From the Sector

19 results
Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland (c) Unisport

Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport / crystal communications GmbH

TMAS: Vandewiele Sweden launches e-commerce platform (c) Vandewiele Sweden AB

TMAS: Vandewiele Sweden launches e-commerce platform

Vandewiele Sweden is spearheading a transformation in B2B operations for the industry, with a new e-commerce platform developed in Sweden. The company, a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has taken on the task of developing the digital solution that will meet the future demands for Vandewiele Group customers worldwide.

The Vandewiele Sweden team has developed a user-friendly interface that exploits the latest "exploding view" diagrams to ensure customers can easily identify and order the components they need, all within a 1:1 digital representation. The next stage in 3D technology is set up and ready, although it awaits implementation and market readiness to fully integrate and utilize its features.

Adopting a phased approach, the company is initially introducing its IRO-branded accessories, spare parts and gauge parts, targeting textile mills, weavers and distributors. The platform has been carefully crafted to cater to the varying needs of its diverse clientele, offering streamlined direct sales and a transparent commission structure for agents and distributors.

Vandewiele Sweden is spearheading a transformation in B2B operations for the industry, with a new e-commerce platform developed in Sweden. The company, a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has taken on the task of developing the digital solution that will meet the future demands for Vandewiele Group customers worldwide.

The Vandewiele Sweden team has developed a user-friendly interface that exploits the latest "exploding view" diagrams to ensure customers can easily identify and order the components they need, all within a 1:1 digital representation. The next stage in 3D technology is set up and ready, although it awaits implementation and market readiness to fully integrate and utilize its features.

Adopting a phased approach, the company is initially introducing its IRO-branded accessories, spare parts and gauge parts, targeting textile mills, weavers and distributors. The platform has been carefully crafted to cater to the varying needs of its diverse clientele, offering streamlined direct sales and a transparent commission structure for agents and distributors.

With an ambitious logistics promise of 48-hour dispatch and leveraging third-party payment service providers like Nets, the company assures speed and reliability in every transaction.

Scheduled for launch in April, Vandewiele stands ready to introduce its new e-commerce solution to key markets, including Scandinavia, the Baltics, parts of Europe, Turkey, and India.


TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association


Odlo: Online-Business mit Plattform von SCAYLE

Die Sportbekleidungsmarke Odlo hat sich für die Enterprise-Commerce-Plattform von SCAYLE entschieden, um das eigene Online-Business zukunftsfähig aufzustellen. Der Start der neuen Online-Präsenz von Odlo ist Anfang 2025 geplant.

Durch die Migration zu SCAYLE erhält der in der Schweiz ansässige Hersteller von Funktionsbekleidung eine E-Commerce-Plattform, die für B2C-Marken und Einzelhändler optimiert ist. Der Funktionsumfang von SCAYLE, inklusive spezieller Omnichannel- und Internationalisierungsfunktionen, ermöglicht es dem Sportunternehmen, sein Digitalgeschäft über Shops, Kanäle und Länder hinweg zu steuern.

Die Sportbekleidungsmarke Odlo hat sich für die Enterprise-Commerce-Plattform von SCAYLE entschieden, um das eigene Online-Business zukunftsfähig aufzustellen. Der Start der neuen Online-Präsenz von Odlo ist Anfang 2025 geplant.

Durch die Migration zu SCAYLE erhält der in der Schweiz ansässige Hersteller von Funktionsbekleidung eine E-Commerce-Plattform, die für B2C-Marken und Einzelhändler optimiert ist. Der Funktionsumfang von SCAYLE, inklusive spezieller Omnichannel- und Internationalisierungsfunktionen, ermöglicht es dem Sportunternehmen, sein Digitalgeschäft über Shops, Kanäle und Länder hinweg zu steuern.


SCAYLE / Vaubel Medienberatung GmbH


SCAYLE: "Major Player" im IDC MarketScape

SCAYLE, Enterprise-Shop-System für B2C, wurde im IDC MarketScape “Worldwide B2C Digital Commerce Platforms for Midmarket Growth 2024 Vendor Assessment” als "Major Player" genannt.

IDC MarketScape ist ein führendes Tool zur Bewertung von Technologieanbietern, das detaillierte quantitative und qualitative Bewertungen in einer Vielzahl von Sektoren bietet.

SCAYLE wurde entwickelt, um schnell wachsenden Retailern mit großem Sortiment und komplexen Unternehmensanforderungen zu helfen. Die flexible Architektur umfasst integrierte modulare Services wie PIM, Marktplatz, Shop-Management, Checkout und OMS. Weitere Module können hinzugebucht werden, um speziellen Bedürfnissen von Retailern gerecht zu werden. SCAYLE unterstützt globale Marken wie Deichmann, Marc O'Polo und Manchester United.

SCAYLE, Enterprise-Shop-System für B2C, wurde im IDC MarketScape “Worldwide B2C Digital Commerce Platforms for Midmarket Growth 2024 Vendor Assessment” als "Major Player" genannt.

IDC MarketScape ist ein führendes Tool zur Bewertung von Technologieanbietern, das detaillierte quantitative und qualitative Bewertungen in einer Vielzahl von Sektoren bietet.

SCAYLE wurde entwickelt, um schnell wachsenden Retailern mit großem Sortiment und komplexen Unternehmensanforderungen zu helfen. Die flexible Architektur umfasst integrierte modulare Services wie PIM, Marktplatz, Shop-Management, Checkout und OMS. Weitere Module können hinzugebucht werden, um speziellen Bedürfnissen von Retailern gerecht zu werden. SCAYLE unterstützt globale Marken wie Deichmann, Marc O'Polo und Manchester United.

More information:
SCAYLE E-Commerce B2C



Manchester United partners with SCAYLE for e-commerce platform

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.


SCAYLE / Vaubel Medienberatung GmbH


Paul Smith gestaltet E-Commerce-Geschäft mit Storybloks CMS

Die britische Designermarke Paul Smith kooperiert mit dem Enterprise Headless CMS Storyblok, um ihre Website und das Kundenerlebnis zu modernisieren und zukunftssicher zu gestalten.

Paul Smith implementierte – mithilfe der auf E-Commerce spezialisierten Agentur Limesharp – innerhalb einer achtmonatigen Frist die Headless-CMS-Technologie von Storyblok und erzielte eine gesteigerte Seitenladegeschwindigkeit von etwa 50%, zusammen mit höheren Conversion- und Umsatzraten.

Zur Feier des 50-jährigen Unternehmensjubiläums plante das Team von Paul Smith, die Kundenansprache sowie -Kommunikation zu transformieren und seine Marke neu zu etablieren. Zusätzlich wurde die Website neu gestaltet, um das Kundenerlebnis ihres Flagship-Stores in Los Angeles auf den Online-Shop zu übertragen. Vor allem aber suchte das Unternehmen nach einer Lösung, die sein Online-Business fit für die Zukunft macht und dabei hilft, auch in den nächsten fünfzig Jahren relevant zu bleiben.

Die britische Designermarke Paul Smith kooperiert mit dem Enterprise Headless CMS Storyblok, um ihre Website und das Kundenerlebnis zu modernisieren und zukunftssicher zu gestalten.

Paul Smith implementierte – mithilfe der auf E-Commerce spezialisierten Agentur Limesharp – innerhalb einer achtmonatigen Frist die Headless-CMS-Technologie von Storyblok und erzielte eine gesteigerte Seitenladegeschwindigkeit von etwa 50%, zusammen mit höheren Conversion- und Umsatzraten.

Zur Feier des 50-jährigen Unternehmensjubiläums plante das Team von Paul Smith, die Kundenansprache sowie -Kommunikation zu transformieren und seine Marke neu zu etablieren. Zusätzlich wurde die Website neu gestaltet, um das Kundenerlebnis ihres Flagship-Stores in Los Angeles auf den Online-Shop zu übertragen. Vor allem aber suchte das Unternehmen nach einer Lösung, die sein Online-Business fit für die Zukunft macht und dabei hilft, auch in den nächsten fünfzig Jahren relevant zu bleiben.

Das Team von Paul Smith entwickelte das neue Backend intern, während Limesharp das Frontend erstellte. Durch die Implementierung der Technologie von Storyblok profitieren die Content-Teams von Paul Smith nun von mehr Flexibilität und können – völlig eigenständig – Designs und Layouts aktualisieren, Content planen, zahlreiche Updates gesammelt durchführen und auf verschiedenste Wege auf Daten zugreifen.

Mit Storyblok und der Headless-Technologie konnte Paul Smith sein CMS mit einer Vielzahl externer Anwendungen verknüpfen – darunter Larevel für Middleware, Magento für E-Commerce, Cloudinary für das Management digitaler Assets (DAM) und Klevu für Suchanfragen, Produktempfehlungen und Visual Merchandising.

Dank dieser digitalen Transformation erhielt Paul Smith sogar den ‘Best Digital Experience Award’ bei den MACH Impact Awards 2023 und einen Preis für Digitale Innovation bei den Retail TouchPoints 2023 Brand Experience Awards.



Photo from Pixabay

Otrium and Bleckmann launch garment repair partnership

Digital fashion outlet Otrium announces the launch of a dedicated garment refurbishment and repair programme for damaged returns following a successful pilot scheme. The initiative is being run in partnership with Bleckmann, experts in supply chain management for fashion and lifestyle brands. Working with Bleckmann’s team of circular fashion experts from The Renewal Workshop, Otrium is taking the next step in its strategic journey to help reduce the number of that might ultimately end up in landfills or destroyed.
Most of the returns that Otrium currently receives can be easily restored and put back on sale. However, in rare cases, returned items are damaged. “Preventing waste is an important part of Otrium’s DNA, and thanks to our partnership with Bleckmann and their Renewal Workshop team, we can now repair the majority of damaged returns and put them back into circulation,” said Kevin Carolan, Director of Logistics at Otrium. “We are happy that we can use our position in the fashion supply chain to create lasting change and accelerate towards our mission of reducing the volume of garments that go to landfill.”

Digital fashion outlet Otrium announces the launch of a dedicated garment refurbishment and repair programme for damaged returns following a successful pilot scheme. The initiative is being run in partnership with Bleckmann, experts in supply chain management for fashion and lifestyle brands. Working with Bleckmann’s team of circular fashion experts from The Renewal Workshop, Otrium is taking the next step in its strategic journey to help reduce the number of that might ultimately end up in landfills or destroyed.
Most of the returns that Otrium currently receives can be easily restored and put back on sale. However, in rare cases, returned items are damaged. “Preventing waste is an important part of Otrium’s DNA, and thanks to our partnership with Bleckmann and their Renewal Workshop team, we can now repair the majority of damaged returns and put them back into circulation,” said Kevin Carolan, Director of Logistics at Otrium. “We are happy that we can use our position in the fashion supply chain to create lasting change and accelerate towards our mission of reducing the volume of garments that go to landfill.”

Since 2020, Otrium is exploring refurbishment and repairs with their third-party logistics provider Bleckmann. In April 2023, both partners started a three-month pilot at Bleckmann’s facility in Almelo, the Netherlands, to expand the programme with a broader range of repairs and optimised processes through data use. During the pilot, the Renewal Workshop team at Bleckmann refurbished more than 1,000 returned garments, shoes and accessories for Otrium each month.

“With hundreds of high-end labels on the platform, we needed an efficient solution tailored to the needs of a wide range of products – from shoes and coats to bags,” explained Marlot Kiveron, Head of Sustainability at Otrium. “The Renewal Workshop team worked closely with us to develop a streamlined and scalable process that could grow in line with our ambitions, delivering like-new repairs at the speed of e-commerce. Their combination of purpose, professionalism, agility and expertise makes them the ideal partner for this kind of project.”
Bleckmann’s integrated data capabilities were also crucial to the success of the partnership. “Data collection and analysis can be vital in demonstrating the commercial viability of sustainability initiatives,” said Tamara Zwart, Director of Renewal at Bleckmann. “Using our advanced stock tracking systems, we determined that 70% of the renewed Otrium stock had been sold within seven weeks. We’re all delighted with the results!”
Furthermore, carbon-tracking software Vaayu calculated that on average, a refurbished return sold on Otrium avoids 2.760kg of carbon emissions and 69g of waste proofing that this programme can have a positive impact on both: the planet and the business.

Having established the business case, the team decided to expand the initiative beyond the pilot phase. “This project is a milestone in our sustainability journey,” concluded Marlot. “It’s a key part of our ongoing commitment to finding more ways to reduce our environmental impact while helping to ensure that more clothes get worn. By the end of 2023, we aim to repair at least 25,000 damaged garments. Together with Bleckmann and their renewal experts, we’re well on our way to proving that this circular business model can be a valuable part of our future growth.”


Otrium, Bleckmann

(c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH

PREMIUM and SEEK redefine "trade fairs" - FEEL CONNECTED AGAIN

With its new Trend and Event Platform, the Premium Group presents a new concept for a progressive community. According to Premium Group classic trade fair formats are over - this summer it's all about (re)connection, real emotions and new perspectives. The emphasis lies on the most relevant trends and the power of networking, but in a more personalised and intimate way.

With its new Trend and Event Platform, the Premium Group presents a new concept for a progressive community. According to Premium Group classic trade fair formats are over - this summer it's all about (re)connection, real emotions and new perspectives. The emphasis lies on the most relevant trends and the power of networking, but in a more personalised and intimate way.

PREMIUM and SEEK are focusing on a more rigorous curation of promising brands and collections as well as various opportunities to connect. An extensive content programme of keynotes, round tables, live interviews, study presentations and panels on the most important trends will offer two diverse and time-efficient days. The areas of concentration encompass sustainability, technology, fashion, business, lifestyle, and beauty. The repertoire of topics include marketing themes such as LinkedIn and Tik Tok, new tech tools such as ChatGPT or Virtual Dressing as well as news from the metaverse. Sustainability topics such as denim, circularity, re-commerce, vintage and the new Green Deal laws will be discussed as well as cross-industry topics such as female empowerment, Gen Z and modern leadership.
PREMIUM marks the first event of the season for womenswear. New silhouettes, design trends, provocation and the current zeitgeist are brought to the forefront with a carefully curated selection of brands. The fashion scene and visitors can look forward to the best of denim, hyper-femininity, beauty, well-being, future Berlin icons and innovations from the tech and lifestyle sphere. New talents will also have the opportunity to pitch their labels to a professional audience. SEEK focuses on heritage, Y2K, modern sportswear, outdoor and sustainable brands, which will be shown in the CONSCIOUS CLUB. Other highlights will include talks and inspiring activations from the community.

"We listen, research and curate the most important trends for the industry. To do this, our team of experts travels across Europe and exchange ideas with representatives from the entire industry. The results of months of work can be discovered in two days," says Maren Wiebus, Creative Director of the Premium Group.

Today, attention is the most important currency for the fashion industry. This is also why, for the very first time ever, the Premium Group events will take place over only two days instead of three. At the same time, generally accepted norms and rules are questioned, taken apart, and put back together again. The organisers of Premium Group invite fashion professionals to discuss the rules and redefine them together.
The summer editions of PREMIUM and SEEK will take place on 11 and 12 July at the new old location Station-Berlin in the heart of Berlin.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH


Hohenstein invests 1.3 million Euro in Sizekick

Aim: Reducing returns and thus increasing sustainability in fashion e-commerce

Hohenstein, a global market leader in apparel sizing and fit development, has invested in AI technology startup, Sizekick. The collaboration will enable accurate decisions on apparel size, improving online shopping experiences, reducing returns and preventing the associated CO2 emissions.

Hohenstein’s 1.3 million Euro investment in the 2022 startup will drive growth in the Sizekick team and enable the 2023 launch of its smartphone app for online shoppers.  The technology will enable online shoppers to find the right clothing size in a few seconds via smartphone.

Aim: Reducing returns and thus increasing sustainability in fashion e-commerce

Hohenstein, a global market leader in apparel sizing and fit development, has invested in AI technology startup, Sizekick. The collaboration will enable accurate decisions on apparel size, improving online shopping experiences, reducing returns and preventing the associated CO2 emissions.

Hohenstein’s 1.3 million Euro investment in the 2022 startup will drive growth in the Sizekick team and enable the 2023 launch of its smartphone app for online shoppers.  The technology will enable online shoppers to find the right clothing size in a few seconds via smartphone.

Sizekick puts an end to unnecessary size-related returns in fashion online retail. The Munich-based company uses artificial intelligence and computer vision technology to recommend the right clothing size to customers in partner web stores. With the help of the integrated Sizekick software and a smartphone, anyone can find the right size in a few seconds. Fashion and sports brands, but also multi-brand stores or marketplaces can integrate the "Sizekick Button" in their online store. Sizekick offers its solution as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

"The strategic partnership with Hohenstein enables us, as a new AI solution, to meet the high demands of the market right at the start and to take on the role of technology leader. Our artificial intelligence is already learning thanks to the comprehensive Hohenstein database of 3D body scans. This is an extremely big advantage for our AI," highlights Jake Lydon, CTO at Sizekick.




Seven Senders Studie zur Nachhaltigkeit im E-Commerce

Viele wollen sich etwas leisten – und das Klima schützen. Im Spannungsfeld dieses scheinbaren Dilemmas operiert der florierende Onlinehandel in Europa. 60 Prozent der Deutschen sogar 64,2 Prozent der Franzosen halten den E-Commerce für eine Umweltsünde. Damit liegen sie falsch, wie wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen belegen. Das geht aus einer vorgestellten Studie von Seven Senders zur Nachhaltigkeit im Onlinehandel hervor. Sie führt die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema zusammen, ergänzt sie durch eine aktuelle Umfrage unter Konsumenten in sieben europäischen Ländern und bündelt sie zu Praxistipps und Best Practices für E-Tailer.

Viele wollen sich etwas leisten – und das Klima schützen. Im Spannungsfeld dieses scheinbaren Dilemmas operiert der florierende Onlinehandel in Europa. 60 Prozent der Deutschen sogar 64,2 Prozent der Franzosen halten den E-Commerce für eine Umweltsünde. Damit liegen sie falsch, wie wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen belegen. Das geht aus einer vorgestellten Studie von Seven Senders zur Nachhaltigkeit im Onlinehandel hervor. Sie führt die wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema zusammen, ergänzt sie durch eine aktuelle Umfrage unter Konsumenten in sieben europäischen Ländern und bündelt sie zu Praxistipps und Best Practices für E-Tailer.

Wo die Potenziale liegen …
In der Generation Z, der junge Menschen zwischen 18 und 24 angehören, meinen neun von zehn, dass jedes Unternehmen Umweltverantwortung übernehmen sollte. Dabei interessieren sich 85 Prozent der europäischen Firmen für eine Reduktion ihrer Emissionen. Das betrifft auch die E-Commerce-Branche, obwohl sie – verglichen mit dem stationären Handel – in Sachen Umweltbelastung deutlich besser dasteht: Durchschnittlich ist der berechnete CO2-Ausstoß pro im Internet verkauftem Produkt um den Faktor 2,3 geringer. Dennoch gibt es in Sachen Klimaschutz noch Luft nach oben: Der Löwenanteil der im E-Commerce generierten Emissionen entfällt auf den Transport – First und Last Mile zusammengenommen. Er macht zwischen 35 und 65 Prozent der Gesamtumweltbelastung aus und bietet damit, neben Verpackung und Retourensteuerung, den größten Hebel für Verbesserungen.

Bewusstsein ist nicht gleich Handeln
Die Studie zeigt: Mit dem wachsenden Umweltbewusstsein der Onlineshopper in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien und den Niederlanden stieg zuletzt auch die Bereitschaft an, für nachhaltige Lieferoptionen mehr Geld in die Hand zu nehmen, und zwar von 54 Prozent 2021 auf 70 Prozent in diesem Jahr. Dies bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass die Option beim Checkout auch tatsächlich genutzt wird. Best Practices in der Studie von Seven Senders zeigen, dass eine gute Nutzerführung und Information über die Umweltwirkungen verschiedener Versandlösungen dazu beitragen, dass nachhaltige Optionen um bis zu viermal häufiger angenommen werden. Die Studie macht deutlich, dass der Onlinehandel für das Erreichen seiner Klimaziele auf die Mitwirkung seiner Kunden angewiesen: Eine Senkung der Retourenquote, die für vermeidbare Umweltbelastungen sorgt, oder mehr Akzeptanz für eine Zustellung an Out-of-Home-Sammelstellen schaffen Quick Wins fürs Klima, die jeder E-Tailer nur gemeinsam mit seinen Kunden erreichen – und damit tonnenweise CO2 einsparen kann. Wie viel genau, das beziffert Seven Senders im Rahmen eines DEKRA-zertifizierten Rechenmodells: Demnach verursacht die Zustellung an eine Out-of-Home-Sammelstelle im Vergleich zur Lieferung an eine Privatadresse durchschnittlich 300 g weniger CO2 pro Paket.

Nachhaltigkeit ist (k)ein Zukunftsthema
Trotzdem ist der Weg hin zu einem Onlinehandel, der keine Emissionen mehr verursacht, noch weit – und die Realisierung von CO2-neutralen Logistiklösungen, wie der Einsatz von E-LKWs, wird noch Jahre brauchen. Der Klimaschutz braucht schnell wirksame Lösungen, hier bietet sich die Kompensation von kurzfristig nicht vermeidbaren CO2-Emissionen als „goldene Brücke“ in eine emissionsarme oder sogar -freie Zukunft an, in der entsprechende Maßnahmen umsetzbar sind und greifen. Dass eine solche Strategie auch ein Wettbewerbsvorteil und Wachstumsimpuls für verantwortungsvoll agierende E-Tailer sein kann, zeigt die Studie ebenfalls: Durch die Skaleneffekte der E-Commerce-Logistik und abweichende Konsumgewohnheiten in den unterschiedlichen europäischen Märkten kann sogar eine Expansion zu positiven Effekten in der Klimabilanz führen. Thomas Hagemann, Gründer und Co-CEO von Seven Senders, sieht die E-Tailer auf einem guten Weg in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit: „Kaum eine Branche entwickelt sich so dynamisch wie der Onlinehandel, der sich mit Disruption auskennt wie kaum ein anderer. Frühzeitig auf die Wünsche von Konsument:innen einzugehen und diese rasch und effizient umzusetzen, gehört zu seinen Stärken. Die intensive Debatte um Umwelt- und Klimaschutz sowie mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Konsum können E-Tailer einmal mehr nutzen, um zu wachsen und an Stärke zu gewinnen.“


Seven Senders GmbH

Photo: FRAME

FRAME Deploys NewStore Omnichannel Platform to Power the Brand’s Modern Retail Experience

  • American fashion brand launches NewStore to unify mobile point of sale, order management, inventory, store fulfillment, and clienteling

NewStore, a modular, mobile-first omnichannel cloud platform for retail brands worldwide, announced that American fashion brand FRAME has launched the NewStore Omnichannel Platform across its retail business. By powering the brand’s mobile point-of-sale (mPOS), order management, inventory, and store fulfillment solutions, NewStore is now the backbone of FRAME’s retail operations.
FRAME is known for its collections in denim, cotton, leather, and cashmere, and it strives to design a modern versatile wardrobe with the finest natural materials. The fashion brand sells its products through e-commerce, wholesale, and in 15 retail stores today. Most recently, FRAME opened its first international store in London, expanding its global footprint. As it continues to grow its retail presence, FRAME is reinvigorating its customer experience and prioritizing technology’s role in creating a seamless shopping journey.

  • American fashion brand launches NewStore to unify mobile point of sale, order management, inventory, store fulfillment, and clienteling

NewStore, a modular, mobile-first omnichannel cloud platform for retail brands worldwide, announced that American fashion brand FRAME has launched the NewStore Omnichannel Platform across its retail business. By powering the brand’s mobile point-of-sale (mPOS), order management, inventory, and store fulfillment solutions, NewStore is now the backbone of FRAME’s retail operations.
FRAME is known for its collections in denim, cotton, leather, and cashmere, and it strives to design a modern versatile wardrobe with the finest natural materials. The fashion brand sells its products through e-commerce, wholesale, and in 15 retail stores today. Most recently, FRAME opened its first international store in London, expanding its global footprint. As it continues to grow its retail presence, FRAME is reinvigorating its customer experience and prioritizing technology’s role in creating a seamless shopping journey.

Through its partnership with NewStore, FRAME is enabling its employees with the tools and data required to provide the best shopping experience possible. Store associates can view sales, gauge product inventory across store locations, and complete mobile checkouts to improve customer convenience and maximize profitability. Now that all of FRAME’s store locations are live on the platform, the brand will work with NewStore to further enhance the customer journey by rolling out features that allow employees to better guide shoppers and create more meaningful relationships.

More information:
FRAME NewStore



REACH4Textiles: Better market surveillance for textile products

The REACH4texiles project just kicked off. Funded by the European Commission, it aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products.

Every year, about 28 billion of garments circulate across Europe, 80% of which are imported from outside the EU and its jurisdiction.
Inevitably, such huge volumes pose enormous challenges for market surveillance authorities which are called to ensure that uncompliant dangerous products are kept away from the EU citizens.

The European Union has the world most comprehensive chemical legislation which is set to protect consumers, the environment and, theoretically, even the competitiveness  of the business.

Such EU chemical legislation evolves constantly, increasing scope and ambition. New restrictions impact authorities and sectors like the European textile value chain and generate new costs for all actors.

Evidence suggests that such advanced regulatory framework is not completed with an equally advanced or effective EU-wide control system capable of ensuring compliance, especially in the case of imported products.

The REACH4texiles project just kicked off. Funded by the European Commission, it aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products.

Every year, about 28 billion of garments circulate across Europe, 80% of which are imported from outside the EU and its jurisdiction.
Inevitably, such huge volumes pose enormous challenges for market surveillance authorities which are called to ensure that uncompliant dangerous products are kept away from the EU citizens.

The European Union has the world most comprehensive chemical legislation which is set to protect consumers, the environment and, theoretically, even the competitiveness  of the business.

Such EU chemical legislation evolves constantly, increasing scope and ambition. New restrictions impact authorities and sectors like the European textile value chain and generate new costs for all actors.

Evidence suggests that such advanced regulatory framework is not completed with an equally advanced or effective EU-wide control system capable of ensuring compliance, especially in the case of imported products.

The REACH4texiles project aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products; it pools together the key actors to address three objectives:

  • Keep non-compliant products away from the single market.
  • Increase skills and knowledge.
  • Support a Network addressing chemicals in textiles and applying the EU regulation 2019/1020

The 2 years project will share best practices, identify efficient approaches against non-compliant products, offer training and support for a more effective surveillance and for level playing field.

The project welcomes collaboration with concerned authorities across the EU Member States.


A well-functioning EU market surveillance system is an essential prerequisite to protect citizen, the environment and competitiveness of responsible business. When it comes to textiles, the broad range of products, the large set of REACH subjected chemicals used in textiles as well as industrial strategies like fast fashion make this a challenging task.

Challenges may include lack of resources, difficulties in identifying higher risk products, cost and management of chemical tests, lack of test methods and knowledge of best practices. These challenges are yet likely to increase with the upcoming REACH restrictions and the growth of e-commerce.

Because of this, products that do not comply with REACH regulations encounter today little or no barriers to enter the market. This creates not only a health risk for Europeans but also undermines the competitivity of responsible businesses that take all necessary measures to comply with these regulations.

Addressing the challenges requires more knowledge at market surveillance and stronger collaboration between these authorities, the textile and clothing industry and testing laboratories. More knowledge about the identification of risk baring textile products and REACH chemicals likely to be used in these products, suitable test methods and strategies such as fast screening on REACH chemicals, trustworthiness of labels, etc can increase the effectiveness of market surveillance considerably.

The REACH4Textiles first objective (keep non-compliant products away from the EU Market) will be pursued by increasing knowledge on market surveillance functioning by and working on a risk-based approach to identify products at higher risk.

The second objective supports a network to address the specificities of chemicals in textiles with market surveillance authorities and involving other relevant stakeholders. The third objective focuses on sharing knowledge with market surveillance actors on textile products and suitable test methodologies.

Supported by the European Commission DG Growth, the project team is coordinated by the Belgian test and research center Centexbel and include the European Textiles and Apparel industry confederation, EURATEX, the German national textile and fashion association Textile und Mode, t+m, the Italian association Tessile e Salute. Several other European industry associations and national authorities are welcomed to become involved through the project activities.   

More information:
Euratex market surveillance Import



NCTO requests Agency to grant Approval for Collection of China 301 Duties

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas sent a letter to Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Robert Fairweather, requesting the agency reconsider and approve a proposal to direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect Section 301 penalty duties on billions of dollars of Chinese goods currently shipped duty free under Section 321 de minimis waivers.

“There has been an exponential growth of shipments to the United States in recent years that qualify for Section 321 duty-free treatment,” Glas said in the letter. “U.S. manufacturers of textiles, apparel and other consumer goods that routinely sell for less than the $800 de minimis threshold increasingly find their markets and workforce threatened by this tariff avoidance scheme.”

The letter details how the current Section 321 provision is now being coupled with e-commerce to provide billions in duty avoidance on these imported products, including:

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas sent a letter to Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Robert Fairweather, requesting the agency reconsider and approve a proposal to direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect Section 301 penalty duties on billions of dollars of Chinese goods currently shipped duty free under Section 321 de minimis waivers.

“There has been an exponential growth of shipments to the United States in recent years that qualify for Section 321 duty-free treatment,” Glas said in the letter. “U.S. manufacturers of textiles, apparel and other consumer goods that routinely sell for less than the $800 de minimis threshold increasingly find their markets and workforce threatened by this tariff avoidance scheme.”

The letter details how the current Section 321 provision is now being coupled with e-commerce to provide billions in duty avoidance on these imported products, including:

  • Increased import price pressure on domestic manufacturers of various types of consumer items that routinely sell for less than $800 such as – apparel, footwear, home furnishings, toys, consumer electronics, flatware, auto parts, etc.
  • An inability to properly identify and block the importation of adulterated products posing a health and safety risk to consumers.
  • An inability to properly identify and block imports of counterfeit products that violate intellectual property laws.
  • Enhanced ability of countries like China to access the U.S. market, despite their failure to provide reciprocal access to their markets and their persistent illegal and unfair trading practices.

“Imported merchandise from China that enters under a Section 321 waiver is exempt from all normal tariffs and any penalty duties assessed under the current 301 case. This unreasonable and unnecessary duty exemption severely undermines the purpose and value of the existing Section 301 determination against China as an effort to address its longstanding predatory trade practices,” Glas stated.

“The Biden administration should undertake an exhaustive review of this problem to develop the policy changes needed to mitigate the damaging impact of Section 321 waivers on U.S. workers and manufacturers,” Glas added. “In the interim, it is critical that the OMB and CBP take reasonable steps, such as denying Section 321 benefits to goods covered under the existing China 301 determination [tariffs]. Doing so would be a valuable first step toward limiting the dangerous and growing exploitation of this tariff waiver mechanism.”

See the full letter here.

Kornit Digital (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Joins the 2020 Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show

Online exhibit to feature complete portfolio of systems for sustainable production on demand, end-to-end workflow solutions, expert demonstration and consultation

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, is pleased to join the 2020 Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show, WTiN’s annual global exhibition highlighting the true innovators in technology, production, and value chain leadership for the textile and apparel industry.

For this year’s event, which is free to attend, Kornit will be exhibiting its latest capabilities for digital direct-to-garment and roll-to-roll production, including the only single-step process for delivering durable, retail-quality impressions on multiple fabrics within minutes. Visitors will find opportunities to learn more about:

Online exhibit to feature complete portfolio of systems for sustainable production on demand, end-to-end workflow solutions, expert demonstration and consultation

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, is pleased to join the 2020 Innovate Textile & Apparel Virtual Trade Show, WTiN’s annual global exhibition highlighting the true innovators in technology, production, and value chain leadership for the textile and apparel industry.

For this year’s event, which is free to attend, Kornit will be exhibiting its latest capabilities for digital direct-to-garment and roll-to-roll production, including the only single-step process for delivering durable, retail-quality impressions on multiple fabrics within minutes. Visitors will find opportunities to learn more about:

  • Kornit’s portfolio of industry-leading DTG systems, offering brands and fulfillers pushbutton efficiency in any quantity, to eliminate inventory risk and waste.
  • Kornit Presto, foundation of any microfactory production concept, for consolidating operations and minimizing supply chain risk.
  • Kornit’s new Softener solution, which enables photorealistic detail combined with handfeel meeting the most rigorous demands of high fashion and home décor.
  • Kornit’s range of available pallets, empowering brands and fulfillers to expand their catalog and offer customers any applications they demand, including baby and children’s apparel, zipper hoodies, handbags, and the industry’s first DTG solution for custom neck tags.
  • Kornit’s acquisition of Custom Gateway, which promises end-to-end production efficiency, for building or enhancing online stores, ensuring visibility and control across multiple production sites, optimizing the production floor, and getting products out the door quickly, meeting the speed and logistics challenges of the e-commerce age.

In addition to sharing diverse customer testimonials, Kornit will be hosting live consultations with system experts, to answer all questions and present Kornit’s value proposition for ongoing business needs. The company will also be leading a seminar presentation during the event.

“While we certainly miss the face-to-face engagement traditional trade shows offer, the upside of these web-based expositions is that there’s no limit to the systems, applications, and personnel Kornit can and will leverage to present its case for mastering the e-commerce age with efficient, sustainable digital capabilities,” said Chris Govier, Kornit Digital Managing Director—EMEA. “With our expanding suite of workflow and visibility software, Kornit gives manufacturers large and small the ability to scale their end-to-end business, while eliminating overproduction risks and establishing responsible production practices. These systems are critical to surviving the retail apocalypse and COVID-like disruptions, and event attendees will see why.”


PR4U/Kornit Digital


NCTO Applauds Trump Administration’s Move to Crack Down on Imported Counterfeits

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) issued a statement today on the Trump administration’s announced action plan to increase enforcement and penalties against counterfeit goods sold online and imported to the U.S.

“This is a very important and long overdue move on the part of the administration to increase enforcement activity and penalties against counterfeit goods sold online and imported into the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “We commend the administration for making a commitment to bolster efforts to crack down on counterfeits, particularly in the textile and apparel sector, which has been hit hard by fake imported products for decades.”

Nearly two million shipments of goods are exported to the United States duty free each day-- often from countries with poor labor, human rights and environmental track records—under a provision known as Section 321 de minimis. This provision allows goods valued below an $800 threshold to enter the U.S. duty free when imported directly to an individual on a single day.  

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) issued a statement today on the Trump administration’s announced action plan to increase enforcement and penalties against counterfeit goods sold online and imported to the U.S.

“This is a very important and long overdue move on the part of the administration to increase enforcement activity and penalties against counterfeit goods sold online and imported into the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “We commend the administration for making a commitment to bolster efforts to crack down on counterfeits, particularly in the textile and apparel sector, which has been hit hard by fake imported products for decades.”

Nearly two million shipments of goods are exported to the United States duty free each day-- often from countries with poor labor, human rights and environmental track records—under a provision known as Section 321 de minimis. This provision allows goods valued below an $800 threshold to enter the U.S. duty free when imported directly to an individual on a single day.  

“This massive increase in de minimis shipment trade poses significant security risks and threats to public health and safety, while incentivizing customs fraud and creating a loophole to our entire tariff structure,” Glas said. “Our concerns regarding the de minimis loophole are exacerbated by the belief that the domestic textile industry and other U.S. manufacturing interests are directly and negatively impacted, particularly since e-commerce sites like Amazon and others are using de minimis as a duty-free portal into the U.S. for products under $800.”

Furthermore, CBP’s own annual report on intellectual property seizures, including large volumes of counterfeits, revealed that U.S. authorities made seizures totaling $1.4 billion in fiscal 2018. Over 90 percent of all intellectual property (IPR) seizures occur in the international mail and express shipment environments, according to the report, which is a common method of shipping by e-commerce sites.

Chinese products accounted for 46% of all IPR seizures with a total Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) value of $761.1 million in FY 2018. Apparel and accessories were the top counterfeit products seized by U.S. authorities, accounting for 18% of all seizures in FY 2018 with an MRSP value of $115.2 million.

“We think this is an important step forward by the administration to deepen the analysis on de minimis products--- that are often not thoroughly examined and undercut our domestic manufacturing industries,” Glas said. “We don’t know what the products are, where they are coming from, whether they meet U.S. safety requirements, who is making them or the country of origin. We believe it is long past time for the administration to address the issue of de minimis shipments and counterfeiting head on.”


More information:


Photo: Frank Oudeman

EuroShop: From clicks to bricks: Why online brands are getting physical

For years, media headlines have declared the death of the high street at the hands of e-commerce. But, while several well-known retailers have indeed shut up shop or cut back on store numbers, a growing number of digitally native brands are investing in bricks-and-mortar spaces to complement and support their online offer.

At the last EuroShop, the World´s No. 1Retail Trade Fairtrade, were already first signs that Pure Player and online start-ups are also increasingly looking offline. 3 years later, at EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February in Düsseldorf, Germany, this will now be one of the major topics of the industry.

In fact, a report published by property firm JLL towards the end of 2018 predicts that online retailers in the U.S. will open 850 stores over the next five years, demonstrating the value these brands place on having a physical presence. “Everyone is saying that physical retail is dying, but online brands are opening at a pretty fast and aggressive rate,” says Taylor Coyne, Research Manager of Retail for JLL, in the report.

For years, media headlines have declared the death of the high street at the hands of e-commerce. But, while several well-known retailers have indeed shut up shop or cut back on store numbers, a growing number of digitally native brands are investing in bricks-and-mortar spaces to complement and support their online offer.

At the last EuroShop, the World´s No. 1Retail Trade Fairtrade, were already first signs that Pure Player and online start-ups are also increasingly looking offline. 3 years later, at EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February in Düsseldorf, Germany, this will now be one of the major topics of the industry.

In fact, a report published by property firm JLL towards the end of 2018 predicts that online retailers in the U.S. will open 850 stores over the next five years, demonstrating the value these brands place on having a physical presence. “Everyone is saying that physical retail is dying, but online brands are opening at a pretty fast and aggressive rate,” says Taylor Coyne, Research Manager of Retail for JLL, in the report.

Despite the continuing growth in online sales, the majority of consumers still prefer the experience of shopping in-store, and more and more digitally native brands are using physical retail to their advantage.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Final report Heimtextil 2019 (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil 2019: A lively start to the new furnishing season gives hope for a good business year ahead

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’. [*For comparison, 2018: 2,975 exhibitors from 64 countries; 68,584 visitors from 135 countries, FKM-tested)]

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’.

One topic that occupied both exhibitors and visitors was the current and future economic situation. A further challenge is the increasingly evident changes that are happening in trade. Increasing revenues and revenue shares in online retailing stand in the way of the efforts made by the stationary retail trade to maintain their inner-city businesses. ‘The small business specialist trade, but also department stores and multibrand stores, and thus the heart of our visitor target groups, are under pressure from the constantly increasing levels of e-commerce. With Heimtextil and our consumer goods fairs in general, we offer these retailers in particular clear perspectives and diverse inspiration in an ambiguous world’, continues Braun.

Heimtextil made it easier for its visitors to access valuable inspiration and business momentum thanks to an optimised trade fair concept and the associated new hall structure. ‘The new concept brought more visitors to the stand’, was the feedback from Andreas Klenk, Managing Director of Saum & Viebahn from Kulmbach in Franconia about hall 8.0 which offered textiles editeurs and manufacturers of curtain and sun protection systems a common platform for the first time. ‘It was the right decision to merge the different segments. We had high quality discussions with respect to both export and domestic business, and are satisfied with the trade fair’.

As part of the new concept, Heimtextil expanded its unique product range across the entire exhibition site and also included the new hall 12, which has been an additional architectural highlight on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds since September.

Top international companies from the Bed & Bath Fashion segment presented their wares here. For the company Curt Bauer from Aue in Saxony, the première of the new hall was a successful one. ‘We're very enthusiastic about the new hall 12. The product range there was very well received. We are very satisfied with the quality of visitors to our stand. In addition to a good frequency of German visitors, we are particularly pleased about growth from China and Russia’, says Managing Director Michael Bauer.

Natural materials, PET and ocean plastics 
Heimtextil set a standard in terms of sustainability: after the first global climate protection agreement for the textile industry was signed by 40 leading fashion companies, organisations and associations at the World Climate Conference in Katowice last December, the focus in Frankfurt was also on environmental progress in the textile industry. Numerous exhibitors presented progressive solutions, for example in the recycling of PET bottles and ocean plastic as well as in the use of certified natural materials. ‘Sustainability was the theme for us at this year’s Heimtextil. Major media players visited us and the 'Green Tour’ guided tour stopped by. We presented many things, including our first vegan duvet and fair silk products, all 100 per cent produced in Austria’, says Denise Hartmann, Marketing Manager at Hefel Textil. The topics of water consumption in the textile industry and microplastics also increasingly came to the fore. The exhibitor directory ‘Green Directory’ alone contained around 150 progressive companies listing sustainably produced textiles. The offer was supplemented by its own lecture series as well as theme-specific tours, which provided valuable impetus and
underpinned the pioneering green position of the trade fair.

Sleep becomes new lifestyle theme
Heimtextil also focused on sleep as one of the upcoming lifestyle trends. While a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are now a natural part of a healthy lifestyle, restorative sleep is still neglected* although it is one of the most important building blocks for long-term physical and mental well-being. At Heimtextil, a number of new products and aspects came to the fore that help people become sensitised to and analyse their sleep behaviour and promote healthy sleep. Around the redesigned hall 11.0 and in the adjoining lecture area ‘Sleep! The Future Forum’, representatives from the national and international bed industry enjoyed attractive product presentations and superb speeches on the topics of sustainability, hospitality, sport and digital.

In addition to the renowned trend show, the trade fair also focused on contract business, particularly in the hotel and hospitality sector, as well as decorative and upholstery fabrics, digital printing solutions and wallpapers.

The next Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main – its 50th edition – will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.

*According to a forsa investigation commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH and Google Announce Strategic Partnership and Google Announce Strategic Partnership
18.06.2018 and Google Announce Strategic Partnership, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”

"We are excited to partner with and explore new solutions for retail ecosystems around the world to enable helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences that give consumers the power to shop wherever and however they want,” said Google Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler.

Under the agreements, Google will receive 27,106,948 newly issued Class A ordinary shares at an issue price of $20.29 per share, equivalent to $40.58 per ADS, based on the volume-weighted average trading price over the prior 10 trading days.

More information:
JD Google strategic partnership


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.