From the Sector

483 results
Die Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen, das sogenannte Compoundieren, ist zentraler Schritt bei der Kunststoffproduktion, so auch beim Recycling. (c) KUZ
Die Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen, das sogenannte Compoundieren, ist zentraler Schritt bei der Kunststoffproduktion, so auch beim Recycling.

Kreislaufwirtschaft mit Kunststoffen: Forscher der Zuse-Gemeinschaft liefern Lösungen

Am 1. Januar 2019 tritt das Verpackungsgesetz mit seinen steigenden Anforderungen an das Recyceln von Kunststoff-Verpackungen in Kraft. Wie lässt sich die Wiederverwertung von Kunststoffen ausweiten und weiter verbessern? Antworten darauf haben Forschungsinstitute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft. Expertise in Sachen Kunststoffe ist in zahlreichen der bundesweit mehr als 70 Institute stark vertreten.

Am 1. Januar 2019 tritt das Verpackungsgesetz mit seinen steigenden Anforderungen an das Recyceln von Kunststoff-Verpackungen in Kraft. Wie lässt sich die Wiederverwertung von Kunststoffen ausweiten und weiter verbessern? Antworten darauf haben Forschungsinstitute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft. Expertise in Sachen Kunststoffe ist in zahlreichen der bundesweit mehr als 70 Institute stark vertreten.

Kunststoffe lassen sich am besten wiederverwerten, wenn sie nicht nur sortenrein getrennt zur Verfügung stehen, sondern sich auch in ihren Ausgangsstoffen gleichen. Allerdings geben Unternehmen ungern die sensiblen Daten ihrer Rezepturen preis. Hier setzt ein Projekt des Kunststoff-Zentrums SKZ an. Ohne die einzelnen Zutaten der Kunststoffe zu kennen, erfassen die Würzburger Wissenschaftler in einem neuen, von der EU geförderten Kooperationsprojekt, wichtige Messgrößen bei der Produktion wie Temperatur, Druck und Fließeigenschaften des Materials, die mittels digitaler Technologien für die Wiederverwertung bereitgestellt werden. „Wir entwickeln einen digitalen Werkzeugkasten, so dass die einzelnen, in der Neuware verwendeten Inhaltsstoffe nicht unbedingt bekannt sein müssen, um später ein hochwertiges Recycling-Produkt herzustellen“, erläutert Dr. Hermann Achenbach vom Geschäftsfeld Nachhaltigkeit des SKZ. So kann Recycling künftig schon verstärkt beginnen, bevor das Produkt aus Neuware überhaupt vermarktet ist. Das SKZ-Projekt zielt nämlich vor allem auf Reste aus der Produktion und gewerbliche Abfälle.



Fast Concept - Paper leather jacket, by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy UAL (c) RISE AB
Fast Concept - Paper leather jacket, by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy UAL

New research pushing the limits for ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion towards a sustainable, circular future

  • conceptual and commercial garments presented at exhibition in London

After two years of research Mistra Future Fashion is honoured to present, in collaboration with Centre for Circular Design at University of the Arts London and Filippa K, an exhibition pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion. Started in 2017, the industry-embedded project Circular Design Speeds takes a unique systemic approach, showcasing what could be accomplished using existing value chains as well as what the future of sustainable fashion holds. Ground-breaking textile research from University of the Arts London is questioning normative use and design of garments in creating prototypes to be worn across a spectrum of 24 hours to 50 years. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K have produced a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The research results and garments will be presented at the launch event at the University of the Arts London, on November 23rd and open to public on the 24th and 25th of November.

  • conceptual and commercial garments presented at exhibition in London

After two years of research Mistra Future Fashion is honoured to present, in collaboration with Centre for Circular Design at University of the Arts London and Filippa K, an exhibition pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion. Started in 2017, the industry-embedded project Circular Design Speeds takes a unique systemic approach, showcasing what could be accomplished using existing value chains as well as what the future of sustainable fashion holds. Ground-breaking textile research from University of the Arts London is questioning normative use and design of garments in creating prototypes to be worn across a spectrum of 24 hours to 50 years. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K have produced a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The research results and garments will be presented at the launch event at the University of the Arts London, on November 23rd and open to public on the 24th and 25th of November.

On Friday November 23rd the exhibition Disrupting Patterns: Designing for Circular Speeds opens up at University of the Arts London. The exhibition is the results of a two-year research project called Circular Design Speeds aiming at pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion by testing new concepts for sustainable design in an industry setting. On display are exploratory prototypes, as well as commercial garments produced by industry partner Filippa K using existing value chains. In addition, research results on innovative materials, consumer acceptance, composting studies and Life Cycle Assessments are presented. The aim of this project is to implement research results in a real fashion industry context, focusing on speed of use and maximising fabric value retention in products.

The Service Shirt developed by Professor Rebecca Earley is designed to last for over 50 years. The concept garment explores the multiple complexities, challenges and opportunities associated with design for circular business models in extended use contexts. The Service Shirt was designed as a ‘deliberate extreme’ to have a total lifecycle of 50 years. This lifecycle includes in-house and external remanufacturing processes, as well as various use cycles – often moving between single ownership and rental and sharing contexts. It becomes the lining for a jacket and then crafted in to fashion accessories, before finally being chemically regenerated in the year 2068.

On the opposite side of the spectrum the Fast-Forward concept, developed by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy, explores alternative modes of production and use for a sustainable ‘fast-fashion’ application. Advantages with regards to climate impact are enabled through lighter material choices, nonwoven fabric production, no launder, clear routes to recovery and redistributed manufacturing systems. A sliding scale of ‘speed’ from ultra-fast forward through to a more widely accepted length of use, with adaptations to production processes and end of life, is presented. The prototypes are made from a new bio-based nonwoven material co-developed with Dr Hjalmar Granberg at RISE Research Institute of Sweden & University of the Arts London. The composition of the paper is a mix of cellulose pulp and bio-based PLA fibre, making the garment 100% biodegradable or recyclable in existing paper recycling systems.

Working closely with industry partner Filippa K made commercial testing possible. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K was able to produce a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The garments are a part of Filippa K’s Front Runner series and will be available in selected stores on November 26th. With a focus on products’ length of use and maximizing fabric value retention, Filippa K are dedicated to becoming fully circular by 2030.

“Being part of the fashion industry comes with many challenges, especially when considering the fact that we are the second most polluting industry after oil. Our industry needs to change and we believe adapting to circular models, like nature’s ecosystem, is one important solution. We want to be able to offer beautiful clothing and to make business within the planetary boundaries.”
- Elin Larsson, Sustainability Director, Filippa K

To validate the design research presented, a Life Cycle Assessment was performed on the prototypes. Mistra Future Fashion affiliated Dr. Greg Peters, Chalmers University of Technology, together with additional LCA Researchers at RISE, conclude that the production of fibres and fabrics are the main processes impacting the environment during the garment life cycles. Therefore, to extend the lifetime of existing garments and design for re-use, as done in the Service Shirt, is indeed the superior alternative compared to a reference garment.

“Compared with garments of the same mass, the extended life garments represent a large improvement in environmental performance over the reference garments, outperforming the reference garments in all effect categories. This superiority is primarily a consequence of avoiding garment production via reprinting and reassembly of the initial garment to extend its useful life.”
- Dr Greg Peters, LCA Researcher at Chalmers University of Technology

Another way to circumvent the impacts of fast fashion is to develop materials with considerably lower impacts during production, and which also avoid the barriers to recycling faced by conventional garments. Instead of hinder consumers from buying new, the act of acquiring a new garment could in fact be sustainable. The paper-based short life garments considered in this assessment show considerable impact savings when compare to the benchmark garment. Dr. Peters says,

“The paper-based garments benefit from the lower impacts of the material (fibre production, spinning and knitting) compared with conventional cotton, from their relatively light weight and also on account of the lower impacts in garment production and use.”

(c) PrimaLoft GmbH

PrimaLoft erweitert biologisch abbaubare Technologien

  • PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric – der erste Funktionsstoff aus 100% recycelten, biologisch abbaubaren Fasern

LATHAM, NY - MÜNCHEN: PrimaLoft, Inc., weltweit führendes Unternehmen für innovative Materialtechnologien, hat sein Portfolio an biologisch abbaubaren* Technologien erweitert. Mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric, dem ersten zu 100% recycelten und biologisch abbaubaren synthetischen Funktionsstoff ergänzt das Unternehmen die kürzlich vorgestellte PrimaLoft® Bio™ Insulation, die ebenfalls die erste Technologie ihrer Art ist. Grundlage beider Innovationen ist eine technisch weiter entwickelte Fasertechnologie, die einen stark beschleunigten biologischen Abbau unter bestimmten Umweltbedingungen ermöglicht und so ein potentiell wichtiger Faktor bei der Problematik von Mikroplastik in den Meeren werden könnte. Sowohl PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric als auch PrimaLoft® Bio™ Insulation sollen ab Herbst 2020 im Handel verfügbar sein.

  • PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric – der erste Funktionsstoff aus 100% recycelten, biologisch abbaubaren Fasern

LATHAM, NY - MÜNCHEN: PrimaLoft, Inc., weltweit führendes Unternehmen für innovative Materialtechnologien, hat sein Portfolio an biologisch abbaubaren* Technologien erweitert. Mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric, dem ersten zu 100% recycelten und biologisch abbaubaren synthetischen Funktionsstoff ergänzt das Unternehmen die kürzlich vorgestellte PrimaLoft® Bio™ Insulation, die ebenfalls die erste Technologie ihrer Art ist. Grundlage beider Innovationen ist eine technisch weiter entwickelte Fasertechnologie, die einen stark beschleunigten biologischen Abbau unter bestimmten Umweltbedingungen ermöglicht und so ein potentiell wichtiger Faktor bei der Problematik von Mikroplastik in den Meeren werden könnte. Sowohl PrimaLoft® Bio™ Performance Fabric als auch PrimaLoft® Bio™ Insulation sollen ab Herbst 2020 im Handel verfügbar sein.

„Seit Beginn der Entwicklung unserer biologisch abbaubaren Materialien waren Funktionsstoffe ein wichtiger Bestandteil für uns. Dank dieses Durchbruchs können Kleidungstücke ab sofort komplett den Weg zurück in die Natur finden“, sagte Mike Joyce, Präsident und CEO von PrimaLoft. „Da wir bei der Leistung keine Abstriche machen, mussten wir sicherstellen, dass unsere biologisch abbaubaren Fasern dem Herstellungsprozess von Hochleistungs-Funktionsstoffen standhalten und gleichzeitig ihre Fähigkeit zum biologischen Abbau behalten.  Diese Entwicklung öffnet uns neue Horizonte und wir wollen damit Maßstäbe setzen, um die Umweltauswirkungen der Textilindustrie erheblich zu verringern.“

PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern bestehen zu 100% aus Recyclingfasern, die sich unter bestimmten Gegebenheiten wie sie in einer Mülldeponie oder im Meerwasser vorherrschen, biologisch abbauen. PrimaLoft hat diese Fasern weiterentwickelt, um sie attraktiver für dort natürlich vorkommende Mikroben zu machen. Diese Mikroben verdauen die Fasern schneller und sorgen dafür, dass der Funktionsstoff zersetzt wird und am Ende lediglich die natürlichen Elemente Wasser, Methan, CO2 und Biomasse zurückbleiben. Die neue Technologie wird dabei  helfen, das wachsende Problem von Mikroplastik in den Ozeanen zu verringern – ein bedeutendes Thema für die Textilindustrie und andere Industriezweige. Laut Schätzungen der Ellen Macarthur Foundation landen jährlich rund eine halbe Million Tonnen Mikrofasern beim Waschen von Textilien auf Kunststoffbasis wie Polyester, Nylon oder Acryl im Meer. PrimaLoft® Bio™-Fasern werden nur abgebaut, wenn sie in Kontakt mit natürlich vorkommenden Mikroben auf Mülldeponien oder im Meer kommen. Dadurch bleiben die Fasern während der gesamten Produktlebenszeit des Kleidungsstücks gewohnt dauerhaft strapazierfähig.

Spezifische Testergebnisse zeigen einen biologischen Abbau von 84,1% in 423 Tagen unter ASTM D5511- Bedingungen* (beschleunigte Deponiesimulation) und 55,1% biologischen Abbau in 409 Tagen unter ASTM D6691- Bedingungen** (beschleunigte Meerwassersimulation). „Wir haben Recycling nie als die endgültige Lösung gesehen. Mit PrimaLoft® Bio™ haben wir nicht nur den Code zur biologischen Abbaubarkeit unserer Fasern geknackt, sondern gehen auch den nächsten Schritt in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit“, sagt Joyce. „Mit neuen Fasertechnologien wie dieser versuchen wir unseren negativen Umwelteinfluss so gering wie möglich zu halten. Das ist Teil unserer Selbstverpflichtung, jeden Tag aufs Neue Verantwortung zu übernehmen. “

Bis heute hat PrimaLoft mehr als 90 Millionen Plastikflaschen wiederaufbereitet und daraus Premium- Isolationen hergestellt. Anfang dieses Jahres präsentierte PrimaLoft bereits seine ersten Isolationen aus 100% recyceltem Material. Bis 2020 werden 90% der PrimaLoft-Isolationsprodukte aus mindestens 50% recyceltem Material (PCR = Post Consumer Recycled) bestehen, ohne dabei Einbußen bei der Leistung aufzuweisen.

PrimaLoft plant, mit einem ähnlichen Bekenntnis zu biologisch abbaubaren Technologien in seinem gesamten Produktportfolio, die Branche weiter voranzutreiben. Mehr Informationen zu PrimaLoft Bio gibt es auch hier:

* Standardtestmethode zur Bestimmung des anaeroben biologischen Abbaus von Kunststoffmaterialien unter anaeroben Verdauungsbedingungen mit hohem Feststoffgehalt
** Standardtestmethode zur Bestimmung des aeroben biologischen Abbaus von Kunststoffmaterialien in maritimer Umgebung durch ein definiertes mikrobielles Konsortium oder ein natürliches Meerwasser-Inokulum

(c) crystal communications GmbH

Bahnbrechende Technologie: PrimaLoft® Bio ist weltweit erste synthetische Isolation, die zu 100% aus biologisch abbaubaren Recyclingfasern besteht

Einen Schritt voraus - Isolationsfasern zeigen deutlich schnelleren biologischen Abbau in 394 Tagen
PrimaLoft, Inc., führender Experte in der Entwicklung innovativer Materialtechnologien, präsentiert mit PrimaLoft® Bio die erste synthetische Isolation komplett aus recycelten, biologisch abbaubaren* Fasern. Dieser Durchbruch gelang den PrimaLoft-Forschern nach vier Jahren intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit – ohne dabei Abstriche bei den Leistungsmerkmalen der Isolation zu machen. In einem beschleunigten Test (nach ASTM D5511*) wurden die Bedingungen einer Mülldeponie simuliert, unter denen sich die PrimaLoft®-Bio-Fasern in 394 Tagen fast vollständig zersetzten, ein Quantensprung verglichen mit den vernachlässigbaren Abbauraten herkömmlichen Polyesters, unter gleichen Bedingungen. Die neue Technologie beeinflußt weder die Produkteigenschaften, Haptik sowie Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten und wird voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2020 im Handel erhältlich sein.

Einen Schritt voraus - Isolationsfasern zeigen deutlich schnelleren biologischen Abbau in 394 Tagen
PrimaLoft, Inc., führender Experte in der Entwicklung innovativer Materialtechnologien, präsentiert mit PrimaLoft® Bio die erste synthetische Isolation komplett aus recycelten, biologisch abbaubaren* Fasern. Dieser Durchbruch gelang den PrimaLoft-Forschern nach vier Jahren intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit – ohne dabei Abstriche bei den Leistungsmerkmalen der Isolation zu machen. In einem beschleunigten Test (nach ASTM D5511*) wurden die Bedingungen einer Mülldeponie simuliert, unter denen sich die PrimaLoft®-Bio-Fasern in 394 Tagen fast vollständig zersetzten, ein Quantensprung verglichen mit den vernachlässigbaren Abbauraten herkömmlichen Polyesters, unter gleichen Bedingungen. Die neue Technologie beeinflußt weder die Produkteigenschaften, Haptik sowie Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten und wird voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2020 im Handel erhältlich sein.

Eine spezielle Behandlung der neuen Fasern von PrimaLoft® Bio macht sie attraktiver für natürlich vorkommende Mikroben auf Mülldeponien oder im Ozean. Diese Mikroben verdauen die Fasern schneller und sorgen dafür, dass die Isolation zersetzt wird und so ihren Weg zurück in die Natur findet. Der biologische Abbauprozess lässt nur Wasser, Methan, CO2 und Biomasse (tote Organismen, organische Rückstände) zurück. PrimaLoft® Bio bleibt im alltäglichen Gebrauch über die gesamte Produktlebenszeit des Kleidungsstücks gewohnt dauerhaft strapazierfähig und zersetzt sich nur in Kontakt mit Mikroben, die auf Deponien und in Ozeanen vorkommen.

* 80,3 % biologischer Abbau in 394 Tagen im beschleunigten Testverfahren unter ASTM-D5511-Bedingungen.

Clean Green certification (c) TRSA
Clean Green certification

Handcraft Linen Services Achieves Clean Green Certification

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents
•             Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
•             Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
•             Recycling programs
•             Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
•             Spill prevention plans
The Clean Green certification is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud Handcraft Linen Services for their sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”




prAna präsentiert weiche Basics aus Hanf (c) prAna

prAna präsentiert weiche Basics aus Hanf

  • Aus Hanf mach Fleece

CARLSBAD, CA – Die Hanffaser ist umweltfreundlich herzustellen, biologisch abbaubar und passt so erstklassig zum Sustainable Clothing Movement. Begeistert von der pflanzlichen Textilfaser, hat prAna für die Winterkollektion 2018 ein eigenes Fleece-Material aus Hanf kreiert: das Cardiff Fleece. Das flauschige, langlebige und nachhaltige Material wird für warme und weiche Teile wie dem Cozy Up Sweatshirt eingesetzt.

Im Herbst setzt prAna noch stärker auf die nachhaltigste aller Fasern: Hanf. Die außerordentlich robuste Pflanze kann ohne chemische Schädlingsbekämpfer und Dünger angebaut werden. Die Handhabung des schnell nachwachsenden Rohstoffs ist positiv und sicher für Landwirte und hinterlässt außerdem fruchtbare Böden. Auch für Endverbraucher lohnt sich der Griff zur Hanffaser, denn sie besitzt eine natürliche klimaregulierende Funktion, leitet Feuchtigkeit weiter, ist antimikrobiell und sehr langlebig.

  • Aus Hanf mach Fleece

CARLSBAD, CA – Die Hanffaser ist umweltfreundlich herzustellen, biologisch abbaubar und passt so erstklassig zum Sustainable Clothing Movement. Begeistert von der pflanzlichen Textilfaser, hat prAna für die Winterkollektion 2018 ein eigenes Fleece-Material aus Hanf kreiert: das Cardiff Fleece. Das flauschige, langlebige und nachhaltige Material wird für warme und weiche Teile wie dem Cozy Up Sweatshirt eingesetzt.

Im Herbst setzt prAna noch stärker auf die nachhaltigste aller Fasern: Hanf. Die außerordentlich robuste Pflanze kann ohne chemische Schädlingsbekämpfer und Dünger angebaut werden. Die Handhabung des schnell nachwachsenden Rohstoffs ist positiv und sicher für Landwirte und hinterlässt außerdem fruchtbare Böden. Auch für Endverbraucher lohnt sich der Griff zur Hanffaser, denn sie besitzt eine natürliche klimaregulierende Funktion, leitet Feuchtigkeit weiter, ist antimikrobiell und sehr langlebig.

Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung kann Hanf auch zu einem sehr flauschigen Material verarbeitet werden. Für den extra Kuschelfaktor hat prAna aus der ökologischen Faser ein eigenes Fleece-Material entwickelt. Das Cardiff Fleece-Material besteht aus Hanf, recyceltem Polyester und dem Zellstoff Tencel®. Das Zusammenspiel der drei nachhaltigen Rohstoffe überzeugt. Dank dem Tencel®-Anteil ist das Fleece butterweich und liegt flauschig auf der Haut. Hanf steuert seine natürliche Langlebigkeit bei, und der Anteil an recyceltem Polyester sorgt für schnellere Trocknungszeiten und geringes Gewicht.

Das Cardiff Fleece-Material wird in lässigen Basics wie Cozy Up Sweatshirt, Wayfree oder Trawler Hooded Henley Fleece verarbeitet. Damit präsentiert prAna nachhaltige, warme und langlebige Allrounder – ideal für Abenteuer an kalten Tagen.

Borealis strengthens its commitment to plastics recycling and further develops mechanical recycling capabilities (c) Borealis

Borealis strengthens its commitment to plastics recycling and further develops mechanical recycling capabilities

  • Successful acquisition of Austrian plastics recycling company Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces today that it has fully acquired the Austrian plastics recycler Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH (“Ecoplast”). Based in Wildon, Austria, Ecoplast processes around 35,000 tonnes of post-consumer plastic waste from households and industrial consumers every year, turning them into high-quality LDPE and HDPE recyclates, primarily but not exclusively for the plastic film market.

  • Successful acquisition of Austrian plastics recycling company Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces today that it has fully acquired the Austrian plastics recycler Ecoplast Kunststoffrecycling GmbH (“Ecoplast”). Based in Wildon, Austria, Ecoplast processes around 35,000 tonnes of post-consumer plastic waste from households and industrial consumers every year, turning them into high-quality LDPE and HDPE recyclates, primarily but not exclusively for the plastic film market.

The expectation of Borealis is that the recycled PO market will grow substantially by 2021, which is the strategic rationale behind the acquisition. The company has made PO recycling a key element of its overall PO strategy because of its potential to support both growth and sustainability. Borealis has been an industry frontrunner in making polyolefins more circular. In 2014, it began offering high-end compound solutions to the automotive industry, consisting of 25% and 50% post-consumer recycled content. Borealis was also the first virgin PO producer to explore the possibilities of mechanical recycling, by acquiring one of Europe's largest producers of post-consumer polyolefin recyclates - mtm plastics GmbH and mtm compact GmbH – in July 2016. Since then it has continued to invest into the development of technology and new products in the area of circular polyolefins.

“Borealis recognises the increasing need for plastic recycling and sees the Circular Economy as a business opportunity. Borealis already has a long-term collaboration with Ecoplast and this acquisition is the next logical step in building our mechanical recycling capabilities. As an important complement to mtm in Germany, Ecoplast will help us address critical sustainability challenges and become a polyolefin recycling leader. Eventually, we want to use our experience to develop an effective blueprint for the end-of-use phases for plastics that can be applied in other parts of the world,” says Borealis Chief Executive Alfred Stern.

“We are very happy that the transaction with a strong and reliable partner such as Borealis has been successfully concluded and are looking forward to our common future activities on the recycling market. We have located potential synergies in many operative and strategic areas, especially in product quality R&D and future applications of polyethylene-film-recyclates. The combination of Ecoplast and Borealis holds the potential to be groundbreaking for the market,” says Ecoplast’s Managing Director Lukas Intemann.

Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions to join Cinte Techtextil China (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions to join Cinte Techtextil China

From 4 – 6 September, leading innovations and technologies from around the world will feature in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre for Cinte Techtextil China 2018. With a growing technical textile market in China and Asia, big industry names will come to showcase new products. The Belgium, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions are predicted to draw a crowd with their return, while the Czech Republic Pavilion makes its debut appearance.

From 4 – 6 September, leading innovations and technologies from around the world will feature in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre for Cinte Techtextil China 2018. With a growing technical textile market in China and Asia, big industry names will come to showcase new products. The Belgium, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions are predicted to draw a crowd with their return, while the Czech Republic Pavilion makes its debut appearance.

Fresh innovation from the Taiwan Pavilion
The Taiwan Pavilion lives up to its reputation as one of the leading sources of industry innovation. Ten exhibitors in the Taiwan Pavilion will showcase a variety of innovations ideal for a number of industries. With advances in medical and hygiene product technologies, exhibitors Web-Pro Corporation will offer protective cover-all materials that resist pathogens and micro-organisms and multi-layered PE films for hygiene products, while Kae Hwa Industrial will introduce their developments in materials that protect against viruses. Four Elements Energy Biotechnology will showcase their multi-functional Masterbatch product, a unique FDA-qualified, anti-mildew and transparent plastic additive that repels bacteria.

Other exhibitors to watch out for in the Taiwan Pavilion include Ritex Machinery, who will display their Air Through machinery which can be applied to nonwoven fabrics for hygienic, medical and filtration uses. Everlight Chemical Industrial’s Evereco® adhesives introduce an eco-friendly solution with heat-resistance and other resilient properties. Also offering eco-friendly alternatives is TomLong Techstile and their TPU coated fabrics, ideal for waterproof and inflatable products.

Productivity and efficiency at the German Pavilion
Following high demand in the Chinese market, the German Pavilion returns with around 30 exhibitors, showcasing their expertise in efficiency in textile production. Highlights include Baumüller Nürnberg’s modular concepts and intelligent automations which allow flexible reactions to changeable market requirements. Edelmann Technology brings new high speed winder systems for increased production rates and new concepts for reducing contamination in products. ISRA Surface Vision will present 100% inline optical surface inspection methods for quality control and process optimisations. Another product to watch out for is Kufner’s xShield®, a lightweight, soft textile with 99% shielding efficiency against electromagnetic radiation.

Other big names in the German Pavilion include Autefa Solutions, Brückner Textile Technologies, Dornier Lindauer, IBENA, J.H. Ziegler, Kufner, Perlon and more.

Belgium Pavilion returns along with a Czech Republic debut
Organised by Fedustria (Belgian Textile, Woodworking and Furniture Industry Federation), the Belgium Pavilion will include textile recycling company Belrey Fibres, engineered fabrics by Pennel & Flipo for marine and rescue industries, as well as leading coating specialists Vetex who will feature a variety of functional tapes, and R&D institute Centexbel who carry out research projects across the entire textile and polymer production chain.

The new Czech Republic Pavilion organised by ATOK, the Association of Textile-Clothing–Leather Industry, will showcase three exhibitors who will provide solutions for technical yarn, fabric processing and nonwoven fabrics. These include: GF Machinery, showcasing R&D and production of special machines and lines for glass / basalt yarn and fabric processing; Retex’s nonwoven needle-punched and air laid textiles; and STAP, Europe’s biggest manufacturer of narrow fabrics.

The Cinte Techtextil China fair is recognised by European manufacturers as a gateway to the Asian market. With investment from China boosting the technical textile industry, and more Asian countries than ever developing their technical markets, Cinte Techtextil China 2018 is set to be a hub of business potential.



More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


PERLON®- The Filament Company on the right path to the future

The Perlon Group is making great strides on its journey towards the future and is therefore vigorously implementing the measures required to achieve its aim. This aim (known internally as ‘strategy 2020’) provides for the next level of globalisation and the sustainable growth of the market leader in the production of synthetic filaments. Through the extensive relocation of existing; and the generation of additional production capacity, the requirements have been accomplished and will thus directly serve increasing demand in the main volume markets. Part of this strategy, is the integration of one of the four German sites into the remaining three, this will then strengthen those sites and support the expansion of the factories in the USA and China.

The key to this success is a highly qualified and motivated personnel, engaged and focussed project staff and lastly but by no means least, loyal customers all of whom welcome this future direction and support us, their longstanding business partner. Important milestones are being reached with minimum disruption to the daily business in spite of a continuingly healthy order book

Important Milestones have so far been

The Perlon Group is making great strides on its journey towards the future and is therefore vigorously implementing the measures required to achieve its aim. This aim (known internally as ‘strategy 2020’) provides for the next level of globalisation and the sustainable growth of the market leader in the production of synthetic filaments. Through the extensive relocation of existing; and the generation of additional production capacity, the requirements have been accomplished and will thus directly serve increasing demand in the main volume markets. Part of this strategy, is the integration of one of the four German sites into the remaining three, this will then strengthen those sites and support the expansion of the factories in the USA and China.

The key to this success is a highly qualified and motivated personnel, engaged and focussed project staff and lastly but by no means least, loyal customers all of whom welcome this future direction and support us, their longstanding business partner. Important milestones are being reached with minimum disruption to the daily business in spite of a continuingly healthy order book

Important Milestones have so far been

  • Implementing the newly built finished goods warehouse and a production line for PMC-Monofil at Hahl Inc, the production site in Lexington, SC
  • Completing the building of the production hall with integrated admin building and starting to fit out the interior of the new production site in Haining, China. This is on schedule for the fixed opening date of 29 November 2018.
  • Implementing an additional production line for PMC-Monofil into the Munderkingen site in Germany. Furthermore the planning for the transfer of an additional production line has also been finalised.
  • Completion of the plant layout in the Industrial park in Bobingen (Germany) to allow for the transfer of several production lines from their current homes in Dormagen and Recytec in Munderkingen (Perlon’s recycling business).

With the help of a tailwind from the targets achieved thus far, Florian Kisling (Perlon CEO) and his team are looking forward with optimism to the additional transformation and the finalisation of this mammoth ground breaking project. They are already thinking ahead to the subsequent project ‘2020+’.




This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

2. ROICA™ Innovation – an exciting area that shares our textile partners’ innovations to inspire endless possibilities. This area will showcase lingerie concept garments for brands that will spark ideas for AW 19/20.

3. ROICA™ Lab – the zone that navigates you toward the latest hi-tech Modern Wardrobe solutions. This zone hosts unmatched premium stretch performance designed to exceed contemporary business and consumer desires belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family and ROICA™ Feel Good family .

ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the world's first range of responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with prestigious certifications:

  • Global Recycling Standard (GRS) Version 3.0 certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ Version 3.0 yarn constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold for product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ Eco-Smart family include:
Giemme, Iluna Group S.p.A, Maglificio Ripa S.p.A, M.I.T.I. Spa, Penn Textile Solutions, Sofileta, Tessitura Colombo Antonio Tintex Textiles

ROICA™ Feel Good family, a brilliant range of advanced stretch fibers that deliver personal performance and measurable wellness. Thus, providing freshness and comfort metrics perfect for travel, sport, leisure and more. The family now offers a premium innovation:

  • ROICA™ CF, an innovative yarn that neutralizes odors thanks to an active ingredient interlocked within the yarn. This durable stretch yarn offers a fantastic property to every wearer.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ CF include: Maglificio Ripa S.p.A., TINTEX Textiles.

ROICA™ also presents the following families through our textile partners’ innovations within the ROICA™ Innovation area:

  • ROICA™ Color Perfect family - advanced color technology system that delivers a perfect color match finish with an undetectable matte look for the stretch materials.
  • ROICA™ Contour family - high performance stretch yarn control that delivers a calibrated form optimizing power, softness and comfort.
  • ROICA™ Resistance family - innovations linked to durability and functions to match particular applications including heat and chemical resistance in make and wear.

GB Network

Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green
Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

  • Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
  • Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
  • Using environmentally friendly detergents
  • Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
  • Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
  • Recycling programs
  • Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
  • Spill prevention plans

California Linen Service earned the Clean Green certification initially in 2015. The designation is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud California Linen Services for their ongoing sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”


TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter
TRSA staff members Director of Memebership and Industry Outreach Ken Koepper and Office Manager Mary Beth Porter

TRSA Highlights Certifications at F&B Show

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Attendees of the May 19-22 National Restaurant Show in Chicago learned that linen, uniform and facility services providers serving restaurants and other foodservice operations can be distinguished by earning third-party verification of their sustainability and cleanliness, as TRSA exhibited its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Food Service certifications at the show.
More than 150 individuals viewed the exhibit, which screened a new animated video explaining the Clean Green designation. It’s now showing on TRSA’s YouTube page (

Depicting operations within a laundry, the video shows how contracting with a Clean Green certified provider delivers services restaurants need and gives them peace of mind from doing business with a sustainable provider. Clean Green operations comply with water and energy standards and demonstrate best management practices in supplying, laundering and maintaining textiles.

Visitors to the exhibit learned which providers serving these attendees’ home geographic areas are Clean Green certified and were encouraged to work with such a certified provider if not already doing so. Speaking with attendees also gave TRSA staff the opportunity to ask them about their experience with providers and, if currently under contract with one, its identity.

  • 76 percent of those questioned indicate they currently use such a provider. Most could identify it by name
  • 18 percent said they use an on-premises or home laundry for linen and uniform needs. Many of these respondents indicated they work for hotels, healthcare facilities, colleges or military bases with their own laundry equipment
  • 6 percent said they use disposable products (napkins, wipers) instead of their reusable textile equivalents; most of these respondents are in quick-service restaurant operations

The TRSA display distributed copies of Sustainability: Finding the “New” Green in Your Restaurant Supply Chain, a 7-page guide to using a systematic approach to choose suppliers whose products/services are proven to be more sustainable than those of their competitors and whose own practices are more sustainable.

TRSA’s exhibit also kicked off a survey of restaurant management to determine their perceptions of table linen service as a plus for facility hygiene and service to diners. Results will help TRSA communicate to the restaurant industry the value of using Hygienically Clean Food Service certified providers in the hope that doing so becomes an industry standard.

Such certified laundries commit to cleanliness through third-party, quantified biological testing and inspection. This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify linens and uniforms cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and best management practices for servicing full- and limited-service restaurants, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions and other locations where food is handled and served.

Clean Green certification recognizes linen, uniform and facility services companies that demonstrate responsible leadership in sustainability and conservation by acknowledging commitment to improving water and energy efficiency and adoption of best management practices for reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources. Certified operations meet quality standards for effectiveness in conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact. Customers that use Clean Green certified companies to supply, launder and maintain linens, uniforms, mats and other reusable textiles can be assured that their provider maximizes sustainable practices.

Hygienically Clean certification demonstrates linen, uniform and facility services companies’ commitment to cleanliness through independent, third-party laundry plant inspection and quantified microbial testing. Inspection and re-inspection verify that items are maintained, washed, dried, ironed, packed, transported and delivered using best management practices to meet key disinfection criteria. Between scheduled and supplemental inspections, ongoing microbial testing quantifies cleanliness and indicates laundry process adjustments.

Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Customers Credited for Environmental Friendliness

Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Customers Credited for Environmental Friendliness

  • Clean Green Certified Companies Commemorate Earth Day 2018

U.S. Clean Green certified laundries are marking Earth Day 2018 (April 22) by commending the 250,000+ businesses across the nation that use such certified operations for linen, uniform and facility services.

Selecting a Clean Green certified company reflects concern for maximizing sustainability in a business supply chain. Private- and public-sector organizations who choose such a provider are learning that how their reusable textiles are supplied, laundered and maintained is a factor in their environmental impact.
Clean Green operations use a third party (TRSA) to verify their conservation practices and quantify their compliance with water and energy use thresholds.

  • Clean Green Certified Companies Commemorate Earth Day 2018

U.S. Clean Green certified laundries are marking Earth Day 2018 (April 22) by commending the 250,000+ businesses across the nation that use such certified operations for linen, uniform and facility services.

Selecting a Clean Green certified company reflects concern for maximizing sustainability in a business supply chain. Private- and public-sector organizations who choose such a provider are learning that how their reusable textiles are supplied, laundered and maintained is a factor in their environmental impact.
Clean Green operations use a third party (TRSA) to verify their conservation practices and quantify their compliance with water and energy use thresholds.

Laundered, reusable linens, uniforms, towels, mats and other products provided by the linen, uniform and facility services industry to enhance businesses’ image and provide clean, safe environments for their employees and patrons. Most Americans benefit from the industry at least once per week, either at work or by patronizing restaurants, healthcare facilities, hotels and other retail and service establishments.

Nearly 50 of the industry’s companies are Clean Green certified, serving business customers from more than 150 locations combined nationwide. These launderers work with customers to connect the certification to their efforts to minimize their carbon footprint. Certified operators report to TRSA that customers and prospects ask them about green laundry initiatives. These include environmentally friendly wash chemistry, water reuse and recycling, recapturing heat from hot water headed down the drain and operating efficient delivery routes.

“They are far more likely to inquire about the sum of environmentally friendly practices as opposed to the parts,” observes TRSA President and CEO Joseph Ricci of the industry’s customers. Many document their justification of purchase decisions, though, such as government agencies that profile the winners of contract bids. “Clean Green companies bidding for their work mention the certification in their sales promotion and these profiles reflect it.”

Linen and uniform services conserve water and energy best by using high-capacity, high-efficiency equipment, he pointed out, controlling expenses and thereby aiding efforts to keep service pricing under control. “It is the perfect sustainable business model. Business interests and environmental concerns align. Improving efficiencies reduces costs and reduces the impact on the environment,” Ricci says.

Based on the U.S. Census of the industry’s sales and a TRSA survey of member financial data, the association estimates that nearly 3 million businesses use the industry’s services. Clean Green companies are challenged to capture more of these industry customers. Their collective Earth Day 2018 campaign gives them an opportunity to highlight the extent to which their individual efficiencies have contributed to a nationwide movement. Publicizing their own gains around Earth Day can better qualify and quantify their environmental virtues to encourage detailed comparison with competitors’ efficiencies, Ricci noted.


Crowded aisle of JEC World 2018

JEC World 2018: Composites Industry in Paris

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises.

  • JEC World 2018, closes its doors on March 8 with a record increase in attendance resuming 3 days of vibrant networking and knowledge sharing.

The event confirms its leading position of JEC Group as number one organization for the promotion and development of the composites industry. Indeed the show welcomed more than 1,300 exhibitors from every continents and counted 42,445 professional visits from 115 countries. “The ability of JEC Group to gather the whole composites Industry under one roof over 3 days lies in the fact that we always initiate new precursory programs to the service of composites professionals.” says Ms. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President & CEO. “This year we initiated new programs, for instance the Composite Challenge allowing 10 PhD students to pitch their thesis in front of the industry, thus facilitating connections between students and industrialists. In the same spirit, we increased in power our Start Up Booster and Innovation Award Programs to accelerate relations between young or innovative companies with investors or established enterprises. We also introduced one new planet called “Make it Real” along with the Aero, Auto and Construction planets. In this planet, we could discover astonishing futuristic products for example the Aeromobil, a flying car that would revolutionize urban transportation in the near future,“ she adds. “We launched our new Book on Natural Fibers: Flax and Hemp. We had strong communications on Composites Environmental Input and Recycling.”

The event was the first event to promote and host the new “French Fab”, a French government initiative to internationally promote the French Industry and Manufacture. Also, JEC World welcomed the French Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance Ms. Delphine Gény-Stephann, visit that demonstrates the growing role of composites in the industry.

Inspiring Keynotes to foster composites disruption

Dirk Ahlborn,CEO of Hyperloop opened the Startup Booster ceremony by supporting the spirit of ingenuity in the Industry. Dayton Horvath, industry expert and consultant in additive manufacturing presented his vision of how to apply artificial intelligence to composite Materials and Manufacturing. Finally, Yves Rossy, the “jetman” using the latest carbon-fiber wings for flight introduced the JEC Innovation awards ceremony, motivating the audience to pursue their dreams and explaining how composites could made his dreams come true.

The "Public Choice” Awards Winners

A first at the show this year was the introduction of the public votes to elect their favorite projects among two JEC programs promoting innovation. “The goal to create the “public choice awards” was to involve and embark our community to make their innovation loud. Our vision at JEC is to demonstrate and to make understand towards a broader scope the vast range of possibilities that composite materials offer.”
comments Ms. Anne-Manuèle Hébert, Director for JEC World and European Events for JEC Group.

Public Choice Award for Startup  Booster: Inca-Fiber (Germany) with 62.36% of the 2,221 votes
Public Choice Award for JEC Innovation Awards: Infusion technology for an aircraft wing by AeroComposit JSC (Russia) gaining 20.96% of the 4,126 votes.



(c) Koch Membrane Systems

KPR Mill Switched to KMS PURON® MBR Technology

Wilmington, MA – March 1, 2018 - Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced today that it has provided PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules as part of a system upgrade to the wastewater treatment facility of KPR Mill Limited. KPR Mill is one of the largest apparel manufacturing companies in India. KPR Mill decided to upgrade their wastewater treatment facility from an old conventional plant to an advanced MBR technology due to its environmental commitment to ensure zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by recycling 100% of their wastewater. Among the key reasons for selecting the PURON® MBR modules are its unique design, including single header and central aeration, reliable and consistent operation, and strong after-market support from KMS.

Wilmington, MA – March 1, 2018 - Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced today that it has provided PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules as part of a system upgrade to the wastewater treatment facility of KPR Mill Limited. KPR Mill is one of the largest apparel manufacturing companies in India. KPR Mill decided to upgrade their wastewater treatment facility from an old conventional plant to an advanced MBR technology due to its environmental commitment to ensure zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by recycling 100% of their wastewater. Among the key reasons for selecting the PURON® MBR modules are its unique design, including single header and central aeration, reliable and consistent operation, and strong after-market support from KMS.
KPR Mill has been using a conventional Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).  Their old technology involved high chemicals consumption which required high maintenance levels, resulting in frequent production shut downs due to ETP failures.  The new MBR plant is designed to handle 3000 m³/day of textile effluent, utilizing two MBR trains. Initial results show that KPR Mill has reduced chemical costs and eliminated downtime, maximizing textile production. In addition to savings in operational cost and production optimization, KPR strives for an eco-friendly textile processing system. KPR’s selection of PURON® membranes help them achieve their goals of environmental sustainability.
“The membrane bioreactor technology from KMS operates very reliably and has resulted in a significant reduction of chemical, operating and maintenance costs of about 10%,” said Mr. C.R. Ananda Krishnan, executive director of KPR Mill Limited. “And as we are a trend setter in using eco-friendly advanced technologies, we were happy to have PURON® MBR as a technology partner who fits our needs and our vision.”
“KMS has developed advanced membrane solutions for the textile industry,” said Mr. Manny Singh, President of KMS. “Our products and services help the industry treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets, and create value through various chemical recovery processes.”


Rob Carlton, Koch Membrane Systems

intertextile, Shanghai (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2018, 14 – 16 March 2018

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

Denim enriched with volcanic ash: the latest innovation from Orta Anadolu
Volcanic ash is not uncommon in beauty products – it is known as Mother Nature’s skin purifier after all, and used as an exfoliator for example – but it is far less common in the textile industry. Orta Anadolu are set to change that with their BIOWARE denim which is enriched with mineralised volcanic ash to create an odour absorbing effect. This technology captures and absorbs odour compounds that would normally pass through the fabric, neutralising bad bacteria while retaining the helpful bacteria that common deodorisers, which contain harsh substances, normally eliminate. This leads to a more environmentally friendly product that is better for the user’s skin.

Orta will also be presenting BIOCHARGE at Intertextile, which, according to the company, is the world’s first denim fabric for muscle wellness. Infused with minerals, Orta state that BIOCHARGE is medically proven to refresh muscles, relieve muscle tension and optimise body balance. They will also present their BOUNCE stretch range, with high elasticity and a ‘street’ style, while CHRONICLE, another in their S/S 19 range, is a blend of heritage and future styles.

US Denim Mills blend tomorrow’s technology with yesterday’s style
Another innovative denim firm exhibiting at Intertextile Shanghai, and another blending old and new, is US Denim Mills. According to the company, their collection at the fair will “harness tomorrow’s textile advances to revitalise the great style visions of the past by adding fashion, comfort, performance and sustainability advantages to authentic denim looks.” This collection includes:

• Selvedge: using the company’s legacy selvedge looms to produce bi-stretch ‘SelvedgeX’ while experimenting with blends of natural yarns and high-tech fibre blends in its ‘HeritEdge+’ range
• Stretch: including ‘Flex 360’ bi-stretch denim with a slight cross-bias freedom, and ‘Modern Stretches’ with a higher stretch range for intense comfort
• SoftWear: advanced finishing treatments for superior soft touch from natural fibre blended yarns and softness-selected weaves
• Sustainable: new additions to the range of recycled and natural ‘GreenEgo’ denims

Kipas Denim step up their sustainability efforts
Well aware of the effect denim production has on the environment, Kipas Denim’s multi-faceted programme to address this is one of the most comprehensive in the denim sector. Their recycled yarn initiative includes recycling waste yarn from the production process, while it also takes waste cotton yarn and blends it with REPREVE® fibres to create an eco-friendly denim fabric. Kipas also uses BCI cotton and organic cotton, and targets each to be 15% and 5% of total consumption, respectively. Furthermore, their Conservablue technology aims to reduce the environmental impact of the dyeing process by eliminating the use of rinsing overflow boxes before and after the indigo dye boxes, as well as ensuring 100% of applied dyestuff remains on the yarn in the rinsing bath.

As well as the overseas offerings, a wide range of domestic denim exhibitors covering all price and quality points will also feature in Beyond Denim. Some of the more notable brands participating include Advance Denim, Black Peony, Guangzhou Foison and Prosperity Textile.

Denim’s ‘next move’ to be debated in INVISTA panel discussion
The market is changing and so must apparel and textile manufacturers. Low prices and discounts are no longer driving sales the way they used to. Today’s consumer wants better quality, appreciates new technology and is evolving their casualwear style. This is the premise behind the INVISTA-sponsored panel discussion which will take place on day 1 of the fair. Titled ‘Denim’s Next Move – New Opportunities to Keep Growing Sales of Jeans and Casualwear at Retail’, participants will learn what consumers really want in jeans and casualwear, the return of chinos and new fabric technologies that are energising casualwear.

The panel will be moderated by Jane Singer, Director and Head of Market Development at Inside Fashion. Panellists will include representatives from Advance Denim, Guangzhou Conshing Clothing Group, Prosperity Textile and Texhong who will share their latest innovations that will help brands and retailers drive sales and profits.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.

FILPUCCI launches the ‘Responsible Innovation” Line & C.L.A.S.S.  partnership © C.L.A.S.S.

FILPUCCI launches the ‘Responsible Innovation” Line & C.L.A.S.S. partnership

At Pitti Filati, and as part of a journey to be and make better products, the FILPUCCI GROUP invites the fashion industry to experience its new line of more sustainable yarn creativity.

The “Responsible Innovation Collection” represents a new level of smart innovation linked to responsible, eco-centric production. The collection uses the best high-tech, natural-based materials, combined with FILPUCCI’s dying & finishing expertise. This gives customer’s real access to a new, fashion-forward aesthetic, where quality and smart uniqueness in these new, more responsible yarns, deliver a new textile era of sustainable fashion solutions that are driven by ethical and natural values.

At Pitti Filati, and as part of a journey to be and make better products, the FILPUCCI GROUP invites the fashion industry to experience its new line of more sustainable yarn creativity.

The “Responsible Innovation Collection” represents a new level of smart innovation linked to responsible, eco-centric production. The collection uses the best high-tech, natural-based materials, combined with FILPUCCI’s dying & finishing expertise. This gives customer’s real access to a new, fashion-forward aesthetic, where quality and smart uniqueness in these new, more responsible yarns, deliver a new textile era of sustainable fashion solutions that are driven by ethical and natural values.

FILPUCCI is proud to announce it is a new official partner of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy). Since 2007, C.L.A.S.S., a unique multi-platform HUB based in Milan, specializes in integrating a new generation of eco-values for fashion, home products and business strategies. These values speak to a new, smarter, contemporary consumer. Founded by Giusy Bettoni, C.L.A.S.S. introduces a new way of design thinking that represents a shift in culture, enabling businesses to be competitive and socially innovative.
From this platform, FILPUCCI is also a key ambassador for the unique C.L.A.S.S. partner product, Re.Verso™, for its luxury upcycled cashmere yarns.

New additional steps on the FILPUCCI journey towards a more responsible approach to smart design and manufacture also include:

  • The signing of a new ‘Values Chart’ in conjunction with a joint consortium to guarantee sustainable production chains that are fully traceable with certified materials and measured environmental performances, such as reducing CO2, water use and power consumption.
  • The company is also GRS accredited with dyeing facilities that are second to none, boasting a GOTS certification alongside recycling 70% of water and also as part of the DETOX campaign for the last 3 years.  This is a key added value mirroring the whole company’s dyeing operation.
  • The FILPUCCI GROUP produces its own ‘Balance of Sustainability’ report each year to measure and account for issues relating to the business impact of a responsible innovation strategy, and research optimization into origins of materials, transparency, certifications and processes designed to reduce environmental impacts and a no-waste manufacturing philosophy.

There are seven new yarn styles in the Responsible Innovation Collection with smart blends of only the best, certified, organic and natural materials (cottons & linens), new generation wool Re.Verso™ and sustainable hi-tech materials (Cupro and Q-Nova) for 5 to 18 gauge knitwear design:


GB Network Marketing & Communication

DSM-Niaga announces research collaboration with ECOR © Niaga
Niaga Productionline

DSM-Niaga announces research collaboration with ECOR

Geleen, NL - Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, today announces that DSM-Niaga and ECOR are to start a research collaboration. The collaboration will focus on developing fully recyclable and healthier alternatives for particleboard, MDF and other panel materials which can be used in industries such as building & construction, furniture, interior decoration and displays. ECOR offers technology for circular materials and has an R&D facility in Venlo, the Netherlands.

Looking at the piles of waste generated by the interior and construction industries, design for recycling is inevitable. Both ECOR and DSM-Niaga have been redesigning products to be fully recyclable back into the same product. The irreversible combination of materials and ingredients used in most products made with MDF and particleboard is the biggest challenge for technically and economically feasible recycling. Both ECOR and DSM-Niaga want to outsmart complexity for healthier and recyclable products.

Geleen, NL - Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, today announces that DSM-Niaga and ECOR are to start a research collaboration. The collaboration will focus on developing fully recyclable and healthier alternatives for particleboard, MDF and other panel materials which can be used in industries such as building & construction, furniture, interior decoration and displays. ECOR offers technology for circular materials and has an R&D facility in Venlo, the Netherlands.

Looking at the piles of waste generated by the interior and construction industries, design for recycling is inevitable. Both ECOR and DSM-Niaga have been redesigning products to be fully recyclable back into the same product. The irreversible combination of materials and ingredients used in most products made with MDF and particleboard is the biggest challenge for technically and economically feasible recycling. Both ECOR and DSM-Niaga want to outsmart complexity for healthier and recyclable products.

Eric Logtens, CEO ECOR-NOBLE Environmental Benelux commented: “The concept that traditional materials like tabletops are up for incineration or disposal after their life cycle will be eliminated. Combining ECOR and Niaga® technologies, the core materials of products can be made from recycled content, and can be fully recycled after use.”

Chris Reutelingsperger, Chief Technology Officer DSM-Niaga commented: “By combining ECOR and Niaga, waste becomes a treasure. I can’t stop thinking of all the possibilities, and I hope that designers will approach us for ideas to make beautiful products and challenge us to broaden the possibilities of these technologies.”

In recent months ECOR and DSM-Niaga explored a collaboration by combining each other’s technologies. The technology of ECOR can make materials from natural fibers, with water, pressure and heat alone. DSM-Niaga manufactures products by using a reversible adhesive. This adhesive enables easy decoupling of different material layers, for full recovery and high value recycling. Both technologies were combined and tested in diverse product applications, like furniture and displays. The preliminary results led to further investigating of applications and will lead to new fully recyclable products.

Both technologies combined offer a fully recyclable alternative to all products made from MDF and particleboard, without compromising on material safety, quality, and recyclability. The joint objective of both companies is to offer manufacturing processes to local companies, solving local waste problems and boosting local economies on a global scale.

More information:

DSM Media Relations

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years © Huntsman
Huntsman Viyellatex Signing Ceremony

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

“We are extremely pleased and proud of this continuing partnership with the Viyellatex Group. As a global leader in the transition to a more sustainable textiles sector, we are pleased to join hands with one of the country’s leading exporter of ready-made garments (RMG) and a supplier to leading international brands, commented Chuck Hirsch, Vice President, Sales and Technical Resources, Huntsman Textile Effects. “This cooperation agreement will also help Viyellatex Group to maintain its leading edge in the textile industry by leveraging on Huntsman’s R&D capabilities, innovation and focus on sustainability, while continuing to comply with the stringent requirements of its export customers around the world,” continued Mr Hirsh.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. David Hasanat, Chairman of Viyellatex Group said, “Viyellatex Group is the leading company in the area of sustainable apparel in Bangladesh. This continuing support and technical expertise from Huntsman will help us be more competitive in this increasingly challenging market. It will help us to comply with the stringent product demands from our global customers and better equip us to face challenges from the operational and environmental aspects.” He continues, “Viyellatex Group places strong emphasis on sustainability by minimizing energy usage, adopting waste and water recycling, and using only organic materials and environmentally compliant chemicals and dyes and Huntsman is the perfect partner in this regard as they share this vision.” “We are pleased to be conferred Preferred Supplier Status from Viyellatex Group, partnering with one of the leading apparel groups in Bangladesh” , said Mr. Dheeraj Talreja, Commercial Director - South Asia, Middle East & Africa of Huntsman Textile Effects. “This partnership is a great testament of our customers’ trust and confidence in Huntsman’s quality, proven expertise, products and service delivery,” he continued.

In conjunction with this signing ceremony and as an active supporter of Bangladesh’s textile industry, today Mr Hirsch also hosted a customer seminar for more than 500 customers and prospects in the country’s capital, to provide them with leading edge technologies to help them be more sustainable with competitive value-add to customers.

Huntsman Textile Effects holds regular seminars and workshops and also collaborates with textile mills and apparel manufacturers to adopt new technologies and processes that conserve resources, reduce waste and improve productivity.

Bangladesh’s textile industry is the nation’s largest export sector. The ready-made garment (RMG) sector is worth US$28.14* billion in 2016-2017, with more than 4,300 garment factories employing about 4 million people and accounting for 80.7% of the country’s total exports. To remain internationally competitive, local textile mills and RMG factories increasingly have to demonstrate that they operate in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.

More information:
Huntsman Viyellatex Grouo


Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira © Trevira GmbH

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

In the area of Pre-Consumer Recycling, on the one hand, residual materials resulting from the manufacture of polyester fibres and filaments in Bobingen and Guben, dependent on the manufacturing step, are processed in the agglomeration plant and restored to become serviceable primary material. The recyclates are then fed back to our fibre and filament spinning mills, to be made into new top-quality products.

On the other hand, in fibre production there occurs in the manufacture of tow a small proportion of tow that cannot be used for converting and has to be cut out. Instead of selling this material as waste, it is cut up, pressed into balls and then carded / combed by a partner, resulting in a 1A quality product. The GRS certification (Global Recycled Standard) is requested for this. As with converter tow from new material, the recycled tow is mostly incorporated into polyester wool blends (55 % PET / 45 % wool), which are used primarily in corporate wear and uniforms.

In the area of Post-Consumer Recycling, Trevira offers filament yarns consisting of 100 % recycled PET bottles. Our parent company Indorama manufactures very high quality recycled chips from PET bottles. Since only transparent PET bottles are used in Thailand, the flakes and chips are of a particularly good and very uniform quality. The recycled chips, fibres and filaments from Indorama bear the GRS certificates (Global Recycled Standard) and RCS-NL (Recycled Claim Standard). Trevira processes the regranulate made by Indorama from bottle flakes into filament yarns consisting 100 % of recycled material. The filament yarns are available in titres 167 and 76 dtex normal polyester. Alongside technical applications, they are used in the automotive and apparel sectors. In addition, many promising developments with the recycled material are on their way.