From the Sector

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(c) Messe Frankfurt

Neonyt Lab präsentiert New patterns

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

Als Trendplattform und Treffpunkt der nachhaltigen Textil- und Modebranche will die Neonyt im Sommer 2022 das Thema Sustainability in einer zentralen Location in Frankfurt am Main auch für Endverbraucher*innen erlebbar machen. Die Community erwartet Fashion Show, D2C-Trade Show, Konferenz und Showcases, Content Creator-Programm und Networking Space: Neonyt Lab lädt Brands, Konsument*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Designer*innen, Trendsetter*innen und Modeinteressierte ein, sich zu informieren und auszutauschen.
In derselben Woche, in der auch das Neonyt Lab stattfindet, treffen sich in Frankfurt am Main außerdem internationale Branchengrößen aus allen Bereichen entlang der globalen textilen Wertschöpfungskette: Das erstmalig parallel stattfindende Trio aus Heimtextil Summer Special, internationale Fachmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien, Techtextil, internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, und Texprocess, internationale Leitmesse für die Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien, soll vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 Kreativität und Hightech, Anwendungsvielfalt und Know-how bündeln. Gemeinsam zeigen die Messen, etablierte Konferenzformate und die Community-Events der Neonyt die Bandbreite an textilen Möglichkeiten – von der Faser bis zum Recycling.

More information:
Neonyt Neonyt Lab

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Foto: Messe Frankfurt

Frankfurt Fashion Week: Neustart im Sommer

  • Stadt Frankfurt und Messe Frankfurt präsentieren Konzept für Frankfurt Fashion Week  
  • Messe Frankfurt bündelt Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess, Heimtextil Summer Special
  • Neonyt öffnet sich bewusst für Endkonsument*innen und wird als Direct-to-Consumer Lab in der Stadt ausgerichtet

Im Juni steht Frankfurt ganz im Zeichen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Ausstellungen, Shows, Talks und mehr sollen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Mode, Lifestyle und Fashionkultur erlebbar machen. Parallel bündelt die Messe Frankfurt global ausgerichtete Veranstaltungen der Textil- und Modeindustrie, die im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week die für die internationale Fashionbranche relevanten Themen herausstellen: die Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special. Ergänzend finden in der Stadt innovative Business- und Erlebnisformate der Neonyt statt, die den Fokus auf den Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit richtet.

  • Stadt Frankfurt und Messe Frankfurt präsentieren Konzept für Frankfurt Fashion Week  
  • Messe Frankfurt bündelt Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess, Heimtextil Summer Special
  • Neonyt öffnet sich bewusst für Endkonsument*innen und wird als Direct-to-Consumer Lab in der Stadt ausgerichtet

Im Juni steht Frankfurt ganz im Zeichen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Ausstellungen, Shows, Talks und mehr sollen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Mode, Lifestyle und Fashionkultur erlebbar machen. Parallel bündelt die Messe Frankfurt global ausgerichtete Veranstaltungen der Textil- und Modeindustrie, die im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week die für die internationale Fashionbranche relevanten Themen herausstellen: die Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special. Ergänzend finden in der Stadt innovative Business- und Erlebnisformate der Neonyt statt, die den Fokus auf den Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit richtet.

Damit setzt die Messe Frankfurt ihre Strategie der Konzentration auf profitable Formate auch im Geschäftsfeld Textiles & Textile Technologies fort. Die etablierten Leitmessen bündeln Kreativität, Hightech, Anwendungsvielfalt und Know-how. Zudem wird die Neonyt, als wichtigster Knotenpunkt der nachhaltigen Textil- und Mode-Branche, die Themen der Zukunft mit progressiven Event-und Shopformaten in den Mittelpunkt rücken. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“ öffnet sich die Neonyt bewusst auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt damit ihren Nachhaltigkeitsansatz. Vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 entsteht das Neonyt Lab, das sich mit innovativen Erlebnisformaten und einer D2C-Trade Show an die gesamte nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten richtet.
Frankfurts Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann: „Frankfurt kann Mode – daran wird nach der Frankfurt Fashion Week im Sommer kein Zweifel bleiben. Unsere lokale Design- und Modewelt braucht sich nicht zu verstecken. Mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week erhält sie eine Bühne, sich in ihrer Vielfalt zu präsentieren. Zudem unterstreichen wir mit dem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, wofür Frankfurt am Main als Green City heute steht. Dieser Fokus steht auch auf der Neonyt im Mittelpunkt, die zusammen mit den Textil-Leitmessen das Publikumsprogramm um ein umfassendes, international ausgerichtetes Angebot für das Fachpublikum der europäischen Textil- und Modebranche erweitern wird. Das geht so nur hier, bei uns in Frankfurt.“
„Zwei Säulen, eine Botschaft“ – so fasst Wirtschaftsdezernentin Stephanie Wüst das Konzept für die Frankfurt Fashion Week Sommer 2022 zusammen. „Nur in Frankfurt kommen Know-how im internationalen Messegeschäft und Kreativität so zusammen, dass wir modeaffine Menschen und kreative Köpfe ebenso ansprechen können wie das anspruchsvolle Fachpublikum. Dieses Alleinstellungsmerkmal wollen wir gemeinsam, als Messe Frankfurt und als Stadt, bei der Frankfurt Fashion Week in den Vordergrund stellen.“ Es gehe darum, Internationales und Lokales zu verbinden und einen Mehrwert zu schaffen, von dem die Stadt insgesamt profitiert. Wüst: „Das Zusammenspiel von Stadt und Messe bringt die Leitthemen aus dem Messegelände in die City. Gemeinsam mit der lokalen Mode- und Designwirtschaft arbeiten wir an Formaten, die den Standort nachhaltig aufbauen sollen.“


Heimtextil Summer Special: Rund 1000 angemeldete Aussteller aus 46 Ländern

Drei Wochen nach Verkündung des Heimtextil Summer Special haben sich bereits rund 1000 Aussteller für die Sommerausgabe der internationalen Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien angemeldet. Mit einem globalen Angebot aus 46 Ländern, u. a. Frankreich, Indien, Italien, den Niederlanden, Pakistan, Portugal, Spanien, der Türkei und den USA, will die Heimtextil auch im Sommer ein vielfältiges Produktangebot der textilen Inneneinrichtung abdecken.

