From the Sector

291 results


IPC, the Industrial Technical Centre with expertise dedicated to plastic and composite innovation, is presenting two prototypes on its stand: an intelligent motorcycle helmet and a multifunctional windturbine blade. "With these two prototypes, IPC demonstrates its ability to functionalize composites, particularly with printed electronic components. Live demos will be organized during the three days of the show on our booth," explains Bertrand Fillon, General Manager of Research at IPC. The helmet was manufactured in partnership with the technical and creative paper manufacturer Arjowiggins, and the wind turbine blade, with the CEA. These two demonstrators will also be exhibited in Germany at the LOPEC exhibition 2019 in Munich on 20-21 March.

IPC, the Industrial Technical Centre with expertise dedicated to plastic and composite innovation, is presenting two prototypes on its stand: an intelligent motorcycle helmet and a multifunctional windturbine blade. "With these two prototypes, IPC demonstrates its ability to functionalize composites, particularly with printed electronic components. Live demos will be organized during the three days of the show on our booth," explains Bertrand Fillon, General Manager of Research at IPC. The helmet was manufactured in partnership with the technical and creative paper manufacturer Arjowiggins, and the wind turbine blade, with the CEA. These two demonstrators will also be exhibited in Germany at the LOPEC exhibition 2019 in Munich on 20-21 March.

The objective is to add new features to improve the user experience, without impacting security. The motorcycle helmet is equipped with sensors and NFC communication functions. "Here, printed organic electronics are used in the helmet to allow remote temperature changes," adds Lionel Tenchine, Program Line Manager for "Technologies for Intelligent Products" at IPC. The helmet manufacturing process is based on the use of composites and the infusion process.

Developing predictive maintenance is an important issue when it comes to avoiding sudden, serious accidents. A recent McKinsey study estimates that by 2025 it will save $630 billion for companies, for example. The wind turbine blade presented at JEC World detects potential damage that could occur on the blade structure beforehand, making it possible to carry out preventive repairs on the one-meter-long blade. Printed organic electronics are used in the demonstrator to integrate strain gauges and the temperature detection function.

More information:
IPC JEC World 2019


(c) GS1 Germany

Digitalisierung erfordert Kooperationen

  • Kooperationen stärken Unternehmen und fördern den digitalen Wandel
  • Aber: 41 Prozent der Großunternehmen und 66 Prozent der Mittelständler verzichten auf Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups
  • ECR Tag am 18./19. September 2019 in Essen stellt kooperative Erfolge in den Mittelpunkt

Kooperationen werden in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, immer kürzeren Produktzyklen und datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen zu einem wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen. Großunternehmen und etablierte Mittelständler kennen den Markt, junge Gründer bringen frische Ideen und neueste Technologien mit. In der Praxis mangelt es deutschen Unternehmen laut Bitkom jedoch an Kontakten mit innovativen Start-ups. Eine aktuelle Umfrage ergab, dass zwei Drittel der Mittelständler überhaupt nicht mit jungen Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Großunternehmen haben im Vergleich die Nase vorn: Nur vier von zehn verzichten auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups. Doch Nachholbedarf gibt es allemal, bestätigt auch der Digitale Job-Monitor des Handelsblatts: Die digitale Transformation in Deutschland stockt, weil Fachleute fehlen. Kooperationen könnten helfen.

  • Kooperationen stärken Unternehmen und fördern den digitalen Wandel
  • Aber: 41 Prozent der Großunternehmen und 66 Prozent der Mittelständler verzichten auf Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups
  • ECR Tag am 18./19. September 2019 in Essen stellt kooperative Erfolge in den Mittelpunkt

Kooperationen werden in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, immer kürzeren Produktzyklen und datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen zu einem wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen. Großunternehmen und etablierte Mittelständler kennen den Markt, junge Gründer bringen frische Ideen und neueste Technologien mit. In der Praxis mangelt es deutschen Unternehmen laut Bitkom jedoch an Kontakten mit innovativen Start-ups. Eine aktuelle Umfrage ergab, dass zwei Drittel der Mittelständler überhaupt nicht mit jungen Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Großunternehmen haben im Vergleich die Nase vorn: Nur vier von zehn verzichten auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Start-ups. Doch Nachholbedarf gibt es allemal, bestätigt auch der Digitale Job-Monitor des Handelsblatts: Die digitale Transformation in Deutschland stockt, weil Fachleute fehlen. Kooperationen könnten helfen.

Antworten finden Unternehmen auf dem ECR Tag. Seit 20 Jahren bietet der Kongress die Plattform für den fachlichen und strategischen Austausch mit Experten und Entscheidern der Konsumgüterbranche. ECR steht dabei für Efficient Consumer Response – vereinfacht gesagt: Kooperationen im Sinne der Verbraucher. Auch in diesem Jahr werden rund 80 Referenten und Querdenker ihre Erfahrungen und Projekte zeigen, diskutieren und vermitteln. Unter ihnen Top-Speaker wie Jörg Heinemann, Principal Innovation & Digitalisierung bei Otto, Dieter Hieber, Geschäftsführer von Hieber's Frische Center, Olaf Koch, Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Metro, Stefan Leitz, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsleitung bei Carl Kühne, und Michael Rybak, Geschäftsführer bei Rossmann. Der ECR Tag 2019 findet am 18. und 19. September 2019 im Congress Center Essen statt.

More information:

GS1 Germany


DOMO Chemicals at the Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

Also at the conference, Philippe Guerineau, VP Sales & Marketing in the company’s Nylon & Intermediates business unit, will join a panel discussion at the conference to discuss on the economic outlook and the future of the polyamide industry. DOMO will be holding consultations and exclusive events for its customers as well.

More information:

DOMO Chemicals

GTIN im Zehnerpaket
GTIN im Zehnerpaket

GS1 Standards für Gründer: GTIN im Zehnerpaket

  • Anzahl der Gründer mit innovativen Ideen in 2018 um 31 Prozent angestiegen
  • GS1 Germany unterstützt kleine Unternehmen beim Markteinstieg
  • SmartStarter10 ab sofort unbefristet: Globale Artikelnummer GTIN (früher EAN) im Zehnerpaket

 Deutschland steht bei der Innovationsfähigkeit laut einer Analyse des Weltwirtschaftsforums (WEF) weltweit auf Platz eins - und landet im jährlichen Ranking in der Gesamtwertung auf dem dritten Rang der wettbewerbsfähigsten Wirtschaften der Welt. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leisten Existenzgründer, denn sie verbessern durch ihre Arbeit die Leistungsfähigkeit der Gesamtwirtschaft. Den deutschen Innovationstrend bestätigt auch der KfW-Gründungsmonitor 2018: So stieg die Anzahl der innovativen und digitalen Gründer gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 31 Prozent an – und das, obwohl die Anzahl der Existenzgründer insgesamt um 115.000 auf das Rekordtief 557.000 gesunken ist.

  • Anzahl der Gründer mit innovativen Ideen in 2018 um 31 Prozent angestiegen
  • GS1 Germany unterstützt kleine Unternehmen beim Markteinstieg
  • SmartStarter10 ab sofort unbefristet: Globale Artikelnummer GTIN (früher EAN) im Zehnerpaket

 Deutschland steht bei der Innovationsfähigkeit laut einer Analyse des Weltwirtschaftsforums (WEF) weltweit auf Platz eins - und landet im jährlichen Ranking in der Gesamtwertung auf dem dritten Rang der wettbewerbsfähigsten Wirtschaften der Welt. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leisten Existenzgründer, denn sie verbessern durch ihre Arbeit die Leistungsfähigkeit der Gesamtwirtschaft. Den deutschen Innovationstrend bestätigt auch der KfW-Gründungsmonitor 2018: So stieg die Anzahl der innovativen und digitalen Gründer gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 31 Prozent an – und das, obwohl die Anzahl der Existenzgründer insgesamt um 115.000 auf das Rekordtief 557.000 gesunken ist.

„Doch auch für innovative Köpfe birgt der Einstieg auf den Markt noch immer Herausforderungen“, sagt Diana Peceva, Product Manager bei GS1 Germany. Oft starten sie mit nur einem kleinen Produktspektrum und besitzen wenige liquide Mittel. Gleichzeitig müssen sie schnell und einfach mit dem Verkauf ihrer Produkte beginnen. „Um sie zu unterstützen, haben wir unser Produktspektrum dauerhaft erweitert: SmartStarter10 – ein Paket mit nur zehn GTINs für den einfachen Markteinstieg.“

Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für den Verkauf im stationären und Online-Handel ist die eindeutige Kennzeichnung von Produkten mit dieser Globalen Artikelnummer von GS1, die wie ein Fingerabdruck im nationalen und internationalen Geschäftsverkehr funktioniert. Im Rahmen einer Sonderaktion über einen Zeitraum von vier Monaten verzeichnete GS1 Germany unerwartet viel Zulauf und positives Feedback auf das ursprünglich befristete Angebot. „Als Partner für die deutsche Wirtschaft ist es unser Selbstverständnis, alle Marktteilnehmer bestmöglich bei ihrem Start ins Business zu unterstützen“, so Peceva. „SmartStarter10 ist die logische Konsequenz.“

Weitere Informationen zu SmartStarter10 finden sich auf

More information:
GS1 Germany

GS1 Germany GmbH

(c) TIntex

TINTEX’ brings Naturally Advanced Solutions and presents “THE BLUE LAB”

Do not miss the perfect opportunity to experience the new Naturally Advanced solutions by TINTEX Textiles. A great chance to touch and feel, that is also the best way to get to know something more on the wide range of fabrics that embody responsible innovation and creativity. Smart ingredients take the lead being enhanced by the unique TINTEX’s dyeing and finishing expertise. The seasonal collection that fuses science and innovation, leading the way towards a more conscious evolution is to be presented at Munich Fabric Start.

Do not miss the perfect opportunity to experience the new Naturally Advanced solutions by TINTEX Textiles. A great chance to touch and feel, that is also the best way to get to know something more on the wide range of fabrics that embody responsible innovation and creativity. Smart ingredients take the lead being enhanced by the unique TINTEX’s dyeing and finishing expertise. The seasonal collection that fuses science and innovation, leading the way towards a more conscious evolution is to be presented at Munich Fabric Start.

TINTEX, driven by its strong DNA toward responsible innovation, take the chance to be at Munich Fabric Start to introduce a brand new project who has born in Germany and is now flying at international level thanks to a group of pioneers key players who are implementing it. A unique initiative called THE BLUE LAB, created by the NGO Drip by Drip aimed at developing alternative textile solutions with the lowest possible water footprint, in collaboration with a network of participants. Among the key partners, Lenzing that provides the fibers, Tearfil supplying the yarn, TINTEX realizing the fabrics, Blue Ben creating the garments, Montebelo that works closely with brands, organizations and manufacturers to create responsible fashion products and with Agroho the non-profit organization that is working for marginalized communities in Bangladesh.


GB Network

UltraBond, the cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets (c) Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International: Cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

Using UltraBond manufacturers finally gain the potential to cost-efficiently produce 100% recyclable carpets. In addition to the general benefits of making recycled PP available for the plastics production chain and reduced waste generation, environmental advantages and financial savings arise from a total lack of water and less energy use. As a 100% dry process, thermal bonding uses no water and results in a total absence of waste water. There is also a reduction in the VOC level of the carpet. This all leads to a significant reduction in a needlepunch carpet’s ecological footprint.

The sustainability benefits are quantified through lifecycle analysis (LCA) of an exhibition carpet application – among the primary applications for needlepunch carpets. Evaluations show that the absence of water consumption directly translates into a large energy saving of 93% when using UltraBond compared to a latex bonding solution, and also a potential annual water saving of over 20 million litres for 100 million m2 of exhibition applications in the EU. Without the addition of any other bonding agent, CO2 emissions are reduced by 35% over the full production process.

Karena Cancilleri, Vice President Beaulieu Engineered Products, Beaulieu International Group, commented, “Recyclability and achieving a greener, more cost-effective production process without compromising on current performance levels are significant unsolved topics within today’s carpet industry. By eliminating the need for latex and chemical binders through UltraBond, we offer needlepunch manufacturers a breakthrough they have been looking for that boosts environmental and economic sustainability. We see textile flooring as just the beginning. Together with our customers, we look forward to exploring the potential of this unique thermal bonding fibre in other applications such as laminated nonwovens or as an alternative to dry powders.”

Discover more about UltraBond from the Beaulieu Fibres International team at Stand B56 Hall 11, Domotex 2019 in Hannover, Germany from January 11-14, 2019.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International


(c) Devan

Devan Chemicals promotes deep silent sleep via its R-Vital™ Range with a new, CBD- encapsulated frabric treatment

Belgian firm to highlight health & wellness solutions at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt
Devan Chemicals NV, the Ronse-based developer of finishing technologies for textiles, plans to showcase some of its latest health and wellness solutions at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt, Germany. Heimtextil, the world’s largest international trade fair for home and contract textiles, takes place this Jan. 8-11 at the Messe Frankfurt, where Devan will occupy Booth B28 in Hall 11.0. Millions of people suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or other sleep disorders. Revitalising the body through sleep is vital for all. To help, Devan has now added cannabidiol, or CBD, to its R-Vital™ sleep-promoting range of microencapsulated active ingredients that enhance textiles with anti-oxidative effects. This rich CBD tincture or extract has a balancing effect that helps facilitate a good night’s sleep.

