From the Sector

332 results
Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition (c) Oerlikon
Georg Stausberg, CEO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment, Rolf Gänz, Managing Director of AC-Automation, and Ralf Schilken, CFO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment (from left, first row).

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

The 60 employees at AC-Automation’s Bernkastel-Kues and Augsburg locations will become part of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers Segment, which includes the leading brands Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag. The move will expand the Segment’s business model, adding another key core component to its current offering of production plants and technology solutions from melt to yarn, fibers, andnonwovens. Ultimately, Oerlikon will be able to offer customers a total solution from a single source, including automation logistics for packaging, high-bay storage, and other areas, which complement its current market-leading spinning and process technologies for the textile industry.

"We see our expanded overall offering as an Industry solution, reflecting the future of an even more efficient, digitized and profitable chemical fiber industry, especially for large-scale plants with daily production capacity of several hundred tons of polyester, nylon, polypropylene, or other manmade fibers,” explains Georg Stausberg, CEO of the Manmade Fibers Segment. Manmade fiber producers from China — the world’s most important market, generating more than 70 % of worldwide manmade fiber production — as well as companies from other fast-growing markets such as India, Turkey and the USA are also relying on automated and networked Industry total solutions.

"The acquisition and integration of AC-Automation’s automation solutions will provide new opportunities for our manmade fiber business. It enables the Segment to increasingly position itself as an Industry solution provider in combination with our own digitization solutions,” says Oerlikon Group CEO Dr. Roland Fischer. “As a leading provider of advanced materials, surface solutions and materials processing including the engineering and production of polymer plants, this acquisition marks another milestone in Oerlikon’s strategy to strengthen its businesses and thus sustain profitable growth.”

"After such a long partnership, we are excited to be able to benefit even more in the future as part of a global player in the textile industry. Our market access will further improve with the help of the Oerlikon
Group's sales and service network. For my employees, I am very pleased to be able to bring them into an international Group, in which there would be new opportunities and perspectives for them personally,”
said Rolf Gänz, AC-Automation’s Managing Director.

More information:
Oerlikon Automation

Oerlikon - Corporate Communications
and Public Affairs (Segment Manmade Fibers)

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight neuer Marketing Director EMEA bei Hyosung (c) Hyosung
Simon Whitmarsh-Knight

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight neuer Marketing Director EMEA bei Hyosung

  • Der Brite Simon Whitmarsh-Knight tritt Posten als Marketing Director EMEA an
  • Whitmarsh-Knight bringt 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Textilindustrie mit
  • Seine Kernaufgabe: Hyosung-Spezialfasern wie creora® pushen sowie Entwicklungen fördern

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight (45) bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb und Marketing in der Textil-, Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelindustrie mit, darunter in den Bereichen: wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Membrane, Hackett Herrenbekleidung, wasserdichte Accessoires von Sealskinz, Mitre Sports und Invista.

Bei Hyosung wird Whitmarsh-Knight für den Ausbau des Marketing-Teams und für die Promotion von Hyosung-Spezialfasern und -Geweben, darunter creora® spandex und Mipan® nylon, verantwortlich sein. In seiner Funktion leitet er gemeinsame Entwicklungs- und Förderprogramme mit wichtigen Industriepartnern und arbeitet an wesentlichen Branchenthemen wie z.B. nachhaltigen Innovationen.

  • Der Brite Simon Whitmarsh-Knight tritt Posten als Marketing Director EMEA an
  • Whitmarsh-Knight bringt 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Textilindustrie mit
  • Seine Kernaufgabe: Hyosung-Spezialfasern wie creora® pushen sowie Entwicklungen fördern

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight (45) bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb und Marketing in der Textil-, Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelindustrie mit, darunter in den Bereichen: wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Membrane, Hackett Herrenbekleidung, wasserdichte Accessoires von Sealskinz, Mitre Sports und Invista.

Bei Hyosung wird Whitmarsh-Knight für den Ausbau des Marketing-Teams und für die Promotion von Hyosung-Spezialfasern und -Geweben, darunter creora® spandex und Mipan® nylon, verantwortlich sein. In seiner Funktion leitet er gemeinsame Entwicklungs- und Förderprogramme mit wichtigen Industriepartnern und arbeitet an wesentlichen Branchenthemen wie z.B. nachhaltigen Innovationen.

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight: „Es ist der perfekte Zeitpunkt, bei diesem führenden Anbieter einzusteigen, und ich freue mich darauf, das Team zu erweitern und unsere innovativen Fasertechnologien zu Marken und Händlern nach Europa zu bringen.“

More information:
Hyosung creora

eastside communications

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award © Beaulieu International Group
Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines received the Textile Industry Award during the award ceremony of the “Trophées de l’Industrie des Hauts-de-France” (Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France) which is hosted each year by the Société Industrielle du Nord. These trophies reward companies who are selected by trade and pooling associations based on their exemplary performance, innovations and achievements in an area of specialty which is different each year.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC), a subsidiary of the Belgian Beaulieu International Group of companies, announced today that it was awarded the Textile Industry Award, which is one of the Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France. The award ceremony took place on the 29th of March of this year at the Cité des Échanges of Marcq en Baroeul, France. Michiel Leys, Manufacturing Manager for Europe and General Manager of the production site, and Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC, attended the ceremony and received the prize in person.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines received the Textile Industry Award during the award ceremony of the “Trophées de l’Industrie des Hauts-de-France” (Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France) which is hosted each year by the Société Industrielle du Nord. These trophies reward companies who are selected by trade and pooling associations based on their exemplary performance, innovations and achievements in an area of specialty which is different each year.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC), a subsidiary of the Belgian Beaulieu International Group of companies, announced today that it was awarded the Textile Industry Award, which is one of the Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France. The award ceremony took place on the 29th of March of this year at the Cité des Échanges of Marcq en Baroeul, France. Michiel Leys, Manufacturing Manager for Europe and General Manager of the production site, and Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC, attended the ceremony and received the prize in person.

As part of the Industry Week, the ceremony is each year a time of exchange, optimism and encouragement to flagship companies of the industrial trades.
Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines’ production site has been based in the North since 1993 and manufactures high quality polypropylene and polyamid based textured yarns for applications in the automotive, and commercial and residential building sectors. “We regularly invest in technology on the one hand, and in safety, security and working conditions on the other”, says Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC. “For the past two years, we have invested around for million euros and, this year, we are in the on-going process of further developing our manufacturing resources to meet the technical needs of the market and to increase the safety of our site.”

“We have selected IFCC because of its significant surface, but also because it is a French company belonging to a Belgian group, who decided to build on France as a country”, adds Eric Mezin, Délégué Général UIT Nord. Such attributes as open-mindedness, strong focus on sustainable development and effective communication efforts in view of attracting new talents, including among older, more experienced people, are but a few of the multiple aspects that accounts for the election of IFFC as an award-winner.

Move Mountains (c) The North Face
Move Mountains

„Berge versetzen“ - The North Face startet weltweite Kampagne für neue Wahrnehmung in Sachen „Exploration“

The North Face startete am 03.04.2018 offiziell seine weltweite “Move Mountains”-Kampagne mit dem Ziel, die Wahrnehmung rund um den Begriff „Exploration“ neu zu definieren. Die Kampagne feiert und teilt dabei die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Entdeckerinnen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Frauen fördern.

