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DOMO Chemicals (c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich technischer Kunststoffe und nachhaltiger Lösungen, ist stolz auf seine bedeutenden Nachhaltigkeitserfolge im Jahr 2023, die im heute veröffentlichten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht detailliert beschrieben werden.

DOMO Chemicals erreichte 2023 die ISCC+-Zertifizierung (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification PLUS) für drei Produktionsstandorte und mehr als 300 Produkte aus PA6 und technischen Kunststoffen. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, den Kunden ein breiteres Spektrum an kreislauforientierten und biobasierten Lösungen anzubieten und damit sein Engagement für kundenorientierte Innovationen zu unterstreichen. Die Auszeichnung mit der EcoVadis Goldmedaille bestätigt das Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit.

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich technischer Kunststoffe und nachhaltiger Lösungen, ist stolz auf seine bedeutenden Nachhaltigkeitserfolge im Jahr 2023, die im heute veröffentlichten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht detailliert beschrieben werden.

DOMO Chemicals erreichte 2023 die ISCC+-Zertifizierung (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification PLUS) für drei Produktionsstandorte und mehr als 300 Produkte aus PA6 und technischen Kunststoffen. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, den Kunden ein breiteres Spektrum an kreislauforientierten und biobasierten Lösungen anzubieten und damit sein Engagement für kundenorientierte Innovationen zu unterstreichen. Die Auszeichnung mit der EcoVadis Goldmedaille bestätigt das Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit MARTOR, OMV und der Mitsubishi Chemical Group hat den effektiven Einsatz von recycelten und biobasierten Materialien ermöglicht. Diese Allianzen tragen entscheidend dazu bei, dass DOMO sein Ziel erreichen kann, bis 2030 etwa 20% seines Volumens an technischen Kunststoffen aus recycelten und biobasierten Materialien zu verkaufen. Im Jahr 2023 lag dieser Anteil bereits bei 13%.

Die Anstrengungen zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) haben zu bedeutenden Ergebnissen geführt: Das Unternehmen konnte seine Scope-1- und Scope-2-THG-Emissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 um 29% reduzieren und ist damit auf einem guten Weg, sein Ziel für 2030 - eine Reduzierung um 40% - zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen die Nutzung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 50 Prozent gesteigert und erreichte 2023 einen Anteil von 18 Prozent an seinen weltweiten Aktivitäten.


DOMO Chemicals


EcoVadis Gold Rating für DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

More information:
DOMO Chemicals EcoVadis

DOMO Chemicals


DOMO Chemicals publishes sustainability report

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in polyamide-based engineered material solutions and services, has published its latest annual Sustainability Report, detailing progress on its sustainability journey, including notable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. DOMO’s mission is to engineer polyamide solutions that contribute to a better, more sustainable world. In publishing its second annual Sustainability Report, DOMO enters a new phase in its decarbonization quest, with confidence in its long-term aspiration to set the standard for sustainability in the industry by 2030.

Notably, the Sustainability Report details DOMO’s achievements in 2022 toward realizing its 2030 sustainability goals. In terms of decarbonization and broader environmental achievements, against a 2019 baseline, the company:

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in polyamide-based engineered material solutions and services, has published its latest annual Sustainability Report, detailing progress on its sustainability journey, including notable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. DOMO’s mission is to engineer polyamide solutions that contribute to a better, more sustainable world. In publishing its second annual Sustainability Report, DOMO enters a new phase in its decarbonization quest, with confidence in its long-term aspiration to set the standard for sustainability in the industry by 2030.

Notably, the Sustainability Report details DOMO’s achievements in 2022 toward realizing its 2030 sustainability goals. In terms of decarbonization and broader environmental achievements, against a 2019 baseline, the company:

  • Reduced scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 27%, making significant progress toward its target of 40% reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Increased renewable electricity throughout operations to 12%
  • Reduced waste by 24%
  • Lowered water intake by 4.5%

In addition, as a provider of polyamide-based sustainable and circular solutions, DOMO:

  • Achieved more than 11% of engineered materials sales based on sustainable feedstock, making excellent progress toward its 2030 target of 20%
  • Allocated 25% of research and development resources to enhanced recycling

Moreover, fostering talent and ensuring the well-being of its workforce as a responsible employer is essential for sustainable growth, and 2022 highlights include:

  • Increased share of women in senior positions from 22% in 2021 to 30% in 2022
  • Providing a safe and inclusive working environment that encourages personal and professional development as well as a global safety culture

DOMO Chemicals


DOMO Chemicals und Hynamics: Production of polyamides from low-carbon hydrogen

DOMO Chemicals, a producer of engineered polyamide materials, and Hynamics, a 100% subsidiary of EDF Group specializing in the production of low-carbon hydrogen, have entered into a partnership project with the objective of achieving zero-carbon for 100% of the hydrogen used at the Belle-Étoile industrial site, in Saint-Fons (south of Lyon, France), in the heart of the French Vallée de la Chimie (“Chemistry Valley”).

For the first time in France, the “HyDom” project will enable the installation of an 85-megawatt (MW) hydrogen production plant using the water electrolysis process at the Belle-Étoile site, with a production capacity of 11,000 metric tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year. The plant will be powered by the French low-carbon electric power mix. By 2027, it will supply 100% of the annual production of hexamethylene diamine, a key component used in the production of plastics.

DOMO Chemicals, a producer of engineered polyamide materials, and Hynamics, a 100% subsidiary of EDF Group specializing in the production of low-carbon hydrogen, have entered into a partnership project with the objective of achieving zero-carbon for 100% of the hydrogen used at the Belle-Étoile industrial site, in Saint-Fons (south of Lyon, France), in the heart of the French Vallée de la Chimie (“Chemistry Valley”).

For the first time in France, the “HyDom” project will enable the installation of an 85-megawatt (MW) hydrogen production plant using the water electrolysis process at the Belle-Étoile site, with a production capacity of 11,000 metric tons of low-carbon hydrogen per year. The plant will be powered by the French low-carbon electric power mix. By 2027, it will supply 100% of the annual production of hexamethylene diamine, a key component used in the production of plastics.

The project will eventually prevent the emission of 84 kilotons of carbon dioxide (CO2) each year. Hexamethylene diamine, and ultimately, durable and low-carbon polyamides, will be used in various applications in major industry sectors, such as automotive, electronics, and heating & cooling.
This project is a major step towards the decarbonization of industrial sites that use grey hydrogen (produced from fossil fuels). The location in the Vallée de la Chimie within the vicinity of major transport routes opens up opportunities for the creation of a more complete hydrogen ecosystem.

