From the Sector

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IVC rückt enger an CIRFS heran

Die Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., satzungsgemäß zuständig für die DACH-Staaten, für die Bereiche Technik, Umwelt, REACH sowie Forschung und Entwicklung das Sprachrohr aller Mitglieder des europäischen Chemiefaserverbandes CIRFS, hat dem Druck auf den Industriestandort Deutschland Rechnung getragen.

Die Interessenvertretung und Lobbyarbeit der Chemiefaserbranche werden sich künftig auf die Europäische Kommission in Brüssel fokussieren. Die Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) wird dabei zwar weiterhin einen wichtigen Faktor darstellen, aber sehr viel enger mit CIRFS in Brüssel verbunden und personell deutlich reduziert sein. Eine IVC-eigene Geschäftsführung gibt es nicht mehr, deren Aufgaben hat der IVC-Vorstand direkt übernommen.

Der Vertrag des langjährigen Geschäftsführers, Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, endete nach rund 22 Jahren am 31. Januar 2024. Der REACH-Experte wird künftig der Branche als Berater zur Verfügung stehen.

Die Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., satzungsgemäß zuständig für die DACH-Staaten, für die Bereiche Technik, Umwelt, REACH sowie Forschung und Entwicklung das Sprachrohr aller Mitglieder des europäischen Chemiefaserverbandes CIRFS, hat dem Druck auf den Industriestandort Deutschland Rechnung getragen.

Die Interessenvertretung und Lobbyarbeit der Chemiefaserbranche werden sich künftig auf die Europäische Kommission in Brüssel fokussieren. Die Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) wird dabei zwar weiterhin einen wichtigen Faktor darstellen, aber sehr viel enger mit CIRFS in Brüssel verbunden und personell deutlich reduziert sein. Eine IVC-eigene Geschäftsführung gibt es nicht mehr, deren Aufgaben hat der IVC-Vorstand direkt übernommen.

Der Vertrag des langjährigen Geschäftsführers, Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, endete nach rund 22 Jahren am 31. Januar 2024. Der REACH-Experte wird künftig der Branche als Berater zur Verfügung stehen.

More information:


Symposium"All about cellulose" Grafik: Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt e.V.

Rudolstädter Kunststofftage: Symposium "All about cellulose"

As part of the "RUDOLSTÄDTER KUNSTSTOFFTAGE" series, the TITK - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V. invites you to the symposium "All about cellulose: How we can use a native polymer for intelligent, innovative and sustainable products".

In their presentations, speakers from industry and research will highlight the potential and diverse applications of the sustainable platform polymer cellulose for clothing, hygiene and medical textiles, battery and storage technology or as a meltable material for 3D printing.
The conference language is English.

The conference is aimed at textile manufacturers and processors as well as materials scientists and SMEs from the industry in general. As in previous years, there will be the opportunity to visit the technical centres and laboratories of the business-oriented research institute.

Event details and registration options can be found under DATES.

As part of the "RUDOLSTÄDTER KUNSTSTOFFTAGE" series, the TITK - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V. invites you to the symposium "All about cellulose: How we can use a native polymer for intelligent, innovative and sustainable products".

In their presentations, speakers from industry and research will highlight the potential and diverse applications of the sustainable platform polymer cellulose for clothing, hygiene and medical textiles, battery and storage technology or as a meltable material for 3D printing.
The conference language is English.

The conference is aimed at textile manufacturers and processors as well as materials scientists and SMEs from the industry in general. As in previous years, there will be the opportunity to visit the technical centres and laboratories of the business-oriented research institute.

Event details and registration options can be found under DATES.


Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt e.V.

Sunrise Image by Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay

Happy Birthday 2024

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

More information:
Textination FUTURE


Oerlikon Webinar with a Focus on Customer Service (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon Webinar with a Focus on Customer Service

The new series of webinars of the Swiss Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers Solutions business unit will be focusing on services for manmade fiber systems.

Short Overview of the webinars:

  • How ceramics within the yarn path improve the quality of your yarn on September 01
  • myOerlikon – tailored digital services provide a comprehensive overview on September 13
  • Always by your side – with Oerlikon Remote Services on September 22
  • Better safe than sorry – maximize productivity and minimize downtimes with regular machine check-ups on September 29

For more information click here, where we keep you informed about upcoming events.

The new series of webinars of the Swiss Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers Solutions business unit will be focusing on services for manmade fiber systems.

Short Overview of the webinars:

  • How ceramics within the yarn path improve the quality of your yarn on September 01
  • myOerlikon – tailored digital services provide a comprehensive overview on September 13
  • Always by your side – with Oerlikon Remote Services on September 22
  • Better safe than sorry – maximize productivity and minimize downtimes with regular machine check-ups on September 29

For more information click here, where we keep you informed about upcoming events.

