltextilien und funktionalen Textilien. Nach der Premiere dieser Veranstaltung im Jahr 2016 kommen in diesem Jahr rund 150 Gäste nach Mönchengladbach.

„Ziel unserer Tagung ist es, die neuesten Entwicklungen der Branche vorzustellen und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu diskutieren. Daneben möchten wir die Unternehmer, Forscher, das Lehrpersonal und die Studierenden zusammenbringen, um sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen“, sagt Professor Dr. Yordan Kyosev, Organisator und Dozent am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Fünf Tage lang ist der Textilstandort Mönchengladbach Treffpunkt nationaler und internationaler Experten aus den Bereichen Schmaltextilien und Smart Textiles. Vom 19. bis 23. Februar diskutieren Forschende, Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer an der Hochschule Niederrhein über die neuesten Entwicklungen, Maschinen sowie Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Schmaltextilien und funktionalen Textilien. Nach der Premiere dieser Veranstaltung im Jahr 2016 kommen in diesem Jahr rund 150 Gäste nach Mönchengladbach.

„Ziel unserer Tagung ist es, die neuesten Entwicklungen der Branche vorzustellen und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu diskutieren. Daneben möchten wir die Unternehmer, Forscher, das Lehrpersonal und die Studierenden zusammenbringen, um sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen“, sagt Professor Dr. Yordan Kyosev, Organisator und Dozent am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Unter Schmaltextilien versteht man Produkte aus den Bereichen der Bandweberei und der Flechterei, die nicht breiter als etwa einen halben Meter sind. „Das Material, mit dem geflochten wird, ist dabei unerheblich. Es kann sowohl aus Draht, Glasfaser, Kupfer, Carbonfasern oder auch klassischem Garn bestehen“, erklärt Kyosev. „Als smart gelten Textilien, wenn sie über ihre textilen Strukturen hinaus zusätzliche Aufgaben und Funktionen erfüllen“, ergänzt seine Kollegin Prof. Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer. Eingesetzt werden diese Materialien beispielsweise bei Freizeit- oder Sportbekleidung wie selbstleuchtenden Fahrradjacken oder EKG-Shirts, die die Herzfrequenz messen.

Eingerahmt wird die Tagung von ganztägigen Workshops, die die Teilnehmenden zu zwei unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten schulen. Während am 19. Februar die Grundlagen der Farb- und Strukturmusterung von Geflechten (Klöppelbesetzung) im Fokus stehen, vermittelt der Workshop am Abschlusstag die Prinzipien der Gestaltung von mehrlagigen technischen Geweben.

Am Dienstag eröffnet Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosev das dritte Mönchengladbacher Flechtkolloquium. Dort referieren Gastredner aus den Niederlanden, Frankreich, China und Deutschland zu Themen wie „Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung von triaxialen, geflochtenen Faserverstärkungen“, „Variationsflechten – Entwicklung komplexe Geflechtstrukturen“ oder „Faserseil-angetriebene Handhabungsgeräte“. Am Mittwoch findet das zweite Bandwebereikolloquium statt. Das letzte Kolloquium am 22. Februar behandelt Themen rund um smarte Textilien. Alle Vorträge werden simultan ins Englische bzw. Deutsche übersetzt.

Parallel zu den Kolloquien findet vom 20. bis zum 22. Februar ein „International Matchmaking Event“ statt, das in Kooperation mit NRW International organisiert wird. Ähnlich wie beim Speed-Dating können Unternehmen, Forschende, Institute und Studierende in etwa 20 Minuten langen Sessions neue Geschäftskontakte knüpfen, sich über innovative Technologien austauschen oder Kooperationen initiieren. Außerdem wird an zwei Tagen ein Abendprogramm angeboten: Interessierte können sich bei einer geführten Tour durch das Flachsmuseum in Wegberg-Beeck über die Geschichte des Flachsanbaus informieren.


Hochschule Niederrhein
University of Applied Sciences

Vorstand GDH Der GDH-Vorstand: (vorne v.l.n.r.): Sabine Tauscher (Salon Sabine, Jena), Andreas Voigtländer (Hut Mühlenbeck, Wiesbaden) und Hannelore Mertesacker (Hut-Design, Bad Honnef; (hinten v.l.n.r.): Robert Strucker (Strucker, Grevenbroich), Marion Breiter, (Breiter, München) Siegfried Seidl (Hut-Mayer, Neuötting) und Annette Wahl (Hut Nagel, Karlsruhe)
Vorstand GDH

Hutfacheinzelhandel: zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus

Hutbranche als Star der Modewelt
GDH-Umfrage: Hutfacheinzelhandel schließt 2017 zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus ab.

Hutbranche als Star der Modewelt
GDH-Umfrage: Hutfacheinzelhandel schließt 2017 zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus ab.

Die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH) starten mit viel Zuversicht in das neue Jahr. Die spezialisierten Fachgeschäfte  ̶  von München bis Norderney  ̶  erzielten 2017 ein Umsatzplus in Höhe von 4,0 Prozent. Zum dritten Mal in Folge konnten die Mitglieder Umsatzwachstum erzielen (2016: 1,6 Prozent, 2015: 2,5 Prozent). Das belegt die Jahresumfrage des Hutverbandes GDH (, die während der GDH-Mitgliederversammlung Mitte Januar 2018 in Wiesbaden präsentiert wurde. Damit liegt die Hutbranche wieder über dem Modebranchendurchschnitt (2 Prozent Umsatzminus). „Der Umsatz war besser als das Wetter verheißen lies, ein Beleg, dass Hüte und Mützen modisch im Trend liegen“, zeigte sich der 1. Vorsitzender der GDH, Andreas Voigtländer, während der GDH-Mitgliederversammlung äußerst zufrieden. Die GDH-Umfrage belegt leider auch, dass sich die Kundenfrequenz nur um 0,5 Prozent verbesserte. „Sinkende Frequenz und die Konkurrenz durch Online-Shopping wird auch bei uns als die größten Probleme des Handels angesehen. Das Umsatzwachstum basiert auf höheren Kaufbeträgen pro Kunde und Bon (Durchschnitt 66,86 Euro; 2016: 60,06 € / 1,4 Teile pro Kunde; 2016: 1,3), weil wir als Spezialisten die Kunden bestens beraten können und eine tiefe und breite Auswahl bieten. Zudem sind auch einige von uns als Facheinzelhändler über alle Kanäle online unterwegs‟, betont Andreas Voigtländer.

Herren-Hüte und trendige Mützen sind mit 61 Prozent die stärkste Warengruppe; das liegt auch daran, dass Damen gerne Herrenformen kaufen, denn Trilby, Diamond oder Pork Pie sind im Trend. 37 Prozent des Umsatzes ging auf das Konto der Damen, vor allem mit weichen und legeren Kopfbedeckungen in Filz und Walk sowie Strick im Winter. Die restlichen 2 Prozent fallen auf Kinderkopfbedeckungen.
Der Hutfacheinzelhandel erwartet für 2018 ein Umsatzpari auf hoher Vorlage. Bei allen Kopfbedeckungen wird ein kleines Wachstum bei UV-Schutz prognostiziert. Gestärkt werden soll der Bereich Accessoires, also Schals, Tücher und Handschuhe, angesagt auch als Set für den abgestimmten Mode-Look.

Das Mega-Thema der Zukunft ist Funktion
GDH-Geschäftsführerin Kirsten Reinhardt wird 2018 zahlreiche Aktivitäten anstoßen, die der gesamten Hutbranche zu Gute kommen. Fester Aktionspunkt ist der `Tag des Hutes´ am 25. November, an dem die GDH-Mitglieder den Titel `Hutträger des Jahres´ an prominente Persönlichkeiten verleihen. Neues Projekt für den Frühling ist eine UV-Schutz-Kampagne mit Informations-Flyer für Verbraucher und Hautärzte sowie abgestimmtes Material für den PoS der GDH-Mitglieder. Denn auch das belegte die GDH-Umfrage: Das Mega-Thema der Zukunft ist Funktion, sei es UV-Schutz im Sommer, Wasser- und winddichte Materialien mit Ohrenklappen im Winter, reflektierende Signal-Elemente für die Nacht sowie weiche und knautschbare Materialien für die Tasche oder den Koffer.

Bei der Order auf die Textilkennzeichnung achten
Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema stand auf der Tagungsordnung: Das neue deutsche Textilkennzeichnungsgesetz vom 15.02.2016. Referent Thomas Lange, seit 2018 Hauptgeschäftsführer German Fashion, Modeverband Deutschland e.V., informierte über die Neuerungen. Das bedeutet praktisch: Auf einem fest angebrachten Etikett muss für die Verbraucher leicht lesbar die vollständigen europäischen Adresse des Inverkehrbringers (Importeur, Hersteller oder Händler) und die korrekt beschriebene Materialzusammensetzung in Prozent in deutscher Sprache stehen. Oftmals ist die Textilkennzeichnung aber unzureichend. „Das Gesetz scheint noch komplizierter und bedeutet Ärger und im schlimmsten Fall Bußgelder für den geprüften Händler; daher sollte jeder Einzelhändler auf die korrekte Textilkennzeichnung bereits bei der Order achten‟, so Voigtländer.


PI Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH), Köln

Charts: Jahresumfrage des Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V., Januar 2018


Montalvo Promotes New Director of Sales and Marketing

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Before Montalvo, Mr. Williams specialized in customer communication and marketing coordination at and Sunday River Ski Resort. Mr. Williams attended Bryant University and earned a Bachelor’s in Business Administrant in Marking and Communication and is currently earning his Masters of Business Administration in Leadership from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.


The Montalvo Corporation


Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG © Lenzing AG

Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

“In recent years, Stefan Doboczky and his colleagues on the Management Board have been able to make excellent use of the favourable market conditions on the basis of the previous restructuring in order to transform an Austrian company with foreign investments into a truly global player with strong Austrian roots. This has created the basis for consistently pursuing the growth strategy we have embarked on with the entire team, even under difficult conditions, and thus securing the long-term future of the Lenzing Group. We are very pleased that Stefan Doboczky will continue to dedicate himself to these tasks over the next five years”, said Hanno Bästlein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG on the occasion of Doboczky’s reappointment.
In addition to Stefan Doboczky, the Management Board of Lenzing AG consists of Chief Commercial Officer Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Financial Officer Thomas Obendrauf and Chief Technology Officer Heiko Arnold.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Autumn 2017 - Final Report

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Meanwhile, a total of 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions (2016: 4,553, 29 countries and regions) also enjoyed the surge of business potential brought by this large number of high-quality trade buyers. The strong line-up of exhibitors, including 10 country and region pavilions – France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Milano Unica (Italy), Pakistan, Taiwan and Thailand – as well as 10 Group Pavilions organised by foremost industry leaders like DuPont, Hyosung, INVISTA and Lenzing, presented a full-spectrum of innovative and fashion offerings in 11 halls across 276,000 sqm (gross) exhibition area, an increase of nearly 6% compared to 2016.

While the nature of textile trade fairs has evolved over recent years, exhibitors’ successful results at this year’s Intertextile Shanghai shows that it is still the industry’s most effective order-writing and business development trade show because it remains the event where the global industry gathers to make purchasing decisions. As a result, many exhibitors see the fair as their business growth engine, and reported positive outlooks for sales after the fair.


Exhibitor opinions
 Ms Erika Jimenez, Development and Purchasing Department, Luca Cuccolini, Spain (SalonEurope)
“A few years ago we decided to explore the Chinese market. Knowing that Intertextile Shanghai is the most comprehensive fair of its kind in Asia, there was no doubt that this would be the fair to expose our brand. Throughout the years we have been satisfied with the visitor flow and business opportunities, especially this year. There has been a good flow of a diverse range of buyers visiting our booth, and we’ve already met with abundant potential buyers on the first day. Our objective is still to get our brand known to local buyers, and by looking at the progress in the first two days, we are even expecting to get orders later on.”

Mr Jean Denerolle, General Manager, Dormeuil, France (Premium Wool Zone)
“There has been lots of visitors coming to our booth on the first two days. Joining Intertextile Shanghai is an effective ways for us to develop the Chinese market. We are happy that the organiser referred a VIP buyer to us. Overall, we succeeded in receiving orders and promoting our brands, so I am pleased with the result this year.”
Mr Max Deery, Global Director, Print Stories Ltd, (for Amanda Kelly Ltd), UK (Verve for Design)
“We are satisfied with the results this year. The Verve for Design zone is well organised, and it’s a busier year compared to last. After day one, we’ve already found more than 10 potential buyers, both old and new customers. We’ve participated in other fairs in Europe as well, and I would say Intertextile Shanghai is in line with these shows, and busier than we expected.”

Mr Luca Maderna, New Age srl, Italy (Verve for Design)
“It’s our 10th year exhibiting in Intertextile. Given the large scale, we can always find new contacts here, and it’s also a great opportunity for us to present our new collection to our regular customers.”
Mr Ederhard Ganns, Managing Director, Union Knopf (HK) Ltd, Germany
“Our target clients are mainly brand owners and resellers. I have successfully met with them and have some promising contacts. We have also developed some new connections with both domestic and overseas customers. Intertextile Shanghai is no doubt the world’s number one show.”

Ms Kang Nan Hee, Assistant Manager, R&D Textile Co Ltd, Korea (Korea Pavilion)
“This is our 10th year at Intertextile Shanghai. Every year, we participate in both the spring and autumn fairs and they have never let us down. Not only can we meet numerous new buyers in each edition, we can also keep pace with the ever-changing market trends in the fabric industry. Besides that, in terms of visitor flow, this fair has always been the strongest. Take this year’s fair as an example. In our estimation, we have already received enquiries from almost 300 buyers and agents on the first two days, which has exceeded our expectations. Therefore, we are expecting some 400 orders in total by end of the fair.”

Mr Taku Ito, Manager, Sojitz Vancet (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, Japan (Japan Pavilion)
“We exhibit at this show to find new customers and sales channels in China. We’ve been joining the show for a while now, and we continued this edition as we can always meet new customers – I mean, really ‘new’. This year, there were about 400 companies that visited our booth. It’s also interesting that we are getting more online apparel shops visiting us lately.”

Ms Susan Hon, B2B Marketing Communication Director, North Asia, INVISTA Co Ltd, Hong Kong (Functional Lab & Group Pavilion organiser)
“With the help of Intertextile Shanghai – the most well-known platform in the industry – we can promote our newly launched products more efficiently and enhance the influence of our brand. Our booths were packed with visitors over the three days, with many of them high-quality buyers. Intertextile has always been one of the most important trade fairs for us because of its strength in attracting a wide range of buyers, including an unrivalled number of market-leading brands that no other fairs can offer.”

Mr Martin Yang, Marketing Manager, Nilit Nylon Technologies (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Israel (Functional Lab)
“Our management is satisfied with the results as this is where we can boost our business and sales. On the first day, we’ve already met with nearly 20 potential buyers that are very likely to develop into new orders after the fair. The most attractive trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its ability in gathering large numbers of trade buyers. More importantly, the majority of them are quality buyers who aren’t only our target customers but also keen to place orders. This fair is seen by the industry as the major platform to source as it includes more industry leading suppliers, raw material providers, fabric mills and garment manufacturers compared to other similar fairs, and this is why we are here.”

Mr Syed Kamran Shah, Marketing Manager, Soorty Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan (Beyond Denim)
“Our objectives are to establish connections with Chinese brands and manufacturers, as well as to learn buyers’ expectations in this market. We are happy with the visitor numbers, and Intertextile Shanghai is where buyers really come to make purchasing decisions. Buyers came to talk to us and run tests on our fabrics afterwards, and usually within 2-3 months’ time, we will receive orders. We also like the idea of the Beyond Denim hall as it ensures the effectiveness of gathering and getting in touch with our target buyers.”

Mr Štěpán Kučera, Managing Director, Preciosa Components, China (Accessories Vision)
“This has been Preciosa’s third consecutive appearance at the autumn edition of Intertextile Shanghai, where we continue to see an increase in attendance by our target customers, namely high-end fashion brands from both the Chinese and international markets. Among the 200-plus buyers we met on the first two days of the fair were domestic fashion brands, sourcing managers of overseas brands, garment producers, as well as OEMs & ODMs, and we are more than satisfied with the results. Compared to similar fairs in which we have participated, Intertextile has a stronger focus on sourcing and manufacturing. International brands tend to send their sourcing teams, while local manufacturers and vendors also source here.”

Ms Shanshan Lu, Client Manger, Beijing Ecocert Certification Centre Co Ltd, China (All About Sustainability)
“As Intertextile Shanghai is the largest fair of its kind, we can always find our target customers here which are manufacturers from the Greater China area and the Asia Pacific region. The All About Sustainability zone has enhanced the exhibiting effectiveness as it creates a strong theme that attracts the right visitors to our booth. I think the visitor flow is stronger than last year. On day 1 alone, we received enquiries from over 10 potential customers which included old and new accounts. Moreover, by sharing our certifications in the seminar, our brand got further promoted in the fair. All in all, we are very pleased with this year’s outcome and very likely will return again next year.”
Worldwide buyers impressed with the unparalleled range of sourcing options on offer
While the exhibitors highly valued the fair’s ability in attracting quality, genuine buyers from around the world, these buyers were pleased to find all categories of apparel fabrics and accessories products from the entire industry under one roof.


Buyer opinions
Mr Johnny Lau, Head of Material Management, Quiksilver Asia Sourcing Ltd, Hong Kong
“The strongest trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its scale and aptitude in gathering the entire industry in one place. I believe no matter which sector of the industry or market you belong to – suiting, casual wear or ladieswear; high-end or fast fashion – you are ensured to find the right suppliers here. The fair houses a full-spectrum of suppliers which ease the sourcing process for purchasing departments like us. To maintain brand competitiveness, it is getting more important for us nowadays to know about suppliers and manufacturers from around the world, so we were also impressed with the fair’s internationalism and had unexpected returns from this trip.”

Mr Luis Alfonso Yepes Londono, Manager, Yetex SAS, Columbia
“Among all trade shows, Intertextile Shanghai is the most influential one for my business, even compared to the European shows. Not only can I find local suppliers, but the fair literally puts brands from around the globe under one roof. This morning I discussed with three local companies that match my interest. Their fabrics were of good quality and competitive pricing, so I will soon make a decision and place orders.”

Ms Zhou Jie, General Manager, Shenzhen New Look Fashion Co Ltd, China
“Intertextile Shanghai is a comprehensive trade fair, and what’s unique about this fair is its unparalleled ability in gathering both domestic and premium international apparel fabrics and accessories suppliers. Therefore, the sourcing options in this fair cater to all market demands. I can say Intertextile is a fair that all fashion brands can’t miss as one can definitely find all kids of materials here. We sent over 10 colleagues from the sourcing and design departments to this year’s fair and sourced around 80% of the fabrics we need for the next season’s collection from about eight exhibitors.”


The next Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is the Spring Edition, held from 14 – 16 March 2018.
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. For more details on this fair, please visit: To find out more about all Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit: