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ACIMIT: Italian textile machinery manufacturers at symposia in India

A new promotional initiative aims to boost trade relations between Italy and India in the textile sector. 11 Italian textile machinery manufacturers will be taking part in the forthcoming technological symposia scheduled in New Delhi and Mumbai from 9 to 12 April. The two events, organized by the Italian Trade Agency and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will allow Italian companies to showcase their technologies to a selected audience of Indian textile entrepreneurs.

The textile sector is of great significance in the Indian economy, contributing more than 2% of the GDP and allowing the Country to be among the largest exporter of textile and apparel items. Moreover India represents the third largest foreign market for the Italian textile machinery industry.

In 2022 India imported Italian textile machinery for a total value of about 200 million euro. Referring to the first 9 months of 2023, the value shows a slight decrease compared to the value for the same period of the previous year, but the forecast for the current year remains positive.

A new promotional initiative aims to boost trade relations between Italy and India in the textile sector. 11 Italian textile machinery manufacturers will be taking part in the forthcoming technological symposia scheduled in New Delhi and Mumbai from 9 to 12 April. The two events, organized by the Italian Trade Agency and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will allow Italian companies to showcase their technologies to a selected audience of Indian textile entrepreneurs.

The textile sector is of great significance in the Indian economy, contributing more than 2% of the GDP and allowing the Country to be among the largest exporter of textile and apparel items. Moreover India represents the third largest foreign market for the Italian textile machinery industry.

In 2022 India imported Italian textile machinery for a total value of about 200 million euro. Referring to the first 9 months of 2023, the value shows a slight decrease compared to the value for the same period of the previous year, but the forecast for the current year remains positive.

Italian companies participating in the symposia, all of which are ACIMIT members, are: Autefa, Cubotex, Danitech, Lafer, Mcs, Monti-Mac, Reggiani Macchine, Salvadè, Savio, Sicam, Testa.


ACIMIT - Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

Italien auf der Heimtextil Grafik ITA – Italian Trade Agency

2022 goldenes Jahr für die italienische Textilindustrie

Italy at Heimtextil 2024- 29 Aussteller aus Italien werden über die ITA – Italian Trade Agency auf der Messe in den Hallen 4.2 sowie 3.0, 11.0 und 12.0 ausstellen. Unter anderem angetrieben durch die Nachfrage verbesserter Lebensstandards und innovativer Wohntrends, schreibt der internationale Markt für Heimtextilien positive Zahlen. Deutschland ist insbesondere für Bett-, Bad- und Tischtextilien ein führender Markt in Europa und nach ersten Schätzungen des BTE Handelsverbands stieg der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Bekleidung - ohne Schuhe - als auch Heimtextilien 2023 um rund 5 % auf 67,3 Mrd. Euro.

Italy at Heimtextil 2024- 29 Aussteller aus Italien werden über die ITA – Italian Trade Agency auf der Messe in den Hallen 4.2 sowie 3.0, 11.0 und 12.0 ausstellen. Unter anderem angetrieben durch die Nachfrage verbesserter Lebensstandards und innovativer Wohntrends, schreibt der internationale Markt für Heimtextilien positive Zahlen. Deutschland ist insbesondere für Bett-, Bad- und Tischtextilien ein führender Markt in Europa und nach ersten Schätzungen des BTE Handelsverbands stieg der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Bekleidung - ohne Schuhe - als auch Heimtextilien 2023 um rund 5 % auf 67,3 Mrd. Euro.
Die Textilindustrie in Italien erlebte 2022 ein goldenes Jahr: Nach Schätzungen des Centro Studi Confindustria schloss sie das Jahr mit einem Umsatz von rund 8,1 Mrd. Euro, was einem Zuwachs von 32,4 % gegenüber 2021 entspricht, ab. Die Exporte stiegen dabei auf fast 4,6 Mrd. Euro und verzeichneten so ein Plus von 31,9 %. Besondere Zunahme registrierte die Verarbeitung von Wolle, führend bei den in Italien hergestellten Textilien, gefolgt von Maschenwaren sowie Baumwollgewebe. Der Handelsbilanzüberschuss des Sektors wuchs verglichen zum Jahr 2021 um rund 400 Mio. Euro auf 2.190 Mio. Euro.


ITA – Italian Trade Agency


Italian Textile Machinery (ACIMIT): Drop in orders for first quarter 2022

The orders index for textile machinery for the first quarter of 2022, processed by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, shows a slight decrease (-4%) compared to the same period from January to March 2021. In absolute value, the index stood at 117 points (basis: 2015 = 100).

On the domestic front orders shrank by fully 22%, whereas abroad the decline was more contained (-2%). The absolute value of the index in Italy was set at 136 points. On foreign markets, the index scored a value of 114.9 points.

ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented that: “The global pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian conflict have accentuated the climate of uncertainty for the whole of the textile industry. Criticalities already present in the past year (such as a sharp rise in prices of raw materials and their scarce availability, as well as increased transport costs) are now accentuated more than ever. While orders appear to have settled on foreign markets, domestically, following a strong recovery in 2021, we now have to deal with a general negativity permeating the Italian economy.”

The orders index for textile machinery for the first quarter of 2022, processed by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, shows a slight decrease (-4%) compared to the same period from January to March 2021. In absolute value, the index stood at 117 points (basis: 2015 = 100).

On the domestic front orders shrank by fully 22%, whereas abroad the decline was more contained (-2%). The absolute value of the index in Italy was set at 136 points. On foreign markets, the index scored a value of 114.9 points.

ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi commented that: “The global pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian conflict have accentuated the climate of uncertainty for the whole of the textile industry. Criticalities already present in the past year (such as a sharp rise in prices of raw materials and their scarce availability, as well as increased transport costs) are now accentuated more than ever. While orders appear to have settled on foreign markets, domestically, following a strong recovery in 2021, we now have to deal with a general negativity permeating the Italian economy.”

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, together with successive pandemic lockdowns in the main market for textile machinery manufacturers, namely China, have undermined the confidence of Italian companies in the sector. “I believe 2022 will be a transition year for the industry, as we await a calming international economic scenario. In the meantime,” adds Zucchi, “our association continues to work to strengthen the positioning of Italy’s textile machinery industry worldwide through promotional initiatives in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Italian Trade Agency.”

The latest of these initiatives was carried out at the end of April, with the opening of an Italian technology training center for textile machinery in Mongolia, a Country that ranks among the world’s leading producers of raw cashmere. ACIMIT’s president concludes that, “With the training center starting its operations, our sector is laying the foundations for further business opportunities in an emerging market. I’m certain the initiative will bear a return in terms of image not only for individual Italian companies who are participating by supplying machinery, but on the entire Italian textile machinery sector as a whole.”