From the Sector

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NCTO President & CEO Kim Glas Testifies at U.S. Trade Representative’s Hearing

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying at a public hearing today in support of the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Glas is joining several other NCTO member companies today to testify at a U.S. Trade Representative hearing as part of the administration’s consideration of the Tranche 4 of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports from China.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying at a public hearing today in support of the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Glas is joining several other NCTO member companies today to testify at a U.S. Trade Representative hearing as part of the administration’s consideration of the Tranche 4 of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports from China.

More information:


Monforts adds to its technological team in Germany (c) Monforts
Jonas Beisel

Monforts adds to its technological team in Germany

  • Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG is expanding the team at its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Germany, with the appointment of Jonas Beisel as a new textile technologist.

Having studied textile engineering in both Germany and China and taken an internship with Adidas before deciding he wanted to work in a more technical environment, 30-year-old Jonas will be transferring his theoretical knowledge into practice for customers at the ATC and at the plants of Monforts customers around the world.

“I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone at the forthcoming ITMA show in Barcelona as I familiarise myself with the fast-moving environment of the industry,” he said. “It’s good timing for me that ITMA,  which only takes place every four years, is happening now, so soon after my appointment.”

“The Monforts ATC has been extremely busy conducting customer trials and developing new processes recently, so it’s great to welcome Jonas to the technologists’ team,” added Monforts Vice President Klaus Heinrichs.

  • Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG is expanding the team at its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Germany, with the appointment of Jonas Beisel as a new textile technologist.

Having studied textile engineering in both Germany and China and taken an internship with Adidas before deciding he wanted to work in a more technical environment, 30-year-old Jonas will be transferring his theoretical knowledge into practice for customers at the ATC and at the plants of Monforts customers around the world.

“I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone at the forthcoming ITMA show in Barcelona as I familiarise myself with the fast-moving environment of the industry,” he said. “It’s good timing for me that ITMA,  which only takes place every four years, is happening now, so soon after my appointment.”

“The Monforts ATC has been extremely busy conducting customer trials and developing new processes recently, so it’s great to welcome Jonas to the technologists’ team,” added Monforts Vice President Klaus Heinrichs.

More information:

AWOL Media

Textil-Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein präsentieren sich auf der Polit-Fashion-Night in Berlin @photothek/Grabowski
Armin Laschet, Ingeborg Neumann (t+m) und Professor Dr. Lutz Vossebein, Dekan des Fachbereichs Texil und Bekleidungstechnik mit Textil-Studentinnen auf der gestrigen PolitFashionNight.

Textil-Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein präsentieren sich auf der Polit-Fashion-Night in Berlin

Mönchengladbach/Berlin - Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik präsentierte sich mit großem Erfolg auf der ersten PolitFashionNight in Berlin unter dem Motto NRW macht Mode. Diese fand gestern Abend im Beisein von Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet in der Landesvertretung NRW statt. 300 Gäste aus Politik, Wissenschaft und der Textilbranche waren begeistert von den Darbietungen der Studierenden.
Veranstalter waren die Landesvertretung und der Gesamtverband textil und mode. Die Hochschule Niederrhein wurde durch Dekan Professor Dr. Lutz Vossebein vertreten. Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe, Leiterin des Forschungsinstituts FTB, stellte das Projekt TextileMission zur Prävention von Mikroplastik bei Textilien vor. Anna Koch, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Bereich Textildesign, überreichte Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet eine am Fachbereich gelaserte Jeansjacke.

Höhepunkt des Abends war jedoch die Modenschau. Hier präsentierten die Studierenden des Fachbereichs ihre eigenen Kollektionen, die sie bereits auf der textilen Recruitingmesse „MG zieht an“ zeigen konnten. Der in der Mitte der Landesvertretung aufgebaute Catwalk begeisterte die Besucher.

Mönchengladbach/Berlin - Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik präsentierte sich mit großem Erfolg auf der ersten PolitFashionNight in Berlin unter dem Motto NRW macht Mode. Diese fand gestern Abend im Beisein von Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet in der Landesvertretung NRW statt. 300 Gäste aus Politik, Wissenschaft und der Textilbranche waren begeistert von den Darbietungen der Studierenden.
Veranstalter waren die Landesvertretung und der Gesamtverband textil und mode. Die Hochschule Niederrhein wurde durch Dekan Professor Dr. Lutz Vossebein vertreten. Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe, Leiterin des Forschungsinstituts FTB, stellte das Projekt TextileMission zur Prävention von Mikroplastik bei Textilien vor. Anna Koch, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Bereich Textildesign, überreichte Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet eine am Fachbereich gelaserte Jeansjacke.

