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FFW: Update des digitalen FFW STUDIO

Brand Experiences, Virtual Showcases, Live Acts: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week ist im vollen Gange! Am 05. Juli eröffnete Peter Feldmann, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Frankfurt, gemeinsam mit Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt, und Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner der Premium Group, das digitale FFW STUDIO in einer Live-Pressekonferenz. Damit wurde der Startschuss für eine Woche digital-kuratierten Fashioncontent mit dem Fokus auf die Leitthemen Sustainability und Digitisation gegeben. Ein Highlight direkt zu Beginn der Fashion Week: die erfolgreiche Deutschlandpremiere der MCM-Produktion „The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion“ über die beiden Hip Hop-Pionierinnen Misa Hylton und April Walker, die sich als Frauen in einer männerdominierten Szene durchsetzen konnten und mit der Hip Hop-Culture den Wandel in der Branche mitgestalten. Industry’s Newcomers: Noch mehr Glamour in die Woche des FFW STUDIO brachte der Bunte New Faces Award, der am 5. Juli seit Beginn der Pandemie erstmals wieder live vom roten Teppich in Form einer Hybrid-Veranstaltung übertragen wurde. In der Kategorie Young Fashion Designer gewann Leonie Isabel Appels mit ihrem Label Liapure.

Brand Experiences, Virtual Showcases, Live Acts: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week ist im vollen Gange! Am 05. Juli eröffnete Peter Feldmann, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Frankfurt, gemeinsam mit Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt, und Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner der Premium Group, das digitale FFW STUDIO in einer Live-Pressekonferenz. Damit wurde der Startschuss für eine Woche digital-kuratierten Fashioncontent mit dem Fokus auf die Leitthemen Sustainability und Digitisation gegeben. Ein Highlight direkt zu Beginn der Fashion Week: die erfolgreiche Deutschlandpremiere der MCM-Produktion „The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion“ über die beiden Hip Hop-Pionierinnen Misa Hylton und April Walker, die sich als Frauen in einer männerdominierten Szene durchsetzen konnten und mit der Hip Hop-Culture den Wandel in der Branche mitgestalten. Industry’s Newcomers: Noch mehr Glamour in die Woche des FFW STUDIO brachte der Bunte New Faces Award, der am 5. Juli seit Beginn der Pandemie erstmals wieder live vom roten Teppich in Form einer Hybrid-Veranstaltung übertragen wurde. In der Kategorie Young Fashion Designer gewann Leonie Isabel Appels mit ihrem Label Liapure. Der Award Young Style Icon ging an die deutsche Schauspielerin Gina Stiebitz.

Der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit feiert Premiere im FFW STUDIO. Die Konferenz presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign in Kooperation mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships beleuchtet die drängenden Herausforderungen der Branche aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und bietet eine Plattform des Austauschs, um die nachhaltige Transformation in der Branche zu forcieren.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.

(c) PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

PREMIUM Group goes digital on FFW STUDIO

Live panels, future talks, brand experiences, stories, entertainment: from July 5th to 9th, the protagonists of the fashion industry will meet digitally for the first time on a common platform, the FFW STUDIO. Launched by the makers of Frankfurt Fashion Week and Europe's largest fashion fairs, PREMIUM, SEEK & Neonyt, the new content hub at offers an individually designed program as an alternative to the physical event.

And the classic trade fair business will also find a digital representation this summer: Together with long-term partner JOOR, Anita Tillmann and team are presenting the PREMIUM + SEEK Passport platform this season. Here retailers can discover and order the collections of over 12,500 brands online and be inspired by various content formats.

Live panels, future talks, brand experiences, stories, entertainment: from July 5th to 9th, the protagonists of the fashion industry will meet digitally for the first time on a common platform, the FFW STUDIO. Launched by the makers of Frankfurt Fashion Week and Europe's largest fashion fairs, PREMIUM, SEEK & Neonyt, the new content hub at offers an individually designed program as an alternative to the physical event.

And the classic trade fair business will also find a digital representation this summer: Together with long-term partner JOOR, Anita Tillmann and team are presenting the PREMIUM + SEEK Passport platform this season. Here retailers can discover and order the collections of over 12,500 brands online and be inspired by various content formats.

FFW STUDIO broadcasts live from the conferences of Frankfurt Fashion Week, the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the conference "The New European Bauhaus - Workshop of the Future", organized by the Fashion Council Germany in cooperation with the Frankfurt Fashion Week. Both will take place for the first time as part of the Frankfurt Fashion Week. With over 130 speakers, the Fashionsustain conference is also a central component of the FFW STUDIOS.


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Frankfurt Fashion Week: Registrierung für den ersten Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Frankfurt Fashion Week: Registrierung für den ersten Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit

Neue Wege aufzeigen, Wissen austauschen und zum Aufbruch in eine neue Mode-Ära aktivieren – das ist die Mission des ersten Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summits. Die von der Conscious Fashion Campaign präsentierte und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships veranstaltete Konferenz wird am 7. Juli 2021 im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgestrahlt – von 11.30 bis 17 Uhr live und digital über das FFW Studio.

Es ist das große Thema unserer Zeit: Nachhaltigkeit. Der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit trägt es in seiner DNA und behandelt das Thema aus einer globalen Perspektive heraus. Gemeinsam mit der Conscious Fashion Campaign, die den Summit präsentiert, und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships, macht sich die Konferenz zur Aufgabe, Wissen rund um Nachhaltigkeit in der internationalen Textil- und Modeindustrie zu teilen, den Modesektor für weitere Maßnahmen zu aktivieren und so Industrie und Handel nachhaltiger zu machen. Die 17 Call-to-Actions, die von allen UN-Mitgliedsstaaten als nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele verabschiedet wurden, bieten den Rahmen für eine hochklassige Agenda.

Neue Wege aufzeigen, Wissen austauschen und zum Aufbruch in eine neue Mode-Ära aktivieren – das ist die Mission des ersten Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summits. Die von der Conscious Fashion Campaign präsentierte und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships veranstaltete Konferenz wird am 7. Juli 2021 im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgestrahlt – von 11.30 bis 17 Uhr live und digital über das FFW Studio.

Es ist das große Thema unserer Zeit: Nachhaltigkeit. Der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit trägt es in seiner DNA und behandelt das Thema aus einer globalen Perspektive heraus. Gemeinsam mit der Conscious Fashion Campaign, die den Summit präsentiert, und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships, macht sich die Konferenz zur Aufgabe, Wissen rund um Nachhaltigkeit in der internationalen Textil- und Modeindustrie zu teilen, den Modesektor für weitere Maßnahmen zu aktivieren und so Industrie und Handel nachhaltiger zu machen. Die 17 Call-to-Actions, die von allen UN-Mitgliedsstaaten als nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele verabschiedet wurden, bieten den Rahmen für eine hochklassige Agenda.

Agenda mit klarem Fokus auf nachhaltige Zukunft der Mode
In Panels wirft der Summit einen Blick auf den Status quo der weltweiten Modeindustrie. Designer*innen schildern ihre Erfahrungen in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit in der Mode und legen offen, welchen Einfluss das Business auf soziale, politische und ökologische Themen hat. Internationale Expert*innen diskutieren über die Rolle der Mode auf dem Weg zum Klimagipfel COP26 und junge Klimaaktivist*innen berichten über den Fortschritt ihrer Bewegung, die einen sozialen und politischen Wandel in Gang gesetzt hat. Darüber hinaus stehen Themen wie Geschlechtergleichheit, sauberes Wasser, Klimaschutz sowie soziale Gerechtigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für eine zukunftsweisende Modebranche auf dem Programm.

Speaker*innen aus Mode, Politik, Wissenschaft und Klimaschutzbewegungen
Zu den Speaker*innen zählen angesehene Vertreter*innen der Design- und Modebranche, wie etwa Christiane Arp (Fashion Council Germany), Caroline Rush (British Fashion Council), Claudio Marenzi (Pitti Uomo), Lucilla Booyzen (South African Fashion Week), Nadja Swarovski (Swarovski Foundation), Patrick McDowell (Patrick McDowell und Pinko), Steven Kolb (Council of Fashion Designers of America) und Svein Rasmussen (Somwr). Daneben betreten hochrangige Repräsentant*innen der United Nations, Vertreter*innen aus Politik und Wissenschaft sowie Klimaaktivist*innen das Podium.

Kostenlose Registrierung unter:


FFW STUDIO: 72 Stunden digitaler Fashion Content

Tradeshows, Conferences, Game Changers und Beyond FFW – unter diesen vier Kategorien bündelt die Frankfurt Fashion Week im digitalen FFW STUDIO vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 eine Vielzahl an qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträgen. Ob virtuelle Kollektion von The Fabric of Reality, Music Live Acts im CUPRA Music Labs, Celebritys und Influencer beim Bunte New Faces Award Style oder Hip Hop meets Fashion in einer Deutschlandpremiere von MCM – die über 72 Stunden digitaler Content des FFW STUDIO sind nicht nur hoch aktuell, relevant und informativ, sondern auch äußerst abwechslungsreich und inspirierend. International für Aufmerksamkeit sorgen außerdem der Konferenz-Dreiklang „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“ organisiert vom Fashion Council Germany, „Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit“ präsentiert von der Conscious Fashion Campaign in Kooperation mit dem United Nations Office For Partnerships sowie dem multidisziplinären Format „Fashionsustain“ by Neonyt. Die thematische Klammer umfasst stets die zukunftsrelevanten Themenkomplexe Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung, die Leitthemen der Frankfurt Fashion Week.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.

Tradeshows, Conferences, Game Changers und Beyond FFW – unter diesen vier Kategorien bündelt die Frankfurt Fashion Week im digitalen FFW STUDIO vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 eine Vielzahl an qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträgen. Ob virtuelle Kollektion von The Fabric of Reality, Music Live Acts im CUPRA Music Labs, Celebritys und Influencer beim Bunte New Faces Award Style oder Hip Hop meets Fashion in einer Deutschlandpremiere von MCM – die über 72 Stunden digitaler Content des FFW STUDIO sind nicht nur hoch aktuell, relevant und informativ, sondern auch äußerst abwechslungsreich und inspirierend. International für Aufmerksamkeit sorgen außerdem der Konferenz-Dreiklang „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“ organisiert vom Fashion Council Germany, „Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit“ präsentiert von der Conscious Fashion Campaign in Kooperation mit dem United Nations Office For Partnerships sowie dem multidisziplinären Format „Fashionsustain“ by Neonyt. Die thematische Klammer umfasst stets die zukunftsrelevanten Themenkomplexe Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung, die Leitthemen der Frankfurt Fashion Week.


Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Hochschule Reutlingen bei internationaler Online-Konferenz zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit (c) Hochschule Reutlingen

Hochschule Reutlingen bei internationaler Online-Konferenz zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit

Zur Frankfurt Fashion Week findet in diesem Jahr erstmalig die internationale Online-Konferenz „Future Europe Sustainable Fashion“ statt. Die Fakultät Textil & Design der Hochschule Reutlingen ist Mitausrichter dieser hochkarätigen Konferenz mit internationalen Speakerinnen und Speakern.

Als Hochschule mit 165 Jahren Erfahrung in der textilen Ausbildung und Forschung war und ist die Fakultät Textil & Design stets Zukunftstreiber der Textilindustrie. Derzeit steht die nachhaltige Transformation der Branche im Mittelpunkt vieler Aktivitäten. Gemeinsam mit der International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) und Maleki Green Finance schafft die Fakultät durch die Ausrichtung von „Future Europe Sustainable Fashion“ eine wichtige Plattform um den Informationsaustausch und Wissenstransfer aller Stakeholder der Branche zu fördern.

Zur Frankfurt Fashion Week findet in diesem Jahr erstmalig die internationale Online-Konferenz „Future Europe Sustainable Fashion“ statt. Die Fakultät Textil & Design der Hochschule Reutlingen ist Mitausrichter dieser hochkarätigen Konferenz mit internationalen Speakerinnen und Speakern.

Als Hochschule mit 165 Jahren Erfahrung in der textilen Ausbildung und Forschung war und ist die Fakultät Textil & Design stets Zukunftstreiber der Textilindustrie. Derzeit steht die nachhaltige Transformation der Branche im Mittelpunkt vieler Aktivitäten. Gemeinsam mit der International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) und Maleki Green Finance schafft die Fakultät durch die Ausrichtung von „Future Europe Sustainable Fashion“ eine wichtige Plattform um den Informationsaustausch und Wissenstransfer aller Stakeholder der Branche zu fördern.

Am 7. Juli werden sich weltweit Expertinnen und Experten von Washington D.C. über Paris, Lugano, Frankfurt, Berlin, Hong Kong und Reutlingen aus digital zusammenfinden und eingehend über das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie diskutieren. Dabei kommen in drei thematischen Blöcken zu Strategie, Finanzierung sowie Produkt und Innovation Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu Wort.

