From the Sector

4047 results

Lenzing received several prizes at the Corona awards

Lenzing was awarded for the introduction of the blockchain technology for fiber identification as well as its achievements as a leading company and significant economic engine in the region

On November 4, 2019, Lenzing AG won the “Digital Corona” in Gold. The coveted business prize was awarded for the first time in this category. It is awarded to companies that have dynamically advanced the digitization of business processes, products, services and business models in recent years. At the premiere, Lenzing was delighted to receive the first prize for the introduction of the blockchain technology for fiber identification along the textile value chain.

Lenzing was awarded for the introduction of the blockchain technology for fiber identification as well as its achievements as a leading company and significant economic engine in the region

On November 4, 2019, Lenzing AG won the “Digital Corona” in Gold. The coveted business prize was awarded for the first time in this category. It is awarded to companies that have dynamically advanced the digitization of business processes, products, services and business models in recent years. At the premiere, Lenzing was delighted to receive the first prize for the introduction of the blockchain technology for fiber identification along the textile value chain.

“Consumers increasingly want to understand the ingredients and suppliers of the products they buy, requesting a new level of transparency and traceability. With the introduction of blockchain technology, Lenzing is pursuing the ambitious goal of creating full transparency across the value chain, driving change in an industry where less than five percent of the top 250 apparel brands can track their garments back to the fiber origin”, Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group, says. Lenzing enables its customers and partners to identify TENCEL ™ branded fibers across each production and distribution step from fiber-to-retail. The technology also allows consumers to verify the garment composition and the underlying textile supply chain at the point of sale, simply by scanning the barcode with a mobile device. As a result, Lenzing also directly supports the business with its very sustainably produced TENCEL™ lyocell fibers.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG


Epson Angebot an Fiskalisierungslösungen

Partnerschaft mit SEH Computertechnik GmbH bietet fiskalkonforme Lösung für Filialhandel und Unternehmen mit mehreren Kassenarbeitsplätzen

Eine strategische Kooperation zwischen dem Netzwerkexperten SEH sowie dem Fiskalexperten Epson erweitert das Angebotsportfolio für Fiskalisierungslösungen in Deutschland. Die EPS TSE Server 3 und EPS TSE Server 8 sind für drei beziehungsweise acht TSE-Module ausgelegt und ermöglichen auf diese Weise die fiskalkonforme Weiterverwendung bestehender Kassenarbeitsplätze. Bei beiden Modellen sind alle TSE-Module von vorne zugänglich.

Partnerschaft mit SEH Computertechnik GmbH bietet fiskalkonforme Lösung für Filialhandel und Unternehmen mit mehreren Kassenarbeitsplätzen

Eine strategische Kooperation zwischen dem Netzwerkexperten SEH sowie dem Fiskalexperten Epson erweitert das Angebotsportfolio für Fiskalisierungslösungen in Deutschland. Die EPS TSE Server 3 und EPS TSE Server 8 sind für drei beziehungsweise acht TSE-Module ausgelegt und ermöglichen auf diese Weise die fiskalkonforme Weiterverwendung bestehender Kassenarbeitsplätze. Bei beiden Modellen sind alle TSE-Module von vorne zugänglich.

More information:
Epson Deutschland GmbH

EPSON Deutschland GmbH

(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi in partnership with Constantia Flexibles driving forward innovation for sustainable packaging solutions

With the increased global push for environmentally friendly and sustainable paper-based packaging solutions, Sappi has made great strides in developing breakthrough proprietary barrier technology to offer new opportunities to satisfy this need. These unique solutions enabled Sappi to closely collaborate with the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé to support the launch of the YES! snack bar wrapped in recyclable paper. Sappi worked in partnership with Nestlé and packaging supplier, Constantia Flexibles to develop solutions suitable for recyclable paper production processes.

Susanne Oste, Vice President of Innovations and Sustainability at Sappi Europe commented: “Sappi has been working with leading consumer brand owners to develop and supply renewable paper-based packaging solutions understanding and supporting the goals of making their packaging recyclable without compromising on food protection and shelf life. One example of this is the new Sappi Guard range of products providing brand owners with a paper confectionery wrapper to meet market demand for more sustainable products.”

With the increased global push for environmentally friendly and sustainable paper-based packaging solutions, Sappi has made great strides in developing breakthrough proprietary barrier technology to offer new opportunities to satisfy this need. These unique solutions enabled Sappi to closely collaborate with the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé to support the launch of the YES! snack bar wrapped in recyclable paper. Sappi worked in partnership with Nestlé and packaging supplier, Constantia Flexibles to develop solutions suitable for recyclable paper production processes.

Susanne Oste, Vice President of Innovations and Sustainability at Sappi Europe commented: “Sappi has been working with leading consumer brand owners to develop and supply renewable paper-based packaging solutions understanding and supporting the goals of making their packaging recyclable without compromising on food protection and shelf life. One example of this is the new Sappi Guard range of products providing brand owners with a paper confectionery wrapper to meet market demand for more sustainable products.”

More information:
Sappi Constantia Flexibles


Passion for Cotton! 35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen 2020 © Bremer Baumwollbörse, Fotograf: Matthias Ulrichs

Passion for Cotton! 35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen 2020

  • Trendthema Circular Economy
  • Gastland Äthiopien
  • Young-Professionals-Programm
  • “Sustain“ mit Blick auf den Einzelhandel der Zukunft
  • Schon jetzt registrieren!

Was Menschen aus Textilindustrie und Handel verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft für Baumwolle.

Vom 25. bis 27. März 2020 wird Bremen einmal mehr zum Zentrum der weltweiten Baumwollwirtschaft. Im historischen Rathaus der an Kultur und Geschichte reichen Hansestadt findet unter dem Motto „Passion for Cotton!“ die Internationale Baumwollkonferenz statt. Die Veranstalter rechnen mit bis zu 500 Teilnehmern aus allen Kontinenten der Welt. Dabei sind Wissenschaft wie Praxis gleichermaßen vertreten. Initiatoren und Organisatoren sind traditionsgemäß die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE).

  • Trendthema Circular Economy
  • Gastland Äthiopien
  • Young-Professionals-Programm
  • “Sustain“ mit Blick auf den Einzelhandel der Zukunft
  • Schon jetzt registrieren!

Was Menschen aus Textilindustrie und Handel verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft für Baumwolle.

Vom 25. bis 27. März 2020 wird Bremen einmal mehr zum Zentrum der weltweiten Baumwollwirtschaft. Im historischen Rathaus der an Kultur und Geschichte reichen Hansestadt findet unter dem Motto „Passion for Cotton!“ die Internationale Baumwollkonferenz statt. Die Veranstalter rechnen mit bis zu 500 Teilnehmern aus allen Kontinenten der Welt. Dabei sind Wissenschaft wie Praxis gleichermaßen vertreten. Initiatoren und Organisatoren sind traditionsgemäß die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE).

Keynotes kompetenter Referenten zum Status quo und zu den Herausforderungen der Branche bilden den Auftakt zur Tagung. Die darauf folgenden thematisch gegliederten Sessions sind von hochkarätigen Vorträgen zu branchenrelevanten Themen der Supply Chain geprägt. Hier stehen die Referenten den Zuhörern Rede und Antwort und es ist genügend Zeit für einen Austausch vorhanden.
Das vieldiskutierte Branchenthema der Bremer Baumwolltagung ist die „Circular Economy“. Im Kern beschäftigt sich die Tagung mit dem Lebenszyklus des natürlichen, nachwachsenden Rohstoffs Baumwolle im Sinne einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. In Anlehnung an einen „Cradle to Cradle“-Prozess beginnt der Zyklus bei seinem natürlichen Ursprung, läuft über diverse Stationen der Verarbeitung, um dann am Ende wieder seinem biologischen Ursprung zugeführt zu werden. Prozessual betrachtet werden Formen des Rohstoffanbaus, der Weiterverarbeitung des Rohstoffs und seine Wiederverwertbarkeit in Sinne von Ressourcenschonung und nicht zu vergessen seine biologische Abbaubarkeit. Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit spielen hierbei ebenso eine wesentliche Rolle.

Erstmals wird auf der kommenden Tagung ein Gastland präsentiert. Mit Äthiopien wurde ein Land ausgewählt, in dem Baumwolle produziert und auch verarbeitet wird. Der Blick richtet sich auf ein Entwicklungs- bzw. Schwellenland, in dem in letzter Zeit viel auf dem Weg gebracht wurde, um vorhandene Strukturen im Baumwollanbau und in der -verarbeitung positiv weiterzuentwickeln.

Mehr noch: Zur Tagung wird es ein Young-Professionals-Programm geben. Angehende Experten respektive Berufsanfänger z. B. aus den Bereichen Baumwollhandel, Beschaffung, Design, Produktmanagement, Textiltechnik sollen Einblicke in die globale Baumwoll- und Textilindustrie aus erster Hand erhalten. Referenten und prominente Fachbesucher der Tagung aus Wissenschaft und Praxis stellen sich ihnen auf eigens angesetzten Events persönlich vor.

Ein Bestandteil der ‚Bremen Cotton Week‘ ist auch diesmal die vom Weser-Kurier in enger Kooperation veranstaltete „Sustain“. Die „Sustain“ versteht sich als Konferenz zu Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion, Konsum und Handel. Diesmal dreht sich unter der Headline „Stadt und Handel - Zukunft des textilen Handels“ alles um die Nahstelle „Handel“. Der Handel ist der Schlüssel zum Verbraucher und entscheidet, was angeboten, verkauft und letztendlich produziert wird.


Bremer Baumwollbörse, Kommunikation und internationale Beziehungen


Performance Days: ROICA™ partners infuse eco-smart technology into high performance functional stretch fabrics

  • Performance Days: November 13th-14th 2019, Munich, Germany

Munich – ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.  

  • Performance Days: November 13th-14th 2019, Munich, Germany

Munich – ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.  

The company’s partners empowering their ultimate collections with ROICA™ are CIFRA S.p.A. (IT), Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT), M.I.T.I. S.p.A. (IT), Payen group ESF (FR), Piave Maitex S.r.l. (IT), SITIP S.p.A. (IT), Sofileta S.A.S (FR), Sportswear Argentona S.A. (ES), TINTEX Textiles S.A. (PT) and TVB GmbH (DE).

ROICA Eco-SmartTM Family

  • “The certified and hyper-performing family features two responsibly made yarns with outstanding stretch performances that give free rein to designers’ creativity and provides the highest stretch ability while complying to the most-cutting edge sustainable standards.” adds Shinohe.
  • The GRS - Global Recycled Standard - certified ROICA™ EF is made with 58% of pre-consumer recycled content. GRS guarantees its sustainable mission with a certification by the influential Textile Exchange*, one of the most known and recognized global standards in the market.
  • The ROICA™ V550 proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substance under the testing environment according to Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification. Made and engineered by Asahi Kasei R&D team, and produced in ROICA™ German plant only, the yarn offers additional and relevant circular economy advantages linked to material health as proved by a Gold Level Material Health Certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute for a safe and biological end of life cycle

GB Network Marketing & Communication


Rieter Investor Update 2019

  • Order intake of CHF 524.5 million after nine months
  • Order intake for a major project from Egypt booked in October 2019
  • Market situation remains challenging
  • Real estate sale in Ingolstadt successfully completed
  • Outlook 2019

The cumulative order intake recorded by Rieter Group in the first nine months of 2019 of CHF 524.5 million (2018: CHF 749.8 million) was down by 30% compared to the prior-year period. In the third quarter of 2019, order intake was CHF 146.2 million (Q3 2018: CHF 238.0 million).

Order Intake for a Major Project from Egypt Booked
On October 7, 2019, Rieter booked the order intake for the first six projects with Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, Cairo (Egypt) of around CHF 165 million. This amount is thus not included in the figures for the third quarter of 2019 and will positively affect the fourth quarter. The sales are anticipated to be realized in the 2020/2021 financial years. The order includes deliveries of compact and ring spinning systems and it is part of a comprehensive modernization program for the Egyptian textile industry.

  • Order intake of CHF 524.5 million after nine months
  • Order intake for a major project from Egypt booked in October 2019
  • Market situation remains challenging
  • Real estate sale in Ingolstadt successfully completed
  • Outlook 2019

The cumulative order intake recorded by Rieter Group in the first nine months of 2019 of CHF 524.5 million (2018: CHF 749.8 million) was down by 30% compared to the prior-year period. In the third quarter of 2019, order intake was CHF 146.2 million (Q3 2018: CHF 238.0 million).

Order Intake for a Major Project from Egypt Booked
On October 7, 2019, Rieter booked the order intake for the first six projects with Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, Cairo (Egypt) of around CHF 165 million. This amount is thus not included in the figures for the third quarter of 2019 and will positively affect the fourth quarter. The sales are anticipated to be realized in the 2020/2021 financial years. The order includes deliveries of compact and ring spinning systems and it is part of a comprehensive modernization program for the Egyptian textile industry.

Market Situation Remains Challenging
The demand for new machinery remained at a low level in the third quarter of 2019. The primary reasons are existing overcapacity in the spinning mills, the trade conflict between the USA and China, as well as political and economic uncertainties in other regions of importance to Rieter. Rieter's market share continues to be at the level of around 30%.

Real Estate Sale in Ingolstadt Successfully Completed
Rieter completed the real estate sale in Ingolstadt (Germany) to GERCHGROUP of Düsseldorf (Germany) on September 13, 2019. Rieter expects a non-recurring profit contribution from this transaction on a net profit level of around EUR 60 million.

Outlook 2019
Rieter estimates significantly lower sales for the year 2019 as a whole compared to 2018, and expects a significant drop in the result from the ongoing business. EBIT and net profit are anticipated to be significantly above the levels of the previous year due to the non-recurring profit contribution from the sale of real estate in Ingolstadt (Germany). The cost-cutting measures introduced have been implemented to a great extent.

More information:
Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Holding Ltd.

Foto: (c) Malte Kiel

Designer Malte Kiel verstärkt das Team von JUNO Fashion

Seit Anfang Oktober 2019 verstärkt Malte Kiel das Start-up JUNO Fashion als Designer. Der 28-jährige Kreativkopf verantwortet künftig sowohl die Kreationen für Kunden des Unternehmens als auch des hauseigenen Labels THE NEIGHBOURGOODS.

Malte absolvierte sein Fashion-Design-Studium mit Einserabschluss an der renommierten Akademie Mode & Design in Düsseldorf. Nach Praktika unter anderem beim Düsseldorfer Label Young Couture by Barbara Schwarzer oder bei der New York Fashion Week fasste er bei McNeal Fuß im Mode-Business. Anschließend führte ihn sein Weg zu Hugo Boss ins schwäbische Metzingen, wo er zuletzt als Junior Designer für Hugo Menswear arbeitete. Nach einem Zwischenstopp bei Nowadays komplettiert Malte Kiel nun das junge Team von JUNO-Fashion um die beiden Gründer und Geschäftsführer Norman Lang und Julian Franke.

Seit Anfang Oktober 2019 verstärkt Malte Kiel das Start-up JUNO Fashion als Designer. Der 28-jährige Kreativkopf verantwortet künftig sowohl die Kreationen für Kunden des Unternehmens als auch des hauseigenen Labels THE NEIGHBOURGOODS.

Malte absolvierte sein Fashion-Design-Studium mit Einserabschluss an der renommierten Akademie Mode & Design in Düsseldorf. Nach Praktika unter anderem beim Düsseldorfer Label Young Couture by Barbara Schwarzer oder bei der New York Fashion Week fasste er bei McNeal Fuß im Mode-Business. Anschließend führte ihn sein Weg zu Hugo Boss ins schwäbische Metzingen, wo er zuletzt als Junior Designer für Hugo Menswear arbeitete. Nach einem Zwischenstopp bei Nowadays komplettiert Malte Kiel nun das junge Team von JUNO-Fashion um die beiden Gründer und Geschäftsführer Norman Lang und Julian Franke.

More information:
JUNO Fashion

PR + Presseagentur textschwester



Mr. Robert Bélanger, President of the Board of Directors of the CTT Group and President of Belt-Tech Products inc., is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Olivier Vermeersch as President/Chief Executive Officer of the CTT Group, one of the Collegial Center for Technology Transfer (CCTT) of the Cégep of Saint-Hyacinthe. Mr. Vermeersch succeeds Mr. Jacek Mlynarek from today. Mr. Mlynarek will remain associated to the CTT Group as an Ambassador and Strategic Advisor and - Research and Development, Partnership and Innovation.

The CTT Group Board of Directors and the entire team would like to thank Mr. Mlynarek for the energy and dedication he has devoted over the last 26 years to the development of the CTT Group, which is now recognized as one of the most important Collegial Center for Technology Transfer in Quebec and Canada. In 2009, Mr. Mlynarek received the Innovation System Builder Award from the Quebec Association for the Development of Research and Innovation.

Mr. Robert Bélanger, President of the Board of Directors of the CTT Group and President of Belt-Tech Products inc., is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Olivier Vermeersch as President/Chief Executive Officer of the CTT Group, one of the Collegial Center for Technology Transfer (CCTT) of the Cégep of Saint-Hyacinthe. Mr. Vermeersch succeeds Mr. Jacek Mlynarek from today. Mr. Mlynarek will remain associated to the CTT Group as an Ambassador and Strategic Advisor and - Research and Development, Partnership and Innovation.

The CTT Group Board of Directors and the entire team would like to thank Mr. Mlynarek for the energy and dedication he has devoted over the last 26 years to the development of the CTT Group, which is now recognized as one of the most important Collegial Center for Technology Transfer in Quebec and Canada. In 2009, Mr. Mlynarek received the Innovation System Builder Award from the Quebec Association for the Development of Research and Innovation.

Mr. Vermeersch is in a familiar territory, since he has been working for the CTT Group from the beginning of his career in 1991. In 2014, he was promoted Vice President - Research and Development and more recently, he was appointed as Executive Vice-President. In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Excellence Award from the “Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies”. Mr. Vermeersch will continue to be Chairholder of the NEXTEX Industrial Chair of St-Hyacinthe College, a Canadian NSERC Level 2 Chair in Innovative Technical Textiles, which brings together many of CTT Group's customers.

More information:

CTT Group

Airborne / AMAC GmbH (c) AMAC GmbH

Airborne strengthens its activities in the D-A-CH region with AMAC

As of October 1st, 2019, the Netherlands-based global market leading manufacturer of advanced automation equipment and solutions for composites, Airborne, strengthens its activities particularly in German speaking countries, the so-called D-A-CH region, comprising Germany, Austria and Switzerland with Dr. Michael Effing from AMAC. The Dutch company is looking for specialised partnerships to develop and deepen its international business opportunities in the aerospace and automotive markets.

As of October 1st, 2019, the Netherlands-based global market leading manufacturer of advanced automation equipment and solutions for composites, Airborne, strengthens its activities particularly in German speaking countries, the so-called D-A-CH region, comprising Germany, Austria and Switzerland with Dr. Michael Effing from AMAC. The Dutch company is looking for specialised partnerships to develop and deepen its international business opportunities in the aerospace and automotive markets.

Airborne’s focus is on high-end composite components, at high production rates at radically low conversion costs. Airborne is building up a suite of automated solutions for the manufacturing of composites with the aim to radically reduce costs and touch labour, minimize the footprint and use of material, and improve the time to market for their clients. The company offers i.a. solutions in automated honeycomb potting, automated kitting and automated lamination of thermosets and thermoplastics. In order to develop new business opportunities in the D-A-CH region for the end-markets aerospace and automotive, Airborne is cooperating with AMAC to accelerate the process of locating suitable partnerships.

Dr. Effing, CEO of AMAC GmbH confirms: "As a first step for the establishment of Airborne on the German market, we just signed their membership at AZL in Aachen which will help to connect with over 80 companies and latest research developments. In the framework of theirstrategy to strengthen the supply to the aircraft sector, Airborne will also exhibit at the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg from March 31st to April 2nd 2020.”


Bernhard Wiehl, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (c) Autoneum Holding Ltd

autoneum: Change to the Group Executive Board

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

Bernhard Wiehl has been responsible for Finance & Controlling at Business Group Europe since 2013. Also thanks to his financial leadership, this Business Group with its numerous legal units has become highly profitable in recent years. Prior to joining Autoneum, he held senior finance and controlling positions with various automotive suppliers and has therefore extensive experience in the financial management of internationally active suppliers. Additionally, he is very familiar with the challenges of the automotive industry in a global environment. From 2007 to 2013, he was Head of Finance & Controlling and member of the Executive Board of the Lighting and Electronics division at the German automotive supplier Hella and from 2004 to 2007, among other things, in charge of controlling of the Europedivision of the supplier Hydraulik-Ring. Wiehl started his professional career in 1995 at TRW Automotive in Germany. He studied mechanical and industrial engineering at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and holds a degree in industrial engineering (FH).

Bernhard Wiehl’s predecessor Dr Martin Zwyssig decided to leave the Company and to take up a new professional challenge. The Board of Directors and CEO Matthias Holzammer thank him for the commitment to the Company and wish him all the best for his professional and private future.


Autoneum Holding Ltd


SGC Carbon SE: Update on the preliminary status of the new five-year plan;

Deterioration in market segments Textile Fibers and Industrial Applications in the business unit CFM will be counteracted with various measures; strategic growth markets remain intact

Deterioration in market segments Textile Fibers and Industrial Applications in the business unit CFM will be counteracted with various measures; strategic growth markets remain intact

  • Continued weakness in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM) in the final quarter of 2019 due to the further weakening in the market segment Textile Fibers as well as the deteriorated economic environment in the market segment Industrial Applications leads to a guidance adjustment for the full year 2019
  • Earnings deterioration at CFM triggers an impairment testing; impairment charge will become necessary
  • Initial outlook for 2020
  • Comprehensive measures initiated to improve earnings of the CFM business unit
  • CFM strategic growth markets automotive and aerospace remain intact
  • Growth in higher-margin aerospace business to be accelerated

While the preliminary results for the first nine months 2019 remain, overall, within the scope of the full year outlook outlined in the ad-hoc notification of August 14, 2019 (preliminary 9M/2019 recurring EBIT: Group: approx. €54 million, CFM: approx. minus €2 million, GMS: approx. €71 million, Corporate: approx. minus €15 million), continued weakness is becoming apparent for the final quarter 2019 in the reporting segment Composites – Fibers & Materials (CFM). This is due to the further weakening in the market segment Textile Fibers as well as the deteriorated economic environment in the market segment Industrial Applications.

SGL Carbon therefore now expects for the full year 2019 a recurring EBIT in the reporting segment CFM in a negative mid to high single digit million € amount (previous guidance: positive mid-single digit million € amount). This results in a Group recurring EBIT for the full year 2019 in the magnitude of €45 to 50 million (previous guidance: approx. €55 million).

The earnings deterioration at CFM triggers an impairment testing. Based on the preliminary status of the new five-year plan, a non-cash impairment charge of €70 to 80 million is becoming apparent in CFM mainly due to the lower starting point in 2019 as well as the ongoing weakness in the market segments Textile Fibers and Industrial Applications. This impairment charge will be recorded in the third quarter 2019. In recent years acquired assets of the former joint ventures with BMW and Benteler are not affected by this impairment.



More information:
SGL Carbon

SGL Carbon SE


GENESIS:M&J at Kingpins Show Amsterdam

A selected supply chain combined with big data model to shape a controlled eco-innovative change, for Bangladesh and the entire sector. The Kingpins Show Amsterdam (23-24 October 2019) is once again the chosen setting for GENESIS:M&J Group to present its highly innovative proposals and latest advancements in the world of garment manufacturing. The strategy behind the new approach of the Group’s leading facility is based on three main pillars: an accurate supply-chain selection, unique sustainable data control with START TO MEASURE™ system improved, and the development of safer work conditions and processes.

A selected supply chain combined with big data model to shape a controlled eco-innovative change, for Bangladesh and the entire sector. The Kingpins Show Amsterdam (23-24 October 2019) is once again the chosen setting for GENESIS:M&J Group to present its highly innovative proposals and latest advancements in the world of garment manufacturing. The strategy behind the new approach of the Group’s leading facility is based on three main pillars: an accurate supply-chain selection, unique sustainable data control with START TO MEASURE™ system improved, and the development of safer work conditions and processes.

Confirming its prestigious partnerships with brands like Diesel, G-Star Raw, Jack & Jones, C&A and Celio, among many others, GENESIS brings on the stage of the world-renowned denim exhibition its vision to drive positive change in the sector. In the ever-changing denim and apparel scenario the company’s strategy aims at leading a forefront approach in major garment manufacturing, relying on high-quality standards and unprecedent technological innovation. The goal is not only to consolidate penetration in European markets, but also to provide an alternative model to fast-fashion standards.

More information:
Genesis M&J Group



Huntsman Textile Effects introduces ERIOPON® E3-SAVE Dyeing Auxiliary

Eco-friendly dyeing auxiliary saves time, water and energy by enabling pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single-bath
Huntsman Textile Effects introduces the breakthrough ERIOPON® E3-SAVE dyeing auxiliary for the new “single-bath scour-dye-reduction clear concept” providing the shortest possible processing cycle for polyester thus saving time, water, energy and cost.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, brands, consumers and mills are increasingly focused on sustainability and performance resulting in raising demand for optimization of the costly, time consuming and resource intensive polyester dyeing process.

Developed by Huntsman Textile Effects specifically to meet these challenges, the advanced all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE dyeing auxiliary is engineered to help the mills achieve considerable savings in the water, energy and time for the intensive process of dyeing polyester and its blends by combining pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single bath.

Eco-friendly dyeing auxiliary saves time, water and energy by enabling pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single-bath
Huntsman Textile Effects introduces the breakthrough ERIOPON® E3-SAVE dyeing auxiliary for the new “single-bath scour-dye-reduction clear concept” providing the shortest possible processing cycle for polyester thus saving time, water, energy and cost.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, brands, consumers and mills are increasingly focused on sustainability and performance resulting in raising demand for optimization of the costly, time consuming and resource intensive polyester dyeing process.

Developed by Huntsman Textile Effects specifically to meet these challenges, the advanced all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE dyeing auxiliary is engineered to help the mills achieve considerable savings in the water, energy and time for the intensive process of dyeing polyester and its blends by combining pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single bath.


Huntsman Textile Effects:

(c) Novibra Boskovice s.r.o.

Novibra at ShanghaiTex 2019

Novibra presents the latest innovations in spindle technology and energy saving measures at the forthcoming ShanghaiTex.
The energy saving spindle LENA has been designed for the highest speeds and lower energy consumption. It is the only spindle in the market with 17.5 mm wharve diameter and energy savings in the average of up to 6%.

The new generation of clamping crowns CROCOdoff and CROCOdoff Forte introduce genuine doffing without underwinding. The crowns work automatically depending on the spindle speed. The major advantages are significant reductions in maintenance costs. That is based on a lower ends down rate after doffing and minimized cleaning of the underwinding area.

Novibra’s goal is to bring beneficial and customized solutions to the customers helping them to keep their leading position in the market. Novibra is looking forward to discussing the new products that fulfil one of today’s biggest demands for energy savings and maintenance costs reduction.

Novibra presents the latest innovations in spindle technology and energy saving measures at the forthcoming ShanghaiTex.
The energy saving spindle LENA has been designed for the highest speeds and lower energy consumption. It is the only spindle in the market with 17.5 mm wharve diameter and energy savings in the average of up to 6%.

The new generation of clamping crowns CROCOdoff and CROCOdoff Forte introduce genuine doffing without underwinding. The crowns work automatically depending on the spindle speed. The major advantages are significant reductions in maintenance costs. That is based on a lower ends down rate after doffing and minimized cleaning of the underwinding area.

Novibra’s goal is to bring beneficial and customized solutions to the customers helping them to keep their leading position in the market. Novibra is looking forward to discussing the new products that fulfil one of today’s biggest demands for energy savings and maintenance costs reduction.

More information:
Novibra ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Graf + Cie AG

Graf at ShanghaiTex 2019

Graf introduces at ShanghaiTex three novelties for the textile market: a new card clothing with up to 30% longer lifetime, a height adjustable comb and a helpful solution for card clothing management.
MULTISHARP, the unique wear resistant alloy for card clothings, increases the lifetime of metallic card clothings on the cylinder by up to 30%. Additionally, the work load of the maintenance team can be minimized by providing longer service cycles and less unplanned downtimes.

The yield on raw material can be increased without compromising the quality requirements – thanks to the continuous height adjustability of the new combs series. The continuous and exact gap setting between nipper and circular comb on each individual combing head provides customers a new level on raw material utilization. Additionally, the maintenance people will appreciate the comfortable and easy installation of the circular comb.

Graf introduces at ShanghaiTex three novelties for the textile market: a new card clothing with up to 30% longer lifetime, a height adjustable comb and a helpful solution for card clothing management.
MULTISHARP, the unique wear resistant alloy for card clothings, increases the lifetime of metallic card clothings on the cylinder by up to 30%. Additionally, the work load of the maintenance team can be minimized by providing longer service cycles and less unplanned downtimes.

The yield on raw material can be increased without compromising the quality requirements – thanks to the continuous height adjustability of the new combs series. The continuous and exact gap setting between nipper and circular comb on each individual combing head provides customers a new level on raw material utilization. Additionally, the maintenance people will appreciate the comfortable and easy installation of the circular comb.

With the card clothing management the overall investment costs can be reduced. This is based on minimizing the operational expenses including optimizing the overall equipment effectiveness. Graf’s card clothing management prolongs the lifetime of flexible flats by up to three times without comprising on the quality parameters throughout the entire life cycle.

More information:
Graf ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Bräcker AG

Bräcker at ShanghaiTex 2019

Bräcker presents a new traveller with up to 50% longer lifetime and shorter running-in period. This is only one highlight out of the impressing product variety.
A novelty Bräcker shows at ShanghaiTex is the new CARBO traveller for ring spinning machines. It is specially designed for man-made fiber spinners. CARBO is a new coating technology which improves the sliding properties. This results in up to 50% longer lifetime and a shorter running-in period. Recommended applications next to man-made fibers are also their blends, core yarns and all yarn counts.

In addition, Bräcker exhibits its well-known portfolio of high-quality products which meets the continually rising demands on the textile market like higher speeds and productivity. The rings and travellers offer long service lives, lowest yarn breaks and no thermal damages when processing man-made fibers.

Bräcker presents a new traveller with up to 50% longer lifetime and shorter running-in period. This is only one highlight out of the impressing product variety.
A novelty Bräcker shows at ShanghaiTex is the new CARBO traveller for ring spinning machines. It is specially designed for man-made fiber spinners. CARBO is a new coating technology which improves the sliding properties. This results in up to 50% longer lifetime and a shorter running-in period. Recommended applications next to man-made fibers are also their blends, core yarns and all yarn counts.

In addition, Bräcker exhibits its well-known portfolio of high-quality products which meets the continually rising demands on the textile market like higher speeds and productivity. The rings and travellers offer long service lives, lowest yarn breaks and no thermal damages when processing man-made fibers.

More information:
Bräcker ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

(c) Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH

Suessen at ShanghaiTex 2019

Suessen presents the new compacting devices for high flexibility, new weighting arms and premium rotor spinning components for excellent yarn quality.
COMPACTeasy is the new mechanical compacting device available as a plugon/ plug-off unit for any ring spinning machine type and suitable for most common applications like cotton, man-made fibers and blends. COMPACTeasy is the solution in compacting without additional energy requirement.

New EliTe is a versatile compact-spinning system with new innovative components. The customers profit from higher productivity, better quality and lower operational costs. Upgrade packages and spare parts packages enable the customers to benefit also on existing installations.

The new Top Weighting Arm HP 4080 for roving frames offers a new design for easy settings and improved stability. In addition, consistent yarn quality over the lifetime is guaranteed.

Suessen presents the new compacting devices for high flexibility, new weighting arms and premium rotor spinning components for excellent yarn quality.
COMPACTeasy is the new mechanical compacting device available as a plugon/ plug-off unit for any ring spinning machine type and suitable for most common applications like cotton, man-made fibers and blends. COMPACTeasy is the solution in compacting without additional energy requirement.

New EliTe is a versatile compact-spinning system with new innovative components. The customers profit from higher productivity, better quality and lower operational costs. Upgrade packages and spare parts packages enable the customers to benefit also on existing installations.

The new Top Weighting Arm HP 4080 for roving frames offers a new design for easy settings and improved stability. In addition, consistent yarn quality over the lifetime is guaranteed.

More information:
Suessen ShanghaiTex

Rieter Management AG

© SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG

SSM at ShanghaiTex 2019

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

Kornit Digital (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Brings On-Demand Apparel, Sportswear, and Home Goods Solutions to PRINTING United 2019

"Fulfillment Hub” presentation will feature collaborations with major brands, thought leadership sessions
Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, has announced the details of its presence at PRINTING United 2019, taking place in Dallas, Texas, October 23-25, 2019.

PRINTING United brings the North American public debut of Kornit’s Konnect software, a cloud software analytics platform that provides users a single comprehensive user interface to monitor and manage their productivity. This empowers customers to receive real-time data about their operations, prioritize, assess costs, troubleshoot, and set goals from the convenience of their laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


"Fulfillment Hub” presentation will feature collaborations with major brands, thought leadership sessions
Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, has announced the details of its presence at PRINTING United 2019, taking place in Dallas, Texas, October 23-25, 2019.

PRINTING United brings the North American public debut of Kornit’s Konnect software, a cloud software analytics platform that provides users a single comprehensive user interface to monitor and manage their productivity. This empowers customers to receive real-time data about their operations, prioritize, assess costs, troubleshoot, and set goals from the convenience of their laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


More information:
Kornit Digital Printing United

Kornit Digital Europe GmbH

©thoenes Dichtungstechnik/ Textil vernetzt

Überwachung einer Rundstrickmaschine mittels Sensorik: Abschluss des Projektes mit der thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH

Betriebsdaten sinnvoll nutzen und Ausfallzeiten reduzieren: Das waren nur einige der Ziele, die die Textil vernetzt-Kollegen vom Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) beim Retrofitting einer Rundstrickmaschine bei der thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH aus dem sächsischen Klipphausen erreicht haben.

Betriebsdaten sinnvoll nutzen und Ausfallzeiten reduzieren: Das waren nur einige der Ziele, die die Textil vernetzt-Kollegen vom Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) beim Retrofitting einer Rundstrickmaschine bei der thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH aus dem sächsischen Klipphausen erreicht haben.

Die Rundstrickmaschine produziert Kunststoffgestricke, die unter anderem im Fahrzeugbau zum Einsatz kommen, um Druckluftgeräusche zu reduzieren. Die derzeit erhobenen Daten werden in Ermangelung an Schnittstellen momentan noch nicht an übergeordnete Systeme übergeben und weiterverarbeitet. Das Team vom STFI hat nun eine sensorbasierte Nachrüstung der Maschine vorgenommen. Dazu haben sich die Kollegen in mehreren Workshops einen Überblick verschafft, welche Anforderungen in der laufenden Produktion anfallen. Im Mittelpunkt standen die Messung der Drehzahl und die Bestimmung des Spulendurchmessers, um Laufzeit, Geschwindigkeit und Verarbeitungsmenge an der Maschine zu erfassen. Hierzu verbaute thoenes einen Hallsensor an der Maschine, der zur Drehzahlmessung genutzt wurde. Am STFI wurden zudem weitere Erfassungsmethoden erprobt. Die Programmierung der Controller-Systeme erfolgte in der Programmiersprache C und für die Vorauswertung der Sensordaten kam das grafische Programmierwerkzeug Node-RED zum Einsatz. Dieses nutzt das Unternehmen zudem, um mobil Störungsmeldungen zu erfassen.

Am Chemnitzer Schaufenster des STFI ist nun die Realisierung eines Retrofit-Demonstrators geplant. Hieran sollen weitere Lösungsansätze gezeigt werden, zugleich wird dieser anderen interessierten Unternehmen als Leihgabe zur Verfügung stehen.


Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt