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Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award (c) Denim Expert Limited
Mostafiz Uddin

Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

Covid-19 has presented unforeseen challenges for fashion retailers and brands, but it has also given us all an opportunity to build back better. Forward-thinking fashion businesses know change is not optional, and are embracing their responsibilities and ability to make a difference.

Mostafiz Uddin has been recognised as the Sustainable Fashion Champion 2021 for setting examples in promoting sustainability during the Covid-19 pandemic which broke out worldwide in March last year.
Jill Geoghegan, Acting Editor of Drapers, said: “Despite the challenges thrown up by the Coronavirus pandemic, fashion brands and retailers increasingly recognise that sustainability is a business imperative.”  
“Many businesses continued to invest in cleaning up their supply chains and introducing new models of working, despite the unprecedented trading conditions.

“The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards highlight and celebrate these advancements, paving the way for a more responsible future for the industry.” Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited Mostafiz Uddin said: “In the pandemic, my factory Denim Expert Limited kept true to its commitment towards sustainability, despite an extremely difficult trading landscape.

“During the pandemic, I was vocal about the issue of buyer-supplier relationships and, in speaking out, I wanted to champion the cause of suppliers all over the world. Too often suppliers in garment supply chains do not have a voice because they fear that by speaking out, they will be treated unfavourably by brands.

“This was, of course, a risk on my own part but I like to think I stood up for what I think is right and ultimately, I believe progressive brands understood I was coming from a good place. Like them, all I want to see is a fair, ethical and sustainable industry where brands and retailers work in an environment of collaboration, not conflict.”

Mostafiz also had some special praise for H&M. He said: “It would have not been possible for me to support my workers during the pandemic, had my factory not received help from H&M during the unprecedented time. While Denim Expert suffered from huge orders cancellation and orders hold, H&M supported us by placing orders in the pandemic that saved thousands of lives and livelihoods. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this Award to H&M and its CEO Helena Helmersson.”

The judges of Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award 2021 have been Kerry Bannigan, Founder, Conscious Fashion Campaign; Sarah Ditty, Global Policy Director, Fashion Revolution; Miriam Lahage, Founder, Aequip; Samata Pattinson, CEO, Red Carpet Green Dress; Caroline Rush, Chief Executive Officer, British Fashion Council; Lucy Shea, Group CEO, Futerra; Jane Shepherdson, Chairman, My Wardrobe HQ; and Dilys Williams, Director, Centre for Sustainable Fashion.

Face Mask Production in Denim Expert Ltd (c) Denim Expert Ltd
Face Mask Production in Denim Expert Ltd

Denim Expert Ltd are producing facing mask for safety issue

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on a non-profit basis
  • Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis
  • “Now is the time for our whole industry to stand together”

A leading Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity of his world-class facility for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.

Mr. Uddin is offering the capacity, skills and production expertise of his factory and wants to develop partnerships to meet much-needed short-term demand for masks and PPE in the battle against COVID-19.

  • Bangladeshi supplier offers production capacity to produce face masks and PPE on a non-profit basis
  • Reaching out to global agencies to build partnerships to help tackle COVID-19 crisis
  • “Now is the time for our whole industry to stand together”

A leading Bangladeshi garment manufacturer is offering the manufacturing capacity of his world-class facility for the production of protective face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a non-profit basis to help tackle the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Denim Expert Limited Managing Director, Mostafiz Uddin, has reached out to the global community including brands & retailers, governments, embassies, donors, development agencies, global apparel associations and bodies in these unprecedented times.

Mr. Uddin is offering the capacity, skills and production expertise of his factory and wants to develop partnerships to meet much-needed short-term demand for masks and PPE in the battle against COVID-19.

Those willing to partner with him and wishing to utilize his production capacity would only be asked to provide fabrics and raw materials as well as meeting workers’ wages.

More information:
Denim Expert Ltd.

Denim Expert Ltd

Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin spoke at the 6th Copenhagen Fashion Summit about Transparency in the Supply Chain

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin, Managing director, Denim Expert Ltd., founder and CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange spoke at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2018 during a panel on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 about the Transparency in the supply chain.

This makes him the first Bangladeshi garment manufacturer to participate as a panel speaker at a CFS ever. His speech revolved around the apparel industry in his home country of Bangladesh and how his vision influences the way his company manufactures.
The panel was visited by over 1300 top profile participants, including her Highness the Crown Princes of Denmark. It was opened by CEO Leslie Johnson of the C&A Foundation.

Mostafiz Uddin said after the panel: “I am thankful to the CFS organisers for giving me such a great opportunity and honour, to my country to share the true story of Bangladesh and our apparel industry.”
About Mostafiz Uddin: Mostafiz Uddin is managing director of Denim Expert Ltd., an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible compliant garment manufacturing plant in Chittagong, Bangladesh. A visionary entrepreneur in the development of sustainable apparel systems, Uddin is personally driven by social and environmental ethics and is recognised as a game changer through his introduction of sustainable practices, innovation and fashion disruption, which he sees as key to the future of the Bangladesh apparel industry.
Uddin founded the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) to promote sustainable practices within the Bangladesh apparel industry and to improve the country’s image via various initiatives under the banner of BAE, including the Sustainable Apparel Forum, the Bangladesh Fashionology Summit and Bangladesh Denim Expo. Through these endeavours he strives to promote the advancement of sustainable practices, including environmentally sound production methods, full transparency, innovation, circularity and technology.

About the Copenhagen Fashion Summit: The sixth edition of the Summit also boasted 75 high-level speakers, including sustainability thought leader David Roberts of Singularity University; EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager; COO Eric Sprunk of NIKE; CEO Spencer Fung of Li & Fung; Vogue US fashion director Tonne Goodman; sustainability pioneer Dame Ellen MacArthur; models and entrepreneurs Lily Cole and Edie Campbell, the founders of Highsnobiety, Vestiaire Collective, Fashion Revolution, and many more. The hosts were Amber Valletta, actress, model and entrepreneur, and Tim Blanks, editor-at-large of The Business of Fashion.

Wrapping up two days of intense leadership roundtables, conversations and business meetings was a panel discussion featuring the Strategic Partners of Global Fashion Agenda: Kering, H&M, Target, Li & Fung and Sustainable Apparel Coalition, who took the stage to address why sustainability should be a leadership priority and to discuss some of the recommendations from the Pulse of the Fashion Industry 2018 report, released the week prior to the Summit.


Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer und CEO des Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) und Managing Director von Denim Expert Limited, über Nachhaltigkeit im Umgang mit dem Trinkwasser und wie die Bangladeschs Textilindustrie dazu beitragen kann. © Denim Expert Ltd.
Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer und CEO des Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) und Managing Director von Denim Expert Limited

Nachhaltiger Umgang mit Wasser

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer und CEO des Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) und Managing Director von Denim Expert Limited, über Nachhaltigkeit im Umgang mit dem Trinkwasser und wie die Bangladeschs Textilindustrie dazu beitragen kann.

Chittagong - Wasser bedeutet Leben. Während in den vergangenen Wochen Milliarden Menschen in den USA und Asien von den Wassermassen der Hurrikans wie Irma und Maria überschwemmt wurden, nimmt gleichzeitig in genau diesen Ländern die Menge des trinkbaren und für den menschlichen Gebrauch geeigneten Wassers stetig ab.

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer und CEO des Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) und Managing Director von Denim Expert Limited, über Nachhaltigkeit im Umgang mit dem Trinkwasser und wie die Bangladeschs Textilindustrie dazu beitragen kann.

Chittagong - Wasser bedeutet Leben. Während in den vergangenen Wochen Milliarden Menschen in den USA und Asien von den Wassermassen der Hurrikans wie Irma und Maria überschwemmt wurden, nimmt gleichzeitig in genau diesen Ländern die Menge des trinkbaren und für den menschlichen Gebrauch geeigneten Wassers stetig ab.

Aktuell sind weniger als 3% des Wassers auf der Erde Trinkwasser, während die verbleibenden 97% Seewasser und damit ungenießbar sind. Von diesen 3% sind über 2,5% als Packeis an den Polarkappen der Antarktis fest gefroren. Das bedeutet, dass die gesamte Menschheit mit den verbliebenen 0,5% Wasser all ihre Bedürfnisse decken muss, nicht zu vergessen das Ökosystem der Natur. Die UN geht davon, dass bis zum Jahr 2050 weitere 3 Milliarden Menschen auf der Erde leben werden. Der größte Anteil des Zuwachses ist dabei genau in den Entwicklungsländern zu erwarten, die bereits heute unter Wasserknappheit leiden.

Bangladesch, das größte Delta der Welt und eigentlich eine flussreiche Nation, hat schon heute mit akutem Wassermangel zu kämpfen. Die ungefähr 18 Millionen Bewohner der Hauptstadt Dhaka sind extrem hoher Umweltverschmutzung ausgesetzt. Die Flüsse sind so verseucht, dass sie als ökologisch kritisch eingestuft werden. Die Verschmutzung des Oberflächenwassers wirkt sich auch auf jene Grundwasservorräte aus, die 80% der Einwohner von Dhaka mit Trinkwasser versorgen. Der Grundwasserspiegel in Dhaka sinkt wegen des hohen Wasserverbrauchs jedes Jahr um 2 - 3 Meter.

Industrieabwässer verursachen dabei etwa  60% der Wasserverschmutzung in Dhaka. Die meisten Bekleidungs- und Textilfabriken in Bangladesh sitzen in Dhaka und seinen Außenbezirken. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Mitverursacher des Problems ist. Eine Weberei benötigt durchschnittlich 100.000 Kubikliter Wasser im Monat. Ungefähr 150 Liter Wasser sind notwendig, um ein Kilogramm Baumwolle und Baumwoll-Mischgewebe herzustellen. Die Cleaner Production Intervention des IFC PACT hat in einem Modellversuch gezeigt, dass in zehn Fabriken in Bangladesch mit Wasser-Mess- und Monitoring-Systemen 2,7 Kubikmeter Wasser eingespart werden konnten, was 22,5% des Jahresverbrauchs entspricht. Jede dieser Fabriken wäre also in der Lage, eine Wassermenge einzusparen, die der 160-fachen Größe eines olympischen Pools entspricht.

Während die Industrie umweltfreundliche Betriebssysteme einführen müsste, sollten gleichzeitig Abläufe implementiert werden, die Wasser speichern und wieder aufbereiten, um den unnötigen Verlust jedes einzelnen Wassertropfens zu verhindern. Es macht Mut, dass die Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie in Bangladesch begonnen hat, nachhaltige Wirtschaftsmodelle zu übernehmen. Auch die Textilmarken legen großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und gehen längerfristige Geschäftsbeziehungen mit nachhaltig produzierenden  Zulieferern ein. Denn der Druck durch die Endverbraucher wächst: Sie kaufen zusehends bewusster ein und entscheiden sich für Produkte, die unserem Planeten keinen Schaden zufügen.

In Bangladesch hat in den letzten Jahren eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung hin zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion stattgefunden. Die Tatsache, dass alleine 67 LEED zertifizierte „grüne“ Fabriken beim amerikanischen Green Building Council (USGBC) gemeldet und 220 weitere bereits registriert sind, spricht hier Bände.

Unternehmen wie Denim Expert Limited agieren als Vorbild für nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle, an denen sich andere Unternehmen orientieren können. Der Jeanshersteller hat eine Reihe wirkungsvoller Maßnahmen eingeführt, um den eigenen Wasserverbrauch zu reduzieren und das verbrauchte Wasser aufzubereiten und zu recyceln. Sie können als Blaupause dafür dienen, wie Bangladesch, der zweitgrößte Textilexporteur der Welt, gleichzeitig Weltmarktführer in nachhaltiger Kleidungsproduktion werden kann.

Dazu gehören: das Auffangen von Regenwasser, kein Freiwerden gefährlicher Chemikalien, eine Abwasser-Kläranlage, Verwendung des Abwassers in den PP Spritzkabinen, Waschvorgang nach Stoffgewicht, Errechnung des optimalen Material-Flüssigkeitsverhältnisses, Reduktion des Spülwassers, Einsatz von multi-funktionalen Chemikalien, Waschmaschinen der neusten Modellreihe für das Waschen, direkte, wasserlose Injektion des Weichmachers sowie Trainings für das Personal.

Wenn die Industrialisierung die gesamte menschliche Existenz in Gefahr gebracht hat und der Klimawandel bereits Spuren in unserem Leben hinterlässt - was schon allein dadurch deutlich wird, dass in diesem Jahr fast die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung von Überschwemmungen betroffen war -  dann muss auch die Antwort auf das Problem aus der Industrialisierung kommen. Die Bekleidungs- und Stoffindustrie, als einer der größten Verursacher von Umweltschäden, muss den technologischen Fortschritt nutzen, um ihre Rolle umzukehren. Sie muss jetzt die Konsequenzen erkennen und handeln, bevor es zu spät ist.