Drei Wochen nach Verkündung des Heimtextil Summer Special haben sich bereits rund 1000 Aussteller für die Sommerausgabe der internationalen Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien angemeldet. Mit einem globalen Angebot aus 46 Ländern, u. a. Frankreich, Indien, Italien, den Niederlanden, Pakistan, Portugal, Spanien, der Türkei und den USA, will die Heimtextil auch im Sommer ein vielfältiges Produktangebot der textilen Inneneinrichtung abdecken.

Interessierte Unternehmen können sich weiterhin registrieren. Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung bildet neben dem internationalen Volumengeschäft auch der Einzelhandel. Die Trendpräsentation in der Halle 4.0 geben wertvolle Orientierungshilfe für die Zukunft der Heimtextilbranche und beleuchtet deren Wandel zu einem langfristig ausgerichteten Denken für eine nachhaltigere Industrie. Zudem präsentieren zum Summer Special eine Vielzahl an Textildesignern aus aller Welt ihre Kollektionen.
Die Bestimmungen der Coronavirus-Schutzverordnung des Landes Hessen sehen zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt die Durchführung von Fachmessen in Frankfurt unter 3G-Regeln vor. Dies erleichtert insbesondere interkontinentalen Ausstellern und Einkäufergruppen – beispielsweise aus China oder aus Russland – die Teilnahme, da sie unabhängig von zugelassenen Impfstoffen möglich ist. Diese Entwicklung zeigt: Der Einsatz von Schutzmaßnahmen auf Fachveranstaltungen und während geschäftlichen Begegnungen wird immer stärker von Freizeitevents abgegrenzt betrachtet und bewertet.
Heimtextil Conference „Sleep & More“
Auch Beratungs- und Produktangebote für den Bettenfachhandel werden auf dem Heimtextil Summer Special umfassend beleuchtet. Dabei dient die Heimtextil Conference „Sleep & More“ als Anlaufstelle für Vertreter des Bettenfachhandels, wo sie ein Programm mit Vorträgen, Diskussionsrunden und Produktvorstellungen erwartet.
Heimtextil Trends und Nachhaltigkeit
Die Inszenierung der Heimtextil Trends in der Halle 4.0 ermöglicht Einblicke in die Einrichtungsthemen von morgen. In diesem Zusammenhang nimmt auch das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ein zentrales Thema auf der Heimtextil ein. Wie wichtig es ist, die Zusammensetzung von Textilien stärker in den Fokus zu rücken und die Unternehmen zu einem langfristig ausgerichteten Denken zu bewegen, beleuchten die Heimtextil Trends 22/23.
Techtextil & Texprocess
Zeitgleich zum Heimtextil Summer Special präsentieren Aussteller ihre Produkte und Neuheiten im Bereich technischer Textilien und der textilen Verarbeitungsindustrie auf den internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil und Texprocess. Mehr als vier Monate vor Start haben sich bereits rund 1.000 Aussteller angemeldet. Zusätzlich ergänzen zahlreiche Gemeinschaftsstandteilnehmende und zwölf internationale Länderpavillons die Auftritte. Insgesamt versprechen Anmeldungen aus 44 (Techtextil) bzw. 27 Ländern (Texprocess) einen umfassenden internationalen Austausch. Erstmalig bieten Techtextil und Texprocess 2022 eine Digital Extension: Ausstellende und Besuchende sind dadurch sowohl vor Ort in Frankfurt als auch virtuell anzutreffen und können sich in ergänzenden Formaten austauschen. Dazu gehören Matchmaking-Angebote, Round-Tables, Chat-Funktion, 1-zu-1 Videogespräche oder digitale Timetables.
Das Heimtextil Summer Special findet vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 statt.


More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns in August 2022

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is scheduled to hold its 28th edition at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from 15 – 17 August 2022. This leading international trade fair in Asia for home and contract textiles will continue to provide an essential business platform for the industry to meet global sourcing demands. Suppliers can now apply for a booth with an early-bird discount to showcase their trending products.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is scheduled to hold its 28th edition at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from 15 – 17 August 2022. This leading international trade fair in Asia for home and contract textiles will continue to provide an essential business platform for the industry to meet global sourcing demands. Suppliers can now apply for a booth with an early-bird discount to showcase their trending products.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “We were pleased that both the Spring & Autumn editions could go ahead in 2021 to provide a strong platform for exhibitors and buyers to do business and network in person during these challenging times. To allow for global participation in the show, we will continue to offer value-adding digital solutions in the coming Autumn Edition to help international participants to stay connected with their Chinese business counterparts and open up new possibilities into the growing Chinese market. Interactive webinars, live streaming product presentations, plus the featured Online Business Matching platform, will all be featured again in the hybrid fair, along with a variety of concurrent onsite events for in-person visitors.”

The August fair is preceded by the Spring Edition which will be held from 14 – 16 April. It will take place concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo, CHIC and PH Value at the same venue.

A place for the entire home textile industry to connect
The 2021 Autumn Edition welcomed 20,106 trade buyers from 41 countries & regions and 749 exhibitors from 10 countries & regions during the three-day fair. The show also saw the return of the Belgium Pavilion, where it once again introduced a selection of high-end and premium products in its 10th consecutive year of participation.

In order to allow buyers to benefit from a time-saving and effortless sourcing experience, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2022 will once again serve as a hub for an array of home textile product categories, including:

  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Upholstery & Sofa Fabrics
  • Curtains & Curtain Fabrics
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Wall
  • Design & Technics
  • Whole Home
  • Editors
  • Contract Business

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.


Heimtextil Summer Special 2022

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

More information:
Heimtextil Techtextil Texprocess

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


New dates for Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo

The Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo will now take place from 14 – 16 April 2022 instead of their original March date. They will continue to be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) alongside CHIC and PH Value.
“With the evolving situation of the pandemic globally, we have decided to hold our three spring fairs in mid-April,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained. “At this stage, we are still processing how the Omicron variant affects the hosting of large-scale events, so this new date provides us and our stakeholders with extra time to plan accordingly so we can ensure the fairs take place in a safe environment.”
“We are hoping to continue the momentum that was generated at last year’s Autumn Editions where our many returning international exhibitors were well received, as well as to capture the opportunities in the domestic market with strong growth in production, revenue and profit recorded in the first three quarters of 2021.”

The Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo will now take place from 14 – 16 April 2022 instead of their original March date. They will continue to be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) alongside CHIC and PH Value.
“With the evolving situation of the pandemic globally, we have decided to hold our three spring fairs in mid-April,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained. “At this stage, we are still processing how the Omicron variant affects the hosting of large-scale events, so this new date provides us and our stakeholders with extra time to plan accordingly so we can ensure the fairs take place in a safe environment.”
“We are hoping to continue the momentum that was generated at last year’s Autumn Editions where our many returning international exhibitors were well received, as well as to capture the opportunities in the domestic market with strong growth in production, revenue and profit recorded in the first three quarters of 2021.”


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition returns in March 2022

The 2022 Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is set to return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 9 – 11 March 2022. The fair, once again held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, will continue to offer a one-stop trading platform for businesses during the traditional peak sourcing season of the Chinese home textile industry.

The fair provides an opportunity for suppliers to tap into the fast growing Chinese home textiles market and allows prospective buyers to meet their sourcing needs. Following the success of the 2021 edition, which attracted 18,951 trade buyers and 216 exhibitors to participate in this leading industry event, the upcoming spring fair will once more focus on finished products. Nevertheless, a wide range of items are also on offer including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and more.

The 2022 Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is set to return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 9 – 11 March 2022. The fair, once again held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, will continue to offer a one-stop trading platform for businesses during the traditional peak sourcing season of the Chinese home textile industry.

The fair provides an opportunity for suppliers to tap into the fast growing Chinese home textiles market and allows prospective buyers to meet their sourcing needs. Following the success of the 2021 edition, which attracted 18,951 trade buyers and 216 exhibitors to participate in this leading industry event, the upcoming spring fair will once more focus on finished products. Nevertheless, a wide range of items are also on offer including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and more.

The Home Textile Products for Campus & School Zone, as well as the Feather & Down Product Zone, will roll out again in the spring show after they were launched in the last edition. The Campus & School Zone was introduced to fulfil the rising market demand for domestic student bedding: “The current demand in China for student bedding is high. There are around 8 million new university students and 16 million secondary school students each year, and nearly all university students and 70% of secondary school students need bedding, equating to over 19.2 million sets needed each year,” Mr Shi Xiangyu, Department Manager at Yantai Pacific Home Fashion Co Ltd, a 2021 exhibitor, outlined.  

Helping businesses to reach their target buyers
Ms Weiqing Peng, Trade Department Supervisor of Wujiang City Yunjie Textiles Co Ltd commented on how the 2021 fair has helped them during the challenging times caused by the pandemic: “We treasure this opportunity to communicate with customers face to face. Buyers usually need to touch the fabrics in person. Many domestic companies are enthusiastic about exhibiting here, and we’ve been really busy as many new and old customers came to our booth. This fair is very popular with the whole industry supply chain.” Mr Leo Chen from Yantai Pacific Home Fashion Co Ltd also applauded the fair for helping them to “reach some big brands in China and explore more cooperation opportunities.” 


Heimtextil from 11 - 14 January 2022 is cancelled

Against the background of the worsening pandemic situation in Germany over the past two weeks and the associated restrictions, Heimtextil, scheduled to take place in the second week of January, is cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working with the industry to determine whether and in what form a new offering in the summer of 2022 can be organised to run parallel to the Techtextil/Texprocess trade fair duo. Later events such as Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld, Paperworld and Frankfurt Fashion Week are still planning to take place at the present time.

Against the background of the worsening pandemic situation in Germany over the past two weeks and the associated restrictions, Heimtextil, scheduled to take place in the second week of January, is cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working with the industry to determine whether and in what form a new offering in the summer of 2022 can be organised to run parallel to the Techtextil/Texprocess trade fair duo. Later events such as Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld, Paperworld and Frankfurt Fashion Week are still planning to take place at the present time.

Due to the unforeseeable dynamics in the development of the pandemic, the reciprocal and cumulative effects of the relevant factors, as well as the extreme escalation and deterioration of the pandemic situation in Germany within a very short period of time, including the decisions taken at the Conference of Minister Presidents on 02.12.2021, the date of Heimtextil right at the beginning of the year, in the second week of January, cannot be kept. Heimtextil, the leading international trade fair for home and contract textiles, will be cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working closely with all industry partners to find out whether and within what framework Heimtextil can be held parallel to Techtextil and Texprocess from 21 to 24 June 2022.

Heimtextil as an international trade fair has always kicked off the spring trade fair season and is the first major international trade fair in Germany directly after Christmas and New Year with exhibitors and visitors from over 135 countries. The exponential increase in the number of infections in a very short period of time and the accompanying multitude of developments and resolutions that are clearly outside the realm of influence of the organizer have led to a significant deterioration in the general conditions and necessary requirements for holding Heimtextil as a major trade fair of international relevance at this early stage. These developments include in particular the classification of Germany as a high-risk area and the associated travel warnings, international and intercontinental travel restrictions in India, Japan, the United States and Great Britain, as well as the quarantine obligation and “2G” (only with vaccinated and recovered status) requirements without recognition of the WHO vaccine list in Germany. Equally important are the steadily rising infection figures and the accompanying urgent appeal, including by the Robert Koch Institute, to reduce contacts to a minimum and to cancel all major events.

A large number of the exhibiting and visiting companies at Heimtextil are currently reacting to this with travel and trade fair attendance bans out of an obligation of concern towards their employees to protect them from health risks. The global willingness to travel is continuing to fall rapidly.

The planning and staging of the other spring trade fairs Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld and Paperworld is not affected. Due to their later dates in the year, at the end of January and mid-February respectively, these fairs are still planning to take place at the present time. Compared to Heimtextil, which is the most international trade fair at the Frankfurt location, Frankfurt Fashion Week currently has a much lower international profile and from this perspective can therefore still take place. The extremely volatile situation is continuously reviewed and evaluated in close exchange with the relevant authorities and industry partners.


Messe Frankfurt


Sicherer Re-Start: Heimtextil 2022 mit hoher internationaler Beteiligung

Vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2022 öffnet die Heimtextil unter 2G-Vorgaben ihre Tore und steht ganz im Zeichen des Re-Starts für sichere persönliche Begegnungen beim Onsite-Messebesuch. Ein  umfangreiches Sicherheits- und Hygienekonzept berücksichtigt die aktuellen Verordnungen der Landes- und Bundesregierung.
Hohe internationale Beteiligung dank hoher Impfquoten
Die seit dem 22. November 2021 gültigen Verordnungen der hessischen Landesregierung bestätigen die Durchführung der Heimtextil unter 2G-Vorgaben.

Vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2022 öffnet die Heimtextil unter 2G-Vorgaben ihre Tore und steht ganz im Zeichen des Re-Starts für sichere persönliche Begegnungen beim Onsite-Messebesuch. Ein  umfangreiches Sicherheits- und Hygienekonzept berücksichtigt die aktuellen Verordnungen der Landes- und Bundesregierung.
Hohe internationale Beteiligung dank hoher Impfquoten
Die seit dem 22. November 2021 gültigen Verordnungen der hessischen Landesregierung bestätigen die Durchführung der Heimtextil unter 2G-Vorgaben.
„Mit Blick auf die behördliche 2G-Pflicht liegen uns außerdem seitens unseres globalen Netzwerks aus Tochtergesellschaften und Sales Partnern der Messe Frankfurt erfreulicherweise valide Ergebnisse vor, aus denen ersichtlich ist: Fast alle teilnehmenden Aussteller*innen samt ihrer Teams aus allen internationalen Kernmärkten der Heimtextil sind mit zugelassenen Vakzinen geimpft. Ähnliche Ergebnisse liegen für die Besucherseite vor“, erklärt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies. Die Heimtextil kann 2022 auf dieser Basis in geplanter Breite und Tiefe auf zehn Hallenebenen mit rund 1500 Aussteller*innen aus 50 Ländern stattfinden.
„Gerade deswegen gilt: Die Gesundheit und Sicherheit aller Teilnehmer*innen steht für uns an oberster Stelle“, so Schmidt weiter. „Unser umfassendes Schutz- und Hygienekonzept hat sich im Rahmen bereits durchgeführter Messen erfolgreich bewährt. Dazu zählen neben der jüngst auf dem Messegelände in Frankfurt durchgeführten Formnext auch die wenige Wochen zurückliegende Buchmesse und die im September stattgefundene Automechanika, die beide ebenfalls auf unserem Messegelände hier in Frankfurt durchgeführt wurden.“
Messeteilnehmer*innen müssen nach aktuellem Stand am Eingang einen aktuellen Impf- oder Genesenennachweis vorlegen. Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Maßnahmen wie Online-Ticketing, hundertprozentige Frischluftzufuhr, großzügige Gestaltung von Hallen und Eingängen zur Einhaltung von Sicherheitsabständen sowie intensive Reinigungsmaßnahmen.
Weitere Informationen zum Hygiene- und Schutzkonzept finden Sie auf der Website der Heimtextil.

More information:
Heimtextil 2G Coronavirus

Messe Frankfurt

(c) Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living closed its doors after three successful days

IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living has wrapped up three successful days of business at Tokyo Big Sight’s South Halls. From 18 – 20 October 2021, a total of 11,147 visitors found their way to the fairground. Assembling again for the first time since the pandemic began, 300 exhibitors from five different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products in 10,390 sqm of gross exhibition space.

IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living has wrapped up three successful days of business at Tokyo Big Sight’s South Halls. From 18 – 20 October 2021, a total of 11,147 visitors found their way to the fairground. Assembling again for the first time since the pandemic began, 300 exhibitors from five different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products in 10,390 sqm of gross exhibition space.

“As the place where designers set trends and decision makers meet, IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living has once again proven to be the premier trade fair in Japan for the entire living space,” says Mr Yasushi Kajiwara, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd. “After last year’s fair was deferred due to the pandemic, we worked hard to present industry buyers with new impulses and ideas at this edition. This included an additional focus on up-and-coming designers at dedicated zones for new talent.”
Fresh talent and green living
With products for the entire living space assembled at the fairground, trade buyers were once again spoilt for choice, but a number of product zones in particular were worthy of special attention.
As a new initiative for 2021, the renowned Japanese architect Mr Keiji Ashizawa gathered prospective new interior designers and their products at the highly anticipated '+Talents' Zones.
To maximise connections, a series of fairground tours were also arranged to bring architects closer to the best new designers and their interior products for the Japanese market. A new 'Ethical' Zone was also introduced to spotlight green living, up-cycling, fair trade, and more.


Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd / Messe Frankfurt (HK)

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles provided vital business platform (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Co Ltd

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles provided vital business platform

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concluded its 27th autumn edition in early October. Held alongside four other concurrent textile shows, the fair was the only major event for this sector able to take place in China during this season, providing a much-needed business platform for 735 exhibitors and 20,106 trade buyers. The fair was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd expressed: “Due to the valuable cooperation of many parties and the continued support of our exhibitors and other partners, we were able to hold the fair as scheduled despite a number of challenges. Since the pandemic situation was brought under control in China last year, we have expended considerable resources to ensure our textile fairs still take place to provide trading platforms that connect the global industry. This edition was especially important as it was the only major fair to take place in the country at this time.”

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concluded its 27th autumn edition in early October. Held alongside four other concurrent textile shows, the fair was the only major event for this sector able to take place in China during this season, providing a much-needed business platform for 735 exhibitors and 20,106 trade buyers. The fair was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd expressed: “Due to the valuable cooperation of many parties and the continued support of our exhibitors and other partners, we were able to hold the fair as scheduled despite a number of challenges. Since the pandemic situation was brought under control in China last year, we have expended considerable resources to ensure our textile fairs still take place to provide trading platforms that connect the global industry. This edition was especially important as it was the only major fair to take place in the country at this time.”

While a number of international exhibitors participated this year with individual booths, the Belgium Pavilion presented home and contract products and five Chinese regional pavilions from Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Haining, and Tongxiang also featured. Two trend forums also provided inspiration for 2022, while the IKASAS Japanese Home Design Gallery, New Voices of Top Youth Upholstery Designers City Roving Exhibition and China International Fiber Art Exhibition gave further insights into various aspects of the industry.

Fair’s fringe programme highlights sustainability, design and more
As with all of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs around the world, sustainability is a big focus. A number of events under this focus took place in the fair’s fringe programme, including a half day forum titled How Sustainable Fashion is Reshaping Lifestyles, with a range of innovative companies and prestigious universities participating as speakers.

The Design Talk session featured a series of presentations from leading international designers, including from China, Japan and Europe, to share their design insights. And a new concept this year, titled New Voices of Top Youth Upholstery Designers – Intertextile Upholstery Design and City Roving Exhibition, showcased the work of six groups of young local designers from across China who presented the interior design ideas of their generation through displays and a forum. And reflecting the changes that continue to accelerate in the industry, a number of e-commerce and cross-border trade events took place, including sessions from the likes of JD Home, AliExpress and Tmall.

The 2022 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition will take place from 9 – 11 March, while the Autumn Edition is scheduled for 23 – 25 August 2022.

During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever. (c) PREMIUM GROUP

SAVE THE DATE: Frankfurt, January 2022

  • HIGHER, FASTER, FURTHER ! During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever.

The anticipation is rising! With the actual move to Frankfurt in January 2022, Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz and the teams will not only present further developed versions of the PREMIUM and SEEK fashion fairs, but will also celebrate a major B2C festival for the first time with THE GROUND.

More than ever, the Berliners‘ passion for people and fashion, but also for business and trading, is at the heart of all their events. And where better to combine all this than in the power metropolis of Frankfurt am Main.

  • HIGHER, FASTER, FURTHER ! During the first physical Frankfurt Fashion Week in January 2022, PREMIUM GROUP will show more novelties than ever.

The anticipation is rising! With the actual move to Frankfurt in January 2022, Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz and the teams will not only present further developed versions of the PREMIUM and SEEK fashion fairs, but will also celebrate a major B2C festival for the first time with THE GROUND.

More than ever, the Berliners‘ passion for people and fashion, but also for business and trading, is at the heart of all their events. And where better to combine all this than in the power metropolis of Frankfurt am Main.

„No city in Germany - no city in Europe - stands for business relevance and trading power as much as Frankfurt am Main,“ explains Tillmann. „We now have a unique opportunity to actively shape the future together. PREMIUM GROUP provides the industry with the platform, the brands with the creative content. In addition, we do what we do best, introduce the right players to each other and connect them. We bring together the movers and shakers who have the same drive as we do. With this new mix of location, entertainment, creative industry and trading focus, we are creating a unique momentum after the pandemic - January is when the big deals are made and the c ourse is set for the future.“

To achieve this goal, the PREMIUM GROUP teams have also given the proven successful formats PREMIUM and SEEK a new coat of paint. More space, new areas and shorter distances provide visitors with a completely new trade event experience. Trends, brands and events can be discovered together with new and well-known partners - for the first time all in one place!

And PREMIUM, which is already entering its 19th year in January, is also showing a new side in Frankfurt. Instead of being spread out like in Station-Berlin, in Frankfurt all brands show their collections in one big hall. „We are so excited to finally unite all exhibitors in one hall. This way we create a universe with many different worlds - colorful and exciting,“ says Wiebus. „We are in close exchange with all the protagonists throughout the year and continue to develop the concepts together. The entire industry is positive about coming together in Frankfurt. Everyone is keen to experience and create something completely new! We offer the framework for this - that is our strength.“

And the Berliners have another surprise in store for the Frankfurt debut: With THE GROUND, they are organizing a large fashion festival for young end consumers for the first time. Responsible for the event concept, in addition to Tillmann, Arntz and the PREMIUM GROUP- team, is B2C expert Kai Zollhöfer, who already made the Bread & Butter by Zalando a crowd puller. “THE GROUND is a B2C festival aimed at a young, purpose-driven generation. This new generation has a strong stance on current social and environmental challenges and expects brands to reflect them. The overriding themes at THE GROUND are therefore sustainability, diversity and equality”, said Zollhöfer.

The 3-day event offers brands the opportunity to interactively exhibit purpose-driven stories and products. In addition to the thematic focus on fashion, brands from the fields of wellbeing, beauty, mobility and technology will also present innovative products and solutions.

Foto: Pixabay

Autumn Editions of Intertextile Shanghai and Yarn Expo postponed

In light of recent Covid-19 cases in China, the Autumn Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo will be rescheduled to 9 – 11 October 2021. The fairs were originally due to take place at the end of August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “To comply with the government guidelines for pandemic containment and following discussions with our stakeholders, we have made the decision to postpone the fairs from their original August timing. To allow our exhibitors and buyers as much time as possible to plan ahead, we have already confirmed new dates with the fairground for the three concurrent fairs: 9 – 11 October.”

In light of recent Covid-19 cases in China, the Autumn Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo will be rescheduled to 9 – 11 October 2021. The fairs were originally due to take place at the end of August at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “To comply with the government guidelines for pandemic containment and following discussions with our stakeholders, we have made the decision to postpone the fairs from their original August timing. To allow our exhibitors and buyers as much time as possible to plan ahead, we have already confirmed new dates with the fairground for the three concurrent fairs: 9 – 11 October.”

“I would like to thank the participants of all three fairs for their understanding and ongoing support as we continue to operate in uncertain times. We remain dedicated to providing a quality international trading platform for three sectors for the autumn / winter sourcing season, and our overseas suppliers will still be able to participate through our hybrid exhibition scheme if they are unable to be in Shanghai in-person.”

Exhibitors or visitors with any queries about these fairs should email, or visit the fairs’ respective websites:
•    Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics:
•    Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles:
•    Yarn Expo:

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. The co-organisers of Yarn Expo are Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: Offering online sourcing again

Asia’s leading international trade fair for home and contract textiles returns for its 27th edition next month, offering suppliers and buyers a much needed boost with physical and virtual participation options. Buyers around the world can source from over 800 exhibitors both during the 25 – 27 August show period and online after the fair.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will open next month following successful in-person editions last August and this March. This year the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

Asia’s leading international trade fair for home and contract textiles returns for its 27th edition next month, offering suppliers and buyers a much needed boost with physical and virtual participation options. Buyers around the world can source from over 800 exhibitors both during the 25 – 27 August show period and online after the fair.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will open next month following successful in-person editions last August and this March. This year the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

To better cater to the needs of those who cannot travel to Shanghai, last year’s online buyer service returns again in 2021. Livestream presentations specific to product categories will be conducted each day of the fair, with online buyers able to communicate dynamically with the exhibitors, or follow up with them after the fair. An online matching programme will also be offered again, with buyers able to arrange virtual meetings with their desired exhibitors during and after the fair. For those buyers able to attend the fair in-person, a VIP buyer programme a free business matching service is offered.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2021 will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Heimtextil 2022: „Die Branche scharrt mit den Hufen“

Gute Vorzeichen für den Neustart: Die Heimtextil geht optimistisch und mit guten Vorzeichen in die Planung für 2022. Ein vielversprechender Anmeldestand und positive Rückmeldung aus der Branche seien erfreuliche Signale für den Re-Start in sieben Monaten, so die Messe Frankfurt.

Vor dem Hintergrund sinkender Corona-Infektionszahlen sorgen die gegenwärtigen Lockerungen und Öffnungsschritte für Zuversicht, national wie international. „Wir sehen endlich Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Und auch wenn das noch kein Anlass zur Euphorie ist, stimmt es uns doch sehr optimistisch. Wir stehen in guten Kontakt zu unseren internationalen Kunden. Sie äußern ein großes Bedürfnis nach persönlicher Begegnung, direktem Austausch und neuen Eindrücken“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt. Das spiegele sich auch in der erfreulich hohen Zahl der Registrierungen wider, die es bereits jetzt gebe, nach mehr als einem Jahr Pandemie und sieben Monate vor Beginn der internationalen Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien. Rund 80 Prozent der Aussteller der Heimtextil 2020 interessieren sich demzufolge bislang für eine Teilnahme.

Gute Vorzeichen für den Neustart: Die Heimtextil geht optimistisch und mit guten Vorzeichen in die Planung für 2022. Ein vielversprechender Anmeldestand und positive Rückmeldung aus der Branche seien erfreuliche Signale für den Re-Start in sieben Monaten, so die Messe Frankfurt.

Vor dem Hintergrund sinkender Corona-Infektionszahlen sorgen die gegenwärtigen Lockerungen und Öffnungsschritte für Zuversicht, national wie international. „Wir sehen endlich Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Und auch wenn das noch kein Anlass zur Euphorie ist, stimmt es uns doch sehr optimistisch. Wir stehen in guten Kontakt zu unseren internationalen Kunden. Sie äußern ein großes Bedürfnis nach persönlicher Begegnung, direktem Austausch und neuen Eindrücken“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt. Das spiegele sich auch in der erfreulich hohen Zahl der Registrierungen wider, die es bereits jetzt gebe, nach mehr als einem Jahr Pandemie und sieben Monate vor Beginn der internationalen Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien. Rund 80 Prozent der Aussteller der Heimtextil 2020 interessieren sich demzufolge bislang für eine Teilnahme.

Trend Space: Einrichtungstrends von morgen
Das Programm-Highlight für Design-Interessierte wird 2022 erneut der Trend Space in der Halle 4.0. In dem Trend- und Inspirationsareal wird es darum gehen, wie die Pandemie unser Leben und damit auch unsere Art des Einrichtens verändert hat. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei unter anderem auf dem Megathema New Work, das mit neuen Facetten betrachtet wird. Die Regie bei der Inszenierung des „Trend Space“ übernimmt erneut Anja Bisgaard Gaede mit ihrem Team von SPOTT Trends & Business.

Digitale Angebote ergänzen die Fachmesse
Digitale Zusatzangebote ergänzen das Produktspektrum der Heimtextil 2022 in Frankfurt. Geplant sind Live-Streams und Online-Services aus dem Vortragsprogramm. Es umfasst Themen wie „Sleep“, die Heimtextil Trends sowie Interior.Architecture.Hospitality, das Angebot für (Innen-)Architekten und Hospitality Experten. Auch das Thema Nachhaltigkeit sowie die Future Materials Library werden mit Vorträgen abgebildet. Mit dem Order- und Datenmanagement-Portal Nextrade gibt es einen weiteren digitalen Service der Messe Frankfurt.


Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil launches digital materials library (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil launches digital materials library

Progressive material innovations presented digitally: following the cancellation of this year’s fair due to the corona pandemic, Heimtextil is extending its range of digital services and launching a new online materials library entitled ‘Future Materials Library’. 24 future-oriented materials for interior applications can now be found at

The curators of the new materials library are London-based futures-research agency, FranklinTill. “We are transitioning to a materials revolution that will help restore the balance in our relationship to our planet. As part of the Heimtextil Trends 21/22, we present a new selection of materials for interior applications with exciting innovations from all over the world”, says Caroline Till of FranklinTill.

A mix of commercially viable products and developments in an early stage

Progressive material innovations presented digitally: following the cancellation of this year’s fair due to the corona pandemic, Heimtextil is extending its range of digital services and launching a new online materials library entitled ‘Future Materials Library’. 24 future-oriented materials for interior applications can now be found at

The curators of the new materials library are London-based futures-research agency, FranklinTill. “We are transitioning to a materials revolution that will help restore the balance in our relationship to our planet. As part of the Heimtextil Trends 21/22, we present a new selection of materials for interior applications with exciting innovations from all over the world”, says Caroline Till of FranklinTill.

A mix of commercially viable products and developments in an early stage

Imaginative designers and environmentally-aware manufacturers: the Future Materials Library 2021 offers materials pioneers a platform and presents a first-class mix of economically proven and revolutionary developments. FranklinTill has organised the materials in four themes: REGENERATIVE CROPS, REMADE FIBRES, HARVESTING WASTE STREAMS and SUSTAINABLE COLOUR.

Resources are running low

Thus, the new Heimtextil materials library tackles one of the main problems of the modern age: the shortage of resources on earth. In particular, textile production creates huge and continuously growing quantities of waste. And, over past decades, the design business has developed a ‘take, make and discard’ model of consumption that is incredibly harmful for our planet. In the climate-emergency era, however, future-oriented designers are learning from nature and working together with it. They endeavour to make use of the power of highly efficient natural circular systems to create textiles and materials that are better for both humans and the planet.

Heimtextil Trends: a guide for the international sector

The ‘Future Materials Library’ is part of the Heimtextil Trends that, for almost three decades, have been offering orientation for the sector by revealing design tendencies for the coming season. Even in the crisis, the Heimtextil Trends remain a vital part of the overall concept of the fair and provide important content for all target groups involved within the worldwide sector. Accordingly, Heimtextil aims to spotlight style-defining design developments taking place within the larger context of lifestyle trends. At the same time, the Heimtextil trend experts scan the exhibitors’ product world and identify unequivocal trends in the sector. In this connection, particular attention is paid to sustainable aspects along the entire value chain – in both the new digital library and live during the fair next January. 


Heimtextil - Messe Frankfurt


Heimtextil 2022: Trends bleiben inspiratives Herz der Messe

Wie verändert die Pandemie unsere Art zu wohnen? Mit dieser zentralen Frage beschäftigte sich das Heimtextil Trend Council, das kürzlich zu einem digitalen Workshop zusammenkam. Die internationalen Trendexperten machten es sich zur Aufgabe, die dominierenden Designthemen für die Saison 2022/23 zu verifizieren. Damit nimmt die Heimtextil die Planungen für die Trends zur nächsten Messeausgabe vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2022 in Frankfurt am Main auf.

Wie verändert die Pandemie unsere Art zu wohnen? Mit dieser zentralen Frage beschäftigte sich das Heimtextil Trend Council, das kürzlich zu einem digitalen Workshop zusammenkam. Die internationalen Trendexperten machten es sich zur Aufgabe, die dominierenden Designthemen für die Saison 2022/23 zu verifizieren. Damit nimmt die Heimtextil die Planungen für die Trends zur nächsten Messeausgabe vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2022 in Frankfurt am Main auf.

Zum wiederholten Mal setzt sich das Trend Council aus den drei international renommierten Agenturen SPOTT Trends & Business (Dänemark), Studio FranklinTill (Großbritannien) und Stijlinstituut Amsterdam (Niederlande) zusammen. Erneut übernimmt Anja Bisgaard Gaede mit ihrem Team von SPOTT Trends & Business die Leitung des Projekts und verleiht damit den Heimtextil Trends 22/23 einen skandinavischen Touch. Zum Aufgabenbereich der Dänen zählt neben der Ausarbeitung des Contents auch die Konzeption der Trend-Präsentation während der Messe im Januar. Alljährlich markiert das Treffen des Heimtextil Trend Councils im Frühjahr den Auftakt der Vorbereitungen für die Fachmesse im kommenden Januar. Zugleich geben die Trendforscher dabei einen ersten Einblick, wohin die Reise in puncto Einrichtungsdesign in der nächsten Saison gehen wird. Damit legen die Trendforscher und die Messeverantwortlichen den Grundstein für die globale Trendaussage.

Darüber hinaus wird es in der nächsten Saison darum gehen, wie die Pandemie unser Leben und damit auch unsere Art des Einrichtens verändert hat. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Megathema New Work, das mit neuen Facetten betrachtet wird. Erste Einblicke in die Trendthemen der Saison 2022/23 und nähere Informationen zu den künftigen Designentwicklungen geben die Heimtextil-Verantwortlichen gemeinsam mit den Mitgliedern des Trend Council im Rahmen der digitalen Trend Preview  im September.

More information:
Heimtextil 2022 Trendcouncil

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to feature leading suppliers

With the spring textile trade fair season in China just around the corner, a number of leading domestic and international suppliers are confirmed to take part in Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. The fair will now take place at a slightly later date of 17 – 19 March. Together with the concurrent fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo, CHIC and PH Value, these five events will form the first major in-person gathering for the textile industry this year.

From bedding and towelling, rugs and table & kitchen linen to home textile technologies and textile designs, buyers will have a wide range of the latest collections to source from this month at Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center. International exhibitors such as Lenzing and Cotton Council International as well as leading domestic brands including Coolist, Luolai, Soluffy and Yunjie Textile are amongst those signed up to take part this year.

Exhibitor highlights

With the spring textile trade fair season in China just around the corner, a number of leading domestic and international suppliers are confirmed to take part in Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. The fair will now take place at a slightly later date of 17 – 19 March. Together with the concurrent fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo, CHIC and PH Value, these five events will form the first major in-person gathering for the textile industry this year.

From bedding and towelling, rugs and table & kitchen linen to home textile technologies and textile designs, buyers will have a wide range of the latest collections to source from this month at Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center. International exhibitors such as Lenzing and Cotton Council International as well as leading domestic brands including Coolist, Luolai, Soluffy and Yunjie Textile are amongst those signed up to take part this year.

Exhibitor highlights

  • Lenzing Fibers: will showcase their flagship brand for textiles, TENCEL™. Used for a variety of highly specialised applications, TENCEL™ fibres are soft to the skin and excellent in thermal regulation and moisture absorption.
  • Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit association that promotes US cotton fibre and cotton products throughout the world.
  • Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology: this Chinese company designs and produces a range of functional pillow collections including their Filmless Gel, Hydrophilic, Air, Flexible and Organic pillow series. Their unique Coolist design features patented technology, and is made from organic and environmental-friendly materials.
  • Anhui Million Feather: located in Anhui province’s Lu’an city, known in China as the ‘Kingdom of Geese’, the company produces a range of down and feather products and various bedding items.
  • Wujiang City Yunjie Textiles: specialising in wide-width fabrics including microfibre, satin and suede.
  • Yantai Zhonglian Industry: their main products include sheets, pillowcases, quilt covers, bed skirts, comforters, coverlets, pillows and more.

Intertextile Shanghai and Yarn Expo spring editions to be postponed

The spring editions of the three fairs – Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo Spring – that were due to take place from 10 – 12 March 2021 will be postponed, with a new date to be announced shortly. Messe Frankfurt made the decision along with the co-organisers of the fairs to comply with local authority guidelines.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained the decision: “In compliance with the Shanghai Municipal Center for Health Promotion’s pandemic prevention and control guidelines for exhibition activities, and after careful evaluation and discussion with relevant stakeholders, we have decided to postpone the three fairs to a later date. We have begun a discussion with the three fairs’ stakeholders as well as the fairground regarding a new date, and aim to hold the rescheduled shows within March to minimise the impact to our exhibitors and buyers and still accommodate their buying needs for the current spring / summer season. While the new dates will be announced shortly, we are grateful in the meantime for the understanding and patience of all those involved.”

The spring editions of the three fairs – Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles and Yarn Expo Spring – that were due to take place from 10 – 12 March 2021 will be postponed, with a new date to be announced shortly. Messe Frankfurt made the decision along with the co-organisers of the fairs to comply with local authority guidelines.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained the decision: “In compliance with the Shanghai Municipal Center for Health Promotion’s pandemic prevention and control guidelines for exhibition activities, and after careful evaluation and discussion with relevant stakeholders, we have decided to postpone the three fairs to a later date. We have begun a discussion with the three fairs’ stakeholders as well as the fairground regarding a new date, and aim to hold the rescheduled shows within March to minimise the impact to our exhibitors and buyers and still accommodate their buying needs for the current spring / summer season. While the new dates will be announced shortly, we are grateful in the meantime for the understanding and patience of all those involved.”

Further information:
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles
Yarn Expo


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to return in August 2021

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

“We are delighted that Intertextile 2020 was able to run as planned and received positive feedback from participants. It is a confirmation of our leading position in the Asian industry, and our unwavering commitment to providing the best trade platform for our exhibitors and visitors that reflects market demands,” said Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, we look forward to developing more creative and flexible solutions to adapt to the ever-changing business environment. The 2021 edition will continue with the hybrid format that combines both physical and virtual events, in order to facilitate contacts between suppliers and buyers worldwide, and open up new opportunities in the post-pandemic era.”
“Additionally, we decided to hold Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics and Yarn Expo next year. Holding these three events at the same time and place will generate exciting synergistic effects, as well as provide a comprehensive sourcing platform for participants. And, of course, the show will present a series of high-quality fringe events for fairgoers to gain the latest market trends and insights,” Ms Wen added.

Discover a new season of inspiration at Intertextile
At the upcoming fair, exhibitors will fill four halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), occupying an area of 100,000 sqm. To offer a more efficient and convenient sourcing experience for buyers, the fair will once again feature an array of product zones and country & region pavilions including:

  • Country & region pavilions: presented by Belgium, India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey.
  • Carpet zone: featuring renowned domestic and international providers of carpets and floor coverings.
  • Editor zone: offering high-quality upholstery fabrics from prominent European manufacturers.
  • Finished product zone: international suppliers will showcase their latest finished goods for a variety of applications.
  • Textile design zone: leading design studios will exhibit their creative ideas and products for all areas of the interior markets.
  • Textile technology zone: presenting cutting-edge textile technologies which can achieve flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.
  • Contract business: leading suppliers will offer a vast portfolio of functional fabrics catering to different interior settings such as hotels, restaurants and public spaces.



Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd