From the Sector

419 results

BTE kommentiert seine Pressemeldung zum Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf

Der BTE hat am 18. Juli über eine Pressemeldung an die Publikums-Medien einen Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf ab 25. Juli angekündigt. Üblicherweise startet im Mode- und Schuhfachhandel und auch in etlichen anderen Branchen am letzten Juli-Montag der inoffizielle Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf. Er läutet dann - zum Teil als „Final Sale“ - den End- und Höhepunkt der Reduzierungsphase ein.
In diesem Sommer ist die Ausgangssituation in der Branche jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. Vor allem beratungsorientierte Fachgeschäfte haben ihre Ware aus der Frühjahr/Sommer-Saison trotz der zuletzt weiter rückläufigen Konsumstimmung oft gut abverkaufen können. Da es zudem noch einige Lieferausfälle gab, sind die Läger mit aktueller Ware dort weitgehend geleert. Zudem dürfte in mittelständischen Mode- und Schuhhäusern eher wenig modische Altware aus früheren Saisons lagern, da diese mit Hilfe der Überbrückungshilfe III vielfach an Postenaufkäufer oder Spendenorganisationen abgegeben wurde.

Der BTE hat am 18. Juli über eine Pressemeldung an die Publikums-Medien einen Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf ab 25. Juli angekündigt. Üblicherweise startet im Mode- und Schuhfachhandel und auch in etlichen anderen Branchen am letzten Juli-Montag der inoffizielle Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf. Er läutet dann - zum Teil als „Final Sale“ - den End- und Höhepunkt der Reduzierungsphase ein.
In diesem Sommer ist die Ausgangssituation in der Branche jedoch sehr unterschiedlich. Vor allem beratungsorientierte Fachgeschäfte haben ihre Ware aus der Frühjahr/Sommer-Saison trotz der zuletzt weiter rückläufigen Konsumstimmung oft gut abverkaufen können. Da es zudem noch einige Lieferausfälle gab, sind die Läger mit aktueller Ware dort weitgehend geleert. Zudem dürfte in mittelständischen Mode- und Schuhhäusern eher wenig modische Altware aus früheren Saisons lagern, da diese mit Hilfe der Überbrückungshilfe III vielfach an Postenaufkäufer oder Spendenorganisationen abgegeben wurde.
Größere Unternehmen hatten diese Möglichkeit aufgrund der Deckelung der Überbrückungshilfe nicht oder nur in deutlich geringerem Ausmaß, in einzelnen Fällen waren staatliche Hilfen wegen vorheriger Insolvenzen nicht möglich. Speziell in preisorientierteren Formaten ist zudem anzunehmen, dass deren hauptsächliche Kundenklientel aktuell besonders stark unter den aktuellen Preissteigerungen leidet und sich daher zuletzt bei nicht notwendigen Modekäufen zurückhielt. Der Anteil von Altware dürfte in diesen Unternehmen daher höher liegen als in kleinen und mittleren Fachgeschäften.
Dies spiegelt sich auch in der Preisfront wider. Sale-Ankündigungen fanden sich in den letzten Wochen vor allem in den Schaufenstern der Groß-Filialisten, wo bereits Rabatte von 50 Prozent angepriesen wurden. Etliche mittelständische Händler hielten sich dagegen noch weitgehend zurück und werden nach Einschätzung des BTE auch weiterhin keine oder kaum Preisaktionen starten.
Das bedeutet: Das Interesse des Mode- und Schuhhandels am Bekanntmachen des aktuellen Schlussverkaufs ist sehr unterschiedlich. Daher hat der BTE aufgrund zunehmender Anfrage der Medien in der Pressemeldung einen Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf mit sehr unterschiedlicher Intensität angekündigt. Tenor der Meldung: Obwohl die Auswahl und ggf. auch die Rabatte von Geschäft zu Geschäft variieren und sich nicht alle Unternehmen gleichermaßen am Schlussverkauf beteiligen, lohnt sich der Besuch der Geschäfte. Denn wenn fast alles um einen herum teurer wird, freuen sich die Kunden umso mehr, wenn sie einmal preisgünstiger an attraktive Mode, Schuhe, Lederwaren oder Haustextilien kommen.
Hinweis: Die Pressemeldung wurde bereits breit in den Medien veröffentlicht und ist unter (Rubrik: News) einzusehen. Der BTE geht davon aus, dass die Berichte über den Schlussverkauf die Frequenzen in den Einkaufslagen erhöhen und davon auch jene Mode- und Schuhgeschäfte profitieren können, die sich nicht am Schlussverkauf beteiligen.

More information:
Schlussverkauf, Sale

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren


AkzoNobel publishes results for second quarter 2022

Akzo Nobel N.V.  publishes results for second quarter 2022

Highlights Grow & Deliver (compared with Q2 2021)

  • Revenue up 14% and 10% higher in constant currencies1, pricing up 16%
  • ROS2 at 8.7% (2021: 13.3%), resulting from lower volumes and continued raw material and freight costs inflation
  • Adjusted EBITDA at €337 million (2021: €419 million)
  • Acquisition of Grupo Orbis completed in April 2022. Intended acquisition of Kansai Paint’s business in Africa announced in June 2022. Intended acquisition of the liquid wheel coatings business of Germany-based Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH announced in July 2022

Highlights Q2 2022 (compared with Q2 2021)

Akzo Nobel N.V.  publishes results for second quarter 2022

Highlights Grow & Deliver (compared with Q2 2021)

  • Revenue up 14% and 10% higher in constant currencies1, pricing up 16%
  • ROS2 at 8.7% (2021: 13.3%), resulting from lower volumes and continued raw material and freight costs inflation
  • Adjusted EBITDA at €337 million (2021: €419 million)
  • Acquisition of Grupo Orbis completed in April 2022. Intended acquisition of Kansai Paint’s business in Africa announced in June 2022. Intended acquisition of the liquid wheel coatings business of Germany-based Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH announced in July 2022

Highlights Q2 2022 (compared with Q2 2021)

  • Pricing up 16%; offsetting the increase of raw material and other variable costs. Volumes 9% lower
  • Operating income at €205 million (2021: €384 million), includes €44 million negative impact from Identified items (2021: €49 million net positive impact). OPI margin 7.2% (2021: 15.3%)
  • Adjusted operating income3 at €249 million (2021: €335 million)
  • Net cash from operating activities decreased to negative €52 million (2021: positive €168 million)
  • Net income attributable to shareholders at €106 million (2021: €261 million)
  • EPS from total operations at €0.60 (2021: €1.40); adjusted EPS from continuing operations at €0.84 (2021: €1.20)
More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings



Rieter starts sales process for the remaining land owned by Rieter

  • Order intake of CHF 869.4 million, order backlog of more than CHF 2 100 million
  • Sales of CHF 620.6 million, preproduced deliveries in the three-digit million range had to be postponed until the second half of 2022
  • EBIT of CHF -10.2 million, net result of CHF -25.2 million due to significant cost increases, additional costs, and acquisition-related expenses
  • Action plan to increase sales and profitability
  • Rieter site Winterthur
  • Outlook

Rieter continued to be successful in the market in the first half of 2022. Based on the company’s technology leadership, innovative product portfolio and the completion of the ring- and compact-spinning system, a high order intake and a significant increase in sales were generated. The increase in sales was achieved even though preproduced deliveries in the three-digit million range had to be postponed until the second half of 2022. The order backlog is at a record level.

  • Order intake of CHF 869.4 million, order backlog of more than CHF 2 100 million
  • Sales of CHF 620.6 million, preproduced deliveries in the three-digit million range had to be postponed until the second half of 2022
  • EBIT of CHF -10.2 million, net result of CHF -25.2 million due to significant cost increases, additional costs, and acquisition-related expenses
  • Action plan to increase sales and profitability
  • Rieter site Winterthur
  • Outlook

Rieter continued to be successful in the market in the first half of 2022. Based on the company’s technology leadership, innovative product portfolio and the completion of the ring- and compact-spinning system, a high order intake and a significant increase in sales were generated. The increase in sales was achieved even though preproduced deliveries in the three-digit million range had to be postponed until the second half of 2022. The order backlog is at a record level. Despite higher sales, the significant increase in material and logistics costs, additional costs for compensation of the material shortages and the expenditure incurred for the acquisition in the years 2021/2022 resulted in a loss. Rieter is implementing an action plan to increase sales and profitability. The sales process for the remaining land owned by Rieter was initiated.

Order Intake and Order Backlog
Rieter posted an order intake of CHF 869.4 million, which included CHF 176.6 million from the businesses acquired in the years 2021/2022. As expected, demand has thus returned to normal compared with the exceptionally high figure for the prior-year period, but remains well above the average figure for the last five years of around CHF 570 million (first half 2021: CHF 975.3 million, first half 2022 excluding acquisition effect CHF 692.8 million).

The regional shift in demand with investments in additional spinning capacity outside China along with investments in the competitiveness of Chinese spinning mills continues. Rieter benefits from its technology leadership, the innovative product portfolio and the completion of the ring- and compact-spinning system through the acquisition of the automatic winding machine business. The largest order intakes came from India, Turkey, China, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan.

On June 30, 2022, the company had an order backlog of more than CHF 2 100 million (June 30, 2021: CHF 1 135 million). Cancellations in the reporting period amounted to around 5% of the order backlog.

The Rieter Group posted sales of CHF 620.6 million, which included CHF 68.9 million from the businesses acquired in the years 2021/2022 (first half 2021: CHF 400.5 million).

As a result, sales were significantly higher than in the prior-year period, although preproduced deliveries, which mainly affected the Business Group Machines & Systems, in the three-digit million range had to be postponed until the second half of 2022. The reasons for the postponements were the COVID lockdown in China and supply chain bottlenecks.

EBIT, Net Result and Free Cash Flow
Rieter posted a loss of CHF -10.2 million at the EBIT level in the first half of 2022.

Earnings were impacted by significantly higher material and logistics costs. The price increases already implemented are having a delayed effect, mainly in the Business Group Machines & Systems, and were therefore unable to compensate for the high increase in costs. In addition, costs in connection with material shortages negatively impacted profitability. The result also includes acquisition-related expenses of CHF -11.2 million.

The loss at the net result level was CHF -25.2 million, of which CHF -17.6 million was due to the acquisition.

Free cash flow was CHF -57.1 million, attributable to the build-up of inventories in connection with the high order backlog and postponed deliveries.

Action Plan to Increase Sales and Profitability
Rieter is implementing a comprehensive package of measures with the aim of increasing sales and profitability in the second half of 2022.

The package focuses on two main priorities: Firstly, Rieter is continuing to systematically implement price increases while working to improve the quality of margins of the order backlog, so as to compensate for cost increases in materials and logistics.
Secondly, Rieter is working closely with key suppliers and is developing alternative solutions to eliminate material bottlenecks, as far as possible, in order to safeguard deliveries.

Rieter Site Winterthur
The Board of Directors has decided to begin the process for the sale of the remaining land at the Rieter site in Winterthur (Switzerland). In total, around 75 000 m2 of land will be sold.

As already reported, Rieter expects demand for new systems to normalize further in the coming months. Due to the capacity utilization at spinning mills, the company anticipates that demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts will remain at a good level.

For the full year 2022, due to the high order backlog and the consolidation of the businesses acquired from Saurer, Rieter expects sales of around CHF 1 400 million (2021: CHF 969.2 million). The reduced sales forecast compared to early 2022 (March 2022: CHF 1 500 million) reflects the impact of global supply bottlenecks. The realization of sales revenue from the order backlog continues to be associated with risks in relation to the well-known challenges.

Despite significantly higher sales, Rieter expects EBIT and net result for 2022 to be below the previous year’s level. This is due to the considerable increases in the cost of materials and logistics, additional costs for compensation of material shortages as well expenses in connection with the acquisition in the years 2021/2022. Despite the price increases already implemented, global cost increases continue to pose a risk to the growth of profitability.


Rieter Holding AG


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn rescheduled to 2023

In light of the current pandemic circumstances in China, the 2022 edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn will be deferred. The Autumn fair, which was originally scheduled to be held from 15 – 17 August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, will now take place in 2023 at the same venue. The fair’s organisers will announce the new date in due course.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the decision: “After holding discussions with our stakeholders, we have made what we believe to be the responsible decision to delay the fair. While the call was made with the safety of the fair’s participants in mind, deferring the fair to the early part of next year will also allow more time for fairgoers to plan for their participation.”

“We understand that there is a lot of anticipation surrounding this fair, with exhibitors and buyers eager to connect in person. We would like to thank all participants for their patience and understanding, and also to express our continued dedication to provide a quality international trading platform for the home textile industry.”

In light of the current pandemic circumstances in China, the 2022 edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn will be deferred. The Autumn fair, which was originally scheduled to be held from 15 – 17 August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, will now take place in 2023 at the same venue. The fair’s organisers will announce the new date in due course.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the decision: “After holding discussions with our stakeholders, we have made what we believe to be the responsible decision to delay the fair. While the call was made with the safety of the fair’s participants in mind, deferring the fair to the early part of next year will also allow more time for fairgoers to plan for their participation.”

“We understand that there is a lot of anticipation surrounding this fair, with exhibitors and buyers eager to connect in person. We would like to thank all participants for their patience and understanding, and also to express our continued dedication to provide a quality international trading platform for the home textile industry.”

Exhibitors or visitors with any further enquiries related to the fair can email, or visit the fair’s official website.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) Beaulieu International Group

Das France Relance-Programm stärkt die Stabilität von B.I.G. Yarns Comines

Am 13. Juli empfing B.I.G. Yarns Comines (FR) eine Delegation von institutionellen Vertretern im Rahmen des France Relance-Programms.

Ende 2021 wurde B.I.G. Yarns Comines als einer der Preisträger für das Programm der französischen Regierung ausgewählt, das sich stark auf die Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums konzentriert.

Das zu diesem Zweck geschaffene France Relance-Programm zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen nach der Covid-Krise finanziell zu unterstützen und die Erholung der Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Es gibt Unternehmen, die sich für zusätzliche Beschäftigung, die Stärkung von Kompetenzen (Beschäftigung, Ausbildung), Innovation, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und natürlich Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen, Sauerstoff.

Am 13. Juli empfing B.I.G. Yarns Comines (FR) eine Delegation von institutionellen Vertretern im Rahmen des France Relance-Programms.

Ende 2021 wurde B.I.G. Yarns Comines als einer der Preisträger für das Programm der französischen Regierung ausgewählt, das sich stark auf die Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums konzentriert.

Das zu diesem Zweck geschaffene France Relance-Programm zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen nach der Covid-Krise finanziell zu unterstützen und die Erholung der Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Es gibt Unternehmen, die sich für zusätzliche Beschäftigung, die Stärkung von Kompetenzen (Beschäftigung, Ausbildung), Innovation, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und natürlich Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen, Sauerstoff.

Die finanzielle Unterstützung ermöglichte es B.I.G. Yarns, die Produktionskapazität seiner erstklassigen 1-Schritt-3-Schicht-PA-Garntechnologie durch die Installation neuer, hochmoderner Produktionslinien am Standort Comines um 20% zu erhöhen. Die neuen Anlagen nutzen die hochmoderne PA-Garntechnologie von B.I.G. Yarns, die den Herstellern von Teppichfliesen mehr Freiheit in Bezug auf Design, Kontrast und Farbe, aber auch eine gesteigerte Flexibilität bietet. Dadurch können die Kunden schneller auf neue Entwicklungen auf dem Vertragsmarkt reagieren.

Auch den Mitarbeitern und der Umwelt kommt diese technologische Neuentwicklung zugute. Der spezifische Energieverbrauch wird ebenfalls optimiert und trägt so zur Energieeinsparung am Standort bei.

Neben der Stärkung und Erneuerung der Produktionsinfrastruktur und -technologie konzentrierte sich B.I.G. Yarns auch auf die Entwicklung neuer innovativer Produkte, die zu den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen seiner Kunden beitragen.

So wird B.I.G. Yarns zum ersten Mal PET-Garne produzieren und seinen Kunden in der Automobilindustrie ein völlig neues Portfolio an PET-Garnen anbieten können.

Dieses strategische Verstärkungsprojekt wird sicherstellen, dass sich B.I.G. Yarns Comines in einem sehr anspruchsvollen und sich schnell verändernden Markt, der von hohen Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen, starkem Wettbewerb und einer schwankenden Nachfrage, die den gesamten Sektor betrifft, geprägt ist, nachhaltig behaupten kann. Außerdem tragen alle Umsetzungen dazu bei, die CO2-Bilanz zu reduzieren, was sicherstellt, dass B.I.G. Yarns weiterhin eine nachhaltige Zukunft für seine Kunden, seine Mitarbeiter und die Gemeinschaft aufbauen kann.


Beaulieu International Group / EMG


Italian textile machinery sector returning to pre-Covid levels

  • Annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

  • Digitalization and Sustainability Key to Resiliency for Italian Textile Machinery Sector

The objective critical issues faced by Italy as a whole throughout the course of 2021, primarily dictated by a pandemic that upset any and all pre-existing equilibriums, have not slowed or halted the Italian textile machinery sector.

Indeed, data presented during the annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, held on 1 July proved decidedly positive, showing that in 2021 the sector recovered significantly compared to 2020, to the point of returning to pre-Covid levels.

Specifically, Italian textile machinery production amounted to 2.388 billion euros (+35% over 2020 and + 5% over 2019), with total exports amounting to 2.031 billion euros (+37% over 2020 and +9% over 2019).

  • Annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

  • Digitalization and Sustainability Key to Resiliency for Italian Textile Machinery Sector

The objective critical issues faced by Italy as a whole throughout the course of 2021, primarily dictated by a pandemic that upset any and all pre-existing equilibriums, have not slowed or halted the Italian textile machinery sector.

Indeed, data presented during the annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, held on 1 July proved decidedly positive, showing that in 2021 the sector recovered significantly compared to 2020, to the point of returning to pre-Covid levels.

Specifically, Italian textile machinery production amounted to 2.388 billion euros (+35% over 2020 and + 5% over 2019), with total exports amounting to 2.031 billion euros (+37% over 2020 and +9% over 2019).

However, these results do not cancel the obstacles that companies are still facing. Looking to the near future, expectations are for a rather uncertain outlook, as underscored by ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi: “2022 remains a year replete with unknown factors, starting with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, along with the persistence of the pandemic, which seriously risk delaying expected growth consolidation for businesses in the sector. Difficulties in finding raw materials and components negatively affect the completion and fulfilment of orders processed as far back as 2021. To boot, rising energy costs and inflationary trends affecting numerous commodities are depressing overall business confidence. So the outlook for the sector is not so good.”
As such, the two cornerstones through which ACIMIT aims to support the Italian textile machinery sector are digitilization and sustainability.

4.0: The textile machinery sector looks to the future
The road to digital transformation has already led numerous manufacturers to completely rethink their production processes, rendering them more efficient and l ess expensive. The digital world is moving ahead at a decisive rate in the textile machinery sector, where the buzzwords are increasingly, for instance, the Internet of Things connecting to a company’s ecosystem, machine learning algorithms applied to production, predictive maintenance, and the integrated cloud management of various production departments. It is no coincidence that ACIMIT has focused decisively on its Digital Ready project, through which Italian textile machinery that adopt a common set of data are certified, with the aim of facilitating integration with the operating systems of client companies (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.).

A green soul
Combining production efficiency and respect for the environment: a challenge ACIMIT has made its own and which it promotes among its members through the Sustainable Technologies project. Launched by the association as early as 2011, the project highlights the commitment of Italian textile machinery manufacturers in the area of sustainability. At the heart of the project is the Green Label, a form of certification specifically for Italian textile machinery which highlights its energy and environmental performance. An all-Italian seal of approval developed in collaboration with RINA, an international certification body.
The assembly held on 1 July provided an opportunity to take stock of the Sustainable Technologies project, more specifically, with the presentation of the Rina Consulting survey on the Green Label’s evolution and impact in recent years.

The results have confirmed the initiative’s extreme validity. The technological advances implemented by the association’s machinery producers participating in the project have effectively translated into benefits in terms of environmental impact (reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions for machinery), as well as economic advantages for machinery users.

With reference to the year 2021, a total of 204,598 tons of CO2 emissions avoided on an annual basis have been quantified, thanks to the implementation of improvements on machinery. This is a truly significant reduction which, for the sake of comparison, corresponds to the carbon dioxide emissions generated by 36,864 automobiles travelling an average of 35,000 km a year. In terms of energy savings, the use of green labeled textile machinery has provided excellent performances in allowing for a reduction of up to 84% in consumption.

A round table discussion on the Green Label’s primary purpose
The environmental and economic impact generated in production processes for Italian textile machinery through the use of Green Label technologies was the focus of the round table which concluded the ACIMIT assembly.

Moderated by Aurora Magni (professor of the Industrial Systems Sustainability course at the LIUC School of Engineering), the debate involved Gianluca Brenna (Lipomo Printing House administrator and Vice President of the Italian Fashion System for Welfare), Pietro Pin (Benetton Group consultant and President of UNI for the textile-clothing area), Giorgio Ravasio (Italy Country Manager for Vivienne Westwood), as well as ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi.

Called on to compare common factors in their experiences relating to environmental transition processes for their respective companies, the participants were unanimous: the future of Italian textile machinery can no longer ignore advanced technology developments capable of offering sustainable solutions with a low environmental impact while also reducing production costs. This philosophy has by now been consolidated, and has proven to lead directly to a circular economy outlook.

The upcoming ITMA 2023 exhibition
Lastly, a word on ITMA 2023, the most important international exhibition for textile machinery, to be held in Italy from 8 to 14 June 2023 at Fiera-Milano Rho. Marking the 19th edition of ITMA, this trade fair is an essential event for the entire industry worldwide, providing a global showcase for numerous innovative operational solutions on display. A marketplace that offers participants extraordinary business opportunities. The participation of Italian companies is managed by ACIMIT.


BTE fordert Politik auf, Ladenöffnung sicherzustellen

Angesichts des kürzlich vorgelegten Berichts des Sachverständigenausschusses und der laufenden Beratungen um das neue Infektionsschutzgesetz fordert der BTE die Politik auf, künftig auf unangemessene und wissenschaftlich kaum noch begründbare Corona-Maßnahmen zu verzichten. Schließlich gebe es auch mehr als zwei Jahre nach Beginn der Pandemie keinerlei Belege, dass im Nonfood-Handel ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko für die Kunden existiert. Die Schließung von Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäften in 2020 und 2021 sei also epidemiologisch sinnlos und willkürlich gewesen, so der Verband. „Zudem bestehen heute ernsthafte Zweifel, ob die Zugangsbeschränkungen für den stationären Handel angesichts der unsicheren wissenschaftlichen Datenlage überhaupt verfassungsgemäß sind“, konstatiert BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels.

Angesichts des kürzlich vorgelegten Berichts des Sachverständigenausschusses und der laufenden Beratungen um das neue Infektionsschutzgesetz fordert der BTE die Politik auf, künftig auf unangemessene und wissenschaftlich kaum noch begründbare Corona-Maßnahmen zu verzichten. Schließlich gebe es auch mehr als zwei Jahre nach Beginn der Pandemie keinerlei Belege, dass im Nonfood-Handel ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko für die Kunden existiert. Die Schließung von Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäften in 2020 und 2021 sei also epidemiologisch sinnlos und willkürlich gewesen, so der Verband. „Zudem bestehen heute ernsthafte Zweifel, ob die Zugangsbeschränkungen für den stationären Handel angesichts der unsicheren wissenschaftlichen Datenlage überhaupt verfassungsgemäß sind“, konstatiert BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels.
Für die gesamte Outfitbranche sei die Öffnungsfrage überlebenswichtig. Schließlich litten stationäre Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte handelsweit mit Abstand am stärksten unter den Zwangsmaßnahmen, da saisonale Modekäufe in der Regel nicht von den Kunden nachgeholt werden. „Und aufgrund der aktuell schlechten Konsumstimmung liegen die Umsätze im ersten Halbjahr vielfach immer noch deutlich unter dem Vor-Corona-Niveau“, berichtet der BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer.
Nach über zwei Jahren Pandemie, die laut BTE-Berechnungen zu Umsatzausfällen von insgesamt rund 15 Milliarden geführt haben, sind die Rücklagen vieler Unternehmer aufgebraucht und die staatlichen Hilfen waren vielfach unzureichend. „Tausende stationäre Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte werden daher erneute gravierende Corona-Zugangsbeschränkungen oder sogar Lockdowns wirtschaftlich nicht verkraften können“, prognostiziert Pangels.
Pangels appelliert an die Politik: “Wir wollen unsere Geschäfte offenlassen und unsere motivierten und qualifizierten Mitarbeiter nicht für fragwürdige Zugangskontrollen einsetzen. Lassen Sie uns unseren Job machen! Dieses Land steht vor der härtesten wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischen Krise seit der Wiedervereinigung. In dieser Situation können Milliarden-teure und damit volkswirtschaftlich nicht mehr finanzierbare Verkaufseinschränkungen oder Geschäftsschließungen keine adäquaten Mittel sein!“

More information:
Lockdown Coronakrise

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren


Der BTE-Kongress für den Einzelhandel ist zurück

6. BTE-Kongress “Fashion-Emotion 4.0” am 20. September 2022
Nach gut zwei Jahren Pandemie steht der stationäre Fashionhandel noch immer vor großen Herausforderungen, die aber auch Chancen zur Verbesserung der eigenen Marktposition eröffnen. Aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen sind Digitalisierung, CRM, Nachhaltigkeit, Emotionalisierung sowie der gesamte Mitarbeiterbereich. So gilt es

  • die richtigen digitalen Tools einzusetzen, um Kunden zu erreichen, die Effizienz zu erhöhen und Kosten zu senken,
  • die passenden Mitarbeiter zu finden und das Team zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren,
  • im optischen Auftritt die Kunden zu begeistern und die Flächenleistung zu verbessern sowie
  • als Modehaus von aktuellen (Nachhaltigkeits-)Trends wie dem Second Hand-Boom zu profitieren und damit zusätzlich Frequenz und Umsatz zu generieren.

Antworten und Anregungen zu allen Themenbereichen gibt der sechste BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 20. September in Köln.

6. BTE-Kongress “Fashion-Emotion 4.0” am 20. September 2022
Nach gut zwei Jahren Pandemie steht der stationäre Fashionhandel noch immer vor großen Herausforderungen, die aber auch Chancen zur Verbesserung der eigenen Marktposition eröffnen. Aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen sind Digitalisierung, CRM, Nachhaltigkeit, Emotionalisierung sowie der gesamte Mitarbeiterbereich. So gilt es

  • die richtigen digitalen Tools einzusetzen, um Kunden zu erreichen, die Effizienz zu erhöhen und Kosten zu senken,
  • die passenden Mitarbeiter zu finden und das Team zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren,
  • im optischen Auftritt die Kunden zu begeistern und die Flächenleistung zu verbessern sowie
  • als Modehaus von aktuellen (Nachhaltigkeits-)Trends wie dem Second Hand-Boom zu profitieren und damit zusätzlich Frequenz und Umsatz zu generieren.

Antworten und Anregungen zu allen Themenbereichen gibt der sechste BTE-Kongress „Fashion-Emotion 4.0: Zukunftsorientierte Erfolgskonzepte des Modehandels – lokal und digital“ am 20. September in Köln.

Auf der Bühne berichten innovative Unternehmen über ihre entsprechenden Erfahrungen, Strategien und Planungen, darunter die Modehäuser Ebbers (Warendorf), Frey (Cham), Jaacks (Timmendorfer Strand Niendorf), Jost (Grünstadt) und Lodenfrey (München).

Hinzu kommen Beiträge namhafter Experten wie Marie Claire Ernst (Schwitzke & Partner), Tobias Humpert (hachmeister + partner), Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg), Einar Leichsenring (Perrcon) und Marcus Schönhart (Reverse-Retail). Moderiert wird der Kongress von TW-Chefredakteur Michael Werner.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter Die Teilnehmergebühr beträgt für Mitglieder im Einzelhandelsverband 298 Euro, für sonstige Teilnehmer aus Fashionhandel und Fashionindustrie 398 Euro sowie für Dienstleister/Sonstige 698 Euro, jeweils zzgl. MwSt.

Jeder weitere Teilnehmer aus demselben Unternehmen erhält 20 % Ermäßigung.
Frühbucherrabatt: Bei Anmeldungen bis einschließlich 15. Juli 2022 gewähren wir einen Preisnachlass in Höhe von 50 € pro Person.

More information:
BTE BTE-Kongress

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren


AkzoNobel updates Q2 outlook based on impact of China lockdowns

AkzoNobel has updated its Q2 outlook based on the impact of the evolving business environment, including the effect of China lockdowns and the slower start to the EMEA DIY season.

Overall demand signs for paints and coatings remain robust, with North America still constrained in raw material availability and logistics, but sequentially improving. In Europe in particular, macro-economic uncertainty related to consumer confidence has increased.

Consumer demand in the Deco DIY channels in Europe – which represent 40% of total Deco EMEA revenue – got off to a slow start in Q2, subsequently impacted by inventory reductions in the DIY channel. In June, Deco DIY channel demand improved back to 2019 levels. Despite share gains and our Deco Professional business performing as anticipated, the total Q2 operating income for our Decorative Paints segment is expected to be down by approximately €50 million versus expectations entering the second quarter.

AkzoNobel has updated its Q2 outlook based on the impact of the evolving business environment, including the effect of China lockdowns and the slower start to the EMEA DIY season.

Overall demand signs for paints and coatings remain robust, with North America still constrained in raw material availability and logistics, but sequentially improving. In Europe in particular, macro-economic uncertainty related to consumer confidence has increased.

Consumer demand in the Deco DIY channels in Europe – which represent 40% of total Deco EMEA revenue – got off to a slow start in Q2, subsequently impacted by inventory reductions in the DIY channel. In June, Deco DIY channel demand improved back to 2019 levels. Despite share gains and our Deco Professional business performing as anticipated, the total Q2 operating income for our Decorative Paints segment is expected to be down by approximately €50 million versus expectations entering the second quarter.

COVID-19 lockdowns in China during Q2 impact both paints and coatings. This impact was mainly on our coatings business, while paints was able to almost offset by progressing with its geographical expansion initiatives. The re-opening in June is showing a positive rebound, but not enough to catch up on all the missed revenue in the quarter, resulting in a negative operating income impact of approximately €40 million for the quarter, versus expectations entering Q2.

AkzoNobel continues to focus on achieving its €2 billion adjusted EBITDA target for 2023, despite the volatile market environment having a material impact on the company’s Q2 2022 financials.

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings Covid-19


(c) Lisa Rato

Messe Frankfurt informierte in New York zu textilen Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Bereits seit mehr als 15 Jahren macht die Messe Frankfurt auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen unter dem Dach des Texpertise Network auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufmerksam, gibt spezielle Messe-Guides heraus, initiiert Talkrunden, bietet geführte Touren zu Aussteller*innen mit entsprechendem Portfolio, erstellt Materialgallerien mit nachhaltigen Textilinnovationen und veranstaltet eigene Events, wie etwa die Neonyt, ausschließlich zu nachhaltiger Mode. Seit 2019 arbeitet die Messe Frankfurt mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships zusammen, um zusätzlich die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs) auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen bekannt zu machen und so einen Beitrag zu deren Erreichung in der Mode- und Textilindustrie zu leisten. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk aus Vertreter*innen der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche, Medien, Regierungen und UN-Institutionen zu seiner ersten Jahrestagung am Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York zusammen – mit dabei das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt.
In Anbetracht der enormen Auswirkungen des Mode- und Lifestyle-Sektors auf Mensch und Umwelt gab das Jahrestreffen des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network einen Überblick darüber, wie die Plattform ein transparentes, umfassendes und transformatives Engagement globaler Stakeholder fördert, um dringende Maßnahmen für Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben. Hauptziel des Netzwerks ist es, vorhandenes Fachwissen, Innovation, Technologie und Ressourcen für eine nachhaltige und ganzheitliche Erholung nach COVID-19 zu mobilisieren, wobei die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung als Leitrahmen dienen.
In einer gemeinsamen Paneldiskussion sprachen Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt, Sara Kozlowski, Vice President Education and Sustainability Initiatives beim Council of Fashion Designers of America, Sergio Fernández de Córdova, Vorsitzender der PVBLIC Foundation und Roberta Marcenaro, CEO der Strategieberatung IMARK und Strategin bei der POLIMODA über die Bedeutung von Partnerschaften und Zusammenarbeit bei der Erreichung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Moderiert wurde die Diskussion von Lucie Brigham, Chief of Office des United Nations Office for Partnerships und Mitgründerin des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Networks.

„Die Textilindustrie ist eine Branche mit starken Gegensätzen. Man findet hier sowohl traditionelle Handwerkskunst als auch Hightech mit vollständig digitalisierten und automatisierten Fertigungsprozessen. Gleichzeitig sind die Lieferketten so komplex und global vernetzt wie in kaum einer anderen Branche. Nachhaltigkeit kann nur im engen Zusammenspiel der richtigen Partner*innen erreicht werden“, so Olaf Schmidt während der Diskussion. „Als Messeveranstalter machen wir selbst die Textilindustrie zwar nicht unmittelbar nachhaltiger. Unsere zentralen Aufgaben im Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt sind jedoch andere: Wir bieten Plattformen zum Netzwerken und bringen auf weltweit rund 60 Textilveranstaltungen die richtigen Partner*innen zusammen. Wir schaffen Sichtbarkeit, indem wir der Branche eine Bühne bieten, um ihr Nachhaltigkeitsengagement ins Blickfeld zu rücken. Wir bieten Bildung und Wissenstransfer auf zahlreichen Konferenz- und Talkformaten rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Und wir gehen mit gutem Beispiel voran. Mit unseren weltweiten Aktionen zu den SDGs haben wir bislang schätzungsweise rund 9.200 Aussteller*innen und 195.500 Besucher*innen erreicht – auch in Zeiten der Pandemie.“

Gemeinsam mit der Messe Frankfurt waren Vertreter*innen der Textil- und Modeunternehmen Hugo Boss, Heiq, Ocean Safe, Lectra, Madewell und des KTC Korea Textile Center vor Ort. Weitere Sprecher*innen auf der Veranstaltung waren zudem Arch and Hook, Catcher in the Style, Calik Denim, DRESSX, Fashion Impact Fund, Fashion Revolution, Jakarta Fashion Week, Lenzing, Lycra, nft now, People Tree, Remake, Saheli Women, Sourcing Journal, The Business of Fashion, Timberland, Tech Crunch, Textile Exchange, Transformers Foundation, The Canvas Global, Vogue, WWD sowie Designer*innen wie Anyango Mpinga, Gabriela Hearst, Patrick McDowell und Shivam Punjya.
Die nächsten Gelegenheiten, sich umfassend zur textilen Wertschöpfungskette einschließlich innovativer textiler Materialien, Herstellungsverfahren sowie Einrichtungs- und Objekttextilien und nachhaltiger Mode zu informieren, bieten die internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 sowie die erste DtoC-Ausgabe der Neonyt, das Neonyt Lab, vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 in Frankfurt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Rieter anticipates losses in the first half of 2022

  • Exceptionally high order backlog and sustained strong demand
  • Supply chain bottlenecks, COVID lockdown in China and significant cost increases
  • Takeover of winding machine business leads to additional costs
  • Sales and earnings adversely impacted in first half-year
  • Considerably improved market position

Despite an exceptionally high order backlog and sustained strong demand, Rieter’s business situation in the first half of 2022 is characterized by the well-known supply chain bottlenecks, the repercussions of the COVID lockdown in China and the significant increases in material and transportation costs.

Further costs are added in connection with the takeover of the automatic winding business as of April 1, 2022.

These factors are adversely impacting both sales and earnings.

  • Exceptionally high order backlog and sustained strong demand
  • Supply chain bottlenecks, COVID lockdown in China and significant cost increases
  • Takeover of winding machine business leads to additional costs
  • Sales and earnings adversely impacted in first half-year
  • Considerably improved market position

Despite an exceptionally high order backlog and sustained strong demand, Rieter’s business situation in the first half of 2022 is characterized by the well-known supply chain bottlenecks, the repercussions of the COVID lockdown in China and the significant increases in material and transportation costs.

Further costs are added in connection with the takeover of the automatic winding business as of April 1, 2022.

These factors are adversely impacting both sales and earnings.

Rieter expects significantly higher sales in the first half of 2022 compared to the prior-year period (first half of 2021: CHF 400.5 million). Rieter anticipates a loss at the EBIT and net result level in the first half of 2022 (first half of 2021: EBIT CHF 9.0 million, net result: CHF 5.3 million).
The company is working intensively on the implementation of measures to minimize the impact of the supply chain bottlenecks, the COVID lockdown in China and the cost increases. The implemented price increases have a delayed effect, particularly in the machinery business. The integration of the automatic winding business is proceeding according to plan.

As soon as the situation in the sourcing markets has normalized, Rieter expects to benefit from the exceptionally high order backlog and the considerably improved market position as a result of the takeover of the automatic winding business as well as Accotex and Temco.
Rieter will provide a detailed report on the business results of the first half of 2022 in July 2022.


Rieter Management AG

(c) Smurfit Kappa GmbH

Smurfit Kappa erschließt E-Commerce-Markt mit Verpackungsportfolios

Der E-Commerce boomt. Gleichzeitig steigen die Erwartungen und Ansprüche der Endkunden, die auch kleinere Onlineshops erfüllen wollen. Sie möchten ihre Kunden ebenfalls mit professionellen Verpackungen bedienen, die schick aussehen, Kosteneffizienz zeigen und zudem nachhaltig sind. Der Verpackungsspezialist Smurfit Kappa bündelt durch die Entwicklung kompakter Verpackungsportfolios nicht nur die neuesten Verpackungsinnovationen auf dem Markt, sondern verhilft mit seinem eShop auch kleinen Unternehmen zu Versandverpackungen.

Laut dem Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel (bevh) wuchs der Branchenumsatz 2021 im Privatkundengeschäft erstmals auf mehr als 100 Mrd. Euro an. Das Wachstum zum Vorjahr betrug 19 Prozent. Der gesamte Internethandel über Onlineshops und Marktplätze zwischen Firmen einschließlich Produktionsverbindungshandel und Großhandel erreicht ein Volumen von mehr als 180 Mrd. Euro.

Der E-Commerce boomt. Gleichzeitig steigen die Erwartungen und Ansprüche der Endkunden, die auch kleinere Onlineshops erfüllen wollen. Sie möchten ihre Kunden ebenfalls mit professionellen Verpackungen bedienen, die schick aussehen, Kosteneffizienz zeigen und zudem nachhaltig sind. Der Verpackungsspezialist Smurfit Kappa bündelt durch die Entwicklung kompakter Verpackungsportfolios nicht nur die neuesten Verpackungsinnovationen auf dem Markt, sondern verhilft mit seinem eShop auch kleinen Unternehmen zu Versandverpackungen.

Laut dem Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel (bevh) wuchs der Branchenumsatz 2021 im Privatkundengeschäft erstmals auf mehr als 100 Mrd. Euro an. Das Wachstum zum Vorjahr betrug 19 Prozent. Der gesamte Internethandel über Onlineshops und Marktplätze zwischen Firmen einschließlich Produktionsverbindungshandel und Großhandel erreicht ein Volumen von mehr als 180 Mrd. Euro.

Smurfit Kappa hat diesen Trend bereits vor einigen Jahren erkannt und sein Portfolio an professionellen Verpackungsmaterialien sukzessive konsequent auf Zielbranchen zugeschnitten. Das Unternehmen bietet jede Form und Größe angepasst an die Bedürfnisse großer Kunden mit individuellen Anforderungen sowie standardisiert aus dem Onlineshop für kleinere Mengen direkt auf Abruf. Dabei hat Smurfit Kappa kontinuierlich die unterschiedlichsten Segmente analysiert und in kundenindividuelle Verpackungs-Portfolios übersetzt.

Manipulationssichere Verpackungen für die Healthcare- und Beauty-Branche
Manche Waren, die online geordert werden können, benötigen einen besonderen Schutz vor Manipulation oder Diebstahl. Smurfit Kappa hat daher z.B. die manipulationssichere Verpackung „Tamper Evident Pack“ entwickelt, die Bestandteil des neuen Health & Beauty-Packaging-Portfolios ist. Das Tamper Evident Pack hat einen cleveren Verschlussmechanismus, kommt ganz ohne Klebeband aus und sorgt dafür, dass die Ware sicher am Zielort ankommt. Dieser Schutz funktioniert sowohl für den Erstversand als auch bei Retouren von Artikeln.

Luxusmarken von SMCP mit Verpackungen des E-Fashion Portfolio
Das Unternehmen SMCP, zu dem unter anderem die Marken Sandro, Maje und Claudie Pierlot, gehören, brauchte ein gänzlich neues Verpackungsportfolio für die Optimierung der internen Prozesse sowie für den Online-Versand. Gemeinsam mit Smurfit Kappa wurde hier eine Rundum-Lösung gefunden, mit einer schicken Versandverpackung für das aktuelle E-Fashion-Portfolio des Unternehmens.


Smurfit Kappa GmbH / Industrie-Contact AG

Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange
Hall View Sustainable Apparel Forum

News from Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF)

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

(c) Euratex

EURATEX 2022 Spring Report: Exports of textile and clothing articles +10.6%

EURATEX has just released its Spring report, offering a detailed insight into trade figures for the European textile and apparel industry in 2021. The numbers are encouraging: comparing with the dramatic corona-year 2020, EU exports of textile and clothing articles increased by +10.6%, while imports dipped by -7.5%. As a result, the EU trade deficit improved, even it remains significant (- €48 billion).

Furthermore, import prices went slightly down in clothing and dropped in textiles, following a strong decrease of Chinese import prices of face masks and protective medical supplies.

The boost in exports was mainly due to strong performance on the Swiss, Chinese and US markets. On the other side, EU sales of textile & clothing to the United Kingdom fell sharply (-23%), due to Brexit new requirements, customs’ delays and shortage of truck drivers.  Imports from the EU top supplier, China, plunged by -28%, corresponding to €13 billion. Similarly, textile and clothing imports from the United Kingdom recorded a sharp decrease over the period (-48%, equal to €-3 billion).

EURATEX has just released its Spring report, offering a detailed insight into trade figures for the European textile and apparel industry in 2021. The numbers are encouraging: comparing with the dramatic corona-year 2020, EU exports of textile and clothing articles increased by +10.6%, while imports dipped by -7.5%. As a result, the EU trade deficit improved, even it remains significant (- €48 billion).

Furthermore, import prices went slightly down in clothing and dropped in textiles, following a strong decrease of Chinese import prices of face masks and protective medical supplies.

The boost in exports was mainly due to strong performance on the Swiss, Chinese and US markets. On the other side, EU sales of textile & clothing to the United Kingdom fell sharply (-23%), due to Brexit new requirements, customs’ delays and shortage of truck drivers.  Imports from the EU top supplier, China, plunged by -28%, corresponding to €13 billion. Similarly, textile and clothing imports from the United Kingdom recorded a sharp decrease over the period (-48%, equal to €-3 billion).

Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “the 2021 export figures, presented in this Spring report, confirm that EURATEX members have gained momentum; even if energy prices are causing some serious short-term disruptions, our long-term ambition remains to be a world leader on sustainable textiles.”

The international trade dimension is indeed critical for the competitiveness of the European textile ecosystem, and needs to be fully embedded in the EU’s Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. The Commission insists that “all textile products placed on the EU market, are durable, free of hazardous substances, produced respecting social standards…” This is an essential condition to create a level playing field between all textile and apparel companies, regardless of their production base. With €100 billion of imports, and over 20 billion of “foreign” textile items put on the Single Market, this requires a dramatic upscaling of market surveillance, without however disrupting fluid supply chains.

Looking at the impact of war in Ukraine, EURATEX has strongly condemned the Russian aggression, and offered support to the Ukrainian textile industry. Ukraine offers valuable sourcing opportunities for European textile and apparel brands, as part of a broader nearshoring trend, which seems to emerge from the trade figures.

More information:
Euratex export


(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup closes 2021 with positive results

  • Continued focus on sizeable investments in innovation and sustainability.
  • Underway in India, the acquisition of the Engineering Plastics business of Ester Industries Ltd. with the objective of keeping up the Group’s global growth trend

With total sales of EUR 1.508 million generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia and America, RadiciGroup closed its 2021 financial year with positive results, despite the difficulties due to the lingering effects of the pandemic and the steep increase in the cost of raw materials and energy, especially during the latter part of the year.

The Group – led by brothers Angelo, Maurizio and Paolo Radici – continued to pursue its strategy of focusing on the core businesses considered to be strategic and synergistic, such as nylon chemicals, engineering polymers and advanced textile solutions, while, at the same time,  introducing new products, such as a line of personal protective equipment for medical and industrial use.

EBITDA reached EUR 268 million, and net income for the year was EUR 150 million.

  • Continued focus on sizeable investments in innovation and sustainability.
  • Underway in India, the acquisition of the Engineering Plastics business of Ester Industries Ltd. with the objective of keeping up the Group’s global growth trend

With total sales of EUR 1.508 million generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia and America, RadiciGroup closed its 2021 financial year with positive results, despite the difficulties due to the lingering effects of the pandemic and the steep increase in the cost of raw materials and energy, especially during the latter part of the year.

The Group – led by brothers Angelo, Maurizio and Paolo Radici – continued to pursue its strategy of focusing on the core businesses considered to be strategic and synergistic, such as nylon chemicals, engineering polymers and advanced textile solutions, while, at the same time,  introducing new products, such as a line of personal protective equipment for medical and industrial use.

EBITDA reached EUR 268 million, and net income for the year was EUR 150 million.

Despite this situation, RadiciGroup considers it essential to continue making investments.

“In 2021, the Group invested EUR 53 million financed from cash flow,” Alessandro Manzoni, CFO of RadiciGroup, emphasized. “There was no impact on net financial position, which registered an improvement over 2020, as did all our balance sheet ratios."

Furthermore, in spite of the complexity of the period, in 2022 the Group shareholders have kept on with their significant investment plan aimed at strengthening RadiciGroup’s presence in global markets and improving its competitiveness.

Indeed, the Group has moved forward, according to plan, with the acquisition of the Engineering Plastics business of Ester Industries Ltd., an India-based company engaged for decades in the production of engineering polymers and listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. RadiciGroup’s EUR 35 million investment in this transaction furthers the internationalization strategy of its High Performance Polymers business area.




Italian Textile Machinery (ACIMIT): Drop in orders for first quarter 2022

The orders index for textile machinery for the first quarter of 2022, processed by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, shows a slight decrease (-4%) compared to the same period from January to March 2021. In absolute value, the index stood at 117 points (basis: 2015 = 100).

On the domestic front orders shrank by fully 22%, whereas abroad the decline was more contained (-2%). The absolute value of the index in Italy was set at 136 points. On foreign markets, the index scored a value of 114.9 points.

ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented that: “The global pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian conflict have accentuated the climate of uncertainty for the whole of the textile industry. Criticalities already present in the past year (such as a sharp rise in prices of raw materials and their scarce availability, as well as increased transport costs) are now accentuated more than ever. While orders appear to have settled on foreign markets, domestically, following a strong recovery in 2021, we now have to deal with a general negativity permeating the Italian economy.”

The orders index for textile machinery for the first quarter of 2022, processed by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, shows a slight decrease (-4%) compared to the same period from January to March 2021. In absolute value, the index stood at 117 points (basis: 2015 = 100).

On the domestic front orders shrank by fully 22%, whereas abroad the decline was more contained (-2%). The absolute value of the index in Italy was set at 136 points. On foreign markets, the index scored a value of 114.9 points.

ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented that: “The global pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian conflict have accentuated the climate of uncertainty for the whole of the textile industry. Criticalities already present in the past year (such as a sharp rise in prices of raw materials and their scarce availability, as well as increased transport costs) are now accentuated more than ever. While orders appear to have settled on foreign markets, domestically, following a strong recovery in 2021, we now have to deal with a general negativity permeating the Italian economy.”

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, together with successive pandemic lockdowns in the main market for textile machinery manufacturers, namely China, have undermined the confidence of Italian companies in the sector. “I believe 2022 will be a transition year for the industry, as we await a calming international economic scenario. In the meantime,” adds Zucchi, “our association continues to work to strengthen the positioning of Italy’s textile machinery industry worldwide through promotional initiatives in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Italian Trade Agency.”

The latest of these initiatives was carried out at the end of April, with the opening of an Italian technology training center for textile machinery in Mongolia, a Country that ranks among the world’s leading producers of raw cashmere. ACIMIT’s president concludes that, “With the training center starting its operations, our sector is laying the foundations for further business opportunities in an emerging market. I’m certain the initiative will bear a return in terms of image not only for individual Italian companies who are participating by supplying machinery, but on the entire Italian textile machinery sector as a whole.”


GOTS releases 2021 annual report detailing record growth and increased interest

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

The 31-page report details the record growth experienced in 2021, which included an increase of 19 percent in GOTS certified facilities around the world, with Certification Bodies (CBs) reporting 12.338 facilities in 79 countries (+11 percent). Three new GOTS-approved Certification Bodies brought the total to 18, nine of which have chemical input approval in their scopes. The additional CBs are helping meet an ever-increasing demand for certification. The rise in certifications also allowed GOTS to expand internally, adding Representatives as well as colleagues with expertise in Standard Development and Implementation, Quality Assurance, Communication, and IT. GOTS representatives worldwide offered training and education to thousands of participants, including businesses, governmental representatives, certification bodies, and other stakeholders. Visits to the GOTS website jumped 43 percent from 2020 and GOTS’s following on social media expanded significantly, gaining 57 percent across platforms.

“Despite ongoing difficulties and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, decision-makers continue to pursue their sustainability goals and value GOTS as a tool to accomplish them. We will continue to strive toward our vision of a future in which organic textiles are a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people’s lives and the environment,” says GOTS Managing Director Claudia Kersten.

Additional highlights covered in the report include chronicling the implementation of the most recent update to the standard document, GOTS version 6.0, and the release of ‘Conditions for the Use of GOTS Signs (CUGS)’, which outlines the rules for using the GOTS logo and labeling and updates to GOTS Scope and Transaction Certification policies which are a crucial part of the certification process.


Global Organic Textile Standard


adidas grows double-digit in Western markets in Q1 2022

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate.

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate. Backed by an exceptionally strong wholesale order book and relentless focus on driving growth in our own DTC channels, we expect this positive development to continue for the rest of the year,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “In the East, we will return to growth in Asia-Pacific in the second quarter, while we expect the challenging market environment in Greater China to continue. With strong double-digit growth in the vast majority of our markets, representing more than 80% of our business, we are well positioned for success in 2022. “

For the full press release, see attached document.


adidas AG

Photo: SGL Carbon

SGL Carbon: Dynamic business development in Q1 2022 continued

  • Low impact of Ukraine war on business performance in 1st quarter
  • 12.2% increase in sales to €270.9 million based on growth in all four business units
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 11.5% to €36.8 million

SGL Carbon generated consolidated sales of €270.9 million in Q1 2022 (Q1 2021: €241.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of €29.4 million or 12.2% compared to the same period of the prior year. All four business units contributed to the pleasing increase in sales. In parallel, adjusted EBITDA improved by 11.5% to €36.8 million in the reporting period.

  • Low impact of Ukraine war on business performance in 1st quarter
  • 12.2% increase in sales to €270.9 million based on growth in all four business units
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 11.5% to €36.8 million

SGL Carbon generated consolidated sales of €270.9 million in Q1 2022 (Q1 2021: €241.5 million). This corresponds to an increase of €29.4 million or 12.2% compared to the same period of the prior year. All four business units contributed to the pleasing increase in sales. In parallel, adjusted EBITDA improved by 11.5% to €36.8 million in the reporting period.

Sales development
In the first three months of fiscal 2022, the sales increase of €29.4 million was driven by all four operating business units: Graphite Solutions (+€11.3 million), Carbon Fibers (+€6.6 million), Composite Solutions (+€7.2 million) and Process Technology (+€6.0 million).
In particular, sales to customers in the automotive and semiconductor industries and a significant recovery in the industrial applications segment were key factors in the increase in sales. Sales of the Process Technology business unit to customers in the chemical industry also developed pleasingly. The effects of the war in Ukraine, which has been ongoing since the end of February 2022, had only a little impact on SGL Carbon's sales performance in the 1st quarter.

Earnings development
Despite the increasingly difficult market environment in the course of Q1 2022, associated with temporary supply and production bottlenecks at their customers, temporarily interrupted transport routes, and significantly higher energy prices, SGL Carbon was able to keep the adjusted EBITDA margin almost stable year-on-year at 13.6%.  
Adjusted EBITDA increased by 11.5% to €36.8 million in the reporting period. Higher capacity utilization in the business units and product mix effects contributed to the improvement in earnings, together with the cost savings achieved as a result of the transformation. By contrast, higher raw material, energy and logistics costs as of end of February 2022 had a negative impact on earnings. The Carbon Fibers business unit was particularly affected by the energy price increases. One-time expenses of €9.2 million in conjunction with energy transactions burdened the Carbon Fibers business unit in the 1st quarter of 2022.  
To secure our production and delivery capabilities, around 85% of the energy requirements of the entire SGL Carbon for 2022 are price-hedged.
Adjusted EBITDA and EBIT do not include in total positive one-time effects and special items of €8.5 million, among other things from the termination of a heritable building right to a site no longer in use. Taking into account the one-time effects and special items presented as well as depreciation and amortization of €14.1 million, reported EBIT increased by 83.5% to €31.2 million (Q1 2021: €17.0 million). The net profit for the period developed correspondingly and more than tripled from €6.1 million to €21.4 million in a quarter-on-quarter comparison.

The sales and earnings figures for the 1st quarter 2022 confirm the stable demand from different market segments. Price increases and volatility in the availability of raw materials, transportation services and energy were largely offset by savings from the transformation program and pricing initiatives at the customers.
For 2022, SGL Carbon continues to expect volatile raw material and energy prices, which were included in their forecast for 2022 at the time of planning. However, there are uncertainties about the extent and duration to which SGL Carbon and the customers will be affected by the impact of the war in Ukraine or temporary supply chain disruptions due to the lockdowns in China. Therefore, SGL Carbon's outlook for fiscal 2022 does not include supply and/or production interruptions at customers or the impact of a possible energy embargo that cannot be estimated at this time.  
SGL Carbon's forecast also implies that factor cost increases can be at least partially passed on to the customers through pricing initiatives. SGL Carbon has also included the revenue and earnings impact from the expiry of a supply contract with a major automobile manufacturer at the end of June 2022 in our forecast.


SGL Carbon


CHIC Spring 2022 postponed again

  • Autumn edition from Aug. 29-31, 2022, in Shanghai

Scheduled to take place in Nanjing in May, CHIC Spring requires another postponement due to the pandemic development of Covid19 in China. Organizers are focusing on the autumn edition of CHIC in Shanghai. From Aug. 29-31, the latest trends in the Chinese consumer market will be on display at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

The trade fair concept is being revised for the autumn edition, which is expected to attract around 900 exhibitors. Ahead of the show, the CHIC LIVESTREAMING format will provide information on relevant topics during talks with industry experts on social media. The CHIC LIST OF THE BEST section of the trade show will also be launched. Based on industry research, it will showcase best practices and particularly successful brands in the areas of research and design, cultural values, technical innovation, best selling, etc.

CHIC is organized by Beijing Fashion Expo Co. Ltd. and China World Exhibitions sponsored by China National Garment Association, China World Trade Center and SubCouncil of Textile Industry (CCPIT).

  • Autumn edition from Aug. 29-31, 2022, in Shanghai

Scheduled to take place in Nanjing in May, CHIC Spring requires another postponement due to the pandemic development of Covid19 in China. Organizers are focusing on the autumn edition of CHIC in Shanghai. From Aug. 29-31, the latest trends in the Chinese consumer market will be on display at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

The trade fair concept is being revised for the autumn edition, which is expected to attract around 900 exhibitors. Ahead of the show, the CHIC LIVESTREAMING format will provide information on relevant topics during talks with industry experts on social media. The CHIC LIST OF THE BEST section of the trade show will also be launched. Based on industry research, it will showcase best practices and particularly successful brands in the areas of research and design, cultural values, technical innovation, best selling, etc.

CHIC is organized by Beijing Fashion Expo Co. Ltd. and China World Exhibitions sponsored by China National Garment Association, China World Trade Center and SubCouncil of Textile Industry (CCPIT).

More information:
CHIC Fair CHIC Shanghai