From the Sector

26 results
Call for Borealis Scientific Innovation Award (c) Borealis

Call for Borealis Scientific Innovation Award

Achieving Borealis’ vision of leading a sustainable transformation through innovative plastics and base chemicals solutions to create a fully circular future requires fresh thinking. Through the Borealis Scientific Innovation Awards (BSIA), Borealis provides a platform for ideas that accelerate the circular transformation and encourages the dedication and diligence needed to drive sustainable progress.
This year, the BSIA will recognize peer-reviewed publications or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) that describe an innovative idea within the focus area of new solutions for the sustainable production and use of plastics. This includes e.g. new catalysts, energy efficient polymerization processes, recycling of polymers and polymeric materials for energy transformation.  

Achieving Borealis’ vision of leading a sustainable transformation through innovative plastics and base chemicals solutions to create a fully circular future requires fresh thinking. Through the Borealis Scientific Innovation Awards (BSIA), Borealis provides a platform for ideas that accelerate the circular transformation and encourages the dedication and diligence needed to drive sustainable progress.
This year, the BSIA will recognize peer-reviewed publications or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) that describe an innovative idea within the focus area of new solutions for the sustainable production and use of plastics. This includes e.g. new catalysts, energy efficient polymerization processes, recycling of polymers and polymeric materials for energy transformation.  
The call for submissions is open thinkers from the professional and academic scientific communities, from entrepreneurs, engineers, chemical engineers and start-ups to university researchers. Applicants can submit their peer-reviewed publication or theses (publication paper, Bachelor, Master, PHD, Postdoc) until September 15, 2024 via the Borealis website.  
Upon submission, a panel of Borealis research representatives will review the applications and select three winners. The awardees will be invited to present their work in person at an award ceremony at the Borealis Innovation Headquarters in Linz, Austria.  
The awards consist of a certificate, a cash prize (EUR 5,000 for first place, EUR 2,000 for second place, and EUR 1,000 for third place), a Borealis-funded trip to Linz, Austria and, of course, the invaluable opportunity for exposure and networking.



(c) GFA and PDS Ventures

GFA and PDS Ventures: Funding programme for fashion innovation

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has collaborated with PDS Ventures to launch a new Trailblazer Programme. The new initiative seeks to identify early-stage innovators and support them on their journey to scale.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has collaborated with PDS Ventures to launch a new Trailblazer Programme. The new initiative seeks to identify early-stage innovators and support them on their journey to scale.

As part of the Trailblazer Programme, PDS Ventures will award one innovator a significant investment of up to USD 200,000* to accelerate the company’s growth and positive impact in the fashion industry. The winner will also receive commercial and operational support from PDS Group’s Positive Materials - a textile company and strategic research partner supporting the development and acceleration of low impact textile innovation through collaboration between early-stage start-ups, supply chain partners and brands. Further scaling opportunities will be gained through access to PDS Limited’s extensive global supply chain.
GFA and PDS Ventures are presenting an open call for solution providers addressing different challenges across the fashion value chain to apply for the programme. Applicants will be reviewed and shortlisted by an esteemed Jury including representatives from GFA, PDS Ventures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Ralph Lauren Corporation, Fashion For Good and H&M Group. Eight shortlisted innovations will be enrolled in a group of Trailblazers, receiving feedback and investment pitch training from industry experts and PDS representatives.     
Each shortlisted innovator will then pitch for a potential investment, with the winning Trailblazer being revealed at GFA’s Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 - an international forum for sustainability in fashion, on 22-23 May at the Copenhagen Concert Hall. All shortlisted Trailblazers will also have the opportunity to showcase their businesses within an exhibit at the Summit to connect with other key industry stakeholders and potential investors.
The Trailblazer Programme corresponds with the theme of the upcoming Global Fashion Summit - ‘Unlocking The Next Level’. Inspired by a significant milestone, 2024 marks 15 years since the inaugural Global Fashion Summit was hosted in 2009. This pivotal anniversary offers a special moment to not only take stock of the evolution of the sector and the progress made so far, but, most importantly, look ahead at what actions must urgently be implemented in the near term, and the gaps that must be filled to accelerate industry transformation.


Global Fashion Agenda


Hohenstein future part of the AI hotspot IPAI

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn ( sees itself as an innovation platform for applied AI and a German lighthouse project with international appeal. The center is intended to map the entire AI value chain, from the qualification of specialists to the application of ethically responsible AI. The aim is to use the AI ecosystem to bring together companies, start-ups, research institutions, scientists, and public institutions and to secure Germany's digital independence and competitiveness in a key future technology.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics) © Business Angels Deutschland e. V. (BAND)
Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics)

Start-up: Bio-based aerogel fibres replace synthetic insulation materials

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

"We can revolutionise the construction world with bio-based aerogel fibres," explains ITA founder Dr Sascha Schriever proudly. "If all insulation materials in construction are converted to bio-based aerogel fibres, all builders can realise their dream of a sustainable house."

SA Dynamics has come a good deal closer to its founding goal by winning the KUER.NRW 2023 business plan competition. The spin-off from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering (IOB) at RWTH Aachen University is scheduled for spring 2025.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

VW Bild: Simon, Pixabay

Start up Re-Fresh Global und SOEX: erste Prototypen für VW

Re-Fresh Global und Soex Textile Recycling Company kooperieren mit dem Ziel, den ersten vollständigen Recyclingkreislauf für Textilabfälle aufzubauen und Produktmuster für den Volkswagen Konzern zu produzieren.

Re-Fresh Global, ein Pionier in der nachhaltigen Textilindustrie, gab Ende 2023 die Partnerschaft mit dem Textilrecyclingunternehmen SOEX bekannt. Diese soll die Realisierung eines vollständigen Altkleider-Recyclingkreislaufs durch die Herstellung erster Demonstratorteile für den Volkswagen Konzern ermöglicht.

ReFresh Global Re-SanPulp™ produziert ein upgecyceltes Polyestergewebe, aus dem erste Demonstratorteile für den Kofferraum eines aktuellen Modells des Volkswagen Konzerns entstehen.

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Zusammenarbeit, die mit Unterstützung der Volkswagen Group Innovation und insbesondere von Konnect, dem Volkswagen Group Innovation Hub in Tel Aviv, ermöglicht wurde, steht die Schaffung eines geschlossenen Recyclingsystems für Textilabfälle. Die Automobilindustrie, die mit erheblichen ökologischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, ist einer der Sektoren, die stark von einer solchen End-to-End-Lösung profitieren können.

Re-Fresh Global und Soex Textile Recycling Company kooperieren mit dem Ziel, den ersten vollständigen Recyclingkreislauf für Textilabfälle aufzubauen und Produktmuster für den Volkswagen Konzern zu produzieren.

Re-Fresh Global, ein Pionier in der nachhaltigen Textilindustrie, gab Ende 2023 die Partnerschaft mit dem Textilrecyclingunternehmen SOEX bekannt. Diese soll die Realisierung eines vollständigen Altkleider-Recyclingkreislaufs durch die Herstellung erster Demonstratorteile für den Volkswagen Konzern ermöglicht.

ReFresh Global Re-SanPulp™ produziert ein upgecyceltes Polyestergewebe, aus dem erste Demonstratorteile für den Kofferraum eines aktuellen Modells des Volkswagen Konzerns entstehen.

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Zusammenarbeit, die mit Unterstützung der Volkswagen Group Innovation und insbesondere von Konnect, dem Volkswagen Group Innovation Hub in Tel Aviv, ermöglicht wurde, steht die Schaffung eines geschlossenen Recyclingsystems für Textilabfälle. Die Automobilindustrie, die mit erheblichen ökologischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, ist einer der Sektoren, die stark von einer solchen End-to-End-Lösung profitieren können.

Die Etablierung eines geschlossenen Kreislaufsystems für die Verwertung von Textilabfällen bedeutet, dass das Material aus den getragenen Textilien, die für die Herstellung der Volkswagen INTERN Demonstratorteile verwendet werden, nach ihrer Lebensdauer nicht einfach weggeworfen, sondern wiederverwendet, recycelt und in einen wertschöpfenden Produktionsprozess integriert wurde.

Der nächste Schritt der Partnerschaft ist der Aufbau der End-to-End-Lösung von Re-Fresh Global auf dem SOEX-Gelände, der SMART-UP Microfactory in der der volle Prozess der Textilabfallumwandlung entwickelt wird. Dazu gehört die Verarbeitung aller Arten von Alttextil, sowohl aus synthetischen wie aus natürlichen Quellen in hochwertige Rohstoffe, um so den Ressourcenverbrauch zu reduzieren. Aus den synthetischen Rohstoffen, sogenannten Multifunktionsfasern (Re-SanPulp™), entstand erstmals ein Produkt für die Automobilindustrie. Auch die aus natürlichen Fasern gewonnenen Materialien, Re-Thanol™ und Re-Nano™ werden in einer Mehrzahl von produzierenden Industrien als Alternative zu Neuware („virgin materials“) eingesetzt.

Roland Hovestadt, CEO der SOEX Textile Recycling Company, sieht in der Etablierung internationaler Innovationsprojekte eine große Chance für die gesamte Textilindustrie: "Indem wir in die Weiterentwicklung von Recyclingprozessen investieren und innovative Lösungen wie die von Re-Fresh Global fördern, die in bestehende Recyclingprozesse integriert sind, können wir die gesamte Branche in Richtung einer zirkulären Transformation führen. Am Ende profitieren alle, denn so bleiben wir zukunftsfähig."

In Europa fallen jährlich rund 7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilabfälle an. Die Textilindustrie ist weltweit der viertgrößte Verursacher des Klimawandels. Mit der Methode von Re-Fresh Global könnten bis zu 98 % der anfallenden Textilabfälle recycelt werden. Die EU hat bereits Verordnungsentwürfe vorgelegt, und die Branche muss mit strengen Auflagen rechnen. Ziel ist es, die Textilindustrie zu einem integralen Bestandteil einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu entwickeln. Die Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung (EPR) für Textilien, die Richtlinien für das Produktrecycling beinhaltet, ist in einigen europäischen Ländern bereits gesetzlich verankert.



nb communications

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

Denim Asia Limited, Knit Asia Limited, Progress Apparels Limited, Ananta BD, Reverse Resources, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) played pivotal roles in this initiative. Knit Asia Ltd, notably acclaimed for their commitment to sustainable practices, along with Denim Asia, associated with the sustainable brand Noize Jeans, showcased their commitment to sustainable manufacturing processes.
Progress Apparels Limited, a ready-made garment producer and part of PDS Limited demonstrated its advanced sustainable production facilities. Reverse Resources and the BGMEA hosted an intimate “Meet and Greet Networking Session”, to boost awareness about the technologies in the industry.

Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, emphasized the significance of this event for the wider Bangladeshi textile industry, " Bangladesh has the biggest manufacturing sector in South Asia and this tour marks a critical step towards a circular fashion ecosystem, also how can the fashion industry become more sustainable in Bangladesh. It's not just an event; it's part of a larger movement to incorporate innovative recycling, Sustainable Fashion technologies and establish global partnerships for a sustainable fashion industry."

Featuring interactive sessions, factory visits, and knowledge sharing, this initiative offered a platform for fostering collaborations between manufacturers and technology innovators.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good are optimistic about a future where Bangladesh leads in sustainable and circular apparel manufacturing.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

digihub/WFMG: Octo gewinnt Pitch Battle der „TexTech Start-up Night“ (c) Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH
TexTech Start-up Night Pitch-Teilnehmende

digihub/WFMG: Octo gewinnt Pitch Battle der „TexTech Start-up Night“

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH am Dienstag, 14. November 2023, die zweite „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Bei der Abendveranstaltung versammelten sich rund 100 Personen aus der Branche Textiltechnik (TexTech), um sich über neue Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle auszutauschen.

Einblicke in Textilindustrie und den Standort Mönchengladbach
Insgesamt sechs Start-ups und Ausstellende präsentierten ihre Innovationen in einer Expo. Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung übernahm Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs die Guided Tour durch die Ausstellung: „Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie viele textile Innovationen aus Mönchengladbach kommen. Dies zeigt, dass das Ökosystem hier greift und Mönchengladbach der Standort für die Textilbranche ist.“

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH am Dienstag, 14. November 2023, die zweite „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Bei der Abendveranstaltung versammelten sich rund 100 Personen aus der Branche Textiltechnik (TexTech), um sich über neue Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle auszutauschen.

Einblicke in Textilindustrie und den Standort Mönchengladbach
Insgesamt sechs Start-ups und Ausstellende präsentierten ihre Innovationen in einer Expo. Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung übernahm Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs die Guided Tour durch die Ausstellung: „Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie viele textile Innovationen aus Mönchengladbach kommen. Dies zeigt, dass das Ökosystem hier greift und Mönchengladbach der Standort für die Textilbranche ist.“

Einblicke in die Branche bot zudem die Keynote von Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe, Leiterin des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung an der Hochschule Niederrhein. Sie zeigte auf, welche Bedeutung Start-ups für die Nachhaltigkeits-Transformation der Textil- und Bekleidungswirtschaft haben. Hans-Uwe Gansfort, General Manager FIT Factory C&A, bot im Fireside-Chat mit Peter Hornik, Geschäftsführer des digihub Düsseldorf/Rheinland Einblick in C&A's FIT Factory, die in Mönchengladbach ansässig ist.

Nachhaltige Innovationen für die Zukunft
Bei einem Start-up Pitch Battle konnten sieben Gründerinnen und Gründer ihre Ideen präsentieren:

  • Lars Linnemann, Geschäftsführer Fibraworks, produziert mit der fibraforce Technologie, einem innovaten Wickelverfahren, mehrlagige, multidirektionale Faserhalbzeuge für kosteneffiziente und nachhaltige Leichtbaulösungen.
  • Sarah Neumann und Alexandra Plewnia präsentierten ihr Start-up Octo. Octo hat einen neuen Standard in wasserabweisenden Textilien mithilfe des umweltschonenden Octogarns entwickelt, um der Textilbranche eine nachhaltige Alternative für Fluorpolymere zu bieten.
  • Dr. Hans Peter Schlegelmilch hat sich mit seinem Start-up „Brain of Materials“ der Herausforderung gestellt, aus Textilabfällen ein Recyclinggarn zu entwickeln, das den höchsten industriellen Standards entspricht.
  • Dr. Monika Hauk hat mit Repair Rebels eine Online-Plattform gegründet, die die Lücke zwischen digitalen ModekonsumentInnen und analogen Reparaturdiensten für Kleidung und Schuhe schließt.
  • Yuji Hara stellte das japanischen Start-up AI Silk vor. Dieses arbeitet an innovativen, leitfähigen Fasern, die mit einer Färbetechnik hergestellt werden. Durch die Verwendung von natürlicher Seide und die Leitfähigkeit der Faser selbst ist es gelungen, Elektroden herzustellen, die einige der Risiken und Herausforderungen herkömmlicher medizinischer Elektroden reduzieren, die zu Unbehagen, Haut- und In-vivo-Entzündungen sowie Messausfällen führen können.
  • Dr. Robert Brüll präsentierte die FibreCoat GmbH. Das Start-up mit Sitz in Aachen entwickelt eine revolutionäre Beschichtungstechnologie für beschichtete Fasern in Verbundwerkstoffen.

Das Publikum stimmte im Anschluss über die Vorträge ab und wählte seine zwei Favoriten: FibreCoat und Octo hatten in der zweiten Runde die Möglichkeit, ihre Pitches zu vertiefen und mit dem Publikum zu diskutieren. Das beste Team der TexTech Start-up Night wurde nach der finalen Abstimmung das Start-up Octo. Sarah Neumann und Alexandra Plewnia nahmen den Preis, ein Aussteller-Ticket für das Future Tech Fest am 22. August 2024, entgegen.


Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH

Das Octogarn-Gründertrio Melanie Jakubik (vorne, von links), Alexandra Plewnia und Sarah Neumann erhält vom Bundes-Förderprogramm „EXIST“ 1,8 Millionen Euro. Foto Hochschule Niederrhein
Das Octogarn-Gründertrio Melanie Jakubik (vorne, von links), Alexandra Plewnia und Sarah Neumann erhält vom Bundes-Förderprogramm „EXIST“ 1,8 Millionen Euro.

1,8 Millionen Euro an Ex-Studentinnen für Garninnovation

Badehose an, rein ins Wasser, mit trockener Badehose wieder raus – klingt utopisch, könnte aber womöglich bald schon Realität werden. Das Gründertrio von „Octogarn“ entwickelt gerade eine Innovation: ein neuartiges Garn, das die Textilindustrie umkrempeln könnte, für das die ehemaligen Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und der FH Aachen eine Förderung von 1,84 Millionen Euro erhalten. Das Geld stammt aus dem Förderprogramm „EXIST – Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz.

Badehose an, rein ins Wasser, mit trockener Badehose wieder raus – klingt utopisch, könnte aber womöglich bald schon Realität werden. Das Gründertrio von „Octogarn“ entwickelt gerade eine Innovation: ein neuartiges Garn, das die Textilindustrie umkrempeln könnte, für das die ehemaligen Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und der FH Aachen eine Förderung von 1,84 Millionen Euro erhalten. Das Geld stammt aus dem Förderprogramm „EXIST – Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz.

„Octogarn“ ist schadstofffrei, nachhaltig, kälteisolierend, atmungsaktiv und reibungsreduzierend. Es wirkt ähnlich dem Lotuseffekt, ist also wasserabweisend. Doch es hat einen entscheidenden Mehrwert: Es ist unbenetzbar. Bedeutet: Taucht man ein Textil aus diesem Garn unter Wasser, bleibt es trocken. „Ein Effekt, der in der Textilbranche kaum bekannt ist“, sagt die Mönchengladbacherin Alexandra Plewnia. Momentan werden viele wasserabweisende Textilien, vor allem im technischen Bereich, durch die Ausrüstung mit Chemie wie Fluorpolymeren hergestellt. Grüne Alternativen sind zwar umweltfreundlicher, aber oft nicht leistungsstark genug. „Octogarn“ will beide Probleme lösen.

Ideengeberin ist Alexandra Plewnia (29), die zuletzt Textile Produkte im Master an der HSNR studiert hat. Betriebswirtschaftliches Know-how bringt Sarah Neumann (28) aus Köln mit, die ihren Master berufsbegleitend in Management und Entrepreneurship an der FH Aachen absolviert hat. Komplettiert wird das Team ab November von Melanie Jakubik (29) aus Duisburg, Studienkollegin von Plewnia und wie sie für den Bereich Technologie verantwortlich.

Geforscht hat Plewnia an „Octogarn“ rund zwei Jahre im Rahmen ihres Master-Studiums am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, wo sie das Wahlpflichtfach Nanotechnologie belegte und sich mit dem Thema Funktionalität befasste..

Mit ihrer Idee gewann sie bereits 2022 den Hochschulwettbewerb „Battle of Ideas“. Die 20.000 Euro Preisgeld flossen direkt in die Anmeldung des Patents. Seither wurde die Idee auf vielen weiteren Wettbewerben in Deutschland vorgestellt.

Das Team von HNX, das gründungsinteressierte HSNR-Studierende und Mitarbeitende berät und u.a. im Rahmen des dort angesiedelten Förderprogramms „HNexist“ unterstützt, begleitete Plewnia und ihr Team. Es unterstützte bei der umfangreichen Antragstellung für EXIST.

Das noch zu gründende Start-up möchte das Garn produzieren und es als Zulieferer an Unternehmen vertreiben. Ob Outdoor-Kleidung, Schutzausrüstung oder Einsatz in der Schifffahrtsindustrie – dank der vielfältigen Eigenschaften des Materials gibt es für „Octogarn“ verschiedenste Einsazmöglichkeiten.

Das fertige Garn gibt es noch nicht. Die 1,84 Millionen Euro helfen, um bis zum Ende der Förderperiode im Februar 2026 einen Prototyp zu entwickeln. Das Fördergeld wird vor allem für Personalausgaben genutzt, aber auch eine neue Maschine wird angeschafft. Für die Entwicklung von Octogarn darf das Gründerteam Büroraume und Maschinen des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik mitbenutzen.


Hochschule Niederrhein


Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023 will focus on critical industry themes. The transformation of the textile and fashion industry relies on three key pillars: the creation of different circular business models matching growth with sustainability, a green and digital transition where information technology is necessary to deliver sustainability, and scaling the business, as how start-ups can make a leap and big companies can evolve their growth strategies. These three themes will be discussed in depth during the event.

The speaker lineup, drawn from Finland, Europe and beyond, demonstrates the expertise connecting on this platform. Noteworthy figures include Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, President & CEO of Marimekko; Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment of Finland; Marcus Hartmann, Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability at H&M; Liljana K. Forssten, Range Strategist at IKEA; and Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner (on video).


Euratex & Finnish Textile & Fashion

RadiciGroup at Phygital Sustainability Expo photo: Phygital Sustainability Expo/RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup at Phygital Sustainability Expo presenting Biofeel® eleven

RadiciGroup took part in the Phygital Sustainability Expo, this year in its fourth edition, which was held in Rome on 5 and 6 July. This event is entirely dedicated to the ecological transition of fashion and design brands through technological innovation. The show is an important platform for discussion on sustainable transition issues, involving Italian and international brands, fashion tech start-ups, representatives from the institutional, business and educational fields, and consumers.

RadiciGroup took part in the Phygital Sustainability Expo, this year in its fourth edition, which was held in Rome on 5 and 6 July. This event is entirely dedicated to the ecological transition of fashion and design brands through technological innovation. The show is an important platform for discussion on sustainable transition issues, involving Italian and international brands, fashion tech start-ups, representatives from the institutional, business and educational fields, and consumers.

RadiciGroup's participation in the event was further evidence of the Group's commitment to making a contribution to sustainability and circularity in the fashion and textile industry, in collaboration with all the other players in the supply chain. During the narrated fashion show, held on the evening of Wednesday, 5 July, in the evocative archaeological complex of the Imperial Forum Museum, RadiciGroup presented a maxi dress made of Biofeel® eleven, a yarn of completely natural origin featuring high technical, aesthetic and environmental performance. This yarn is produced starting from a small bean cultivated in India on semi-arid land and thus does not compete with human food production. These beans yield a special oil ideal for obtaining biopolymers, such as the one produced by Arkema and spun into yarn at RadiciGroup in Italy.

The dress is not only made from a low environmental impact raw material, but is also an example of ecodesign: the garment was realized on a Shima Seiki WholeGarment knitting machine, where the entire item was knit directly from spools of Biofeel® eleven yarn, bypassing the traditional stages of weaving and tailoring. It is a zero-waste process, as only the quantity of yarn strictly needed for the garment is used.

Biofeel® eleven yarn endows the dress with unique characteristics, including low moisture absorption, greater lightness and high resistance and durability. Besides being 100% biobased, the yarn is also 100% recyclable because it is made of a mono-material polymer, which facilitates its end-of-life recycling and processing into new materials suitable for any application requiring high performance.

(c) Carbios

Carbios recognized as a flagship start-up in French green innovation

Carbios has been selected among the 22,000 start-ups in the French Tech ecosystem to represent French innovation at the 6th “Choose France” Summit.  “Choose France” is an international business summit dedicated to the attractiveness of France launched at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic. Only ten companies, including Carbios, have been chosen to exhibit their technologies at the Château de Versailles.  On this occasion, Carbios announces that it has joined the Coq Vert community launched by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME[1] and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, to connect with other environmentally committed business leaders and advance its international deployment.

Carbios has been selected among the 22,000 start-ups in the French Tech ecosystem to represent French innovation at the 6th “Choose France” Summit.  “Choose France” is an international business summit dedicated to the attractiveness of France launched at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic. Only ten companies, including Carbios, have been chosen to exhibit their technologies at the Château de Versailles.  On this occasion, Carbios announces that it has joined the Coq Vert community launched by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME[1] and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, to connect with other environmentally committed business leaders and advance its international deployment.

“With INRAE[2], we chose to highlight Carbios at the Choose France summit as a symbol of French economic dynamism,” comments Philippe Gassmann, Secretary General Choose France 2023 (French Treasury). ” With its innovative “Made in France” biotechnologies that bring plastic into the circular economy, Carbios illustrates the wealth of  innovation within the French cleantech ecosystem.  I thank Carbios for its ambassadorship for this ecosystem to the 200 foreign guests attending the 6th Choose France Summit with the theme: Investing for a sustainable future.”

“Carbios is honored to have been selected by the Elysée Palace for Choose France.  This international summit provides an opportunity for meetings between the President of the Republic, members of the Government and the leaders of major foreign and French companies to discuss France’s economic ambitions and attractiveness,” commented Emmanuel Ladent, Chief Executive Officer of Carbios. “Carbios is in the midst of a major industrial rollout, with a first plant planned in the Grand Est region, and the international commercial deployment of our processes.  We are very grateful for the French Government’s support at this strategic time for the company.”
(Emmanuel Ladent, CEO, and Alain Marty, Chief Scientific Officer, representing Carbios at Choose France)

The Coq Vert community
Launched by Bpifrance, in partnership with ADEME and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, this community brings together 2,000 members who are players in sustainable development and are convinced of the need to act for energy and ecological transition.

[1] ADEME = The French Agency for Ecological Transition
[2] INRAE = France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment



(c) INDA

Four Nonwoven Industry Professionals honored with INDA Lifetime Awards

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

NDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced four recipients for the Lifetime Service Award and Lifetime Technical Achievement Awards. Jan O’Regan, Seshadri Ramkumar, Jim Robinson, and Ed Thomas are being recognized for their key contributions to the growth of the nonwovens industry and INDA.

Jan O’Regan: INDA Lifetime Service Award
Jan O’Regan was the Director, Strategic Initiatives and Nonwovens Marketing, for Cotton Incorporated and retired in 2022. In this capacity, she uncovered new opportunities for cotton to bring value into the nonwovens industry. Her work included leading efforts in strategic planning, technical and market project management, and sharing new ideas and results with the global supply chain.
O’Regan spent over four decades in the nonwovens industry in various roles, including sales, marketing, strategic planning and business management. Market responsibilities included consumer and industrial markets on regional, national, and global teams. Over the most recent years, she applied these broad experiences to new markets for cotton in nontraditional applications.
Serving and volunteering with INDA for decades, O’Regan most recently chaired the World of Wipes® committee, which she efficiently organized to produce innovative conferences for the wipes industry.  She was a frequent speaker at INDA, INSIGHT, EDANA, and other events, and for nearly two decades was a go to source of information for cotton fibers in nonwovens and hygiene. O’Regan earned a BS in Textiles and Business, summa cum laude, from Penn State University and an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

Seshadri Ramkumar: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Seshadri Ramkumar has over twenty-five years of experience within the technical nonwovens space, conducting industry leading research and educating nonwovens professionals at Texas Tech University (TTU).  At TTU, he established the Nonwovens Laboratory. Many of Ramkumar’s students have gone on to become technical leaders within their organizations and the nonwovens industry.
Ramkumar has numerous patent and invention disclosures, including Fibertect® toxic chemical decontamination wipes which have been recognized by the American Chemical Society as a notable success of federally supported innovation, endorsed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and adopted by multiple branches of the military.
In addition to many peer-reviewed publications, articles, and columns collectively over 500, including one on nanofibers that has been cited over 2,100 times, Ramkumar has contributed his expertise on the editorial boards of multiple fiber, nonwoven, and textile journals. Ramkumar has also organized conferences for nonwovens and textiles and actively promoted INDA and its technical training offerings for over 20 years.
He is a longtime member of the INDA Technical Advisory Board, been recognized by TAPPI, Society of Dyers and Colorists (UK), the Textile Institute (UK), and the Textile Association (INDIA), and received numerous awards from TTU.
Ramkumar holds a Bachelors of Technology (Textiles), Graduated with Distinction, and a Masters of Technology (Textiles), University First Rank in the Discipline, Anna University, and a Ph.D. (Textile Materials) from the University of Leeds, UK.

Jim Robinson: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Jim Robinson has 33 years in the absorbent hygiene industry, including 28 years as a Technical Service Manager at BASF. He led technical teams that focused on the application of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in hygiene products. Robinson has extensive knowledge of SAP applications, absorbent core formation, and hygiene article design, performance and testing. While with BASF, Robinson led efforts with multiple external companies to provide co-supplier solutions to hygiene converters.
Robinson’s extensive understanding of test methods and test method development led to his coordinating the establishment of fitness for use standards of adult incontinent products with the National Association for Continence and involvement in development and review of absorbent product test methods with INDA/EDANA. He is also an active contributor to INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and Hygienix organizing committee and was a contributing developer in establishing the INDA Absorbent Hygiene Training Course. Robinson has provided numerous presentations at INSIGHT, Hygienix, and RISE on performance and interactions of absorbent system components.
Recently, Robinson has been consulting and contributing to the success of multiple start-ups including those having been nominated for INDA product awards. Robinson has a BS in Chemistry from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS in Chemistry from Duke University.

Ed Thomas: INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award
Ed Thomas retired after 39 years, with 32 years in the nonwovens industry, and has remained active teaching the Intermediate Nonwovens Training Course for INDA and The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University, as well as providing consulting services to the industry.
Thomas’ experience includes Process Engineering Manager and Plant Management, DuPont; Technical Director, Reemay; VP of Research and Operations, VP of Operations and Technology, and Global VP of Research and Development for Fiberweb/BBA Nonwovens; and Head of Research and Product Development, First Quality Nonwovens.
Thomas holds 10 U.S. nonwoven patents and he and his teams have been awarded more than 250 patents for numerous and diverse innovations that have played significant roles in the success of the nonwovens industry. These include applications for the global hygiene market, industrial nonwovens, and filtration media.
During his career, Thomas has presented several keynote addresses and papers to industry conferences, participated in North Carolina State University’s Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center (NCRC) prior to it becoming The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), INDA’s Technical Advisory Board, INDA’s Sustainability Committee, and was Vice Chair of NWI’s Industrial Advisory Board prior to retirement and remains an Emeritus member.
Thomas received his mechanical engineering degree from SUNY Buffalo.

(c) Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good welcomes start-ups to its Global Platform

Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.


Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.



Fashion for Good


ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University


(c) Carbios

Carbios: Four new Board members to strengthen international expertise

  • Carbios strengthens its Board of Directors with the appointments of Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, Sandrine CONSEILLER, Amandine DE SOUZA and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES
  • Carbios has reached its CSR objective of 60% independent directors ahead of 2024 target date, and has increased its female representation

Carbios‘four new members to its Board of Directors:  Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, professor of Chemistry at McGill University, Sandrine CONSEILLER, former CEO of Aigle, Amandine DE SOUZA, General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS, Eataly and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES, Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen, have all been appointed members of Carbios’ Board of Directors.  In the new structure, Prof. Karine AUCLAIR succeeds Jacqueline LECOURTIER, Sandrine CONSEILLER succeeds Jean FALGOUX, Amandine DE SOUZA succeeds Alain CHEVALLIER, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES succeeds Jean-Claude LUMARET.

  • Carbios strengthens its Board of Directors with the appointments of Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, Sandrine CONSEILLER, Amandine DE SOUZA and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES
  • Carbios has reached its CSR objective of 60% independent directors ahead of 2024 target date, and has increased its female representation

Carbios‘four new members to its Board of Directors:  Prof. Karine AUCLAIR, professor of Chemistry at McGill University, Sandrine CONSEILLER, former CEO of Aigle, Amandine DE SOUZA, General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS, Eataly and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES, Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen, have all been appointed members of Carbios’ Board of Directors.  In the new structure, Prof. Karine AUCLAIR succeeds Jacqueline LECOURTIER, Sandrine CONSEILLER succeeds Jean FALGOUX, Amandine DE SOUZA succeeds Alain CHEVALLIER, and Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES succeeds Jean-Claude LUMARET.

Three of the new members have strong, proven expertise in various industries covering fashion, retail and energy, as well as business development and senior executive management in high-growth markets and sectors around the world.  The new scientific expertise will also help enhance and advance Carbios’ research into biological solutions for the life cycle of plastics and textiles.  In addition, a sensitivity to CSR issues and proven results in this field was also a key selection factor to join the Board.  The new members’ combined strategic vision, solid industry experience and CSR commitments will support Carbios in its industrial and commercial plans.
Prof. Karine AUCLAIR is Professor of Chemistry at McGill University and holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Antimicrobials and Green Enzymes.  She has received numerous awards over the years, including the Clara Benson Award of the Canadian Society of Chemistry, the McGill Tomlinson Professorship, the Leo Yaffe Teaching Award, and the McGill Fessenden Professorship, to name a few. She is an internationally recognized bioorganic chemist with significant scientific contributions to the fields of antimicrobial resistance, biocatalysis and enzymology. Her research led to several patents notably in the clean enzymatic depolymerization of untreated, high crystallinity PET plastics for closed-loop recycling.  Her work has been published in nearly 100 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals, and often highlighted by the media.  As a recognized leader in her field, she is often invited to speak at industrial and academic conferences around the world, and to review theses and grant applications for worldwide institutions.
Sandrine CONSEILLER is former Chief Executive Officer of Aigle (the emblematic French brand committed to sustainable fashion).  Prior to joining Aigle, Sandrine was Group Marketing & Branding Executive Vice-President at Lacoste (another historic French fashion brand) from 2011 to 2015.  She contributed to the Lacoste maison turnaround with strong growth and numerous professional awards including several Cannes Lions Awards.  She was also Member of the Executive Board.  Sandrine began her career at Unilever and spent 20 years leading global businesses within various divisions, mainly in Personal Care, in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.  Sandrine is also Member of the Board of Phildar (the iconic French knitwear brand), Member of the Board of Raise Sherpa (the first philantropic endowment fund dedicated to start-ups) and is a funding partner of NEO FOUNDERS (a venture fund mentoring impact start-ups).
Amandine DE SOUZA is General Manager of LE BHV MARAIS (French retail, decoration and fashion department stores), Eataly (an Italian gastronomy concept franchise) and Home, DIY and Leisure Purchasing at Galeries Lafayette Group since 2018.  She has been a Member of its Executive Committee since 2020.  Amandine has 17 years’ experience in different types of companies of various sizes: from family business, to start-up,  and multinational.  She was General Manager for France at Westwing (an e-commerce start-up) from 2015 to 2018.  From 2009 to 2015, she was International Merchandise Director at Casino Group (food and non-food retail distribution).  Prior to this, she worked as a strategic consultant at Bain & Company within their Distribution and Consumer Goods Division in France and internationally.
Mateus SCHREINER GARCEZ LOPES is Global Director for Energy Transition and Investments at Raizen (global leader in bioenergy from Brazil), leading technology, new business development and intellectual property at the company.  He was previously Global Manager for Innovation and Business Development in Renewable Chemicals at Braskem (the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas and the world’s largest producer of biopolymers).  Before his transition to the corporate world, Mateus held several researcher and lecturer positions on Synthetic Biology and metabolic Engineering at Universities in Mexico, Germany, United States and Brazil.  He is also a Board Member of Iogen Energy Corporation, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Bio Innovation, and Advisory Committee Member from the MIT Energy Initiative.

More information:



Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 publishes program

International experts will discuss topics along the entire cellulose fibre value chain at the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference, 8–9 March 2023 in Cologne and online.

How can the cellulose fibre industry contribute to the sustainability and circularity of the textile sector? How can fibre markets achieve a circular economy for their materials? What are the most sustainable technologies on the market? And, are there innovative, interesting raw materials and technologies worth exploring to meet the challenges of the coming years?

These and other questions in the field of cellulose fibres will be discussed within the program of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023. The two-day event will provide insights into the latest developments of the cellulose fibre sector and introduce innovative start-ups, technologies as well as novel fibre applications. A special focus will be set on the textile sector and its awaited paradigm shift towards circular economy in the following years.

Seven sessions will provide in depth views from fibre production to recycling, policy and market trends:

International experts will discuss topics along the entire cellulose fibre value chain at the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference, 8–9 March 2023 in Cologne and online.

How can the cellulose fibre industry contribute to the sustainability and circularity of the textile sector? How can fibre markets achieve a circular economy for their materials? What are the most sustainable technologies on the market? And, are there innovative, interesting raw materials and technologies worth exploring to meet the challenges of the coming years?

These and other questions in the field of cellulose fibres will be discussed within the program of the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023. The two-day event will provide insights into the latest developments of the cellulose fibre sector and introduce innovative start-ups, technologies as well as novel fibre applications. A special focus will be set on the textile sector and its awaited paradigm shift towards circular economy in the following years.

Seven sessions will provide in depth views from fibre production to recycling, policy and market trends:

  • Strategies, Policy Framework of Textiles and Market Trends,
  • Circular Economy and Recyclability of Fibres,
  • Alternative Feedstocks and Supply Chains,
  • Innovation Award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023″,
  • Sustainability and Environmental Impacts,
  • Ionic Liquids and New Technologies for Pulps, Fibres and Yarns,
  • New Technologies and Applications beyond Textiles.

The full conference program is available here.


nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH

Foto digihub / Paint the town

Bioschaumstoff gewinnt Start-up Pitch Battle der ersten „TexTech Start-up Night“

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach am 11. Januar 2023 die erste „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Rund 150 Teilnehmer aus der Textiltechnikbranche kürten den Gewinner aus fünf vorgestellten Produkt- und Geschäftsmodellinnovation für den Textilmarkt. Den Preis, ein Aussteller-Ticket für den Digital Demo Day am 17. August 2023, nahm Gründer und Gesellschafter der eco-softfibre GmbH & Co. KG Bernd Wacker entgegen.

Das 2020 gegründete Görlitzer Start-up-Unternehmen, das 2022 bereits Gewinner des Deutschen Rohstoffeffizenz-Preis 2022 des BMWK war, überzeugte mit einem offenporigen und atmungsaktiven Bioschaumstoff, der beispielsweise als Schallabsorber in Innenräumen oder zur Polsterung genutzt wird.

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach am 11. Januar 2023 die erste „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Rund 150 Teilnehmer aus der Textiltechnikbranche kürten den Gewinner aus fünf vorgestellten Produkt- und Geschäftsmodellinnovation für den Textilmarkt. Den Preis, ein Aussteller-Ticket für den Digital Demo Day am 17. August 2023, nahm Gründer und Gesellschafter der eco-softfibre GmbH & Co. KG Bernd Wacker entgegen.

Das 2020 gegründete Görlitzer Start-up-Unternehmen, das 2022 bereits Gewinner des Deutschen Rohstoffeffizenz-Preis 2022 des BMWK war, überzeugte mit einem offenporigen und atmungsaktiven Bioschaumstoff, der beispielsweise als Schallabsorber in Innenräumen oder zur Polsterung genutzt wird.

Weichschaumstoffe werden seit 70 Jahren als Polsterung in vielen Branchen wie Möbel, Bettwaren, Bekleidung, Taschen oder für Schallabsorption eingesetzt. Sie werden petrochemisch hergestellt und sind nicht recyclebar. eco-softfibre ist es gelungen, einen naturfaserbasierten Weichschaumstoff upgecycelt, recyclebar und biodegradierbar skalierbar herzustellen.

Weitere Start-up-Ideen auf der TexTech Start-up Night:

  • Michael Fraede, Gründer der Robotextile GmbH, erzählte, wie er mit einer neuen und resilienten Greifertechnologie für biegeschlaffe Teile die Textilindustrie automatisieren will.
  • Janina Szczesnowicz zeigte, wie Fibrecoat Hochleistungsmaterialien für den Massenmarkt produziert.
  • Prof. Nate Robinson stellte das schwedische Start-up LunaMicro vor, das eine aktive Feuchtigkeitsmanagement-Technologie für die nächste Generation intelligenter Textilien entwickelt.
  • Michael Pfeifer, Co-Gründer und CEO des Upcycling-Unternehmens MOOT, zeigte, wie MOOT das Upcycling von Textilien skalierbar macht.

„Textiltechnik-Unternehmen stehen vor großen Herausforderungen aufgrund des Strukturwandels und der digitalen Transformation. Neue Technologien können ihnen dabei helfen, ihr Geschäftsmodell wettbewerbsfähig zu machen. Dabei nehmen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft eine zentrale Rolle ein“, betonte David Bongartz, Prokurist bei der Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach, die Wichtigkeit des Themas. Das Ziel der TexTech Start-up Night sei, das Ökosystem zu diesen Fokusthemen für die Zusammenarbeit zu vernetzen. „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass dieses Event der erfolgreiche Startschuss für wiederkehrende, überregionale Netzwerktreffen von Textiltechnik-Startups, -Unternehmen, -Hochschulen und -Forschungseinrichtungen ist“, fügte digihub-Geschäftsführer Dr. Klemens Gaida hinzu.




Stahl joins CLIB biotechnology network

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has joined CLIB, an international open innovation cluster of stakeholders in the biotechnology space. CLIB is committed to providing networking opportunities for its members across different industries and sectors with a view to using biotechnology to foster sustainability. Stahl’s membership of the network underlines the company’s commitment to open innovation and to working with partners across value chains to reduce its Scope 3 emissions.

Stahl, an active proponent of responsible chemistry, has joined CLIB, an international open innovation cluster of stakeholders in the biotechnology space. CLIB is committed to providing networking opportunities for its members across different industries and sectors with a view to using biotechnology to foster sustainability. Stahl’s membership of the network underlines the company’s commitment to open innovation and to working with partners across value chains to reduce its Scope 3 emissions.

CLIB members include large companies, SMEs, start-ups, academic institutes, universities, and other stakeholders engaged in biotechnology and the circular- and bioeconomy as a whole. As part of this cluster, Stahl seeks to connect with likeminded contacts and partners to explore opportunities for increasing the use of bio-based and bio-derived solutions in its chemistries, products, and applications. In turn, Stahl hopes to add value to other members of the network by providing a route to market for biotechnology solutions through the company’s extensive range of industrial products and applications.
Stahl’s first face-to-face interaction with its fellow CLIB members will take place at the CLIB Networking Day in October 2022.

More information:
Stahl CLIB biotechnology

Stahl Holdings B.V.

(c) SOEX
Hagen Matuszak wählt die erste Ladung Schuhe eigenhändig im SOEX Werk in Wolfen aus

SOEX rettet aussortierte Sneaker zusammen mit dem Start-up Sneaker Rescue

SOEX ist eine Geschäftspartnerschaft mit dem Start-up Sneaker Rescue eingegangen, um getragenen Schuhen ein zweites Leben zu geben. Zehn Tonnen aussortierte Schuhe kommen jeden Tag im SOEX Sortierwerk in Wolfen an. Das sind mindestens 20.000 Paar Schuhe pro Tag, viele davon sind Sneaker. Der Großteil dieser Schuhe gehen wieder in den Verkauf in Secondhandläden oder auf Märkten im Ausland. Manche Schuhe sind aber so dreckig oder kaputt, dass sie niemand mehr kaufen möchte. Bisher werden diese Schuhe nicht mehr getragen, sondern recycelt. Diesen Schuhen schenkt SOEX jetzt ein zweites Leben – nicht mehr nur als Rohstoff für andere Produkte, sondern in ihrer ursprünglichen Form: als tragbare Schuhe. 400 Paar will SOEX täglich retten. Der Retter in der Not an der Seite von SOEX ist Hagen Matuszak, der Gründer von Sneaker Rescue, einer Reparaturwerkstatt aus Berlin, die auf Sneaker spezialisiert ist. Gemeinsam wollen SOEX und Sneaker Rescue dafür sorgen, dass auch in der Sneaker-Welt statt Tragen, Aussortieren, Recyceln ein wirklich geschlossener Kreislauf entsteht: getragene, aussortierte Schuhe sollen weitergetragen werden.

SOEX ist eine Geschäftspartnerschaft mit dem Start-up Sneaker Rescue eingegangen, um getragenen Schuhen ein zweites Leben zu geben. Zehn Tonnen aussortierte Schuhe kommen jeden Tag im SOEX Sortierwerk in Wolfen an. Das sind mindestens 20.000 Paar Schuhe pro Tag, viele davon sind Sneaker. Der Großteil dieser Schuhe gehen wieder in den Verkauf in Secondhandläden oder auf Märkten im Ausland. Manche Schuhe sind aber so dreckig oder kaputt, dass sie niemand mehr kaufen möchte. Bisher werden diese Schuhe nicht mehr getragen, sondern recycelt. Diesen Schuhen schenkt SOEX jetzt ein zweites Leben – nicht mehr nur als Rohstoff für andere Produkte, sondern in ihrer ursprünglichen Form: als tragbare Schuhe. 400 Paar will SOEX täglich retten. Der Retter in der Not an der Seite von SOEX ist Hagen Matuszak, der Gründer von Sneaker Rescue, einer Reparaturwerkstatt aus Berlin, die auf Sneaker spezialisiert ist. Gemeinsam wollen SOEX und Sneaker Rescue dafür sorgen, dass auch in der Sneaker-Welt statt Tragen, Aussortieren, Recyceln ein wirklich geschlossener Kreislauf entsteht: getragene, aussortierte Schuhe sollen weitergetragen werden.

Allein in Deutschland werden laut Umweltbundesamt über 380 Millionen Paar Schuhe pro Jahr weggeworfen. Viele davon sind Sneaker, die in den letzten Jahren zum gehypten Konsumgut avancierten – sie haben längst ihr rein sportliches Image abgelegt und ihren Weg in unsere alltägliche Garderobe gefunden. Nun kommen immer mehr dieser Sneaker in den Sortierwerken von SOEX an, weil sie nicht mehr getragen werden oder aufgetragen wurden. „Indem wir Sneaker retten, retten wir die Ressourcen“, sagt Walter J. Thomsen. Denn in Sneakers werden eine Vielzahl an Materialien verbaut, im Schnitt sicher 50, schätzt der Sneaker-Fachmann Matuszak. Darunter viele Materialien wie Polyester, für deren Herstellung Erdöl als Rohstoff verbraucht wird – genau diese fossilen Rohstoffe gilt es zu bewahren, statt zu verschwenden, dafür müssen die Sneaker gerettet werden.

Das muffige Image von getragenen Schuhen hat nichts mit dem zu tun, was am Ende dabei rauskommt, wenn Hagen Matuszak mit ihnen fertig ist. Eine Stunde braucht er, um ein Paar zu retten. Das heißt: Schuhe reinigen, Sohle austauschen, Löcher stopfen. Und auch gegen den Geruch von getragenen Schuhen hat Hagen Matuszak bereits eine Lösung in seiner Werkstatt in Berlin Britz stehen: ein Ozongenerator. Der Aktivsauerstoff Ozon reagiert mit den Geruchsmolekülen und inaktiviert diese. Die Gerüche sind damit nicht nur überdeckt, sondern zerstört. Am Ende werden aus den geretteten Schuhen neuwertige Schuhe ohne knappe Ressourcen für einen komplett neuen Schuh zu verschwenden. SOEX und Sneaker Rescue leisten damit einen wichtigen Beitrag, um Langlebigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Branche zu fördern.




ADD-ITC 2022: Call for Abstracts

The Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022 as face-to-face event takes place on-site in Aachen on December 1-2, 2022.

There is the opportunity to contribute to the conference program and submit an abstract for a talk or poster presentation. The Call for Abstracts for oral presentations ends on May 6, 2022. The Call for Abstracts for poster contributions is open until July 31, 2022.

The ADD-ITC is a conference for experts from the fields of
·    Textile chemistry, finishing & functionalization
·    Synthetic Fibers & Materials
·    Machinery, Processes & Composites

The conference program includes plenary lectures and themed sessions in the areas of
·    Sustainability in the textile industry
·    Future of textile production
·    Textiles for medicine and health
·    Smart textiles & fashion
·    Historic textiles
·    Technology transfer (IGF-ZIM projects)
·    Textile developments by start-ups

The Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022 as face-to-face event takes place on-site in Aachen on December 1-2, 2022.

There is the opportunity to contribute to the conference program and submit an abstract for a talk or poster presentation. The Call for Abstracts for oral presentations ends on May 6, 2022. The Call for Abstracts for poster contributions is open until July 31, 2022.

The ADD-ITC is a conference for experts from the fields of
·    Textile chemistry, finishing & functionalization
·    Synthetic Fibers & Materials
·    Machinery, Processes & Composites

The conference program includes plenary lectures and themed sessions in the areas of
·    Sustainability in the textile industry
·    Future of textile production
·    Textiles for medicine and health
·    Smart textiles & fashion
·    Historic textiles
·    Technology transfer (IGF-ZIM projects)
·    Textile developments by start-ups

Further information about the conference program, plenary and keynote speakers as well as the call for abstracts are online availabel.


Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference