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Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

Denim Asia Limited, Knit Asia Limited, Progress Apparels Limited, Ananta BD, Reverse Resources, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) played pivotal roles in this initiative. Knit Asia Ltd, notably acclaimed for their commitment to sustainable practices, along with Denim Asia, associated with the sustainable brand Noize Jeans, showcased their commitment to sustainable manufacturing processes.
Progress Apparels Limited, a ready-made garment producer and part of PDS Limited demonstrated its advanced sustainable production facilities. Reverse Resources and the BGMEA hosted an intimate “Meet and Greet Networking Session”, to boost awareness about the technologies in the industry.

Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, emphasized the significance of this event for the wider Bangladeshi textile industry, " Bangladesh has the biggest manufacturing sector in South Asia and this tour marks a critical step towards a circular fashion ecosystem, also how can the fashion industry become more sustainable in Bangladesh. It's not just an event; it's part of a larger movement to incorporate innovative recycling, Sustainable Fashion technologies and establish global partnerships for a sustainable fashion industry."

Featuring interactive sessions, factory visits, and knowledge sharing, this initiative offered a platform for fostering collaborations between manufacturers and technology innovators.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good are optimistic about a future where Bangladesh leads in sustainable and circular apparel manufacturing.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award (c) Denim Expert Limited
Mostafiz Uddin

Mostafiz Uddin Wins Coveted Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

  • Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited and Founder of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) has won Sustainable Fashion Champion at the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2021, which took place virtually on 10 March.

On receiving the award, Mostafiz said he wants to be a game-changer in the apparel industry, leading by example to inspire others to behave responsibly and ethically.

He also dedicated the award to H&M which, he explained, supported his business, Denim Expert, through the pandemic by continuing to place orders He said the loyal support of the Swedish fashion giant almost certainly helped save the livelihoods of 2000 workers at his factory and their 10000 family members. “That’s true sustainability leadership,” he said.

The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards recognise steps being made in reducing the fashion industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain.
Judged by an independent panel of sustainability and fashion retail experts, the awards shine a spotlight on best practice within the global fashion industry.

Covid-19 has presented unforeseen challenges for fashion retailers and brands, but it has also given us all an opportunity to build back better. Forward-thinking fashion businesses know change is not optional, and are embracing their responsibilities and ability to make a difference.

Mostafiz Uddin has been recognised as the Sustainable Fashion Champion 2021 for setting examples in promoting sustainability during the Covid-19 pandemic which broke out worldwide in March last year.
Jill Geoghegan, Acting Editor of Drapers, said: “Despite the challenges thrown up by the Coronavirus pandemic, fashion brands and retailers increasingly recognise that sustainability is a business imperative.”  
“Many businesses continued to invest in cleaning up their supply chains and introducing new models of working, despite the unprecedented trading conditions.

“The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards highlight and celebrate these advancements, paving the way for a more responsible future for the industry.” Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited Mostafiz Uddin said: “In the pandemic, my factory Denim Expert Limited kept true to its commitment towards sustainability, despite an extremely difficult trading landscape.

“During the pandemic, I was vocal about the issue of buyer-supplier relationships and, in speaking out, I wanted to champion the cause of suppliers all over the world. Too often suppliers in garment supply chains do not have a voice because they fear that by speaking out, they will be treated unfavourably by brands.

“This was, of course, a risk on my own part but I like to think I stood up for what I think is right and ultimately, I believe progressive brands understood I was coming from a good place. Like them, all I want to see is a fair, ethical and sustainable industry where brands and retailers work in an environment of collaboration, not conflict.”

Mostafiz also had some special praise for H&M. He said: “It would have not been possible for me to support my workers during the pandemic, had my factory not received help from H&M during the unprecedented time. While Denim Expert suffered from huge orders cancellation and orders hold, H&M supported us by placing orders in the pandemic that saved thousands of lives and livelihoods. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this Award to H&M and its CEO Helena Helmersson.”

The judges of Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion Award 2021 have been Kerry Bannigan, Founder, Conscious Fashion Campaign; Sarah Ditty, Global Policy Director, Fashion Revolution; Miriam Lahage, Founder, Aequip; Samata Pattinson, CEO, Red Carpet Green Dress; Caroline Rush, Chief Executive Officer, British Fashion Council; Lucy Shea, Group CEO, Futerra; Jane Shepherdson, Chairman, My Wardrobe HQ; and Dilys Williams, Director, Centre for Sustainable Fashion.


Der Bangladesh Fashionology Summit bereitet das Land auf die Zukunft der Mode vor

Als erstes Mode- und Technik-Event seiner Art in Bangladesch, dem zweitgrößten Exporteur der Welt für Konfektionskleidung, präsentierte sich der BANGLADESH FASHIONOLOGY SUMMIT am 12. Februar 2018 in der Hauptstadt Dhaka.

Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer & CEO der international hoch angesehenen Bangladesh Denim Expo, hat den Gipfel unter dem Thema "Trete heute in die Zukunft ein" organisiert.
Wie können sich die Bekleidungsfabriken in Bangladesch auf die Transformation hin zu Industrie 4.0 vorbereiten? Welche Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen werden benötigt, um den Übergang von Industrie 3.0 zu Industrie 4.0 erfolgreich zu schaffen? Herausfordernde Themen wie diese wurden beim ersten Fashion-Technologie-Event dieser Art im Land diskutiert, um eine Brücke zu schlagen zwischen der Gegenwart und Zukunft von Bangladeschs Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie.  

Als erstes Mode- und Technik-Event seiner Art in Bangladesch, dem zweitgrößten Exporteur der Welt für Konfektionskleidung, präsentierte sich der BANGLADESH FASHIONOLOGY SUMMIT am 12. Februar 2018 in der Hauptstadt Dhaka.

Mostafiz Uddin, Gründer & CEO der international hoch angesehenen Bangladesh Denim Expo, hat den Gipfel unter dem Thema "Trete heute in die Zukunft ein" organisiert.
Wie können sich die Bekleidungsfabriken in Bangladesch auf die Transformation hin zu Industrie 4.0 vorbereiten? Welche Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen werden benötigt, um den Übergang von Industrie 3.0 zu Industrie 4.0 erfolgreich zu schaffen? Herausfordernde Themen wie diese wurden beim ersten Fashion-Technologie-Event dieser Art im Land diskutiert, um eine Brücke zu schlagen zwischen der Gegenwart und Zukunft von Bangladeschs Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie.  

Insgesamt 17 Redner aus der ganzen Welt, darunter die USA, die Niederlande, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Japan und Indien, diskutierten auf dem Gipfel über die aktuellsten Produktentwicklungen, Technologien und Innovationen - mit dem Ziel, die Zukunft der Industrie zu gestalten.
Vier Vortragsreihen wurden während des Gipfels abgehalten: "Die Fabrik der Zukunft", "Virtuelles Prototyping und die Digitalisierung der Lieferkette in der Textilindustrie", "Fashion-Technologie & nachhaltige Innovationen" und "Massen-Maßanfertigung & On-Demand-Fertigung".
Etwa 450 Entscheider aus den Interessensvertretungen der Schlüsselindustrien wie Hersteller, Käufer, Handelsorganisationen, Entwicklungspartner und andere nahmen am Gipfel teil.

Organisator Mostafiz Uddin: "Unser Ziel war, die inspirierendsten und innovativsten Denker und Unternehmen aus der ganzen Welt unter einem Dach zusammenzubringen, um den dringend notwendigen Austausch über Technologie, Digitalisierung und Innovation in der Bekleidungs- und Fashionindustrie anzustoßen."

Zu den Teilnehmern gehörten die Botschafterin des Königreichs der Niederlande in Bangladesch, Leoni Cuelenaere, der Präsident der Föderation der Kammern für Handel und Industrie (FBCCI) in Bangladesch, Md. Shafiul Islam (Mohiuddin), der soeben ausgeschiedene Präsident der Vereinigung von Bangladeschs Bekleidungsherstellern und Exporteuren ( BGMEA), Md. Atiqul Islam und der Geschäftführer von Pacific Jeans, dem Titel-Sponsor des Events, Syed Mohammed Tanvir. Er lobte den BANGLADESH FASHIONOLOGY SUMMIT in seiner Rede auf der Abschlussveranstaltung als längst überfällige und effektive Initiative, um Bangladesch in einen Bekleidungsindustrie-Standort der nächsten Generation umzuwandeln.

Die allererste Tech Runway Show des Landes wurde ebenfalls während des BANGLADESH FASHIONOLOGY SUMMIT abgehalten.
Designer aus den Niederlanden, Spanien, Frankreich/Paris, Großbritannien und Indien führten ihre neuesten digitalen Tech-Kollektionen auf der Veranstaltung vor. Smart wearable, 3D printed, LED embedded glow show collections waren nur einige der futuristischen Fashion-Tech-Kreationen, die auf dem Laufsteg zu sehen waren.

“Smarte Kleidung mit integrierter Technik ist die Zukunft der Mode. Weil man das gesehen haben muss, um es zu verstehen, haben wir die Fashion Tech Runway Show organisiert, mit dem Ziel, die Industrie zu inspirieren, den Schritt in die Zukunft zu wagen." erklärt Mostafiz Uddin.