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NCTO: Statement about International Trade Crimes Legislation

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued the following statement welcoming the introduction of the bipartisan “Protecting American Industry and Labor from International Trade Crimes Act,” a bill that aims to combat trade fraud and hold those committing the crimes accountable.

Statement by NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas:
“We commend Chairman John Moolenaar (R-MI) and Ranking Member Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), who lead the House Select Committee on the CCP, along with Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-IA) and others for introducing this bipartisan legislation that will put real teeth into combatting trade crimes that are undermining American textile and apparel manufacturers.

“NCTO has called for additional federal tools and resources to urgently address the pervasive trade crimes impacting our industry as well as other U.S. manufacturing sectors. We are pleased that this legislation will do exactly that by establishing a formal structure within the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division dedicated to aggressively prosecute international trade crimes.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued the following statement welcoming the introduction of the bipartisan “Protecting American Industry and Labor from International Trade Crimes Act,” a bill that aims to combat trade fraud and hold those committing the crimes accountable.

Statement by NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas:
“We commend Chairman John Moolenaar (R-MI) and Ranking Member Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), who lead the House Select Committee on the CCP, along with Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-IA) and others for introducing this bipartisan legislation that will put real teeth into combatting trade crimes that are undermining American textile and apparel manufacturers.

“NCTO has called for additional federal tools and resources to urgently address the pervasive trade crimes impacting our industry as well as other U.S. manufacturing sectors. We are pleased that this legislation will do exactly that by establishing a formal structure within the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division dedicated to aggressively prosecute international trade crimes.

“The U.S. textile and apparel supply chain has been severely harmed by rampant trade fraud, including an onslaught of imported products made with forced labor, which circumvent the U.S. ban on these imports, fraudulent rules of origin claims under our free trade agreements, and evasion of duties through abuse of the de minimis trade loophole. This had resulted in the closure of 18 textile plants over the past several months and job losses, combined with closures in Western Hemisphere trade partners who have suffered tens of thousands of job losses.

“We believe this bipartisan legislation is a critical step forward in confronting such massive fraud and will serve to hold bad actors accountable and help shield our vital domestic industries from these crimes.”


National Council of Textile Organizations


BVMed: Stellungnahme zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seiner Stellungnahme zur Weiterentwicklung der deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, dass stärker auf einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen auf europäischer Ebene geachtet wird. „Unsere Unternehmen sind international aufgestellt und stehen in einem globalen Wettbewerb. Zusätzliche oder weitergehende Standards schaden dem Standort. Wir sprechen uns klar gegen ‚Gold Plating‘ aus“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Zudem sollte bei der Überarbeitung umweltrechtlicher und stoffpolitischer Rahmenbedingungen aus dem Green Deal auf den Abbau von bürokratischen Regelungen geachtet werden. Darunter würden zum Beispiel die Chemikalien-, CSR- und Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzgebung fallen. Die BVMed-Stellungnahme kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seiner Stellungnahme zur Weiterentwicklung der deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, dass stärker auf einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen auf europäischer Ebene geachtet wird. „Unsere Unternehmen sind international aufgestellt und stehen in einem globalen Wettbewerb. Zusätzliche oder weitergehende Standards schaden dem Standort. Wir sprechen uns klar gegen ‚Gold Plating‘ aus“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Zudem sollte bei der Überarbeitung umweltrechtlicher und stoffpolitischer Rahmenbedingungen aus dem Green Deal auf den Abbau von bürokratischen Regelungen geachtet werden. Darunter würden zum Beispiel die Chemikalien-, CSR- und Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzgebung fallen. Die BVMed-Stellungnahme kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Der BVMed bekennt sich in seiner Stellungnahme zu den 17 Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen auf ökonomischer, sozialer sowie ökologischer Ebene. Mit der „SEE-Impact-Studie der deutschen MedTech-Branche“ in Zusammenarbeit mit dem WiFOR-Institut hat der BVMed bereits 2022 eine umfangreiche Standortbestimmung des sozialen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Fußabdrucks der MedTech-Branche vorgenommen.

Für eine erfolgreiche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie müssten aus Sicht der BVMed die spezifischen Besonderheiten der Medizintechnik-Branche berücksichtigt werden. Dazu gehöre die medizinische Versorgung der Menschen auf einem hohen Niveau, die der Entwurf der weiterentwickelten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie vorsehe. „Um die Patient:innen-Versorgung mit Medizinprodukten kontinuierlich gewährleisten zu können, bedarf es einer besonders sensiblen Güterabwägung“, heißt es in der BVMed-Stellungnahme. „Es braucht praxisnahe und versorgungssichere Rahmenbedingungen, sodass es nicht zur Unterbrechung oder Engpässen in der Versorgung kommt. Insbesondere ist auf ausreichend Übergangszeiten für die Branche zu achten“, fordert der BVMed. Denn Änderungen von Medizinprodukten seien sehr streng reguliert und damit zeit- und ressourcenintensiv.

Zur Sicherstellung der Gesundheitsversorgung mit Medizinprodukten lehnt der BVMed ein pauschales PFAS-Verbot in seiner Stellungnahme weiterhin ab. Bei der Diskussion einer Beschränkung der PFAS-Verwendung müssten die Besonderheiten der Medizintechnik mitgedacht werden. „Entscheidend für die Medizintechnik-Fortschritte, inklusive aller vorgelagerten Produktions- und Prozessschritte, der letzten Jahrzehnte waren PFAS – aufgrund ihrer Langlebigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit am und im menschlichen Körper“, heißt es dazu in der Stellungnahme. Ein pauschalen PFAS -Verbot hätte verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Versorgung mit lebensnotwendigen Medizinprodukten.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


VDMA Position Statement: Textile machinery for a sustainable textile industry

In a position paper published, the companies organised in the VDMA Textile Machinery Association comment on the ambitious EU regulations and their national implementation for the sustainable and circular transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

The production of textiles requires a large number of resources, such as water, energy and chemicals. “The members of VDMA Textile Machinery support customers with products worldwide to utilise great potential already at the textile production stage to thereby reduce CO2 emissions“, explained Verena Thies, Deputy Chairwoman of VDMA Textile Machinery.

In a position paper published, the companies organised in the VDMA Textile Machinery Association comment on the ambitious EU regulations and their national implementation for the sustainable and circular transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

The production of textiles requires a large number of resources, such as water, energy and chemicals. “The members of VDMA Textile Machinery support customers with products worldwide to utilise great potential already at the textile production stage to thereby reduce CO2 emissions“, explained Verena Thies, Deputy Chairwoman of VDMA Textile Machinery.

The position statement emphasises the importance of efficient processes, circular economy and binding rules for all market participants. Besides, the position paper summarises the status of textile-to-textile recycling processes as well as the framework conditions for reprocessing of recyclates. The companies of VDMA Textile Machinery develop processes and technologies for recycling and provide the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials, whether natural or man-made fibres.
The Executive Board of VDMA Textile Machinery stresses additionally, that the new EU regulations for circular economy and their national implementation must be designed with realistic targets, measurable effects and as little bureaucracy as possible. Furthermore, market surveillance is needed to ensure a level playing field for all market participants.

On behalf of the industry, the VDMA Textile Machinery Association calls for creating better location conditions in Germany and EU as a favourable environment for innovation und competitiveness for textile machinery manufacturing to significantly advance the sustainability of the textile industry: The Textile Machinery Association strongly emphasises the need for a wide range of low-cost green energy, which is essential for the implementation and sustainable use of recycling solutions in the manufacturing industry. The association also sees the positive shaping of location conditions (the potential for skilled labour, a reduction in bureaucracy, shorter approval periods, investment security and predictability as well as a reduction in the tax burden) as a decisive factor for supporting sustainable business in the highly competitive textile and clothing industry.


VDMA e. V.

Cooperation between CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles (c) CARBIOS
(L-R) Emmanuel Ladent (CEO, CARBIOS), Eric Boël (Co-director of Nouvelles Fibres Textiles) and Mathieu Berthoud (Strategic Sourcing Director, CARBIOS)

Cooperation between CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles

CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, a French company specializing in the recovery of end-of-life textiles, announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a contract for the supply of polyester textiles to the world's first PET biorecycling plant currently under construction in Longlaville, France. The polyester textiles supplied will come from used or end-of-life textiles prepared in France by Nouvelles Fibres Textiles for recycling using CARBIOS' enzymatic depolymerization technology. This contract will enable 5,000 tons a year of these textiles to be redirected towards biorecycling from 2026 onwards, over an initial 5-year period, demonstrating the commitment of industrial players all along the value chain to achieving textile circularity for a more sustainable textile sector.

CARBIOS and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, a French company specializing in the recovery of end-of-life textiles, announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a contract for the supply of polyester textiles to the world's first PET biorecycling plant currently under construction in Longlaville, France. The polyester textiles supplied will come from used or end-of-life textiles prepared in France by Nouvelles Fibres Textiles for recycling using CARBIOS' enzymatic depolymerization technology. This contract will enable 5,000 tons a year of these textiles to be redirected towards biorecycling from 2026 onwards, over an initial 5-year period, demonstrating the commitment of industrial players all along the value chain to achieving textile circularity for a more sustainable textile sector.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles and its various partners opened a semi-industrial site with an annual capacity of 1,000 tons in November 2023, the first step towards building a 20,000-to-30,000-ton unit in 2026. This first site, a research center for textile recycling, combines the know-how of Andritz Laroche (a leader in textile recycling), Pellenc ST (French leader in intelligent sorting solutions), Synergie TLC (a French player in collection and first sorting for solidarity) and the Tissages de Charlieu group (a French player in weaving, garment manufacturing and textile recycling). This unit transforms used textiles into high-quality raw materials, supplying the various industries that use textile fibers (non-wovens, insulation, plastic, textiles, etc.) by automatically sorting them by composition, while eliminating hard points (buttons, zips, patches, etc.).

CARBIOS' biorecycling technology uses enzymes to break down polyester fibers into their basic components. These components are then used to produce high-quality recycled PET materials, such as fibers for the textile industry. This “fiber-to-fiber” solution will enable polyester to become a truly circular fiber on a large scale.



Foto Hannes Edinger auf Pixabay

BTE schätzt, Shein, Temu & Co haben 2023 eine Mrd. Modeartikel und Schuhe in Deutschland verkauft

Der BTE schätzt, dass die Verbraucher in Deutschland im letzten Jahr rund eine Milliarde Bekleidungsstücke und Schuhe bei außereuropäischen Anbietern und Plattformen wie Shein und Temu gekauft haben. Das hat eine Analyse der vorläufigen Außenhandelsstatistik ergeben, wonach die Inlandsmenge (Import minus Export) von Bekleidung und Schuhen 2023 gegenüber dem Vorjahr dramatisch gesunken ist.  Dies ist für den BTE nur mit einer hohen Zahl von Direktimporten der Verbraucher aus Asien erklärbar, die nicht in der Außenhandelsstatistik berücksichtigt werden.
So lag im Jahr 2023 das amtlich ermittelte Inlandsangebot bei 3.514 Millionen Bekleidungsartikeln und 266 Millionen Schuhpaaren. 2022 waren es noch 4.457 Millionen Bekleidungsstücke und 413 Millionen Paar Schuhe. Rein statistisch ist das entsprechende Angebot für die Verbraucher binnen eines Jahres also um 1.090 Millionen Artikel oder 22,4 Prozent gefallen. Die geringe inländische Produktion blieb dabei unberücksichtigt.

Der BTE schätzt, dass die Verbraucher in Deutschland im letzten Jahr rund eine Milliarde Bekleidungsstücke und Schuhe bei außereuropäischen Anbietern und Plattformen wie Shein und Temu gekauft haben. Das hat eine Analyse der vorläufigen Außenhandelsstatistik ergeben, wonach die Inlandsmenge (Import minus Export) von Bekleidung und Schuhen 2023 gegenüber dem Vorjahr dramatisch gesunken ist.  Dies ist für den BTE nur mit einer hohen Zahl von Direktimporten der Verbraucher aus Asien erklärbar, die nicht in der Außenhandelsstatistik berücksichtigt werden.
So lag im Jahr 2023 das amtlich ermittelte Inlandsangebot bei 3.514 Millionen Bekleidungsartikeln und 266 Millionen Schuhpaaren. 2022 waren es noch 4.457 Millionen Bekleidungsstücke und 413 Millionen Paar Schuhe. Rein statistisch ist das entsprechende Angebot für die Verbraucher binnen eines Jahres also um 1.090 Millionen Artikel oder 22,4 Prozent gefallen. Die geringe inländische Produktion blieb dabei unberücksichtigt.
Diese Zahlen stehen allerdings in deutlicher Diskrepanz zum Verbraucherverhalten. So lag die Zahl der gekauften Bekleidungsstücke gemäß repräsentativem Consumer Panel Services GfK nur leicht unter dem Wert von 2022. Theoretisch wäre diese Differenz zwar über eine Auflösung vorher aufgebauter Lager bzw. Überproduktionen erklärbar, in diesem Ausmaß erscheint das aber unrealistisch.
Der BTE nimmt vielmehr an, dass die Angebotslücke primär auf in der Außenhandelsstatistik nicht berücksichtigte Direkt-Importe der Endverbraucher bei stark expandierenden Anbietern wie Shein und Temu zurückzuführen ist. Beide Unternehmen sollen zusammen täglich rund 400.000 Pakete nach Deutschland schicken.
Der BTE schätzt daher, dass die tatsächliche in Deutschland angebotene bzw. gekaufte Menge von Mode und Schuhen im letzten Jahr wegen der stark steigenden Zahl unkontrollierter Importe aus Fernost kaum gesunken ist. Diese entsprechen nach BTE-Erkenntnissen vielfach nicht den in der EU geltenden Vorgaben und sind mitunter sogar gesundheitsgefährdend für die Konsumenten. Der BTE fordert hier zusammen mit dem Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) eine wirksame Kontrolle der Importe aus Drittstaaten, damit die Kunden geschützt werden und wieder ein fairer Wettbewerb für alle Akteure innerhalb der EU gewährleistet werde.

More information:
ecommerce China Online-Marktplatz

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren


German Pavilion returning to Cinte Techtextil China

The German Pavilion is confirmed to return from 19 – 21 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. For the first time since borders reopened, industry leaders gathering under the banner will bolster the fair’s innovation and sustainability with a comprehensive showcase, from raw materials to machinery, complemented by diversified fringe events across the fairground.

Located in a prime area of the International Hall, the German Pavilion is set to draw crowds with its reputable products and technology. Assembling under the pavilion this year will be some new and returning German exhibitors, having made their names in the sub-categories of automotive nonwovens, industrial-use monofilaments, weaving machinery, and many more. After confirming their participation, Hansa Industrie-Mixer, J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials, Lindauer Dornier, Monosuisse, and Perlon will showcase their expertise together with other highlighted exhibitors, including:

The German Pavilion is confirmed to return from 19 – 21 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. For the first time since borders reopened, industry leaders gathering under the banner will bolster the fair’s innovation and sustainability with a comprehensive showcase, from raw materials to machinery, complemented by diversified fringe events across the fairground.

Located in a prime area of the International Hall, the German Pavilion is set to draw crowds with its reputable products and technology. Assembling under the pavilion this year will be some new and returning German exhibitors, having made their names in the sub-categories of automotive nonwovens, industrial-use monofilaments, weaving machinery, and many more. After confirming their participation, Hansa Industrie-Mixer, J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials, Lindauer Dornier, Monosuisse, and Perlon will showcase their expertise together with other highlighted exhibitors, including:

  • Autefa Solutions – A full-service provider for turnkey nonwoven lines and machines, the company offers machines for fibre opening and blending, carding, crosslapping, needle punching, spunlace, thermobonding, amongst others. At the fair, the company will showcase technology spanning 10 application areas.
  • Emtec Electronic – The company develops specialised test devices for the nonwoven and textile industries. An innovation said to quantify handfeel, its TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer objectively measures the softness, smoothness and stiffness of textiles and nonwovens, as well as their recovery and elongation.
  • Neuenhauser Group – The Neuenhauser Textile division provides fully-automated cleaning systems, transport automation solutions, winding technology, high-performance can coilers and weaving machine accessories. With decades of experience, the Group will debut at the fair with various innovative Agrotech, Buildtech, and Geotech solutions.
  • Reifenhauser Enka Tecnica – A specialised provider of spinnerets and precision components to the man-made fibre industry. The company manufactures a broad spectrum of spinnerets and spin packs for all spinning processes, as well as premium jet strips for hydro-entangling with extra-long service life.
  • Reifenhauser Reicofil – A well-known provider of spunbond, meltblown and composite lines for nonwoven applications in the hygiene, medical, filtration and industrial sectors. Offering a wide range of machinery at the show, the company is developing technical solutions for sophisticated and sustainable applications, with a strong focus on machine intelligence and energy efficiency.

New fringe events to further advocate innovation and sustainability
At this year’s fair, AiDLab[1] will present its AI-based Textile Inspection System (AiTIS). A world first, AiTIS automatically and accurately detects material defects in nonwovens (especially for mask making), and various textiles, reflecting the collaborative efforts of AiDLab and a Hong Kong healthcare brand. At the event, Professor Calvin Wong, CEO & Centre Director of AiDLab, will introduce the system. This will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session with independent consultant Mr Eric Sham and moderated by AiDLab’s Mr Barry Tai, including insights on how advanced technology is reshaping the textile industry landscape.

Going beyond innovation, the fringe programme will also for the first time include Econogy Talks[2] and sustainability tours to reflect Messe Frankfurt’s commitment to a sustainable future. Fairgoers can also visit the Innovation Showcase Area for outstanding industry achievements, with the focus this year on cutting-edge technology, green development and high-end applications. Product submission is now open. Contact us to submit your products, or register here for your visitor badge.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

Cinte Techtextil China will be held from 19 – 21 September 2024.

[1] The Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design, jointly established by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the UK’s Royal College of Art, under HKSAR government funding
[2] ‘Texpertise Econogy’ – the umbrella for Messe Frankfurt’s sustainability activities at its more than 50 textile trade shows worldwide


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

RadiciGroup and Atalanta: Renewal of partnership for 2024/25 season (c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup and Atalanta: Renewal of partnership for 2024/25 season

RadiciGroup and Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio announce the renewal of their partnership for the 2024/25 season. RadiciGroup will be the "Sponsor del Cuore" (Heart Sponsor) for the Italian Serie A league and the Supercoppa Italia, which will take place in January 2025 in Riyadh, while it will be the "Sleeve Partner" in the UEFA Champions League and Coppa Italia matches.

RadiciGroup therefore remains the "Sponsor del Cuore" of the Atalanta team, renewing the partnership started in 2017. Over these years, during which the Nerazzurri have achieved success, RadiciGroup has always supported the management, coach, players, and staff of Atalanta. This relationship is based on shared values such as attention to the territory, passion for the black and blue colours, and the ability to showcase an incredible game that highlights each player's talent within a winning team. Atalanta concluded the 2023/24 season triumphantly, winning the Europa League and giving Bergamo fans a trophy.

RadiciGroup and Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio announce the renewal of their partnership for the 2024/25 season. RadiciGroup will be the "Sponsor del Cuore" (Heart Sponsor) for the Italian Serie A league and the Supercoppa Italia, which will take place in January 2025 in Riyadh, while it will be the "Sleeve Partner" in the UEFA Champions League and Coppa Italia matches.

RadiciGroup therefore remains the "Sponsor del Cuore" of the Atalanta team, renewing the partnership started in 2017. Over these years, during which the Nerazzurri have achieved success, RadiciGroup has always supported the management, coach, players, and staff of Atalanta. This relationship is based on shared values such as attention to the territory, passion for the black and blue colours, and the ability to showcase an incredible game that highlights each player's talent within a winning team. Atalanta concluded the 2023/24 season triumphantly, winning the Europa League and giving Bergamo fans a trophy.

More information:
RadiciGroup Sportswear


Some of Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel´s Vietnam team members with top management during the inauguration. (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel inaugurates factory in Vietnam

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg Apparel) announced the production opening of its state thermal insulation factory located in Long Thanh District, Vietnam. This facility specializes in the production of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s renowned high-performance thermal insulation material, designed to elevate fashion and sportswear apparel.

This additional new factory extends Freudenberg Apparel's thermal insulation production across key Asian markets, including the Chinese mainland and South Korea. It also significantly strengthens Freudenberg Apparel’s global production capabilities and supply network. This expansion will bolster the company's competitive edge in Asia and reaffirms its ongoing dedication to innovation and evolution within the apparel industry.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg Apparel) announced the production opening of its state thermal insulation factory located in Long Thanh District, Vietnam. This facility specializes in the production of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s renowned high-performance thermal insulation material, designed to elevate fashion and sportswear apparel.

This additional new factory extends Freudenberg Apparel's thermal insulation production across key Asian markets, including the Chinese mainland and South Korea. It also significantly strengthens Freudenberg Apparel’s global production capabilities and supply network. This expansion will bolster the company's competitive edge in Asia and reaffirms its ongoing dedication to innovation and evolution within the apparel industry.

"By localizing the production of our thermal insulation materials in Vietnam, we are not only reducing lead times for our customers but also streamlining the supply chain, ensuring we continue to deliver exceptional value for customers," stated John McNabb, Chief Technology Officer at Freudenberg Performance Materials. The Vietnamese facility is equipped to produce sustainable thermal insulations, providing customers with options that align with their sustainable garment production initiatives and goals.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel

Call for Borealis Scientific Innovation Award (c) Borealis

Call for Borealis Scientific Innovation Award

Achieving Borealis’ vision of leading a sustainable transformation through innovative plastics and base chemicals solutions to create a fully circular future requires fresh thinking. Through the Borealis Scientific Innovation Awards (BSIA), Borealis provides a platform for ideas that accelerate the circular transformation and encourages the dedication and diligence needed to drive sustainable progress.
This year, the BSIA will recognize peer-reviewed publications or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) that describe an innovative idea within the focus area of new solutions for the sustainable production and use of plastics. This includes e.g. new catalysts, energy efficient polymerization processes, recycling of polymers and polymeric materials for energy transformation.  

Achieving Borealis’ vision of leading a sustainable transformation through innovative plastics and base chemicals solutions to create a fully circular future requires fresh thinking. Through the Borealis Scientific Innovation Awards (BSIA), Borealis provides a platform for ideas that accelerate the circular transformation and encourages the dedication and diligence needed to drive sustainable progress.
This year, the BSIA will recognize peer-reviewed publications or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) that describe an innovative idea within the focus area of new solutions for the sustainable production and use of plastics. This includes e.g. new catalysts, energy efficient polymerization processes, recycling of polymers and polymeric materials for energy transformation.  
The call for submissions is open thinkers from the professional and academic scientific communities, from entrepreneurs, engineers, chemical engineers and start-ups to university researchers. Applicants can submit their peer-reviewed publication or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) until September 15, 2024 via the Borealis website.  
Upon submission, a panel of Borealis research representatives will review the applications and select three winners. The awardees will be invited to present their work in person at an award ceremony at the Borealis Innovation Headquarters in Linz, Austria.  
The awards consist of a certificate, a cash prize (EUR 5,000 for first place, EUR 2,000 for second place, and EUR 1,000 for third place), a Borealis-funded trip to Linz, Austria and, of course, the invaluable opportunity for exposure and networking.



Marketmedia24: Sales Performance-REPORT zu Berufskleidung und Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (c) Marketmedia24, Köln

Marketmedia24: Sales Performance-REPORT zu Berufskleidung und Persönliche Schutzausrüstung

Wie die gesamte Textilbranche, stehen auch die Akteure im Bereich der Berufs- und Schutzkleidung sowie der Corporate Wear vor großen Herausforderungen. Zum einen müssen freiwillige und gesetzlich verankerte Nachhaltigkeitsziele in kurzer Zeit umgesetzt werden, zum anderen befinden sich die wichtigsten Abnehmerbranchen in einem nie gekannten Transformationsprozess mit ungewissem Ausgang. In Zeiten, in denen sich ganze Industriezweige neu aufstellen oder sogar neu erfinden müssen und sich die Gastronomie, die Hotellerie sowie die gesamte Pflege- und Gesundheitsbranche stark wandelt, ist es nicht nur ein „nice to have“ sondern ein „must have“, detaillierte Erkenntnisse über die zukünftige Entwicklung der Absatzmärkte zu haben.
Marketmedia24, Köln, bietet im neuen Studienformat „Sales Performance-REPORT" diese wichtigen Erkenntnisse. In Kooperation mit der Vereinigung MaxTex, Frankfurt, wurden zwischen Dezember 2023 und April 2024 über 30 Branchen-Expert*innen in zwei Befragungswellen interviewt.

Wie die gesamte Textilbranche, stehen auch die Akteure im Bereich der Berufs- und Schutzkleidung sowie der Corporate Wear vor großen Herausforderungen. Zum einen müssen freiwillige und gesetzlich verankerte Nachhaltigkeitsziele in kurzer Zeit umgesetzt werden, zum anderen befinden sich die wichtigsten Abnehmerbranchen in einem nie gekannten Transformationsprozess mit ungewissem Ausgang. In Zeiten, in denen sich ganze Industriezweige neu aufstellen oder sogar neu erfinden müssen und sich die Gastronomie, die Hotellerie sowie die gesamte Pflege- und Gesundheitsbranche stark wandelt, ist es nicht nur ein „nice to have“ sondern ein „must have“, detaillierte Erkenntnisse über die zukünftige Entwicklung der Absatzmärkte zu haben.
Marketmedia24, Köln, bietet im neuen Studienformat „Sales Performance-REPORT" diese wichtigen Erkenntnisse. In Kooperation mit der Vereinigung MaxTex, Frankfurt, wurden zwischen Dezember 2023 und April 2024 über 30 Branchen-Expert*innen in zwei Befragungswellen interviewt.
Die Studie liefert Zahlen und Fakten zu:

  • 13 Produktgruppen aus den Segmenten Herren-Berufskleidung, Damen-Berufskleidung und Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (2013 bis 2023)
  • Aktive Handelsformate und deren Marktanteile
  • Zukünftige Einflussfaktoren auf der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite der Branche
  • Umsatzvorausschauen auf Produkt- und Handelsebene bis 2033 (Best- und Worst-Case-Szenarien)
  • Entwicklung der Umsatzanteile für neun Wirtschaftszweige basierend auf aktuellen Erwerbstätigenstatistiken
  • 10 Future Codes

Marketmedia24, Köln


BVMed: Neue Vorschriften zur Cybersicherheit für Medizinprodukte

Auf die Hersteller von Medizinprodukten kommen neue Vorschriften zur Cybersicherheit zu, über die der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem neuen Informationsblatt informiert. Grundlage ist die europäische NIS-2-Richtlinie (Netzwerk- und Informationssicherheit) aus dem Jahr 2023, die deutliche Verschärfungen der EU-Vorschriften zur Cybersicherheit enthält. Sie muss bis 17. Oktober 2024 in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden. Seit Ende Juni 2024 liegt dazu in Deutschland der vierte Referentenentwurf zu einem NIS-2-Umsetzungs- und Cybersicherheitsstärkungs-Gesetz (NIS2UmsuCG) vor. Das BVMed-Informationsblatt zu den neuen Anforderungen an die Cybersicherheit, das in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kanzlei Reusch Law erarbeitet wurde, kann unter heruntergeladen werden.

Mit der NIS-2-Richtlinie werden die Anforderungen an die Cybersicherheit in der Medizinprodukte- und In-vitro-Diagnostika-Branche deutlich verschärft. Betroffen sind dabei Unternehmen ab 50 Beschäftigten oder einem Jahresumsatz von über 10 Millionen Euro. Aus den Vorgaben der NIS-2-Richtlinie ergeben sich unter anderem folgende Anforderungen:

Auf die Hersteller von Medizinprodukten kommen neue Vorschriften zur Cybersicherheit zu, über die der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem neuen Informationsblatt informiert. Grundlage ist die europäische NIS-2-Richtlinie (Netzwerk- und Informationssicherheit) aus dem Jahr 2023, die deutliche Verschärfungen der EU-Vorschriften zur Cybersicherheit enthält. Sie muss bis 17. Oktober 2024 in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden. Seit Ende Juni 2024 liegt dazu in Deutschland der vierte Referentenentwurf zu einem NIS-2-Umsetzungs- und Cybersicherheitsstärkungs-Gesetz (NIS2UmsuCG) vor. Das BVMed-Informationsblatt zu den neuen Anforderungen an die Cybersicherheit, das in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kanzlei Reusch Law erarbeitet wurde, kann unter heruntergeladen werden.

Mit der NIS-2-Richtlinie werden die Anforderungen an die Cybersicherheit in der Medizinprodukte- und In-vitro-Diagnostika-Branche deutlich verschärft. Betroffen sind dabei Unternehmen ab 50 Beschäftigten oder einem Jahresumsatz von über 10 Millionen Euro. Aus den Vorgaben der NIS-2-Richtlinie ergeben sich unter anderem folgende Anforderungen:

  • Governance und Awareness: Die Geschäftsführung muss Maßnahmen zur Cybersicherheit ergreifen und überwachen sowie sämtliche Mitarbeiter:innen zur Cybersicherheit schulen.
  • Management von Cybersicherheits-Risiken: Die Unternehmen müssen Risikoanalysen durchführen und dokumentieren. Identifizierte Risiken müssen durch technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen beherrschbar gemacht werden. Die Cybersicherheit muss hierbei nicht nur im Unternehmen selbst, sondern auch in der Lieferkette gewährleistet werden.
  • Berichtspflichten: Erhebliche Cybersicherheits-Vorfälle müssen in einem gestuften Meldesystem an die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde gemeldet werden. Je nach Vorfall sind bis zu 5 Meldungen erforderlich. Im Falle von erheblichen Cyberbedrohungen sind zudem die Empfänger:innen der Dienste zu unterrichten. Die datenschutzrechtlichen Meldepflichten bleiben daneben bestehen.

Erst mit der Umsetzung der NIS-2-Richtlinie in deutsches Recht werden die Vorgaben zur Cybersicherheit für Unternehmen in Deutschland verbindlich. Im Rahmen der Verbändeanhörung hat das für das NIS2UmsuCG federführende Bundesinnenministerium angekündigt, bis Herbst 2024 einen Kabinettsentwurf vorzulegen und das parlamentarische Verfahren einzuleiten, sodass das Gesetz spätestens im Frühjahr 2025 ohne Übergangsfristen in Kraft treten soll.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Foto Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Polytechnic University develops intelligent activewear

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are just around the corner and a global sports frenzy is underway. However, intense summer workouts often lead to sportswear absorbing excessive sweat, becoming clingy and cumbersome, causing discomfort and potentially impacting performance. A research team from the School of Fashion and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed the iActive™ sportswear range which features a root-like liquid transport system and a skin-like active perspiration dissipater and utilises nature-inspired, anti-heat textile fabrics to expedite sweat removal, effectively reducing the weight and stickiness of activewear caused by sweat accumulation during exercise.

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are just around the corner and a global sports frenzy is underway. However, intense summer workouts often lead to sportswear absorbing excessive sweat, becoming clingy and cumbersome, causing discomfort and potentially impacting performance. A research team from the School of Fashion and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed the iActive™ sportswear range which features a root-like liquid transport system and a skin-like active perspiration dissipater and utilises nature-inspired, anti-heat textile fabrics to expedite sweat removal, effectively reducing the weight and stickiness of activewear caused by sweat accumulation during exercise.

The human body has millions of sweat glands that are vital for regulating body temperature by dissipating sweat for evaporation to cool the skin’s surface. With unabating greenhouse gas emissions, the number of very hot days annually is expected to increase significantly. This will lead to elevated energy consumption and increased sweating during physical activity and outdoor labour. Even when wearing highly breathable clothes with good sweat-wicking properties, individuals may still experience discomfort due to excessive sweat accumulation.

A research team led by Dr SHOU Dahua, Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies and Associate Professor of the School of Fashion and Textiles at PolyU, has invented the iActive™, intelligent, electrically activated sportswear with a nature-inspired active perspiration function.

Its nature-inspired technologies, including low-voltage-driven artificial “sweat glands” created by skin-like anti-heat textile fabrics and a root-like branching liquid transport system that aligns with the body’s sweat map, can actively and programmably remove sweat to a perspiration dissipater at the lower region of the sportswear. The all-textile sweat dissipater is compact and operates at a safe output voltage of approximately 5-9V, and its battery is easy to detach from the clothing, making it convenient for users to repeatedly wash the clothing by hand or in a washing machine to maintain hygiene. When the human body’s sweat rate is low, iActive™ can still be used independently without the battery.

Based on the optimised wettability pattern and gradient, the research team utilises a skin-like textile fabric to transport sweat one-way quickly and dissipate it from the inside to the outside. This feature reduces the stickiness and weight of clothing, improves breathability and ensures the garments remain dry and comfortable to wear. Experimental findings indicate that iActive™ creates a breathable and dry skin microclimate by dissipating sweat at a rate that is three times faster than the maximum human sweating rate. This innovation can also prevent discomfort from coldness and moisture after a workout. In comparison to traditional fabrics, the textile materials in iActive™ are 60% lighter and 50% less clingy when soaked, providing the wearer with all-round comfort and enabling sports enthusiasts and athletes to perform at their best.

Furthermore, a mobile app further aids personalised sweat management by wirelessly adjusting the sweat level of iActive™. This innovation is versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of textile materials to facilitate sustainable mass production. Beyond sportswear, iActive™ is also well-suited to protective clothing and workwear for individuals engaged in prolonged, high-intensity physical labour and outdoor occupations, including healthcare professionals, construction workers, firefighters, law enforcement officers and others, thereby significantly enhancing their work performance.

Dr Shou Dahua stated, “The extreme weather and high temperatures resulting from global warming have elevated the importance of heatstroke prevention and cooling measures on a global scale. Drawing on the vivid phenomena of thermal insulation and directed liquid flow in nature, we aim to foster innovation and sustainable advancement in garment manufacturing by inventing intelligent clothing and materials to address global challenges. We seek to harness the power of technology to infuse fresh perspectives into the traditional clothing industry, thereby enhancing its competitiveness.”

His research team has also developed a premium fabric named Omni-Cool-Dry™, drawing inspiration from volcano dwelling beetles. This fabric not only provides ultra-fast sweat dissipation and ensures all-day comfort with its dry and breathable features under dynamic thermal conditions, but also reflects solar radiation and emits body heat into the cold universe, enabling passive cooling. The team is working hard to leverage the benefits of both inventions to further enhance the sweat-dissipating and cooling capability of iActive™ sportswear.

Dr Shou Dahua, a core member of the PolyU Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and the Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion, has recently been bestowed with the 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award by The Fiber Society for his outstanding contributions to the fields of personal thermal and moisture management, intelligent wearables and soft robotics. The accolade is presented annually to an individual researcher worldwide. He has also received international innovation awards, including consecutive TechConnect Global Innovation Awards in 2021 and 2022. Moreover, his research papers have been published in various internationally renowned academic journals including Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Functional Materials, and Advanced Energy Materials. Dr Shou will be chairing The Fiber Society Spring 2025 Conference at PolyU.



Hong Kong Polytechnic University

(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Final Report of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The dynamic on the booths remained steady and the exchanges satisfactory, as shown by several manufacturers particularly well established on the European market. Indian shirt manufacturer Sheraton Apparel, for example, made around thirty solid contacts over 3 days, and reported several serious approaches to African distributors. The same goes for SMIT, a Turkish company specialising in Made in Turkey sourcing, which was able to see its main European customers and open up new contacts with Canadian and Brazilian buyers.

An expanded offering
At the Near Sourcing Hub, the phygital sourcing space connected by QR Code to the B2B digital platform of Messe Frankfurt France partner FourSource, inquiries to exhibiting companies remained much the same as in 2023. The visitor profile, on the other hand, focused on buyers from networks of small multi-specialist boutiques looking for an original mid-to-top-range offering. It was in response to this market demand for differentiation that the show organizers decided to extend Apparel Sourcing's range to include new categories in the fashion accessories sector, such as jewelry and bags.

High-profile initiatives
Other innovations were also on show this summer. The yarn pavilion - a first conceived in collaboration with Yarn Expo, originally a Shanghai show run by Messe Frankfurt - showcased the expertise of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Taiwanese companies, while at the same time highlighting upstream products and services. At Avantex, where some twenty suppliers of solutions for more sustainable fashion were grouped together, the new Designer Hub enabled designers and buyers to discover some original initiatives, such as that of stylist Jean-Luc François' association, supported by Messe Frankfurt's Texpertise network, which trains people who are far from employment, or the 3D design studio Scotomalab.

Materra wins 2024 Avantex Fashion Pitch award
The Avantex Fashion Pitch jury has awarded the 2024 prize to Materra. This British start-up, founded in 2019, designs solutions to support the cotton cultivation adapted to climate change. At the other end of the chain, it offers brands a service designed on a Cotton-As-A-Service model that encourages them to source from the producers it supports. Materra will benefit from a €2,800 stand at Avantex Paris 2025 donated by Messe Frankfurt France, plus €2,000 from Texpertise Network, the textile sector network of the Messe Frankfurt Group, and 1 year's incubation at Foundry donated by IFA Paris, official partner of the competition.

A trendy area at Leatherworld
New for 2024, the Leatherworld sector inaugurated its Leather Trend area, developed in collaboration with publisher Edizioni AF and the Arsutoria School design centre. Designed around the expertise of Italian companies specialising in the manufacture of leather shoes and bags, this inspirational space presented the autumn-winter 25-26 trends through 4 creative axis built around the expression of simplicity, nature, dynamism (sportswear collections) and finally romanticism. Leather Trend was also an opportunity to discover the new leather tanning technology developed by Ecotan, which avoids the use of metals (Chrome) and chemicals in the leather preparation stages thanks to the use of vegetable tannins.


Messe Frankfurt France

Photo INDA

INDA and NWI collaborate to foster education of the nonwovens industry

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), announced a collaboration agreement to provide continuing education to the nonwovens industry. This agreement expands upon the ongoing partnership between INDA and NWI, whereby the two organizations have successfully presented training programs, covering the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain from raw materials to processes to products.

Under terms of the agreement, INDA and NWI will develop and present a full roster of training courses, featuring a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. The two organizations will also work together to explore additional educational programming to serve the needs of the nonwovens industry as they evolve over time.

The current roster of INDA/NWI training courses include:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), announced a collaboration agreement to provide continuing education to the nonwovens industry. This agreement expands upon the ongoing partnership between INDA and NWI, whereby the two organizations have successfully presented training programs, covering the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain from raw materials to processes to products.

Under terms of the agreement, INDA and NWI will develop and present a full roster of training courses, featuring a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. The two organizations will also work together to explore additional educational programming to serve the needs of the nonwovens industry as they evolve over time.

The current roster of INDA/NWI training courses include:

  • Elementary Nonwovens
  • Intermediate Nonwovens
  • Fiber and Filament Extrusion Fundamentals
  • Meltblown Technology
  • Nonwoven Bonding Fundamentals
  • Nonwoven Fabric Property Development and Characterization
  • Nonwoven Product Development and Innovation
  • Spunbond Technology

Course registration is open to INDA/NWI members and non-members. The INDA/NWI Short Course Value Pack program enables companies to purchase a block of registrations, which can be used by any combination of employees to register for any combination of training courses, at a discounted rate. Value Packs are available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, and 20 registrations, with discounts ranging from 10 percent to 25 percent, depending on the size of the Value Pack.





EURATEX welcomes the EU Customs Reform package

The European Textile and Clothing industry (EURATEX) welcomes the proposed reforms to the EU's customs system, emphasizing the need for a modernized framework that addresses the challenges of the digital age and fosters a level playing field.

“Customs play a critical role in safeguarding fair competition within the EU Single Market and ensuring that products meet our environmental and safety standards,” states Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General. “We recognize the need for a reformed system adapted to the 21st century, particularly considering the growth of e-commerce and the increasing complexity of regulations.”

EURATEX highlights key priorities for a successful reform:

The European Textile and Clothing industry (EURATEX) welcomes the proposed reforms to the EU's customs system, emphasizing the need for a modernized framework that addresses the challenges of the digital age and fosters a level playing field.

“Customs play a critical role in safeguarding fair competition within the EU Single Market and ensuring that products meet our environmental and safety standards,” states Dirk Vantyghem, EURATEX Director General. “We recognize the need for a reformed system adapted to the 21st century, particularly considering the growth of e-commerce and the increasing complexity of regulations.”

EURATEX highlights key priorities for a successful reform:

  • Phasing Out De Minimis Exemption: EURATEX strongly supports abolishing the €150 import duty exemption for small consignments. This exemption has been exploited by e-commerce companies, creating unfair competition for European manufacturers. EURATEX urges immediate action to eliminate this loophole, rather than waiting until 2028.
  • Harmonization and Streamlining: The organization calls for a unified customs regime across the EU, with simplified procedures and reduced administrative burdens for businesses, especially SMEs. This includes avoiding duplication of efforts and ensuring seamless interoperability between different customs information systems.
  • Data Security and Transparency: EURATEX emphasizes the importance of robust data security measures within the proposed EU Data Hub. Clear regulations on data access, ownership, and cybersecurity safeguards are essential. Open collaboration between industry and policymakers is crucial in designing the Data Hub for optimal functionality.
  • Effective Implementation of Trust & Check Trader (T&CT): The T&CT status offers potential benefits for companies through features like self-assessment. However, EURATEX raises concerns about practical implementation, particularly for SMEs struggling to obtain existing Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) statuses. Providing support for SMEs in obtaining this status is crucial.
  • Interoperability and Data Sharing: EURATEX emphasizes the importance of the EU Data Hub's interoperability with various IT systems. Also, a uniform central IT network facilitating national and other legal requirements would be a significant step forward.
  • Structured Dialogue with Stakeholders: The establishment of the EU Customs Authority (EUCA) is seen as a positive development for coordinating customs enforcement across the EU. EURATEX recommends a dedicated dialogue between the EUCA and stakeholders, including industry representatives, to improve overall coordination and effectiveness.
More information:
customs European Union Euratex



Polartec: New Website with Enhanced B2C Focus

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions announced the launch of its newly revamped website. Designed to deliver a seamless and engaging browsing experience for all, the site now caters more effectively to the company’s brand partners and its growing base of direct consumers. It also makes it easier for users to discover the Polartec performance guarantee.

The new website features a fresh new look and feel, along with significant enhancements to improve the user experience. With a strong emphasis on accessibility and user engagement, the revised site ensures that visitors can quickly find the information they need, whenever and wherever they want it. Key features include:

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions announced the launch of its newly revamped website. Designed to deliver a seamless and engaging browsing experience for all, the site now caters more effectively to the company’s brand partners and its growing base of direct consumers. It also makes it easier for users to discover the Polartec performance guarantee.

The new website features a fresh new look and feel, along with significant enhancements to improve the user experience. With a strong emphasis on accessibility and user engagement, the revised site ensures that visitors can quickly find the information they need, whenever and wherever they want it. Key features include:

  • Modern Design and Structure: The site’s intuitive navigation and streamlined design allow our users to access vital information quickly and easily from any entry point.
  • Dynamic Animation: Integrated modern animation enhances engagement and facilitates the interactive and highly enjoyable browsing experience.
  • Optimized Content: Overhauled and strategically optimized for SEO, the new content reflects our refreshed positioning while ensuring high visibility in search engine results.

Just as Polartec is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of textile innovation while prioritizing the planet, the new navigation menu reflects this commitment by ensuring fast, easy access to primary sections and important information. And, by highlighting sustainable practices, groundbreaking fabrics and exclusive textile technologies, the new website meets the needs of renowned sportswear apparel companies, top-tier athletes and everyday users alike.

  • Fabrics: Explore Polartec’s extensive range of high-performance fabrics.
  • Sustainability: Learn about Polartec’s commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Brands: The newly named Products section features our partner brands and their products
  • News: Stay up to date with the latest information and company news.
  • About Us: Gain insights into Polartec’s company values and mission.
More information:
Polartec Milliken Website

Milliken & Company


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles unveils programme

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

To help home textile industry players set the tone and direction for the upcoming business season, the fair will present Trends 2025 along with leading trend agency SPOTT trends & business, to illustrate the ‘Healing Home– Spaces for Thriving Living’ theme that marks the path ahead for the evolving sector. This concept conveys the idea of a home that promotes a remedial, prosperous lifestyle, improving peoples’ general health and well-being, with several key factors contributing to the overarching theme:

  • Eight key directions: Age-Old Crafts, Nature-Tech Synergies, Regenerative Possibilities, Wellbeing Spaces, Colourful Gatherings, Bio-Engineered Innovations, Transitional Practices, and Circular Systems.
  • Five key colours: deep burgundy, warm terracotta, light creamy shade, saturated nostalgic green, and vaporous blue.

The founder of SPOTT trends & business, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede, will be onsite to share insights related to these new design trends. Fairgoers are invited to join her interactive trend tour, and physically experience the concepts steering the industry's future.

With the intention of sparking further design inspiration for industry players, an expert panel discussion of Chinese interior architects and designers, InterDesign Forum, will be held on the afternoon of Day 1. Focusing on design trend topics related to sustainability, Mr Shen Lei, Founder and Design Director of Interior Architects Design and the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee, will lead the discussion. Adding an international perspective, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede will join them for the accompanying round table talk.

In addition to serving as a gateway for efficient sourcing, the show will inspire fairgoers through its fringe programme, with various formats and topics unpacking current talking points.

Highlighted sessions include:    

  • Round table discussion: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability – a dialogue between designers and manufacturers, exploring how to collaboratively overcome sustainability challenges and reconcile the demands of both sides, from both Eastern and Western perspectives.
  • Econogy Talks: selected exhibitors, including 3M, Advansa and many more, as well as a representative from Indorama will showcase their innovative green products, giving attendees in-person insights into some of the market’s latest sustainable developments in the Sustainable Fibre Forum. Additionally, a Messe Frankfurt representative will explain the Texpertise Econogy concept, the combination of economy and ecology that represents the sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The discussion will show how crucial sustainability is for the economic success of a business today, and indicate how fairgoers can benefit from such an approach.

Beyond the subject of a greener textile industry, other topics will be explored at various events. With more to be announced in the coming weeks, the following seminars hosted by international experts will provide the latest trends and market updates:

  • Bridging Worlds: Design Strategies for Success in Middle Eastern Markets: Ms Esra Lemmens (Day 1)
  • How Psychology Impacts the Way We Design Spaces: Ms Pallavi Dean (Day 1)

Moreover, the 10th Home Textiles and Furniture Industry Ecological Integration Forum will bring together home textile and furniture brands to explore cross-industry collaboration and provide one-stop home solutions. The 30th China Home Textiles Design Festival & Designer Recommended Brand Awards will showcase the latest trends and achievements in home design, allowing participating brands to gain recognition from designers. Meanwhile, the 7th China International Fibre Art Exhibition will invite influential artists from home and abroad to present diverse contemporary fibre artworks; and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage of Textile Exhibition will showcase some remarkable displays.  


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd

Monforts and Uniferro join forces at Febratex 2024 (c) Monforts

Monforts and Uniferro join forces at Febratex 2024

Finishing machinery specialist Monforts will exhibit at the upcoming Febratex textile machinery exhibition taking place in Blumenau, Brazil, from August 20-23, along with Uniferro, its new regional partner.

This new alliance follows the retirement of Herbert Erdmann of the service agency Euro Texteis, who has worked with Monforts over more than 30 years to secure a leading position in the region for Montex stenter dryers, Thermex dyeing ranges and associated finishing technology.

With offices in Sao Paulo and Ceara and sub-agents across Brazil, Uniferro has been active in the textile industry for over 50 years.

At Febratex, Monforts will introduce its latest coaTTex coating unit exclusively dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating. For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coater is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts Montex stenter systems.

Finishing machinery specialist Monforts will exhibit at the upcoming Febratex textile machinery exhibition taking place in Blumenau, Brazil, from August 20-23, along with Uniferro, its new regional partner.

This new alliance follows the retirement of Herbert Erdmann of the service agency Euro Texteis, who has worked with Monforts over more than 30 years to secure a leading position in the region for Montex stenter dryers, Thermex dyeing ranges and associated finishing technology.

With offices in Sao Paulo and Ceara and sub-agents across Brazil, Uniferro has been active in the textile industry for over 50 years.

At Febratex, Monforts will introduce its latest coaTTex coating unit exclusively dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating. For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coater is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts Montex stenter systems.

A wide range of coatings can be applied to fabrics for providing functions such as waterproofing, liquid and gas protection and breathability, in addition to foam lamination and black-out coating.

Denim hub
Brazil remains a buoyant hub for textile manufacturing with a particular stength in the denim dyeing and finishing sector and many Monforts Thermex hotflue dyeing systems are already operational in the region, reaping the benefits of the Econtrol® process.

Econtrol® is a continuous process for the dyeing of woven cotton and cellulosic fabrics, especially denim, in which reactive dyestuffs are fixed into the fabric in a one-step dyeing and drying process with a controlled combination of steam and air. The entire pad-dry process takes just two-to-three minutes.

“Differentiation is the key in the highly-competitive denim fabrics industry, whether through the successful incorporation of new fibres, accommodating new fabric constructions or exploring the many options for how to treat them at the finishing stage, to gain a market advantage,” says says Monforts Regional Sales Manager Achim Gesser. “Our lines allow users to be extremely versatile and respond quickly to market demand, while also allowing very short production runs.”

Because finishing is a particularly energy-intensive part of the textile production chain, it is exactly where convincing results can be achieved, he adds, and Monforts has developed a wide range of energy-saving. These included a range of heat recovery systems, such as the Universal Energy Tower and the ECO Booster. Both can also be retrofitted to existing ranges to make production more resource-efficient and economical, yet without having to invest in a new machine.

“Energy costs tend to be high in Brazil and can account for up to 70% of production costs for our customers, so there is great demand for ways of saving money,” says Gesser. “Cutting energy usage also helps in terms of global warming and reducing carbon footprint, of course, so these latest technologies are a win-win for fabric finishers. As we look forward to a promising partnership with Uniferro in Brazil, we would like to extend our thanks and best wishes for the future to Herbert Erdmann for his hard work over the years.”


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG


ACI: Launch of Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025 Conference

ACI announces the launch of its conference, Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025.

Following in the footsteps of the successful Biobased Coatings Europe series with latest edition bringing together over 160 senior level attendees in Valencia in June 2024, this inaugural conference will explore the latest advancements in sustainable clothing made from renewable resources.

Taking place on the 15th & 16th January 2025 in Helsinki, Finland, just after the EU's pivotal Textile EPR Directive comes into force, this event will provide a deep dive into the world of bio-based textiles, examining how plants, microbes, and other novel organic feedstock are being revolutionised into sustainable, stylish garments.

ACI announces the launch of its conference, Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025.

Following in the footsteps of the successful Biobased Coatings Europe series with latest edition bringing together over 160 senior level attendees in Valencia in June 2024, this inaugural conference will explore the latest advancements in sustainable clothing made from renewable resources.

Taking place on the 15th & 16th January 2025 in Helsinki, Finland, just after the EU's pivotal Textile EPR Directive comes into force, this event will provide a deep dive into the world of bio-based textiles, examining how plants, microbes, and other novel organic feedstock are being revolutionised into sustainable, stylish garments.


ACI (Europe)

(c) CHIC, China International Fashion Fair

CHINA WAVE: Successful presentation at Pitti Uomo 106

The start to the premiere of the CHINA WAVE pavilion at Pitti Uomo 106: the first stop of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" was a complete success for the participating designer labels from China. The Chinese brands impressed the international fashion world with their exclusive and extraordinary collections at the Costruzioni Lorenesi in the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The famous fashion journalist, Suzy Menkes, was also impressed by the creations.

The styles and current looks from from VALLEYOUTH, KB HONG BY K-BOXING, RAXXY, JDV, FENGGY, BLACKHEAD, KEYONE BY HATTERSHUB, TYPETAIL impressed buyers, fashionistas and media representatives alike with their design expertise, creativity and product quality. The combination of contemporary styles with traditional Chinese elements, as seen in the collections of KB HONG by BY K-BOXING, JDV and VALLEYOUTH, among others, attracted international audience from Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia and many more.

The start to the premiere of the CHINA WAVE pavilion at Pitti Uomo 106: the first stop of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" was a complete success for the participating designer labels from China. The Chinese brands impressed the international fashion world with their exclusive and extraordinary collections at the Costruzioni Lorenesi in the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The famous fashion journalist, Suzy Menkes, was also impressed by the creations.

The styles and current looks from from VALLEYOUTH, KB HONG BY K-BOXING, RAXXY, JDV, FENGGY, BLACKHEAD, KEYONE BY HATTERSHUB, TYPETAIL impressed buyers, fashionistas and media representatives alike with their design expertise, creativity and product quality. The combination of contemporary styles with traditional Chinese elements, as seen in the collections of KB HONG by BY K-BOXING, JDV and VALLEYOUTH, among others, attracted international audience from Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia and many more.

Among those welcomed to the pavilion was Suzy Menkes, who emphasised the combination of tradition and modernity in collections such as those from KB HONG by BY K-BOXING and VALLEYOUTH in the CHINA WAVE pavilion. VALLEYOUTH's new collection was presented by fashion photographer Acielle from style du monde at Vogue World, while fashion blogger Augusto Ferretti commented on the brands' designs as "artistic sculptures". The appearance of the famous Chinese actor and singer AYUNGA as a testimonial for the new KB HONG by BY K-BOXING collection at Pitti Uomo attracted particular attention.

Further stops of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" are Who's Next in Paris and TheOne Milano in Milan in September.

The next CHINA WAVE presentation at Pitti Uomo is planned for January 2025.
