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Schoeller Textil AG

Transparency for the wool supply chain - partnership between Schoeller and NATIVA

  • Fully traceable and sustainable wool via blockchain
  • Transparent supply chains

Schoeller strives to offer more high-quality fabrics made from sustainable NATIVA™ wool in the future.

The NATIVA™ wool comes from certified farms in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North America, Uruguay and Argentina. The farms comply with strict levels of animal welfare, and management and ethical work policies. To ensure animal welfare each farmer has a management plan, assessing feeding, breeding, behaviour, animal handling and health and infrastructure. This includes the prohibition of mulesing and stress free shearing.

All following steps such as wool sourcing, combing, spinning and weaving are also monitored and certified to the highest ethical and quality standards. NATIVA™ is the first global wool brand to provide Blockchain traceability from farm to consumer. This transparency in the supply chain, enabled by the NATIVA™ certification and powered by Blockchain, means brands can truly show the journey of their wool.

  • Fully traceable and sustainable wool via blockchain
  • Transparent supply chains

Schoeller strives to offer more high-quality fabrics made from sustainable NATIVA™ wool in the future.

The NATIVA™ wool comes from certified farms in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North America, Uruguay and Argentina. The farms comply with strict levels of animal welfare, and management and ethical work policies. To ensure animal welfare each farmer has a management plan, assessing feeding, breeding, behaviour, animal handling and health and infrastructure. This includes the prohibition of mulesing and stress free shearing.

All following steps such as wool sourcing, combing, spinning and weaving are also monitored and certified to the highest ethical and quality standards. NATIVA™ is the first global wool brand to provide Blockchain traceability from farm to consumer. This transparency in the supply chain, enabled by the NATIVA™ certification and powered by Blockchain, means brands can truly show the journey of their wool.

A unique QR code is generated for each product of each brand. This code is a connection between the NATIVA™ Blockchain Platform and the NATIVA™ Blockchain Website. Customers can scan the QR code to view the NATIVA™ Blockchain Website, where they can trace in real time the journey of their wool, from farm to brand.


  • Complete transparency over the supply chain and product transformation.
  • End to end traceability.
  • A fantastic marketing tool for any brand.

Lenzing Group: Sustainability Report 2020

  • Successful measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects and climate targets progressing on schedule – launch of first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers
  • New level of transparency in the textile industry: introduction of blockchain technology
  • Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher and sets new sustainability goals

The Lenzing Group presented its Sustainability Report 2020 on April 22, 2021, World Earth Day. Featuring the title “Stand up for future generations”, Lenzing once again emphasized its commitment to taking responsibility beyond the products it makes.

  • Successful measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects and climate targets progressing on schedule – launch of first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers
  • New level of transparency in the textile industry: introduction of blockchain technology
  • Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher and sets new sustainability goals

The Lenzing Group presented its Sustainability Report 2020 on April 22, 2021, World Earth Day. Featuring the title “Stand up for future generations”, Lenzing once again emphasized its commitment to taking responsibility beyond the products it makes. The non-financial report, prepared in accordance with the reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and reviewed by KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, illustrates how the company is responding to the global challenges of our time.

The 2020 financial year of the Lenzing Group was largely dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lenzing took short-term measures to safeguard its business operations and mitigate the effects of fiber prices and fiber demand which came under increasing pressure. The priority was to protect employees and strengthen long-term partnerships with suppliers and customers. Following the current fight against the coronavirus and its consequences, the company continues to move ahead determinedly to achieve its sustainability targets, also against the backdrop of such a difficult market environment.

With the implementation of its science-based targets, the Lenzing Group actively contributes to mastering the problems caused by climate change. In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent per ton of product by 2030. The overriding target is to be climate-neutral by 2050.*

The launch of the first carbon-zero TENCEL™ fibers certified as CarbonNeutral® products in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol – the leading global framework for carbon neutrality – represents another important milestone from the reporting year. As of June 2021, Lenzing will also market the first VEOCEL™ branded lyocell fibers as certified CarbonNeutral® products.

Promoting the circular economy
Lenzing also sets standards for the entire fiber, textile and clothing industry with respect to the circular economy which is of such crucial importance in climate and resource protection. In order to enhance resource efficiency and offer a solution for the global problem of textile waste, the company developed the REFIBRA™ recycling technology. REFIBRA™ is the only technology in the world enabling the production of new lyocell fibers on a commercial scale from cotton scraps derived from manufacturing cotton clothing as well as from used garments. In this way, an important contribution is made to promoting circularity in the textile industry.*

New level of transparency in the textile industry
In addition to environmental protection, the issue of transparency along the supply chain poses a major challenge to the textile industry. Working in cooperation with TextileGenesis™, Lenzing offers an innovative solution to ensure greater transparency on the basis of blockchain technology. Following several successful pilot projects with renowned fashion brands, this digital platform was ultimately launched in 2020 to enable the traceability of textiles, from the fiber to all stages of production and distribution. Thanks to the innovative Fibercoin™ technology of the TextileGenesis™ platform, Lenzing and its partners are able to issue so-called “blockchain assets” in direct proportion to the physical fiber deliveries of the brands TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™. These digital assets function like a “fingerprint” and thus prevent adulteration.*

Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher
The Lenzing Group operates in line with three strategic principles within the context of its “Naturally positive” sustainability strategy: partnering for change, advancing circularity and greening the value chain.*


*See attached document for more information..

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing traces its fibers with blockchain technology

  • Lenzing enters the age of digital traceability
  • Transparency ensured from wood to the finished garment
  • Partnership with Hong Kong based TextileGenesis™

The Lenzing Group, world market leader in specialty fibers made from the renewable material wood, is strengthening its leading position in sustainability in the textile industry. Lenzing will use blockchain technology to support its TENCEL™ branded fiber business, ensuring complete transparency and traceability for brands and consumers of its fibers in the finished garment. After evaluating various initiatives Lenzing decided to join the platform of the Hong Kong based technology company TextileGenesis™ to accomplish this ambition.

  • Lenzing enters the age of digital traceability
  • Transparency ensured from wood to the finished garment
  • Partnership with Hong Kong based TextileGenesis™

The Lenzing Group, world market leader in specialty fibers made from the renewable material wood, is strengthening its leading position in sustainability in the textile industry. Lenzing will use blockchain technology to support its TENCEL™ branded fiber business, ensuring complete transparency and traceability for brands and consumers of its fibers in the finished garment. After evaluating various initiatives Lenzing decided to join the platform of the Hong Kong based technology company TextileGenesis™ to accomplish this ambition.

Consumers increasingly want to understand the ingredients and suppliers of the products they buy, requesting a new level of transparency and traceability. The supply chain transparency from wood to garment and home textiles will enable all customers and partners to identify TENCEL™ fibers and the respective wood source in each production and distribution step. Thanks to a QR code on the final garment, consumers will be able to detect the origin of the clothes they intend to buy.

“With LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers Lenzing was the frontrunner in physical traceability and is now entering the age of digital traceability. This milestone in transparency is a further strong commitment to sustainability”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “Together with TextileGenesis™, we aim to create an unmatched level of transparency for brands and consumers. With this step Lenzing will further help to green up the textile industry.”

Lenzing will carry out several pilot tests over the next few months involving partners along the entire value chain. Lenzing expects the platform to be fully operational as of 2020.


Lenzing AG

(c) GS1 Germany GmbH: Blockchain wirft aktuell noch viele Fragen auf – Praxisprojekte helfen dabei, über die Technologie zu lernen.

Checkliste für Unternehmer: Acht Praxistipps für eigene Blockchain-Projekte

Wer ein Blockchain-Projekt starten möchte, nimmt sich Großes vor. Technologische Fragen wie die die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. GS1 Germany bringt die bisherigen Learnings aus dem bundesweit größten Blockchain-Pilotprojekt im Bereich Logistik auf den Punkt.
Gemäß Deloitte scheitern aktuell rund 90 Prozent aller Blockchain-Projekte. Die Technologie ist in der Praxis kaum erprobt und wirft noch immer viele Fragen auf. Erste Antworten liefert das noch bis Jahresende laufende Pilotprojekt von GS1 Germany in Zusammenarbeit mit über 25 Unternehmen aus Handel, Industrie, Logistik, IT, der Gründer-Szene, Verbänden und Wissenschaft:

Wer ein Blockchain-Projekt starten möchte, nimmt sich Großes vor. Technologische Fragen wie die die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. GS1 Germany bringt die bisherigen Learnings aus dem bundesweit größten Blockchain-Pilotprojekt im Bereich Logistik auf den Punkt.
Gemäß Deloitte scheitern aktuell rund 90 Prozent aller Blockchain-Projekte. Die Technologie ist in der Praxis kaum erprobt und wirft noch immer viele Fragen auf. Erste Antworten liefert das noch bis Jahresende laufende Pilotprojekt von GS1 Germany in Zusammenarbeit mit über 25 Unternehmen aus Handel, Industrie, Logistik, IT, der Gründer-Szene, Verbänden und Wissenschaft:

  1. Anwendungsfall kommt vor Technologie: Vor dem Start eines eigenen Blockchain-Pilotprojekts gilt es kritisch zu prüfen, ob eine Blockchain für den geplanten Anwendungsfall Sinn macht. Dabei helfen Fragen wie: Welchen Mehrwert könnte die Technologie schaffen? Warum sollte eine Blockchain eingesetzt werden und keine andere Datenbanktechnologie?
  2. Blockchain ist kein Plug and Play: Jede Blockchain ist anders und besitzt unterschiedliche Merkmale. Für jeden konkreten Anwendungsfall gilt es darum zunächst eine passende Lösung zu konzipieren und technisch umzusetzen.
  3. Datenverfügbarkeit und Datenqualität sicherstellen: Blockchain ist kein Heilmittel für unzureichende Daten. Ohne Daten keine Blockchain – und ohne qualitativ hochwertige, korrekte und vollständige Daten kein mehrwertstiftender Einsatz der Blockchain.
  4. Einen Testlauf durchführen: Blockchain ist noch keine ausgereifte Technologie, sondern wirft heute noch viele Fragen auf. Vor dem konkreten Einsatz einer Blockchain im operativen Unternehmensgeschäft gilt es darum zunächst durch Proof of Concepts oder ein Pilotprojekt konkrete Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
  5. Bestehende Systeme nutzen: Blockchain schafft durch die Anbindung an bestehende, etablierte Systeme und Lösungen Synergien und Mehrwert. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise GS1 Standards zu Identifikation und Datenaustausch sowie auch ERP-Systeme und Warenwirtschaft.
  6. Governance festlegen: Technologische Fragen wie die Auswahl der passenden Blockchain-Technologie sind meist einfacher zu lösen als das „Drumherum“. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Initiierung des Netzwerks, die Festlegung von Teilnahme-Regeln, Lese- und Schreiberechten, die allgemeine Governance oder auch die Finanzierung des Netzwerkes. Vor dem Start der Programmierung gilt es darum zu prüfen, welche Teilnehmer zu welchen Bedingungen an der Blockchain mitwirken würden. Außerdem gilt: Ohne eine kritische Zahl an Teilnehmern gibt es auch keine Blockchain.
  7. Transparenz reflektieren: Blockchain schafft Transparenz. Ist das gewünscht? Selbst bei weniger sensiblen und politisch weniger heiklen Daten wie beispielsweise Palettenkontoständen existieren möglicherweise Befindlichkeiten hinsichtlich der Datentransparenz. Datenschutz, Privacy, wettbewerbsrelevante Informationen – Blockchain heißt auch zu reflektieren, welche und wie viele Informationen ein Unternehmen preisgeben möchte.
  8. Paradigmenwechsel ernst nehmen: Blockchain erfordert als dezentrale Peer-to-Peer-Technologie, dass B2B-Beziehungen in einer neuen Art gedacht werden. Ihr Einsatz zieht für viele Unternehmen vollkommen neue Organisationsstrukturen, Prozessabläufe und Machtverhältnisse nach sich und schafft neue Gesetzmäßigkeiten im Umgang mit Geschäftspartnern. Hier gilt zu prüfen: Sind diese Veränderungen gewünscht und wie schnell lässt sich ein solcher Wandel realisieren?

Die Ergebnisse des gesamten Projekts werden nach der Testphase im Herbst im Rahmen des Praxistages Blockchain am 6. Dezember 2018 in Köln vorgestellt.


More information:
Blockchain Technologie

GS1 Germany GmbH