From the Sector

1618 results
Rat für Formgebung: Nachwuchspreis „one&twenty“ für 21 Designtalente (c) Lilian Onstenk
„ButtonUp“ von Lilian Onstenk

Rat für Formgebung: Nachwuchspreis „one&twenty“ für 21 Designtalente

Mit dem internationalen Wettbewerb „one&twenty“ ehrt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung jährlich herausragende Designstudierende und Absolvent*innen aus den Bereichen Produktdesign und Lifestyle. Die 21 Winner-Projekte 2024 demonstrieren eindrucksvoll, wie entschlossen der Nachwuchs nach Lösungen für die drängenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit sucht. Die ausgezeichneten Projekte wurden aus mehr als 800 Einreichungen aus über 50 Ländern ausgewählt.

Die 21 ausgezeichneten Projekte verdeutlichen, dass Nachhaltigkeit kein nebensächlicher Gedanke, sondern ein integraler Bestandteil des Designprozesses ist. Gleich mehrere Winner setzten sich mit dem Problem der wachsenden Wegwerfkultur – in der eine Reparatur defekter Objekte finanziell nicht rentabler ist als ein Neukauf – auseinander. Die Lösung liegt in Ansätzen des Circular Design: Wenn Objekte von vorneherein aus leicht auswechselbaren Komponenten bestehen, ist die Reparatur einfacher und attraktiver als die Entsorgung.

Mit dem internationalen Wettbewerb „one&twenty“ ehrt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung jährlich herausragende Designstudierende und Absolvent*innen aus den Bereichen Produktdesign und Lifestyle. Die 21 Winner-Projekte 2024 demonstrieren eindrucksvoll, wie entschlossen der Nachwuchs nach Lösungen für die drängenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit sucht. Die ausgezeichneten Projekte wurden aus mehr als 800 Einreichungen aus über 50 Ländern ausgewählt.

Die 21 ausgezeichneten Projekte verdeutlichen, dass Nachhaltigkeit kein nebensächlicher Gedanke, sondern ein integraler Bestandteil des Designprozesses ist. Gleich mehrere Winner setzten sich mit dem Problem der wachsenden Wegwerfkultur – in der eine Reparatur defekter Objekte finanziell nicht rentabler ist als ein Neukauf – auseinander. Die Lösung liegt in Ansätzen des Circular Design: Wenn Objekte von vorneherein aus leicht auswechselbaren Komponenten bestehen, ist die Reparatur einfacher und attraktiver als die Entsorgung.

Dem Problem der steigenden Kleidungsabfälle stellt sich „ButtonUp“ von Lilian Onstenk entgegen. Die Designerin möchte das Auswechseln von Knöpfen leichter machen, da defekte Verschlüsse ein Hauptgrund für das Wegwerfen von Textilien sind. Der Aluminium-Verschluss ButtonUp wird nicht eingenäht, was die Handhabung für Nutzer*innen vereinfacht, den Austausch ohne Nadel und Faden möglich macht und schlussendlich für ein in Einzelteile getrenntes Recycling sorgt.

Die Winner von one&twenty 2024 sind:

  • Jesse Altmann, Klara Schneider & Valentina Lenk, Morari, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Deutschland
  • Marcus Angerer, Layer, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Eva Benamou & Antonia Gauß, Off the Grid, Bezalel Art and Design Academy, Israel & Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • Esther Betz, Elisa Bessega & Sylvia Chen, Mantis, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Deutschland, Politecnico di Milano, Italien & Pratt Institute, USA
  • Daniela Cimen, RE•IN•WASTE, Hochschule Hof, Deutschland
  • Marcus Götschl, New Gen, Schulen für Holz und Gestaltung Bezirk Oberbayern, Deutschland
  • Gaspard Fleury, Soft Objects, The Swedish School of Textiles, Schweden
  • Sofia Kocher, SATTEL, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Österreich
  • Lirjeta Maxhuni, GyneCare, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Juni Sun Neyenhuys, Designing the Afterlife, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Deutschland
  • Nir Neria, Copine, Bezalel Art and Design Academy, Israel
  • Lilian Onstenk, ButtonUp, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Emilie Palle Holm, [ ORIORI ] :: folding woven textile, The Swedish School of Textiles, Schweden
  • Jan Penka, YSHELF, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Österreich
  • Cornelius Richter, STUHL, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Deutschland
  • Josua Roters, Cable Mania, Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Deutschland
  • Valerio Sampognaro, Radiator Flask, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, Deutschland
  • Lion Sanguinette & Jonathan Stein, Opencyclone, Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Deutschland
  • Manuel Steffan, Running on (h)air, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Moritz Walter, Hotspot, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Deutschland
  • Zixuan Zhou, ANTI throw-away mentality, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Deutschland

Am 15. April werden die Winner an einem neuen Ausstellungsort im Mailänder Viertel Brera geehrt. Neben den Winnern hat die Jury bestehend aus den Designer*innen Hanne Willmann (Studio Hanne Willmann), Eva Marguerre und Marcel Besau (Studio Besau-Marguerre), Philipp Mainzer (E15), Arianna Lelli Mami und Chiara Di Pinto (Studiopepe), Daniera ter Haar und Christoph Brach (Raw Color), Min Chen (Chen Min Office), Yoko Choy (Collective Contemporist, China Editor Wallpaper*), Joa Herrenknecht (Studio Joa Herrenknecht) und Sabine Marcelis (Studio Sabine Marcelis) ein Projekt als „Best of Best“ ausgezeichnet.

Vom 15.–21. April werden alle 21 Projekte in einer öffentlichen Ausstellung während der Milan Design Week in Brera präsentiert.



Rat für Formgebung

Deutschland: anmeldestärkste Bereiche Grafik Europäisches Patentamt 2024

Europäischer Patent Index 2023: Wieder mehr Anmeldungen aus Deutschland

Der am 19. März veröffentlichte Patent Index 2023 zeigt eine neue Höchstmarke: Beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) wurden im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 199.275 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, was einem Anstieg von +2,9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Der positive Trend aus den Jahren 2021 (+4,7 %) und 2022 (+2,6 %) hat sich weiter fortgesetzt. Patentanmeldungen stehen als wichtiger Frühindikator für Investitionen der Unternehmen in Forschung und Entwicklung. Zugleich unterstützen sie die Vermarktung von Erfindungen.

Der am 19. März veröffentlichte Patent Index 2023 zeigt eine neue Höchstmarke: Beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) wurden im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 199.275 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, was einem Anstieg von +2,9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Der positive Trend aus den Jahren 2021 (+4,7 %) und 2022 (+2,6 %) hat sich weiter fortgesetzt. Patentanmeldungen stehen als wichtiger Frühindikator für Investitionen der Unternehmen in Forschung und Entwicklung. Zugleich unterstützen sie die Vermarktung von Erfindungen.

Aus Deutschland wurden beim EPA im vergangenen Jahr 24.966 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, +1,4% mehr als im Vorjahr, die erste Zunahme nach drei Jahren mit stagnierendem Anmeldeaufkommen. Deutschland bleibt an der Spitze der europäischen Staaten und steht im weltweiten Ranking der europäischen Patentanmeldungen weiterhin auf dem zweiten Platz hinter den USA. 2023 stammten rund 12,5% aller beim EPA eingereichten Anmeldungen aus Deutschland.  
Starkes Wachstum aus China und Korea
Die fünf Länder mit den meisten europäischen Patentanmeldungen im letzten Jahr waren die USA, auf die 24% des gesamten Anmeldeaufkommens entfielen, Deutschland, Japan (11%), China (10%) und die Republik Korea (6%). Der Anstieg der Patentanmeldungen im vergangenen Jahr beruht vor allem auf der weiterhin starken Zunahme aus Korea (+21% zum Vorjahr) und China (+8,8% gegenüber 2022). Damit rückt das Land auf den 5. Platz im Länderranking vor.
Technologietrends: Deutschland weiterhin in der Mobilität führend – starkes Wachstum bei Elektrische Maschinen/Energie, in der Computertechnik und Biotechnologie
Die zahlenmäßig stärksten Technologiefelder bei den Patentanmeldungen aus Deutschland waren erneut die traditionell patentintensiven Bereiche Elektrische Maschinen/Geräte/Energie, Transport (einschließlich der Fahrzeugtechnologien) sowie Messtechnik. Daneben wurden insbesondere in zukunftsträchtigen Segmenten wie der Computertechnik (+13,5%) und der Biotechnologie (+13,4%) wieder deutlich mehr Patente angemeldet. Im Länder-Ranking für die Biotechnologie ist Deutschland die Nummer zwei hinter den USA. Unter den 25 anmeldestärksten Unternehmen in diesem Bereich finden sich fünf deutsche Firmen, angeführt von BASF, das auf dem achten Platz rangiert. In der Computertechnik liegt Deutschland auf Rang 3 hinter den USA und China. Unter den Top 25 in Computertechnik befinden sich mit Siemens und der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ebenfalls zwei deutsche Anmelder.  
In seinen traditionell anmeldestarken Technologiesegmenten hat das „Autoland Deutschland“, im Jahr 2023 seinen Spitzenplatz verteidigt, besonders im Bereich Transport: Mehr als 20% aller im vergangenen Jahr eingereichten europäischen Patentanmeldungen in diesem Sektor stammten aus Deutschland. In der Messtechnik, die auch die für die 4. Industrielle Revolution wichtigen Sensoren umfasst, meldeten nur US-amerikanische Unternehmen mehr Patente an als die deutschen Firmen (+6,5% im Jahresvergleich). Auf dem Gebiet Elektrische Maschinen, Geräte, Energie steht Deutschland weltweit an dritter Stelle beim EPA, hinter den Spitzenreitern China und der Republik Korea. Hier stiegen die Patentanmeldungen aus Deutschland um +7,7% gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Die Firma Robert Bosch liegt im internationalen Vergleich auf Rang 12 der Patentanmelder beim EPA für Erfindungen in der Batterietechnik, einem Teilgebiet von Elektrische Maschinen / Geräte / Energie. 

More information:
Europäisches Patentamt Patents

Europäisches Patentamt


Autoneum: Increase in revenue and profit in 2023

Autoneum significantly improved revenue in local currencies by 34.8% in 2023 compared to the previous year, supported by inorganic growth and a positive market environment. Consolidated in Swiss francs, revenue increased by 27.6% to CHF 2 302.3 million. The acquisition of Borgers Automotive already made a positive contribution to earnings and value in the first year and Business Group North America achieved a turnaround. EBIT adjusted for one-time effects more than doubled year-on-year to CHF 99.2 million and, with an EBIT margin of 4.3%, was at the upper end of the guidance. Net profit for the full year 2023 increased by an impressive CHF 50.2 million to CHF 61.1 million. Based on the positive net results, the Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of CHF 2.50 per share.

Autoneum significantly improved revenue in local currencies by 34.8% in 2023 compared to the previous year, supported by inorganic growth and a positive market environment. Consolidated in Swiss francs, revenue increased by 27.6% to CHF 2 302.3 million. The acquisition of Borgers Automotive already made a positive contribution to earnings and value in the first year and Business Group North America achieved a turnaround. EBIT adjusted for one-time effects more than doubled year-on-year to CHF 99.2 million and, with an EBIT margin of 4.3%, was at the upper end of the guidance. Net profit for the full year 2023 increased by an impressive CHF 50.2 million to CHF 61.1 million. Based on the positive net results, the Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of CHF 2.50 per share.

According to forecasts, worldwide automobile production will be somewhat restrained in 2024 and may even decline slightly compared with 2023. Based on these market forecasts1, Autoneum expects revenue in 2024 of CHF 2.3 billion to 2.5 billion. The Company anticipates an EBIT margin of 4.5–5.5% and free cash flow in the high upper double-digit million range for 2024.

1 Source: S&P Global Light Vehicle Production Forecast of February 16, 2024.

More information:
Autoneum financial year 2023

Autoneum Management AG


Solvay: Full-year 2023 results

  • Solvay’s FY 2023 financial statements reflect the Partial Demerger completed on December 9, 2023, with the Specialty businesses transferred to Syensqo classified as discontinued operations for 2023.
  • New Solvay leadership team committed to drive the transformation of the company.
  • Net sales for the full year 2023 at €4,880 million were down -12.6% organically versus 2022, driven primarily by volume declines. In Q4, net sales decreased organically by -18.9% from both lower volumes and prices.
  • Underlying EBITDA of €1,246 million for the full year 2023 was stable (+0.2%) on an organic basis compared to a record 2022, with positive Net Pricing and lower fixed costs offsetting the drop in volumes. EBITDA in the fourth quarter was down -24.5% organically vs Q4 2022, fully driven by lower volumes, with variable costs reduction offsetting price erosion, while fixed costs decreased slightly.
  • Underlying net profit from continuing operations was €588 million in 2023 compared to €740 million in 2022.
  • Free Cash Flow of €561 million in 2023 (+17.3% vs.
  • Solvay’s FY 2023 financial statements reflect the Partial Demerger completed on December 9, 2023, with the Specialty businesses transferred to Syensqo classified as discontinued operations for 2023.
  • New Solvay leadership team committed to drive the transformation of the company.
  • Net sales for the full year 2023 at €4,880 million were down -12.6% organically versus 2022, driven primarily by volume declines. In Q4, net sales decreased organically by -18.9% from both lower volumes and prices.
  • Underlying EBITDA of €1,246 million for the full year 2023 was stable (+0.2%) on an organic basis compared to a record 2022, with positive Net Pricing and lower fixed costs offsetting the drop in volumes. EBITDA in the fourth quarter was down -24.5% organically vs Q4 2022, fully driven by lower volumes, with variable costs reduction offsetting price erosion, while fixed costs decreased slightly.
  • Underlying net profit from continuing operations was €588 million in 2023 compared to €740 million in 2022.
  • Free Cash Flow of €561 million in 2023 (+17.3% vs. €479 million in 2022) resulting in a record FCF conversion ratio of 45.4%, thanks to the strong EBITDA performance and to the positive impact from working capital variation.
  • ROCE was 20.4% in 2023, -2.5pp compared to 2022 as a result of lower profit.
  • Solid balance sheet at the end of December 2023, in line with the target capital structure announced in November 2023, with an underlying net debt of €1.5 billion, which translates into a leverage ratio of 1.2x.
  • Total proposed gross dividend of €2.43 per share, subject to shareholders’ approval during the next Ordinary General Meeting of May 28, 2024.
  • Solvay continues to reduce its GHG emissions (-19% vs 2021, scope 1 and 2).
  • 2024 Outlook: Organic growth of the underlying EBITDA of -10% to -20% compared to restated 2023; Free cash flow of minimum €260 million

2024 outlook
Across its product portfolio, Solvay expects current demand levels to continue over the next few months and, as such, expects H1 2024 volumes to be broadly in line with H2 2023. At this point, there is little visibility on the second half of the year, however there are signs that the trend in the second half could improve. Solvay expects Soda Ash prices over FY 2024 to be lower than FY 2023, consistent with the current market environment, which will affect the business margin in 2024. Pricing trends across Solvay’s other businesses are forecasted to be more resilient year on year.

Lower energy and raw materials prices should offset some of the negative pressure on the topline. More importantly, Solvay has started to implement cost savings initiatives that will start to deliver results in 2024.

For full year 2024, Solvay expects an organic growth of the underlying EBITDA by -10% to -20% versus a high comparison base in 2023, especially in H1. This translates into a range of €925 million to €1,040 million at a 1.10 EUR/USD exchange rate.

The organic growth of the underlying EBITDA is calculated from a 2023 restated figure of €1,154 million (vs a reported figure of €1,246 million).

Free cash flow to Solvay shareholders from continuing operations is expected to be greater than €260 million, in line with the cash usage prioritization presented during the Capital Market Day in November 2023. It is supported by Solvay’s ability to manage its capex and working capital to ensure the financing of its businesses and the payment of dividends while keeping the strength of its balance sheet intact.

Solvay remains committed to implement its strategic roadmap and reconfirms its 2028 targets as communicated at the Capital Markets Day of November 2023.




Lenzing: Combined annual and sustainability report 2023

  • Combination of financial and non-financial reporting as evidence of the central role of sustainability
  • Measurable progress in achieving sustainability and climate targets
  • Recognized for sustainability and prepares for the European Green Deal

The Lenzing Group has published a combined annual and sustainability report for the first time, reaffirming the strategic importance of social and environmental responsibility for the company. With the title “Ready to join?”, Lenzing would like to extend an invitation to all customers and partners to join forces to renew the textile and nonwovens industries and bring about positive change.

“This annual and sustainability report is also an invitation to find answers together. Lenzing is working tirelessly to make the industries in which it operates even more sustainable and to drive the transformation of the textile business model from linear to circular. For this transformation to be successful, further efforts by the entire industry and a policy designed to ensure a level playing field for sustainability pioneers are needed,” says Stephan Sielaff, CEO of the Lenzing Group.

  • Combination of financial and non-financial reporting as evidence of the central role of sustainability
  • Measurable progress in achieving sustainability and climate targets
  • Recognized for sustainability and prepares for the European Green Deal

The Lenzing Group has published a combined annual and sustainability report for the first time, reaffirming the strategic importance of social and environmental responsibility for the company. With the title “Ready to join?”, Lenzing would like to extend an invitation to all customers and partners to join forces to renew the textile and nonwovens industries and bring about positive change.

“This annual and sustainability report is also an invitation to find answers together. Lenzing is working tirelessly to make the industries in which it operates even more sustainable and to drive the transformation of the textile business model from linear to circular. For this transformation to be successful, further efforts by the entire industry and a policy designed to ensure a level playing field for sustainability pioneers are needed,” says Stephan Sielaff, CEO of the Lenzing Group.

The results for the 2023 financial year were already published. The report was once again prepared in digital form and is now available.


Lenzing AG

Collaboration between IHKIB and WRAP (c) IHKIB

Collaboration between IHKIB and WRAP

In a move to enhance the global competitiveness of the Turkish apparel industry, the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) has entered into a collaborative agreement with the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP).

IHKIB, representing 80% of Türkiye's apparel exports, aims to facilitate and guide its members in navigating new markets and staying abreast of sectoral developments.
WRAP, a US-based non-profit organization, focuses on promoting safe, lawful, humane, and ethical working conditions within the textile and apparel industry.

In a move to enhance the global competitiveness of the Turkish apparel industry, the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) has entered into a collaborative agreement with the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP).

IHKIB, representing 80% of Türkiye's apparel exports, aims to facilitate and guide its members in navigating new markets and staying abreast of sectoral developments.
WRAP, a US-based non-profit organization, focuses on promoting safe, lawful, humane, and ethical working conditions within the textile and apparel industry.

Mr. Selcuk Mehmet Kaya, Chairman of the International Relations and Sustainability Committee of IHKIB, and Mr. Avedis Seferian, President and CEO of WRAP, officially inked a collaboration agreement on March 8, 2024, marking a significant step towards fostering business relations between Türkiye and the USA. The agreement focuses on a pilot project developed by IHKIB and WRAP, aiming to identify leading Turkish apparel companies exporting to the USA and encouraging these facilities to attain WRAP certification. In return, WRAP will provide in-person and virtual training at no charge to guide these facilities through the certification process. The project seeks to strengthen business ties between Türkiye and the USA, creating additional opportunities for mutual cooperation between the parties in both countries.


IHKIB - Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.


GoodTextiles Foundation

Mahlo at IndoIntertex in Jakarta (c) Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

Mahlo at IndoIntertex in Jakarta

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG exhibits its technologies at the upcoming IndoIntertex trade show in Jakarta. The event, scheduled from March 20 to March 23, will serve as a platform for Mahlo and its long-term partner agency Agansa to showcase its solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of the Indonesian textile sector.

With a rich history in textile manufacturing and a skilled workforce, Indonesia has emerged as a key player in the global textile landscape. The country's strategic location, coupled with favorable government policies, has fueled the growth of its textile sector, attracting investments and fostering technological advancements.

Mahlo's participation in the IndoIntertex trade show underscores its commitment to supporting the Indonesian textile industry with solutions designed to enhance quality, efficiency, and productivity. Visitors to Mahlo's booth can expect to explore a range of offerings, including measurement and control systems, process automation solutions, and expert consultancy services.

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG exhibits its technologies at the upcoming IndoIntertex trade show in Jakarta. The event, scheduled from March 20 to March 23, will serve as a platform for Mahlo and its long-term partner agency Agansa to showcase its solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of the Indonesian textile sector.

With a rich history in textile manufacturing and a skilled workforce, Indonesia has emerged as a key player in the global textile landscape. The country's strategic location, coupled with favorable government policies, has fueled the growth of its textile sector, attracting investments and fostering technological advancements.

Mahlo's participation in the IndoIntertex trade show underscores its commitment to supporting the Indonesian textile industry with solutions designed to enhance quality, efficiency, and productivity. Visitors to Mahlo's booth can expect to explore a range of offerings, including measurement and control systems, process automation solutions, and expert consultancy services.


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG


ACIMIT: Italian textile machinery manufacturers at symposia in India

A new promotional initiative aims to boost trade relations between Italy and India in the textile sector. 11 Italian textile machinery manufacturers will be taking part in the forthcoming technological symposia scheduled in New Delhi and Mumbai from 9 to 12 April. The two events, organized by the Italian Trade Agency and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will allow Italian companies to showcase their technologies to a selected audience of Indian textile entrepreneurs.

The textile sector is of great significance in the Indian economy, contributing more than 2% of the GDP and allowing the Country to be among the largest exporter of textile and apparel items. Moreover India represents the third largest foreign market for the Italian textile machinery industry.

In 2022 India imported Italian textile machinery for a total value of about 200 million euro. Referring to the first 9 months of 2023, the value shows a slight decrease compared to the value for the same period of the previous year, but the forecast for the current year remains positive.

A new promotional initiative aims to boost trade relations between Italy and India in the textile sector. 11 Italian textile machinery manufacturers will be taking part in the forthcoming technological symposia scheduled in New Delhi and Mumbai from 9 to 12 April. The two events, organized by the Italian Trade Agency and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will allow Italian companies to showcase their technologies to a selected audience of Indian textile entrepreneurs.

The textile sector is of great significance in the Indian economy, contributing more than 2% of the GDP and allowing the Country to be among the largest exporter of textile and apparel items. Moreover India represents the third largest foreign market for the Italian textile machinery industry.

In 2022 India imported Italian textile machinery for a total value of about 200 million euro. Referring to the first 9 months of 2023, the value shows a slight decrease compared to the value for the same period of the previous year, but the forecast for the current year remains positive.

Italian companies participating in the symposia, all of which are ACIMIT members, are: Autefa, Cubotex, Danitech, Lafer, Mcs, Monti-Mac, Reggiani Macchine, Salvadè, Savio, Sicam, Testa.


ACIMIT - Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

(c) Luca Faloni

Barabino & Partners wird Kommunikationsberater für Luca Faloni

Luca Faloni, eine italienische Marke für Herrenmode, ernennt Barabino & Partners zu ihrem Kommunikationsberater für den deutschen und US-amerikanischen Markt. Barabino & Partners, ein führendes PR-Unternehmen in Italien, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Präsenz der Marke zu stärken und die Kunstfertigkeit sowie den Handwerksansatz von Luca Faloni durch seine Büros in Berlin, München und New York international zu fördern.

Das 2014 gegründete Unternehmen Luca Faloni produziert hochwertige und luxuriöse Herrenmode. Die Marke bezieht natürliche Materialien wie Leinen, Kaschmir, Baumwolle und Leder von regional ansässigen Handwerkern in Italien.

Luca Faloni, eine italienische Marke für Herrenmode, ernennt Barabino & Partners zu ihrem Kommunikationsberater für den deutschen und US-amerikanischen Markt. Barabino & Partners, ein führendes PR-Unternehmen in Italien, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Präsenz der Marke zu stärken und die Kunstfertigkeit sowie den Handwerksansatz von Luca Faloni durch seine Büros in Berlin, München und New York international zu fördern.

Das 2014 gegründete Unternehmen Luca Faloni produziert hochwertige und luxuriöse Herrenmode. Die Marke bezieht natürliche Materialien wie Leinen, Kaschmir, Baumwolle und Leder von regional ansässigen Handwerkern in Italien.


Barabino & P. Deutschland GmbH

RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting Photo Euratex

RegioGreenTex Annual Consortium Meeting in Portugal

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

Representatives from all 43 European partners of RegioGreenTex met for the Annual Consortium Meeting, hosted by CITEVE – the Portuguese Centre for textile innovation.

Co-funded by the European Union I3 Instrument Programme, RegioGreenTex is a €13 million project to promote investments in textile circularity. Research centres, regional clusters, regional development agencies and 26 SMEs collaborate to realise unique pilot projects to transform the textile industry business model from linear to circular.
The annual consortium meeting is a pivotal point to assess the project’s progress and impact. Presentations and workshops have been an essential part of the meeting, along with  networking opportunities where partners created synergies and discussed common challenges. Furthermore, all SME partners showcased their results through an exhibition with samples of garments, yarns, fabrics and products: the outcome of the project’s innovation so far. New collaborations and partners are expected to flourish as another outcome and the meeting.

EURATEX, as project coordinator, ensures the successful implementation of this ambitious initiative. Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General, commented: “RegioGreenTex is an essential piece of our wider plan to implement the EU Sustainable Textile Strategy. Offering investment support to our SMEs is critical to make this green transition a success.”



Zum Beginn des Sommersemesters startete die Nutzung des Gebäudes TEXOVERSUM durch die TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen. Zum Beginn des Sommersemesters startete die Nutzung des Gebäudes TEXOVERSUM durch die TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen. Foto: Hochschule Reutlingen
Zum Beginn des Sommersemesters startete die Nutzung des Gebäudes TEXOVERSUM durch die TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen.

Hochschule Reutlingen nutzt ab Sommersemster TEXOVERSUM

Der Arbeitgeber- und Wirtschaftsverband Südwesttextil hat das Gebäude TEXOVERSUM in der vergangenen Woche offiziell an das zuständige Amt für Vermögen und Bau in Tübingen übergeben. Im direkten Anschluss wurde es der Fakultät Textil als Nutzer des Gebäudes zugeteilt. Südwesttextil spendet das Gebäude mit einer Investitionssumme von 18,5 Millionen Euro an das Land Baden-Württemberg für den Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen. Damit ist rund drei Jahre nach Spatenstich der Weg geebnet für die Nutzung durch die TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule und den Beginn des Live-Betriebs.

Das TEXOVERSUM erweitert die Vielfalt der textilen Möglichkeiten auf dem Campus und stärkt damit den Standort. Fast 3.000 Quadratmeter Fläche für moderne Werkstätten und Labore, Platz für die international renommierte Gewebesammlung der Hochschule Reutlingen sowie Think-Tank-Flächen und Unterrichtsräume für ein umfassendes Lernumfeld machen das mit einer innovativen Fassade versehene Gebäude einzigartig. Hier werden ab sofort Studierende, Auszubildende sowie Industrie und Forschung zusammenkommen, um die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie gemeinsam zu gestalten.

Der Arbeitgeber- und Wirtschaftsverband Südwesttextil hat das Gebäude TEXOVERSUM in der vergangenen Woche offiziell an das zuständige Amt für Vermögen und Bau in Tübingen übergeben. Im direkten Anschluss wurde es der Fakultät Textil als Nutzer des Gebäudes zugeteilt. Südwesttextil spendet das Gebäude mit einer Investitionssumme von 18,5 Millionen Euro an das Land Baden-Württemberg für den Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen. Damit ist rund drei Jahre nach Spatenstich der Weg geebnet für die Nutzung durch die TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule und den Beginn des Live-Betriebs.

Das TEXOVERSUM erweitert die Vielfalt der textilen Möglichkeiten auf dem Campus und stärkt damit den Standort. Fast 3.000 Quadratmeter Fläche für moderne Werkstätten und Labore, Platz für die international renommierte Gewebesammlung der Hochschule Reutlingen sowie Think-Tank-Flächen und Unterrichtsräume für ein umfassendes Lernumfeld machen das mit einer innovativen Fassade versehene Gebäude einzigartig. Hier werden ab sofort Studierende, Auszubildende sowie Industrie und Forschung zusammenkommen, um die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie gemeinsam zu gestalten.

Mit der traditionellen Erstsemesterbegrüßung startete der Live-Betrieb und die Nutzung des Gebäudes zum Sommersemester 2024. Dekan Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle hieß insbesondere die Neu-Studierenden herzlich an der Fakultät und in der TEXOVERSUM-Community willkommen. Dabei betonte Strähle die historische Bedeutung der Veranstaltung und den damit verbundenen Start der Nutzung des TEXOVERSUMs durch die Fakultät und Hochschule in seiner kurzen Ansprache: „Aus Vision wurde Wirklichkeit – wir sind sehr glücklich, bewegt und stolz, ab heute nicht nur die visionäre Dachmarke TEXOVERSUM tagtäglich zu leben und weiterzuentwickeln, sondern von nun an auch das Gebäude TEXOVERSUM mit Leben und Visionen für die gesamte Textilbranche zu füllen.“

Zum Tag der offenen Tür der Hochschule Reutlingen am 04. Mai 2024 wird das TEXOVERSUM voraussichtlich erstmals in Teilen für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sein.


Hochschule Reutlingen

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

The MJ 52/1 S is also an extremely flexible project machine. The 138″ model in gauge E 28 produces a wide range of warp-knitted fabrics and incorporates conductive material directly into the textile surface - exactly where it is needed and with the structure that is required. The basis for the tailor-made fiber placement is KARL MAYER's string bar technology. The system for controlling the pattern guide bars ensures a fast, established textile production process and a high degree of pattern freedom.




Rieter: Successful financial year 2023

  • Sales of CHF 1 418.6 million in the 2023 financial year
  • Order intake of CHF 541.8 million in the 2023 financial year; order backlog of around CHF 650 million as of December 31, 2023
  • EBIT margin of 7.2%
  • “Next Level” performance program on track
  • Proposed dividend of CHF 3.00 per share
  • Outlook 2024 with sales of around CHF 1 billion

The Rieter Group closed the 2023 financial year with slightly lower sales of CHF 1 418.6 million (2022: CHF 1 510.9 million), down 6% on the previous year. In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 541.8 million was considerably below the prior year period (2022: CHF 1 157.3 million). In a challenging business environment, Rieter generated an EBIT margin of 7.2%. Implementation of the “Next Level” performance program to increase profitability is proceeding according to plan.

  • Sales of CHF 1 418.6 million in the 2023 financial year
  • Order intake of CHF 541.8 million in the 2023 financial year; order backlog of around CHF 650 million as of December 31, 2023
  • EBIT margin of 7.2%
  • “Next Level” performance program on track
  • Proposed dividend of CHF 3.00 per share
  • Outlook 2024 with sales of around CHF 1 billion

The Rieter Group closed the 2023 financial year with slightly lower sales of CHF 1 418.6 million (2022: CHF 1 510.9 million), down 6% on the previous year. In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 541.8 million was considerably below the prior year period (2022: CHF 1 157.3 million). In a challenging business environment, Rieter generated an EBIT margin of 7.2%. Implementation of the “Next Level” performance program to increase profitability is proceeding according to plan.

Outlook 2024
Markets remain under pressure from the economic slowdown, high inflation rates and noticeably dampened consumer sentiment. Customers are reluctant to place orders due to financing challenges. The first signs of a recovery in the 2024 financial year have emerged in the key markets of China and India. Rieter expects demand to increase in the coming months.
For the full year 2024, Rieter anticipates sales in the region of CHF 1 billion and a positive EBIT margin of up to 4%.


Rieter Management AG

(c) GFA and PDS Ventures

GFA and PDS Ventures: Funding programme for fashion innovation

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has collaborated with PDS Ventures to launch a new Trailblazer Programme. The new initiative seeks to identify early-stage innovators and support them on their journey to scale.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has collaborated with PDS Ventures to launch a new Trailblazer Programme. The new initiative seeks to identify early-stage innovators and support them on their journey to scale.

As part of the Trailblazer Programme, PDS Ventures will award one innovator a significant investment of up to USD 200,000* to accelerate the company’s growth and positive impact in the fashion industry. The winner will also receive commercial and operational support from PDS Group’s Positive Materials - a textile company and strategic research partner supporting the development and acceleration of low impact textile innovation through collaboration between early-stage start-ups, supply chain partners and brands. Further scaling opportunities will be gained through access to PDS Limited’s extensive global supply chain.
GFA and PDS Ventures are presenting an open call for solution providers addressing different challenges across the fashion value chain to apply for the programme. Applicants will be reviewed and shortlisted by an esteemed Jury including representatives from GFA, PDS Ventures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Ralph Lauren Corporation, Fashion For Good and H&M Group. Eight shortlisted innovations will be enrolled in a group of Trailblazers, receiving feedback and investment pitch training from industry experts and PDS representatives.     
Each shortlisted innovator will then pitch for a potential investment, with the winning Trailblazer being revealed at GFA’s Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 - an international forum for sustainability in fashion, on 22-23 May at the Copenhagen Concert Hall. All shortlisted Trailblazers will also have the opportunity to showcase their businesses within an exhibit at the Summit to connect with other key industry stakeholders and potential investors.
The Trailblazer Programme corresponds with the theme of the upcoming Global Fashion Summit - ‘Unlocking The Next Level’. Inspired by a significant milestone, 2024 marks 15 years since the inaugural Global Fashion Summit was hosted in 2009. This pivotal anniversary offers a special moment to not only take stock of the evolution of the sector and the progress made so far, but, most importantly, look ahead at what actions must urgently be implemented in the near term, and the gaps that must be filled to accelerate industry transformation.


Global Fashion Agenda

Thomas Stegmaier appointed Sustainability Officer Photo: DITF
Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier

DITF: Thomas Stegmaier appointed Sustainability Officer

The EU directive on the further development of sustainability reporting (CSRD) poses major challenges for companies and the public sector. Until now, the regulations have only applied to large capital market-oriented companies. However, far-reaching changes to sustainability reporting are expected when the CSRD is transposed into national law in 2024. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF) are facing up to this challenge of external reporting and at the same time the responsibility for sustainable and resource-conserving science. The Textile Research Center has therefore set up a specialist department reporting to the Executive Board.

The DITF are reaffirming their commitment to sustainability with the appointment of the previous Head of the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy, Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier, as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). In addition to this new role, Stegmaier will continue to provide his expertise to the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy as Deputy Head.

The EU directive on the further development of sustainability reporting (CSRD) poses major challenges for companies and the public sector. Until now, the regulations have only applied to large capital market-oriented companies. However, far-reaching changes to sustainability reporting are expected when the CSRD is transposed into national law in 2024. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research (DITF) are facing up to this challenge of external reporting and at the same time the responsibility for sustainable and resource-conserving science. The Textile Research Center has therefore set up a specialist department reporting to the Executive Board.

The DITF are reaffirming their commitment to sustainability with the appointment of the previous Head of the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy, Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Stegmaier, as Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). In addition to this new role, Stegmaier will continue to provide his expertise to the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy as Deputy Head.

The task of the Chief Sustainability Officer is to develop solutions to reduce the DITF's energy and resource consumption, promote renewable energies and implement efficient energy use. The management team, the operational organizational units and all employees are involved in the process.

The CSO also acts as a driving force for both the Executive Board and the research departments to promote sustainability issues.

(c) LFDY

LFDY x edding: Kooperation zur neuen Kollektion

Als Hommage an die frühe Graffiti-Kultur präsentiert das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young zu ihrer Frühjahrskollektion zwei limitierte Live Fast edding-Marker. Neben dem neuen Kollektions-Drop „Hit And Run“, bestehend aus rund 50 Teilen, sind die zwei Live Fast edding-Marker in Schwarz und Silber erhältlich.

Street Style, Hip-Hop, Graffiti-Kunst – in den 80er und 90er Jahren werden diese urbanen Strömungen zum Sinnbild einer ganzen Generation. Selbst aus dieser Kultur erwachsen, würdigt LFDY mit „Hit And Run” vor allem die Anfänge der New Yorker Graffiti-Szene und ihre Legenden wie Cope2, einen der Pioniere des Throw-up-Stils. In Oversized Looks und mit Graffiti Prints spielt die Brand mit Motiven der Szene, wie dem Nothammer (Emergency Hammer) und Überwachungskameras (Surveillance Cameras) sowie dem unverzichtbaren Accessoire jedes Graffiti Artists: dem edding-Marker. Der Permanentmarker wurde gerade in den ersten Jahrzehnten zu einer Ikone der Graffiti-Szene. Für die neue LFDY Spring Collection brachte Phillip Böndel von The Ambition das deutsche Traditionsunternehmen und die Streetwear Brand zusammen.

Als Hommage an die frühe Graffiti-Kultur präsentiert das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young zu ihrer Frühjahrskollektion zwei limitierte Live Fast edding-Marker. Neben dem neuen Kollektions-Drop „Hit And Run“, bestehend aus rund 50 Teilen, sind die zwei Live Fast edding-Marker in Schwarz und Silber erhältlich.

Street Style, Hip-Hop, Graffiti-Kunst – in den 80er und 90er Jahren werden diese urbanen Strömungen zum Sinnbild einer ganzen Generation. Selbst aus dieser Kultur erwachsen, würdigt LFDY mit „Hit And Run” vor allem die Anfänge der New Yorker Graffiti-Szene und ihre Legenden wie Cope2, einen der Pioniere des Throw-up-Stils. In Oversized Looks und mit Graffiti Prints spielt die Brand mit Motiven der Szene, wie dem Nothammer (Emergency Hammer) und Überwachungskameras (Surveillance Cameras) sowie dem unverzichtbaren Accessoire jedes Graffiti Artists: dem edding-Marker. Der Permanentmarker wurde gerade in den ersten Jahrzehnten zu einer Ikone der Graffiti-Szene. Für die neue LFDY Spring Collection brachte Phillip Böndel von The Ambition das deutsche Traditionsunternehmen und die Streetwear Brand zusammen.

Die ausgewählten Artikel der Zusammenarbeit, der edding 3000 in Schwarz und der edding 750 in Silber, spiegeln die typischen Schwarz- und Chromfarben der Graffiti- und Brand-DNA von LFDY wider.


Live Fast Die Young

Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition (c) Teknik Fuarcılık
At the GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition press conference; Teknik Fairs organization team, members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, KOMİD President, TEMSAD President and sector representatives.

Launch of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Turkey's leading garment machinery manufacturers and representatives have collaborated with Teknik Fuarcılık for GarmentTech İstanbul Garment, Embroidery Machines Spare Parts and Sub Industry Exhibition to host the first GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition.

The GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition will be held at İstanbul Expo Center (IFM) between June 25-28, 2025 and brings together all the technologies used in garment and ready-to-wear production.

The ready-to-wear and garment sector is among the locomotive sectors of the Turkish economy with both employment and export income. With 22 thousand 640 exporters and 42 thousand 434 manufacturers, the sector is among the priority sectors in the country's employment with approximately 700 thousand people working in production. Together with the retail and ready-to-wear sectors, total employment exceeds 2 million.

On the other hand, ready-to-wear and garment sector is the 3rd largest exporter in Turkey. Turkey is the 5th country in the world that exports the most ready-to-wear and garment. In 2023, the sector reached 19.3 billion dollars in exports and has a share of 7.5% in general exports.

Teknik Fuarcılık, which has more than 30 years of experience in exhibition organization and has made the ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition a world brand, has taken action to make the success achieved by the garment and ready-to-wear sector sustainable. GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition, which will be organized with the support of the members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board and in cooperation with the Apparel Automation and Machinery Manufacturers Association (KOMİD), will host professional visitors and global buyers from all over the world.

The press conference of GarmentTech İstanbul Exhibition was attended by members of the Garment Machinery Advisory Board, Vice Chairman of Astaş Holding H. Kaya Aşçı, Astaş Juki Board Member and General Manager Turgay Aşçı, Chairman of the Board of Çatma Makine Yavuz Çatma, Chairman of the Board of Alba Makine Cengiz Albayrak, General Manager of Malkan Makine Alparslan Er, General Manager of Uğur Makine Temel Kamiloğlu, Tetaş Sales and Marketing Assistant General Manager Murat Eren, Malkan Makina Factory Manager Metin Kılıç and KOMID President Haluk Akın, TEMSAD President Adil Nalbant, KOMİD Members Serkon Makina Chairman İzzet Savaş, Robotech General Manager Hüseyin Çetin, Chairman of the Board of NewTech Machinery Nezir Yazıcı, LGM Foreign Trade Specialist Yiğit Sağdık Manav, Avtek Manager Oğuz Avcı and many sector representatives.


Teknik Fuarcılık


Infinited Fiber Company completes development financing round

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

After the development financing round, Inditex, TTY Management and H&M Group are the largest shareholders of Infinited Fiber Company.


Infinited Fiber Company

adidas: Y-3 and Real Madrid launch Travel Collection (c) adidas AG

adidas: Y-3 and Real Madrid launch Travel Collection

Having recently celebrated the club’s 120th anniversary with a special kit for the 2021/2022 season, this year, Y-3 and Real Madrid have come together once again to bring Yohji Yamamoto’s perspective to the club with a seven-piece travel collection.

Inspired by the signature monochromatic color palette of both Real Madrid and Y-3, the travel collection itself consists of a sleek and elegant selection of pieces in all black. Crafted at the intersection of tailoring and athletic-wear, the suite of pieces includes a short sleeve polo, a long sleeve polo, a pair of shorts, a pair of track pants, a track top, a coach jacket, and a premium faux leather jacket – each made with soft sporting fabrics and finished with collaborative details such as Yohji Yamamoto’s recognizable handwritten signature script wordmark and the Real Madrid crest.

Accompanying the launch of the travel collection is a campaign shot by trailblazing London-based photographer Gabriel Moses featuring past and present Real Madrid icons including Naomie Feller, Jude Bellingham, David Alaba, Misa Rodríguez, and Zinedine Zidane.

Having recently celebrated the club’s 120th anniversary with a special kit for the 2021/2022 season, this year, Y-3 and Real Madrid have come together once again to bring Yohji Yamamoto’s perspective to the club with a seven-piece travel collection.

Inspired by the signature monochromatic color palette of both Real Madrid and Y-3, the travel collection itself consists of a sleek and elegant selection of pieces in all black. Crafted at the intersection of tailoring and athletic-wear, the suite of pieces includes a short sleeve polo, a long sleeve polo, a pair of shorts, a pair of track pants, a track top, a coach jacket, and a premium faux leather jacket – each made with soft sporting fabrics and finished with collaborative details such as Yohji Yamamoto’s recognizable handwritten signature script wordmark and the Real Madrid crest.

Accompanying the launch of the travel collection is a campaign shot by trailblazing London-based photographer Gabriel Moses featuring past and present Real Madrid icons including Naomie Feller, Jude Bellingham, David Alaba, Misa Rodríguez, and Zinedine Zidane.

More information:
adidas Y-3

adidas AG