From the Sector

26 results

CHT Germany GmbH: Sustainable heat for sustainable chemical solutions

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

  • Efficient heat supply of the future reduces environmentally harmful CO2

The heating sector offers a variety of options for the energy turnaround. One of them is district heating. This is an efficient energy source that makes an important contribution to sustainability and climate protection, especially when used within heat and energy-intensive companies. The CHT Group for speciality chemicals has opted to utilise the district heating supplied by the Tübingen public utilities (swt) at its headquarters in Tübingen - and thus reduce CO2 and the use of fossil fuels. This also resulted in the district heating network of the municipal utilities being extended by an additional half kilometre.

Until recently, heating, hot water and various process steam applications within the CHT site in Bismarckstrasse, Tubingen were fed from a central steam generation plant fired by heating oil. Now three of four company buildings are connected to the swt district heating network and the process steam applications have been decentralised. The fourth building has already been equipped with a modern CHP system for many years. In the future, this building will be prepared for district heating. The conversion to district heating supply will be made as soon as the CHP plant has reached the end of its operating life. In order to connect the CHT headquarters to the district heating, the municipal utilities have extended their supply network by around 570 metres during a four-month construction period. The heat now flows through newly installed transfer stations where it is measured, regulated, transferred and finally fed into the buildings' heating circuits.

Dr. Bernhard Hettich, Chief Technical Officer of CHT Germany GmbH: "As a company CHT focuses on worldwide sustainability. This not only includes products but also the sustainable use of resources at the individual locations. At our headquarters in Tübingen, our efforts are directed towards reducing energy consumption and optimising it with regard to renewable energies. With this investment we will continue to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of fossil fuels for the energy we consume. As a Tübingen company, we are therefore pleased to be connected to the local district heating network and to be able to use its advantages for the benefit of our sustainability strategy".

High heat demand offers great savings potential
CHT's heat requirements are high as the three buildings already connected require around 1.3 million kilowatt hours of heat per year. With the fourth building included, the heat requirement is even 1.6 million kilowatt hours. With the conversion to district heating CHT saves about 152 tons of CO2 per year. An investment in the district heating connection is therefore an investment in the future, both from an ecological and economic point of view. CHT has invested 180,000 Euro in the district heating connection.


Please read the attached document for more information


CHT Germany GmbH

The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles (c) CHT
Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

Cradle to Cradle principles in the CHT Group

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

  • The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range for a circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Progress in itself does not necessarily have to be sustainable but in the CHT Group it certainly does. For this reason the company has defined progress more precisely. The developers and chemists from Tübingen show true inventive talent with sustainable innovations.

According to the CHT Group's self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes a responsibility component for the future. With decades of experience along the textile value chain, the globally active CHT Group offers an incomparably wide range of services focusing on sustainable, resource-saving and forward-looking speciality chemicals and the efficient shaping of textile processes.

The circular economy takes over a decisive role: In the CHT Group we are convinced that recyclable textile products are the right means to protect resources and reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, our team works closely with textile manufacturers and brands to achieve the common goal of avoiding waste and harmful substances along the textile production process and thus producing more ecological textiles.

The Cradle to Cradle approach provides a trend-setting concept in the textile world that perfectly fits the company's sustainable strategy: Right from the start products shall be created which are suited for the biological (compostable) or technical (recyclable) circulation.

The CHT Group focuses on the development of dyes, pigments and auxiliaries for textile finishing which can be decomposed without leaving any residues and easily returned to the natural circulation.

For textiles which are to be developed and produced strictly according to the Cradle to Cradle principle, CHT offers a comprehensive, constantly growing, compostable range for textile finishing. With 57 textile auxiliaries and 32 dyes/pigments CHT has succeeded in achieving the highest rating, the Platinum Material Health Certificate of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.

These products help textile manufacturers to achieve the Platinum rating in Material Health, one of five categories of the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard on finished textiles. This contributes to giving textiles a positive ecological footprint.

Textiles can be given the decisive distinguishing feature through the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product standard. Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is the world's leading science-based standard for safe, recyclable and sustainable materials and products. CHT offers the possibility of designing tomorrow's sustainable textiles already today and is therefore part of the Circular Economy.

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a registered trademark of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.


 CHT Germany GmbH


Grüne Ausrichtung bestätigt: Schmitz Textiles mit Bestnoten ausgezeichnet

  • Emsdettener Textilhersteller nach STeP by OEKO-Tex® für nachhaltige Produktion zertifiziert

Nachhaltigkeit ist das Schlagwort der Stunde – auch in der Wirtschaft. Eine nachhaltige Welt erfordert jedoch eine neue Art des Wirtschaftens zum Schutz der Ressourcen und Umwelt. Das Textilunternehmen Schmitz Textiles, zu dem die Marke drapilux gehört, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, in jedem Produktionsbereich so grün wie möglich zu handeln. Das Engagement wurde nun durch die erfolgreiche Zertifizierung nach STeP by OEKO-TEX® belohnt.

  • Emsdettener Textilhersteller nach STeP by OEKO-Tex® für nachhaltige Produktion zertifiziert

Nachhaltigkeit ist das Schlagwort der Stunde – auch in der Wirtschaft. Eine nachhaltige Welt erfordert jedoch eine neue Art des Wirtschaftens zum Schutz der Ressourcen und Umwelt. Das Textilunternehmen Schmitz Textiles, zu dem die Marke drapilux gehört, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, in jedem Produktionsbereich so grün wie möglich zu handeln. Das Engagement wurde nun durch die erfolgreiche Zertifizierung nach STeP by OEKO-TEX® belohnt.

STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) by OEKO-TEX® ist ein unabhängiges Zertifizierungssystem für Marken, Handelsunternehmen und Hersteller im Bereich der Textilindustrie. OEKO-TEX®, ein Zusammenschluss von 18 unabhängigen Prüf- und Forschungsinstituten für Textil- und Lederökologie aus Europa und Japan, entwickelt Standards für die Textil- und Lederindustrie sowie die zugrundeliegenden Prüfmethoden und Grenzwerte. Ziel ist es, ein Risikomanagement, den Verbraucher- und Umweltschutz sowie gesetzliche Konformität sicherzustellen. Neben dem Aspekt der Umweltfreundlichkeit untersucht STeP nachhaltige Produktionsbedingungen, den effizienten Einsatz von Ressourcen und Technologien sowie die Einhaltung von sozialverträglichen Arbeitsbedingungen. Die Prüfung umfasst sechs Module: Chemikalienmanagement, Umweltleistungen, Umweltmanagement, Soziale Verantwortung, Qualitätsmanagement sowie Gesundheitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit. Die Zertifizierung ist ein starkes Instrument zur kontinuierlichen Optimierung der Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und zeigt Wege auf, Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Durch die Transparenz und weltweite Vergleichbarkeit der Kriterien unterstützt STeP Endverbraucher und Händler bei der Auswahl des Textilherstellers. Schmitz Textiles kann so seinen Vorbildcharakter in allen Bereichen noch weiter stärken. „Nachhaltigkeit war schon immer ein wichtiges Thema bei Schmitz Textiles“, bekräftigt Stefan Ruholl, Geschäftsführer des Emsdettener Unternehmens. So hat der Textilhersteller bereits 2002 die ISO 14001 Norm implementiert, die die Anforderungen an ein Umweltmanagementsystem festlegt. „Die Zertifizierung nach STeP krönt unser Engagement noch einmal, da die Anforderungen über die gesetzlichen hinaus gehen und zum Beispiel Einsatzverbote für gewisse Gefahrenstoffe mit sich bringen“, führt Stefan Ruholl aus. 

Auch in Zukunft will das Emsdettener Unternehmen mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen. „Getreu dem Motto der Gründerfamilie Schmitz ‚Der Zukunft verpflichtet – schon immer‘ werden wir uns bis zum nächsten Audit in drei Jahren noch weiter verbessern“, verspricht Stefan Ruholl. drapilux-Vertriebsleiter Hubert Reinermann ergänzt, dass auch die Produkte nachhaltiger werden sollen. So hat drapilux 2020 als erste der Schmitz Textiles-Marken Artikel mit einem Anteil an nachhaltig produzierten Fasern präsentiert. Gemeinsam mit dem Garnhersteller Trevira arbeitet drapilux daran, das neuartige Garn weiterzuentwickeln und den Anteil des recycelten Materials zu erhöhen.


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh

Die drapilux-Monatsempfehlung für klassische und moderne Hotels. © drapilux
drapilux 131

Die drapilux-Monatsempfehlung für klassische und moderne Hotels.

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet?

  • Skandinavisches Flair: drapilux 131

Der Artikel überzeugt durch sein reduziertes skandinavisch anmutendes Dessin, das jedem Raum zeitlose Eleganz und Frische verleiht. Der skandinavische Einrichtungstrend verbindet Einfachheit und Funktionalität perfekt. Eine Kombination, die sich auch den in zarten, naturnahen Farben der vier Kolorits wiederfindet. So wird dem raumhohen Dessin eine gewisse Großzügigkeit verliehen. Neben seinem Dessin zeichnet sich drapilux 131 durch seine Nachhaltigkeit aus. Gedruckt wird der Artikel auf der Grundqualität von drapilux 104, der mit einem neuartigen Garn gewebt wird. Dieses enthält einen Anteil an nachhaltig produzierten Fasern aus recycelten PET-Flaschen.

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet?

  • Skandinavisches Flair: drapilux 131

Der Artikel überzeugt durch sein reduziertes skandinavisch anmutendes Dessin, das jedem Raum zeitlose Eleganz und Frische verleiht. Der skandinavische Einrichtungstrend verbindet Einfachheit und Funktionalität perfekt. Eine Kombination, die sich auch den in zarten, naturnahen Farben der vier Kolorits wiederfindet. So wird dem raumhohen Dessin eine gewisse Großzügigkeit verliehen. Neben seinem Dessin zeichnet sich drapilux 131 durch seine Nachhaltigkeit aus. Gedruckt wird der Artikel auf der Grundqualität von drapilux 104, der mit einem neuartigen Garn gewebt wird. Dieses enthält einen Anteil an nachhaltig produzierten Fasern aus recycelten PET-Flaschen.


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh


ZDHC Foundation Welcomes Broad Chemical Industry Engagement

After an intense dialogue and a series of meetings during the past year between the ZDHC Board of Directors and the GCIRT, an alignment was gained on ZDHC organisational commitments and a mutual understanding of the role of chemical suppliers within the ZDHC Programme. This opens the doors for broader, more active distribution of chemistry expertise and implementation support of textile dye and leather chemical manufacturing industry in the ZDHC Programme.

The Global Chemical Industry Round Table (GCIRT), sent an open letter to ZDHC in May 2018 and is a group of the leading chemical solution providers in the textile and leather industry with the collective aim of driving the industry further to become more sustainable. GCIRT’s signatory’s engagement into the ZDHC Programme will support a faster transformation of the industry by taking complexity out of the supply chain and to find appropriate solutions for the industries’ requirements.

After an intense dialogue and a series of meetings during the past year between the ZDHC Board of Directors and the GCIRT, an alignment was gained on ZDHC organisational commitments and a mutual understanding of the role of chemical suppliers within the ZDHC Programme. This opens the doors for broader, more active distribution of chemistry expertise and implementation support of textile dye and leather chemical manufacturing industry in the ZDHC Programme.

The Global Chemical Industry Round Table (GCIRT), sent an open letter to ZDHC in May 2018 and is a group of the leading chemical solution providers in the textile and leather industry with the collective aim of driving the industry further to become more sustainable. GCIRT’s signatory’s engagement into the ZDHC Programme will support a faster transformation of the industry by taking complexity out of the supply chain and to find appropriate solutions for the industries’ requirements.

The GCIRT members are: ARCHROMA (Switzerland); CHT Germany GmbH (Germany); Colourtex Industries Private Limited (India); DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd (Singapore); Huntsman Textile Effects (Singapore); KISCO (Korea); Pulcra Chemicals Group (Germany); RUDOLF GmbH (Germany); TANATEX Chemicals B.V. (Netherlands).


ZDHC Foundation


The CHT Group is chemical partner at Lidl

For the cooperation with Lidl within the project “Biodegradable textiles with prints” the CHT Group developed innovative recyclable textile print products.

These Lidl textiles are produced with CHT print pastes and pigments and were certificated by the internationally active consulting institute EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees & Sommer according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Standard. With this pilot project the companies demonstrate their sense of responsibility for people and the environment as well as their commitment in the field of circular economy.

For the cooperation with Lidl within the project “Biodegradable textiles with prints” the CHT Group developed innovative recyclable textile print products.

These Lidl textiles are produced with CHT print pastes and pigments and were certificated by the internationally active consulting institute EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees & Sommer according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Standard. With this pilot project the companies demonstrate their sense of responsibility for people and the environment as well as their commitment in the field of circular economy.

According to the Cradle to Cradle approach, shortly C2C, products shall merge into a biological or technical cycle after the end of their life cycle. This re-use helps prevent waste and save raw materials. The impact on the environment and health of all of the ingredients of C2C textiles is already tested in the design stage and during manufacturing. C2C experts additionally ensure a gapless control of the manufacturing processes. They check the chemicals in use, make sure that the water is kept clean and that renewable energies are used. Since this control affects the complete textile supply chain, it guarantees absolute transparency.

The CHT Group can now offer high quality and sustainable substitutes for common textile print pastes with its first biodegradable print pastes and pigments.

More information:

CHT Group