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Photo: Frank Oudeman

EuroShop: From clicks to bricks: Why online brands are getting physical

For years, media headlines have declared the death of the high street at the hands of e-commerce. But, while several well-known retailers have indeed shut up shop or cut back on store numbers, a growing number of digitally native brands are investing in bricks-and-mortar spaces to complement and support their online offer.

At the last EuroShop, the World´s No. 1Retail Trade Fairtrade, were already first signs that Pure Player and online start-ups are also increasingly looking offline. 3 years later, at EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February in Düsseldorf, Germany, this will now be one of the major topics of the industry.

In fact, a report published by property firm JLL towards the end of 2018 predicts that online retailers in the U.S. will open 850 stores over the next five years, demonstrating the value these brands place on having a physical presence. “Everyone is saying that physical retail is dying, but online brands are opening at a pretty fast and aggressive rate,” says Taylor Coyne, Research Manager of Retail for JLL, in the report.

For years, media headlines have declared the death of the high street at the hands of e-commerce. But, while several well-known retailers have indeed shut up shop or cut back on store numbers, a growing number of digitally native brands are investing in bricks-and-mortar spaces to complement and support their online offer.

At the last EuroShop, the World´s No. 1Retail Trade Fairtrade, were already first signs that Pure Player and online start-ups are also increasingly looking offline. 3 years later, at EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February in Düsseldorf, Germany, this will now be one of the major topics of the industry.

In fact, a report published by property firm JLL towards the end of 2018 predicts that online retailers in the U.S. will open 850 stores over the next five years, demonstrating the value these brands place on having a physical presence. “Everyone is saying that physical retail is dying, but online brands are opening at a pretty fast and aggressive rate,” says Taylor Coyne, Research Manager of Retail for JLL, in the report.

Despite the continuing growth in online sales, the majority of consumers still prefer the experience of shopping in-store, and more and more digitally native brands are using physical retail to their advantage.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


Studie zum Warenschwund vorgestellt

  • Warenschwund kostet Einzelhandel in Europa jährlich mehr als 49 Milliarden Euro
  • Gesamtverluste entsprechen dem Umsatz des viertgrößten europäischen Einzelhändlers

Laut den Ergebnissen einer neuen Studie zum Warenschwund kosten Verluste durch Warenschwund den Einzelhandel mehr als 49 Milliarden Euro jährlich, was 2,05 % des Jahresumsatzes des Einzelhandels entspricht.

Der Verlust ergibt sich aus der Summe des Warenschwundbetrags (1,44 % des Umsatzes) und der Sicherheitsausgaben (0,61 %). Der Bericht „Retail Security in Europe: Going Beyond Shrinkage“ (Warensicherung in Europa: Über den Warenschwund hinausgehend) wurde von Crime&tech, einem Spin-off der Universität Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Transcrime mit Unterstützung von Checkpoint Systems, Anbieter von In-Source-Käufer-Lösungen, durchgeführt.

  • Warenschwund kostet Einzelhandel in Europa jährlich mehr als 49 Milliarden Euro
  • Gesamtverluste entsprechen dem Umsatz des viertgrößten europäischen Einzelhändlers

Laut den Ergebnissen einer neuen Studie zum Warenschwund kosten Verluste durch Warenschwund den Einzelhandel mehr als 49 Milliarden Euro jährlich, was 2,05 % des Jahresumsatzes des Einzelhandels entspricht.

Der Verlust ergibt sich aus der Summe des Warenschwundbetrags (1,44 % des Umsatzes) und der Sicherheitsausgaben (0,61 %). Der Bericht „Retail Security in Europe: Going Beyond Shrinkage“ (Warensicherung in Europa: Über den Warenschwund hinausgehend) wurde von Crime&tech, einem Spin-off der Universität Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Transcrime mit Unterstützung von Checkpoint Systems, Anbieter von In-Source-Käufer-Lösungen, durchgeführt.

Die Studie stellt die am stärksten gefährdeten Produkte dar, die von Ladendieben bevorzugt werden, und benennt die fünf am meisten gestohlenen Artikel nach Wert im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel, darunter alkoholische Getränke, Käse, Fleisch, Süßigkeiten und Fischkonserven. Im Bekleidungsbereich waren Accessoires, Strickwaren, Hosen und Blusen die am meisten gestohlenen Artikel, während Handys und Zubehör bei Elektronikwaren und hochwertige Werkzeuge in Baumärkten an der Spitze standen.

Der Bericht zeigt, dass die Gesamtverluste durch Warenschwund im Vergleich zum Gesamtumsatz der Unternehmen dem Umsatz des viertgrößten Einzelhändlers in Europa entsprechen würde. Die Sektoren mit der höchsten Schwundrate waren der Lebensmittel- (2,0 %) und Bekleidungseinzelhandel (1,4 %). Die Sektoren mit den niedrigsten Raten waren die Elektronik- (0,4 %), Schönheits- und Kosmetik -(0,5 %) und Sportartikelsektoren (0,7 %). Der Schwundwert beinhaltete externe und interne Diebstähle, aber auch Verwaltungsfehler, nicht konforme Verwendung, Abfall, verfallene Waren und beschädigte tiefgefrorene Waren.

More information:

Carta GmbH


(c) Checkpoint Systems

Checkpoint Systems: Anti-Diebstahl-Lösung für den Handel

  • Meldet verdächtige Bewegungen: Der One Way Surveillance Sensor von Checkpoint Systems
  • Im Eingangsbereich eines Geschäfts montiert, kann der One Way Surveillance Sensor alle Bewegungen in seiner Nähe überwachen, auffällige Richtungswechsel identifizieren und entsprechend Alarm auslösen.
  • Checkpoint Systems bietet Händlern damit eine neue Möglichkeit zum Schutz ihrer Waren vor Diebstählen. 

Hirschhorn - Ladendiebstähle verursachen in Deutschland jährlich Schäden in Milliardenhöhe [1], daher investiert der Einzelhandel zunehmend in Präventiv- und Sicherungsmaßnahmen. Checkpoint Systems, ein weltweit führender Lösungsanbieter zur Steigerung der Warenverfügbarkeit im Handel, bringt mit dem One Way Surveillance Sensor eine neue Anti-Diebstahl-Lösung auf den Markt.

  • Meldet verdächtige Bewegungen: Der One Way Surveillance Sensor von Checkpoint Systems
  • Im Eingangsbereich eines Geschäfts montiert, kann der One Way Surveillance Sensor alle Bewegungen in seiner Nähe überwachen, auffällige Richtungswechsel identifizieren und entsprechend Alarm auslösen.
  • Checkpoint Systems bietet Händlern damit eine neue Möglichkeit zum Schutz ihrer Waren vor Diebstählen. 

Hirschhorn - Ladendiebstähle verursachen in Deutschland jährlich Schäden in Milliardenhöhe [1], daher investiert der Einzelhandel zunehmend in Präventiv- und Sicherungsmaßnahmen. Checkpoint Systems, ein weltweit führender Lösungsanbieter zur Steigerung der Warenverfügbarkeit im Handel, bringt mit dem One Way Surveillance Sensor eine neue Anti-Diebstahl-Lösung auf den Markt.

Der Sensor bietet Einzelhändlern die Möglichkeit, verdächtige Bewegungen im Eingangsbereich ihres Ladens zu identifizieren und entsprechend darauf zu reagieren, um Diebstähle zu verhindern. „Der One Way Surveillance Sensor überwacht kontinuierlich die Bewegungen aller Objekte in einem Bereich von 2,2 x 4 Metern“, erklärt Michel Rublack, Project Manager Germany bei Checkpoint Systems. Bewegt sich ein Objekt in eine zuvor vom Händler als verdächtig definierte Richtung, sendet der Sensor eine Warnung an das verbundene Smartphone (Store STAR App) sowie an die Alarmvorrichtung. „Ein Beispiel für einen auffälligen Richtungswechsel, der auf einen möglichen Diebstahl hindeuten kann, ist der Versuch, das Geschäft durch den Eingang wieder zu verlassen“, sagt Michel Rublack.

Kontrolle durch Ultraschall

One Way Surveillance arbeitet mit einem Ultraschall-Sensor, der in Bewegung befindliche Objekte – unabhängig von ihrer Temperatur – erkennt und deren Richtung bestimmt. Vom Sonnenlicht wird er nicht beeinflusst. „One Way Surveillance kann bestehende Systeme zur elektronischen Artikelsicherung ergänzen und zum Beispiel auch an eine bereits vorhandene Videoüberwachungsanlage angebunden werden“, sagt Michel Rublack. „Informationen über Alarme werden aufgezeichnet, eine Analyse der Daten ist somit auch möglich.“

Die Installation ist standardmäßig kabelgebunden, dieses verbindet den Sensor mit der Evolve-Antenne oder einem externen Alarmgeber. Eine drahtlose Installation ist möglich. One Way Surveillance ist ab sofort erhältlich.
Maße: 170 mm breit x 57 mm hoch x 47 mm tief
Montagehöhe: 1,80 m bis 4 m
[1] EHI-Studie: Inventurdifferenzen 2018. Daten, Fakten, Hintergründe aus der empirischen Forschung. EHI Retail Institute, Köln 2018.


Carta GmbH

Final report Heimtextil 2019 (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil 2019: A lively start to the new furnishing season gives hope for a good business year ahead

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’. [*For comparison, 2018: 2,975 exhibitors from 64 countries; 68,584 visitors from 135 countries, FKM-tested)]

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’.

One topic that occupied both exhibitors and visitors was the current and future economic situation. A further challenge is the increasingly evident changes that are happening in trade. Increasing revenues and revenue shares in online retailing stand in the way of the efforts made by the stationary retail trade to maintain their inner-city businesses. ‘The small business specialist trade, but also department stores and multibrand stores, and thus the heart of our visitor target groups, are under pressure from the constantly increasing levels of e-commerce. With Heimtextil and our consumer goods fairs in general, we offer these retailers in particular clear perspectives and diverse inspiration in an ambiguous world’, continues Braun.

Heimtextil made it easier for its visitors to access valuable inspiration and business momentum thanks to an optimised trade fair concept and the associated new hall structure. ‘The new concept brought more visitors to the stand’, was the feedback from Andreas Klenk, Managing Director of Saum & Viebahn from Kulmbach in Franconia about hall 8.0 which offered textiles editeurs and manufacturers of curtain and sun protection systems a common platform for the first time. ‘It was the right decision to merge the different segments. We had high quality discussions with respect to both export and domestic business, and are satisfied with the trade fair’.

As part of the new concept, Heimtextil expanded its unique product range across the entire exhibition site and also included the new hall 12, which has been an additional architectural highlight on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds since September.

Top international companies from the Bed & Bath Fashion segment presented their wares here. For the company Curt Bauer from Aue in Saxony, the première of the new hall was a successful one. ‘We're very enthusiastic about the new hall 12. The product range there was very well received. We are very satisfied with the quality of visitors to our stand. In addition to a good frequency of German visitors, we are particularly pleased about growth from China and Russia’, says Managing Director Michael Bauer.

Natural materials, PET and ocean plastics 
Heimtextil set a standard in terms of sustainability: after the first global climate protection agreement for the textile industry was signed by 40 leading fashion companies, organisations and associations at the World Climate Conference in Katowice last December, the focus in Frankfurt was also on environmental progress in the textile industry. Numerous exhibitors presented progressive solutions, for example in the recycling of PET bottles and ocean plastic as well as in the use of certified natural materials. ‘Sustainability was the theme for us at this year’s Heimtextil. Major media players visited us and the 'Green Tour’ guided tour stopped by. We presented many things, including our first vegan duvet and fair silk products, all 100 per cent produced in Austria’, says Denise Hartmann, Marketing Manager at Hefel Textil. The topics of water consumption in the textile industry and microplastics also increasingly came to the fore. The exhibitor directory ‘Green Directory’ alone contained around 150 progressive companies listing sustainably produced textiles. The offer was supplemented by its own lecture series as well as theme-specific tours, which provided valuable impetus and
underpinned the pioneering green position of the trade fair.

Sleep becomes new lifestyle theme
Heimtextil also focused on sleep as one of the upcoming lifestyle trends. While a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are now a natural part of a healthy lifestyle, restorative sleep is still neglected* although it is one of the most important building blocks for long-term physical and mental well-being. At Heimtextil, a number of new products and aspects came to the fore that help people become sensitised to and analyse their sleep behaviour and promote healthy sleep. Around the redesigned hall 11.0 and in the adjoining lecture area ‘Sleep! The Future Forum’, representatives from the national and international bed industry enjoyed attractive product presentations and superb speeches on the topics of sustainability, hospitality, sport and digital.

In addition to the renowned trend show, the trade fair also focused on contract business, particularly in the hotel and hospitality sector, as well as decorative and upholstery fabrics, digital printing solutions and wallpapers.

The next Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main – its 50th edition – will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.

*According to a forsa investigation commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Kenner Louisiana’s Ventura Uniform Services Recertified Hygienically Clean

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Ventura Uniform Services of Kenner, Louisiana has had their certification renewed for Hygienically Clean Healthcare, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

Ventura Uniform Services of Kenner, Louisiana has had their certification renewed for Hygienically Clean Healthcare, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

“Congratulations to Ventura Uniform Services on their recertification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their ongoing commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”

21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)
21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)

21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)

Exhibitors from over 30 countries participating at Kenya's Biggest Int'l. Multi-Sector Trade Exhibition

The largest international trade exhibition in Africa for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery will take place at KICC, Nairobi, Kenya from 04 - 06 September with record breaking numbers. Exhibitors and trade visitors are said to increase by 27% and 24% respectively at the 21st edition of the Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE). The exhibition has grown in stature from its inception 22 years ago, as the key networking and sourcing platform for the industries. As the largest event of its kind, it ensures direct access to over 150 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 12,000 trade visitors.

With an amazing array of products and services from all over the world, it gives visitors the opportunity to source cutting edge products and services as well as learn about and discuss the latest market trends. There is no other related trade exhibition in East Africa that delivers the same quality, quantity and variety of buyers and distributors.

Exhibitors from over 30 countries participating at Kenya's Biggest Int'l. Multi-Sector Trade Exhibition

The largest international trade exhibition in Africa for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery will take place at KICC, Nairobi, Kenya from 04 - 06 September with record breaking numbers. Exhibitors and trade visitors are said to increase by 27% and 24% respectively at the 21st edition of the Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE). The exhibition has grown in stature from its inception 22 years ago, as the key networking and sourcing platform for the industries. As the largest event of its kind, it ensures direct access to over 150 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 12,000 trade visitors.

With an amazing array of products and services from all over the world, it gives visitors the opportunity to source cutting edge products and services as well as learn about and discuss the latest market trends. There is no other related trade exhibition in East Africa that delivers the same quality, quantity and variety of buyers and distributors.

Concentrating on some of the largest growth categories within the multi sector industry, Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE) 2018 has five distinct sub categories, namely: FOODAGRO, MEDEXPO, PPPEXPO & INDUSMACH which will cover the food, hotel & agricultural sectors, medical & pharmaceuticals, plastic, printing & packaging sector, the industrial and finally the consumer sector. Being centrally located, Kenya emerges as one of the largest importers in Africa. Kenya also has the largest economy in east Africa and is a regional financial and transportation hub.


Texworld - Summer SPOTLIGHT: Findings, Trims & Accessories

  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




More information:
Texworld Trims Accessoires

Messe Frankfurt


ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE on July 9th 2018

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks. Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity.

More information:
EUROBIKE cycling industry ROICA™

GB Network

Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating
Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating

Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating

The conference will focus on areas of high impact and growth potential, for example smart and intelligent textile coatings and laminates, digital printing and coatings, substrates and coated nonwovens.
Now in its 27th year, this will be the 19th in this established conference series which has become one of the most important meeting places for the global textiles coating and laminating industry.  Previously attending companies can be found on the conference website, where other details can also be located.

The core of the conference programme will be presentations by invited experts, but in order to give an opportunity for anyone with exciting and relevant ideas to present to a high-level international audience, a call for papers is being issued for contributions in the following areas, with emphasis on work that will impact the industry, now and in the future.  Suggested topics include the following:

The conference will focus on areas of high impact and growth potential, for example smart and intelligent textile coatings and laminates, digital printing and coatings, substrates and coated nonwovens.
Now in its 27th year, this will be the 19th in this established conference series which has become one of the most important meeting places for the global textiles coating and laminating industry.  Previously attending companies can be found on the conference website, where other details can also be located.

The core of the conference programme will be presentations by invited experts, but in order to give an opportunity for anyone with exciting and relevant ideas to present to a high-level international audience, a call for papers is being issued for contributions in the following areas, with emphasis on work that will impact the industry, now and in the future.  Suggested topics include the following:

  • new developments in machinery and techniques such as bonding systems, developments in polymers, surface modifications, techniques for extreme properties etc.
  • smart textile coatings and laminates
  • technology for growth, eg nanotechnology, antimicrobial/antibacterial, green technology, developments in self-decontaminating etc.
  • growth markets and applications such as solar/thermal, fuel cells, composites, medical/biotechnology, extreme materials etc.
  • environmental issues
  • disruptive technology - new developments that will potentially change the industry, such as digital printing, graphene and nanotechnology in membranes, and alternatives for PVC etc.



Archroma to showcase innovative denim solutions at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will be presenting its innovative and sustainable denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018, on June 27 and 28.
From fiber to finish, Archroma offers a scope of possibilities for effects and colors, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions. Archroma is a recognized leader in integrated solutions, offering best-in-class auxiliaries for bespoke process packages.
Visitors will be able to discover solutions designed to make denim in a more sustainable and responsible way, in particular:
Archroma’s Denisol® range is a newly developed pre-reduced liquid indigo solution that is manufactured in Archroma’s award winning ‘zero liquid discharge’ manufacturing plant in Pakistan.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will be presenting its innovative and sustainable denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018, on June 27 and 28.
From fiber to finish, Archroma offers a scope of possibilities for effects and colors, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions. Archroma is a recognized leader in integrated solutions, offering best-in-class auxiliaries for bespoke process packages.
Visitors will be able to discover solutions designed to make denim in a more sustainable and responsible way, in particular:
Archroma’s Denisol® range is a newly developed pre-reduced liquid indigo solution that is manufactured in Archroma’s award winning ‘zero liquid discharge’ manufacturing plant in Pakistan.

  • Denisol® Indigo 30 liq is compliant with major official eco-standards and requirements from retailers, brands and fashion leading companies and helps to produce fabrics suitable for current eco-labeling such as bluesign® and GOTS.
  • Responding to demands for a non-toxic alternative to the dyes that are used for the iconic and traditional indigo blue that consumers associate with denim and jeans, Archroma just announced the upcoming new Denisol® Pure Indigo 30.

Consider this: The water needed to produce one pair of jeans is said to be ~ 11'000 liters(1). With approximately 167 million pairs of jeans produced monthly(2), that is 1,837,000,000,000 liters of water consumed every month in the process! Based on the Denim-Ox and Pad/Sizing-Ox dyeing processes, Archroma’s multi-awarded ADVANCED DENIM, dyeing technology allows savings of up to 92% in water, 87% in cotton waste and 30% in energy, compared to a conventional denim dyeing process.
The technology has been adopted by brands like Patagonia and received the prestigious 2012 ICIS Innovation Award and Innovation with Best Environmental Benefit Award.

  • Optisul® C, “soft colors” made easy
    Colors other than blue have been tricky to achieve in the past. With Optisul® C dyes, denim manufacturers can expand their color horizons with this range of six dyes especially designed to produce soft denim colors in continuous dyeing processes, as well as on coating and printing. Optisul® C affinity-free, sulfide-free dyes can easily be combined with each other to create garments suitable for wash-down treatments in a wide array of easily achievable and reproducible soft colors. They are suitable for GOTS and bluesign® approval.
  • Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes
    Archroma’s Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues are a collection of vibrant, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes. These best-in-class dyes and their auxiliaries bring out the best of indigo, improve workability, dyeing consistency and process safety.
    They can be combined with Denisol® Indigo 30 liq in bottoming/topping manufacturing routes for avant-garde blue styles. At the booth, Archroma will display an “illustration collection” of exciting indigo casts.
  • Diresul® blacks & greys, a universe of greys and deep black and navies.
    Archroma’s dye portfolio of conventional and black Diresul® specialties allow to create a universe of greys and deep black and navies. From superficial to solid blacks for both extreme wash-down and stay black effects.

As consumers increasingly aspire to functional, beautiful and meaningful clothing, brands and manufacturers are increasingly interested in the environmental impact of the denim industry. Archroma has placed sustainability at the heart of its innovation process to create products and processes that improve the industry’s sustainability.
The EarthColors patented range of “biosynthetic” dyes for cotton and cellulose-based fabrics, which are made from waste left over by the agricultural and herbal industry after extraction, such as almond shells, saw palmetto, or rosemary leaves. The latest NFC technology used on the end-product hangtags enables transparency and traceability through the supply chain to consumers.
The EarthColors allow to produce the earth tones that are coming strong: red, brown and green colors. They have been adopted by brands such as Patagonia, Kathmandu and G-Star, and won an OutDoor Industry Award 2017.

Brand owners and retailers around the world are taking action to evaluate the environmental impact of textile treatment, dyeing and finishing processes in response to consumer concerns.

Archroma recently introduced the ONE WAY Process Simulator, the last update of a calculation tool that supports its ONE WAY Sustainability Service introduced back in 2012. The new, online software can be used to mimic and compare products and processes, and thus calculate the ecological and economical profile of the final end-product.
Archroma’s portfolio of ZDHC MRSL-compliant chemicals and dyes is integrated into the ONE WAY calculation tool since 2013.
“Innovation and sustainability go hand in hand,” says Paul O’Prey, Head of Sales, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma, Vietnam. “While developing new products and services, we always consider the environmental impact so they are as sustainable as possible. This can be seen in our innovative and eco-advance products, such as the water-saving ADVANCED DENIM and the aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo.”

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Fresh Relevance, the real-time personalisation platform for email, mobile and web, today announced its partnership with Contactlab, the leading engagement marketing platform for commerce-focused companies and fashion & luxury brands. The partnership provides retail brands with true omni-channel marketing by allowing to fully integrate insights from online and in-store customer behaviour.
Retailers now not only benefit from the rich insights regarding the online behaviour of a customer whilst on the website (what pages they looked at, the products they placed in the cart and the items purchased) and whilst engaging with marketing emails, but also when and how often they visited a store and the purchases they made whilst there. This is made possible by the close integration of the Fresh Relevance real-time personalisation platform and Contactlab’s engagement marketing cloud platform.

Eddy Swindell, co-founder and CRO at Fresh Relevance, states: “The ability to accurately join the dots of the customer journey as they move between offline and online has been the missing piece in the retail puzzle. Retailers using Fresh Relevance fully integrated with Contactlab can harness this valuable insight in real-time, to improve how they engage with every customer across all touch points.”
How Fresh Relevance and Contactlab deliver true omni-channel marketing:

  • Personalise the web experience using both online and offline transactional data.
  • Engage with in-store shoppers by sending them well-timed personalised emails that include the products they were interested in as well as relevant product recommendations.
  • Drive customers in-store or online with personalised incentives and promotions based on the shopper’s behaviour.

Swindell adds: “True omni-channel marketing in this way not only improves overall sales. It enables you to better understand the journey your customers take, and in doing so engage them with personalised 1-2-1 communications and improve their experience of shopping with your brand.”

Stefano Lena, Chief Strategy Officer and VP Business Development at Contactlab comments: “This partnership is the coming together of two powerful real-time platforms that enable every retailer to have a clear and up-to-date view of how people are interacting and transacting with their brand online and in-store. The breadth of data capabilities makes it one of the most compelling propositions available on the market today.”

Fresh Relevance is sponsoring Contactlab's Conference”, which takes place in Milan, Italy, on June 19, where the company will exhibit its real-time personalisation platform and Eddy Swindell will present "Personalisation in an omni-channel world".

About Fresh Relevance
Fresh Relevance is the real-time personalization platform for email, mobile and web. We increase sales with personalized customer experiences and real-time marketing tactics across email, mobile and web. Our marketing hub unifies siloed systems without the need for an integration project. We deliver full control of real-time marketing tactics such as triggered emails and cross-channel personalization. Organizations using Fresh Relevance include: Rip Curl, Homebase, M&M Direct, Harvey Nichols, Thorntons, and White Stuff.



Graham Thatcher           
PRbyChief and Google Announce Strategic Partnership and Google Announce Strategic Partnership
18.06.2018 and Google Announce Strategic Partnership, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”

"We are excited to partner with and explore new solutions for retail ecosystems around the world to enable helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences that give consumers the power to shop wherever and however they want,” said Google Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler.

Under the agreements, Google will receive 27,106,948 newly issued Class A ordinary shares at an issue price of $20.29 per share, equivalent to $40.58 per ADS, based on the volume-weighted average trading price over the prior 10 trading days.

More information:
JD Google strategic partnership


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen (c) BREMER BAUMWOLLBÖRSE
Opening of the Cotton Conference 2018

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

  • Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton
  • Quality, Innovation and Digitalisation are Crucial

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". More than 500 participants from almost 40 countries came to exchange views on the latest trends in the natural raw material as part of the conference organised by the Bremen Cotton Exchange in cooperation with the Fibre Institute Bremen. The 34th International Cotton Conference provided a varied, in-depth programme which addressed the current and burning issues within the industry.

Summarising his visit to the conference, Kai Hughes, Executive Director of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) in Washington said “The Bremen Cotton Conference is unique because it brings the diverse world of cotton together in one place. It is always a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, talk to cotton merchants and get an overview of the industry".

Sustainability and Cotton
This year, the conference developed into a whole week of diverse events around the entire cotton supply chain. With the “SUSTAIN” event, which was organised in cooperation with the Weser-Kurier newspaper, it was possible to build a bridge between the issue of sustainability and the end consumer.
With the focus on Africa, the emerging continent, which also has a special significance for cotton, became the centre of attention.

In his opening speech, Henning Hammer, President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, made it clear that sustainability is also of great importance during the Cotton Conference: "The three pillars of sustainability – the environment, the economy and social issues – were already playing a role in the cotton industry when the word sustainability was far from being on everyone's lips.
Many changes that are being demanded in the sense of responsible agriculture and responsible trade take their time, many are already in the starting blocks and a lot already exists. We have a very alert, active agricultural research worldwide."

The Keynotes
The keynote session, moderated by the journalist Lisa Boekhoff from the newspaper Weser-Kurier, gave participants an overview, with an informative analysis of the current cotton situation. Kai Hughes, executive director of ICAC, emphasised in his keynote address the need to provide credible facts and figures which should be the basis for the entire supply chain. The marketing of cotton and changing consumer habits in a globalised and digitalised world were the subject of lectures by Mark Messura, Cotton Incorporated and Robert Antoshak, Olah Inc. Eugen Weinberg and Michael Alt from Commerzbank took a look at the raw material from a stock market perspective.

Traceability and Digitalisation
Digitalisation is also a cross-cutting issue that runs through the entire supply chain of the cotton industry. In his opening speech, Prof. Axel S. Hermann, Head of the Fibre Institute Bremen, emphasised the importance of digitalisation for the industry. “It enables new approaches in cotton cultivation and textile processing, but also influences consumer behaviour and thus the necessary changes in the textile industry.” The focus is on the status quo of the implementation, as well as the opportunities and risks of digitally controlled, vertically integrated procurement and sales processes and the associated challenges at retail level.

Another current topic is traceability, which is also closely linked to sustainability. More and more buyers want to know whether their suppliers are meeting the promised sustainability criteria for their products, also textile products. Consequently, the conference presented various techniques for testing the authenticity of a cotton provided in the finished textile, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis technique, marker methods and block-chain processes.

Cotton Quality
In addition to current subjects such as digitalisation and traceability, questions of cotton quality have traditionally been an essential element of the Cotton Conference, which was further reinforced this year with the "Spinners Seminar". The spinning mill seminar, which was carried out by the Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute in cooperation with the ITMF and IVGT associations, far exceeded expectations.

More than 70 participants discussed the handling of impurities in supplied cotton in the manufacturing process.
In addition, in a high-level expert session, there was an exchange of the latest research results which determine the future of cotton production and the processing of cotton into innovative products.



Vorstand GDH Der GDH-Vorstand: (vorne v.l.n.r.): Sabine Tauscher (Salon Sabine, Jena), Andreas Voigtländer (Hut Mühlenbeck, Wiesbaden) und Hannelore Mertesacker (Hut-Design, Bad Honnef; (hinten v.l.n.r.): Robert Strucker (Strucker, Grevenbroich), Marion Breiter, (Breiter, München) Siegfried Seidl (Hut-Mayer, Neuötting) und Annette Wahl (Hut Nagel, Karlsruhe)
Vorstand GDH

Hutfacheinzelhandel: zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus

Hutbranche als Star der Modewelt
GDH-Umfrage: Hutfacheinzelhandel schließt 2017 zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus ab.

Hutbranche als Star der Modewelt
GDH-Umfrage: Hutfacheinzelhandel schließt 2017 zum dritten Mal in Folge mit Umsatzplus ab.

Die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH) starten mit viel Zuversicht in das neue Jahr. Die spezialisierten Fachgeschäfte  ̶  von München bis Norderney  ̶  erzielten 2017 ein Umsatzplus in Höhe von 4,0 Prozent. Zum dritten Mal in Folge konnten die Mitglieder Umsatzwachstum erzielen (2016: 1,6 Prozent, 2015: 2,5 Prozent). Das belegt die Jahresumfrage des Hutverbandes GDH (, die während der GDH-Mitgliederversammlung Mitte Januar 2018 in Wiesbaden präsentiert wurde. Damit liegt die Hutbranche wieder über dem Modebranchendurchschnitt (2 Prozent Umsatzminus). „Der Umsatz war besser als das Wetter verheißen lies, ein Beleg, dass Hüte und Mützen modisch im Trend liegen“, zeigte sich der 1. Vorsitzender der GDH, Andreas Voigtländer, während der GDH-Mitgliederversammlung äußerst zufrieden. Die GDH-Umfrage belegt leider auch, dass sich die Kundenfrequenz nur um 0,5 Prozent verbesserte. „Sinkende Frequenz und die Konkurrenz durch Online-Shopping wird auch bei uns als die größten Probleme des Handels angesehen. Das Umsatzwachstum basiert auf höheren Kaufbeträgen pro Kunde und Bon (Durchschnitt 66,86 Euro; 2016: 60,06 € / 1,4 Teile pro Kunde; 2016: 1,3), weil wir als Spezialisten die Kunden bestens beraten können und eine tiefe und breite Auswahl bieten. Zudem sind auch einige von uns als Facheinzelhändler über alle Kanäle online unterwegs‟, betont Andreas Voigtländer.

Herren-Hüte und trendige Mützen sind mit 61 Prozent die stärkste Warengruppe; das liegt auch daran, dass Damen gerne Herrenformen kaufen, denn Trilby, Diamond oder Pork Pie sind im Trend. 37 Prozent des Umsatzes ging auf das Konto der Damen, vor allem mit weichen und legeren Kopfbedeckungen in Filz und Walk sowie Strick im Winter. Die restlichen 2 Prozent fallen auf Kinderkopfbedeckungen.
Der Hutfacheinzelhandel erwartet für 2018 ein Umsatzpari auf hoher Vorlage. Bei allen Kopfbedeckungen wird ein kleines Wachstum bei UV-Schutz prognostiziert. Gestärkt werden soll der Bereich Accessoires, also Schals, Tücher und Handschuhe, angesagt auch als Set für den abgestimmten Mode-Look.

Das Mega-Thema der Zukunft ist Funktion
GDH-Geschäftsführerin Kirsten Reinhardt wird 2018 zahlreiche Aktivitäten anstoßen, die der gesamten Hutbranche zu Gute kommen. Fester Aktionspunkt ist der `Tag des Hutes´ am 25. November, an dem die GDH-Mitglieder den Titel `Hutträger des Jahres´ an prominente Persönlichkeiten verleihen. Neues Projekt für den Frühling ist eine UV-Schutz-Kampagne mit Informations-Flyer für Verbraucher und Hautärzte sowie abgestimmtes Material für den PoS der GDH-Mitglieder. Denn auch das belegte die GDH-Umfrage: Das Mega-Thema der Zukunft ist Funktion, sei es UV-Schutz im Sommer, Wasser- und winddichte Materialien mit Ohrenklappen im Winter, reflektierende Signal-Elemente für die Nacht sowie weiche und knautschbare Materialien für die Tasche oder den Koffer.

Bei der Order auf die Textilkennzeichnung achten
Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema stand auf der Tagungsordnung: Das neue deutsche Textilkennzeichnungsgesetz vom 15.02.2016. Referent Thomas Lange, seit 2018 Hauptgeschäftsführer German Fashion, Modeverband Deutschland e.V., informierte über die Neuerungen. Das bedeutet praktisch: Auf einem fest angebrachten Etikett muss für die Verbraucher leicht lesbar die vollständigen europäischen Adresse des Inverkehrbringers (Importeur, Hersteller oder Händler) und die korrekt beschriebene Materialzusammensetzung in Prozent in deutscher Sprache stehen. Oftmals ist die Textilkennzeichnung aber unzureichend. „Das Gesetz scheint noch komplizierter und bedeutet Ärger und im schlimmsten Fall Bußgelder für den geprüften Händler; daher sollte jeder Einzelhändler auf die korrekte Textilkennzeichnung bereits bei der Order achten‟, so Voigtländer.


PI Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V. (GDH), Köln

Charts: Jahresumfrage des Gemeinschaft Deutscher Hutfachgeschäfte e.V., Januar 2018

Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry © Lectra
Lectra ESCP Europe Round Table

Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

As early as the design phase, a wealth of data offers many sources of inspiration for stylists. For teams in charge of collections, “complex models allow the analysis of data like online traffic and purchase history in order to design and offer the products that consumers expect, which is a priority for a company obsessed by the customer, like Amazon,” stated Elise Beuriot. For sales, “decisions based on data trigger millions of orders. The impact on the inventory is enormous,” she added.

“Fashion is an industry where unsold items generate a lot of waste. Algorithms and big data analysis can reduce left-overs by anticipating demand several weeks ahead in order to optimize the price and replenishment,” observed Fabrizio Fantini. “Fashion companies who exploit data to inform their decisions become more efficient. They are better armed to protect their margins, but can also sell for less, and potentially reach a larger number of consumers.”

Other IT models aggregate customer data in real time ‘to determine, among hundreds of factors, those which have the biggest influence on buying decisions. Value doesn’t necessarily lie in the volume of data but in the depth of the analyses,’ claimed Gulnaz Khusainova. Easysize is careful that collected data is anonymous, she underlined, because ‘consumers need to keep control of their data, and know how it is used’.
For editors of software dedicated to fashion businesses, and suppliers of cutting machines designed for the clothing industry, “analyzing usage data from our solutions enables the offer to evolve, making each step in the value chain more efficient and perfectly adapted to the needs of the brands, retailers and manufacturers. What is at stake is better quality products, placed on the market as quickly as possible and at a reduced cost,” explained Olivier Dancot.

“It is easy to collect data, but difficult to extract actionable information. Everything hinges on data analysis,” concluded Céline Abecassis-Moedas, professor and co-scientific director of the ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair and moderator of the round table. “Due to its emotional dimension—from the stylist’s inspiration to the consumer’s desire to buy—fashion is not an industry like others. However, all the components that make up its ecosystem can truly benefit from the judicious exploitation of customer data. Examples discussed this evening illustrate the diversity of what is possible.

More information:


Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 © Lectra
Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

Spurred by the continued growth of the Chinese economy, young Chinese parents are now demanding maternity and baby products that are more personalized and sophisticated in terms of material and design. To meet these new market needs, Jinfa Labi has chosen to implement Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 after researching on all PLM vendors in the market. With the help of this solution, the company aims to further improve their product development process by digitizing their entire supply chain, from design to production, enhancing business agility and collaboration. By embracing digitalization, the company hopes to make progress in adopting the government initiative “Made in China 2025”.

Lectra’s ultimate collaborative platform—Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0—gives fashion and apparel companies the extra speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. With the widest functional scope on the market, this technology serves as the intelligent backbone for the digital supply chain, facilitating the entire design-to-production process. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between process, technology and people, thus enabling organizations to quickly adapt to different business models and keep pace with the latest trends.

“As one of the first domestic companies to engage in R&D, design, production and distribution of baby clothing, Jinfa Labi is now growing exponentially. We are looking for a partner with a worldwide perspective and in-depth knowledge on the industry’s best practices,” said Lin Ruowen, General Manager, Jinfa Labi. “And Lectra fits the bill. Their latest PLM solution connects CAD, industry-standard software, company IT systems and external suppliers together, allowing us to fully digitize our supply chain by covering all production stages. We can then focus on improving our core competencies.”

“We are confident that Lectra will help Jinfa Labi make their mark for “Made in China 2025”. This Industry 4.0-based initiative will not only revolutionize the way in which manufacturers operate but also change the way in which the brands and retailers run their businesses. Lectra is committed to providing the technology and support that our customers need to thrive in this new digital era,” said Andreas A. Kim, Managing Director, Lectra, Greater China. “Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is the only PLM solution purpose-designed for the fashion industry that covers the entire value chain. We hope to leverage our 44 years of experience in the fashion industry to help Jinfa Labi succeed through operational excellence.”

Tindex GB Network Marketing & Communication

Delivering naturally advanced innovations @ MunichFabricStart

TINTEX presents a new and fresh campaign with contemporary images that signal the launch of the Autumn Winter 2019 Jersey collections presented by CEO Mario Jorge, who describes the new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position as moving on from making beautiful organics and natural materials to the next level with advanced hybrid nature/hi-tech smarts, with added value creativity, thanks to focused investments that will serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come.

THE COLLECTION. Come and see the autumn range of more than 80 new qualities and style and discuss your own tailor made needs designed to fit the Fashion, Sportswear, Athleisure and Underwear sectors. The TINTEX Collection uses at least 60% of more sustainable materials, such as Tencel, Organic cotton, Naturally organic linen, recycled and recovered smart materials including polyesters, nylons and now a new recycled stretch elastane too. Out of preference, and in keeping with its ethos of creating low impact fabrics, the major part of the collection eschews the use of animal based fibers, with the limited exception of some organic wool, silk and cashmere blend qualities.

TINTEX presents a new and fresh campaign with contemporary images that signal the launch of the Autumn Winter 2019 Jersey collections presented by CEO Mario Jorge, who describes the new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position as moving on from making beautiful organics and natural materials to the next level with advanced hybrid nature/hi-tech smarts, with added value creativity, thanks to focused investments that will serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come.

THE COLLECTION. Come and see the autumn range of more than 80 new qualities and style and discuss your own tailor made needs designed to fit the Fashion, Sportswear, Athleisure and Underwear sectors. The TINTEX Collection uses at least 60% of more sustainable materials, such as Tencel, Organic cotton, Naturally organic linen, recycled and recovered smart materials including polyesters, nylons and now a new recycled stretch elastane too. Out of preference, and in keeping with its ethos of creating low impact fabrics, the major part of the collection eschews the use of animal based fibers, with the limited exception of some organic wool, silk and cashmere blend qualities.

More information:
Tintex, campaign, Fashion

GB Network Marketing & Communication


30 UniFirst Plants Now Hygienically Clean Food Safety Certified

With seven more laundries certified this month, UniFirst Corp. has widened its lead among multi-location uniform service companies in achieving the Hygienically Clean Food Safety designation, as 30 facilities now have reached this milestone. The July additions included the company’s first such achievements in Nevada, New York and Wisconsin after UniFirst plants were already certified in 16 states and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
This achievement reflects UniFirst’s commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by third-party on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

With seven more laundries certified this month, UniFirst Corp. has widened its lead among multi-location uniform service companies in achieving the Hygienically Clean Food Safety designation, as 30 facilities now have reached this milestone. The July additions included the company’s first such achievements in Nevada, New York and Wisconsin after UniFirst plants were already certified in 16 states and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
This achievement reflects UniFirst’s commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by third-party on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The certification confirms a laundry’s dedication to compliance and processing garments and other textile products using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, the focal point for TRSA inspectors’ evaluation of critical control points that minimize risk.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for servicing animal processing, dairies, fruit/vegetable, bakeries, grain and other food and beverage industry segments.
UniFirst facilities certified in July are in Ontario, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Buffalo, NY; Amarillo, Austin and Houston, TX; and Wisconsin Rapids, WI. States with previously Hygienically Clean Food Safety certified UniFirst laundries (one each except where noted) are CA (2) CO, CT, FL (2), GA, MA, MD, NC (4), NH (2), NJ, OK, PA, SC, TX (5), UT and VA.

More information:
TRSA, certification