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PCMC launches Smart TOUCH HMI

  • New human-machine interface brings smart features to tissue operations

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has launched Smart TOUCH HMI, a new human-machine interface available on Forte tissue converting lines.

Following high-performance design principles, PCMC’s Smart TOUCH HMI offers users a clean, modern interface and enhanced help features. The smart analytic capabilities are aimed at providing customer insights to improve overall equipment effectiveness. The Smart TOUCH HMI works much like today’s mobile devices with swipe functionality, enabling a short learning curve and increased productivity.

“We designed our new HMI with operators in mind,” said Jason Hilsberg, PCMC Tissue Sales Director. “PCMC is always working to improve the capabilities and features of our machines for our customers, and more specifically, to enhance the experience of the operators. With simplified controls and navigation, robust help functions and easy recipe management, this new design will provide operators with a more efficient process to keep tissue operations running quickly and smoothly.”

  • New human-machine interface brings smart features to tissue operations

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has launched Smart TOUCH HMI, a new human-machine interface available on Forte tissue converting lines.

Following high-performance design principles, PCMC’s Smart TOUCH HMI offers users a clean, modern interface and enhanced help features. The smart analytic capabilities are aimed at providing customer insights to improve overall equipment effectiveness. The Smart TOUCH HMI works much like today’s mobile devices with swipe functionality, enabling a short learning curve and increased productivity.

“We designed our new HMI with operators in mind,” said Jason Hilsberg, PCMC Tissue Sales Director. “PCMC is always working to improve the capabilities and features of our machines for our customers, and more specifically, to enhance the experience of the operators. With simplified controls and navigation, robust help functions and easy recipe management, this new design will provide operators with a more efficient process to keep tissue operations running quickly and smoothly.”


Paper Converting Machine Company


Using chemistry to fight Covid-19: CHT Group expands product portfolio

In mid-March, CHT Germany GmbH, which specializes in specialty chemicals, took up production and distribution of hand disinfectant. Now the company is expanding its product portfolio by adding important medical supplies that can help fight Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Starting immediately, CHT is providing its business customers with surface disinfectant, textile supplies for medical protective wear as well as supplies for test kits and face masks.

In mid-March, CHT Germany GmbH, which specializes in specialty chemicals, took up production and distribution of hand disinfectant. Now the company is expanding its product portfolio by adding important medical supplies that can help fight Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Starting immediately, CHT is providing its business customers with surface disinfectant, textile supplies for medical protective wear as well as supplies for test kits and face masks.

Following increased demand for disinfectant in the wake of the new coronavirus, the CHT Group began already a month and a half ago to produce hand disinfectant at its factory in Dußlingen. Since then, more of its factories around the world had joined in. Now the CHT Group is complementing this offering by producing its own surface disinfectant based on ethanol. As with the hand disinfectant, the production of the surface disinfectant received a special approval, based on the expanded general ruling by the German Federal Agency  for Chemicals (BAuA). Both types of disinfectant use publicly available standard formulas for alcohol-based disinfectant from the World Health Organization (WHO). The sale of CHT’s surface disinfectant, which is available in 5-, 10- and 30-liter canisters, is exclusively for use by industry customers.

In addition, the CHT Group is manufacturing a range of textile-relevant products that provide protection from Covid-19. These include functional supplies for face masks for medical protective wear, as well as flocking for test kits. Through these offerings, the CHT Group also wants to support the textile sector, which has been strongly affected by the crisis.

More information:
surface disinfectant CHT Gruppe

CHT Gruppe

Logo Perlon-Gruppe
Perlon-Gruppe spendet Masken an die freiwillige Feuerwehr

The Perlon® Group: support to fire service

The Perlon®-Group is supporting the procurement measures of the volunteer fire service in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district by donating 2400 KN 95 protective masks. This protective equipment will be put to good use by the force covering 23 towns and communities in the area.

The masks offer protection for fire brigade personnel and ensure that the firemen and women can carry out their duties safely and that they also protect the inhabitants in the district and everybody else in the area who may be involved in a rescue, from a potential contamination of the Corona virus.






The Perlon®-Group is supporting the procurement measures of the volunteer fire service in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district by donating 2400 KN 95 protective masks. This protective equipment will be put to good use by the force covering 23 towns and communities in the area.

The masks offer protection for fire brigade personnel and ensure that the firemen and women can carry out their duties safely and that they also protect the inhabitants in the district and everybody else in the area who may be involved in a rescue, from a potential contamination of the Corona virus.







Perlon Sales and Marketing

bardusch: Hochmodernes Textilmanagement (c) bardusch WEITBLICK®
Ein Teil der Sharing Economy_bardusch

bardusch: Hochmodernes Textilmanagement


bardusch ist ein Familienunternehmen in bereits fünfter Generation – gegründet 1871. Zu Beginn waren es noch die Uniformen der preußischen Offiziere, heute bietet bardusch umfangreiche Textilservices für  Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größenordnungen in nahezu allen Branchen – und das mit rund 2.600 Mitarbeitern von 21 strategisch in Ballungszentren gelegenen deutschen Standorten aus. Weitblick, Hersteller hochqualitativer Premium-Workwear aus Kleinostheim, liefert seit vielen Jahren hochwertige Textilien an bardusch und ist ein wichtiger Baustein für den nachhaltigen Textilkreislauf im Bereich Arbeitskleidung.



bardusch ist ein Familienunternehmen in bereits fünfter Generation – gegründet 1871. Zu Beginn waren es noch die Uniformen der preußischen Offiziere, heute bietet bardusch umfangreiche Textilservices für  Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größenordnungen in nahezu allen Branchen – und das mit rund 2.600 Mitarbeitern von 21 strategisch in Ballungszentren gelegenen deutschen Standorten aus. Weitblick, Hersteller hochqualitativer Premium-Workwear aus Kleinostheim, liefert seit vielen Jahren hochwertige Textilien an bardusch und ist ein wichtiger Baustein für den nachhaltigen Textilkreislauf im Bereich Arbeitskleidung.


Langjähriges, tiefes Know-how, schlanke Entscheidungswege und eine hohe Innovationskraft aus den eigenen Reihen sind die entscheidenden Faktoren, die bardusch zu einem der größten Logistiker der Textildienstleistungs-Branche machen. Prozesse sowie Technologien und die eingesetzten Maschinenparks werden permanent weiterentwickelt – um möglichst wirtschaftlich und umweltschonend zu agieren, aber vor allem, um Kunden noch flexiblere und individuellere Lösungen bieten zu können. So prägt bardusch das Textilmanagement von morgen.

Wolfram Rees, bei bardusch Geschäftsführer für die Bereiche Vertrieb und Marketing, erklärt: „Nichts ist näher an Ihrer Haut als Ihre Arbeitskleidung. Zertifizierte Hygiene und absolute Sauberkeit sind da schlichtweg Voraussetzung. Der Textilservice-Kreislauf sichert hier höchste Hygienestandards bei gleichzeitiger Schonung der Umwelt. Keine Haushalts-Waschmaschine kann ein vergleichbares Ergebnis liefern. Beispielsweise bei multiresistenten Keimen, höherem Verschmutzungsgrad oder auch Schutzfunktion der Kleidung weist unser Textilkreislauf die deutlich nachhaltigeren, absolut zuverlässigen – und am Ende auch kostengünstigeren - Ergebnisse auf.“


Das Sharing-Prinzip beschränkt sich im Hause bardusch nicht nur auf das Kerngeschäft – die Textilien. Auch bei der unternehmerischen Ausrichtung ist das Prinzip „Teilen“ bzw. „Mieten statt Kaufen“ weit verbreitet und gelebte Philosophie. „Wir arbeiten deswegen kontinuierlich an optimierten Lösungen wie beispielsweise Car Sharing und Mietwagen-Lösungen für unsere Außendienstmitarbeiter, um an jedem Ort Fahrzeuge temporär nutzen zu können.“, so Rees. Die weiße Weste kann man bei bardusch in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit tatsächlich wörtlich und sprichwörtlich nehmen.


„In Weitblick haben wir einen Partner gefunden, der sehr ähnliche Werte und Normen wie wir in der Unternehmenskultur verankert hat. Die Loyalität und das Herzblut der Mitarbeiter sind dabei ganz entscheidende Faktoren für den Unternehmenserfolg. Nur wenn jeder Einzelne diese Werte im Unternehmen lebt, sind höchstes Qualitätsniveau, faire Bedingungen für alle Beteiligten und ein gleichzeitiger wirtschaftlicher Erfolg erreichbar. Das ist bei bardusch der Fall und das spüre ich auch bei Weitblick ganz deutlich“, ergänzt Rees. Aktuell investiert bardusch unter anderem in ein zukunftsorientiertes Touren- Planungssystem mit GPS-Ortung, permanenter Routenoptimierung und Geo-Fencing für seine 308 LKWs, um die Fahrstrecken und -zeiten zu opti-mieren. Aufgrund der täglichen Fahrtstrecke von 2,7-Mal um  die Erde ergibt sich hier ein großes Optimierungspotential durch eingesparte Kilometer und einen geringeren CO2-Ausstoß. So wird die eigene Logistik Stück für Stück grüner – und der Textilservice noch ein wenig nachhaltiger.


Wäschehersteller SPEIDEL spendet Mund-Nasen-Masken an EinwohnerInnen

Masken statt Lingerie heißt es auch beim Wäschespezialist SPEIDEL seit Anfang März dieses Jahres: Das Unternehmen hat seine Produktion um Masken erweitert. Jetzt schenkt das Familienunternehmen jeder erwachsenen Einwohnerin und jedem erwachsenen Einwohner der Gemeinde Bodelshausen eine Mund-Nasen-Maske. SPEIDEL wurde 1952 in Bodelshausen gegründet, wo sich auch bis heute der Hauptsitz befindet. Durch diese Spende möchte das Traditionsunternehmen seine Verbundenheit zur Gemeinde Bodelshausen zum Ausdruck bringen. Rund 5.300 Stück Masken wurden am Mittwoch im Rathaus übergeben.

Masken statt Lingerie heißt es auch beim Wäschespezialist SPEIDEL seit Anfang März dieses Jahres: Das Unternehmen hat seine Produktion um Masken erweitert. Jetzt schenkt das Familienunternehmen jeder erwachsenen Einwohnerin und jedem erwachsenen Einwohner der Gemeinde Bodelshausen eine Mund-Nasen-Maske. SPEIDEL wurde 1952 in Bodelshausen gegründet, wo sich auch bis heute der Hauptsitz befindet. Durch diese Spende möchte das Traditionsunternehmen seine Verbundenheit zur Gemeinde Bodelshausen zum Ausdruck bringen. Rund 5.300 Stück Masken wurden am Mittwoch im Rathaus übergeben.

SPEIDEL hatte bereits Anfang März die Produktion um Mund-Nasen-Masken erweitert, um dabei zu helfen die Verbreitung von Covid-19 zu verlangsamen. Das war auch Anlass für SPEIDEL Mund-Nasen-Masken an die EinwohnerInnen von Bodelshausen zu spenden. Geschäftsführer Günter Speidel und Brand- und Product-Managerin Swenja Speidel übergaben die Spende am 22. April an Bürgermeister Uwe Ganzenmüller. Die Masken wurden direkt im Anschluss von den Erzieherinnen der Gemeinde mit großem Engagement verteilt. Altenpflegeeinrichtungen sowie Wohngruppen wurden ebenfalls berücksichtigt. Ab 27. April gilt in Baden-Württemberg landesweit eine Maskenpflicht.

„Mund-Nasen-Masken sind in der Corona-Krise immer schwieriger zu bekommen. Mit Hilfe der gespendeten Masken möchten wir mehr Sicherheit und ein besseres Gefühl im öffentlichen Leben geben. Für uns war diese Geste selbstverständlich“, betont Swenja Speidel.

Die Mund-Nasen-Masken von SPEIDEL sind aus 100 Prozent Bio-Baumwolle (zweilagig) und auf der Außenseite mit einer Hygiene-Abperl-Beschichtung ausgerüstet. Tröpfchen und Speichel sollen so von außen abperlen. Die Masken sind waschbar und somit wiederverwendbar.

Neben der Spende in Bodelshausen, hat das Unternehmen vor einigen Wochen bereits 100 Stück Mund-Nasen-Masken an eine Tübinger Initiative gespendet.

More information:
Masken Speidel

Panama PR GmbH


Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found Hygiene Austria LP GmbH

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

The demand for high-quality MNS and respiratory masks for medical personnel is increasing rapidly, and there is real competition on the international market for these products. In order to sustainably secure domestic supply now and in the future and to strengthen the business location, the two companies Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have now set a milestone with their own competence center for hygiene based in Austria.

Hygiene Austria LP GmbH thus makes a significant contribution to combating the Covid-19 pandemic and ensures the long-term supply of these critical goods in Austria in high quality.


Lenzing AG

Logo oerlikon
Oerlikon blickt positiv in die Zukunft

Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment looking positively towards the future during the coronavirus pandemic

Staggered in terms of timing and with varying magnitude, the global spread of coronavirus is impacting the development of the regional economies in the core markets of the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group.
The sales markets for manmade fiber systems and equipment have been primarily located in China, India and Turkey for many years now. Together, these markets – above all China – make up the lion’s share of the project landscape at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers. And this is paying positive dividends at the moment. Because the production facilities of the major manmade fiber manufacturers in
China have been systematically fired up again over the past few weeks, with capacity utilization increasing consistently.

Staggered in terms of timing and with varying magnitude, the global spread of coronavirus is impacting the development of the regional economies in the core markets of the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group.
The sales markets for manmade fiber systems and equipment have been primarily located in China, India and Turkey for many years now. Together, these markets – above all China – make up the lion’s share of the project landscape at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers. And this is paying positive dividends at the moment. Because the production facilities of the major manmade fiber manufacturers in
China have been systematically fired up again over the past few weeks, with capacity utilization increasing consistently.

Going against the flow
The Segment CEO, Georg Stausberg explains the reason: “Long before the coronavirus situation developed, the major manmade fiber manufacturers in China had decided to reverse-integrate their production chains to include petrochemicals in order to expand their portfolios with targeted investments, to reduce their dependence on a ,single product’, to optimize their costs and ultimately to acquire greater control over margins in a global volume business”.
Similar processes and decisions – albeit not on the same scale as in China – have also
been detected at the large manmade fiber manufacturers in India and Turkey. Even though businesses in India and Turkey are presently still temporarily severely impacted by the coronavirus situation, their long-term commitment cannot however be questioned, as the company-internally-agreed plans will be systematically implemented moving forward.

Long-term investments of global market players
All this has recently resulted in increased demand for spinning and texturing systems – just like those supplied by total solutions provider Oerlikon Manmade Fibers with its
Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven product brands.
“The investments in petrochemical systems are based on long-term strategic considerations and are resulting – even during the coronavirus pandemic – neither in short- and medium-term economic dips, nor in changed customer behavior. (...)”, states Segment-CEO Georg Stausberg.
As a result of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers delving into the digital age years ago, the segment has experienced the intensive and short-term benefit from all the measures, in part also in its processing of customer projects.


Marketing, Corporate Communications
& Public Affairs

Frühjahrsputz mit Eagle Creek (c) Eagle Creek Europe
Eagle Creek Homestorage

Frühjahrsputz mit Eagle Creek

Aus den Augen – unters Bett

Jetzt ist die beste Zeit, um in Kleiderschrank, Garderobe und Kommode für Ordnung und Platz zu sorgen! Denn während draußen die Sonne scheint, verbringen wir aktuell mehr Zeit denn je zu Hause. So mancher fragt sich: Was tun mit der freien Zeit? Neben Homeoffice, XXL Puzzle und Yoga, kannst du jetzt mal richtig Stauraum schaffen. Ja, das geht auch, wenn du weder Keller noch Garage hast. Eagle Creek hat die richtigen Tipps für dich, wie du den Platz unter deinem Bett optimal ausnutzen kannst. So wird nicht nur deine Garderobe, sondern auch deine Kramschublade mit den Pack-It™ Produkten in wenigen Schritten frühjahrsfit.

Ausrangieren und Einlagern

Aus den Augen – unters Bett

Jetzt ist die beste Zeit, um in Kleiderschrank, Garderobe und Kommode für Ordnung und Platz zu sorgen! Denn während draußen die Sonne scheint, verbringen wir aktuell mehr Zeit denn je zu Hause. So mancher fragt sich: Was tun mit der freien Zeit? Neben Homeoffice, XXL Puzzle und Yoga, kannst du jetzt mal richtig Stauraum schaffen. Ja, das geht auch, wenn du weder Keller noch Garage hast. Eagle Creek hat die richtigen Tipps für dich, wie du den Platz unter deinem Bett optimal ausnutzen kannst. So wird nicht nur deine Garderobe, sondern auch deine Kramschublade mit den Pack-It™ Produkten in wenigen Schritten frühjahrsfit.

Ausrangieren und Einlagern

Jetzt ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um den Saisonwechsel auch im Kleiderschrank durchzuführen. Denn die Tage werden länger, die Sonne strahlt und die Temperaturen steigen. Es ist an der Zeit, leichte Jacken, dünne T-Shirts und luftige Kleider hervorzuholen und die dicken Sachen einzumotten. Der Saisonwechsel im Kleiderschrank spart nicht nur Platz, sondern hat noch einen Nebeneffekt: Fach für Fach, Teil für Teil kannst du die Gelegenheit nutzen und mal so richtig ausmisten. Löse dich von Kleiderschrankleichen, lass kaputte Lieblingsteile reparieren und sammle Winter-Only-Sachen auf einem großen Stapel. Alles was für den nächsten Winter eingelagert werden soll, kann in den robusten Pack-It™ Original Packsystemen platzsparend unter dem Bett verstaut werden. Flexible Packwürfel passen in der Regel auch unter flache Betten und lassen sich – anders als Plastikboxen oder Pappkartons – in enge Stellen quetschen. Unser Tipp: Falten in Pullover und Co. lassen sich vermeiden, indem du die Kleidung rollst und nicht wie gewohnt zusammenlegst.

Von Groß zu klein

Jacke wie Hose: Bei besonders sperrigen und voluminösen Kleidungsstücken stellt sich am Ende des Winters oft die Frage: Wohin damit? Der dicke Parker wird zwischen März und Oktober mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht mehr gebraucht, macht sich an der Garderobe jedoch mächtig breit. Für solche Produkte empfehlen sich Vakuum- oder Kompressionsbeutel. Durch die cleveren Pack-It™ Compression Sacs (erhältlich als Set mit drei verschiedenen Größen) lässt sich das Packmaß des Inhalts bis zu 80 % reduzieren. Nachdem du deine Sachen in den Nylon verstärkten Packbeutel verstaut hast, kannst du ihn zusammenrollen und somit durch das Einwegventil die Luft herauspressen.

Ruhe für die Schuhe

Die dicken mit Lammfell gefütterten Winterstiefel wirst du wohl kaum im Frühjahr tragen. Also lässt sich auch im Schuhregal ein wenig Platz schaffen. Zunächst überlege dir genau, welche Schuhe du im Sommer wirklich trägst. Alles, was dem Herbst oder Winter vorbehalten ist, wird jetzt aus dem Regal genommen und gepflegt. Halte Ausschau nach Löchern, trockenem Leder oder losgelösten Sohlen – der Schuster freut sich über Arbeit. Danach heißt es putzen, imprägnieren und polieren, bis dass der Nikolaus stolz wäre. Wenn die Winterschuhe wieder glänzen kannst du sie in Schuhbeutel, wie dem Pack-It™ Original Shoe Cube vor Wollmäusen geschützt unter dem Bett verstauen. Profis wissen: Füllt man Winterschuhe mit locker gestopftem Zeitungspapier, behalten sie länger ihre Form.

Schluss mit Krimskrams-Chaos

Jeder hat so eine Schublade in der sich alte elektronische Geräte, undefinierbare Kabel, Stifte, von denen man nicht mehr weiß, welche noch schreiben und anderer Kram angesammelt hat. Irgendwann könnte man es ja nochmal gebrauchen! Hand aufs Herz – die Hälfte der Kabel funktioniert eh nicht mehr und das alte Nokia 3310 hebst du primär aus nostalgischen Gründen auf. Nimm dir zehn Minuten Zeit, um alle Kabel zu entwirren und ordne sie ihren Geräten zu. Jetzt kannst du testen, welche Stifte, Kabel und Geräte noch funktionieren. Der Rest wird ordnungsgemäß entsorgt. Kleiner Tipp am Rande: Viele Händler kaufen defekte Handys und anderen Elektroschrott an. Nach dem Motto „die guten ins Töpfchen“ kannst du den Rest deines Equipments mit den Pack-It™ Original Cubes und Sacs organisieren.

