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(c) Willy BOGNER GmbH

BOGNER celebrates 90 years in Kitzbühel

The grand finale of the anniversary year: 90 years of athluxury sports fashion. 2022 was marked by spectacular celebrations around 90 years of BOGNER. This special year came to an end last weekend with an exclusive event in the top ski resort of Kitzbühel/Austria.

Together with the Kitzbühel tourism region, invited guests, consisting of influencers, loyal customers, and local heroes were able to experience Kitzbühel and the surrounding area up close on Thursday, December 8th and Friday, December 9th. Activities such as Skidoo and horse carriage rides, the Advent market, haute cuisine and a visit to probably the oldest ski hut in the world Sonnbühel brought the guests closer to the exclusive tourist region – all under the motto „Frozen Riviera“, BOGNER‘s unique anniversary capsule collection.

After the exciting day‘s activities, an exclusive event in the newly renovated BOGNER store in Kitzbühel marked the end on Friday afternoon. Matching the first snowfall of the season, the latest BOGNER styles were discovered in a cozy atmosphere with special drink creations.

The grand finale of the anniversary year: 90 years of athluxury sports fashion. 2022 was marked by spectacular celebrations around 90 years of BOGNER. This special year came to an end last weekend with an exclusive event in the top ski resort of Kitzbühel/Austria.

Together with the Kitzbühel tourism region, invited guests, consisting of influencers, loyal customers, and local heroes were able to experience Kitzbühel and the surrounding area up close on Thursday, December 8th and Friday, December 9th. Activities such as Skidoo and horse carriage rides, the Advent market, haute cuisine and a visit to probably the oldest ski hut in the world Sonnbühel brought the guests closer to the exclusive tourist region – all under the motto „Frozen Riviera“, BOGNER‘s unique anniversary capsule collection.

After the exciting day‘s activities, an exclusive event in the newly renovated BOGNER store in Kitzbühel marked the end on Friday afternoon. Matching the first snowfall of the season, the latest BOGNER styles were discovered in a cozy atmosphere with special drink creations.

More information:



CELC becomes Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

  • The European Confederation for Flax and Hemp (CELC) has unveiled its new visual identity and name: Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.
  • The European Flax-Linen and Hemp industries have announced they are organizing their development around a strengthened team with a clear mission: to expand the entire industry whilst making European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.
  • The Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp will launch its new identity in the first semester of 2023 for all target groups including Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

CELC has announced its new name and visual identity. The organization, which is the only European agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference, will now be known as the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.

  • The European Confederation for Flax and Hemp (CELC) has unveiled its new visual identity and name: Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.
  • The European Flax-Linen and Hemp industries have announced they are organizing their development around a strengthened team with a clear mission: to expand the entire industry whilst making European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.
  • The Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp will launch its new identity in the first semester of 2023 for all target groups including Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

CELC has announced its new name and visual identity. The organization, which is the only European agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference, will now be known as the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.

The new name - Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp – reflects a newly restructured European industry which brings together the entire value chain around a common goal: to make European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide for Fashion, Technical Textiles and Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

The new brand identity is accompanied by a new logo that connects the identity, values and strategic direction of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp. In addition to visual changes, the Alliance has announced enhanced values and a clear strategic path to turn European Flax-Linen and Hemp into the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.

The Alliance’s future development pathway will focus on three distinct strategic pillars.

  • Enhancing its work in publishing structured, reliable economic data and information on a regular basis, in order to be able to continuously deploy a set of specific decision-making support tools.
  • Transforming the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp into an innovative and sustainable international reference which continuously improves its environmental footprint through two essential elements: traceability and Life Cycle Analysis.
  • Guaranteeing quality and better describing the quality of its fibers by using technological innovations to create a reference for describing long fibers. A description of European Flax® fibers through optical imaging will soon complement the organoleptic method.

“Europe is the top global producer of Flax fiber. In an international context of growth and reindustrialization, Flax, which accounts for just 0.4% of global textile fibers, is a globalized fiber with remarkable technical and environmental properties. At the same time, the European textile Hemp industry is organizing itself to boost growth. Today, the European Flax-Linen and Hemp ecosystem thus embodies an innovative and sustainable European textile dynamic that meets the needs of consumers and brands.” Bart Depourcq, President, Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.


Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

(c) artventure/artventure app, Avenir Garment/Christopher Blank, BEAWEAR/Claudia Wild, Gratitude Verlag/Christoph Mannhardt, cre[ai]tion/Livia Eichenberger, DIVE/DIVE, Eye-Able/privat, faircado/Mario Heller, Jünglinge Film/Frangipani Beatt, What a View Studios/What a View Studios, klaep/Andreas Schweizer Photography, GURLZ WITH CURLZ/GURLZ WITH CURLZ, FettFressHair/Anne Junka, FindUs/FindUs, FEAT Boddies helpwear/privat, Fashion Africa Now/privat, Re-Shirt/Alexander Fthenakis, Ladies&Ladys Label/Felix Schmale 2021, LOKK/LOKK, mujō/mujō, Off the Beaten Track/privat, macht.sprache/Patricia Escriche/Marcus Wend, &töchter/Studio Seidel, Made by Black Excellence/maxsonmedia, connactz/Johann Angermann & Andi Dobner, The Changency/Nadine Kunath, Vorkoster/privat, Storydive/Larissa Mantel, Kopftuchmädchen/Barbara Dietl, Revoltech/Jan Schölzel, Netzwerk für Schwarze Kinderbuchautorinnen: Fafalag/Nathalie Lieckfeld, rrreefs/Leila Tazi

Projekte mit Fokus Mode und Textilien als Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen 2022 ausgezeichnet

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Trendanalyse 2022: Missionsorientierung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft nimmt zu
Die Wirkungsorientierung der 32 Titelträger*innen ist Ausdruck eines Trends in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft. Das zeigt die Auswertung der 700 Bewerbungen in diesem Jahr, die das inotiv-Netzwerk gemeinsam mit den Zukunftsforscher*innen von Third Wave durchgeführt hat. „Jede siebte Projekt-Einreichung formuliert eine präzise Mission, die immer auch eine klare Weltverbesserungsabsicht beinhaltet. Das jeweilig vorgestellte Projekt belegt die Mission faktisch und konkret. Ein solch ansteigender Verbreitungsgrad aktiver Zukunftsgestaltung kann doch nur Hoffnung stiften!“, sagt Zukunftsforscher Jonas Drechsel.

Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen mit Fokus Mode und Textilien (alphabetische Auflistung)
Avenir Garment

Mit Avenir Garment will der gebürtige Tunesier Aladin Amiri die Zukunft der Mode mit kreativer Streetwear mitgestalten, sie mit sozialer und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit paaren und Vorreiter einer Modeindustrie sein, die divers, kreativ und verantwortungsbewusst ist. Sein Ziel ist es, Ressourcen, Beratung und Unterstützung zu bieten, um die Visionen junger Kreativer umzusetzen. Ebenso im Fokus stehen die soziale Verantwortung für Produzent*innen in Tunesien, denen faire Löhne und hohe Arbeitsstandards geboten werden sowie die Möglichkeit für tunesische Kreative, ihre Botschaft nach Deutschland zu bringen. Zudem startet Avenir Garment ein Upcycling-Programm, in dem Künstler*innen aus nicht verkauften Textilien neue Produkte schaffen, die kreativ und einzigartig sind.

Fashion Africa Now
Fashion Africa Now ist ein digitaler Informationsraum und ein zukunftsorientiertes interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Kreative aus Deutschland und Europa, der afrikanischen Diaspora und Afrika, das mit Stereotypen bricht, BIPoC-Perspektiven Raum gibt und neue Narrative erzählt. Das Team von Fashion Africa Now bringt Kreative, Experten*innen und Unternehmen zusammen und kreiert Ausstellungen, Workshops, Podcasts, Mode-Kooperationen, Veranstaltungen und ein Magazin, das sich auch gesellschaftspolitischen Themen widmet – mit der Vision einer aufklärenden, nachhaltigeren und inklusiven Zukunft in der Kreativ- und Modebranche. Fashion Africa Now schafft Sichtbarkeit für marginalisierte Kreativschaffende und repräsentiert die komplexe und vielfältige Welt des afrikanischen Modedesigns.

FEAT Boddies helpwear
„Ich fühl mich wohl in meiner Haut“: FEAT Boddies helpwear möchte funktionale und dabei optisch ansprechenden Textilien für alle Körper entwickeln, die ihre Träger*innen versteht und dabei sanft zu Haut und Körper ist. Das erste Produkt sind LUGGERS, hautfreundliche Oberschenkelbänder, die lästiges Aneinanderreiben vermeiden. Wichtig ist den Gründerinnen dabei, auf Materialien zu setzen, die die Umwelt schonen. Entsprechend verwenden sie nach Möglichkeit recycelte Materialien und lassen Luggers unter fairen Bedingungen in Europa herstellen.

In deutschen Friseursalons fallen jährlich ca. 40.000 Kubikmeter Haarschnitt an – oder anders ausgedrückt: 222.222 Badewannen voller Haare. Ein Rohstoff, der weltweit ständig nachwächst und bisher im Restmüll landet, obwohl er eigentlich Gutes für die Umwelt tun könnte. Denn: Haare sind lipophil, lieben also Fett und fressen es förmlich auf. Somit eignen sie sich bestens, um Verunreinigungen im Wasser aufzunehmen. Das macht sich FettFressHair zunutze und baut aus dem anfallenden Haarschnitt innovative Schadstoffsammler in Form von Schlängeln, Matten und Vliesen. Auf diese Weise können sie Öle und andere Verunreinigungen aus allen Gewässern filtern. Die Erkenntnisse des Kieler Teams halfen beispielsweise schon den Einsatzkräften in Lima dabei, bei der Beseitigung der Ölkatastrophe im Januar 2022 effektiv zu reagieren. Über die Nutzung im Wasser hinaus prüft das Team stetig neue Einsatzgebiete. So wird aus Abfall Umweltschutz.

Was wäre, wenn man Textilien nur kurzfristig bedrucken könnte? Dann würde bei großen Veranstaltungen viel weniger Textilmüll entstehen und sehr viel Wasser gespart werden – 300 Liter für jedes nicht neu produziertem T-Shirt. Deswegen haben Emmy Schumacher und Anna Hadzelek Re-Shirt entwickelt, die erste temporäre Textildrucktechnik. Damit schlagen die beiden Gründerinnen die Brücke zwischen schnelllebigem Gestaltungsbedürfnis und Ressourcen schonendem Mindset.

LOVR – unter diesem Akronym („lederähnlich, ohne Plastik, vegan, reststoffbasiert“) hat Revoltech ein nachhaltiges Textil entwickelt, das aussieht wie Leder und sich auch so anfühlt. Es ist zudem verformbar und abriebfest sowie biologisch abbaubar und recyclingfähig. Das Beste: LOVR hat einen minimalen ökologischen Fußabdruck, da nur 0,3 Prozent der CO2-Emissionen im Vergleich zur Lederherstellung anfallen und auf Chemikalien und Kunststoffe verzichtet wird. Hergestellt wird die Alternative zum tierischen Produkt aus den Nebenprodukten des deutschen Hanfanbaus und pflanzlichen Zusatzstoffen.


u-institut für unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln e.V. │Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland

(c) Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

Bogner: FIRE+ICE and LoveShackFancy present Le Grand Chalet Collection

After the success of last year, FIRE+ICE is cooperating with the US label LoveShackFancy for Fall/Winter 2022 for the second time. “Le Grand Chalet” collection provides an effortless look that crosses from mountain to city.

Technical performance wear meets floral fashion styling in this new FIRE+ICE x LoveShackFancy collaboration that nods to the opulence of 80s French ski fashion. This new capsule pairs bold bright prints and French-inspired ditsy florals with impeccably crafted outerwear. With a fresh perspective on styling plus palettes of vibrant tones and pastel hues, this collection includes every layer of winter wear, including jackets, coats, leggings, ski bibs, accessories, shoes, and more, all with exclusive new FIRE+ICE x LoveShackFancy prints.

Whether on the slopes or on the streets, this elevated winter collection merges FIRE+ICE’s technical performance gear with LoveShackFancy’s iconic feminine floral style resulting in an innovative yet elegant collaboration.

After the success of last year, FIRE+ICE is cooperating with the US label LoveShackFancy for Fall/Winter 2022 for the second time. “Le Grand Chalet” collection provides an effortless look that crosses from mountain to city.

Technical performance wear meets floral fashion styling in this new FIRE+ICE x LoveShackFancy collaboration that nods to the opulence of 80s French ski fashion. This new capsule pairs bold bright prints and French-inspired ditsy florals with impeccably crafted outerwear. With a fresh perspective on styling plus palettes of vibrant tones and pastel hues, this collection includes every layer of winter wear, including jackets, coats, leggings, ski bibs, accessories, shoes, and more, all with exclusive new FIRE+ICE x LoveShackFancy prints.

Whether on the slopes or on the streets, this elevated winter collection merges FIRE+ICE’s technical performance gear with LoveShackFancy’s iconic feminine floral style resulting in an innovative yet elegant collaboration.


Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

Photo HeiQ

HeiQ Mint: No more smelly socks or shirts

HeiQ takes advantage of its presence at ISPO Munich 2022, 28th-30th of November, to launch HeiQ Mint, the new proprietary odor control technology. It is plant-based and designed to make textiles smell fresh even if we use them repeatedly, avoiding the need for frequent washes, thus enabling to save water and energy.

HeiQ Fresh MNT-01, under the HeiQ Mint product family, jointly developed with Patagonia, addresses body odors on textiles and regenerates at every wash, with superior efficiency and durability that meets most end-use performance requirements, while keeping all the fabric properties such as breathability, hand feel, or wicking. This textile technology is OEKO-TEX® suited, bluesign approved, and ZDHC compliant, with a USDA bio-preferred certification in progress.

HeiQ takes advantage of its presence at ISPO Munich 2022, 28th-30th of November, to launch HeiQ Mint, the new proprietary odor control technology. It is plant-based and designed to make textiles smell fresh even if we use them repeatedly, avoiding the need for frequent washes, thus enabling to save water and energy.

HeiQ Fresh MNT-01, under the HeiQ Mint product family, jointly developed with Patagonia, addresses body odors on textiles and regenerates at every wash, with superior efficiency and durability that meets most end-use performance requirements, while keeping all the fabric properties such as breathability, hand feel, or wicking. This textile technology is OEKO-TEX® suited, bluesign approved, and ZDHC compliant, with a USDA bio-preferred certification in progress.

The product development tests were highly demanding, with HeiQ Mint standing out in comparison to the other two tested solutions. According to Laura Hoch, Patagonia’s Materials Innovation Engineer, “out of all the anti-odor technologies we tested, HeiQ Mint provided the highest odor control performance, with the added benefit of being plant-based. This innovation enables Patagonia to deliver our customers high-performing products made with the best available chemistry.”

Another advantage of HeiQ Mint is the ability to be applied and marketed worldwide, without the need for biocidal declaration on product labels, since it is based on a blend of essential mint oils and naturally derived deodorizing ingredients. HeiQ Mint is just Fresh by Nature.

It is ideal for next-to-skin products like sports apparel, underwear, linings, casual and business wear but also home textiles such as bed linen, pillow fabrics, or mattress textiles, both on cellulosic and synthetic fibers.

More information:
HeiQ Mint odor control Sportswear


Photo: OCSiAl

OCSiAl: Graphene nanotubes expand textiles’ functionality

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.
In applications where multifunctionality of textile is required, graphene nanotubes overcome the limitations of other conductive materials such as unstable anti-static properties; degradation of strength, or chemical or fire resistance; complicated manufacturing processes; dusty production; carbon contamination on the material’s surface; or limited color options. Recent developments show that graphene nanotubes provide ESD protection to textiles in full compliance with safety standards and without degrading the textile’s resistance to harsh environments, greatly enhancing the value of textiles.
One such example is textiles coated with fluoroelastomer (a polymer that is highly resistant to chemicals) augmented with graphene nanotubes from OCSiAl. Nanotubes provide the material with surface resistivity of 10^6–10^8 Ω/sq compliant with EN, ISO, and ATEX standards for personal protective equipment. This new technology opens the door for the fabric to be used in high-level protective suits, combining exceptional protection from chemicals with electrostatic discharge protection.
Another example is how graphene nanotube technology is being acknowledged as a replacement for metal yarns in fireproof and anti-static textiles, protecting against sparks, splashes of molten metal, high temperatures, and the risk of sudden electrostatic discharge. While metal yarns require a specific knitting process and storage conditions, incorporating nanotubes in a fabric does not require any changes in the manufacturing process as the water-based dispersion is introduced into the fabric at the fluoro-organic treatment stage. The fabric with OCSiAl’s graphene nanotubes has been proven to maintain the pre-set level of ESD protection (surface resistance of 10^7 Ω) after numerous washes.
Permanent and stable electrical conductivity, facilitated by graphene nanotubes, is not only a matter of safety but brings additional value in augmenting dust-repellent properties and touchscreen compatibility for comfort and time savings. At the same time, the ultralow nanotube concentrations result in maintained manufacturing processes and mechanical properties, and improve product aesthetics by making it possible to use a wide range of colors. Altogether, these benefits allow textile manufacturers to create next-generation special textiles with expanded functionality.


(c) Officina39
Juan Manuel Gomez, Officina39 Creative Leader

Officina39 with SS24 collection at Denimsandjeans in Tokyo

The philosophy guiding Officina39's innovation and development ranges fluidly between exploration of color, denim heritage and artistic expression, but has sustainability and the search for environmentally friendly chemical solutions for the fashion industry as its cornerstones. This is the core vision that accompanied the Italian company, when presenting its latest technologies and collaborations at Denimsandjeans in Tokyo from November 1-2.

Denim & Art
Juan Manuel Gomez, Officina39 Creative Leader, represents the company’s multidisciplinary approach and combines artistic expression with a thorough technical experience. His explorations were drawn on the Denim Art Wall at the fair. Furthermore, in the interactive seminar “Art & Denim As A Process Of Repetition” he explained that there is a constant act of repetition as automatic drawing or pictorial act in the processes of the textile industry.

The SS24 collection
The Multicolor Denim Dreaming collection is a combination of several Officina39’s sustainable key technologies:

The philosophy guiding Officina39's innovation and development ranges fluidly between exploration of color, denim heritage and artistic expression, but has sustainability and the search for environmentally friendly chemical solutions for the fashion industry as its cornerstones. This is the core vision that accompanied the Italian company, when presenting its latest technologies and collaborations at Denimsandjeans in Tokyo from November 1-2.

Denim & Art
Juan Manuel Gomez, Officina39 Creative Leader, represents the company’s multidisciplinary approach and combines artistic expression with a thorough technical experience. His explorations were drawn on the Denim Art Wall at the fair. Furthermore, in the interactive seminar “Art & Denim As A Process Of Repetition” he explained that there is a constant act of repetition as automatic drawing or pictorial act in the processes of the textile industry.

The SS24 collection
The Multicolor Denim Dreaming collection is a combination of several Officina39’s sustainable key technologies:

  • Nebudye D: a wide range of fresh colors to obtain a unique dyeing effect in nebulization/fog system machinery and can be discharged in a creative way with Oz-One Powder, an advanced product to give garments a bleached yet eco-friendly treatment, and Remover IND/J-N, Officina39’s solution to replace the use of Potassium Permanganate (PP) on denim and obtain a worn and distressed vintage look.
  • Novantic series: a combination of selected dyestuffs with a special mordanting agent suitable to obtain surface dyeing to provide vintage or old look effects.
  • Recycrom™: a patented dyestuffs range obtained through a cutting-edge upcycling process that involves textile fibers from used clothing and manufacturing waste for dyeing and printing applications. Its sustainable and revolutionary powders assure a whole universe of denim effects: from classic authentic vintage to acid wash look (Eco Marble), from printed effect (Indigo Replica) to worn and distressed vintage look (Recycrom™ Dirty).
  • Just One Step Process: an innovation that saves time, energy, space and of course water, by combining several phases of the Aqualess Mission at the same time: a raw garment enters the machine and a garment with a basic vintage effect comes out ready to be dried, already treated, bleached and softened.
  • Remover Activator: a technology that in combination with PP replacement products creates in one step general bleaching, localized corrosion and highlights effects on jeans.

Officina39 / Menabò Group srl

comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x Bild Freudenberg
comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x

Freudenberg presents sustainable product innovations at ISPO 2022

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

The independent jury has nominated the 100 percent biodegradable thermal insulation comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x, made from Lyocell regenerated fibers, for the Textrends Award fall/winter 2024/25 season. The award is given exclusively to innovative products that are groundbreaking for the development of the textile industry. comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x has a variety of extraordinary performance characteristics as a high warmth retention, bacteria inhibiting and fast drying, furthermore water repellent. High wearing comfort and the assurance of a perfect moisture balance characterize the volume fleece as ideal for the application in sportswear.

Freudenberg is presenting its entire European and global product portfolio from its "House of Sustainability" at ISPO. The "House of Sustainability" supports Freudenberg in minimizing its ecological footprint and maximizing its ecological handprint. For this purpose, the company's own manufacturing processes are designed to minimize the impact on the environment. In addition, products are developed to help customers produce more sustainably.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


CHT: From plastic waste to textile finishing: ARRISTAN rAIR

  • made out of recycled PET flakes and recyclable again
  • suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics
  • moisture management in sports and active wear

For the sustainable use of resources, the CHT Group has developed the product ARRISTAN rAIR, according to the principles of the circular economy. Here, plastic waste is converted into a valuable textile finishing product to achieve, for example, optimal moisture management in sports and active wear. Other areas of application include socks and tights in the clothing sector, filtration media and nonwovens in the technical textiles sector, and pillows and curtains in home textiles.

Since ARRISTAN rAIR is made out of recycled PET flakes, it is suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics which are subsequently recyclable again.

The hydrophilizing agent ARRISTAN rAIR is characterized by its fast-drying properties in combination with excellent soil release and thermoregulation. It therefore offers, especially in the field of functional textiles, optimal functionalities for high-quality and durable sportswear.

  • made out of recycled PET flakes and recyclable again
  • suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics
  • moisture management in sports and active wear

For the sustainable use of resources, the CHT Group has developed the product ARRISTAN rAIR, according to the principles of the circular economy. Here, plastic waste is converted into a valuable textile finishing product to achieve, for example, optimal moisture management in sports and active wear. Other areas of application include socks and tights in the clothing sector, filtration media and nonwovens in the technical textiles sector, and pillows and curtains in home textiles.

Since ARRISTAN rAIR is made out of recycled PET flakes, it is suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics which are subsequently recyclable again.

The hydrophilizing agent ARRISTAN rAIR is characterized by its fast-drying properties in combination with excellent soil release and thermoregulation. It therefore offers, especially in the field of functional textiles, optimal functionalities for high-quality and durable sportswear.


CHT Germany GmbH

Photo: LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ
LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company: Added-value technology for cotton knitwear

  • LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology offers durable comfort stretch and fit for 100% cotton knitwear.

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company created a new and durable solution for 100% cotton fabric, adding stretch and recovery properties while keeping it fully recyclable.

HeiQ, a leader in performance finish technologies, and The LYCRA Company, a leader in developing innovative and sustainable fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, announced the launch of LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, a proprietary textile finishing process for 100% cotton knit garments designed for mass market applications.

LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, powered by HeiQ, enhances cotton knitwear, addressing critical consumer pain points, and improving the consumer’s overall wearing experience. This technology provides durable comfort stretch, fit, and soft hand-feel to 100% cotton knitwear compared to conventional finishes. Even after repeated washing and wearing, LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology helps knitwear retain its shape, which helps extend the garment’s lifespan and potentially reduce its environmental impact.




adidas with robust growth in the third quarter

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

In the third quarter, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues increased 4%. While the company experienced high-single-digit top-line growth during the first two months of the period, deteriorating traffic trends in Greater China as well as slowing consumer demand in major Western markets weighed on the revenue development in September. In addition, the company’s decision to suspend its own operations in Russia at the end of Q1 significantly reduced revenues by more than € 100 million during the third quarter, particularly impacting the company’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) business. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 11% to € 6.408 billion in the third quarter (2021: € 5.752 billion).

From a category perspective, revenue growth was the highest in adidas’ strategic growth categories Football and Running, both growing at strong double-digit rates. In Football, the jersey launches ahead of the FIFA World Cup 2022 fueled consumer excitement prior to the tournament. Revenues in Running were driven by the latest iterations of adidas’ successful running franchises, including Adizero and Supernova, which both grew more than 50% during the quarter. On the Lifestyle side, the further scaling of the successful Forum and Ozweego franchises led to strong double-digit growth for both product families. At the same time, additional highly limited drops as part of the Gucci and Balenciaga partnerships continued to spark excitement around the adidas brand.   

From a regional perspective, revenue growth was driven by the company’s Western markets and APAC, which combined continued to grow at a double-digit rate (+12%). In EMEA, revenues grew 7% despite the loss of revenue in Russia/CIS of more than € 100 million. Revenues in North America increased 8% during the quarter driven by a double-digit increase in the company’s DTC channel. In APAC and Latin America, revenue growth accelerated compared to Q2, reaching 15% and 51% respectively, year-on-year. In contrast, the company’s top-line development in Greater China continues to be severely impacted by the challenging market environment, mainly related to the ongoing covid-19-related restrictions. While the company’s own retail revenues in Greater China increased 7% in the third quarter reflecting a robust sell-out, the significant product takebacks reduced the company’s sell-in and resulted in a revenue decline of 27% for the market as a whole during the three-month period.  

Strong bottom-line improvement in 2023  
In 2023, the company expects the non-recurrence of the one-off costs of around € 500 million occurred in 2022 to have a positive impact on the net income development in the same magnitude. In addition, in light of the challenging market environment, adidas established a business improvement program to safeguard the company’s profitability in 2023. As part of this program the company has launched several initiatives to mitigate the significant cost increases resulting from the inflationary pressure across the company’s value chain as well as unfavorable currency movements. In total, the program, which will result in one-off costs of around € 50 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, is expected to compensate cost headwinds of up to € 500 million in 2023. In addition, it is expected to deliver a positive profit contribution of around € 200 million next year. 

More information:
adidas outlook

adidas AG

(c) Iluna Group

Iluna Group back at MarediModa

Iluna Group is back at MarediModa (November 8-10), the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors, to present its latest innovations, with a focus on a new beachwear sets able to combine aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, exploration continues with matchy pareos and allovers, double laces with colorful charmeuses and multicolour laces enriched with iridescent effects (Lurex). A novelty of this season is the new double face printing on polyamide with a high sea fastness and iridescent effects on GRS-certified tulle.

The GRS certified Green Label collection uses Renycle® and Q-NOVA®, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns in addition to the recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei.

Iluna Group is back at MarediModa (November 8-10), the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors, to present its latest innovations, with a focus on a new beachwear sets able to combine aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, exploration continues with matchy pareos and allovers, double laces with colorful charmeuses and multicolour laces enriched with iridescent effects (Lurex). A novelty of this season is the new double face printing on polyamide with a high sea fastness and iridescent effects on GRS-certified tulle.

The GRS certified Green Label collection uses Renycle® and Q-NOVA®, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns in addition to the recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei.

The BIOLINE embraces the circular economy and presents proposals containing Amni Soul Eco® and ROICA™ V550. Moreover, the continuous path through the new dimension of responsibility continues in several directions: experiments with 16 different natural dyestuffs; and continued investment in technologies that can ensure significant savings in water and energy consumption, including GREENDROP, the new GOTS-certified digital pigment printing system.


Iluna Group / C.L.A.S.S.

(c) JIAM, Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

JIAM 2022 OSAKA taking place after a six year break

JIAM 2022 OSAKA, organised by the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), will soon be held at INTEX OSAKA from 30 November – 3 December 2022. Under the theme of “It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship”, the 12th edition brings together leading sewing machine suppliers and apparel manufacturers, making it a must-attend event for textile professionals. In this era of change, an international platform to facilitate business and information exchange is essential. The 2022 edition will showcase apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining high-level skillsets and time-tested knowledge with the latest modern-day technology.

JIAM 2022 OSAKA, organised by the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), will soon be held at INTEX OSAKA from 30 November – 3 December 2022. Under the theme of “It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship”, the 12th edition brings together leading sewing machine suppliers and apparel manufacturers, making it a must-attend event for textile professionals. In this era of change, an international platform to facilitate business and information exchange is essential. The 2022 edition will showcase apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining high-level skillsets and time-tested knowledge with the latest modern-day technology.

As of October, 144 exhibitors from 10 countries and regions (China, Greece, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand) have signed up for JIAM 2022 OSAKA to showcase their latest products and services. Of these, 39 companies (21 domestic, 18 overseas) will be joining the fair for the first time. In addition, two pavilions from Germany (VDMA; Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) and Taiwan (TSMA; Taiwan Sewing Machinery Association) will bring even more product diversity to the show floor. The previous edition of JIAM OSAKA in 2016 welcomed 258 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions as well as 15,257 visitors from 72 countries and regions, mainly from Bangladesh, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

A wide variety of special seminars
11 special organiser seminars will not only provide relevant industry knowledge, but also offer practical skills for daily work:

  • Manufacturing industry and digital technology
    Mr Atsushi Yasuda, Manager of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Manufacturing Industries Bureau,Industrial Machinery Division
  • Skills training seminar
    1. Twist Jacket (Lapel) pattern and matching sewing (front and shoulder seams)
    2. Shoulder keeper (prevent shoulder collapse) cherish a piece of clothing
    Mr Susumu Inarida, Emeritus Professor of Bunka Fashion Graduate University (BFGU) / Specially Appointed Committee Member of Japan Modelist Associate / Contemporary Master Craftsman Certified by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • "Mottainai!" sustainable initiatives from Osaka!
    Common points between Senshu Towl and OSAKA KABAN and the future
    Mr Eiji Shinoda, President of Shinoda cCorp
    Mr Kenji Fukuroya, Representative Employee of Fukuroya Joint Company etc.
  • About the sustainable fashion community “NewMake”- Upcycling initiatives in collaboration with brands
    Mr Tac Hosokawa, CEO of Story & Co.
  • Win - win strategy on underwear sewing, viewpoint of BISEI SANGYO Co., LTD
    Mr Toru Miyawaki, Managing Executive Officer of BISEI SANGYO Co.,LTD / Chairman of Hikoneseni Cooperative

Home Sewing Machine Zone
Catering to the B2C market, the Home Sewing Machine Zone, will feature major domestic household sewing machine suppliers. To promote the joy of sewing, a special workshop will be organised by Brother Industries Ltd, Janome Corp, JUKI Corp and JASMA covering topics such as the use of upcycled materials. As part of JIAM 2022 OSAKA’s sustainable development goals, visitors will be taught to sew “cup sleeves” using discarded items and materials from the DIY brand WHTATNOT. Attendees will also learn about upcycling, the process of upgrading unwanted items into new products that are useful. Another highlight will be the awards for JASMA’s “42th Home Sewing Competition for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students”.


JIAM, Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd / Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

(c) Elisa Bontempo
Designed by Aissatou-Jole Diatta, AFOL MODA

C.L.A.S.S.: New project “Fashion schools for design - driven sustainable innovation”

Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda Ente del Terzo Settore renews its commitment in the field of responsible, eco-friendly fashion with a new ad hoc initiative for Fashion Graduate Italia: FASHION SCHOOLS FOR DESIGN - DRIVEN SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION. The project has been set up in a partnership and with the support of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity, Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy).

The project “Fashion Schools for Design - Driven Sustainable Innovation” is presented at the eighth edition of the event organised by Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda, staged from 3 to 5 November at BASE Milano.

Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda Ente del Terzo Settore renews its commitment in the field of responsible, eco-friendly fashion with a new ad hoc initiative for Fashion Graduate Italia: FASHION SCHOOLS FOR DESIGN - DRIVEN SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION. The project has been set up in a partnership and with the support of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity, Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy).

The project “Fashion Schools for Design - Driven Sustainable Innovation” is presented at the eighth edition of the event organised by Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda, staged from 3 to 5 November at BASE Milano.

Embracing the theme of this edition of Fashion Graduate Italia, “Sustainable Innovation”, Piattaforma Moda has invited students from fashion schools, academies and associated institutes to participate in a training course regarding the planning and creation of an outfit in compliance with a responsible fashion approach: starting with the design, including the choice of sustainable materials supplied by some of the hub’s partner companies, and also involving a look at the communication strategy for the project.
To create their looks, the selected students followed two training courses organised by C.L.A.S.S.: “Introduction to next-generation Fashion” and “Introduction to smart ingredients”. These courses covered the values of next-generation fashion (integrating sustainability with design and innovation) and the characteristics of innovative and sustainable materials to produce the outfits.
The development process of the 11 final looks was followed in person by creative director Olivia Spinelli - Coordination and Creative Direction at IED Moda Milano and member of the Artistic Committee of FGI 2022 - and by tutor Camilla Carrara - founder and zero-waste designer of ZEROBARRACENTO -, the project coordinator of C.L.A.S.S.

The partners of C.L.A.S.S. that contributed by supplying their materials are: Berto, Brunello, Iluna Group, Re.VerSo™ by A. Stelloni Collection by Mapel and Tessitura Grisotto;  IED - European Institute of Design and ZEROBARRACENTO also gave support in the implementation of the initiative.


DC International has selected Fresh Relevance for personalized online experiences

Fresh Relevance announces that DC International has selected its versatile personalization platform to power personalized online experiences for its Coverstore and Leatherology brands.

DC International is a vertically integrated eCommerce company and home to two fast-growing direct-to-consumer brands: Coverstore and Leatherology. By selecting Fresh Relevance to power personalization across the website and email marketing of Coverstore and Leatherology, DC International will be providing shoppers with a more engaging and tailored online experience. The business will take advantage of the rich feature set within the Fresh Relevance platform, including product recommendations.

“We’re delighted to welcome DC International to the Fresh Relevance family and are excited to help them provide their Coverstore and Leatherology customers with a more tailored and valuable experience online,” says Mike Austin, CEO & Co-founder at Fresh Relevance.

Fresh Relevance announces that DC International has selected its versatile personalization platform to power personalized online experiences for its Coverstore and Leatherology brands.

DC International is a vertically integrated eCommerce company and home to two fast-growing direct-to-consumer brands: Coverstore and Leatherology. By selecting Fresh Relevance to power personalization across the website and email marketing of Coverstore and Leatherology, DC International will be providing shoppers with a more engaging and tailored online experience. The business will take advantage of the rich feature set within the Fresh Relevance platform, including product recommendations.

“We’re delighted to welcome DC International to the Fresh Relevance family and are excited to help them provide their Coverstore and Leatherology customers with a more tailored and valuable experience online,” says Mike Austin, CEO & Co-founder at Fresh Relevance.


Fresh Relevance / CHIEF PR

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S.: Launch of Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award 2023

The launch of the third edition of the Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award started on October 27, 2022. The Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award (ISFA) is the international competition born out of the collaboration between Connecting Cultures, the foundation that guides the Out of Fashion platform, and C.L.A.S.S., an international eco-hub that since 2007 has been advocating for a new generation of fashion in which the union of design, innovation, communication, and responsibility shapes a conscious and competitive business, capable of playing both an economic and social role.

The Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award invites stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators and artists to create visual imagery, a project that highlights awareness, respect for people and the planet that define the values of sustainable fashion in the fashion system.

Award submissions will be examined by an international jury composed of:

The launch of the third edition of the Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award started on October 27, 2022. The Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award (ISFA) is the international competition born out of the collaboration between Connecting Cultures, the foundation that guides the Out of Fashion platform, and C.L.A.S.S., an international eco-hub that since 2007 has been advocating for a new generation of fashion in which the union of design, innovation, communication, and responsibility shapes a conscious and competitive business, capable of playing both an economic and social role.

The Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award invites stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators and artists to create visual imagery, a project that highlights awareness, respect for people and the planet that define the values of sustainable fashion in the fashion system.

Award submissions will be examined by an international jury composed of:

  • Anna Detheridge, Founder and President, Connecting Cultures
  • Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S.
  • Rita Airaghi, Steering Advisor, Gianfranco Ferré Research Center
  • Paola Arosio, Head of New Brands & Sustainability Projects, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana
  • Jeanine Ballone Managing Director, Fashion 4 Development
  • Evie Evangelou, Founder and President, Fashion 4 Development
  • Sara Kozlowski, Vice President of Program Strategies, Education, and Sustainability Initiatives, Council of Fashion Designers of America
  • Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner, The Bear Scouts
  • Renata Molho, journalist, former editor-in-chief of L'Uomo Vogue and former editor-at-large of L'Uomo Vogue, Vogue Italia, Casa Vogue
  • Stefania Ricci, Director, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo
  • Jovana Vukoje, Senior New Brands Specialist, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana

The winning projects of past editions were Take a Walk on the Green Side by Emma Scalcon (2021 - Italy) and Fashion Affair by Vishal Tolambia (2022 - India), two very different works that highlighted how challenging sustainability issues are in the contemporary communication landscape.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
The winner will be announced in March 2023 and will receive a cash prize of €3,000.00.

(c) adidas AG

and wander and adidas terrex present their outdoor collection

Inspired by this innate desire to experience nature and a shared vision, adidas TERREX has teamed up with fashion-forward Japanese outdoor label and wander on a collection that will take hikers from city centre to mountain top (and back again) in style.

Since its inception, adidas TERREX has focused on providing people with the clothing and apparel they need to realize their individual goals in the outdoors and enjoy the benefits of nature.

Tokyo designers Keita Ikeuchi and Mihoko Mori, meanwhile, launched their own outdoor label and wander in 2011 to bring more creativity to outdoors wear. By pairing high-fashion design with the practical requirements needed for adventure, theirs is a modern approach to apparel that works both in the wild, and on the streets.  

Together, adidas TERREX and and wander have collaborated on a multi-seasonal collection that ties these philosophies together to help people enjoy more outdoors experiences.

Inspired by this innate desire to experience nature and a shared vision, adidas TERREX has teamed up with fashion-forward Japanese outdoor label and wander on a collection that will take hikers from city centre to mountain top (and back again) in style.

Since its inception, adidas TERREX has focused on providing people with the clothing and apparel they need to realize their individual goals in the outdoors and enjoy the benefits of nature.

Tokyo designers Keita Ikeuchi and Mihoko Mori, meanwhile, launched their own outdoor label and wander in 2011 to bring more creativity to outdoors wear. By pairing high-fashion design with the practical requirements needed for adventure, theirs is a modern approach to apparel that works both in the wild, and on the streets.  

Together, adidas TERREX and and wander have collaborated on a multi-seasonal collection that ties these philosophies together to help people enjoy more outdoors experiences.

With a striking visual update, the lightweight TERREX Free Hiker 2 offers grip on a range of surfaces, and a responsive BOOST midsole that delivers incredible energy return. With a breathable upper and a sock-like fit that adapts to every step, this supportive shoe made in part with Parley Ocean Plastic is ready for adventure, anywhere.

With the TERREX Free Hiker 2 taking care of the feet, the TERREX XPLORIC and wander COLD.RDY Down Jacket is a functional essential with eye-catching design. COLD.RDY insulating material help keep the warmth in, while prominent TERREX x and wander reflective prints on the jacket and detachable hood help it stand out. With an array of pockets and adjustable features for the right fit, this versatile jacket’s natural habitat is everywhere. It’s also made in part with recycled materials.

adidas TERREX x and wander graphics and reflective detailing have been worked into the rest of an adventure-ready outdoor clothing collection that also includes a TERREX Fleece Jacket, loose-fit unisex TERREX Graphics Hoody and TERREX Pants.

Also available in the adidas TERREX x and wander collection are breathable Merino Wool Hiking Socks made with COLD.RDY technology for snug hiking , a quilted Winterized Bucket Hat, and a lightweight AERO.RDY Hiking Backpack that is loaded with features to look after outdoor essentials.

More information:
adidas Outdoor Clothing industry

adidas AG

Photo: Bogner

BOGNER and the German Ski Association (DSV) Celebrate an Anniversary

BOGNER has been dressing the German national ski team since 1952. The enthusiasm for alpine skiing and the technical innovations in winter sports fashion unite BOGNER, the global pioneer for athluxury sports fashion, and the top athletes of the DSV. The long-standing partnership contributes to outstanding international success and many iconic sports moments that can be celebrated together.

In 2022, both partners celebrate milestone anniversaries: 90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV.
The anniversaries will be marked with new innovations in the BOGNER-DSV collection: tthe innovative Schoeller® - Energear™ material consists of a titanium-mineral matrix that can return far-infrared rays to the body when used in textiles. The recovered energy is said to have a positive effect on the body and can accelerate muscle regeneration.

BOGNER has been dressing the German national ski team since 1952. The enthusiasm for alpine skiing and the technical innovations in winter sports fashion unite BOGNER, the global pioneer for athluxury sports fashion, and the top athletes of the DSV. The long-standing partnership contributes to outstanding international success and many iconic sports moments that can be celebrated together.

In 2022, both partners celebrate milestone anniversaries: 90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV.
The anniversaries will be marked with new innovations in the BOGNER-DSV collection: tthe innovative Schoeller® - Energear™ material consists of a titanium-mineral matrix that can return far-infrared rays to the body when used in textiles. The recovered energy is said to have a positive effect on the body and can accelerate muscle regeneration.

The styles of the BOGNER-DSV anniversary collection are in a color palette of Lemon, Rock, Off-White and Black, and consist of a double down jacket with rain jacket, thermal jacket, softshell jacket, light down vest, overalls, athlete pants, additionally reinforced technician pants as well as racing shorts, the iconic racing suit, and a rain cape. In addition, the collection is complemented by headwear and a team sweater
This year, BOGNER is dressing a total of 200 athletes, coaches and support staff from the alpine skiing sector. As in every collection, the racing suits of the DSV athletes will be tailor-made to guarantee the perfect fit and performance in the respective disciplines such as downhill, super G, giant slalom and slalom.

90 years of BOGNER and 70 years of DSV represent many iconic moments, common goals, teamwork and Olympic Games. The success story continues with the next joint highlight: the SKI World Championships in Meribel/Courchevel.

For winter sports fans and passionate skiers, a selection of outfits based on the DSV collection is available in BOGNER stores, on and from selected wholesale partners.

More information:
Bogner skiing


Texaid / Texcircle

Swiss Textile Recycling Project TEXCIRLCE

After two years of joint collaboration and research the Swiss Textile Recycling Project “Texcircle” comes to an end. Partners and stakeholders have worked on the vision of a textile cluster where materials flow in circular loops. The goal of the project was to develop high-quality yarns and products incorporating such a large amount of recycled textiles as possible. In the end, several product prototypes from carpets, socks, and curtains to pullovers, padding and accessories have been developed with at least 50 % recycled fiber up to 80 % recycled fibers and yarns.

Europe has a waste problem of 7.5 million waste of which only 30-35 % is collected and less than 1 % of the textile and clothing worldwide is recycled into textiles and clothing again. It is as well found that around 80 % of the impact of a textile product lies in the design.

After two years of joint collaboration and research the Swiss Textile Recycling Project “Texcircle” comes to an end. Partners and stakeholders have worked on the vision of a textile cluster where materials flow in circular loops. The goal of the project was to develop high-quality yarns and products incorporating such a large amount of recycled textiles as possible. In the end, several product prototypes from carpets, socks, and curtains to pullovers, padding and accessories have been developed with at least 50 % recycled fiber up to 80 % recycled fibers and yarns.

Europe has a waste problem of 7.5 million waste of which only 30-35 % is collected and less than 1 % of the textile and clothing worldwide is recycled into textiles and clothing again. It is as well found that around 80 % of the impact of a textile product lies in the design.

Together with the design research expertise of the Lucerne University of Applied sciences and arts, the spinning expertise of Rieter and the sorting and collection expertise of Texaid, systems should be created where products of high quality can be produced of recycled fiber. On board were the expertise of further Cluster partners of Brands, Retailers, and the public sector to see how a joint Cluster and system coukld be established.

The Project Texcircle and cluster is led by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Art  & Design, and in collaboration with Coop, Rieter, Jacob Rohner AG, Ruckstuhl AG, TEXAID as well as ag. Furthermore, Bundesamt für Zivildienst ZIVI, NIKIN AG, and Tiger Liz Textiles are supporting the project. The project is funded by Innosuisse.

Furthermore, collaboration partners from all over Europe contributed to the project to enable these prototypes and systems.

Through joint developments from the design, the collecting, sorting trials, tearing, and spinning trials until the actual production trials and product testing. The partners were able to recycle 2.5 Tons of pre-and post-consumer textile waste into product prototypes with a promising commercial interest. From socks, west, and pullovers to non-woven felts and accessories to carpets and curtains. Through our 2 years of collaboration, the teamcame across several hurdles in the textile recycling value chain which could be tackled. This was a proof of concept that a circular system is possible and the industry now has to enable this at full scale.


Texaid / Texcircle


adidas completes second share buyback program in 2022

adidas has completed its second share buyback program this year. On March 1, 2022, the company had announced that it would launch another share buyback program in mid-March to return the cash proceeds from the Reebok divestiture to its shareholders. Between March 14, 2022, and October 10, 2022, the company bought back 8,978,138 shares for a total consideration of € 1.5 billion, corresponding to an average purchase price per share of € 167.07.

adidas has completed its second share buyback program this year. On March 1, 2022, the company had announced that it would launch another share buyback program in mid-March to return the cash proceeds from the Reebok divestiture to its shareholders. Between March 14, 2022, and October 10, 2022, the company bought back 8,978,138 shares for a total consideration of € 1.5 billion, corresponding to an average purchase price per share of € 167.07.

The decision to repurchase shares to return the cash proceeds from the Reebok divestiture came on top of the company’s regular buyback activities. In December 2021, adidas had launched a multi-year share buyback program under which the company plans to buy back shares in an amount of up to € 4 billion until 2025. The first tranche of this program was conducted in January and February of this year. During that period, the company bought back 4,156,558 shares for a total amount of € 1 billion, corresponding to an average purchase price per share of € 240.58. Taking into account both share buybacks adidas bought back 13,134,696 shares for a total amount of € 2.5 billion in 2022. Including the dividend payment of € 610 million in May, the company returned more than € 3.1 billion to its shareholders in 2022.

Strong cash returns are a key component of adidas strategy ‘Own the Game’. As part of this strategy, adidas plans to generate substantial cumulative free cash flow until 2025 and return the majority of it – between € 8 billion and € 9 billion – to its shareholders through regular dividend payments in a range of between 30% and 50% of net income from continuing operations, complemented by share buybacks. The € 1.5 billion share buyback program related to the divestiture of Reebok come in addition to these regular shareholder returns.

As previously announced, the company intends to cancel the majority of the shares repurchased as part of its buyback activities. As a result, adidas will cancel a total of 12,100,000 treasury shares in the upcoming weeks, reducing the share count and stock capital from 192,100,000 to 180,000,000.


adidas AG