Die Moderation sowie wissenschaftliche Begleitung und Zusammenfassung der Konferenz übernehmen Prof. Dr. Tina Weber, Prof. Dr. Malte Wessels und Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle von der Fakultät Textil Design der Hochschule Reutlingen sowie Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Cantoni von der Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Hochschule Reutlingen

(c) Tom Schulze. “IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland“, overall winner (from left to right) FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, ITA graduate Dr Robert Brüll, Deutsche Basalt Fiber GmbH from Sangerhausen, Georgi Gogoladze.

Overall prize of the “IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland“ for FibreCoat GmbH and DBF Deutsche Basalt Faser GmbH

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, Germany, together with DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH, developed a completely new type of fibre material to shield electromagnetic radiation from digital end devices, medical technology or e-car batteries cheaply and effectively. The joint project was awarded the overall prize of the“ IQ Innovationspreises Mitteldeutschland“ on 24 June in an online event broadcast live from Leipzig.

The prize is endowed with €15,000 and was sponsored by the Halle-Dessau, Leipzig and East Thuringia Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, Germany, together with DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH, developed a completely new type of fibre material to shield electromagnetic radiation from digital end devices, medical technology or e-car batteries cheaply and effectively. The joint project was awarded the overall prize of the“ IQ Innovationspreises Mitteldeutschland“ on 24 June in an online event broadcast live from Leipzig.

The prize is endowed with €15,000 and was sponsored by the Halle-Dessau, Leipzig and East Thuringia Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

Electromagnetic radiation from smartphones, hospital diagnostics and electric car batteries must be shielded so that they do not inter-fere with each other. To prevent mutual interference, they have so far been covered with metal fibre fabrics, a very time- and energy-consuming and thus expensive procedure. The new material from Basalt Faser GmbH and FibreCoat GmbH prevents this with a fibre core made of melted, thinly drawn basalt, which is coated with aluminium and bundled into the so-called AluCoat yarn. This yarn remains just as conductive and shielding, but is lighter, stronger, cheaper and more sustainable than previous alternatives. In addition, there are further advantages:

  • The number of process steps required is reduced from ten to one.
  • 1,500 metres of yarn are produced per minute instead of the previous five metres.
  • The energy required is only 10 per cent of the previous amount.

The result is a price that is twenty times lower.

The textile made of AluCoat fibres is versatile and flexible: as wallpaper it can shield 5G radiation in offices or medical rooms or encase batteries and thus ensure the smooth functioning of electric cars. AluCoat is already being used in some companies. A European fibre centre in Sangerhausen is being planned for mass production.

The two innovative companies DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH and FibreCoat GmbH from East and West combine the two materials basalt and aluminium to protect against electromagnetic radiation. In doing so, they coat basalt with aluminium and, through this novel combination, create an inexpensive, sustainable and quickly produced alter-native for a market worth billions.

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen is a spin-off of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University; the managing directors Dr Robert Brüll and Alexander Lüking and Richard Haas have completed their doctorates at the ITA or are in the process of preparing their doctorates. Georgi Gogoladze, Managing Director of Deutsche Basaltfaser GmbH, also studied at RWTH Aachen University. The two managing directors Brüll and Gogoladze know each other from their student days.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

(c) Neonyt/Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Neonyt: Fashionsustain goes FFW

Die Textil- und Modeindustrie wird gegenwärtige grundlegend revolutioniert – getrieben von nachhaltigen und technologischen Innovationen, erreichen neue Wertschöpfungsmodelle den Massenmarkt. Genau diese Themen nimmt die Fashionsustain, das internationale und multidisziplinäre Konferenzformat der Neonyt, vom 6. bis 8. Juli 2021 und erstmalig im Rahmen des digitalen FFW STUDIO der Frankfurt Fashion Week in den Fokus. Sie präsentiert in Form von Panels, Talks, Keynotes und interaktiven Formaten spannende und tiefgehende Einblicke in den laufenden Transformationsprozess der Branche. Unter anderem mit dabei sind der Grüne Knopf, Oeko-Tex und PwC.

Die Textil- und Modeindustrie wird gegenwärtige grundlegend revolutioniert – getrieben von nachhaltigen und technologischen Innovationen, erreichen neue Wertschöpfungsmodelle den Massenmarkt. Genau diese Themen nimmt die Fashionsustain, das internationale und multidisziplinäre Konferenzformat der Neonyt, vom 6. bis 8. Juli 2021 und erstmalig im Rahmen des digitalen FFW STUDIO der Frankfurt Fashion Week in den Fokus. Sie präsentiert in Form von Panels, Talks, Keynotes und interaktiven Formaten spannende und tiefgehende Einblicke in den laufenden Transformationsprozess der Branche. Unter anderem mit dabei sind der Grüne Knopf, Oeko-Tex und PwC.

Drei Tage, mehr als 20 Einzelformate, zahlreiche Insights: Unter den zentralen Topics State of the Industry, Innovating the Industry und State of Retail versammelt sich das gesamte, vielseitige und multidisziplinäre Programm der Fashionsustain. Der inhaltliche Fokus liegt dabei auf den Themen Fashion Design & Circularity, Values & Diversity, Digitisation, Textile Certifications und Cotton & Denim. In diversen Talks, Diskussionen und Präsentationen wird für die Community erlebbar, was die nachhaltige Modebranche bewegt, welche Potenziale und Visionen die handelnden Akteur*innen aktuell forcieren und wie diese für einen echten Wandel in der Industrie aufgegriffen und skaliert werden können.

State of the Industry – was bewegt die Modeindustrie?
Diese Frage stellt am 6. Juli 2021 ab 10 Uhr der erste Konferenztag. Zu den maßgeblichen Themen, die die Branche aktuell herausfordern – so die Effekte der Corona-Pandemie auf die internationale Modeindustrie; die Frage inwieweit sich Textilproduktion langfristig von global zu lokal shiftet; oder wie Nachhaltigkeit ganzheitlich in Prozesse integriert werden und Permanenz erlangen kann - diskutieren Speaker*innen diverser
Fashion Brands im Panel „Global supply. Local demand. Total change?“.
Auch das in Deutschland jüngst beschlossene Lieferkettengesetz spielt eine wichtige Rolle. Im Panel „Same Goals. Different Systems. How transparency triggers responsibility“, initiiert vom Grünen Knopf und von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Der Zusammenhang von Finanzen, Nachhaltigkeit und Mode: Durch gezielte Entscheidung, Kreditnehmer*innen anhand ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen zu berücksichtigen, kann der Finanzdienstleistungssektor zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen. Was das konkret bedeutet, welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Kreditvergabe haben kann und wie die Branche außerdem zur Transformation der Textil- und Modeindustrie beitragen kann, wird in einer Diskussion unter dem Titel „Finance. How it triggers sustainability in fashion“ debattiert.

Digitalisierung und Innovation: Transformation, Transparenz, Zertifizierungen
Die beiden zentralen Themen des zweiten Konferenztages sind hochaktuell und nehmen insbesondere im Kontext der Frankfurt Fashion Week eine zentrale Bedeutung ein.

Transparenz entlang der textilen Lieferketten wird immer relevanter und sie ist eng mit digitalen Innovationen verknüpft. Deshalb wird im Panel „Transparency. The tech solutions for new supply and value chains“ verschiedene technische Lösungen vor, die mehr Transparenz beim Kleidungskauf ermöglichen, vorgestellt.
Beim interaktiven Certification Buzzword-Bingo mit Max Gilgenmann powered by Grüner Knopf werden Zuschauer*innen mittels Gamification eingebunden, bevor im Panel „Carbon and Water Footprinting. How to drive it in the Fashion Industry“ by Oeko-Tex das Thema rund um Zertifikate weiter vertieft wird.

State of Retail – von der Innovation zu den Konsument*innen
Am Donnerstag, den 8. Juli dreht sich das Programm der Fashionsustain rund um den State of Retail. Wie findet man als kleines, nachhaltiges Label am besten eine passende Retail-Plattform für eine gelungene Zusammenarbeit? Was unter dem Topic Retail auf keinenb Fall fehlen darf, sind Einblicke in neue Businessmodelle. Secondhand, leihen, leasen, resellen – die zirkulären Möglichkeiten der Wertschöpfung sind für den Einzelhandel breit gefächert. Mehr Einblicke dazu gibt es im Panel „New business models. From pre-loved to repaired and recycled“. Weil Nachhaltigkeit, umweltbewusster Lebensstil und verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit der Natur mittlerweile in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen sind, ist es umso wichtiger, dass Marken und Labels den Konsument*innen Orientierung und Transparenz zu bieten. In dem Design-Talk „Sustainable Branding“ des German Design Council geht es deshalb um nachhaltige Markenführung, den Aufbau eine entsprechenden Markenstrategie und die zentrale Bedeutung von guter Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation.


Neonyt/Messe Frankfurt GmbH


EFI MarketDirect StoreFront for Events and Exhibitions

– A brand-new Rentals and Reservations module for EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront web-to-print software from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. helps print businesses, marketing service providers and other organisations manage resources, assets and products in inventory and rent them out for events and exhibitions. This first-of-its-kind print eCommerce innovation gives users the ability to define an event, its dates and location, then identify which products are available for that time – providing cost by the hour, day or month – and check out, securing the resources from the print provider.

The newly available module addresses a re-emerging need for graphics and marketing support for tradeshows, conferences and other events. It also follows an accelerated schedule of enhancements to the award-winning MarketDirect StoreFront platform, including:

– A brand-new Rentals and Reservations module for EFI™ MarketDirect StoreFront web-to-print software from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. helps print businesses, marketing service providers and other organisations manage resources, assets and products in inventory and rent them out for events and exhibitions. This first-of-its-kind print eCommerce innovation gives users the ability to define an event, its dates and location, then identify which products are available for that time – providing cost by the hour, day or month – and check out, securing the resources from the print provider.

The newly available module addresses a re-emerging need for graphics and marketing support for tradeshows, conferences and other events. It also follows an accelerated schedule of enhancements to the award-winning MarketDirect StoreFront platform, including:

  • AutoEngage – an abandoned shopping cart feature that drives increased engagement and transaction completion rates;
  • MarketDirect Fulfillment, a modular and flexible inventory management and warehousing solution that helps printers quickly and easily build and manage fulfilment tasks for their clients; and
  • Google® Tag Manager and Analytics tools that make measuring web to print performance easier than ever.


Mimaki supports Printers Worldwide in Global Innovation Days Event (c) EMEA, Mimaki Europe B.V

Mimaki supports Printers Worldwide in Global Innovation Days Event

Mimaki held their global event Innovation Days (2-4 June 2021) to great success. The event brought together printers, journalists and experts from Mimaki Japan, USA and Europe, to nurture innovation in the sign graphics, industrial, textile and 3D markets and drive success within the industry. The global event also introduced the market to Mimaki’s recent product releases, the JFX550, JFX600 and SUJV-160.

In a week of webinars, workshops, demonstrations, and networking events, over 1,300 attendees from all across the world logged in to participate, with the demonstration of UJV100 and JV100 printers, 3D printing workshop and car wrap workshop being the most popular events. As a first of its kind for Mimaki, visitors were able to speak with regional Mimaki representatives, gaining greater insight into the global printing industry as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mimaki held their global event Innovation Days (2-4 June 2021) to great success. The event brought together printers, journalists and experts from Mimaki Japan, USA and Europe, to nurture innovation in the sign graphics, industrial, textile and 3D markets and drive success within the industry. The global event also introduced the market to Mimaki’s recent product releases, the JFX550, JFX600 and SUJV-160.

In a week of webinars, workshops, demonstrations, and networking events, over 1,300 attendees from all across the world logged in to participate, with the demonstration of UJV100 and JV100 printers, 3D printing workshop and car wrap workshop being the most popular events. As a first of its kind for Mimaki, visitors were able to speak with regional Mimaki representatives, gaining greater insight into the global printing industry as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

A stand-out attraction of the event was the recently released 100 Series, which is priced affordably to allow printers entry into different markets, as many look to expand their portfolio in these uncertain times. The new JFX600-2513 and JFX550-2513, which debuted a few weeks prior at virtual drupa, similarly are higher end but still affordable printers, when compared to other large format UV flatbed machines in its class. 3D full colour print technology also featured heavily in the event, as Mimaki explored the exciting propositions it opens up in different markets and how the brand continues to extend the reach and accessibility of cutting-edge 3D technologies with its upcoming 3DUJ-2207 printer.

Mr. Kazuaki Ikeda, President of Mimaki Engineering commented, “I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone who joined us during this exciting new virtual event. During the pandemic, carrying on innovating has been central to Mimaki’s objectives, with eight new products having been released since October, and even more scheduled to come out over the course of this year. I hope that we can soon all meet at in-person events, once it’s safe to do so, but until then I’m excited to see the results of the continued collaboration and innovation of print industry that we saw in our Innovation Days event.”


EMEA, Mimaki Europe B.V

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open (c) Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022.

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022. The desire for personal encounters, direct communication and new impressions is growing from day to day”, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies.

Elgar Straub, Managing Director, VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, emphasises that, “Texprocess and Techtextil are the world’s foremost trade fairs for our innovative sector by a large margin. Both events offer customers an unrivalled overview of state-of-the-art innovations and technological developments – and beyond. Particularly when it comes to the latest trends for sustainability and digitalisation, Texprocess and Techtextil in Frankfurt represent the most important, future-oriented market. This makes it all the more important for both the exhibitor and visitor sides of the sector that we have the opportunity to obtain an overview of the latest market developments, to exchange ideas and information and to initiate new business. We are very relieved about this and hope that, next year, we will once again have the chance to generate new momentum for our sector in the international market.”

For the first time, Techtextil and Texprocess will occupy the western sector of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre with a total of four exhibition halls and, with a hybrid format, offer the best of both the physical and immaterial worlds: personal communication, virtual networking opportunities and maximum digital coverage. With a comprehensive hygiene and safety concept, Messe Frankfurt will ensure that all visitors and exhibitors can take part safely and with a good feeling.


Messe Frankfurt

Sappi: New Sublimation Paper for Textile Industry (c) Sappi

Sappi: New Sublimation Paper for Textile Industry

Sappi offers Transjet Tacky Industrial, a coated dye sublimation paper for digital transfer printing, specially developed for high-speed inkjet printing on highly elastic textiles. Also new is the uncoated dye sublimation paper Basejet, which has been developed for light designs for high-speed digital printing of fashion and home textiles.

  • Transjet Tacky Industrial: Immediate tack effect, high ink transfer, fast ink drying; no ghosting on elastic textiles thanks to reversible tack
  • Basejet: Consistent print quality for light designs, fast ink-drying, very fast transfer process

Transjet Tacky Industrial enables highly elastic fabrics to be printed on industrial high-speed machines that work with a higher glycol content, such as printheads from Kyocera. The paper is first printed with the desired image or pattern which is then transferred to the elastic polyester fabric by means of heat and pressure.

Sappi offers Transjet Tacky Industrial, a coated dye sublimation paper for digital transfer printing, specially developed for high-speed inkjet printing on highly elastic textiles. Also new is the uncoated dye sublimation paper Basejet, which has been developed for light designs for high-speed digital printing of fashion and home textiles.

  • Transjet Tacky Industrial: Immediate tack effect, high ink transfer, fast ink drying; no ghosting on elastic textiles thanks to reversible tack
  • Basejet: Consistent print quality for light designs, fast ink-drying, very fast transfer process

Transjet Tacky Industrial enables highly elastic fabrics to be printed on industrial high-speed machines that work with a higher glycol content, such as printheads from Kyocera. The paper is first printed with the desired image or pattern which is then transferred to the elastic polyester fabric by means of heat and pressure.

Sublimation paper for the textile industry
The new dye sublimation paper offers many benefits for the textile industry, which frequently has to adapt to changing trends. As it is suitable for use on high-speed digital printers, significantly more designs can be printed in the same time than was previously possible on plotters. Thanks to a special heat-reactive coating, the paper adheres to highly stretchable content, while the reversible tack prevents ghosting and textile shrinkage. Transjet Tacky
Industrial has a high ink load capacity so the print can be better accentuated due to strong colour saturation. The design remains clearly visible when the fabric is stretched to its maximum, which is often the case with sportswear in particular.

Basejet specially for light designs
Sappi has also added the Basejet uncoated dye sublimation paper to its portfolio, an additional solution for the digital printing of fashion and home textiles in consistent print quality. The uncoated dye sublimation paper is intended in particular for light designs and cost-driven production processes.


Sappi Europe

EURATEX and IAF conventions take place from 7 to 9 November 2021 (c) EURATEX

EURATEX and IAF conventions take place from 7 to 9 November 2021

From 7 to 9 November 2021, the world of apparel and textiles will meet in Antwerp, Belgium, for a double convention: the 36th World Fashion Convention on 7-8 November, hosted by IAF, and the 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention on 8-9 November, hosted by EURATEX.

Delegates can choose to register for the IAF’s 36th World Fashion Convention, for EURATEX’s 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention or for a combination of both, which the organisers of course recommend. The IAF Convention, carrying the theme ‘Transition of the Global Fashion System’ focusses on global industry developments whereas the EURATEX convention, themed “A new paradigm for the European Textiles and Clothing Industry”, has a strong European focus. Therefore, the two conventions are perfectly complementary.

The Antwerp Convention will be the first ‘live’ meeting for the industry in nearly two years’ time. That’s why the convention will combine knowledge with social events, notably the IAF and EURATEX joint networking dinner on 8 November in the Antwerp Fashion Museum.

From 7 to 9 November 2021, the world of apparel and textiles will meet in Antwerp, Belgium, for a double convention: the 36th World Fashion Convention on 7-8 November, hosted by IAF, and the 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention on 8-9 November, hosted by EURATEX.

Delegates can choose to register for the IAF’s 36th World Fashion Convention, for EURATEX’s 9th European Textiles and Apparel Convention or for a combination of both, which the organisers of course recommend. The IAF Convention, carrying the theme ‘Transition of the Global Fashion System’ focusses on global industry developments whereas the EURATEX convention, themed “A new paradigm for the European Textiles and Clothing Industry”, has a strong European focus. Therefore, the two conventions are perfectly complementary.

The Antwerp Convention will be the first ‘live’ meeting for the industry in nearly two years’ time. That’s why the convention will combine knowledge with social events, notably the IAF and EURATEX joint networking dinner on 8 November in the Antwerp Fashion Museum.

Previous speakers at the EURATEX and IAF conventions came from PVH, Hugo Boss, Zegna, as well as European Commission, McKinsey, OECD, and London College of Fashion. About 150 delegates at each event, from over 20 countries are expected.

For more information click here.




PERFORMANCE DAYS: Successful Digital Fair Week

The PERFORMANCE DAYS summer edition took place as a Digital Fair Week from May 17 to 21, 2021. By extending the event to an entire week of the fair, the PERFORMANCE DAYS team, in cooperation with the Functional Fabric Fair by PERFORMANCE DAYS, was able to provide even more opportunities for intensive networking and interactive exchange for industry insiders to catch up on the latest innovations and participate in exciting expert talks, supplier workshops and panel discussions.

Informative, innovative and international: new sourcing platform THE LOOP
The Digital Fair Week was introduced for the first time at the summer edition as part of PERFORMANCE DAYS LOOPS. The sourcing platform was launched in the first half of 2021 together with US Partner Functional Fabric Fair by PERFORMANCE DAYS. With much success, as proven by the great enthusiasm shown by exhibitors, trade fair visitors and fabric manufacturers. The MARKETPLACE area, which showcased some 10.000 products and around 400 curated, sustainable fabrics and accessories from more than 170 international exhibitors, enjoyed particular popularity as part of the Digital Fair.

The PERFORMANCE DAYS summer edition took place as a Digital Fair Week from May 17 to 21, 2021. By extending the event to an entire week of the fair, the PERFORMANCE DAYS team, in cooperation with the Functional Fabric Fair by PERFORMANCE DAYS, was able to provide even more opportunities for intensive networking and interactive exchange for industry insiders to catch up on the latest innovations and participate in exciting expert talks, supplier workshops and panel discussions.

Informative, innovative and international: new sourcing platform THE LOOP
The Digital Fair Week was introduced for the first time at the summer edition as part of PERFORMANCE DAYS LOOPS. The sourcing platform was launched in the first half of 2021 together with US Partner Functional Fabric Fair by PERFORMANCE DAYS. With much success, as proven by the great enthusiasm shown by exhibitors, trade fair visitors and fabric manufacturers. The MARKETPLACE area, which showcased some 10.000 products and around 400 curated, sustainable fabrics and accessories from more than 170 international exhibitors, enjoyed particular popularity as part of the Digital Fair.

Another extremely popular and particularly well-attended attraction was the 3D FORUM, which tested hand-selected fabrics for their material properties as part of the digital fair week, to be visualized ultimately as a 3D scan.
Also for the spring/summer 2023 season, the jury presented two awards for outstanding fabrics – so in addition to the presentation of the PERFORMANCE AWARD, won by Trenchant Textiles, the ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD was presented to the winner, Utenos Trikotazas.

Professional, versatile and informative: Program with Expert Talks
A total of 17 live talks from 30+ speakers followed by a question-and-answer session, under the guidance of moderator and freelancer Astrid Schlüchter, formed the basis of the digital fair supporting program from May 17 to 19. All talks, webinars and panel discussions are available on demand via THE LOOP platform.

The PERFORMANCE DAYS Team has once again succeeded in providing the industry with an almost real trade fair experience despite being held digitally. Via the Digital Fair Platform, which was activated explicitly for the trade fair week, trade fair visitors can enter into interactive exchange, including matchmaking and networking activities.

The premiere of the Functional Textiles Shanghai by PERFORMANCE DAYS fair takes place in Shanghai in September 28-29 as well as in Portland in October 27-28, 2021, with the planned hybrid event in Munich scheduled for December 1 and 2, 2021.




PCMC to unveil Paragon tissue rewinder

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) —a division of Barry-Wehmiller and a global supplier of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries — presents its new Paragon rewinder during an online launch event.

Held June 8 at 9 a.m. (CT), the virtual reveal will include a machine overview, a demonstration of its patent-pending winding technology and a live Q&A session. In addition, attendees will learn how the Paragon’s design allows for robust caliper, bulk and diameter flexibility, and how its new HMI gives operators unparalleled machine control with intuitive navigation and fewer, simpler adjustments.

For more information click here.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) —a division of Barry-Wehmiller and a global supplier of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries — presents its new Paragon rewinder during an online launch event.

Held June 8 at 9 a.m. (CT), the virtual reveal will include a machine overview, a demonstration of its patent-pending winding technology and a live Q&A session. In addition, attendees will learn how the Paragon’s design allows for robust caliper, bulk and diameter flexibility, and how its new HMI gives operators unparalleled machine control with intuitive navigation and fewer, simpler adjustments.

For more information click here.




SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH cancelled – moved to January 2022

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

SEEK and PREMIUM are live events and therefore spaces for engaging with others face-to-face. They are a vital meeting point for the whole industry that can only be augmented by our digital offerings. Under the current unpredictable conditions the usual levels of service cannot be guaranteed for clients and visitors.

July will see the start of Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) digital. Frankfurt Fashion Week Studio is the core element of the FFW opening season and encompasses the whole FFW ecosystem – with its key themes of Fashion Business, sustainability and digitisation – in the form of a digital portal.

FFW Studio is a progressively curated and staged platform that brings together all German fashion trade shows, conferences, fashion experiences and events under one roof for the first time. First as a digital venue, then as a hybrid one. For pioneers, brands, experiences, entertainment and networking.

“Over the past year we have felt a great sense of solidarity. The industry has given us enormous encouragement and the assurance that we are not only missed but needed. So we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to get together in a few short months’ time to present concepts and projects, meet up face-to-face, and shape the future together. Now more than ever!” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP   

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week PREMIUM


Swiss weaving machinery manufacturers are in the forefront of novel application development ©Stäubli
Multilayer Aramid

Swiss weaving: Fabrics of the future

  • Swiss weaving machinery manufacturers are in the forefront of novel application development

Shoes and electronic calculators are probably not the first products people would associate with the textile weaving process. But they certainly signpost the future for woven fabrics, as two examples of the ever-wider possibilities of latest technology in the field. Fashion and function already combine in the increasing popularity of woven fabrics for shoes, and this is a present and future trend. Calculators in fabrics? That’s another story of ingenious development, using so-called ‘meander fields’ on the back and keys printed on the front of the material.

  • Swiss weaving machinery manufacturers are in the forefront of novel application development

Shoes and electronic calculators are probably not the first products people would associate with the textile weaving process. But they certainly signpost the future for woven fabrics, as two examples of the ever-wider possibilities of latest technology in the field. Fashion and function already combine in the increasing popularity of woven fabrics for shoes, and this is a present and future trend. Calculators in fabrics? That’s another story of ingenious development, using so-called ‘meander fields’ on the back and keys printed on the front of the material.

These glimpses of the outlook for modern weavers are among the highlights of developments now being pioneered by Swiss textile machinery companies. All weaving markets require innovation, as well as speed, efficiency, quality and sustainability. Member firms of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association respond to these needs at every point in the process – from tightening the first thread in the warp to winding the last inch for fabric delivery. They also share a common advantage, with a leading position in the traditional weaving industry as well as the expertise to foster new and exciting applications.

