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Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 invests in Mahlo's automatic straightening system

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 is one of the most important Italian companies in the textile finishing sector. Founded in 1973 in Masserano in the textile district of Biella, the company offers the complete range of dyeing of all types of fibres, finishing, digital printing, lamination and membrane lining. These processes are used to give fabrics certain properties, such as colour, pattern, softness, shine or waterproofness.

At Tintoria Finissaggio 2000, customers benefit from the fact that all processes are handled under one roof, from design support to the finishing of fabrics, combining decades of experience with the new possibilities of lamination and digital printing. The dyeing plant in Masserano is a state-of-the-art facility that fulfils the strictest environmental standards. In general, Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 continuously invests in state-of-the-art technologies and production facilities in order to achieve high-quality results while ensuring sustainable production processes.

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 is one of the most important Italian companies in the textile finishing sector. Founded in 1973 in Masserano in the textile district of Biella, the company offers the complete range of dyeing of all types of fibres, finishing, digital printing, lamination and membrane lining. These processes are used to give fabrics certain properties, such as colour, pattern, softness, shine or waterproofness.

At Tintoria Finissaggio 2000, customers benefit from the fact that all processes are handled under one roof, from design support to the finishing of fabrics, combining decades of experience with the new possibilities of lamination and digital printing. The dyeing plant in Masserano is a state-of-the-art facility that fulfils the strictest environmental standards. In general, Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 continuously invests in state-of-the-art technologies and production facilities in order to achieve high-quality results while ensuring sustainable production processes.

Tintoria Finissagio 2000 also focused on innovation when equipping a new stenter frame. The company opted for the latest development from German machine manufacturer Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG: the Orthopac RXVMC-20 automatic straightening system. The new straightening concept is specially designed for processing textiles with high distortion dynamics, i.e. textiles with highly variable distortion. Two individually controlled and driven straightening modules with a total of three bow and four skew rollers ensure that bow and skew distortions are corrected in small steps. The control concept is also new. A scanner group at the infeed of the straightener detects distortions even before they reach the correction rollers. This means that the rollers are brought directly into position and the fabric is corrected from the very first centimetre. A scanner group at the outfeed also recognises any residual distortion, which is then corrected on the second straightening module.


Mahlo presents new solutions at ITMA Asia 2023

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG will present its systems and solutions for efficient and high-quality textile production and finishing together with Shanghai Kuantex at ITMA Asia (November 19 and 23). The focus will be on the machine manufacturer's new straightening concept, the Orthopac RXVMC.

"In the new straightening concept, special attention was paid to the straightening mechanics and their interaction with the analysis electronics of the probe system," explains Sales Manager Thomas Höpfl. The control concept is also new. A probe group at the leveler infeed detects distortions even before they reach the correction rolls. In this way, the rolls are brought directly into position and the fabric is corrected from the very first centimeter. A scanner group at the outfeed also detects possible residual distortion, which is corrected at the second straightening module. This enables an even more precise and faster response when it comes to reacting to rapidly changing distortions. The Orthopac RXVMC therefore shows its full strength when straightening knitwear and fabrics sensitive to distortion.

Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG will present its systems and solutions for efficient and high-quality textile production and finishing together with Shanghai Kuantex at ITMA Asia (November 19 and 23). The focus will be on the machine manufacturer's new straightening concept, the Orthopac RXVMC.

"In the new straightening concept, special attention was paid to the straightening mechanics and their interaction with the analysis electronics of the probe system," explains Sales Manager Thomas Höpfl. The control concept is also new. A probe group at the leveler infeed detects distortions even before they reach the correction rolls. In this way, the rolls are brought directly into position and the fabric is corrected from the very first centimeter. A scanner group at the outfeed also detects possible residual distortion, which is corrected at the second straightening module. This enables an even more precise and faster response when it comes to reacting to rapidly changing distortions. The Orthopac RXVMC therefore shows its full strength when straightening knitwear and fabrics sensitive to distortion.

Also contributing to high-quality textile production and finishing is the Famacont PMC for controlling weft and stitch course density, which will also be on show at ITMA Asia. The Famacont PMC-15 uses a sensor to measure the yarn or stitch density and compares it with the target value stored in the recipe data management system. The detected deviation of the yarn density from the target value is used to fully automatically regulate the leading during the needling process on the stenter frame. Interested parties can have the mode of operation explained to them at the Mahlo booth with the help of a demo tower and their own or provided fabric samples.

Another major topic remains Industry 4.0, because the best measured data is of no use if it cannot be utilized. Mahlo has continuously developed its digital environment mSmart. "Our systems generate data that the customer can use immediately to regulate goods on-line. At the same time, all measured values are backed up in our data management system mLog enhanced and can be retrieved at any time. With this historical data, processes can be optimized and weak points in the process can be minimized," explains Sales Manager Thomas Höpfl.

Foto Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

Mahlo: Datengesteuerte Produktion in Echtzeit

Extrem steigende Energiepreise und zunehmende Unsicherheit in fast allen Industriezweigen: Viele produzierende Textilunternehmen stehen heute vor großen Herausforderungen. Um auf dem Markt bestehen zu können, müssen sie die Flexibilität und die Effizienz ihrer Produktion erhöhen und Herstellungskosten durch Reduzierung des Ressourceneinsatzes minimieren. Die Online-Qualitätskontrolle in textilen Produktionsprozessen ist aktuell wichtiger denn je.

Mahlo will zeigen, wie eine datengesteuerte Produktion Probleme in der Textilbeschichtung und -veredelung lösen kann.

I4.0-konforme Qualitätskontrollsysteme von Mahlo, die in einer modernen Textilbeschichtungsanlage installiert sind, zeigen die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten zur Produktionssteuerung. Um unterschiedlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, hat Mahlo ein breites Portfolio an intelligenten Sensoren und Messrahmen im Qualiscan QMS-System, die online Produkt- und Prozessparameter wie Flächengewicht, Auftragsgewicht, Dicke, Feuchtegehalt, Bahntemperatur, Restfeuchte, Abluftfeuchte, Luftdurchlässigkeit etc. in den verschiedenen Phasen der Produktion erfassen.

Extrem steigende Energiepreise und zunehmende Unsicherheit in fast allen Industriezweigen: Viele produzierende Textilunternehmen stehen heute vor großen Herausforderungen. Um auf dem Markt bestehen zu können, müssen sie die Flexibilität und die Effizienz ihrer Produktion erhöhen und Herstellungskosten durch Reduzierung des Ressourceneinsatzes minimieren. Die Online-Qualitätskontrolle in textilen Produktionsprozessen ist aktuell wichtiger denn je.

Mahlo will zeigen, wie eine datengesteuerte Produktion Probleme in der Textilbeschichtung und -veredelung lösen kann.

I4.0-konforme Qualitätskontrollsysteme von Mahlo, die in einer modernen Textilbeschichtungsanlage installiert sind, zeigen die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten zur Produktionssteuerung. Um unterschiedlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, hat Mahlo ein breites Portfolio an intelligenten Sensoren und Messrahmen im Qualiscan QMS-System, die online Produkt- und Prozessparameter wie Flächengewicht, Auftragsgewicht, Dicke, Feuchtegehalt, Bahntemperatur, Restfeuchte, Abluftfeuchte, Luftdurchlässigkeit etc. in den verschiedenen Phasen der Produktion erfassen.

Die Messwerte werden direkt in den Echtzeitprozessoren der Sensoren verarbeitet. Die fertigen Messdaten werden intern in einem intuitiven Steuerungsdisplay visualisiert oder über Schnittstellen (OPC-UA, Modbus etc.) an ein externes Netzwerk übertragen. Die implementierten Regelungsalgorithmen interagieren direkt mit den entsprechenden Aktoren der Textilbeschichtungsanlage und reduzieren die Abweichung vom Sollwert. So entsteht ein gleichmäßigeres Endprodukt. Dies ermöglicht optimierte Sollwertvorgaben und führt neben einer besseren Produktqualität zu deutlichen Einsparungen bei Rohstoffen und Energiekosten. Zudem steigen Prozesssicherheit und Produktionsdurchsatz. Neben der Online-Kontrolle der oben genannten Parameter ist die Bereitstellung detaillierter historischer Daten eine wichtige Funktion jedes Qualitätskontrollsystems.

Durch einen vereinfachten und direkten Datenaustausch kann der Endanwender jederzeit nachvollziehen, wo und vor allem wie sein Produkt gefertigt wird. Damit sei nicht nur eine reibungslose Wertschöpfungskette gewährleistet, so Wulbeck. Der Endverbraucher kann auch sicher sein, dass sein Stoff immer mit den richtigen Parametern produziert wird. "Diese Sicherheit ist in diesen unsicheren Zeiten von hohem Wert."


Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG