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DS Smith: Der Fusion Shopper als neuer Verbrauchertyp (c) DS Smith

DS Smith: Der Fusion Shopper als neuer Verbrauchertyp

Experten des Verpackungsunternehmens DS Smith sagen, dass die Beschränkungen im Zuge der Covid-19-Pandemie zu einer dauerhaften Veränderung im Verbraucherverhalten geführt haben. Der Verbrauchertyp, der in Zukunft häufiger vertreten sein wird, ist der sogenannte Fusion Shopper. Er verteilt seine Einkäufe auf stationäre Geschäfte, den Onlinehandel und Click & Collect. Einzelhändler und Marken sehen sich gezwungen, mit der Entwicklung Schritt zu halten.

Experten des Verpackungsunternehmens DS Smith sagen, dass die Beschränkungen im Zuge der Covid-19-Pandemie zu einer dauerhaften Veränderung im Verbraucherverhalten geführt haben. Der Verbrauchertyp, der in Zukunft häufiger vertreten sein wird, ist der sogenannte Fusion Shopper. Er verteilt seine Einkäufe auf stationäre Geschäfte, den Onlinehandel und Click & Collect. Einzelhändler und Marken sehen sich gezwungen, mit der Entwicklung Schritt zu halten.

  • Experten gehen davon aus, dass der Vormarsch des Click & Collect Modells anhalten wird. 60 % der Konsumenten, die den Service bereits genutzt haben, können sich vorstellen erneut über Click & Collect zu kaufen.
  • Einzelhändler und Marken stehen unter Druck, ihre Kanäle schnell an diese Veränderungen anzupassen, da sie Verbrauchern meist noch kein konsistentes Einkaufserlebnis bieten.
  • Mehr als die Hälfte (52 %) der deutschen Verbraucher zieht das Einkaufen im Ladengeschäft dem Online- oder Click & Collect-Einkauf jedoch weiterhin vor. Trotz des starken Umsatzwachstums bezeichnen 54 % der Befragten Click & Collect als „das Schlechteste aus beiden Welten".
  • Das Designexperten-Team von DS Smith bietet Einzelhändlern innovative Lösungen, um das Einkaufserlebnis der Kunden zu verbessern.

DS Smith / Hill+Knowlton Strategies GmbH

Sappi: A milestone in sustainable packaging (c)Sappi Europe
Based on the motto ‘Pro Planet: Paper Packaging – welcome to the new pack-age’, Sappi presents numerous opportunities for its customers to package their food or non-food products in sustainable, premium packaging.

Sappi: A milestone in sustainable packaging

  • Sappi implements innovative barrier paper technology to increase production

Sappi will introduce new barrier coating technology for functional paper packaging at its speciality mill in Alfeld, Germany, strengthening its position as the leading global provider of sustainable paper packaging solutions. Explaining the decision, Berry Wiersum, CEO Sappi Europe stated: “Expanding the use of our proprietary barrier coating technology underpins Sappi’s drive to maintain our leading position in barrier coated paper as well the commitment we have with our customers in developing innovative future focused packaging solutions which contribute towards a sustainable future”

•    Investment in sustainable barrier coating technology
•    Comprehensive expertise in future focused functional paper packaging
•    Where performance meets environmental accountability

  • Sappi implements innovative barrier paper technology to increase production

Sappi will introduce new barrier coating technology for functional paper packaging at its speciality mill in Alfeld, Germany, strengthening its position as the leading global provider of sustainable paper packaging solutions. Explaining the decision, Berry Wiersum, CEO Sappi Europe stated: “Expanding the use of our proprietary barrier coating technology underpins Sappi’s drive to maintain our leading position in barrier coated paper as well the commitment we have with our customers in developing innovative future focused packaging solutions which contribute towards a sustainable future”

•    Investment in sustainable barrier coating technology
•    Comprehensive expertise in future focused functional paper packaging
•    Where performance meets environmental accountability

The demand for paper and paperboard packaging continues to rise dramatically as consumers become increasingly mindful of the impact their buying choices have on the environment.  The call for innovative, truly sustainable solutions has never been louder. Sappi is striving to support its customers to go beyond traditional film and foil-based material solutions, growing its products ranges to meet the demands of our ever-changing world. Working directly with brand owners Sappi seeks to create future-oriented circular solutions in line with growing collective global responsibilities.

