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Photo: MeineRaumluft

OETI and MeineRaumluft join forces

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ (or OETI for short), is now working with the independent platform ‘MeineRaumluft’.

OETI and MeineRaumluft will work closely together to make a sustainable contribution to optimising the indoor climate. Starting this autumn, they will implement a groundbreaking initiative in Austria. The primary objective of this initiative is to raise awareness of the significance of indoor air as a factor for health and productivity in work and office environments. This message will be conveyed by means of precise measurements, knowledge sharing as well as practical recommendations

OETI has a great deal of expertise in the field of indoor air measurements and certifications. The accredited institution is certified for emission testing according to ISO 16000 parts 2, 3, 6, 9 and 11 as well as EN 16516. OETI also sets standards for indoor air quality with its CLEANAIR certification.

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ (or OETI for short), is now working with the independent platform ‘MeineRaumluft’.

OETI and MeineRaumluft will work closely together to make a sustainable contribution to optimising the indoor climate. Starting this autumn, they will implement a groundbreaking initiative in Austria. The primary objective of this initiative is to raise awareness of the significance of indoor air as a factor for health and productivity in work and office environments. This message will be conveyed by means of precise measurements, knowledge sharing as well as practical recommendations

OETI has a great deal of expertise in the field of indoor air measurements and certifications. The accredited institution is certified for emission testing according to ISO 16000 parts 2, 3, 6, 9 and 11 as well as EN 16516. OETI also sets standards for indoor air quality with its CLEANAIR certification.

More information:
OETI indoor climate

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Foto MeineRaumluft

OETI und MeineRaumluft kooperieren

Das OETI, Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation, kooperiert mit der unabhängigen Plattform "MeineRaumluft".

OETI, führend auf dem Gebiet der Innenraumluft-Zertifizierung in Österreich, will gemeinsam mit MeineRaumluft einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Optimierung des Raumklimas leisten. Ab kommenden Herbst setzen sie eine Initiative in Österreich um. Das Hauptziel ist, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Raumluft als Faktor für Gesundheit und Produktivität in Arbeits- und Büroumgebungen zu stärken. Dies durch Messungen der Innenraumluft, den Austausch von Erkenntnissen sowie praktische Empfehlungen umgesetzt.

OETI verfügt über eine profunde Expertise im Bereich der Innenraumluft-Messungen und -Zertifizierungen. Es ist gemäß ISO 16000 Teil 2, 3, 6, 9 und 11 sowie EN 16516 für Emissionsmessungen akkreditiert. Darüber hinaus setzt OETI mit seiner CLEANAIR Zertifizierung Standards für die Luftqualität in Innenräumen.

Das OETI, Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation, kooperiert mit der unabhängigen Plattform "MeineRaumluft".

OETI, führend auf dem Gebiet der Innenraumluft-Zertifizierung in Österreich, will gemeinsam mit MeineRaumluft einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Optimierung des Raumklimas leisten. Ab kommenden Herbst setzen sie eine Initiative in Österreich um. Das Hauptziel ist, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Raumluft als Faktor für Gesundheit und Produktivität in Arbeits- und Büroumgebungen zu stärken. Dies durch Messungen der Innenraumluft, den Austausch von Erkenntnissen sowie praktische Empfehlungen umgesetzt.

OETI verfügt über eine profunde Expertise im Bereich der Innenraumluft-Messungen und -Zertifizierungen. Es ist gemäß ISO 16000 Teil 2, 3, 6, 9 und 11 sowie EN 16516 für Emissionsmessungen akkreditiert. Darüber hinaus setzt OETI mit seiner CLEANAIR Zertifizierung Standards für die Luftqualität in Innenräumen.

More information:
OETI Raumklima

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

ZCC Zünd Cut Center (c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG
ZCC Zünd Cut Center

ZCC Zünd Cut Center: Neuer automatisierter Zuschnitt

Zünd hat seine Bediensoftware ZCC Zünd Cut Center grundlegend überarbeitet. In der Version 4 bietet die Software neue Möglichkeiten für eine flexibel automatisierte Auftragsvorbereitung und einen effizienten Zuschnitt. Die Cuttersteuerung via Touchdisplay macht die Bedienung intuitiv und einfach.

Das neue ZCC Zünd Cut Center ist eine neue Option in Sachen Flexibilität, Skalierbarkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Es unterstützt die Bedienerin mit zahlreichen intuitiven, intelligenten Funktionen, die über den gesamten Produktionsworkflow des digitalen Zuschnitts hinweg eingebaut sind – eine Softwaresuite für den schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in den digitalen Zuschnitt und deutlichen Verbesserungen für Erfahrene in der Automatisierung von Auftragsvorbereitung und Produktion. ZCC will in jeder Situation qualitativ hochwertige Schneidergebnisse erreichen, unabhängig vom Erfahrungsgrad des Bedieners oder dem Automatisierungsgrad in der Datenaufbereitung.

Zünd hat seine Bediensoftware ZCC Zünd Cut Center grundlegend überarbeitet. In der Version 4 bietet die Software neue Möglichkeiten für eine flexibel automatisierte Auftragsvorbereitung und einen effizienten Zuschnitt. Die Cuttersteuerung via Touchdisplay macht die Bedienung intuitiv und einfach.

Das neue ZCC Zünd Cut Center ist eine neue Option in Sachen Flexibilität, Skalierbarkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Es unterstützt die Bedienerin mit zahlreichen intuitiven, intelligenten Funktionen, die über den gesamten Produktionsworkflow des digitalen Zuschnitts hinweg eingebaut sind – eine Softwaresuite für den schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in den digitalen Zuschnitt und deutlichen Verbesserungen für Erfahrene in der Automatisierung von Auftragsvorbereitung und Produktion. ZCC will in jeder Situation qualitativ hochwertige Schneidergebnisse erreichen, unabhängig vom Erfahrungsgrad des Bedieners oder dem Automatisierungsgrad in der Datenaufbereitung.

Dank ihrer Client-Server-Architektur ist Zünd Cut Center flexibel skalierbar. Diese Modularität ermöglicht auf spezifische Produktionsanforderungen zugeschnittene Konfigurationen. Der Anwender erwirbt nur jene Softwarekomponenten, die er benötigt und kann jederzeit weitere Optionen hinzufügen.

ZCC Zünd Cut Center
Zünd bietet das ZCC in zwei verschiedenen Editionen an. Zünd Cut Center Basic ist geeignet für alle, die aufgrund ihrer Produktionsumgebung Funktionen wie einen automatischen Datenimport, eine Auftragsliste oder einen Datenaustausch mit anderen Systemen nicht benötigen. Mit ZCC Zünd Cut Center Basic kann der Bediener Quelldateien manuell über den Cut Editor in .zcc-Dateien umwandeln und als Produktionsdatei im Cut Center öffnen.

ZCC Zünd Cut Center Advanced ist die passende Edition für alle Anwender mit einem höheren Auftragsvolumen und dem Wunsch, durch automatisierte Abläufe die Produktivität zu steigern. Sie haben mehrere Zünd Cutter parallel im Einsatz und wollen zwecks Datenaustausch auch andere Produktionssysteme in den Workflow integrieren. In der Advanced-Edition stehen der Anwenderin Funktionen wie die Auftragsliste, Angaben zur geschätzten Produktionszeit, der Import über Hotfolder oder E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zur Verfügung.

Für beide Editionen können Softwareoptionen wie Camera Option, Pick & Place Option, Visualizing Option und Routing Option individuell erworben werden.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Industriebrache Pixabay; Tama66

IVC und ZVI positionieren sich klar gegen Pauschalverbot von PFAS

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

Die EU lasse dabei die Folgen auf Schlüsseltechnologien wie beispielsweise die grüne Energiewende komplett außer Acht. Lithiumbatterien, Windräder, Brennstoffzellen, Computerchips - für PFAS existierten aktuell zumindest in Hightech-Anwendungen keine Alternativen. Bis auf wenige längere Ausnahmeregelungen seien aktuell 18 Monate als Übergangsfristen vorgesehen. Das sei ein ausreichendes Zeitfenster, um die Produktion in Europa abzuwickeln und nach neuen Standorten zu suchen, beispielsweise in den USA. Dort werde die Fluorchemie als Schlüsseltechnologie massiv aufgebaut und als kostbares Gut mit Exportverboten belegt.

IVC und ZVO monierten, dass das Innovationsvermögen der europäischen Industrie hergeschenkt werde und man anderen Ländern den Markt mit allen preislichen und wettbewerblichen Konsequenzen überlasse. Als besonders betroffene Branchen führten die Verbände die Medizintechnik, Schutzausrüstung, Flugzeugbau und Automobilelektronik, den Textilmaschinenbau und Industrietextilien an. Abluftfilter mit PTFE-Membranen oder aus PTFE-Fasern stellten in der Müllverbrennung und in Zementwerken den Umweltschutz sicher, so dass keine Schadstoffe in die Atmosphäre gelangten. Membranen für Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen, Wasserstoffelektrolyseure, Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Karbonfaservliesen und der fluorchemischen Protonenaustauscher Nafion-Membran würden in Zukunft verboten und damit die die Pläne für eine Wasserstoffenergiewende dauerhaft nicht umsetzbar.


Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., Zentralverband Oberflächentechnik e.V.

OETI purchases ECS to expand its PPE portfolio photo: OETI

OETI purchases ECS to expand its PPE portfolio

OETI – a member of the internationally active TESTEX Group – has bought the German company ECS to expand its service portfolio in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE).

OETI has been offering testing services for textile work clothing since 1983 – for about 40 years. Since the introduction of CE labelling for personal protective equipment and the enactment of the PPE Directive by the European Union in 1993, OETI has not only been testing textile personal protective equipment, but now on also certifies it in conformity with EU standards. In 1995, OETI was certified in Brussels as a Notified Body (0534) for type-examinations and quality assurance monitoring of personal protective equipment end products. Testing and certification is carried out in accordance with the current PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Testing and Certification Body for Eye and Face Protection, based in Aalen, was founded 15 years ago and is a globally active institution for testing and certification of eye and face protection equipment. The company is one of the leading independent testing institutions for personal protection products in laser applications and for welding work.

OETI – a member of the internationally active TESTEX Group – has bought the German company ECS to expand its service portfolio in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE).

OETI has been offering testing services for textile work clothing since 1983 – for about 40 years. Since the introduction of CE labelling for personal protective equipment and the enactment of the PPE Directive by the European Union in 1993, OETI has not only been testing textile personal protective equipment, but now on also certifies it in conformity with EU standards. In 1995, OETI was certified in Brussels as a Notified Body (0534) for type-examinations and quality assurance monitoring of personal protective equipment end products. Testing and certification is carried out in accordance with the current PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Testing and Certification Body for Eye and Face Protection, based in Aalen, was founded 15 years ago and is a globally active institution for testing and certification of eye and face protection equipment. The company is one of the leading independent testing institutions for personal protection products in laser applications and for welding work.

ECS tests and evaluates occupational health and safety goggles with and without a filter action, passive and active switching protection filters and shields for welders, and laser protection filters, goggles, and shields. The company also tests the optical properties of sunglasses, sports glasses, ski goggles, swimming goggles and motorbike goggles.

With OETI’s takeover, the ECS location in Aalen is retained, and all employees will continue working at ECS. The new Managing Director of ECS GmbH as of 1 July 2023 is Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Diebolder.

‘We are present on the European market, on the American market and, via a representative office, on the Chinese market. With the aid of the new distribution channels through OETI and TESTEX, we want to steadily advance ECS’ expansion and be present on all five continents’, says Managing Director Rolf Diebolder, explaining his strategic plans for ECS. ‘I would like OETI and ECS to develop a joint strategy in order to be able to offer existing and new customers of both companies a complete package which, when combined, will give us a unique selling point in the marketplace’, says Diebolder.

Diebolder also sees further potential in the cooperation with regard to protective laser clothing. According to him, this is where the laser laboratory commissioned by ECS could be used to make textiles laser-safe. In the future, there will be more and more ‘hand-held’ devices, i.e. laser welding devices, for which gloves and protective jackets are needed.


OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Untersuchungsmethoden bei der Zertifizierung von Augenschutzprodukten
Untersuchungsmethoden bei der Zertifizierung von Augenschutzprodukten

OETI kauft ECS zur Erweiterung des PSA-Portfolios

OETI – Mitglied der international tätigen TESTEX Gruppe – kauft das deutsche Unternehmen ECS, um sein Services-Portfolio im Bereich persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA) zu erweitern.

Seit rund 40 Jahren bietet das OETI – mit Hauptsitz in Österreich, Prüfungen für textile Arbeitskleidung an. Ab1993, mit der Einführung der CE-Kennzeichnung für persönliche Schutzausrüstung und dem Erlassen der PSA-Richtlinie durch die Europäische Union, prüft das OETI nicht nur textile persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, sondern zertifiziert sie auch EU-konform. Im Jahr 1995 erfolgt OETI‘s Notifizierung in Brüssel als Notified Body (0534) für Baumusterprüfungen und die Überwachung der Qualitätssicherung für das Endprodukt von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung. Geprüft und zertifiziert wird gemäß der aktuellen PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425.

OETI – Mitglied der international tätigen TESTEX Gruppe – kauft das deutsche Unternehmen ECS, um sein Services-Portfolio im Bereich persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA) zu erweitern.

Seit rund 40 Jahren bietet das OETI – mit Hauptsitz in Österreich, Prüfungen für textile Arbeitskleidung an. Ab1993, mit der Einführung der CE-Kennzeichnung für persönliche Schutzausrüstung und dem Erlassen der PSA-Richtlinie durch die Europäische Union, prüft das OETI nicht nur textile persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, sondern zertifiziert sie auch EU-konform. Im Jahr 1995 erfolgt OETI‘s Notifizierung in Brüssel als Notified Body (0534) für Baumusterprüfungen und die Überwachung der Qualitätssicherung für das Endprodukt von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung. Geprüft und zertifiziert wird gemäß der aktuellen PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425.

Die ECS GmbH - Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle für Augen- und Gesichtsschutz mit Sitz in Aalen wurde vor 15 Jahren gegründet und ist eine weltweit agierende Institution für die Prüfung und Zertifizierung von Augen- und Gesichtsschutzgeräten. Für persönliche Schutzprodukte bei Laseranwendungen und für Schweißarbeiten ist das Unternehmen eine der führenden unabhängigen Prüfeinrichtungen.

Die ECS prüft und bewertet Arbeitsschutzbrillen mit und ohne Filterwirkung, passive und aktiv-schaltende Schweißerschutzfilter und -abschirmungen, Laserschutzfilter, -brillen und -abschirmungen. Ebenso prüft das Unternehmen die optischen Eigenschaften von Sonnen-, Sport-, Ski-, Schwimm- und Motorradbrillen.

Nach der Übernahme durch OETI bleibt der ECS-Standort in Aalen erhalten, alle Mitarbeiter*innen sind weiterhin bei der ECS tätig. Neuer Geschäftsführer der ECS GmbH ist ab 1. Juli 2023 Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Diebolder.

„Wir sind auf dem europäischen, auf dem amerikanischen und über eine Vertretung auf dem chinesischen Markt präsent. Mit Hilfe der neuen Vertriebswege durch OETI und TESTEX wollen wir den Ausbau der ECS stetig vorantreiben und auf allen fünf Kontinenten präsent sein.“, so Geschäftsführer Rolf Diebolder.

Weiteres Potenzial in der Zusammenarbeit sieht Diebolder auch in Bezug auf Laserschutzkleidung. Hier könne das von der ECS beauftragte Laserlabor dazu genutzt werden, um Textilien Laserschutz-sicher zu machen. Es wird in Zukunft immer mehr „hand-held“ Geräte geben, also Laserschweißgeräte, für die man Handschuhe und Schutzjacken benötigt.

More information:

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Professor Dr Thomas Gries with the award winner Flávio André Marter Diniz Hanns-Voith-Stiftung, Oliver Voge
Professor Dr Thomas Gries with the award winner Flávio André Marter Diniz

Future cost reduction through ultra-thin PE carbon fibres

  • ITA Master's graduate wins Hanns Voith Foundation Award 2023

In his Master's thesis, Flávio André Marter Diniz, a graduate of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), developed ultra-thin polyethylene (PE) carbon fibres with a filament diameter 2-3 times smaller than usual. In addition, the use of PE-based precursors will make it possible to reduce the price of carbon fibres by 50 per cent in the future, thus opening up a wide range of other possible applications in key industries such as wind power, aerospace and automotive. For this groundbreaking development, Marter Diniz was awarded the Hanns Voith Prize with the Hanns Voith Foundation Award in the category "New Materials". The prize is endowed with € 5,000 in prize money.

Flávio André Marter Diniz won the prize in the category "New Materials" for his master thesis entitled "Investigation of the stabilisation and carbonisation process for the production of ultra-thin polyethylene-based carbon fibres".

  • ITA Master's graduate wins Hanns Voith Foundation Award 2023

In his Master's thesis, Flávio André Marter Diniz, a graduate of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), developed ultra-thin polyethylene (PE) carbon fibres with a filament diameter 2-3 times smaller than usual. In addition, the use of PE-based precursors will make it possible to reduce the price of carbon fibres by 50 per cent in the future, thus opening up a wide range of other possible applications in key industries such as wind power, aerospace and automotive. For this groundbreaking development, Marter Diniz was awarded the Hanns Voith Prize with the Hanns Voith Foundation Award in the category "New Materials". The prize is endowed with € 5,000 in prize money.

Flávio André Marter Diniz won the prize in the category "New Materials" for his master thesis entitled "Investigation of the stabilisation and carbonisation process for the production of ultra-thin polyethylene-based carbon fibres".

The use of carbon fibres in highly stressed lightweight construction solutions, such as today's growth applications of wind turbines or pressure tanks, has become indispensable due to their excellent mechanical properties and low density. High manufacturing costs of conventional PAN precursor-based carbon fibres make the material very cost-intensive. In addition, it is not sufficiently available. New manufacturing approaches that develop alternative raw materials and manufacturing processes can be a key and growth engine for further industrial composites applications.

The aim of the work was to develop a new and cost-effective manufacturing process for high-quality ultra-thin carbon fibres using a polyethylene precursor. For this purpose, the sulphonisation process, which is time-consuming today, was to be significantly shortened. As a result, Mr. Marter Diniz produced novel ultra-thin polyethylenebased carbon fibres with a filament diameter < 3 μm with an excellent surface quality of the fibres without detectable structural defects. The fibre diameter is 2-3 times smaller than that of conventional PANbased CF. This provides the basis for mechanically high-quality material properties. At the same time, Mr. Marter Diniz was able to reduce the sulphonisation time by 25 percent. The developed material and technology set important milestones on the way to cheaper carbon fibres. With PE-based precursors, the price of CF can be reduced by 50 percent compared to conventional PAN-based CF.  

A total of five other young scientists were awarded in six categories (Drive Technology, Innovation & Technology/Artificial Intelligence, New Materials, Paper, Hydropower and Economic Sciences. This year, for the 10th time, the Hanns Voith Foundation awarded the Hanns Voith Prize to outstanding young scientists.


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Herr Philipp Weigel, Preisträger des ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award - Research & Innovation Excellence  Award, auf dem Messestand des ITM auf der ITMA 2023

Philipp Weigel erhält 1. Preis des ITMA Research & Innovation Excellence Award

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen ITMA 2023, der internationalen Textilmaschinenausstellung und Plattform für die gesamte Textilmaschinenbranche, die vom 08. bis 14. Juni 2023 in Mailand stattfand, wurde Herr Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Weigel für seine am ITM angefertigte exzellente Studienarbeit "Numerische Simulation des Struktur- und Auszugverhaltensparametrisch generierter profilierter Carbonpolymergarne" mit dem ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award in der Kategrie "Research & Innovation Excellence Award" ausgezeichnet. Er erhielt hierfür den 1. Preis, der mit 10.000 EUR dotiert ist.
Die Arbeit ist von großem wissenschaftlichen Interesse für die Entwicklung hochleistungsfähiger, ressourcenschonender Carbonbetonbauteile mit höchster Materialeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit sowie für die simulative Beschreibung und digitale Auslegung der Bewehrungsstruktur.

CEMATEX-Präsident Ernesto Maurer überreichte das Preisgeld und Urkunde an die glücklichen Gewinner:nnen während der ITMA 2023 in Mailand, Italien.

Der 2. und 3. Preis ging an Absolventen des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen.

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen ITMA 2023, der internationalen Textilmaschinenausstellung und Plattform für die gesamte Textilmaschinenbranche, die vom 08. bis 14. Juni 2023 in Mailand stattfand, wurde Herr Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Weigel für seine am ITM angefertigte exzellente Studienarbeit "Numerische Simulation des Struktur- und Auszugverhaltensparametrisch generierter profilierter Carbonpolymergarne" mit dem ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award in der Kategrie "Research & Innovation Excellence Award" ausgezeichnet. Er erhielt hierfür den 1. Preis, der mit 10.000 EUR dotiert ist.
Die Arbeit ist von großem wissenschaftlichen Interesse für die Entwicklung hochleistungsfähiger, ressourcenschonender Carbonbetonbauteile mit höchster Materialeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit sowie für die simulative Beschreibung und digitale Auslegung der Bewehrungsstruktur.

CEMATEX-Präsident Ernesto Maurer überreichte das Preisgeld und Urkunde an die glücklichen Gewinner:nnen während der ITMA 2023 in Mailand, Italien.

Der 2. und 3. Preis ging an Absolventen des Instituts für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen.

Der ITMA Sustainable Innovation Award wurde von CEMATEX ins Leben gerufen, um die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen der globalen Textilindustrie zur Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit von Unternehmen durch innovative Lösungen und zur Förderung herausragender branchenspezifischer Forschung zu würdigen.
Der Preis umfasst zwei Kategorien: einen Industry Excellence Award für Textil- und Bekleidungshersteller und einen Research & Innovation Excellence Award, der für Master-Studenten offen ist.


Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) - TU Dresden

Recycled yarn (c) ITA Aachen

ITA at the ITMA: Smart Circular Economy

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

ITA Aachen - Digital ring spinning tester for recycled fibres enables spinning of fine yarns with high recycled fibres content
The Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will be exhibiting a digital ring spinning tester, which spins recycled fibres directly and conventionally with a particularly high content of 60-70 percent. Up to now, recycled yarns have mainly been rotor-spun in this blend ratio. This results in rather coarse yarns and is not suitable for finer textiles such as outerwear. Ring spinning of recycled yarns now enables the spinning of finer yarns and thus a higher application level for recycled materials.

A unique selling point of the ITA ring spinning tester is the simultaneous spinning in the direct spinning process from the sliver and in the classic ring spinning process. For this purpose, the strength and elongation of the spun yarn are determined online and digitally for the first time. The real-time measurement allows process parameters and yarn properties to be adjusted iteratively and quickly. The ring spinning tester was upgraded from an existing tester to Industry 4.0 standard and is operated via a tablet. Operation via tablet enables the adjustment of process parameters including online quality monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world.
For this purpose, the ring spinning tester is also able to produce fine ring spun yarns. These yarns made from recycled material opens up a multitude of further fields of application for woven and knitted goods. Now, for example, clothing and technical textiles can be made from recycled material, the production of which was not possible before - such as outerwear made from recycled material. The development of new industries and fields of application opens up new market potential for recycled yarns - also and especially for processing in Europe. This creates the opportunity to preserve key technologies and jobs in cost-intensive locations.

ITA Augsburg - Recycling Atelier: Walk4Recycling
The Recycling Atelier of the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH on stand H3-A207 presents the textile recycling from used textiles into new products via the various process steps and, together with the industrial partners, opens up solution paths for industrial implementation.

Under the headline "Walk4Recycling", a tour of the fair shows the cycle of used textiles from used knitwear into a new knitted pullover via a ring yarn made from a blend of 65 percent recycled cotton and 35 percent virgin polyester. The key innovation here is the high proportion of recycled fibres from post-consumer textiles for a ring yarn of this fineness. Today, mainly coarse rotor yarns for low-quality textiles are spun from these materials. The industrial partners participating in the Walk4Recycling are partners of the Recycling Atelier and contribute with their technologies to the fact that fibre material from old clothes can be processed in various process stages into a yarn of new value and high-quality ready-made garments.

The Walk4Recycling offers visitors the opportunity to experience a complete recycling cycle with the numerous process stages from tearing the old textiles, preparing and spinning the fibres and knitting a new jumper live during the fair. Get detailed information on the mechanical recycling of clothing via QR code, website and flyer about the participating exhibitors and their machines and technologies. A short movie will give you additional insights into the various processes involved in the production of the jumper.

(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd auf der Interzum 2023

Zünd, ein Spezialist für Zuschnittlösungen für die Polstermöbelindustrie, stellt unter dem Motto «Efficiency to rely on» auf der Interzum 2023 (09.–12.05.2023) die Produktivität und Zuschnitteffizienz in den Fokus.

Am Stand erfährt das Fachpublikum die Vorteile des integrierten Lederzuschnitts am Beispiel eines Zünd D3 Cutters mit Doppelbalkentechnologie. Zünd widmet seinen Messeauftritt sämtlichen Prozessen zwischen Hauterfassung, Zuschnitt und Absortierung. Das Fachpublikum kann sich über modulare Lösungen für die Digitalisierung und das Nesting, den Textil- und Lederzuschnitt und softwareunterstützte Teileentnahme informieren.

Darüber hinaus rückt Zünd seinen integrierten Beratungsansatz in den Vordergrund: «Wir bieten Workflowlösungen für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und erarbeiten individuell mit unseren Kunden, welche Lösungen am besten zu ihren Herstellungsprozessen und verwendeten Materialien passen. Das bedingt einen einheitlichen Beratungsansatz, der Hardware, Software und Servicedienstleistungen einbezieht», erklärt Manuel Enriquez, Segment Manager Leder.

Zünd, ein Spezialist für Zuschnittlösungen für die Polstermöbelindustrie, stellt unter dem Motto «Efficiency to rely on» auf der Interzum 2023 (09.–12.05.2023) die Produktivität und Zuschnitteffizienz in den Fokus.

Am Stand erfährt das Fachpublikum die Vorteile des integrierten Lederzuschnitts am Beispiel eines Zünd D3 Cutters mit Doppelbalkentechnologie. Zünd widmet seinen Messeauftritt sämtlichen Prozessen zwischen Hauterfassung, Zuschnitt und Absortierung. Das Fachpublikum kann sich über modulare Lösungen für die Digitalisierung und das Nesting, den Textil- und Lederzuschnitt und softwareunterstützte Teileentnahme informieren.

Darüber hinaus rückt Zünd seinen integrierten Beratungsansatz in den Vordergrund: «Wir bieten Workflowlösungen für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und erarbeiten individuell mit unseren Kunden, welche Lösungen am besten zu ihren Herstellungsprozessen und verwendeten Materialien passen. Das bedingt einen einheitlichen Beratungsansatz, der Hardware, Software und Servicedienstleistungen einbezieht», erklärt Manuel Enriquez, Segment Manager Leder.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

ITMA 2023: Zünd presents digital single- ply cutting

At ITMA 2023 in Milan, Zünd is focusing on the advantages of digital single-ply cutting in modern garment production.

At the show, Zünd will demonstrate the advantages of individual cutting on demand and what benefits single-ply cutting of textiles offers. In the course of digitalization, the market environment of the apparel industry has changed. Producers are responding to increasing digitalization and ever-shorter product life cycles by investing in lean and highly automated production workflows. Solutions from Zünd supported process streamlining from ordering to cutting while minimizing manual interventions.

At ITMA 2023 in Milan, Zünd is focusing on the advantages of digital single-ply cutting in modern garment production.

At the show, Zünd will demonstrate the advantages of individual cutting on demand and what benefits single-ply cutting of textiles offers. In the course of digitalization, the market environment of the apparel industry has changed. Producers are responding to increasing digitalization and ever-shorter product life cycles by investing in lean and highly automated production workflows. Solutions from Zünd supported process streamlining from ordering to cutting while minimizing manual interventions.

Zünd's single-ply cutters are the cutting tools in digitized production, offering manufacturers flexibility and profitability. Intelligent automation functions, optical solutions and software tools facilitate resource optimization, keep an eye on material consumption and support employees who can turn their attention to value-adding activities. With digital single-layer cutting, manufacturers speed up their cutting and expand their production capacities at the same time. They can accept orders at very short notice and easily meet delivery times thanks to highly economical and efficiently scalable on-demand production. Peaks in demand can be easily managed.

Zünd cutters give users new flexibility in their production workflow. He can work with complex motifs, demanding textiles and different shapes. The cutting technology enables the apparel industry to produce highly individualized customized garments in small batches and on demand just as economically and efficiently as in high volumes. It can process and handle more orders in less time. At the same time, both material and time are saved. In combination with the MindCut production software and precise single-layer cutting, there is almost no waste. The cut parts can be nested very close to each other and close to the material edges. This not only offers considerable savings potential, but also helps to reduce the ecological footprint.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles (c) ITA. Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles

Composites made by ITA at JEC World 2023

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen

Dr Ioana Slabu and Benedict Bauer with the nanomodified stent. Photo Peter Winandy

Nanomodified polymerstent: Novel technology for tumour therapy

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

Ioana Slabu of the AME explains: "Not only can we drastically reduce treatment costs, but above all we can provide relief for millions of patients worldwide.
A manufacturing process and proof of concept for magnetic hyperthermia are already in place. This novel technology has a very high development potential because it can also be used for tumours in other parts of the body such as the prostate, stomach, intestine or urinary bladder or for cardiovascular diseases.  

The AiF/IGF project started under the project title "ProNano" funded by BMWK. Now the approval for the follow-up project "ProNano2" has also been received. The approved project is called: "Validation of the innovation potential of heatable stents for heat-induced treatment of cavity tumours" and is funded by BMBF in course of the VIP+ program. With the Clinic for General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery of the University Hospital Aachen and the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University, the consortium is enriched by clinical and economic expertise. Every year, RWTH Aachen University honours particularly innovative university projects with the Innovation Award. Professor Malte Brettel, Prorector for Business and Industry, presented the certificates to four outstanding projects as part of RWTHtransparent.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

(c) Digital Capability Center

ITA Supports SMEs in Digitisation and Sustainability

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

This means finding sustainable solutions and processes for the circular economy together with companies and developing new digital business models. The ITA's solutions cover the areas of awareness-raising, qualification, implementation and networking. These offers are free of charge for SMEs - follow-up projects often lead to the funding programme "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs - ZIM" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) or to research and development projects.

Questions concerning the funding conditions can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University



Recycling Atelier Augsburg and Kelheim Fibres cooperate

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

As a model factory, the Recycling Atelier Augsburg combines the most important processes of textile recycling and offers holistic and comprehensive research along the value chain," explains Georg Stegschuster, head of the Recycling Atelier Augsburg. The scientists research on all process steps of textile recycling: from material analysis to sorting, preparation and textile processing to sustainable product design. Comprehensive data collection and the use of artificial intelligence as well as innovative materials play a central role.

Kelheim Fibres is a producer of high-quality viscose fibres, which consist of cellulose, the main component of the renewable raw material wood, and are used worldwide for products in areas such as hygiene, textiles, and technical applications.

"In New Business Development as well as Fibre and Application Development, we follow the Open Innovation concept - the cooperation with the Recycling Atelier offers us an ideal platform for this. Here we work with partners to advance sustainability and performance," explains Maik Thiel, project manager at Kelheim Fibres.

Recycled cotton fibres are often very short or of uneven length, which makes further processing of 100 % recycled material a challenge. Adding speciality fibres from Kelheim Fibres should enable the production of high-quality new products, such as nonwovens. In the future, the fibres provided by Kelheim Fibres will also be made from recycled pulp.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Photo Pixabay

Zünd: New subsidiary in Spain

As of the beginning of 2023, Zünd Systemtechnik AG acquired its long-standing sales partner Sign-Tronic S.A, which is based in Barcelona.

Sign-Tronic S.A. has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Zünd Systemtechnik AG since the start of 2023 and now operates under the name Zund Ibérica. Sign-Tronic S.A. was established in 1990 and has been an official sales and service partner of Zünd Systemtechnik AG since 1994. Zund Ibérica serves numerous customers in Spain, Portugal and Andorra.

Jordi Lorente is the new CEO of Zund Ibérica. For the time being, he will be actively supported by the previous co-owner and Managing Director Flemming Jensen. Rosa Miralles, also a co-owner, will continue to work in an executive capacity at Zund Ibérica.

As of the beginning of 2023, Zünd Systemtechnik AG acquired its long-standing sales partner Sign-Tronic S.A, which is based in Barcelona.

Sign-Tronic S.A. has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Zünd Systemtechnik AG since the start of 2023 and now operates under the name Zund Ibérica. Sign-Tronic S.A. was established in 1990 and has been an official sales and service partner of Zünd Systemtechnik AG since 1994. Zund Ibérica serves numerous customers in Spain, Portugal and Andorra.

Jordi Lorente is the new CEO of Zund Ibérica. For the time being, he will be actively supported by the previous co-owner and Managing Director Flemming Jensen. Rosa Miralles, also a co-owner, will continue to work in an executive capacity at Zund Ibérica.

Zund Ibérica currently employs 15 people. With more than 1,000 cutters installed, Zund Ibérica is one of the most experienced distributors of both digital cutting systems and software and workflow solutions on the Iberian market. It has its own showroom, which allows customers and interested parties to experience the many possibilities of Zünd’s digital cutting technology in person. Its staff consists of proven experts in consulting, training, installation, and service.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

(c) Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Bewerbungsphase für UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2023 ist gestartet

Von regenerativen Energien, nachwachsenden Rohstoffen über innovative Werkstoffe, Wassertechnik bis zu Wissens- und Ressourcenmanagement – gemeinsam tragen sie zu einer zukunftsfähigen und nachhaltigen Welt bei. Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist ein gesellschaftlicher Diskurs, in dem neue Entwicklungen Aufmerksamkeit bekommen und verbreitet werden. Mit dem UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis prämiert der Förderverein des Fraunhofer UMSICHT zum 14. Mal Menschen, die mit ihrer Arbeit diesen Diskurs ermöglichen.

Von regenerativen Energien, nachwachsenden Rohstoffen über innovative Werkstoffe, Wassertechnik bis zu Wissens- und Ressourcenmanagement – gemeinsam tragen sie zu einer zukunftsfähigen und nachhaltigen Welt bei. Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist ein gesellschaftlicher Diskurs, in dem neue Entwicklungen Aufmerksamkeit bekommen und verbreitet werden. Mit dem UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis prämiert der Förderverein des Fraunhofer UMSICHT zum 14. Mal Menschen, die mit ihrer Arbeit diesen Diskurs ermöglichen.

Klimawandel und globale Krisen zeigen es auf: Die Menschheit braucht Veränderungen. Veränderungen, die unseren Alltag direkt betreffen, setzen sich langfristig aber nur mit einer breiten gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz durch – als Beispiele seien nachhaltige Agrarprodukte, Verpackungen, Mobilität oder Energie genannt. Gerade deshalb ist es so wichtig, den Diskurs über Innovationen und wissenschaftliche Errungenschaften zu stärken und so ein Vertrauen in diese aufzubauen. Dabei kann die Basis für den Diskurs verschiedene Formen haben: Während die einen Fortschritte in ihrer Disziplin erlangen und auf Fachebene kommunizieren, bereiten andere diese für die Allgemeinheit möglichst verständlich auf. Nur so kann die gesamte Gesellschaft an der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft teilhaben.

Kommunikation: Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Seit 2010 verleiht der UMSICHT-Förderverein den UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis und zeichnet Menschen aus, die Forschungsergebnissen aus den Bereichen Umwelt-, Verfahrens- und Energietechnik – den Kernthemen des Fraunhofer UMSICHT – der Gesellschaft zugänglich machen. Das Preisgeld verteilt sich auf einen mit 8000 Euro dotierten Preis in der Kategorie Wissenschaft und einen mit 2000 Euro dotierten Preis für journalistische Arbeiten.

Sämtliche veröffentlichte Arbeiten sind zugelassen, die sich mit den Themen Umwelt-, Verfahrens- oder Energietechnik beschäftigen. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten dürfen nicht älter als zwei Jahre, journalistische Arbeiten nicht älter als ein Jahr sein. Beide können auf Deutsch oder Englisch eingereicht werden. Bei Gemeinschaftsarbeiten ist darauf zu achten, dass die Haupt-Anteilsträgerin bzw. der Haupt-Anteilsträger die Arbeit einreicht.

Bewerbungsschluss ist der 28. Februar 2023.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

Photo VDMA

Young Talent Award for AI supported production control of carbon fibres

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

  • Formula 1 cars will be cheaper in future

Carbon is the stuff Formula 1 cars are made of, at least the bodywork. But until now, carbon has been expensive. It can be produced more cheaply and efficiently if artificial intelligence monitors the production processes. A camera system combined with artificial intelligence automatically detects defects in the production of carbon fibres. This makes expensive manual inspection of the carbon fibres obsolete and the production price of the carbon fibre can be reduced in the long term.

For this idea, the young engineer Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the second prize of the "Digitalisation in Mechanical Engineering" Young Talent Award on 6 December.

Carbon fibres are sought after because of their good properties. They are very light - they weigh up to 50 percent less than aluminium. The combination of low weight and good mechanical properties offers many advantages. Especially in times of the energy transition, lightweight materials like carbon are more relevant than ever before. At the same time, carbon fibres are as resistant to external stresses as metals. However, achieving these good properties of carbon fibres is very complex.

Up to 300 individual fibre strands - bundles of individual fibres - have to be monitored simultaneously during production. If carbon fibres tear, it costs time and money to sort out the damaged fibres. This is just one example of various defects that can occur in the fibres during production.

Therefore, Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt attached a camera to the carbon fibre line that takes pictures of various fibre defects during production and collects them in a database. The artificial intelligence in the camera's information technology system evaluates the fibre defects by assigning the images to predefined reference defects. In doing so, it recognises various fibre defects with a classification accuracy of 99 per cent. The process can also be used in other areas that produce chemical fibres.

Deniz Sinan Yesilyurt received the prize from the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is a Bachelor's graduate at the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University. The full title of his bachelor's thesis is: "Development of a Kl-supported process monitoring using machine learning to detect fibre damage in the stabilisation process". The VDMA awarded the prize to a total of four theses from different universities. The prize is awarded for outstanding theses and was offered in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen Universit

Copyright: MK-Fotografie & JECDachforum
from left to right: Dirk Punke, Gerhard Lettl, Dr. Michael Effing, AVK-GF Dr. Elmar Witten, Prof. Jens Ridzewski, Michael Polotzki

AVK Federation of Reinforced Plastics board unanimously re-elected

The German Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) re-elected its previous Board on 29 November 2022 in Augsburg during the regular Board elections at the JEC Forum DACH.

At the constituent board meeting on 6 December 2022, the board positions were also confirmed. Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH, remains Chairman of the Board, and Dirk Punke, Managing Director of BÜFA Thermoplastics Composites GmbH, is Deputy Chairman. Treasurer is Prof. Jens Ridzewski, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, the other board members: Gerhard Lettl, Managing Director C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG and Michael Polotzki, Managing Director Menzolit S.r.L. The board is officially in office for three years from 1.1.2023.

"It's nice to see the Board's work so well evaluated that there is no doubt that this will continue for the next legislative period. We are very much looking forward to that," explains Managing Director Dr Elmar Witten, the members' vote. The general meeting took place during the JEC Forum DACH.

The German Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK) re-elected its previous Board on 29 November 2022 in Augsburg during the regular Board elections at the JEC Forum DACH.

At the constituent board meeting on 6 December 2022, the board positions were also confirmed. Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH, remains Chairman of the Board, and Dirk Punke, Managing Director of BÜFA Thermoplastics Composites GmbH, is Deputy Chairman. Treasurer is Prof. Jens Ridzewski, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, the other board members: Gerhard Lettl, Managing Director C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG and Michael Polotzki, Managing Director Menzolit S.r.L. The board is officially in office for three years from 1.1.2023.

"It's nice to see the Board's work so well evaluated that there is no doubt that this will continue for the next legislative period. We are very much looking forward to that," explains Managing Director Dr Elmar Witten, the members' vote. The general meeting took place during the JEC Forum DACH.


AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe