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Cavitec: Technology for breathable laminates at Techtextil 2024 (c) Cavitec, Santex Rimar Group

Cavitec: Technology for breathable laminates at Techtextil 2024

Cavitec, part of Santex Rimar Group, presents the redesigned Caviscreen at Techtextil Frankfurt. Caviscreen features latest technology for breathable laminates.

Caviscreen was developed as a hotmelt coating and laminating unit for breathable sportswear, rainwear and protective clothing – with and without applying a membrane. The redesigned machine shows a brand-new method to supply adhesive more evenly and precisely. Using PUR adhesive (polyurethane reactive adhesive) goes with additional benefits like strong bonding capabilities and versatility.

Caviscreen’s hotmelt screen printing is a special system for high-end application garments. With this Caviscreen system, a PUR adhesive is transferred onto the substrate through a rotary screen, similar to the well-established textile printing method. The adhesives are fed from the drum melter through a heated hose to the traversing adhesive distribution system inside the rotary screen, just behind the doctor blade.

Cavitec, part of Santex Rimar Group, presents the redesigned Caviscreen at Techtextil Frankfurt. Caviscreen features latest technology for breathable laminates.

Caviscreen was developed as a hotmelt coating and laminating unit for breathable sportswear, rainwear and protective clothing – with and without applying a membrane. The redesigned machine shows a brand-new method to supply adhesive more evenly and precisely. Using PUR adhesive (polyurethane reactive adhesive) goes with additional benefits like strong bonding capabilities and versatility.

Caviscreen’s hotmelt screen printing is a special system for high-end application garments. With this Caviscreen system, a PUR adhesive is transferred onto the substrate through a rotary screen, similar to the well-established textile printing method. The adhesives are fed from the drum melter through a heated hose to the traversing adhesive distribution system inside the rotary screen, just behind the doctor blade.

The adhesive is pressed by the doctor blade through the screen holes and transferred to the substrate. Different dot pattern (mesh or irregularly) and different screen thicknesses allow different coating weight and adhesive coverages.

The traversing adhesive dispenser is used to distribute the adhesive automatically over the set working width that – an additional technical benefit – can be set without any mechanical changes.

Cavitec’s screen coating system achieves high bonding strength while using less adhesive than other coating processes, because of applying the coating on the surface of the substrate and like this, the adhesive has less tendency to penetrate the substrate.

Bonding strength, softness of the fabric and the breathability are defined by the coating weight and the coverage. The rotary screen allows users to regulate and adapt the coverage respectively the coating weight. Cavitec offers a large selection of screens that are essential to fulfil the fabric requirements. A further advantage is the ease and efficiency of switching from one screen to another by simply unlocking the bayonet fitting. The IR-heater cover opens pneumatically and the lightweight screen can be easily removed by hand. Unlike with other methods, there's no need to deal with hot oil or any other heated liquid that requires cooling down.

The Caviscreen technology supports manufacturers by reducing costs with screens priced at a mere fraction, just 10%, of common gravure roller prices.



Aepli Communication GmbH

Windenergie Grafik Gerd Altmann; Pixabay

17. World Pultrusion Conference 2024: Deutlich niedrigere Marktdynamik in Europa

Knapp 150 Teilnehmende trafen sich auf der zweitägigen World Pultrusion Conference (WPC) in Hamburg, um sich in 25 Fachvorträgen über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Innova-tionen zu informieren. Organisiert wird die im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindende Veranstaltung von der AVK für die European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) in Zu-sammenarbeit mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

Momentan dominiert auf den Märkten der Branche in Deutschland und Europa eine eher negative Stimmung. Das europäische Composites-Produktionsvolumen war bereits in den vergangenen Jahren rückläufig. 2022 gab es einen Rückgang des europäischen Produktionsvolumens bei Composites um 9 %. Für 2023 muss nun erneut ein Rückgang von 8 % des Gesamtmarktes für Composites in Europa festgestellt werden. Der Weltmarkt für Composites hat sich demgegenüber im vergangenen Jahr positiv entwickelt und weist für 2023 bei einem Wachstum von etwa 5 % ein Gesamtvolumen von 13 Millionen Tonnen auf. Insgesamt war die Marktdynamik in Europa deutlich niedriger als weltweit. Der Marktanteil von Europa am Weltmarkt sinkt auf etwa 20 %.

Knapp 150 Teilnehmende trafen sich auf der zweitägigen World Pultrusion Conference (WPC) in Hamburg, um sich in 25 Fachvorträgen über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Innova-tionen zu informieren. Organisiert wird die im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindende Veranstaltung von der AVK für die European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) in Zu-sammenarbeit mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

Momentan dominiert auf den Märkten der Branche in Deutschland und Europa eine eher negative Stimmung. Das europäische Composites-Produktionsvolumen war bereits in den vergangenen Jahren rückläufig. 2022 gab es einen Rückgang des europäischen Produktionsvolumens bei Composites um 9 %. Für 2023 muss nun erneut ein Rückgang von 8 % des Gesamtmarktes für Composites in Europa festgestellt werden. Der Weltmarkt für Composites hat sich demgegenüber im vergangenen Jahr positiv entwickelt und weist für 2023 bei einem Wachstum von etwa 5 % ein Gesamtvolumen von 13 Millionen Tonnen auf. Insgesamt war die Marktdynamik in Europa deutlich niedriger als weltweit. Der Marktanteil von Europa am Weltmarkt sinkt auf etwa 20 %.

Die Gründe sind vielfältig: Haupttreiber dürften die nach wie vor hohen Energie- und Roh-stoffpreise sein. Hinzu kommen weiterhin Probleme in einzelnen Bereichen der Logistik-ketten, beispielsweise auf einzelnen Handels-/Containerrouten sowie ein zurückhaltendes Konsumklima. Eine Verlangsamung des Welthandels und Unsicherheiten im politischen Bereich befeuern derzeit die negative Stimmung im Markt.

Die zwei zentralen Anwendungsbereiche sowohl für die Composites-Industrie generell, aber auch die Pultrusions-Industrie im Speziellen, sind der Bau-/Infrastrukturbereich und der Mobilitätssektor. Die Bauindustrie als zentraler Anwendungsbereich steckt aktuell in einer Krise: Noch sind die Auftragsbücher gut gefüllt, doch Neuaufträge bleiben vielfach aus. Hohe Zinsen und Materialkosten bei hohen Lebenshaltungskosten belasten vor allem den privaten Bau stark. Aber auch der öffentliche Bau kann die selbst gesteckten Ziele momentan nicht erreichen. Laut dem ZDB (Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe) bleiben die Prognosen in diesem wichtigen Bereich düster: „Der Rückgang der Baukonjunktur setzt sich weiter fort. Der Umsatz wird in diesem Jahr real um 5,3 % zurückgehen und im kom-menden Jahr gehen wir von weiteren minus 3 % aus. Verantwortlich für das Minus bleibt der Wohnungsbau, der in diesem Jahr real um 11 % einbricht und 2024 mit -13 % seinen Sinkflug fortsetzt.“ Trotz steigender Zulassungszahlen ist auch die Automobilindustrie als wichtigster Anwendungsbereich für Composites noch nicht auf ihr altes Volumen von vor 2020 zurückgekehrt. Derzeit scheint es nicht zu gelingen, mit politischen Maßnahmen ein für die Industrie positiveres Umfeld zu schaffen.

Nachhaltigkeit wird zunehmend zu einem zentralen Thema der Industrie. In zwei Vorträgen des Europäischen Fachverbandes der Composites verarbeitenden Industrie (EuCIA) und des Amerikanischen Fachverbandes der Composites Industrie (ACMA) wurden Fortschritte und das politische Grundgerüst in den jeweiligen Regionen erläutert. Beide Vorträge kamen zu dem Schluss, dass der Handlungsdruck auf alle Akteure innerhalb der Industriezweige in den kommenden Jahren steigen wird. Composites verfügen über ausgezeichnete Eigenschaften in diesem Bereich, in den letzten Jahren wurden bereits viele Fortschritte hinsichtlich der Datenerfassung und auch im Bereich der Standardisierung erzielt. Diese gilt es zunehmend herauszuarbeiten und auch gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit zu betonen. Über entsprechende politische und normative Aktivitäten werden beide Fachverbände das Thema weitertragen und versuchen, die Industrie bei der praktischen Umsetzung zu unterstützen.


KARL MAYER GROUP at SaigonTex 2024

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

"Vietnam is a growing market for textile production, which is gaining importance especially for major international sports brands," says Eddy Ho, Senior Sales Manager at KARL MAYER.
The sales professional expects a large number of visitors, especially from Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. SaigonTex is one of the most important textile machinery exhibitions in East Asia, located in close proximity to production centres. Vietnam is, in turn, the second most important market for the KARL MAYER GROUP after China. It benefits from increasing foreign direct investments in textile production from China, Taiwan, and South Korea.



Seite 4 von 5 Schematische Darstellung der von Kelheim und Gebr. Otto entwickelten Periodenunterwäsche. Grafik Kelheim Fibres
Seite 4 von 5 Schematische Darstellung der von Kelheim und Gebr. Otto entwickelten Periodenunterwäsche.

Techtextil: Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto präsentieren nachhaltige Periodenunterwäsche

Zur Techtextil, die Ende April 2024 in Frankfurt stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto ihr gemeinsames Konzept präsentieren, das Periodenunterwäsche nachhaltiger und leistungsfähiger macht. Auf dem BW-i-Gemeinschaftsstand bzw. auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand des IVGT zeigen die Innovationspartner ihre Lösung einer Periodenunterwäsche aus biobasierten Materialien, die sich durch Performancewerte hervorsticht. Die verschiedenen Viskosespezialfasern, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen, stammen von Kelheim. In der jeweils passenden Zusammensetzung verspinnt sie Gebr. Otto.

Zur Techtextil, die Ende April 2024 in Frankfurt stattfindet, werden die Unternehmen Kelheim Fibres und Gebr. Otto ihr gemeinsames Konzept präsentieren, das Periodenunterwäsche nachhaltiger und leistungsfähiger macht. Auf dem BW-i-Gemeinschaftsstand bzw. auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand des IVGT zeigen die Innovationspartner ihre Lösung einer Periodenunterwäsche aus biobasierten Materialien, die sich durch Performancewerte hervorsticht. Die verschiedenen Viskosespezialfasern, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen, stammen von Kelheim. In der jeweils passenden Zusammensetzung verspinnt sie Gebr. Otto.

Rund 15.000 Produkte zur Monatshygiene verbraucht eine Frau durchschnittlich in ihrem Leben. Dabei handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Einwegprodukte, durch die viele Tonnen Müll entstehen, und deren Plastikkomponenten bis zu 500 Jahre brauchen, bis sie – nachdem sie in immer kleinere und kleinste Teile zerfallen sind - abgebaut sind. Produkte zur weiblichen Monatshygiene, Einweg- wie Mehrwegprodukte, nachhaltiger zu gestalten, ist seit einigen Jahren Trend. In diese Kategorie gehören nicht nur biologisch abbaubare Einwegprodukte, sondern auch waschbare Periodenslips, die etablierte Wäschehersteller ebenso wie Start-ups anbieten.

Die Periodenunterwäsche ist aus mehreren Lagen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen aufgebaut –das Topsheet muss Flüssigkeit schnell aufnehmen und vom Körper wegleiten, die anschließende Verteilerschicht (Acquisition-Distribution-Layer, ADL) sorgt für eine zügige und ideale Verteilung der Flüssigkeit im Saugkörper. Dieser schließt die Flüssigkeit ein und hält sie in seinem Inneren fest und verhindert so ein mögliches Rücknässen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Prototyp, der bei Schnelligkeit und Kapazität der Flüssigkeitsaufnahme sowie Rücknässung deutlich bessere Werte erzielt als handelsübliche Lösungen.


Kelheim Fibres


BVMed-Positionspapier zur Europawahl

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seinem Positionspapier zur Europawahl am 9. Juni 2024 einen eigenen Gesundheitsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament, um den gestiegenen Stellenwert der Gesundheitsthemen abzubilden. Unter dem Titel „Medizintechnik-Standort Europa stärken“ ist es für den deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband besonders wichtig, dass Europa Lehren aus der Corona-Pandemie zieht, die Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems stärkt und damit die medizinische Versorgung krisenfest gestaltet. „Wir brauchen als MedTech-Branche vor allem einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen – ohne zusätzliche oder gar weitergehende Standards in den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in seinem Positionspapier zur Europawahl am 9. Juni 2024 einen eigenen Gesundheitsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament, um den gestiegenen Stellenwert der Gesundheitsthemen abzubilden. Unter dem Titel „Medizintechnik-Standort Europa stärken“ ist es für den deutschen Medizintechnik-Verband besonders wichtig, dass Europa Lehren aus der Corona-Pandemie zieht, die Resilienz des Gesundheitssystems stärkt und damit die medizinische Versorgung krisenfest gestaltet. „Wir brauchen als MedTech-Branche vor allem einen einheitlichen regulatorischen Rahmen – ohne zusätzliche oder gar weitergehende Standards in den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Um ein widerstandsfähiges Gesundheitssystem zu schaffen, fordert der BVMed attraktive Rahmenbedingungen für lokale Produktion und die Stärkung der Resilienz der Lieferketten. Eine „digitale Bestandsplattform für versorgungskritische Medizinprodukte und Arzneimittel“ könne zudem dazu beitragen, dass kritische Produkte uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung stehen. Sinnvoll sei auch eine „Whitelist für kritische Rohstoffe unter dem Critical Raw Materials Act“. Bei der Erarbeitung von politischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz und Integrität von Lieferketten müssen alle relevanten Stakeholder einbezogen werden – „inklusive der Medizintechnikbranche“, heißt es im BVMed-Europapapier.

Beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit spricht sich der MedTech-Verband dafür aus, die Vorgaben des europäischen Green Deals am Wohl der Patient:innen auszurichten. „Neue oder geänderte Regulierungen dürfen niemals die Versorgung von Patient:innen gefährden“, heißt es im Positionspapier. Da Produktänderungen zeit- und ressourcenintensiv sowie in der EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) streng reguliert seien, benötigen umwelt- und nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Regulierungen, die Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheitsversorgung haben, angemessene Ausnahmeregelungen und Übergangsfristen.

Ein wichtiges Anliegen sind dem BVMed die Verbesserungen der MDR, um einen effizienten regulatorischen Rahmen für Medizinprodukte zu schaffen, der die Patient:innenversorgung gewährleistet. Der BVMed fordert daher unter anderem die Abschaffung der fünfjährigen Re-Zertifizierungs-Pflicht, die Einführung eines Fast-Track-Verfahrens für innovative Produkte, Orphan Devices und Nischenprodukte, die Steigerung der Effizienz, der Transparenz und der Berechenbarkeit des MDR-Systems sowie die Zusammenführung der Verantwortung im System über eine zu schaffende Governance-Struktur. Doppelregulierungen müssten durch die Harmonisierung der Anforderungen in verschiedenen Rechtsakten verhindert werden.

Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Positionen des deutschen MedTech-Verbandes ist es, Innovationen voranzutreiben und Digitalisierung zu forcieren. Der Europäische Raum für Gesundheitsdaten (EHDS) lege die Grundlage für den Datenaustausch und die Datennutzung für Unternehmen. Der Artificial Intelligence Act (AI-Act) solle bessere Möglichkeiten für die KI-Entwicklung schaffen, bringe aber auch neue Pflichten für Medizinprodukte mit sich, die effizient mit der bestehenden MDR in Einklang gebracht werden müssten. Der BVMed setzt sich für die Schaffung eines echten Binnenmarkts für digitale Gesundheitslösungen mit europaweiten Zulassungen und einheitlichen Standards für Datensicherheit aus. Der EHDS müsse allen Stakeholdern einen gleichberechtigten mit geringem bürokratischem Aufwand bieten. Außerdem müsste die Interoperabilität von Daten auf der Grundlage von international anerkannten Standards ausgebaut werden – „bei weitgehendem Verzicht auf nationale Besonderheiten bei Datenstandards“.

Schließlich sei es auf europäischer Ebene wichtig, Handel auszubauen, Fachkräfte zu sichern und Exporte zu stärken. Tendenzen der Renationalisierung und des Protektionismus erschwerten Europa die Handelsbeziehungen mit Drittstaaten und sorgen für erhebliche Marktzugangshürden. „Eine offene Handelspolitik ist jedoch für die exportstarke Medizintechnik-Branche ein entscheidender Faktor. Damit die Industrie so stark bleibt, bedarf es zudem der Sicherung des nötigen Fachkräftebedarfes“, heißt es in dem BVMed-Papier.



Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) TMAS

TMAS: Microfactory for filter bags in Sweden

ACG Kinna Automatic and ACG Nyström – members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – have delivered the first microfactory for the production of fully finished filter bags to an international filtration industry customer, in cooperation with JUKI Central Europe.

The microfactory’s configuration is based on two separate interconnecting modules – the Smart Filter Line (SFL) and the Filtermaster 2.0. The SFL handles the fabric feeding from rolls and its folding prior to seam construction, which can either be by automatic sewing, welding or with sewing and taping, depending on specifications. Very rapid changeover of the modular seaming methods can be achieved during product changes. The specific size of the now fully-tubular fabric is then precisely cut to size for each individual unit and further folded ready to be fed into the Filtermaster 2.0. The Filtermaster 2.0 then automatically attaches the reinforcement, bottom and snap rings onto the filter tube with a second Juki sewing head on a robotic arm, to form the fully finished filter bag ready for packaging.

ACG Kinna Automatic and ACG Nyström – members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – have delivered the first microfactory for the production of fully finished filter bags to an international filtration industry customer, in cooperation with JUKI Central Europe.

The microfactory’s configuration is based on two separate interconnecting modules – the Smart Filter Line (SFL) and the Filtermaster 2.0. The SFL handles the fabric feeding from rolls and its folding prior to seam construction, which can either be by automatic sewing, welding or with sewing and taping, depending on specifications. Very rapid changeover of the modular seaming methods can be achieved during product changes. The specific size of the now fully-tubular fabric is then precisely cut to size for each individual unit and further folded ready to be fed into the Filtermaster 2.0. The Filtermaster 2.0 then automatically attaches the reinforcement, bottom and snap rings onto the filter tube with a second Juki sewing head on a robotic arm, to form the fully finished filter bag ready for packaging.

Filter bags are employed in a wide range of industrial processes and while they may be largely under the radar as products, they represent a pretty significant percentage of overall technical textiles production.
They are used in foundries, smelters, incinerators, asphalt plants and energy production plants. Other key manufacturing fields – often where dust is generated – include the production of timber, textiles, composites, waste handling and minerals, in addition to chemicals, food production, pharmaceuticals, electronics and agriculture.

As a further example of the scale of the industry and the high volumes of fabrics involved, one supplier has delivered a single order of 30,000 filter bags to be used for flue gas cleaning at a European power plant. The bags can also be anywhere up to twelve metres in length and frequently have to be replaced.


Textile Machinery Association of Sweden

Lenzing: Sustainable geotextiles as glacier protection and jacket (c) UN Nations

Lenzing: Sustainable geotextiles as glacier protection and jacket

The Lenzing Group has created an innovative concept that contributes to the sustainable protection of our glaciers while inspiring collective action for sustainable practices and a circular economy in the nonwovens and textile value chain. The concept, which was artistically staged by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, was presented on March 21, 2024, as part of the International Day of Forests celebrations at the Palais des Nations, the headquarters of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

The melting of glaciers is being severely impacted by global warming. Geotextiles are used to protect ice and snow. However, the nonwovens used for this are made of fossil-based fibers, which allow microplastics1 to enter the valley via streams and may enter the food chain through small organisms and animals. Nonwovens made from cellulosic LENZING™ fibers, which are biodegradable at the end of their life cycle and can be completely recycled, are the sustainable solution to this problem.

The Lenzing Group has created an innovative concept that contributes to the sustainable protection of our glaciers while inspiring collective action for sustainable practices and a circular economy in the nonwovens and textile value chain. The concept, which was artistically staged by the Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, was presented on March 21, 2024, as part of the International Day of Forests celebrations at the Palais des Nations, the headquarters of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

The melting of glaciers is being severely impacted by global warming. Geotextiles are used to protect ice and snow. However, the nonwovens used for this are made of fossil-based fibers, which allow microplastics1 to enter the valley via streams and may enter the food chain through small organisms and animals. Nonwovens made from cellulosic LENZING™ fibers, which are biodegradable at the end of their life cycle and can be completely recycled, are the sustainable solution to this problem.

The covering of a small area with the new material made from LENZING™ fibers was tested for the first time during a field test on the Stubai Glacier. Four meters of ice were saved from melting. This was confirmed in a study conducted by the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian glacier lift operators on the Stubai Glacier in Tyrol (Austria). In 2023, the pilot project was successfully extended to all Austrian glaciers used by tourists.

Last year, the project was also awarded first place in the prestigious Swiss BIO TOP Awards for wood and material innovations.

Lenzing takes this innovation project as an opportunity to inspire collaborative action towards sustainable practices and circularity in the textile value chain. Together with a network of innovative partners, Lenzing is working on processing geotextiles into new textile fibers giving them a second life as a garment. The use of geotextiles is usually limited to two years, after which the nonwovens would be disposed of. In the first phase of the pilot project, the recycling of nonwovens made for geotextiles use has been successfully tested and a fashionable “Glacier Jacket” has been produced, showcasing that the recycling of geotextiles is viable. Next to Lenzing, the network includes Marchi & Fildi Spa, a specialist in the field of mechanical recycling, the denim fabric manufacturer Candiani Denim and the fashion studio Blue of a Kind.

Robot system (c) STFI

STFI: Highlights of textile research at Techtextil 2024

STFI will be presenting high-end textile products and solutions at Techtextil 2024. The highlights from current research results and innovations provide an insight into the digitalisation of textile production, show applications for 3D printing and smart technical textiles and provide examples of particularly sustainably designed products as well as innovative approaches for protective and medical textiles.

The central highlight of STFI's presence at Techtextil is a robot system that demonstrates the automated processing of a bobbin frame on a small scale. The pick-and-place application demonstrates camera-supported gripping of the bobbins. The robot is part of the STFI's “Textile Factory of the Future” which demonstrates automation solutions for the textile industry in a laboratory environment.

STFI will be presenting high-end textile products and solutions at Techtextil 2024. The highlights from current research results and innovations provide an insight into the digitalisation of textile production, show applications for 3D printing and smart technical textiles and provide examples of particularly sustainably designed products as well as innovative approaches for protective and medical textiles.

The central highlight of STFI's presence at Techtextil is a robot system that demonstrates the automated processing of a bobbin frame on a small scale. The pick-and-place application demonstrates camera-supported gripping of the bobbins. The robot is part of the STFI's “Textile Factory of the Future” which demonstrates automation solutions for the textile industry in a laboratory environment.

From the field of sustainable products and solutions, a sleeping bag with bio-based and therefore vegan filling material and a natural fibre-based composite element for furniture construction, in which LEDs and capacitive proximity sensors for contactless function control have been applied using embroidery technology, will be on show. Printed heating conductor structures demonstrate current research work for the e-mobility of the future, as the individually controllable seat and interior heating should ultimately reduce weight and save energy compared to conventional heating systems.

While a protective suit for special task forces protects against the dangers of a Molotov cocktail attack, a shin guard and a knee brace with patellar ring illustrate the process combination of 3D printing and UV LED cross-linking. Other highlights from lightweight textile construction include the rib of a vertical rudder of an Airbus A320 and a green snowboard made from recycled carbon fibres.

More information:
STFI Techtextil Smart textiles

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Messestand Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Jean-Luc Valentin

Neues Techtextil Areal Nature Performance

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

In allen Anwendungsfeldern technischer Textilien und textiler Technologien gewinnt der Aspekt Nachhaltigkeit wachsende Bedeutung. Anlass für die internationale Leitmesse Techtextil für ihre Veranstaltung im April 2024 darauf einen besonderen Fokus zu setzen.

Ob biobasierte, recycelte oder abbaubare Materialien, Kreislaufwirtschaft oder regeneratives Design: Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Textilindustrie schreitet zügig voran. Nachhaltige Produkte und Verfahren stehen heute in der Performance ihren herkömmlichen Konkurrenten in nichts nach und rechnen sich zunehmend auch ökonomisch. Mehr als 15 Prozent der Aussteller auf der Techtextil haben bereits natürliche Fasern und Materialien in ihrem Sortiment.
Auf dem Areal „Nature Performance“ in der Halle 9.1, Produktsegment Fibres & Yarns, präsentieren die teilnehmenden Aussteller alternative, recyclingfähige und nachhaltige Materialien, die über zukunftsfähige funktionale Eigenschaften verfügen. Das Spektrum reicht von Naturfasern und -Materialien bis zu biobasierten Fasern und Materialien. Im Zentrum der Ausstellerpräsentationen steht deren Performance für die verschiedensten Anwendungsbereiche von der Architektur, Bau, Mobilität und Medizin bis zur Bekleidungsindustrie.

Das Areal Nature Performance ist Teil des Econogy Angebots, das die Messe Frankfurt für ihre weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen eingeführt hat. Das neue Label fasst die zahlreichen Netzwerk- und Informationsformate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zusammen und schafft Transparenz durch einheitliche Bewertungskriterien. Der Begriff Econogy steht für die untrennbare Verbindung zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie und gibt damit die Ausrichtung des zukunftsweisenden Leitthemas an.


Messe Frankfurt

Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich Photo: DITF
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich.

Markus Milwich represents "Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg"

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

The use of lightweight materials in combination with new production technologies will significantly reduce energy consumption in transportation, the manufacturing industry and the construction sector. Resources can be saved through the use of new materials. As a cross-functional technology, lightweight construction covers entire value chain from production and use to recycling and reuse.

The aim of the state government is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a leading provider of innovative lightweight construction technologies in order to strengthen the local economy and secure high-quality jobs.

Among others, the "Lightweight Construction Alliance Baden-Württemberg" will continue the nationally renowned "Lightweight Construction Day", which acts as an important source of inspiration for a wide range of lightweight construction topics among business and scientific community.

Professor Milwich, an expert with many years of experience and an excellent network beyond the State's borders, has been recruited for this task. In his role, Milwich also represents the state of Baden-Württemberg on the Strategy Advisory Board of the Lightweight Construction Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, which supports the cross functional-technology and efficient transfer of knowledge between the various nationwide players in lightweight construction and serves as a central point of contact for entrepreneurs nationwide for all relevant questions.

From 2005 to 2020, Professor Milwich headed the Composite Technology research at the DITF, which was integrated into the Competence Center Polymers and Fiber Composites in 2020. He is also an honorary professor at Reutlingen University, where he teaches hybrid materials and composites. "Lightweight design is an essential aspect for sustainability, environmental and resource conservation. I always showcase this in research and teaching and now also as a representative of the lightweight construction community in Baden-Württemberg," emphasizes Professor Milwich.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung


TMAS: Digitised solutions at Techtextil and Texprocess

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Bespoke seams
Svegea will demonstrate its EC 300-XS colarette technology, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements.

The EC 300-XS collarette cutter on show in Frankfurt is equipped with the latest E-Drive II system providing the operator with a very user-friendly touchscreen, providing full control of the cutting process. An accompanying FA 350 fully automatic roll slitting machine will also be demonstrated.

Digital finishing
At Techtextil meanwhile, Baldwin Technology Co. will provide full details of how its highly digitised TexCoat G4 non-contact spray technology for textile finishing and remoistening not only reduces water, chemicals and energy consumption, but also provides the flexibility to adapt to customer requirements in terms of single and double-sided finishing applications.

TexCoat G4 can reduce water consumption and chemical usage by as much as 50% compared to traditional padding application processes.

Yarn tension
Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, Eltex will display the latest Eltex EyETM system for the continuous monitoring of yarn tension on warp beams.

The Eltex EyETM eliminates problems when warping, and also in subsequent weaving or tufting processes, monitoring the yarn tension on all positions in real-time and enabling a minimum and maximum allowable tension value it be set. If any yarn’s tension falls outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine stopped.

The Eltex ACT and ACT-R units meanwhile go beyond yarn tension monitoring to actually control yarn tension. This extends the application range greatly. The plug and play system automatically compensates for any differences in yarn tension that arise, for example from irregularities in yarn packages.

Accumulated know-how
Vandewiele Sweden AB benefits from all of the synergies and accumulated know-how of Vandewiele Group, supplying weft yarn feeding and tension control units for weaving looms to the majority of weaving machine manufacturers. It also retrofits its latest technologies to working mills to enable instant benefits in terms of productivity and control.

The company will present its latest X4 yarn feeders with integrated accessory displays (TED) as a new standard, as well as launching its own e-commerce platform –

The TED function enables weft tension settings to be transferred from one machine to another, enabling a fast start-up the next time the same article is woven. The position of the S-Flex Tensioner is constantly monitored by an internal sensor – even if adjustment is made during power off.

X4 feeders are also available with integrated active tension control (ATC-W) as an option. With the ATC-W active tension control, the required tension is easily set and monitored on the integrated display. Once set, the system constantly regulates itself, ensuring consistent yarn tension during the weaving process which is constantly and accurately measured by the ATC sensor unit, sending a signal to the ATC operator unit resulting in consistently stable yarn tension at the required level.


TMAS - Swedish textile machinery association

Freudenberg showcases sustainable solutions at Techtextil 2024 (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials
Freudenberg´s sustainable carrier material for green roofs on urban buildings is made from renewable resources

Freudenberg showcases sustainable solutions at Techtextil 2024

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is showcasing solutions for the automotive, building, apparel, filtration and packaging industries at this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main from April 23 – 26.

Sustainable nonwoven for car seats
One innovation highlight at Techtextil is a novel Polyester nonwoven material for car seat padding. Also available as a nonwoven composite with PU foam, it is not only easier for car seat manufacturers to handle during the mounting process, but also ensures better dimensional stability as well as providing soft and flexible padding. It has a minimum 25 percent recycled content, for example, by reusing nonwoven clippings and waste, and is fully recyclable. Full supply chain transparency enables customers to trace and verify the content of the nonwoven and thus ensures a responsible production process. The Freudenberg experts will also be presenting several other nonwoven solutions made of up to 80 percent recycled materials that can be used in car seat manufacturing.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is showcasing solutions for the automotive, building, apparel, filtration and packaging industries at this year’s Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main from April 23 – 26.

Sustainable nonwoven for car seats
One innovation highlight at Techtextil is a novel Polyester nonwoven material for car seat padding. Also available as a nonwoven composite with PU foam, it is not only easier for car seat manufacturers to handle during the mounting process, but also ensures better dimensional stability as well as providing soft and flexible padding. It has a minimum 25 percent recycled content, for example, by reusing nonwoven clippings and waste, and is fully recyclable. Full supply chain transparency enables customers to trace and verify the content of the nonwoven and thus ensures a responsible production process. The Freudenberg experts will also be presenting several other nonwoven solutions made of up to 80 percent recycled materials that can be used in car seat manufacturing.

Biocarrier for green roofs
Freudenberg is showcasing a sustainable carrier material for green roofs on urban buildings at the trade fair. The carrier is made from polylactide, i.e. from renewable resources. When filled with soil, it provides a strong foothold to root systems, enabling the growth of lightweight sedum blankets that can be rolled out to provide instant green roofs. These roofs not only help counter urban heat, they also improve stormwater management and regulate indoor temperatures.

From textile waste to padding
The company extended its circular thermal wadding product range with the release of comfortemp® HO 80xR circular, a wadding made from 70 percent recycled polyamide from discarded fishing nets, carpet flooring and industrial plastic. Because polyamide 6, also known as nylon, retains its performance characteristics after multiple recycling processes, the fibers can be used again and again to manufacture performance sporting apparel, leisurewear and luxury garments.

Packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits
Freudenberg is also showcasing products for sustainable packaging and filtration solutions. The long-lasting Evolon® technical packaging series is a substitute for disposable packaging used in the transport of sensitive industrial items such as automotive parts. The material is made from up to 85 percent recycled PET. A further highlight at Techtextil are Freudenberg’s fully bio-based solutions for manufacturing dessicant bags. The binder-free material based on bio-fibers is also industrially compostable.
In addition, the experts will be giving trade fair visitors an insight into Freudenberg’s filtration portfolio.


Freudenberg Performance Materials

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

The MJ 52/1 S is also an extremely flexible project machine. The 138″ model in gauge E 28 produces a wide range of warp-knitted fabrics and incorporates conductive material directly into the textile surface - exactly where it is needed and with the structure that is required. The basis for the tailor-made fiber placement is KARL MAYER's string bar technology. The system for controlling the pattern guide bars ensures a fast, established textile production process and a high degree of pattern freedom.



Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents spray finishing system at Techtexil

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

Baldwin Technology Co. will join Elmatex GmbH at Techtexil (April 23-26 in Frankfurt, Germany) to demonstrate its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system.

With Baldwin’s system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates. Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry.
Furthermore, the system offers automated speed tracking, fabric-width compensation, and real-time monitoring to track system uptime, performance and chemistry usage, as well as active care alerts.
In addition, the TexCoat™ G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water repellents, softeners, antimicrobials, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, and no special auxiliaries are required. The recipe is adjusted by increasing the concentration and reducing the pickup by a corresponding amount, so that the same level of solids is applied.
Some applications, such as durable water repellents, are only applied on the face of the fabric, instead of the traditional method of saturation through dipping and squeezing. Drier fabric entering the stenter means lower drying temperatures and faster process speeds. Single-side applications also open up the opportunity to process back-coated or laminated fabrics in a single pass of the stenter, instead of two passes.

Composites production volume in Europe since 2011 (in kt) Graphik AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.
Composites production volume in Europe since 2011 (in kt)

European composites market on the level of 2014

After a long phase of continuous growth, the composites market has seen strong fluctuations since 2018. In 2023, the overall market for composites in Europe fell by 8%.

The current mood on the markets in Germany and Europe is rather negative within the industry. The main drivers are the persistently high energy and raw material prices. Added to this are problems in logistics chains and a cautious consumer climate. A slowdown in global trade and uncertainties in the political arena are fueling the negative sentiment. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important application area for composites, has not yet returned to its pre-2020 volume. The construction industry, the second key application area, is currently in crisis. These factors have already caused the Eu-ropean composites production volume to fall significantly in recent years. There has now been another decline in Europe for 2023.

After a long phase of continuous growth, the composites market has seen strong fluctuations since 2018. In 2023, the overall market for composites in Europe fell by 8%.

The current mood on the markets in Germany and Europe is rather negative within the industry. The main drivers are the persistently high energy and raw material prices. Added to this are problems in logistics chains and a cautious consumer climate. A slowdown in global trade and uncertainties in the political arena are fueling the negative sentiment. Despite rising registration figures, the automotive industry, the most important application area for composites, has not yet returned to its pre-2020 volume. The construction industry, the second key application area, is currently in crisis. These factors have already caused the Eu-ropean composites production volume to fall significantly in recent years. There has now been another decline in Europe for 2023.

Overall development of the composites market
The volume of the global composites market totalled 13 million tons in 2023. Compared to 2022, with a volume of 12.3 million tons, growth was around 5%. In comparison, the European composites production volume fell by 8% in 2023. The total European composites market thus comprises a volume of 2,559 kilotons (kt) after 2,781 kt in 2022.

The market is therefore declining and falling back to the level of 2014. Overall, market momentum in Europe was lower than in the global market. Europe's share of the global market is now around 20%.

As in previous years, development within Europe is not uniform. The differences are due to very different regional core markets, the high variability of the materi-als used, a wide range of different manufacturing processes and widely differing areas of application. Accordingly, there are different regional trends, especially with regard to the individual processes, although there were declines in all re-gions and for almost all processes in 2023. At almost 50% of the market volume, the transportation sector accounts for the largest share of total composites pro-duction in terms of volume. The next two largest areas are the electri-cal/electronics sector and applications in construction and infrastructure.

The entire market report 2023 is available for download:

Junge Fachkräfte (c) Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Techtextil und Texprocess für junge Fachkräfte und Studierende

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Eine Chance für Young Professionals und angehende Fachkräfte, sich mit innovativen Unternehmen entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen, bieten die Techtextil und Texprocess. Die international führenden Innovationsmessen, die vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 in Frankfurt am Main parallel zueinander stattfinden, halten für Studierende und Berufsanfänger*innen zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten und Wissensformate bereit.

Die Techtextil gibt einen gebündelten Überblick über die globale Innovationskraft technischer Textilien und Vliesstoffe und macht deren vielfältige Anwendungsbereiche sichtbar - von Automobil bis Bau, Fashion und Medizin. Gleichzeitig agiert die Texprocess als internationale Plattform neuester Maschinen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung und textilen Materialien und präsentiert Lösungen von Nähtechnik bis hin zu Cutting-Technologien.

Für Young Professionals bedeutet dies zahlreiche Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten. Techtextil und Texprocess halten eine Vielzahl an Wissens- und Networking-Formaten bereit – darunter zahlreiche Präsentationen von Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten und Start-ups, die gezielt Berufseinsteiger*innen und interessierte Fachkräfte ansprechen. Darüber hinaus stehen am Messefreitag die Vortragsformate Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum im Zeichen der nächsten Generation.

„Nachwuchsförderung nimmt einen starken Fokus auf der Techtextil und Texprocess ein. Wir arbeiten sehr eng mit Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Newcomern der Branche zusammen. Die aktuelle Dringlichkeit der Textilbranche, neue Fachkräfte zu gewinnen, verleiht unserem Ansatz noch mal mehr Relevanz“, sagt Sabine Scharrer, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing. „Als Teil des Konzeptes werden ausgewählte Hochschulen zu den Veranstaltungen eingeladen. Schon jetzt haben viele renommierte Institute zugesagt, die Messen mit Studierenden entsprechender Fachrichtungen zu besuchen und die Innovationskraft der Branche gebündelt live zu erleben“, berichtet Sabine Scharrer.

Campus & Research: neueste Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Auf den Arealen Campus & Research in den Hallen 12.1 sowie 8.0 präsentieren internationale Hochschulen, Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen sowohl ihre Forschungskompetenz als auch ihr vielfältiges Angebot an Studien- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf Textil und Technologien zur Herstellung und zur Be- und Verarbeitung von Textilien.
Techtextil und Texprocess finden vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände statt.


Messe Frankfurt

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024 (c) FUSE GmbH

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

The STOLL Business Unit will be focussing on thermoplastic materials. Several knit to shape parts with a textile outer surface and a hardened inner surface will be on display. The double-face products can be made from different types of yarn and do not need to be back-moulded for use as side door panels or housing shells, for example. In addition, the ready-to-use design saves on waste and yarn material.

DITF: Biopolymers from bacteria protect technical textiles Photo: DITF
Charging a doctor blade with molten PHA using a hot-melt gun

DITF: Biopolymers from bacteria protect technical textiles

Textiles for technical applications often derive their special function via the application of coatings. This way, textiles become, for example wind and water proof or more resistant to abrasion. Usually, petroleum-based substances such as polyacrylates or polyurethanes are used. However, these consume exhaustible resources and the materials can end up in the environment if handled improperly. Therefore, the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are researching materials from renewable sources that are recyclable and do not pollute the environment after use. Polymers that can be produced from bacteria are here of particular interest.

Textiles for technical applications often derive their special function via the application of coatings. This way, textiles become, for example wind and water proof or more resistant to abrasion. Usually, petroleum-based substances such as polyacrylates or polyurethanes are used. However, these consume exhaustible resources and the materials can end up in the environment if handled improperly. Therefore, the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are researching materials from renewable sources that are recyclable and do not pollute the environment after use. Polymers that can be produced from bacteria are here of particular interest.

These biopolymers have the advantage that they can be produced in anything from small laboratory reactors to large production plants. The most promising biopolymers include polysaccharides, polyamides from amino acids and polyesters such as polylactic acid or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), all of which are derived from renewable raw materials. PHAs is an umbrella term for a group of biotechnologically produced polyesters. The main difference between these polyesters is the number of carbon atoms in the repeat unit. To date, they have mainly been investigated for medical applications. As PHAs products are increasingly available on the market, coatings made from PHAs may also be increasingly used in technical applications in the future.

The bacteria from which the PHAs are obtained grow with the help of carbohydrates, fats and an increased CO2 concentration and light with suitable wavelength.

The properties of PHA can be adapted by varying the structure of the repeat unit. This makes polyhydroxyalkanoates a particularly interesting class of compounds for technical textile coatings, which has hardly been investigated to date. Due to their water-repellent properties, which stem from their molecular structure, and their stable structure, polyhydroxyalkanoates have great potential for the production of water-repellent, mechanically resilient textiles, such as those in demand in the automotive sector and for outdoor clothing.

The DITF have already carried out successful research work in this area. Coatings on cotton yarns and fabrics made of cotton, polyamide and polyester showed smooth and quite good adhesion. The PHA types for the coating were both procured on the open market and produced by the research partner Fraunhofer IGB. It was shown that the molten polymer can be applied to cotton yarns by extrusion through a coating nozzle. The molten polymer was successfully coated onto fabric using a doctor blade. The length of the molecular side chain of the PHA plays an important role in the properties of the coated textile. Although PHAs with medium-length side chains are better suited to achieving low stiffness and a good textile handle, their wash resistance is low. PHAs with short side chains are suitable for achieving high wash and abrasion resistance, but the textile handle is somewhat stiffer.

The team is currently investigating how the properties of PHAs can be changed in order to achieve the desired resistance and textile properties in equal measure. There are also plans to formulate aqueous formulations for yarn and textile finishing. This will allow much thinner coatings to be applied to textiles than is possible with molten PHAs.

Other DITF research teams are investigating whether PHAs are also suitable for the production of fibers and nonwovens.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)

adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports (c) adidas AG

adidas: Study on effect of pressure in sports

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Under adidas’ ambition to help athletes overcome high pressure moments in sport, it has teamed up with leading sport neuroscientists, neuro11, to understand the impact it has within a game of football, basketball, and golf during penalty shootouts, high-stake putts and must-make free-throws.

Working with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, as well as amateurs in the game, adidas and neuro11 delved into their minds to identify and analyse where pressure peaks, to help athletes across the globe to better understand it.

Understanding from this study that grassroots athletes and their elite counterparts experience similarly intense levels of pressure in the biggest sporting moments - but elite athletes were up to 40% more effective at managing pressure during these moments1 - a toolbox of techniques has been developed, built from the specific findings, to assist next-gen athletes in managing and overcoming the feeling within their game.

Covering in-depth detail on what pressure looks like within each sport, how it has been proven to impact specific in-game moments, the brain zones that neuro11’s state-of-the-art brain technology measures and the main insights from each athlete’s training session, each report sets out to support all athletes in accessing the optimal zone - the brain state in which they perform at their best.

Rounded off with science-backed tips that reveal the optimal area of a goal to strike a penalty, how to use time to regain focus before netting a free throw, as well as the impact of dwell time on putting in golf – the guides are shaped around enhancing mental focus during some of the most pressured moments across sport.

1 Findings captured during athlete training sessions, as part of adidas SS24 Brand Campaign, in collaboration with neuro11 (November ’23- January ’24). Study carried out with Emiliano Martínez, Ludvig Åberg, Nneka Ogwumike, Rose Zhang, and Stina Blackstenius, in addition to 5 grassroot athletes.


adidas AG

Heinrich GLAESER: Begrünter Altkleidersammelcontainer im Finale des Wettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ (c) Heinrich GLAESER Nachf. GmbH
Der begrünte Altkleidersammelcontainer „Greenbox“ von Heinrich GLAESER

Heinrich GLAESER: Begrünter Altkleidersammelcontainer im Finale des Wettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“

Heinrich GLAESER ist seit Gründung im Jahr 1888 auf Textilrecycling und Textilverwertung spezialisiert. Mit dem Ziel, Ressourcen zu schonen und Wertstoffkreisläufe zu schaffen, sammelt das Unternehmen Alttextilien und führt sie dem Upcycling zu. Mit der Idee, seine Altkleidercontainer für mehr Biodiversität zu begrünen, hat es das Unternehmen ins Finale des vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMVU) geförderten Unternehmenswettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ geschafft.

Mit dem Wettbewerb „Die Lieferkette lebt“ werden alljährlich Unternehmenskonzepte und -aktivitäten entlang der Lieferkette zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt ausgezeichnet. Heinrich GLAESER hat sich im Herbst 2023 erstmals für den BMVU geförderten Preis beworben und schaffte es unter die Top 10. Die Jury nominierte die in das textile Kreislaufkonzept des Unternehmens eingebundenen „Greenbox“ unter die innovativsten Ideen. Die Greenbox ist ein Altkleidersammelcontainer, dessen Dachfläche begrünt ist. Diese blüht fast das ganze Jahr und bietet Insekten wie Bienen in städtischen Asphaltwüsten eine Anlaufstelle für die Nahrungsaufnahme.

Heinrich GLAESER ist seit Gründung im Jahr 1888 auf Textilrecycling und Textilverwertung spezialisiert. Mit dem Ziel, Ressourcen zu schonen und Wertstoffkreisläufe zu schaffen, sammelt das Unternehmen Alttextilien und führt sie dem Upcycling zu. Mit der Idee, seine Altkleidercontainer für mehr Biodiversität zu begrünen, hat es das Unternehmen ins Finale des vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMVU) geförderten Unternehmenswettbewerbs „Die Lieferkette lebt“ geschafft.

Mit dem Wettbewerb „Die Lieferkette lebt“ werden alljährlich Unternehmenskonzepte und -aktivitäten entlang der Lieferkette zur Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt ausgezeichnet. Heinrich GLAESER hat sich im Herbst 2023 erstmals für den BMVU geförderten Preis beworben und schaffte es unter die Top 10. Die Jury nominierte die in das textile Kreislaufkonzept des Unternehmens eingebundenen „Greenbox“ unter die innovativsten Ideen. Die Greenbox ist ein Altkleidersammelcontainer, dessen Dachfläche begrünt ist. Diese blüht fast das ganze Jahr und bietet Insekten wie Bienen in städtischen Asphaltwüsten eine Anlaufstelle für die Nahrungsaufnahme.

„Seit unserer Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1888 beschäftigen wir uns mit der Kreislaufführung von Textilien. Die Anfänge gehen auf das Einsammeln von Produktionsabfällen aus der schwäbischen Textilindustrie und die Wiederaufbereitung zu hochwertigen Fasern zurück. Im Lauf der Zeit wurde das Geschäft um das Einsammeln von Altkleidern in unseren eigenen Sammelcontainern und um vielseitige Wertkreisläufe erweitert. Mit der Entwicklung unserer Geotextilien für Begrünung, Erosions- und Pflanzenschutz aus dem GLAESERgreen-Portfolio wurde die Idee geboren, beide Konzepte miteinander zu verbinden. So entstand die „greenbox“, unser begrünter Altkleidersammelbehälter“, erklärt Eberhard Brack, Geschäftsführer von Heinrich GLAESER.