From the Sector

83 results

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the global economy. Worldwide lockdowns and production stoppages at vehicle manufacturers had drastic consequences for the entire automobile industry and Autoneum in the first half of the year. Although the market recovered in the second half-year, the number of vehicles produced for the year as a whole remained well below the level of the previous year. Thanks to prompt adjustment of the cost structure to the reduced market volume and improvements achieved during the turnaround in North America, Autoneum nevertheless managed to generate an operating profit in 2020 in an extremely difficult and volatile market environment.

Please find more details in attached PDF file.

More information:
Autoneum Geschäftsjahr 2020

Autoneum Management AG

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide © Hohenstein
Today, at its headquarters in Bönnigheim, Germany, Hohenstein has expanded as a versatile service provider beyond the castle with modern lab buildings.

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Mecheels laid the foundation for an internationally-renowned company in 1946 when he founded the Hohenstein Institutes, a textile school in Hohenstein Castle. His son, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Mecheels modernized the Hohenstein Group’s business structures and expanded into new research and service areas such as textile finishing or professional laundries/dry cleaning. He helped to forever change textile safety with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certification system that protects consumers from harmful substances. Under Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels’ leadership since 1995, Hohenstein has been at the forefront of microfiber analysis, consistently perfected its created standards for comfort and compression testing and worked to reduce the industry’s ecological impact. Last but not least, the testing laboratory in Hong Kong, which has been in operation since 2011, and the Hohenstein textile testing laboratories in Bangladesh and India, which were opened in 2018, ensure even greater market proximity.

Solutions for the Global Textile Industry

Today, Hohenstein specializes in the testing, certification and research of all kinds of textile-related products. With a total of more than 1,000 employees at its headquarters in Bönnigheim and in more than 40 branches, contact offices and laboratories worldwide, the company faces the current challenges of the global industry.

"Textile sustainability remains a major focus for us and is woven through every decision we make," explains Stefan Mecheels. “Even services that are seemingly focused on innovation contribute somehow to longer lasting products, less waste and more safety. Our Digital Fitting Lab helps brands leap forward with digitized apparel development. Using modern 3D and 4D technologies and our traditional fit and pattern expertise, we help our clients design better fitting clothes with fewer prototypes and less waste.”

When SARS-CoV-2 struck, the company developed a quality label to easily identify non-medical, community masks that meet legal and functional requirements. The Hohenstein Quality Labels are independent proof with a high level of credibility among buyers and consumers.


Among the celebrations, Hohenstein plans to hold a mid-year press conference with regional and industry journalists. "We are celebrating this anniversary because we have succeeded in constantly adapting to the market and use our applied research to anticipate developments. For this I would first like to thank our employees, who, in keeping with the motto We live textiles, put their hearts and souls into their work. A very special thanks also goes to our customers, some of whom have been placing their trust in us for decades," says Stefan Mecheels, adding "I am convinced that we are positioned to continue our contribution in the future.


Weihnachts-Lockdown im Modehandel

Handelsverbände erwarten 6 Mrd. Umsatzverlust und Berge unverkaufter Ware

„Weitere Unterstützung für den Fashionhandel überlebensnotwendig“

Der beschlossene Lockdown bedeutet für den stationären Modehandel ein Fiasko, so die Handelsverbände Textil, Schuhe und Lederwaren. Die Schließung der Boutiquen, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte sowie Mode- und Warenhäuser werde neben erheblichen Umsatzausfällen auch das Warenproblem der Branche nochmals deutlich verschärfen.

Durch den jetzigen Lockdown wird nach Berechnungen der Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) der ohnehin bereits im gesamtem Jahr 2020 arg gebeutelte, stationäre Fashionhandel nochmals rund 6 Mrd. Euro an Umsatz verlieren. Weitere Berechnungen der drei Handelsverbände ergeben, dass sich bis zum voraussichtlichen Schließungsende am 10. Januar nächsten Jahres ein riesiger Berg von 300 Mio. Teilen unverkaufter Modeartikel auftürmen wird. Erschwerend hinzu komme, dass die Läger der Modehändler bereits mit unverkäuflicher Frühjahrsware noch gut gefüllt seien.

Handelsverbände erwarten 6 Mrd. Umsatzverlust und Berge unverkaufter Ware

„Weitere Unterstützung für den Fashionhandel überlebensnotwendig“

Der beschlossene Lockdown bedeutet für den stationären Modehandel ein Fiasko, so die Handelsverbände Textil, Schuhe und Lederwaren. Die Schließung der Boutiquen, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte sowie Mode- und Warenhäuser werde neben erheblichen Umsatzausfällen auch das Warenproblem der Branche nochmals deutlich verschärfen.

Durch den jetzigen Lockdown wird nach Berechnungen der Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) der ohnehin bereits im gesamtem Jahr 2020 arg gebeutelte, stationäre Fashionhandel nochmals rund 6 Mrd. Euro an Umsatz verlieren. Weitere Berechnungen der drei Handelsverbände ergeben, dass sich bis zum voraussichtlichen Schließungsende am 10. Januar nächsten Jahres ein riesiger Berg von 300 Mio. Teilen unverkaufter Modeartikel auftürmen wird. Erschwerend hinzu komme, dass die Läger der Modehändler bereits mit unverkäuflicher Frühjahrsware noch gut gefüllt seien.

„Für viele Unternehmen unserer Branche wird dies ein Schicksalsschlag sein, von dem sie sich nur schwerlich oder sogar überhaupt nicht mehr erholen werden können,“ berichtet BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels. Pangels weiter: „Die Politik kann und darf daher nicht weiter die Augen vor diesen existentiellen Problemen des Modehandels verschließen und muss die Branche mit direkten und angemessenen Hilfen fördern. Neben finanziellen Sofort- und Überbrückungshilfen brauchen wir auch eine gesonderte Unterstützung für die Warenüberhänge. Verbesserte Abschreibungen auf den Warenbestand helfen der Branche dabei nicht weiter, da dies Gewinne voraussetzt. Wir dürfen bei den Unterstützungs- und Förderhilfen nicht schlechter gestellt werden als andere Branchen, wie z.B. die Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Die Ungleichbehandlung muss ein Ende haben und das möglichst schnell. Wenn Gelder erst mit zeitlichen Verzögerungen von Monaten fließen, dann wird es für viele Modehändler zu spät sein“. 



Turkish textile manufacturers wait for ITM 2021 Exhibition (c) ITM

Turkish textile manufacturers wait for ITM 2021 Exhibition to expand their investments

The Turkish textile industry, which continues its exports and investments without slowing down despite the devastating pandemic, once again proved its strength, especially in this period. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held in Istanbul between 22 and 26 June 2021, will provide a great advantage to companies that desire to expand their investments and introduce their brand new technologies.

The Turkish textile industry, which continues its exports and investments without slowing down despite the devastating pandemic, once again proved its strength, especially in this period. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held in Istanbul between 22 and 26 June 2021, will provide a great advantage to companies that desire to expand their investments and introduce their brand new technologies.

Although there were slowdowns in the textile industry in April and May this year due to the troublesome coronavirus pandemic , the Turkish textile industry succeeded a big breakthrough with the removal of restrictions in June, thanks to both its textile production infrastructure and international exports capacity. The exports of the textile and raw materials sector increased and the companies turned to new investments. While many local companies enlarged their facilities, some of them made new investment decisions. For example, while a giant hygienic and medical fabric production facility was invested in Çorlu, another Turkish company, a global brand in textile machinery production, decided to invest 40 million Turkish Lira. Gaziantep-based spunbond and meltblown nonwoven manufacturer company added two new meltblown lines to its operations. Another company also began to invest in the production of raw materials that they import. This investment activity in Turkey, where is a manufacturing base of European customers whet the appetite of international investors. One of South Korea's largest conglomerates has rolled up its sleeves for an investment of 430 million US Dollars in Çerkezköy. Due to the investments, the purchase of textile machinery increased by 37.1 percent in the first nine months of 2020 amounting to over 1 billion US Dollars.

The Accurate Address for Investment Decisions: ITM 2021 Exhibition
Although the companies took advantage of the pandemic period as an opportunity and continued their investments, many of them are waiting for the ITM 2021 Exhibition for large machinery purchases. ITM 2021 Exhibition, which will be held between 22 and 26 June 2021 at Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, will gather thousands of participating companies and visitors under one roof. The company officials, who will have the opportunity to observe the latest technological products to be exhibited by the international and domestic exhibitors, will direct their investments by meeting with the experts of the sector. The machines produced for technical textiles, which became even more important during the devastating pandemic period, will attract the attention of visitors. Thanks to the machinery purchases and business partnerships of both domestic and international companies, there will be great dynamism in the textile industry and the national economy.



Production capacities for European supplies of protective equipment expanded (c) Oerlikon
The capacities for respiratory masks available in Europe to date are predominantly manufactured on Oerlikon Nonwoven systems. >> Picture download Innovatec commissions second Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system

Production capacities for European supplies of protective equipment expanded

Neumünster/Troisdorf, Germany, December 3, 2020 – just a few days ago, the second newly-delivered Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system was commissioned at Innovatec’s state-of-the-art machine park. With it, the nonwovens manufacturer – based in Troisdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia – immediately started producing polypropylene filter nonwovens: in particular for use in protective face masks, which have been increasingly in demand since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and whose domestic manufacture is being supported by the Ger-man Government. Here, the highly-efficient Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology from Neumünster is supporting the production of these highly-effective filter media.

Neumünster/Troisdorf, Germany, December 3, 2020 – just a few days ago, the second newly-delivered Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system was commissioned at Innovatec’s state-of-the-art machine park. With it, the nonwovens manufacturer – based in Troisdorf in North Rhine-Westphalia – immediately started producing polypropylene filter nonwovens: in particular for use in protective face masks, which have been increasingly in demand since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and whose domestic manufacture is being supported by the Ger-man Government. Here, the highly-efficient Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology from Neumünster is supporting the production of these highly-effective filter media.

“Back in June 2020, Oerlikon Nonwoven delivered the first so-called 2-beam system to Innovatec”, reports Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven. Together with the second production line, the Troisdorf-based enterprise has been able to almost double its filter nonwoven output to date. The North Rhine-Westphalian company now has filter media production capacities that can be used to manufacture up to 2.5 billion operating room filter masks or a billion highly-effective FFP2 masks per year.

The, according to its own information, leading manufacturer of meltblown mask nonwovens in Europe is participating in the German Government’s ‘Nonwovens Production’ grant program to ramp up its output capacities and has for this reason already received a visit from top German politicians, including Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier and North Rhine-Westphalia Minister President Armin Laschet. Together, politicians and industry want to ensure that the production capacities for protective equipment continue to grow in Germany and that above all critical supply chains are secured at both national and European levels. And companies such as Innovatec and Oerlikon Nonwoven are actively contributing towards this.

Oerlikon: Meltblown und Spunbond (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: Meltblown and Spunbond technologies

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at Oerlikon Nonwoven. The meltblown technology from Neumünster is recognized by the market as being one of the technically most efficient methods for producing highly-separating filter media made from plastic fibers.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at Oerlikon Nonwoven. The meltblown technology from Neumünster is recognized by the market as being one of the technically most efficient methods for producing highly-separating filter media made from plastic fibers.

Protective equipment demands high-end nonwoven products
The rising demand for protective masks and other medical protective equipment since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and the associated global ramping up of production capacities has also resulted in an increase in the demand for nonwovens for the production thereof. Initially, this resulted in bottlenecks in the provision of meltblown filter nonwovens. To this end, there had until this point be very few producers of medical filter nonwovens outside China. Meanwhile, the demand for spunbond systems is also rising. “Due to the structure of our group, we are in the fortunate position to swiftly reallocate and free up our production capacities. This means that we are able to relatively quickly deliver not only meltblown systems, but also spunbond equipment”, explains Dr. Ingo Mählmann, Head of Sales & Marketing at Oerlikon Nonwoven, talking about the positive situation at the company.

The capacities for respiratory masks available in Europe to date are predominantly manufactured on Oerlikon Nonwoven systems. “Our machines and systems for manufacturing manmade fiber and nonwovens solutions enjoy an outstanding reputation throughout the world. Ever more manufacturers in the most diverse countries are hoping to become independent of imports”, comments Dr. Mählmann. The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown systems are being delivered to Germany, China, Turkey, United Kingdom, South Korea, Italy, France, North America and – for the very first time – to Australia until well into 2021.

Quality and efficiency in demand
Depending on the purpose of the application, medical PPE (personal protection equipment) should be breathable and comfortable to wear, protect medical staff against viruses, bacteria and other harmful substances and form a barrier against liquids. For these reasons, they are often made of either pure spunbond or of spunbond-meltblown combinations. Here, the meltblown nonwoven core assumes the barrier or filter task, while the spunbond has to retain its shape, while being tear-resistant, abrasion-proof, absorbent, particularly flame-resistant and nevertheless extremely soft on the skin.

All masks are not created equal – thanks to the ecuTEC+
Protection against infections such as coronavirus can only be guaranteed with the right quality.

The nonwovens can be electrostatically-charged in order to further improve the filter performance without additionally increasing breathing resistance. Here, Oerlikon Nonwovenʼs patented ecuTEC+ electro-charging unit excels in terms of its extreme flexibility. Nonwovens manufacturers can freely choose between numerous variation options and set the optimal charging method and intensity for their specific applications. In this way, even the smallest particles are still attracted and reliable separated by a relatively open-pored nonwoven. Nevertheless, mask wearers are still able to easily breathe in and out due to the comparatively loose formation of the fibers. To this end, it comes as no surprise that all meltblown systems currently destined for the production of mask nonwovens are equipped with the ecuTEC+ unit.

Oerlikon: (c) Oerlikon
v.l.n.r. Jochen Adler, Ralf Morgenroth, Markus Reichwein, Matthias Schmitz

Oerlikon Experten teilen ihr Know-how online

Um den Know-how- und Technologietransfer in Zeiten der Corona Pandemie weiterhin sicherzustellen, startet das Segment Manmade Fibers des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns ab November seine neue Webinar Serie. In den bis Ende 2020 zunächst geplanten vier interessanten Technologievorträgen in englischer Sprache werden aktuelle Trends bei der Produktion von Chemiefasern betrachtet sowie Oerlikons Lösungen dazu präsentiert und mit den Teilnehmern diskutiert. Eine Fortsetzung der Webinar Serie für 2021 ist bereits in Arbeit.

Um den Know-how- und Technologietransfer in Zeiten der Corona Pandemie weiterhin sicherzustellen, startet das Segment Manmade Fibers des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns ab November seine neue Webinar Serie. In den bis Ende 2020 zunächst geplanten vier interessanten Technologievorträgen in englischer Sprache werden aktuelle Trends bei der Produktion von Chemiefasern betrachtet sowie Oerlikons Lösungen dazu präsentiert und mit den Teilnehmern diskutiert. Eine Fortsetzung der Webinar Serie für 2021 ist bereits in Arbeit.

  • Factory know-how from a single source – A boost for your efficiency
    4. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Redner: Jochen Adler, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers CTO*
  • VarioFil – Your compact spinning solution
    11. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Redner: Ralf Morgenroth, Head of Engineering Textile Machinery BB Engineering (BBE)*
  • Green Technologies – Join us on the road to a sustainable fiber industry
    2. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Redner: Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management Oerlikon Manmade Fibers*
  • VacuFil – Your future upcycling plant, from waste to value
    9. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Redner: Matthias Schmitz, Head of Engineering Recycling Technology, BB Engineering (BBE)*


*Weitere Informationen im Anhang



Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask (c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
The masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

A third Montex stenter line was installed at the company’s Grefrath plant in 2015, by which time the company had grown to 40 people and a major new market had opened up in the supply of fabrics for promotional materials at exhibitions and trade shows.

“We had a fantastic two years in 2018 and 2019 and everything was going great for the first three months of this year, but in April it all came crashing down,” said Oliver Hurtz. “Coronavirus put an end to trade shows in 2020, which had a very serious impact on our business.”

At the same time, however, the company was exploring the potential of a new biocidal product from one of its chemicals suppliers which has both antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


“We had already been producing coated fabrics for hot gas filtration and realised that in combination with this new microporous coating we had the basis for a very effective single-layer face mask,” Rainer said. “Achieving this with a single layer product rather than the usual three has resulted in a significant advance in comfort for the wearer and because the mask is able to disinfect itself and helps regulate humidity, it can be worn a number of times without needing to be washed, for greater convenience. It only needs to be washed when it gets dirty and can also be washed up to twenty times without losing its properties, which has to be preferable to single-use disposables.”

Catus face masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride certified to ISO 20743 for their antibacterial effect, and to ISO 18184 for their antiviral effect.

They are proven to  eliminate over  99.99% of the human coronavirus 229 E, with the multiplication of microorganisms such as germs and bacteria prevented by the biostatic action of silver salts and viruses destroyed by oxygen-releasing substances and a mechanism that attacks their fatty envelope. The virus membrane loses its cholesterol content and the virus is inactivated.


Gorilla Protect next plans to make the masks available in four colours – black, Bordeaux, olive and grey – and is also working on colour branding and printing labels.

“It’s not possible to print on the surface of the mask after it has been coated, but its is possible for volume orders to be printed before the treatment,” Oliver Hurtz said.

“Face masks are going to become an established part of life in the West like they are in Asia and need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible for the wearer,” his father concluded. “With these things in mind, we believe Catus is a significant step forward.”

Oerlikon: Three staple fiber bicomponent systems successfully commissioned in Asia (c) Oerlikon Neumag
Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber plants stand for highest product quality and absolute reliability.

Oerlikon: Three staple fiber bicomponent systems successfully commissioned in Asia

Neumünster – Oerlikon Neumag has successfully commissioned three staple fiber bicomponent systems in China. With capacities of 50 tons per day each, the systems are being used to manufacture coresheath bicomponent fibers made from PP/PE or PET/PE at two long-standing Oerlikon Manmade Fibers customers. These fibers are used to make hygiene products.

Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber technology still in demand

Despite coronavirus-related restrictions, the three new systems were installed within three and five months, all without any problems. They have meanwhile been operating under stable production conditions with optimum fiber quality of the very highest standards for several weeks now.

Many years of experience in bi-component spinning

Neumünster – Oerlikon Neumag has successfully commissioned three staple fiber bicomponent systems in China. With capacities of 50 tons per day each, the systems are being used to manufacture coresheath bicomponent fibers made from PP/PE or PET/PE at two long-standing Oerlikon Manmade Fibers customers. These fibers are used to make hygiene products.

Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber technology still in demand

Despite coronavirus-related restrictions, the three new systems were installed within three and five months, all without any problems. They have meanwhile been operating under stable production conditions with optimum fiber quality of the very highest standards for several weeks now.

Many years of experience in bi-component spinning

Oerlikon Neumag looks back on many years of experience in constructing bicomponent staple fiber systems. The first system for this fiber type was commissioned as far back as 1995. Oerlikon Neumag offers solutions for the most varied cross-sections, ranging from sheath/core’, ‘side-by-side’, ‘island in the sea’, ‘orange type’ as well as ‘trilobal’. The applications are diverse: from self-crimping fibers, bonding fibers, super-microfibers all the way through to hollow fibers.

The Oerlikon Neumag bicomponent technology is particularly characterized by the extremely robust spin packs that have no expensive wear parts, which considerably reduces the costs here. The reconditioning costs when cleaning the spin packs are kept to an absolute minimum. Add to this the separate temperature transfer option in the spinning beam for the two polymers. As a result, the quality and the viscosity of the polymers can be accurately adjusted in accordance with the respective process requirements.


Oerlikon Neumag

Sappi: High-quality face masks – in top-quality packaging (c) Wolford AG
For the packaging of its ‘Care Mask’, Wolford used the high-quality Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board from Sappi.

Sappi: High-quality face masks – in top-quality packaging

  • The quality of Sappi’s Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board makes the difference for Wolford

The unique combination of physical and optical features combined within the Algro Design range of products, convinced the textile manufacturer, Wolford, to use the range to package its innovative face mask. When creating the packaging solution for its ‘Care Mask’ the company chose to combine the premium 350 gsm Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board with extremely challenging ink covering and a number of finishing options. The end result is a packaging solution that is as elegant as it is creative and as a result, perfectly complements the product inside.

  • The quality of Sappi’s Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board makes the difference for Wolford

The unique combination of physical and optical features combined within the Algro Design range of products, convinced the textile manufacturer, Wolford, to use the range to package its innovative face mask. When creating the packaging solution for its ‘Care Mask’ the company chose to combine the premium 350 gsm Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board with extremely challenging ink covering and a number of finishing options. The end result is a packaging solution that is as elegant as it is creative and as a result, perfectly complements the product inside.

  • Premium packaging for premium products
  • Perfect for complex graphic applications
  • Unique service from the innovation leader Sappi

Wolford, founded in Bregenz, Austria, in 1950, is the global market leader in skinwear ‘made in Europe’. Since its establishment, the company has come up with numerous product innovations and is always at the cutting edge. Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit Europe, product developers were considering the idea of launching their own face mask protection, having witnessed the effects of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Asia. Thanks to an outstanding, highly efficient development division, a new product, ‘Care Mask’, was quickly brought to market.

It meets the high-quality standards of Wolford and consists of a premium, soft, breathable material that ensures high wearing comfort. Wolford is particularly proud that such a high-quality product could be developed in just a few weeks, despite reduced working hours and staff working from home. It generally takes some time to progress from development to product maturity. In this case however, everything was ready for market launch within two weeks.

Top quality meets top quality

Alongside the product, Wolford developed an appropriate packaging solution for their high-quality product, in collaboration with their in-house graphics department. To enable the ‘Care Mask’ to be quickly launched, a suitable material needed to be found, which could meet Wolford’s high standards in terms of quality, appearance and feel.
Wolford’s long-term partner, Sappi Europe had the perfect solution right away with its 350 g/m2 Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board. Thanks to its double-coated top and lightly coated back, the material from the innovation leader is a perfect choice for premium packaging.

The high brightness and silky, soft touch of the paperboard gives the packaging a premium, exclusive look and feel. The colour brilliance of Algro Design Advanced and the continuous, precise reproduction of complex print motifs were exactly what Wolford was looking for and met the high standards of the brand. Thanks to its additional outstanding finishing and processing properties, further processing with grooves, hot-foil embossing, paint finishes and adhesives was also easily achievable, which made it perfect for Wolford’s needs.

Service comes first at Sappi

Product capability alone was not enough for this venture however. To allow Wolford to achieve their goal of two weeks from inception to market ready, they also required a highly responsive service level from their trusted partner and Sappi responded at every level.  From selecting the right quality and size to the precise delivery of the paperboard to the printers, all in the space of five days, Sappi was flexible and immediately ready to respond. Thanks in no small part to the proactive support provided by all contributors to the creative process, the ‘Care Mask’ was launched at the end of March 2020 and was a resounding success. 5,000 masks were sold out within an hour and were sent on their way to the customers in their exclusive packaging.


Sappi Europe

Der Einzelhandel trifft Vorkehrungen: Steigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen des Handels - Checkpoint Systems (c) Checkpoint Systems
Checkpoint Systems bietet System für Einzelhandel

Der Einzelhandel trifft Vorkehrungen: Steigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen des Handels - Checkpoint Systems

Der Einzelhandel ist besorgt über erneut ansteigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und ergreift Schutzmaßnahmen für Kunden und Mitarbeiter

  • Checkpoint Systems verwendet SmartOccupancy
  • System steuert die Belegung zum Schutz der Gesundheit automatisch
  • Gewährleistet somit Social Distancing

Hirschhorn – Aufgrund des erneuten rapiden Anstiegs der Covid-19-Fallzahlen in ganz Europa während des letzten Monats ist die Möglichkeit einer zweiten Welle, welche den Kontinent treffen könnte, nicht zu leugnen. Nach Angaben des Europäischen Zentrums für die Prävention und Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) [1] wurden in Europa mittlerweile mehr als drei Millionen Fälle [2] gemeldet, angeführt vom Vereinigten Königreich, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich.

Aufgrund dieser Situation verstärkt der Einzelhandel seine Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens seiner Kunden und Mitarbeiter durch innovative Lösungen, die eine soziale Distanzierung durch die Kontrolle der Belegung der Einzelhandelsgeschäfte ermöglichen.

Der Einzelhandel ist besorgt über erneut ansteigende Covid-19-Fallzahlen und ergreift Schutzmaßnahmen für Kunden und Mitarbeiter

  • Checkpoint Systems verwendet SmartOccupancy
  • System steuert die Belegung zum Schutz der Gesundheit automatisch
  • Gewährleistet somit Social Distancing

Hirschhorn – Aufgrund des erneuten rapiden Anstiegs der Covid-19-Fallzahlen in ganz Europa während des letzten Monats ist die Möglichkeit einer zweiten Welle, welche den Kontinent treffen könnte, nicht zu leugnen. Nach Angaben des Europäischen Zentrums für die Prävention und Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) [1] wurden in Europa mittlerweile mehr als drei Millionen Fälle [2] gemeldet, angeführt vom Vereinigten Königreich, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich.

Aufgrund dieser Situation verstärkt der Einzelhandel seine Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens seiner Kunden und Mitarbeiter durch innovative Lösungen, die eine soziale Distanzierung durch die Kontrolle der Belegung der Einzelhandelsgeschäfte ermöglichen.

Große Einkaufszentren und Outlets, aber auch Supermärkte und Modeeinzelhändler haben sich für den Einsatz von Tools wie SmartOccupancy an ihren Standorten entschieden. SmartOccupancy verwendet innovative Technologie von Checkpoint Systems, um die Belegung automatisch in Echtzeit zu steuern und dadurch die Gesundheit der Menschen zu schützen. Ziel ist es, in den Geschäften soziale Distanzierung sicherzustellen und das Risiko einer möglichen Ansteckung zu minimieren, indem die neuen Belegungsgrenzen eingehalten werden.

Die Kunden haben sich der Nutzung dieser Technologien gegenüber offen gezeigt, da sie es ihnen ermöglichen, beruhigter und sicherer einzukaufen. Denn die Technologien tragen dazu bei, Menschenmassen zu verhindern, die zur Verbreitung des Virus führen könnten.

Angesichts des erneuten Anstiegs der Fallzahlen und der Wahrnehmung einer möglichen Lockerung der sozialen Distanzierungsmaßnahmen installieren die Einzelhändler Tools zur Belegungskontrolle. Konkret wurde SmartOccupancy von der Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) – einer Organisation der Vereinten Nationen – aus über 1.000 Unternehmen und Lösungen aus mehr als 100 Ländern als Finalist ausgewählt, und zwar als eine der innovativsten und bahnbrechendsten Lösungen zur Minimierung der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf den Tourismus.

Das System zählt automatisch und präzise alle eintretenden Personen, ebenso alle, welche das Geschäft wieder verlassen. Bei Annäherung oder Überschreitung der Kapazitätsgrenzen des Geschäfts sendet SmartOccupancy eine Warnung an das Personal. Dieses kann mit Hilfe eines Tablets, das ein Farbsystem zur Bestimmung der Belegungsgrenze der Einrichtung verwendet, eine Alarmmeldung ausgeben. Darüber hinaus wird bei Änderungen ein zusätzlicher Alarm an die Mitarbeiter gesendet, damit diese angemessen reagieren können.

Miguel Garcia Manso, Business Unit Director Germany von Checkpoint Systems, kommentiert: „Der Einzelhandelssektor ist entschlossen, zusammenzukommen, um auf ein gemeinsames Ziel hinzuarbeiten: Gesundheit für alle. Checkpoint bietet die richtige Technologie, um dieses Engagement zu unterstützen, und wir sind zum perfekten Partner geworden, wenn es darum geht, die Gesundheit der Menschen zu schützen und soziale Distanzierung an jedem Ort und in jedem geschlossenen Raum umzusetzen.“


Carta GmbH


Autoneum: Corona-related slump in revenue – bottom point overcome

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production completely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

 Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production com-pletely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

Autoneum promptly responded to the pandemic-related market slump by adopting extensive cost-cutting measures in all regions. These include the reduction of employee costs by, among other things, adjusting time accounts, introducing short-time work at eligible locations and temporary layoffs as well as headcount reduction, mainly among temporary workers. In addition, operating expenditures were limited to the absolutely necessary. The investment volume for 2020, already reduced from previous years, was downsized even further. Autoneum continues to benefit in this regard from the high level of investments undertaken in recent years.

 Although the coronavirus crisis and the measures taken to contain it dominated Autoneum’s course of business in the first half of 2020, the Company achieved necessary operational and financial im-provements during this period. The comprehensive turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress and is on track. Efficiency improvements already achieved there had a posi-tive effect on the figures of the first half-year, but were significantly overcompensated by the substan-tial impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Savings and cost flexibilization measures taken immediately and implemented worldwide in view of the revenue loss could not offset the ongoing, capacity-related fixed costs. This led at the Group level to a negative EBIT of CHF –31.8 million (prior-year period: CHF 16.4 million), which equates to an EBIT margin of –4.4% (prior-year period: 1.4%). The net result decreased because of the severe revenue shortfall to CHF –54.9 million (prior-year period: CHF –6.0 million).

For 2020 Autoneum expects revenue to develop at market level. Although customers’ production volumes should increase again in the second half of 2020 compared with the first semester, latest fore-casts indicate that they will remain clearly below the level of the second half of 2019. Immediately implemented and ongoing cost reduction measures as well as further operational optimizations also within the turnaround program in North America will lead to improvements in the second half of the year. Due to the current uncertainties, a reliable statement on the net result for the full year 2020 thus cannot be made. With regard to the mid-term targets, a recovery of the profitability level is expected, but it will largely depend on the market development.


Autoneum Management AG

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery (c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association have reacted to the new market requirements in a very short time and developed new technologies for knitted, warp knitted as well as woven mouth and nose masks that can be produced without the need for sewing. For surgical masks, FFP2 respirators and social distancing masks, a wide variety of other materials and combinations of materials are used (nonwovens, woven fabrics, knitted or warp knitted fabrics and laminates thereof). Elastic bands are required to wear the masks and several association members provide technologies for their production.

Materials for masks can be treated with textile chemicals to make them antiviral and antibacterial. For this purpose, the VDMA member companies offer application systems which apply the corresponding chemicals to fabric webs. As already mentioned, quality assurance is extremely important for medical products. For this purpose, member companies of the VDMA offer software systems with which each mask can be traced through the entire production process.

VDMA members also offer solutions for the assembly of respirator masks, some of which were developed at short notice. These solutions enable respirators to be produced that meet the relevant standards and the highest quality requirements of customers and market surveillance. This applies to systems for the production of surgical masks and FFP respirators. At the end of the production chain, machines are used to pack masks in single or multiple packs.

In pandemic times, the demand for protective gowns (so-called surgical gowns) also increases. The same applies to disinfecting wipes. For these textile products, too, VDMA members manufacture tailor-made machines for production through to packaging. The quality of the products is ensured by means of measurement and control technology.

In the wake of the corona crisis, VDMA Textile Machinery has launched a new series of web events called "Textile Machinery Webtalk". Here, experts from up to four VDMA member companies present their innovative technologies on a specific topic in a maximum of 90 minutes and are available to answer questions from participants. The presentations are held in English. Participation in the web events is free of charge.
Topics of the first two webtalks were:
"Technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."
"Technologies for the production of respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."

The format is well received. Around 180 people from more than 30 countries took part in the first two webtalks. With this format, the VDMA reaches both textile and nonwovens manufacturers who already manufacture these products and companies that want to invest in new business areas.

The next webtalk will take place on 23 July 2020 from 14.00 to 16.00 (CEST) on the current topic "Technology solutions to produce fully-fashioned community face masks." Experts from KARL MAYER, STOLL by KARL MAYER and Jakob Müller will be presenting their technologies for producing everyday textile masks to an international expert audience. Interested parties can register here.


VDMA Textilmaschinen


ITM 2021: Accelerating the Textile Sector that Has Become Stationary Due to Pandemic

The ITM 2021 Exhibition, which is postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, will direct the world and Turkish textile industry, which will demonstrate a vigorous comeback in the post-pandemic period.

The ITM Exhibition, which was planned to be held between 2-6 June this year, was postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the troublesome Coronavirus pandemic. Participating companies in countries that had to interrupt their production, especially Italy, France, Spain, Germany and China, which were most affected by the virus, welcomed the postponement of the ITM Exhibition. The countries, holding similar opinions that it is not possible to save from the pandemic without effective drug treatment or vaccine against coronavirus, started normalization process by increasing their protective measures while fighting against the pandemic.

The ITM 2021 Exhibition, which is postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, will direct the world and Turkish textile industry, which will demonstrate a vigorous comeback in the post-pandemic period.

The ITM Exhibition, which was planned to be held between 2-6 June this year, was postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the troublesome Coronavirus pandemic. Participating companies in countries that had to interrupt their production, especially Italy, France, Spain, Germany and China, which were most affected by the virus, welcomed the postponement of the ITM Exhibition. The countries, holding similar opinions that it is not possible to save from the pandemic without effective drug treatment or vaccine against coronavirus, started normalization process by increasing their protective measures while fighting against the pandemic.

More information:
ITM textile machinery fair


AFFIX Labs launches world’s first long-lasting surface treatment to kill the coronavirus © 2020 AFFIX Labs
Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact. Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs can be implemented onto any surface.

AFFIX Labs launches world’s first long-lasting surface treatment to kill the coronavirus

  • Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact.

Helsinki - Leading chemical binding expert AFFIX Labs has harnessed its global experience in disease prevention to create the first long-lasting surface treatment proven to kill COVID-19. Si-Quat combines a safe and well-established disinfectant and a proprietary chemical binding technique, so that the active ingredient can kill viruses, including SARS-COV-2. Testing at Portugal’s Biochemistry Institute at the University of Lisbon proves that Si-Quat effectively kills the COVID-19 pathogens that it comes into contact with.

  • Si-Quat by AFFIX Labs is a versatile anti-viral surface treatment that has been scientifically proven to last for months on any surface or textile while effectively killing the COVID-19 pathogen upon contact.

Helsinki - Leading chemical binding expert AFFIX Labs has harnessed its global experience in disease prevention to create the first long-lasting surface treatment proven to kill COVID-19. Si-Quat combines a safe and well-established disinfectant and a proprietary chemical binding technique, so that the active ingredient can kill viruses, including SARS-COV-2. Testing at Portugal’s Biochemistry Institute at the University of Lisbon proves that Si-Quat effectively kills the COVID-19 pathogens that it comes into contact with.

“Tragedies have unfolded across the globe, affecting different countries at varying degrees. The second waves of COVID-19 are just appearing on the horizon. This long-lasting surface treatment is a viable, accessible solution across cultures. By killing the COVID-19 pathogen on surfaces before it can infect people, the Si-Quat solution is a game changer. It can provide increased security and peace of mind to your communities, as well as your customers,” says Tom Sam, CEO of AFFIX Labs.

Si-Quat has been tested to kill 99.99% of microbes within minutes, while still being fully safe to touch. Proven to be effective for about a month on frequently touched surfaces, it is the longest lasting anti-viral surface treatment available to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus. The product is non-corrosive, free from silver salts and heavy metal nanoparticles, and perfectly safe to touch.

Several major agencies around the globe have already accepted quaternary ammonium, the main ingredient in the surface coating, to be an effective surface treatment against the novel coronavirus, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Environmental Protection Agency, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).

Si-Quat was invented in January 2020 by the AFFIX Labs’ Repeltec development team to specifically help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The product is based on the trusted and safe disinfectant quaternary ammonium, which is chemically bound to align silane quaternary ammonium molecules (silane quats) in a highly effective manner. Positively charged nitrogen particles then actively attract viruses and bacteria, penetrating the membranes and killing them within minutes.

Rigorous testing has shown Si-Quat to adhere to almost any surface, performing as the most durable surface treatment commercially available. Due to its incredibly strong layer, the solution only wears down on surfaces after thousands of touches or multiple cleaning cycles. This means that on heavily used surfaces, such as door handles and counters, Si-Quat will be effective for about a month. On rarely touched surfaces like walls, it has the potential to protect for years. Since the product is incredibly easy to apply, technicians require minimal training and only basic protection. They simply have to brush or spray Si-Quat onto the surface and allow it to dry for 6 hours.

“Other sanitising solutions require reapplication to every surface several times daily, interrupting business operations. This results in additional costs and disruptions at a time when many companies are already struggling,” Sam explains. “By combining proven efficacy, safety and long durability, Si-Quat is emerging as an important weapon in the battle against the spread of COVID-19.”

AFFIX Labs has begun to roll out the distribution of Si-Quat across the globe, with new regions being serviced every week. It is currently looking for distribution partners in local markets.

The project leading to the development of Si-Quat included funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union, under the Horizon 2020 Framework for Research and Innovation.

Dinnovative Luftfilter tötet Corona-Virus nachweislich ab (c) Dinnovative GmbH
Dinnovative Luftfilter mit integriertem Ding-Filter

Dinnovative Luftfilter tötet Corona-Virus nachweislich ab

Kaiserslautern - Der von Dinnovative entwickelte und patentierte Ding-Filter eliminiert Viren, Bakterien und Schimmelporen in hoher Effizienz. In China wurde der Luftfilter jetzt erfolgreich ebenfalls auf die Abtötung des SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) im BSL3-Labor in ILAS (Chinese Academy of Medical Science) getestet. Innerhalb von nur einer Stunde wurden 99,9% der Corona-Viren beseitigt.

Der Dinnovative Luftfilter ergänzt die bestehenden Hygiene-Maßnahmen, das Infektionsrisiko in Räumen und Büros zielgerichtet zu minimieren. Für eine breite Nutzung ist dieser in verschiedenen Ausführungen für Atemschutzmasken, Luftreiniger und Klimaanlagen verfügbar. In China wird der Ding-Filter bereits erfolgreich in Atemschutzmasken und Luftfiltern eingesetzt.

Der Luftfilter von Dinnovative verfügt über eine spezielle, patentierte Kupfer-Oberfläche, enthält keine chemischen Biozide und ist damit in der Nutzung für die Gesundheit in jeder Beziehung unbedenklich.

Kaiserslautern - Der von Dinnovative entwickelte und patentierte Ding-Filter eliminiert Viren, Bakterien und Schimmelporen in hoher Effizienz. In China wurde der Luftfilter jetzt erfolgreich ebenfalls auf die Abtötung des SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) im BSL3-Labor in ILAS (Chinese Academy of Medical Science) getestet. Innerhalb von nur einer Stunde wurden 99,9% der Corona-Viren beseitigt.

Der Dinnovative Luftfilter ergänzt die bestehenden Hygiene-Maßnahmen, das Infektionsrisiko in Räumen und Büros zielgerichtet zu minimieren. Für eine breite Nutzung ist dieser in verschiedenen Ausführungen für Atemschutzmasken, Luftreiniger und Klimaanlagen verfügbar. In China wird der Ding-Filter bereits erfolgreich in Atemschutzmasken und Luftfiltern eingesetzt.

Der Luftfilter von Dinnovative verfügt über eine spezielle, patentierte Kupfer-Oberfläche, enthält keine chemischen Biozide und ist damit in der Nutzung für die Gesundheit in jeder Beziehung unbedenklich.

Das Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2 wird in erster Linie über die Luft von Mensch zu Mensch beim Husten und Niesen sowie über Aerosole beim Sprechen übertragen. Befinden sich mehrere Personen in einem Raum, im Büro, Restaurant bis hin zum Klassenzimmer, können Luftreiniger mit eingesetztem Ding-Filter damit das Ansteckungsrisiko wesentlich verringern.

Die Dinnovative GmbH aus Kaiserslautern entwickelt und produziert innovative Spezialfilter und Luftreiniger für verschiedene Anwendungen. Basis dessen ist der inzwischen international zum Patent angemeldete Ding-Filter, der die angesaugte Raumluft effizient von Viren, Bakterien und Schimmelsporen befreit.


Dinnovative GmbH

Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology meanwhile in demand across the globe (c) Oerlikon
Daniel Günther (2nd from left), Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President, together with Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, Matthias Pilz, Head of Oerlikon Neumag, and Matthias Wäsch, Chairman of the Works Council, at the tour of the Neumünster site where the Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology – currently in huge demand across the globe – is manufactured.

Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology meanwhile in demand across the globe

  • Schleswig-Holstein Minister President visits Neumünster, Germany

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at the Oerlikon Nonwoven business unit of the Swiss Oerlikon Group. From the manufacturing site in Neumünster, Germany, the high-tech meltblown systems – with their patented ecuTE+ nonwovens electro-charging technology – are meanwhile be exported all over the world. For the very first time, a contract has now been signed with a business in Australia. Today, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther was won over on site by the technology of a ‘global player’. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, was thrilled, stating: “The machines and systems for manufacturing manmade fiber and nonwovens solutions from Neumünster enjoy an outstanding reputation throughout the world. It is especially in this crisis that the technology from Schleswig-Holstein has proven itself to be absolutely world-class.”

  • Schleswig-Holstein Minister President visits Neumünster, Germany

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at the Oerlikon Nonwoven business unit of the Swiss Oerlikon Group. From the manufacturing site in Neumünster, Germany, the high-tech meltblown systems – with their patented ecuTE+ nonwovens electro-charging technology – are meanwhile be exported all over the world. For the very first time, a contract has now been signed with a business in Australia. Today, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther was won over on site by the technology of a ‘global player’. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, was thrilled, stating: “The machines and systems for manufacturing manmade fiber and nonwovens solutions from Neumünster enjoy an outstanding reputation throughout the world. It is especially in this crisis that the technology from Schleswig-Holstein has proven itself to be absolutely world-class.”

In addition to a tour of the meltblown system and its assembly and production facilities, the visit by Minister President Daniel Günther had one purpose above all: the dialog between politicians and business. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, and Matthias Pilz, Head of Oerlikon Neumag, jointly expressed their thanks for the support that Oerlikon has repeatedly had the fortune to experience over the past months and years in Schleswig-Holstein and looked to the future full of hope. “As a result of our additional investment at the site here in Neumünster – be this in our new technology center that will be completed by the end of this year or in our new logistics center that is already operating – we, as one of the region’s largest employers, are continuing to move forward, supported by a State Government that is also focusing on both promoting industry and business and on advancing an efficient training and educational system, as innovation is only possible with outstanding engineers”, stated Matthias Pilz. And Rainer Straub directed his appeal specifically at the Minister President: “Treat education and training as a priority. Ultimately, they will secure the future of Schleswig-Holstein as a center of excellence and manufacturing!”

Five-million-euro digitalization program

Daniel Günther, the incumbent Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein since 2017, immediately responded, making reference to one of the Federal State’s current training initiatives: “The State Government is supporting higher education institutions and students in the present coronavirus crisis. With a five-million-euro digitalization program, we are investing on the long-term digitalization of our higher education institutions. With this, we are overall creating a future for young people, particularly also for those who could very well go on to invent the next generation of manmade fiber systems.” And the Minister President was just as impressed by the willingness and readiness with which Oerlikon has been providing high-level support since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to master the present challenges as he was with the company’s meltblown technology itself. Rainer Straub explained: “When, at the beginning of the pandemic in February, demand for protective face masks increased rapidly, we at Oerlikon Nonwoven responded immediately. We ramped up all the available production capacities here in Neumünster in order to quickly manufacture nonwovens for producing face masks using our laboratory systems. As a result, we have been able to make a small, regional contribution to covering demand. In parallel, we have pulled out all the stops in order to systematically further expand our skills as machine and system builders so as to cater to the initially expected, and now also continuing, global demand for meltblown systems as quickly as possible.”

Leading meltblown technology

The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology – with which nonwovens for protective masks can also be manufactured, among other things – is recognized by the market as being the technically most efficient method for producing highly-separating filter media made from plastic fibers. The capacities for respiratory masks available in Europe to date are predominantly manufactured on Oerlikon Nonwoven systems. “Ever more manufacturers in the most diverse countries are hoping to become independent of imports. Therefore, what we are experiencing in Germany is also happening in both industrialized and emerging countries throughout the world”, commented Rainer Straub. In addition to China, Turkey, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Austria and numerous countries in both North and South America, Australia and not least Germany will for the first time also be among the countries to which Oerlikon Nonwoven will be delivering machines and equipment before the end of 2021.


Südwesttextil und AFBW: Bei Masken herrscht der „Wilde Westen“

Kritik an mangelnder Marktüberwachung – gefährliche Regelverstöße bei Kindermasken

Durch die Corona-Krise wurden Schutzmasken zur Mangelware. Schnell machten Meldungen die Runde, dass es in Deutschland nicht ausreichend Schutzmaterialien für alle geben wird. Viele deutsche Hersteller haben auf eine Renaissance der textilen Herstellung in Deutschland gesetzt und sind in die Produktion der unterschiedlichen Maskentypen eingestiegen. Nun setzt vielerorts Ernüchterung ein. Denn es herrscht unfairer Wettbewerb, so die Kritik des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverbands Südwesttextil und des Netzwerks AFBW, die zusammen über 300 Unternehmen der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie vertreten.

In Deutschland hergestellte Produkte unterliegen hohen Qualitätsansprüchen und Normen. Zum Teil müssen die Produkte aufwendig zertifiziert werden. „Da wundert es schon, dass viele ausländische Produkte, vornehmlich aus Asien, diese Normen und Standards anscheinend nicht einhalten“, so AFBW-Geschäftsführerin Ulrike Möller. Zwar gebe es auch für importierte Schutztextilien Regeln und Vorgaben, diese würden aber offensichtlich nicht nachhaltig genug überprüft.

Kritik an mangelnder Marktüberwachung – gefährliche Regelverstöße bei Kindermasken

Durch die Corona-Krise wurden Schutzmasken zur Mangelware. Schnell machten Meldungen die Runde, dass es in Deutschland nicht ausreichend Schutzmaterialien für alle geben wird. Viele deutsche Hersteller haben auf eine Renaissance der textilen Herstellung in Deutschland gesetzt und sind in die Produktion der unterschiedlichen Maskentypen eingestiegen. Nun setzt vielerorts Ernüchterung ein. Denn es herrscht unfairer Wettbewerb, so die Kritik des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverbands Südwesttextil und des Netzwerks AFBW, die zusammen über 300 Unternehmen der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie vertreten.

In Deutschland hergestellte Produkte unterliegen hohen Qualitätsansprüchen und Normen. Zum Teil müssen die Produkte aufwendig zertifiziert werden. „Da wundert es schon, dass viele ausländische Produkte, vornehmlich aus Asien, diese Normen und Standards anscheinend nicht einhalten“, so AFBW-Geschäftsführerin Ulrike Möller. Zwar gebe es auch für importierte Schutztextilien Regeln und Vorgaben, diese würden aber offensichtlich nicht nachhaltig genug überprüft.

So unterliegt eine Mund-Nasen-Maske beispielsweise der klaren Kennzeichnungspflicht, da es ein Kleidungstück und keine Schutzausrüstung ist. Aktuell böten deutsche Discounter und Online-Händler dennoch falsch deklarierte Mund-Masken-Masken an, bei denen die Artikelbezeichnung oder die Produktbeschreibung fehlerhaft sei, zum Beispiel wenn sie als „Schutzmaske“ bezeichnet und beworben würden. Zu einem ernsten Problem wird dies auch bei Kindermasken. Besonders die Befestigung der Maske bietet Anlass zur Beschwerde. Verstöße gegen Normen und Vorgaben sind hier keine Seltenheit. Auf diversen Online-Plattformen findet man Masken, die gebunden werden – was nicht erlaubt ist.

Seit Dezember 2014 gibt es eine aktualisierte Fassung der Europäischen Norm DIN 14682 (Sicherheit von Kinderbekleidung). Danach sind im Kopf-, Nacken- und oberen Brustbereich von Kleidungsstücken für junge Kinder (jünger als 7 Jahre) keine funktionellen Kordeln und Zugbänder erlaubt. Die neue Norm beinhaltet jetzt nicht mehr nur den Kapuzen- und Halsbereich auf der Körperfrontseite, sondern den gesamten Kopf-, Nacken- und oberen Brustbereich inklusive der entsprechenden Bereiche auf der Körperrückseite. Bei den Definitionen von Kordeln, Zugbändern, Schulterträgern und Nackenbändern wurde ergänzt, dass diese auch aus elastischem Material bestehen können.

Bei Kleidung für Kinder zwischen 7 und 14 Jahren sollten im Kapuzen- und Halsbereich keine Kordeln, die eine bestimmte Länge überschreiten oder Zugbänder, die lose Enden haben, eingesetzt werden. Kordeln im Kapuzen- und Halsbereich sollten nicht elastisch sein, außer Schulterträger und Nackenverschlüsse. Auch sollte Kinderbekleidung keine Kordeln oder Zugbänder (auch hier gibt es genaue Längenvorgaben) mit freien Enden im Brust- und Taillenbereich haben. „Masken für Kinder, die gebunden werden, sind ein absoluter Regelverstoß und stellen ein Risiko dar“, so Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführer Peter Haas.

Seine Verbandsmitglieder, die sich an die Vorgaben halten, fragten sich, warum diese Artikel überhaupt im Markt ankommen und warum diese nicht von den staatlichen Kontrolleuren aus den Regalen geholt werden. „Im Moment ist der Ehrliche der Dumme“, so Haas. Es dürfe aber nicht sein, dass heimische Hersteller, die sich an die aufwändigen Standards hielten, mit Anbietern konkurrieren müssten, die diese Standards missachteten und dabei sogar Risiken für Kinder in Kauf nähmen.


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie – Südwesttextil e.V.


CHT is implementing antiviral textile treatment in the textile industry

  • HeiQ Viroblock by CHT provides effective antiviral treatment on different fabrics
  • No infective viruses left after 30 minutes
  • For a wide range of protective textile applications

CHT is cooperating with HeiQ by implementing the HeiQ Viroblock by CHT in the textile industry, globally. HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory.

HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is a textile treatment for industrial use, designed to provide textiles with antiviral and antibacterial properties. The combination of silver antimicrobial technology and vesicle technology rapidly destroy enveloped viruses including coronaviruses. It has previously been tested against coronavirus 229E, another strain of virus in the Coronavirus family.

  • HeiQ Viroblock by CHT provides effective antiviral treatment on different fabrics
  • No infective viruses left after 30 minutes
  • For a wide range of protective textile applications

CHT is cooperating with HeiQ by implementing the HeiQ Viroblock by CHT in the textile industry, globally. HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is among the first textile technologies in the world to be proven effective against SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory.

HeiQ Viroblock by CHT is a textile treatment for industrial use, designed to provide textiles with antiviral and antibacterial properties. The combination of silver antimicrobial technology and vesicle technology rapidly destroy enveloped viruses including coronaviruses. It has previously been tested against coronavirus 229E, another strain of virus in the Coronavirus family.

The latest testing with SARS-CoV-2 virus was conducted by researchers at the Doherty Institute, a joint venture between the University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital, an internationally renowned institution combining research, teaching, public health and reference laboratory services, diagnostic services and clinical care into infectious diseases and immunity. The research project involved a disinfection test protocol that simulated the real-life interaction of small aerosol droplets contaminating clothing. A known concentration of SARS-CoV-2 virus was contacted with the sample fabric for 30 minutes followed by measurement of remaining infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The fabric sample treated with HeiQ Viroblock by CHT had no infective viruses left after 30 minutes. The result indicated a SARS-CoV-2 virus reduction of 99.99% relative to the inoculum control.

More information:
CHT Germany GmbH CHT Germany

CHT Germany GmbH

Chantelle Lingerie stellt die Produktion auf Mund- und Nasenmasken (c) Chantelle Lingerie

Chantelle Lingerie stellt Produktion auf Mund- und Nasenmasken um

Mit Flexibilität und Innovation durch die Krise: Chantelle Lingerie stellt die Produktion auf Mund- und Nasenmasken um und sichert das Fortbestehen des Unternehmens

Düsseldorf - Angesichts der Covid-19-Pandemie und des dringenden Bedarfs an Mund- und Nasenmasken hat das französische Familienunternehmen Chantelle schnell reagiert und sein Fachwissen sowie seine Werksmitarbeiter eingesetzt, um wiederverwendbare Mund- und Nasenmasken für den nicht medizinischen Gebrauch herzustellen. Die Produktion läuft bereits seit zwei Monaten, währenddessen hat das Unternehmen seine Unterwäscheproduktion pausiert.

Für Ende Juni werden in der extra geschaffenen Lagerzone rund 20 Millionen Masken erwartet. Im Chantelle Lager in Corbie finden normalerweise an die vier Millionen BHs Platz, theoretisch können hier also 50 bis 60 Millionen Masken gelagert werden.

Mit Flexibilität und Innovation durch die Krise: Chantelle Lingerie stellt die Produktion auf Mund- und Nasenmasken um und sichert das Fortbestehen des Unternehmens

Düsseldorf - Angesichts der Covid-19-Pandemie und des dringenden Bedarfs an Mund- und Nasenmasken hat das französische Familienunternehmen Chantelle schnell reagiert und sein Fachwissen sowie seine Werksmitarbeiter eingesetzt, um wiederverwendbare Mund- und Nasenmasken für den nicht medizinischen Gebrauch herzustellen. Die Produktion läuft bereits seit zwei Monaten, währenddessen hat das Unternehmen seine Unterwäscheproduktion pausiert.

Für Ende Juni werden in der extra geschaffenen Lagerzone rund 20 Millionen Masken erwartet. Im Chantelle Lager in Corbie finden normalerweise an die vier Millionen BHs Platz, theoretisch können hier also 50 bis 60 Millionen Masken gelagert werden.

Guillaume Kretz, Geschäftsführer von Chantelle: „Das Thema hat weltweite Relevanz, deswegen wollen wir auch Südamerika, dort wo die Pandemie erst jetzt beginnt, genügend Masken zur Verfügung stellen. Mit der Covid-Pandemie kam der Anstoß umzudenken, die Produktion von Masken voranzutreiben, die auch allgemein gegen Krankheiten und Umweltverschmutzung (z.B. Smog) schützen. Wir wollen die Masken weiter verbessern und auch in Zukunft in Innovationen investieren und so zum Beispiel bis zum Ende des Jahres Masken für Schwerhörige entwickeln, die das Lippenlesen ermöglichen.“ und ein großes Zukunftspotential haben.

Das renommierte Familienunternehmen Chantelle Lingerie wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gegründet und hat schon einige wirtschaftliche und politische Krisen miterlebt.

Das Unternehmen reagiert in Krisensituationen in kürzester Zeit und äußerst flexibel um sicherzustellen, dass Mitarbeiter gehalten und das Fortbestehen des Unternehmens gesichert werden kann. Als wegen der Schließung der Läden im Rahmen der Corona-Krise die Anfrage nach Unterwäsche stark zurückgegangen ist, hat das Unternehmen besonders schnell reagiert und die Produktion in den eigenen Werken in Frankreich, Marokko, Tunesien, Thailand und Vietnam, umgestellt.

„Wir sind eine Textil-Firma, die ihre Historie in der Lingerie hat. Zu unserer Kernkompetenz zählt das Gefühl für Materialien und ideale Passformen – Ideen setzen wir schnell um, die auf hochwertigstem Niveau in unseren Produktionsstätten gefertigt werden können. Wir agieren schnell, effektiv und passen die Produktionskapazitäten der realen Nachfrage an“, erklärt Guillaume Kretz.

Innerhalb von nur drei Wochen hat das Unternehmen standardisierte Masken produziert und plant zukünftig den Tragekomfort als auch die Funktion zu verbessern. Als einer der größten Unterwäschehersteller weltweit hat Chantelle sich zum Ziel gesetzt Mund- und Nasenmasken dauerhaft im Sortiment aufzunehmen und sich im Bereich der Produktion von Mund- und Nasenmasken als Marktführer zu etablieren – das flexible und innovative Marktmanagement von Chantelle ermöglichte, dass das Unternehmen auch diese Krise ohne allzu große Verluste überstanden hat. :