Logo Feuerwear
Feuerwear bringt neue Kollektion auf den Markt

Feuerwear präsentiert die Lightline Sonderedition 2020

Die limitierte Gelb-Phase des Kultlabels Feuerwear startet auch in diesem Jahr: Rucksäcke, Taschen, Accessoires sowie die neuesten Feuerwear-Mannschaftsmitglieder sind in der Produktion und werden in der Lightline Kollektion aus gebrauchtem neongelben Warnschlauch erhältlich sein.

Die Damen-Kollektion bestehend aus Clutch "Charlie", Schlüsselanhänger "Sascha" und Handtasche "Phil" ist erstmals mit am Start. Auch der kürzlich erschienene Rucksack "Elliot" erstrahlt für kurze Zeit im exklusiven gelb. Wie immer sind natürlich auch bewährte Klassiker wie Hip-Bag "Otis", Kulturbeutel "Henry" und viele weitere Begleiter aus dem besonderen Material dabei. Die Produkte schützen durch das robuste Material auch zukünftig zuverlässig und setzen gleichzeitig ein Statement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Sonderedition wird am Mittwoch, der 6. Mai erscheinen.

Die limitierte Gelb-Phase des Kultlabels Feuerwear startet auch in diesem Jahr: Rucksäcke, Taschen, Accessoires sowie die neuesten Feuerwear-Mannschaftsmitglieder sind in der Produktion und werden in der Lightline Kollektion aus gebrauchtem neongelben Warnschlauch erhältlich sein.

Die Damen-Kollektion bestehend aus Clutch "Charlie", Schlüsselanhänger "Sascha" und Handtasche "Phil" ist erstmals mit am Start. Auch der kürzlich erschienene Rucksack "Elliot" erstrahlt für kurze Zeit im exklusiven gelb. Wie immer sind natürlich auch bewährte Klassiker wie Hip-Bag "Otis", Kulturbeutel "Henry" und viele weitere Begleiter aus dem besonderen Material dabei. Die Produkte schützen durch das robuste Material auch zukünftig zuverlässig und setzen gleichzeitig ein Statement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Sonderedition wird am Mittwoch, der 6. Mai erscheinen.


Vivien Gollnick Profil Marketing OHG

Logo monforts
Logo monforts

Monforts: Industrial-scale testing for new PPE finishes

In the current fight against Covid-19, a number of formulators of textile finishing chemicals have rushed out new antiviral and antimicrobial treatments intended for PPE (personal protective equipment) such as face masks and medical gowns and drapes.

These finishing chemicals have naturally already been thoroughly tested in laboratories and their effectiveness verified at laboratory or pilot scale. However, they are new to many manufacturers of textiles and nonwovens now preparing to use them on an industrial level.

A lot of companies changed, due to the current situation their usual manufacturing programmes to the production of PPE items. “We have experts on hand at our operational Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) here in Germany, to help any of our customers to rapidly transition to new finishing techniques and treatments they may not be familiar with, and to run trials on their behalf, should they require this assistance.”, states the vice president of Monforts, Klaus Heinrichs.

In the current fight against Covid-19, a number of formulators of textile finishing chemicals have rushed out new antiviral and antimicrobial treatments intended for PPE (personal protective equipment) such as face masks and medical gowns and drapes.

These finishing chemicals have naturally already been thoroughly tested in laboratories and their effectiveness verified at laboratory or pilot scale. However, they are new to many manufacturers of textiles and nonwovens now preparing to use them on an industrial level.

A lot of companies changed, due to the current situation their usual manufacturing programmes to the production of PPE items. “We have experts on hand at our operational Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) here in Germany, to help any of our customers to rapidly transition to new finishing techniques and treatments they may not be familiar with, and to run trials on their behalf, should they require this assistance.”, states the vice president of Monforts, Klaus Heinrichs.

The three lines at the ATC situated at the Monforts HQ in Mönchengladbach, are of a true industrial scale and trialling new products on them goes beyond lab or pilot plant testing to rapidly identify any problems that might occur once full production is underway.


More information:
Monforts corona virus

AWOL Media

(c) Arc’teryx

Arc’teryx stellt erstmals Fahrplan für Umweltziele vor

  • 65 % weniger Emissionen geplant

Die Outdoor-Marke setzt sich zwei wissenschaftlich entwickelte Ziele, um bis 2030 Treibhausgase deutlich zu reduzieren.

2020, zum 50. Jahrestag des Earth Day, verpflichtet sich Arc’teryx Equipment zu sofortigen, wissenschaftlich fundierten Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel. Als offizieller Sponsor der Earth Day 50 Initiative beschloss das globale Designunternehmen, seinen Teil dazu beizutragen, indem es wissenschaftsbasierte Ziele zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen festlegt.

Bis 2030 will Arc’teryx zwei Ziele erreichen, die vom Science Based Targets Institute überprüft wurden:

  • 65 % weniger Emissionen geplant

Die Outdoor-Marke setzt sich zwei wissenschaftlich entwickelte Ziele, um bis 2030 Treibhausgase deutlich zu reduzieren.

2020, zum 50. Jahrestag des Earth Day, verpflichtet sich Arc’teryx Equipment zu sofortigen, wissenschaftlich fundierten Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel. Als offizieller Sponsor der Earth Day 50 Initiative beschloss das globale Designunternehmen, seinen Teil dazu beizutragen, indem es wissenschaftsbasierte Ziele zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen festlegt.

