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The Key to Confidence: Die zweite Ergebnisrunde aus OEKO-TEX® Verbraucherstudie

Die OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft hat weitere Ergebnisse ihrer Studie „The Key To Confidence: Verbraucher und textile Nachhaltigkeit – Denkweisen, neue Verhaltensweisen und Ausblicke“ veröffentlicht, die sich auf die Zielgruppen Millennials und Eltern konzentrieren.
Der jüngste Bericht beschreibt zwei der mächtigsten Verbrauchergruppen auf dem weltweiten Textilmarkt, die diesen Markt noch auf Jahrzehnte hinaus beeinflussen werden. OEKO-TEX® stellt die Ergebnisse in den nächsten Monaten im Rahmen mehrerer Webinare und Präsentationen vor. Ein bereits aufgezeichnetes, von der für die Studie „The Key To Confidence“ verantwortlichen Marktforscherin Ellen Karp präsentiertes Webinar ist jetzt unter verfügbar.

Die OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft hat weitere Ergebnisse ihrer Studie „The Key To Confidence: Verbraucher und textile Nachhaltigkeit – Denkweisen, neue Verhaltensweisen und Ausblicke“ veröffentlicht, die sich auf die Zielgruppen Millennials und Eltern konzentrieren.
Der jüngste Bericht beschreibt zwei der mächtigsten Verbrauchergruppen auf dem weltweiten Textilmarkt, die diesen Markt noch auf Jahrzehnte hinaus beeinflussen werden. OEKO-TEX® stellt die Ergebnisse in den nächsten Monaten im Rahmen mehrerer Webinare und Präsentationen vor. Ein bereits aufgezeichnetes, von der für die Studie „The Key To Confidence“ verantwortlichen Marktforscherin Ellen Karp präsentiertes Webinar ist jetzt unter verfügbar.

Die Online-Befragung „The Key to Confidence“ wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2017 durchgeführt und stützt sich auf Daten von mehr als 11.000 Verbrauchern von Bekleidung und Heimtextilien. Von der gesamten Erhebung entfallen ca. 30 % auf die Altersgruppe der zwischen 1981 und 2000 Geborenen, die auch als Millennials bezeichnet werden. Das deckt sich mit dem Anteil der Bevölkerung weltweit. In der zweiten Ausgabe der Ergebnisse berichtet OEKO-TEX®, wie differenziert Millennials über Nachhaltigkeit bei Textilien denken und wie das Elternsein diese Einstellungen beeinflusst.

Durch die Nutzung des Internets und sozialer Medien beispielsweise, ist das Bewusstsein der Millennials über ökologische und soziale Missstände in der Textilindustrie stärker ausgeprägt als bei älteren Teilnehmern der Befragung. Sie neigen eher dazu, die Textilindustrie als einen der wichtigsten Umweltverschmutzer zu betrachten. Infolgedessen sind Millennials weitaus mehr besorgt über Schadstoffe in ihrer Bekleidung und in Heimtextilprodukten.

Bei Eltern ist die Sorge über alle möglichen Dinge noch stärker ausgeprägt. Insbesondere Eltern von Kleinkindern äußern ihre Bedenken über Schadstoffe in einer Vielzahl von Produkten, aber insbesondere in Heimtextilien und Bekleidung. Die unguten Gefühle von Eltern in Bezug auf die Produktsicherheit übertreffen dabei die Bedenken von Nicht-Eltern. Ihr Bewusstsein für „umweltfreundliche“ Bekleidung und Heimtextilien, das sich auch in entsprechenden Produktkäufen widerspiegelt, ist wesentlich stärker als bei Menschen, die keine kleinen Kinder zu Hause haben.

Dementsprechend haben Millennials und Eltern ein stärkeres Interesse an zertifizierten Textilien. „Beide dieser von Zeitmangel geprägten Verbrauchergruppen suchen nach dem kürzesten Weg zu Vertrauen und Transparenz“, sagt Ellen Karp, Expertin für globale Marken und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. „Millennials und Eltern möchte das Richtige für die Gesellschaft und die Erde tun, aber auch für ihre Familien. Markenunternehmen und Zertifizierer spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kommunikation von Informationen, die diesen engagierten Verbrauchern verantwortungsbewusste Kaufentscheidungen ermöglichen, die sie gerne bereit sind zu treffen.“

Anna Czerwinska, Head of Marketing and Communication bei OEKO-TEX® sagt dazu: „Wir von OEKO-TEX® möchten diese Ergebnisse sehr gerne mit unseren Kunden und der Textilindustrie teilen. Seit 25 Jahren sehen wir es als unsere Aufgabe an, Unternehmen und Verbrauchern dabei zu helfen, bewusste und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen.“ „Die Informationen aus der Studie unterstreichen einmal mehr die wichtige Rolle, die unabhängige OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierungen und Labels dabei spielen können, Millennials und Eltern bei der Auswahl nachhaltiger Textilien zu helfen, die ihren Familien zugutekommen und eine bessere Welt schaffen.“

Für weitere Informationen zu „The Key to Confidence: Verbraucher und textile Nachhaltigkeit – Denkweisen, neue Verhaltensweisen und Ausblicke“ wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an Trish Martin ( oder an Anna Czerwinska ( Nähere Details zum OEKO-TEX® Portfolio an Prüfungen, Zertifizierungen und Produktlabels finden Sie unter


OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH, Frau Anna Czerwinska

intertextile, Shanghai (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2018, 14 – 16 March 2018

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

Denim enriched with volcanic ash: the latest innovation from Orta Anadolu
Volcanic ash is not uncommon in beauty products – it is known as Mother Nature’s skin purifier after all, and used as an exfoliator for example – but it is far less common in the textile industry. Orta Anadolu are set to change that with their BIOWARE denim which is enriched with mineralised volcanic ash to create an odour absorbing effect. This technology captures and absorbs odour compounds that would normally pass through the fabric, neutralising bad bacteria while retaining the helpful bacteria that common deodorisers, which contain harsh substances, normally eliminate. This leads to a more environmentally friendly product that is better for the user’s skin.

Orta will also be presenting BIOCHARGE at Intertextile, which, according to the company, is the world’s first denim fabric for muscle wellness. Infused with minerals, Orta state that BIOCHARGE is medically proven to refresh muscles, relieve muscle tension and optimise body balance. They will also present their BOUNCE stretch range, with high elasticity and a ‘street’ style, while CHRONICLE, another in their S/S 19 range, is a blend of heritage and future styles.

US Denim Mills blend tomorrow’s technology with yesterday’s style
Another innovative denim firm exhibiting at Intertextile Shanghai, and another blending old and new, is US Denim Mills. According to the company, their collection at the fair will “harness tomorrow’s textile advances to revitalise the great style visions of the past by adding fashion, comfort, performance and sustainability advantages to authentic denim looks.” This collection includes:

• Selvedge: using the company’s legacy selvedge looms to produce bi-stretch ‘SelvedgeX’ while experimenting with blends of natural yarns and high-tech fibre blends in its ‘HeritEdge+’ range
• Stretch: including ‘Flex 360’ bi-stretch denim with a slight cross-bias freedom, and ‘Modern Stretches’ with a higher stretch range for intense comfort
• SoftWear: advanced finishing treatments for superior soft touch from natural fibre blended yarns and softness-selected weaves
• Sustainable: new additions to the range of recycled and natural ‘GreenEgo’ denims

Kipas Denim step up their sustainability efforts
Well aware of the effect denim production has on the environment, Kipas Denim’s multi-faceted programme to address this is one of the most comprehensive in the denim sector. Their recycled yarn initiative includes recycling waste yarn from the production process, while it also takes waste cotton yarn and blends it with REPREVE® fibres to create an eco-friendly denim fabric. Kipas also uses BCI cotton and organic cotton, and targets each to be 15% and 5% of total consumption, respectively. Furthermore, their Conservablue technology aims to reduce the environmental impact of the dyeing process by eliminating the use of rinsing overflow boxes before and after the indigo dye boxes, as well as ensuring 100% of applied dyestuff remains on the yarn in the rinsing bath.

As well as the overseas offerings, a wide range of domestic denim exhibitors covering all price and quality points will also feature in Beyond Denim. Some of the more notable brands participating include Advance Denim, Black Peony, Guangzhou Foison and Prosperity Textile.

Denim’s ‘next move’ to be debated in INVISTA panel discussion
The market is changing and so must apparel and textile manufacturers. Low prices and discounts are no longer driving sales the way they used to. Today’s consumer wants better quality, appreciates new technology and is evolving their casualwear style. This is the premise behind the INVISTA-sponsored panel discussion which will take place on day 1 of the fair. Titled ‘Denim’s Next Move – New Opportunities to Keep Growing Sales of Jeans and Casualwear at Retail’, participants will learn what consumers really want in jeans and casualwear, the return of chinos and new fabric technologies that are energising casualwear.

The panel will be moderated by Jane Singer, Director and Head of Market Development at Inside Fashion. Panellists will include representatives from Advance Denim, Guangzhou Conshing Clothing Group, Prosperity Textile and Texhong who will share their latest innovations that will help brands and retailers drive sales and profits.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.

STFI Leichtbauzentrum vti-pressedienst ++ press service mtex+ & LiMA

Messe-Duo mtex+ und LiMA in Chemnitz

Technische Textilien treffen Leichtbau beim internationalen Messe-Duo mtex+ und LiMA am 29./30. Mai 2018 in Chemnitz
Tschechien und Österreich stark vertreten / Kooperation von mtex+ und SALTEX Dornbirn vereinbart

Technische Textilien treffen Leichtbau beim internationalen Messe-Duo mtex+ und LiMA am 29./30. Mai 2018 in Chemnitz
Tschechien und Österreich stark vertreten / Kooperation von mtex+ und SALTEX Dornbirn vereinbart

„Exzellente Verbindungen – Technische Textilien treffen Leichtbau“ lautet künftig der gemeinsame Slogan des am 29./30. Mai 2018 in Chemnitz (Deutschland) stattfindenden Messe-Doppels mtex+ und LiMA. „Er bringt das auf der jüngsten gemeinsamen Beratung von den Fachbeiräten befürwortete engere Zusammengehen beider Messen auf den Punkt. Ein folgerichtiger Schritt, denn die Themen Technische Textilien und Leichtbau weisen eine ständig wachsende Schnittmenge auf, die Grenzen sind fließend“, erläutert André Rehn, Leiter Messen der C³ GmbH, Chemnitz. „Zudem existiert in der sozusagen gastgebenden mitteldeutschen Industrieregion ein überdurchschnittlich stark ausgeprägtes Forschungs- und Entwicklungspotenzial auf den genannten Gebieten. Die Akteure hier spielen wahrlich Zukunftsmusik. Nicht minder wichtig für Aussteller wie für Fachbesucher sind die von uns so bezeichneten ‚exzellenten Verbindungen‘. Wer zu unserem kleinen aber feinen Messe-Duo der kurzen Wege und erschwinglichen Preise kommt, weiß: In Chemnitz habe ich mehr Zeit und Gelegenheit für den Aufbau und die Pflege vertrauensvoller Geschäftskontakte als bei kaum überschaubaren Großveranstaltungen, auf denen eilige Betriebsamkeit herrscht. Wir schaffen die Basis für die langfristig tragfähige Qualität solcher Kontakte. Die nahezu parallel, am  28. und 29. Mai, auf unserem Messegelände stattfindende 16. Chemnitzer Textiltechnik-Tagung ist ein zusätzlicher Anreiz, uns zu besuchen. Auch sie schlägt thematisch die Brücke zwischen moderner Textilherstellung und vielfältigen Leichtbau-Anwendungen.“ Die 7. Int. Messe für Technische Textilien mtex+ und die Leichtbaumesse LiMA präsentieren sich künftig im Internet gemeinsam unter:

Wie Projektleiterin Katja Bauer berichtet, haben sich zum Messe-Doppel bereits interessante Aussteller aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Österreich, der Schweiz und Tschechien angekündigt. Insgesamt elf Firmen präsentieren sich am umfangreichen Kollektivstand des in Prag ansässigen Textilverbandes ATOK und des tschechischen Techtex-Cluster CLUTEX.  Die in Österreich wirkende Smart-Textiles Plattform hat die Teilnahme von sieben Firmen angekündigt. „Wir waren bereits die letzten Jahre mit einem Gemeinschaftsstand auf der mtex+ dabei und wollen unsere seinerzeit geknüpften Kontakte erweitern“, erläutert Smart-Textiles-Koordinater Günter Grabher. „Wir freuen uns, dass die Messegesellschaften von Chemnitz und Dornbirn vor wenigen Tagen offiziell die Kooperation zwischen der mtex+ und der SALTEX vereinbart haben.“  Kernstück der Übereinkunft ist die gegenseitige Gewährung von vorteilhaften Bedingungen für die Präsentation von Firmen aus den Textilregionen Vorarlberg und Ostdeutschland.  „Aus unserer Sicht ergänzen sich die Profile beider Veranstaltungen in optimaler Weise“, sagt Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti), Chemnitz. Er kündigte an, dass sich mehrere Mitgliedsfirmen des vti am 12. und 13. Sept. 2018 erstmals mit einem Kollektivstand auf der SALTEX präsentieren werden. 