The desire to continuously evolve to meet and exceed the business needs requires ongoing investment in innovation in order to create the solutions of tomorrow. Sappi’s acquisition of Rockwell Solutions has deepened the company’s barrier paper manufacturing knowledge. Adding barrier coater capacity at Alfeld Mill further upscales our capabilities, brings this unique combination of paper, dispersion and coating technology to more customers and enables Sappi to offer customers even more competitive and attractive paper packaging solutions.

Sappi has made great strides to provide future-focused products and services – matching and exceeding the needs of consumers now and in the future – delivering recyclable packaging solutions in line with the requirements of a circular economy. Environmental accountability is at the heart of both Sappi and its customers’ needs. Through this initiative Sappi will continue to challenge the conventional packaging industry with new ideas and solutions in order to make it easier for the world and the planet to follow a circular-economy strategy.

Sappi Seal range with two new basis weights added (c) Sappi Europe
Sappi Seal range with two new basis weights added

Sappi Seal range with two new basis weights added

Sustainable packaging solutions are a hot topic all over the world. Sappi, market leader in innovative packaging barrier and sealable papers, is already producing such solutions and can point to numerous successful examples. Demand from customers and interested parties from a wide spectrum of industries continues to grow. The world’s leading paper and paperboard manufacturer therefore recently added two new grammages to its Sappi Seal range. In addition to the 67 g/m² version, the new 85 g/m² and 100 g/m² papers enable branded goods manufacturers to package an even more extensive variety of products with this functional paper – either as primary or secondary packaging.

Sustainable packaging solutions are a hot topic all over the world. Sappi, market leader in innovative packaging barrier and sealable papers, is already producing such solutions and can point to numerous successful examples. Demand from customers and interested parties from a wide spectrum of industries continues to grow. The world’s leading paper and paperboard manufacturer therefore recently added two new grammages to its Sappi Seal range. In addition to the 67 g/m² version, the new 85 g/m² and 100 g/m² papers enable branded goods manufacturers to package an even more extensive variety of products with this functional paper – either as primary or secondary packaging.

The requirements for packaging papers are becoming increasingly demanding. They need to offer greater functionality, be environmentally friendly, recyclable and provide optimal protection for the packaged products. While many paper manufacturers are still talking about such multi-functional solutions, the innovation leader Sappi has already expanded its portfolio. The 85 g/m² and 100 g/m² grammages are now available in the Sappi Seal product family. Converters and manufacturers of food products, such as sugar, tea and confectionery, as well as non-food items, like children’s toys and DIY products, now have even more possibilities to use this functional paper and move from fossil-based materials to environmentally friendly packaging. The wide range of projects that Sappi has already completed for well-known customers, highlight its relevance for the market.

More information:
Sappi Verpackung

Ruess Group

(c) Sappi Europe SA

Sappi: Real solutions instead of empty words

A successful autumn season for Sappi at a collection of trade fairs, with exceptional interest shown in innovative packaging papers

Sappi Europe has presented its solutions for sustainable, future-oriented packaging at three trade fairs in the past few weeks. The globally operating paper specialist’s extensive product range has been serving as a benchmark in the industry for years and now includes the functional barrier papers from the Sappi Guard family, the sealable packaging paper Sappi Seal and the folding boxboard Atelier. The showcasing of innovations in sustainable packaging papers will continue at interpack in Düsseldorf in May 2020.

“Environmentally friendly packaging” was the first leading theme of FachPack, which, according to Messe Nürnberg, really had its finger on the pulse. This theme also was given top priority by visitors that were attracted to the Sappi stand, by its wide range of innovative and sustainable application solutions.

A successful autumn season for Sappi at a collection of trade fairs, with exceptional interest shown in innovative packaging papers

Sappi Europe has presented its solutions for sustainable, future-oriented packaging at three trade fairs in the past few weeks. The globally operating paper specialist’s extensive product range has been serving as a benchmark in the industry for years and now includes the functional barrier papers from the Sappi Guard family, the sealable packaging paper Sappi Seal and the folding boxboard Atelier. The showcasing of innovations in sustainable packaging papers will continue at interpack in Düsseldorf in May 2020.

“Environmentally friendly packaging” was the first leading theme of FachPack, which, according to Messe Nürnberg, really had its finger on the pulse. This theme also was given top priority by visitors that were attracted to the Sappi stand, by its wide range of innovative and sustainable application solutions.

Huge demand for specific projects
Almost fifty per cent more branded goods manufacturers, converters, established customers and interested parties visited the FachPack stand in Nuremberg compared to the previous year – with specific projects in mind. For those planning to replace composite packaging with a paper-based solution with integrated functionality, Sappi presented its Sappi Guard barrierpapers and highlighted some related best practice references. This included the packaging solution for a new nut-fruit bar, recently introduced to the market, from a well-known brand manufacturer. The Sappi Guard range includes Sappi Guard M and Sappi Guard MS with a mineral oil barrier (MOB) and a grease barrier of Kit 11 or Kit 7. All Guard papers guarantee very high product safety and can be completely recycled. The integrated heat sealability was the focus of the development of Sappi Seal. René Köhler, Head of Business Development Packaging and Speciality Papers at Sappi, says: “Reducing the consumption of fossil resources in packaging is a major concern for Sappi. On this account, we developed Sappi Seal, a functional paper with integrated heat sealing functionality which is integrated in the form of a dispersion coating on the reverse side of the paper and can replace papers with a PE coating.” Sappi presented a wide range of successfully completed projects in order to demonstrate the specific application of this paper to the trade fair visitors.

More information:
Sappi Verpackung

Sappi Europe SA

Lenzing AG: Innovatives Mehrwegnetz für Obst und Gemüse im Lebensmittelhandel (c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG: Innovatives Mehrwegnetz für Obst und Gemüse im Lebensmittelhandel

  • Lenzing und BILLA bieten “grüne” Alternative zu Plastiksackerl für Obst und Gemüse
  • Holzfasern statt Plastik: Material ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar
  • Erhältlich bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG in ganz Österreich

Die Lenzing Gruppe, Weltmarktführer bei Spezialfasern aus Holz, und BILLA, der österreichische Nahversorger mit über 1.088 Filialen in Österreich, bieten Konsumenten alternative Lösungen zu Verpackungen aus Plastik. Die neu auf den Markt gebrachten Mehrwegnetze für Obst und Gemüse aus LENZING™ Modalfasern finden großen Anklang: Seit der Einführung der Mehrwegnetze im November 2018 sind bereits über 138.000 Stück bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG verkauft worden. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage ist die umweltfreundliche Verpackung seit Anfang Februar in allen BILLA-Filialen österreichweit erhältlich.

  • Lenzing und BILLA bieten “grüne” Alternative zu Plastiksackerl für Obst und Gemüse
  • Holzfasern statt Plastik: Material ist vollständig biologisch abbaubar
  • Erhältlich bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG in ganz Österreich

Die Lenzing Gruppe, Weltmarktführer bei Spezialfasern aus Holz, und BILLA, der österreichische Nahversorger mit über 1.088 Filialen in Österreich, bieten Konsumenten alternative Lösungen zu Verpackungen aus Plastik. Die neu auf den Markt gebrachten Mehrwegnetze für Obst und Gemüse aus LENZING™ Modalfasern finden großen Anklang: Seit der Einführung der Mehrwegnetze im November 2018 sind bereits über 138.000 Stück bei BILLA, MERKUR und ADEG verkauft worden. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage ist die umweltfreundliche Verpackung seit Anfang Februar in allen BILLA-Filialen österreichweit erhältlich.

Die Mehrwegnetze aus den holzbasierten Fasern der Lenzing Gruppe bieten einen entscheidenden ökologischen Vorteil gegenüber herkömmlichen Plastiksackerln für Obst und Gemüse, denn sie sind natürlichen Ursprungs und daher im Abfall biologisch abbaubar und kompostierbar. Mikropartikel, die beim Waschen der Netze in das Abwasser gelangen, werden zügig Teil des natürlichen Kreislaufes und hinterlassen daher weder in Flüssen noch Meeren schädliche Rückstände.

Die Mehrwegnetze sind optimal für Lebensmittel geeignet, denn wie vom Hersteller VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH bestätigt, halten die atmungsaktiven und feuchtigkeitsregulierenden Eigenschaften Obst und Gemüse bis zu drei Tage länger frisch. Die nachhaltigen Netze wurden bereits mit dem Staatspreis für Smart Packaging ausgezeichnet, der vom Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus verliehen wird.

Die Packnatur® Mehrwegnetze auf Holzbasis werden von VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH in Graz aus LENZING™ Modalfasern hergestellt. Bereits seit 2014 gibt es bei BILLA Cellulosenetze aus LENZING™ Fasern, die bei Bio-Gemüse und Bio-Obst zum Einsatz kommen. Auch die Zitrusfrüchte sind großteils auf das Cellulosenetz umgestellt. Mit dem Mehrwegnetz wurde nun eine zusätzliche nachhaltige Verpackungslösung für den dauerhaften Gebrauch gefunden.

More information:
Lenzing AG Verpackung

Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG and Partners Win Austrian State Prize 2018 for Smart Packaging (c) BMDW/Silveri
(from left to right) Head of the Department DDr. Reinhard Mang, Tanja Dietrich-Huebner (Rewe), Susanne Meininger (Verpackungszentrum), Marina Crnoja-Cosic (Lenzing AG), Malte Stackebrandt (Coop), General Secretary Dipl-Ing. Esterl.

Lenzing AG and Partners Win Austrian State Prize 2018 for Smart Packaging

  • The Packnatur® reusable cellulose bag wins State Prize in the B2C category
  • Bags are made from wood-based fibers of Lenzing AG, which are biodegradeable
  • Bags were developed together with VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH and are utilized by Coop and REWE for fruits and vegetables

Lenzing/ Vienna – Lenzing AG was granted the Austrian State Prize 2018 for Smart Packaging this year together with its partners. The Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism bestowed the Austrian State Prize this week in the B2C category on the Packnatur® reusable wood-based bag. This reusable bag is made with fibers produced by Lenzing AG and was developed by Lenzing and its partner VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH. The bags are utilized in the supermarkets of the Swiss food retailer Coop and the Austrian firm REWE International AG.

  • The Packnatur® reusable cellulose bag wins State Prize in the B2C category
  • Bags are made from wood-based fibers of Lenzing AG, which are biodegradeable
  • Bags were developed together with VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH and are utilized by Coop and REWE for fruits and vegetables

Lenzing/ Vienna – Lenzing AG was granted the Austrian State Prize 2018 for Smart Packaging this year together with its partners. The Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism bestowed the Austrian State Prize this week in the B2C category on the Packnatur® reusable wood-based bag. This reusable bag is made with fibers produced by Lenzing AG and was developed by Lenzing and its partner VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH. The bags are utilized in the supermarkets of the Swiss food retailer Coop and the Austrian firm REWE International AG.

The Packnatur® reusable cellulose bag is particularly suited for the packaging of fruit and vegetables and serves as an ideal replacement for plastic bags. The jury provided the following reasons to justify the selection of the winner: The Packnatur® reusable cellulose bag comprises a long-lasting, reusable packaging solution made of a renewable raw material but not at the expense of food. It has very pleasant haptics and supports longer shelf life of food.

LENZING™ fibers are made from the natural and renewable raw material wood. For this reason, they are biodegradable. Moreover, they pollute neither rivers nor seas with microparticles washed out in the process of washing.

The Austrian State Prize for Smart Packaging was granted on the occasion of the 3rd Austrian Packaging Day. This year for the 58th time, the objective of this award is to highlight modern packaging solutions and excellent projects as best practice examples and thus put the national packaging industry in the international limelight.