Höhepunkt des Abends war jedoch die Modenschau. Hier präsentierten die Studierenden des Fachbereichs ihre eigenen Kollektionen, die sie bereits auf der textilen Recruitingmesse „MG zieht an“ zeigen konnten. Der in der Mitte der Landesvertretung aufgebaute Catwalk begeisterte die Besucher.

Armin Laschet hatte gemeinsam mit Ingeborg Neumann, Präsidentin des Verbandes t+m (textil und mode) die Gäste begrüßt. Es gab zahlreiche Fachveranstaltungen, die den enormen Stellenwert der textilen Industrie in Deutschland zeigten. In 16 textilen Forschungsinstituten – zu denen das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung der Hochschule Niederrhein gehört – treiben 1200 Forscherinnen und Forscher die Technologie- und Innovationsförderung voran. Deutschland ist führend, wenn es um die Entwicklung faserbasierter Materialien, Werkstoffe und textiler Verbundstoffe geht.

(c) HeiQ

HeiQ announces new subsidiaries: HeiQ China and HeiQ Taiwan

  • Operations, Product Development, Sales and Technical Support Growth

Celine Huang 黄秀蔚 is named Chief Executive Officer for HeiQ Greater China and Ming Wen Liang 梁銘文is named Chief Executive Officer HeiQ Taiwan. Huang, with her background as a general manager of a large player in the same industry brings a total of over 20 years of solid testing lab, agent and country strategies management expertise with an excellent relationship skills with customers, distributors, dealers and end users. She has a chemical engineering degree in dyeing and finishing from China Textile University. Huang has worked in both Australia and China in senior management positions. Huang will lead the group’s Greater China business from the newly created Shanghai office (瑞士海屹科新材料有限公司上海办事处).

  • Operations, Product Development, Sales and Technical Support Growth

Celine Huang 黄秀蔚 is named Chief Executive Officer for HeiQ Greater China and Ming Wen Liang 梁銘文is named Chief Executive Officer HeiQ Taiwan. Huang, with her background as a general manager of a large player in the same industry brings a total of over 20 years of solid testing lab, agent and country strategies management expertise with an excellent relationship skills with customers, distributors, dealers and end users. She has a chemical engineering degree in dyeing and finishing from China Textile University. Huang has worked in both Australia and China in senior management positions. Huang will lead the group’s Greater China business from the newly created Shanghai office (瑞士海屹科新材料有限公司上海办事处).

Liang will manage mill relations, technical support and distribution at HeiQ Taiwan. She brings close to 20 years of experience in textile and garment production supply chain focusing on sales, material innovation and development, sourcing and production. Liang holds a Bachelor of International Trade from the National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan, speaks Chinese, English and Spanish and has lived in both Taiwan and Argentina. And will be based in the new office in Taipei (瑞士海屹科有限公司).

HeiQ continues to increase its global footprint with the creation of HeiQ Shanghai and HeiQ Taiwan. In addition to HeiQ Hong Kong, these offices aim to provide dedicated technical support in the Greater China area, further broaden its geographical reach in strategic locations and support HeiQ’s brand partners’ manufacturing activities in the region.

(c) Kim Euijae/TextilWirtschaft

Hochschule Niederrhein: Fünf Studentinnen ausgezeichnet

Gleich fünf Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein sind für ihre Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten mit Preisen der Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung ausgezeichnet worden. Die Preisträgerinnen erhalten jeweils 6000 Euro, die sie für Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen ausgeben dürfen. Insgesamt vergab die Stiftung jetzt im Rahmen des 59. Forums der TextilWirtschaft in der Print Media Academy in Heidelberg 15 Förderpreise mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 100.000 Euro.

„Die Auszeichnungen sind ein toller Erfolg für die textile Ausbildung in Mönchengladbach“, sagte Professor Dr. Lutz Vossebein, Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Die renommierte Stiftung, die auf den 1966 verstorbenen Gründer des Fachverlags und der Textilwirtschaft Wilhelm Lorch zurückgeht, finanziert zudem im September eine dreitägige Summerschool in der Textilakademie in Mönchengladbach, bei der es um Digitalisierung in der textilen Wertschöpfungskette geht. Hierzu werden Experten aus der Praxis und der Hochschule Niederrhein zusammenarbeiten und 100 ausgewählten Studierenden und Auszubildenden Ausblicke auf Designprozesse, Technologie und Management von morgen geben.

Gleich fünf Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein sind für ihre Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten mit Preisen der Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung ausgezeichnet worden. Die Preisträgerinnen erhalten jeweils 6000 Euro, die sie für Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen ausgeben dürfen. Insgesamt vergab die Stiftung jetzt im Rahmen des 59. Forums der TextilWirtschaft in der Print Media Academy in Heidelberg 15 Förderpreise mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 100.000 Euro.

„Die Auszeichnungen sind ein toller Erfolg für die textile Ausbildung in Mönchengladbach“, sagte Professor Dr. Lutz Vossebein, Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Die renommierte Stiftung, die auf den 1966 verstorbenen Gründer des Fachverlags und der Textilwirtschaft Wilhelm Lorch zurückgeht, finanziert zudem im September eine dreitägige Summerschool in der Textilakademie in Mönchengladbach, bei der es um Digitalisierung in der textilen Wertschöpfungskette geht. Hierzu werden Experten aus der Praxis und der Hochschule Niederrhein zusammenarbeiten und 100 ausgewählten Studierenden und Auszubildenden Ausblicke auf Designprozesse, Technologie und Management von morgen geben.

Jetzt standen die Preisträgerinnen im Mittelpunkt. Christine Kluth beschäftigte sich in ihrer Bachelorarbeit mit der Belastung der Gewässer durch Mikroplastik, verursacht durch Sporttextilien. In der Arbeit untersucht die gebürtige Bonnerin, die für das Studium nach Mönchengladbach gezogen ist, ob die Abbaubarkeit von synthetischen Fasern beschleunigt werden kann. Kluth studiert jetzt den Masterstudiengang Management of Trade and Technology.

Über die Rolle der Designer in der Industrie 4.0 und die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Arbeit der Kreativen schrieb Julia Klausmann ihre Bachelorarbeit. Sie stellte unter anderem fest, dass die Verbraucher immer stärker in den Design-Prozess einbezogen würden. Julia Klausmann, die gebürtig aus der Voreifel stammt, studierte in Mönchengladbach Design-Ingenieur Mode und schloss diesen 2018 mit der jetzt ausgezeichneten Bachelorarbeit ab. Derzeit studiert sie den Masterstudiengang Textile Produkte mit Schwerpunkt Textiltechnik.

(c) TMAS

Innovate or die: TMAS at ITMA 2019

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

The forward-looking attitude of the Swedish companies is perhaps best summed up by Reimar Westerlind, the owner, since 1961, of ACG Gruppen.
At the age of 90, Reimar still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies operating under the ACG umbrella.
“Everything now is about automation and digitisation,” he says. “We have to be on that track or we will be lost – innovate or die.”

One ACG Gruppen company moving rapidly forward with new innovations in this area is ACG Kinna, which at ITMA 2019 will be providing dramatic live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system.
This has the ability to fill and finish some 3,840 pillows per eight-hour shift, which is a considerable improvement on what is currently possible with existing systems, resulting in significant savings in both labour and energy for busy home textile businesses.

At ITMA 2019, Eton will be demonstrating a complete material handling solution with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.
“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén.

Advanced senor developments are playing a large part in moving many areas of the textile industry forward too.
Eltex of Sweden, for example, is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets, the creeling of woven materials and even the production of woven reinforcements for the composites industry.

At successive ITMA shows, IRO AB has also consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines, and ITMA 2019 will be no exception.
“Following significant investment in our R&D capabilities, we have been making great progress in further boosting the efficiency and performance of our expanding X3 range,” says IRO AB Managing Director and Chairman of TMAS Mikael Äremann. “I can’t remember a time since the 1980s when we had so many new innovations to unveil at an ITMA, and I’m greatly looking forward to the positive response to them we are anticipating in Barcelona this June.”

Resource savings
ITMA 2019 will meanwhile see the launch of TexCoat G4 – the next generation of Baldwin Technology’s non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing. The TexCoat G4 enables a continuously high-quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and minimised water and energy consumption.
The non-contact spray technology brings a range of advantages including single or double-sided application,  the elimination of Foulard bath contamination, low wet pick-up levels leading to the elimination of drying steps, zero chemistry waste in changeovers of chemistry, colour or fabric, and the possibility of batch reporting, visibility of pad loading, chemical usage etc.

Other TMAS companies exhibiting in Barcelona include Texo AB, whose wide-width weaving looms make the belts for machines on which half of the world’s paper is made, ES-Automatex, which specialises in bespoke automation concepts and Svegea, a company leading the field in a number colarette machines and cutting and slitting equipment.

“At the last ITMA in 2015 in Milan, there was much talk about Industry 4.0 technologies but certainly from the perspective of TMAS, ITMA 2019 will be the place for concrete solutions as to how data and the new tools we have available can be exploited to the full,” says Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is already much more networking between the companies, with software very much the enabler and common interfaces bringing ideas closer together. We are greatly looking forward to further exchanges of ideas when meeting with customers old and new in Barcelona.”

More information:

Issued on behalf of TMAS by AWOL Media.

(c) crystal communications

The North Face® Athletes Crowned Freeride World Tour Champions 2019

Marion Haerty – Following a high-octane run in the season’s second-to-last stop in Andorra, Marion Haerty had secured her title of World Champion even before taking place in the final and infamous Xtreme Verbier.

Victor de le Rue – Under his brother Xavier’s scrutinizing and fatherly eye, pressure was on for the groundbreaking rookie.

Markus Eder – An incredible feat in snowsports, skiers then had one shot each at descending the face littered with cliffs, pillows and other natural features.


Full Report


Marion Haerty – Following a high-octane run in the season’s second-to-last stop in Andorra, Marion Haerty had secured her title of World Champion even before taking place in the final and infamous Xtreme Verbier.

Victor de le Rue – Under his brother Xavier’s scrutinizing and fatherly eye, pressure was on for the groundbreaking rookie.

Markus Eder – An incredible feat in snowsports, skiers then had one shot each at descending the face littered with cliffs, pillows and other natural features.


Full Report


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crystal communications

(c) Lectra

Lectra appoints Gianluca Croci Managing Director of Lectra France

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci will fulfil Lectra's promise to fashion companies in France: to facilitate the digitalization of their know-how in order to empower them to make a successful transition to Industry 4.0. This ambition is being realized by the 2018 launch of the revolutionary solution, Fashion On Demand by Lectra, which enables fashion companies to customize a garment or make it to measure. This end-to-end personalization offer—the first of its kind—complements a portfolio that is known to solve the pressing challenges confronting the fashion industry. The latest, Kubix Link, developed by Kubix Lab, a start-up acquired by Lectra in January 2018, is an innovative platform for managing product information.

"France is known worldwide for being a leader in fashion and technological innovation. It is a country where brands, retailers and manufacturers have already begun their transformation towards Industry 4.0. I am proud to support our customers’ pursuit of greater connectivity and collaboration in their operations, as well as in assisting them to make the shift to personalization," says Gianluca Croci.
Gianluca Croci and his teams are committed to providing their French customers with the high level of expertise and service that characterizes Lectra's value proposition.
Gianluca Croci's efforts are also tied to the dynamic activities of Lectra Southern Europe & North Africa. There are many synergies in the region’s fashion industry, ranging from the sharing of expertise between French and Italian companies to the integration into their ecosystem of the Moroccan and Tunisian subcontractors.

"Our regional organization enables us to be closer to our customers’ challenges and to provide them with the support they need to achieve their ongoing targets. Gianluca Croci will lead the French teams and contribute to the region's growth," says Fabio Canali. "His extensive experience with major Italian and French companies brings new energy to the development of Lectra France.”
Gianluca Croci is a graduate of the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), Fontainebleau (France), and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy).

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability. (c) Premium Group
Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF.

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

ECOALF creates high-quality garments using recycled materials collected from the bottom of our oceans. Commitment, sustainability and innovation are at the core of everything the company does, resulting in both conscious and stylish urban, adventure, knitwear and activewear pieces.   
“I love collaborating with people that also believe we have the opportunity to change the world for the better. It’s no longer about what you do, but how you do it. It is important to stand up for what you believe in, because fashion cannot just be about looking good.” – Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF. 

On Wednesday, January 16th, at 10am and 2pm, Goyeneche will present his brand’s values, philosophy and way of working on the experience floor of SHOW&ORDER X PREMIUM at Kühlhaus, right next to the STATION area. Show visitors, media and other exhibitors are invited to listen, learn and discuss.   
The art piece in partnership with Garaizabal unveiled at PREMIUM on January 15th is filled with waste to portray our everyday reality, and purposefully interactive so that visitors can throw their own trash inside the installation. The aim is to educate about correct waste disposal and show that every individual’s decision matters: Stop, Think, Act.

(c) TRSA

Hospitality Expert to Headline TRSA’s Inaugural Hospitality Conference

Feb. 2019 Event Targets Laundry Execs, Upper Management Teams Serving Hospitality and Hotel Lodging Markets

Anthony Melchiorri, the renowned hospitality expert, creator and host of The Travel Channel shows Hotel Impossible, Hotel Impossible: Five Star Secrets and Hotel Impossible: Showdown once thought of opening his own hotel laundry when he was fresh out of the Air Force and entering the hospitality industry. Attendees at TRSA’s inaugural Hospitality Conference, Feb. 20-21, 2019, will hear about that and more when Melchiorri delivers the keynote address at the Walt Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Melchiorri’s 20 years of hospitality industry experience and resultant successes has provided a wealth of insights and actionable steps that he will share during his presentation, How to Build Your Personal Brand.

Feb. 2019 Event Targets Laundry Execs, Upper Management Teams Serving Hospitality and Hotel Lodging Markets

Anthony Melchiorri, the renowned hospitality expert, creator and host of The Travel Channel shows Hotel Impossible, Hotel Impossible: Five Star Secrets and Hotel Impossible: Showdown once thought of opening his own hotel laundry when he was fresh out of the Air Force and entering the hospitality industry. Attendees at TRSA’s inaugural Hospitality Conference, Feb. 20-21, 2019, will hear about that and more when Melchiorri delivers the keynote address at the Walt Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Melchiorri’s 20 years of hospitality industry experience and resultant successes has provided a wealth of insights and actionable steps that he will share during his presentation, How to Build Your Personal Brand.

TRSA has added the Hospitality Conference to its growing professional-development opportunities in response to member requests for enrichment specific to this rapidly-growing market. Attendees for this event, which is targeted to laundry executives and their upper management teams who serve the hospitality and hotel lodging markets, will benefit from opportunities to build skills, learn best practices from industry leaders and spend time collaborating and sharing information. Agenda highlights include these general session topics:

  • Contracting with Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs)
  • Hospitality Market Research
  • Understanding Hospitality Textiles

Panel discussions pay professional growth dividends in the form of networking and information-sharing. The TRSA Hospitality Conference’s agenda includes these interactive opportunities:

  • CEO Panel: Hospitality Market Trends
  • Customer Perspectives: Benefits and Challenges of In-House (OPLs) and Outsourcings
  • Making the Case for Outsourcing Laundry Services and Closing In-House or On-Premise Laundries (OPLs)

Day two of the agenda will consist of tours at these state-of-the art central Florida plants: Walt Disney World Textile Services Resort Linen Plant and Hotelier Linen Service. Following the plant tours, management teams will offer debriefing sessions that allow for comparison of operations, thereby enriching the discussion of alternative approaches to similar tasks among conference attendees.

Early-bird registration pricing for this event is open now through Jan. 11, 2019. An additional 10% off registration for three or more who register from the same company is also available. Visit for additional information. The full TRSA professional development calendar for 2019 can be viewed at


More information:
TRSA TRSA Conference


(c) TRSA

TRSA Elects Buik Chair and Richardson Vice Chair

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

TRSA recently held its Annual Membership Meeting for the nomination, election and swearing-in of new Officers and Directors.
Jim Buik, president of the Roscoe Co. in Chicago is TRSA’s new chairman. Buik served as vice chairman of TRSA in 2017-2018. The Roscoe Company is Chicago’s leading independent uniform service company.

Jim has been active in linen, uniform and facility services associations. He’s a graduate of TRSA’s Executive Management Institute (EMI). He served on various committees, task forces and boards and was chairman of UTSA, which blended with TRSA, from 2003 to 2005. He has been a pioneer of industry technologies and best practices. Through association programs he has shared Roscoe’s experience in developing these innovations, including marketing automation, wastewater treatment and employee skill certification.

Additional officers and directors sworn in at the meeting:
•    Noel Richardson, Officer-Vice Chair, Shasta Linen Supply, Sacramento, CA
•    Jim Kearns, Officer-Treasurer, Alsco Inc., Salt Lake City
•    Bob Dudley, Director, APPEARA, Norfolk, NE
•    Scott Finkelstein, Director, Ace Uniform Services Inc., Baltimore
•    Dan Sanchez, Director, Medline Industries Inc., Mundelein, IL

In addition, Directors Randy Bartsch, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service and P.J. Dempsey, Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply were re-elected for second terms and will be officers serving on the TRSA Executive Committee.

More information:



JEC Group announces appointment of CEO and JEC World event Director


Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).



Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).


Mrs. Adeline LARROQUE joins JEC Group as Show Director JEC World and EMEA Events with more than 15 years of Global work experience as she has worked in several countries such as USA, UK, China, India, Qatar and UAE where she has developed a strong skill set in exhibitions and events management. After a successful experience at Reed Exhibitions France and China managing numerous exhibitions in the Aerospace, Material, Security, Maritime, Logistics, Construction and Medical industries, she then worked for Qatar Tourism Authority as Head of Exhibitions driving growth for the Doha Jewellery Show, Qatar Motor Show and Women Fashion exhibitions. Lately, she worked for the Events division of the Daily Mail Group supervising the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference as Event Director.

More information:
JEC Group


Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen (c) VDMA. Eric Otto, Susanne Fischer, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Peter D. Dornier (Chairman Walter Reiners-Stiftung), Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram (left to right)

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

In his dissertation "Development of graphene-modified multifilament yarns for the production of textile charge storage devices", laureate Dr Benjamin Weise developed novel fibres made of polyamide and graphene and further processed them into textile surfaces. The newly developed polyamide graphene fibres are featuring a multitude of advantages:

  • Due to their high performance in the charge storage area, they are predestined for use in double-layer capacitors, so-called super capacitors, or supercaps in short. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, supercaps offer significantly higher power density and a longer lifetime as no chemical reactions are taking place. towing to the graphene platelets in the filaments, it is now possible for the first time to integrate a charge storage device directly into a textile without having to sew in a rechargeable battery. This new fibre is therefore suitable for prospective use in smart textiles, for instance in a textile defibrillator.
  • The new graphene-modified polyamide fibres can attenuate inident terahertz radiation up to 25 % of their original intensity. Terahertz radiation, for example, offers transmission rates of 100 Mbit/sec and is therefore of high interest for high-performance wireless communication. However, the radiation could damage sensible electronics as in aircrafts if this technology will be used widespread. Consequently, the shielding of the radiation is of high importance, e.g. in the form of fibre composite components in the aircraft, which protect the on-board electronics.
  • As the fibres are showcasing a dissipative electrical conductivity, personal protective equipment is another prospective field of application.  

The development of a pilot process for graphene-modified fibres and the production of textile demonstrators are novel and disruptive attainments of Dr Weise’s PhD thesis and the reason for the award ceremony to him. Due to its outstanding properties, the European Union is funding research on graphene within the frame of the "Graphene Flagship" with an overall budget of one billion Euro (source:

Modular product design of 4D products is now possible in simplified form

How can three-dimensional products change their shape over time and thus become "four-dimensional"? The students Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal provide answers to this question in their project work "Leitfaden zur Auslegung hybrider morphender Textilien am Beispiel eines Scharniers" (Guidelines for the Design of Hybrid Morphing Textiles Using the Example of a Hinge), for which they were awarded the creativity prize. In their work, the students offer a guideline for the development of a four-dimensional textile from the idea to the demonstrator. Four-dimensional textiles, for example, consist of a hybrid material of elastic textile on which three-dimensional structures are printed. The fourth dimension describes the change in shape and/or a property over a defined period of time (= morphing).  This change is caused by external influences such as light and heat.