Technology and research cooperation
The concept of a ‘textile calculator’ was developed by Jakob Müller Group, in cooperation with the textile research institute Thuringen-Vogtland. Müller’s patented MDW® multi-directional weaving technology is able to create the meander fields which allow calculator functions to be accessed at a touch. A novel and useful facility, which suggests limitless expansion.

Today, the latest woven shoes are appreciated for their precise and comfortable fit. They score through their durability, strength and stability, meeting the requirements of individual athletes across many sports, as well as leisurewear. Stäubli is well known as a leading global specialist in weaving preparation, shedding systems and high-speed textile machinery. Its jacquard machines offer great flexibility across a wide range of formats, weaving all types of technical textiles, lightweight reinforcement fabrics – and shoes.

It’s possible to weave new materials such as ceramics, mix fibers such as aramid, carbon and other, and produce innovative multi-layers with variable thicknesses. Such applications put special demands on weaving machines which are fulfilled by Stäubli high-performance TF weaving systems.

Great weaving results are impossible without perfect warp tension, now available thanks to the world-leading electronic warp feeding systems of Crealet. Some market segments in weaving industry today demand warp let-off systems which meet individual customer requirements. For example, the company has recognized expertise to understand that geotextile products often need special treatment, as provided by its intelligent warp tension control system. Individual and connective solutions are designed to allow external support via remote link. Crealet’s warp let-off systems are widely used in both ribbon and broadloom weaving, for technical textiles applied on single or multiple warp beams and creels.

Functional, sustainable, automated
Trends in the field of woven narrow fabrics are clearly focused on functionality and sustainability. The Jakob Müller Group has already embraced these principles – for example using natural fibers for 100% recyclable labels with a soft-feel selvedge. It also focuses as much as possible on the processing of recycled, synthetic materials. Both PET bottles and polyester waste from production are recycled and processed into elastic and rigid tapes for the apparel industry.

For efficient fabric production environments, it is now recognized that automated quality solutions are essential. Quality standards are increasing everywhere and zero-defect levels are mandatory for sensitive applications such as airbags and protective apparel.

Uster’s latest generation of on-loom monitoring and inspection systems offers real operational improvements for weavers. The fabric quality monitoring prevents waste, while the quality assurance system significantly improves first-quality yield for all applications. Protecting fabric makers from costly claims and damaged reputations, automated fabric inspection also removes the need for slow, costly and unreliable manual inspection, freeing operators to focus on higher-skilled jobs.

Smart and collaborative robotics (cobots) offer many automation possibilities in weaving rooms. Stäubli’s future oriented robotics division is a driver in this segment with first effective installations in warp and creel preparation.

Control and productivity
Willy Grob’s specialized solutions for woven fabric winding focus on reliable control of tension, keeping it constant from the start of the process right through to the full cloth roll. Continuous digital control is especially important for sensitive fabrics, while performance and productivity are also critical advantages. In this regard, the company’s large-scale batching units can provide ten times the winding capacity of a regular winder integrated in the weaving machine.

The customized concept by Grob as well as design and implementation result in great flexibility and functionality of the fabric winding equipment – yet another example of Swiss ingenuity in textile machinery.  
There is even more innovation to come in weaving – and in other segments – from members of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association in future! This confident assertion is founded on an impressive statistic: the 4077 years of experience behind the creative power of the association’s member firms. It’s proof positive that their developments grow out of profound knowledge and continuous research.

JEC Group announces a new online event: JEC Composites Connect (c) JEC Group

JEC Group announces a new online event: JEC Composites Connect

JEC Group, dedicated to promoting composite materials, introduces all-new digital event series for the composites community: JEC Composites CONNECT. On June 1-2, 2021, this first round-the-clock event will be one of the industry’s most significant events, hosting major industry players, enabling participants to discover the latest trends thanks to business conferences and get networking opportunities. This live-streamed event will also be the place to highlight innovation through competitions, awards ceremonies and keynote speeches.

JEC Composites CONNECT: a digital event to bring the composites community together
Participants can access the free non-stop digital floor from 8:30 am on June 1 to 6 pm CEST on June 2. This first JEC Composites CONNECT will work as an online trade show, with digital stands for companies showcasing their latest products, from raw materials to composites parts manufacturers with various networking rooms, a meeting requests platform, and with a conference area to access live streaming content.

JEC Group, dedicated to promoting composite materials, introduces all-new digital event series for the composites community: JEC Composites CONNECT. On June 1-2, 2021, this first round-the-clock event will be one of the industry’s most significant events, hosting major industry players, enabling participants to discover the latest trends thanks to business conferences and get networking opportunities. This live-streamed event will also be the place to highlight innovation through competitions, awards ceremonies and keynote speeches.

JEC Composites CONNECT: a digital event to bring the composites community together
Participants can access the free non-stop digital floor from 8:30 am on June 1 to 6 pm CEST on June 2. This first JEC Composites CONNECT will work as an online trade show, with digital stands for companies showcasing their latest products, from raw materials to composites parts manufacturers with various networking rooms, a meeting requests platform, and with a conference area to access live streaming content.

Composites innovation at the core
JEC Composites CONNECT will host outstanding keynote speakers and all the major JEC Composites competitions and awards promoting innovation, research teamwork, and entrepreneurship in the composites industry.

  • The JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate the most innovative composites projects and fruitful collaborations between different value chain players in 2021.
  • The 2021 JEC Composites Startup Booster competition, with live pitches and winners ceremony.
  • The JEC Composites Challenge, where Ph.Ds will present their research projects in front of the jury.

The Awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 2, with an opening keynote speech from inventor and genius entrepreneur Franky Zapata, a.k.a. ‘the Flying Man.’ As the CEO and founder of the company that bears his name, he became well-known for his famed crossing of the English Channel in August 2019 on his Flyboard® Air.


JEC Group


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to feature leading suppliers

With the spring textile trade fair season in China just around the corner, a number of leading domestic and international suppliers are confirmed to take part in Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. The fair will now take place at a slightly later date of 17 – 19 March. Together with the concurrent fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo, CHIC and PH Value, these five events will form the first major in-person gathering for the textile industry this year.

From bedding and towelling, rugs and table & kitchen linen to home textile technologies and textile designs, buyers will have a wide range of the latest collections to source from this month at Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center. International exhibitors such as Lenzing and Cotton Council International as well as leading domestic brands including Coolist, Luolai, Soluffy and Yunjie Textile are amongst those signed up to take part this year.

Exhibitor highlights

With the spring textile trade fair season in China just around the corner, a number of leading domestic and international suppliers are confirmed to take part in Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. The fair will now take place at a slightly later date of 17 – 19 March. Together with the concurrent fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo, CHIC and PH Value, these five events will form the first major in-person gathering for the textile industry this year.

