From the Sector

67 results

Lectra completes the acquisition of Gerber Technology

Lectra finalizes June 1st, the acquisition of all outstanding shares of Gerber Technology, on a cash-free debt-free basis, for 175 million euros – financed through a 140 million euro loan and the Group's available cash – plus 5 million newly issued Lectra shares to AIPCF VI LG, Gerber Technology’s sole shareholder.

This strategic combination, of which all stages have now been successfully completed, has led to the creation of a leading global Industry 4.0 player for the fashion, automotive and furniture markets.

“The union of our respective innovative expertise, our state-of-the-art offers and our talented resources will enable us to bring long-term value to our customers. We will now be in an even better position to support our customers throughout the world in accelerating the digital transformation of their operations,” says Daniel Harari, Chairman and CEO of Lectra.

This acquisition, which was announced on February 8, was approved by Lectra’s Board of Directors on March 25 and by Lectra’s shareholders June, 1.

Lectra finalizes June 1st, the acquisition of all outstanding shares of Gerber Technology, on a cash-free debt-free basis, for 175 million euros – financed through a 140 million euro loan and the Group's available cash – plus 5 million newly issued Lectra shares to AIPCF VI LG, Gerber Technology’s sole shareholder.

This strategic combination, of which all stages have now been successfully completed, has led to the creation of a leading global Industry 4.0 player for the fashion, automotive and furniture markets.

“The union of our respective innovative expertise, our state-of-the-art offers and our talented resources will enable us to bring long-term value to our customers. We will now be in an even better position to support our customers throughout the world in accelerating the digital transformation of their operations,” says Daniel Harari, Chairman and CEO of Lectra.

This acquisition, which was announced on February 8, was approved by Lectra’s Board of Directors on March 25 and by Lectra’s shareholders June, 1.

More information:
Gerber Technology Lectra/Gerber


Céline Abecassis-Moedas (c) Lectra
Céline Abecassis-Moedas

Céline Abecassis-Moedas joins Lectra’s Board of Directors

At Lectra’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30, members voted to appoint Céline Abecassis-Moedas as a new independent director. Nominated for a period of four years, she becomes a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee.

The appointment of Céline Abecassis-Moedas to Lectra's Board of Directors will notably strengthen the Strategic Committee, which will be called upon to examine an increasing number of investment projects in innovative companies and the continued development of our offers for Industry 4.0.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas will also draw upon her international experience as an independent director, through positions held for nearly ten years at four companies in Spain and Portugal: Europac (Papeles y Cartones de Europa) from 2012 to 2019, CTT (CTT Correios de Portugal) from 2016 to 2020, CUF since 2016, and Vista Alegre Atlantis since 2020.

At Lectra’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30, members voted to appoint Céline Abecassis-Moedas as a new independent director. Nominated for a period of four years, she becomes a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee.

The appointment of Céline Abecassis-Moedas to Lectra's Board of Directors will notably strengthen the Strategic Committee, which will be called upon to examine an increasing number of investment projects in innovative companies and the continued development of our offers for Industry 4.0.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas will also draw upon her international experience as an independent director, through positions held for nearly ten years at four companies in Spain and Portugal: Europac (Papeles y Cartones de Europa) from 2012 to 2019, CTT (CTT Correios de Portugal) from 2016 to 2020, CUF since 2016, and Vista Alegre Atlantis since 2020.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas, 49, is now Dean for Executive Education and Associate Professor at Católica-Lisbon. She began her career in research at France Telecom R&D, before joining Lectra in New York as an e-business product manager in 1999, then AT Kearney in London as a consultant in 2000. From 2002 to 2005, she was Lecturer in Strategy at Queen Mary University of London, then joined Católica-Lisbon University as Assistant Professor in Strategic and Innovation Management.

From 2014 to 2020, Céline Abecassis-Moedas was also Affiliate Professor at ESCP and co-scientific director of the Lectra-ESCP Chair's "Fashion and Technology".

Céline Abecassis-Moedas is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, of the Université Paris Dauphine (DEA in Scientific management methods), holder of a Ph.D. in Management from the École Polytechnique and holder of the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance obtained in 2017.




MoU: Lectra to acquire Gerber Technology

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

The proposed combination would occur at an opportune time for both companies and their customers. The current uncertain economic climate and unprecedented challenges that fashion, automotive and furniture companies are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic make it more important than ever for them to transform, digitalize and optimize their operations.

For over 50 years, Gerber Technology has used its proprietary technologies and deep domain expertise to provide integrated software and automated hardware solutions to companies around the world, including over 100 Fortune 500 companies in 134 countries.

The strategic combination of Gerber Technology and Lectra will create a premier advanced technology partner, able to quickly meet changing customer needs and deliver even more value through seamlessly integrated solutions. Together, the two companies will have a large installed base of product development software and automated cutting solutions in operation, with a worldwide presence and a long list of prestigious customers.

Consolidating the two companies’ research and development capabilities will enable the combined company to accelerate development of Industry 4.0 technologies and help its expanded customer base seize the full potential of these innovations.
Integrating the technology of the two companies will endow them with the resources to anticipate and address rapidly changing market conditions.

Key transaction terms

Under the proposed acquisition, Lectra would acquire all outstanding shares of Gerber Technology on a cash-free debt-free basis for an upfront payment of 175 million euros – through a combination of cash and debt – plus 5 million newly issued Lectra shares to AIPCF VI LG Funding, LP (“AIPCF VI LG”), an affiliate of American Industrial Partners that is Gerber Technology’s sole shareholder. This would represent a total amount of about 300 million euros based on Lectra’s closing share price on February 5, 2021. No contingent consideration is contemplated.

Gerber Technology’s revenues was 165 million euros in 2020.

Thanks to the strong value creation deriving from significant synergies, Lectra expects the transaction to be accretive for shareholders from 2022.

Upon closing, Daniel Harari would own c. 14.6% of the Lectra shares and AIPCF VI LG would own c. 13.3%.

Lectra’s Board of Directors would welcome a director representing AIPCF VI LG.

Daniel Harari would continue to be the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra. Gerber Technology Chief Executive Officer, Mohit Uberoi, would assume special advisor to Daniel Harari role until end-2021.

Lectra’s shareholders would be invited to vote on the issuance of the 5 million new Lectra shares reserved to AIPCF VI LG at a dedicated Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting which is currently expected to be held on April 30, 2021. A report containing additional information will be made available to the shareholders prior to the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Lazard is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Lectra, and Latham & Watkins as legal counsel to Lectra.

Goldman Sachs is acting as exclusive financial advisor to AIPCF VI LG, and Ropes & Gray LLP, Baker Botts LLP and Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. as legal counsel to AIPCF VI LG.

2020 results, update on the 2020-2022 strategic roadmap and guidance for the coming years will be disclosed on February 10, 2021.

Lectra management will discuss the transaction, provide forward-looking guidance for the combined company upon closing of the transaction and answer questions from the financial community during the February 11, 2021 webcast Analyst Conference meeting in French starting at 8:30 am (CET - Paris).



Lectra - Headquarters

LECTRA Umfrage: Wie sind Fast Fashion-Unternehmen in puncto nachhaltiger Mode aufgestellt? (c) Lectra Deutschland GmbH

LECTRA Umfrage: Wie sind Fast Fashion-Unternehmen in puncto nachhaltiger Mode aufgestellt?

  • 10 % ihres Angebots ist ökologisch verantwortungsbewusst.
  • Nachhaltige Baumwolle ist für Einzelhändler in den kommenden Jahren eine Priorität.
  • Nachhaltige Kleidung kostet weniger als Standardkleidung.
  • Mit Fashion on Demand gemäß den Verbraucherwünschen ein transparentes und nachhaltiges Angebot auf den Markt bringen.

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, hat basierend auf Analysen von Retviews, einem kürzlich erworbenen Startup,  bei führenden Fast Fashion-Brands eine Umfrage zu nachhaltiger Mode durchgeführt. Modeunternehmen haben sich entsprechend der neuen Gesundheitsschutzregeln angepasst und ihre Geschäfte wieder geöffnet.

  • 10 % ihres Angebots ist ökologisch verantwortungsbewusst.
  • Nachhaltige Baumwolle ist für Einzelhändler in den kommenden Jahren eine Priorität.
  • Nachhaltige Kleidung kostet weniger als Standardkleidung.
  • Mit Fashion on Demand gemäß den Verbraucherwünschen ein transparentes und nachhaltiges Angebot auf den Markt bringen.

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, hat basierend auf Analysen von Retviews, einem kürzlich erworbenen Startup,  bei führenden Fast Fashion-Brands eine Umfrage zu nachhaltiger Mode durchgeführt. Modeunternehmen haben sich entsprechend der neuen Gesundheitsschutzregeln angepasst und ihre Geschäfte wieder geöffnet.

Covid-19 hat bei zahlreichen Konsumenten den Wunsch geweckt, ein sinnvolleres Leben zu führen und sich verantwortlicher zu verhalten. Der Kunde wägt seine Kaufentscheidung neu ab und ist weniger angezogen von der Fiktion der Hyperauswahl durch Fast Fashion und sucht Einzigartigkeit, Inspiration und Kreativität. Für die Modeindustrie kann dies der Auslöser sein, um die Art und Weise zu ändern, wie sie ihre Produkte entwirft, produziert und vertreibt. Mit dem Kauf eines Produkts möchten Kunden von heute ihre Werte zum Ausdruck bringen und bekräftigen. Demzufolge müssen Modemarken ihr Angebot zukunftsorientiert verändern und einen ökologisch verantwortungsvolleren, authentischen und transparenten Ansatz verfolgen.

Bedarfsgerechte Supply-Chain für nachhaltige Produkte und weniger Überbestände

Die Fashionbranche kann Echtzeit-Verbraucherdaten verwenden, um die tatsächliche Nachfrage und die finale Produktion aufeinander abzustimmen: das richtige Produkt, zum benötigten Zeitpunkt, in der nachgefragten Menge, in der richtigen Qualität. Überbestände können mit Fashion on Demand minimiert werden in dem Material eingespart wird. Rabattschlachten und hohe Preisabschläge sind beendet. Mit Fashion on Demand für den Händler schnell auf Nachbestellungen und Nachschub reagieren, neue Marktchancen rund um Themen wie Made-to-Order (Kleinserien), Made-to-Customize, Made-to-Measure realisieren. Alles heute möglich.
Nachhaltige Kollektionen sind weiterhin selten

Die Retviews-Umfrage zeigt, dass der Anteil nachhaltiger Mode in den Kollektionen der verschiedenen Einzelhändler sehr unterschiedlich ist. Ökofreundliche Kollektionen machen beispielsweise einen geringen Teil des Angebots von führenden Marken wie Zara und H&M aus, die beim G7-Gipfeltreffen in Biarritz den Fashion Pact mitunterzeichnet haben.

Die Join Life-Kollektion von Zara macht 14 % der Gesamtkollektion aus, während die #Wearthechange-Kollektion von C&A fast 30 % der Gesamtkollektion darstellt. Die Conscious-Kollektion bei H&M, die den von der Fashion Revolution geschaffenen Fashion Transparency Index anführt, entspricht weniger als 10 % der Gesamtkollektion.

Produktzusammensetzung in umweltfreundlichen Kollektionen

C&A, H&M und Inditex (Zara) gehören zu den vier größten Verbrauchern von organischer Baumwolle. Alle Marken, die analysiert wurden, präsentieren ihre Baumwolle als nachhaltig und sehen dies für 2020 und darüber hinaus als Priorität.

Es besteht nur ein geringer Unterschied zwischen den häufig im Massen- und im Premiummarkt verwendeten Stoffen. Das gleiche gilt für den Vergleich zwischen ökofreundlichen und Standardkollektionen. Baumwolle, synthetische Stoffe wie Polyester, Elastan und Viscose sind die am meisten angebotenen und verwendeten Stoffe.

Sind nachhaltige Stoffe teurer?

Laut den Umfrageergebnissen ist die Annahme, dass nachhaltige Kleidungsstücke teurer sind, falsch. Zara’s nachhaltige Join Life-Kollektion ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür. Ein Kleid aus der Standardkollektion kostet im Durchschnitt €39,90, während ein Kleid aus der Join Life-Kollektion nur €31,70 kostet.
„Nachhaltigkeit bringt uns zahlreiche neue Chancen. Für die Generation Z ist Nachhaltigkeit ein sehr wichtiges Thema und Einzelhändler haben zugehört und diese Bedenken in ihren Waren berücksichtigt. 90 % der Verbraucher sagen, dass sie sich der aktuellen Umweltsituation bewusst und bereit sind, ihr Verhalten zu ändern*, um den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen. Das zeigt deutlich die Bereitwilligkeit, in ökologische Produkte zu investieren. Angesichts dieses Wandels haben Brands eine soziale Verantwortung: Sie müssen ihre Kunden informieren, ihre Fortschritte in diesem Bereich transparent darstellen und einige Herausforderungen, vor denen sie stehen, teilen, um ihre Kunden aufzuklären. Derzeit gibt es keine internationalen Regularien für die Definition von Nachhaltigkeit bei Bekleidung. Das bedeutet, dass wir noch einen langen Weg vor uns haben, bis es für nachhaltige Fashion eine Standardisierung geben wird“, erklärt Quentin Richelle, Chief Marketing Officer, Retviews.


Sustainable fashion: How are the leaders in fast fashion doing? Post-COVID-19 survey

  • 10% of their offer is eco-responsible.
  • Sustainable cotton is a priority for retailers for the coming years.
  • Sustainable garments cheaper than standard garments.

Brands are prepared for the new health protection rules and have reopened their stores. But aside from the direct impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, is the fashion market ready to respond to customers’ desire to act by changing their spending habits?

Based on analyses by Retviews, a recently acquired startup, Lectra has produced a survey of sustainable fashion among the leading fast fashion brands*.

The COVID-19 crisis has given many people the desire to live more meaningfully and to act more responsibly. The crisis period could be seen as the catalyst that forces the fashion industry to change the way it designs, produces and distributes its products. Since, for consumers, buying is a way of expressing a commitment and affirming their values, brands have an incentive to change their offer in preparation for the future, by taking a more eco-responsible, authentic and transparent approach.

  • 10% of their offer is eco-responsible.
  • Sustainable cotton is a priority for retailers for the coming years.
  • Sustainable garments cheaper than standard garments.

Brands are prepared for the new health protection rules and have reopened their stores. But aside from the direct impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, is the fashion market ready to respond to customers’ desire to act by changing their spending habits?

Based on analyses by Retviews, a recently acquired startup, Lectra has produced a survey of sustainable fashion among the leading fast fashion brands*.

The COVID-19 crisis has given many people the desire to live more meaningfully and to act more responsibly. The crisis period could be seen as the catalyst that forces the fashion industry to change the way it designs, produces and distributes its products. Since, for consumers, buying is a way of expressing a commitment and affirming their values, brands have an incentive to change their offer in preparation for the future, by taking a more eco-responsible, authentic and transparent approach.

While these factors were apparent before the pandemic, they have now become the key to interacting with consumers wanting a more responsible offer. The era of the consumer activist, long heralded without actually becoming a reality, is now here, and brands must adapt in response.

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
Lectra, PLM Covid-19 Retviews

Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start (c) Lectra
Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start

Lectra auf der Munich Fabric Start

Fashion on Demand für weniger Ausschussware und mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Lectra stellt auf der Munich Fabric Start vor, wie Modeunternehmen mit einer transparenten Supply Chain und On-Demand Produktion ihre Wertschöpfungskette effizienter und nachhaltiger gestalten können.

Die Munich Fabric Start vom 04. – 06. Februar leitet die Saison Spring.Summer 21 ein und bietet rund 20.000 erwarteten Fachbesuchern ein breites Spektrum an Stoffen, Designs, Produkt- und Produktionsinnovationen sowie wichtige Einblicke zum neuen Ökologiebewusstsein und damit verbunden Lösungsmöglichkeiten.

Fashion on Demand für weniger Ausschussware und mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Lectra stellt auf der Munich Fabric Start vor, wie Modeunternehmen mit einer transparenten Supply Chain und On-Demand Produktion ihre Wertschöpfungskette effizienter und nachhaltiger gestalten können.

Die Munich Fabric Start vom 04. – 06. Februar leitet die Saison Spring.Summer 21 ein und bietet rund 20.000 erwarteten Fachbesuchern ein breites Spektrum an Stoffen, Designs, Produkt- und Produktionsinnovationen sowie wichtige Einblicke zum neuen Ökologiebewusstsein und damit verbunden Lösungsmöglichkeiten.

„Weltweit werden jedes Jahr rund 150 Milliarden Kleidungstücke produziert, wovon 30 Prozent als reduzierte Ware verkauft werden und wiederum weitere 30 Prozent nie verkauft werden. Damit künftig nicht mehr jedes Jahr 12,8 Millionen Tonnen Mode auf der Müllhalde landen, gilt es mit bedarfsgerechter Fertigung Ausschussware zu vermeiden und nachhaltiger zu produzieren“, so Holger Max-Lang, Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. Unternehmen müssen daher, die Produktion deutlich näher an die Nachfrage bringen. Zalando oder Amazon arbeiten an Lösungen, die Mode innerhalb von sechs Wochen auf die Straße bringen. Und Made-to-Order bzw. Made-to-Measure werden künftig verstärkt Auftrieb durch Augmented Reality-Technologien, etwa für die Anprobe zu Hause, erhalten.

More information:
Lectra, PLM munich fabric start

Lectra Deutschland GmbH

lectra (c) Lectra

Lectra supports growth in Asia with market-attuned solutions

On-demand production a focal point of Industry 4.0 demonstrations at CISMA, Asia’s major garment and textile technology exhibition
Lectra unveiled its flagship Industry 4.0 solutions for Asia—Fashion On Demand by Lectra and Furniture On Demand by Lectra—as well as the new VectorAutomotive iP9 fabric-cutting solution for automotive seating and interiors this week, at the 2019 edition of the China International Sewing Machinery and Accessories (CISMA) exhibition in Shanghai.

Under the banner “Lectra 4.0: Digitalizing and Connecting Your Value Chain”, Lectra asserted its leadership as the trusted advisor to fashion, furniture and automotive companies undertaking digital transformation. Smart, connected supply chains are at the core of the fourth industrial revolution. In all industries using textiles, the intelligent factory requires a high degree of flexibility, maximum efficiency and optimal planning processes for a variety of production types, from mass production to on-demand production. These requirements are paramount to the future success of companies competing for business on Asian markets.

On-demand production a focal point of Industry 4.0 demonstrations at CISMA, Asia’s major garment and textile technology exhibition
Lectra unveiled its flagship Industry 4.0 solutions for Asia—Fashion On Demand by Lectra and Furniture On Demand by Lectra—as well as the new VectorAutomotive iP9 fabric-cutting solution for automotive seating and interiors this week, at the 2019 edition of the China International Sewing Machinery and Accessories (CISMA) exhibition in Shanghai.

Under the banner “Lectra 4.0: Digitalizing and Connecting Your Value Chain”, Lectra asserted its leadership as the trusted advisor to fashion, furniture and automotive companies undertaking digital transformation. Smart, connected supply chains are at the core of the fourth industrial revolution. In all industries using textiles, the intelligent factory requires a high degree of flexibility, maximum efficiency and optimal planning processes for a variety of production types, from mass production to on-demand production. These requirements are paramount to the future success of companies competing for business on Asian markets.

More information:



Fashion on Demand by LECTRA and Balsan

  • Customer Story
  • Technology takes uniform making to the next level
  • To meet new challenges in the professional garment market and preserve over a century of savoir-faire, Balsan chose Lectra to modernize its production tools.

The challenge

A Groupe Marck company, Balsan designs and manufactures corporate and ceremonial clothing, tailored and customized uniforms, and personal protective equipment and clothing for the public and private sector which comply with international standards. The biggest challenge is to meet the new expectations of customers who seek increasing levels of customization with ever-shorter time-to-market deadlines.
The professional garment sector is subject to the same pressures as prêt-à-porter, and Balsan’s challenge was to produce customized clothing more quickly using intelligent manufacturing methods.


  • Customer Story
  • Technology takes uniform making to the next level
  • To meet new challenges in the professional garment market and preserve over a century of savoir-faire, Balsan chose Lectra to modernize its production tools.

The challenge

A Groupe Marck company, Balsan designs and manufactures corporate and ceremonial clothing, tailored and customized uniforms, and personal protective equipment and clothing for the public and private sector which comply with international standards. The biggest challenge is to meet the new expectations of customers who seek increasing levels of customization with ever-shorter time-to-market deadlines.
The professional garment sector is subject to the same pressures as prêt-à-porter, and Balsan’s challenge was to produce customized clothing more quickly using intelligent manufacturing methods.


Balsan was a pilot partner for the Fashion On Demand by Lectra solution. This alliance allowed Groupe Marck to take a new approach, involving not only the use of Fashion On Demand by Lectra’s connected cutter, but upstream software solutions as well, which are configured based on the company’s needs to best match its work methods while updating and accelerating the production process. “Using a measurement chart, Fashion On Demand by Lectra allowed us to generate well-adapted and customized patterns with which to produce our garments. The solution also provides extensive flexibility: we can send the model to the cutter, select the cutting orders and  even group them by fabric, and detect defects and launch re-cuts when necessary. This improves overall performance and delivers estimated productivity gains of 7%”. Stéphane Quiniou, Industrial and Quality Director, Groupe Marck

Lectra's response

Balsan was a pilot partner for the Fashion On Demand by Lectra solution. This alliance allowed Groupe Marck to take a new approach, involving not only the use of Fashion On Demand by Lectra’s connected cutter, but upstream software solutions as well, which are configured based on the company’s needs to best match its work methods while updating and accelerating the production process.




Lectra gibt Akquisition von Retviews bekannt

Technologie ermöglicht Modemarken Big Data Analytics in Echtzeit

Lectra gibt die Unterzeichnung einer Vereinbarung mit den Aktionären des belgischen Unternehmens Retviews bekannt, um 100 Prozent des Kapitals und der Stimmrechte zu erwerben.

Retviews, 2017 gegründet, hat eine Technologie entwickelt, die Modemarken die Echtzeitanalyse von Marktdaten ermöglicht. Mit dem Ziel, ihre Umsätze und Margen zu steigern. Die Lösung von Retviews ist bereits bei mehr als 30 Modemarken in Frankreich und Belgien im Einsatz.

Technologie ermöglicht Modemarken Big Data Analytics in Echtzeit

Lectra gibt die Unterzeichnung einer Vereinbarung mit den Aktionären des belgischen Unternehmens Retviews bekannt, um 100 Prozent des Kapitals und der Stimmrechte zu erwerben.

Retviews, 2017 gegründet, hat eine Technologie entwickelt, die Modemarken die Echtzeitanalyse von Marktdaten ermöglicht. Mit dem Ziel, ihre Umsätze und Margen zu steigern. Die Lösung von Retviews ist bereits bei mehr als 30 Modemarken in Frankreich und Belgien im Einsatz.

„Durch den Zusammenschluss mit Retviews bekräftigen wir erneut unser Ziel, unseren Kunden einen schnellen Einstieg in das Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0 zu ermöglichen. Das Portfolio von Retviews basiert auf künstlicher Intelligenz und Algorithmen, mit deren Hilfe Modemarken jederzeit – während des gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Produkts – die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen und so ihre Kollektionen optimieren“, erklärt Daniel Harari, Vorstandsvorsitzender und Chief Executive Officer von Lectra. „Wir freuen uns, künftig mit den talentierten Teams von Retviews zusammenzuarbeiten. Wir werden Synergien mit dem aktuellen Angebot von Lectra schaffen, die Retviews-Technologien gemeinsam weiterentwickeln und weltweit an unsere Modekunden vermarkten. Hierbei helfen uns insbesondere unsere 32 Vertriebs- und Service-Niederlassungen in mehr als 100 Ländern.“

More information:
Lectra, PLM

Lectra Deutschland GmbH


Lectra announces the acquisition of Retviews

Lectra announces the signing of an agreement with the shareholders of the Belgium company Retviews to acquire 100% of capital and voting rights.

Founded in 2017, Retviews has developed an innovative technological offer that enables fashion brands to analyze real-time market data, in order to increase their sales and margins. Today, more than 30 brands use Retviews in France and Belgium.

Lectra announces the signing of an agreement with the shareholders of the Belgium company Retviews to acquire 100% of capital and voting rights.

Founded in 2017, Retviews has developed an innovative technological offer that enables fashion brands to analyze real-time market data, in order to increase their sales and margins. Today, more than 30 brands use Retviews in France and Belgium.



(c) Lectra
Lectra Modaris V8R2

Lectra-Software sorgt für kürzere Markteinführungszeiten von Kollektionen

  • Empowering customers through industrial intelligence
  • Neue Version von Modaris macht 3D-Prototyping noch realitätsnäher

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra bringt Modaris V8R2 auf den Markt, eine neue Version seiner 2D/3D-Lösung für Modellerstellung, Gradierung und Prototyping. Das Upgrade, der von führenden Modeund
Bekleidungsherstellern weltweit meistgenutzten Modellerstellungslösung, sorgt für noch mehr Geschwindigkeit, Effizienz und Präzision in der Produktentwicklung. Dank leistungsstarker Tools für die 3D-Simulation und der verbesserten Zusammenarbeit wird die Modellentwicklung und Entscheidungsfindung noch weiter beschleunigt. Durch weniger – oder sogar gar keine physischen Prototypen senken Modeunternehmen die Entwicklungskosten und neue Produkte können möglichst zeitnah nach Trenderkennung auf dem Markt eingeführt werden.

Optimierte Zusammenarbeit

  • Empowering customers through industrial intelligence
  • Neue Version von Modaris macht 3D-Prototyping noch realitätsnäher

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra bringt Modaris V8R2 auf den Markt, eine neue Version seiner 2D/3D-Lösung für Modellerstellung, Gradierung und Prototyping. Das Upgrade, der von führenden Modeund
Bekleidungsherstellern weltweit meistgenutzten Modellerstellungslösung, sorgt für noch mehr Geschwindigkeit, Effizienz und Präzision in der Produktentwicklung. Dank leistungsstarker Tools für die 3D-Simulation und der verbesserten Zusammenarbeit wird die Modellentwicklung und Entscheidungsfindung noch weiter beschleunigt. Durch weniger – oder sogar gar keine physischen Prototypen senken Modeunternehmen die Entwicklungskosten und neue Produkte können möglichst zeitnah nach Trenderkennung auf dem Markt eingeführt werden.

Optimierte Zusammenarbeit

Modellmacher können mit der neuen Version von jedem Gerät aus mit ihren Partnern 360-Grad-Videos austauschen. Im Gegenzug können Designer mit dem neuen 3D Style-Modul Modell und Passform
anzeigen, kommentieren und genehmigen.

Schnellere Modellerstellung

Die Upgrades von Modaris V8R2 reduzieren die physischen Prototypen um bis zu 50 %. Sie bieten eine noch bessere Qualität der 3D-Simulationen und eine erweiterte Biblioth ek mit mehreren neuen Funktionen - von 3D-Absteppungen, über Beleuchtungsoptionen bis hin zu Pantone und Natural Color Systemen. Die Lösung ist mit dem hochwertigen Vizoo Scanner kompatibel, der für realistischer aussehende Stoffmuster sorgt. Zudem ermöglichen weitere 3D-Komponenten, wie Maya, 3DS Max oder Iray, realitätsgetreuere und genauere digitale Renderings der Prototypen. Mit der neuen Abnäherfunktion von Modaris V8R2 können Modellersteller den Modellen problemlos Abmessungen hinzufügen und für die Änderung eines Abnähers ist nur noch halb so viel Zeit erforderlich.

Garantiert die richtige Größe

Des Weiteren ermöglicht die Lösung die Verwaltung unterschiedlicher Maßeinheiten und trägt damit den Anforderungen der globalen Arbeitskräfte der Modebranche Rechnung. Mit Lectras Modaris V8R2
können Modellmacher und externe Lieferanten die Übereinstimmung von Größen garantieren, ungeachtet der in den Herstellungsländern verwendeten Maßsysteme. Mit Modaris V8R2 baut Lectra seine Position als führender Anbieter von Produktentwicklungssoftware weiter aus und die neue Version wird bereits bei Pilotkunden, wie dem italienischen Modeunternehmen GGZ positiv aufgenommen: „GGZ ist ein Fast-Fashion-Unternehmen - Zeit und Qualität sind für uns von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Mit der neuen Abnäherfunktion von Modaris können wir Modelländerungen in der Hälfte der Zeit durchführen. Darüber hinaus können wir durch das 3DPrototyping schon frühzeitig sicherstellen, dass die Größen und Proportionen der Modelle den Erwartungen der Designer entsprechen und die Vorlaufzeiten deutlich reduzieren“, sagt Majla Gottardo, Modellerstellerin, GGZ.

„Im Informationszeitalter reagieren wir mit unseren Lösungen auf die Bedürfnisse von Modellerstellern, die den unterschiedlichen Vorlieben, Körperformen und Größen der Verbraucher gerecht werden müssen. Modellmacher müssen eine Vielzahl von Kollektionen liefern und können sich keine Fehler leisten. Wir möchten ihre alltägliche Arbeit erleichtern und ihnen helfen, den Entwicklungsprozess zu rationalisieren und die Anzahl von Nacharbeiten zu reduzieren, damit sie gleich von Anfang an die richtige Passform erzielen“, erklärt Céline Choussy, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra. „All das ist mit Modaris V8R2 möglich.“


Lectra Deutschland GmbH

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping (c) Lectra
Lectra Modaris V8R2

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

New advances have made it possible to reduce the number of physical prototypes by up to 50%. Modaris V8R2 improves the quality of the solution’s 3D simulations and expands its library with new assets (fabrics, 3D top-stitching effects, realistic scenes, lighting studios, Pantone® and Natural Color System®©,…). The solution is now compatible with Vizoo, a high-quality scanner that brings forth a heightened realism to the appearance of fabric swatches, and with other 3D solutions such as Maya, 3DS Max, Iray to make the digital renderings of the prototypes more true-to-life and accurate.

One of the innovative developments of Modaris V8R2 is a special dart feature to help patternmakers add dimension to their garments with ease. Thanks to this new feature, modifying a dart requires half the usual time, resulting in a 50-90% increase in overall patternmaking speed.

Another highlight of this solution, and important nod to the globalized workforce of the fashion industry, is its ability to manage different units of measurement. With Modaris V8R2, Lectra has made it possible for patternmakers and external suppliers the guarantee of size compliance, regardless of the measurement systems used in the countries where production occurs.

Modaris V8R2 is already gaining traction among its pilot customers. Italian womenswear company GGZ was the first to endorse Modaris V8R2. “GGZ is a fast-fashion company and time and quality are of the essence for us. Modaris’s new dart feature helps us save up to 50% of pattern modification time. Additionally, 3D prototyping helps us ensure that pattern volumes and proportions correspond to our designers’ expectations early on, dramatically reducing our lead times,” attests Majla Gottardo, Patternmaker, GGZ.

“We are entering the information age, and we are catering to patternmakers who are dealing with consumers with different tastes, of all body shapes and sizes. Our patternmakers have hundreds of collections to deliver and no time to spare for errors. What we are aiming to do is making their everyday work environment easier for them, by providing the tools to streamline the development process and reduce the number of reworks to achieve the right fit the first-time,” states Céline Choussy, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra. “All this is possible with Modaris V8R2.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

(c) Lectra

Lectra wins Texprocess Innovation Award 2019

Lectra has been awarded by a jury of experts the Texprocess Innovation Award 2019 in the New Process category for its latest ground-breaking offer, Fashion On Demand by Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra automates the entire personalization process, from order reception and product development to the final cutting stages. Resulting from a four-year research-and-development process, the digital solution for on-demand production was developed based on Industry 4.0 principles.

"We are very proud to receive this prestigious award at Texprocess, the biggest international event for all fashion players. Fashion On Demand by Lectra allows companies to produce personalized clothing at the same speed as ready-to-wear and avoid overstocking by producing in precise quantities,” states Holger Max-Lang, President, Northern & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Lectra.

Lectra has been awarded by a jury of experts the Texprocess Innovation Award 2019 in the New Process category for its latest ground-breaking offer, Fashion On Demand by Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra automates the entire personalization process, from order reception and product development to the final cutting stages. Resulting from a four-year research-and-development process, the digital solution for on-demand production was developed based on Industry 4.0 principles.

"We are very proud to receive this prestigious award at Texprocess, the biggest international event for all fashion players. Fashion On Demand by Lectra allows companies to produce personalized clothing at the same speed as ready-to-wear and avoid overstocking by producing in precise quantities,” states Holger Max-Lang, President, Northern & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Lectra.

Fashion On Demand by Lectra is available in the form of two packages, one dedicated to made to measure, with pattern adjustments, and the other to customization, with product characteristic alterations. This turnkey solution automates on-demand production right from order reception to production development stages and the cutting room. Companies can define their desired product personalization criteria for each item depending on the package, and launch production processes right from the get-go, without interfering with their standard workflows.

"This innovative cloud-based platform solution ensures efficient made-to-measure and customization production processes and facilitates nearshoring for companies that offer individualized products. This technology is up and running and can be used by the fashion industry on a plug-and-play basis," say the jury experts. “Since 2011, the Texprocess Innovation Award has been honoring remarkable achievements and new developments in the Texprocess product range under two categories: new technology and new process. The winners are selected based on criteria such as degree of innovation, choice of materials and environmental sustainability."


Lectra’s Annual Event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ Demonstrates the Power of Data in Fashion

Companies get a close-up of new consumer buying journey and explore how they can meet challenges with Lectra’s latest technologies and industry experts

Lectra cements its position as a fashion industry opinion maker by leading a much-awaited discussion on new consumer behavior at its latest fashion event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ in Bordeaux-Cestas, France.

More than 75 industry insiders and market experts from 14 countries convened at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology and Conference Center (IATC) for two days to examine how the digital age is bringing about major shifts in consumer behavior. Today’s digitally attuned consumers have become co-creators in the production process, changing the fashion landscape entirely.

Companies get a close-up of new consumer buying journey and explore how they can meet challenges with Lectra’s latest technologies and industry experts

Lectra cements its position as a fashion industry opinion maker by leading a much-awaited discussion on new consumer behavior at its latest fashion event, ‘Winning Over the New Fashion Consumer’ in Bordeaux-Cestas, France.

More than 75 industry insiders and market experts from 14 countries convened at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology and Conference Center (IATC) for two days to examine how the digital age is bringing about major shifts in consumer behavior. Today’s digitally attuned consumers have become co-creators in the production process, changing the fashion landscape entirely.

The keynotes, live demonstrations, and customer testimonials highlighted the importance of process digitization and data analysis for meeting new consumer needs. The event kicked off with two keynote speakers. Peter Jeavons, Managing Director of First Insight Europe, stressed the importance of using data to understand the hyperconnected fashion consumer. Craig Crawford, Strategist and Founder of CrawfordIT, outlined the arising challenges and opportunities from these changes, and urged fashion companies to embrace digital transformation internally by cultivating a conducive environment for it.

Beyond just understanding the new fashion consumer, the event stressed on the importance of leveraging data to deliver customer-centric services and products. Lectra presented their responses to this challenge in the form of two new major solutions, Kubix Link and Fashion on Demand by Lectra.

More information:
Lectra, PLM


(c) Lectra

Lectra appoints Gianluca Croci Managing Director of Lectra France

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci will fulfil Lectra's promise to fashion companies in France: to facilitate the digitalization of their know-how in order to empower them to make a successful transition to Industry 4.0. This ambition is being realized by the 2018 launch of the revolutionary solution, Fashion On Demand by Lectra, which enables fashion companies to customize a garment or make it to measure. This end-to-end personalization offer—the first of its kind—complements a portfolio that is known to solve the pressing challenges confronting the fashion industry. The latest, Kubix Link, developed by Kubix Lab, a start-up acquired by Lectra in January 2018, is an innovative platform for managing product information.

"France is known worldwide for being a leader in fashion and technological innovation. It is a country where brands, retailers and manufacturers have already begun their transformation towards Industry 4.0. I am proud to support our customers’ pursuit of greater connectivity and collaboration in their operations, as well as in assisting them to make the shift to personalization," says Gianluca Croci.
Gianluca Croci and his teams are committed to providing their French customers with the high level of expertise and service that characterizes Lectra's value proposition.
Gianluca Croci's efforts are also tied to the dynamic activities of Lectra Southern Europe & North Africa. There are many synergies in the region’s fashion industry, ranging from the sharing of expertise between French and Italian companies to the integration into their ecosystem of the Moroccan and Tunisian subcontractors.

"Our regional organization enables us to be closer to our customers’ challenges and to provide them with the support they need to achieve their ongoing targets. Gianluca Croci will lead the French teams and contribute to the region's growth," says Fabio Canali. "His extensive experience with major Italian and French companies brings new energy to the development of Lectra France.”
Gianluca Croci is a graduate of the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), Fontainebleau (France), and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy).

(c) Lectra

Lectra makes History with ‘Fashion On Demand’, Fashion’s First End-to-End Personalization Offer

  • Lectra provides fashion companies with breakthrough solution that enables them to personalize at ready-to-wear production speed

Paris – Lectra launches its ‘Fashion On Demand’ offer, empowering industry players to uncover new business opportunities brought about by the strong demand for personalization in the fashion industry. Lectra is enabling its customers to produce on demand for the first time ever with an end-to-end offer that automates the entire personalization process from product development to final cutting stages. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, based on Industry 4.0 principles, is a fruition of four years of R&D with a hundred-strong team of experts, as part of Lectra’s strategic roadmap announced in 2017. There will be a progressive global rollout starting from January 2019.

  • Lectra provides fashion companies with breakthrough solution that enables them to personalize at ready-to-wear production speed

Paris – Lectra launches its ‘Fashion On Demand’ offer, empowering industry players to uncover new business opportunities brought about by the strong demand for personalization in the fashion industry. Lectra is enabling its customers to produce on demand for the first time ever with an end-to-end offer that automates the entire personalization process from product development to final cutting stages. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, based on Industry 4.0 principles, is a fruition of four years of R&D with a hundred-strong team of experts, as part of Lectra’s strategic roadmap announced in 2017. There will be a progressive global rollout starting from January 2019.

The digital revolution has prompted consumers to demand personalized products and experiences nowadays. This is an advantageous business model for fashion companies, as it allows them to accurately match supply with demand, and solve a host of problems that regular business models usually face. By simply knowing ahead of time what and how much their consumers want, companies can produce in precise quantities and avoid overstocking and markdowns. In addition, as consumers pay upfront for their orders it improves cash flow for businesses. Fashion companies can use personalization as a way to outshine their competitors and earn consumer loyalty, by offering one-of-a-kind products that make their customers feel exclusive.

While on-demand production is an attractive business model that presents little financial risk, today, fashion companies are encountering huge barriers to entry for this market. Without the savoir-faire and appropriate technology, many companies have to rely on their standard supply-chain infrastructure that lacks the flexibility to create and produce these products. As a result, they have to develop independent workflows for each product, incurring additional production costs, prolonging lead times and even jeopardizing their existing production lines. By having longer delivery times, they face the risk of upsetting their loyal customers who have paid premium prices for their personalized products.

‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, is a game changer for the industry. Drawing from 45 years’ experience of working with international retailers, manufacturers and brands, Lectra developed this offer to break down these barriers and empower fashion companies to meet the specific needs of their digitally savvy clientele with best-in-class solutions. ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’, available in the form of two packages, one dedicated to made to measure, and the other to customization, is a turnkey solution that automates on-demand production right from order reception to production development stages and the cutting room. Companies can define the product customization criteria and range for each item depending on the package (such as altering product characteristics for customization and pattern adjustments for made to measure) and launch production processes right from the get-go, without interfering with their standard workflows.

Empowering customers through industrial intelligence 2/2

“Personalization, or rather, on-demand production, is going to be an industry-wide phenomenon. It is hence Lectra’s duty, as an Industry 4.0 pioneer, to think ahead of time, and spearhead this movement. Keeping our customers’ best interests in mind, we’ve worked with renowned personalization specialists from different countries to develop this solution. With ‘Fashion On Demand by Lectra’ we’re doing the unthinkable. For the first time in the fashion industry, there will be a comprehensive personalization solution that will be able to perform under the same market conditions as the ready-to-wear segment and produce the same, if not better, results,” says Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra.

This disruptive offer gives fashion companies a 360°-view of the entire personalization process, providing them with the visibility to streamline multiple production processes and manage complex individual demands from custom order to cut piece. Thanks to the supply-chain flexibility that companies gain with this innovative Lectra solution, they will be able to expand their product range and offer more variety, be it womenswear, menswear or childrenswear, and appeal to a broader audience and jump on trends without interrupting their existing production processes. They will not have to waste time on consolidating and communicating information from one production stage to another. This ensures smooth process flows and hence, quick delivery times that can compete with those of standard products.

More information:
Lectra, PLM Digitalisierung



Lectra unlocks the real value of automotive manufacturing data

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Business networking event on the future of leather interiors

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, welcomed guests from all areas of the automotive leather supply chain at its International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, for two action-packed days of demonstrations, workshops and talks by industry experts during the fourth annual “Go Digital” automotive leather event.
Building on the previous editions’ themes of digitalization of manufacturing processes and the adoption of Industry 4.0 principles, this year’s presentations focused on the value creation enabled by leveraging manufacturing data. A showcase for the innovative applications Lectra is developing based on Industry 4.0 principles, the company’s trade gathering demonstrated how disruptive new technologies are enhancing the onboard experience while reorganizing the automotive interiors supply chain.

Several guest speakers provided insight into the ways industry megatrends are impacting the automotive cockpit of the future. As motorized vehicles become increasingly autonomous, connected and electrified, cementing their place in the shared mobility landscape, suppliers must now devise new strategies to achieve profitable growth. Traditional business models are losing ground to cross-functional collaboration partnerships, making it even more challenging to compete in the fast-moving connected, shared economy.
“It is disruptive for the entire automotive supply chain,” remarks Nathalie Saint Martin, Vice President, Group Purchasing, Faurecia. “We are all learning to evolve together and enhance the added value to our end-customers. The level of collaboration we are now seeing among suppliers is unprecedented.”

Other keynote speeches included market research consultancy Frost & Sullivan’s analysis of automotive trends in the data-driven economy, Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) specialist Bureau Veritas’ vision of data protection for automotive and a presentation of industry insights firm WardsAuto’s selection of top 10 best vehicle interiors of 2018.
The event enables a diverse array of supply chain players in automotive interiors to gather with their peers. "Events like this one are a great opportunity to talk face-to-face with other suppliers about industry-wide challenges,” notes Claus Lattner, Director Engineering, Process Management, CoC Cut Sew Wrap Global, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors. “It is not often we find ourselves in the same room to talk about consumer perception and the sustainability of leather, for instance."

“The event provided a great opportunity to interact with suppliers who have a direct impact on innovation in interior design and manufacturing,” said John Sousanis, Managing Director of Wards Intelligence.
For Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra, bringing together the automotive leather community is especially important as it rises to new business challenges stemming from continually changing consumer habits and the digitalization of manufacturing processes. “Connectivity and occupant comfort are increasing the amount of high-tech content in automotive interiors, but the up-market appeal of leather makes it a constant,” states Javier Garcia. “By fostering exchange, Lectra is doing its part to help the automotive leather ecosystem evolve to meet new consumer expectations.”

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution (c) Lectra

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

In the manufacturing of vehicle interiors, cutting level precision is of the utmost importance because pieces must fit into door panel designs with a high degree of accuracy. Equipped with a special cutting blade, Vector iX6’s ultra-precise cutting improves material utilization by minimizing buffer between parts. The solution’s superior cutting control software and high-frequency vibration cutting also enable a considerable improvement in productivity.

“As vehicle interior designs become increasingly complex, process requirements change accordingly,” remarks Guan Qinghua, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, YFAI. “The ability to achieve greater productivity and precision for the smaller fabric and vinyl pieces becomes particularly critical. Lectra’s Vector iX6 satisfies this need while also improving fabric utilization and cutting efficiency.”

“Understanding evolving market trends lies at the heart of what we do,” states Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Since its launch, Vector iX6 has been quickly adopted by interior component suppliers like YFAI. VectorAuto iX6 contributes to a drastic reduction in the manufacturing cost per set, especially for small parts produced using vinyl and other materials complex to cut.


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology (c) Lectra

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital”

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

While the topic of digitalization served as a backdrop for the event, there was a recurring theme at the forefront: fashion companies need Industry 4.0 technology and support in order to be more precise in meeting the evolving needs of their digitally savvy consumers.
Nick Chiarelli, Client Partner of Foresight Factory, shed light on new business opportunities for fashion, Nora Kühner, founder of Nora Kühner Fashion Design Consulting, used her designer perspective to decode the digital future of product development, and Fabrizio Fantini, founder of Evo Pricing, showed participants how machine learning could help fashion companies predict consumer demand and avoid waste.

“While speaking about the future challenges and trends in fashion and luxury, the trend now is to use analytics to drive the entire production process,” highlighted Stephen Taylor, Principal Director of Kurt Salmon.

Waruna Tennakoon, General Manager of Group Cutting, Brandix, and Ajith Perera General Manager of Mathliya Plant, MAS Kreeda, also shared their Lectra customer experience. Based in Sri Lanka, both companies have established themselves as the country’s largest apparel exporters, with Brandix specializing in producing intimate and activewear, and MAS Kreeda in sportswear.

“Thanks to the digital revolution, consumers are now more specific in their demands. This will cause a shift in mass manufacturing where there will be smaller-volume orders coming in at a faster rate. As a result, manufacturing models have to be more agile in the immediate future,” explained Ajith Perera, “I am happy to see that Lectra is already spearheading this change by providing us with the necessary technology to help us meet market demand.”

There was no better time to put digitalization into context than during “Fashion Goes Digital”.
VIP guests got a sneak preview of the brand new, fully automated cutting room solution for fashion and apparel. Lectra’s Cutting Room 4.0 is an embodiment of Lectra’s commitment to empowering its customers with the best solutions to thrive in this new digital era. This avant-garde technology leverages industry 4.0 principles to provide greater agility, throughput, cost efficiency and in particular scalability in order to respond seamlessly to small batches orders and shorter lead times.

Jean-Yves Collet, CEO of Treize Roches Couture, a high-end French womenswear manufacturer, provided a testimonial on why his company chose to be one of the first to adopt this new solution. He explained how Lectra’s latest technology would help Treize Roches speed up their artisanal production process to bring products faster to market.

“When we discussed the possibility of a made-to-order production project, we could really foresee the benefits both in terms of quality and productivity. Industry 4.0 solutions do not yet exist in garment manufacturing. This is why we have decided to develop an Industry 4.0 cutting room. This will allow us, in the preparatory stages to automate the processes as much as possible and improve quality, productivity and training time.”

“We have unveiled our strategy last year where we have identified Industry 4.0 and digitalization as our key drivers. Our goal for this event is to show that we are, indeed, living and breathing Industry 4.0 and we do have what it takes to help our customers succeed in this era. Our latest cutting room 4.0 shows that we are not just talking about the future of fashion anymore, we are living in it right now as we speak,” concluded Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.

More information:
Industry 4.0 Lectra


Lectra’s Cloud Applications take the Fashion World by Storm (c) Lectra
Lectra Cloud Application

Lectra’s Cloud Applications take the Fashion World by Storm

  • Product development and production teams are on cloud nine, thanks to Lectra’s all-new Quick Estimate and Quick Nest apps

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather releases its first of a series of cloud-based applications conceptualized for product development and production teams. Quick Estimate and Quick Nest will be launched in France and Italy and will then become available progressively in other countries.

As part of Lectra’s Industry 4.0 strategy, Lectra collaborated with its leading, digitally-attuned customers to develop apps that empower decision-makers to respond in an instant. Quick Estimate revs up product development efficiency and is instrumental to managing costs. Quick Nest provides easy access to automatic marker making and capitalizes on cloud technology to handle heavy volumes of calculations in parallel, maximizing productivity and marker efficiency.

  • Product development and production teams are on cloud nine, thanks to Lectra’s all-new Quick Estimate and Quick Nest apps

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather releases its first of a series of cloud-based applications conceptualized for product development and production teams. Quick Estimate and Quick Nest will be launched in France and Italy and will then become available progressively in other countries.

As part of Lectra’s Industry 4.0 strategy, Lectra collaborated with its leading, digitally-attuned customers to develop apps that empower decision-makers to respond in an instant. Quick Estimate revs up product development efficiency and is instrumental to managing costs. Quick Nest provides easy access to automatic marker making and capitalizes on cloud technology to handle heavy volumes of calculations in parallel, maximizing productivity and marker efficiency.

Leveraging the industrial Internet of Things, lean development principles and cloud-based computing, Lectra aims to provide anytime, anywhere access to business enhancing applications. Gone are the days of limited storage space and slow calculation speed. These well-packaged, light cloud applications will redefine the way fashion customers store and process data.

Fabric often accounts for as much as 60% to 70% of the cost of a garment. Quick Estimate allows product development teams to calculate fabric requirements instantly from their Modaris®—Lectra’s 2D/3D patternmaking and grading solution—working environment with direct access to the cloud applications. Pattern developers now have the flexibility to make pattern adjustments more quickly to optimize costs, while protecting the brand’s quality and assuring speed-to-market.

Quick Nest can be accessed through Diamino®, Lectra’s marker-making solution. During the production development stages, Quick Nest users will be able to process more detailed markers faster. Quick Nest can also be used by production teams to treat lists of markers automatically in record time via the cloud.

These apps will also ensure enterprise-wide transparency as management teams gain full visibility of consumption needs for all products in development and production, thanks to viewable access of consolidated data for approval and reporting purposes.

“The end-goal of our new strategy is clear: we want to put our customers at the core of our business. We want them to thrive in this new digital era. Our latest Industry 4.0-friendly apps will serve as growth catalysts for their businesses by enabling them to make sound decisions based on real-time information,” explains Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “And this is just the beginning. More innovative apps are yet to come.”