Every year, the Foundation of the German Textile Machinery awards prizes for the best dissertation, diploma or master's thesis and the creativity prize for the smartest student research project. Further prizes were awarded to Eric Otto, ITM Dresden, and Susanne Fischer, Reutlingen University.


Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation. (c) Archroma
Marcos Furrer: President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties Business, and Innovation.

Archroma: New leader for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announces the appointment of Marcos Furrer to the post of President Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, and Innovation, based in Archroma's headquarters in Reinach, Switzerland.

Marcos Furrer will take over from Thomas Winkler who will retire at the end of March 2018 after more than 30 years in the textile industry, among which 12 years at the helm of the business.
Announcing the appointment, Archroma CEO Alexander Wessels said: “Marcos Furrer was rather an obvious choice when we started to look for a potential successor for Thomas Winkler. He has the right combination of strong textile expertise and leadership skills that we need to drive the business in line with Archroma’s ambitious growth strategy.”

A Swiss national with a 20 years career, Mr Furrer has earned a strong reputation as a well-rounded business manager with excellent leadership skills and a taste for delivering on targets.

A Chemical Engineer from the Ingenieurschule Beider Basel, Mr Furrer started his career with Clariant in Switzerland as Product Manager Sulphur Dyes, Textile Business, in 1997. He then grew in the organization as Head of Continuous Dyeing Cellulosic (1999 to 2001); Head of Business Unit (BU) Textile Dyes and Textile Chemicals in México (2001 to 2005); Global Head for the Product Group Cellulosic Dyes (2005 to 2007), Head of BU Textile Chemicals Latin America (2007 to 2009); Head of BU Textile Chemicals Americas (2009 to 2012); Head of Emulsions (January 2012 to June 2012); and Head of Marketing and Sales Plastic and Special Applications, BU Pigments (January 2013 to 2015).

His latest role as Head of Regional Business Line Europe, BU Pigments, Strategic Plastics, brought him back to Switzerland in January 2015, with the mission to implement the new BU Pigments regional structure in Europe.

Mr Furrer speaks 5 languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

More information:


RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system (c) ITA
RWTH doctoral candidates Marcin Kopaczka (LfB) und Marco Saggiomo (ITA) with the award-winning image processing system

Researcher of ITA and LfB win ICPRAM-Best Student Paper Award

Image processing system allows cost savings of more than 2,000 euros per year and weaving machine

MSc Marco Saggiomo from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and graduate engineer Marcin Kopaczka from the Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision of RWTH Aachen University (LfB) developed an image processing system for weaving machines that provides comprehensive benefits for woven fabric producers. The image processing system enables the weaving machine to detect faulty pickings autonomously. The application of the image processing system leads to cost savings of at least 2,210 euros per year for each weaving machine in comparison to manual faulty picking repairs.

The researchers won the “Best Student Paper Award” within the framework of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) for their joint paper on “Fully Automatic Faulty Weft Thread Detection using a Camera System and Feature-based Pattern Recognition”. The award confirms the success of the co-operation of both institutes, ITA and LfB, which will be continued in future research projects.

Image processing system allows cost savings of more than 2,000 euros per year and weaving machine

MSc Marco Saggiomo from the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and graduate engineer Marcin Kopaczka from the Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision of RWTH Aachen University (LfB) developed an image processing system for weaving machines that provides comprehensive benefits for woven fabric producers. The image processing system enables the weaving machine to detect faulty pickings autonomously. The application of the image processing system leads to cost savings of at least 2,210 euros per year for each weaving machine in comparison to manual faulty picking repairs.

The researchers won the “Best Student Paper Award” within the framework of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) for their joint paper on “Fully Automatic Faulty Weft Thread Detection using a Camera System and Feature-based Pattern Recognition”. The award confirms the success of the co-operation of both institutes, ITA and LfB, which will be continued in future research projects.

The image processing system is part of the doctoral thesis of Marco Saggiomo. Marcin Kopaczka supported ITA with the development of the image processing algorithm.
The joint paper is based on the successfully concluded project WeftAlert within the framework of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations. Further results of the WeftAlert project include the extension of the state of the art of image-based process optimisation of air-jet weaving, excellent outcomes in image processing as well as the validation of image processing systems in laboratory and industrial environments.

More information:


Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra Deutschland GmbH
Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland.

Lectra Germany appoints Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

“The transformation to Industry 4.0 is in full swing: the Industrial Internet of Things, Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud technology, data analyses and data exploitation have become key,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “Working for Lectra for over 15 years, Holger has a deep experience and knowledge of Lectra’s DNA, and is in a very strong position to support our customers in the digitalization of their processes.”

“Industry 4.0. started in Germany. Therefore, many companies are keen to adopt its principles in our region. Lectra is very well-positioned to support our customers in their transformation,“ says Holger Max-Lang.In my role, I am looking forward to a growing dialogue with our customers and prospects, to bring them a full understanding of the expertise we have built - and are building. We will leverage this expertise to boost our customers’ competitiveness and generate higher added-value for their businesses.”

Following marketing and sales positions in the IT and automotive industry sectors, Holger joined Lectra Germany in September 2002 as a salesperson for automotive accounts. He then held diverse sales’ roles in the region, including the position of Sales Manager for all Lectra markets in Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Since September 2017 Holger has held the role of Business Development Director, Automotive, with the responsibility to develop the leather cutting activity worldwide.


Lectra Deutschland GmbH


Montalvo Promotes New Director of Sales and Marketing

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Gorham, ME, USA – Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, has promoted Bryon Williams to Director of Sales and Marketing. Mr. William’s will oversee Montalvo’s North America sales efforts, and global marketing strategy with an emphasis on building relationships within existing and new industries, managing Montalvo’s internal and external sales team, and continuing to further Montalvo’s marketing strategy. Previously Mr. Williams worked as Montalvo’s Global Marketing Manager.

Montalvo’s CEO Robin Goodwin says “Bryon has been with Montalvo since 2010, during which time he has shaped and elevated our global branding and marketing strategy while helping to manage our product portfolio. Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefitting our customers and his colleagues. He will bring this commitment and dedication to his new role, to grow Montalvo even further.”

Before Montalvo, Mr. Williams specialized in customer communication and marketing coordination at and Sunday River Ski Resort. Mr. Williams attended Bryant University and earned a Bachelor’s in Business Administrant in Marking and Communication and is currently earning his Masters of Business Administration in Leadership from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.


The Montalvo Corporation


Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association © VDMA
(v.l.n.r.): Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons of the Textile Machinery Association: Regina Brückner, Fritz P. Mayer, Verena Thies.

VDMA: Regina Brückner New Chairperson of Textile Machinery Association

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

Berlin / Frankfurt am Main, 2 November 2017 – Ms. Regina Brückner, Managing Associate of Brückner Trockentechnik, is the new chairperson of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association. The businesswoman from Leonberg was elected at the members’ meeting of the Association in Berlin. The new executive board is completed with Ms. Verena Thies, Thies Textilmaschinen, and Mr. Fritz P. Mayer, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik, who were elected as vice chairpersons.

After her election, Regina Brückner stated: „I am pleased to have Ms. Thies and Mr. Mayer by my side, the two chairpersons who complement each other very well. Mr. Mayer is an entrepreneurial personality with decades of experience which he is meanwhile bringing in as the president of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.  Ms. Thies assumed responsibility in the family company early on and has been working for the traditional company Thies in international textile machinery business since 2009.”

The new executive board for the legislative period until 2021 is composed of:
Regina Brückner (Chairperson), Brückner Trockentechnik
Verena Thies (Vice Chairperson), Thies
Fritz P. Mayer (Vice Chairman), Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Johann Phillip Dilo, Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik
Peter D. Dornier, Lindauer Dornier
Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik
Roland Hampel, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen
Dr. Janpeter Horn, Herzog
Markus Kleindorp, Memminger-Iro
Martin Küppers, Saurer Schlafhorst
Georg Stausberg, Oerlikon Textile
Andreas Lukas, Andritz Küsters
Benjamin Mayer, Mayer & Cie.     
Eric Schöller, Groz-Beckert
Heinrich Trützschler, Trützschler