From bedding and towelling, rugs and table & kitchen linen to home textile technologies and textile designs, buyers will have a wide range of the latest collections to source from this month at Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center. International exhibitors such as Lenzing and Cotton Council International as well as leading domestic brands including Coolist, Luolai, Soluffy and Yunjie Textile are amongst those signed up to take part this year.

Exhibitor highlights

  • Lenzing Fibers: will showcase their flagship brand for textiles, TENCEL™. Used for a variety of highly specialised applications, TENCEL™ fibres are soft to the skin and excellent in thermal regulation and moisture absorption.
  • Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit association that promotes US cotton fibre and cotton products throughout the world.
  • Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology: this Chinese company designs and produces a range of functional pillow collections including their Filmless Gel, Hydrophilic, Air, Flexible and Organic pillow series. Their unique Coolist design features patented technology, and is made from organic and environmental-friendly materials.
  • Anhui Million Feather: located in Anhui province’s Lu’an city, known in China as the ‘Kingdom of Geese’, the company produces a range of down and feather products and various bedding items.
  • Wujiang City Yunjie Textiles: specialising in wide-width fabrics including microfibre, satin and suede.
  • Yantai Zhonglian Industry: their main products include sheets, pillowcases, quilt covers, bed skirts, comforters, coverlets, pillows and more.
OFFICINA+39 reduces use of water with AQUALESS MISSION (c) OFFICINA+39

OFFICINA+39 reduces use of water with AQUALESS MISSION

A technology to reduce 75% of the water typically used in denim and garment laundry processes, this innovation is evidence of the commitment by Officina+39 to a more sustainable production and planet.

An Italy-based reality with a thirty-year experience on research and chemical application in the textile sector, Officina+39 brings to the table its latest innovation, launched in occasion of Kingpins 24 Flash: the AQUALESS MISSION. It features three products for one innovative process suitable for conventional machines: REMOVER BC, a laser booster, AQUALESS AGED, a waterless compound to give denim abrasion effects and OZ-ONE POWDER, an advanced product to give garments a bleached yet eco-friendly treatment, for a worn and distressed look.

This special compound increases laser effect on indigo or dischargeable dyestuff, saving time and energy for a swifter production. Due to the speedy process it also prevents fabric tearing whilst focusing on giving a used look.

A technology to reduce 75% of the water typically used in denim and garment laundry processes, this innovation is evidence of the commitment by Officina+39 to a more sustainable production and planet.

An Italy-based reality with a thirty-year experience on research and chemical application in the textile sector, Officina+39 brings to the table its latest innovation, launched in occasion of Kingpins 24 Flash: the AQUALESS MISSION. It features three products for one innovative process suitable for conventional machines: REMOVER BC, a laser booster, AQUALESS AGED, a waterless compound to give denim abrasion effects and OZ-ONE POWDER, an advanced product to give garments a bleached yet eco-friendly treatment, for a worn and distressed look.

This special compound increases laser effect on indigo or dischargeable dyestuff, saving time and energy for a swifter production. Due to the speedy process it also prevents fabric tearing whilst focusing on giving a used look.

Ideal to give abrasion effects on denim, this waterless treatment has a reduced impact on the environment and can be applied in combination with Oz-One powder both on black and indigo denim.

The sustainable (chlorine and potassium permanganate free) way to give denim that distressed and worn look, with no need of water or high temperatures.

AQUALESS MISSION meets the needs of the industry to reduce water in manufacturing operations, pledging to meet UN’s 2030 SDG 6 of clean water and sanitation, and by doing so protects the planet and its resources.


CHIC Shanghai takes place on March 17 to 19, 2021

  • CHIC Shanghai, March 17 to 19, 2021 (due to new regulation to control the infection rate)
  • 905 exhibitors are present at CHIC
  • Parallel: CHIC ONLINE as a digital platform with upgrade of the CHIC
  • APP
  • CHIC GARDEN: puts fashion and sustainability in the limelight

The CHIC spring event takes place from March 17th to 19th under strict hygiene guidelines in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai parallel to Intertextile Shanghai, Yarn Expo and PH Value.

The Chinese economy has recovered again after the pandemic in China and already reached pre-crisis level with 6.5% growth in the fourth quarter of 2020. McKinsey estimates are a 5 to 10% growth in sales in China in 2021 compared to 2019. Thanks to good sales in China, the fashion luxury brands in particular have been able to improve their sales figures. But also regarding online trade, Chinese ecommerce sales were in first place worldwide for the eighth year in a row. The average per capita income of consumers rose by 3.8% last year.

  • CHIC Shanghai, March 17 to 19, 2021 (due to new regulation to control the infection rate)
  • 905 exhibitors are present at CHIC
  • Parallel: CHIC ONLINE as a digital platform with upgrade of the CHIC
  • APP
  • CHIC GARDEN: puts fashion and sustainability in the limelight

The CHIC spring event takes place from March 17th to 19th under strict hygiene guidelines in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai parallel to Intertextile Shanghai, Yarn Expo and PH Value.

The Chinese economy has recovered again after the pandemic in China and already reached pre-crisis level with 6.5% growth in the fourth quarter of 2020. McKinsey estimates are a 5 to 10% growth in sales in China in 2021 compared to 2019. Thanks to good sales in China, the fashion luxury brands in particular have been able to improve their sales figures. But also regarding online trade, Chinese ecommerce sales were in first place worldwide for the eighth year in a row. The average per capita income of consumers rose by 3.8% last year.

905 exhibitors and 932 brands will present themselves on site at CHIC. Around 95,000 trade visitors from all retail areas, including all relevant online sales platforms, are expected. The CHIC's online and live streaming events, which run parallel to the trade fairs, have recorded an average of 150,000 clicks on each show since April last year.

CHIC Garden
China is to become climate neutral by 2060, which of course also affects the fashion sector. Overall, the awareness of Chinese consumers has developed even more towards high-quality, sustainable collections. In their "State of Fashion 2021" report, McKinsey & BoF analyze the awareness development in China that consumers and producers are increasingly recognizing the importance of joint efforts by all participants in the value chain to work together in order to achieve sustainability in the fashion industry.

The CHIC flagship event visualizes this topic with the "CHIC Garden" theme. With the help of garden design experts, the fair is transformed into an inspiring garden paradise that reflects closeness to nature and the appreciation of natural resources.

As an exception, the CHIC autumn event, CHIC Shanghai will take place in August this year (25th to 27th August 2021).
