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BVMed über den MedTech-Standort Deutschland

BVMed: MedTech-Standort Deutschland und seine kritische Infrastruktur

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, fordert in seinem neuen Jahresbericht 2019/20 einen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Dialog über den MedTech-Standort Deutschland und seine kritische Infrastruktur.

Das Gesundheitssystem kämpft aktuell gegen eine der schlimmsten Pandemien der letzten 100 Jahre. Die MedTech-Branche ist vereint in ihrem Kampf gegen COVID-19. Die Unterstützung der Ärzte und Pfleger, der Kliniken, Praxen und Homecare-Unternehmen, hat oberste Priorität. Gleichzeitig muss die MedTech-Branche die nahtlose Verfügbarkeit aller medizinischen Technologien aufrechterhalten, die Tag für Tag für die Diagnose, Behandlung und Überwachung von Patienten mit anderen kritischen oder chronischen Erkrankungen benötigt werden.

In seinem Vorwort spricht sich der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan insbesondere für eine bessere Verzahnung der regulatorischen Maßnahmen für die Medizinprodukte-Branche mit der Wirtschafts- und Forschungspolitik aus. Forschung, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit gemeinsam.

Zu den Themen des notwendigen "MedTech-Dialogs" gehören nach Ansicht des BVMed beispielsweise:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, fordert in seinem neuen Jahresbericht 2019/20 einen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Dialog über den MedTech-Standort Deutschland und seine kritische Infrastruktur.

Das Gesundheitssystem kämpft aktuell gegen eine der schlimmsten Pandemien der letzten 100 Jahre. Die MedTech-Branche ist vereint in ihrem Kampf gegen COVID-19. Die Unterstützung der Ärzte und Pfleger, der Kliniken, Praxen und Homecare-Unternehmen, hat oberste Priorität. Gleichzeitig muss die MedTech-Branche die nahtlose Verfügbarkeit aller medizinischen Technologien aufrechterhalten, die Tag für Tag für die Diagnose, Behandlung und Überwachung von Patienten mit anderen kritischen oder chronischen Erkrankungen benötigt werden.

In seinem Vorwort spricht sich der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan insbesondere für eine bessere Verzahnung der regulatorischen Maßnahmen für die Medizinprodukte-Branche mit der Wirtschafts- und Forschungspolitik aus. Forschung, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit gemeinsam.

Zu den Themen des notwendigen "MedTech-Dialogs" gehören nach Ansicht des BVMed beispielsweise:

  • eine stärkere Orientierung an kompletten Versorgungsprozessen,
  • die Reduktion regulatorischer Bürokratie für Bestandsprodukte und Orphan Devices,
  • die Entwicklungen von digitalen Gesundheitsdienstleistungen und
  • die Einbindung von künstlicher Intelligenz zur Unterstützung von ärztlicher Versorgung und Pflege.

Der BVMed-Jahresbericht beleuchtet die wichtigsten Branchen-Kennzahlen
Die MedTech-Branche ist ein wichtiger Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktfaktor. Die Branche beschäftigt in Deutschland insgesamt über 200.000 Menschen. Alleine in den letzten 5 Jahren sind über 12.000 neue Stellen geschaffen worden. Jeder Arbeitsplatz in der Branche sichert zudem 0,75 Arbeitsplätze in anderen Sektoren. Der Gesamtumsatz der MedTech-Branche lag 2019 bei über 32 Milliarden Euro. Die Exportquote liegt bei über 65 Prozent.
Die MedTech-Branche ist mittelständisch geprägt. 93 Prozent der MedTech-Unternehmen beschäftigen weniger als 250 Mitarbeiter. Es gibt alleine 13.000 Kleinstunternehmen mit rund 60.000 Beschäftigten. Nur 90 MedTech-Unternehmen in Deutschland haben über 250 Beschäftigte.   

Der Jahresbericht kann in deutscher und englischer Sprache unter heruntergeladen werden.


BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


USA: Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

Coalition of Iconic American Apparel Brands & Textile Companies Heeds Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

A coalition of iconic American apparel brands and textile companies, responding to the urgent call of the White House for medical supplies, have come together to build a supply chain virtually overnight and fast-track the manufacturing of medical face masks to help hospitals, health care workers and citizens battling the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Parkdale Inc.-- the largest yarn spinner in the U.S. headquartered in North Carolina—helped lead the effort to build the coalition with Hanesbrands, Fruit of the Loom and six other companies to set up a manufacturing supply chain and begin ramping up production of the masks.

The coalition consists of iconic American brands such as Hanesbrands and Fruit of the Loom, often competitors in the marketplace, who are banding together for the greater good of a nation facing one if its most monumental challenges.

Coalition of Iconic American Apparel Brands & Textile Companies Heeds Call of Nation to Produce Medical Face Masks

A coalition of iconic American apparel brands and textile companies, responding to the urgent call of the White House for medical supplies, have come together to build a supply chain virtually overnight and fast-track the manufacturing of medical face masks to help hospitals, health care workers and citizens battling the spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Parkdale Inc.-- the largest yarn spinner in the U.S. headquartered in North Carolina—helped lead the effort to build the coalition with Hanesbrands, Fruit of the Loom and six other companies to set up a manufacturing supply chain and begin ramping up production of the masks.

The coalition consists of iconic American brands such as Hanesbrands and Fruit of the Loom, often competitors in the marketplace, who are banding together for the greater good of a nation facing one if its most monumental challenges.

American Giant, Los Angeles Apparel, AST Sportswear, Sanmar, America Knits, Beverly Knits and Riegel Linen are also part of the coalition working tirelessly to respond to a national emergency in the nation’s time of need.

Dr. Peter Navarro, assistant to the President and director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, worked with the coalition and helped expedite the production of these masks. The first face masks have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The companies expect to begin production on Monday and will make the first deliveries by mid-week.

They are dedicating their assets, resources and manufacturing capacities to create a high output of facemasks. Once fully ramped up in four to five weeks, the companies expect to produce up to 10 million facemasks per week in the United States and in Central America.

If companies are interested in dedicating resources to help the cause, please reach out to the National Council of Textile Organizations at

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers.

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 594,147 in 2018.  
  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $76.8 billion in 2018.  
  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $30.1 billion in 2018.  
  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.0 billion in 2017, the last year for which data is available.

National Council of Textile Organizations

NCTO Logo (c) NCTO

U.S. Textile and Nonwoven Associations Urge Government to Deem Manufacturing

Textile and nonwoven associations issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our associations recognize the serious challenges our elected officials, health administrators, and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and we understand the necessity for leaders to enforce a ‘Shelter in Place” order or quarantine orders.

Our members make a broad range of inputs and finished products used in an array of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.

Textile and nonwoven associations issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Our associations recognize the serious challenges our elected officials, health administrators, and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and we understand the necessity for leaders to enforce a ‘Shelter in Place” order or quarantine orders.

Our members make a broad range of inputs and finished products used in an array of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.

If workers who produce these goods are not granted an “essential” exemption from “Shelter in Place” and other quarantine orders to go to their manufacturing and distribution facilities, it will cause major disruptions in the availability of these goods. This will create significant hardship to healthcare providers and consumers across the country who depend on steady and stable supplies of these critical items.

We are asking the administration and state and local authorities to provide greater certainty and clarity for our companies and employees and ask for a clear exclusion of our manufacturing operations from “Shelter in Place” orders as the textile and nonwoven products that we make in the U.S. play an essential role in mitigating the shortages of critical supplies. Such a designation will help us avoid disruptions of vital goods and services during this challenging time.





A modern hydroponic herb growing facility. (c) AWOL
A modern hydroponic herb growing facility.

Salad days for the UK’s Anglo Recycling

Anglo Recycling Technology is on course to deliver no less than a million of its special nonwoven mats for hydroponically growing herbs to a major customer in the Middle East this year. The Growfelt-branded products arose from the discovery back in the late 1990s by Anglo Recycling’s owner Simon Macaulay, that the Sussex-based retail supplier of salads, Van Heineken Brothers (now Vitacress), used nonwoven felts on which to grow its cress.

“I drove down to see the company’s production manager, Chris Moncrieff and discovered they were indeed growing cress on felts, but they were made from virgin materials and he liked the idea of maybe using a blend of virgin fiber offcuts of cotton, wool, and polypropylene,” he explains. “That’s how Growfelt was born. For the first six years, we supplied exclusively to Vitacress and in return, they helped us to bring our factory up to food-grade standard and to set in place a testing regime for Salmonella E-Coli coliforms and listeria.”

Anglo Recycling Technology is on course to deliver no less than a million of its special nonwoven mats for hydroponically growing herbs to a major customer in the Middle East this year. The Growfelt-branded products arose from the discovery back in the late 1990s by Anglo Recycling’s owner Simon Macaulay, that the Sussex-based retail supplier of salads, Van Heineken Brothers (now Vitacress), used nonwoven felts on which to grow its cress.

“I drove down to see the company’s production manager, Chris Moncrieff and discovered they were indeed growing cress on felts, but they were made from virgin materials and he liked the idea of maybe using a blend of virgin fiber offcuts of cotton, wool, and polypropylene,” he explains. “That’s how Growfelt was born. For the first six years, we supplied exclusively to Vitacress and in return, they helped us to bring our factory up to food-grade standard and to set in place a testing regime for Salmonella E-Coli coliforms and listeria.”

In recent years, however, Anglo Recycling, which is based in Whitworth, near Rochdale in the UK, has significantly broadened its customer base. It now offers a core of three growing media products to meet the differing needs of customers across Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East, whether for retail presentation and appearance or for water holding.


More information:
Anglo Recycling Technology


NCTO sees the manifacturing facilities as "essential"

U.S. Textile and Nonwoven Associations Urge Government to Deem Manufacturing Facilities “Essential”

The U.S. textile and nonwoven associations NCTO, IFAL and INDA issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The associations recognize the serious challenges of the elected officials, health administrators and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and show understanding for the necessity to enforce quarantine orders.

The U.S. textile and nonwoven associations NCTO, IFAL and INDA issued a joint statement today urging federal, state and local governments to deem textile and nonwoven manufacturing facilities as “essential” when drafting “Shelter in Place” orders in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The associations recognize the serious challenges of the elected officials, health administrators and others are facing when issuing orders to protect communities across the country and show understanding for the necessity to enforce quarantine orders.

The members of these associations are part of the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical nonwoven/textile supplies, including surgical gowns, face masks, antibacterial wipes, lab coats, blood pressure cuffs, cotton swabs and hazmat suits. These items are vital to the government’s effort to ramp up emergency production of these critical supplies.
If workers who produce these goods are not granted an “essential” exemption from “Shelter in Place” and other quarantine orders to go to their manufacturing and distribution facilities, it will cause major disruptions in the availability of these goods, states the association. This will create hardship to healthcare providers and consumers across the country who depend on steady and stable supplies of these critical items, says the NCTO.

More information:
Coronavirus NCTO face masks USA

National Council of Textile Organizations

Autoneum (c) autoneum

Autoneum: Report on financial year 2019

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

2019 was an extremely challenging year for the automobile industry. The continuing weakness of the global economy, ongoing trade disputes and the increasing regulation of mobility impacted vehicle demand negatively. But 2019 was also a year of change for Autoneum internally. An in-depth analysis carried out by the new Group Management in the fall showed a need to reevaluate the Group’s performance over the short- to medium-term. In Business Group North America, the operational and commercial problems have proven more extensive than originally assumed. As a result, the turnaround program launched in spring 2019 was replaced at the beginning of 2020 with a dedicated and far more comprehensive program for the North American sites.

Revenue growth despite a shrinking global market
As a result of weak demand, the number of light vehicles produced worldwide fell again sharply in 2019 compared to the previous year; whereby the decline of almost –6% was much steeper than in 2018. Thanks to numerous production ramp-ups and a favorable model portfolio, Autoneum generated organic revenue growth1 of 2.5%, despite the global market cooling. Revenue consolidated in Swiss francs rose by 0.7% from CHF 2 281.5 million to CHF 2 297.4 million.

Profitability2 impacted by operational inefficiencies and impairments
Operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in this region were the main reason for the – first-ever – negative net result in 2019. In addition, the sharp drop in automobile production in Europe and China as well as associated lower utilization of production capacities in the affected Business Groups also burdened the Group’s profitability. EBITDA excluding IFRS 16 effects decreased to CHF 126.0 million (2018: CHF 197.2 million), which corresponds to an EBITDA margin of 5.5% (2018: 8.6%). One-time charges from impairments in the amount of CHF –68.0 million had a negative impact on EBIT, reducing it to CHF –32.9 million (2018: CHF 114.1 million). Without these one-time charges, EBIT amounted to CHF 35.0 million. The EBIT margin 1 Change in revenue in local currencies, adjusted for hyperinflation. 2 The figures for the 2019 financial year include IFRS 16 effects. Autoneum Management Ltd . Media Release . March 4, 2020 Page 2/5 excluding impairments was at 1.5% in 2019, and taking those into account the margin decreased to –1.4% (2018: 5.0%).


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Der Deutsche Exzellenz-Preis 2020: 46 Sieger ausgezeichnet

Der Deutsche Exzellenz-Preis 2020 für herausragende Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Kampagnen, Initiativen, Manager und Macher der Deutschen Wirtschaft ging am Abend des 23. Januar an 46 digitale, innovative und kreative Unternehmen – darunter 15 Start-ups und vier Publikumspreisträger.

Der Deutsche Exzellenz-Preis 2020 für herausragende Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Kampagnen, Initiativen, Manager und Macher der Deutschen Wirtschaft ging am Abend des 23. Januar an 46 digitale, innovative und kreative Unternehmen – darunter 15 Start-ups und vier Publikumspreisträger.

Der Deutsche Exzellenz-Preis wurde zum  insgesamt dritten Mal verliehen. Die Initiatoren, das Deutsche Institut für Service-Qualität (DISQ), das DUB UNTERNEHMER-Magazin und der Nachrichtensender n-tv würdigen damit herausragende und zukunftsweisende Leistungen der deutschen Wirtschaft. Digital, innovativ, kreativ: Für diese Kriterien wurden neben renommierten Unternehmen wie Lufthansa, Otto, comdirect oder der Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger auch 15 Start-ups – wie zum Beispiel die digitale Kreationsplattform Storyliner – ausgezeichnet. Eine hochkarätig besetzte Jury aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien hatte aus 133 Bewerbungen die besten 42 mit dem Prädikat „Exzellent“ bewertet. Vier weitere Unternehmen wurden durch den Publikumspreis prämiert. Schirmherrin Brigitte Zypries, Bundesministerin a. D., überreichte die Trophäen an die Sieger. Nach der feierlichen Preisverleihung in der Berliner Bertelsmann Repräsentanz trafen sich Manager*innen, Start-up-Gründer*innen, Digitalexperten*innen und Kreative zum Networking.

In Ihrer Keynote betonte Brigitte Zypries eine positive Entwicklung des vergangenen Jahrzehnts: „Die letzten zehn Jahre haben Frauen deutlich nach vorne gebracht“. Und das ist eine wesentliche Basis für Digitalisierung, Innovation und Kreativität. Sie erinnerte jedoch das Publikum daran, dass Frauen noch immer nicht in genügender Anzahl in Führungspositionen eingesetzt werden. Ihr Appell: „Wir müssen diverser werden und das einander Zuhören wieder lernen, denn nur so können auch traditionelle Unternehmen den Weg in die Zukunft schaffen“.

Kategorie „Aus- und Weiterbildung“: Die Lufthansa Virtual Reality Weiterbildung
Einer der Gewinner des Abends war der „Pre-Flight Cabin Check“ von Lufthansa Aviation Training. Die 20-minütige Virtual Reality Trainings-Lösung schult Flugbegleiter mittels hochauflösender VR-Brillen und haptischer Gestensteuerung, vor dem Flug im an Bord versteckte, verbotene Gegenstände zu identifizieren. Eine bidirektionale Schnittstelle gibt Feedback zu den Lernerfolgen und ermöglicht so die effektive Nutzung.

Doppelt geehrt: Die comdirect bank siegte in zwei Kategorien
Gleich zweimal mit dem Deutschen Exzellenz-Preis ausgezeichnet wurde die comdirect bank. In der Kategorie „Apps“ gewann „Chat Order“, die erste App für den einfachen digitalen Wertpapierhandel. Die Jury bescheinigt „Chat Order“ einen „hohen Wirkungsgrad und hohen Nutzen“. In der Kategorie „Führung und Verantwortung“ siegte die comdirect bank mit ihrer Innovationsinitiative „Start-up Garage“, die Workshops, Wettbewerbe und Start-up-Kooperationen einschließt.

Start-up Storyliner demokratisiert das Marketing
In der Kategorie „Digitale Services B2B“ siegte das Hamburger Start-up Storyliner. Der Chatbot ist der erste digitale Content-Assistent für die Erstellung digitaler Inhalte, der Nutzer berät, was sie schreiben sollen, wie sie es formulieren und wann und wo sie es veröffentlichen sollen. Storyliner berät automatisiert, empfiehlt konkrete Inhaltselemente, generiert und optimiert fertige Stories. Auszeichnungswürdig, wie die Jury meint.

Erneut waren die Leser des DUB UNTERNEHMER-Magazins dazu aufgerufen, in vier Kategorien Preisträger*innen zu küren. Den Publikumspreis erhielten das Kölner Start-up m.Doc für Patientenkommunikation im Krankenhaus, die W. Schillig Polstermöbelwerke mit ihrem 3-D-Polstermöbelkonfigurator, developHER von Otto sowie das Automated-Machine-Learning-Tool von Weidmüller Interface.

More information:


The stand-alone Coloreel unit provides complete freedom in the creation of unique embroideries. (c) TMAS
The stand-alone Coloreel unit provides complete freedom in the creation of unique embroideries.

TMAS welcomes two technology groundbreakers

Swedish textile machinery association TMAS is welcoming two new companies – both at the forefront of sustainable and Industry 4.0-enabled technologies – to its membership.

A new benchmark for embroidery
The first is Coloreel, the developer of a thread coloring unit which enables the instant and high-quality coloring, fixation, washing and lubrication of thread to take place simultaneously to the actual embroidering of a fabric, representing a bold and entirely new approach to this traditional field.

Based on a CMYK ink system, Coloreel’s advanced colorization software and instant thread coloring technology allows a single needle to carry out what previously required multiples of them, and with much more consistent stitch quality.

Swedish textile machinery association TMAS is welcoming two new companies – both at the forefront of sustainable and Industry 4.0-enabled technologies – to its membership.

A new benchmark for embroidery
The first is Coloreel, the developer of a thread coloring unit which enables the instant and high-quality coloring, fixation, washing and lubrication of thread to take place simultaneously to the actual embroidering of a fabric, representing a bold and entirely new approach to this traditional field.

Based on a CMYK ink system, Coloreel’s advanced colorization software and instant thread coloring technology allows a single needle to carry out what previously required multiples of them, and with much more consistent stitch quality.

Designed to work with any existing industrial embroidery machine without modification, the stand-alone Coloreel unit provides complete freedom in the creation of unique embroideries, imposing no limitations on the number of customized colors employed in designs. It allows set-up and lead times to be reduced as well as significant flexibility in production schedules, while eliminating the need for large thread inventories.

With fewer trims required for color changes, the Coloreel unit can also reduce the total production time required for complex designs by up to 80%, as well as instant reaction to the specific color requirements of customers.

“Our system is allowing customers to achieve color effects that have never been seen before – and at a new level of efficiency,” says Magnus Hellström, VP Sales & Marketing at Coloreel. “We are setting the new benchmark for the embroidery industry and we are pleased to join TMAS to help us spread the word.”

More information:

AWOL Media

mtex+ startete Nachwuchswettbewerb „TexCycle Award mtex+ 2020“ (c) mtex+, Ulf Schulz
1. Preis Birke Weber und Svenja Wallenstein

mtex+ startete Nachwuchswettbewerb „TexCycle Award mtex+ 2020“

  • 8. Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles erstmals in attraktivem Ambiente in der Chemnitzer City

Die am 9./10. Juni 2020 in Chemnitz stattfindende 8. mtex+ „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles“ hat für Studierende, Auszubildende und Absolventen der Fachgebiete Textil, Textiltechnik sowie Textil- und Modedesign den Wettbewerb „TexCycle Award mtex+ 2020“ ausgeschrieben. Gefragt sind tragfähige Ideen für umweltbewusstes und wirtschaftlich nachhaltiges Handeln zum Themenkreis Recycling - Upcycling – Downcycling von Textilien aller Art. Die Bewerber können zurückgreifen auf Ergebnisse von Projektarbeiten oder Praktika ab 2016.  „Damit knüpfen wir an den 2018/2019 vom Sachsen!Textil e. V., Chemnitz, und dem Branchenverband Plauener Spitze und Stickereien e. V. veranstalteten TexCycle-Nachwuchswettbewerb an. Zudem unterstützen der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) und weitere Partner den Contest“, erläutert Messechef André Rehn. Einsendeschluss ist der 31. Januar 2020; die Preisverleihung erfolgt während der Eröffnungsveranstaltung der 8. mtex+. 

  • 8. Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles erstmals in attraktivem Ambiente in der Chemnitzer City

Die am 9./10. Juni 2020 in Chemnitz stattfindende 8. mtex+ „Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles“ hat für Studierende, Auszubildende und Absolventen der Fachgebiete Textil, Textiltechnik sowie Textil- und Modedesign den Wettbewerb „TexCycle Award mtex+ 2020“ ausgeschrieben. Gefragt sind tragfähige Ideen für umweltbewusstes und wirtschaftlich nachhaltiges Handeln zum Themenkreis Recycling - Upcycling – Downcycling von Textilien aller Art. Die Bewerber können zurückgreifen auf Ergebnisse von Projektarbeiten oder Praktika ab 2016.  „Damit knüpfen wir an den 2018/2019 vom Sachsen!Textil e. V., Chemnitz, und dem Branchenverband Plauener Spitze und Stickereien e. V. veranstalteten TexCycle-Nachwuchswettbewerb an. Zudem unterstützen der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) und weitere Partner den Contest“, erläutert Messechef André Rehn. Einsendeschluss ist der 31. Januar 2020; die Preisverleihung erfolgt während der Eröffnungsveranstaltung der 8. mtex+. 

Die mtex+ schärft ihr Profil und wechselt ab 2020 in eine attraktive Umgebung - das neue Carlowitz Congresscenter in der Chemnitzer City.  „Aus meiner Sicht der ideale Ort, um im Zentrum der leistungsstarken mitteldeutschen Industrie- und Forschungsregion neue Ideen, Lösungsansätze und Verfahren zu diskutieren. In moderierten Workshops; mit Experten unterschiedlicher Sparten und anhand der in der Ausstellung präsentierten Exponate“, sagt Michael Bauer, Vize-Vorsitzender des vti-Vorstands und Geschäftsführer der Curt Bauer GmbH, Aue: „Denn: Weder im betrieblichen Alltag noch auf großen Fachmessen haben wir die nötige „Muße“ für solch ein entspanntes fachübergreifendes Brainstorming wie zur eigens dafür konzipierten mtex+. Aussteller und Fachbesucher profitieren gleichermaßen davon.“  

Zu den Fotos:

  • Den 1. Preis beim unlängst beendet Wettbewerb um den TexCycle Award 2019“ erhielten Birke Weber (l.), und Svenja Wallenstein, HTW Berlin, für ihre aus Faserresten geschaffenen Versandpackungen mit dem Titel „Fasermarmor“
  • Den 2. Rang belegte Laura del Giudice, Hochschule Reutlingen, die aus Schnittresten filigrane Spitzen angefertigt hatte.
  • Drittplatzierte sind Julia Hahn (im Bild) und Susanne Schmidt, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau. Sie entwarfen dekoratives Wohnzubehör aus Spulenrollen, die in Webereien als Abfall entsorgt werden.  (Foto: Markus Schneider).

mtex+ press service + vti-pressedienst

Saurer’s highly efficient FusionTwister at ShanghaiTex 2019 (c) Saurer AG
FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns

Saurer’s highly efficient FusionTwister at ShanghaiTex 2019

In its 19th year, the international textile industry exhibition ShanghaiTex will take place from 25 to 28 November 2019. Saurer Twisting Solutions would be delighted to welcome customers and visitors to Saurer's Stand D40 in Hall E1. The focus is on the highly efficient FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns.

The FusionTwister sets the benchmark for the cost-effective production of two-for-one twisted staple fibre yarns. In order to achieve this, we have taken into account the three main factors affecting our customers’ profitability, namely energy, economics and ergonomics.

In its 19th year, the international textile industry exhibition ShanghaiTex will take place from 25 to 28 November 2019. Saurer Twisting Solutions would be delighted to welcome customers and visitors to Saurer's Stand D40 in Hall E1. The focus is on the highly efficient FusionTwister for staple fibre yarns.

The FusionTwister sets the benchmark for the cost-effective production of two-for-one twisted staple fibre yarns. In order to achieve this, we have taken into account the three main factors affecting our customers’ profitability, namely energy, economics and ergonomics.

The machines’ reliably low energy consumption is an important characteristic for decision-makers to take into account. Achieved by means of an optimised spindle drive as well as a great variety of spindle and feeding sizes for all kinds of applications, it is the main element in the equation of production costs.

Power consumption and costs are closely related, with energy efficiency positively influencing the return on investment, since it is daily challenge to process the maximum feeding weight while keeping electricity usage at a comfortable level.

The machine’s short set-up times, fast air threading and easy handling were key considerations with regard to optimising ergonomics.

Mit RFID-basierter Spulen-Erkennung wird die Maschine erst zur Produktion freigegeben, wenn alle Spulen am richtigen Platz aufgesteckt sind. (c) STFI
Mit RFID-basierter Spulen-Erkennung wird die Maschine erst zur Produktion freigegeben, wenn alle Spulen am richtigen Platz aufgesteckt sind.

Einfach und schnell zur digitalen Vernetzung ohne IT-Kenntnisse – Das grafische Baukastenprinzip

Intelligente vernetzte Geräte besitzen besonders für Textilproduzenten mit diversen Maschinenparks große Chancen und Potenzial. Idealerweise stehen mit deren Unterstützung Maschinenzustands-, Auftrags- und Produktdaten oder auch Ortungsdaten von Betriebsmitteln auf einer zentralen Plattform zur Verfügung. Um die Funktionsweisen der Technologien und Schnittstellen und damit einhergehende Anforderungen zu verstehen, gibt das Schaufenster des Mittelstand 4.0- Kompetenzzentrums Textil vernetzt am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen.

Die Labtour am 9. Mai 2019 im Chemnitz beleuchtet Themen wie Vernetzung, Cloud Computing, IoT, IoS und Assistenzsysteme für die Textilbranche. Welche Softwarelogik und Funktionsweise stehen dahinter, wie kommen die Daten aus der Steuerung und was geschieht, wenn die Maschine eine Blackbox ist? Der Schlüssel liegt in vernetzten Sensoren, die zum Beispiel bei der Garnherstellung die Walzendrehzahl oder den Spulendurchmesser bzw. bei der textilen Flächenbildung die Fadenzugkraft messen.

Intelligente vernetzte Geräte besitzen besonders für Textilproduzenten mit diversen Maschinenparks große Chancen und Potenzial. Idealerweise stehen mit deren Unterstützung Maschinenzustands-, Auftrags- und Produktdaten oder auch Ortungsdaten von Betriebsmitteln auf einer zentralen Plattform zur Verfügung. Um die Funktionsweisen der Technologien und Schnittstellen und damit einhergehende Anforderungen zu verstehen, gibt das Schaufenster des Mittelstand 4.0- Kompetenzzentrums Textil vernetzt am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen.

Die Labtour am 9. Mai 2019 im Chemnitz beleuchtet Themen wie Vernetzung, Cloud Computing, IoT, IoS und Assistenzsysteme für die Textilbranche. Welche Softwarelogik und Funktionsweise stehen dahinter, wie kommen die Daten aus der Steuerung und was geschieht, wenn die Maschine eine Blackbox ist? Der Schlüssel liegt in vernetzten Sensoren, die zum Beispiel bei der Garnherstellung die Walzendrehzahl oder den Spulendurchmesser bzw. bei der textilen Flächenbildung die Fadenzugkraft messen.

Um die einzelnen Komponenten der Assistenzsysteme logisch miteinander zu verknüpfen, zeigt das Textil vernetzt-Team mit dem grafischen Programmieren eine open-source-Lösung, die als sinnvolle Ergänzung zu bereits bestehen ERP- und PPS-Systemen zum Einsatz kommt. Für die Entwicklung der notwendigen Logikfolgen sind keine IT-Kenntnisse erforderlich, sodass bereits nach einer kurzen Einführung erste Aufgaben selbst programmiert werden können.

Möglich wird das unter anderem mit dem kostenlosen grafischen Entwicklungswerkzeug Node-RED von IBM. Damit werden Dashboards zur visuellen Abbildung von Daten und Informationen erzeugt. Mitarbeiter in der Produktion erhalten damit wichtige Produktionsdaten auf einem Tablet oder über eine Datenbrille.



(c) TMAS

Innovate or die: TMAS at ITMA 2019

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

The forward-looking attitude of the Swedish companies is perhaps best summed up by Reimar Westerlind, the owner, since 1961, of ACG Gruppen.
At the age of 90, Reimar still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies operating under the ACG umbrella.
“Everything now is about automation and digitisation,” he says. “We have to be on that track or we will be lost – innovate or die.”

One ACG Gruppen company moving rapidly forward with new innovations in this area is ACG Kinna, which at ITMA 2019 will be providing dramatic live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system.
This has the ability to fill and finish some 3,840 pillows per eight-hour shift, which is a considerable improvement on what is currently possible with existing systems, resulting in significant savings in both labour and energy for busy home textile businesses.

At ITMA 2019, Eton will be demonstrating a complete material handling solution with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.
“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén.

Advanced senor developments are playing a large part in moving many areas of the textile industry forward too.
Eltex of Sweden, for example, is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets, the creeling of woven materials and even the production of woven reinforcements for the composites industry.

At successive ITMA shows, IRO AB has also consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines, and ITMA 2019 will be no exception.
“Following significant investment in our R&D capabilities, we have been making great progress in further boosting the efficiency and performance of our expanding X3 range,” says IRO AB Managing Director and Chairman of TMAS Mikael Äremann. “I can’t remember a time since the 1980s when we had so many new innovations to unveil at an ITMA, and I’m greatly looking forward to the positive response to them we are anticipating in Barcelona this June.”

Resource savings
ITMA 2019 will meanwhile see the launch of TexCoat G4 – the next generation of Baldwin Technology’s non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing. The TexCoat G4 enables a continuously high-quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and minimised water and energy consumption.
The non-contact spray technology brings a range of advantages including single or double-sided application,  the elimination of Foulard bath contamination, low wet pick-up levels leading to the elimination of drying steps, zero chemistry waste in changeovers of chemistry, colour or fabric, and the possibility of batch reporting, visibility of pad loading, chemical usage etc.

Other TMAS companies exhibiting in Barcelona include Texo AB, whose wide-width weaving looms make the belts for machines on which half of the world’s paper is made, ES-Automatex, which specialises in bespoke automation concepts and Svegea, a company leading the field in a number colarette machines and cutting and slitting equipment.

“At the last ITMA in 2015 in Milan, there was much talk about Industry 4.0 technologies but certainly from the perspective of TMAS, ITMA 2019 will be the place for concrete solutions as to how data and the new tools we have available can be exploited to the full,” says Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is already much more networking between the companies, with software very much the enabler and common interfaces bringing ideas closer together. We are greatly looking forward to further exchanges of ideas when meeting with customers old and new in Barcelona.”

More information:

Issued on behalf of TMAS by AWOL Media.


Ostdeutsche Textilbranche hofft auf schwarze Null

Firmen benötigen Fachkräftenachwuchs aus dem In- und Ausland

„Unsere Branche hat sich 2018 weniger dynamisch entwickelt als erwartet. Nach einem guten Start sind die Umsätze vieler Firmen im zweiten Halbjahr kontinuierlich gesunken. Noch liegen die exakten Zahlen nicht vor, doch das Ergebnis vom Vorjahr werden wir nur mit Mühe erreichen. Wir hoffen auf eine schwarze Null“, erklärte Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) bei einem Medientermin am 4. Januar 2019 in Chemnitz: „Vor allem die Zulieferer von Technischen Textilien für den Fahrzeugbau berichten von spürbar rückläufiger Nachfrage. Angesichts der allgemeinen Konjunkturlage dürfte dieser Trend zumindest mittelfristig anhalten. Dennoch bewerten wir die Branchensituation insgesamt als stabil. “ Im Jahr 2017 war der Gesamtumsatz gegenüber 2016 um drei Prozent auf 1,87 Mrd. EUR gestiegen.

Firmen benötigen Fachkräftenachwuchs aus dem In- und Ausland

„Unsere Branche hat sich 2018 weniger dynamisch entwickelt als erwartet. Nach einem guten Start sind die Umsätze vieler Firmen im zweiten Halbjahr kontinuierlich gesunken. Noch liegen die exakten Zahlen nicht vor, doch das Ergebnis vom Vorjahr werden wir nur mit Mühe erreichen. Wir hoffen auf eine schwarze Null“, erklärte Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) bei einem Medientermin am 4. Januar 2019 in Chemnitz: „Vor allem die Zulieferer von Technischen Textilien für den Fahrzeugbau berichten von spürbar rückläufiger Nachfrage. Angesichts der allgemeinen Konjunkturlage dürfte dieser Trend zumindest mittelfristig anhalten. Dennoch bewerten wir die Branchensituation insgesamt als stabil. “ Im Jahr 2017 war der Gesamtumsatz gegenüber 2016 um drei Prozent auf 1,87 Mrd. EUR gestiegen.

Dr. Uwe Möhring, Direktor des industrienahen Textilforschungsinstituts Thüringen-Vogtland (TITV), Greiz, und Vorsitzender des Messebeirats der internationalen Textilfachmesse mtex+, verwies auf die hohe Innovationsfähigkeit der heimischen Branche. Sie sei im Vorjahr u. a. während der 7. mtex+ in Chemnitz eindrucksvoll demonstriert worden. Die 8. Auflage der vom vti unterstützten mtex+ findet am 9./10. Juni 2020 im dann neu eröffneten Carlowitz Congress Center in der Chemnitzer City statt. Für 2019 steht bei zahlreichen Produzenten und Instituten die Messe Techtextil vom 14. – 17. Mai in Frankfurt/Main im Kalender; ebenso die bereits in der nächsten Woche am selben Ort stattfindende internationale Leitmesse Heimtextil.

More information:
vti Techtextil


(c) TRSA

All Twenty-three Angela Laundries Now Certified Hygienically Clean for Healthcare

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Angelica, one of the nation’s largest healthcare linen providers, now has 23 laundries that have earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification. This is reflective of  their commitment to Best Management Practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Angelica’s locations are throughout the United States, and the laundries now carrying the certification are located in Phoenix, AZ; Colton, Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, Pittsburg, Pomona, and Sacramento, CA; Holly Hill and Safety Harbor, FL; Rockmart, GA; Chicago, IL; Somerville and Worcester, MA; Durham, NC; Henderson, NV; Batavia, NY; Lorain, OH; Pawtucket, RI; Columbia, SC; Ooltewah, TN; and Dallas and Houston, TX.

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Angelica, one of the nation’s largest healthcare linen providers, now has 23 laundries that have earned the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification. This is reflective of  their commitment to Best Management Practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing. Angelica’s locations are throughout the United States, and the laundries now carrying the certification are located in Phoenix, AZ; Colton, Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange, Pittsburg, Pomona, and Sacramento, CA; Holly Hill and Safety Harbor, FL; Rockmart, GA; Chicago, IL; Somerville and Worcester, MA; Durham, NC; Henderson, NV; Batavia, NY; Lorain, OH; Pawtucket, RI; Columbia, SC; Ooltewah, TN; and Dallas and Houston, TX.

The Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.
Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

“Congratulations to Angelica on their certifications,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their commitment to infection prevention and that their laundries take every step possible to prevent human illness.”



(c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Original technology makes the difference

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

“Choose the original - Choose success" is the message of the VDMA Textile Machinery at this trade fair. On the occasion of the VDMA press conference on the opening day of ITMA ASIA, Ms Karin Christine Schmidt, Technical Director VDMA Textile Machinery, emphasised: “Copycat machines may look similar to the systems they are designed to emulate. But only originals do not simply follow but are pacesetters of technological progress.” Original technology is a keystone of innovation. It has the potential to successfully turn visions of entirely new possibilities in the textile production into reality.

This approach is visualised at the VDMA booth. The stand achieves attention and emotion through the picture motif: Neuschwanstein Castle. This world-famous tourist magnet is more than that: it is also a successful original. A vision, which could be successfully implemented in the long term through innovation and technology!

During the press conference, 18 spokespersons of renowned VDMA member companies showed how original technology can indeed play a major role in China’s and other Asian nation’s efforts to increase the resource efficiency of the textile industry and to interconnect information technology and manufacturing processes.  

Topics of the companies included automation, performance improvement, quality, sustainable solutions (raw material, energy, water saving), Industry 4.0 (in China called intelligent manufacturing), digital AR/VR services, platforms and software.

You are welcome to explore the speakers' statements in the atached PDF.

More information:

VDMA Textilmaschinen

ROICA yarn (c) ROICA
ROICA yarn

ROICA™ Joins FILO Speciality Yarn Fair in Milan

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.
ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family is a range of the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers, which create ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

ROICA™ experts showcase the world-first ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family that offers 2 responsible made yarns: a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 3 certified yarn and the world’s first yarn awarded Cradle2Cradle Material Health Gold Level Certificate and Hohenstein Environment compatibility certification.
ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family is a range of the world's first responsibly made premium stretch fibers, which create ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with impressive certifications:

  • Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

At the corporate level, ROICA™ has achieved the following certifications: Oeko Tex 100, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008. Moreover, ROICA™ mills in Germany achieved the certification of ISO 50001:2001.

More information:
ROICA™ yarn



TRSA Donates $80,000 Toward Hurricane Relief from Proceeds of Cancelled Annual Conference

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, has donated approximately $80,000 to Anayat House, Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) and ConPRmetidos: organizations assisting those impacted by hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico.

The donations are the result of TRSA’s 105th Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for last September in Miami, but was cancelled due to Hurricane Irma. While offering to refund all registration and sponsorship fees, TRSA asked members to donate all or a portion of those fees to support local charities.

“We’re very proud of the TRSA community, which was able to create some positive outcomes in an overwhelmingly tragic circumstance,” said Joseph Ricci, CEO of TRSA.

"The contribution from TRSA will directly assist low income families and the elderly who seek overnight accommodations during a medical crisis,” said Tressa Clarke, Executive Director of Anayat House, which provides affordable overnight accommodations for family members of patients at local Beaumont, TX, hospitals and anyone traveling to Beaumont for medical care and outpatient treatment. “This contribution will help bridge the gap between the suggested donation of $20 and the actual cost of $90 per room.”

CORE, an organization that is part of the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, grants support to children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances. "CORE was incredibly grateful to receive the generous donation from TRSA," said Lauren LaViola, executive director of CORE.  “The donation to CORE will help to fulfill grants for qualifying children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances."

“I feel truly inspired by TRSA’s continued commitment to the support of our industry’s community of families. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of such great association,” said Pablo Lucchesi, Managing Partner of Crown Linen, in whose name TRSA made the CORE contribution.

An additional contribution was made to ConPRmetidos, an organization that specializes in matching Puerto Rico’s “diaspora” – people who settle away from their ancestral homeland – with companies there to help them grow.

“We don’t have words to say thanks for all your generosity,” said Michael Shulevitz, President of Cadillac Uniform & Linen Supply in Puerto Rico. “Thank you for helping Puerto Rico to rise up again.”

The $80,000 donation follows an immediate TRSA charitable effort that took place just after the conference, when several hundred homeless residents were given welcome boxes that had been packaged for conference attendees at the time of the cancellation.

More information:

Ken Koepper, Director of Marketing/PR

Ginetex (c) Ginetex

GINETEX, the International Association for Textile Care Labelling, launches its new website!

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

Among others, the new website includes information on GINETEX and access to its license information for the use of its trademark (5 internationally registered symbols). It also lists all the national entities responsible for relaying this license and information support in over 22 countries, as well as GINETEX's technical and institutional partners, etc. Visitors can also subscribe to GINETEX's bi-annual newsletter for free and catch up on the latest news on textile care from all ends of the world.

GINETEX's website also introduces its Technical, Legal and Regulatory Competence Center that supports its member companies in the design of their textile care labels.

The mission of the new - more user friendly, more modern and more intuitive - is to provide its stakeholders with an international information platform on textile care, including the use of its 5 universal symbols and its philosophy.

"Our new website contributes to our strategy of standardizing and streamlining labelling worldwide. This platform allows us to join forces and educate companies on textile products and the importance of using symbols for end consumers. It now offers clearer messages for our future members, for a better understanding of textile care symbols", says GINETEX President, Adam Mansell.

More information:


Airbus Helicopter Airbus Helicopter
Airbus Helicopter

Airbus Helicopters selects HEXCEL as supplier of advanced composite materials for the H160 helicopter

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

More information:
Hexcel, Airbus