From the Sector

2219 results

Devan launches range of bio-based fragrances for textiles

Devan is launching a new range of bio-based fragrances, named SceNTL®. The range uses traceable raw materials and an external lab has confirmed that the bio-content of the fragrances is above 85%.

SceNTL® is a unique and wide range of encapsulated fragrances that can be integrated onto the fabric and are gradually released over time. Upon release, the fragrances appeal to the senses, promoting relaxation, wellbeing and feel-good sensations.

While synthetic fragrances are composed of synthetic, man-made ingredients, natural scents and oils are created by isolating natural aroma components from raw plant materials. This also explains why every SceNTL® batch can have a slight variation in smell. As natural conditions differ from time to time, every harvest is a little different from the previous one.

Although aromatherapy is still a young and understudied domain, recent studies have shown that essential oils can indeed have neurological effects. Linalool for example, a component found in Lavender and rosewood, is found to enhance sleep, while Limonene, a component found in the peel of citrus fruits, is clinically proven to have an uplifting effect.

Devan is launching a new range of bio-based fragrances, named SceNTL®. The range uses traceable raw materials and an external lab has confirmed that the bio-content of the fragrances is above 85%.

SceNTL® is a unique and wide range of encapsulated fragrances that can be integrated onto the fabric and are gradually released over time. Upon release, the fragrances appeal to the senses, promoting relaxation, wellbeing and feel-good sensations.

While synthetic fragrances are composed of synthetic, man-made ingredients, natural scents and oils are created by isolating natural aroma components from raw plant materials. This also explains why every SceNTL® batch can have a slight variation in smell. As natural conditions differ from time to time, every harvest is a little different from the previous one.

Although aromatherapy is still a young and understudied domain, recent studies have shown that essential oils can indeed have neurological effects. Linalool for example, a component found in Lavender and rosewood, is found to enhance sleep, while Limonene, a component found in the peel of citrus fruits, is clinically proven to have an uplifting effect.

At this moment, the SceNTL® range is intended for low-wash items such as mattress ticking, decorative pillows, upholstery, curtains, carpets, etc. It can also be used as a natural ‘masking scent’ for products that have a strong artificial smell caused by the production process. The company is already looking into further development of other scents and broader application use.

More information:
Devan Home textiles fragrance

Marketing Solutions NV


Change in the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG

  • Michael Pieper is not standing for re-election
  • Stefaan Haspeslagh will be proposed for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting
  • The change is related to the transfer of the shareholding of Artemis Beteiligungen I AG to Picanol Group

Michael Pieper, a member of the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG since 2009, has informed Rieter that Artemis Beteiligungen I AG has sold its 11.5% block of shares to the Picanol Group (Picanol NV), Belgium, and that he thus will not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2021.

Michael Pieper has supported and helped to significantly shape the development of Rieter for more than ten years. He joined Rieter as a major shareholder in 2008, and since then has been strongly involved in the strategic realignment of the group.

  • Michael Pieper is not standing for re-election
  • Stefaan Haspeslagh will be proposed for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting
  • The change is related to the transfer of the shareholding of Artemis Beteiligungen I AG to Picanol Group

Michael Pieper, a member of the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG since 2009, has informed Rieter that Artemis Beteiligungen I AG has sold its 11.5% block of shares to the Picanol Group (Picanol NV), Belgium, and that he thus will not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2021.

Michael Pieper has supported and helped to significantly shape the development of Rieter for more than ten years. He joined Rieter as a major shareholder in 2008, and since then has been strongly involved in the strategic realignment of the group.

“On behalf of the Rieter Group, I extend our sincere gratitude to Michael Pieper for his extremely successful and valuable work on the Board of Directors and, above all, for his commitment as a long-term major shareholder,” said Bernhard Jucker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG.

The Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG today announced its intention to propose Stefaan Haspeslagh for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting on April 15, 2021.
Stefaan Haspeslagh (born 1958) holds a Master’s degree in Applied Economics from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Financial Officer of the Picanol Group (Picanol NV), Belgium, since 2010. In addition, Stefaan Haspeslagh has also been Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Tessenderlo Group NV, Belgium, since 2014. As a director of Cellpack NV, Belgium, he has been in office since 2001.

“Rieter welcomes the new major shareholder, Picanol NV. Luc Tack, majority shareholder and CEO of Picanol, has been a member of the Board of Directors of Rieter for four years. Stefaan Haspeslagh is characterized by broad, international management experience in the textile sector and is very well connected in the industry”, stated Bernhard Jucker, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

All other current members of the Board of Directors will stand for reelection at the Annual General Meeting.


Rieter Holding AG

Archroma and Jeanologia launch ‘Pad-Ox G2 Cold’, a water-saving dyeing process (c) Jeanologia
Jeanologia G2 Dynamic machine.

Archroma and Jeanologia launch ‘Pad-Ox G2 Cold’, a water-saving dyeing process

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Jeanologia, a world leader in sustainable and efficient technology development, today announced the launch of ‘Pad-Ox G2 Cold’, a water-saving dyeing process at room temperature for casual looks.

Archroma initially introduced its eco-advanced Pad-Ox dyeing process for woven fabrics, and then used it as part of its ADVANCED DENIM concept. By combining the oxidation and fixation steps, it is possible to shorten the dyeing process and thus realize substantial resource savings in water, wastewater, cotton waste, and energy.

Over the years the company has worked with its textile manufacturers and partners to improve the Pad-Ox process, in particular woven applications such as chinos and casual wear. To achieve maximum positive impact, Archroma is using its Diresul® range of low sulfide sulfur dyes and, more recently, its innovative plant-based range of EarthColors®. A wide selection of dyes from these two ranges have received the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute’s Platinum Level Material Health Certification.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Jeanologia, a world leader in sustainable and efficient technology development, today announced the launch of ‘Pad-Ox G2 Cold’, a water-saving dyeing process at room temperature for casual looks.

Archroma initially introduced its eco-advanced Pad-Ox dyeing process for woven fabrics, and then used it as part of its ADVANCED DENIM concept. By combining the oxidation and fixation steps, it is possible to shorten the dyeing process and thus realize substantial resource savings in water, wastewater, cotton waste, and energy.

Over the years the company has worked with its textile manufacturers and partners to improve the Pad-Ox process, in particular woven applications such as chinos and casual wear. To achieve maximum positive impact, Archroma is using its Diresul® range of low sulfide sulfur dyes and, more recently, its innovative plant-based range of EarthColors®. A wide selection of dyes from these two ranges have received the Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute’s Platinum Level Material Health Certification.

Meanwhile, Jeanologia has been working on the technology side, with laser and eco-finishing solutions for more than 25 years, accompanying the textile industry on their way to producing with zero discharge. In 2008, the company introduced its G2 Dynamic the first ozone treatment for continuous fabric that dramatically reduces the amount of water and chemicals used, while at the same time saving costs at the mill and eventually at the garment finishing facilities. This technology makes fabric more stable and consistent and prepares the fabric better for the use of other technologies like laser. This machinery can be used along with Pad-Ox technology to help cleaning fabric thus improve fastness results. While it allows process to work at room temperature.

Project focus on water saving
Archroma and Jeanologia therefore understandably decided to team up and combine their expertise in sustainable dyeing and finishing technologies. The objective of the project was to improve the Pad-Ox dyeing process even further, in particular in one area that still offered room for positive impact: temperature and fastnesses.

The new ‘Pad-Ox G2 Cold’ dyeing process works thanks to the insertion of very small machinery into the existing finishing range process, using cold processing and thus operating with much less water, carbon footprint and energy than traditional benchmark fabric finishing processes, whilst retaining the water and other resource savings offered by the Pad-Ox technology.

Maximum savings can be achieved by mills and garment manufacturers who wish to switch from a conventional dyeing process straight to ‘Pad -Ox G2 Cold’ to obtain high quality fabrics for comfortable and casual wear.

factlights 2020 offenbart Stand der Digitalisierung (c) OPTIMAL SYSTEMS
Sven Kaiser, Director Marketing & Brand Strategy bei OPTIMAL SYSTEMS

factlights 2020 offenbart Stand der Digitalisierung

Wie zentral die Themen Digitalisierung und Datenarbeit inzwischen für fast alle mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen in Deutschland geworden sind, zeigt die branchenübergreifende, groß angelegte Studie „the factlights 2020“, deren Ergebnisse das Datenanalyse-Unternehmen QUNIS mit Unterstützung von Optimal Systems jetzt vorgelegt hat. Rund 1000 Führungs- und Fachkräfte aus rund 700 Unternehmen hatten im Rahmen einer Online-Befragung den Input dazu geliefert. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass große Unterschiede schon in der Haltung zum Fortschritt bestehen: Unternehmen mit geringem Digitalisierungsgrad haben ganz andere Erwartungen an die Digitalisierung als jene, die in Bezug auf neue Technologien bereits zu den Vorreitern gehören.

Wie zentral die Themen Digitalisierung und Datenarbeit inzwischen für fast alle mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen in Deutschland geworden sind, zeigt die branchenübergreifende, groß angelegte Studie „the factlights 2020“, deren Ergebnisse das Datenanalyse-Unternehmen QUNIS mit Unterstützung von Optimal Systems jetzt vorgelegt hat. Rund 1000 Führungs- und Fachkräfte aus rund 700 Unternehmen hatten im Rahmen einer Online-Befragung den Input dazu geliefert. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass große Unterschiede schon in der Haltung zum Fortschritt bestehen: Unternehmen mit geringem Digitalisierungsgrad haben ganz andere Erwartungen an die Digitalisierung als jene, die in Bezug auf neue Technologien bereits zu den Vorreitern gehören.

Zur Auswertung wurde das Unternehmen jedes Befragten nach seinem digitalen Reifegrad bewertet und einer von drei Gruppen (Adopter, Discoverer, Frontrunner) zugeordnet. Die meisten Umfrageteilnehmer (51 Prozent) arbeiten in Unternehmen mit durchschnittlichem Reifegrad, während je ein Viertel in einem wenig oder einem besonders weit digitalisierten Betrieb arbeitet. Aber auch dort sind die neuen Anforderungen längst angekommen: Knapp zwei Drittel (64 Prozent) der Befragten gaben an, ihr Arbeitsalltag würde von Digitalisierung, Datenarbeit und Analytics mindestens zu 50 Prozent beeinflusst. Knapp ein Drittel der Umfrageteilnehmer erkennen den Einfluss der Digitalisierung sogar an vier von fünf Tagen ihrer Arbeitswoche.
Digitalisieren, um zu sparen?

Interessant ist die Einschätzung der Befragten zu Nutzen und Potenzial digitaler Technologien: Diese unterscheiden sich je nach digitalem Reifegrad ihres Unternehmens deutlich. So erhoffen sich Unternehmen, die in Sachen Digitalisierung noch am Anfang stehen, vor allem Einsparungen durch technologischen Fortschritt, während Frontrunner scheinbar erkannt haben, dass hier nicht das größte Potenzial schlummert (drei Prozent).
Deutlich zeigt sich mit zunehmendem Reifegrad auch eine Abnahme der Erwartungen an eine verbesserte Unternehmenssteuerung: 21 Prozent der Adopter versprechen sich von der Digitalisierung entsprechende Vorteile, während die digitalen Vorreiter ihre Erwartungen auf nur noch fünf Prozent heruntergeschraubt haben. Sie dagegen sehen die wahrhaft lohnenden Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung überwiegend in der Realisierung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle, der Produktindividualisierung und der Steigerung des Umsatzes. Dafür sind sie auch eher bereit, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen entsprechend der technologischen Möglichkeiten zu verändern (99 Prozent gegenüber nur 40 Prozent Bereitschaft unter Adoptern) und beispielsweise smarte Zusatzservices zu bieten (87 gegenüber 51 Prozent bei den Adoptern).
Mehr analysieren, besser umsetzen

Ein genereller Befund der Studie: Unternehmen erkennen den Wert qualitativer Daten, nutzen ihn jedoch zu wenig. So schöpfen Handel, ITK und Banken dieses Kapital am ehesten aus und betrachten es als wertvolles Wirtschaftsgut (voll oder teilweise: Informations- und Telekommunikationsbranche: 94 Prozent, Handel 95 Prozent, Banken 94 Prozent), während die Automobilbranche (87 Prozent), die Verwaltung (75 Prozent) und das Baugewerbe (80 Prozent) die Schlusslichter der Skala darstellen, wenn auch noch auf relativ hohem Niveau.
Kritisch für das Gelingen des Wandels ist eine entsprechende Strategie im Unternehmen: Digitalisierung ist nicht mit dem Einkauf von ein paar Software-Programmen erledigt – sie bedeutet einen regelrechten Transformationsprozess, der auch ein entsprechendes Mindset bei den Beteiligten braucht sowie planvoll und strategisch umgesetzt werden sollte. Allerdings gibt immerhin fast ein Viertel (23 Prozent) der Befragten an, die entsprechende Roadmap werde in ihrem Unternehmen nicht eingehalten.
„Die Umfrage macht deutlich, dass es in Sachen Digitalisierung noch viel zu tun gibt“, kommentiert Sven Kaiser, Director Marketing & Brand Strategy beim Studien-Sponsor Optimal Systems die Ergebnisse. „Aber die Ergebnisse zeigen auch: Wer eine Strategie verfolgt, die auf einer klaren, realistischen Zielsetzung aufbaut, und diese konsequent umsetzt, vermeidet nicht nur mittelfristig den Anschluss zu verlieren. Er generiert auch nachhaltige Vorteile: Nicht umsonst zeigen gerade die bereits weit entwickelten Frontrunner eine fast viermal so hohe Bereitschaft, in Datenmanagement und Analyse zu investieren, als Unternehmen mit geringem Reifegrad.“



ANDRITZ receives order for a needlepunch line from Pureko (c) ANDRITZ
SFD (self-feeding device) system on a pre-needleloom to feed a wide range of fiber batts

ANDRITZ receives order for a needlepunch line from Pureko

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pureko Sp. z o.o. to supply a needlepunch line for their plant in Myszków, Poland. The line will process recycling fibers from garment waste for the production of technical felts dedicated to furniture and geotextile applications. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 300 to 500 gsm, and the production capacity will be up to 750 kg/h. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply includes a complete neXline needlepunch eXcelle line – from web forming to needling – as well as engineering and ANDRITZ’s recently launched scanning gauge.

This is the second ANDRITZ line to be supplied to Pureko, thus demonstrating the strong partnership between both companies. Three years ago, Pureko invested in a new, modern plant supplied by ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau to produce fluffy nonwovens used in the furniture, textile, and clothing industries. The new line will enable Pureko to continue its ongoing growth.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pureko Sp. z o.o. to supply a needlepunch line for their plant in Myszków, Poland. The line will process recycling fibers from garment waste for the production of technical felts dedicated to furniture and geotextile applications. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 300 to 500 gsm, and the production capacity will be up to 750 kg/h. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply includes a complete neXline needlepunch eXcelle line – from web forming to needling – as well as engineering and ANDRITZ’s recently launched scanning gauge.

This is the second ANDRITZ line to be supplied to Pureko, thus demonstrating the strong partnership between both companies. Three years ago, Pureko invested in a new, modern plant supplied by ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau to produce fluffy nonwovens used in the furniture, textile, and clothing industries. The new line will enable Pureko to continue its ongoing growth.

Founded in 2009, Pureko is one of the most important producers of nonwovens in Poland. The company’s nonwoven products are mainly used for wadding; they are free of chemicals, do not involve any health hazards, and are hypoallergenic. Pureko’s products carry top certificates such as INTERTEK, FIRA, OEKO-TEX, and the National Institute of Hygiene.


Lenzing Group weathers the crisis year 2020 and remains strategically well on track

  • Successful implementation of measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects progressing on schedule – financing contracts for the construction of the pulp plant in Brazil concluded according to plan
  • Lenzing expands its lead in sustainability and circular economy – first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers launched
  • Successful issuance of a EUR 500 mn hybrid bond further strengthens balance sheet structure
  • Lenzing expects recovery of the fiber market to continue in 2021 and an operating result on pre-crisis level

Lenzing – In 2020, the Lenzing Group successfully responded to the extremely difficult market environment due to the COVID-19 crisis by implementing a broad package of measures and remains fully on track in terms of its strategy. The measures focused on protecting Lenzing’s employees and partners and on safeguarding its operations.

  • Successful implementation of measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects progressing on schedule – financing contracts for the construction of the pulp plant in Brazil concluded according to plan
  • Lenzing expands its lead in sustainability and circular economy – first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers launched
  • Successful issuance of a EUR 500 mn hybrid bond further strengthens balance sheet structure
  • Lenzing expects recovery of the fiber market to continue in 2021 and an operating result on pre-crisis level

Lenzing – In 2020, the Lenzing Group successfully responded to the extremely difficult market environment due to the COVID-19 crisis by implementing a broad package of measures and remains fully on track in terms of its strategy. The measures focused on protecting Lenzing’s employees and partners and on safeguarding its operations. Lenzing flexibly adjusted production volumes and was able to offer its customers the usual delivery service at any time. In addition, Lenzing also intensified measures for structural earnings improvement to mitigate the effect of the pressure on fiber prices and demand for fibers, and reduced its operating costs.

Please read the attached document for more information.

More information:
Lenzing Group Covid-19

Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

JEC Group announces a new online event: JEC Composites Connect (c) JEC Group

JEC Group announces a new online event: JEC Composites Connect

JEC Group, dedicated to promoting composite materials, introduces all-new digital event series for the composites community: JEC Composites CONNECT. On June 1-2, 2021, this first round-the-clock event will be one of the industry’s most significant events, hosting major industry players, enabling participants to discover the latest trends thanks to business conferences and get networking opportunities. This live-streamed event will also be the place to highlight innovation through competitions, awards ceremonies and keynote speeches.

JEC Composites CONNECT: a digital event to bring the composites community together
Participants can access the free non-stop digital floor from 8:30 am on June 1 to 6 pm CEST on June 2. This first JEC Composites CONNECT will work as an online trade show, with digital stands for companies showcasing their latest products, from raw materials to composites parts manufacturers with various networking rooms, a meeting requests platform, and with a conference area to access live streaming content.

JEC Group, dedicated to promoting composite materials, introduces all-new digital event series for the composites community: JEC Composites CONNECT. On June 1-2, 2021, this first round-the-clock event will be one of the industry’s most significant events, hosting major industry players, enabling participants to discover the latest trends thanks to business conferences and get networking opportunities. This live-streamed event will also be the place to highlight innovation through competitions, awards ceremonies and keynote speeches.

JEC Composites CONNECT: a digital event to bring the composites community together
Participants can access the free non-stop digital floor from 8:30 am on June 1 to 6 pm CEST on June 2. This first JEC Composites CONNECT will work as an online trade show, with digital stands for companies showcasing their latest products, from raw materials to composites parts manufacturers with various networking rooms, a meeting requests platform, and with a conference area to access live streaming content.

Composites innovation at the core
JEC Composites CONNECT will host outstanding keynote speakers and all the major JEC Composites competitions and awards promoting innovation, research teamwork, and entrepreneurship in the composites industry.

  • The JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate the most innovative composites projects and fruitful collaborations between different value chain players in 2021.
  • The 2021 JEC Composites Startup Booster competition, with live pitches and winners ceremony.
  • The JEC Composites Challenge, where Ph.Ds will present their research projects in front of the jury.

The Awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 2, with an opening keynote speech from inventor and genius entrepreneur Franky Zapata, a.k.a. ‘the Flying Man.’ As the CEO and founder of the company that bears his name, he became well-known for his famed crossing of the English Channel in August 2019 on his Flyboard® Air.


JEC Group

Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award (c) Denim Expert Limited
Mostafiz Uddin

Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

Covid-19 has presented unforeseen challenges for fashion retailers and brands, but it has also given us all an opportunity to build back better. Forward-thinking fashion businesses know change is not optional, and are embracing their responsibilities and ability to make a difference.

Mostafiz Uddin has been recognised as the Sustainable Fashion Champion 2021 for setting examples in promoting sustainability during the Covid-19 pandemic which broke out worldwide in March last year.
Jill Geoghegan, Acting Editor of Drapers, said: “Despite the challenges thrown up by the Coronavirus pandemic, fashion brands and retailers increasingly recognise that sustainability is a business imperative.”  
“Many businesses continued to invest in cleaning up their supply chains and introducing new models of working, despite the unprecedented trading conditions.

“The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards highlight and celebrate these advancements, paving the way for a more responsible future for the industry.” Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited Mostafiz Uddin said: “In the pandemic, my factory Denim Expert Limited kept true to its commitment towards sustainability, despite an extremely difficult trading landscape.

“During the pandemic, I was vocal about the issue of buyer-supplier relationships and, in speaking out, I wanted to champion the cause of suppliers all over the world. Too often suppliers in garment supply chains do not have a voice because they fear that by speaking out, they will be treated unfavourably by brands.

“This was, of course, a risk on my own part but I like to think I stood up for what I think is right and ultimately, I believe progressive brands understood I was coming from a good place. Like them, all I want to see is a fair, ethical and sustainable industry where brands and retailers work in an environment of collaboration, not conflict.”

Mostafiz also had some special praise for H&M. He said: “It would have not been possible for me to support my workers during the pandemic, had my factory not received help from H&M during the unprecedented time. While Denim Expert suffered from huge orders cancellation and orders hold, H&M supported us by placing orders in the pandemic that saved thousands of lives and livelihoods. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this Award to H&M and its CEO Helena Helmersson.”

The judges of Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award 2021 have been Kerry Bannigan, Founder, Conscious Fashion Campaign; Sarah Ditty, Global Policy Director, Fashion Revolution; Miriam Lahage, Founder, Aequip; Samata Pattinson, CEO, Red Carpet Green Dress; Caroline Rush, Chief Executive Officer, British Fashion Council; Lucy Shea, Group CEO, Futerra; Jane Shepherdson, Chairman, My Wardrobe HQ; and Dilys Williams, Director, Centre for Sustainable Fashion.

SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries (c) SGL Carbon
SGL Carbon's graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries

Funding for SGL Carbon

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

SGL Carbon is one of a few manufacturers of synthetic graphite for anode materials in Europe. The company’s contribution to the IPCEI project ranges from the development of anode materials with increased performance, energy-efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes to novel recycling concepts. It also includes scaling them up to pilot scale and finally mass production. Over the project lifetime until 2028, the goal is to also establish a closed cycle for this cell component. SGL Carbon has already created a solid foundation for the project through previous investments such as the battery application laboratory at its Meitingen site. The German federal government and the Free State of Bavaria provide funding for the SGL Carbon project totaling €42.9 million, which can be drawn down over the duration of the project.

"With our development and industrialization project for new innovative anode materials and processes, we make an essential contribution to establishing a sustainable and competitive European value chain and circular economy for lithium-ion batteries. In turn, this enables us to support our customers with tailored materials and services in their innovation and industrialization process. We are very pleased about the support from the federal and state governments in this important task and would like to express our sincere thanks," explains Burkhard Straube, President Business Unit Graphite Solutions at SGL Carbon.

"In order to produce competitive, high-performance and particularly environmentally friendly batteries in the future, we need innovations. The companies participating in the IPCEIs base their battery materials, cells and systems pursued in the projects on their own research - in cooperation with their partners. This way, we ensure that the battery ecosystem being created in Germany and Europe will also place us among the world leaders in terms of technology," says Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

"The funding ensures value creation in a central high-tech segment with great future potential, which is ideally suited to Bavaria as a business location. In the course of the project, 25 jobs will be secured or newly created in Meitingen. SGL Carbon is an important company for the entire region and a major employer," says Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs and Bavarian Deputy Minister-President.
Synthetic graphite is utilized as anode material for lithium-ion batteries in many fast-growing applications such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage systems and mobile consumer devices. Compared to natural graphite, synthetic graphite has a better performance, higher quality consistency and easier production scalability, as well as a better profile in terms of environmental footprint and safety in manufacturing. In the project described, SGL Carbon builds on its core competencies in the development and mass production of synthetic graphite.

How to do more with less explored at Kingpins24 Flash (c) Monfords
Monforts has a leading position in the field of denim finishing with its well proven Thermex continuous dyeing systems, Montex stenter dryers and other lines for resource-efficient and economical processing.

How to do more with less explored at Kingpins24 Flash

  • Major Monforts denim customers continue to pioneer new initiatives that are pushing the boundaries of sustainable production.

Recycling their cotton waste has become one way these companies can do more with less, and at the recent Kingpins24 Flash online event, Sedef Uncu Aki, director of Orta, headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, announced a new partnership with leading recycling operation Gama Recycle.

“Through this local partnership we will supply the waste from our spinning mills and return around 3,000 tons of premium quality cotton back to them,” she said. “We have established a truly controlled and traceable system and partnering with a domestic recycling centre is important because a lot the carbon emissions associated with recycling usually come from transportation.”

  • Major Monforts denim customers continue to pioneer new initiatives that are pushing the boundaries of sustainable production.

Recycling their cotton waste has become one way these companies can do more with less, and at the recent Kingpins24 Flash online event, Sedef Uncu Aki, director of Orta, headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, announced a new partnership with leading recycling operation Gama Recycle.

“Through this local partnership we will supply the waste from our spinning mills and return around 3,000 tons of premium quality cotton back to them,” she said. “We have established a truly controlled and traceable system and partnering with a domestic recycling centre is important because a lot the carbon emissions associated with recycling usually come from transportation.”

Orta’s ZeroMax range meanwhile uses no cotton at all, being based on Lenzing’s Tencel cellulosic fibre, while the company’s involvement in denim production for a recent launch by Levi Strauss, of jeans made with organic cotton and Circulose – a breakthrough material developed by re:newcell of Sweden and partners – was hailed as a further step forward.

To make Circulose, re:newcell repurposes discarded cotton textiles, such as worn-out denim jeans, through a process akin to recycling paper. The incoming waste fabrics are broken down using water. The colour is then stripped from these materials using an eco-friendly bleach and after any synthetic fibres are removed from the mix, the slurry-like mixture is dried and the excess water is extracted, leaving behind a sheet of Circulose. This sheet is then made into viscose fibre which is combined with cotton and woven into new fabrics.

Circular Park
Omer Ahmed, CEO of Artistic Milliners also announced plans for his company’s new 70,000 square-foot Circular Park in Karachi, Pakistan, at Kingpins24 Flash.

Once complete, this will add three million square metres of additional denim capacity a month to the company’s production and take its total recycled output to a monthly five million metres.
Ahmed observed that there is currently a lack of sustainable fibres that are readily available to use for denim production at scale.

“Organic cotton is too expensive, and in my opinion always will be,” he said. “Cottonised hemp is also not cheap and it’s hard to mix with cotton, while the new regenerated cellulose fibres that are now emerging are promising, but currently in short supply. Recycled polyester is meanwhile still based on petroleum resources which we want to move away from. As a consequence, there are only a few other options for us as a manufacturer and this new project will help us minimise our own waste while significantly lowering our carbon footprint.”

Other Monforts denim customers to introduce cotton fibre recycling operations at their plants recently include AGI Denim, Bossa and Soorty.

Vertical savings
Refresh is the name of the latest collection from AGI Denim – reflecting the company’s significant reduction in water consumption.

The company has just opened new fibre spinning and denim mills at its complex in Karachi, Pakistan.

“Over the years we’ve gone through a series of backward integration steps to become fully vertical,” said AGI Denim executive director Ahmed Javed, at Kingpins24 Flash. “In our latest expansion, we revisited every step of the production processes in order to make resource savings.”

Innovations have included the installation of proprietary robotics for garment finishing, but the most attention has been paid to water savings.

“Pakistan is one of the largest cotton-producing companies in the world and we’re fortunate that the type of cotton that is grown here is well suited to denim production and also helps us lower our carbon footprint, with everything done in close proximity,” Javed said. “In the lifecycle of a pair of denim jeans, however, cotton fibre production contributes 68% of water consumption. While we cannot control how much water cotton needs for it to grow, we can rethink the way we use it in our factory.”

Refresh-branded denims are washed from 100% recycled water as a result of the company’s new wastewater treatment plant, which puts production wastewater through a series of steps beginning with equalisation, followed by aeration and concluding with sedimentation. The water travels through filtration and ultrafiltration systems before being subjected to an activated carbon system and finally a reverse osmosis system to reduce any dissolved salts.

AGI now recycles 4.4 million gallons of water each month – enough to wash a million pairs of jeans.

Monforts has a leading position in the field of denim finishing with its well proven Thermex continuous dyeing systems, Montex stenter dryers and other lines for resource-efficient and economical processing.

“Our denim partners are constantly setting themselves new goals in respect of sustainable production – and more importantly, achieving them,” says Hans Wroblowski, Monforts Head of Denim. “We work closely with them with the aim of constantly optimising processing parameters and achieving further savings in energy, water and raw materials throughout the dyeing and finishing stages of production.”

The latest Monforts innovation for denim is the CYD yarn dyeing system. This technology is based on the effective and established dyeing process for denim fabrics that is now being applied for yarn dyeing. The CYD system integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparation processes to increase quality, flexibility, economic viability and productivity. A full CYD line is now available for trials at the company’s Advanced Technology Centre in Mönchengladbach, Germany.”


Rieter Financial Year 2020

Financial Year 2020

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rieter closed the 2020 financial year with sales of CHF 573.0 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million). Due to the low sales volume, a loss of CHF 84.4 million was recorded at the EBIT level while at the net profit level the loss was CHF 89.8 million. In view of the loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the payment of a dividend for 2020.

Order intake of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year was 31% down on the previous year (2019: CHF 926.1 million). Following the significant slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 (CHF 45.7 million), order intake recovered in the third quarter (CHF 174.4 million) and improved further in the fourth quarter (CHF 215.1 million).

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

Financial Year 2020

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rieter closed the 2020 financial year with sales of CHF 573.0 million, which corresponds to a decrease of 25% compared to the previous year (2019: CHF 760.0 million). Due to the low sales volume, a loss of CHF 84.4 million was recorded at the EBIT level while at the net profit level the loss was CHF 89.8 million. In view of the loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the payment of a dividend for 2020.

Order intake of CHF 640.2 million in the 2020 financial year was 31% down on the previous year (2019: CHF 926.1 million). Following the significant slump in demand in the second quarter of 2020 (CHF 45.7 million), order intake recovered in the third quarter (CHF 174.4 million) and improved further in the fourth quarter (CHF 215.1 million).

At the end of 2020, the company had an order backlog of about CHF 560 million (December 31, 2019: about CHF 500 million).

Business Groups
Sales of the Business Group Machines & Systems amounted to CHF 295.8 million in 2020, which corresponds to a decrease of 24% compared to the previous year. Due to the low volume and taking into account the expenditure on the ongoing innovation program, the business group recorded a loss of CHF 72.4 million at the EBIT level. Order intake in the reporting year was CHF 363.9 million (-35% compared to the previous year).

The Business Group Components with sales of CHF 174.3 million (-24% compared to the previous year) achieved a profit of CHF 1.4 million at the EBIT level before restructuring charges. EBIT after restructuring charges was CHF -5.5 million. The order intake with CHF 169.1 million (-24% compared to the previous year) was just below sales.

The Business Group After Sales achieved sales of CHF 102.9 million (-27% compared to the previous year) and a positive EBIT of CHF 1.8 million. Order intake was CHF 107.2 million (-24% compared to the previous year). Over 60% of spinning mills were shut down in the second quarter of 2020, with a corresponding impact on the demand for spare parts.

Due to the loss of CHF 89.8 million at the net profit level in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposes that shareholders waive the distribution of a dividend.

Rieter expects the market recovery that began in the second half of 2020 to continue in 2021. The company expects an order intake in the first half of 2021 exceeding that of the previous half year (second half of 2020: CHF 389.5 million). Thanks to the improved capacity utilization, Rieter is planning short-time working in only a few areas in the first half of 2021. Nonetheless, as already announced, Rieter still anticipates that sales in the first half of 2021 will be below the break-even point. In connection with the high order backlog at the beginning of 2021, Rieter expects an operating profit for the full year 2021.


Rieter Management AG

Archroma becomes The BHive® partner for chemical compliance and management (c) The BHive®

Archroma becomes The BHive® partner for Chemical Compliance and Management

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced that it has become a The BHive® partner to help foster chemical compliance and management across the textile supply chain.

The BHive® is an innovative digital chemical management platform that provides at-a-glance information about chemical products to its users. It was developed by GoBlu International Ltd. to allow manufacturing facilities to easily create digital inventories of the chemical products used onsite using a smartphone. They can identify in a matter of seconds which products meet sustainability requirements of their brand and retail customers, who they can share this information with as well. This enables brands and retailers to achieve full transparency about the chemical use in their global supply chain. Now, over 30 international fashion brands and 500 factories are partnered with The BHive® to drive sustainable chemistry in the textile and fashion industry.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced that it has become a The BHive® partner to help foster chemical compliance and management across the textile supply chain.

The BHive® is an innovative digital chemical management platform that provides at-a-glance information about chemical products to its users. It was developed by GoBlu International Ltd. to allow manufacturing facilities to easily create digital inventories of the chemical products used onsite using a smartphone. They can identify in a matter of seconds which products meet sustainability requirements of their brand and retail customers, who they can share this information with as well. This enables brands and retailers to achieve full transparency about the chemical use in their global supply chain. Now, over 30 international fashion brands and 500 factories are partnered with The BHive® to drive sustainable chemistry in the textile and fashion industry.

More than 2000 Archroma chemical products and dyes are now included in The BHive® database.
The company has been very active in the past few years in developing solution systems and innovations in line with the 3 pillars of 'The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced. It’s our nature'.

Paul Cowell, Head of Archroma’s Competence Centers for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, explains: "With the pandemic crisis, textile manufacturers are experiencing numerous logistic bottlenecks and challenges. With The BHive®, our partners have now an additional access path to the information about chemical usage and compliance for the Archroma products they keep at their facilities."

Decision SA and Carboman Group Announce New Direct Mould Tooling Technology for Aerospace (c) Decision SA.
new direct mould tooling technology

Decision SA and Carboman Group Announce New Direct Mould Tooling Technology for Aerospace

Decision SA, part of the leading European composites consortium, Carboman Group, and a specialist in the development, prototyping and production of large composite structures, is proud to announce a new direct mould tooling technology for aerospace.  Decision’s latest tooling solution provides OEMs and manufacturers with short lead times for highly stable direct moulds for series production both in and outside of the autoclave at temperatures of up to 180˚C.

Decision and Carboman recently delivered the first customer moulds using the new technology, providing a tooling glass prepreg, stainless-steel backed direct female mould tool created for the series production of a Class 3 fairing to a leading European aerospace OEM. Decision has immediate availability and capacity for similar tooling projects with lead times currently as short as six to eight weeks.

Decision SA, part of the leading European composites consortium, Carboman Group, and a specialist in the development, prototyping and production of large composite structures, is proud to announce a new direct mould tooling technology for aerospace.  Decision’s latest tooling solution provides OEMs and manufacturers with short lead times for highly stable direct moulds for series production both in and outside of the autoclave at temperatures of up to 180˚C.

Decision and Carboman recently delivered the first customer moulds using the new technology, providing a tooling glass prepreg, stainless-steel backed direct female mould tool created for the series production of a Class 3 fairing to a leading European aerospace OEM. Decision has immediate availability and capacity for similar tooling projects with lead times currently as short as six to eight weeks.

With no traditional plug or mould pattern required, Decision’s direct mould process starts with the group’s engineers selecting a material combination for the tool surface and support structure that will provide the optimum match between the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the mould and the composite part to be processed.  The CNC machined composite face sheet is supported by a stress-relieved metallic or composite backing structure before final post curing and machining is completed. The principal benefit of this novel approach, aside from removing the need for costly and time-consuming plug production, is the production accuracy delivered by the closely matched CTE of the mould tool and the finished composite part.

The autoclaved composite tool surface is not only extremely dimensionally stable up to processing temperatures of 180˚C, but it can also be configured with additional metallic inserts or fixtures if required.  

Produced in an EN 9100:2018 controlled production environment, and with CMM checks before and after machining, the new direct composite tools have dimensional tolerances of +/-0.2mm.  The available tooling dimensional envelope is currently defined by Decision’s 2200mm x 6000mm autoclave.

“With our new direct tooling technology, we are able to combine the highest technical standards in dimensional accuracy and thermal stability with extremely short lead times.  Decision and Carboman Groups’ combined mission has always been to develop the construction methods for tomorrow’s composite structures, and we believe that this tooling solution will allow our customers to accelerate the implementation of the next generation of high-performance carbon fibre aerostructures and components” Grégoire Metz, Managing Director, Decision SA.


Decision SA.

B.I.G. Yarns launches EqoCycle Yarns designed for the carpet industry (c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns launches EqoCycle Yarns designed for the carpet industry

  • 75% recycled content yarn with no performance compromise
  • A circular, endlessly recyclable solution for contract, automotive and residential carpets
  • Significant resource efficiency in EqoCycle production compared to virgin-based PA6 yarn: 58% reduction in fossil fuel use; 27% less energy consumption; 37% CO₂ emission reduction

B.I.G. Yarns announces its latest development, EqoCycle, a fully recyclable PA6 yarn with 75% recycled content, offering the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn. The new recycled yarn mainly based on post-industrial waste supports contract, automotive and residential carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end products.

  • 75% recycled content yarn with no performance compromise
  • A circular, endlessly recyclable solution for contract, automotive and residential carpets
  • Significant resource efficiency in EqoCycle production compared to virgin-based PA6 yarn: 58% reduction in fossil fuel use; 27% less energy consumption; 37% CO₂ emission reduction

B.I.G. Yarns announces its latest development, EqoCycle, a fully recyclable PA6 yarn with 75% recycled content, offering the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn. The new recycled yarn mainly based on post-industrial waste supports contract, automotive and residential carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end products.

EqoCycle is made with recycled granulates derived from pre-consumer recycled and regenerated PA6, certified by Control Union for Global Recycled Standard (GRS) Certification. The use of less virgin materials implicates a decrease of fossil fuels by 58% and a 27% decrease in energy consumption. On top, EqoCycle yarns allow a reduction of 37% of CO₂ eq./kg compared to the fossil based yarns. The environmental impacts of EqoCycle with 75% recycled content were calculated through an LCA analysis, verified according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A1 and published in an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD registration number S-P-02415).

Customers have the assurance that for every 1.000 tons of EqoCycle yarn, 13,562 barrels of oil are saved and 2.700 tons of CO₂ emission are reduced, compared to PA6 traditionally made from virgin materials.

Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager Yarns Division, comments: “EqoCycle is a perfect example of how higher resource efficiency in our industry can promote greater circularity in our customers’ industries. Minimizing waste, re-using materials, and saving energy and carbon emissions in production, it provides our customers and carpet brands with a new sustainable alternative that won’t compromise their end-product performance but will support their increasing focus on CO₂ reduction and global warming potential. All part of our wider commitment to encourage decoupling from the need for only virgin feedstocks and moving towards a circular economy for yarns and soft flooring industries.”

EqoCycle is the latest circular solution in B.I.G. Yarns’ PA6 portfolio, joining EqoBalance PA6, based on biomass balance renewable resources, which offers up to 75% CO₂ reduction. Both exemplify the company’s on-going investment in developing new products that better serve customers’ needs in a sustainable way. B.I.G. Yarns fully pursues opportunities to support and solve the global environmental challenges through innovation, investment and collaboration, as part of its sincere belief in, and broader commitment to, Social Responsibility.

The innovation of EqoCycle and EqoBalance PA6 aligns with the company’s active integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its business activities, creating value for customers and engaging employees and value chain partners.


Tessitura Colombo: Intimissimi's new Sustainable Collection

Intimissimi, a famous lingerie brand, gives an edge of responsible innovation with Tessitura Colombo recycled and plant-based colored ingredients.

Intimissimi, a renowned lingerie brand, constantly engaged in research and development of innovative collections expressed through its performances: for this collection, the lingerie brand has selected made in Italy ingredients of Tessitura Colombo, a lace manufacturer that has always prioritized the protection of the environment and natural resources.

"Nature's dream", coming to stores this spring, is the name of the new line that wants to be inspired by nature and where sustainability is fully integrated throughout premium recycled ingredients and natural plant dyed process. "Nature's dream" is part of the sustainable families of the #intimissimicares collection, that is created to comply with short and long-term sustainability objectives: attention to the usage of natural resources, protection of the environment, control of the supply chain and choice of sustainable fibres.

Intimissimi, a famous lingerie brand, gives an edge of responsible innovation with Tessitura Colombo recycled and plant-based colored ingredients.

Intimissimi, a renowned lingerie brand, constantly engaged in research and development of innovative collections expressed through its performances: for this collection, the lingerie brand has selected made in Italy ingredients of Tessitura Colombo, a lace manufacturer that has always prioritized the protection of the environment and natural resources.

"Nature's dream", coming to stores this spring, is the name of the new line that wants to be inspired by nature and where sustainability is fully integrated throughout premium recycled ingredients and natural plant dyed process. "Nature's dream" is part of the sustainable families of the #intimissimicares collection, that is created to comply with short and long-term sustainability objectives: attention to the usage of natural resources, protection of the environment, control of the supply chain and choice of sustainable fibres.


Partners: AFRY engineering and Renewcell

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to inspire an Industrial Evolution towards a sustainable world by producing high quality materials from recycled textiles. “There is a way to put fashion first without putting the environment in second place” – Renewcell describes their business concept. With their technology, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn into new clothes. For example, H&M, a partner of Renewcell, has launched a garment that is half made with Renewcell’s fabric.

Today, Renewcell has a demo plant in Kristinehamn, Sweden, with the possibility to recycle over 4,500 tons of textiles each year. The company has now signed a major agreement with one of the world's largest producers of viscose fiber. With that as a basis, together with a well-proven process and technology, they are now building a full-scale production plant in Sundsvall, Sweden. When the new plant is ready for production, it will have the capacity to recycle 60,000 tons of textile waste annually, which is just over half of Sweden's annual textile consumption. The new plant is expected to be commissioned in 2022.

“We are pleased to continue the partnership with AFRY, which began with the feasibility study they delivered in 2020. With AFRY, we feel secure in having a partner with both world-leading expertise and the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. Together, we lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future,” says Christer Johansson, Project Director at Renewcell.

“We are extremely proud to be part of Renewcell’s investment. We are excited to contribute in this transition towards more sustainable solutions for the future and look forward to continue this journey together with Renewcell,” says Ulf Strenger, Business Unit Manager at AFRY.



BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance (c) RUDOLF GmbH
BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance


  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

  • BIONIC-FINISH®ECO Fluorine-Free, Water Repellent Finishes for Ultimate Performance

In recent years, many scientists have shifted from favoring a “primordial soup” in pools of water to hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean as the original source of life on Earth. Regardless what the real beginning really was, water was certainly involved in the process some 3,5bln years ago. And since then, Mother Nature designed many ways to benefit of water and to be sheltered from it. Many engineering challenges humans face can be solved by turning to those 3,5bln years of experience and by using natural design as springboard. That’s biologically inspired engineering or, in short, bionics. BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP is Mother Nature’s work reproduced on textiles and apparel to protect us from water. To perform.

Back in 2003, RUDOLF GROUP borrowed from Mother Nature the idea of dendrimers (from dendron, Greek word for ‘tree’), molecules made of multi-functional branches that interact among themselves, co-crystallize, and self-organize into highly ordered, multicomponent systems. These hyper-branched polymers attach to the textile and embed fluorine-free, durable water-repellent performance.
In 2021 BIONIC-FINISH®ECO comes as a reviewed and extended family of unique nonhalogenated, APEO-free, fluorine-free formulations suited for different materials and designed for different applications and needs. Still very much based on patented dendrimer technology, the new and strengthened BIONIC-FINISH®ECO’s product portfolio:

• Provides non-fluorinated and highly durable water repellent textile finishes for high-performance, professional applications (e.g. when brushing resistance is required);
• Delivers highly efficient and durable performance with low application amounts thus not affecting fabric feel and appearance (e.g. when remarkable softness is important);
• Fulfills a range of challenging technical requirements (e.g. minimal impact on flame retardant properties of technical fibers);
• Is suitable for both sportswear and outdoor applications, as well as for casual apparel and fashion clothing;
• Is bluesign® approved, ZDHC chemical gateway certified and compliant with most RSLs;

BIONIC-FINISH®ECO new portfolio includes universal and versatile solutions targeting the most standard requirements, as well as customized solutions that meet more demanding and specific expectations such as improved resistance to dry-cleaning. “None of us can entirely predict where our voyage will lead” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, RUDOLF GROUP Managing Director. “However, BIONIC-FINISH®ECO of RUDOLF GROUP will always be the fluorine-free, durable water repellent for ultimate  performance. As it is today”.


JEC WORLD 2021 postponed

  • Next Jec World Will Take Place From March 8 To 10, 2022

The continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic unfolding throughout 2021 has forced the JEC World team to reexamine the possibility of holding the next edition of JEC World this year. Thus, after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team has decided to postpone the next edition of JEC World to March 8 to 10, 2022.

Amidst growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid 19 restrictive measures and other limitations in place in many countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in the best conditions in 2022. Thus, JEC World exhibitors were asked to respond to a survey offering two new dates to determine which one would suit them the most. It appeared that 89% of respondents favored holding the next JEC World session from March 8 to 10, 2022.

  • Next Jec World Will Take Place From March 8 To 10, 2022

The continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic unfolding throughout 2021 has forced the JEC World team to reexamine the possibility of holding the next edition of JEC World this year. Thus, after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team has decided to postpone the next edition of JEC World to March 8 to 10, 2022.

Amidst growing concern among our exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid 19 restrictive measures and other limitations in place in many countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in the best conditions in 2022. Thus, JEC World exhibitors were asked to respond to a survey offering two new dates to determine which one would suit them the most. It appeared that 89% of respondents favored holding the next JEC World session from March 8 to 10, 2022.

“The coronavirus pandemic situation has taken the central stage, so in light of the current situation, it would not be possible for us to satisfy our customers’ requirements for such an international trade fair as JEC World in June. We truly regret having to make this difficult decision once again. However, we are all committed, starting today, to deliver the best JEC World experience to our clients in 2022.” says Eric Pierrejean, CEO of JEC Group. “While waiting for welcoming the international composites community back to Paris in March 2022, JEC Group team is preparing various online Rendez-Vous in June enabling the entire composites community to discover trends and innovations, and to connect″, he added.

The leading composites event will take place from March 8 to 10, 2022, at Paris Nord Villepinte (same venue) and online for a new augmented experience.

As the leading trade show of the composites industry, JEC World will bring together the whole composites materials value chain and professionals from application sectors, experts from the scientific and academic world, associations, and media from more than 112 countries, introducing in 2022 its audience its new digital platform, JEC World Augmented.

“JEC World 2022 and the augmented platform  will bring the international composites community and specialists together to resume business, network, hold business meetings. They will also have the chance to participate in conferences, workshops, and discover the latest composites innovations,” says Adeline Larroque, Show director and EMEA events.


JEC Group


PCMC launches fully modular ION digital conversion system

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the launch of its ION digital conversion system.

This new flexible inkjet printing solution provides superior print quality for many platforms, including labels, folding cartons, flexible packaging and other specialty printing markets. With industry-leading 1600 by 1585 dpi native resolution, the system can print in various modes at speeds up to 668 feet per minute.

The ION digital conversion system is powered by Memjet’s DuraLink® technology. DuraLink combines long-life printheads, pigment ink and flexible modules that can be configured from 8.5-inch print widths up to 60 inches. DuraLink’s aqueous pigmented ink-set offers a durable, water and light-fast solution for a variety of digital print needs. With these features, PCMC can quickly and easily develop solutions for high-volume commercial, packaging and industrial printing markets.

The ION is a fully modular system and is available as a mono-color print-bar and full-color printing platform with expanded gamut printing.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the launch of its ION digital conversion system.

This new flexible inkjet printing solution provides superior print quality for many platforms, including labels, folding cartons, flexible packaging and other specialty printing markets. With industry-leading 1600 by 1585 dpi native resolution, the system can print in various modes at speeds up to 668 feet per minute.

The ION digital conversion system is powered by Memjet’s DuraLink® technology. DuraLink combines long-life printheads, pigment ink and flexible modules that can be configured from 8.5-inch print widths up to 60 inches. DuraLink’s aqueous pigmented ink-set offers a durable, water and light-fast solution for a variety of digital print needs. With these features, PCMC can quickly and easily develop solutions for high-volume commercial, packaging and industrial printing markets.

The ION is a fully modular system and is available as a mono-color print-bar and full-color printing platform with expanded gamut printing.

“We are excited to add ION digital to our product portfolio,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Printing, Coating and Laminating Sales Director. “The combination of PCMC’s vast experience in flexographic printing with Memjet’s breakthrough inkjet technology results in a powerful solution for our customers in a variety of print and packaging markets.”


Barry Wehmiller

24h Collection by TINTEX: a journey into contemporary real people daily life © 2021 classecohub
SS 2022 24H Collection by TINTEX Textiles, dress by Maria Gambina

24h Collection by TINTEX: a journey into contemporary real people daily life

  • Every moment of our day is important: TINTEX knows it and for SS 2022 is proposing solutions to enhance our wellbeing, fitting all our possible and different needs 24 hours a day.

From sunrise to sunset

Last season TINTEX “RAW” collection has successfully explored the modern human being dimensions with no more genders and races, and today the new SS 2022 collection confirms the Naturally Advanced Evolution vision built on a strong environment-driven approach and cutting-edge technology able to offer contemporary consumer a brand new smart and performing choice.

  • Every moment of our day is important: TINTEX knows it and for SS 2022 is proposing solutions to enhance our wellbeing, fitting all our possible and different needs 24 hours a day.

From sunrise to sunset

Last season TINTEX “RAW” collection has successfully explored the modern human being dimensions with no more genders and races, and today the new SS 2022 collection confirms the Naturally Advanced Evolution vision built on a strong environment-driven approach and cutting-edge technology able to offer contemporary consumer a brand new smart and performing choice.

How? The SS2022 TINTEX 24h collection is offering solutions that can fit the different moments of our daily lives to rediscover ourselves in the outside world, leaving behind the social isolation that we all experienced in 2020. Freedom, comfort, flexibility and movement are the concepts the company explores looking not only to fashion moments, but to all the occasions of life where the most comfortable yet performing and responsible materials - from recycled synthetics to organic cotton - are the “right value choice”.
From there, the concept of giving life to 10 fabrics that truly embody our daily lifestyle: comfort, versatility, wellbeing.

Colours. A journey through warm and vivid colors - from reddish apples to sunny oranges with notes of starry blues - encourages wellbeing, feeling of relief, freedom and happiness because we feel that "we are alive again” when we go outside, doing everything we have always done, but that we were forced to put on pause. “RADIANT YELLOW it’s TINTEX color of the season, with its inherent positivity and strength. An energetic color that calls for a natural freedom to explore the world; a warm sensation of summer that feels like home” declares Ana Eusebio, designer at TINTEX Textiles.
All the collection focuses on the interlock structure, able to “concretely” deliver the value of versatility  and  fulfil performances needs of different moments of life. The idea is to create a collection that explores only one structure taking it to the limit, recreating, re-inventing and re-exploring its possibilities in order to meet the value of duality. Yes, in a single knit TINTEX challenged the way interlock is usually constructed by exploring each side of the articles and combining texturized with plain surfaces as well as light and heavy weights. Interlock offers natural stretch performances and exceptional dimensional stability.

Moreover, an important eye on responsible performances improvement to meet contemporary challenges and make us feel comfortable and safe! Always thanks to TINTEX DNA that is showing once more its consistent and evolved skills in making smart fabrics combined with unique eco-high-tech finishings.
Materials & finishings. A soft performances journey where it’s all about our dynamic daily lives. Through light and heavier fabrics, we find a well thought blend of innovative and responsible fibres. Strong focus is given to exceptional “transformation” technologies such as Newlife™, Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei. While Organic cotton, TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers and TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers with Micro technology offer a unique natural and precious touch.

Fresh fibres and finishings that enhance freshness and comfort. Polygiene® STAY FRESH and Polygiene® Odor Crunch for active odor control performances, Hydroperm® by Archroma technical hydrophilic finishing for a fast dry, comfortable surface and a fresh look. Absolute novelty of the season is the TASTEX®COOL-EX by TANATEX, a skin-care treatment agent based on micelles, which gives a special cool sensation using dynamic temperature control.
Lastly, TINTEX addresses the accessories and outerwear markets with a “look-like leather” created with a water-based coating technology that incorporates pine shell.

Wardrobe solutions. 10 versatile articles that can perfectly fit the different areas of our daily wardrobe: from casual to formal wear, from athleisure to sports, from loungewear to underwear.  10 innovations that have become a  REAL  24th hours smart wardrobe   thanks to the unique design interpretation of these fabrics  by  5 contemporary and innovative Portuguese  designers such as : Rita Sá, David Catalán, Maria Gambina, Maria Meira and Behén.

Unique pieces designed and created by them   to show once more the beauty, the versatility, the smart performances of TINTEX collection that has been able to transform itself into a naturally advanced valuable wardrobe where fabrics have concretely come to life to make our everyday life smart in each moment! You can have a real look at this wardrobe that fully represent the values behind the collection, smartly interpreted by the Portuguese designers at this video .

Thinking about what is happening around us as planet and individuals in an era of unpredictable challenges, we need to be creative constantly reinventing ourselves, aware of a new society and way of consuming where environment and human needs count.  And TINTEX, that has over-time established itself as a global leader in smart innovation, decided to focus exactly on that. The company DNA and vision of Naturally Advanced Evolution is centered on this new way of life that must adapt, but NEVER - now more than ever - compromises neither nature nor new generation’s performance.