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(c) Marketmedia24

Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023: Langfristig Rückkehr zum Wachstumstrend

Der Outdoor-Markt befindet sich schon seit über zehn Jahren auf solidem Wachstumskurs und ist in den Corona-Jahren sogar noch stärker gewachsen. Doch während die Corona-bedingten Auswirkungen abnehmen, belasten der Ukraine-Krieg und damit neue Krisen die Zukunftsperspektiven der deutsche Wirtschaft - eine Rezession scheint 2023 unausweichlich. So geht das Marketmedia24-Team davon aus, dass sich die Pandemiegewinne für den Outdoor-Markt zunächst nicht fortsetzen werden. Wie stark die Beeinträchtigung ausfallen und wie sich dabei der Outdoor-Konsum entwickeln wird, zeigt der neue „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023“. Dabei wird im Best-Case-Szenario erwartet, dass die Outdoor-Umsätze in diesem Jahr stabil bleiben und dass sie ab 2026 dem langjährigen Wachstumstrend aus der Vor-Corona-Zeit (plus 1,4 Prozent pro Jahr) folgen werden.

Der Outdoor-Markt befindet sich schon seit über zehn Jahren auf solidem Wachstumskurs und ist in den Corona-Jahren sogar noch stärker gewachsen. Doch während die Corona-bedingten Auswirkungen abnehmen, belasten der Ukraine-Krieg und damit neue Krisen die Zukunftsperspektiven der deutsche Wirtschaft - eine Rezession scheint 2023 unausweichlich. So geht das Marketmedia24-Team davon aus, dass sich die Pandemiegewinne für den Outdoor-Markt zunächst nicht fortsetzen werden. Wie stark die Beeinträchtigung ausfallen und wie sich dabei der Outdoor-Konsum entwickeln wird, zeigt der neue „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023“. Dabei wird im Best-Case-Szenario erwartet, dass die Outdoor-Umsätze in diesem Jahr stabil bleiben und dass sie ab 2026 dem langjährigen Wachstumstrend aus der Vor-Corona-Zeit (plus 1,4 Prozent pro Jahr) folgen werden.

Dem deutschen Outdoor-Markt ging es selbst während der Corona-Jahre gut. Denn während in dieser Zeit die Konsumausgaben der Privaten Haushalte sanken, legte der Outdoor-Umsatz 2020 um 8 Prozent und 2021 noch einmal um über 4 Prozent zu. Dabei verlief die Entwicklung der einzelnen Outdoor-Warengruppen (Bekleidung, Schuhe, Ausrüstung, Zelte, Schlafsäcke) recht ähnlich. Wobei Zelte und Schlafsäcke 2021 sogar mehr als doppelt so stark zulegten. Wesentlich geringer – zum Teil sogar negativ – entwickelten sich die Outdoor-Umsätze dagegen 2022. In Summe beläuft sich der Rückgang des Gesamtmarktes auf minus 1,2 Prozent. Wenig Hoffnung gibt es für 2023, denn unter anderem Inflation und Preissteigerungen beschränken die Konsumspielräume, so dass weniger Geld für Outdoor-Einkäufe übrigbleibt.

Das hat zwangsläufig Auswirkungen auf die Umsatzchancen des Handels. Wie in den meisten Märkten war auch die Outdoor-Branche von der verstärkten Verlagerung vom stationären zum Online-Handel geprägt. Auch hier galt, dass in erster Linie der Distanzhandel von den Corona-Beschränkungen profitiert. Dessen Umsatz stieg von 2019 bis 2021 um 40,7 Prozent und der Marktanteil um 3,9 Prozentpunkte. Selbst wenn der Sportfachhandel gleichzeitig an Marktbedeutung verlor, bleiben die stationären Spezialisten mit über 46 Prozent Marktanteil (2022) an der Spitze der Distributionsliste. Der Distanzhandel bewegt sich mit gut 22 Prozent Marktanteil stabil auf dem zweiten Platz. Allerdings zeigte das Jahr 2022 dem Online-Erfolgsformat mit einem Umsatzminus von 1,7 Prozent, dass es mit der Markteroberung nicht zwangsläufig kontinuierlich weitergehen muss.

