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KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben  (c) Thomas Ecke / DISQ / ntv / DUP UNTERNEHMER
: ntv-Moderator Torsten Knippertz (links im Bild) im Interview mit Arno Gärtner, CEO der KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

Die KARL MAYER GROUP überzeugte durch die Entwicklung von BLUEDYE, einer Lösung zur umweltschonenden Denim-Produktion. Die Jury lobte das Projekt als gute Lösung, die alle Ziele einer Produktionsverbesserung bedienen kann, u. a. Optimierungen bei Qualität und Umweltschutz sowie Reduzierung der Kosten. Dem Projekt wird eine hohe Relevanz für die nachhaltige Produktion von Jeans zugesprochen.

BLUEDYE ist eine Alternative zu den umweltbelastenden Verfahren der heutigen Denim-Produktion. Sie zahlt auf gleich vier Ziele der Sustainable Development Goals für Unternehmen der Vereinten Nationen ein.

Durch die stickstoffbasierte Färbetechnologie minimiert BLUEDYE die erheblichen Mengen an Wasser und Chemikalien, die herkömmlicherweise beim Denim-Färbeprozess verbraucht werden. Der Bedarf an den Hauptschadstoffen Hydrosulfit und Natronlauge kann um mehr als 60 % und die benötigte Wassermenge um mindestens 50 % reduziert werden. Zusätzlich entsteht weniger Garnabfall. Damit trägt BLUEDYE zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion bei (Ziel 12).

Weniger Chemikalieneinsatz bedeutet zugleich weniger Wasserverschmutzung – ein Vorteil, der im Verbund mit der erheblichen Wassereinsparung für sauberes Wasser und damit für die Erfüllung von Ziel 6 sorgt. Zudem führen weniger Schadstoffe im Produktionsprozess zu einem gesünderen, menschenwürdigeren Arbeitsumfeld, wie es beim Ziel 8 gefordert wird.

Gemäß dem Ziel 9 fördert BLUEDYE Innovation durch die Einführung modernster Technologien. 2018 hat KARL MAYER Patente für eine fortschrittliche Denim-Färbetechnologie erworben und auf der Grundlage seines umfassenden Textilmaschinen-Know-hows eine marktfähige Anlage mit höchstem Kundennutzen entwickelt.

Mit BLUEDYE können die Unternehmen der Denim-Branche ihre Produktionsprozesse effizienter und umweltfreundlicher gestalten und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verbessern: Die positiven Effekte durch BLUEDYE wurden durch Vergleichsmessungen an einer Pilotanlage bei einem Feldtestkunden evaluiert. Referenzwerte bei der Gegenüberstellung waren die Verbrauchsdaten einer bereits seit Längerem im Betrieb befindlichen Produktionsanlage.

Mit BLUEDYE lassen sich die Betriebskosten um bis zu 20 % senken und zugleich die hohen Käuferanforderungen an die Farbqualität der Stoffe und die Farbdurchdringung der Garne von Jeans erfüllen.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

KARL MAYER: Inline energy recycling on sizing machines and dyeing systems (c) Karl Mayer Group

KARL MAYER: Inline energy recycling on sizing machines and dyeing systems

KARL MAYER GROUP has developed a sophisticated system for considerable energy savings when operating the cylinder dryers in its PROSIZE® sizing machines and BLUEDYE dyeing plant.

Saving costs with inline energy recycling
The innovation is called CASCADE and focuses on steam as a heating medium in cylinder dryers. And for good reason: according to the IPCC report by ITMF Zurich, one tonne of steam cost between USD 20 and just under USD 27 internationally in 2021. The new solution relies on reuse to reduce the amount of process energy required.
"CASCADE recirculates parts of the process steam in cylinder dryers, enabling genuine, efficient energy recycling within the machine," explains Karl-Heinz Vaassen, Head of Textile Drying at KARL MAYER.
The customer benefits from significantly lower energy costs and CO2 emissions. With a view to the Asian market, a dryer with 14 cylinders and a running time of 7,000 working hours can achieve cost savings of up to USD 17,000 per year.

KARL MAYER GROUP has developed a sophisticated system for considerable energy savings when operating the cylinder dryers in its PROSIZE® sizing machines and BLUEDYE dyeing plant.

Saving costs with inline energy recycling
The innovation is called CASCADE and focuses on steam as a heating medium in cylinder dryers. And for good reason: according to the IPCC report by ITMF Zurich, one tonne of steam cost between USD 20 and just under USD 27 internationally in 2021. The new solution relies on reuse to reduce the amount of process energy required.
"CASCADE recirculates parts of the process steam in cylinder dryers, enabling genuine, efficient energy recycling within the machine," explains Karl-Heinz Vaassen, Head of Textile Drying at KARL MAYER.
The customer benefits from significantly lower energy costs and CO2 emissions. With a view to the Asian market, a dryer with 14 cylinders and a running time of 7,000 working hours can achieve cost savings of up to USD 17,000 per year.

Precise, real savings values are available when looking at the machine dashboard. A sensor provides real-time data on the amount of steam circulating in the circuit, from which the corresponding reduction in CO2 equivalents can be calculated.

Utilizing the pressure drop
CASCADE reuses part of the invested process energy and uses the flash-steam in conjunction with the pressure ratios, which - nomen est omen - decrease in cascades in the different zones of the cylinder dryer.
The highest working pressure prevails in the first cylinder section. The heat transfer medium steam emits large amounts of energy for yarn drying and condenses without temperature loss.

The resulting hot condensate is not immediately discharged from the machine, but is instead fed into a flash tank, where vapor exhaust is formed as a result of the pressure reduction. In conventional systems, the carrier medium for gases is only created in the return line towards the boiler house and is eliminated as undesirable. Instead of being utilised in the process, it escapes into the environment. With the CASCADE system, this "freshly recycled steam" is used for the heat supply in the second cylinder section, but not without prior treatment.

In the system patented by KARL MAYER, the recycled steam is intelligently mixed with live steam and thus raised to the level of the required process conditions for use in the cylinder section at the end of the dryer. Here, the fabric moisture is reduced to the desired residual value at medium pressure and temperature conditions.

Market launch is underway
CASCADE was filed for patent by the KARL MAYER GROUP. It was published in September 2023.
The innovative solution at no extra charge was presented at ITM 2024 in Istanbul and was a visitor highlight at the KARL MAYER GROUP stand.

From January 2024, CASCADE will be part of the PROSIZE® as standard. The first sizing machine with the upgrade for greater energy efficiency will be delivered in the second quarter of this year. It will go to a manufacturer in Europe. In the next step, CASCADE will be integrated into other dryer types and will also be available for the BLUEDYE.



Karl Mayer Group

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024 (c) FUSE GmbH

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

The STOLL Business Unit will be focussing on thermoplastic materials. Several knit to shape parts with a textile outer surface and a hardened inner surface will be on display. The double-face products can be made from different types of yarn and do not need to be back-moulded for use as side door panels or housing shells, for example. In addition, the ready-to-use design saves on waste and yarn material.

Generating its own energy with solar panels Photo Karl Mayer Group
Generating its own energy with solar panels

Karl Mayer Group: Generating its own energy with solar panels

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.


Karl Mayer Group


KARL MAYER GROUP with sustainable technical textiles at ITMA

KARL MAYER GROUP will be presenting a WEFTTRONIC® II G at the ITMA with new features and upgrades for greater efficiency. This warp knitting machine with weft insertion produces lattice structures from high-strength polyester, which are firmly established in the construction industry in particular. With a working width of 213", it offers productivity and further advantages through design innovations. New features include weft thread tension monitoring, management and the new VARIO WEFT laying system. The component for the weft insertion aims at maximum flexibility. It allows the patterning of the weft yarn to be changed quickly and easily electronically, without mechanical intervention during yarn insertion and without limits on repeat lengths. In addition, there is less waste.

KARL MAYER GROUP will be presenting a WEFTTRONIC® II G at the ITMA with new features and upgrades for greater efficiency. This warp knitting machine with weft insertion produces lattice structures from high-strength polyester, which are firmly established in the construction industry in particular. With a working width of 213", it offers productivity and further advantages through design innovations. New features include weft thread tension monitoring, management and the new VARIO WEFT laying system. The component for the weft insertion aims at maximum flexibility. It allows the patterning of the weft yarn to be changed quickly and easily electronically, without mechanical intervention during yarn insertion and without limits on repeat lengths. In addition, there is less waste.

The KARL MAYER GROUP also supports its customers with well thought-out Care Solutions. The new support offers include retrofit packages for retrofitting control and drive technology for weft insertion and composite machines, and service packages that bundle various services. These include machine inspections and the replacement of all drive belts. The customer benefits from fixed prices that cover the costs of technician assignments, various discount options and transparent services.

A new solution for the vertical greening of cities is presented from the field of application for technical textiles. The core of the innovation is a grid textile produced on warp knitting machines with weft insertion by KARL MAYER Technische Textilien GmbH. The knitted lattice fabric is made of flax. It is used as a climbing aid for fast-growing plants, and after the greening phase, in autumn, it can be recycled together with these plants as biomass in pyrolysis plants to produce electricity and activated carbon. In summer, the planted sails lower the ambient temperature through evaporation effects. In addition, photosynthesis creates fresh air and binds CO2. Other important advantages are low soil requirements and flexible placement in public spaces. The greening system was developed by the company Micro Climate Cultivation, OMC°C, with the support of KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The KARL MAYER GROUP will also be exhibiting a sustainable composite solution made from natural fibres. The reinforcing textile of the innovative lightweight material is a multiaxial non-crimp fabric, which was also produced from the bio-based raw material flax on a COP MAX 4 from KARL MAYER Technische Textilien. The boatbuilding specialist GREENBOATS uses natural fibre composites to achieve sustainable products. The fact that it succeeds in this is shown, for example, by the Global Warming Potential (GWP): 0.48 kg of CO2 per kilogram of flax reinforcement compares with 2.9 kg of CO2 per kilogram of glass textile.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

Gemeinsam nachhaltig handeln: Das World Textile Forum 2019 geht zu Ende (c) World Textile Forum 2019 - Schweizerische Textilfachschule STF

Working together for a sustainable textile business: Looking back at World Textile Forum 2019

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

The 2019 World Textile Forum closes its doors after two successful and exciting days.

On September 9 and 10 renowned speakers and experts from the textile business gathered in Zurich to discuss opportunities in the changing textile world. Exciting talks and keynotes illustrated new possibilities for a more sustainable and digital textile industry. While one part of the versatile program focussed on “Sustainable Sourcing” with speakers such as Robert van de Kerkhof (Lenzing AG), Heinz Zeller (Hugo Boss), Daniel Gemperle (Calida) and Anna Maria Rugarli (VF), the topic of “Digital Production” became the centre of attention later thanks to experts like Torbjörn Netland (ETH), Maximilian Kürig (Karl Mayer), Maria Neidhold (Spoonflower) and Holger Max-Lang (Lectra). They offered new perspectives on the sustainable future of the textile industry, presenting innovative sustainable production and business models. The subsequent panels furthered the knowledge exchange between both attendees and speakers and led to lively discussions.

Swiss Textile Federation, Swiss Textile & Fashion Institute STF and Gherzi Textil Organisation would like to thank all attendees and look forward to the next World Textile Forum!