"Move Mountains" ist die erste globale Initiative von The North Face, die sich speziell an Frauen richtet. Der Grundgedanke liegt darin, den Geschichten und Abenteuern von weiblichen Entdeckern eine größere Plattform zu bieten, um so die nächste Generation von Entdeckerinnen zu aktivieren. Auch unternehmerisch geht The North Face diesen Weg auf ganzer Linie von Marketingkampagnen bis hin zu Investitionen und Neuheiten im Produktdesign.

The North Face startete am 03.04.2018 offiziell seine weltweite “Move Mountains”-Kampagne mit dem Ziel, die Wahrnehmung rund um den Begriff „Exploration“ neu zu definieren. Die Kampagne feiert und teilt dabei die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Entdeckerinnen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Frauen fördern.

"Move Mountains" ist die erste globale Initiative von The North Face, die sich speziell an Frauen richtet. Der Grundgedanke liegt darin, den Geschichten und Abenteuern von weiblichen Entdeckern eine größere Plattform zu bieten, um so die nächste Generation von Entdeckerinnen zu aktivieren. Auch unternehmerisch geht The North Face diesen Weg auf ganzer Linie von Marketingkampagnen bis hin zu Investitionen und Neuheiten im Produktdesign.

Als Grundgerüst von "Move Mountains" dienen Geschichten von Frauen, die durch ihr tägliches Leben Grenzen verschieben. Unter ihnen sind auch The North Face-Athletinnen wie die Alpinistin Hilaree Nelson, die beiden Kletter-Ausnahmetalente Ashima Shiraishi und Margo Hayes oder die Ultraläuferin Fernanda Maciel. Alle Frauen werden in einer Reihe von Kurzfilmen vorgestellt – aus Sicht derer, die sie für ihre Taten und Aktionen tagtäglich bewundern. The North Face zeigt zudem auch Frauen, die Vorbilder jenseits von sportlichen Aktivitäten sind, wie die Frauenrecht-Anwältin America Ferrera, die NASA-Wissenschaftlerin Tierra Guinn Fletcher und die Musikerin und Aktivistin Madame Gandhi.

"Seit Jahrzehnten haben wir Frauen in unserem Athleten-Team, die Erstbesteigungen geschafft und 100-km-Läufe gewonnen haben. Wer, wenn nicht wir, weiß also, dass es so viele Frauen gibt, die jeden Tag herausragende und inspirierende Dinge meistern. Dennoch sehen sich Frauen und Mädchen nicht als ‚Entdeckerinnen‘ ", sagt Tom Herbst, Global Vice President of Marketing bei The North Face. "Der Kampagne liegt ein einfacher Gedanke zu Grunde: Wenn Frauen und Mädchen bewusst mehr Entdeckerinnen und Vorbilder wahrnehmen, werden wir auch in Zukunft mehr weibliche Abenteurer in nachfolgenden Generationen sehen. Daher verpflichten wir uns dazu, mit unserer Storytelling-Plattform Geschichten von Frauen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die mit ihrem jeweiligen Leben, ihrem Beruf, ihrer Leidenschaft und ihren Ideen Grenzen verschieben und andere dazu ermutigen sowie inspirieren, dasselbe zu tun."

In dem Bestreben, weltweit Entdeckerinnen, Künstlerinnen, Athletinnen, Pädagoginnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen auf dieselbe Ebene zu stellen, setzt The North Face ab sofort in allen Bereichen der Werbung, der sozialen Medien und in allen Inhalten auf gleichgestellte Präsenz. Zudem möchte The North Face mit dem Hashtag #SheMovesMountains in den sozialen Medien eine Möglichkeit schaffen, auch andere Geschichten von beeindruckenden Frauen zu teilen. Zusätzlich werden diese auf gesammelt und diesen Sommer in New York und London auf Ausstellungen in den Stores der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

Um weltweit eine neue Generation abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Mädchen zu fördern, arbeitet The North Face mit verschiedenen Organisationen zusammen: In Großbritannien arbeiten The Outward Bound Trust und The North Face gemeinsam mit rund 1.600 jungen Frauen aus einem urbanem Umfeld, um ihnen Outdoor Aktivitäten und Abenteuer in der Natur zu ermöglichen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von den Mitgliedern der NeverStop Community von The North Face in London.

"Während wir innerhalb unserer eigenen Wände bei The North Face Veränderungen vornehmen, um ein gleichgestelltes Team zu fördern und den individuellen Input - insbesondere von Frauen - in Bezug auf Produkte und Erfahrungen zu nutzen, soll „Move Mountains" Frauen die Möglichkeit geben, mehr von sich selbst in unserer Marke zu sehen, und dazu inspirieren, mehr Ziele zu erreichen", sagt Keryn Francisco, Kreativdirektor von The North Face für Run + Train.

Das Unternehmen erweitert sein Produktangebot für Frauen, beginnend mit Hosen, die die Marke durch Kompression, Core Support und Vision Science neu designt. Neue Styles und Schnitte sind diesen Monat im Laden und online verfügbar. Zu den Highlights gehören unter anderem die ‘Perfect Core High-Rise Tight‘, die ‚Contoured Tech High-Rise Tight‘ und der ‚Beyond the Wall Free Motion BH‘.
Außerdem wird The North Face 2018 zwei frauenspezifische Stores eröffnen, der erste setzt in Edina in Minnesota (USA) einem Fokus auf Lauf- und Trainingsbekleidung. Der zweite Store wird in San Francisco, Kalifornien (USA) eröffnet und führt alle Produktlinien für Frauen, einschließlich Lauf- und Trainingsausrüstung, Berg- und urbane Produkte. In der Regent Street in London (UK) wird der europäische Flagship Store eine Ebene in eine reine Frauen-Fläche verwandeln, mit eigenem Outdoor-Styling-Bereich, speziellem Fachpersonal für Frauen, individualisierbaren Taschen und maßgeschneiderten Produktlinien.
Weitere Informationen zu „Move Mountains“ gibt es auf oder unter #SheMovesMountains



crystal communications GmbH

Hyosung-Vorstandsvorsitzender Hyun Joon Cho gibt Initialzündung für neues Spandex-Werk in Indien (c) Hyosung
Hyosung Chairman Hyun Joon Cho

Hyosung-Vorstandsvorsitzender Hyun Joon Cho gibt Initialzündung für neues Spandex-Werk in Indien

Mit der neuen Produktionsstätte stärkt creora® seine Marktstellung auf dem Subkontinent

  • Hyun Joon Cho diskutiert Expansionspläne mit dem indischen Premierminister Modi
  • Bau der ersten Spandex-Anlage von Hyosung im Bundesstaat Maharashtra angekündigt
  • Fertigstellung im Jahr 2019 geplant, Investitionssumme zunächst 100 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Hyosung Vorsitzender Cho setzt auf zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft

Seoul, Korea, März 2018 - Hyosung, der größte und am schnellsten wachsende Spandex-Anbieter der Welt, verkündet stolz Pläne zum Bau der ersten Spandex-Produktion im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra. Mit einer Erstinvestition von 100 Millionen US-Dollar wächst Hyosungs Marktanteil ihrer Marke creora am indischen Spandex-Markt auf 70 Prozent.

Hohe Wachstumsraten der indischen Textilindustrie

Mit der neuen Produktionsstätte stärkt creora® seine Marktstellung auf dem Subkontinent

  • Hyun Joon Cho diskutiert Expansionspläne mit dem indischen Premierminister Modi
  • Bau der ersten Spandex-Anlage von Hyosung im Bundesstaat Maharashtra angekündigt
  • Fertigstellung im Jahr 2019 geplant, Investitionssumme zunächst 100 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Hyosung Vorsitzender Cho setzt auf zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft

Seoul, Korea, März 2018 - Hyosung, der größte und am schnellsten wachsende Spandex-Anbieter der Welt, verkündet stolz Pläne zum Bau der ersten Spandex-Produktion im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra. Mit einer Erstinvestition von 100 Millionen US-Dollar wächst Hyosungs Marktanteil ihrer Marke creora am indischen Spandex-Markt auf 70 Prozent.

Hohe Wachstumsraten der indischen Textilindustrie

Der indische Markt für Spandex wuchs von 2012 bis 2017 mit einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von über 16 Prozent; für 2020 wird ein Wachstum von 12 Prozent prognostiziert. Der Bundesstaat Maharashtra im Westen Indiens, wo Hyosung sein Werk errichten wird, ist eine Schlüsselregion für die Textilproduktion des Landes. Das neue Werk schafft Arbeitsplätze und kurbelt die regionale Wirtschaft und die Entwicklung von Unternehmen an, die auf Weben, Stricken und Nähen spezialisiert sind.

Analoges Wachstum zur indischen Wirtschaft erwartet

Vorsitzender Cho: „Hyosung erwartet ein analoges, zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft.“ Bei seinem Treffen mit dem indischen P.M. Modi sagte Cho: „Indien ist einer der größten Textilmärkte der Welt und wir erwarten ein bemerkenswertes Wachstum im indischen Verbrauchermarkt. Mit der vollen Unterstützung der indischen Regierung für unser neues Werk hoffe ich auf Wachstum, gleichermaßen von Hyosung und der indischen Wirtschaft.“

More information:
Indien Spandex Hyosung creora

eastside communications

Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019 (c) DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

CSI launches Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

“As the Color and Trend Director at Color Solutions, it is my goal to provide relevant seasonal color data collected through consumer insights and market analysis. We are able to look further out for trends that are affected by world views, mindset and cultural influences,” said Heather Sandwall, CSI Color and Trend Director

The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development and communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 (c) Tenua Group

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

The group is implementing Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 into their entire production process. Specifically developed to help fashion companies navigate the digital era, this modular and user-friendly solution will help the Ternua Group centralize and store information coming from their brands by digitalizing their supply chain. This will connect all teams involved in the design-to-production process, regardless of geographic location. Team members will also be able to comm unicate better with external suppliers, access accurate information and keep track of every collection’s development progress. The group can hence speed up the entire production process and help their brands deliver their collections to markets all over the world on time.

“We manage our design and product development processes in-house but outsource our production in Europe, north of Africa and Asia. For our business to expand globally, we need to go fully digital. By having a system that consolidates and standardizes data coming from all supply chain actors across the world, we can respond faster to consumer demand,” explains Aitor Barinaga, Chief Operations Officer, Ternua Group. “We have assessed all other vendors—and Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is clearly the winner. It has the ability to fully integrate all processes and improve communication and teamwork across all departments through sound data management. We are more than happy to have a trusted partner as Lectra for such an ambitious project.”

“Ternua Group is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. This is shown through their desire to help customers achieve their personal best by providing them with high-performance technical wear that is also environmentally friendly. We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with the Ternua Group, and we are confident that our solution and expertise will help them get their collections out to new markets on time,” says Rodrigo Siza, Managing Director, Spain and Portugal, Lectra.



(c) Lectra

Teamwork Reimagined: Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

Lectra has developed two new solutions to fulfill the specific needs of these teams, Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development. These solutions deliver collaborative environments that integrate business applications to aggregate, standardize and store data from all design and product development stages. These innovative solutions make every-day working life less stressful by allowing criteria-based searches, inciting users to capitalize on data links, and providing them with innovative tools and services to speed up their processes.

Lectra Connected Design facilitates collaboration between textile and fashion designers, colorists, graphic designers, technical designers and their managers by providing design teams with a connected environment. Team members can access the platform via their Lectra Kaledo® design software and Adobe® Creative Cloud, share inspiration and review collections together or upload inspirations via dedicated mobile apps. This solution gives users the visibility needed to streamline, automate and monitor the entire design process to ensure that they remain creative under severe time constraints.

In the same way, Lectra Connected Development connects patternmakers, graders, technical design teams, managers, cost and margin specialists, marker makers and sample teams through data. It allows team members to connect through Lectra Modaris® 2D and 3D patternmaking software and Lectra Diamino® Fashion marker-making software. Thanks to the wide range of standard libraries and mobile applications provided, teams will improve the efficiency of technical specifications creation. The automation of business processes and real-time communication allow product development teams to avoid errors and deliver the right product quality and fit.

“We recognize first and foremost that today’s fashion industry professionals need to feel well-equipped and at ease in order to perform well under tight deadlines,” explains Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra. “We are confident that by introducing a new and easy way of collaborating through sound data management, both offers will help design and product development teams work faster and more easily to build quality into the products they design and develop. That way, they can reach their fullest potential as key contributors to their companies’ success.”

More information:
Lectra, PLM Design


Nachhaltig: Outdoor-Ausrüstung wie neu (c) crystal communications

Nachhaltig: Outdoor-Ausrüstung wie neu

  • Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln von Gear Aid die Lebensdauer von Zelten, Jacken und Co. verlängern

Wir leben in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Kaum klemmt ein Reißverschluss oder eine Naht löst sich auf, schon wird das Produkt entsorgt und neues Equipment angeschafft. Letztendlich leidet darunter nicht nur der eigene Geldbeutel, sondern auch unsere Umwelt, die sich Tag für Tag neuen Belastungen aussetzen muss.
Um die Natur zu entlasten und zu verhindern, dass gebrauchte Textilien wie Jacken, Hosen, Zelte oder Schlafsäcke vorschnell entsorgt werden, macht es sich Gear Aid zur Aufgabe, die Lebensdauer von Outdoor-Ausrüstung zu verlängern. Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln bietet das Unternehmen bei Verschließ oder Schäden die passende Lösung und sorgt dafür, dass wir uns nicht allzu schnell von unseren Lieblingsprodukten trennen müssen.

  • Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln von Gear Aid die Lebensdauer von Zelten, Jacken und Co. verlängern

Wir leben in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Kaum klemmt ein Reißverschluss oder eine Naht löst sich auf, schon wird das Produkt entsorgt und neues Equipment angeschafft. Letztendlich leidet darunter nicht nur der eigene Geldbeutel, sondern auch unsere Umwelt, die sich Tag für Tag neuen Belastungen aussetzen muss.
Um die Natur zu entlasten und zu verhindern, dass gebrauchte Textilien wie Jacken, Hosen, Zelte oder Schlafsäcke vorschnell entsorgt werden, macht es sich Gear Aid zur Aufgabe, die Lebensdauer von Outdoor-Ausrüstung zu verlängern. Mit den praktischen Reparatur- und Pflegemitteln bietet das Unternehmen bei Verschließ oder Schäden die passende Lösung und sorgt dafür, dass wir uns nicht allzu schnell von unseren Lieblingsprodukten trennen müssen.

Egal, ob beim Klettern, Bergsteigen, Surfen, Tauchen oder Trekking, die Care & Repair Produkte von Gear Aid sind leicht zu verstauen und können im Notfall so manches Abenteuer retten. Mit einem umfassenden Produktportfolio sorgt Gear Aid dafür, dass sich Naturliebhaber in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen keine Sorgen um ihre Ausrüstung machen müssen. Um die Produktqualität und -leistung in einer Vielzahl von Klimazonen zu gewährleisten, werden die Produkte umfangreichen Entwicklungs- und Testprozessen unterzogen.

Gear Aid Seam Grip
Der Seam Grip von Gear Aid dichtet Oberflächen und Nähte von Zelten, Jacken und anderen Textilien zuverlässig und dauerhaft ab. Dabei versiegelt er nicht nur Nähte, sondern kann auch Risse und kleine Löcher permanent schließen. Durch die einfache Handhabung kann somit jeder zum Meister der Reparatur werden. Weitere Vorteile bietet Seam Grip durch seine ausgezeichnete Haftung, die langanhaltende Flexibilität sowie eine äußerst hohe Resistenz. Der Klebstoff hält auf allen natürlichen und synthetischen Stoffen, wasserdichten- und abweisenden Schichten sowie auf Leder und Venyl. Daher kann er auch bei Bodenplanen, Rucksäcken oder Schuhen eingesetzt werden. Auch die Behandlung von Neopren, PVC und Gummi stellen für Seam Grip kein Problem dar.

• Versiegelt Nähte von Zelten, Planen, Rucksäcken, Regenkleidung, Stiefeln
• Schließt Löcher permanent und beseitigt Risse
• Resistent gegen Kälte und Hitze
• Ideal für unbeschichtete und PU-beschichtete Materialien
• Inhalt: 28 g
• Eine Tube versiegelt ca. 366 mm

Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner + Lubricant
Der Gear Aid Zipper Cleaner + Lubricant verhindert eingeklemmte und hakende Reißverschlüsse, indem er schädliche Schmutz-, Sand und Salzablagerungen sowohl vom Zipper als auch vom Schieber entfernt. Somit verlängert er die Langlebigkeit von Reißverschlüssen und sorgt für eine einfache Handhabung. Über einen integrierten Auftrage-Pinsel hinterlässt die Tube ein Schmiermittel, welches ein einfaches Schließen und Öffnen ermöglicht.

• Reiniger und Schmiermittel in einem
• Ohne Silikon
• Biologisch abbaubar
• Verwendbar für Plastik-, Nylon- und Metallreißverschlüsse
• Ideal für Zelte, Rucksäcke, Schlafsäcke oder Jacken
• Inhalt: 59 ml

More information:
Gear Aid

crystal communications GmbH


Cadira® for Resource Optimized Reactive/Disperse Continuous Dyeing

The DyStar® Group recently launched a new concept of their resource saving module – Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous.

Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous is a modified pad-dry-thermosol-pad-steam dyeing process for open width PES/CO fabrics. In contrast to the standard PDTPS process, Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous does not require a separate reduction clearing process and thus saves more than 40% chemicals, water and energy. This effect is obtained by using a special dye choice of Dianix® XF/XF2 and SF disperse dyes in combination with selected Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes and a modified steaming and wash-off process with Sera® auxiliaries.

The Cadira concepts considerably reduce process costs, water, waste and energy consumption and machine utilization. Cadira supports Brands & Retailers and their production partners in their effort to save valuable resources and to reduce the carbon footprint of their textile goods.

The first Cadira module was developed in 2016. Since then DyStar has launched Cadira concepts for various substrates and applications. So far, the following Cadira concepts are available.

The DyStar® Group recently launched a new concept of their resource saving module – Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous.

Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous is a modified pad-dry-thermosol-pad-steam dyeing process for open width PES/CO fabrics. In contrast to the standard PDTPS process, Cadira Reactive/Disperse Continuous does not require a separate reduction clearing process and thus saves more than 40% chemicals, water and energy. This effect is obtained by using a special dye choice of Dianix® XF/XF2 and SF disperse dyes in combination with selected Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes and a modified steaming and wash-off process with Sera® auxiliaries.

The Cadira concepts considerably reduce process costs, water, waste and energy consumption and machine utilization. Cadira supports Brands & Retailers and their production partners in their effort to save valuable resources and to reduce the carbon footprint of their textile goods.

The first Cadira module was developed in 2016. Since then DyStar has launched Cadira concepts for various substrates and applications. So far, the following Cadira concepts are available.

Cadira Polyester
Cadira Recycled Polyester
Cadira Vat
Cadira Reactive
Cadira Procion PX
Cadira Wool
Cadira Denim

DyStar will continue their effort to support the textile industry to reduce the environmental footprint.

About DyStar
DyStar® Group is a solution provider, offering customers across the globe a complete range of colorants, auxiliaries and services. The DyStar Group has offices, competence centers, agencies and production plants in over 50 countries to ensure the availability of expertise in all important markets. With a heritage of more than a century of product development and innovation for the textile and leather industry, DyStar has developed into new markets and now in addition serves the paper, plastic and many other specialty chemical industries.

DyStar’s service division assist brands & retailers and their industry partners from their first inspiration throughout the entire supply chain to ensure that they meet stringent quality and ecological specifications, reduce costs and shorten lead times. The service division offers state of the art color communication through CSI, textile and ecology testing through Texanlab, ecology and environmental advice, supply chain auditing and consulting for RSL compliant sustainable processes through Sustainable Textile Solutions programs.

The DyStar econfidence® program provides assurance that provided products comply with legal, voluntary and brand & retailer RSL (Restricted Substance List) requirements. It is an assurance that our products are in compliance with chemical and environmental legislation in each market in which they are sold.
Visit for more information.


More information:
DyStar Cadira®


Crowded aisle of JEC World 2018

JEC World 2018: Composites Industry in Paris

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises.

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises. We also introduced one new planet called “Make it Real” along with the Aero, Auto and Construction planets. In this planet, we could discover astonishing futuristic products for example the Aeromobil, a flying car that would revolutionize urban transportation in the near future,“ she adds. “We launched our new Book on Natural Fibers: Flax and Hemp. We had strong communications on Composites Environmental Input and Recycling.”

The event was the first event to promote and host the new “French Fab”, a French government initiative to internationally promote the French Industry and Manufacture. Also, JEC World welcomed the French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance Ms. Delphine Gény-Stephann, visit that demonstrates the growing role of composites in the industry.

Inspiring Keynotes to foster composites disruption

Dirk Ahlborn,CEO of Hyperloop opened the Startup Booster ceremony by supporting the spirit of ingenuity in the Industry. Dayton Horvath, industry expert and consultant in additive manufacturing presented his vision of how to apply artificial intelligence to composite Materials and Manufacturing. Finally, Yves Rossy, the “jetman” using the latest carbon-fiber wings for flight introduced the JEC Innovation awards ceremony, motivating the audience to pursue their dreams and explaining how composites could made his dreams come true.

The "Public Choice” Awards Winners

A first at the show this year was the introduction of the public votes to elect their favorite projects among two JEC programs promoting innovation. “The goal to create the “public choice awards” was to involve and embark our community to make their innovation loud. Our vision at JEC is to demonstrate and to make understand towards a broader scope the vast range of possibilities that composite materials offer.”
comments Ms. Anne-Manuèle Hébert, Director for JEC World and European Events for JEC Group.

Public Choice Award for Startup  Booster: Inca-Fiber (Germany) with 62.36% of the 2,221 votes
Public Choice Award for JEC Innovation Awards: Infusion technology for an aircraft wing by AeroComposit JSC (Russia) gaining 20.96% of the 4,126 votes.



The North Face Apex Flex X German Roamers (c) The North Face

The North Face Apex Flex X German Roamers

  • Fotografenkollektiv auf Regen-Jagd

Unterwegs auf Madeira: Zum Launch der neuen Apex Flex GTX 2.0 Jacke von The North Face machten sich die Outdoor-Fotografen der German Roamers (@germanroamers) sowie deren belgischer Kollege auf die Suche nach Regen – und fanden ihn auf einer Atlantikinsel. Umgeben von der atemberaubenden Landschaft der kleinen Inselgruppe war das regnerische Wetter die ideale Voraussetzung, um die neue Jacke in Szene zu setzen.
Die Fotografen Johannes Höhn (@pangaea), Lennart Pagel (@lennart) und Michiel Pieters (@michielpieters) testeten die GORE-TEX®-Jacke unter realen Bedingungen und hatten dabei genug Gelegenheit, die portugiesische Insel vor der marokkanischen Küste zu entdecken. Für ihre Aufnahmen konnten sie einmalige Hintergrundmotive wie den Lorbeerwald von Fanal, den Berg Pico do Arieiro oder die Ponta de Sao Lourenco nutzen.

  • Fotografenkollektiv auf Regen-Jagd

Unterwegs auf Madeira: Zum Launch der neuen Apex Flex GTX 2.0 Jacke von The North Face machten sich die Outdoor-Fotografen der German Roamers (@germanroamers) sowie deren belgischer Kollege auf die Suche nach Regen – und fanden ihn auf einer Atlantikinsel. Umgeben von der atemberaubenden Landschaft der kleinen Inselgruppe war das regnerische Wetter die ideale Voraussetzung, um die neue Jacke in Szene zu setzen.
Die Fotografen Johannes Höhn (@pangaea), Lennart Pagel (@lennart) und Michiel Pieters (@michielpieters) testeten die GORE-TEX®-Jacke unter realen Bedingungen und hatten dabei genug Gelegenheit, die portugiesische Insel vor der marokkanischen Küste zu entdecken. Für ihre Aufnahmen konnten sie einmalige Hintergrundmotive wie den Lorbeerwald von Fanal, den Berg Pico do Arieiro oder die Ponta de Sao Lourenco nutzen.
Die Jacke wird aus besonders flexiblem, gewebten GORE-TEX® 3L Material gefertigt, das die Vorteile eines weichen Baumwoll-Hoodies mit dem Gore-Tex®-Schutz einer Hardshell-Jacke verbindet und damit einzigartig ist. Mit der Überarbeitung der Jacke spart The North Face gegenüber dem Vorgängermodell 40 Gramm an Gesamtgewicht ein, ohne dabei Abstriche bei Performance oder Komfort machen zu müssen. Die neue Version wiegt nun 800 Gramm und ist zusätzlich 12% atmungsaktiver.
Mehr Informationen über die Jacke, die das Team bei ihrem regnerischen Abenteuer auf Madeira getragen hat, gibt es hier: Die Apex Flex GTX 2.0 Jacke ist sowohl als Herren- als auch als Damenvariante sowie in einer Vielzahl von Farben auf sowie im Handel erhältlich.

More information:
GORE-TEX® The North Face

crystal communications GmbH

Lectra ESCP Europe (c) Lectra

Technology propelled by Industry 4.0 brings new opportunities for the fashion industry

  • Lectra – ESCP Europe ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair round-table event hears panelists emphasize the need for fashion companies to embrace Industry 4.0.

Paris, February 27, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair explored the impact of Industry 4.0 on fashion’s value chain during a recent insightful round table discussion at ESCP Europe’s London campus.
For the participants Robert Diamond, Founder and CEO, Fernbrook Partners; Dan Hartley, Global Head of Digital Commerce, AllSaints; Laëtitia Hugé, Vice-President, Product Marketing, Lectra; Pierre Mercier, Senior Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group; and Evelthon Vassilou, CEO, Alison Hayes, there was consensus. Industry 4.0 represents unparalleled opportunities to take the fashion industry forward.

  • Lectra – ESCP Europe ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair round-table event hears panelists emphasize the need for fashion companies to embrace Industry 4.0.

Paris, February 27, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair explored the impact of Industry 4.0 on fashion’s value chain during a recent insightful round table discussion at ESCP Europe’s London campus.
For the participants Robert Diamond, Founder and CEO, Fernbrook Partners; Dan Hartley, Global Head of Digital Commerce, AllSaints; Laëtitia Hugé, Vice-President, Product Marketing, Lectra; Pierre Mercier, Senior Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group; and Evelthon Vassilou, CEO, Alison Hayes, there was consensus. Industry 4.0 represents unparalleled opportunities to take the fashion industry forward.

From brand to manufacturer, panelists from across the value chain emphasized the necessity for the industry to embrace the alliance between man and machines to leverage massive benefits, from quicker decision-making to cost-reduction.
Exploring the advantages of Industry 4.0 technology, Evelthon Vassilou commented: “Interpreting the data of what is, and isn’t, selling should help to speed up decisions. You can react very quickly across the entire supply chain, and either stop producing something unsuccessful or ramp up production if successful. Data and data analytics is not sufficient, to succeed this also requires a high degree of trust and integration between retailers and suppliers.”

“It’s about using technology to deliver continuous improvement in everyday business,” said Robert Diamond. “People are not good at making a large volume of repeatable decisions with many different data inputs”. Identifying where machines, and where people, bring value is an important part of embracing Industry 4.0. “If the business decision, or the outcome of the resolution tomorrow, is pretty much the same as what happened yesterday, then there is a chance for machine learning to help improve the situation.”
For Pierre Mercier, technology propelled by Industry 4.0 is disrupting former sources of competitive advantage, “forcing companies to rethink how they want to compete in their respective industries, and how to use data to compete differently. The common denominator in the fashion ecosystem is that everyone is facing the opportunity for a step change and need to figure out where to double down and accelerate their transformation.”

“Agility and flexibility are increasingly important for fashion players. Cutting-edge technology is supporting the fashion industry as it steps into the 4.0 era, ensuring businesses have the right solutions in their own ecosystems, to effectively harness the right data to make the right decisions,” stated Laëtitia Hugé.

At UK fashion brand AllSaints, valuable data harnessed from the net promoter score is paramount for their business. “We take customer feedback very seriously and we use it as a framework for our internal roadmap - from a tech and development point of view, through to design and fit, the customer is at the heart of everything we do,” stated Dan Hartley. In addition, he underlined that using technology across communications “will be huge going forward for AllSaints. From supply chain to store teams, we aim to use a cloud-based system that works within our own eco-system, complementing our agile model.”
The round table was moderated by the co-director of Lectra-ESCP Europe ‘Fashion and Technology’ Chair Valérie Moatti.

More information:
Lectra-ESCP Europe Industry 4.0

Lectra, Nathalie Fournier-Christol


Dual and Lectra enter into long-term partnership

Paris, February 20, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce its partnership with Dual through the signing of a global agreement covering the Korean automotive supplier’s fabric seating and airbag businesses.

Backed by world-class research and development, Dual strives to meet evolving customer needs by offering innovative new automotive interior materials and advanced safety textiles. The supplier’s automotive trim and airbag divisions serve Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the fourth largest automaker in the world. Currently undergoing rapid expansion, Hyundai-Kia is counting on Dual to increase its manufacturing capabilities in the high-growth regions where the group operates, including China, Eastern Europe, Turkey and South America.

Paris, February 20, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce its partnership with Dual through the signing of a global agreement covering the Korean automotive supplier’s fabric seating and airbag businesses.

Backed by world-class research and development, Dual strives to meet evolving customer needs by offering innovative new automotive interior materials and advanced safety textiles. The supplier’s automotive trim and airbag divisions serve Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the fourth largest automaker in the world. Currently undergoing rapid expansion, Hyundai-Kia is counting on Dual to increase its manufacturing capabilities in the high-growth regions where the group operates, including China, Eastern Europe, Turkey and South America.

A key feature of the global agreement is Lectra’s commitment to help Dual optimize its manufacturing processes with the aim of improving its cost structure. Lectra’s most advanced technologies—Vector® for vehicle seating and FocusQuantum® for airbags—and unique expertise in cutting room processes are crucial to helping Dual reach its operational excellence objectives.

The agreement designates Lectra as sole supplier for high-ply cutting equipment and services for Dual’s seating and interiors business, and laser cutting equipment and services for the company’s airbag cushion business at six plants located in Korea and China.
For its operations in Korea and China, Dual will gain access to the full array of expertise, customer support and field services that Lectra provides worldwide. Lectra’s complete customer support structure enables maximum uptime through remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance.

“Dual will benefit most from this agreement by containing costs in the cutting room,” remarks Ong Jae-Yeol, Fabric and Seat BU Executive Managing Director, Dual. “This is precisely where Lectra’s expertise can help us gain a competitive advantage.”
“We are pleased to enter into this global partnership with Dual, to support them—not only with our best-in-class cutting technology, but also with Lectra’s expertise in cutting processes,” states Javier Garcia, Senior VP Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Our unique know-how contributes to Dual’s pursuit of operational excellence—the source of sustainable competitive advantage for car seat cover and airbag cushion suppliers.”

More information:
Lectra Vector® FocusQuantum®

Nathalie Fournier-Christol, Responsable des Relations Presse Groupe, press department, communications

PrePro2D "PrePro 2D“ machine system for tape placement of tailored blanks and laminates with in-situ consolidation. (c) Fraunhofer IPT.

Commercialization of Fraunhofer´s tape-placement and tape winding systems

The two AZL Partners Conbility GmbH and Fraunhofer IPT, Aachen started their long-term cooperation for the further development and for the commercialization of Fraunhofer´s tape-placement and tape winding systems with in-situ-consolidation by the usage of laser or IR heat sources.

With this cooperation, the company Conbility GmbH makes 25 years of expertise in special machine development of tape placement systems of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT commercially available. Conbility offers two different tape processing systems available in different configurations.

The two AZL Partners Conbility GmbH and Fraunhofer IPT, Aachen started their long-term cooperation for the further development and for the commercialization of Fraunhofer´s tape-placement and tape winding systems with in-situ-consolidation by the usage of laser or IR heat sources.

With this cooperation, the company Conbility GmbH makes 25 years of expertise in special machine development of tape placement systems of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT commercially available. Conbility offers two different tape processing systems available in different configurations.

The “PrePro 2D” machine system allows for the automated tailored tape placement of UD laminates and which can be used for subsequent thermoforming or as stiffening structures in injection molding processes. The machine comprises a rotating and translational table which is moved relatively to the applicator station. The table is scalable according to the requirements of customers. Standard table diameters are 1200 mm or 2000 mm. The applicator station can be equipped with a single or with multiple spool applicators. Because of the large process area, a 9 kW IR heater is used for the in-situ-consolidation process.  
Three in one: Three technologies included in one single modular system
Furthermore, the award-winning “PrePro 3D” tape placement and winding applicator is available as modular product with decentral control system (including closed-loop control of energy input into the processing zone) for the “plug-in” implementation in existing robot systems or machine systems by standard interfaces for the communication with the master control system. Conbility provides the single applicator as well as turn-key ready systems including the robot and handling systems.

Unique selling point of the PrePro 3D system is its multifunctional range of usage: it accomplishes laser-assisted thermoplastic tape placement, IR-assisted thermoset prepreg placement and dry fiber placement: Three technologies included in one single modular system.  

During the JEC World in Paris (March 6th – 8th 2018), Conbility GmbH will present its new “VCSEL Tape Placement and Winding Applicator” (Fig. 3), developed in cooperation with Fraunhofer IPT and Philips Photonics at the AZL Composites in Action area (Hall 5A, C55).

VCSEL Laser Systems as heat source for lower investment and process costs
This applicator uses an integrated VCSEL Laser System as heat source which has been developed by Philips Photonics. This tape placement and winding applicator can also be integrated as modular “plug-in” system into industrial jointed-arm and linear gantry robots in variable manufacturing cells. Using the new VCSEL Laser as heat source (VCSEL: Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) leads to significant lower investment and process cost in comparison to other laser systems. Furthermore, the VCSEL laser system can accomplish controllable in-process adjustments of the laser-spot geometry as well as the intensity distribution within the spot size during the process (in-process control of laser-spot geometries and intensities) for the first time. The new system with 2 kW laser power and 10 separate emission zones which can be controlled separately will be shown at JEC World in Paris 2018 as new product of Conbility GmbH.


Geballte Frauenpower bei fiedler concepts: Erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Frauenthemen im Sportbereich

Egal ob auf Events, Messen, Camps oder einer Roadshow – beim Thema Frauen im Sport kommt man an der Marketing- und Eventagentur fiedler concepts nicht vorbei. Gerade hat das Team um Sabrina Weiss und Monika Fiedler eine erfolgreiche ISPO Munich hinter sich gebracht, bei der sie schon zum zweiten Mal die Women’s Lounge bespielt haben.

Egal ob auf Events, Messen, Camps oder einer Roadshow – beim Thema Frauen im Sport kommt man an der Marketing- und Eventagentur fiedler concepts nicht vorbei. Gerade hat das Team um Sabrina Weiss und Monika Fiedler eine erfolgreiche ISPO Munich hinter sich gebracht, bei der sie schon zum zweiten Mal die Women’s Lounge bespielt haben.

Moderierte Talkrunden mit spannenden Themen rund um die weiblichen Bedürfnisse sowie interessante Diskussionsrunden mit Führungskräften und Sportlerinnen gehörten neben geführten Rundgängen über die Messe zum täglichen Programm dazu. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist Frauenpower an der Tagesordnung, seit nun mehr zwei Jahren arbeitet das Team mit Hochdruck an speziellen Ideen und Veranstaltungen für die weibliche Zielgruppe. Jedes Jahr wird ein neues Konzept für den Lifestyle-, Sport- sowie Businessbereich entworfen und umgesetzt. Sabrina Weiss erklärt begeistert: “Frauen sind als Zielgruppe sehr interessant und bieten enormes Wachstumspotential, da sie sich intensiv mit Produkten und Dienstleistungen beschäftigen und das Kaufverhalten stark vom positiven Erlebnis gelenkt wird. Hersteller von Sport- und Markenartikeln, aber auch Hotels und Tourismusregionen können hier noch einiges erreichen.“

Women’s Winter Camp für Freeriderinnnen und Skitourengeherinnen

Das erste Event in diesem Jahr ist das Women`s Winter Camp powered by Marmot. Es verwöhnt auch 2018 seine Teilnehmerinnen wieder mit einer Vielzahl an abenteuerlichen oder entspannenden Aktivitäten. Neben Freeriden, Skitourengehen und den dazu passenden Technikkursen wird auch gemeinsam entspannt. Vom 18. bis 21. März 2018 findet das Camp in Kirchberg inmitten der Kitzbühler Alpen statt.

More information:
fiedler concepts ISPO Munich

crystal communications GmbH


Felix Neureuther investiert in ABS Protection GmbH

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz auf der Sportartikelmesse ISPO Munich verkündeten der Geschäftsführer der ABS Protection GmbH,vo Dr. Stefan Mohr und Felix Neureuther heute ihre strategische Partnerschaft. Mit der Information, dass diese Partnerschaft über eine Verpflichtung als Testimonial hinausgeht, gab Neureuther heute erstmals bekannt, dass es hier um seine berufliche Zukunft nach der aktiven Karriere als Skirennfahrer geht.

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz auf der Sportartikelmesse ISPO Munich verkündeten der Geschäftsführer der ABS Protection GmbH,vo Dr. Stefan Mohr und Felix Neureuther heute ihre strategische Partnerschaft. Mit der Information, dass diese Partnerschaft über eine Verpflichtung als Testimonial hinausgeht, gab Neureuther heute erstmals bekannt, dass es hier um seine berufliche Zukunft nach der aktiven Karriere als Skirennfahrer geht.

Gemeinschaftlich traten Dr Stefan Mohr und Felix Neureuther auf die Bühne, und als Team verließen sie diese auch wieder, mit aufgeblasenen Lawinenairbags durch die Partnerauslösung als Symbol der gemeinsamen Zukunft. Geschäftsführer Dr Stefan Mohr ist nach seinen ersten vier Monaten im Amt sehr zuversichtlich, dass das Unternehmen schon in der kurzen Zeit einen großen Sprung gemacht hat und alle Zeichen auch weiterhin auf Wachstum stehen: „Mit dem Claim „Protection in Adventure“ soll ABS auch mit Hilfe von Felix Neureuther eine Marke werden, die als Synonym für den Schutz bei egal welchem Abenteuer werden, im Winter und erstmals auch im Sommer. Wir haben viele Ideen und sind gerade dabei uns viel breiter aufzustellen als bisher und weg vom saisonalen Geschäft zu gehen“, erklärt er. Auch Felix Neureuther spricht über das große Potential der Marke und erzählt in einem Nebensatz, dass sogar sein Großvater, damals als Arzt bei der Bergrettung in Garmisch-Partenkirchen Einsatz, schon an der Entwicklung des ersten Lawinenairbags vor über 30 Jahren beteiligt war. „Das Thema Sicherheit liegt mir sehr am Herzen und ich möchte gerne das bestehende Produktportfolio erweitern und auch aktiv an der Produktentwicklung mitarbeiten, schließlich geht es jetzt für mich als Teilhaber nun auch um den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg des Unternehmens.“

More information:

 crystal communications

FILPUCCI launches the ‘Responsible Innovation” Line & C.L.A.S.S.  partnership © C.L.A.S.S.

FILPUCCI launches the ‘Responsible Innovation” Line & C.L.A.S.S. partnership

At Pitti Filati, and as part of a journey to be and make better products, the FILPUCCI GROUP invites the fashion industry to experience its new line of more sustainable yarn creativity.

The “Responsible Innovation Collection” represents a new level of smart innovation linked to responsible, eco-centric production. The collection uses the best high-tech, natural-based materials, combined with FILPUCCI’s dying & finishing expertise. This gives customer’s real access to a new, fashion-forward aesthetic, where quality and smart uniqueness in these new, more responsible yarns, deliver a new textile era of sustainable fashion solutions that are driven by ethical and natural values.

At Pitti Filati, and as part of a journey to be and make better products, the FILPUCCI GROUP invites the fashion industry to experience its new line of more sustainable yarn creativity.

The “Responsible Innovation Collection” represents a new level of smart innovation linked to responsible, eco-centric production. The collection uses the best high-tech, natural-based materials, combined with FILPUCCI’s dying & finishing expertise. This gives customer’s real access to a new, fashion-forward aesthetic, where quality and smart uniqueness in these new, more responsible yarns, deliver a new textile era of sustainable fashion solutions that are driven by ethical and natural values.

FILPUCCI is proud to announce it is a new official partner of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy). Since 2007, C.L.A.S.S., a unique multi-platform HUB based in Milan, specializes in integrating a new generation of eco-values for fashion, home products and business strategies. These values speak to a new, smarter, contemporary consumer. Founded by Giusy Bettoni, C.L.A.S.S. introduces a new way of design thinking that represents a shift in culture, enabling businesses to be competitive and socially innovative.
From this platform, FILPUCCI is also a key ambassador for the unique C.L.A.S.S. partner product, Re.Verso™, for its luxury upcycled cashmere yarns.

New additional steps on the FILPUCCI journey towards a more responsible approach to smart design and manufacture also include:

  • The signing of a new ‘Values Chart’ in conjunction with a joint consortium to guarantee sustainable production chains that are fully traceable with certified materials and measured environmental performances, such as reducing CO2, water use and power consumption.
  • The company is also GRS accredited with dyeing facilities that are second to none, boasting a GOTS certification alongside recycling 70% of water and also as part of the DETOX campaign for the last 3 years.  This is a key added value mirroring the whole company’s dyeing operation.
  • The FILPUCCI GROUP produces its own ‘Balance of Sustainability’ report each year to measure and account for issues relating to the business impact of a responsible innovation strategy, and research optimization into origins of materials, transparency, certifications and processes designed to reduce environmental impacts and a no-waste manufacturing philosophy.

There are seven new yarn styles in the Responsible Innovation Collection with smart blends of only the best, certified, organic and natural materials (cottons & linens), new generation wool Re.Verso™ and sustainable hi-tech materials (Cupro and Q-Nova) for 5 to 18 gauge knitwear design:


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SITIP and ROICA™ introduce new Heat Generating technology at the ISPO Munich © SITIP and ROICA™
BeHOT with ROICA™ for Modern Action Living

SITIP and ROICA™ introduce new Heat Generating technology at the ISPO Munich

At the upcoming ISPO exhibition, SITIP are pleased to introduce BEHOT, a SITIP Heat Generating Technology for fabrics that has been licensed from the unique ROICA™ StretchEnergy™ System by Asahi Kasei and is already adopted by Santini that is offering Premium cycle wear Made in Italy since 1965.

SITIP is a leading Italian textile company specialized in high-tech and function-rich innovations for sport, technical underwear, shapewear, beachwear, footwear components, protective helmets, and in particular Velcro-receptive fabrics for mechanical fastening systems and a number of innovative technical fabrics for other industrial end-uses, all made through key manufacture technologies that include weft & warp knit fabric innovations.

Further, SITIP has more recently launched 16 unique trade brands, each one specialized in highly advanced innovation solutions designed to fit both market and the discerning needs of the contemporary consumer.

At the upcoming ISPO exhibition, SITIP are pleased to introduce BEHOT, a SITIP Heat Generating Technology for fabrics that has been licensed from the unique ROICA™ StretchEnergy™ System by Asahi Kasei and is already adopted by Santini that is offering Premium cycle wear Made in Italy since 1965.

SITIP is a leading Italian textile company specialized in high-tech and function-rich innovations for sport, technical underwear, shapewear, beachwear, footwear components, protective helmets, and in particular Velcro-receptive fabrics for mechanical fastening systems and a number of innovative technical fabrics for other industrial end-uses, all made through key manufacture technologies that include weft & warp knit fabric innovations.

Further, SITIP has more recently launched 16 unique trade brands, each one specialized in highly advanced innovation solutions designed to fit both market and the discerning needs of the contemporary consumer.

Santini is offering to the market a multi-panel thermal bib tight for the coldest winter training. Made with the special BeHot fabric by Sitip, constructed with the ROICA™ StretchEnergy™ active performance material, it not only insulates, but generates up to 2 degrees of heat as you workout as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University. Complete comfort and protection thanks to the Acquazero by Sitip treatment that ensures you stay dry even in the most challenging conditions.

The design is completed with breathable mesh braces for added comfort and a reflective pixel detail on the leg to improve visibility in low light conditions. BeHOT represents a special combination of a highly refined type of knitted construction combined with this unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch yarn function, and has been especially developed for this new high-function concept.

More information:

GB Network Marketing Communication

David Lama (c) The North Face
David Lama

Alpinkletterer David Lama neuer Teamathlet bei The North Face

The North Face, der Weltmarktführer im Bereich Outdoorbekleidung, -ausrüstung und -schuhe gibt die Aufnahme des Alpinkletterers David Lama in das globale The North Face Athlete Team bekannt. Der aus Innsbruck stammende David Lama (27) kann einen beeindruckenden Lebenslauf in den Bergen vorweisen. Alles begann beim Wettkampfklettern, wo es ihm als jüngsten Kletterer überhaupt gelang, einen Weltcup sowohl in der Disziplin Vorstieg, als auch im Bouldern zu gewinnen. 2011 wechselte er von der Kletterhalle ins alpine Gelände. In den Alpen gelangen ihm einige Erstbegehungen, weltweite Anerkennung bekam er durch seine erste freie Begehung auf der Compressor Route des Cerro Torre in Patagonien.

„Die traditionsreiche Geschichte von The North Face war immer sehr eng mit einem grenzenlosen Entdecker-Geist verbunden. Für mich stellt dieser Gedanke das wahre Herz des Bergsteigens dar und ist ein wesentlicher Teil meiner persönlichen Motivation die großen Gebirgszüge dieser Welt zu bereisen und neue Linien zu klettern“, so David Lama.

The North Face, der Weltmarktführer im Bereich Outdoorbekleidung, -ausrüstung und -schuhe gibt die Aufnahme des Alpinkletterers David Lama in das globale The North Face Athlete Team bekannt. Der aus Innsbruck stammende David Lama (27) kann einen beeindruckenden Lebenslauf in den Bergen vorweisen. Alles begann beim Wettkampfklettern, wo es ihm als jüngsten Kletterer überhaupt gelang, einen Weltcup sowohl in der Disziplin Vorstieg, als auch im Bouldern zu gewinnen. 2011 wechselte er von der Kletterhalle ins alpine Gelände. In den Alpen gelangen ihm einige Erstbegehungen, weltweite Anerkennung bekam er durch seine erste freie Begehung auf der Compressor Route des Cerro Torre in Patagonien.

„Die traditionsreiche Geschichte von The North Face war immer sehr eng mit einem grenzenlosen Entdecker-Geist verbunden. Für mich stellt dieser Gedanke das wahre Herz des Bergsteigens dar und ist ein wesentlicher Teil meiner persönlichen Motivation die großen Gebirgszüge dieser Welt zu bereisen und neue Linien zu klettern“, so David Lama.

Seit 1966 ermöglicht The North Face verschiedenen Athleten, ihre Grenzen zu erweitern und ihr Leben dem Entdecken zu verschreiben. Diese Athleten stehen für den Kern des Unternehmensversprechens „Athlete Tested, Expedition Proven“. Lama schließt sich einer Liste von Weltklasse-Alpinisten wie David Göttler, Hansjörg Auer, Alex Honnold, Jimmy Chin, Hilaree Nelson und Anna Pfaff an.
„Wir fühlen uns geehrt, dass sich David Lama entschieden hat Teil des The North Face Global Athlete Teams zu werden“, sagt Conrad Anker, Kopf des The North Face Global Teams. „Er ist sehr motiviert sein kletterisches Können im Himalaya und Yosemite anzuwenden, zwei Gebieten, welche die Expeditions-Tradition von The North Face definieren.“

Neben weiteren ambitionierten und bergsteigerischen Zielen in der Zukunft kann Davis Lama schon jetzt eine beeindruckende Liste an Höchstleistungen, wie die freie Erstbegehung der Compressor Route am Cerro Torre, die Erstbegehung des Avataara, die erste Winterbegehung des Schiefer Riss und die Erstbegehung der Spindrift, vorweisen.

„Unsere Marke konzentriert sich darauf, weltweit die technisch besten Produkte zu schaffen. Dabei fangen wir bei unseren Athleten und deren Bedürfnissen an“, beschreibt Scott Mellin, The North Face global GM für Bergsport die Aktivitäten der Marke. „David Lama wird eine große Rolle bei der Inspiration für unsere zukünftigen Bergsteiger Programme spielen. Er wird unserem Produkt-Team eine Menge wertvoller Einblicke geben, um Ausrüstung für die Zukunft des Alpinismus zu entwickeln.“


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