Hauptthemen der mtex+ sind funktionalisierte Textilien, textile Verfahrens- und Prozessentwicklung  sowie Herstellung und  Recycling  von  textilen Verbundstoffen. Die Sonderausstellung „flexible.protect“ zeigt innovative Schutz- und Sicherheitstextilien. Die Themenschau „health.textil“ sowie eine Projekt-Werkstatt sind Gesundheitstextilien für Klinik, Pflege, Kur und Wellness gewidmet.

Die 2. SALTEX stellt Smart Textiles in den Mittelpunkt und führt deren Entwickler mit (potenziellen) Anwendern aus Branchen wie Bautechnik, Mobilität, Medizin sowie aus dem Sport- und Lifestyle-Sektor zusammen. Zweites Schwerpunktthema sind textile High-Performance Materials (HPM). Zum Programm gehören zudem das Smart-Textiles-Symposium sowie Besuche in Vorarlberger Textilfirmen. Die SALTEX wird erstmals parallel zur 57. Internationalen Fasertagung Dornbirn-GFC veranstaltet.

More information:
mtex+ LiMa

vti-pressedienst  ++ press service mtex+ & LiMA


Superior Linen Supply Recertified Hygienically Clean

  • Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

ALEXANDRIA, Va., February 16, 2018 —Kansas City, Mo.-based Superior Linen Supply has again achieved Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

  • Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

ALEXANDRIA, Va., February 16, 2018 —Kansas City, Mo.-based Superior Linen Supply has again achieved Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

“Congratulations to Superior Linen Supply on their recertification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their ongoing commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”

More information:
Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Ken Koepper, TRSA®


TRSA Donates $80,000 Toward Hurricane Relief from Proceeds of Cancelled Annual Conference

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

"The contribution from TRSA will directly assist low income families and the elderly who seek overnight accommodations during a medical crisis,” said Tressa Clarke, Executive Director of Anayat House, which provides affordable overnight accommodations for family members of patients at local Beaumont, TX, hospitals and anyone traveling to Beaumont for medical care and outpatient treatment. “This contribution will help bridge the gap between the suggested donation of $20 and the actual cost of $90 per room.”

CORE, an organization that is part of the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, grants support to children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances. "CORE was incredibly grateful to receive the generous donation from TRSA," said Lauren LaViola, executive director of CORE.  “The donation to CORE will help to fulfill grants for qualifying children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances."

“I feel truly inspired by TRSA’s continued commitment to the support of our industry’s community of families. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of such great association,” said Pablo Lucchesi, Managing Partner of Crown Linen, in whose name TRSA made the CORE contribution.

An additional contribution was made to ConPRmetidos, an organization that specializes in matching Puerto Rico’s “diaspora” – people who settle away from their ancestral homeland – with companies there to help them grow.

“We don’t have words to say thanks for all your generosity,” said Michael Shulevitz, President of Cadillac Uniform & Linen Supply in Puerto Rico. “Thank you for helping Puerto Rico to rise up again.”

The $80,000 donation follows an immediate TRSA charitable effort that took place just after the conference, when several hundred homeless residents were given welcome boxes that had been packaged for conference attendees at the time of the cancellation.

More information:

Ken Koepper, Director of Marketing/PR


Loop Linen Certified for Food Service Laundering

Loop Linen has earned the Hygienically Clean Food Service designation, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Loop Linen is a fourth-generation family-owned linen and uniform service company located in New Orleans suburb of Westwego.

The certification confirms the laundry’s dedication to compliance and processing linens and garments using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, the focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation of critical control points (CCPs) that minimize risk. The independent, third-party inspection must confirm essential evidence that:
•             Employees are properly trained and protected
•             Managers understand legal requirements
•             OSHA-compliant
•             Physical plant operates effectively

Loop Linen has earned the Hygienically Clean Food Service designation, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Loop Linen is a fourth-generation family-owned linen and uniform service company located in New Orleans suburb of Westwego.

The certification confirms the laundry’s dedication to compliance and processing linens and garments using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, the focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation of critical control points (CCPs) that minimize risk. The independent, third-party inspection must confirm essential evidence that:
•             Employees are properly trained and protected
•             Managers understand legal requirements
•             OSHA-compliant
•             Physical plant operates effectively

In addition, Loop Linen’s facility passed three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean garments and linens and diminished presence of harmful bacteria. To maintain their certification, laundry plants must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for full- and limited-service restaurants and other food service operations.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) practices are examined in the Hygienically Clean Food Safety inspection process, evaluating the plant’s techniques for:
•             Conducting hazard analysis
•             Determining CCPs, monitoring their control, correcting them if not under control
•             Validating and verifying HACCP system effectiveness
•             Documenting and record-keeping to show ongoing conformance

Inspections also evaluate practices relevant to handling and processing textile products used in food manufacturing/processing establishments for adherence to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) directives. Introduced in January 2016, Hygienically Clean Food Service brought to linen and uniform service laundering in North America the international cleanliness standards used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

“Congratulations to Loop Linen on their certification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their dedication to building their customers’ confidence that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”


METALBOTTONI’s new goals for 2018

METALBOTTONI has drawn up its new strategy for the year 2018, based on a targeted trade fair
schedule and on many product innovations. These innovations are part of a marketing approach
which is more and more branding ingredient-oriented, in order to highlight the added value
of the accessory as a component characterising and enhancing product recognition, as well as
strengthening its consulting activities for customers, thus offering true excellence in service.
There are three main elements pointing to a positive moment for METALBOTTONI: its recent
outstanding performance in double-digit on foreign markets (most notably in the northern
European region), the consolidation of consulting and support services aimed at redesigning the
perspective on the world of accessories, and its product range extension. The fourth pillar, actually
a fixture at METALBOTTONI, is sustainable innovation with the protocol called NO IMPACT which has
made a huge step forward thanks to new technologies which halved water consumption compared

METALBOTTONI has drawn up its new strategy for the year 2018, based on a targeted trade fair
schedule and on many product innovations. These innovations are part of a marketing approach
which is more and more branding ingredient-oriented, in order to highlight the added value
of the accessory as a component characterising and enhancing product recognition, as well as
strengthening its consulting activities for customers, thus offering true excellence in service.
There are three main elements pointing to a positive moment for METALBOTTONI: its recent
outstanding performance in double-digit on foreign markets (most notably in the northern
European region), the consolidation of consulting and support services aimed at redesigning the
perspective on the world of accessories, and its product range extension. The fourth pillar, actually
a fixture at METALBOTTONI, is sustainable innovation with the protocol called NO IMPACT which has
made a huge step forward thanks to new technologies which halved water consumption compared
to previous performances of the system, obtaining also better results in a shorter processing time,
saving electricity as well.

An ongoing pathway
There are many novelties to be displayed by METALBOTTONI at three of the most important events
in the industry early in the new year. The company from Bergamo will be present at Munich Fabric
Start (30 January – 1 February), then at Milano Unica (6-8 February), and finally in Paris for the new
edition of Première Vision Accessories (13-15 February).

More information:

Francesco Farinelli / METALBOTTONI

Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra Deutschland GmbH
Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland.

Lectra Germany appoints Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

“The transformation to Industry 4.0 is in full swing: the Industrial Internet of Things, Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud technology, data analyses and data exploitation have become key,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “Working for Lectra for over 15 years, Holger has a deep experience and knowledge of Lectra’s DNA, and is in a very strong position to support our customers in the digitalization of their processes.”

“Industry 4.0. started in Germany. Therefore, many companies are keen to adopt its principles in our region. Lectra is very well-positioned to support our customers in their transformation,“ says Holger Max-Lang.In my role, I am looking forward to a growing dialogue with our customers and prospects, to bring them a full understanding of the expertise we have built - and are building. We will leverage this expertise to boost our customers’ competitiveness and generate higher added-value for their businesses.”

Following marketing and sales positions in the IT and automotive industry sectors, Holger joined Lectra Germany in September 2002 as a salesperson for automotive accounts. He then held diverse sales’ roles in the region, including the position of Sales Manager for all Lectra markets in Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Since September 2017 Holger has held the role of Business Development Director, Automotive, with the responsibility to develop the leather cutting activity worldwide.


Lectra Deutschland GmbH

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 (c) SANITIZED AG
Sanitized®Odoractiv 10

Goodbye „Permastink“! Innovative odor-management for functional polyester textiles

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 with patented, dual-action technology

SANITIZED AG presents a new unique dimension to odor-management for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn. The underlying technology that has been further developed was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. Goodbye permastink!

Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 with patented, dual-action technology

SANITIZED AG presents a new unique dimension to odor-management for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn. The underlying technology that has been further developed was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. Goodbye permastink!

Manufacturers of functional polyester textiles from all over the world face the same challenge: freshly washed garments develop an unpleasant odor even after a short wearing period. The cause of this undesirable effect is not the human perspiration itself, but the bacteria that break down the perspiration. This process of decomposition generates the characteristic sweet, pungent smell. Once the bacteria, or the odor molecules, have penetrated into the surface of the polyester textile, they remain there permanently. Machine wash cycles and special detergents will never completely eliminate them. The bacterial colonization produces a biofilm on the polyester, which not only causes unpleasant odors, but also has a negative impact on the properties of the material.

Surface modulation with anti-adhesive properties
This is exactly where the new, dual-action technology from SANITZED AG comes into play: the surface of the textile is "coated" with Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 in the padding process. This creates a protective film on the surface of the textile. The bacteria use this anti-adhesive protective film as the basis for latching onto the garment. The bacteria can therefore be completely washed out in a normal wash cycle, consequently preventing any biofilm from forming. An anti-adhesion test method was developed in cooperation with EMPA to prove this Wash Effect.

The second advantage: Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 has a high adsorbing effect. Odors are "trapped" and removed during a normal wash cycle. The new product is the result of a technology that has been further developed and was awarded the Swiss Technology Award. The odor adsorption is identified using GC-MS.

As the Product Manager at SANITIZED AG, Urs Zihlmann, succinctly puts it: "Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 marks the end of permastink in polyester textiles." Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 can be combined with other Sanitized®products, in particular with products based on zinc pyrithione. The treatment does not influence the feel of the final treated textile.

Wash-resistant, sustainable and still "no nano"
The odor-reducing function is clearly still going strong even after 50 wash cycles. This is even the case if garments are washed at 30°C, either by hand or in the machine, meaning consumers save on water and energy, not to mention that the piece of clothing will look great for longer.

As with all its other products, SANITZED AG does not use any nano technology. The Hohenstein Institute has awarded the company the rating Skin Friendly, the bluesign®registration is underway. The product also bears the label Eco Passport by OEKO-TEX®.

"The unique, dual Odor Control Function of Sanitized®Odoractiv 10 enjoys a unique position in the market and it furthermore fulfills two market requirements: the prevention of permastink and the minimization of odor intensity during wear. Almost all manufacturers of functional polyester textiles are confronted with this problem," commented Urs Zihlmann. "The new technology creates tangible added value for consumers. This is a competitive differentiating
advantage for global marketing."

As with all other products, the service provided by SANITIZED AG includes technological advice before and during production, in the definition of the verified efficacy and in the use of the Sanitized®Ingredient Brand for promotional purposes.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer


Tencent, and Vipshop Announce Equity Investment and Business Cooperation

Beijing - Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent”) (00700.HK),, Inc. (“”) (NASDAQ:JD), and Vipshop Holdings Limited (“Vipshop”) (NYSE:VIPS), today jointly announced that Tencent, a leading provider of internet value-added services in China, and, China’s largest retailer, have entered into definitive agreements with Vipshop, a leading online discount retailer for brands in China, such that Tencent and will invest an aggregate amount of approximately US$863 million in cash in Vipshop at the closing of the transaction.


Beijing - Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent”) (00700.HK),, Inc. (“”) (NASDAQ:JD), and Vipshop Holdings Limited (“Vipshop”) (NYSE:VIPS), today jointly announced that Tencent, a leading provider of internet value-added services in China, and, China’s largest retailer, have entered into definitive agreements with Vipshop, a leading online discount retailer for brands in China, such that Tencent and will invest an aggregate amount of approximately US$863 million in cash in Vipshop at the closing of the transaction.


Pursuant to the share subscription agreement, Tencent and will subscribe for newly issued Class A ordinary shares of Vipshop in the amount of approximately US$604 million and approximately US$259 million, respectively. The purchase price will be US$65.40 per Class A ordinary share, which is equivalent to US$13.08 per American Depositary Share (“ADS”) of Vipshop, five of which represent one Class A ordinary share. The purchase price represents a 55% premium over the closing price of the ADSs as of the last trading day on December 15, 2017.

The transaction is expected to close in the near future, subject to customary closing conditions.  Upon the closing, Tencent and will beneficially own, taking into account any existing holding, approximately 7% and 5.5%, respectively, of Vipshop’s total issued shares. The Class A ordinary shares issued to Tencent and will be subject to a two-year lock up restriction. Tencent and will have the right to appoint a director and an observer, respectively, to Vipshop’s board of directors during the two-year lockup period. After the end of the lock-up period, for so long as Tencent and hold approximately 12% and 8%, respectively, of Vipshop’s total issued shares, or otherwise by mutual agreement with Vipshop, they will maintain director and board observer rights.

Concurrently with the entry of the share subscription agreement, Tencent and have entered into business cooperation agreements with Vipshop, effective upon closing, establishing a cooperative relationship among Tencent, and Vipshop. Under these agreements, Tencent will grant Vipshop an entry on the interface of Weixin Wallet enabling Vipshop to utilize traffic from Tencent’s Weixin platform, and will grant Vipshop entries on both the main page of’s mobile application and the main page of its Weixin Discovery shopping entry, and will assist Vipshop in achieving certain GMV targets through’s platform.   

“I am truly delighted about Vipshop's new strategic cooperation relationships with Tencent and,” said Mr. Eric Ya Shen, Vipshop’s Co-founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer. “This undoubtedly is an important event for Vipshop as well as China's e-commerce and internet industries. We, together with Tencent and, will leverage our respective strengths to form a strategic cooperative alliance aiming to achieve a deep, win-win cooperation and to benefit internet users and consumers. We will develop a holistic cooperation with Tencent on the Weixin platform and expand our strategic alliance with Tencent into more and broader areas.  We will explore win-win opportunities in multiple areas with, including establishing a strategic alliance in collaboration with brand suppliers, and an on-line traffic alliance. We will continue to operate as an independent e-commerce platform and further deepen and enhance our leading e-commerce capabilities in fashion (including apparel, shoes, bags and accessories) and cosmetics categories as well as our strong female user base, thereby offering higher value and better user experience to our customers.”

“The strength of Vipshop’s flash sale and apparel businesses, as well as its outstanding management team, create clear and strong synergies with us,” said Richard Liu, Chairman and CEO of “This partnership will further extend the strong inroads that we have made with female shoppers, and will expand the breadth and reach of our fashion business. We continue to add the top-notch partners to complement’s core strengths, ensuring that JD and our partners provide the best customer experience for every shopping need.”

Martin Lau, President of Tencent Holdings, said, “We are pleased to become strategic investor in and partner with Vipshop. We look forward to providing Vipshop with our audiences, marketing solutions, and payment support to help the company provide branded apparel and other product categories to China’s rising middle class. We already see substantial demand from our users to discover, discuss and purchase branded apparel in our applications, and we believe that connecting our users more deeply to products on Vipshop’s platform will enrich their online experiences while benefiting Vipshop. We are proud of the role our resources such as marketing technology, payments handling, and machine learning play in facilitating a healthy and diverse retail ecosystem, online and offline.” 

About, Inc. is both the largest e-commerce company in China, and the largest Chinese retailer, by revenue. The company strives to offer consumers the best online shopping experience. Through its user-friendly website, native mobile apps, and WeChat and Mobile QQ entry points, JD offers consumers a superior shopping experience. The company has the largest fulfillment infrastructure of any e-commerce company in China. As of September 30, 2017, operated 7 fulfillment centers and 405 warehouses covering 2,830 counties and districts across China, staffed by its own employees. is a member of the NASDAQ100 and a Fortune Global 500 company.

About Vipshop Holdings Limited

Vipshop Holdings Limited is a leading online discount retailer for brands in China. Vipshop offers high quality and popular branded products to consumers throughout China at a significant discount to retail prices. Since it was founded in August 2008, the Company has rapidly built a sizeable and growing base of customers and brand partners. For more information, please visit

About Tencent Holdings Limited

Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of Internet users. Our social products Weixin and QQ link our users to a rich digital content catalogue including games, video, music and books. Our proprietary targeting technology helps advertisers reach out to hundreds of millions of consumers in China. Our infrastructure services including payment, security, cloud and artificial intelligence create differentiated offerings and support our partners’ business growth. Tencent invests heavily in people and innovation, enabling us to evolve with the Internet. Tencent was founded in Shenzhen, China, in 1998. Shares of Tencent ( are traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.


Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “confident” and similar statements. Among other things, statements regarding the expected closing of the transactions and the quotations from management in this announcement are or contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to, those included in’s and Vipshop’s filings with the SEC and in Tencent’s filings with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. All information provided in this press release is as of the date of this press release, and none of Tencent, or Vipshop undertake any duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law.



Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.




Defining Textile Sustainability

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

Prior to answering questions about clothing and home textiles in particular, consumers responded to several queries to gauge their attitudes about sustainability in general. To understand the relative importance of climate change, consumers were asked to pick the top five issues that worry them most from a list of sixteen political, economic, personal, and global problems. “Terrorism” ranked first with 49% of consumers listing it in their top 5, “illness and disease” was second with 42%, and “climate change” rated third with 41%. “My personal finances” came in fourth at 37%. “Opportunities for my children in the future” and “the political leadership in my country” tied for fifth with 31% each.

“Climate change has become a significant issue for consumers,” Karp concludes. “Erratic weather patterns, mounting scientific data, escalating political debate, and first-hand experience with environmental degradation combine to make climate change more of an immediate threat than people considered it to be just a decade ago.”

“For twenty-five years, OEKO-TEX® has helped reduce the use of harmful chemicals and increase sustainable manufacturing practices in the global textile supply chain,” says Anna Czerwinska, Head of Marketing and Communication at OEKO-TEX®. “Our certified clients are industry leaders in the production of compliant, high quality textiles that are tested for harmful substances and responsibly made with respect for the environment and employees. They will be well positioned to capitalize on the growing consumer demands for sustainable textile products.”

A webinar with Ellen Karp presenting the research findings can be viewed at To learn more about “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, please contact Trish Martin at or Anna Czerwinska at Read more about the OEKO-TEX® portfolio of testing, certification, and label products at:


More information:
OEKO TEX Sustainability

OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH

OEKO-TEX® führt einzigartige Konsumenten-Studie zu Nachhaltigkeit bei Textilien durch ©OEKO-TEX®
OEKO-TEX® Konsumenten-Studie

OEKO-TEX® führt einzigartige Konsumenten-Studie zu Nachhaltigkeit bei Textilien durch

  • Mehr als 11.000 Verbraucher auf der ganzen Welt nahmen zum Thema Kleidung und Heimtextilien Stellung

Anlässlich ihres 25-jährigen Bestehens hat die OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft eine weltweite Marktforschungsstudie in Auftrag gegeben, um die Haltung von Verbrauchern zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit bei Textilien zu beleuchten. Die Ergebnisse dieser einmaligen Studie werden noch diese Woche veröffentlicht. Bei der umfangreichen Studie mit dem Titel „The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks“ wurden über 11.000 Konsumenten von Kleidung und Heimtextilien auf der ganzen Welt befragt. Die Themen reichten dabei von Sorgen über den Klimawandel bis zu Schadstoffen in Textilien. Die Erkenntnisse der Studie hat OEKO-TEX® den Kunden seiner Mitgliedsinstitute über eine Reihe von Webinaren zugänglich gemacht. Darüber hinaus werden Sie aber auch durch Vorträge bei bevorstehenden Branchen-Events, im Rahmen von Webinaren sowie in anderen Verlautbarungen der Textil-, Mode-/Heimtextil- und Bekleidungsindustrie veröffentlicht.

  • Mehr als 11.000 Verbraucher auf der ganzen Welt nahmen zum Thema Kleidung und Heimtextilien Stellung

Anlässlich ihres 25-jährigen Bestehens hat die OEKO-TEX® Gemeinschaft eine weltweite Marktforschungsstudie in Auftrag gegeben, um die Haltung von Verbrauchern zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit bei Textilien zu beleuchten. Die Ergebnisse dieser einmaligen Studie werden noch diese Woche veröffentlicht. Bei der umfangreichen Studie mit dem Titel „The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks“ wurden über 11.000 Konsumenten von Kleidung und Heimtextilien auf der ganzen Welt befragt. Die Themen reichten dabei von Sorgen über den Klimawandel bis zu Schadstoffen in Textilien. Die Erkenntnisse der Studie hat OEKO-TEX® den Kunden seiner Mitgliedsinstitute über eine Reihe von Webinaren zugänglich gemacht. Darüber hinaus werden Sie aber auch durch Vorträge bei bevorstehenden Branchen-Events, im Rahmen von Webinaren sowie in anderen Verlautbarungen der Textil-, Mode-/Heimtextil- und Bekleidungsindustrie veröffentlicht.

„Die Bandbreite an OEKO-TEX® Produkten in den Bereichen Prüfen, Zertifizieren und Produkt-Labelling hat seit unserem Markteintritt 1992 deutlich zugenommen“, sagt Anna Czerwinska, Head of Marketing and Communication bei OEKO-TEX®. „Die globalen Themen und das Verbraucherverhalten haben sich seitdem aber mindestens genauso stark verändert. Als Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet der Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie sind wir der Meinung, dass diese einzigartige weltweite Studie zur Quantifizierung des Verbraucherverhaltens einen passenden Beitrag zu unserer Entwicklung in den vergangenen 25 Jahren sowie eine wertvolle Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Gestaltung der nächsten 25 Jahre darstellt.“

Für die Durchführung des wegweisenden Projekts beauftragte OEKO-TEX® die renommierte Wissenschaftlerin Ellen Karp und ihr Unternehmen Anerca International, die auf Marktforschung im Zusammenhang mit Verbraucherprodukten spezialisiert sind. Karp arbeitet mit einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Marken, zu denen die bekanntesten Bekleidungs-, Körperpflegeprodukt- und Luxusartikel-Hersteller der Welt gehören, am Thema Nachhaltigkeit und anderen Fragestellungen rund um Markenbildung. Am Projekt The Key to Confidence wurde circa ein Jahr gearbeitet. Im Juni dieses Jahres wurde es schließlich der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Die über 11.000 an der Studie teilnehmenden Konsumenten von Bekleidung und Heimtextilien füllten eine Online-Umfrage aus, in der ein breites Spektrum an Fragen zu beantworten war. Ziel war es, den Wissensstand über Nachhaltigkeit, Schadstoffe, ökologische Verantwortung und soziale Sicherheit von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern in der Textilindustrie in Erfahrung zu bringen.

„Die quantitativen Erkenntnisse aus der The Key to Confidence Studie sollen von der Textilindustrie als Aufruf zum Handeln verstanden werden“, so Karp. „Verbraucher lernen schnell, dass ihre Einkaufsentscheidungen bei Textilien nicht nur eine Auswirkung auf ihre Familien, sondern auch auf ihre anderen Gemeinschaften und vieles mehr haben. Für dieses Erwachen müssen Markenunternehmen, Einzelhändler und Hersteller gerüstet sein. Es kommt definitiv.“

More information:
OEKO TEX Nachhaltigkeit

OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years © Huntsman
Huntsman Viyellatex Signing Ceremony

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

“We are extremely pleased and proud of this continuing partnership with the Viyellatex Group. As a global leader in the transition to a more sustainable textiles sector, we are pleased to join hands with one of the country’s leading exporter of ready-made garments (RMG) and a supplier to leading international brands, commented Chuck Hirsch, Vice President, Sales and Technical Resources, Huntsman Textile Effects. “This cooperation agreement will also help Viyellatex Group to maintain its leading edge in the textile industry by leveraging on Huntsman’s R&D capabilities, innovation and focus on sustainability, while continuing to comply with the stringent requirements of its export customers around the world,” continued Mr Hirsh.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. David Hasanat, Chairman of Viyellatex Group said, “Viyellatex Group is the leading company in the area of sustainable apparel in Bangladesh. This continuing support and technical expertise from Huntsman will help us be more competitive in this increasingly challenging market. It will help us to comply with the stringent product demands from our global customers and better equip us to face challenges from the operational and environmental aspects.” He continues, “Viyellatex Group places strong emphasis on sustainability by minimizing energy usage, adopting waste and water recycling, and using only organic materials and environmentally compliant chemicals and dyes and Huntsman is the perfect partner in this regard as they share this vision.” “We are pleased to be conferred Preferred Supplier Status from Viyellatex Group, partnering with one of the leading apparel groups in Bangladesh” , said Mr. Dheeraj Talreja, Commercial Director - South Asia, Middle East & Africa of Huntsman Textile Effects. “This partnership is a great testament of our customers’ trust and confidence in Huntsman’s quality, proven expertise, products and service delivery,” he continued.

In conjunction with this signing ceremony and as an active supporter of Bangladesh’s textile industry, today Mr Hirsch also hosted a customer seminar for more than 500 customers and prospects in the country’s capital, to provide them with leading edge technologies to help them be more sustainable with competitive value-add to customers.

Huntsman Textile Effects holds regular seminars and workshops and also collaborates with textile mills and apparel manufacturers to adopt new technologies and processes that conserve resources, reduce waste and improve productivity.

Bangladesh’s textile industry is the nation’s largest export sector. The ready-made garment (RMG) sector is worth US$28.14* billion in 2016-2017, with more than 4,300 garment factories employing about 4 million people and accounting for 80.7% of the country’s total exports. To remain internationally competitive, local textile mills and RMG factories increasingly have to demonstrate that they operate in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.

More information:
Huntsman Viyellatex Grouo


Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira © Trevira GmbH

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

In the area of Pre-Consumer Recycling, on the one hand, residual materials resulting from the manufacture of polyester fibres and filaments in Bobingen and Guben, dependent on the manufacturing step, are processed in the agglomeration plant and restored to become serviceable primary material. The recyclates are then fed back to our fibre and filament spinning mills, to be made into new top-quality products.

On the other hand, in fibre production there occurs in the manufacture of tow a small proportion of tow that cannot be used for converting and has to be cut out. Instead of selling this material as waste, it is cut up, pressed into balls and then carded / combed by a partner, resulting in a 1A quality product. The GRS certification (Global Recycled Standard) is requested for this. As with converter tow from new material, the recycled tow is mostly incorporated into polyester wool blends (55 % PET / 45 % wool), which are used primarily in corporate wear and uniforms.

In the area of Post-Consumer Recycling, Trevira offers filament yarns consisting of 100 % recycled PET bottles. Our parent company Indorama manufactures very high quality recycled chips from PET bottles. Since only transparent PET bottles are used in Thailand, the flakes and chips are of a particularly good and very uniform quality. The recycled chips, fibres and filaments from Indorama bear the GRS certificates (Global Recycled Standard) and RCS-NL (Recycled Claim Standard). Trevira processes the regranulate made by Indorama from bottle flakes into filament yarns consisting 100 % of recycled material. The filament yarns are available in titres 167 and 76 dtex normal polyester. Alongside technical applications, they are used in the automotive and apparel sectors. In addition, many promising developments with the recycled material are on their way.

CHOMARAT’s glass and carbon reinforcements

CHOMARAT signs a new agreement with VELOX

  • CHOMARAT signs a new distribution agreement with VELOX for its range of carbon reinforcements

The international textile group CHOMARAT announced the signing of a distribution agreement with VELOX, a European distributor in the market for composite materials. The partnership agreement covers the distribution of CHOMARAT reinforcements for high-performance (carbon) composites, in France, Italy, and the United Kingdom, as well as the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of carbon and glass reinforcements in Turkey.

Stepping up the distribution of CHOMARAT´s carbion ranges in Europe

This new partnership will enable CHOMARAT to extend its network in France, Italy and the United Kingdom for its carbon fabric and multiaxial ranges, by offering its customers optimum, locally based services in line with the Group’s development strategy for high-performance composites in Europe.

CHOMARAT’s compete glass and carbon range is now distributed in Turkey

  • CHOMARAT signs a new distribution agreement with VELOX for its range of carbon reinforcements

The international textile group CHOMARAT announced the signing of a distribution agreement with VELOX, a European distributor in the market for composite materials. The partnership agreement covers the distribution of CHOMARAT reinforcements for high-performance (carbon) composites, in France, Italy, and the United Kingdom, as well as the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of carbon and glass reinforcements in Turkey.

Stepping up the distribution of CHOMARAT´s carbion ranges in Europe

This new partnership will enable CHOMARAT to extend its network in France, Italy and the United Kingdom for its carbon fabric and multiaxial ranges, by offering its customers optimum, locally based services in line with the Group’s development strategy for high-performance composites in Europe.

CHOMARAT’s compete glass and carbon range is now distributed in Turkey

One component of the agreement deals with the distribution of CHOMARAT’s complete range of glass and carbon reinforcements in Turkey, where the composite market is booming, in particular in the transportation sector. Relying on VELOX’s strong foothold in the Turkish market, CHOMARAT will build up its flagship ROVICORE™ line, the first glass-fibre-reinforced sandwich reinforcement, which was designed and developed by CHOMARAT for closed-mould processes. “The idea is to step up our glass activities and still offer our customers more flexibility over the entire range of our reinforcements,” explains Vincent CHOLVY, in charge of the Turkish market at CHOMARAT.

VELOX secures its position as an “innovation distributor”

By distributing CHOMARAT’s high-performance composites, Velox will develop its offering in the transportation, sports & leisure and boating sectors. According to Serge GRADYS, Manager of the VELOX Composites Business, “in Europe, the distribution of the CHOMARAT range of carbon multiaxial range with C-WeaveTM and C-PlyTM, gives us a real competitive advantage and enables us to maintain our position as an innovation distributor. The same is true for the carbon and glass ranges distributed in Turkey!”


Showcase for the Industry of the Future for Lectra

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

With ten years’ experience in the industrial internet of things for cutting and expertise in software Solutions to automate and optimize design and product development, Lectra is in an unrivalled position to Support customers as they enter the ‘industry of the future’ era.

Pressure from certain shareholders to relocate manufacturing to China in 2005, triggered Lectra’s industrial project. Following risk analyses—the cost of transport for the European market, the turnover in qualified labor, uncertainty over patent rights and quality—Lectra decided to keep manufacturing in France. This choice was conditional on: disruptive innovation; upgrading; increased value to customers; and a rise in productivity.

The project was accompanied by a well-structured lean approach and organizational changes, which enabled Lectra to achieve the desired level of excellence in terms of productivity and competitiveness.

Some of the changes that took place thanks to this project are as follows: Growth in industrial performance due to an improvement in working conditions, with teams involved in the lean approach; Production engineers involved in creating awareness around factory constraints for a new offer as early as the design process. This co-design product/process optimizes global costs; Emphasis on product, process and logistics’ modularity with the latest possible integration of options (delayed differentiation). This enables logistics’ constraints to be taken into account as early as the engineering phase. Product modularity allows, for example, machines to be put in containers when they might otherwise require special heavy-goods transport.

Lectra’s factory improved its productivity rate by 18 points in three years, and has since maintained it at 89%. Costs have already reduced by 25% and the quality and level of service has improved. In terms of positioning, Lectra has confirmed its leadership in the high-end segment. Lectra has enriched its offer with end-to-end services and innovative, connected products whose embedded intelligence offers Smart Services, notably for predictive maintenance.


Kindertextilien mit gutem Gewissen kaufen: Eltern vertrauen auf MADE IN GREEN

Heute geht es Eltern beim Kauf von Kinderbekleidung nicht nur um Qualität und Preis –sie möchten auch das gute Gefühl haben, dass ihre Kaufentscheidung unter nachhaltigen Gesichtspunkten richtig war. Klarheit schafft hier das MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® Label: Damit ausgezeichnete Artikel sind gemäß den geltenden OEKO-TEX® Richtlinien gesundheitlich unbedenklich und nachhaltig produziert. All das wird für Eltern transparent auf einem kleinen Label kommuniziert.

Heute geht es Eltern beim Kauf von Kinderbekleidung nicht nur um Qualität und Preis –sie möchten auch das gute Gefühl haben, dass ihre Kaufentscheidung unter nachhaltigen Gesichtspunkten richtig war. Klarheit schafft hier das MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® Label: Damit ausgezeichnete Artikel sind gemäß den geltenden OEKO-TEX® Richtlinien gesundheitlich unbedenklich und nachhaltig produziert. All das wird für Eltern transparent auf einem kleinen Label kommuniziert.

Können Eltern sicher sein, dass der neue Strampler für den kleinen Liebling auf Schadstoffe geprüft ist? Wurde der Artikel unter fairen Arbeitsbedingungen und umweltfreundlich hergestellt? Bei diesen Fragen möchten sich Eltern zunehmend sicher sein, dass Textilien ihre wachsenden Ansprüche erfüllen. Mit dem MADE IN GREEN Label haben Markenunternehmen, Einzelhändler und Hersteller die Möglichkeit,  egenüber verantwortungsbewussten Eltern direkt am Produkt anschaulich zu kommunizieren, dass sie sich für eine hohe Produktsicherheit sowie ökologische und soziale Produktionsbedingungen einsetzen. Das MADE IN GREEN Label wird für Textilprodukte aller Art vergeben, die nach STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® auf Schadstoffe geprüft wurden und darüber hinaus aus nachhaltigen Produktionsstätten stammen, die gemäß den Anforderungen der STeP by OEKO-TEX® Zertifizierung arbeiten (STeP steht dabei für „Sustainable Textile Production“). MADE IN GREEN bietet Verbrauchern auf nur einem Label einen bislang unerreichten Grad der Transparenz: Jedes Label verfügt über eine eindeutige Produkt-ID bzw. über einen QR-Code. So können Eltern mit ihrem Smartphone noch direkt im Laden die Herstellung des jeweiligen Produkts zurückverfolgen. Ein kurzer Scan des QR-Codes gibt Antworten u.a. auf Fragen wie: In welchen Produktionsbetrieben entlang der textilen Kette wurde dieses Textil produziert? In welchen Ländern fand die Fertigung statt? Das schafft Vertrauen und bietet Kunden eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit, sich beim Textilkauf ohne Umwege über Produkte zu informieren und sie miteinander zu vergleichen.

Damit ist das im Frühjahr 2015 eingeführte MADE IN GREEN Label ein starkes Verkaufsargument vor allem für Markenunternehmen und Einzelhändler mit angeschlossener Lieferkette, die ganz besonders Eltern als Zielgruppe ansprechen möchten. Als eines der ersten Unternehmen hat die Schweizer Wäschemarke CALIDA im Frühjahr 2016 damit begonnen, einzelne Damen- und Herrenprodukte mit dem MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® Label auszuzeichnen. Das erste komplett gelabelte Segment ist seit Juli 2016 die CALIDA-Kinderkollektion.

Um Händlern und Unternehmen die Auswahl von MADE IN GREEN gelabelten Produkten zu erleichtern, stellt OEKO-TEX® unter den OEKO-TEX® Einkaufsführer kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Das Tool unterstützt bei der Beschaffung von Ausgangsmaterialien und Produkten sowie bei der Auswahl von Kooperationspartnern und Lieferanten entlang der textilen Kette. So bietet OEKO-TEX® Unternehmen und Händlern ein ganzes Ökosystem aus Labels und Dienstleistungen – und damit ein entscheidendes Verkaufsargument gegenüber gesundheitsbewussten Eltern.


OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH

Hygienically Clean Healthcare TRSA®
Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Up To Date Laundry Recertified Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Up To Date Laundry, Baltimore, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Up-To-Date was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

Up To Date Laundry, Baltimore, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Up-To-Date was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and zero presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.
Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.
Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.
“Congratulations to Up To Date Laundry on their recertification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their ongoing commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry facilities take every step possible to prevent human illness.”

Color Analysis DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd
Color Analysis

CSI launches their Color Analysis Magazine for Spring/Summer 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 9,000 CSI colors. The color palette is also available as cotton swatches sold on a ring. Part of the CSI service offering is to provide color direction based on a wide scope of palette searches as well as validated color use. Every issue will include an exclusive Relative Color Popularity (RCP) report, which provides color validation based on seasonal color palette usage by comparing similar hues.
CSI and DyStar support brands, retailers and their business partners from development to production. The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development, communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.
“The Color Analysis Magazine is an important feature of our service for designers, offering them competitive color trends for upcoming seasons. At CSI, we are here to assist with color selections and provide all the necessary tools needed for a successful seasonal palette.” -CSI Color and Trend Director.


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd