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Autoneum: Dividende von 2.50 CHF

Die Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben heute im Rahmen der ordentlichen Generalversammlung allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats zugestimmt. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 wurde eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF pro Aktie genehmigt. Neu wurde Martin Klöti in den Verwaltungsrat gewählt. Mit ihm erweitert sich der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG von sechs auf sieben Mitglieder.

Verwaltungsratspräsident Hans-Peter Schwald betonte in seiner Rede: „Die Übernahme von Borgers Automotive war ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt. Dadurch baut Autoneum seine globale Markt- und Technologieführerschaft mit nachhaltigen und leichten Akustik- und Wärmemanagement-Lösungen für Fahrzeuge deutlich aus.“

Die Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben heute im Rahmen der ordentlichen Generalversammlung allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats zugestimmt. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 wurde eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF pro Aktie genehmigt. Neu wurde Martin Klöti in den Verwaltungsrat gewählt. Mit ihm erweitert sich der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG von sechs auf sieben Mitglieder.

Verwaltungsratspräsident Hans-Peter Schwald betonte in seiner Rede: „Die Übernahme von Borgers Automotive war ein strategisch wichtiger Schritt. Dadurch baut Autoneum seine globale Markt- und Technologieführerschaft mit nachhaltigen und leichten Akustik- und Wärmemanagement-Lösungen für Fahrzeuge deutlich aus.“

Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre genehmigten den Jahresbericht 2023 einschließlich der Konzern-und Jahresrechnung. Der Antrag des Verwaltungsrats, aufgrund des positiven Konzernergebnisses eine Dividende von 2.50 CHF je Namenaktie für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 auszuschütten, wurde von der Generalversammlung ebenfalls angenommen. Die Dividendenzahlung erfolgt ab dem 15. April 2024. Der Corporate Responsibility Report 2023 wurde im Sinne einer Konsultativabstimmung mit 99.48 Prozent genehmigt.

Hans-Peter Schwald wurde als Präsident, Liane Hirner, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, Oliver Streuli und Ferdinand Stutz als Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats für ein weiteres Jahr im Amt bestätigt. Hans-Peter Schwald, Norbert Indlekofer, Ferdinand Stutz und Oliver Streuli wurden in den Vergütungsausschuss wiedergewählt. Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre der Autoneum Holding AG haben ferner sämtlichen Mitgliedern der Konzernleitung und des Verwaltungsrats mit deutlicher Stimmenmehrheit Entlastung erteilt.


Autoneum Management AG

Propylat-Technologie Photo Autoneum Management AG

Optimized acoustic performance thanks to sustainable technology with high recycled content

Autoneum’s sustainable, textile and lightweight Propylat technology reduces both interior and exterior noise of vehicles. Propylat was originally developed by Borgers Automotive, which was acquired by Autoneum in April 2023. The versatile technology is characterized by a flexible material composition of natural and synthetic fibers with a high recycled content and contributes to significant waste reduction thanks to its complete vertical integration. In addition, the fully recyclable technology variant Propylat PET is now part of the sustainability label Autoneum Pure.

Autoneum’s sustainable, textile and lightweight Propylat technology reduces both interior and exterior noise of vehicles. Propylat was originally developed by Borgers Automotive, which was acquired by Autoneum in April 2023. The versatile technology is characterized by a flexible material composition of natural and synthetic fibers with a high recycled content and contributes to significant waste reduction thanks to its complete vertical integration. In addition, the fully recyclable technology variant Propylat PET is now part of the sustainability label Autoneum Pure.

The ongoing electrification of mobility as well as increasingly strict regulatory requirements for vehicle performance in terms of sustainability and acoustics are presenting new challenges to car manufacturers worldwide. With Propylat, Autoneum now offers another lightweight, fiber-based and versatile technology whose sound-insulating and -absorbing properties as well as high content of recycled materials help customers address these challenges. Propylat-based products not only contribute to reducing pass-by noise and improving driver comfort, but they are also up to 50 percent lighter than equivalent plastic alternatives; this results in a lower vehicle weight and, consequently, less fuel and energy consumption as well as lower CO2 emissions.

Autoneum's innovative Propylat technology consists of a mixture of recycled synthetic and natural fibers – the latter include cotton, jute, flax or hemp, for example – that are consolidated using thermoplastic binding fibers without adding any further chemical binders. Thanks to the flexible fiber composition and the variable density and thickness of the porous material, the properties of the respective Propylat variant, for example with regards to acoustic performance, can be tailored to individual customer requirements. This allows for a versatile application of the technology in a variety of interior and exterior components such as wheelhouse outer liners, trunk trim, underbody systems and carpets. For instance, Propylat-based wheelhouse outer liners significantly reduce rolling noise both inside and outside the vehicle while at the same time offering optimum protection against stone chipping and spray water.

In terms of sustainability, Propylat always contains a high proportion of recycled fibers – up to 100% in some variants – and can be manufactured with zero waste. Thanks to the full vertical integration of Propylat and Autoneum’s extensive expertise in recycling processes, the technology also contributes to a further significant reduction in production waste. Moreover, the Propylat PET technology variant, which consists of 100% PET, of which up to 70% are recycled fibers, is fully recyclable at the end of product life. For this reason, Propylat PET has been selected for Autoneum Pure – the Company’s sustainability label for technologies with excellent environmental performance throughout the product life cycle – where it will replace the current Mono-Liner technology going forward.

Propylat-based components are currently available in Europe, North America and China.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Flexi-Loft with high acoustic performance

The acoustic performance of components for the vehicle interior such as inner dashes or carpets depends on the noise-reducing quality as well as the geometrical adaptability and fill power of their material. With Flexi-Loft, Autoneum offers a new felt-based technology that thanks to a unique blend of recycled cotton and functional fibers reduces product weight and allows for accurate adaptation even to complex shapes. The textile material therefore provides a versatile and more sustainable alternative to foam.

The acoustic performance of components for the vehicle interior such as inner dashes or carpets depends on the noise-reducing quality as well as the geometrical adaptability and fill power of their material. With Flexi-Loft, Autoneum offers a new felt-based technology that thanks to a unique blend of recycled cotton and functional fibers reduces product weight and allows for accurate adaptation even to complex shapes. The textile material therefore provides a versatile and more sustainable alternative to foam.

In order to achieve high acoustic performance at minimum weight and maximum sustainability, Autoneum is continuously advancing its textile product portfolio. When it comes to components for the vehicle interior, for example, standard thermoplastic felts excel through their acoustic absorption, robustness and environmental friendliness. However, since felt-based materials are generally less voluminous and moldable as foam components, they require more weight to thoroughly fill the areas of varying thickness between the surface of the component and the vehicle’s body-in-white. In contrast, Autoneum’s Flexi-Loft technology is significantly lighter, more flexible and more adaptable than standard felts. In addition, the fiber-based material is versatile and clearly outperforms current foam products in terms of sustainability.

Thanks to its blend of recycled cotton and polyester fibers, Flexi-Loft substantially reduces component weight while improving geometrical adaptability and acoustic performance, especially in areas of low thickness. Thanks to the specific properties of the fibers, Flexi-Loft enables a precise adaptation to a wide variety of vehicle bodies, thereby improving the noise-insulating qualities of the respective product. Even at low weight, Flexi-Loft covers a wide range of material thicknesses, thus proving to be an ideal decoupling material for interior components with complex shapes such as inner dashes and automotive carpets. As a lightweight, flexible and sustainable alternative to both standard felts and foam, Flexi-Loft distinguishes itself by its versatile application in combination with existing Autoneum technologies such as Hybrid-Acoustics and Prime-Light. Moreover, the material helps to reduce odor and dust inside the vehicle.

Flexi-Loft consists of at least 50% recycled cotton fibers, and cut-offs generated during the manufacturing process are reclaimed, processed and then reused in the production of new felt blanks.

Autoneum is already using Flexi-Loft worldwide as an insulator for various carpets, inner dashes and other acoustic components based on its Prime-Light technology. The application of the material as an effective decoupler in inner dashes made of Hybrid-Acoustics will be launched on the European market in 2023.

More information:
Autoneum Automotive acoustic

Autoneum Management AG

(c) Autoneum Management AG. CAE simulation of in vehicle sound field.

Autoneum + Free Field Technologies: Partner für Akustikdesign von Fahrzeugen

Angesichts globaler Megatrends wie Elektromobilität und Nachhaltigkeit steigen die Anforderungen an das akustische Design von Fahrzeugen. Simulationssoftware und computergestützte Entwicklung – computer-aided engineering (CAE) – verbessern nicht nur die Akustikleistung, sondern sollen auch den Entwicklungsprozess neuer Modelle beschleunigen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Softwareunternehmen Free Field Technologies (FFT) fließen Autoneums Simulationsmethoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik in die Modellierungssoftware Actran von FFT ein, womit neue Standards beim CAE- Design des NVH-Verhaltens (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) und Datenaustausch erreichbar werden.

Angesichts globaler Megatrends wie Elektromobilität und Nachhaltigkeit steigen die Anforderungen an das akustische Design von Fahrzeugen. Simulationssoftware und computergestützte Entwicklung – computer-aided engineering (CAE) – verbessern nicht nur die Akustikleistung, sondern sollen auch den Entwicklungsprozess neuer Modelle beschleunigen. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Softwareunternehmen Free Field Technologies (FFT) fließen Autoneums Simulationsmethoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik in die Modellierungssoftware Actran von FFT ein, womit neue Standards beim CAE- Design des NVH-Verhaltens (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) und Datenaustausch erreichbar werden.

Autoneum und FFT haben ihre Expertise in der Entwicklung innovativer und nachhaltiger Methoden im Bereich Fahrzeugakustik bereits in zahlreichen gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen unter Beweis gestellt. Im Rahmen ihrer Partnerschaft werden die beiden Unternehmen ihre Synergien künftig auch dafür nutzen, bestehende Prozesse und Workflows im Akustikdesign weiter zu optimieren, zu standardisieren und zugleich die Modellierung von NVH-Materialien wie auch den Datenaustausch zwischen Fahrzeugherstellern und Zulieferern zu verbessern. Die präzise Berechnung der akustischen Fahrzeugleistung früh im Entwicklungsprozess erlaubt es, Design- und Vorlaufzeiten deutlich zu reduzieren sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Leistung, Gewicht und Kosten der lärmdämmenden Materialien zu optimieren.

More information:
Autoneum Fahrzeugakustik

Autoneum Management AG

 ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics (c) Autoneum Management AG
Messsystem ATLAS

ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

With the ongoing electrification of vehicles and trends like autonomous driving, future car generations will no longer be used solely for transport – remote working and recreation will equally play a key role. This requires a vehicle interior that is as noiseless as possible. In order to identify and insulate potential internal and external sound sources already in the pre-development of new models, car manufacturers around the world rely on Autoneum’s highly specialized measurement tools. The newly launched ATLAS – short for “Airborne Transmission Loss Analysis System” – measures the acoustic insulation and transmission loss of components such as carpets, inner dashes and floor insulators. This allows customers to assess noise-reducing parts within minutes and select acoustic components tailored to their needs.

ATLAS sets new testing standards in this regard. While developers previously had to analyze the NVH behavior (noise, vibration, harshness) of interior parts using material samples of around one square meter in size, ATLAS makes this process faster, cheaper and more environmentally-friendly. It enables measurements of small samples with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters, which substantially decreases the amount of material used. Thanks to its four highly sensitive microphones, only two trials are required to collect precise and valid test data, making the system developed at Autoneum’s research center in the Swiss city of Winterthur especially suitable for quality assurance and repeatability of the results obtained. Users also benefit from time savings of up to 50 percent compared to the previous testing standard.

Autoneum’s measurement systems represent the global industry standard and are used successfully by vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers and research institutions alike. The Company is therefore not only making a significant contribution to the mobility of the future with its noise-reducing products, but now with ATLAS as well.


Autoneum Management AG