The first phase of the project will consist of building up and ascertaining technical concepts and integrating the low-carbon hydrogen production plant within the larger production process of hexamethylene diamine.

Considering the high-power scale of the future electrolytic hydrogen production facility, the HyDom project is being developed in close collaboration with RTE (an organization in charge of managing the French power grid), to solve connection issues. As a priority project for the industry's zero-carbon strategy and for the “France 2030” investment plan, HyDom is supported by the French government and has been presented to the European Commission for public funding.


DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV


DOMO Chemicals stellt seine neue Marke NYLEO® vor

  • DOMOs neue NYLEO®-Marke vereint DOMOs Erfahrung mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei neuen Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation
  • NYLEO® PROTECT steht für verbesserten Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® ist der Name für verbesserte biologische Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE zeichnet sich durch bakteriostatische Eigenschaften aus
  • NYLEO® repräsentiert einen neuen Meilenstein in DOMOs wachsendem Angebot an nachhaltigen Lösungen

NYLEO® ist DOMOs neue Produktlinie und kombiniert bewährte Hochleistungsfasern mit bahnbrechenden neuen Lösungen. NYLEO® auf Nylon 66-Basis wird in zahlreichen Anwendungen eingesetzt, darunter Textilien, Bodenbeläge sowie Flock- und Schleifmittel. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften bietet NYLEO® ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für die Verbesserung der Produktleistung.

  • DOMOs neue NYLEO®-Marke vereint DOMOs Erfahrung mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei neuen Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation
  • NYLEO® PROTECT steht für verbesserten Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® ist der Name für verbesserte biologische Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE zeichnet sich durch bakteriostatische Eigenschaften aus
  • NYLEO® repräsentiert einen neuen Meilenstein in DOMOs wachsendem Angebot an nachhaltigen Lösungen

NYLEO® ist DOMOs neue Produktlinie und kombiniert bewährte Hochleistungsfasern mit bahnbrechenden neuen Lösungen. NYLEO® auf Nylon 66-Basis wird in zahlreichen Anwendungen eingesetzt, darunter Textilien, Bodenbeläge sowie Flock- und Schleifmittel. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften bietet NYLEO® ein breites Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für die Verbesserung der Produktleistung.

DOMOs NYLEO® setzt auf unsere Erfahrungen mit Nylon 66-basierten Fasern und legt mit drei Produkten den Schwerpunkt auf Innovation: NYLEO® PROTECT mit verbessertem Flammschutz, NYLEO® 4EARTH® mit verbesserter biologischer Abbaubarkeit und NYLEO® SAFE mit bakteriostatischen Eigenschaften.

DOMOs Erbe an innovativen Nylon 66-Fasern
DOMOs Team für Hochleistungsfasern hat seinen Sitz im französischen Valence. DOMO produziert seit 1955 PA66-Fasern für Anwendungsbereiche wie Schleifmittelvliese, Luftfahrt, Teppichböden, Hochleistungstextilien, Flock für Polstermöbel, Innenausstattung und -böden von Autos sowie viele weitere Verbraucherprodukte. Die NYLEO® Marke wird nun auf das gesamte Portfolio an Polyamid 66 (PA 66)-Faserprodukten, einschließlich gekräuseltem TOW oder TOW für die Flockherstellung, angewendet. Fasern auf Basis von PA66 sind für hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit, hervorragende Verschleiß- und Abriebfestigkeit, hohe Zähigkeit, ausgezeichnete Färbbarkeit und Farbechtheit sowie einheitliche Qualität und weiche Haptik bekannt. Dazu gehören:

  • NYLEO® PROTECT – um das Sicherheitsniveau in den Bereichen persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Bekleidung, Möbel und Transport zu erhöhen, hat DOMO eine neue flammhemmende PA 66-Faser entwickelt. NYLEO® PROTECT vereint alle Vorteile von PA 66, wie z. B. mechanische Eigenschaften, Komfort, geringes spezifisches Gewicht und hervorragende Abriebfestigkeit, mit verbessertem Flammschutz. Der Sauerstoffindex (LOI) von NYLEO® PROTECT wurde auf 28 % verbessert, was dem Niveau typischer flammhemmender Fasern entspricht.
  • NYLEO® 4EARTH® – immer mehr Hersteller befassen sich mit den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft und versuchen ihren Einfluss auf die Umwelt weitmöglichst zu verringern, z. B. durch ein besseres Abfallmanagement. Die textile Wertschöpfungskette hat starken Anteil an den Mülldeponien, auf denen die meisten Kleidungsstücke enden. Aus diesem Grund entwickelte DOMO mit NYLEO® 4EARTH® eine Faser, die auf Deponien besser biologisch abgebaut wird. Während traditionelle Nylon 66-Fasern 50 – 100 Jahre für den Zerfall benötigten, braucht NYLEO® 4EARTH aufgrund seiner verbesserten biologischen Abbaubarkeit nur fünf Jahre, um abgebaut zu werde.
  • NYLEO® SAFE – die Verbreitung von Bakterien hat sich zu einem immer dringlicheren Gesundheitsproblem entwickelt. Bei NYLEO® SAFE wird ein bakteriostatisches Mittel in die Polymermatrix eingebracht, wo es die Fasern langfristig schützt und das Wachstum von Bakterien verhindert.

DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV

(c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO stellt neue Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen vor

  • DOMOs neuer Service deckt das globale Produktportfolio von Werkstoffen für den Spritzguss ab.
  • DOMO Engineered Materials ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die stets aktuelle Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen, sodass Kunden jederzeit die aktuellsten, umfangreichsten und validierten TECHNYL®-Werkstoffdaten einsehen können.
  • Dieser neue Service für schnellere Projektentwicklungszeiten wird am 12. Mai 2022 freigeschaltet.

Bisher mussten Anwender, die die neuesten Datenbanken für Spritzgussanwendungen von den jeweiligen Anbietern erhalten wollten, auf ein Update der Simulationssoftware warten. Von der Verfügbarkeit neuer Materialien bis zur Aktualisierung der öffentlichen Datenbanken verging beträchtliche Zeit – mitunter mehr als ein Jahr. Darüber hinaus mussten sich Anwender regelmäßig an verschiedene Kontakte wenden, um von Materialanbietern Auskünfte über die neuesten verfügbaren Ressourcen einzuholen.

  • DOMOs neuer Service deckt das globale Produktportfolio von Werkstoffen für den Spritzguss ab.
  • DOMO Engineered Materials ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die stets aktuelle Materialdatenbank für Spritzgusssimulationen, sodass Kunden jederzeit die aktuellsten, umfangreichsten und validierten TECHNYL®-Werkstoffdaten einsehen können.
  • Dieser neue Service für schnellere Projektentwicklungszeiten wird am 12. Mai 2022 freigeschaltet.

Bisher mussten Anwender, die die neuesten Datenbanken für Spritzgussanwendungen von den jeweiligen Anbietern erhalten wollten, auf ein Update der Simulationssoftware warten. Von der Verfügbarkeit neuer Materialien bis zur Aktualisierung der öffentlichen Datenbanken verging beträchtliche Zeit – mitunter mehr als ein Jahr. Darüber hinaus mussten sich Anwender regelmäßig an verschiedene Kontakte wenden, um von Materialanbietern Auskünfte über die neuesten verfügbaren Ressourcen einzuholen.

DOMO ermöglicht es seinen Kunden jetzt mit regelmäßigen Aktualisierungen der Datenbank für Autodesk Moldflow einen wertvollen neuen Service zu erhalten. Auf Anfrage werden auch Spritzgussmaterialdaten für andere Softwarelösungen (Moldex3D, CADmould usw.) von unserem Sales und Technical Manager zur Verfügung gestellt.

Da Kunden so stets die neuesten Materialdaten für Spritzgusssimulationen zur Hand haben, können sie Zeit und Mühe bei der Generierung der notwendigen Daten für ihre Projekte sparen. Diese validierten Messdaten für präzisere Simulationen ermöglicht den Kunden, ihre Entwicklungszeiten zu verkürzen und Produkte schneller auf den Markt zu bringen.

Darüber hinaus umfassen diese direkten Aktualisierungen auch neue Werkstoffe aus DOMOs Entwicklungspipeline sowie neue validierte Daten, die über die gewöhnliche Vorgehensweise von Spritzgussanwendungen hinausgehen und beispielsweise die Optimierung der Vorhersage von Faserausrichtungen erlauben.

More information:
Domo DOMO Chemicals Kunststoffe

DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV


DOMO: Mechanische Struktursimulation für PA6-GF-Werkstoffe

  • Das MMI (Materialmodellierung, mechanische Berechnung und Spritzgusssimulation)-Team für fortgeschrittene Simulationstechnologien bietet erheblich verbesserten Service für PA6-GF-Werkstoffe
  • Integrative Simulationsumgebung lässt sich effektiv mit der Digimat-Software anwenden und gewährleistet präzise und robuste Finite-Elemente-Analysen

DOMOs fortschrittliche Simulationsumgebung MMI für PA66-Bauteile gilt auf dem Markt bereits als Referenz für präzise Simulationen. Ab sofort unterstützt dieses Simulationstool OEMs und Bauteillieferanten bei der Entwicklung von leistungsfähigen, leichten und kosteneffizienten Bauteilen aus PA6. Mit dem DOMO Service Hub können Bauteilentwickler ihre Polyamidlösungen somit schneller in Serie bringen.

Bei glasfaserverstärkten Materialien muss die Ausrichtung der Glasfasern berücksichtigt werden, die während des Spritzgussverfahrens entsteht. Dabei ermöglicht die Digimat-Software eine genaue integrative Simulation. DOMO besitzt ein umfangreiches Fachwissen bei der integrativen Simulation der TECHNYL® A-Serie von PA66-GF-Materialien und ist daher in der Lage, präzise Bauteilsimulationen durchzuführen.

  • Das MMI (Materialmodellierung, mechanische Berechnung und Spritzgusssimulation)-Team für fortgeschrittene Simulationstechnologien bietet erheblich verbesserten Service für PA6-GF-Werkstoffe
  • Integrative Simulationsumgebung lässt sich effektiv mit der Digimat-Software anwenden und gewährleistet präzise und robuste Finite-Elemente-Analysen

DOMOs fortschrittliche Simulationsumgebung MMI für PA66-Bauteile gilt auf dem Markt bereits als Referenz für präzise Simulationen. Ab sofort unterstützt dieses Simulationstool OEMs und Bauteillieferanten bei der Entwicklung von leistungsfähigen, leichten und kosteneffizienten Bauteilen aus PA6. Mit dem DOMO Service Hub können Bauteilentwickler ihre Polyamidlösungen somit schneller in Serie bringen.

Bei glasfaserverstärkten Materialien muss die Ausrichtung der Glasfasern berücksichtigt werden, die während des Spritzgussverfahrens entsteht. Dabei ermöglicht die Digimat-Software eine genaue integrative Simulation. DOMO besitzt ein umfangreiches Fachwissen bei der integrativen Simulation der TECHNYL® A-Serie von PA66-GF-Materialien und ist daher in der Lage, präzise Bauteilsimulationen durchzuführen.

Die neuen MMI-PA6-GF Materialkarten können für eine Vielzahl von Glasfaserkonzentrationen und -temperaturen sowie für elastische und elastoplastische Materialmodelle mit Versagensindikatoren eingesetzt werden. Diese sind in der Digimat Software verfügbar und führen zu den gleichen präzisen Ergebnissen wie bei den TECHNYL® A PA66-Werkstoffen. Die neuen Materialkarten heben somit die PA6-Datenbank auf das gleiche Leistungsniveau wie PA66 an. Im nächsten Schritt werden in die Digimat-Datenbank auch crashspezifische und thermische Modelle eingepflegt.

„Dank der präzisen MMI-Simulation können TECHNYL® Bauteile entwickelt werden, die leichter, leistungsfähiger und kosteneffizienter sind“, erklärt Gilles Robert, Material Expert bei DOMO. „Unsere Kunden profitieren von kürzeren Entwicklungszeiten und haben eine bessere Kontrolle über die internen Kosten. Der kontinuierliche Aufbau der TECHNYL®-Materialdatenbank erweitert das Anwendungsfeld dieser Simulationsumgebung auf PA6 Bauteile.“


DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV

(c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals expands production capacity of TECHNYL® polyamide in China

  • The first year of TECHNYL® in China under the DOMO brand name; DOMO will be pushing forward its expansion plan of high-performance polyamides in China
  • Continued innovation in engineered nylon materials for a sustainable future

DOMO Chemicals announced a long-term investment plan in China to continue expanding its production capacity of TECHNYL® high-performance polyamides. This plan aims to meet growing demand in the automotive, electrical & electronics, and industrial consumer goods industries, and help build a sustainable future. DOMO Chemicals acquired Solvay's Performance Polyamides business in 2020 and has sold the TECHNYL® products globally since February 1, 2022, including in China, one of the company's key strategic markets.

  • The first year of TECHNYL® in China under the DOMO brand name; DOMO will be pushing forward its expansion plan of high-performance polyamides in China
  • Continued innovation in engineered nylon materials for a sustainable future

DOMO Chemicals announced a long-term investment plan in China to continue expanding its production capacity of TECHNYL® high-performance polyamides. This plan aims to meet growing demand in the automotive, electrical & electronics, and industrial consumer goods industries, and help build a sustainable future. DOMO Chemicals acquired Solvay's Performance Polyamides business in 2020 and has sold the TECHNYL® products globally since February 1, 2022, including in China, one of the company's key strategic markets.

The global demand for polyamide materials is currently booming at a CAGR of up to 3 percent. The adoption of new energy vehicles (including pure electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles) is expected to reach 45 percent globally by 2030, and automakers are increasingly using sustainable materials to make components, which are key growth drivers of the polyamide market. In addition, the demand for miniaturized circuit breakers, contactors, plug switches, and other components in the electrical and electronics and industrial consumer goods industries further opens up the application potential for polyamide materials.

DOMO Chemicals will continue to expand the capacity of its production site in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, which has been planned to be gradually introduced in three stages:

  • Since March 2022, an additional 6,000 tons of capacity has been made available, with the plant achieving the total capacity of 14,000 tons of PA6 from April onwards.
  • A 35,000-ton new plant in Haiyan is planned to be completed in the third quarter of 2023, in which DOMO Chemicals has invested more than 14 million euros (97 million yuan).
  • Going forward, DOMO Chemicals will further expand the plant, gradually increasing its capacity to 50,000 tons.

In addition to the expansion, the plant will also use renewable energy wherever possible, adopt advanced water and air treatment technologies to reduce water consumption and CO2 emissions, and fully comply with Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSE) regulations. DOMO Chemicals will improve HSE compliance continuously and work closely with the local government, while partnering with key local and global customers to accelerate innovation and development across a wide range of industries.

TECHNYL® has been committed to helping customers improve their low-carbon competitiveness since its very first year in China. It allows OEMs and component makers in the automotive, electrical & electronics, and industrial consumer goods segments to create lightweight, durable, aesthetically pleasing, smart and environmentally-friendly products.


DOMO Chemicals / Marketing Solutions NV

Foto: Dr. Wolfgang Kubak / DOMO Chemicals

DOMO produziert fünfmillionste Tonne Caprolactam

  • Führender Hersteller von Polyamid-Lösungen verkündet Meilenstein in der Caprolactam-Produktion
  • Seit 1942 5 Mio. Tonnen Caprolactam weltweit ausgeliefert
  • Vollständige Integration am Standort Leuna sichert die Versorgung mit chemischen Zwischenprodukten, Caprolactam und Polyamid 6

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller von Polyamid-Lösungen, verkündet zu Wochenbeginn die erfolgreiche Lieferung von 5 Millionen Tonnen Caprolactam am Standort Leuna. Seit 1942 produziert der Standort in den Anlagen hochwertiges Caprolactam. Diese Menge entspricht ca. 225.000 Lkw-Ladungen. Seit 1994 produziert das deutsche Tochterunternehmen DOMO Caproleuna GmbH am Standort im Herzen Europas Caprolactam und Polyamid. In diesem Zeitraum wurden die Produktionskapazitäten schrittweise auf aktuell 176.000 Jahrestonnen erweitert.

  • Führender Hersteller von Polyamid-Lösungen verkündet Meilenstein in der Caprolactam-Produktion
  • Seit 1942 5 Mio. Tonnen Caprolactam weltweit ausgeliefert
  • Vollständige Integration am Standort Leuna sichert die Versorgung mit chemischen Zwischenprodukten, Caprolactam und Polyamid 6

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller von Polyamid-Lösungen, verkündet zu Wochenbeginn die erfolgreiche Lieferung von 5 Millionen Tonnen Caprolactam am Standort Leuna. Seit 1942 produziert der Standort in den Anlagen hochwertiges Caprolactam. Diese Menge entspricht ca. 225.000 Lkw-Ladungen. Seit 1994 produziert das deutsche Tochterunternehmen DOMO Caproleuna GmbH am Standort im Herzen Europas Caprolactam und Polyamid. In diesem Zeitraum wurden die Produktionskapazitäten schrittweise auf aktuell 176.000 Jahrestonnen erweitert.

Die Caprolactamherstellung hat am Standort Leuna eine 80-jährige Tradition. Bereits 1942 ging in Leuna die weltweit erste großtechnische Anlage zur Produktion von Caprolactam in Betrieb. Seitdem die DOMO Gruppe im Jahr 1994 die Caprolactamanlagen übernommen hat, wurde die Technologie und das Verfahren kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. In den letzten 20 Jahren konnte DOMO Caproleuna die spezifischen Energieverbräuche im Mitteldruckdampf um 30 % sowie im Niederdruckdampf um 40 % absenken und so den Herstellungsprozesses stetig weiter optimieren. Nachhaltigkeit stellt eine wichtige strategische Säulen des Konzerns dar. DOMO Beyond ist unser Fahrplan für innovative Projekte, mit denen wir unsere Nachhaltigkeitsziele in den Bereichen Planet Care, verantwortungsvoller Arbeitgeber und Partner of Choice erreichen wollen. Deshalb hat sich DOMO dazu verpflichtet, bis 2030 einen Nullanstieg der CO2-Emissionen gegenüber 2019, eine Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffanteile im Energiemix von DOMO um 15 % sowie eine Reduzierung der Industrieabfälle um 7 % anzustreben.

„Über die letzten 3 Jahrzehnte haben wir den Caprolactam-Anlagenkomplex stets weiter ausgebaut und die Produktionsmengen umfangreich gesteigert. Der heutige Fokus liegt klar bei der Effizienzsteigerung und Energieeinsparung“, so Dr. Thomas Jende, Produktionsleiter für Caprolactam.

Das wichtigste Vorprodukt für Polyamid 6
Caprolactam wird vor allem zur Herstellung von Polyamid 6 benötigt und in der eigenen, am Standort integrierten Polymerisation unter dem Markennamen DOMAMID® und TECHNYL® weiterverarbeitet. DOMAMID® kommt als Basispolymer vorrangig für Engineering Plastics-, Textil- und für Folienanwendungen zum Einsatz. „Der Erfolg ist eine Teamleistung: Das Produktionsjubiläum ist nur möglich, da auch in den vor- und nachgelagerten Verfahrensstufen der Wertschöpfungskette zum Caprolactam die entsprechenden Produktionsmengen erreicht wurden,“ sagt Luc de Raedt, Site Director Leuna. Insgesamt beschäftigt DOMO am Standort Leuna rund 620 Mitarbeiter.

More information:
DOMO Chemicals Caprolactam

DOMO Chemicals

Domo logo (c) Domo
Domo logo

DOMO Chemicals to invest €12 million in new nylon plant in China

  • Move is in line with global growth strategy with a strong focus in the Asia Pacific region
  • Zhejiang plant will be able to produce 50,000 tons of nylon compounds annually in the longer term
  • Plant will be located in the convenient transportation port area of DuShan Pinghu city

DOMO Chemicals, a leading producer of high - quality engineering materials for a diverse range of markets, has announced plans for a new state - of - the - art plant in Zhejiang, China. The new plant will be capable of producing 50,000 tons of sustainable and innovative engineered nylon compounds each year. The company signed a new factory project through “cloud contract” with PingHu DuShan port Economic Development District on February 20, 2020. Production is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of this year.

  • Move is in line with global growth strategy with a strong focus in the Asia Pacific region
  • Zhejiang plant will be able to produce 50,000 tons of nylon compounds annually in the longer term
  • Plant will be located in the convenient transportation port area of DuShan Pinghu city

DOMO Chemicals, a leading producer of high - quality engineering materials for a diverse range of markets, has announced plans for a new state - of - the - art plant in Zhejiang, China. The new plant will be capable of producing 50,000 tons of sustainable and innovative engineered nylon compounds each year. The company signed a new factory project through “cloud contract” with PingHu DuShan port Economic Development District on February 20, 2020. Production is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of this year.

DOMO Chemicals will invest €12 million in the new plant, which will have more than 11,500 m 2-floor space. The company plans to install multiple production lines at the first stage of development, which would offer an estimated capacity of 25,000 tons/year. There will be enough additional space available to cope with future demand requirements. The move is in line with the company’s global growth strategy with a strong focus on the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.



DOMO Chemicals appoints Yves Bonte as CEO (c) DOMO Chemicals
DOMO Chemicals appoints Yves Bonte as CEO

DOMO Chemicals appoints Yves Bonte as CEO

DOMO Chemicals, a global leading player in engineering nylon materials towards sustainable solutions, today announced its transition plan for the function of Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors of DOMO has appointed Yves Bonte to succeed current CEO Alex Segers during February 2020. Mr. Segers has held the CEO position at DOMO since the Company started its chemical activities in 1994 and will continue to play an important role in the transformation of Solvay’s European Performance Polyamide and DOMO into one company. Closing of the acquisition of Solvay’s European performance Polyamide Business by DOMO is expected to take place on January 31st.

Alex Segers commented, “I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to work with the DOMO team over the past twenty-six years, which has really been an incredible journey. We are now entering the next level for the company by integrating very soon the European Performance Polyamides Business from Solvay. In Yves we have found the ideal person to pass the baton to. We look forward to a seamless transition.”

DOMO Chemicals, a global leading player in engineering nylon materials towards sustainable solutions, today announced its transition plan for the function of Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors of DOMO has appointed Yves Bonte to succeed current CEO Alex Segers during February 2020. Mr. Segers has held the CEO position at DOMO since the Company started its chemical activities in 1994 and will continue to play an important role in the transformation of Solvay’s European Performance Polyamide and DOMO into one company. Closing of the acquisition of Solvay’s European performance Polyamide Business by DOMO is expected to take place on January 31st.

Alex Segers commented, “I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to work with the DOMO team over the past twenty-six years, which has really been an incredible journey. We are now entering the next level for the company by integrating very soon the European Performance Polyamides Business from Solvay. In Yves we have found the ideal person to pass the baton to. We look forward to a seamless transition.”

Gregory De Clerck, Managing Director of Domo Investment Group and Member of the Board of DOMO Chemicals commented, “I would personally like to thank Alex for his leadership in the successful growth and transformation of DOMO from an upstream nylon 6 specialist into a full integrated engineering materials company developing innovative and sustainable solutions in the Polyamide Industry. We are excited to welcome Yves Bonte to DOMO as the new CEO and Chairman of DOMO Chemicals. We believe he is the ideal person to lead the next chapter of the Company’s growth and transformation process. Alex will continue to significantly contribute to the success of new DOMO.”

Yves Bonte joins DOMO from Yara, the leading fertilizer company and a provider of environmental solutions where he held the role of Executive Vice President Industrial recently named New Business since January 2010, and was responsible for a business generating appr. 20% of Yara’s total revenue of 12.9 billion USD. Prior to Yara, he held a variety of business leadership, commercial and operations roles at Lyondell Basel and Exxon Chemicals. Since 2018 Yves is as Board Member of DOMO.

“I have a true passion for innovation and sustainability, and I am thrilled to join DOMO as its next CEO,” Yves Bonte commented. “The Company has established itself as a leader in sustainable polyamide based on its strong technology-driven product portfolio with a solid foundation to further build upon. I believe DOMO is uniquely positioned to support its customers’ manufacturing processes in a cost effective and sustainable manner. The recently announced long-term strategy and planned investment will position DOMO to reach new levels of growth and success.”

More information:
DOMO Chemicals

Marketing Solutions NV

(c) Oerlikon

Domotex 2020: Manmade Fibers shows BCF S8 with new CPC-T

Market leader Oerlikon Neumag has its finger firmly on the pulse of their customers with the new Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T) for the BCF S8 carpet yarn plant, which is now available for the Polyamide 6 process. The new solution, which was on show from 10-13 January 2020 at the Domotex 2020 in Hannover, attracted great interest from many trade visitors.

Following the trend for multicolored carpets, BCF S8 sets new standards in regards to color separation. The plant, launched as a tricolor solution at last year’s ITMA in Barcelona, makes anything possible – from mélange to strongly separated. It promises carpet yarn producers even more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation. The core component in this process, the Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T), offers more than 200,000 different color shades from three colors. The innovation, which has been filed for patent, is available for polypropylene and polyester polymers as well as for the polyamide 6 process.

Market leader Oerlikon Neumag has its finger firmly on the pulse of their customers with the new Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T) for the BCF S8 carpet yarn plant, which is now available for the Polyamide 6 process. The new solution, which was on show from 10-13 January 2020 at the Domotex 2020 in Hannover, attracted great interest from many trade visitors.

Following the trend for multicolored carpets, BCF S8 sets new standards in regards to color separation. The plant, launched as a tricolor solution at last year’s ITMA in Barcelona, makes anything possible – from mélange to strongly separated. It promises carpet yarn producers even more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation. The core component in this process, the Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T), offers more than 200,000 different color shades from three colors. The innovation, which has been filed for patent, is available for polypropylene and polyester polymers as well as for the polyamide 6 process.

Polyester, recycling polyester and fine titers are on trend
During numerous conversations with customers, Martin Rademacher, Head of Sales Oerlikon Neumag, observed a noticeable trend for polyester in the carpet industry even outside the USA. Sustainable solutions are equally sought after: “Our customers increasingly demand plants that can process recycled polyester,” explains Martin Rademacher.

The Manmade Fibers segment presented an additional solution by Oerlikon Barmag for polyester applications that need fine single filament titers from 0.5 dpf and high filament counts: Puffy, soft polyester filament yarns with BCF-similiar properties are produced on the basis of a POY and texturing process. Core components of the processes are the POY take-up unit WINGS HD as well as the new texturing machine eAFK Big-V.

Oerlikon (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: BCF S8 with CPC-T - color separation has never been so easy

Oerlikon Neumag promises more flexibility in the color pattern design of carpets with the latest carpet yarn system BCF S8 at DOMOTEX 2020 in Hanover. All trade fair visitors can convince themselves of the possibilities for product differentiation in Hall 11, Stand A36.

Multi-colored carpets are becoming increasingly popular and the desire for significantly more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation is increasing. Oerlikon Neumag has focused on this and developed the BCF S8, a platform that leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to the color separation of tricolor yarns - from mélange to strongly separated.

Over 200,000 different shades out of three colors
The core component in this process is the new, patent-pending Color Pop Compacting Unit (CPC-T) for an even more flexible and even color separation. Individually controllable air pressures per color in the CPC-T provide a pre-tangling, which results in an accentuation of the colors and thus enables over 200,000 different shades.

Oerlikon Neumag promises more flexibility in the color pattern design of carpets with the latest carpet yarn system BCF S8 at DOMOTEX 2020 in Hanover. All trade fair visitors can convince themselves of the possibilities for product differentiation in Hall 11, Stand A36.

Multi-colored carpets are becoming increasingly popular and the desire for significantly more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation is increasing. Oerlikon Neumag has focused on this and developed the BCF S8, a platform that leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to the color separation of tricolor yarns - from mélange to strongly separated.

Over 200,000 different shades out of three colors
The core component in this process is the new, patent-pending Color Pop Compacting Unit (CPC-T) for an even more flexible and even color separation. Individually controllable air pressures per color in the CPC-T provide a pre-tangling, which results in an accentuation of the colors and thus enables over 200,000 different shades.

Color Pop Compacting also for PA6 yarns
Until now, it was difficult to produce highly color-separated or accentuated BCF yarns from polyamide 6, but in the future, this will be possible thanks to the CPC-T. Thanks to the new design, the CPC-T is now also suitable for processes with low thread tensions.



(c) Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

Automation – a key theme for Saurer Twisting Solutions at Domotex 2020

Domotex, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, will take place in Hanover from 10 to 13 January 2020. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at their Booth B35 in Hall 11.

Automation solutions made to measure for processing BCF yarns
At Domotex, Saurer Twisting Solutions will present customer-optimised solutions for process automation and product cost reduction. Automation of the material transport systems offers significant customer benefits. This is because these systems are individually adapted to the needs of clients and enable an optimum material flow throughout the entire twisting mill.

Easier and faster with new machine generation
Amongst other things, the new carpet yarn machine, the CarpetCabler CarpetTwister 1.10 and the automated guided vehicle PackDrive will be presented.

Domotex, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, will take place in Hanover from 10 to 13 January 2020. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at their Booth B35 in Hall 11.

Automation solutions made to measure for processing BCF yarns
At Domotex, Saurer Twisting Solutions will present customer-optimised solutions for process automation and product cost reduction. Automation of the material transport systems offers significant customer benefits. This is because these systems are individually adapted to the needs of clients and enable an optimum material flow throughout the entire twisting mill.

Easier and faster with new machine generation
Amongst other things, the new carpet yarn machine, the CarpetCabler CarpetTwister 1.10 and the automated guided vehicle PackDrive will be presented.

More information:
Saurer Domotex 2020 Automation

Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

DOMO Chemicals (c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals erwirbt europäisches Performance-Polyamid-Geschäft

Die Vereinbarung umfasst die Bereiche Technische Kunststoffe in Frankreich und Polen, Hochleistungsfasern in Frankreich, Polymer- und Zwischenprodukte in Frankreich, Spanien und Polen.

  • Die Übernahme wird das nachgelagerte nylonbasierte Geschäft mit technischen Werkstoffen von DOMO Chemicals deutlich stärken und einen europäischen Marktführer von Format hervorbringen.
  • Die starke Reputation der Marke Technyl® wird das Polyamid-Portfolio von DOMO perfekt ergänzen.

DOMO Chemicals und Solvay haben heute eine Vereinbarung zur Übernahme des europäischen Performance-Polyamid-Geschäfts von Solvay unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung umfasst die Bereiche Engineering Plastics in Frankreich und Polen, High Performance Fibers in Frankreich, Polymer- und Zwischenprodukte in Frankreich, Spanien und Polen. Die Vereinbarung beinhaltet auch ein Joint Venture zwischen BASF und DOMO in Frankreich zur Herstellung von Adipinsäure.

Die Vereinbarung umfasst die Bereiche Technische Kunststoffe in Frankreich und Polen, Hochleistungsfasern in Frankreich, Polymer- und Zwischenprodukte in Frankreich, Spanien und Polen.

  • Die Übernahme wird das nachgelagerte nylonbasierte Geschäft mit technischen Werkstoffen von DOMO Chemicals deutlich stärken und einen europäischen Marktführer von Format hervorbringen.
  • Die starke Reputation der Marke Technyl® wird das Polyamid-Portfolio von DOMO perfekt ergänzen.

DOMO Chemicals und Solvay haben heute eine Vereinbarung zur Übernahme des europäischen Performance-Polyamid-Geschäfts von Solvay unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung umfasst die Bereiche Engineering Plastics in Frankreich und Polen, High Performance Fibers in Frankreich, Polymer- und Zwischenprodukte in Frankreich, Spanien und Polen. Die Vereinbarung beinhaltet auch ein Joint Venture zwischen BASF und DOMO in Frankreich zur Herstellung von Adipinsäure.

More information:
DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals GmbH


DOMO Chemicals at the Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

Also at the conference, Philippe Guerineau, VP Sales & Marketing in the company’s Nylon & Intermediates business unit, will join a panel discussion at the conference to discuss on the economic outlook and the future of the polyamide industry. DOMO will be holding consultations and exclusive events for its customers as well.

More information:

DOMO Chemicals

Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8 (c) Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
Oerlikon Neumag BCF S8

Oerlikon Neumag presents world innovation at the DOMOTEX

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide.

  • Innovative BCF S8 platform technology opens up new carpet yarn industry markets for Oerlikon Neumag customers

World premiere at the DOMOTEX World Trade Fair for Carpets and Floor Coverings in Hanover: between January 11 bis 14, 2019‎, Oerlikon Neumag will be showcasing its innovative new development, the BCF S8, to a wide audience for the very first time in Hall 11, Stand B36. Whether commodities or niche products – the new BCF S8 platform technology offers manufacturers of BCF carpet yarns decisive arguments for responding to constantly rising cost pressures and the trend for greater efficiency and quality in fiercely-competitive markets. World record: the system achieves never-seen-before spinning speeds and is able to simultaneously spin up to 700 filaments and produce fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. This superlative performance is guaranteed by numerous individual innovations in the new platform and, for the first time, also in a new human-machine interface (HMI)-based control system, which opens the door to the digital age of smart carpet yarn manufacturing wide. At the ITMA ASIA 2018, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment had already announced that it would be presenting revolutionary solutions in 2019 – both in hardware and software. And the DOMOTEX marks only the start.

According to manufacturer information, the new BCF S8 is the most efficient Oerlikon Neumag BCF system of all times. “We have succeeded in achieving a new level of greater productivity and even broader product diversity. These allow our clientèle to better cater to changing market requirements and achieve a competitive edge in tough market conditions”, explains Martin Rademacher, Vice President Sales Oerlikon Neumag. As a pre-taste, the machine specialists from Neumünster are serving up performance figures and results from comprehensive trials conducted at their own BCF technology center as well as from two pilot systems which have been tried and tested within the market for months now.

BCF S8 performance in numbers
With up to 700 potential filaments per yarn end, the BCF S8 is raising the benchmark considerably compared to the Oerlikon Neumag S+ BCF system (400 filaments) that has dominated the global market to date. Oerlikon Neumag guarantees fine titers of up to 2.5 dpf. Furthermore, the process speed is higher than ever before – 3,700 m/min (winder speed). This permits throughputs of up to 15 percent greater compared to predecessor technologies. Overall, system efficiency is 99 percent – almost unbeatable. True to the Oerlikon Segments Manmade Fibers segment e-save philosophy, energy savings of up to 5 percent per kilogram of yarn are achievable.

BCF S8 innovations – from straight yarn paths to large cooling drums

This comprehensive progress has been achieved with numerous smart innovations. To this end, one key element above all has been optimized. The yarn path from the spinning system to the new, large cooling drum has now been almost completely straightened. This yarn path, unique to the BCF market to date, ensures that the individual filaments are subjected to minimum friction, hence once again considerably reducing yarn breaks and optimizing the overall production process. Especially noteworthy here are the, for the first time, straight yarn inlet in the texturing head – guaranteeing superior yarn quality.

And the considerably reduced distance between the heating godet duo and the texturing head also has a positive impact on the texturing process. It ensures a more even twist to the yarn and reduces the compressed air consumption. Furthermore, the texturing chambers can be removed individually, which additionally shortens servicing times. The now closed units also provide the best possible protection for the texturing jets and lamellar chambers.

The 800-mm diameter cooling drum optimally and gently cools the filaments. And this has a positive influence on the yarn quality. The new cooling drum is now equipped with a V groove for all polymers (PET, PA6 and PP) as standard.

The RoTac3 tangling unit, already established within the market, once again reduces the compressed air consumption by around 50%, while the newly-developed Witras III-37 winder achieves production process speeds of 3,700 m/min.

First intuitively-operable human-machine interface (HMI)
The new BCF S8 is the first Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment system equipped with the innovative human-machine interface (HMI) for intelligent controlling and monitoring. In this case, the interface between man and machine has been oriented on the daily requirements of users in BCF production. With its new ‘look and feel’, it supports intuitive operation and offers direct access to important information as well as actual and target values at each take-up position by means of a touch screen. A completely new ‘alarm philosophy’ also simplifies troubleshooting and malfunction analysis. “This smart HMI system is a logical step in the digitalization of our products”, explains Dr. Friedrich Lennemann, Vice President R&D Oerlikon Neumag.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

UltraBond, the cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets (c) Beaulieu Fibres International

Beaulieu Fibres International: Cost-effective solution for fully recyclable, latex-free, sustainable carpets

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

  • Latex-free: UltraBond allows 100% recyclable thermal bonded nonwovens
  • Sustainability & cost-efficiency: significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption for manufacturers of needlepunched exhibition & contract flooring
  • UltraBond debuts at Domotex 2019 Stand B56 Hall 11

Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) unveils a unique opportunity for carpet manufacturers to create fully recyclable needlepunch carpets, and benefit from production and resource savings, without influencing performance.

Launched at Domotex 2019, new UltraBond is a patented polyolefin bonding staple fibre that eliminates the need for latex or other chemical binders to bind nonwovens. It opens up a new path for creating 100% polypropylene (PP) needlepunch carpets which meet the same performance requirements as traditional latex-bonded carpets while reducing the end-of-life environmental impact. Functional properties such as pilling resistance, resistance to wear and abrasion, and also UV resistance are guaranteed.

Using UltraBond manufacturers finally gain the potential to cost-efficiently produce 100% recyclable carpets. In addition to the general benefits of making recycled PP available for the plastics production chain and reduced waste generation, environmental advantages and financial savings arise from a total lack of water and less energy use. As a 100% dry process, thermal bonding uses no water and results in a total absence of waste water. There is also a reduction in the VOC level of the carpet. This all leads to a significant reduction in a needlepunch carpet’s ecological footprint.

The sustainability benefits are quantified through lifecycle analysis (LCA) of an exhibition carpet application – among the primary applications for needlepunch carpets. Evaluations show that the absence of water consumption directly translates into a large energy saving of 93% when using UltraBond compared to a latex bonding solution, and also a potential annual water saving of over 20 million litres for 100 million m2 of exhibition applications in the EU. Without the addition of any other bonding agent, CO2 emissions are reduced by 35% over the full production process.

Karena Cancilleri, Vice President Beaulieu Engineered Products, Beaulieu International Group, commented, “Recyclability and achieving a greener, more cost-effective production process without compromising on current performance levels are significant unsolved topics within today’s carpet industry. By eliminating the need for latex and chemical binders through UltraBond, we offer needlepunch manufacturers a breakthrough they have been looking for that boosts environmental and economic sustainability. We see textile flooring as just the beginning. Together with our customers, we look forward to exploring the potential of this unique thermal bonding fibre in other applications such as laminated nonwovens or as an alternative to dry powders.”

Discover more about UltraBond from the Beaulieu Fibres International team at Stand B56 Hall 11, Domotex 2019 in Hannover, Germany from January 11-14, 2019.

More information:
Beaulieu Fibres International


Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex Asia 2018 Oerlikon Neumag’s Sytec One guaranties an economical BCF Carpet Yarn production for challenging processes.

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex Asia 2018

The market for the production of carpet yarn is increasingly evolving towards more demanding processes. However, beyond commodity products, standard plants can no longer fully exploit their advantages. From 20th to 22nd March 2018, Oerlikon Neumag will be presenting an economical alternative in Shanghai in hall W3, booth F03 at the Domotex asia/Chinafloor, the leading floor covering trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region: the BCF plant Sytec One with single-end technology.

If the requirements for the production of BCF yarns increase, for example, from recycled polyester or fine filaments, then this can also lead to higher breakage rates. Highly standardised production plants must then often strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. In such cases, the Sytec One offers a good solution instead of the mostly three-end technology plants for standard processes.

Single-end technology with 98% productivity

The market for the production of carpet yarn is increasingly evolving towards more demanding processes. However, beyond commodity products, standard plants can no longer fully exploit their advantages. From 20th to 22nd March 2018, Oerlikon Neumag will be presenting an economical alternative in Shanghai in hall W3, booth F03 at the Domotex asia/Chinafloor, the leading floor covering trade fair in the Asia-Pacific region: the BCF plant Sytec One with single-end technology.

If the requirements for the production of BCF yarns increase, for example, from recycled polyester or fine filaments, then this can also lead to higher breakage rates. Highly standardised production plants must then often strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. In such cases, the Sytec One offers a good solution instead of the mostly three-end technology plants for standard processes.

Single-end technology with 98% productivity

This BCF plant works with only one yarn (end) per position, making it ideal for demanding production processes. The reason: when a yarn break occurs only one yarn tears, all other yarns continue to run. This not only simplifies troubleshooting, it also reduces the re-threading time. In addition, less waste is produced. As a result, the productivity of the Sytec One is still over 98% for ten breakages a day, while a plant with three-end technology only reaches around 92%.

Faster processes due to a straight yarn path

In addition, the absolutely straight yarn path of the Sytec One enables significantly higher process speeds of up to 15% in spinning and texturing processes compared to multi-end technologies. Higher total titers of up to 6,000 dtex can also be produced without any problems. The gentle yarn guidance also ensures minimum friction on the individual filaments. This means less yarn breaks and a more stable process.

Optimised key component: spinning pack

Last but not least, the engineers at Oerlikon Neumag have developed a new design for the spinning pack. This central component of every BCF machine significantly influences the yarn quality. The corresponding solution for the Sytec One optimises the polymer flow in the spin pack, thus reducing the polymer dwell time. This leads to shorter product and colour change times and increases the plant efficiency. In addition, the spinning packs were widened so that yarns with up to 500 filaments can now be produced.

The product mix is decisive

In view of these advantages, the single-end Sytec One is recommended for processes with high breakage rates, fine filaments, frequent colour changes or in general when demanding processes take up an increasing share in the business. "The product mix is decisive for the choice of technology," sums up Alfred Czaplinski, Sales Manager BCF at Oerlikon Neumag. "We are happy to advise on the optimal solution and offer both single-end and three-end plant technologies." 

Good business at the Domotex Hanover, Germany

In the run-up to the trade fair, the Domotex Hanover in mid-January was already proving to be a promising harbinger. With four lively trade fair days and contract conclusions in the lower double-digit million euro range, mainly from the European and Asian markets, the order intake for Oerlikon Neumag was very good.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag Domotex

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex 2018 ©Oerlikon Neumag
The Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag guarantees cost-efficient BCF yarn production in demanding processes.

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex 2018

Cost-efficient BCF yarn production for demanding processes with Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag

Cost-efficient production of carpet yarns beyond commodity products can constitute a challenge. Highly standardized production systems must strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. At the Domotex 2018, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, Oerlikon Neumag will present the Sytec One solution for demanding BCF processes.

The Sytec One is a BCF plant with only one end per position. Due to this single-end characteristic, it is particularly well suited for demanding production processes, such as recycled polyester or fine filaments. The reason: In the event of a yarn break, only one end breaks. All the other positions are not affected and continue to run. As a result, this plant has a higher efficiency compared with a multi-end technology plant. For example, with ten breaks a day, the efficiency of the Sytec One is still over 98%, while a threeend technology achieves only 92% efficiency.

Higher productivity due to the straight yarn path

Cost-efficient BCF yarn production for demanding processes with Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag

Cost-efficient production of carpet yarns beyond commodity products can constitute a challenge. Highly standardized production systems must strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. At the Domotex 2018, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, Oerlikon Neumag will present the Sytec One solution for demanding BCF processes.

The Sytec One is a BCF plant with only one end per position. Due to this single-end characteristic, it is particularly well suited for demanding production processes, such as recycled polyester or fine filaments. The reason: In the event of a yarn break, only one end breaks. All the other positions are not affected and continue to run. As a result, this plant has a higher efficiency compared with a multi-end technology plant. For example, with ten breaks a day, the efficiency of the Sytec One is still over 98%, while a threeend technology achieves only 92% efficiency.

Higher productivity due to the straight yarn path

The machine concept of the Sytec One with its absolutely straight yarn path in spinning and texturing also enables significantly higher process speeds compared to multi-end technologies. This results in a speed increase of up to 15%. In addition to standard processes, more demanding processes with higher break rates play an increasingly important role. "The product mix is critical to the choice of technology," said Martin Rademacher, vice president of sales Oerlikon Neumag. "We are in the comfortable position of being able to offer our customers both a single-end and a three-end technology."

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