Vor allem mit der im letzten Jahr wiedergewonnenen Möglichkeiten der haptischen Prüfung, persönlichen Beratung und körperlichen Anprobe fiel beim Einkauf im Sportfachhandel das allgemeine Umsatzminus sogar geringer aus als bei den Onlinern. Zum einen, weil stationäres Shoppen Spaß macht und zum anderen vielleicht auch ganz bewusst, um die „Wiederbelebung“ der Innenstädte zu unterstützen, die durch das Zusammenwirken von Corona und dem Trend zum Online-Kauf überall an Attraktivität verloren haben.

Dennoch erwartet Marketmedia24 für die längerfristige Zukunft keine Trendumkehr in der Vertriebslandschaft. Vielmehr werden sich die Tendenzen bis zum Jahr 2030 sogar noch etwas weiter in die allgemein vorherrschende Richtung vom stationären zum Online-Handel verlagern. Danach wird der Marktanteil der Distanzhändler – bei abschwächender Marktdynamik – in etwa fünf Jahren kurz vor der 30 Prozentmarke stehen. Verlierer werden sämtliche stationäre Handelsformate sein, wobei jedoch der Sportfachhandel seine Marktführerschaft behaupten wird.



(c) Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

Marketmedia24: Outdoor-Branche erwartet 2022 ein Umsatzminus von 1,2%

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

Sport unter freiem Himmel wie Trekking, Joggen, Walken und Biken erlebte in den beiden Corona-Jahren 2020 und 2021 großen Zulauf – insbesondere als Freizeit- und Reiseersatz für alles das, was die Pandemie unmöglich machte. Und man deckte sich passend mit Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhen und Ausrüstungen ein und legte dabei immer mehr Wert auf nachhaltige Ware. Ein Trend, der die Industrie zunehmend veranlasst, den Anteil an recycelten Materialien auszubauen.
Carina Dietrich, verantwortlich bei Sympatex für Brand Communication Strategy und Business Development: „Besonders im Textilbereich sehen wir über alle Sportarten ein starkes und immer weiter steigendes Interesse hinsichtlich eines nachhaltigen Konsumverhaltens und das Erreichen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.“
Gleichzeitig sorgen allerdings die unterschiedlichsten Informationen, der Label Dschungel sowie das tatsächlich existierende Greenwashing für Unsicherheit im Markt. Zudem tragen die aktuellen Krisen zur Verunsicherung der Kunden bei. Jürgen Hanke, Vertriebsleiter bei der Platform-Group, prognostiziert, dass sich unter dem Eindruck steigender Energiepreise erst zeigen muss, welchen Wert Kunden und Kundeninnen auf nachhaltige Produkte legen oder ob sie doch wieder mehr preisbewusstere Alternativen kaufen. Zumindest im Oktober 2022 sank der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen auf den Portalen der Platform Group um 50 Prozent, während hier Outdoor insgesamt gleichzeitig „nur“ um 27,4 Prozent nachgab. Allerdings weist der Umsatztrend in den Monaten Januar, Juni und September klar daraufhin, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Nachfragefaktor bleibt.

Auch weil die Preisfrage überholt ist (zumal es jetzt auch immer mehr Secondhand-Angebote im Handel gibt), ist Stefan Brunner, Director Sports beim iscm-institute und Experte im Sport-Team von Marketmedia24, überzeugt. Seiner Meinung nach kann es sich kein Stakeholder der Branche – sei es Industrie oder Handel – erlauben, die Nachhaltigkeit zu ignorieren. Vielmehr ist „die Sportartikelbranche gut beraten, ihre Führungsposition rund um dieses Thema auszubauen und damit auf den Trend nach mehr qualitativem Konsum einzuzahlen.“ Denn Nachhaltigkeit wird zweifelsohne zum neuen Statussymbol als Ausdruck einer Haltung. Schützenhilfe kommt da auch von der Anfang 2022 vorgestellten nachhaltigen Textilstrategie der Europäischen Kommission. Danach wird der Textilsektor die erste Branche sein, die vollständig zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergeht: Bis 2030 sollen Textilprodukte, die in der EU in Verkehr gebracht werden, langlebiger, wiederverwendbarer, reparierbarer, recycelbar und energieeffizienter sein.



Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

Bunzl Distribution brings American antiviral technology to Mexico retailers

Bunzl Distribution brings American antiviral technology to Mexico retailers

US-made Acteev Protect™ masks have embedded zinc ion technology which deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria

Bunzl Distribution, a leading supplier of packaging, disposable supplies, and cleaning and safety products, has signed on as the distributor in Mexico for Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the United States by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. A global distributor, Bunzl provides supplies to supermarkets, food processing plants, retailers and convenience stores in Mexico.

Bunzl will distribute the Acteev Protect Nonwoven Mask, a reusable general purpose mask that features powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. Acteev technology embeds active zinc ions in a polymer matrix which destroys microbes, deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria and fungi.

US-made Acteev Protect™ masks have embedded zinc ion technology which deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria

Bunzl Distribution, a leading supplier of packaging, disposable supplies, and cleaning and safety products, has signed on as the distributor in Mexico for Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the United States by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. A global distributor, Bunzl provides supplies to supermarkets, food processing plants, retailers and convenience stores in Mexico.

Bunzl will distribute the Acteev Protect Nonwoven Mask, a reusable general purpose mask that features powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. Acteev technology embeds active zinc ions in a polymer matrix which destroys microbes, deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with greater than 99.9% efficacy. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

Carlos Green, Director General of Bunzl de México, says the company is pleased to bring products featuring better safety and protection to the Mexico market. “Our customers are more focused than ever before on doing business safely, and Acteev masks offer an added level of protection in the workplace,” he said. “We’re excited to offer our customers this premium product that provides some of the best protection available.”

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workout. “Workers in industrial settings, such as chemical and food processing plants, and convenience stores and other retail outlets deserve the right protection as they keep society and the economy moving in Mexico,” said Juan Toro, Ascend’s principal business development leader for Acteev in the Americas.

“We are proud to partner with Bunzl to help deliver a reusable mask that provides both antiviral properties as well as an opportunity reduce the number of masks consumed, saving the companies money.”
Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure.

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World (c) Mimaki
Mimaki UJV100-160

Mimaki: 100 Percent Success in a Post Pandemic World

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

After a turbulent year, it seems strange to be thinking about ‘after the pandemic’, but with millions of vaccinations underway, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. As we turn the corner, choosing technology partners that understand how to proactively respond to changing market needs and support the evolving requirements of print businesses and end customers will be vital. The printers in Mimaki’s ‘100 series’ portfolio, which consists of the high quality, high productivity entry level roll-to-roll inkjet printers the UJV100-160 UV and the JV100-160 solvent, and the high performance textile printer, the TS100-1600, are a perfect reflection of the way technology requirements are adapting in line with the industry as we look to the future. To demonstrate this, we have identified three post-pandemic technology touchpoints that will help print businesses target success amid uncertainty.

  • Productivity

The pandemic has served as a major catalyst for existing trends, and our growing appetite for everything on-demand has been given a huge COVID-related boost. For printers, a digital solution that offers premium productivity, quality and efficiency at an entry-level price point is sure to be an invaluable investment to meet evolving ‘on-demand demands’. Adding a digital production element to your business doesn’t need to be daunting, complicated or overpriced – the Mimaki ‘100 series’ truly lives up to the tagline ‘Expert Printing Made Easy’, offering an incredibly intuitive user experience for streamlined, ultra-efficient printing, high-quality output, and cost-effective implementation. The powerful and productive new textile printer in the ‘100 series’, the TS100-1600, is a shining example of equipment developed with the future of the market in mind – the textile industry is fast-paced and constantly innovating, and the printer you invest in needs to keep up with your creativity.

  • Diversity

2021 is set to be a period of transition. While that will mean navigating uncertainty, the ‘glass half full’ approach is to view the year ahead in terms of opportunities such as expanding your business, exploring alternative revenue streams, and taking the plunge into new markets. In the past, it may have felt as if the barriers to entry when it came to looking beyond your core business were too great. However, in a post-pandemic world, we need to break some of those barriers down and demonstrate that success with digital print is within reach if you invest in the right equipment. With the ‘100 series’ portfolio, Mimaki is acknowledging what print service providers need from their technology partners – the UJV100-160 and the JV100-160 are suitable for a wide range of applications that will allow you to easily and affordably diversify your offering, and with the TS100-1600 textile printer, it has never been easier to target growth in the thriving textile sector, even in challenging times.

  • Affordability

Affordability is one of the most significant barriers to entry into new markets. 2020 was a year of unprecedented economic challenges, so it’s more important than ever to be thinking about gaining a competitive edge, and the printers in the ‘100 series’ from Mimaki have been specifically formulated to help you ramp up productivity while keeping running costs low. Whether you want to take your first foray into digital print production, expand the services you offer or simply grow your customer base, cost can be a major sticking point, which is why supporting customers is Mimaki’s number one priority, designing the ‘100 series’ around your needs and continuing to listen to how those needs are developing. Making an investment in the JV100-160 in order to move into outdoor graphics; meeting demand for faster turnaround times by adding the instantly curable UJV100-160 to your production setup; or taking a leap into new revenue streams with the TS100-160 – it’s all ‘100’ percent accessible.


Martial Granet, Branch Manager, Mimaki France

Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials

DTV und EFIT Imagekampagne zum Outdoor-Trend (c) kalim / Adobe Stock
Die neue Imagewerbung für DTV- und EFIT-Betriebe

DTV und EFIT Imagekampagne zum Outdoor-Trend

COVID 19 bleibt die Herausforderung: für die Betriebe im Wirtschaftsfeld Textilservice genauso wie für ihre Kunden. Bewusst setzen EFIT und DTV mit ihrer Winter-Kampagne optimistische Akzente und legen den Fokus auf Wintermode, die definitiv professionelle Pflege braucht. Die neuen Plakate sind gedruckt, die Downloads für alle Werbemittel online. Die Outdoor-Saison hat begonnen.

Kein Winter ohne Outdoormode!

„Auf Winter- und Outdoormode können unsere Kunden nicht verzichten, unabhängig von der Pandemie“, sagt EFIT-Geschäftsführer Daniel Dalkowski. „Und solange die Geschäfte geöffnet sind, haben wir die Chance, am Point of Sale aktiv zu werben. Das sollten wir jetzt mit Produktgruppen tun, die definitiv gefragt sind.“ Das neue Motiv zeige daher nicht nur ein Paar, das zuversichtlich nach vorne schaut, sondern auch genau die Warengruppen, die in der Textilreinigung definitiv besser gepflegt werden als in der heimischen Waschmaschine. Die Botschaft im griffigen Dreiklang wird auf Werbeflyern kurz und prägnant aufgegriffen und auf ausführlich erläutert.

COVID 19 bleibt die Herausforderung: für die Betriebe im Wirtschaftsfeld Textilservice genauso wie für ihre Kunden. Bewusst setzen EFIT und DTV mit ihrer Winter-Kampagne optimistische Akzente und legen den Fokus auf Wintermode, die definitiv professionelle Pflege braucht. Die neuen Plakate sind gedruckt, die Downloads für alle Werbemittel online. Die Outdoor-Saison hat begonnen.

Kein Winter ohne Outdoormode!

„Auf Winter- und Outdoormode können unsere Kunden nicht verzichten, unabhängig von der Pandemie“, sagt EFIT-Geschäftsführer Daniel Dalkowski. „Und solange die Geschäfte geöffnet sind, haben wir die Chance, am Point of Sale aktiv zu werben. Das sollten wir jetzt mit Produktgruppen tun, die definitiv gefragt sind.“ Das neue Motiv zeige daher nicht nur ein Paar, das zuversichtlich nach vorne schaut, sondern auch genau die Warengruppen, die in der Textilreinigung definitiv besser gepflegt werden als in der heimischen Waschmaschine. Die Botschaft im griffigen Dreiklang wird auf Werbeflyern kurz und prägnant aufgegriffen und auf ausführlich erläutert.

More information:
Branchenkampagne DTV EFIT Outdoor


Baldwin installs six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.
Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 precision spray system produces ideal results in fabric finishing, because the exact required amount of water and chemistry is always applied.

Baldwin: six precision spray systems in 60 days for textile manufacturers

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

  • Fabric finishing and sanforization systems installed in the US and Turkey to enhance productivity

ST. LOUIS - Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has successfully installed six new fabric finishing and sanforizing precision spray systems in the US and Turkey. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the installations were completed in just 60 days, thanks to close collaboration between onsite Baldwin textile team members, local agents and remote support from the company’s product and technology center in Sweden.
For textiles, non-wovens and technical textiles, Baldwin’s precision spray technology processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as softeners, anti-microbial agents, water repellents, oil  repellents, flame retardants and more.

These systems enable fabric producers to significantly reduce chemical and water consumption, while speeding up production times and eliminating production steps, including drying and bath changeovers when switching fabric colors. “Our customers are major manufacturers in fabric dying, finishing and remoistening, and we want to provide outstanding service and support—even in times like this,” said Rick Stanford, Business Development Leader at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the US installations. “Not only does our precision spray technology enhance productivity in their process, but there is also zero waste, which goes hand-in-hand with the increased sustainability focus in the textile industry.”

In North Carolina, two new TexCoat G4 precision spray systems are now in production with major international vertical manufacturers of outdoor living, performance fabrics and automotive fabrics. In Georgia, a major vertical manufacturer of workwear and protective fabrics installed a sanfor precision spray system, which has helped the customer obtain deeper penetration of moisture into fabrics treated with durable water repellents. In Turkey, three new TexCoat G4 systems were installed in Çorlu, northwest of Istanbul, for a large producer of knit fabrics, such as T-shirts. “In Turkey, the manufacturer purchased and installed one TexCoat G4 system before COVID-19, and the customer was so pleased with the results that, during the pandemic, three more were purchased,” said Simone Morellini, Sales Manager- EMEAR at Baldwin and the commercial leader of the Turkish installations. “The systems were manufactured and installed during the lockdown, and now, all four systems are up and running, and being used heavily on a daily basis.” “With the success we have seen, we plan to apply the same strategies for upcoming installations, including the next one in Honduras: strong local management and customer coordination, combined with  effective remote support during the installation,” said Stanford.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask (c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
The masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride

Coating expertise brings sustainable comfort and convenience to the face mask

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

  • Gorilla Protect is a new company formed in May this year to promote the Catus face mask – a major leap forward in the effectiveness of personal protection products that are available to consumers in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Behind Catus and the new company is Nova Textil, the established fabric finishing company based in Grefrath, Germany, and now run by father and son team Rainer and Oliver Hurtz.

Single stenter

Rainer Hurtz founded Nova Textil with a single Monforts Montex stenter and just five employees in 1999 and has steered its constant development and growth over the past twenty years.

“Our initial focus was on the coating of mainly glass fibre fabrics, awnings and sun protection products for outdoor furnishings,” he said. “We had a great customer who was providing us with so many orders that by 2005 we took the decision to order a second Montex stenter, in a special configuration. This also allowed us to enter the market for blackout and digital printing fabrics. We’ve had a great ongoing relationship with Monforts from the beginning.”

A third Montex stenter line was installed at the company’s Grefrath plant in 2015, by which time the company had grown to 40 people and a major new market had opened up in the supply of fabrics for promotional materials at exhibitions and trade shows.

“We had a fantastic two years in 2018 and 2019 and everything was going great for the first three months of this year, but in April it all came crashing down,” said Oliver Hurtz. “Coronavirus put an end to trade shows in 2020, which had a very serious impact on our business.”

At the same time, however, the company was exploring the potential of a new biocidal product from one of its chemicals suppliers which has both antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


“We had already been producing coated fabrics for hot gas filtration and realised that in combination with this new microporous coating we had the basis for a very effective single-layer face mask,” Rainer said. “Achieving this with a single layer product rather than the usual three has resulted in a significant advance in comfort for the wearer and because the mask is able to disinfect itself and helps regulate humidity, it can be worn a number of times without needing to be washed, for greater convenience. It only needs to be washed when it gets dirty and can also be washed up to twenty times without losing its properties, which has to be preferable to single-use disposables.”

Catus face masks are based on 100% woven cotton and the active ingredients in the finish are a reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride certified to ISO 20743 for their antibacterial effect, and to ISO 18184 for their antiviral effect.

They are proven to  eliminate over  99.99% of the human coronavirus 229 E, with the multiplication of microorganisms such as germs and bacteria prevented by the biostatic action of silver salts and viruses destroyed by oxygen-releasing substances and a mechanism that attacks their fatty envelope. The virus membrane loses its cholesterol content and the virus is inactivated.


Gorilla Protect next plans to make the masks available in four colours – black, Bordeaux, olive and grey – and is also working on colour branding and printing labels.

“It’s not possible to print on the surface of the mask after it has been coated, but its is possible for volume orders to be printed before the treatment,” Oliver Hurtz said.

“Face masks are going to become an established part of life in the West like they are in Asia and need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible for the wearer,” his father concluded. “With these things in mind, we believe Catus is a significant step forward.”