Belgian firm to highlight health & wellness solutions at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt
Devan Chemicals NV, the Ronse-based developer of finishing technologies for textiles, plans to showcase some of its latest health and wellness solutions at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt, Germany. Heimtextil, the world’s largest international trade fair for home and contract textiles, takes place this Jan. 8-11 at the Messe Frankfurt, where Devan will occupy Booth B28 in Hall 11.0. Millions of people suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or other sleep disorders. Revitalising the body through sleep is vital for all. To help, Devan has now added cannabidiol, or CBD, to its R-Vital™ sleep-promoting range of microencapsulated active ingredients that enhance textiles with anti-oxidative effects. This rich CBD tincture or extract has a balancing effect that helps facilitate a good night’s sleep.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Marketing Solutions NV

PERLON® - The Filament Company überraschte Besucher der Messe Formnext (c) Perlon®
PERLON auf der Messe Formnext

PERLON® - The Filament Company surprised visitors at the Formnext exhibition

  • The world’s leading exhibition for additive manufacturing takes place in Frankfurt am Main every year
  • With 26,919 visitors, Mesago, organiser of Formnext in Frankfurt, reported a new record with numbers up by 25% on the previous year.

This year Perlon was amongst the 632 exhibitors from 32 countries for the first time, which, represented by Pedex GmbH from Wald-Michelbach, was a co-exhibitor on a stand for companies from the German region Hesse (Hessen Trade and Invest GmbH - HTAI). Some visitors were surprised to discover that the world leading manufacturer of synthetic filaments is also active in the 3D printing filament field. That the Perlon Group, known innovation and market leader in many fields of application, with its decades of experience in the development and manufacture of filaments, has entered into the 3D printing market was well received.

  • The world’s leading exhibition for additive manufacturing takes place in Frankfurt am Main every year
  • With 26,919 visitors, Mesago, organiser of Formnext in Frankfurt, reported a new record with numbers up by 25% on the previous year.

This year Perlon was amongst the 632 exhibitors from 32 countries for the first time, which, represented by Pedex GmbH from Wald-Michelbach, was a co-exhibitor on a stand for companies from the German region Hesse (Hessen Trade and Invest GmbH - HTAI). Some visitors were surprised to discover that the world leading manufacturer of synthetic filaments is also active in the 3D printing filament field. That the Perlon Group, known innovation and market leader in many fields of application, with its decades of experience in the development and manufacture of filaments, has entered into the 3D printing market was well received.

The fact we actually entered the market 6 years ago, was only known to a few experts in the field. In this time, Pedex GmbH had been producing a wide range of performance filaments for a well-known German 3D printer manufacturer, who since then has distributed exclusively under its own brand. The decision, to out ourselves as producer and supplier was taken in summer 2018. This new direction has two main aims, firstly to establish ourselves in the market as a manufacturer of Perlon® 3D printing filaments, producing both small batches and high volume on an industrial scale for professional applications, but secondly and most specifically to continue along the path as a toll manufacturing partner with long-term contracts on an industrial scale.

As a partner with universities/institutions and member of various research networks, we are close to the quickly advancing developments in this field, which is why we were really pleased to welcome Dr. Andreas Baar and Dr (Ing) Thomas Neumeyer onto our stand. They are both members of RESOPT3D (Netzwerk für ressourcenoptimierten 3D-Druck), Germany’s strongest user network for 3D technologies.

Together with Conspir3D in Rheinheim and its owner Jan Giebels, who 10 years ago was a co-founder of the company German RepRap, we were able to forge a partnership to distribute Perlon® 3D printing filaments. With his support we could competently advise trade visitors about filaments and 3D printing as a collective proactive team.

Next year, Formnext will take place from 19th to 22nd November 2019 for the first time in exhibition halls 11 and 12 at the Exhibition Centre in Frankfurt am Main. This will be a debut exhibition for the USA which will be exhibiting as first partner country at Formnext. The USA has a long tradition in the field of additive manufacturing and is one of the most important international exhibiting nations.


Two Devan technologies selected by Performance Days jury

As the tradition goes, twice a year the functional fabric fair Performance Days selects the most innovative fabrics, accessories and finishes for their Performance Forum. This year, two functional finishes from textile innovator Devan Chemicals (Moov&Cool® & R-Vital™) were chosen. R-Vital™ was awarded with the ‘100% Jury Like’ stamp, meaning all the members of the Jury selected the sample, a recognition only granted to a handful of the 1400 applications.

As the tradition goes, twice a year the functional fabric fair Performance Days selects the most innovative fabrics, accessories and finishes for their Performance Forum. This year, two functional finishes from textile innovator Devan Chemicals (Moov&Cool® & R-Vital™) were chosen. R-Vital™ was awarded with the ‘100% Jury Like’ stamp, meaning all the members of the Jury selected the sample, a recognition only granted to a handful of the 1400 applications.

R-Vital™ – ‘100% Jury Like’
R-Vital™ is a range of microencapsulated active ingredients that boost textiles with anti-oxidative effects. The microcapsules, attached to the fibre, deliver antioxidants to the body upon friction. The ‘100% Jury Like’ sample is treated with a well-chosen blend of Ubiquinol (Q10), Sea kelp and Thyme oil, which enhances recovery after sports performances. As R-Vital™ is also suitable for other market segments, such as bedding textiles, Devan enables its customers to compose their own blend, allowing them to create truly unique products and hence properties.
Marleen Van der Auwera, BU Manager Health & Wellness is happy to see that R-Vital™ is getting some more attention. “When the technology was first launched about a year ago, we noticed people had some difficulties understanding the concept because it was so revolutionary to them”, she says. “But this recognition really indicates more and more people are seeing its potential.”

Moov&Cool® is a patented polymer technology, providing a cool comfort feel through a combination of durable heat absorption capacity and a unique, balanced moisture transfer system. By lowering the body core temperature, the finishing treatment helps professional athletes to take their performance to the next level. Furthermore, the technology is also designed to enhance comfort during physical activities of recreational athletes.
Moov&Cool® was first launched at Performance Days in April and will be presented in full detail at the upcoming edition, which will take place on November 28th & 29th in Munich, Germany.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Marketing Solutions NV


Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin

"Datacenter in a box" is the new powerful, flexible and secure IT infrastructure solution for the textile industry of the future

Remscheid/Berlin – Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment Industrie 4.0 solutions for the production of polyester, nylon and polypropylene are based on the digitalization of the production landscape and the intelligent processing of the flood of data generated in this way. In the future, the segment will offer its customers a new powerful, flexible and, above all, secure IT infrastructure. The "Datacenter in a box" was presented for the first time at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Germany, to a broad specialist audience. The compact datacenter works on the basis of the open operating system OpenStack, which enables virtual computing in a secure private cloud environment.

"Datacenter in a box" is the new powerful, flexible and secure IT infrastructure solution for the textile industry of the future

Remscheid/Berlin – Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment Industrie 4.0 solutions for the production of polyester, nylon and polypropylene are based on the digitalization of the production landscape and the intelligent processing of the flood of data generated in this way. In the future, the segment will offer its customers a new powerful, flexible and, above all, secure IT infrastructure. The "Datacenter in a box" was presented for the first time at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Germany, to a broad specialist audience. The compact datacenter works on the basis of the open operating system OpenStack, which enables virtual computing in a secure private cloud environment.

Externally, the datacenter looks unspectacular: The box contains standard hardware such as server rack, network components, batteries for reliability, monitoring sensors and a few more things. But what counts are the inner values. The Open Source software OpenStack consists of many different services and allows the virtualization of a large pool of computing, storage and network resources in a flexible, scalable private cloud. This brings two central advantages: On the one hand, virtual operation reduces costs and simplifies configuration, adaptation and expansion of the IT infrastructure today and tomorrow. On the other hand, long-cherished wishes for high data protection are fulfilled, because a private cloud maintains secure, highly encrypted data connections away from the World Wide Web.

"The functional diversity of a cloud, operation and hardware in one's own four walls at the same time – our customers immediately understood these advantages" reports Mario Arcidiacono, specialist for Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse at the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment. The IT architecture also guarantees infrastructure management without downtime, the system and virus protection are automatically kept up to date at all times. Another major advantage is the scalability of the hardware and software, which can be adapted to changing requirements.

OpenStack Summit: Project example with yarn manufacturer from Vietnam presented

With these trump cards and a project example, the Group segment confidently presented itself to a genuine specialist audience in mid-November. At this year's OpenStack Summit in Berlin, where thousands of cloud professionals met, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment CEO Georg Stausberg presented the customer installation at Century Synthetic Fibre Corporation, which supplies many well-known sporting goods manufacturers. The Vietnamese producer of high-quality yarns not only uses the new datacenter, but also the connection to the new "Common Service Platform (CSP)" of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment as well as an innovative new dashboard solution in prototype status. In this case, the digital instrument panel supports employee communication during shift changes in the yarn factory and introduces agile methods into the work process. The board visualizes the progress of central key figures and operating parameters from the current production process. Based on this, the employees of the successive shifts can now exchange important process and quality information and possible instructions for action within a few minutes in a structured stand-up meeting. "For the customer this means an immediate improvement of the processes, and he can significantly increase the efficiency and quality of his employees' work," assures Joerg Gross, Senior Manager in the IT-architecture team at the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment.

New IT-basis for the Plant Operation Center (POC) already successful established on the market

The fixed connection to the "Common Service Platform (CSP)" of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment plays a pioneering role in such solutions. This enables services and software updates to be provided smoothly, quickly and automatically. In this way, service applications can transform collected data into instructions or automated commands to secure and improve processes. For example, the secure availability of management solutions such as the Plant Operation Center (POC) for process monitoring can be increased and possible errors can be rectified very quickly. The new digital solution AIM4DTY (AIM = Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing), which was unveiled at the ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018 in Shanghai, China, a few weeks ago, can also be implemented in this way. AIM4DTY uses methods of machine learning, determines probable causes of errors in texturing and helps to improve quality during production.

Launch at ITMA Barcelona 2019

The Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment offers such remote-supported services on request. Data will therefore only be transferred to the “Common Service Platform (CSP)” with the customer's consent. In addition, all data is processed in accordance with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all other international data protection standards. Against this backdrop, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment plans to provide its datacenter with graded or customer-specific solutions: from complete service to provision with customer training for its own operations. After initial practical experience with several pilot customers, the segment intends to launch its offering on the market next year and officially present it to the textile industry at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.


Oerlikon Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs


(c) GS1 Germany GmbH

Live bei GS1 Germany erlebbar: So kaufen wir in Zukunft Mode ein

  • GS1 Germany bietet in seinem Experience Center eine neue Shopper Journey für den Fashionbereich an.
  • Besucher können live erleben, wie digitale und analoge Realitäten des Einkaufens verschmelzen und das Shoppingverhalten der Konsumenten verändern.
  • Innovative Technologien bieten neue Möglichkeiten der Kundenansprache und -bindung und erleichtern den Einkaufsprozess.

Die Konsumwelt von morgen – im Knowledge Center von GS1 Germany in Köln ist sie heute schon erlebbar. Bereits seit Mitte 2017 können sich die Besucher in der neu geschaffenen, voll digitalisierten Experience Area auf eine interaktive Shopper Journey begeben, um Trends und technologische Innovationen im Omni-Channel-Zeitalter zu erkunden. Jetzt hat GS1 Germany seinen visionären Erlebnis-Parcours um eine digital durchgestylte Fashion-Shoppingtour erweitert. „Die technologischen Möglichkeiten entwickeln sich rasant und dies wird das Einkaufsverhalten der Konsumenten auch in der Fashionbranche signifikant verändern“, sagt Ines Aust Senior Manager Fashion bei GS1 Germany. „Wir möchten den Fachhandel und die Modemarken bei ihrer digitalen Transformation bestmöglich unterstützen.

  • GS1 Germany bietet in seinem Experience Center eine neue Shopper Journey für den Fashionbereich an.
  • Besucher können live erleben, wie digitale und analoge Realitäten des Einkaufens verschmelzen und das Shoppingverhalten der Konsumenten verändern.
  • Innovative Technologien bieten neue Möglichkeiten der Kundenansprache und -bindung und erleichtern den Einkaufsprozess.

Die Konsumwelt von morgen – im Knowledge Center von GS1 Germany in Köln ist sie heute schon erlebbar. Bereits seit Mitte 2017 können sich die Besucher in der neu geschaffenen, voll digitalisierten Experience Area auf eine interaktive Shopper Journey begeben, um Trends und technologische Innovationen im Omni-Channel-Zeitalter zu erkunden. Jetzt hat GS1 Germany seinen visionären Erlebnis-Parcours um eine digital durchgestylte Fashion-Shoppingtour erweitert. „Die technologischen Möglichkeiten entwickeln sich rasant und dies wird das Einkaufsverhalten der Konsumenten auch in der Fashionbranche signifikant verändern“, sagt Ines Aust Senior Manager Fashion bei GS1 Germany. „Wir möchten den Fachhandel und die Modemarken bei ihrer digitalen Transformation bestmöglich unterstützen. In unserer neuen modespezifischen Shopper Journey können sie kanalübergreifende, nahtlose Einkaufsprozesse erleben und sehr anschaulich erfahren, mit welchen GS1 Standards und innovativen Technologien sie den veränderten Bedürfnissen der Shopper gerecht werden können.“

Shopper Journey der Zukunft: Fashion auf allen Kanälen
Startpunkt der neu konzipierten Fashion Shopper Journey ist die „Home Base“, ein stilisiertes Wohnzimmer, in dem moderne Verbraucher typischerweise ihre Einkaufstour starten: Gemütlich auf der Couch sitzend lassen sie sich zunächst über Social Media Plattformen und Fashion-Blogs inspirieren. Hier treffen die Besucher auf ihre virtuellen Begleiter, die Shopping-Avatare Julia und Michael, und erleben wie die beiden sich per Click & Reserve angesagte Trendartikel, die ihnen Influencer empfehlen, sichern. Auf dem Weg zum „Fashion Store“ entdecken sie per digitaler Außenwerbung an der Bushaltestelle passende Sneaker und trendige High-Heels zu ihren bereits reservierten Outfits. Sie können sie per QR Code scannen und sich reservieren lassen. Im Store angekommen, werden beide aufgrund ihrer hinterlegten Kaufdaten erkannt – der digitale Self-Check-In macht´s möglich. Bei Anprobe und Komplettierung des neuen Looks helfen smarte Innovationen wie die „Intelligente Umkleidekabine“ oder der „Magic Mirror“: Der Spiegel zeigt weitere passende Artikel an, die der Kunde per Touchscreen bestellen und sich von seiner Lieblingsberaterin direkt in die Umkleidekabine bringen lassen kann. Bezahlt wird automatisch – mit einer RFID-basierten, mobilen Self-Checkout-Lösung werden die Beträge beim Verlassen des Stores abgebucht und die RFID-Sicherheitsetiketten entsichert.
Der neue Rundgang macht auf Schritt und Tritt deutlich: In Zukunft verschmelzen die digitale und analoge Realität des Einkaufens mehr und mehr, sämtliche Prozesse sind vernetzt und zunehmend von künstlicher Intelligenz unterstützt. Handels- und Industrieunternehmen der Fashionbranche, die ihre Angebote auf Augenhöhe mit den Shoppern weiterentwickeln und im Omni-Channel-Wettbewerb bestehen wollen, erhalten in der Shopper Experience von GS1 Germany wichtige Impulse für den Einsatz neuer Tools und Technologien.

More information:
GS1 Germany Fashion Shopping

GS1 Germany GmbH

Handelslogistik-Kongress gewinnt zusätzliche Logistikexpertise mit BVL als neuem Partner (c) EHI/GS1 Germany/Axel Schulten
Gedankenaustausch auf der Log 2018 zu den Lösungen für eine zukunftsorientierte Handelslogistik

Handelslogistik-Kongress gewinnt zusätzliche Logistikexpertise mit BVL als neuem Partner

  • Mit der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) erhält der Handelslogistik-Kongress Log neben EHI, GS1 Germany und dem Markenverband einen weiteren Branchenkenner als Veranstalter. Das Event und damit die Teilnehmer profitieren von einem breiteren Spektrum an Themen, Referenten und Praxisbeiträgen.

Die Logistik beschäftigt drei Millionen Menschen und ist laut der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) mit einem Umsatz von rund 267 Milliarden Euro in 2017 der drittgrößte Wirtschaftszweig Deutschlands. Hinter dieser Leistung steckt zum einen der Dienstleistungssektor, der die Güter bewegt. Zum anderen wird sie von Menschen erbracht, die in Unternehmen Logistik planen, steuern und umsetzen. Diese Experten zu vernetzen, um Lösungen für eine zukunftsfähige Handelslogistik zu diskutieren und voranzutreiben, ist das Leitmotiv des Handelslogistik-Kongresses Log.

Die Veranstaltung transportiert Expertise für die Optimierung von Prozessen und fördert das kollaborative Miteinander in der Supply Chain. Jetzt begrüßen das EHI Retail Institute (EHI), GS1 Germany und der Markenverband die Bundesvereinigung Logistik als weiteren Veranstalter in ihrer Mitte.

  • Mit der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) erhält der Handelslogistik-Kongress Log neben EHI, GS1 Germany und dem Markenverband einen weiteren Branchenkenner als Veranstalter. Das Event und damit die Teilnehmer profitieren von einem breiteren Spektrum an Themen, Referenten und Praxisbeiträgen.

Die Logistik beschäftigt drei Millionen Menschen und ist laut der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) mit einem Umsatz von rund 267 Milliarden Euro in 2017 der drittgrößte Wirtschaftszweig Deutschlands. Hinter dieser Leistung steckt zum einen der Dienstleistungssektor, der die Güter bewegt. Zum anderen wird sie von Menschen erbracht, die in Unternehmen Logistik planen, steuern und umsetzen. Diese Experten zu vernetzen, um Lösungen für eine zukunftsfähige Handelslogistik zu diskutieren und voranzutreiben, ist das Leitmotiv des Handelslogistik-Kongresses Log.

Die Veranstaltung transportiert Expertise für die Optimierung von Prozessen und fördert das kollaborative Miteinander in der Supply Chain. Jetzt begrüßen das EHI Retail Institute (EHI), GS1 Germany und der Markenverband die Bundesvereinigung Logistik als weiteren Veranstalter in ihrer Mitte.

Gemeinsames Ziel dieser Kooperation ist es, die Bedeutung der Log für die Handelsbranche weiter auszubauen und Entscheidern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft sowie Politik zusätzliche Impulse für eine schlagkräftige Supply Chain zu liefern. Dazu lässt die Bundesvereinigung Logistik unter anderem wegweisende Beispiele aus anderen logistischen Bereichen in den Kongress einfließen. Im kommenden Jahr werden die vier Partner erstmalig die Log gemeinsam ausrichten. Sie findet am 26. und 27. März 2019 in Köln statt und bietet den Teilnehmern durch die Zusammenarbeit ein noch breiteres Spektrum an Themen und Referenten. Die Veranstalter versprechen zum Beispiel zusätzliche Dynamik durch ein breiteres Diskussionsangebot.

(c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Original technology makes the difference

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

“Choose the original - Choose success" is the message of the VDMA Textile Machinery at this trade fair. On the occasion of the VDMA press conference on the opening day of ITMA ASIA, Ms Karin Christine Schmidt, Technical Director VDMA Textile Machinery, emphasised: “Copycat machines may look similar to the systems they are designed to emulate. But only originals do not simply follow but are pacesetters of technological progress.” Original technology is a keystone of innovation. It has the potential to successfully turn visions of entirely new possibilities in the textile production into reality.

This approach is visualised at the VDMA booth. The stand achieves attention and emotion through the picture motif: Neuschwanstein Castle. This world-famous tourist magnet is more than that: it is also a successful original. A vision, which could be successfully implemented in the long term through innovation and technology!

During the press conference, 18 spokespersons of renowned VDMA member companies showed how original technology can indeed play a major role in China’s and other Asian nation’s efforts to increase the resource efficiency of the textile industry and to interconnect information technology and manufacturing processes.  

Topics of the companies included automation, performance improvement, quality, sustainable solutions (raw material, energy, water saving), Industry 4.0 (in China called intelligent manufacturing), digital AR/VR services, platforms and software.

You are welcome to explore the speakers' statements in the atached PDF.

More information:

VDMA Textilmaschinen

Copyright: Lennart Preiss Fotografie

LM Academy #5 mit Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht und Starkoch Holger Stromberg

Am 11. Oktober fand in München die fünfte Ausgabe der LM Academy statt. Der Ausflug nach München war eine Premiere – bisher begrüßte La Martina Deutschlandchef Bastian Ammelounx die Gäste des exklusiven Netzwerk-Events im Düsseldorfer Headquarter der Marke. Unter dem Motto „Küchenparty“ feierte das Format nun eine ganz besondere Ausgabe. Stargast des Abends war Schauspieler und Kochbuchautor Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, der nicht nur sein neues Kochbuch vorstellte, sondern auch gemeinsam mit Starkoch und Nutritionist Holger Stromberg live in der Showküche kochte und die Gäste an seinen Kreationen teilhaben ließ.

Rund 50 geladene Gäste aus Mode, Medien, Kunst und Society trafen sich in Holger Strombergs Eventlocation „*KOUNGE“. In entspannter Atmosphäre genossen die Gäste das Flying Dinner, das einen Auszug aus Jimi Blue Ochsenknechts Kochbuch „Kochen ist easy“ präsentierte. „Sashimi Rollin“, „Flipped Risotto“, „Lackierte Entenbrust“ oder „Everybody’s Darling & Berry Blue“, ein Buttermilch-Pancake mit Blaubeeren und Jimis Himbeersauce, begeisterte die Besucher der Veranstaltung.

Am 11. Oktober fand in München die fünfte Ausgabe der LM Academy statt. Der Ausflug nach München war eine Premiere – bisher begrüßte La Martina Deutschlandchef Bastian Ammelounx die Gäste des exklusiven Netzwerk-Events im Düsseldorfer Headquarter der Marke. Unter dem Motto „Küchenparty“ feierte das Format nun eine ganz besondere Ausgabe. Stargast des Abends war Schauspieler und Kochbuchautor Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, der nicht nur sein neues Kochbuch vorstellte, sondern auch gemeinsam mit Starkoch und Nutritionist Holger Stromberg live in der Showküche kochte und die Gäste an seinen Kreationen teilhaben ließ.

Rund 50 geladene Gäste aus Mode, Medien, Kunst und Society trafen sich in Holger Strombergs Eventlocation „*KOUNGE“. In entspannter Atmosphäre genossen die Gäste das Flying Dinner, das einen Auszug aus Jimi Blue Ochsenknechts Kochbuch „Kochen ist easy“ präsentierte. „Sashimi Rollin“, „Flipped Risotto“, „Lackierte Entenbrust“ oder „Everybody’s Darling & Berry Blue“, ein Buttermilch-Pancake mit Blaubeeren und Jimis Himbeersauce, begeisterte die Besucher der Veranstaltung.

Gastgeber Bastian Ammelounx freute sich über den erfolgreichen Ausflug nach München: „In Düsseldorf haben wir die LM Academy zu einem beliebten Event entwickelt und ich freue mich, dass wir unser Netzwerktreffen nun auch erfolgreich in München umsetzen konnten.“ In der Zukunft kann Bastian Ammelounx sich daher weitere Standorte für das Format vorstellen. „Vielleicht starten wir im nächsten Jahr eine LM Academy-Tour in anderen Städten“.

Die Idee der LM Academy ist es nicht nur, den geladenen Teilnehmern das internationale Brand näher zu bringen und den urbanen Polo-Spirit der Marke spüren zu lassen. Sie bietet den Gästen auch eine Plattform zur Kommunikation mit einem hochkarätigen Netzwerk und spannenden Speakern innerhalb des Markenumfelds. Nach erfolgreichem Start bringt La Martina das VIP-Networking-Event nun an weitere Standorte.


Press Office La Martina Germany:

PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe (c) Perlon GmbH
Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe

2018 Award ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ - Pedex GmbH named as finalist

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

The motto for this year’s competition -‘Building for the future’ – is the foundation of the unity within our society.
On 24th May, the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung, the founder of this award for small and medium sized companies asked for nominations of excellent medium sized companies for the competition, (nominations cannot come from the company itself.) Only 1 in every 1000 German companies make it onto the list of nominations – this year Pedex GmbH made it! The prize winners meet 12 regional juries and a final jury. The focus of the jury (made up of representatives from business and education) is on the company as a whole and its multifaceted role within society. To aid evaluation, the jury asked about the establishment and safeguarding of jobs and apprenticeships, innovation and modernisation, involvement in the local area as well as service and proximity to customers.

Germany’s most sought after business accolade.
In 2018, more than 7400 institutions from the 16 counties (12 competing regions) throughout Germany nominated a total of 4,917 small and medium sized companies as well as banks and local authorities for the competition, from which a short list of 742 was selected. No other business award in Germany carries such weight (and has now for more than two decades) as the one that the Leipzig based Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung has been awarding since 1994. The prize doesn’t offer any monetary reward. For the businesses involved, it’s simply about honour, public recognition and approval of their performance, without financial incentive.

More information:
Award Perlon Group

Perlon GmbH

Trevira presents high-end contract textiles for healthcare environments at Building Healthcare in Dubai (c) Trevira
From the bottom up: Schmitz Textiles GmbH & Co. KG: drapilux-167 Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co.KG: 47 321-250 – Typ L Schmitz Textiles GmbH & Co. KG: drapilux-218 Schmitz Textiles GmbH & Co. KG: drapilux-218 Schmitz Textiles GmbH & Co. KG: drapilux-814

Trevira presents high-end contract textiles for healthcare environments at Building Healthcare in Dubai

Bobingen - Trevira GmbH, Germany, is again participating as an exhibitor at this year’s Building Healthcare show in Dubai, from 2-4 October. The manufacturer of high-value polyester fibres will present a large variety of fabrics made by 12 partners from inherently flame retardant Trevira fibres and yarns.

Modern furnishing concepts for healthcare environments are making increasing demands in terms of quality, functionality, colouring and hygiene. Perfectly matched materials and colour concepts in the interior not only help to provide good orientation for the residents, but also create more attractive spaces. In addition, the use of appropriate textiles such as curtains, drapes, blinds and sliding panels, fabric-covered dividing panels, upholstery and bedding textiles, can improve the room acoustics, protect your privacy and let the room appear in a pleasant light. In healthcare environments where hygiene and cleanliness are of particular importance, antimicrobial textiles may be used.

Bobingen - Trevira GmbH, Germany, is again participating as an exhibitor at this year’s Building Healthcare show in Dubai, from 2-4 October. The manufacturer of high-value polyester fibres will present a large variety of fabrics made by 12 partners from inherently flame retardant Trevira fibres and yarns.

Modern furnishing concepts for healthcare environments are making increasing demands in terms of quality, functionality, colouring and hygiene. Perfectly matched materials and colour concepts in the interior not only help to provide good orientation for the residents, but also create more attractive spaces. In addition, the use of appropriate textiles such as curtains, drapes, blinds and sliding panels, fabric-covered dividing panels, upholstery and bedding textiles, can improve the room acoustics, protect your privacy and let the room appear in a pleasant light. In healthcare environments where hygiene and cleanliness are of particular importance, antimicrobial textiles may be used.

Trevira CS® and Trevira CS Bioactive® create a safe, attractive and comfortable environment in hospitals, clinics, spas, care homes and all other sectors in the contract sector.

Trevira CS Bioactive® contract textiles combine flame retardant and antimicrobial functions, which makes them the ideal material for use in healthcare facilities. They inhibit the growth of bacteria, prevent the formation of odours in/on the fibre and keep the textiles fresh for a longer time. The permanent flame retardant and bioactive properties of their fibres is integrated at molecular level, meaning that they remain unaffected by repeated washing, abrasion and ageing. This gives them an advantage over textiles with only a supplementary surface finish.

Trevira CS® and Trevira CS Bioactive® fabrics for the healthcare sector presented at the show stand come from these suppliers: Delius, Dina Vanelli, Fidivi Tessitura Vergnano, Gebrüder Munzert, JAB, Mattes & Ammann, Pugi, Rubelli, Rudolf Breuer Mechanische Weberei, Schmitz Textiles/drapilux, Subrenat, Verotex.

Trevira CS® and Trevira CS Bioactive® fabrics meet the requirements of the relevant international fire safety standards and can be certified according to the IMO regulations for the maritime sector. All Trevira fibres and yarns carry the Oekotex Standard 100 certificate. They are manufactured in accordance with the highest standards for sustainable products. A broad variety of collections with thousands of designs are available in Trevira CS® worldwide.

(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Celebrates 150 Years of Textile History and Successful Research in Performance Textiles

This year Swiss company Schoeller Textil AG, is celebrating 150 years of tradition and future opportunities. As a global textile solutions brand, the company specializes in the development and production of innovative technical fabrics and smart textile finishing technologies. What began as Switzerland’s first worsted yarn spinning mill in 1868, has achieved worldwide recognition for its high-tech textiles and its dedication to sustainability. For its more than 500 brand partners in 50 countries, Schoeller produces an average of over six million meters of performance textiles per year in its mills in Sevelen, Switzerland and Balingen, Germany.

This year Swiss company Schoeller Textil AG, is celebrating 150 years of tradition and future opportunities. As a global textile solutions brand, the company specializes in the development and production of innovative technical fabrics and smart textile finishing technologies. What began as Switzerland’s first worsted yarn spinning mill in 1868, has achieved worldwide recognition for its high-tech textiles and its dedication to sustainability. For its more than 500 brand partners in 50 countries, Schoeller produces an average of over six million meters of performance textiles per year in its mills in Sevelen, Switzerland and Balingen, Germany.

When Rudolph Schoeller established what would be called “Schoeller & Sohne” in Zurich in 1868, it was within an age of ground-breaking achievement and progress inspired by the beginnings of the Swiss Red Cross and the completion of the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland. Schoeller quickly expanded its business and in 1954 went on to purchase a textile mill in Sevelen, located in the St. Gallen Rhine Valley, which currently serves as the company’s headquarters. That mill would soon launch the very first elastic fabric for the ski industry – or the world’s very first soft shell fabric – under the name “skifans.”


Omni-Channel Retailing 2025: Das Beste aus stationärer und digitaler Welt vereinen

  • GS1 Germany, PwC und rheingold institut entwickeln sieben Szenarien für die Konsumgüterbranche im Jahr 2025
  • Zweites Szenario: Omni-Channel Retailing 2025 - ein neuer Blick auf den Point of Sale
  • Lösungswege und Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen

Wo und wie kaufen wir 2025 ein? Online und stationär, mobil, schnell, spontan und emotional – zugleich aber auch organisiert, informiert und preisorientiert. Das Verhalten der Shopper hat viele Facetten und erfordert eine Neudefinition des Point of Sale. Der POS der Zukunft ist nicht mehr stationär oder digital – er ist zu einer Realität verschmolzen: vernetzt, durchlässig, multioptional.

  • GS1 Germany, PwC und rheingold institut entwickeln sieben Szenarien für die Konsumgüterbranche im Jahr 2025
  • Zweites Szenario: Omni-Channel Retailing 2025 - ein neuer Blick auf den Point of Sale
  • Lösungswege und Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen

Wo und wie kaufen wir 2025 ein? Online und stationär, mobil, schnell, spontan und emotional – zugleich aber auch organisiert, informiert und preisorientiert. Das Verhalten der Shopper hat viele Facetten und erfordert eine Neudefinition des Point of Sale. Der POS der Zukunft ist nicht mehr stationär oder digital – er ist zu einer Realität verschmolzen: vernetzt, durchlässig, multioptional.

„Dies bedeutet für die Unternehmen, dass ganzheitliche Antworten und Investitionen mit Weitblick gefordert sind. Es gilt, das Beste aus beiden Welten zusammenzuführen. Stationärer und digitaler POS adaptieren künftig die Vorteile des jeweils anderen – soweit dies möglich und sinnvoll ist“, so Studienleiter Klaus Vogell, Innovationsmanager bei GS1 Germany. Doch wie genau sehen die Lösungsansätze aus, mit denen die Unternehmen den POS der Zukunft gestalten können? Welches sind die wichtigsten Treiber der weiteren Entwicklung? Und welche Erwartungen haben die Kunden?

Die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Shopper stehen im Mittelpunkt

Antworten auf diese Fragen und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen geben GS1 Germany, die Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft PwC und das rheingold institut im zweiten von insgesamt sieben Teilen der gemeinsamen Zukunftsstudie „2025: Smart Value Networks“. Das zweite Szenario nimmt den Aspekt „Omni-Channel Retailing 2025“ unter die Lupe und gibt einen Ausblick auf den Point of Sale der Zukunft.

„Wir haben es mit intensiven Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Verhalten und den Erwartungen der Shopper, den technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und den Lösungsangeboten der Konsumgüterbranche zu tun. Das Zusammenspiel aller Faktoren wird den POS der Zukunft prägen“, sagt Dr. Christian Wulff, Leiter des Bereichs Handel und Konsumgüter bei PwC Deutschland.
Entscheidend ist dabei, dass die durchgängige Vernetzung aller Formen des POS im Sinne des Shoppers gewährleistet ist: Er möchte, dass seine Einkaufshistorie mit allen Daten unabhängig von der situativen Einkaufsstätte verfügbar ist. Und dass er im Web gekaufte Ware stationär retournieren sowie im Geschäft Produkte online bestellen kann. Er möchte nicht zwei unterschiedlich agierende Systeme unter einem Namen, sondern ein Unternehmen, das ihm alle Möglichkeiten bietet. Und zwar möglichst bequem und unkompliziert.  

Der Mitarbeiter bleibt auch 2025 ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor am POS

„Die Kunden werden in Zukunft lernen, mit der Vielfalt an neuen Möglichkeiten spielerisch umzugehen. Sie werden die verschiedenen Angebote abgestimmt auf ihre persönlichen Vorlieben oder situativen Bedürfnisse individuell kombinieren. Digitale Innovationen versprechen insbesondere mehr Convenience, können aber auch das Einkaufserlebnis beeindruckender, interaktiver und individueller machen. Die Ansprüche der Kunden steigen auch am POS: Hier wollen sie persönlich angesprochen und in anregende Einkaufswelten verwickelt werden. Kompetente und vor allem einfühlsame Mitarbeiter sind daher auch in Zukunft ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor“, unterstreicht Sebastian Buggert, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung und CIO am rheingold institut.

Ein weiteres wichtiges Keyword vor allem für den stationären Handel ist „Mixed Reality“: Die physische Einkaufswelt wird in den nächsten Jahren zunehmend von smarten, digitalen Lösungen durchdrungen. Sie sollen die Mitarbeiter auf der Fläche entlasten, sodass diese mehr Zeit haben, ihre Stärken auszuspielen: soziale Interaktion, persönliche Beratung, Empathie und Leidenschaft. Denn 2025 gilt vielleicht noch mehr als heute: Die Mitarbeiter sind ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor am POS.

Die gesamten Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen zum zweiten Szenario „Omni-Channel Retailing 2025 – ein neuer Blick auf den Point of Sale“ stehen kostenfrei auf zur Verfügung.

Über die Studie „2025: Smart Value Networks“:
In dem Szenario-Projekt „2025: Smart Value Networks“ werfen GS1 Germany, PwC Deutschland und das rheingold institut gemeinsam mit Unternehmen aus Handel, Industrie und Dienstleitung einen Blick in die Zukunft der Konsumgüterbranche. In insgesamt sieben Workshops entwickeln die Experten im Jahr 2018 sieben Szenarien zu den wichtigsten Trends der Branche. Die Ergebnisse werden jeweils in einem Whitepaper veröffentlicht und umfassen Treiber, Herausforderungen, Lösungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen.

Die Szenarien bis zum Jahresende 2018: 1. Shopper Behaviour, 2. Omni-Channel Retailing, 3. Category Management & Einkauf, 4. Supply Chain Management inkl. Last Mile Delivery, 5. Future Technologies, 6. Produktion, Transparenz & Traceability, 7. Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke & Network-Management. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen entsteht Anfang 2019 eine Roadmap als Orientierungshilfe und Leitfaden für die Konsumgüterbranche bis zum Jahr 2025. Weitere Informationen unter



GS1 Germany GmbH

JEC Asia returns to COEX, Seoul (c) JEC Group

JEC Asia returns to COEX, Seoul

  • Back to Seoul: JEC Asia gathers the composites industry in Korea for its 11th edition
  • JEC Asia, November 14-16, 2018 – COEX Center, Seoul, South Korea

Paris - After the record-breaking figures of the 2017 edition, that marked the move of JEC Asia from Singapore to Seoul, the event is returning to the capital city of the Republic of Korea with a strong program, not only on the exhibition floor, but also in the conference sessions and all services at the disposal of every attendee.

“We are very grateful for the support of the industry, government bodies, and academics, regarding the evolution of JEC Asia, that has led to the success of the platform. Indeed, 90% of the show floor is already booked which bodes well for the preparation of the event.” Commented Christian STRASSBURGER, Events Director Asia for JEC Group.

“On top of that, the event is truly international, as 45% of the exhibitors are coming from outside Asia. JEC Asia will welcome pavilions from Germany, France, Italy, Japan, China and Singapore, as well as the major composite clusters in Korea.” He added.

  • Back to Seoul: JEC Asia gathers the composites industry in Korea for its 11th edition
  • JEC Asia, November 14-16, 2018 – COEX Center, Seoul, South Korea

Paris - After the record-breaking figures of the 2017 edition, that marked the move of JEC Asia from Singapore to Seoul, the event is returning to the capital city of the Republic of Korea with a strong program, not only on the exhibition floor, but also in the conference sessions and all services at the disposal of every attendee.

“We are very grateful for the support of the industry, government bodies, and academics, regarding the evolution of JEC Asia, that has led to the success of the platform. Indeed, 90% of the show floor is already booked which bodes well for the preparation of the event.” Commented Christian STRASSBURGER, Events Director Asia for JEC Group.

“On top of that, the event is truly international, as 45% of the exhibitors are coming from outside Asia. JEC Asia will welcome pavilions from Germany, France, Italy, Japan, China and Singapore, as well as the major composite clusters in Korea.” He added.


The future of mobility is a hot topic for composite materials and JEC Asia will represent, promote and provide information about the increasing integration of composites in automotive developments.
Numerous programs will be offered, such as a whole day conference on Composites in Automotive, a Leadership Composites Circle, an Auto Planet, showcasing parts, a B2B meetings program, a JEC Innovation´Award category and Composites tours (site visits of composite-related facilities).

Finally, for the second time, JEC Asia will host the International Carbon Festival, organized by KCTECH and the Jeonju region, with top-notch conferences and international speakers.

Key Figures 2017

  • +230 companies
  • 6,271 professional visits
  • 43 speakers
  • 42 countries represented
  • 12 JEC Innovation Awards
  • 400 B2B meetings
  • 2 Composites Tour


Borealis strengthens its commitment to plastics recycling and further develops mechanical recycling capabilities (c) Borealis

Borealis strengthens its commitment to plastics recycling and further develops mechanical recycling capabilities

  • Successful acquisition of Austrian plastics recycling company Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces today that it has fully acquired the Austrian plastics recycler Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH (“Ecoplast”). Based in Wildon, Austria, Ecoplast processes around 35,000 tonnes of post-consumer plastic waste from households and industrial consumers every year, turning them into high-quality LDPE and HDPE recyclates, primarily but not exclusively for the plastic film market.

  • Successful acquisition of Austrian plastics recycling company Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces today that it has fully acquired the Austrian plastics recycler Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH (“Ecoplast”). Based in Wildon, Austria, Ecoplast processes around 35,000 tonnes of post-consumer plastic waste from households and industrial consumers every year, turning them into high-quality LDPE and HDPE recyclates, primarily but not exclusively for the plastic film market.

The expectation of Borealis is that the recycled PO market will grow substantially by 2021, which is the strategic rationale behind the acquisition. The company has made PO recycling a key element of its overall PO strategy because of its potential to support both growth and sustainability. Borealis has been an industry frontrunner in making polyolefins more circular. In 2014, it began offering high-end compound solutions to the automotive industry, consisting of 25% and 50% post-consumer recycled content. Borealis was also the first virgin PO producer to explore the possibilities of mechanical recycling, by acquiring one of Europe's largest producers of post-consumer polyolefin recyclates - mtm plastics GmbH and mtm compact GmbH – in July 2016. Since then it has continued to invest into the development of technology and new products in the area of circular polyolefins.

“Borealis recognises the increasing need for plastic recycling and sees the Circular Economy as a business opportunity. Borealis already has a long-term collaboration with Ecoplast and this acquisition is the next logical step in building our mechanical recycling capabilities. As an important complement to mtm in Germany, Ecoplast will help us address critical sustainability challenges and become a polyolefin recycling leader. Eventually, we want to use our experience to develop an effective blueprint for the end-of-use phases for plastics that can be applied in other parts of the world,” says Borealis Chief Executive Alfred Stern.

“We are very happy that the transaction with a strong and reliable partner such as Borealis has been successfully concluded and are looking forward to our common future activities on the recycling market. We have located potential synergies in many operative and strategic areas, especially in product quality R&D and future applications of polyethylene-film-recyclates. The combination of Ecoplast and Borealis holds the potential to be groundbreaking for the market,” says Ecoplast’s Managing Director Lukas Intemann.