Bis 2030 will Arc’teryx zwei Ziele erreichen, die vom Science Based Targets Institute überprüft wurden:

  • Für den Arc’teryx-Hauptsitz, die kanadische Produktionsstätte und die weltweit 164 Einzelhandelsgeschäfte: Reduzierung der absoluten Scope 1 & 2 THG-Emissionen* um 65% bis 2030.
  • Für Arc’teryx-Materialien, -Produkte, -Fabriken, -Werke, -Versand und -Distributionszentren: Reduzierung der Scope 3-THG-Emissionen* um 65% pro Einheit der Wertschöpfung bis 2030

Um diese wissenschaftsbasierten Ziele zu erreichen und die Emissionen zu reduzieren, wird die Marke einen strategischen, vierstufigen Ansatz verfolgen: Materialien und Produktdesign mit geringerer Umweltbelastung, Projekte für erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und Geschäftsmodelle mit einem geschlossenen Produktkreislauf.

“Gerade sehen wir mehr denn je die Bedeutung und den Wert der Gemeinschaft und hoffen, dass wir andere dazu inspirieren können, sich uns in dieser dringenden Angelegenheit anzuschließen”, sagt Katie Wilson, Senior Managerin für soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit bei Arc’teryx. “Die ehrgeizigen Ziele werden sicherstellen, dass unser Unternehmen die notwendigen Veränderungen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und hin zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft unternimmt.“

(c) BMW Group

SGL Carbon receives contract for battery enclosure from BMW Group

  • New composite e-Mobility application
  • Multi-year substantial contract

After prototypes for a Chinese automotive manufacturer, a major order from a North American automaker, and yet another order for a European sports car manufacturer, SGL Carbon has now been nominated by BMW Group to produce a cover component for battery enclosures in series. This substantial multi-year order will include the production of an innovative glass-fiber-based cover plate for the battery housing for usage in a future plug-in hybrid model of BMW Group.

  • New composite e-Mobility application
  • Multi-year substantial contract

After prototypes for a Chinese automotive manufacturer, a major order from a North American automaker, and yet another order for a European sports car manufacturer, SGL Carbon has now been nominated by BMW Group to produce a cover component for battery enclosures in series. This substantial multi-year order will include the production of an innovative glass-fiber-based cover plate for the battery housing for usage in a future plug-in hybrid model of BMW Group.

Materials made of composites are suited for battery enclosures for different reasons: Besides their light weight, which enhances the electric vehicle’s range, fiber-reinforced plastics offer high stiffness. In addition, they meet high requirements for water and gas tightness and feature excellent fire protection properties. Composite materials can also help to achieve improved structural stiffness of the underbody, e.g. to protect against penetration, as well as an optimized thermal management. Carbon fibers are ideal for especially stressed structures or load-bearing elements, such as the underbody panels and side frames. For components subjected to less stress, such as battery box covers, glass fibers or a fiber mix may suffice.

In addition to the new application for the hybrid model battery enclosure, SGL Carbon will continue producing the usual components made of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic for the BMW i3 and delivering materials for the Carbon Core body of the BMW 7 series, and has been nominated as the supplier for all carbon materials - fibers, textiles, stacks - for the BMW iNEXT, set to be launched in 2021.



Die EDUARD DRESSLER Herbst/ Winter Kollektion 2020

EDUARD DRESSLER Lookbook Herbst Winter 2020

In Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie, die branchenübergreifen Probleme schafft und gibt es für die Modeindustrie in der Öffnung des stationären Handels nun wieder einen ersten Hoffnungsschimmer.

Dies ist der Anlass, sich auf die kommende Saison mit dem Magazin „Tailor Made & Casual Inspired Meets Sporty Elegance“ einzustimmen.
Zu Herbst/Winter 2020 präsentiert EDUARD DRESSLER eine Kollektion, die wiederkehrende Akzente sportiver Eleganz gekonnt in Szene setzt. Leichtigkeit, Unspürbarkeit und Komfort stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt und werden mit Stretch, Bi-Stretch und Natural-Stretch-Qualitäten umgesetzt.
Farbnuancen in Curcuma, Fir Green, Mustard und Napoli Blue kombiniert mit mutigen und zugleich authentischen Dessins verleihen den Outfits einen sportiven und zugleich stilvollen Auftritt.


In Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie, die branchenübergreifen Probleme schafft und gibt es für die Modeindustrie in der Öffnung des stationären Handels nun wieder einen ersten Hoffnungsschimmer.

Dies ist der Anlass, sich auf die kommende Saison mit dem Magazin „Tailor Made & Casual Inspired Meets Sporty Elegance“ einzustimmen.
Zu Herbst/Winter 2020 präsentiert EDUARD DRESSLER eine Kollektion, die wiederkehrende Akzente sportiver Eleganz gekonnt in Szene setzt. Leichtigkeit, Unspürbarkeit und Komfort stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt und werden mit Stretch, Bi-Stretch und Natural-Stretch-Qualitäten umgesetzt.
Farbnuancen in Curcuma, Fir Green, Mustard und Napoli Blue kombiniert mit mutigen und zugleich authentischen Dessins verleihen den Outfits einen sportiven und zugleich stilvollen Auftritt.


More information:
Eduard Dressler Coronavirus


Logo Parkdale Mills
Parkdale Mills supply swabs for covid-19 tests

Parkdale Mills Collaborates to Supply Swabs for Coronavirus Tests

Parkdale Mills Collaborates with FDA, Gates Foundation and Others to Supply Swabs for Coronavirus Tests

Parkdale Mills subsidiary U.S. Cotton has joined in an effort with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Gates Foundation, UnitedHealth Group and Quantigen to ramp up production of spun synthetic swabs to help the country’s frontline health care workers administering tests for the COVID-19 disease.

U.S. Cotton has developed a fully synthetic, polyester-based Q-tip-type swab that can be used in coronavirus diagnostic testing.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just announced that these synthetic swabs – with a design similar to Q-tips – could be used to test patients for the coronavirus.
U.S. Cotton, based in Cleveland, Ohio, plans to leverage its large-scale manufacturing capacity to rapidly increase production of large quantities of the polyester swabs, which are in short supply for testing kits across the country.

Parkdale Mills Collaborates with FDA, Gates Foundation and Others to Supply Swabs for Coronavirus Tests

Parkdale Mills subsidiary U.S. Cotton has joined in an effort with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Gates Foundation, UnitedHealth Group and Quantigen to ramp up production of spun synthetic swabs to help the country’s frontline health care workers administering tests for the COVID-19 disease.

U.S. Cotton has developed a fully synthetic, polyester-based Q-tip-type swab that can be used in coronavirus diagnostic testing.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just announced that these synthetic swabs – with a design similar to Q-tips – could be used to test patients for the coronavirus.
U.S. Cotton, based in Cleveland, Ohio, plans to leverage its large-scale manufacturing capacity to rapidly increase production of large quantities of the polyester swabs, which are in short supply for testing kits across the country.

The FDA has determined that spun synthetic swabs can be used in COVID-19 testing based on the results from a clinical investigation stemming from its collaboration with UnitedHealth Group, the Gates Foundation and Quantigen.  

This is the second major COVID-19 relief project that Parkdale has helped. Earlier Parkdale constructed a supply chain that includes Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, and many other U.S. companies in the production of PPE masks needed by frontline medical staff treating the virus.

More information:
corona virus NCTO USA


AMAC und REACH agree on cooperation

Strategic Cooperation between REACH and AMAC

Strategic Cooperation in Advanced Materials and Composite Machine Technologies between REACH Group/China and AMAC/Germany

A close cooperation, especially in difficult times like the Covid-19 crisis, is more and more important for sustainable success. Today, Reach Group/China and AMAC/Germany signed a cooperation agreement to
strengthen their business between China and Europe in the field of advanced materials and composite machine technologies.

Reach Group, based in Shanghai is a comprehensive group company present in the composite industry since 1996. AMAC is an expert advisor and business enabler in composite solutions based in Aachen, Germany.
Now the companies want to cooperate in the field of materials on Thermoplastic composites, bio-based materials, materials for additive manufacturing, additives for high performance and in the field of composite machine technologies on tape placement solutions, continuous lamination machines, 3D-printing as well as on advanced automated thermoset processing.

The cooperation will be presented at the next China Composite Expo on September 2-4, 2020 in Shanghai.

Strategic Cooperation in Advanced Materials and Composite Machine Technologies between REACH Group/China and AMAC/Germany

A close cooperation, especially in difficult times like the Covid-19 crisis, is more and more important for sustainable success. Today, Reach Group/China and AMAC/Germany signed a cooperation agreement to
strengthen their business between China and Europe in the field of advanced materials and composite machine technologies.

Reach Group, based in Shanghai is a comprehensive group company present in the composite industry since 1996. AMAC is an expert advisor and business enabler in composite solutions based in Aachen, Germany.
Now the companies want to cooperate in the field of materials on Thermoplastic composites, bio-based materials, materials for additive manufacturing, additives for high performance and in the field of composite machine technologies on tape placement solutions, continuous lamination machines, 3D-printing as well as on advanced automated thermoset processing.

The cooperation will be presented at the next China Composite Expo on September 2-4, 2020 in Shanghai.




Rieter Annual General Meeting 2020

  • All motions approved
  • Dividend of CHF 4.50 agreed
  • COVID-19

In relation to participation in the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2020, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. arranged exclusively written or electronic voting and the granting of power of attorney to the independent proxy. In taking this approach, the Board of Directors relied on Article 6a, lit. b of Ordinance 2 of the Swiss Federal Council (Measures to Combat the Coronavirus of March 16, 2020). Physical participation by the shareholders was therefore not possible. The Annual General Meeting was held on the premises of Rieter Holding Ltd. at the company’s headquarters in Winterthur.

At the Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 16, 2020, the independent proxy represented a total of 2 025 shareholders who hold 64.3% of the share capital.

A dividend of CHF 4.50 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for fiscal year 2021.

  • All motions approved
  • Dividend of CHF 4.50 agreed
  • COVID-19

In relation to participation in the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2020, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. arranged exclusively written or electronic voting and the granting of power of attorney to the independent proxy. In taking this approach, the Board of Directors relied on Article 6a, lit. b of Ordinance 2 of the Swiss Federal Council (Measures to Combat the Coronavirus of March 16, 2020). Physical participation by the shareholders was therefore not possible. The Annual General Meeting was held on the premises of Rieter Holding Ltd. at the company’s headquarters in Winterthur.

At the Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 16, 2020, the independent proxy represented a total of 2 025 shareholders who hold 64.3% of the share capital.

A dividend of CHF 4.50 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for fiscal year 2021.

The Chairman of the Board, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional one-year term of office.
Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also each re-elected for a one-year term of office.

Shareholders also adopted all other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, namely approval of the annual report, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2019, and formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the year under review. In addition, the authorized capital was extended for a further two years.

At present, it is not possible to predict how the global COVID-19 pandemic will affect Rieter’s sales and earnings in the first and second half of 2020, and thus also for 2020 as a whole.

Rieter therefore refrains from providing an outlook for financial year 2020 and will issue the relevant information as part of the semi-annual report on July 16, 2020.
The company has taken the necessary measures to protect employees and to meet commitments to customers as far as possible.

Thanks to long-standing customer relationships, a focus on innovation, global positioning and the company’s financial stability, Rieter will successfully overcome the challenges.

More information:
Rieter Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Management AG


SANITIZED AG aids measures to promote hygiene management during the coronavirus pandemic

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Before a final product’s antiviral properties can be publicly promoted, viral tests must be performed in specialized laboratories. Compliance with local legal regulations is essential here. SANITIZED AG explicitly points out that this is standard procedure and has composed a preliminary Guide for Treating PPE (personal protective equipment) with biocide products.

Guide Link:

More information:

PR-Büro Heinhöfer

Oerlikon Logo
Oerlikon Logo
16.04.2020 : service portal and e-commerce platform in one

Within the context of a globally-networked textile industry, online services have become essential for maintenance, modernization and original parts procurement processes for machines and systems.
Here, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment optimized the service portal for the products and services of its Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, making it more userfriendly. It allows customers to now access tailored services in nine different languages and around the clock.

Each and every machine park usually has numerous associated documents, ranging from manuals, circuit diagrams and 3D drawing-supported original parts catalogs, all the way through to operating instructions and final documents. bundles this information, while also providing users with additional communications on potential machine modernizations and upgrades and on special offers tailored to the respective production system.

Within the context of a globally-networked textile industry, online services have become essential for maintenance, modernization and original parts procurement processes for machines and systems.
Here, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment optimized the service portal for the products and services of its Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, making it more userfriendly. It allows customers to now access tailored services in nine different languages and around the clock.

Each and every machine park usually has numerous associated documents, ranging from manuals, circuit diagrams and 3D drawing-supported original parts catalogs, all the way through to operating instructions and final documents. bundles this information, while also providing users with additional communications on potential machine modernizations and upgrades and on special offers tailored to the respective production system.

Real security during virtual shopping
At the same time, users can access the e-commerce platform, which operates in parallel.
Customers can not only place orders here, they can also send online inquiries to Oerlikon, view prices and warehouse stocks and track inquiries,
quotations and orders already made or placed, among many other things. As a result of online access to original parts catalogs for the respective customer machines and systems, erroneous orders can be avoided.
Log-in is secure for users, as are all transactions carried out using the platform. With this, Oerlikon is implementing real security for all virtual purchases. All data exchanged is fundamentally
encrypted and hence protected against unauthorized access.



Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Logo Sanitized
Logo Sanitized

Sanitized: Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG celebrates validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019).
Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2.

Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology. These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses.
The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG celebrates validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019).
Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2.

Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology. These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses.
The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Before a final product’s antiviral properties can be publicly promoted, viral tests must be performed in specialized laboratories. Compliance with local legal regulations is essential here. SANITIZED AG explicitly points out that this is standard procedure and has composed a preliminary Guide for Treating PPE

SANITIZED AG has been supporting the work of hygienists in hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing and care facilities for many years with its antimicrobial - and now also antiviral - additives used to enhance the
functionality of textiles and polymers. The reduction of bacteria and viruses is a feasible way to help stem the spread of infections including MRSA.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer

Beaulieu International Group and Greencare (c) Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu International Group and Greencare

Tessutica produces furniture upholstery from recycled marine waste

Beaulieu International Group (B.I.G.)’s Tessutica business is proud to announce a new product line in upholstery. Greencare fabrics are created from pellets that come from marine plastic waste. The fabrics themselves can then be 100% recycled into pellets again.

The new Greencare collection is made with 100% recycled and recyclable upholstery fabrics and is certified with the the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) label. The company used recycled yarns from regular post-consumer PET bottles from the oceans, landfills and upcycled cotton from garments.
For this, Tessutica partnered with the Seaqual project, which brings plastic waste back into the manufacturing chain. Through the recycling process there is no usage of new petroleum which decresases the CO₂  emissions significantly compared to the use of virgin polyester.

With growing demands for sustainability within the business world as well as from end-consumers, Tessutica felt it was the right choice to offer a product line that comes with a full guarantee of environmental consciousness.


Beaulieu International Group (B.I.G.)’s Tessutica business is proud to announce a new product line in upholstery. Greencare fabrics are created from pellets that come from marine plastic waste. The fabrics themselves can then be 100% recycled into pellets again.

The new Greencare collection is made with 100% recycled and recyclable upholstery fabrics and is certified with the the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) label. The company used recycled yarns from regular post-consumer PET bottles from the oceans, landfills and upcycled cotton from garments.
For this, Tessutica partnered with the Seaqual project, which brings plastic waste back into the manufacturing chain. Through the recycling process there is no usage of new petroleum which decresases the CO₂  emissions significantly compared to the use of virgin polyester.

With growing demands for sustainability within the business world as well as from end-consumers, Tessutica felt it was the right choice to offer a product line that comes with a full guarantee of environmental consciousness.