From the Sector

1103 results

2021 financial year: Autoneum grows profitability and earnings in a difficult environment

All four Business Groups contributed to the significant improvement of the Group’s EBIT, which more than doubled by CHF 29.7 million to CHF 57.5 million, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 3.4%. This was achieved despite a slight decline in consolidated revenue to CHF 1.7 billion. Net profit amounted to CHF 30.1 million. In line with Autoneum’s longstanding dividend policy, the Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share for the 2021 financial year.

All four Business Groups contributed to the significant improvement of the Group’s EBIT, which more than doubled by CHF 29.7 million to CHF 57.5 million, corresponding to an EBIT margin of 3.4%. This was achieved despite a slight decline in consolidated revenue to CHF 1.7 billion. Net profit amounted to CHF 30.1 million. In line with Autoneum’s longstanding dividend policy, the Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 1.50 per share for the 2021 financial year.

We saw a number of global challenges again in 2021. The worldwide shortage of semiconductors dampened market development in the automobile industry. Although production volumes were almost the same in 2021, the year was more challenging from an operational perspective than 2020 was; supply chain bottlenecks led to short-term and unplanned production downtime at automotive manufacturers throughout the year. This resulted in frequent interruptions in production at Autoneum as well because of closely connected manufacturing processes. Rising costs for raw materials, energy, and transport presented additional challenges. Despite the challenging environment and weak global production volumes, Autoneum managed to return to profitability in 2021, generating a positive net result. Thanks to further operational improvements and optimization measures in all organizational areas, earnings were improved in all four Business Groups.

  • Revenue development influenced by semiconductor shortage
  • Operating profit and positive group net result thanks to improvements in all segments
  • Net profit and positive free cash flow enable an increase in equity ratio and a further reduction of net debt
  • Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 1.50
  • Personnel change on the Board of Directors
  • Business Groups
  • Innovation Leadership for a safe journey towards a climate-friendly future
  • 10 years of Autoneum

According to market forecasts1), global automotive production will increase by around 9% year-onyear in 2022. The semiconductor shortage is likely to continue for some time into 2023; however, we anticipate that the situation will increasingly stabilize over the course of the financial year 2022 with higher volatility in the first half of the year. Autoneum’s revenue development is expected to be in line with the market. Based on market development, Autoneum is targeting an EBIT margin of 4–5% and free cash flow in the high double-digit million range. In addition to addressing the current semiconductor shortage situation, Autoneum will continue to pursue its consistent implementation of strategic priorities and initiatives. The potential impacts of the current Ukraine crisis on our business cannot be estimated at this point in time.

Further information on the 2021 results as well as the 2021 Annual Report can be found at


Autoneum Management AG


EURATEX asks EU to control the rise in oil and gas prices

Notwithstanding the industry support to the sanctions in place against Russia, EURATEX highlights that companies are at risk of stopping their production if energy and gas prices continue to rise.

The energy crisis that started at the end of last year has been worsening in the last week. Prices of energy, gas and oil has been skyrocketing. According to Reuters, Benchmark European gas prices at the Dutch TTF hub rose by 330% last year, while benchmark German and French power contracts have more than doubled.

The textile and clothing industry is facing an unprecedented situation. Many companies are considering shutting down production because of energy costs.

Notwithstanding the industry support to the sanctions in place against Russia, EURATEX highlights that companies are at risk of stopping their production if energy and gas prices continue to rise.

The energy crisis that started at the end of last year has been worsening in the last week. Prices of energy, gas and oil has been skyrocketing. According to Reuters, Benchmark European gas prices at the Dutch TTF hub rose by 330% last year, while benchmark German and French power contracts have more than doubled.

The textile and clothing industry is facing an unprecedented situation. Many companies are considering shutting down production because of energy costs.

EURATEX supports the measures taken by the EU in the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, but asks the European Union and Members States to compensate the situation by supporting their industries. Companies need access to energy at reasonable prices, may those be subsidies, removing environmental levies or VAT from bills and price caps. The transfer to renewable and cleaner sources of energy needs to speed up, so to guarantee less dependency. But it is a long process that cannot be achieved in the forthcoming months. That’s why Europe should urgently look at the available options to control such market shocks.

(c) Dubai Museum of the Future

Sicomin supports Dubai's Museum of the Future with fire-retardant epoxy solutions

Sicomin supported the build of Dubai’s Museum of the Future and supplied its bio-based intumescent gelcoat as well as fire-retardant laminating resins for the production of over 200 double curved panels making up the interior of the Museum’s entrance lobby.

The Museum of the Future, a new addition to Dubai’s skyline by architects Killa Design, engineers Buro Happold and contractor BAM International, opened last week on 22nd February 2022 and features a large percentage of composite materials in the interior construction.

Advanced Fiberglass Industries (AFI) manufactured 230 double curved interior panels, a double-helix DNA structure staircase that scales the full seven levels of the museum and 228 GRP oval shaped light structures for the museums car parking area.

Sicomin supported the build of Dubai’s Museum of the Future and supplied its bio-based intumescent gelcoat as well as fire-retardant laminating resins for the production of over 200 double curved panels making up the interior of the Museum’s entrance lobby.

The Museum of the Future, a new addition to Dubai’s skyline by architects Killa Design, engineers Buro Happold and contractor BAM International, opened last week on 22nd February 2022 and features a large percentage of composite materials in the interior construction.

Advanced Fiberglass Industries (AFI) manufactured 230 double curved interior panels, a double-helix DNA structure staircase that scales the full seven levels of the museum and 228 GRP oval shaped light structures for the museums car parking area.

Adaptable mould technology from Danish company Adapa, was introduced by Advanced Fiberglass Industries, Dubai (AFI) to ensure that the interior panels could be delivered in line with the project schedule. As well as allowing each panel shape to be rapidly configured without the machining of traditional moulds, the adaptive mould technology massively reduced waste generated in the moulding process, contributing to the building’s low carbon LEED platinum credentials.

With a challenging structural and fire safety specification defined, Sicomin’s bio-based SGi128 intumescent gelcoat and SR1122 fire retardant laminating epoxy were chosen for the panels, an additional advantage being that in addition to high fire properties, SGi 128 is also formulated with over 30% carbon from renewable sources, reducing the final carbon footprint significantly.  

Sicomin worked alongside the panel manufacturer, providing technical support for the fire test panels and the initial Adapa moulding trials.


Sicomin / 100% Marketing

Bilanz der 49. INNATEX – Internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien Zufriedenheit angesichts erschwerter Bedingungen (c) INNATEX – Internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien / Fairmodel
INNATEX49 Happy Faces ®INNATEX Fairmodel

Bilanz der 49. INNATEX

  • Zufriedenheit angesichts erschwerter Bedingungen der Internationalen Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien

Die 49. INNATEX vom 25. bis 27. Februar 2022 ist mit einer zufriedenstellenden Bilanz zu Ende gegangen. „Es ist keine Überraschung“, sagt Jens Frey, Geschäftsführer der veranstaltenden MUVEO GmbH.
„Schon im Vorfeld meldeten Aussteller sowie Einkäuferinnen und Einkäufer, dass Ende Februar die Order weitgehend abgeschlossen ist. Hinzu kamen kurzfristige gesundheitsoder Quarantäne-bedingte Absagen. Den Umständen entsprechend waren wir mit immer noch 150 ausstellenden Labels gut besetzt und bekommen positives Feedback.“

  • Zufriedenheit angesichts erschwerter Bedingungen der Internationalen Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien

Die 49. INNATEX vom 25. bis 27. Februar 2022 ist mit einer zufriedenstellenden Bilanz zu Ende gegangen. „Es ist keine Überraschung“, sagt Jens Frey, Geschäftsführer der veranstaltenden MUVEO GmbH.
„Schon im Vorfeld meldeten Aussteller sowie Einkäuferinnen und Einkäufer, dass Ende Februar die Order weitgehend abgeschlossen ist. Hinzu kamen kurzfristige gesundheitsoder Quarantäne-bedingte Absagen. Den Umständen entsprechend waren wir mit immer noch 150 ausstellenden Labels gut besetzt und bekommen positives Feedback.“

Nach dem Ausfall diverser Messen sei man einfach froh, dass man sich im Messecenter Rhein-Main austauschen könnte, bestätigte ein Aussteller. Nach einem ruhigen Auftakt der erstmals an einem Freitag beginnenden Fachmesse berichten andere von guten Ordergesprächen im Verlauf der drei Tage dauernden INNATEX. So etwa Jan Roehler von HempAge: „Wir sind zu dem späten Termin ohne große Erwartungen gekommen und am Ende überrascht, wie viele Kunden hier waren und guter Dinge eine gute Order geschrieben haben. Trotz der aktuellen Umstände war es für uns ein sehr schönes Treffen mit Freunden und Kunden.

“Eine Gruppe von Besucherinnen beschreibt, sie erlebten einen Messetag „voller Inspiration“, auch wenn die Nachrichten aus der internationalen Politik im Messecenter Rhein-Main mitschwingen. Das Interesse an nachhaltiger Mode und die Ansprüche der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten steigen. Heike Hess, Geschäftsstellenleiterin des Internationalen Verbands der Naturtextilwirtschaft (IVN) und Schirmherr der INNATEX, kann den Trend bestätigen: „Wir erhalten spürbar mehr Anfragen. Die kommen unter anderem von neuen Mitgliedern oder auch von bereits zertifizierten Herstellern, die einen strengeren Standard wie zum Beispiel den IVN BEST suchen. Themen wie Circular Economy oder Recycling, Klimaschutz, Fasersicherheit und Due Diligence haben deutlichen Aufwind.

Der Begriff Fasersicherheit beinhaltet die Rückverfolgung der Faser bis zur Rohstoffgewinnung. Bei der Baumwolle wird der Anbau zum Beispiel nur nach einer eingehenden Prüfung als „bio“ anerkannt. Ebenfalls immer wichtiger wird auch der Nachweis konsequenter unternehmerischer Sorgfalt entlang der gesamten Lieferkette. Wir arbeiten mit Partner:innen sowie Mitgliedern an Strategien für Rückverfolgbarkeit und Aufklärung.“ Zu den Neuheiten auf der INNATEX gehörten Schuhe aus Algen, ein Streetwear-Label, das sich gerade im Zertifizierungsprozess befindet, sowie plastikfreie Yogamatten. „Im Sommer findet die fünfzigste INNATEX statt“, sagt Frey. „Da holen wir mehr als nach, was uns in den letzten beiden Pandemiejahren verwehrt war. Darauf freuen wir uns schon.“

Nächster Messetermin: 29. – 31. Juli 2022 – 50. Ausgabe der INNATEX


Online Voting Opens for “Best of the Best” IDEA® Achievement Awards

  • Winners in Six Categories to be Announced at IDEA® 2022 in Miami Beach

Online voting for the IDEA® Achievement Awards representing the “best of the best” innovations in the global nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in six categories will open on Feb. 28.

Industry professionals will have the opportunity to vote for the winners from the finalists and see award-winning achievements in person at IDEA® 2022, the World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics, March 28-31, at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Presented by INDA, in partnership with Nonwovens Industry magazine, the awards recognize the leading introductions in equipment, raw materials, short-life, long-life and nonwovens products, and sustainability. To vote on the Nonwovens Industry website, visit:

  • Winners in Six Categories to be Announced at IDEA® 2022 in Miami Beach

Online voting for the IDEA® Achievement Awards representing the “best of the best” innovations in the global nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in six categories will open on Feb. 28.

Industry professionals will have the opportunity to vote for the winners from the finalists and see award-winning achievements in person at IDEA® 2022, the World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics, March 28-31, at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Presented by INDA, in partnership with Nonwovens Industry magazine, the awards recognize the leading introductions in equipment, raw materials, short-life, long-life and nonwovens products, and sustainability. To vote on the Nonwovens Industry website, visit:

In addition, INDA will unveil the IDEA® 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award honoree and Nonwovens Industry will announce the IDEA® Entrepreneur Achievement Award recipient at the event.  

All of the winners will be announced on March 30 at a ceremony at IDEA® from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. moderated by Dave Rousse, President, INDA and Karen, McIntyre, Editor, Nonwovens Industry.

The INDA Technical Advisory Board, consisting of technical professionals from member companies, has narrowed the competition from more than 100 online nominations to the following 18 finalists selected for their leading innovations since the last IDEA show in 2019.

