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Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 Photo Rudolf GmbH

RUDOLF wins Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023

The innovative company RUDOLF has been honoured for its outstanding achievements in the field of sustainability and environmental protection and has won the coveted Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 in the category SME.

The innovative company RUDOLF has been honoured for its outstanding achievements in the field of sustainability and environmental protection and has won the coveted Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 in the category SME.

The award was presented as part of a competition organised by the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI). Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry. Its aim is continuous improvement in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety. Chemical companies and associations in more than 50 countries support the initiative. The award-winning project of the innovative company RUDOLF impressed the jury with its pioneering technology, which reduces CO2 emissions by up to 99.9 % compared to conventional cooling systems. „The project uses near-surface geothermal energy for industrial cooling - according to the motto „Efficiency First“ the most efficient way has been chosen!“ - Jury statement
TerraCool‘s winning system uses near-surface geothermal energy as the most natural form of cooling. It utilises the constant temperature of around 10°C at a depth of around 10 metres below ground. A specially developed heat exchanger system takes advantage of this natural cooling effect. In the future, it will be used to cool chemical production processes at RUDOLF. The main advantage of this technology is that it is CO2 neutral. The technology is highly efficient and consumes only 0.1 % of the electricity used by conventional cooling systems.  By using natural resources, the system reduces CO2 emissions by up to 99.9 % compared to conventional cooling systems, resulting in a very presentable carbon footprint. Another impressive aspect is its high energy efficiency. With just 1 kW of electrical energy, the system generates up to 600 kW of cooling capacity, thanks to the use of a highly energyefficient circulating pump system. Energy is, and will continue to be, a valuable „raw material“ for our industry and one that we need to manage carefully. The system is self-contained and has no contact with groundwater. No environmentally harmful refrigerants or antifreeze are required. With this technology, RUDOLF has made a pioneering contribution to the climate-neutral transformation of the economy, proving that innovative solutions can go hand in hand with environmental protection and sustainability. The Responsible Care award recognises the company‘s commitment to a greener future.


Rudolf GmbH

(c) Oerlikon
The Oerlikon Barmag eccentric screw pump

Oerlikon Barmag presents innovations at the ACHEMA 2022

Focus on eccentric screw pumps and pumps for shear-sensitive materials

Improved productivity and increased lifespan and tailored solutions also for the most demanding applications within the chemicals and plastics industries and in PUR applications – these are the convincing arguments with which Oerlikon Barmag is showcasing its precision metering pumps at this year’s ACHEMA between August 22 and 26, 2022 in Frankfurt. The focus is on the new pump for shear-sensitive conveying media and the new eccentric screw pump.

Focus on eccentric screw pumps and pumps for shear-sensitive materials

Improved productivity and increased lifespan and tailored solutions also for the most demanding applications within the chemicals and plastics industries and in PUR applications – these are the convincing arguments with which Oerlikon Barmag is showcasing its precision metering pumps at this year’s ACHEMA between August 22 and 26, 2022 in Frankfurt. The focus is on the new pump for shear-sensitive conveying media and the new eccentric screw pump.

Eccentric screw pumps – robust all-rounders convey any medium
The requirements for pumps are considerable, as the demand for customized solutions for increasingly complex processes is rising. This is particularly true for Oerlikon Barmag’s new eccentric screw pump range. High wear-resistance, increased durability and robust operation – the new pump is tailor-made for conveying highly-filled, high-viscosity and abrasive media, such as filled adhesives, filled silicones and filled casting compounds, for example. The is the multi-stage seal system, which considerably increases the pump’s lifespan. The upstream shaft sealing ring protects the slide ring seal against excessively-fast wear caused by challenging media. In turn, the optimum alignment of the drive shaft – ball bearing-supported and centrally-guided through the shaft sealing ring – prevents any metal debris caused by friction and hence ensures considerably greater durability. Producers benefit from considerably greater productivity, as the pumps’ maintenance intervals and hence machine downtimes are significantly reduced.

New pump for shear-sensitive materials
For increasingly complex customer-specific process solutions, Oerlikon Barmag is now expanding its GA series, developed especially for the challenging conveying of high-viscosity media, to include the GAB51F for shear-sensitive conveying media. The newly-developed pump with its viscosity range of max. 300 Pas is tailored to conveying high-viscosity, shear-sensitive materials such as adhesives and silicones, for example. “The shear forces impacting the medium within the pump are reduced to a minimum as a result of a specially geometry”, explains Thorsten Wagener, Senior Sales Manager within the Pump Construction business unit. The material is conveyed through the pump in an as gentle and low-pulsation manner as possible and metered precisely at the outlet – ensuring it retains its characteristic properties.

High-speed metering pump with sealed product space
The high-speed metering pump has been especially developed for metering poorly-lubricating media. Here, the main benefit is the sealed product space, which extends the pump’s lifespan considerably. The space that comes into contact with the media is limited to the area around the gears. “As a result, the high-speed pump is particularly suited for applications in the chemicals industry, which frequently involve aggressive acids”, comments Thorsten Wagener.

GM series for low-viscosity media
The pumps in the GM and GA series provide precision metering with low-pulsation feeding of the conveying medium. The multi-stage GM pump conveys low-viscosity media (i.e. 250 bar, 100 mPas) even under high pressure and in the most challenging conditions. The square design from the proven GM series is the standard pump for many metering tasks. The development of the multi-stage pump expands the applications range for the GM series considerably. The round 2-stage GM pump has been developed especially for use in high-pressure technology. It masters the particular challenge of conveying small throughputs with low viscosities. The pump is perfect for 0.05 through 20 cm³/rev feed sizes and is excellently suited for use in high-pressure machines for PUR molded parts, foam slab stock, refrigeration unit insulations and sandwich panels, for example.

GA series pumps for high-viscosity media
The Oerlikon Barmag GA range has been especially developed for the challenging conveying of media with higher viscosities. The GA series pumps are available for conveying volumes of between 1.25 and -30 cm³/rev (0.6-144 l/h). They have been designed for pressures of up to 200 bar, for viscosities of up to 1.500 Pas as well as for temperatures of up to max. 225 °C. With this range of pumps, Oerlikon Barmag offers its customers tailor-made solutions for many technical processes in which high-precision and even metering is of paramount importance.

The drum pump – conveying and metering using a single unit
With the drum pump, the Oerlikon Barmag pump specialists have created a pump designed specifically for conveying and metering high-viscosity materials such as adhesives, silicones and other high-viscosity materials from drums and other large containers and for pressures of up to 250 bar. Its special features not only include the fact that it removes high-viscosity materials from the drum, but that it also meters the medium directly without any additional interim stops.




Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Marktfähige Power-to-X-Technologien entwickeln

Im Rahmen eines neuen Projektes des Spitzenclusters Industrielle Innovationen (SPIN) entsteht eine offene Versuchsplattform für die Entwicklung von Power-to-X-Technologien. Untersucht werden dabei Möglichkeiten, CO2-haltige Abgasströme zunächst in ein Synthesegas aus Kohlenmonoxid und Wasserstoff und dann in verschiedene Produkte für die Chemie-, Kraftstoff- und Kunststoffindustrie umzuwandeln. Die nordrhein-westfälische Landesregierung fördert dieses Vorhaben mit 5,3 Mio. Euro.

Im Rahmen eines neuen Projektes des Spitzenclusters Industrielle Innovationen (SPIN) entsteht eine offene Versuchsplattform für die Entwicklung von Power-to-X-Technologien. Untersucht werden dabei Möglichkeiten, CO2-haltige Abgasströme zunächst in ein Synthesegas aus Kohlenmonoxid und Wasserstoff und dann in verschiedene Produkte für die Chemie-, Kraftstoff- und Kunststoffindustrie umzuwandeln. Die nordrhein-westfälische Landesregierung fördert dieses Vorhaben mit 5,3 Mio. Euro.

Die Federführung des Projektes »PtX-Plattform« liegt bei der Mitsubishi Power Europe GmbH. Gemeinsam mit SPIN sowie den Projektpartnern – dem Fraunhofer UMSICHT, dem Lehrstuhl für Umweltverfahrenstechnik und Anlagentechnik (LUAT) der Universität Duisburg-Essen sowie Evonik Industries – will das Unternehmen marktfähige Lösungen für die effiziente Nutzung überschüssigen Stroms entwickeln. Ein Schwerpunkt werden dabei Wasserstoff- sowie Carbon-Capture-Use-and-Storage-Technologien sein: CCU und CCS. Entsprechende containerbasierte Anlagen entstehen auf dem Gelände des LUAT. Sie umfassen u.a. CO2-Abtrennung und katalytische Co-Elektrolyse und stellen alle notwendigen Energie- und Stoffströme zur Verfügung.

Elektrolytische Herstellung von Synthesegas
Das Fraunhofer UMSICHT erarbeitet im Zuge des Projektes u.a. Grundlagen, um in einem Power-to-X-Reaktor die elektrolytische Herstellung von Synthesegas im Labormaßstab zu demonstrieren. »Dazu skalieren wir neuartige Gasdiffusionselektroden und setzen sie für die Aufgabe in angepassten Reaktoren ein«, erklärt Prof. Dr. Ulf-Peter Apfel, Leiter der Abteilung Elektrosynthese. »Weitere Komponenten der Elektrolysezellen werden so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass Verlustleistungen und Gasleckagen minimiert sowie die Zusammensetzung des Synthesegases möglichst kontrolliert variiert werden können.« Neben der Erstellung der erforderlichen Komponenten führt das Institut auch die Entwicklung, Errichtung und Inbetriebnahme eines skalierten Elektrolysesystems (inkl. der Teststandperipherie) durch und integriert alles in die Containerumgebung der Plattform.

Charakterisierung von Katalysatoren
Darüber hinaus testen die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Fraunhofer UMSICHT Katalysator-Systeme, die neu von Evonik entwickelt worden sind und bei der Synthese von Alkoholen zum Einsatz kommen. »Wir schauen uns Umsatz, Menge und Konzentration sowohl der auftretenden Produkte als auch der Nebenprodukte an und haben dabei vor allem die Lebensdauer des Katalysators im Blick«, so Prof. Apfel. »Auf Basis unserer Testergebnisse nimmt Evonik dann weitere Optimierungen der Katalysatoren sowie deren Scale-up in Angriff.« Das beste System wird dann für den Pilotreaktor ausgewählt.

Die Bedeutung des Projektes hob Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart bei der Übergabe des Förderbescheids hervor. »Die aktuellen Ereignisse zeigen einmal mehr, wie wichtig eine sichere und unabhängige Energieversorgung ist«, betonte der NRW-Minister für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie. »Eine zukunfts- und wettbewerbsfähige Industrie benötigt große Energiemengen und klimaneutral erzeugte Rohstoffe für ihre Produktionsprozesse. Power-to-X kann nicht nur dazu beitragen, dass wir unsere ehrgeizigen Klimaschutzziele erreichen, sondern auch zu einer unabhängigen Versorgung mit synthetischen Kraftstoffen und Chemikalien für unsere Industrie und unser Energiesystem der Zukunft.«


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT