From the Sector

4083 results and Google Announce Strategic Partnership and Google Announce Strategic Partnership
18.06.2018 and Google Announce Strategic Partnership, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”

"We are excited to partner with and explore new solutions for retail ecosystems around the world to enable helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences that give consumers the power to shop wherever and however they want,” said Google Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler.

Under the agreements, Google will receive 27,106,948 newly issued Class A ordinary shares at an issue price of $20.29 per share, equivalent to $40.58 per ADS, based on the volume-weighted average trading price over the prior 10 trading days.

More information:
JD Google strategic partnership



New Wave Deutschland / CRAFT: zusätzliches Logistik-Zentrum

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

Dr. Johann Killinger, Geschäftsführer der Ixocon Immobilien GmbH und verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des neuen Logistikzentrums, lobte beim offiziellen Spatenstich die gute Zusammenarbeit mit New Wave und die schnelle Realisierung des Projekts: „Das Tempo, das von allen Beteiligten bisher an den Tag gelegt wurde ist rekordverdächtig und wir machen genauso weiter. Die Fertigstellung des Logistikzentrums, das wir nach den Richtlinien der DGNB für nachhaltiges Bauen errichten, ist für Ende 2018 vorgesehen.

Auch Bachmann betonte in seiner Rede, dass der Standort Geiselwind für den New Wave Konzern von Anfang an die optimale Lösung war: „Die Planung zum Bau eines neuen Logistikzentrums gehört nicht unbedingt zu den alltäglichen und einfachsten Aufgaben. Es müssen viele Parameter berücksichtigt werden. Mit dem Standort Geiselwind haben wir die perfekte Lösung gefunden. Unmittelbar an der A3, nicht weit zur A7, direkt in der Mitte Deutschlands und für uns zum Glück immer noch in Bayern“, so Bachmann mit einem Augenzwinkern.

Nicht nur die Teamsport-Kollektion der schwedischen Sportbekleidungs-Marke CRAFT wird in Geiselwind untergebracht. Neben der neuen Schuhkollektion finden mit Clique, Printer, J. Harvest & Frost sowie der Arbeits-Bekleidungsmarke Projob weitere Marken der New Wave GmbH Platz im Hochregallager. Auf einer Fläche von knapp 1.000 Quadratmetern werden in Showroom und Outlet sämtliche Marken vertreten sein. Der Customer-Service bleibt weiterhin im bayerischen Oberaudorf.


More information:
CRAFT New Wave

Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR


Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR Product Selected for one of the Largest MBR Projects in China

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

These wastewater treatment plants will be built and operated by China Everbright Water Limited Co. Ltd, a company principally engaged in construction and operation of integrated environmental water services. The project is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.

“We have had good experience with Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR technology in the 55,000 m3/day Beijing Daxing Tiantanghe Waste Water Treatment Project,” said Mr. Wang Huailin, president of Jiangsu Kaimi Membrane Technology Co. Ltd, who will design, build and supply the membrane system for these plants. “Since the 2016 Beijing plant startup, the PURON® membranes have been used in an underground construction model to provide a pollution-free installation. We have been impressed with the low fouling and low operating costs from the PURON® product, due to its unique single header and central aeration design features and the process expertise Koch brings to the table.”

“Koch has developed advanced membrane solutions for the municipal and industrial market segments,” said Mr. Manny Singh, president of Koch Membrane Systems. “Unique features of our PURON® product help the market treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets with a low cost of ownership. We are excited that Everbright Water Group recognized the benefits of our PURON® product in their existing plant and selected us for their flagship new projects.”


Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.


Seidensticker: collection report menswear spring/summer 2019

Die Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem fundamentalen Wandel. Durch das massive Vordringen von Digitalisierung und Globalisierung werden Freiräume geschaffen, die auch den Blick auf Mode verändern. Soziale Medien und beschleunigte Kommunikation lösen Grenzen zwischen Business und Privatheit auf und ersetzen konservative Vorstellungen von Stil und Geschmack durch eine neue, global etablierte Ästhetik. Dieser Zeitgeist spiegelt sich in drei Stilmentalitäten wider, die der Kollektion zugrunde liegen. Sie reichen von sartorialem Anspruch über den gekonnten Mix aus zeitgemäßer Klassik und legeren Elementen bis hin zu einem urbanen, ungezwungenen Habit. Das Ergebnis ist eine geschmackvoll kuratierte, qualitativ und ästhetisch ausgereifte Kollektion, die sich trotz ihrer Vielschichtigkeit zu einem klaren Gesamtbild fügt. Sie ist dadurch in allen Aspekten – unabhängig von Lieferterminen und thematischen Schwerpunkten – perfekt miteinander kompatibel.

Die Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem fundamentalen Wandel. Durch das massive Vordringen von Digitalisierung und Globalisierung werden Freiräume geschaffen, die auch den Blick auf Mode verändern. Soziale Medien und beschleunigte Kommunikation lösen Grenzen zwischen Business und Privatheit auf und ersetzen konservative Vorstellungen von Stil und Geschmack durch eine neue, global etablierte Ästhetik. Dieser Zeitgeist spiegelt sich in drei Stilmentalitäten wider, die der Kollektion zugrunde liegen. Sie reichen von sartorialem Anspruch über den gekonnten Mix aus zeitgemäßer Klassik und legeren Elementen bis hin zu einem urbanen, ungezwungenen Habit. Das Ergebnis ist eine geschmackvoll kuratierte, qualitativ und ästhetisch ausgereifte Kollektion, die sich trotz ihrer Vielschichtigkeit zu einem klaren Gesamtbild fügt. Sie ist dadurch in allen Aspekten – unabhängig von Lieferterminen und thematischen Schwerpunkten – perfekt miteinander kompatibel.

Klassische Qualitäten wie Oxford, Fil-à-Fil oder Chambray bilden den Unterbau des Sortimentes und fügen sich nahtlos in das stilistische Grundkonzept der Kollektion ein. Der Fokus liegt auf subtilen Dessinierungen und feinen grafischen Kontrasten, die ein Spektrum von Unis über filigran gezeichnete Streifenbilder bis zu Micro-Motiven und zurückhaltenden Checks abdecken.   

Hier werden die Grenzen zwischen Korrektheit und Zwanglosigkeit fließend. Softe Waschungen, bewegte Oberflächen und modernisierte Kent oder Button-Down Krägen überwinden tradierte Vorstellungen von Businesstauglichkeit. Neben Twills und Oxfords beinhaltet die Materialpalette betont hochwertige, kompakt umgesetzte Leinenqualitäten. Das Denim-Sortiment wurde weiter ausgebaut und das Spektrum an hellen bis dunklen Nuancen vergrößert. Dazu kommt eine Indigo Kapsel auf Basis soft gewaschener Cotton/Leinen Mischungen, die zusammen mit einem renommierten italienischen Baumwollweber entwickelt wurde.

Die luxuriöse Anmutung dieses Themenschwerpunktes basiert auf erstklassigen, zum Teil mit italienischen Traditionswebern entwickelten, Warenqualitäten. Im Fokus stehen fein gezeichnete Dessinierungen und ein breites Spektrum an Texturen, das von subtiler Feinfädigkeit bis hin zu exponiert dreidimensionalen „Super Structures“ reicht.

Grafisch anspruchsvoll umgesetzte Druckthemen sorgen für nachhaltige visuelle Eindrücke und bilden damit eine eigenständige Kategorie. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Nebeneinander von flächig eingesetzten Florals und geometrisch-abstrahierten Motiven. Zum einhundertjährigen Jubiläum der Markengründung wurde eine separate Kapsel extrahiert. Sie entstand als exklusive Kooperation mit einem britischen Traditionsweber und basiert auf Originaldessinierungen aus dem Jahr 1919.

Die Farbkonzeption basiert auf der Frische und Klarheit von optischem Weiß und klassischem Navy, denen in den drei Lieferterminen jeweils weitere Kolorits zur Seite gestellt werden.
In der ersten Lieferung wird der Basisakkord um Ciel, warm unterlegtes Grau, gebranntes Orange und strahlendes Digital-Blau ergänzt. Klares Asia-Blau, Nugat, an reife Beeren erinnerndes Rot und helles Oliv bilden das Konzept für den zweiten Liefertermin. Im dritten Liefertermin wird der Basisakkord durch Ciel und einen weiteren, intensiver angemischten Navyton ergänzt. Dazu kommen Lackrot und ein heller Sandton.

coldblack®: Schoeller + Südwolle Group (c) Schoeller Textil AG

coldblack®: Schoeller cooperates with Südwolle Group

OutDoor2018: Schoeller’s coldblack® technology has been specifically optimized for use on knitted and woven fabrics so brands can now expand their product application uses. Under the blazing sun, textiles with coldblack® heat up less and stay cool to the touch. Südwolle Group, a leading manufacturer of high quality yarns, has also recognized the ideal combination of merino and coldblack®. With this, the wear comfort of wool apparel can be tangibly improved.

Wool is well known for its various property benefits, including insulation, natural antibacterial protection, odor control, light weight and nearly wrinkle free composition. Not only in the winter time, but also in summer particularly merino wool, a special high-quality type of wool, regulates moisture balance and thus the body temperature. The fibers can absorb a great deal of moisture or sweat and transport it away from the body. Warm ambient air quickly dries the material and causes a cooling evaporation, which makes it very comfortable to wear merino apparel in the summer time.

OutDoor2018: Schoeller’s coldblack® technology has been specifically optimized for use on knitted and woven fabrics so brands can now expand their product application uses. Under the blazing sun, textiles with coldblack® heat up less and stay cool to the touch. Südwolle Group, a leading manufacturer of high quality yarns, has also recognized the ideal combination of merino and coldblack®. With this, the wear comfort of wool apparel can be tangibly improved.

Wool is well known for its various property benefits, including insulation, natural antibacterial protection, odor control, light weight and nearly wrinkle free composition. Not only in the winter time, but also in summer particularly merino wool, a special high-quality type of wool, regulates moisture balance and thus the body temperature. The fibers can absorb a great deal of moisture or sweat and transport it away from the body. Warm ambient air quickly dries the material and causes a cooling evaporation, which makes it very comfortable to wear merino apparel in the summer time.

coldblack® technology from Schoeller supports the natural properties of wool because it reliably reduces heat build-up when exposed to the sun. Together with the help of Südwolle Group, the finish has been optimized specifically for the use in merino apparel. The yarn manufacturer chooses coldblack® for a variety of uses, especially for knitting and weaving yarns for sports and outdoor apparel and develops such products individually according to its customers’ requirements.

Stéphane Thouvay, Managing Director Product Management & Innovation at Südwolle Group, summarizes the use of the technology as follows: “coldblack® is part of our product range for the summer time, which we will be presenting at OutDoor show in Friedrichshafen. The technology reduces not only heat build-up, but also enhances the natural UV protection of wool without affecting the look and feel of the fabric. Therefore coldblack® perfectly fits into our yarn selection for sports and outdoor apparel, for example in our collection ʻYarn in Motion’. For end consumers garments made of coldblack® yarns can optionally be labeled with hangtags.”

When used in high-quality woolen fabrics, coldblack® has already proven its performance and is being used by renowned brands in various collections of men’s suits. Since 2008, the technology has been licensed by more than 200 brands, in sports particularly in the field of cycling, triathlon and golf. All components of the finish are bluesign® approved.


Schoeller Textil AG


Schoeller: sustainability for textiles and technologies

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

The textiles manufactured by Schoeller using ECONYL® yarn made from regenerated material are genuine upcycled products. The ECONYL® Reclaiming Program of Aquafil S.P.A. reduces global waste by collecting recyclable materials from landfill sites and the world’s oceans and returning them into the production cycle. The resulting yarn is no different from conventional textiles in terms of quality and appearance. The Schoeller fabric family with ECONYL® yarn encompasses a complete package with diverse exciting qualities such as ultra-light, bi-elastic schoeller®-dynamic (e.g. for windbreaker blousons), very soft, fine schoeller®-dryskin (e.g. for high-tech shorts) and lightweight schoeller®-WB-400.

New, supersoft soft-shells with ECONYL® yarn are available with different backings and weights depending on the situation. The lightest schoeller®-WB-400 radiates a sense of summer in fresh tones such as melon, oxygen blue or khaki with a smooth jersey reverse in contrasting colors, also made from ECONYL® yarn. A slightly heavier quality surprises in classic black with an elegant, navy blue reverse, while the Bordeaux nuance of the soft-shell with its brushed reverse in stone grey feels warm, soft and cozy. The fluorocarbon-free ecorepel® bio-technology, based on renewable raw materials, offers sustainable water repellence.

The dominant features of summer 2020, alongside sustainable textiles and technologies made from natural materials, are inspired multicolors. The comfortable, multicolored schoeller®-WB-400 qualities produce completely new color effects and create a cheerful look – both for outdoor activities and in urban sportswear. The combination of melon, ocean green and stone grey with white changes the mood of the original colors and lends the textiles an unexpectedly chalky, summery look. Another striking feature is the lightweight, white jersey backing, which is only revealed at second glance.

The presentation of the authentic schoeller®-dynamic qualities is no less lively, ranging from mossy green tones and blue nuances through to the brown variations of tree bark. The multicolors combine perfectly with plain fabrics and are impressively functional thanks to the PFC-free ecorepel® bio-technology, which also provides reliable water repellence. The basic qualities of the lightweight schoeller®-dryskin trousers and jackets are given a touch of elegance in the form of a discreet sheen and fashionable colors. In soft blues and greens, these supple all-rounders are highly wear resistant and offer ideal moisture management through the microfibers on the inside. They also feature ecorepel® bio-technology for water repellence.

 APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training
APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training

APIC Attendees Take Home Hygienically Clean Soiled Linen Training

Exhibiting at this week’s Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Annual Conference, Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified laundries provided nearly 200 copies of a training video guiding caregivers in improving soiled linen handling performance.

Provided on a flash drive: the 13-minute video (The Six Cs: Handling Soiled Linen in a Healthcare Environment), a quiz to immediately assess viewers’ grasp of the video’s lessons and posters to reinforce these year-round. Distributed since 2016, the video has been hailed for its value in aiding compliance with OSHA universal precautions regarding items saturated with blood, bodily fluids, harmful residue from treatments and other potentially infectious material.

The flash drive offer intrigued infection preventionists (IPs) from a single facility or those responsible for this function throughout health systems, whether acute or outpatient care environments or both. The drive also attracted the attention of other professionals who visited the Hygienically Clean exhibit, such as federal and state health officials and suppliers of products and services to the IP profession.

Exhibiting at this week’s Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Annual Conference, Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified laundries provided nearly 200 copies of a training video guiding caregivers in improving soiled linen handling performance.

Provided on a flash drive: the 13-minute video (The Six Cs: Handling Soiled Linen in a Healthcare Environment), a quiz to immediately assess viewers’ grasp of the video’s lessons and posters to reinforce these year-round. Distributed since 2016, the video has been hailed for its value in aiding compliance with OSHA universal precautions regarding items saturated with blood, bodily fluids, harmful residue from treatments and other potentially infectious material.

The flash drive offer intrigued infection preventionists (IPs) from a single facility or those responsible for this function throughout health systems, whether acute or outpatient care environments or both. The drive also attracted the attention of other professionals who visited the Hygienically Clean exhibit, such as federal and state health officials and suppliers of products and services to the IP profession.

Distributing the flash drive is a hallmark of the Hygienically Clean program’s philosophy of addressing healthcare providers’ operational needs outside the scope of outsourced laundries’ traditional functions. Certified operators’ certification fees provide funding for creating and distributing the video and other education tools for healthcare facilities.

Visitors to the Minneapolis display who previously received the video vouched for its effectiveness. Certified laundries have individually distributed the flash drive to customers and prospects in addition to  their collective effort to provide them at previous APIC and Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) expos.

The video’s easy-to-follow steps improve infection control and patient care and reduce costs by addressing OSHA-required universal precautions. Employees who handle soiled linen (usually nurses and environmental services staff) must assume all human blood and potentially infectious materials they touch are infected, because they can’t be sure which patients are infected or what infections are present.

Adhering to the six Cs (cover, collect, contain, consolidate, clean, cooperate) each day prevents injury and reduces the risk of spreading of infection to co-workers, patients and residents. These positive outcomes are only achieved when workers first protect themselves.

The flash drive is available to all healthcare providers at no cost. It also contains the Hygienically Clean standard and other guidance documents for infection preventionists related to linen and uniforms. Among these documents: Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, an 8-page guide to safeguarding through effective transportation, storage and distribution.


Help with Clean Linen from Hygienically Clean Laundries Welcomed at APIC

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

  • Employees holding and carrying stacks of bed linen and towels touching their chests
  • Commingling clean and soiled linen
  • Storing linen in closets in guest rooms instead of a secure linen room

Certified operators’ certification fees provided funding for creating and distributing the guide (and other resources for healthcare facilities), manifesting the Hygienically Clean program’s philosophy of addressing healthcare providers’ operational needs outside the scope of outsourced laundries’ traditional functions.

Angela Freeman, Hygienically Clean program manager, explained the importance of such laundries partnering with healthcare providers to create and implement plans to ensure clean textiles are delivered to patients. “When healthcare textiles (HCTs) reach a facility’s doors, an outsourced laundry’s role in maintaining their hygiene depends greatly on how the service agreement addresses linen distribution. Hygienically Clean’s resources for healthcare providers reflect the willingness of our certified operators to partner with their customers.”

A video version of the clean linen guide is in the works. TRSA, the global association for the linen and uniform services industry and Hygienically Clean administrator, continues to build the industry’s appreciation for partnering with healthcare customers.

In May, TRSA introduced Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles, an e-learning class to help laundry employees understand their roles in the processes, procedures and policies necessary to produce clean linens and uniforms. TRSA’s annual Healthcare Conference has guided industry managers in progressive linen distribution techniques to aid their training of their customers in these.


APIC Attendees Support Hygienically Clean Stance on Healthcare Uniforms in Public

Linen, uniform and facility services operators certified Hygienically Clean Healthcare presented evidence today to members of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) that medical care facilities should more carefully control public wearing of employee uniforms.

Engaging visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s 2018 expo, certification staff had a receptive audience for the data. Most attendees interviewed indicated they support preventing employees from wearing scrubs and other healthcare apparel outside medical facilities. Many said they have policies to this effect but find these difficult to enforce.

The 3-day APIC exhibit is building awareness of Hygienically Clean certified providers among infection preventionists: individuals who recommend what linen and uniform service their facilities should use. Discussing issues with them such as uniform hygiene positions certified operators as the foremost laundry science experts with an unprecedented commitment to educating healthcare professionals regarding linen and laundry.

Linen, uniform and facility services operators certified Hygienically Clean Healthcare presented evidence today to members of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) that medical care facilities should more carefully control public wearing of employee uniforms.

Engaging visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s 2018 expo, certification staff had a receptive audience for the data. Most attendees interviewed indicated they support preventing employees from wearing scrubs and other healthcare apparel outside medical facilities. Many said they have policies to this effect but find these difficult to enforce.

The 3-day APIC exhibit is building awareness of Hygienically Clean certified providers among infection preventionists: individuals who recommend what linen and uniform service their facilities should use. Discussing issues with them such as uniform hygiene positions certified operators as the foremost laundry science experts with an unprecedented commitment to educating healthcare professionals regarding linen and laundry.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit received Curbing the Infection Risks of Healthcare Garments, a brief compendium of studies and journal articles that point to the risk-reduction value of professionally laundering employees’ garments, worth the additional cost to a healthcare facility that currently makes employees responsible for washing them.

Hygienically Clean staff noted that TRSA, the global association for the linen and uniform industry that administers the certification program, has begun planning to raise the issue’s profile with healthcare industry stakeholders. TRSA’s Healthcare Committee has formed a task force on the matter. Staff has contacted TRSA associate members (suppliers to the industry) who manufacture scrubs, lab coats and other healthcare employee garments to explore promoting a new voluntary standard that would urge medical providers to prevent wearing these in public.

An Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) standard currently performs this role regarding garments worn in surgical suites. TRSA will weigh the possibility of supporting creation of a much broader measure, covering all clinical functions with discernible risk of pathogen transmission from healthcare garments to patients and the public.

As TRSA investigates courses of action, hoping to involve such stakeholder groups, Hygienically Clean certified providers will continue to point to the mounting evidence of the risks of garments carrying pathogens out of healthcare facilities and inadequate domestic laundering bringing them in.

In contrast, contracting with a Hygienically Clean provider, whose processes (laundry practices) are verified and outcomes (product cleanliness) are quantified by third parties, provides maximum confidence that all garments used in a healthcare setting have diminished presence of harmful bacteria. It’s a cost-effective way to essentially eliminate this single risk of infection transmission, unlike so many others that require preventionists to constantly guard against.

Seidensticker Kollektion Frühjahr/Sommer 2018
Seidensticker Kollektion Frühjahr/Sommer 2018

Seidensticker Kollektion Frühjahr/Sommer 2018


Die Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem fundamentalen Wandel. Durch das massive Vordringen von Digitalisierung und Globalisierung werden Freiräume geschaffen, die auch den Blick auf Mode verändern. Soziale Medien und beschleunigte Kommunikation lassen konservative Vorstellungen von Moderichtungen oder Trageanlässen hinter sich und ersetzen sie durch eine neue, global etablierte Ästhetik. Dieser Zeitgeist spiegelt sich den drei Stilmentalitäten wider, die der Kollektion zugrunde liegen. Sie repräsentieren unterschiedliche Facetten von Weiblichkeit und extrahieren daraus drei Grundrichtungen mit jeweils eigenem stilistischen Schwerpunkt. Der erste Frauentyp legt den Fokus auf moderne Basics und ein betont urbanes Styling. In der zweiten Stilgruppe verschmelzen hoher Qualitätsanspruch und die Vorliebe für reduzierte Looks zu einer luxuriösen Geradlinigkeit, während die dritte Stilmentalität verspielte Elemente stärker gewichtet und eine moderne Feminität zum Ausdruck bringt. Das Ergebnis ist eine fein abgestimmte, qualitativ und gestalterisch ausgereifte Kollektion, die sich trotz ihrer Vielschichtigkeit zu einem klaren Gesamtbild fügt. Sie ist dadurch in allen Aspekten – unabhängig von Lieferterminen und thematischen Schwerpunkten – perfekt miteinander kompatibel.

Hier geht es um unkomplizierte Styles, die unabhängig von ihrem starken Modebezug mit allen Aspekten des Kollektionsaufbaus kompatibel sind. Die Materialpalette reicht von feinfädigen Popelines über stabile Cottons bis hin zu fließenden Qualitäten. Auch die Formensprache deckt ein breites Spektrum ab. Das Modellportfolio beinhaltet sowohl urbane als auch dezent verspielte Items und reicht von schmal bis oversized und von kurzen boxy Varianten bis zu lang geschnittenen Hemdblusen. Neben Unis und Drucken wird die Kollektionsaussage von einer Range grafischer Streifenvarianten getragen.

Dieses Thema verfolgt die Idee einer urbanen, konsequent auf den Zeitgeist fokussierten Feminität. Diese Message wird durch ein vielschichtiges Spektrum an Materialien transportiert und reicht von fließenden Qualitäten über neue Denim Optiken bis zu körnigem Krepp. Auch in der Formensprache wird feminines Styling urban und zeitgeistig interpretiert. Die Silhouetten variieren zwischen schmal und oversized, cleanen Blusen und Kleidformen, die feminine Details wie Plastron-Einsätze oder Raffungen zeigen. Dazu kommt eine Auswahl überschnittener „Garçonne“ Blusen. Sie werden in allen Lieferterminen thematisiert und unterstreichen die urbane Kernaussage der Kollektion.

Hier bilden Drucke eine eigene Thematik mit besonderem visuellen Reiz. Alle Prints sind exklusive Eigen-entwicklungen. Sie flankieren den gesamten Kollektionsaufbau und ergänzen sich, trotz ihrer Eigenständigkeit, zu einer harmonischen Gesamtaussage mit deutlich erkennbarer Handschrift. Ein starker Fokus liegt auf Floralmotiven. Sie werden in einem Spektrum von groß gezogen bis klein rapportiert, von wolkig bis klar konturiert und von gestreut bis platziert aufgemacht. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt setzen abstrakte, geometrisch aufgelöste Formen, die gegenüber dem floralen Ambiente einen spannungsreichen Kontrast erzeugen. Zum einhundertjährigen Jubiläum der Markengründung wurde eine separate Kapsel extrahiert. Sie entstand als exklusive Kooperation mit einem britischen Traditionsweber und basiert auf Originaldessinierungen aus dem Jahr 1919.

Die Farbkonzeption basiert auf einem frischen Grundakkord aus maritimem Blau, Reinweiß und Off White, der in den jeweiligen Lieferterminen von weiteren Nuancen begleitet wird.
Im ersten Liefertermin werden die Basistöne durch ein markantes Arrangement aus tropischem Oliv, Korallenrot und digital leuchtendem Blau erweitert. Der zweite Termin ist durch das Zusammenspiel von Kühle und Wärme charakterisiert. Dabei werden Himbeerrot und warm leuchtendes Gelb gegen klares Ciel gesetzt. Ein kühler Aqua-Ton stellt sich im dritten Liefertermin der Dominanz von impulsivem Rot und exotischem Orange entgegen.



Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik (c) ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW
Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Hightech-Textilien zum Anfassen
Bereits der erste Blick in die Wartungshalle des Hangar 7 sorgte für großes Staunen: Die imposante Lufthansa Maschine des Typus A330, die fast täglich von Düsseldorf nach New York fliegt, steht dienstags zu Wartungsarbeiten im Hangar und bot die perfekte Kulisse, sich die Hightech-Textilien einmal aus der Nähe anzuschauen. Das war sowohl für die Veranstalter als auch die Pressevertreter eine ganz neue Erfahrung. „Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir mit dieser Veranstaltung die innovative Textilindustrie so informativ, praxisnah und erlebnisreich präsentieren konnten“, sagt Detlef Braun begeistert: „Veranstaltungen wie diese tragen dazu bei, den Hightech-Charakter der Branche nachhaltig zu verdeutlichen. Textil ist Zukunft! Dies wurde am Beispiel des Flugzeugs heute mehr als deutlich.“

Ruhig & Robust – Airline Teppichböden
Für das Unternehmen ANKER, traditionsreicher Webteppichboden-Spezialist mit Sitz im rheinischen Düren, referierte Alexander von Fuchs-Nordhoff, Sales Director, über den Einsatz der Teppichböden in Flugzeugen. Zum 50. Jubiläum in diesem Jahr der ANKER Teppiche in der Luftfahrt passte das Event ganz besonders, wurde der erste ANKER Airline Teppich 1968 in einer Lufthansa Maschine verlegt. Dabei gibt es die unterschiedlichsten Varianten der Material-Beschaffung und -Verarbeitung sowie Anbringung der Teppiche. Besonders innovativ: der leichteste Teppich in einem Flugzeug überhaupt, der mit 800 Gramm pro Quadratmeter um die Hälfte leichter ist als die herkömmlichen Varianten und damit deutliche Kerosin-Einsparungen ermöglicht. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekten und Innenarchitekten liegen ANKER Teppichböden weltweit sowohl in Flugzeugen als auch in unzähligen Bürogebäuden, Hotels und öffentlichen Gebäuden. Neben der Kreativität setzt ANKER branchenweit Maßstäbe für Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation.

Stabil & Energiesparend – Tragflächen & Strukturbauteile
Steven Bakker, Global Director Business Unit New Products & New Markets von SAERTEX, einem Familienunternehmen, das Weltmarktführer in der Herstellung von Carbongelegen ist, präsentierte deren unterschiedliche Einsatzbereiche im Flugzeug: in den Tragflächen, der Druckkalotte sowie Stringerelemente und Verkleidungsteile und erläuterte, welchen besonderen Gegebenheiten die Materialien standhalten müssen. Insbesondere die Luftfahrt setzt auf solche Composites, die durch Verstärkungsmaterialien aus Glas-, Carbon- und Aramid-Fasern an Leichtigkeit, Stabilität und Korrosionsbeständigkeit gewinnen. Als Weltneuheit konnte Saertex im März dieses Jahres auf der JEC WORLD 2018 in Paris, der Fachmesse für Verbundwerkstoffe, ein Verfahren vorstellen, das Carbon Gelege automatisch, kontinuierlich und ohne Zerstörung auf Schäden, Lücken und Krümmungen prüft. Airbus setzt dieses Verfahren zur Materialprüfung bereits in Serie ein.

Einblicke in die Praxis vermittelte die Lufthansa Technik
Im Hangar Nr. 7 der Lufthansa Technik erfuhren die Presseteilnehmer viele Details von Wartungsleiter, Sascha Bongartz. Die Lufthansa Technik Gruppe ist ein Geschäftsfeld der Deutschen Lufthansa AG rund um die Themen Wartung und Überholung von Flugzeugen, Geräteversorgung, Triebwerke, Fahrwerke und VIP-Services. Mit 50 Standorten auf der ganzen Welt und 26.700 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern – davon rund 11.000 in Deutschland – ist die Lufthansa Weltmarktführer im Bereich luftfahrttechnischer Dienstleistungen.


ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW

Markus Müller, CRAFT Marketing (c) CRAFT / NEW WAVE GmbH
Markus Müller, CRAFT Marketing

CRAFT Marketing: Markus Müller folgt auf Bernhard Haberzett

Wechsel im Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungsherstellers CRAFT:  Zum 1. Juni 2018 übernahm Markus Müller die Stelle als Marketing Manager und löst damit Bernhard Haberzett ab, der das Unternehmen nach vier Jahren einvernehmlich verlässt.
Als Kommunikations-Spezialist war Müller, 29, bereits über zwei Jahre auf Agenturseite bei Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von CRAFT zuständig und bringt reichlich Erfahrung aus der PR-Branche mit. Nach einer kurzen Zwischenstation bei einer Münchner Digital-Agentur zog es Müller jetzt direkt zu CRAFT.

Seit dem 1. Juni ergänzt er das Marketing-Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialisten und übernimmt die Stelle von Haberzett. Markus Müller hat Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Salzburg studiert und freut sich auf die neue Aufgabe: „CRAFT arbeitet seit jeher sehr eng mit Athleten zusammen. Seit Anfang des Jahres bringt CRAFT dieses Knowhow aus 40 Jahren technischer Sportbekleidung nun auch in den Teamsport und die 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. Dadurch wird erstmals eine ganz neue Zielgruppe angesprochen. Auf diese ‚Teamarbeit‘ freue ich mich besonders."    

Wechsel im Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungsherstellers CRAFT:  Zum 1. Juni 2018 übernahm Markus Müller die Stelle als Marketing Manager und löst damit Bernhard Haberzett ab, der das Unternehmen nach vier Jahren einvernehmlich verlässt.
Als Kommunikations-Spezialist war Müller, 29, bereits über zwei Jahre auf Agenturseite bei Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von CRAFT zuständig und bringt reichlich Erfahrung aus der PR-Branche mit. Nach einer kurzen Zwischenstation bei einer Münchner Digital-Agentur zog es Müller jetzt direkt zu CRAFT.

Seit dem 1. Juni ergänzt er das Marketing-Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialisten und übernimmt die Stelle von Haberzett. Markus Müller hat Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Salzburg studiert und freut sich auf die neue Aufgabe: „CRAFT arbeitet seit jeher sehr eng mit Athleten zusammen. Seit Anfang des Jahres bringt CRAFT dieses Knowhow aus 40 Jahren technischer Sportbekleidung nun auch in den Teamsport und die 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. Dadurch wird erstmals eine ganz neue Zielgruppe angesprochen. Auf diese ‚Teamarbeit‘ freue ich mich besonders."    

Markus Müller berichtet an Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. Der sagt: „Wir kennen Markus gut und schon seit langem. Wir schätzen ihn menschlich wie fachlich sehr. Das Bewerbungsgespräch dauerte daher nicht sehr lang. Das passt einfach."



Archroma joins hands with Lahore University of Engineering & Technology to foster innovative research in textiles © Archroma
Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid, Vice Chancellor UET, Lahore and Mujtaba Rahim, CEO Archroma Pakistan signing the MoU between the two institutions.

Archroma joins hands with Lahore University

  • Archroma joins hands with Lahore University of Engineering & Technology to foster innovative research in textiles

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announced it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan. The MoU will pave way for cooperation initially for a five-year period.

The partnership will explore innovations in textile research with futuristic visualization for Pakistan to help the Pakistan textile industry to keep in line with the fast pace of global apparel requirements and evolutions. Both partners will jointly hold sessions to prepare students for the challenges of the textile industry through in-house training sessions, developmental projects, research in textile applications and process innovative methodologies by pioneering value additions. The students of UET will also be able to join internship placement programs at Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi.

  • Archroma joins hands with Lahore University of Engineering & Technology to foster innovative research in textiles

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announced it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan. The MoU will pave way for cooperation initially for a five-year period.

The partnership will explore innovations in textile research with futuristic visualization for Pakistan to help the Pakistan textile industry to keep in line with the fast pace of global apparel requirements and evolutions. Both partners will jointly hold sessions to prepare students for the challenges of the textile industry through in-house training sessions, developmental projects, research in textile applications and process innovative methodologies by pioneering value additions. The students of UET will also be able to join internship placement programs at Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi.

The MoU was officially signed at a ceremony recently held in Faisalabad by Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid, Vice Chancellor of UET and Mujtaba Rahim of CEO Archroma Pakistan Limited.

Speaking at the occasion, Mujtaba Rahim said: “We, at Archroma, believe in continuous improvement and challenging the status quo leading to enhance sustainable growth especially in our product lines creating value for our stakeholders. Through this initiative of mutual cooperation, we will be able to share latest knowledge and technical developments and to work together with the faculty and research team of UET. We also wish to share the innovative textile solutions of Archroma with the students enabling them to enhance their academic performance. Our MoU will go a long way in adding value in the fast growing textile segment, from education to R&D development.”

“This partnership is going to have far-reaching impact in textile research which will bear highly positive results for UET and Archroma. Our academic team has already collaborated with Archroma on projects that will have a far reaching impact on the textile industry. We are very enthusiastic about formalizing our mutual relationship and look forward to interesting research outcomes. Industrial liaison of students will create confidence and the training, internships and working sessions will benefit them in their career development,” Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid commented.



Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green
Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

  • Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
  • Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
  • Using environmentally friendly detergents
  • Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
  • Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
  • Recycling programs
  • Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
  • Spill prevention plans

California Linen Service earned the Clean Green certification initially in 2015. The designation is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud California Linen Services for their ongoing sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”


Markus Overbeck und Kirstin Herrmann nahmen für drapilux von Andrej Kupetz,  Hauptgeschäftsführer des Rat für Formgebung (r.), den German Innovation Award in Gold entgegen Foto: Rat für Formgebung / Foto: Martin Diepold
Markus Overbeck und Kirstin Herrmann nahmen für drapilux von Andrej Kupetz, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Rat für Formgebung (r.), den German Innovation Award in Gold entgegen

drapilux mit dem German Innovation Award in Gold ausgezeichnet

Zum ersten Mal wurden gestern Abend, am 6. Juni 2018, im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala im Technikmuseum in Berlin die Preisträger des German Innovation Award geehrt. Mehr als 250 geladene Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien folgten der exklusiven Einladung. Zu den Gewinnern zählt drapilux, Marke des Emsdettener Textilunternehmens Schmitz Textiles. Der German Innovation Award in Gold ging an den innovativen Artikel „drapilux 218 Trevira CS Dim Out“ in der Wettbewerbskategorie „Excellence in Business to Consumer (B2C)“ im Bereich „Interior & Living“. Den Preis nahmen Kirstin Herrmann, Leiterin des Designbüros, sowie Marketingleiter Markus Overbeck entgegen.

Zum ersten Mal wurden gestern Abend, am 6. Juni 2018, im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala im Technikmuseum in Berlin die Preisträger des German Innovation Award geehrt. Mehr als 250 geladene Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien folgten der exklusiven Einladung. Zu den Gewinnern zählt drapilux, Marke des Emsdettener Textilunternehmens Schmitz Textiles. Der German Innovation Award in Gold ging an den innovativen Artikel „drapilux 218 Trevira CS Dim Out“ in der Wettbewerbskategorie „Excellence in Business to Consumer (B2C)“ im Bereich „Interior & Living“. Den Preis nahmen Kirstin Herrmann, Leiterin des Designbüros, sowie Marketingleiter Markus Overbeck entgegen.

drapilux 218 ist ein Novum im Markt der Verdunklungstextilien: Die flammhemmende, reinweiße Trevira CS Dim Out-Druckgrundqualität ermöglicht es, Dim Outs nach Kundenwünschen individuell zu gestalten. Per Transferdruck wird das eigene Logo oder Farbkonzept auf die weiße Grundware übertragen und perfektioniert so die geplante Raumgestaltung. Dim Outs sind Dekostoffe mit hohem Abdunkelungsgrad. Während herkömmliche Dim Outs oftmals nur eine silberne oder graue Färbung bieten, setzt drapilux 218 dem Design in diesem Bereich keine Grenzen mehr. „Die reinweiße drapilux 218 Trevira CS Dim Out vergrößert die Möglichkeiten von Designern und Innenarchitekten immens. Ein tolles Produkt, das auch den Ansprüchen bezüglich Brandschutz gerecht wird“, so die Begründung der Jury.
„Dass drapilux nach dem German Design Award 2018 nun auch den German Innovation Award in Gold erhält, freut uns sehr“, so Designerin Kirstin Herrmann. Die Anerkennung zeige, dass drapilux sowohl bei Funktion als auch bei Design überzeugt.

Der German Innovation Award zeichnet branchenübergreifend Produkte und Lösungen aus, die sich vor allem durch Nutzerzentrierung und einen Mehrwert gegenüber bisherigen Lösungen unterscheiden. 650 Einreichungen haben sich um den Award beworben, darunter Branchenriesen genauso wie Hidden Champions und Start-ups.
Nominiert ist drapilux zudem für den German Brand Award in der Kategorie Interior & Living. Ob der Marke aus Emsdetten das Triple gelingt, wird am 22. Juni 2018 bekanntgegeben.



Beaulieu Fibres International gets to the heart of Asia’s growth segment needs at ANEX 2018

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

  • Fibres for automotive composites, technical textiles, hygiene and medical nonwovens
  • UltraLink fibres offer sustainable system cost reduction solutions to the automotive industry
  • Meralux offers improved liquid management for a dry feeling
  • Stand 2034, ANEX 2018, 6-8 June, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin fibre supplier, marks its Asia Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference (ANEX) debut with unique products and capabilities to support innovation at a local level within the automotive and hygiene segments.

At Stand 2034, Beaulieu Fibres International demonstrates its commitment to the global market growth for automotive composites and technical textiles, as interest increases in adopting lightweight materials to reduce vehicle weight and fuel efficiency.

The company will present UltraLink bonding fibres that improve the mechanical, thermal and functional properties of the final part, allowing customers to meet OEM specific standards in a more sustainable way. They are available in both MONO and BICO technology – a first for the composites industry.

Jefrem Jennard, Global Sales Director – Industrial Fibres, comments: “Beaulieu Fibres International developed UltraLink fibres over the past two years to provide an answer to the automotive industry’s continuous strive for lower weight, lower emission, lower cost and better properties. They are being introduced in new global automotive programmes with SOP 2019-2021. We are delighted to introduce them to the Asian market at ANEX.”

At ANEX 2018, Beaulieu Fibres International also presents its platform of unique Meralux fibres offering significant improvements to the dryness of nonwoven for hygiene and medical applications. The BICO fibre has a special cross section, which enables it to provide bulk, opacity and enhanced fluid management compared to standard round fibres to nonwoven constructions. As a result, a dry feeling is achieved for the final nonwoven.

Petra Bohle-Stricker, Global Sales Director – Hygiene Fibres, comments: “As Asia Pacific heads towards becoming the largest regional tissue and hygiene market by the end of 2025  , nonwovens producers can already take advantage of the benefits of Meralux to launch new and innovative products that will grab the attention of global and local manufacturers. Visitors to our ANEX booth can experience Meralux fibres first-hand in nonwoven samples.”

Since Meralux was first launched in April 2017, the portfolio has expanded to include Meralux T and Meralux Soft. Beaulieu Fibres International is currently expanding its production programme with polyester-core (PET) BICO. In addition a pilot line for new developments is under construction. Both are expected to come on stream in 2018.

TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter
TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter

TRSA Highlights Certifications at F&B Show

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Visitors to the exhibit learned which providers serving these attendees’ home geographic areas are Clean Green certified and were encouraged to work with such a certified provider if not already doing so. Speaking with attendees also gave TRSA staff the opportunity to ask them about their experience with providers and, if currently under contract with one, its identity.

  • 76 percent of those questioned indicate they currently use such a provider. Most could identify it by name
  • 18 percent said they use an on-premises or home laundry for linen and uniform needs. Many of these respondents indicated they work for hotels, healthcare facilities, colleges or military bases with their own laundry equipment
  • 6 percent said they use disposable products (napkins, wipers) instead of their reusable textile equivalents; most of these respondents are in quick-service restaurant operations

The TRSA display distributed copies of Sustainability: Finding the “New” Green in Your Restaurant Supply Chain, a 7-page guide to using a systematic approach to choose suppliers whose products/services are proven to be more sustainable than those of their competitors and whose own practices are more sustainable.

TRSA’s exhibit also kicked off a survey of restaurant management to determine their perceptions of table linen service as a plus for facility hygiene and service to diners. Results will help TRSA communicate to the restaurant industry the value of using Hygienically Clean Food Service certified providers in the hope that doing so becomes an industry standard.

Such certified laundries commit to cleanliness through third-party, quantified biological testing and inspection. This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify linens and uniforms cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and best management practices for servicing full- and limited-service restaurants, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions and other locations where food is handled and served.

Clean Green certification recognizes linen, uniform and facility services companies that demonstrate responsible leadership in sustainability and conservation by acknowledging commitment to improving water and energy efficiency and adoption of best management practices for reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources. Certified operations meet quality standards for effectiveness in conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact. Customers that use Clean Green certified companies to supply, launder and maintain linens, uniforms, mats and other reusable textiles can be assured that their provider maximizes sustainable practices.

Hygienically Clean certification demonstrates linen, uniform and facility services companies’ commitment to cleanliness through independent, third-party laundry plant inspection and quantified microbial testing. Inspection and re-inspection verify that items are maintained, washed, dried, ironed, packed, transported and delivered using best management practices to meet key disinfection criteria. Between scheduled and supplemental inspections, ongoing microbial testing quantifies cleanliness and indicates laundry process adjustments.


Nixu wins € 3,9 M agreement for cybersecurity partnership in Industrial IoT monitoring

European cybersecurity company Nixu announced that it has signed a contract for cybersecurity cooperation with its long-term, globally operating industrial client. The ongoing contract now signed between the parties has an estimated total value of 3,9 million euros during three years.

The contract includes a large selection of Nixu’s holistic cybersecurity services. A new area in the contract is the development of continuous cybersecurity monitoring of Industrial IoT environment. The monitoring also covers the client’s traditional IT systems.

Petri Kairinen, CEO of Nixu: “I am pleased that our cooperation continues to grow; it is our strategic goal to provide reliable and comprehensive cybersecurity partnership to our customers. The services we deliver also relate to one of our main focus areas, industrial IoT. The significance of industrial IoT will only grow with the further digitalization of society and business. Nixu is excited to be involved in building cybersecurity for the Internet of Things together with our clients and enabling new business opportunities in the future."

European cybersecurity company Nixu announced that it has signed a contract for cybersecurity cooperation with its long-term, globally operating industrial client. The ongoing contract now signed between the parties has an estimated total value of 3,9 million euros during three years.

The contract includes a large selection of Nixu’s holistic cybersecurity services. A new area in the contract is the development of continuous cybersecurity monitoring of Industrial IoT environment. The monitoring also covers the client’s traditional IT systems.

Petri Kairinen, CEO of Nixu: “I am pleased that our cooperation continues to grow; it is our strategic goal to provide reliable and comprehensive cybersecurity partnership to our customers. The services we deliver also relate to one of our main focus areas, industrial IoT. The significance of industrial IoT will only grow with the further digitalization of society and business. Nixu is excited to be involved in building cybersecurity for the Internet of Things together with our clients and enabling new business opportunities in the future."


Nixu Corporation

drapilux statt schwedischer Gardinen

drapilux statt schwedischer Gardinen

Liberty Hotel in Offenburg

Wo früher Häftlinge hinter schweren Türen und Eisengittern ihre Strafe absaßen, herrscht heute Wohlfühlatmosphäre: Aus dem einstigen Offenburger Gefängnis wurde das Designhotel Liberty. Der Mix aus Original-Details, einem cleveren Lichtkonzept und hochwertigen Materialien verwandelte die ehemalige Strafanstalt in ein einzigartiges Objekt. Maßgefertigte Rollos und Dim Outs von drapilux erzeugen eine gemütliche Stimmung in verschiedenen Bereichen des Hotels.

Liberty Hotel in Offenburg

Wo früher Häftlinge hinter schweren Türen und Eisengittern ihre Strafe absaßen, herrscht heute Wohlfühlatmosphäre: Aus dem einstigen Offenburger Gefängnis wurde das Designhotel Liberty. Der Mix aus Original-Details, einem cleveren Lichtkonzept und hochwertigen Materialien verwandelte die ehemalige Strafanstalt in ein einzigartiges Objekt. Maßgefertigte Rollos und Dim Outs von drapilux erzeugen eine gemütliche Stimmung in verschiedenen Bereichen des Hotels.

Mehrere Jahre Planungs- und Bauphase waren erforderlich, den ehemals tristen Ort in ein Luxushotel mit 38 Zimmern und Suiten sowie großzügigen Aufenthaltsbereichen umzubauen. Verantwortlich für Konzept und Planung, die Gesamtgestaltung, Bauleitung und Generalunternehmung des kompletten Vorhabens zeichnet die Konrad Knoblauch GmbH aus Markdorf am Bodensee. „Bei der Umplanung galt es vor allem, das historische und bedrückende Erbe des Knastgebäudes mit der richtigen Portion an Unbeschwertheit zu versehen“, erläutert Katja Scharnagel, Projektverantwortliche bei Konrad Knoblauch. Für die Zimmer wurden hierzu beispielsweise zwei bis drei der beengten Zellen zusammengelegt und mit wohnlichen Elementen versehen. Die knapp 50 Dachfenster wurden mit passgenauen Faltrollos des drapilux-Artikels 795 bestückt und so zu angenehmen Lichtquellen.

Die alte Haftanstalt besteht aus zwei Backsteingebäuden, die heute die Hotelzimmer beherbergen. Verbunden werden die beiden Bauten nun durch einen transparenten Glaskubus. Darin befinden sich die Gemeinschaftsbereiche u. a. mit dem Spitzenrestaurant „Wasser & Brot“, einer Bar sowie der Lobby. „Eine Besonderheit in der Empfangshalle ist der „Teppich“. Er wurde nicht verlegt, sondern als Muster in den Betonboden eingefräst. An Gemütlichkeit fehlt es dennoch nicht“, erklärt Scharnagel das Konzept. Dazu erfolgte die Ausstattung äußerst sorgfältig – von Designerstücken bei der Möblierung bis zu bodentiefen Dim Outs (Artikel 243) aus dem Hause drapilux.


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh


Lectra unlocks the real value of automotive manufacturing data

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Several guest speakers provided insight into the ways industry megatrends are impacting the automotive cockpit of the future. As motorized vehicles become increasingly autonomous, connected and electrified, cementing their place in the shared mobility landscape, suppliers must now devise new strategies to achieve profitable growth. Traditional business models are losing ground to cross-functional collaboration partnerships, making it even more challenging to compete in the fast-moving connected, shared economy.
“It is disruptive for the entire automotive supply chain,” remarks Nathalie Saint Martin, Vice President, Group Purchasing, Faurecia. “We are all learning to evolve together and enhance the added value to our end-customers. The level of collaboration we are now seeing among suppliers is unprecedented.”

Other keynote speeches included market research consultancy Frost & Sullivan’s analysis of automotive trends in the data-driven economy, Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) specialist Bureau Veritas’ vision of data protection for automotive and a presentation of industry insights firm WardsAuto’s selection of top 10 best vehicle interiors of 2018.
The event enables a diverse array of supply chain players in automotive interiors to gather with their peers. "Events like this one are a great opportunity to talk face-to-face with other suppliers about industry-wide challenges,” notes Claus Lattner, Director Engineering, Process Management, CoC Cut Sew Wrap Global, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors. “It is not often we find ourselves in the same room to talk about consumer perception and the sustainability of leather, for instance."

“The event provided a great opportunity to interact with suppliers who have a direct impact on innovation in interior design and manufacturing,” said John Sousanis, Managing Director of Wards Intelligence.
For Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra, bringing together the automotive leather community is especially important as it rises to new business challenges stemming from continually changing consumer habits and the digitalization of manufacturing processes. “Connectivity and occupant comfort are increasing the amount of high-tech content in automotive interiors, but the up-market appeal of leather makes it a constant,” states Javier Garcia. “By fostering exchange, Lectra is doing its part to help the automotive leather ecosystem evolve to meet new consumer expectations.”