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Custom Ink uses Kornit Digital's On-Demand Technology

Kornit Digital LTD. announced that Custom Ink, a company for custom wearables and other swag for organizations, groups, and communities, has chosen Kornit technology to bolster its production capabilities. By transitioning a share of its printing from screen to digital direct-to-garment production, Custom Ink is supporting the growth of its business while accelerating its digital transition through a sustainable printing technology and providing customers with a high quality of custom apparels, gears, and swags.
Custom Ink has become a household name by bringing communities together and creating a sense of belonging through inspired custom apparel, accessories, and promotional products. Custom Ink owns, a recognizable provider of corporate swag; Printfection, a swag platform for enterprise buyers; and Swag Space, an end-to-end white-label platform for promotional product distributors. It also offers Custom Ink Fundraising, a platform to raise money and awareness for charities and personal causes through the sale of custom t-shirts and other apparel.

Kornit Digital LTD. announced that Custom Ink, a company for custom wearables and other swag for organizations, groups, and communities, has chosen Kornit technology to bolster its production capabilities. By transitioning a share of its printing from screen to digital direct-to-garment production, Custom Ink is supporting the growth of its business while accelerating its digital transition through a sustainable printing technology and providing customers with a high quality of custom apparels, gears, and swags.
Custom Ink has become a household name by bringing communities together and creating a sense of belonging through inspired custom apparel, accessories, and promotional products. Custom Ink owns, a recognizable provider of corporate swag; Printfection, a swag platform for enterprise buyers; and Swag Space, an end-to-end white-label platform for promotional product distributors. It also offers Custom Ink Fundraising, a platform to raise money and awareness for charities and personal causes through the sale of custom t-shirts and other apparel.
Custom Ink has historically relied on both screen and digital printing technologies, but the increasing demand for rapid fulfillment, coupled with the need for sustainable and efficient production methods, has accelerated its shift toward digital technologies.


Kornit Digital Ltd.


Epson gewinnt Red Dot Design Award

Die Dokumentenscanner der Serien DS-C480W und DS-C420W wurden mit einem „Best of the Best“-Award ausgezeichnet, der höchsten der Red Dot Product Design 2024 Auszeichnungen. Dies ist das fünfte Mal, dass Epson den „Best of the Best“-Award für eine seiner Produktserien gewonnen hat. Epson erhielt außerdem Auszeichnungen für eine seiner WorkForce Enterprise Business-Inkjet-Druckerreihen, für einen DTG-Drucker und den SD-10 Automated Scanning Table.

Epsons DTG-/DTF-Hybriddrucker SureColor SC-F2200 bedruckt den Stoff von T-Shirts und anderen Kleidungsstücken. Dank des kompakten Designs der Maschine lassen sie sich leicht installieren, bedienen und transportieren. Eine Verbesserung bei der Fixierung des Druckmaterials erlaubt eine einfachere Handhabung der Textilien. So und durch eine einfache Benutzerführung wurde zudem die Produktivität verbessert. Mit diesem Gerät trägt Epson zur Digitalisierung der Textildruckindustrie bei.

Die Dokumentenscanner der Serien DS-C480W und DS-C420W wurden mit einem „Best of the Best“-Award ausgezeichnet, der höchsten der Red Dot Product Design 2024 Auszeichnungen. Dies ist das fünfte Mal, dass Epson den „Best of the Best“-Award für eine seiner Produktserien gewonnen hat. Epson erhielt außerdem Auszeichnungen für eine seiner WorkForce Enterprise Business-Inkjet-Druckerreihen, für einen DTG-Drucker und den SD-10 Automated Scanning Table.

Epsons DTG-/DTF-Hybriddrucker SureColor SC-F2200 bedruckt den Stoff von T-Shirts und anderen Kleidungsstücken. Dank des kompakten Designs der Maschine lassen sie sich leicht installieren, bedienen und transportieren. Eine Verbesserung bei der Fixierung des Druckmaterials erlaubt eine einfachere Handhabung der Textilien. So und durch eine einfache Benutzerführung wurde zudem die Produktivität verbessert. Mit diesem Gerät trägt Epson zur Digitalisierung der Textildruckindustrie bei.



Neuer Monna Lisa ML-13000 Drucker braucht keine Geräte für Vor- und Nachbehandlung, Dämpfen und Waschen. Foto Epson
Neuer Monna Lisa ML-13000 Drucker braucht keine Geräte für Vor- und Nachbehandlung, Dämpfen und Waschen.

drupa 2024: Neuester Epson DTG-Textildrucker mit Pigmenttinte

Epson präsentiert auf der drupa in Düsseldorf den neuen industriellen Textildrucker Monna Lisa ML-13000, einen digitalen Textildirektdrucker (DTG – Direct-to-Garment), der mit seiner kompakten Standfläche, vielfältigen Funktionen und haltbaren Pigmenttinten den Aufbau einer effizienten Inline-Druckproduktion ermöglicht.

Der ML-13000 ist ein Direct-to-Garment-Textildrucker, der keine zusätzlichen Accessoires für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung, das Dämpfen oder Waschen der textilen Materialien benötigt. Er besitzt neben seinen sieben Druckfarben zusätzlich noch drei Chemikalien, die für eine Bearbeitung (Vorbehandlung, Überlackierung und Dichteverstärker) des Stoffes genutzt werden. Dies ermöglicht die Integration der Vor- und Nachbehandlung hin zu einem einzigen Produktionsschritt. Damit besitzt der ML-13000 gegenüber anderen Textildruckern, bei denen separate Prozesse erforderlich sind, ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Epson präsentiert auf der drupa in Düsseldorf den neuen industriellen Textildrucker Monna Lisa ML-13000, einen digitalen Textildirektdrucker (DTG – Direct-to-Garment), der mit seiner kompakten Standfläche, vielfältigen Funktionen und haltbaren Pigmenttinten den Aufbau einer effizienten Inline-Druckproduktion ermöglicht.

Der ML-13000 ist ein Direct-to-Garment-Textildrucker, der keine zusätzlichen Accessoires für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung, das Dämpfen oder Waschen der textilen Materialien benötigt. Er besitzt neben seinen sieben Druckfarben zusätzlich noch drei Chemikalien, die für eine Bearbeitung (Vorbehandlung, Überlackierung und Dichteverstärker) des Stoffes genutzt werden. Dies ermöglicht die Integration der Vor- und Nachbehandlung hin zu einem einzigen Produktionsschritt. Damit besitzt der ML-13000 gegenüber anderen Textildruckern, bei denen separate Prozesse erforderlich sind, ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Die Mittel zur Vor- und Nachbehandlung werden dabei nur auf der bedruckten Fläche verwendet (Punkt zu Punkt), sodass die Drucke auch die Textur des Stoffes betonen können. Der ML-13000 benötigt im Vergleich zu existierenden Textildruckern gleicher Produktionskapazität eine spürbar geringere Standfläche, sodass er auch in beengteren Arbeitsumgebungen installiert werden kann.

Mit dem ML-13000 würde der Wasserverbrauch im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Verfahren um bis zu 97 Prozent gesenkt, da bei ihm die Vor- und Nachbehandlungsprozesse entfallen. Schätzungen zufolge enden 35 Prozent aller Materialien in der Textil-Lieferkette als Abfall. Der digitale On-Demand-Textildruck ermöglicht es, exakt die benötigten Stückzahlen zu drucken und so den Überschuss zu reduzieren. Die ML-13000-Pigmenttinten sowie die Chemikalien für die Vor- und Nachbehandlung erfüllen verschiedene Umweltstandards und sind zertifiziert durch ECO PASSPORT, bluesign®, ZDHC MRSL Conformance Level 3 sowie GOTS-zertifiziert durch ECOCERT.



Stratasys unveils D2G solution with Urban Tattoo denim collection Photo: Business Wire

Stratasys unveils D2G solution with Urban Tattoo denim collection

Stratasys Ltd. announced the launch of its Direct-to-Garment (D2G) solution for the J850 TechStyle™ printer, the newest offering in the Stratasys 3DFashion™ direct-to-textile printing technology. The first example of its application is an Urban Tattoo denim collection which will be revealed at the Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany on April 23.

The D2G solution is ideal for customization and personalization by enabling the application of full color multi-material 3D print directly on fully assembled garments of various fabric types including denim, cotton, polyester, and linen. It allows fashion brands to facilitate personalized and bespoke designs for customers, including the ability to tailor 3D prints according to individual preferences, sizes, and styles.  

Stratasys Ltd. announced the launch of its Direct-to-Garment (D2G) solution for the J850 TechStyle™ printer, the newest offering in the Stratasys 3DFashion™ direct-to-textile printing technology. The first example of its application is an Urban Tattoo denim collection which will be revealed at the Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany on April 23.

The D2G solution is ideal for customization and personalization by enabling the application of full color multi-material 3D print directly on fully assembled garments of various fabric types including denim, cotton, polyester, and linen. It allows fashion brands to facilitate personalized and bespoke designs for customers, including the ability to tailor 3D prints according to individual preferences, sizes, and styles.  

Available in two sizes, the D2G tray kits facilitate the personalization of garments ranging from jeans to jackets, enabling designers and manufacturers to adopt more sustainable practices by reducing material waste. The seamless workflow delivers ease of calibration and compatibility with various garment sizes, streamlining the production process and fostering the creation of unique, personalized apparel.

Demonstrating this innovation, the Urban Tattoo collection showcases the potential and the ease of direct-to-garment 3D printing. Working with noted designers Karim Rashid, Travis Fitch, Zlatko Yanakiev at Meshroom along with Foraeva Studio, this collection shows the transformation of ordinary garments into pieces of wearable art, imbuing them with personal identity and meaning.

Like body tattoos, Urban Tattoos promote a deeper emotional connection, encouraging the upcycling of existing garments and contributing to a more sustainable fashion ecosystem. This aligns with Stratasys’ strategy for Mindful Manufacturing™. Stratasys has been able to create a new collection that will appeal to multiple brands that reach across diverse socio-economic backgrounds.


Stratasys Ltd


Epson auf Fespa 2024

Der Fokus des Epson Standes der diesjährigen Fespa (19.3. bis 22.3.) liegt auf dem Thema „Produktion personalisierter, individueller Produkte mittels Mikroproduktion“.

Auf seinem diesjährigen Stand zeigt Epson zum ersten Mal das DTG-/DTFilm-Einstiegsmodell, den SureColor F1000.

Der Epson SureColor-F1000 ist ein DTG-/DTFilm Hybriddrucker der Einstiegsklasse, der ohne Zwischenschritt sowohl auf dunkle als auch helle Textilien druckt. Der SC-F1000 verfügt über eine weiße Tinte und verarbeitet daher auch dunkle Textilien und Folien. Druckdienstleister können mit ihm Artikel wie T-Shirts, Kapuzenpullover, Taschen, Sweatshirts und Kissen produzieren. Er ist ebenfalls gut für jeden Anbieter von On-demand Druckdiensten geeignet.

Der Fokus des Epson Standes der diesjährigen Fespa (19.3. bis 22.3.) liegt auf dem Thema „Produktion personalisierter, individueller Produkte mittels Mikroproduktion“.

Auf seinem diesjährigen Stand zeigt Epson zum ersten Mal das DTG-/DTFilm-Einstiegsmodell, den SureColor F1000.

Der Epson SureColor-F1000 ist ein DTG-/DTFilm Hybriddrucker der Einstiegsklasse, der ohne Zwischenschritt sowohl auf dunkle als auch helle Textilien druckt. Der SC-F1000 verfügt über eine weiße Tinte und verarbeitet daher auch dunkle Textilien und Folien. Druckdienstleister können mit ihm Artikel wie T-Shirts, Kapuzenpullover, Taschen, Sweatshirts und Kissen produzieren. Er ist ebenfalls gut für jeden Anbieter von On-demand Druckdiensten geeignet.

Zusammen mit dem SureColor F1000 wird der von Epson jüngst vorgestellte DTG-/DTFilm-Hybriddrucker SureColor F2200 präsentiert, der für Start-Ups und mittelständische Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, die ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität sowie kurze Produktionszeiten und präzise Reproduktionen erwarten. Der zur Umsetzung anspruchsvoller Designs auf einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Textilien entwickelte SureColor F2200 setzt auf die Epson PrecisionCore MicroTFP-Druckkopftechnologie. Damit erreicht er eine um bis zu 25 Prozent verbesserte Produktivität zu vergleichbaren Modellen.



Epson: DTG-Drucker mit weißer Tinte für dunkle Stoffe (c) Epson

Epson: DTG-Drucker mit weißer Tinte für dunkle Stoffe

Epson bringt mit dem SureColor F1000 als einer der ersten Hersteller einen DTG und DTFilm Hybrid-Drucker der Einstiegsklasse mit weißer Tinte auf den Markt, der sich auch für dunkle Stoffe eignet. Der SC-F1000 vervollständigt Epsons Angebot an DTG- und DTFilm-Hybrid-Druckern (Direct to Garment bzw. Direct to Film) und ist besonders für Anwender geeignet, die eine kostengünstige Lösung zum Drucken von kleinen Auflagen auf vielen unterschiedlichen hellen und dunklen Stoffen suchen.

Mit seiner PrecisionCore Micro TFP-Druckkopftechnologie in Verbindung mit der NV-Technologie (Nozzle Verification) erzielt der SC-F1000 zuverlässig eine gute Druckqualität bei hoher Farbstabilität und Farbwiederholbarkeit. Der SC-F1000 erlaubt den direkten Bedruck von dunklen Kleidungsstücken sowie Folien.

Epson bringt mit dem SureColor F1000 als einer der ersten Hersteller einen DTG und DTFilm Hybrid-Drucker der Einstiegsklasse mit weißer Tinte auf den Markt, der sich auch für dunkle Stoffe eignet. Der SC-F1000 vervollständigt Epsons Angebot an DTG- und DTFilm-Hybrid-Druckern (Direct to Garment bzw. Direct to Film) und ist besonders für Anwender geeignet, die eine kostengünstige Lösung zum Drucken von kleinen Auflagen auf vielen unterschiedlichen hellen und dunklen Stoffen suchen.

Mit seiner PrecisionCore Micro TFP-Druckkopftechnologie in Verbindung mit der NV-Technologie (Nozzle Verification) erzielt der SC-F1000 zuverlässig eine gute Druckqualität bei hoher Farbstabilität und Farbwiederholbarkeit. Der SC-F1000 erlaubt den direkten Bedruck von dunklen Kleidungsstücken sowie Folien.

Die Bedienung des SC-F1000 erfolgt mittels eines Touchscreens mit intuitiv aufgebauten Menüs. Der Drucker ist standardmäßig mit Gigabit Ethernet, USB- sowie WLAN-Schnittstellen ausgestattet. Des Weiteren verfügt er über eine Reihe von Funktionen wie beispielsweise ein automatisches Reinigungssystem, die den Wartungsaufwand minimieren und die Produktivität steigern. Die großvolumigen Tintenbeutel reichen lange und sind schnell und einfach ausgetauscht.

Die Flexibilität und Produktivität des SC-F1000 wird durch die mitgelieferte Software Epson „GarmentCreator2“ weiter verbessert. Die Software enthält dabei Voreinstellungen für den schnellen und einfachen Druck für DTG und DTFilm.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

(c) Epson

Epson: Neuer Drucker für komplexe Designs auf Textilien

Epson hat auf der diesjährigen Fespa an seinem Stand seinen neuen DTG-Drucker SureColor SC-F2200 vorgestellt. Der neue SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Start-ups und Unternehmen mit bis zu mittelgroßen Auflagen entworfen, die für ihre Produktionslinien Flexibilität sowie hohe Präzision bei niedrigen Durchlaufzeiten erwarten.

Der SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für den Druck komplexer Designs auf vielen Textilien entwickelt. Seine Epson PrecisionCore MicroTFP Druckköpfe sorgen für eine hohe Druckgeschwindigkeit, was sich in einer Produktivitätssteigerung von bis zu 25 Prozent  gegenüber seinem Vorgängermodell SC-F2100 niederschlägt. Dabei wird die ohnehin schon gute Druckqualität des F2100 noch verbessert.

Sein kompaktes Design und flache Oberseite ermöglichen seinen Aufbau auch in beengten Umgebungen. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist Software Epson GarmentCreator Version 2, die zusätzliche Designmöglichkeiten eröffnet. So erlaubt sie nicht nur die Wahl zwischen DTG- und DTF-Film-Druck, sondern verbessert auch die Wiedergabe feiner Linien und kleiner Schriften.

Epson hat auf der diesjährigen Fespa an seinem Stand seinen neuen DTG-Drucker SureColor SC-F2200 vorgestellt. Der neue SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Start-ups und Unternehmen mit bis zu mittelgroßen Auflagen entworfen, die für ihre Produktionslinien Flexibilität sowie hohe Präzision bei niedrigen Durchlaufzeiten erwarten.

Der SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für den Druck komplexer Designs auf vielen Textilien entwickelt. Seine Epson PrecisionCore MicroTFP Druckköpfe sorgen für eine hohe Druckgeschwindigkeit, was sich in einer Produktivitätssteigerung von bis zu 25 Prozent  gegenüber seinem Vorgängermodell SC-F2100 niederschlägt. Dabei wird die ohnehin schon gute Druckqualität des F2100 noch verbessert.

Sein kompaktes Design und flache Oberseite ermöglichen seinen Aufbau auch in beengten Umgebungen. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist Software Epson GarmentCreator Version 2, die zusätzliche Designmöglichkeiten eröffnet. So erlaubt sie nicht nur die Wahl zwischen DTG- und DTF-Film-Druck, sondern verbessert auch die Wiedergabe feiner Linien und kleiner Schriften.

Der SC-F2200 bietet eine Reihe weiterer Funktionen für eine einfache Bedienung. Dies ermöglicht es Unternehmen, auch ohne spezialisiertes Personal ein hohes Produktions- und Qualitätsniveau zu erzielen. Der Status eines Druckauftrages kann mithilfe des transparenten Deckels sowie der integrierten Beleuchtung jederzeit und unkompliziert kontrolliert werden. Das Gerät lässt sich über einen 4,3 Zoll (10,9 cm) großen Touchscreen intuitiv bedienen. Dank der automatischen Höhenverstellung des Druckbereiches arbeitet der SC-F2200 bei nur minimalen Eingriffen des Benutzers zuverlässig. Selbst der Bedruck dicker Kleidungsstücke wird auf diese Weise schnell und einfach erreicht, weil sich die Höhe der Druckfläche auch von Hand verstellen lässt.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

(c) Kornit Digital LTD

Kornit Digital introduces Smart Curing and Rapid SizeShifter at TecStyle Visions 2023

Kornit Digital LTD. announced to unveil its new Smart Curing and Rapid SizeShifter solutions at TecStyle Visions 2023. Kornit Smart Curing is an intelligent and adaptive solution significantly streamlining curing processes while delivering high-quality results. Additionally, the introduction of Rapid SizeShifter eliminates time-consuming direct-to-garment pallet changes typically required to address disparate applications.

Kornit’s new energy-efficient Smart Curing solutions include Orion for mid-level production, and Titan for higher-capacity volumes – both optimized for compatibility with Kornit Atlas MAX systems and based on field-proven solutions from the acquisition of Tesoma. These highly efficient curing systems sync production and finishing for an end-to-end process that reduces both energy consumption and total cost of ownership (TCO). Kornit’s Rapid SizeShifter for Atlas MAX is an adjustable pallet that quickly adapts to disparate application requirements – reducing costly downtime associated with pallet changes and streamlining production for accelerated time-to-market.

Kornit Digital LTD. announced to unveil its new Smart Curing and Rapid SizeShifter solutions at TecStyle Visions 2023. Kornit Smart Curing is an intelligent and adaptive solution significantly streamlining curing processes while delivering high-quality results. Additionally, the introduction of Rapid SizeShifter eliminates time-consuming direct-to-garment pallet changes typically required to address disparate applications.

Kornit’s new energy-efficient Smart Curing solutions include Orion for mid-level production, and Titan for higher-capacity volumes – both optimized for compatibility with Kornit Atlas MAX systems and based on field-proven solutions from the acquisition of Tesoma. These highly efficient curing systems sync production and finishing for an end-to-end process that reduces both energy consumption and total cost of ownership (TCO). Kornit’s Rapid SizeShifter for Atlas MAX is an adjustable pallet that quickly adapts to disparate application requirements – reducing costly downtime associated with pallet changes and streamlining production for accelerated time-to-market.


YesAnd & Kornit Digital: Customizable On-Demand Printing Collaboration with Fashinnovation

Sustainable fashion brands YesAnd & Kornit Digital are teaming up with the global platform fostering innovation in the fashion industry, Fashinnovation. This month, the three like-minded companies will be unveiling a direct-to-garment printing collaboration.
YesAnd & Kornit Digital are (e)co-creating digital, on-demand printed certified organic blank merchandise, with graphic designs by artists, celebrities, influencers, musicians, fashion VIPs, NGO’s and more. Sharing core values of fashion & innovation & non-toxic, zero-waste production, and the fusion of technology to accelerate impact, this launch represents a cutting-edge and sustainable solution that’s accessible, traceable, customizable, and scalable. By joining forces, this collaboration will educate, engage, and activate both consumers and industry alike.

Sustainable fashion brands YesAnd & Kornit Digital are teaming up with the global platform fostering innovation in the fashion industry, Fashinnovation. This month, the three like-minded companies will be unveiling a direct-to-garment printing collaboration.
YesAnd & Kornit Digital are (e)co-creating digital, on-demand printed certified organic blank merchandise, with graphic designs by artists, celebrities, influencers, musicians, fashion VIPs, NGO’s and more. Sharing core values of fashion & innovation & non-toxic, zero-waste production, and the fusion of technology to accelerate impact, this launch represents a cutting-edge and sustainable solution that’s accessible, traceable, customizable, and scalable. By joining forces, this collaboration will educate, engage, and activate both consumers and industry alike.
"We at Fashinnovation have a strong belief that the fashion industry must walk side-by-side with innovation, in order to ensure a sustainable future. We are thrilled for this collaboration with YesAnd and Kornit, as we hope to set an example when it comes to the power of unity. In our minds, it's not about a person's wins, but rather it's about our collective progress," said Jordana & Marcelo Guimaraes, Founders of Fashinnovation.
Debuting the first of their brand collaborations with farm-to-print organic merchandise, this collaboration will together minimize waste, water, chemical use, and energy, while celebrating climate action, manufacturing efficiencies, and sustainable innovation—representing a true and timely fashion statement. The brands will be debuting their select blank styles of digitally-printed designs from the initial capsule collection—including the YesAnd Frida Hoodie, Gloria Hoodie Tee, Dominique Tee, and the Samata Dress, with a graphic option aligning the missions of YesAnd, Fashinnovation and Kornit Digital, “Don’t Wear Clothes, Wear Change.”


Kornit Digital


Kornit Digital: New Virtual Tradeshow at Printing Expo Online 2022

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx  and textile production technologies, has opened the doors to a new interactive booth  at one of the world’s largest virtual printing tradeshows – Printing Expo Online 2022. The exhibit offers all the benefits of a physical tradeshow, but with convenient, online access any time.

Printing Expo Online is one of the most popular online tradeshows for the printing industry. Tailored to meet the demands of evolving businesses, the show is open 24-7-365 days a year – and has welcomed over 60,000 global visitors since November 2020. Kornit’s virtual exhibit is fully aligned with customer requests for a more flexible tradeshow experience – allowing participation at their convenience.

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx  and textile production technologies, has opened the doors to a new interactive booth  at one of the world’s largest virtual printing tradeshows – Printing Expo Online 2022. The exhibit offers all the benefits of a physical tradeshow, but with convenient, online access any time.

Printing Expo Online is one of the most popular online tradeshows for the printing industry. Tailored to meet the demands of evolving businesses, the show is open 24-7-365 days a year – and has welcomed over 60,000 global visitors since November 2020. Kornit’s virtual exhibit is fully aligned with customer requests for a more flexible tradeshow experience – allowing participation at their convenience.

The multi-story showroom makes it possible to self-navigate across Kornit’s game changing single-step, digital direct-to-garment (DTG) and direct-to-fabric (DTF) solutions – unlocking new possibilities for on demand, sustainable digital fashion and textile production. Solutions on display include  Kornit Atlas MAX, the recently introduced Kornit Atlas MAX Poly, Kornit Presto MAX and the KornitX Workflow offering.


Kornit Digital


EFI Fiery acquires Provider of Production and Design Workflow Software

Fiery®, the digital front end (DFE) and workflow business of EFI, announced that it has acquired CADlink® Technology Corp., a software company that delivers solutions for the high growth areas of digital direct-to-garment (DTG) and direct-to-film (DTF) printing; digital cutting and engraving; digital wide-format print; and vehicle wraps. CADlink’s products address increasingly important customer needs for customization and personalization, and for reducing the time spent moving work from design to production.

CADlink is a global software company that serves markets that require unique workflows involving different types of production devices. CADlink’s products are recognized leaders in design, RIP and workflow technology, and are sold globally to customers through OEM partners and an extensive network of resellers. CADlink’s products, partners and channels are a natural complement to what the Fiery business delivers for its global commercial, display graphics and industrial printing customer base.  

The CADlink software portfolio includes proven, advanced solutions that support the development and growth of e-commerce for custom-manufactured products.

Fiery®, the digital front end (DFE) and workflow business of EFI, announced that it has acquired CADlink® Technology Corp., a software company that delivers solutions for the high growth areas of digital direct-to-garment (DTG) and direct-to-film (DTF) printing; digital cutting and engraving; digital wide-format print; and vehicle wraps. CADlink’s products address increasingly important customer needs for customization and personalization, and for reducing the time spent moving work from design to production.

CADlink is a global software company that serves markets that require unique workflows involving different types of production devices. CADlink’s products are recognized leaders in design, RIP and workflow technology, and are sold globally to customers through OEM partners and an extensive network of resellers. CADlink’s products, partners and channels are a natural complement to what the Fiery business delivers for its global commercial, display graphics and industrial printing customer base.  

The CADlink software portfolio includes proven, advanced solutions that support the development and growth of e-commerce for custom-manufactured products.

“Becoming part of the EFI Fiery business will extend the geographic reach for our products and enhance our ability to support and drive greater value to customers and partners worldwide,” said CADlink Co-founder and CEO Gordon Reynen.



Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles (c) Kornit

Kornit Rewrites the Rules for Fashion and Textiles

  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today fr
  • Hundreds of designers, brands, creators, e-com platforms, manufacturers, and virtual fashion pioneers expected to attend VIP events at Kornit’s headquarters, R&D and production centers, and in major venues of Tel Aviv     
  • Kornit will unveil future technologies and solutions, including the revolutionary Kornit Apollo fully-digital mass production direct-to-garment (DTG) platform – considered a future game-changer for the mainstream mass production of fashion and apparel, a multi-billion-dollar market opportunity – constrained today by antiquated, analog, and polluting methods of production
  • Mass production of textile, traditionally off-shored, is going through an accelerated shift to near-shore production, significantly shorter production runs, lean-to-no inventory risk, and unlimited creativity and flexibility for designers and creators – all possible with Kornit’s new solution for mass production
  • Kornit will also unveil its Kornit Atlas MAX Poly – predicted to transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, suffering today from major limitations with mass customization of polyester

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production, announced today the Company will present the convergence of design, technology, and sustainable fashion at Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022, April 3rd – 6th. Rewriting the rules for fashion and textiles, the transformative event will unveil vibrant runway collections together with game-changing industry-first product and technology introductions that bring digital production to the mainstream.

The four-day event is attended by some of the top designers, retailers, brands, fulfillers, and ecommerce players, in addition to global investors and press – and will include exclusive VIP experiences demonstrating the confluence of the design, technology, and fashion worlds. Together, these three elements are central to Kornit’s 4.0 strategy, bringing sustainable, on-demand fashion to the mainstream with end-to-end workflow solutions.

Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022

Kornit Fashion Week features an immersive runway showcase produced by worldwide fashion icon, producer, director, and entrepreneur Motty Reif. The week follows successful Kornit events in 2021 across Los Angeles, New York, Milan, and Tel Aviv – displaying the creative freedom associated with sustainable, on-demand fashion fulfillment. Attendees will experience runway events showcasing designer creativity across a broad array of collections. These fascinating collections were created in just a few weeks, unlike typical fashion and textile production processes that take over six months.

Industry-First Introductions

Looking behind the scenes at Kornit Fashion Week, attendees will witness Kornit’s disruptive mass production technology in action. Unveiled for the first time, the Kornit Apollo direct-to-garment (DTG) system addresses accelerated post-pandemic market trends for streamlined supply chains and production nearshoring. Demonstrated at an exclusive VIP event, Kornit Apollo features the Company’s proven MAX technology offering the highest retail quality combined with full automation control and integrated smart curing processes, utilizing functionality from Lichtenau, Germany-based Tesoma (Kornit’s recently announced acquisition). The solution is the most comprehensive digital, single-step end-to-end system for nearshore short-and-medium-runs mass production and offers optimal TCO and highest output per operator. The result far surpasses performance of screen printing and analog techniques. With early customer engagements in the second half of 2022, the system will be available mid-2023.

Physical and Virtual Worlds

Kornit enables customers to exchange supply chain headaches and materials waste for unsurpassed creativity and a frictionless pixel-to-parcel-to-doorstep production experience. Supported by the KornitX workflow solution, customers have access to a scalable and modular ecosystem for on-demand decorated apparel and textiles. Supporting diverse supply chain models, the infrastructure-agnostic system enables on-demand, automated production, end-to-end from initial order to package delivery.

Kornit Digital Introduces High-Volume Digital Production Solution for Vibrant Decorative Designs on Polyester and Polyester-Blended Apparel (c) Kornit
Kornit Atlas MAX Poly

Kornit Digital Printing for Unique Fashion

  • Kornit Digital Introduces High-Volume Digital Production Solution for Vibrant Decorative Designs on Polyester and Polyester-Blended Apparel
  • Kornit Atlas MAX Poly to Transform Professional and Recreational Sportswear, Teamwear, and Sports Brands; Injecting Life into Apparel with Power of Design Across Full Color Gamut

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production, introduced today its distinctive Kornit Atlas MAX Poly system – an industry-first direct-to-garment (DTG) solution delivering superior-quality digital decoration for vibrant, colorful design on polyester and poly-blended apparel.

  • Kornit Digital Introduces High-Volume Digital Production Solution for Vibrant Decorative Designs on Polyester and Polyester-Blended Apparel
  • Kornit Atlas MAX Poly to Transform Professional and Recreational Sportswear, Teamwear, and Sports Brands; Injecting Life into Apparel with Power of Design Across Full Color Gamut

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT) (“Kornit”), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production, introduced today its distinctive Kornit Atlas MAX Poly system – an industry-first direct-to-garment (DTG) solution delivering superior-quality digital decoration for vibrant, colorful design on polyester and poly-blended apparel.

Kornit’s Atlas MAX Poly capitalizes on the demand for fashionable, unique sportswear and apparel. As the industry emerges from a post-pandemic environment in which athletic and leisurewear became mainstream, there is increasing demand for apparel combining polyester and poly-blends with vivid designs across a range of colors. Atlas MAX Poly can transform the multi-billion-dollar professional and recreational sports apparel and teamwear markets, limited today by limitations in mass customization of polyester.

“Kornit Atlas MAX Poly is a game-changer,” said Omer Kulka, Chief Marketing Officer at Kornit Digital. “As fashion and sports apparel merge, there’s new opportunity for innovative fashion on polyester, currently the fastest-growing textile vertical. For the first time, recreational sportswear, promotional, and sports brands can embrace vibrant and colorful design with Kornit’s proven MAX technology – setting superior quality standards for on-demand production previously not possible.”

Unveiled during Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022, Atlas MAX Poly incorporates Kornit’s field-proven MAX technology for high-quality premium decoration, process automation, and smart autonomous quality control. With Kornit’s XDi decorative applications, Atlas MAX Poly enables endless designs and creativity on polyester, and empowers new styles for multiple effects and unlimited combinations such as emulating threadless embroidery, high-density vinyl, screen transfer emulations, and 3D effects.

The solution is compatible with mesh and plain fabrics, including brushed polyester, while maintaining durability and breathability. It brings the highest throughput for on-demand polyester decoration, reducing total cost of ownership to drive profitability. Customers gain competitive advantage via Pantone color-matching and a wide color gamut including neon colors for bright and vibrant impressions, using single-step mechanisms minimizing production footprints while maximizing versatility.

Beyond superior quality, graphics, color, and application variety, Kornit Atlas MAX Poly offers efficient, reliable, profitable end-to-end polyester production via:

  • Kornit’s ActiveLoad automated garment-loading and pallet adjustment for repeatable, high-quality output with minimal errors reducing time and waste, eliminating operator ramp-up and boosting throughput up to 20%.
  • Seamless integration with KornitX Global Fulfillment Network, enabling a pixel-to-parcel-to-doorstep experience. This unleashes untapped demand for polyester short-run production, personalization, and disruptive direct-to-fan and direct-to-recreational business models.
  • Integration with KornitX’s workflow ecosystem and Kornit Konnect™ dashboard, optimizing process visibility and control, adding data-driven insights for production floor efficiencies.
Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit XDi at Snuggle

Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

Kornit Atlas MAX is the first digital direct-to-garment production system to feature XDi technology, which empowers users to simulate embroidery, dye sublimation, vinyl heat transfer, and 3D graphic effects with one single-step platform, using Kornit’s eco-friendly NeoPigment™ inks. Delivering superior graphic detail, consistent retail quality, and low and consistent cost per print to ensure profitability in any quantity, the system is engineered for adaptability to long-term automation needs, which helps businesses like Snuggle address the ongoing labour shortage.

With seven Kornit Digital systems in total, Snuggle is now able to produce up to 12,000 units daily, and has expanded its production space more than threefold since first investing in the technology. While the business does include an embroidery unit, Snuggle rejected screen printing due to its slow setup process, inefficient sampling for bulk orders, and the inability to generate profit from smaller custom orders. Furthermore, digitally-enabled production on demand was critical to their adapting when the pandemic economy caused many customers to cancel bulk orders suddenly.

More information:
Kornit Digital Atlas MAX

Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital & Fashion Enter Innovation Centre

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

According to Kornit Digital’s Impact and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, 30 percent of textile production is overproduction, while 95 percent of water waste is created as companies globally look towards more sustainable futures with customized, creative, and real-time offerings. Using proprietary streamlined, eco-friendly digital production technologies, Kornit Digital is transforming the fashion industry with more efficient and sustainable processes. According to the same report, by 2026, the Company’s systems will use up to 95 percent less water, 94 percent less energy and produce 83 percent less greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to highlighting production capabilities that minimize carbon footprint, the Fashtech Innovation Centre serves as a prototype for brands and fulfillers seeking to mitigate logistical complexities, time-to-market, and supply chain risks by bringing production nearer to the end consumer. Eliminating overproduction and producing on demand, this nearshoring model drives profitability even in highly regulated and high-cost markets while contributing to local economies and removing transport-related waste.

Serving as a fulfilment site and academy for training production, the Centre includes both Kornit Presto direct-to-fabric and Kornit Atlas MAX direct-to-garment systems, as well as numerous graphic design and workflow tools and systems to enable cut-and-sew operations for a comprehensive “pixel to parcel to doorstep” cycle. Consolidating the process into a single location helps maintain full visibility and control of operations and products. Taking this one step further for creators and brands, visitors can experience the KornitX Global Fulfilment Network, enabling customers to create both new sales channels and accessibility to enable production on demand. Attendees can see how Kornit’s single-step digital production technology empowers unlimited graphic expression using less floor space, resources, waste, and time—all at higher margins.

“This Innovation Centre makes it possible to capture the full, end-to-end production process in one, single location,” said Jenny Holloway, Chief Executive Officer, Fashion-Enter. “The beauty of having print on demand means there are no minimums, so we can make one garment, or we can make up to 30,000 garments a week from all locations at the same fixed cost. Here, we can also train future generations on the right way of producing garments for today, responsive to demand, with minimal waste—ethical and sustainable. This is the future of fashion and textiles.”

(c) Kornit

Blur uses Kornit Digital for Scalability, Operational Versatility, 24-Hour Production

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that Portuguese textile specialist Blur has installed the Kornit Presto S with Softener solution for sustainable, single-step direct-to-fabric production of multiple fabrics in any quantity. The print services provider, which supports the production needs of high fashion brands has previously installed multiple Kornit Atlas and Avalanche systems for industrial-scale digital direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand.

Using Kornit’s efficient, eco-conscious, proprietary technology and consumables, Blur provides rapid fulfillment of orders ranging from a single piece to mass production, with an average order of about 500 items. Since implementing the Kornit Presto S, the system has been in operation day and night, producing samples during normal business hours and fulfilling diverse incoming orders overnight.

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that Portuguese textile specialist Blur has installed the Kornit Presto S with Softener solution for sustainable, single-step direct-to-fabric production of multiple fabrics in any quantity. The print services provider, which supports the production needs of high fashion brands has previously installed multiple Kornit Atlas and Avalanche systems for industrial-scale digital direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand.

Using Kornit’s efficient, eco-conscious, proprietary technology and consumables, Blur provides rapid fulfillment of orders ranging from a single piece to mass production, with an average order of about 500 items. Since implementing the Kornit Presto S, the system has been in operation day and night, producing samples during normal business hours and fulfilling diverse incoming orders overnight.

Mariano Dias, CEO at Blur, believes Kornit technology empowers his business to adapt quickly to the constantly evolving needs of his clients, which include both larger established brands seeking large quantities and ambitious designers seeking to build a brand with limited risk or investment. In many cases, they are fulfilling different types of designs for clients serving both Europe and North American markets.
“The quality is just outstanding, and some clients only want to print with Kornit technology”, said Dias. “We are extremely happy with Kornit’s collaboration, and our printers are working perfectly around the clock. Any textile printing company looking to move into fashion and work with famous brands will need both roll-to-roll and DTG capabilities. Our recommendation for success is to buy the Kornit Atlas and Kornit Presto printers.”

He added that Blur’s success with its current Kornit systems, as well as increased demand for sustainably-produced textiles, has the business considering the addition of a second Kornit Presto S to accommodate additional volumes.

“As with many of our customers, Blur was built around more traditional textile operations—in their case embroidery—before discovering the vast potential for growth and versatility offered by quick, efficient, digital production on demand,” said Chris Govier, Kornit Digital Europe, Middle East, and Africa President. “Whether you’re serving an internationally-known fashion house looking for more agile fulfillment and simpler supply chains, or the independent creator hoping to bring unique inspirations to life, Kornit’s product portfolio offers continuous opportunities to answer market needs, create new markets, and scale upwards under any conditions.”


Kornit / pr4u

(c) Kornit Digital / Brodelec

Brodelec complements printing systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that France-based Brodelec has recently complemented its existing Kornit Avalanche direct-to-garment (DTG) and Kornit Presto S direct-to-fabric print systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology. The print services provider, which produces personalized markings on textiles, luggage, and promotional pieces, has used Kornit Digital production technologies for more than 15 years.

Tourism accounts for 30% of Brodelec’s business, and clients include zoos, museums, and tourist attractions, as well as communication agencies. They established an on-demand web platform enabling small brands and YouTube users to order and receive custom gear quickly. By investing in a broad cross-section of Kornit’s technologies for single-step, eco-friendly, just-in-time production, Brodelec creates new opportunities and sales channels, which proved fortuitous when the pandemic economy suddenly impacted consumer behaviors.

Kornit Digital Ltd. announced that France-based Brodelec has recently complemented its existing Kornit Avalanche direct-to-garment (DTG) and Kornit Presto S direct-to-fabric print systems with Kornit Atlas MAX technology. The print services provider, which produces personalized markings on textiles, luggage, and promotional pieces, has used Kornit Digital production technologies for more than 15 years.

Tourism accounts for 30% of Brodelec’s business, and clients include zoos, museums, and tourist attractions, as well as communication agencies. They established an on-demand web platform enabling small brands and YouTube users to order and receive custom gear quickly. By investing in a broad cross-section of Kornit’s technologies for single-step, eco-friendly, just-in-time production, Brodelec creates new opportunities and sales channels, which proved fortuitous when the pandemic economy suddenly impacted consumer behaviors.

Using Kornit’s Oeko-Passport and GOTS-certified inks, these systems produce consistent, high-quality impressions within minutes, giving Brodelec the flexibility to produce a variety of applications, in multiple materials, with a single ink set. The business complemented Kornit’s quick, efficient production capabilities with a laser cutting system and several sewing machines, empowering them to offer finished pieces such as imprinted cushions, tote bags, aprons, and towels.


Kornit Digital / pr4u

(c) Kornit

Save Our Souls Clothing Scales Upward

  • Launching “Buy That Merch” Platform with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced that United Kingdom-based Save Our Souls Clothing has implemented the Kornit Storm HD6 Lite system for just-in-time production of its “alternative” custom apparel. Replacing a fleet of smaller, low-capacity digital direct-to-garment (DTG) machines, the Kornit system has enabled the company to scale its business upward with minimal time and labour needs.

  • Launching “Buy That Merch” Platform with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced that United Kingdom-based Save Our Souls Clothing has implemented the Kornit Storm HD6 Lite system for just-in-time production of its “alternative” custom apparel. Replacing a fleet of smaller, low-capacity digital direct-to-garment (DTG) machines, the Kornit system has enabled the company to scale its business upward with minimal time and labour needs.

Save Our Souls offers print services to a community of artists “driven by a love of tattoos, music, art, and life,” with a growing catalogue of designs applied to a variety of apparel at the time it is ordered, ensuring minimal inventory waste and carbon footprint. The success of their Kornit implementation, which enabled the brand to produce higher quantities with a single operator while eliminating pretreatments and heat presses from their routine, has empowered them to launch the “Buy That Merch” platform for artists, broadcasters, and musicians to produce and sell their own merchandise directly, without the fees associated with existing online marketplaces.

“With the Kornit, you can print pretty much anything, so when we work with artists, they can just do what they love, and we can print it,” said Marc Carter, Finance Director at Save Our Souls. “It changed everything. We could market more, bring more business on, and we didn’t need as much staff as we needed prior to that, so it’s actually more cost-effective. Our monthly cost has actually dropped, and maintenance is next to nothing.”



GoCustom Clothing Adopts Kornit Avalanche HD6 (c) Kornit Digital / GoCustom Clothing

GoCustom Clothing Adopts Kornit Avalanche HD6

Kornit Digital announced that United Kingdom-based GoCustom Clothing has installed the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for on-demand, direct-to-garment (DTG) digtal production. This installment coincides with GoCustom Clothing’s implementation of the KornitX platform, which provides a streamlined end-to-end workflow between the brand’s online customer stores and their production floor.

GoCustom Clothing offers print and embroidery services, and began by providing workwear for local businesses before branching out to school hoodies and uniforms. As their e-commerce business grew and orders became more diverse, GoCustom Clothing determined it was best to add digital DTG production capabilities, which could accommodate both orders of 1,000-plus pieces and single pieces. GoCustom originally invested in a Kornit Storm system for on-demand production, before upgrading to a Kornit Avalanche HD6 for increased capacity.

Kornit Digital announced that United Kingdom-based GoCustom Clothing has installed the Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for on-demand, direct-to-garment (DTG) digtal production. This installment coincides with GoCustom Clothing’s implementation of the KornitX platform, which provides a streamlined end-to-end workflow between the brand’s online customer stores and their production floor.

GoCustom Clothing offers print and embroidery services, and began by providing workwear for local businesses before branching out to school hoodies and uniforms. As their e-commerce business grew and orders became more diverse, GoCustom Clothing determined it was best to add digital DTG production capabilities, which could accommodate both orders of 1,000-plus pieces and single pieces. GoCustom originally invested in a Kornit Storm system for on-demand production, before upgrading to a Kornit Avalanche HD6 for increased capacity.

Kornit Avalanche HD6 can digitally produce numerous apparel types without considerable setup time.  Pallets can be changed quickly to handle different sizes and applications, versus the costly and time-consuming processes associated with screen printing operations. Furthermore, digitizing operations with KornitX,  Kornit’s operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, means increased control and management of the end-to-end fulfillment process, from front-end steps including design, order management, and virtual catalog to smart routing of orders, production, packaging, and shipping.


Kornit Digital / pr4u


Rialto Designs: Flexible, Sustainable Fashion Production on Demand with Kornit Presto S

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced UK textile printing company Rialto Designs has invested in a Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution to drive printed textile fashion innovation.

Founded 25 years ago by textile technologist brothers Riyaz and Mohsin Omarji, Rialto Designs has established a client base that includes many of the UK’s leading fashion brands.
In recent years, the company has downsized its analog screen production and adopted digital direct-to-garment capabilities. Two Kornit Avalanche HD6 systems for on-demand DTG production have streamlined operations and increased output to gain new market opportunities.

The latest single-step, eco-friendly Kornit Presto S helps align Rialto’s roll-to-roll workflow with commercial growth and delivers high-quality natural and synthetic pieces, in any quantity and in short order.

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced UK textile printing company Rialto Designs has invested in a Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution to drive printed textile fashion innovation.

Founded 25 years ago by textile technologist brothers Riyaz and Mohsin Omarji, Rialto Designs has established a client base that includes many of the UK’s leading fashion brands.
In recent years, the company has downsized its analog screen production and adopted digital direct-to-garment capabilities. Two Kornit Avalanche HD6 systems for on-demand DTG production have streamlined operations and increased output to gain new market opportunities.

The latest single-step, eco-friendly Kornit Presto S helps align Rialto’s roll-to-roll workflow with commercial growth and delivers high-quality natural and synthetic pieces, in any quantity and in short order.

Kornit’s DTG technology supports Rialto to deliver a service that sets it apart on speed, sustainability, and high quality. Clients can now order printed samples across hundreds of fabric bases—polyester and natural—and receive their orders within 24 hours.