The industry will have the chance to select their top choices from the three finalists in each of the following six categories through the online voting process:

IDEA® Equipment Achievement Award

  • ESC-8 – Curt G. Joa, Inc.
    Imagine endless combinations of insert and chassis designs for adult incontinence production at the push of a button. With patent-pending ESC-8™ Electronic Size Change Technology, JOA has addressed the need for automated product size change. The release of this industry-leading, first-of-a-kind technology gives customers the flexibility to configure endless insert and chassis combinations while maintaining higher production speeds and minimizing raw material usage. The ESC-8™ can be integrated into new and existing machines.
  • Elastic Thread Anchoring (ETA) Sonotrode – Herrmann Ultrasonics Inc.
    Elastics are an integral component to many hygiene products. Imagine a diaper or incontinence product that is reliable, adhesive-free and extremely soft. Herrmann Ultrasonics Elastic Thread Anchoring (ETA) Sonotrode technology provides just that, in an industry first, easy-to-use closed-loop feedback manufacturing solution. The fixation of the elastic threads is accomplished with ultrasonic energy that offers a wide process window, without the need for tool changeovers, at processing speeds above 2,000 ft./min.
  • Doffer Airlay Card – Technoplants SRL
    With airlaying suction and a doffing system like traditional roller cards, the Doffer Airlay Card makes it possible to produce carded webs with doffer in thicknesses from 10 to 1.500 gsm. With top and bottom suction, it can produce a partly carded and partly airlaid web. This card can comb, separate and make parallel all types of natural, synthetic and regenerated fibers for applications including hygiene, filtration, medical and gradient acquisition distribution layer (ADL).

IDEA® Raw Material Achievement Award

  • sero™ premium hemp fiber – Bast Fibre Technologies Inc.
    sero™ 100 percent premium hemp fibers are the result of years of the company’s top-to-bottom supply chain experience. BFT’s proprietary processing technology is employed to carefully clean, individualize, and soften bast fibers that meet stringent nonwoven technical standards and are plastic-free, tree-free, and compostable. sero™ fibers are a plug-and-play replacement for plastic fibers that run seamlessly on major nonwoven platforms without compromising production speeds, efficiency, or uniformity.
  • ODOGard – Rem Brands, Inc.
    Rem Brands, Inc.’s patented ODOGard® technology is a revolutionary advancement in odor elimination. This next-generation odor elimination mechanism works by covalent molecular bonding to malodors. Malodors are permanently attached to the ODOGard® molecule, changing them into non-odorous molecules forever. ODOGard® can be impregnated into pulp fluff and other kinds of media. Whether  malodors come from the air or from hygiene products, ODOGard® has it covered.
  • SharoWIPES™ – Sharon Laboratories
    SharoWIPES™ by Sharon Laboratories, Israel, is a technological breakthrough from in-depth scientific research addressing industry needs for more “clean label, non-irritating, eco-friendly” consumer wet wipes. With their unique anti-biofilm mechanism, SharoWIPES™ offer dual protection from microbial contamination of both the wet wipe formula, as well as the non-woven fabric. SharoWIPES™ preservation systems deliver broad-spectrum protection at low levels contributing to wet wipe brand equity with free from, microbiome friendly, vegan and biodegradable claims.

IDEA® Short-Life Product Achievement Award

  • MDP™ – Dermasteel, Ltd.
    MDP™ presents a breakthrough approach to restoring the quality of life for men experiencing bladder leakage. MDP™ is a revolutionary nonwoven product for men coping with light urinary incontinence that is invisibly discreet, effective, comfortable, and reliable. It features Body ID Technology™ for customized adjustment, variable elasticity strapping, self-reflexive side panels for unimpeded breathability, form-fitting to the unique characteristics of each man’s anatomy, and the smallest carbon footprint of any comparable male incontinence option.
  • Organic 2.0 – Ellepot A/S
    In young plant propagation, plastic products are used in large quantities. Ellepot’s new paper is a game-changer supporting plastic exit strategies. During six years in development, Ellepot and Ahlstrom-Munksjö partnered with OrganoClick, the developer of special binders using organocatalysis, a field of chemistry awarded the Nobel Prize in 2021. The product is approved for organic crops in Germany, the UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden and Canada and certified okay home compostable and biodegradable in soil.
  • LifeSavers Wipes – LifeSavers LLC
    LifeSavers Wipes are personal hygiene wipes that change color if they detect abnormal health indicators in the urine. The launch product is a diabetic wipe, which will change color if there are abnormal levels of glucose in the urine. The wipes are therefore triple purposed as they assist with personal hygiene after urinating, act as an early warning system, and serve as an instant glucose monitor. UTI and kidney disease wipes are next in line.

IDEA® Long-Life Product Achievement Award

  • Canopy Hero Pro – Canopy
    Today’s reusable respirators are uncomfortable, limit communication, and can lose effectiveness after cleaning. Disposable options pose similar issues and generate waste. Canopy® has created a next-generation, reusable respirator for healthcare workers that’s comfortable, easy to clean, exceeds federal safety standards, has a transparent front to allow for improved communication, costs less than disposables, and can help save 7,200 tons of waste daily. Its patented, transparent, fully mechanical filter helps protect those who protect us.
  • Long-Life Cellulose-based Nonwovens for Higher Performance in Reusable Baby Diapers – Kelheim Fibres GmbH and Sumo Diapers
    Innovation exemplified: the trend-setting Sumo Baby Cloth Diaper shows how needle-punched/thermobonded nonwovens find their way into reusable diapers, thanks to Kelheim Fibres’ specialty viscose fibers with adjusted cross-sections (trilobal and hollow). This technology pushes liquid management capabilities and the absorbency of washable hygiene products to new levels, creating a unique duality of high-performance and high-sustainability credentials, and opening up new fields of application.
  • Nanofiber Cabin Air Filter – MANN + HUMMEL GmbH
    MANN+HUMMEL has developed a hybrid media by combining electret-based spunbond and a pure mechanical filtration layer of ultrafine polymer fibers. The result: an outstanding separation of PM1 particles up to 95 percent, according to DIN EN ISO 16890. This technology enables stable filtration performance and long-term efficiency over the whole filter lifetime. The nanofiber layer can be combined with any cabin air filter media of the MANN+HUMMEL range, improving air quality in a vehicle’s cabin significantly.

IDEA® Sustainability Advancement Award

  • Pureflow8 – In Flight Material Separator – Diaper Recycling Technology Pte. Ltd.
    New bolt-on additions to the company’s Generation 8 recycling platform guarantee increased performance in terms of material purity and work efficiency. While recovering up to 87 percent of diaper waste raw material’s financial investment, DRT pushes the boundaries further to meet sustainability targets and include active pulp scanning, fluidizing SAP re-gen technology, and gravimetric pulp refeed processes. DRT recognizes its teams and suppliers who have worked tremendously hard to complete this major milestone.
  • Fitesa® 100 Percent BioBased Bico – Fitesa
    Fitesa® S Bico 100 percent BioBased PE/PLA is a technically sophisticated plant-sourced nonwoven that has been successfully applied in innovative baby diapers as topsheet, backsheet, and front ear components to deliver classic spunbond strength with good abrasion resistance and converting performance. It is responsibly sourced, PE soft, and sustainable, leaving a negative carbon footprint by reducing environmental CO2. It represents the next generation of hygienic nonwovens designed to make work easier and life better.
  • Fiber-based Screw Caps – Glatfelter Corp. and Blue Ocean Closures
    Finally, an alternative to metal and plastic screw caps! Blue Ocean Closures partnered with Glatfelter and ALPLA to accelerate and produce sustainable and environmentally-friendly packaging solutions. The companies optimized their use of renewable and recyclable wood fibers and airlaid materials by creating paper-based screw caps that are durable, strong, and water-resistant. The method of proprietary vacuum press forming allows for low production cost and high scalability.

IDEA® Nonwoven Product Achievement Award

  • Sontara® Silk – Glatfelter Corp.
    Sontara® Silk perfectly fits facial contour, is luxurious on the skin, and has a minimal environmental impact. When infused with lotion, these masks have enhanced elasticity, conform closely to the skin, and have excellent adhesion. Sontara® Silk has superior translucency and ensures even penetration of active ingredients onto the skin. Sontara® Silk fabric is manufactured with premium fibers derived from natural raw material. These sustainable materials allow the product to be biodegradable and compostable.
  • HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo – Sustainable Nonwoven Substrates – Suominen Corporation
    Suominen’s latest moist tissue product, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo achieves dry tissue dispersibility through a proprietary blend of 100 percent sustainable cellulosic materials, minimizing environmental impact. This flushable nonwoven has a premium hand feel for a luxurious consumer experience. In addition, it passes dispersibility standards set by INDA (GD4) and the International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG.) HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo is produced in Europe and North America and represents multi-year development and market insights to deliver a personal care product ideal for today’s consumer.
  • LS SAF™ Nonwoven Fabrics –Technical Absorbents
    Technical Absorbents developed a new grade of Low Shrink (LS) superabsorbent fiber (SAFTM) for use within a new range of nonwovens that are more resistant to shrinkage. The new LS SAFTM fiber and resulting fabrics were developed in response to demand from the medical industry for a superabsorbent nonwoven suitable for use in advanced wound pad dressings. The new fiber was engineered to be capable of withstanding the moisture used in the EtO sterilization process.

Moving forward after this year, the IDEA® Achievement Award will be presented every two years under the new cycle announced for the event with the subsequent IDEA® taking place April 23-25, 2024.

(c) adidas AG

adidas celebrates and supports Black women in Sport, Fashion and Innovation

  • This Black History Month, the brand is announcing a series of ongoing initiatives focused on celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black women - starting with elevating stories of their lived experiences
  • New community actions include an accelerator program for social entrepreneurs; a series of adidas Community curriculums and mentorship opportunities; and an industry-changing design program for the next generation of creators
  • Powered by its Impossible Is Nothing attitude, adidas is accelerating its mission to create real , lasting change for historically underserved communities

In a continuation of the brand’s Impossible Is Nothing attitude – and its biggest ever commitment to women – adidas is centering its Black History Month initiatives around celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black Women in sport, fashion and innovation.

  • This Black History Month, the brand is announcing a series of ongoing initiatives focused on celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black women - starting with elevating stories of their lived experiences
  • New community actions include an accelerator program for social entrepreneurs; a series of adidas Community curriculums and mentorship opportunities; and an industry-changing design program for the next generation of creators
  • Powered by its Impossible Is Nothing attitude, adidas is accelerating its mission to create real , lasting change for historically underserved communities

In a continuation of the brand’s Impossible Is Nothing attitude – and its biggest ever commitment to women – adidas is centering its Black History Month initiatives around celebrating, uplifting and supporting Black Women in sport, fashion and innovation.

Brought to life through athlete partners like Kahleah Copper, Erica Wheeler, Angel McCoughtry , Imani Dorsey, Kendra Harrison and Sarah Nurse , this year’s Black History Month platform focuses on the representation of Black voices by spotlighting the real-life experiences of Black athletes. Meanwhile, sustained community programming and actions will offer Black women creators with real-life opportunities for education, mentorship and growth.

Among many long-term community initiatives that create more opportunities for Black girls and women, adidas is deepening its commitment with the following programs launching this month and beyond:

  • Cultivate & B.L.O.O.M (Building Legacies Out Of Movements) an adidas Accelerator - adidas has created an accelerator program that aims to close the opportunity gap that exists for social entrepreneurs of color.  
  • S.E.E.D. (School for Experimental Education in Design) Program - S.E.E.D. is a two-year program at the adidas Brooklyn Creator Farm in partnership with Pensole Academy
  • adidas Community Platform - adidas Community is a digital network for education, creative collaboration , and growth opportunities that pairs community members with community mentors

Other ongoing programming and partnerships includes work with adidas Legacy, the Black Women’s Player’s Collective, U.S. Soccer Foundation, Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD foundation, Pharrell’s Black Ambition, United Negro College Fund scholarsships, Growth Fellowship, Appeitie for Change youth programming, Wood U in partnership with Pensole and the Iovine & Young Academy and Sound Labs  - an initiative to foster creative collaboration , innovation and proactively support music programs in public schools lacking in financial support.


adidas AG

(c) Manufy

Sustainable fashion platform Manufy reaches first 1000 production requests

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

The production requests being placed on the platform cover a wide range of garments. Hoodies and t-shirts are popular, but the Manufy team also sees lots of shoes, caps, bags, dresses, swimwear and lingerie requests coming in. “This sometimes leads us to having to find manufacturers specifically for the job, but it helps us to create a better user experience!” explains Dicker.

Manufy uses feedback from its users to keep improving the platform. Aside from finding new manufacturers to fill production requests the team has been working on a lot of new functionalities based on input from users. A new version of the platform will be released very soon. “With Manufy 2.0 it will become easier to organise your projects, place re-orders and have all your production details in one place. Manufy will be your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!” says Dicker.

More information:
Manufy Sustainability digital


(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital unveils Ink Manufacturing Site in Israel

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced on 26th January the official opening of its new scalable, state-of-the-art ink manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, Israel.  

The modern, 11,000-square-meter facility incorporates advanced automation, sophisticated workflows, and innovative technologies for production optimization. The new high-volume production facility is expected to fulfill global demand for Kornit consumables for the next decade.

Recently completed at an estimated investment of $25 million USD, the facility was built in accordance with the highest quality, safety, and security standards, reflecting the Company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets embedded in Kornit Digital’s 2020 Impact Report.

“This is a key milestone in our journey to become a $1 billion company by 2026 and will ensure we can support the tremendous growth our customers are experiencing, for many years to come,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are proud to lead the charge for a cleaner and more responsive textile industry as we continue to write the operating system for sustainable fashion and textiles on demand.”

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced on 26th January the official opening of its new scalable, state-of-the-art ink manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, Israel.  

The modern, 11,000-square-meter facility incorporates advanced automation, sophisticated workflows, and innovative technologies for production optimization. The new high-volume production facility is expected to fulfill global demand for Kornit consumables for the next decade.

Recently completed at an estimated investment of $25 million USD, the facility was built in accordance with the highest quality, safety, and security standards, reflecting the Company’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets embedded in Kornit Digital’s 2020 Impact Report.

“This is a key milestone in our journey to become a $1 billion company by 2026 and will ensure we can support the tremendous growth our customers are experiencing, for many years to come,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are proud to lead the charge for a cleaner and more responsive textile industry as we continue to write the operating system for sustainable fashion and textiles on demand.”


Kornit Digital / pr4u

(c) INDA

INDA moves IDEA® to a two-year cycle and FiltXPO™ to every 18 months

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces that IDEA® – an event for the Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics Industry – will be held every two years instead of three starting in 2024.

The upcoming dates for IDEA® under the new schedule will be March 28-31, 2022, as currently scheduled, and then April 23-25, 2024. Both will be held as live, in-person events at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida.

“INDA has three key reasons for making this change in event frequency,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President.  “First, the nonwovens industry has been a vibrant, innovative sector with new products, processes and materials every year, so providing an opportunity to showcase more frequently these new developments better serves the industry. Second, one of the major nonwoven events in Asia has declared they will run each and every year, impacting the past three-year cycle of major shows in the nonwovens industry. Third, coming out of the Covid pandemic, market research predicts for the near future that regional events are expected to be better supported than global events.”

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces that IDEA® – an event for the Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics Industry – will be held every two years instead of three starting in 2024.

The upcoming dates for IDEA® under the new schedule will be March 28-31, 2022, as currently scheduled, and then April 23-25, 2024. Both will be held as live, in-person events at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida.

“INDA has three key reasons for making this change in event frequency,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President.  “First, the nonwovens industry has been a vibrant, innovative sector with new products, processes and materials every year, so providing an opportunity to showcase more frequently these new developments better serves the industry. Second, one of the major nonwoven events in Asia has declared they will run each and every year, impacting the past three-year cycle of major shows in the nonwovens industry. Third, coming out of the Covid pandemic, market research predicts for the near future that regional events are expected to be better supported than global events.”

The last time IDEA® was held in 2019 it broke all attendance records. INDA expects the 2022 edition March 28-31 to attract several thousand senior-level buyers and attendees from over 60 countries and several hundred exhibitors from a myriad of industry sectors, including absorbent hygiene, wipes, filtration, medical and surgical products, personal protective equipment, home and office furnishings, transportation, geosynthetics and building construction.

More information:
INDA IDEA Filtxpo nonwovens



AVK/SMC-BMC Alliance: New date for SMCCreate 2022 design conference

SMCCreate 2022, the design conference jointly organized by the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK Expert Group SMC/BMC is postponed to 28-29 June 2022. Interested presenters still have the opportunity to submit a paper for the conference.

This conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

Within the time of 1.5 day, the SMCCreate 2022 conference will cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability.

SMCCreate 2022, the design conference jointly organized by the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK Expert Group SMC/BMC is postponed to 28-29 June 2022. Interested presenters still have the opportunity to submit a paper for the conference.

This conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

Within the time of 1.5 day, the SMCCreate 2022 conference will cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability.

Call for papers
For all interested parties who would like to contribute their expertise on topics related to SMC/BMC, there is still the opportunity to submit presentation proposals. The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2022 and can be send to Birgit Förster.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

(c) BB Engineering GmbH

BB Engineering GmbH delivers melt filter for PET recycling system to Indorama Polyester Industries

BB Engineering GmbH (Germany) delivers a melt filter for recycling PET flakes to polyester manufacturer Indorama Polyester Industries (Thailand). Indorama will be using the type NSF38 filter in its recently assembled recycling system in order to produce rPET granulate from flake PET bottle waste. The NSF38 filter enables continual filtering – in other words, the system switches from one filter to the other during the process without the need for conversion shut-downs. The filter allows the processing of consumer waste for example, in the form of shredded PET bottles into new, high-quality rPET granulate. This granulate is subsequently processed into manmade fibers in spinning systems.

The NSF38 is a switchable filter with a filter surface area of ap-prox. 16 m2 on each side, with throughputs of between 1,000 and 1,900 kg/h. The filter inserts each contain 19 pleated filter candles (60 x 1,000mm Ø). The filter medium comprises a sin-tered metal fiber nonwoven with a filtration fineness of 25 μm. This ensures that the melt remains free of contaminants and gel particles, which in turn enables the production of high-quality end products.

BB Engineering GmbH (Germany) delivers a melt filter for recycling PET flakes to polyester manufacturer Indorama Polyester Industries (Thailand). Indorama will be using the type NSF38 filter in its recently assembled recycling system in order to produce rPET granulate from flake PET bottle waste. The NSF38 filter enables continual filtering – in other words, the system switches from one filter to the other during the process without the need for conversion shut-downs. The filter allows the processing of consumer waste for example, in the form of shredded PET bottles into new, high-quality rPET granulate. This granulate is subsequently processed into manmade fibers in spinning systems.

The NSF38 is a switchable filter with a filter surface area of ap-prox. 16 m2 on each side, with throughputs of between 1,000 and 1,900 kg/h. The filter inserts each contain 19 pleated filter candles (60 x 1,000mm Ø). The filter medium comprises a sin-tered metal fiber nonwoven with a filtration fineness of 25 μm. This ensures that the melt remains free of contaminants and gel particles, which in turn enables the production of high-quality end products.


BB Engineering GmbH

(c) adidas

adidas unveils its first product with Spinnova

  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is the first product created in partnership with textile material company, Spinnova
  • Part of the hoodie’s fabric is made from wood-based fibres
  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is a step on adidas’ journey to create nine out of 10 articles with a more sustainable technology, materials, design or manufacturing method by 2025

Eight months after adidas announced its partnership with Finnish textile material company Spinnova, the brand has unveiled its first product made in part with Spinnova fibres.

Composed of a minimum of 25% wood-based fibres and 75% organic cotton, the adidas TERREX HS1 is a mid-layer for hikers that sees adidas exploring a more sustainable textile solution.

  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is the first product created in partnership with textile material company, Spinnova
  • Part of the hoodie’s fabric is made from wood-based fibres
  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is a step on adidas’ journey to create nine out of 10 articles with a more sustainable technology, materials, design or manufacturing method by 2025

Eight months after adidas announced its partnership with Finnish textile material company Spinnova, the brand has unveiled its first product made in part with Spinnova fibres.

Composed of a minimum of 25% wood-based fibres and 75% organic cotton, the adidas TERREX HS1 is a mid-layer for hikers that sees adidas exploring a more sustainable textile solution.

adidas is committed to helping end plastic waste via a three-loop strategy that consists of using recycled materials, materials that can be remade into entirely new products, and, in the case of Made with Nature, products created in part with natural ingredients, such as the adidas TERREX HS1. Its outdoor brand, adidas TERREX , is leading the innovation of technical materials with the aim of helping drive better product solutions for adventurers in nature while ensuring there is no compromise on style or performance .

By 2025, nine out of 10 adidas articles will carry a more sustainable technology, material, design, or method of manufacturing and adidas’ partnership with Spinnova is a major part of this journey.



International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at IDEA 2022 in Miami, USA, from March 29 to 31. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing.

A special highlight for IDEA is the virtual booth called the “ANDRITZ Teleport”. For customers who cannot travel to Miami due to the travel restrictions, ANDRITZ offers the opportunity to enter this booth and discover technologies, obtain the latest marketing material and press information, and meet the ANDRITZ team.

See attached document for more information on product portfolio.

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at IDEA 2022 in Miami, USA, from March 29 to 31. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, airlay, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, recycling, and natural fiber processing.

A special highlight for IDEA is the virtual booth called the “ANDRITZ Teleport”. For customers who cannot travel to Miami due to the travel restrictions, ANDRITZ offers the opportunity to enter this booth and discover technologies, obtain the latest marketing material and press information, and meet the ANDRITZ team.

See attached document for more information on product portfolio.

More information:
Andritz IDEA nonwovens spunlace


(c) nova-Institut GmbH

Winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year

The annual highlight of the industry is the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Cologne, where the latest innovations were showcased: new cellulose fibre technologies for various feedstocks and a wide range of hygiene and textile products as well as alternatives to plastics and carbon fibre for lightweight constructions.

This year, for the first time, there were 230 participants from 27 countries. About 60 were able to attend on site – with strict Corona safety measures – while the others were able to attend online and participate in questions and discussions.

The conference gave deep insights into the promising future of cellulose fibres, which fit perfectly into the current trends of circular economy, recycling and sustainable carbon cycles.

The annual highlight of the industry is the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Cologne, where the latest innovations were showcased: new cellulose fibre technologies for various feedstocks and a wide range of hygiene and textile products as well as alternatives to plastics and carbon fibre for lightweight constructions.

This year, for the first time, there were 230 participants from 27 countries. About 60 were able to attend on site – with strict Corona safety measures – while the others were able to attend online and participate in questions and discussions.

The conference gave deep insights into the promising future of cellulose fibres, which fit perfectly into the current trends of circular economy, recycling and sustainable carbon cycles.

An important focus at the conference was alternative sources of cellulose. The increasing demand for cellulose fibres cannot be met in the long run with wood and used textiles alone. At the conference, a variety of agricultural by-products and biogenic waste were presented in presentations and panel discussions, such as orange and banana peels, grain and hemp straw. Much of this is high-volume and has not been put to high-value use so far. Exciting opportunities for the future cellulose fibre industry.

Innovation Award
Live at the conference, host nova-Institute and award sponsor GIG Karasek GmbH granted the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award to one of six highly interesting products.

  • First Winner: Carbon Fibres from Wood – German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (Germany)
  • Second Winner: Fibers365, Truly Carbon-Negative Virgin Fibres from Straw - Fibers365 (Germany)
  • Third Winner: Sustainable Menstruation Panties: Application-driven Fibre Functionalisation – Kelheim Fibres (Germany)

Renewable Carbon as a Guiding Principle for Sustainable Carbon Cycles

  • Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) published a strategy paper on the defossilisation of the chemical and material industry with eleven policy recommendations

The Renewable Carbon Initiative, an interest group of more than 30 companies from the wide field of the chemical and material value chains, was founded in 2020 to collaboratively enable the chemical and material industries to tackle the challenges in meeting the climate goals set by the European Union and the sustainability expectations held by societies around the globe.

RCI addresses the core of the climate problem: 72% of anthropogenic climate change is caused directly by extracted fossil carbon from the ground. In order to rapidly mitigate climate change and achieve our global ambition for greenhouse gas emission reductions, the inflow of further fossil carbon from the ground into our system must be reduced as quickly as possible and in large scale.

  • Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) published a strategy paper on the defossilisation of the chemical and material industry with eleven policy recommendations

The Renewable Carbon Initiative, an interest group of more than 30 companies from the wide field of the chemical and material value chains, was founded in 2020 to collaboratively enable the chemical and material industries to tackle the challenges in meeting the climate goals set by the European Union and the sustainability expectations held by societies around the globe.

RCI addresses the core of the climate problem: 72% of anthropogenic climate change is caused directly by extracted fossil carbon from the ground. In order to rapidly mitigate climate change and achieve our global ambition for greenhouse gas emission reductions, the inflow of further fossil carbon from the ground into our system must be reduced as quickly as possible and in large scale.

In the energy and transport sector, this means a vigorous and fast expansion of renewable energies, hydrogen and electromobility, the so-called decarbonisation of these sectors. The EU has already started pushing an ambitious agenda in this space and will continue to do so, for instance with the recently released ‘Fit for 55’ package.

However, these policies have so far largely ignored other industries that extract and use fossil carbon. The chemical and material industries have a high demand for carbon and are essentially only possible with carbon-based feedstocks, as most of their products cannot do without carbon. Unlike energy, these sectors cannot be “decarbonised”, as molecules will always need carbon. The equivalent to decarbonisation via renewable energy in the energy sector is the transition to renewable carbon in the chemical and derived materials industries. Both strategies avoid bringing additional fossil carbon from the ground into the cycle and can be summarised under the term “defossilisation”.

To decouple chemistry from fossil carbon, the key question is which non-fossil carbon sources can be used in the future. Rapid developments in biosciences and chemistry have unlocked novel, renewable and increasingly affordable sources of carbon, which provide us with alternative solutions for a more sustainable chemicals and materials sector. These alternative sources are: biomass, utilisation of CO2 and recycling. They are combined under the term “renewable carbon”. When used as a guiding principle, renewable carbon provides a clear goal to work towards with sufficient room to manoeuvre for the whole sector. It enables the industry to think out of the box of established boundaries and stop the influx of additional fossil carbon from the ground.

The systematic change to renewable carbon will not only require significant efforts from industry, but must be supported by policy measures, technology developments and major investments. In order to implement a rapid and high-volume transition away from fossil carbon, and to demonstrate its impact, a supportive policy framework is essential. The emphasis should be put on sourcing carbon responsibly and in a manner that does not adversely impact the wider planetary boundaries nor undermines societal foundations. An overarching carbon management strategy is required that also takes specific regional and application-related features into account, to identify the most sustainable carbon source from the renewable carbon family. This will allow for a proper organisation of the complex transition from today’s fossil carbon from the ground to renewable energy and to renewable carbon across all industrial sectors.

RCI has developed eleven concrete policy recommendations on renewable carbon, carbon management, support for the transformation of the existing chemical infrastructure and the transformation of biofuel plants into chemical suppliers. The policy paper “Renewable Carbon as a Guiding Principle for Sustainable Carbon Cycles” is freely available for download in both a short version and a long version.

Link for Download:


Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)


VDMA textile machinery webinar on sustainable dyeing involved Monforts, DyStar® and Goller

Over 600 delegates from 58 countries subscribed to the latest VDMA textile machinery webinar on sustainable dyeing held on February 3rd, 2022 – a record since the monthly online series started in June 2020. The webinar, entitled ‘Resource-saving in Textile Processing – Continuous Dyeing and Washing’, involved the three companies Monforts, DyStar® and Goller.

In outlining the capabilities of Monforts Thermex hotflue lines for the Econtrol® continuous dyeing process, the company’s Textile Technologies Engineer Jonas Beisel observed that the current industry focus is very much on cleaner processes and products in accordance with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments of the major fashion brands, and with further regulations to be expected.

Econtrol® is a continuous process for the dyeing of woven cellulosic fabrics that has already been well proven on the market, with over 150 Monforts Thermex lines already in operation at mills worldwide.

Over 600 delegates from 58 countries subscribed to the latest VDMA textile machinery webinar on sustainable dyeing held on February 3rd, 2022 – a record since the monthly online series started in June 2020. The webinar, entitled ‘Resource-saving in Textile Processing – Continuous Dyeing and Washing’, involved the three companies Monforts, DyStar® and Goller.

In outlining the capabilities of Monforts Thermex hotflue lines for the Econtrol® continuous dyeing process, the company’s Textile Technologies Engineer Jonas Beisel observed that the current industry focus is very much on cleaner processes and products in accordance with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments of the major fashion brands, and with further regulations to be expected.

Econtrol® is a continuous process for the dyeing of woven cellulosic fabrics that has already been well proven on the market, with over 150 Monforts Thermex lines already in operation at mills worldwide.

Reactive dyestuffs are fixed into the fabric in a one-step dyeing and drying process with a controlled combination of steam and air. The entire pad-dry process takes just two-to-three minutes at a temperature of between 120-130°C and a relative humidity volume of 25-30%.

The Econtrol® pad-dry process has a number of immediate benefits. Compared to the common pad-dry-pad-steam process, no salt is used and no steamer is required for a separate fixation step.

Compared to the pad-dry-thermofix process, no urea is used and no smoke or deposits are generated, and unlike with the cold pad batch process, direct feedback of the dyeing results ensures no batching time is necessary and guarantees good reproducibility from the lab to bulk production.

Complementary services and systems
Complementing the Monforts presentation during the webinar, Bertram Seuthe, Global Business Development Manager at DyStar, outlined the importance of specific Levafix® /Remazol® reactive dyes and Dianix® disperse dyes for sustainable dyeing processes such as Econtrol®, Cadira® Continuous and CPB knit. In these processes Sera® auxiliaries are also employed for optimised wash-off results.

Guido Seiler, Area Sales Manager at Fong's Europe, also introduced the latest developments of the Goller brand for the washing process, which can reduce water consumption by between 10 to 20%, as well as reductions in both heating energy and waste generation, depending on the specific fabric construction and required shade.


Monforts  / DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd


NCTO: Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi visits Shawmut Corporation

Shawmut Corporation hosted Deputy United States Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi at the company’s headquarters and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in West Bridgewater, Mass., as part of the ambassador’s inaugural visit to textile manufacturing facilities in the New England area.

Ambassador Bianchi’s visit comes at a pivotal time for the U.S. textile supply chain, which produced $64 billion in output in 2020 and employed nearly 530,000 workers. Shawmut Corporation is part of the broader U.S. textile industry that has been at the forefront of a domestic production chain that has collectively manufactured over one billion personal protective equipment (PPE) items during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shawmut Corporation hosted Deputy United States Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi at the company’s headquarters and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in West Bridgewater, Mass., as part of the ambassador’s inaugural visit to textile manufacturing facilities in the New England area.

Ambassador Bianchi’s visit comes at a pivotal time for the U.S. textile supply chain, which produced $64 billion in output in 2020 and employed nearly 530,000 workers. Shawmut Corporation is part of the broader U.S. textile industry that has been at the forefront of a domestic production chain that has collectively manufactured over one billion personal protective equipment (PPE) items during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ambassador’s visit to Shawmut included a tour of the company’s manufacturing facility and a roundtable discussion highlighting the critical need for policies supporting a domestic supply chain and the innovative nature of the modern textile industry and its important contribution to the U.S. economy. Shawmut, a fourth-generation, family-run global advanced materials and textile manufacturer, is a global leader in automotive textile composites, innovative technical fabrics and custom laminating services, employing more than 700 employees worldwide with 10 global manufacturing plants and seven commercial offices. The company has also contributed greatly to U.S. PPE efforts, investing $20 million in a new state-of-the-art facility, which can produce up to 180 million NIOSH-approved N95 respirators and other PPE annually and created hundreds of new local jobs.

Ambassador Bianchi said, “Today’s tour of Shawmut’s manufacturing facilities and the roundtable discussion with textile industry executives was an invaluable opportunity for me to see innovative U.S. textile manufacturing first-hand, to learn more about the challenges that U.S. textile manufacturing faces, and to explore ways in which the Administration and industry can cooperate to support a worker-centric trade policy.”

During the visit, U.S. textile executives spanning the fiber, yarn, fabric, and finished product textile and apparel industries participated in a roundtable with the ambassador at which they discussed the innovative achievements and competitiveness of the domestic industry and outlined priority issues in Washington, such as the importance of Buy American and Berry Amendment government procurement policies, maintaining strong rules of origins in free trade agreements and the need to address larger systemic trade issues with China.

(c) Flocus ™

Flocus ™ kapok nonwovens and fabrics for the leather goods and footwear

Flocus ™, the trademark for kapok fibers, offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens. The company presents the most performing and zero carbon footprint solutions based on Flocus™ kapok available for the leather goods industry, a sector that is making an important transition to sustainability in terms of processing and raw materials.

As for nonwoven, some of their most used products in the world of leatherware are:

Flocus ™, the trademark for kapok fibers, offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens. The company presents the most performing and zero carbon footprint solutions based on Flocus™ kapok available for the leather goods industry, a sector that is making an important transition to sustainability in terms of processing and raw materials.

As for nonwoven, some of their most used products in the world of leatherware are:

  • Maliwatt - 50% Kapok, 50% PLA (based on corn), a 100% biodegradable non-woven which can be used in the shoe sole. Maliwatt can be thermopressed/heat press and turned into a paper/cardboard type and lightweight structure. It is the perfect material for sneakers, casual and active shoes thanks to its quick dry, antibacterial, hydrophobic, hypoallergenic, Insulation properties. Other frequent applications are in the field of automotive, construction and car panels, sound absorption and acoustics panels and geo textiles.
  • HDE /Hydroentanglement - 50% Kapok, 50% Organic cotton. It is a 100% natural and biodegradable material that can be used in the shoe production as a sole, intersole or as a padding for shoes and bags. Thanks to its termoregulating, lightweight, hypoallergenic, thermoconductivity, insulation, soft touch, hydrophobic, anti-moth anti mite properties, it is used for a large range of applications. It is popular in the apparel world as a cruelty free filling for winter jackets, replacing duck down, and in the home industry ad a stuffing for mattresses, duvets, furniture, sleeping bags.

The offer for the leather goods industry includes also Flocus™ kapok-based fabrics in different blends and weights: linings, coatings, fabric inserts, accessories, components rich in performance and style. For example, kapok and organic cotton with GOTS certification, kapok with Tencel and recycled polyester (Repreve), kapok with linen, organic cotton and a small percentage of Spandex.

These materials were presented at the September 2021 edition of Lineapelle in the exhibition "A New point of materials", dedicated to eco-responsible innovations in terms of technologies, applications, materials and machines.




ANDRITZ at Inlegmash 2022 in Russia

ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative solutions for nonwovens production and textile manufacturing at INLEGMASH 2022 in Moscow, Russia, from March 14 to 17.

Protecting the environment and conserving natural resources require new technologies. In the textile-related industries, the current challenge is to develop industrially and economically viable solutions to use eco-friendly fibers in nonwovens. ANDRITZ focuses on the airlay nonwoven application for hemp fibers (used in mattress production, insulation, ...) and also geotextile end uses.

ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative solutions for nonwovens production and textile manufacturing at INLEGMASH 2022 in Moscow, Russia, from March 14 to 17.

Protecting the environment and conserving natural resources require new technologies. In the textile-related industries, the current challenge is to develop industrially and economically viable solutions to use eco-friendly fibers in nonwovens. ANDRITZ focuses on the airlay nonwoven application for hemp fibers (used in mattress production, insulation, ...) and also geotextile end uses.

ANDRITZ Laroche is a leading supplier of fiber processing technologies such as opening, blending, and dosing, airlay web forming, textile waste recycling, and decortication of bast fibers. One focus of this product range lies on complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end uses. ANDRITZ will present recycling technologies for end-of-life textile products that can be used in multiple applications, such as automotive, insulation, mattresses, and furniture felts.

Customer awareness and regulations are pushing apparel brands to recycle their textile waste and use the recycled textile fibers in their own products. To support ANDRITZ customers, a team with process know-how is available to conduct customized trials in our advanced technical center located at the ANDRITZ Laroche facilities in Cours, France.

For the demanding Russian market for technologies based on bast fibers, ANDRITZ will present innovative products and the valorization of bast fibers, in particular hemp.
ANDRITZ Laroche is a player in the textile waste recycling sector, with airlay nonwoven technologies but also bast fiber decortication and cottonizing lines.

These eco-friendly fibers are used to spin yarn mixed with cotton, saving cotton as raw material, which reduces the consumption of water, pesticides applied in its cultivation and chemicals used during the dyeing and finishing processes.

More information:
Andritz Inlegmash nonwovens Recycling


(c) adidas AG
Roland Auschel, Executive Board member, responsible for Global Sales

adidas Supervisory Board extends appointments of Roland Auschel and Brian Grevy

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Roland Auschel, responsible for Global Sales, by two years beyond 2022 until the end of 2024. Roland Auschel has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2013. At the same time, the Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Brian Grevy, responsible for Global Brands, by five years beyond 2022 until early 2028. Brian Grevy has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2020.

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I am very pleased to announce that we have extended the appointments of both Roland and Brian. Our long-term strategy ‘Own the Game’ has the consumer at its heart. Both Roland and Brian play key roles in bringing this consumer focus to life with their respective functions. We are convinced that they will continue the successful execution of our strategy together with the entire Executive Board”, stated Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG.

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Roland Auschel, responsible for Global Sales, by two years beyond 2022 until the end of 2024. Roland Auschel has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2013. At the same time, the Supervisory Board of adidas AG extended the appointment of Executive Board member Brian Grevy, responsible for Global Brands, by five years beyond 2022 until early 2028. Brian Grevy has been member of the Executive Board of adidas AG since 2020.

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I am very pleased to announce that we have extended the appointments of both Roland and Brian. Our long-term strategy ‘Own the Game’ has the consumer at its heart. Both Roland and Brian play key roles in bringing this consumer focus to life with their respective functions. We are convinced that they will continue the successful execution of our strategy together with the entire Executive Board”, stated Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG.