From the Sector

476 results
Emma Scalcon wins Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award (c)Emma Scalcon
Emma Scalcon project TAKE A WALK ON THE GREEN SIDE

Emma Scalcon wins Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award

  • EMMA SCALCON is the winner of the first edition of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION AWARD, an international competition for communication in sustainable fashion.

The award was established in October 2020 by Connecting Cultures and C.L.A.S.S. with the aim of creating new visual imagery and innovative communication models in sustainable fashion. Stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators, artists and other creatives, invited to rethink how to communicate the new generation of values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system, joined the open and international call.

The name of the winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar on March 30th at 4pm led by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub; Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting  Cultures; Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London; and Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts.

  • EMMA SCALCON is the winner of the first edition of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION AWARD, an international competition for communication in sustainable fashion.

The award was established in October 2020 by Connecting Cultures and C.L.A.S.S. with the aim of creating new visual imagery and innovative communication models in sustainable fashion. Stylists, photographers, designers, illustrators, artists and other creatives, invited to rethink how to communicate the new generation of values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system, joined the open and international call.

The name of the winner of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition was announced during a webinar on March 30th at 4pm led by Giusy Bettoni, CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub; Anna Detheridge, President of Connecting  Cultures; Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London; and Dio Kurazawa, Founding Partner of The Bear Scouts.

Born in Padua, Italy, 22 years old, and a student in her second year in Textile & Fashion Design at IAAD - Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design, Emma Scalcon won the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION competition with her project TAKE A WALK ON THE GREEN SIDE, designing communications crafted with strong and impactful images and simple but detailed wording intended for younger consumers to inform them about sustainable fashion issues.

Scalcon ranked first among the finalists selected by a high profile jury composed of:
·   Anna Detheridge, Founder and President, Connecting Cultures
·   Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S.
·   Rita Airaghi, Director, Gianfranco Ferré Foundation
·   Paola Arosio, Head of New Brands & Sustainability Projects, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
·   Jeanine Ballone, Managing Director, Fashion 4 Development
·   Evie Evangelou, Founder and President, Fashion 4 Development
·   Chiara Luisi, Sustainability Projects Coordinator, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (The National Chamber for Italian Fashion)
·   Sara Kozlowski, Director of Education and Sustainable Strategies, Council of Fashion Designers of America  
·   Dio Kurazawa, Socio fondatore, The Bear Scouts
·   Renata Molho, Founding Partner, The Bear Scouts
·   Lucy Orta, Chair, Art & the Environment, University of the Arts London
·   Stefania Ricci, Director, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo

Emma Scalcon was awarded the €3,000 prize, made possible by the Main Sponsor ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and by the other sponsors of the project: ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei - a latest generation fabric collection that promotes responsible innovation with advanced high-tech performance, C.L.A.S.S., and the Greek smart cotton SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos.
“It is time to be pioneers in communication and for this we have supported the Imagining Sustainable Fashion Award,” commented Takaaki Kondo, global marketing department manager for ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, the Main Sponsor of the award. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is a high quality stretch fibre with an innovative range of intelligent functions to satisfy every modern wardrobe need for sports, underwear, and fashion. “We believe that together with responsible innovation, communication is the key to bring sustainability to the next level: to inspire, educate, inform and allow both professionals and consumers to make the right choices.”

“The competition is an opportunity to rethink how to communicate the new and different values of an ethical and sustainable fashion system,” explained Anna Detheridge. “I am quite impressed with the results of the competition — the diversity of forms that we received show both an interesting change in sensibility and a practical approach to communicating these values. There is less visual rhetoric and reliance on compelling images and more investment in basic information and a greater variety of narratives.

It is a great pleasure to see the energies from a wealth of young creatives, small businesses, and designers from all over the world with cross-disciplinary interests and a diversity of talents who are ushering in a new culture of design. My heartiest congratulations go to Emma Scalcon".

“I completely agree with Anna's comments on the quality of the work submitted by participants in the competition and together we have renewed our intention to continue IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION into 2021 with a new edition of the award,” stated Giusy Bettoni. “After this initial experience, we find ourselves even more motivated to explore some of the themes that emerged during the selection process, in particular those regarding the ethics of intellectual and cultural property, a topical issue in an industry like fashion. For this reason, we are already working together on organizing a webinar on this topic with outside specialists, including legal experts.”

 21 Grams, the group comprised of Veronica De Nigris, Serena Paone e Immacolata Esposito, won a special contest open to the public among the finalists selected by the jury, receiving the most votes from Instagram followers on C.L.A.S.S.’s corporate Instagram profile. The media partner for the initiative is Renoon, the leading search tool and data hub for sustainable fashion, a rising start-up of the year, aggregating +190 brands offering sustainable options to consumers. 

Verband der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie bezieht neues Quartier © Thomas Wrede VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, verantwortlich für Entwurf und Planung behet bondzio lin architekten
Die Außenfassade des Neubaus als in Stein gebaute Visitenkarte für den Westdeutschen Textilverband in Münster.

Ein Gebäude als Visitenkarte

  • Verband der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie bezieht neues Quartier

„Bessere und moderne Arbeits- und Tagungsbedingungen für Mitarbeiter und Mitglieder schaffen“: So lautet eines der beiden Ziele für den Neubau des Verbandes der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Zusätzlich sollte das Gebäude als Zeichen für die Branche dienen und zeigen, dass die deutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie eine Zukunftsindustrie ist – modern, innovativ und am Puls der Zeit.

  • Verband der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie bezieht neues Quartier

„Bessere und moderne Arbeits- und Tagungsbedingungen für Mitarbeiter und Mitglieder schaffen“: So lautet eines der beiden Ziele für den Neubau des Verbandes der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Zusätzlich sollte das Gebäude als Zeichen für die Branche dienen und zeigen, dass die deutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie eine Zukunftsindustrie ist – modern, innovativ und am Puls der Zeit.

Rund 255 Unternehmen der Branche vertritt der Verband und spiegelt somit ein Viertel der gesamten deutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie wider. Größen wie Schmitz Textiles mit der Marke drapilux, Hersteller von Objekttextilien Delius und Sonnenschutzprofi Markilux sind unter anderem Mitglieder in dem seit 1902 bestehenden Verband mit Hauptgeschäftsstelle in Münster. Der alten Geschäftsstelle an der Moltkestraße, bei der Parkplätze fehlten und die Infrastruktur veraltet war, ist der Verband entwachsen. Ein neuer Stammsitz mit Strahlkraft musste her. Der besondere Clou: Sowohl bei der äußeren als auch bei der inneren Gestaltung des Neubaus steht das Thema Textil im Fokus. Für die Inneneinrichtung hat der Verband ausschließlich auf die hochwertigen Textilprodukte seiner Mitglieder – wie der Emsdettener Marke drapilux – zurückgegriffen.

Textilanmutende Fassade und Innenräume
Die Pläne für den Neubau, der 2017 fertiggestellt wurde, stammen vom Architektenbüro behet bondzio lin architekten. Roland Bondzio, Geschäftsführer des Büros, erinnert sich zurück: „Bei der Entscheidung für einen Neubau stand schnell fest, dass das Gebäude eine eigene, dem Textilverband angemessene Anmutung haben sollte.“ Und das ist allemal gelungen, wie verschiedene Auszeichnungen beweisen. Die Jury vom Marketing+Architektur-Award lobt die „einzigartige Fassade, gleich einer in Stein gebauten Visitenkarte“. Denn: Die 1.300 Quadratmeter große Süd-, Ost- und Westfassaden erinnern an ein Tuch, das sich um das Gebäude legt. Das Textilthema setzt sich konsequent in der Inneneinrichtung, bei der Produkte der Verbandsmitglieder eingesetzt wurden, fort. Sie alle tragen zu einem modernen und stimmigen Erscheinungsbild bei.

drapilux 117 08 wirkungsvoll in Szene gesetzt
Selbes gilt auch für den Stoff von drapilux, den Thorsten Stoffel von MASTO DEKORATIONEN mit seinem Team angebracht hat. Insgesamt wurden rund 300 Meter Stoff des Artikels drapilux 117 08 für die Ausstattung eines lichtdurchfluteten Besprechungsraums an der Nordfassade vernäht. Die große Fensterfront öffnet die Fassade nach außen, macht so die Räumlichkeiten einsehbar und verleiht ihnen eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und Großzügigkeit, die sich auch in den Textilien wiederfinden. „Das zeitlose Grau des Vorhangstoffs unterstreicht die offene Raumwirkung“, so Thorsten Stoffel. Der Deko füge sich außerdem leicht und nahezu unauffällig ins Gestaltungskonzept ein. Um ein harmonisches und gleichzeitig abwechslungsreiches Farbkonzept zu schaffen, wurden im gesamten Neubau ausschließlich dieselben Grün-, Gelb-, Blau- und Grautöne verwendet.
Optik, Funktionalität und Haptik in Einklang
Wer durch das neue Quartier des Textilverbandes geht, merkt, dass Transparenz und Offenheit ganz wesentliche Leitmotive sind. „Scheint die Sonnen mal zu stark oder müssen vertrauliche Gespräche geführt werden, ist der blickdichte Deko absolut wirkungsvoll und reiht sich in das geschlossene Farbkonzept, das durch schlichte Eleganz überzeugt, ein“, ergänzt Thorsten Stoffel. Als überaus praktisch erweisen sich auch die intelligenten Zusatzfunktionen des drapilux-Textils. Der im Besprechungszimmer verwendete Artikel verfügt über die Funktionen drapilux flammstop und drapilux akustik: Er ist schwer entflammbar und verbessert zudem die Raumakustik. Dank der besonderen Gewebekonstruktion wird die Schallausbreitung behindert und die Schallintensität reduziert. Die Folge: Vorträge sind für Zuhörende akustisch gut zu verstehen und während arbeitsintensiver Phasen werden störende Raumgeräusche minimiert.

Der MASTO-Geschäftsführer erinnert sich an die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Textilverband zurück: Neben dem ästhetischen Anspruch sei die Nachhaltigkeit der eingesetzten Textilien ein ausschlaggebender Faktor gewesen. Überzeugt hat der Deko von drapilux durch seine Qualität und Langlebigkeit. Das Schaftgewebe kann bei 60 Grad Celsius gewaschen werden – Farbe, Qualität und der weich fließende Fall bleiben auch bei den hohen Temperaturen erhalten. „Das Textil schafft eine perfekte Symbiose aus Optik, Funktionalität und Haptik“, fasst Thorsten Stoffel zusammen. Ein weiteres Plus: drapilux produziert ressourcenschonend in Emsdetten und ist somit „made in Germany“.

Für sein neues Aushängeschild hat der Nordwestdeutsche Textilverband höchste Anforderungen gestellt und diese gemeinsam mit seinen Mitgliedern in bester textiler Tradition erfüllen können. Von außen und innen beeindruckt die neue textile Visitenkarte und macht deutlich: Traditionelles Handwerk und Modernität gehen Hand in Hand in Richtung Zukunft.


New customer portal “Textile Machinery Newsroom” online

The new customer portal “Textile Machinery Newsroom” is now online on the IndustryArena platform. It provides visitors with technical and marketing relevant information in English for textile and nonwovens manufacturers.

IndustryArena as the umbrella platform of Textile Machinery Newsroom is the leading specialist portal for the manufacturing industry with more than 500,000 registered members and 3,000 providers.

The most prominent sections of “Textile Machinery Newsroom” include supplier news, a sourcing service and the webtalks section. From now on, VDMA’s successful “Textile Machinery Webtalks” series that started in summer 2020 will be published and advertised via this portal.

The new customer portal “Textile Machinery Newsroom” is now online on the IndustryArena platform. It provides visitors with technical and marketing relevant information in English for textile and nonwovens manufacturers.

IndustryArena as the umbrella platform of Textile Machinery Newsroom is the leading specialist portal for the manufacturing industry with more than 500,000 registered members and 3,000 providers.

The most prominent sections of “Textile Machinery Newsroom” include supplier news, a sourcing service and the webtalks section. From now on, VDMA’s successful “Textile Machinery Webtalks” series that started in summer 2020 will be published and advertised via this portal.

Companies can now participate and book future-oriented technology webinars either alone, in pairs or in the tried and tested three-part format. All VDMA members (not only companies supported by the Textile Machinery Association), textile research institutes in the EU and EFTA as well as textile and nonwovens manufacturers (customers) with whom VDMA member companies realised a joint project, for example, are entitled to participate.

More information:
VDMA Textile Machinery Newsroom

VDMA e. V.

DENIMAZING: a new denim world (c) DENIMAZING
New Denim World

DENIMAZING: a new denim world

  • The new platform created for b2b / b2c online sales entirely dedicated to the business of denim.

The year 2020 witnessed an acceleration in the importance of online sales. It is now clear to anyone involved the business of sales that e-commerce represents the future.

That’s when the creative idea by Laura Pianazza, founder of DENIMAZING (combination of DENIM and AMAZING), was launched on the platform powered by VELVET.  Its prime objective is to help small and medium sized companies to increase their online sales, focusing on the development of marketing strategies in an omnichannel environment thanks to an intelligent balance between technology and professional experience.

  • The new platform created for b2b / b2c online sales entirely dedicated to the business of denim.

The year 2020 witnessed an acceleration in the importance of online sales. It is now clear to anyone involved the business of sales that e-commerce represents the future.

That’s when the creative idea by Laura Pianazza, founder of DENIMAZING (combination of DENIM and AMAZING), was launched on the platform powered by VELVET.  Its prime objective is to help small and medium sized companies to increase their online sales, focusing on the development of marketing strategies in an omnichannel environment thanks to an intelligent balance between technology and professional experience.

Laura Pianazza derives her professional experience from the editorial sector, where she was active for many years on a European level for a trade magazine specialized in the denim business. Thanks to this background, she was able to develop a strong network of contacts with entrepreneurs, top management and marketing agencies. Her constant interaction with customers shed light on the digital challenges present in most Italian companies: firstly, the fragmentation of services offered online and, secondly, the lack of integration between technology and marketing strategies. The latter is the one most often neglected by firms and Laura recognized many risked not being well prepared for this transformational shift in business by investing little time and at a slow pace.

The DENIMAZING project works side by side with denim fabric manufacturing companies (b2b), finished product brands and distribution companies (b2c), all with the same common denominator: denim. A unique service assisting raw materials manufacturers in finding market niches in companies that create product, who in their own right would like their brand to be seen and sold to a growing customer base. In the b2b landscape, companies can sell their own fabrics by the meter thanks to their own 3D presentation and customers can virtually visit their showrooms. Similarly, brands will have the same possibility to sell their creations as on a real e-commerce site, thanks to virtual tours in their showroom and specific areas for sales and/or chatting/videocalls with end-customers. Instead, for companies providing supply chain services (coloring, washing, etc.), individual virtual rooms will be made available inside the marketplace, in order to speak directly with sales managers from brands and the fabric companies.

The business side is just one aspect of this project. Thanks to its partnership with the marketing and online sales agency VELVET, DENIMAZING grows based upon a series of key tasks during different phases, namely: platform construction, marketing and advertising, both traditional and via web and social medias.

Not only has Laura has added a series of high-level technology/web master courses to her experience, but DENIMAZING also brings together a team of qualified professionals having a longtime experience in different fields of the denim business: sales, entrepreneurs, web design and marketing, while the end-customer will be in direct contact with the headquarters for assistance, customer care and updates.



This  month's  drapilux recommendation: colourful stripes (c) drapilux

This month's drapilux recommendation: colourful stripes

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose? This  month's  drapilux recommendation is drapilux 191 and is aimed  at healthcare facilities as well as classic and modern hotels.

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose? This  month's  drapilux recommendation is drapilux 191 and is aimed  at healthcare facilities as well as classic and modern hotels.

  • Colourful stripes: drapilux 191

Colourful stripes: drapilux 191Aesthetic,  harmonious and  functional -that's what definesdrapilux  191. The colorful woven fabricwith  the  multicolored  stripes  is  part  of  the we  care-collection, which was specially developed for the dementia-sensitive design of healthcare facilities. Six atmospheric colour schemes ranging from invigorating orange-red to relaxing Mediterranean blue and friendly sunshine yellow create a homely feel-good atmosphere. However, the opaque fabric is not only convincing in terms of design, but also in terms of function. The article can be equipped with the intelligent additional function drapilux antimicrobial. This is effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi on the textile surface and thus makes an essential contribution to the hygiene chain.


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh


ROICA™ V550 by Asahi Kasei got Senken Shimbun “Synthetic Fiber Prize"

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, a premium stretch fiber, has been characterized by a strong innovation DNA and it started delivering new and sustainable values and performances since July 2017.

In April 2018, the world first Global Recycled Standard –GRS- recycled stretch yarn ROICA™ EF that uses more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content, has been awarded by Senken Shimbun with the “Synthetic Fiber Prize”.

For the 2021 edition, the same prize goes to the premium sustainable stretch yarn ROICA™ V550, that at the end of its life smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification and also boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, a premium stretch fiber, has been characterized by a strong innovation DNA and it started delivering new and sustainable values and performances since July 2017.

In April 2018, the world first Global Recycled Standard –GRS- recycled stretch yarn ROICA™ EF that uses more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content, has been awarded by Senken Shimbun with the “Synthetic Fiber Prize”.

For the 2021 edition, the same prize goes to the premium sustainable stretch yarn ROICA™ V550, that at the end of its life smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification and also boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health.


GB Network Marketing & Communication


Devan/Jeanologia: Reduced water usage for post garment treatments

Devan, one of the leading companies in sustainable and functional textile finishes, has been working together with Jeanologia, a global leader in sustainable and efficient finishing technologies for textiles, to reduce further water consumption during the application of Devan’s awarded BI-OME® antimicrobial and R-Vital® skincare range.

With increased attention to climate change and limiting excess water consumption in textile production (whether denim or other textiles), Devan and Jeanologia worked together to evaluate the application of Devan finishes onto garments via the patented e-Flow technology.

Devan, one of the leading companies in sustainable and functional textile finishes, has been working together with Jeanologia, a global leader in sustainable and efficient finishing technologies for textiles, to reduce further water consumption during the application of Devan’s awarded BI-OME® antimicrobial and R-Vital® skincare range.

With increased attention to climate change and limiting excess water consumption in textile production (whether denim or other textiles), Devan and Jeanologia worked together to evaluate the application of Devan finishes onto garments via the patented e-Flow technology.

e-Flow technology can accomplish a considerable number of finishing effects with the highest quality, a minimal amount of water and zero discharge. The technology uses micronization and nebulization to substitute traditional abrasion process and deliver performance chemistry using nano-bubbles instead of water. It reduces the cost of application, saves the amount of water used and ensures that the correct amount of chemistry stays in the garment and not in the water. e-Flow is the perfect fit for every industrial washing machine. This allows mills and brands to apply Devan’s technologies in a more sustainable way than using traditional application equipment, even for smaller production runs and direct onto garments.

“With the global textile production using 4% of the global freshwater withdrawal, here at Devan we are continuously working on more sustainable solutions”, says Dr. Vanessa Daelman, CTO at Devan. “Next to this, we of course highly value sustainable application methods from Jeanologia, like e-Flow, in order to reduce the excess water usage during textile application. We are delighted that we could work together with Jeanologia and establish that Devan technologies can be easily applied via these technologies onto garments or fabrics like denim and with full retention of functionality. This application method also allows post garment treatment of our finishes, for example an antimicrobial treatment onto already finished garments, which will be increasingly important in a more circular textile world where re-use plays an important role”, Dr. Daelman concludes.


Marketing Solutions NV


Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends (c) Baldwin

Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Future episodes will delve into the latest in curing technology for specialized manufacturing applications, the transformation of cleaning processes and consumables for printing, and other topics, as markets and industries continue to evolve.



Nach rund 45 Jahren am Standort in der Spengergasse in Wien ist das OETI (Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH) nun umgezogen! (c) OETI
Entwurf Forum Architekten

OETI zieht um!

  • Nach rund 45 Jahren am Standort in der Spengergasse in Wien ist das OETI (Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH) nun umgezogen!
  • In knapp vier-jähriger intensiver Planungs- und Bauzeit wurde ein Niedrigenergie-Neubau, der CO2 neutral betrieben wird, errichtet.

Ab 15.03.2021: Klimafreundlicher, vollwertiger Laborstandort innerhalb der TESTEX Gruppe

  • Nach rund 45 Jahren am Standort in der Spengergasse in Wien ist das OETI (Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH) nun umgezogen!
  • In knapp vier-jähriger intensiver Planungs- und Bauzeit wurde ein Niedrigenergie-Neubau, der CO2 neutral betrieben wird, errichtet.

Ab 15.03.2021: Klimafreundlicher, vollwertiger Laborstandort innerhalb der TESTEX Gruppe

Das „OETI – Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH“ wurde vor fast 55 Jahren gegründet und ist ein Prüfinstitut für Textilien, persönliche Schutzausrüstungen und Fußbodentechnik mit Hauptsitz in Wien und 13 weiteren Niederlassungen weltweit. Darüber hinaus ist das OETI Gründungsmitglied der Internationalen OEKO-TEX® - Gemeinschaft. Die Internationale Gemeinschaft für Forschung und Prüfung auf dem Gebiet der Textil- und Lederökologie bietet unabhängige Zertifizierungen und Produktlabels. Seit 1992 ermöglicht OEKO-TEX® Unternehmen entlang der textilen und Leder-Kette und allen Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern, verantwortungsvolle Entscheidungen für gesundheitlich unbedenkliche, umweltfreundliche und fair hergestellte Produkte zu treffen.

Passend zu diesem Nachhaltigkeitsfokus, war es dem OETI und seiner Muttergesellschaft, der Schweizer TESTEX AG, ein Anliegen das neue OETI-Hauptquartier in Niedrigenergiebauweise zu errichten und CO2-neutral zu betreiben. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurden höchste Wärmedämmung und energietechnische Optimierung eingesetzt, während die CO2-neutrale Stromversorgung aus der hauseigenen Photovoltaikanlage und durch heimische erneuerbare Energie gespeist wird.

Das neue Hauptquartier bietet bis zu 75 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern auf 2.500m2 Platz und beeindruckt mit hellen und technisch bestens ausgestatteten Büroflächen. Auch die Laborbereiche, das analytisch/chemische Labor und das mechanische Labor, wurden nach den neusten Methoden und Techniken konzipiert. Damit wird das OETI, neben seiner Schweizer Muttergesellschaft TESTEX AG, zum zweiten vollwertigen Laborstandort innerhalb der gesamten, globalen TESTEX Gruppe.

Details zu Planung und Bau

Aufgrund des guten Geschäftserfolges entscheidet sich das OETI im Jahr 2017 den Hauptsitz in Wien auszubauen und erwirbt noch im selben Jahr ein Grundstück für den Bau eines eigenen Geschäftsgebäudes in Liesing, dem 23. Wiener Gemeindebezirk. Der Neubau soll dem innovativen Geist des Prüfinstitutes gerecht werden. Deshalb schreibt das OETI einen Wettbewerb aus und entscheidet sich aus zahlreichen Bewerbern für das österreichische Architekturbüro „Forum Architekten“. „Forum Architekten“ ist bekannt für seine kreativen Lösungsfindungen und hat bereits unterschiedlichste Gebäude vom Flughafenterminal, bis hin zum Hörsaal und privaten Wohnbauten entworfen.
Nach intensiver Planungsphase startet das Projekt im Oktober 2019 in die Bauphase. Um trotz anhaltender Pandemie den Zeitplan für den Einzug Mitte März 2021 halten zu können, arbeiten zeitweise rund 70 Handwerker auf der Baustelle.


Gerda Pongratz, Marketing & PR

Month's drapilux recommendation: The epitome of piece dyeing © drapilux
The epitome of piece dyeing: drapilux 115

Month's drapilux recommendation: The epitome of piece dyeing

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose?
This month's drapilux recommendation is drapilux 115 and is aimed at classic and modern hotels as well as offices.

  • The epitome of piece dyeing: drapilux 115

Sustainable, flame retardant and a true eye-catcher – drapilux 115 combines all these features in one fabric. This decorative fabric, which resembles the material of a bedspread, has been created using an innovative yarn, part of which has been manufactured with sustainably produced fibres. The unusual look is achieved by means of a two-tone effect, as the woven material is dyed using a complex cationic/anionic process. The combination of sustainably produced fibres and flame retardancy makes drapilux 115 the quintessence of piece dyeing. Thanks to the modern colours, the fabric is very versatile.

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose?
This month's drapilux recommendation is drapilux 115 and is aimed at classic and modern hotels as well as offices.

  • The epitome of piece dyeing: drapilux 115

Sustainable, flame retardant and a true eye-catcher – drapilux 115 combines all these features in one fabric. This decorative fabric, which resembles the material of a bedspread, has been created using an innovative yarn, part of which has been manufactured with sustainably produced fibres. The unusual look is achieved by means of a two-tone effect, as the woven material is dyed using a complex cationic/anionic process. The combination of sustainably produced fibres and flame retardancy makes drapilux 115 the quintessence of piece dyeing. Thanks to the modern colours, the fabric is very versatile.


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh


Devan launches range of bio-based fragrances for textiles

Devan is launching a new range of bio-based fragrances, named SceNTL®. The range uses traceable raw materials and an external lab has confirmed that the bio-content of the fragrances is above 85%.

SceNTL® is a unique and wide range of encapsulated fragrances that can be integrated onto the fabric and are gradually released over time. Upon release, the fragrances appeal to the senses, promoting relaxation, wellbeing and feel-good sensations.

While synthetic fragrances are composed of synthetic, man-made ingredients, natural scents and oils are created by isolating natural aroma components from raw plant materials. This also explains why every SceNTL® batch can have a slight variation in smell. As natural conditions differ from time to time, every harvest is a little different from the previous one.

Although aromatherapy is still a young and understudied domain, recent studies have shown that essential oils can indeed have neurological effects. Linalool for example, a component found in Lavender and rosewood, is found to enhance sleep, while Limonene, a component found in the peel of citrus fruits, is clinically proven to have an uplifting effect.

Devan is launching a new range of bio-based fragrances, named SceNTL®. The range uses traceable raw materials and an external lab has confirmed that the bio-content of the fragrances is above 85%.

SceNTL® is a unique and wide range of encapsulated fragrances that can be integrated onto the fabric and are gradually released over time. Upon release, the fragrances appeal to the senses, promoting relaxation, wellbeing and feel-good sensations.

While synthetic fragrances are composed of synthetic, man-made ingredients, natural scents and oils are created by isolating natural aroma components from raw plant materials. This also explains why every SceNTL® batch can have a slight variation in smell. As natural conditions differ from time to time, every harvest is a little different from the previous one.

Although aromatherapy is still a young and understudied domain, recent studies have shown that essential oils can indeed have neurological effects. Linalool for example, a component found in Lavender and rosewood, is found to enhance sleep, while Limonene, a component found in the peel of citrus fruits, is clinically proven to have an uplifting effect.

At this moment, the SceNTL® range is intended for low-wash items such as mattress ticking, decorative pillows, upholstery, curtains, carpets, etc. It can also be used as a natural ‘masking scent’ for products that have a strong artificial smell caused by the production process. The company is already looking into further development of other scents and broader application use.

More information:
Devan Home textiles fragrance

Marketing Solutions NV

Swedish machine builders set for Scandinavia’s Textiles 4.0 circular revolution (c) TMAS
Coloreel’s advanced rapid color formulation software and high-speed drive technology allow a single needle to carry out what previously required many multiples of them to do.

Swedish machine builders set for Scandinavia’s Textiles 4.0 circular revolution

  • Several members of TMAS – the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – are actively advancing new coloration technologies as part of a wave of innovation that is currently sweeping out from Scandinavia.

New manufacturers of regenerated cellulosic fibers as alternatives to cotton and synthetics, for example, have been gaining a lot of attention recently, as they scale up to meet demands for a circular approach to the manufacturing of textiles and garments.

These companies have, in turn, been embraced by major Scandinavian brands such as the Danish clothing company Bestseller, Finnish fashion house Marimekko, Norwegian outdoor brand Bergans and Sweden’s own H&M Group.

Fiber journey
From the field or the forest to the retail shelves, however, the journey of every single textile fiber is currently a long one, in which it passes through many hands and moves around the world. The good news is that many of these individual stages are now being greatly simplified by digitalization.

  • Several members of TMAS – the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – are actively advancing new coloration technologies as part of a wave of innovation that is currently sweeping out from Scandinavia.

New manufacturers of regenerated cellulosic fibers as alternatives to cotton and synthetics, for example, have been gaining a lot of attention recently, as they scale up to meet demands for a circular approach to the manufacturing of textiles and garments.

These companies have, in turn, been embraced by major Scandinavian brands such as the Danish clothing company Bestseller, Finnish fashion house Marimekko, Norwegian outdoor brand Bergans and Sweden’s own H&M Group.

Fiber journey
From the field or the forest to the retail shelves, however, the journey of every single textile fiber is currently a long one, in which it passes through many hands and moves around the world. The good news is that many of these individual stages are now being greatly simplified by digitalization.

“Digitalization will lead to a significant reduction in garments that for one reason or another are never sold and end up in landfill,” says Therese Premler-Andersson, Secretary General of TMAS. “There will of course, be a huge ecological benefit.”

At the very center of any fiber’s journey, once it has become part of a knitted or woven fabric, are the dyeing and finishing stages of textile production. Dyeing and finishing currently involves many washing and drying process steps which add a huge burden to the overall carbon footprint of finished garments and textile products.

Coloreel expansion
Here is where the latest fully digital technologies of TMAS member companies are making a dramatic difference, such as the instant thread coloration technology, of Coloreel, which has just raised SEK 100 in new financing to support its market expansion and growth.

Initially targeting the embroidery market, Coloreel technology enables the high-quality and instant coloring of a textile thread while it is actually being used in production and can be paired with any existing embroidery machine without modification, while also making it possible to produce gradients in an embroidery for the first time.

Based on a CMYK ink system, Coloreel’s advanced rapid color formulation software and high-speed drive technology allow a single needle to carry out what previously required many multiples of them to do – and with much more consistent stitch quality,

In addition, existing thread dyeing plants can add a single solid color to a thread, but by instantly coloring a white base thread during production, Coloreel enables complete freedom to create unique embroideries without any limitations in the use of colors. Color changes along the thread can either be made rapidly from one solid color to another, or gradually, to make smooth transitions or any coloring effect desired.

This provides big benefits when it comes to sustainability. There is a significant reduction in wasted inks, while water usage is minimized, and production speeds are increased. The technology allows set-up and lead times to be reduced as well as significant flexibility in production schedules, while eliminating the need for large thread inventories.

“Our system is allowing customers to achieve color effects that have never been seen before – and at a new level of efficiency,” says VP of Sales and Marketing at Coloreel, Mats Sjögren. “We are setting the new benchmark for the embroidery industry.”

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Coloreel, has recently successfully delivered units to companies in Europe, the United States and Asia, and has also partnered with the world’s largest distributor of embroidery machines, American Hirsch Solutions, which has already installed the technology at a number of customers in the USA.

Another TMAS member achieving rapid progress is imogo, which is currently installing its first industrial scale Dye-Max spray dyeing line at the plant close to Borås of Swedish commission dyeing company 7H Färgeri – the Nordic region’s most complete dyeing and processing plant.

The new line has a working width of 1.8 meters with an operating speed of up to 50 meters for the reactive dyeing of cellulosic fiber-based fabrics. In addition, it can carry out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing the company with unbeatable flexibility in production.

A proven Mini-Max laboratory unit for pre-determining application volumes and color matching has also been installed at the 7H plant.

With the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy, and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems, the DyeMax has gained considerable attention since the concept was outlined and a prototype machine constructed in 2019.

The application unit of the Dye-Max consists of a closed chamber containing a series of spray cassettes with precision nozzles for accurate and consistent coverage, in combination with the patented imogo Pro Speed valve that controls the volume to be applied.

“We are achieving an extremely low liquor ratio of around 0.5-1 liters per kilo of fabric and we fully control the pickup, applying precisely what is required to the specific fabric,” says imogo founding partner Per Stenflo. “Compared to traditional padders there is no contamination of the dyebath or dilution of the dye liquor to worry about.”
Fast changeovers with virtually no waste, together with a high production speed, enable a high productivity and unmatched production flexibility.

“The Dye-Max will be implemented in 7H daily production and producers and brands are welcome to visit when the Covid-19 situation allows. They are also welcome to do test productions at 7H to verify the performance on their fabrics.”

Perfect bridge
“Such new digital technologies from TMAS members represent the perfect bridge for sustainable new fibers on their route to the finished garments of responsible brands on the retail shelves,” concludes Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is now a real momentum building industry-wide for new circular manufacturing, and TMAS companies intend to be very much a part of it.”

DEVAN’s natural allergen control technology effective against pollen as well (c) Devan Chemicals NV
pollen allergy

DEVAN’s natural allergen control technology effective against pollen as well

With the pollen season starting, new independent test results by the German external laboratory BMA-Labor have shown Purissimo’s™ effectiveness against pollen, making it an all-in-one solution for reducing allergens.

Devan’s allergen control technology, known as Purissimo™, has been found effective against allergens from pollen. The technology had already been proven to significantly reduce the amount of allergens from house dust mites and pets (cats & dogs).

“Allergens are small protein molecules, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma. All allergy sufferers are different when it comes to their sensitivity to allergens”, says Sofie Depluverez, PhD researcher at Devan. “However, few people are only allergic to a single allergen – and the effects of multiple allergens can add up. The key to reducing and even eliminating symptoms is to reduce your exposure to the allergens themselves.”

With the pollen season starting, new independent test results by the German external laboratory BMA-Labor have shown Purissimo’s™ effectiveness against pollen, making it an all-in-one solution for reducing allergens.

Devan’s allergen control technology, known as Purissimo™, has been found effective against allergens from pollen. The technology had already been proven to significantly reduce the amount of allergens from house dust mites and pets (cats & dogs).

“Allergens are small protein molecules, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma. All allergy sufferers are different when it comes to their sensitivity to allergens”, says Sofie Depluverez, PhD researcher at Devan. “However, few people are only allergic to a single allergen – and the effects of multiple allergens can add up. The key to reducing and even eliminating symptoms is to reduce your exposure to the allergens themselves.”

Allergy threshold
When people move into a house or bring in a new dog, the number of allergens starts to rise. In the beginning there are little to none, so the allergy threshold causing symptoms is far from being reached. Nobody is suffering any reaction at this stage.

“As time goes by, the various allergens start to build up inside the house, certainly when ventilation is limited”, Depluverez continues. “As the allergen concentration increases (especially in combination with seasonal allergens such as pollen), the allergy threshold may be reached if no allergen reduction measures are in place.”

Purissimo™ is a natural allergen control technology that significantly reduces allergens from pet dander, dust mites and pollen in textiles throughout the home. The technology is based on encapsulated probiotics, which are naturally occurring microorganisms similar in kind to those you can find in probiotic yogurt, tempeh, kombucha.

Inactive probiotics (spores) are encapsulated and integrated onto the textiles. Friction opens the microcapsules and releases the spores. The spores absorb humidity and self-activate. They are transformed into probiotic bacteria that start to consume the allergens.

“As the probiotics consume the allergens, exposure is gradually reduced to below threshold levels”, Depluverez adds. “Therefore, individuals with respiratory allergies will be exposed to fewer ‘attacks’ and perceive a better well-being.”


Marketing Solutions NV

(c) stfi

vti: FFP2-Sicherheit „made in Saxony“ contra Billigpreise aus China

Sächsische Mittelständler kämpfen mit Innovation und Know-how im Bereich der FFP2-Masken gegen minderwertige Qualität aus Asien.

„Den Mittelständlern wurden von der Bundesregierung viele Millionen für die Entwicklung von textiler Schutzausrüstung in der Pandemie versprochen. Doch angekommen ist bei den Textilern in Sachsen bis jetzt nichts“, stellt Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti), enttäuscht fest. Während die deutschen Bürger in den Apotheken nach wie vor Masken aus China mit teilweise fragwürdigen Kennzeichnungen auf die Gutscheine der Bundesregierung erhielten, würden für die Qualitätsmasken „made in Germany“ internationale Vertriebswege aufgebaut.

Sächsische Textilunternehmen aus dem vti-Verbandsgebiet, die den Aufrufen der Regierung zur Produktion von Schutzausrüstung im Frühjahr 2020 mit Euphorie, viel Enthusiasmus, hohen Investitions- und Entwicklungskosten gefolgt sind und den Versprechungen vertraut haben, seien bei der Förderung leer ausgegangen.

Sächsische Mittelständler kämpfen mit Innovation und Know-how im Bereich der FFP2-Masken gegen minderwertige Qualität aus Asien.

„Den Mittelständlern wurden von der Bundesregierung viele Millionen für die Entwicklung von textiler Schutzausrüstung in der Pandemie versprochen. Doch angekommen ist bei den Textilern in Sachsen bis jetzt nichts“, stellt Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti), enttäuscht fest. Während die deutschen Bürger in den Apotheken nach wie vor Masken aus China mit teilweise fragwürdigen Kennzeichnungen auf die Gutscheine der Bundesregierung erhielten, würden für die Qualitätsmasken „made in Germany“ internationale Vertriebswege aufgebaut.

Sächsische Textilunternehmen aus dem vti-Verbandsgebiet, die den Aufrufen der Regierung zur Produktion von Schutzausrüstung im Frühjahr 2020 mit Euphorie, viel Enthusiasmus, hohen Investitions- und Entwicklungskosten gefolgt sind und den Versprechungen vertraut haben, seien bei der Förderung leer ausgegangen.

Das weltweit agierende Unternehmen Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH (Norafin) führt die Tradition der Textil- und Vliesstoffindustrie fort.
Als die Corona-Pandemie im Frühjahr 2020 in Deutschland ankam, entstand ein neuer Produktionszweig bei Norafin.

Der Vliesstoffspezialist Norafin fand sich mit dem Anlagenbauer XENON Automatisierungstechnik GmbH aus Dresden zusammen. Beide Unternehmen entwickelten eine High-Tech-Maskenproduktionsanlage, die zertifizierte FFP2-Masken vollautomatisiert, ohne manuelle Arbeitsschritte produziert. Ab Juni waren 20.000 Alltagsmasken „Nora LIGHT“ pro Woche mit der ersten Pilot-Anlage möglich. Mittlerweile ist bereits der Nachfolgetyp mit einer Kapazität von 250.000 Masken pro Woche in Betrieb.

Die zertifizierte FFP2 Maske „Nora F“ filtert mindestens 94 Prozent der Partikel und Aerosole größer als 0,6 μm. Damit minimiert sie für den Träger und sein Gegenüber das Corona-Infektionsrisiko im geforderten Standard.Die Maske besteht aus vier Schichten Spezialvliesstoff. Die Außenlage (100 Prozent PET) sorgt für Stabilität und eine erste Filterung von Staub, die doppelte Mittellage (100 Prozent Polypropylen) sichert die Filtration der Aerosole ab und die Innenlage (ebenfalls 100 Prozent PET) transportiert die Feuchtigkeit der Atemluft nach außen.

Diese Masken können auch in der industriellen Anwendung in rauen Arbeitsumgebungen für den sicheren Arbeitsschutz im Umgang mit Glasfasern, Metall, diversen Kunststoffen und Ölnebel sorgen.

Die nächste Innovationsstufe der „Nora F“ ist mit drei Schwerpunkten bereits fest geplant. Dabei stehen die Nachhaltigkeit mit recyclingfähigen und kompostierbaren Materialien, die antivirale und bakterielle Funktionalität sowie der Tragekomfort im Blickpunkt des Entwicklungsteams um Marc Jolly, Head of R&D und Johannes Loos, Business Unit Manager bei Norafin.

André Lang, Geschäftsführer von Norafin, und sein Team sind hochmotiviert an die Entwicklung und Herstellung der Masken gegangen, haben viele Zusatzschichten mit den XENON-Ingenieuren für die Maske „made in Saxony“ aufgebracht und jeweils hohe sechsstellige Summen investiert. Umso enttäuschter war das Team als der Ablehnungsbescheid für die Förderung der sächsischen Maskenproduktion vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium einen Tag vor Weihnachten ankam.
Norafin geht daher jetzt auch eigene internationale Vertriebswege.

Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto vom vti plant für die Unterstützung der Vertriebsaktivitäten der Unternehmen aus dem Verband auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine Präsentationsveranstaltung mit Anwendern textiler Gesundheits- und Schutzausrüstung am 28. September 2021 in Chemnitz.


drapilux: Miami Innovation Lounge eröffnet im Oktober © Innovation Lounge, Fotograf Michael Verdure
Natur im Trend: Nahtlos fügt sich drapilux 262 17 in Hellgrau in die moderne, natur-nahe Farbwelt des Showrooms ein

drapilux: Miami Innovation Lounge eröffnet im Oktober

  • Showroom für erstklassiges Schiffsinterieur

Emsdetten, Deutschland / Miami, Florida, USA ● Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie fallen weltweit Messen aus. Damit Entscheider aus der Kreuzfahrtbranche sich trotzdem über innovative Neuheiten informieren können, eröffnet Shores Global, führender Möbellieferant für Kreuzfahrtschiffe, im Januar 2021 die Innovation Lounge in Miami. In verschiedenen Umgebungen lassen sich Erfindergeist, Nachhaltigkeit und Kreativität für das Gastgewerbe an Land und auf See erleben. Mit an Bord: Der Emsdettener Textilhersteller drapilux.

  • Showroom für erstklassiges Schiffsinterieur

Emsdetten, Deutschland / Miami, Florida, USA ● Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie fallen weltweit Messen aus. Damit Entscheider aus der Kreuzfahrtbranche sich trotzdem über innovative Neuheiten informieren können, eröffnet Shores Global, führender Möbellieferant für Kreuzfahrtschiffe, im Januar 2021 die Innovation Lounge in Miami. In verschiedenen Umgebungen lassen sich Erfindergeist, Nachhaltigkeit und Kreativität für das Gastgewerbe an Land und auf See erleben. Mit an Bord: Der Emsdettener Textilhersteller drapilux.

Suite, Bar, Balkon, Empfangsbereich – die Miami Innovation Lounge wartet mit verschiedenen vollausgestatteten Räumen auf, in denen Besucher die Produkte in authentischen Umgebungen erleben können. Anbieter aus der gesamten Innenausstattungsbranche, von hochwertigen Textilien bis hin zur Virenschutztechnologie, präsentieren Lösungen für eine nachhaltige, erstklassige Innenausstattung. Federführend verantwortlich für die Gestaltung des Innovationserlebnisses sind die Schiffsdesign-Experten von Tillberg Design of Sweden. „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass drapilux von Tillberg für den Showroom ausgewählt wurde. Es zeigt, dass wir mit unseren Designs und Innovationen den Nerv der Zeit in der Kreuzfahrtbranche treffen“, sagt Jérémie Chauvet, Sales Manager Maritim bei drapilux.

drapilux Stoffe vereinen Design und Funktion
Bereits seit über zehn Jahren fertigt drapilux Stoffe für den maritimen Sektor. Insgesamt 119 Vorhänge und 17 Möbelstoffe des Textilherstellers sind nach der „Marine Equipment Directive (MED)“ zertifiziert. Grundlage für die Gesetzgebung bildet die Resolution der IMO (International Maritime Organisation) zum Schutz des menschlichen Lebens auf See. Das Portfolio reicht vom edlen Uni bis hin zu modernen gemusterten Artikeln. Da drapilux zusätzlich zur MED-Zertifizierung noch eine sogenannte US-Coast Guard Zulassung besitzt, sind die Zertifikate weltweit anerkannt und die Textilien können problemlos auf allen Schiffen eingesetzt werden.

Im Showroom in Miami ist das Emsdettener Unternehmen mit fünf verschiedenen Stoffen in vier Räumen vertreten. Am Empfang hängt drapilux 135 45. In klassischem Blau verleiht der blickdichte Faux-Uni dem Raum Ruhe und Eleganz. In der Luxuskabine bilden drapilux 262 17 in Beige und drapilux 755 60 in Violett ein harmonisches Duo vor dem Fenster. Der Dimout drapilux 262 17 aus der Boutique-Kollektion sorgt für eine angenehme Nachtruhe, während der transparente drapilux 755 60 die Kabine tagsüber in zarte, farbige Schleier hüllt. drapilux 808 38 in dunklem Grau zeichnet einen beruhigenden Kontrast in der Bar. Ausgestattet mit der intelligenten Zusatzfunktion drapilux air trägt er zudem zu einer besseren Raumluft bei. Metallsalze in den Fasern brechen die Geruchsmoleküle auf und wandeln diese in unbedenkliches Kohlenstoffdioxid und Wasser um. So werden schlechte Gerüche permanent abgebaut.

Der fünfte Stoff ist im Gesundheitszentrum zu finden: drapilux 191 45 aus der we care-Kollektion. Die unifarbenen Randbereiche in Blau und Grün vermitteln Ruhe, während die vielfarbigen Streifen in der Mitte die Fantasie anregen und eine gute Kombinationsmöglichkeit zu Boden, Wand und Möbeln bieten. Zudem kann der Stoff mit intelligenten Zusatzfunktionen drapilux bioaktiv oder drapilux antimicrobial ausgestattet werden und so zu einem gesunden Raumklima beitragen. Dank Silberionen auf der Faser ist drapilux bioaktiv antibakteriell und beugt so Krankenhausinfektionen vor. drapilux antimicrobial wirkt nicht nur gegen Bakterien auf der Stoffoberfläche, sondern auch gegen Viren, Pilze und Hefepilze. Durch beide Zusatzfunktionen können Textilien einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Hygienekette leisten.

Corona-konformes Messeerlebnis
Im Einklang mit den Richtlinien zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie des US-amerikanischen Center for Disease Control (CDC) hat Shores Global ein Konzept entwickelt, um die Produkte sicher zu präsentieren. Die Innovation Lounge wird vor Ort eingerichtet und kann unter Einhaltung des Infektionsschutzes besichtigt werden. Zusätzlich gibt es ein breites digitales Angebot mit Führungen, Live-Streams und Webinaren für alle, die nicht persönlich teilnehmen können. drapilux wird an allen Events online und offline mitwirken. „Im Wesentlichen schaffen wir einen langfristigen Kongress, auf dem führende Anbieter ihre Produkte präsentieren können und die Entscheider der Kreuzfahrt- und Hotelbranche einen einzigen Zugang zu allen notwendigen Einrichtungslösungen haben“, fasst Susan Sadolin, CEO von Shores Global, zusammen. Jérémie Chauvet ergänzt: „In diesen außergewöhnlichen Zeiten ist der Showroom eine großartige Möglichkeit, unsere Produkte in den USA im Herzen der Kreuzfahrtbranche zu präsentieren. Als Sales Manager Maritim freue ich mich sehr auf die spannenden Erfahrungen der nächsten Monate!“

Die Innovation Lounge ist seit Ende Januar für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.


Hexcel’s HexPly® XF Surface Technology for Blade Surface Finishing Process

Hexcel announces its latest HexPly® XF surface technology that reduces shell manufacturing time within the wind blade surface finishing process. HexPly XF increases overall blade manufacturing efficiency by reducing time in the mold by up to two hours and by banishing surface defects that require rework before painting.

Hexcel’s HexPly XF surface technology has been formulated to address the limitations of current blade shell surfacing techniques whereby pinholes and other surface defects have to be repaired by hand to achieve the perfectly smooth surface required for painting.

HexPly XF surface technology introduces a new material format as the surface finishing layer, eliminating the need for a traditional in-mold gel coating process. HexPly® XF for infused rotor blades, is a lightweight non-woven semi-preg construction, comprising an epoxy resin matrix, that co-cures with standard epoxy infusion systems. The product has a successful track record in prepreg blades and has now been adapted for infusion processes.

Hexcel announces its latest HexPly® XF surface technology that reduces shell manufacturing time within the wind blade surface finishing process. HexPly XF increases overall blade manufacturing efficiency by reducing time in the mold by up to two hours and by banishing surface defects that require rework before painting.

Hexcel’s HexPly XF surface technology has been formulated to address the limitations of current blade shell surfacing techniques whereby pinholes and other surface defects have to be repaired by hand to achieve the perfectly smooth surface required for painting.

HexPly XF surface technology introduces a new material format as the surface finishing layer, eliminating the need for a traditional in-mold gel coating process. HexPly® XF for infused rotor blades, is a lightweight non-woven semi-preg construction, comprising an epoxy resin matrix, that co-cures with standard epoxy infusion systems. The product has a successful track record in prepreg blades and has now been adapted for infusion processes.

Easy to handle and supplied in a ready to use roll form, HexPly XF can be quickly applied by hand or with semi-automated layup equipment. It features one self-adhesive, surface finishing side - indicated by a removable protective foil. This side of the prepreg is placed against a release agent treated mold surface. Once the material has been positioned, the lay-up of the blade shell structure can start immediately, and the laminate can be infused. After curing, the blade is de-molded with the manufacturer benefitting from a pinhole-free surface that needs minimal preparation before painting.

HexPly XF material is less than half the weight of a typical gel coat per square meter, reducing the overall weight of the blade. Additionally, the consistent areal weight and thickness of the prepreg film provide a completely uniform surface coating, ensuring blade weight distribution and balance are maintained, which is critical as rotor diameters continue to increase. With no need to handle or mix liquid chemicals as in the gel coat process, HexPly® XF also improves the health and safety working conditions on the shop floor.

The material has a shelf life of six weeks at ambient temperature, which also minimizes cold storage requirements and helps to reduce scrap.


100% Marketing

CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 (c) C.L.A.S.S.
C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto


  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto  

During the Smart Voice, the C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, the 2021 edition of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON competition and the Sustainability Formula were presented.

C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award is an international award for visionary creatives in the fashion world who are able to convey the values of sustainability not only to fashion professionals, but also to the wider public: consumers. "We created C.L.A.S.S. ICON to reward visionary designers who create their collections by combining design, innovation and responsibility and who are able to communicate the values behind their garments authentically and effectively to consumers. It's time for storymaking and storytelling to align, otherwise it's just greenwashing" says Giusy Bettoni.

From 15th of February to 15th of April it will be possible to apply by sending an email to, with a description and objectives of the brand, the sustainability values adopted and the strategy, the designer's profile, a photo-video story of the latest collection, and any previous awards won (all info on

During the panel, designer Gilberto Calzolari, the first winner of the first C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award, shared his vision for responsible fashion and his current projects. "My brand is a laboratory of experimentation. I create fashion to open conversations and change the way people behave and think. My creativity, from the choice of fabrics and processes to the image I decide to communicate, are the weapons at my disposal. Since the beginning, I have been really excited to team up with C.L.A.S.S. in order to share a common and challenging journey, with the perspective to be part of a constantly growing network activating mutual support. I have always thought at my collections as a call to action for a better future and now more than ever my mission as C.L.A.S.S. ICON is to make people understand that commitment and sustainability can and must go hand in hand with beauty and elegance. The adage 'kalòs kai agathòs' is one of the classical teachings that should never be forgotten: aesthetics, in my opinion, is inseparable from ethics. That's why I don't just target professionals, but also the end consumer, fashionistas and beyond" says Gilberto.

"For the first edition of C.L.A.S.S. ICON in 2020 Gilberto was decreed as our chosen one, and the path together was sanctioned at that moment: the sharing of values and visions is an indissoluble bond that keeps us united over time. Like Gilberto, each ICON will be part of a community where together with C.L.A.S.S. will try to make a real smart fashion and above all create an important voice," says Giusy Bettoni.

In support of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON award, C.L.A.S.S. presented its Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, which summarises the values that C.L.A.S.S. has been researching, communicating and developing since 2007: the role of the ethical company and its transparent production, the importance of traceable and healthy products, with total respect for people and the environment. A commitment to a circular economy with a positive impact that also means safeguarding the seas, the ocean, the use of water, energy and resources.

"A Manifesto for fashion with the lowest possible impact on the planet and on people and animals’ health thanks to responsible innovation, perfectly up to the challenges of contemporary lifestyle. This is why I created the Sustainability Formula, which only exists when there is design, responsible innovation and we are able to track and measure the impact of products and processes and communicate the new values in an appropriate way. In a word, when there is knowledge" concludes Giusy Bettoni.
F = D x I x S x C
F= Fashion


Sicomin: Collaboration with GREENBOATS® for natural fibre composite

Sicomin announces its latest collaboration with GREENBOATS® as they deliver the first ever natural fibre composite (NFC) nacelle for an offshore wind turbine.  

With more than 2.5 million tons of composite materials in use in the wind industry globally, and the first generation of wind turbines now approaching end of life, there is still a lack of well-established recycling options. GREENBOATS’ mission is to demonstrate how large-scale NFC structures in wind energy can lower energy consumption in manufacturing and significantly improve the sustainability of the composite materials used in the turbine.

In 2020, GREENBOATS was commissioned by a leading wind energy technology developer to design and manufacture a sustainable NFC nacelle. The resulting 7.3m long structure has a surface area of approximately 100m2 and was engineered by GREENBOATS to satisfy all DNV-GL load cases required for an offshore turbine nacelle, including 200km/h max wind loads and 2KN loads on the guard rails.

Sicomin announces its latest collaboration with GREENBOATS® as they deliver the first ever natural fibre composite (NFC) nacelle for an offshore wind turbine.  

With more than 2.5 million tons of composite materials in use in the wind industry globally, and the first generation of wind turbines now approaching end of life, there is still a lack of well-established recycling options. GREENBOATS’ mission is to demonstrate how large-scale NFC structures in wind energy can lower energy consumption in manufacturing and significantly improve the sustainability of the composite materials used in the turbine.

In 2020, GREENBOATS was commissioned by a leading wind energy technology developer to design and manufacture a sustainable NFC nacelle. The resulting 7.3m long structure has a surface area of approximately 100m2 and was engineered by GREENBOATS to satisfy all DNV-GL load cases required for an offshore turbine nacelle, including 200km/h max wind loads and 2KN loads on the guard rails.

Sicomin’s market leading GreenPoxy® range met these challenging engineering requirements, with the company’s recently expanded manufacturing capability also matching the potential supply volumes required by wind turbine manufacturers.  

Sicomin’s DNV-GL type approved bio-based epoxy was used to infuse BComp flax fibre reinforcements and balsa cores, with Sicomins’ intumescent weatherproof gelcoat applied on the outer surface. Cured panels were cut to shape, formed over a male plug and bonded together, before flax reinforcement plies, hand laminated with GreenPoxy resins and vacuum bagged, were added along all the panel joints lines.  Finally, Sicomin’s highly UV resistant clear coating products were used to protect and enhance the finish of the flax fibre feature stripe details.


100% Marketing

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification (c) Bernard Biger

Hexcel’s HexPly® M9 Prepreg receives Type Approval Certification

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel is pleased to announce Type Approval Certification of its HexPly® M9 prepreg materials by DNV GL. The addition of the HexPly M9 prepreg range to Hexcel’s already comprehensive DNV GL certified portfolio provides ship and boat builders with optimal prepreg processing options.

HexPly M9 prepregs enable short cure cycles at 100˚C and above and provide a balance between ease of processing and mechanical performance. Available in high tack and medium tack variants, HexPly M9 prepregs are available with a wide range of unidirectional, woven, and multiaxial reinforcements. Partnered with Hexcel’s own HexTow® IMC2 and HexTow® HM54 / HM63 fibers, designers and engineers can optimize highly loaded composite structures such as masts, wing sails, and foils with increased glass transition temperatures (Tg) and excellent long-term fatigue performance.
Hexcel has completed the DNV GL certification for HexPly M9 in response to the rapidly increasing demand for type-approved high-performance prepreg materials for large composite structures in the commercial marine craft.  

Hexcel’s collaboration with Chantiers de l’Atlantique on its new Silenseas cruise ship concept – a concept that uses composite Solid Sail® propulsion as well as dual-fuel engines to reduce emissions and operating costs – is one such application. In this case, DNV GL type approval provides third-party assurance of the product’s quality, performance and consistency, and also helps to streamline the approval of composite parts that replace traditionally metallic structures.

Hexcel has supplied advanced composite materials to the marine industry for more than 40 years and manufactures a comprehensive range of DNV GL certified products including woven reinforcements, multiaxial fabrics, prepregs, and adhesive films. Hexcel is committed to developing new composite technologies for the marine sector, helping builders evolve their designs to produce lighter, more fuel-efficient, and a sustainable craft for the future.

“Our latest Type Approval Certification is an important part of our strategy to provide the most complete package of DNV GL certified composite materials for the marine sector,” said Andreas Sageder, Product Manager at Hexcel. “With the addition of our M9 prepreg resin systems, mast, ship, and boat builders have an expanded range of processing and cure options available for parts requiring higher Tg and improved fatigue performance.”


Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials