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Seit 30 Jahren wird dieses Pima-Baumwollfeld in New Mexico, USA ökologisch bewirtschaftet von Cotonea Anbaupartner Dosi Álvarez.

Cotonea stellt vier neue Bio-Pima-Baumwollstoffe vor

Zur Mode- und Textilfachmesse Première Vision (4.-6.7. in Paris) stellt Cotonea erstmals vier neue Bio-Pima-Baumwollstoffe vor. Charakteristisch für die Gewebe Pima Popeline und Pima Feinkörper sowie die beiden Pima Interlock Gestricke (190 g/m² und 250 g/m²) sind seidig-feine und extra lange Fasern mit einer außergewöhnlichen Weichheit bei gleichzeitig hoher Festigkeit und Glanz.

Die Cotonea Bio-Pima-Baumwollstoffe sind dabei nicht nur atmungsaktiv, weich und formstabil, sondern dank des biologischen Anbaus besonders haut- bzw. allergikerfreundlich.

Zur Mode- und Textilfachmesse Première Vision (4.-6.7. in Paris) stellt Cotonea erstmals vier neue Bio-Pima-Baumwollstoffe vor. Charakteristisch für die Gewebe Pima Popeline und Pima Feinkörper sowie die beiden Pima Interlock Gestricke (190 g/m² und 250 g/m²) sind seidig-feine und extra lange Fasern mit einer außergewöhnlichen Weichheit bei gleichzeitig hoher Festigkeit und Glanz.

Die Cotonea Bio-Pima-Baumwollstoffe sind dabei nicht nur atmungsaktiv, weich und formstabil, sondern dank des biologischen Anbaus besonders haut- bzw. allergikerfreundlich.

Herkunft und Anbau
Die Pima-Baumwolle mit ihren Extralangstapelfasern ist ursprünglich in Peru beheimatet; heute wird sie vor allem in den USA und auch in Israel und Peru angebaut. Sie gehört zu den seltensten Baumwollsorten. Von den jährlich weltweit produzierten 25 Millionen Tonnen Baumwolle hatte Langstapel- und Extralangstapel-Baumwolle in den letzten zehn Jahren mit zwischen 300.000 und 500.000 Tonnen lediglich einen Anteil von ein bis zwei Prozent an der weltweiten Baumwollproduktion. Mit nur wenigen tausend Tonnen pro Jahr ist biologisch erzeugte Pima-Baumwolle noch deutlich seltener und eine echte Rarität.

Die Pflanze selbst gedeiht besonders in heißen, wüstenähnlichen Regionen mit mindestens 14 Stunden Sonnenschein. Gerade für den ökologischen Anbau ist sie prädestiniert, da sie genügsam mit Wasser umgeht, d. h. ihr reicht eine tief im Boden verlegte Tröpfchen-bewässerung aus. Positiver Nebeneffekt dieser Technik: Es können nur wenige Konkurrenzpflanzen wachsen (die im konventionellen Anbau üblicherweise mit Herbiziden beseitigt werden).

Bio-Pima-Baumwolle für Cotonea
In den USA, dem heute wichtigsten Anbauland für Pima-Baumwolle, gibt es nur rund 80 Bio-Baumwoll-Farmer. Davon ist wiederum nur eine gute Handvoll in der Lage Bio-Pima-Baumwolle anzubauen. Bereits seit 1997 arbeitet Cotonea mit Ramón „Dosi“ Álvarez aus New Mexico, einem Pionier des Bio-Baumwollanbaus in den USA, zusammen. Seit 2016 baut Dosi Álvarez Bio-Pima-Baumwolle für Cotonea an, für die Cotonea mittlerweile auch weitere Anbaupartner hat. Wie bei allen Vertragspartnern sind Cotonea auch bei dieser Zusammenarbeit wertschätzende und faire Geschäftspraktiken wichtig. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel, dass die Landwirte die Anbaufläche vertraglich festlegen können. Cotonea nimmt dann die Baumwolle ab, die auf dieser Fläche gewachsen ist. Das gibt ihnen Planungsmöglichkeit und wirtschaftliche Sicherheit. Für Cotonea wiederum bedeutet dies verlässliche Lieferanten auch für die exklusive Pima-Baumwolle.




Haelixa marks and traces sustainable cotton from Costach and Creditex in Peru

Under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative to enhance transparency and traceability in the garment and footwear industry, Haelixa realizes a pilot project with Costach Cooperative and Peruvian textile company Creditex to give sustainable rural cotton producers in Peru more visibility in the value chain.

Under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative to enhance transparency and traceability in the garment and footwear industry, Haelixa realizes a pilot project with Costach Cooperative and Peruvian textile company Creditex to give sustainable rural cotton producers in Peru more visibility in the value chain.

In 2019, UNECE and United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) have set up an initiative to drive transparency and traceability for sustainable value chains in the garment and footwear industry. The initiative is jointly implemented with the International Trade Centre (ITC) with financial support by the European Union. Haelixa is proud to be part of the group of experts that develops policy recommendations, traceability standards, and conducts projects to set traceability benchmarks. With the support of the +Cotton Project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) a pilot is being realized in this context to mark and trace the finest Pima cotton for Creditex directly at the gin in Piura, Peru. Haelixa’s DNA marker connects the actual lint cotton to the entry on a blockchain system provided by UNECE. The Haelixa technology ensures that the information about the product’s origin and the journey of the product along the value chain is always safely embedded into the product itself. The marked cotton will be used to make exclusive pajamas sets for Cat´s Pajamas. DNA traceability will enable the verification of the premium origin of Peruvian Pima cotton in the final garment produced using sustainable practices by family farmers associated with the Costach cooperative.

Costach is the main cooperative of cotton farmers in Peru. The cooperative consists of 5,200 family farmers in the Piura region, producing mostly extra-long fiber of Pima Cotton. Since 2017, the +Cotton project has been supporting the farmers with training on sustainable practices and has been providing technical assistance for improved markets access.

Creditex is vertically integrated from cotton ginning to fine thread, up to the production of high quality apparel for international premium brands. The company takes social responsibility and environmental stewardship very seriously and therefore makes a strong partner for this project, empowering the cotton family farmers that hold the majority of cotton production in Peru.


Haelixa Ltd

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service. (c) Canclini

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Founded in 1925, Canclini has always been a company able to combine extraordinary creativity and product care, established as a silk factory in the Como region. This tradition was renewed in the 1960s with the shift to the cotton sector, aiming more and more at customer service, developing a partnership and trust relation. Working with Canclini 1925 means reaching into the tradition of a family which has always been passionate about its work, dynamic, creative and focused on continuous innovation.

These are distinctive and qualifying elements in the Canclini 1925 approach. An approach which, in line with the research and development pathway on which the company has always invested substantial resources, also involves considerable attention the topic of environmental and social accountability. This commitment is confirmed by numerous and prestigious certifications in the company portfolio, starting from the careful selection of raw materials to its social commitment. More specifically, Canclini 1925 has been awarded the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), SUPIMA COTTON (the Pima “Gossypium Barbadense” cotton, classified as Extra-long Staple) certifications, following the Standard 100 by OECO-TEX®, BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and GRS (Global Recycle Standard). A comprehensive range of tools which, combined with its in-house know-how and expertise capital, enhances the portfolio of Canclini 1925 branded innovations.

This accountability approach also encompasses the social area with the association “Un sorriso in più” (“One extra smile”). Founded and managed by the company, it is a non-profit organisation engaged in projects which include assistance in nursing homes to elderly persons without family ties, as well as in the support to children living difficult and disadvantaged family situations, focusing its activity on “human life quality”. The uniqueness generated by this meeting between tradition and innovation is the driving force behind corporate research, as well as the truly distinctive reason for its style and technology development. The high-performance looms and technologies used make the company strong and flexible enough for contemporary market requirements. The trademark passion of the Canclini family completes the picture within which the company operates, true to an approach which is at the same time artisan and high-tech, a point of reference in Italy and worldwide.

Thanks to its substantial manufacturing capacity, Canclini today is present on all of the most influential shirt markets worldwide, and – with its new Blue 1925 line - also in the denim world. In this way the company has succeeded in positioning itself among major players in textile manufacturing, authentically Italian because of its farsighted  business vision, care for details and production flexibility. It is the approach which – over the years - has allowed the group to take over important enterprises in the sector, for example Hausmann-Moos and Profilo Tessile, Maglificio Mida and Grandi & Rubinelli.
According to Simone Canclini, CEO of Canclini 1925: “What characterises the Canclini 1925 spirit is first and foremost genuine passion driven by our inspiring principles: quality, style and service. These elements have allowed us to become and remain a point of reference worldwide, to rediscover the everyday – basic and exciting – emotion of choosing a special shirt”.

SUMMER ELEGANCE AT EASE – Die Ungezwungenheit einer neuen sommerlichen Eleganz

SUMMER ELEGANCE AT EASE – Die Ungezwungenheit einer neuen sommerlichen Eleganz

In der Kollektion Frühjahr/Sommer 2019 verbindet EDUARD DRESSLER traditionelle Handwerkskunst mit casualer Inspiration und technologischer Innovation. Das Konzept „Tailor Made - Casual Inspired“ wird fortgesetzt und erfährt durch technologische Innovationen bei Materialien und Funktionalität eine bisher nicht gekannte Dimension. Bei der Verarbeitung der hochfeinen Materialien als Soft Styles stellt EDUARD DRESSLER einmal mehr sein hohes handwerkliches Können unter Beweis. Das Ergebnis ist eine neue ungezwungene Lässigkeit, die die Persönlichkeit und Individualität des Mannes in den Vordergrund stellt.


In der Kollektion Frühjahr/Sommer 2019 verbindet EDUARD DRESSLER traditionelle Handwerkskunst mit casualer Inspiration und technologischer Innovation. Das Konzept „Tailor Made - Casual Inspired“ wird fortgesetzt und erfährt durch technologische Innovationen bei Materialien und Funktionalität eine bisher nicht gekannte Dimension. Bei der Verarbeitung der hochfeinen Materialien als Soft Styles stellt EDUARD DRESSLER einmal mehr sein hohes handwerkliches Können unter Beweis. Das Ergebnis ist eine neue ungezwungene Lässigkeit, die die Persönlichkeit und Individualität des Mannes in den Vordergrund stellt.

Zu den technologisch-innovativen Highlights der Kollektion zählt eine Stoffqualität aus reiner Wolle, die sich – ganz ohne Lycra – durch eine unglaubliche Elastizität auszeichnet. Darüber hinaus begeistern die von EDUARD DRESSLER daraus gefertigten Anzüge durch ihre außergewöhnlichen wasserabweisenden, atmungsaktiven und knitterarmen Eigenschaften. Die Handwerkskunst wird auch bei neuen sommerlichen Soft Suits aus Wolle/Seide mit einem sensationellen Gewicht von gerade einmal 150 Gramm bewiesen. Als weitere Exklusivität werden Sakkos aus beidseitig bedruckten Leinen-Wolle-Seide-Qualitäten präsentiert, wobei die kontrastierende Seite im Unterkragen für raffinierte Effekte sorgt. Die Silhouetten, Modelle und Passformen umspielen den Körper und punkten durch ihren unkomplizierten  Look. Sie ermöglichen ein angenehm sommerliches Tragegefühl und verleihen dem Mann ein lässiges und zugleich stets elegantes Aussehen.

Die in allen Elementen der Kollektion vertretenen Highlight-Farben Sky Blue, Desert Rose und das frische Green Olive inszenieren den Sommer. Eine warme Indian Mustard Nuance in Baumwolle, Wolle/Leinen-Mischungen sowie in technischen Qualitäten setzt interessante farbliche Akzente.

Der City Car-Coat aus einer wasserabweisenden technischen Baumwolle-Nylon-Qualität mit moderner Silhouette ist eine raffinierte Neuinterpretation des traditionellen Trench- und Raincoats. Für den modernen Twist sorgen gummierte Druckknöpfe, ein effektvoll platziertes Kontrastband an Knopfleiste und Taschenklappen sowie geräumige Klappentaschen. Der halbgefütterte Mantel ist für nahezu jede Jahreszeit ein idealer Begleiter. Für laue Sommernächte empfiehlt sich der „light weight“ Blouson, ein unkompliziertes Leichtgewicht aus Baumwolle-Nylon. Der upper casual Blouson erhält durch die neue Länge undfeine  Mesh-Details einen entspannten und ungezwungenen Look.

Mit dem Modell „ED 1929“ gelingt EDUARD DRESSLER eine spannende Neuinterpretation der klassischen Bundfaltenhose. Ob im Denim-Look oder aus waschbarer Wolle, die „ED 1929“ ist die perfekte Verbindung von Tradition und Innovation auf der Basis von großem handwerklichem Können. Die gekonnte und neue Interpretation der Bundfalte und der Einsatz von echten Jeansattributen unterstreichen den gepflegten, lässigen Style der Hose.

Bei Business- und Casual-Hemden fallen Fensterkaros und Streifen in den Farbnuancen Blau, Braun und Schwarz ins Auge. Neu bei EDUARD DRESSLER ist ein Stehkragenhemd. Dieses Element der „Casual Line“ wird auch zu Anzug und Sakko getragen und sorgt in dieser Kombination für überraschende Looks.

Zu den spannenden Produktneuheiten dieser Saison zählen auch T-Shirts und Polos aus feinstem Pima Cotton und Leinen. Beide Qualitäten sind ein Single Jersey Gewirk und zeichnen sich durch maximale Elastizität, Formstabilität sowie sehr weiche Haptik mit seidigem Griff aus. Pima Cotton – die high-quality Ware – ist die feinste Baumwollart der Welt, die per Hand gelesen wird. Dies garantiert eine maximale Faserqualität und ermöglicht ein unerreicht weiches Tragegefühl.


Maria Stella Diana



At the Munich Fabric Start in Munich, TINTEX proudly announced its complete switch from the use of conventional cotton and the concomitant launch of a new fabric range that is the highest expression of the new generation of cotton: Naturally Advanced Cotton by TINTEX.

This new range is able to offer an advanced smart choice of 4 different premium and responsible advanced cotton solutions such as BCI Cotton, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, GOTS certified organic cotton and Supima. These new fabrics maintain and upgrade the transparent, hi-tech and sustainable organics that are at the heart of the TINTEX DNA. They represent better, smarter ecomaterials with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to a first class expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications that use the latest research, equipment and processes to deliver it. 

At the Munich Fabric Start in Munich, TINTEX proudly announced its complete switch from the use of conventional cotton and the concomitant launch of a new fabric range that is the highest expression of the new generation of cotton: Naturally Advanced Cotton by TINTEX.

This new range is able to offer an advanced smart choice of 4 different premium and responsible advanced cotton solutions such as BCI Cotton, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, GOTS certified organic cotton and Supima. These new fabrics maintain and upgrade the transparent, hi-tech and sustainable organics that are at the heart of the TINTEX DNA. They represent better, smarter ecomaterials with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to a first class expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications that use the latest research, equipment and processes to deliver it. 

This new launch is confirming once more the commitment of TINTEX to its ‘Naturally Advanced’ position meaning “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer’s demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge Silva.

The “Naturally Advanced Cotton” on Collection by TINTEX:

BCI cotton: The Better Cotton Initiative has specific aims:

  • Reduce the environmental impact of cotton production
  • Improve livelihoods and economic development in cotton producing areas
  • Improve commitment to and flow of Better Cotton throughout supply chain.

ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi: a range of full-colour yarns, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that save up to 77,9% water during manufacture. This season TINTEX is also introducing a new, finer ECOTEC® yarn called Phoenix, also GRS certified, being made from 50% ECOTEC® cotton and 50% recycled polyester. Here wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute* certification. 

GOTS Organic Cotton: The Global Organic Textile Standard GOTS is the most important standard for sustainable production of garments and natural fiber textile products from organic farming such as organic cotton or organic wool. GOTS criteria measures environmental, technical quality, toxicity and social impacts. GOTS is backed by independent certification for the entire supply chain.

Supima Cotton: Luxury, quality and craftsmanship are the benchmarks of American-grown, extra-long staple cotton. TINTEX offers 100% Supima precious fabrics and blends with tencel.

These special 4 cotton actors are made even more “advanced” by unique smart finishing as Plummy and Naturally Clean, for clean surfaces, bright colours, outstanding touch always with a very careful eye at the responsible values.  



TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

The new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position means “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with advanced, added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge. New innovations, which include the ISPO Best Product Award i (SOFT EQUIPMENT category) in TexTrends for fall winter 19/20, maintain and upgrade the honest but hi-tech sustainable organics that is at the heart of the TINTEX DNA to create better, smarter eco-materials, always with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to its expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications. These are all researched, designed and made using the latest equipment and processes. This season the new TINTEX collection plays with new colour balance techniques that deploy the benefits of chromotherapy for welbeing alongside skin safe materials and finishings.

The collection uses up to 90% of new smart and sustainable materials and include: Tencel, Modal & Micromodal, Organic Cottons, Supima cottons, Seacell fibres, Natural organic linens and the new, full colour ECOTEC® yarns by Marchi & Fildi, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that in manufacture save up to 79% water. This season TINTEX is also introducing the new ECOTEC® yarn Phoenix (50% ECOTEC®, 50% recycled polyester, NM1/50 GRS-certified) for open, light and dry textures. Wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute certifications, TINTEX also presents new developments using the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of ecosustainable stretch yarns with certificated credentials. This family of yarns claim the world-first GRS certified ROICA™ premium stretch yarn that comes at least 50% from recycled pre-consumer waste.

The newest introduction for second skin qualities and for products to the athleisure market within TINTEX collection is ROICA™ Feel Good family that promises a new level of performance with ‘feelgood comfort’ and freshness.

For colouration effects, we can use the ROICA™ Colour Perfect family of yarns to create a flawless and responsible finish to dyed performance stretch assortments. Colours to Tranquilize, to Activate the Senses, to Recharge, to Energize.

Key highlights include: changeant effects (yarn and dyeing solutions), thermosensitive (reds/ blues) coatings, UV sensitive coatings and colourful coated patterns, extra fine and semi-transparent jerseys, but also, compact and fluid qualities.